
My Gender Identity Video

gender identity:

the totality of physical and behavioral traits that are designated by a culture as masculine or feminine (Merriam-Webster)

If you think about it, nearly everything we say or do is


Who am I?

Am I…

A female + a student + middle class + white +

not religious + heterosexual + a traveler + an

employee + a twin + a Nebraskan + an

American + a reader + a daughter + a friend +

reserved + 5’7” tall + giving + dislikes dresses

+ dislikes makeup + favorite color is blue + a

cat lover + trustworthy + a hard worker + a

TOMS wearer + believe in equal rights + self-

conscious + a questioner + wears glasses +

wants to make a difference + me.

Not exactly…

How about…

A female x a student x middle class x white x

not religious x heterosexual x a traveler x an

employee x a twin x a Nebraskan x an

American x a reader x a daughter x a friend x

reserved x 5’7” tall x giving x dislikes dresses

x dislikes makeup x favorite color is blue x a

cat lover x trustworthy x a hard worker x a

TOMS wearer x believe in equal rights x self-

conscious x a questioner x wears glasses x

wants to make a difference x me.

See the difference?

My identity is more than just the sum of its parts.

A female x a student x middle class x white x

not religious x heterosexual x a traveler x an

employee x a twin x a Nebraskan x an

American x a reader x a daughter x a friend x

reserved x 5’7” tall x giving x dislikes dresses

x dislikes makeup x favorite color is blue x a

cat lover x trustworthy x a hard worker x a

TOMS wearer x believe in equal rights x self-

conscious x a questioner x wears glasses x

wants to make a difference x me.

If you start to remove pieces of my identity, the rest does

not remain the same.

A cake without the eggs, is no longer a cake.

Just because I am a female, and my parents dressed me

in pink when I was born,

mean that I have to like pink, or dresses, or

makeup, or high heels, or gossip, or getting my nails or hair done, or whatever it is that girls are “supposed” to



I am doing business in a “man’s world.”

I can explore new places,

Climb mountains (literally),

and make my life whatever I want it to be.

Our gender identity is shaped by and largely defines how we

are perceived by society.

I am…

A female x a student x middle class x white x

not religious x heterosexual x a traveler x an

employee x a twin x a Nebraskan x an

American x a reader x a daughter x a friend x

reserved x 5’7” tall x giving x dislikes dresses x

dislikes makeup x favorite color is blue x a cat

lover x trustworthy x a hard worker x a TOMS

wearer x believe in equal rights x self-conscious

x a questioner x wears glasses x wants to make

a difference x me.

How do you know me?

I am who I am.

I just ask that you please not judge me too quickly, before you get to know the real me.

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