
Myanmar Unicode

on OS & Devices

Myanmar Unicode

on OS & Devices

Ngwe Tun, CEO, Solveware Solution.11-02-2013, Chiang Mai

Ngwe Tun, CEO, Solveware Solution.11-02-2013, Chiang Mai

Electronic DevicesElectronic Devices


Mobile Phone

EBook Readers


Audio Players



Mobile Phone

EBook Readers


Audio Players


Strong Will to see BurmeseStrong Will to see Burmese


Bad SquareBad Square

Dirty Dotted CircleDirty Dotted Circle

Unknown Latin TextUnknown Latin Text

Myanmar UnicodeMyanmar Unicode

Myanmar Character set in the Unicode Block.

Not only Character points but also how to implement in storage.

It covers all ethnics languages in Myanmar.

Myanmar Character set in the Unicode Block.

Not only Character points but also how to implement in storage.

It covers all ethnics languages in Myanmar.

Languages in MyanmarLanguages in Myanmar

BCP 417 Standards for Languages in Myanmar.

BCP 417 Standards for Languages in Myanmar.

Myanmar Character SetMyanmar Character Set

What is Unicode?What is Unicode?

Computers deal with numbers

Characters are assigned numbers

Before Unicode, these numbers were assigned in many different ways;

Encoding, Code-PagesCode-Point overloadingData Corruption/No Interchangeable

Computers deal with numbers

Characters are assigned numbers

Before Unicode, these numbers were assigned in many different ways;

Encoding, Code-PagesCode-Point overloadingData Corruption/No Interchangeable

What is Unicode?What is Unicode?

Unique number for every character

no matter what the platform

no matter what the program

no matter what the language

Easy to determine what the character is and which language it is from

Unique number for every character

no matter what the platform

no matter what the program

no matter what the language

Easy to determine what the character is and which language it is from

What is Unicode?What is Unicode?

Universal character set

All of the major scripts

Simple and Consistent Manner

Alphabetic, Syllabic & Ideographic

Version 6.1

1,114,112 code points

109,384 characters

fully conformant with the International Standard ISO/IEC 10646:2011

Universal character set

All of the major scripts

Simple and Consistent Manner

Alphabetic, Syllabic & Ideographic

Version 6.1

1,114,112 code points

109,384 characters

fully conformant with the International Standard ISO/IEC 10646:2011

ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာယူ�နီ�ကု�ဒ်�သုံ�ရင်�ဘထူ�မှ�လဲ� ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာယူ�နီ�ကု�ဒ်�သုံ�ရင်�ဘထူ�မှ�လဲ�

ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာတို��င်�ရင်�သုံတွေတို�ကု�နီ�ပျူ��တိုသုံ�လဲ�� ရမှယူ�။ ဘယူ�လဲ��ရို��ကု�ရမှယူ�ဆို��တို မှ�တို�ထူရနီ�မှလဲ��။

ရို��ကု�ရလဲ�ယူ�မှယူ�၊ ရှ�ရလဲ�ယူ�မှယူ�။အကု!ရစဉ်�နို��င်�မှယူ�။

ဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဗမှစကု��သုံတို�ပျူ�သုံတို�ညွှ'နီ�ကု�ကု�တွေရနို��င်�မှယူ�။

ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာတို��င်�ရင်�သုံတွေတို�ကု�နီ�ပျူ��တိုသုံ�လဲ�� ရမှယူ�။ ဘယူ�လဲ��ရို��ကု�ရမှယူ�ဆို��တို မှ�တို�ထူရနီ�မှလဲ��။

ရို��ကု�ရလဲ�ယူ�မှယူ�၊ ရှ�ရလဲ�ယူ�မှယူ�။အကု!ရစဉ်�နို��င်�မှယူ�။

ဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဗမှစကု��သုံတို�ပျူ�သုံတို�ညွှ'နီ�ကု�ကု�တွေရနို��င်�မှယူ�။

Benefit of UnicodeBenefit of Unicode

Can be incorporated into

Desktop Apps

Client-Server Apps


Significant cost savings

Single implementation targeted across:

Multiple Platforms

Multiple Languages, countries

No re-engineering

Data to be transported through many different systems

No data corruption!

Can be incorporated into

Desktop Apps

Client-Server Apps


Significant cost savings

Single implementation targeted across:

Multiple Platforms

Multiple Languages, countries

No re-engineering

Data to be transported through many different systems

No data corruption!

Where are we Now?Where are we Now?

