

A form of government in which the finalauthority is in the hands of a single person without regard to the source of his election or the nature or duration of

his tenure.

(a) Absolute Monarchy-the ruler rules by divine right.

(b)Constitutional Monarchy-the ruler rules in accordance with the constitution.

Also means oligarchy because the latter means a government ruled by a few.

Direct or pure democracy Representative or indirect democracy

Unitary Government Federal Government Parliamentary Government Presidential Government Civil Government Constitutional Government Totalitarian Government

Branch of jurisprudence which treats of constitutions, their nature, formation and ammendment, operation and interpretation.

1.As to origin and history

(a) Conventional or enacted

(b) Cumulative or evolved

(a) Written(b) Unwritten

1.BriefDetails of the structure and organization should not be included.


Citizenship by Birth Citizenship by Naturalization Citizenship by Marriage

Voluntarily Involuntarily

Austin Ranney“Law is a body of rules emanating from government agencies and applied by the courts”

“Law is a rule of action presented by some superior, in which the inferior is bound to obey.”

Natural law Customs Statutes Judicial Decisions The Constitution Treaties

Executive Orders and Proclamations

Codes Ordinances

Prescriptive Permanent Uniform

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