My English scrapbook MY HOBBIES Introduction to my english scrapbook…… In my english scrapbook, I am going to talk about my 5 favorite hobbies. I decided.

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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My English scrapbookMY HOBBIES

Introduction to my english scrapbook…… In my english scrapbook, I am going to talk about my 5 favorite hobbies.

I decided to talk about my hobbies as they mean a lot to me as they help me to relax myself and to have fun after doing hours of homework:D.Another reason why I decided to do my english scrapbook on my hobbies is that hobbies are something everyone has,they have hobbies to entertain themselves and to spend or waste their time on as they have nothing as better to do.

You may find some of my hobbies not well-known or interesting as I believe not many kids sails or enjoys anime shows.Using the computer and playing badminton are very plain and normal sports which most children do.

Sailing is a very interesting sport which coordinates the mind and the body and you can learn more about the wind and the tide while sailing.

Even though using the computer is what almost EVERYONE is doing, I decided to enlist it as one of my hobbies as it helps me in various ways of education,fun and communication.

Watching animes is a very leisurely hobby.It is more than sitting in front of a movie watching an animated show,it also has morals to be learned just like in any other shows.

Music is a very important part in our daily lives as,without music,we would be living very dull lives with no enthusiasm.This is so as music brings out the fun in us.

Badminton is a very fun and enjoyable sport which I enjoy the most among all my hobbies.

SAILING Sailing has been my favorite sport since I started

learning how to sail when I was in primary 5.The first time I sailed was around June,2005 at SAFYC (Singapore Air Forces Yacht Club) in a 5-day course.The first class of boat I ever sailed was a “LASER PICO” which is supposed to support two sailors.I was a little afraid of what lurks beneath those dark waters and capsizing(as it takes up a lot of time just to upright the boat and bail out all of the water out of the boat) but I soon got used to it and was not afraid of anything at all.=D

After the 5-day course was over,I persuaded my mother to let me start taking up lessons sailing the “OPTIMIST” (refer to the picture at the upper left hand corner) at NSC (National Sailing Center) and she agreed!Since then,I started to learn of more important things such as how to handle my boat,how to tune my sail and etc as the 5-day course only taught me how to sail.I had been upgraded to higher classes:

Basic courseOpti SailorOpti RacerIntermediate SquadAdvanced “B” SquadAdvanced “A” Squad

9 months after I started my sailing lessons at NSC,I bought my very own “OPTIMIST” which cost S$1200!

Sailing is tough as there are many unfortunate events that can happen to you such as:


I could not find a picture of myself sailing so I have taken this random picture…(Note:This is the class of boat which I am sailing for the moment.)

This is a picture of someone capsizing…isn’t it fun to see this person capsize…(Note:This is a different class of boat from what I am sailing with for the moment.)

There are currently 238 sailors qualified to race in Singapore.

Here is an abstract of the overall rankings of all the sailors in Singapore:

Ranking: Sailor: Club: Sex: School: Prev.


107th Ong Ee Faye SAFYC F QFA 106th

108th Tan Yu Ann CSC F NYG 99th

109th Kanazawa Hideyuki


110th Malone Pun Chao Jie

NOSS M SHP 168th

111th Keanu Timothy Sydney


My ranking : 109th of 238 sailors.

Using the computer Using the computer is one of my favorite hobbies

which I often spend a lot of my time on.

The technology of the computer has improved our living standards greatly.

The computer has helped me in various ways.

I can surf the Internet to gather information and gain knowledge.

I can play computer games to relieve my brain from stress of homework,assignments,projects,etc.

I can also use windows messenger to communicate with my friends when I am lonely at home! The computer game which I play most of the time is

Dota,which is an online strategic game. It is a game which involves two alliances: The Scourge

and The Sentinel. The scourge comprises of the

Tauren,Undead,Troll,Orc and the Blood elf races. The sentinel comprises of the

Draenei,Dwarves .Gnomes ,Humans and the Night elf races.

Each alliance is required to destroy their opponents main structural building to win the game.The Frozen Throne for the Sentinels and the The World Tree for the Scourge.

Each player is allowed to choose only one character and he/she can buy items for the character to increase its statistics.

Watching anime shows Watching anime shows is one of my favorite hobbies as each

anime show has its very own main characters which interests people with his or her looks,skills or nature.

One of the anime shows I watch is Final Fantasy VII. The show was just a whole movie with every single detail in the

movie.It was not a series kind of show. The show involves mainly Cloud and Sephiroth who are the main

characters of the show with Cloud playing the role of the good guy and Sephiroth playing the role of the bad guy.

Sephiroth intended to conquer the world as he was already the most powerful SOLDIER and only Cloud was the only other SOLDIER who can stop him as his statistics were the closest to Sephiroth’s.

There was a mass production of SOLDIER and many warriors were “created” but the SOLDIERs were like normal humans only

they can be created and they were much stronger than humans.

Eventually,Cloud and Sephiroth faced off in a one on one battle.

Cloud was actually losing to Sephiroth but in the middle of the battle,he was struck by the fact that if he lose the battle,the people he wanted to protect would be all be dead.

He gathered up all his strength unleashed a deadly move on Sephiroth,the “Omnislash”.

And so he defeated Sephiroth with that final move and brought peace and harmony to his fellow citizens.

Picture on top (Cloud on the left.Sephiroth on the right)

Other anime shows that I enjoy watching is Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny.(The picture to the right)

Listening to music Listening to music helps me to ease my mind off stress.I have been listening to music

since last year.The type of music I like most is ROCK!Music is mainly to entertain people and to relax our minds.

Rock music has a special kind of rhythm and background music which I enjoy. My favorite artistes/lead singers are from Eminem,The All American

Rejects,Cassie,Akon,Green Day,Jay Chou and JJ Lin.I think that they are very talented singers who can sing songs which relate to real life and have a very nice tune to their singing.

Each person have their unique taste for music and I think that the music I like to listen to(Rock), are mainly for teenagers.

The All American Rejects:

Very popular boy band.The songs I like to listen to,that are composed by them, are Move Along,Stab My Back,Dirty Little Secret and It Ends Tonight.


A popular solo singer.The songs I like to listen to,that are sang by him,are Smack That and You Don’t Know.

Badminton Badminton is an enjoyed sport by people of all

ages,both young and old.I like playing badminton as it helps me to flex my body,as my mom said that my body is so called “stiff”, and to lose a little weight :D.

I started playing badminton when I was primary 5.I joined the badminton CCA and a private coach for training outside of school.

My badminton coaches have taught me a lot on badminton such as how to hold the badminton racket grip,how to smash,etc.

Over the years from primary 5 to primary 6,I have been aiming to join the badminton school team of my school so that I can bring glory to my school by winning competitions for it.I was not allowed to join the school team as I was too old in primary 6.

For now in NUS High School, I shall only have fun playing badminton during my free periods and not strive to be in the school team.

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