တို�ညီ�မှလဲ�ပျူ� ယူ�နီ�ကု�ဒ်� ယူ�နီ�ကု�ဒ်�စ မှငြိင်�မှ�တွေသုံပျူဘ�။

ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာမှ��ဘ��င်�ဖု�နီ�တွေတို�မှ�ရမှ�သုံ�မှယူ�။Windows မှ� Microsoft ကုမှထူညီ+�တွေသုံဘ�။Photoshop/Pagemaker မှ�သုံ�လဲ�� မှရဘ�။

ဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာလဲကု�ကု�ကု�အသုံစ�ဖြဖုစ�သုံ�မှ�ခကု�တိုယူ�။

တို�ညီ�မှလဲ�ပျူ� ယူ�နီ�ကု�ဒ်� ယူ�နီ�ကု�ဒ်�စ မှငြိင်�မှ�တွေသုံပျူဘ�။

ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာမှ��ဘ��င်�ဖု�နီ�တွေတို�မှ�ရမှ�သုံ�မှယူ�။Windows မှ� Microsoft ကုမှထူညီ+�တွေသုံဘ�။Photoshop/Pagemaker မှ�သုံ�လဲ�� မှရဘ�။

ဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာလဲကု�ကု�ကု�အသုံစ�ဖြဖုစ�သုံ�မှ�ခကု�တိုယူ�။

Zawgyi is not UnicodeZawgyi is not Unicode

Non-standard. We can’t use Ethnic languages with Zawgyi.

Not compatible with Burmese standard fonts from Microsoft, Apple and Linux community.

Zawgyi is a writing system/font for the Burmese script. It is based on Unicode technology and there is overlap for many of the characters. The consequence is that a true Unicode compliant font will see some of the Zawgyi characters but will fail to see others.Ref;

Non-standard. We can’t use Ethnic languages with Zawgyi.

Not compatible with Burmese standard fonts from Microsoft, Apple and Linux community.

Zawgyi is a writing system/font for the Burmese script. It is based on Unicode technology and there is overlap for many of the characters. The consequence is that a true Unicode compliant font will see some of the Zawgyi characters but will fail to see others.Ref;

Ayar is not UnicodeAyar is not Unicode

Unicode is a standard that defines the characters of a script and their behaviour. As it is a standard, implementing a font for a script and calling it Unicode means that the specifications have to be followed exactly.

It abuses Unicode by not having the characters in the designated places. This time it is the Ayar Unicode Group that is the focus of attention. The Ayar system gets the characters in the right place but there are questions about the placement of characters that  form the syllables. With 12% of them in the wrong order, this affects around 70% of the words in Myanmar.Ref;

Unicode is a standard that defines the characters of a script and their behaviour. As it is a standard, implementing a font for a script and calling it Unicode means that the specifications have to be followed exactly.

It abuses Unicode by not having the characters in the designated places. This time it is the Ayar Unicode Group that is the focus of attention. The Ayar system gets the characters in the right place but there are questions about the placement of characters that  form the syllables. With 12% of them in the wrong order, this affects around 70% of the words in Myanmar.Ref;

Localization (L10N)Localization (L10N)Process of adapting a product for a particular Locale : [local custom].

Usually comes after Internationalization : [Process of creating (or re-engineering) a system to support multiple locales with a single set of source code] in the shape of a package of services.

Process of adapting a product for a particular Locale : [local custom].

Usually comes after Internationalization : [Process of creating (or re-engineering) a system to support multiple locales with a single set of source code] in the shape of a package of services.

Level Of L10N.Level Of L10N.

Requirement of L10NRequirement of L10N

Fonts (OpenType/AAT)

Rendering/Shaping Engines

Input Methods


I18N support/Translatable strings


Fonts (OpenType/AAT)

Rendering/Shaping Engines

Input Methods


I18N support/Translatable strings


Inside a Myanmar Unicode FontInside a Myanmar Unicode Font

Opentype accept glyphs in TrueType or Type1.

Maps character code to glyph. For Myanmar scripts nos. of glyph requires are more than nos. of characters defined.

GSUB Table provide substitution informatione.g. မှ� မှ. မွှမှ' ဖြမှ0 မြွှမှGPOS Table provide positioning informatione.g. မှ�+ မှ� ငြိမှ�2

Opentype accept glyphs in TrueType or Type1.

Maps character code to glyph. For Myanmar scripts nos. of glyph requires are more than nos. of characters defined.

GSUB Table provide substitution informatione.g. မှ� မှ. မွှမှ' ဖြမှ0 မြွှမှGPOS Table provide positioning informatione.g. မှ�+ မှ� ငြိမှ�2

Rendering/Shaping EngineRendering/Shaping Engine

Complex Rendering/Shaping EngineComplex Rendering/Shaping Engine

Contextual Shapee.g. ဖြခ ကြကုReorderinge.g. တွေကြကု စင်္ကြကု5နီ�Positioninge.g. သုံတို6 � မှနို6တွေလဲ

Contextual Shapee.g. ဖြခ ကြကုReorderinge.g. တွေကြကု စင်္ကြကု5နီ�Positioninge.g. သုံတို6 � မှနို6တွေလဲ

Why Square and Dotted CircleWhy Square and Dotted Circle

Rendering/Shaping Engine not being supported Burmese in Display

Not configure well according to System

Font do not have set of complex text rendering rules.

