
My Video Beat Up Your Social Media

About Jeremy Vest

> Worked with many of the worlds top brands> Have over 300 million views to my credit

> Own a YouTube certified company

Why Online Video?

Crazy Stats Time!

Facebook now has 3 billion views a day

Did you know that a Facebook counts a view the same way YouTube counts a impression?

A Facebook view and a YouTube view are very different!

Counting a 3 second video play without audio is simply LAME!

YouTube Stats

YouTube has more than 1 billion usersEvery day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views

The number of hours people are watching on YouTube each month is up 50% year over year300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute

~60% of a creator’s views comes from outside their home countryYouTube is localized in 75 countries and available in 61 languages

Half of YouTube views are on mobile devicesMobile revenue on YouTube is up over 100% y/y

Video is POWER!

Video is simply Killing it on Social Media right now!

Facebook seems to be severing more videos in the newsfeed

The 2 main types of video content people like to watch

1. People like to learn with informational videos like

> How-to videos> Culture videos

> Science & fact videos

2. Emotional based videos like:

> Humor > Emotionally moving videos

> YouTubers – Reality

It’s all about the story

Video equipment is not important!

4 Main ways people make money from online video

1. Advertising Revenue from video views

3. Pointing people back to your website where you sell them products or services

2. Brand Deals / sponsorships

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