My Final DGME 169

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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DGME 169 CSS Spring 2013


Self Brainstorming







? ? ?

Don’t know what to do !

Portfolio ? – No ( I don’t have too much my works)

Company Website ? – No ( Nothing New about it )

Hotel Website ? - No ( I don’t have enough photos)

I want to do something that I like and feel fun

✔✔Home Page, Blog, Diary, Photos Book

- Yes ( That’s What I like)


Looking for Inspiration


I got my concept

Who I am…

What I like…

What I do…

This’s What I get

Talking About My Webpage


Clean ( as much as possible)

Easy to read

Easy to access

Modern Style

Frist Page ( Index or Home)

Divide into 3 parts


Body ( Header and Navigations)

Bottom ( Photo Albums)

Top (Bar)

<div class="head-top">

<span class="right">

<a href="#">©Images by Saruta Bualop</a> </span>

<div class="clr"></div>


Body ( Header & Navigation)



<!--What's this all then-->

<div id="text1" class="lb-


<!-- End WTAT

<!--Get in Touch-->

<div id="text2" class="lb-


<!-- End GIT-->


Bottom ( Photo Albums )

Click and Show Large Images

For Photo Albums Part, Using CSS and JavaScript

Click to go

back main


Click to previous photo Click to next photo

Page 2 ( Blog )

Have arrows to go back to

the main page ( First Index

Page )

Click on Photo or

Read more to get the

new page of that


On the each story page


Video ( depends on

what I write about )

Arrows to go previous

story and next story Comment Box

Click to go back the

Main Blog Page

Page 3 ( About me )

About Me or What’s this all then

Using the Lightbox

Click X to close the lightbox

Using Css for Lightbox



Page 4 ( Contact )

Contact or Get in touch

Using the Lightbox

Click X to close the lightbox

Using Css for Lightbox



Link to E-mail

Link to Facebook

Link to Instagram

The Problem that I face

The position ( all the time. , but it’s not to difficult)

The size of the page, big screen mess up my site ( still don’t get it very well, but I’m trying to fix and learn)

The lightbox code ( try many codes but not work, but finally Dave recommended me some code and it works ! Thanks a lot )

jQuery ( don’t get it, but I will)

And, Etc.

What I have learned ( from this class)

CSS ( a lot of new and cool code, design )

JavaScript ( Difficult but worth to learn )

jQuery ( Still don’t get it, need to learn more )

Sharing Experience in the classroom.


The Last

Thank you everyone who has helped me, and

encouraged me.

Finally, I did finish my website.

I promise to myself I will continue learning and

doing my websites.

Hope everyone have a great time in Summer !

Thank You for Your Time

Saruta ( Sandy ) Bualop

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