Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Ens plantegem com a meta realitzar una descripció d’un company o d’una companya de la classe i emprar les noves tecnologies, per fer una presentació de dues diapositives per parella, amb el programa PowerPoint, i gravar la descripció en vídeo amb el programa Studio 11. L’ esquema de realització del projecte és el següent: - Els alumnes visionen el resultat d’altres projectes fets per d’altres grups d’alumnes de l’escola. - Es fan les parelles. - Es fa una activitat oral en parelles, amb la qual es treballa el vocabulari i les estructures necessàries per fer la descripció. - Els alumnes fan la foto del seu company o companya. - Es dóna un model de descripció i es fa una activitat oral: l’un llegeix la descripció i l’altre fa un dibuix d’acord amb la lectura. - Els alumnes escriuen la descripció del seu companys o companya, seguint el model. - El mestre explica als alumnes les funcions bàsiques del programa PowerPoint. - Els alumnes creen dos diapositives i insereixen les seves fotos. - Sota les fotos escriuen la descripció que els ha fet el company. Un dicta i l’altre copia. - Posen color al fons i l’imprimeixen. - El mestre explica les funcions bàsiques del programa Studio 11 - Els alumnes insereixen la seva foto a la finestra de vídeo i graven la descripció del seu company o companya. - Es publica el vídeo al bloc dels treballs dels alumnes: English jumble. - Es fa un joc final per practicar, de forma oral, el vocabulari i les estructures apresses. OBJECTIUS: -Aconseguir una bona pronunciació. -Practicar la lectura. -Aprendre vocabulari nou i estructures noves, i revisar les conegudes. -Descriure un company o una companya de la classe seguint un model. -Potenciar la cooperació entre els alumnes. -Aconseguir un producte final fet entre els dos membres de la parella. -Usar la càmera de fotos per fer la foto del company o de la companya. -Inserir fotos al programa PowerPoint. -Inserir fotos a la finestra del vídeo del programa Studio 11 -Gravar so al programa de vídeo.


CEIP Pins del Vallès. Antonio Orihuela 1

During the school year the pupils in the CEIP Pins del Vallès do different. projects This is the description of one of


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To encourage accurate pronunciation. To practise reading with correct pronunciation. To reinforce and expand vocabulary. To describe a friend following a model, first orally and then writing. To ask somebody to repeat and to spell words. To associate the spoken and written from of words To encourage children to co-operate among them. To achieve a pair and class product. To respect the other pupil’s productions. To learn how to use a camera and how to transfer the photos to the computer. To learn how to insert a photo in PowerPoint document. To learn how to record a text with the Studio 11 program To learn and to use the basic functions of the program Studio 11. To learn and use the basic funtions of the Studio 11 program.

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Reading. Listening. Speaking. Writing. Learning to learn. Digital skills Social skills

To be . To Have got . Physical description. Parts of the body. The questions:

Can you repeat please? Can you spell it please?How do you say…. in English?

How to work with photo and sound files.

Main functions of the programs, Studio 11.

Basic functions of Microsoft PowerPoint

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1st session: 45´ (the whole Classroom)

c)Pupils watch the result, in PowerPoint or video, of one project done by pupils on previous years.d)When they finish watching, the teacher asks them if they’d like to do something similar and propose if they would like to describe one of his/her partner in the classroom.e)The pairs are made by means of a game in English.

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2nd session: 45´(half the classroom)

a) Pupils sit in pairs and do the activity “You read, I write” from the book Primary activity Box by Nixon C. and Tomlinson, M. Edt.: CUP

b) When they finish they read each other the description and check.

c) Revise the vocabulary.

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3rd session: (whole classroom/pair)

c)While the pupils are working at the computer with the CD Toby, they go out of the classroom by pairs and take a picture of each other.d)The teacher unloads the photos in the computer, in the T folder.

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4th session: 45´ (the whole classroom)

c)The pupils sit in pairs. A copy of the description model is given to one member in each pair. The other one is given a piece of paper. The one with the model reads the description little by little, the other is supposed to make a drawing of the person described in the model. When they finish, they check.d)Now they start to write the description of each other following the model that they have and that it shown in the digital board.

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5th session: 90´ (The whole classroom/pair work)

•Pupils Carry on writing the descriptions and finish it.•The teacher corrects the descriptions.•Remind the main functions of the PowerPoint program. •When both of them have their descriptions corrected, they sit at the computer and they create two slides in the program PowerPoint. They type their descriptions. First one dictates and the other types and then change roles.•Once they have finished they insert their photograph in the document, write the title and put colour to the background.•They print their description and keep them in their folder.

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6th session: Midday (Pairs work)

•Explain the pupils how the Studio 11 works (the main functions).•By pairs, the pupils drag their photographs to the slides in the program Studio 11.•They record the description that they have done. •The teacher shows them how to insert the transitions between the scenes.

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7th session: 45` (The whole classroom)•The teacher shows the pupils how to make the video in jpg format.•The teacher publishes the video on the blog English jumble.•All the pupils watch the video.•The pupils split up in groups and make an evaluation of the activity.•Each group expose the conclusions they have agreed to the other groups.

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8th Session 45` (half of the classroom)

As a prize for their hard work, and for carrying on practising people’s description, the pupils play the game Who is who?

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-The project step by step.-The results.-Other projects and works by the pupils.- Project and cooperative work Methodology

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