Finally, check your bias enforcement in current system setting

Rendering/Shaping Engine not being supported Burmese in Display

Not configure well according to System

Font do not have set of complex text rendering rules.

Finally, check your bias enforcement in current system setting

Input MethodsInput Methods

Operating System will support storage oriented method. ဖု=တွေဖု�Keymagic is Free/Open Source Input Method Software and being supported any keyboard layout in Windows/Linux/Mac. Even in iPad.

Standards Layout is MyanSan which is available in Keyman software by Myanmar NLP Lab.

Operating System will support storage oriented method. ဖု=တွေဖု�Keymagic is Free/Open Source Input Method Software and being supported any keyboard layout in Windows/Linux/Mac. Even in iPad.

Standards Layout is MyanSan which is available in Keyman software by Myanmar NLP Lab.

MyanSan @ ဖြမှနီ�စMyanSan @ ဖြမှနီ�စ


a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface.


Windows Vista & 7 ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ တို�င်� တို��င်�ရင်�သုံဘသုံစကုမှ�နို�င်+� ဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာ သုံကု�ဆို��င်�ရ နို��င်�င်မှ� အတို�ကု� စအဖြဖုင်+�အသုံ�ဖြပျူ8တွေသုံဂဏနီ�မှ�၊တွေင်�

တွေကြကုသုံတွေကု5တို၊ အခ� �နီ�နို�င်+� သုံကု�ဆို��င်�တွေသုံ နို�စ�၊ လဲ၊ ရကု� မှ� သုံတို�မှ�တို�ပျူ� ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာတို��ကု�� မှ�မှ� စ�တို�င်္ကြကု�8ကု�တွေဖြပျူင်�လဲ�သုံ�စ��နို��င်�ပျူသုံညီ�။ထူ��ကု�+သုံ�� တွေဖြပျူင်�လဲ�

ဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာသုံ�စ��သုံညီ+�အခ�ကု�အလဲကု�မှ�အလဲ�မှ�တို�သုံထူတွေသုံစသုံတို�မှ�တို� ခ�ကု� စနီစ� ကု�� Locale ဟု�တွေခ ပျူသုံညီ�။

a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface.


Windows Vista & 7 ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ တို�င်� တို��င်�ရင်�သုံဘသုံစကုမှ�နို�င်+� ဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာ သုံကု�ဆို��င်�ရ နို��င်�င်မှ� အတို�ကု� စအဖြဖုင်+�အသုံ�ဖြပျူ8တွေသုံဂဏနီ�မှ�၊တွေင်�

တွေကြကုသုံတွေကု5တို၊ အခ� �နီ�နို�င်+� သုံကု�ဆို��င်�တွေသုံ နို�စ�၊ လဲ၊ ရကု� မှ� သုံတို�မှ�တို�ပျူ� ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာတို��ကု�� မှ�မှ� စ�တို�င်္ကြကု�8ကု�တွေဖြပျူင်�လဲ�သုံ�စ��နို��င်�ပျူသုံညီ�။ထူ��ကု�+သုံ�� တွေဖြပျူင်�လဲ�

ဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာ ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာသုံ�စ��သုံညီ+�အခ�ကု�အလဲကု�မှ�အလဲ�မှ�တို�သုံထူတွေသုံစသုံတို�မှ�တို� ခ�ကု� စနီစ� ကု�� Locale ဟု�တွေခ ပျူသုံညီ�။


Desktop Software

Browser Plugin

Files Renaming

Web sites

Desktop Software

Browser Plugin

Files Renaming

Web sites

Unicode is notUnicode is not



bad guys

It is practice. productive practice.

Without Unicode, It is dark and uncomputable such as searching, matching, sorting and naming.



bad guys

It is practice. productive practice.

Without Unicode, It is dark and uncomputable such as searching, matching, sorting and naming.

Devices can’t display BurmeseDevices can’t display Burmese

Vendor do not support Burmese.

Technologies are not ready

Configuration might be wrong.

But Unicode Standards is ready for any devices.

letting you know every devices can’t display burmese well because shaping will not have burmese support.

Vendor do not support Burmese.

Technologies are not ready

Configuration might be wrong.

But Unicode Standards is ready for any devices.

letting you know every devices can’t display burmese well because shaping will not have burmese support.

* ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာတွေကုင်�တိုထူကု�မှ�နီ�တိုကုအငြိမှ�တိုမှ�သုံပျူတိုယူ�။*


* ဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာဘာ ဘာတွေကုင်�တိုထူကု�မှ�နီ�တိုကုအငြိမှ�တိုမှ�သုံပျူတိုယူ�။*


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