My Artists Indentity

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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This powerpoint shows all the information needed about my artists and my idea's of differe imagery,mise en scene.


Basic Information:

Amarachi Is a young male singer song writer

originated from Portugal and brought up from the

roots of East London. Amarachi is a diverse artist

but wants to extend in the music genres; grime,

rap and pop and believes that he is an inspiration

to the young people around him. Amarachi’s real

name is Marco Lewis but uses the name Amarachi

as his auto ego singing name. Amarachi is signed

by an non funded label called E&R Recordings

which helps young people develop their dreams

and aspirations.

Name: Marco Lewis Music Name: Amarachi

My first costume idea for my male artist to wear is a polo top with chino’s. I have

chosen this simple look because sometimes the simple outfits are the most

memorable. I also feel if my artist was to wear something like this it would make him

more appealing to young girls because that is the fashion for boys around this time.

A simple polo top like this can connote that the artist is a wealthy artist

and cares from himself making himself look presentable. The polo top

also helps tie in with the song and the storyline I have created. If my

artist was to wear something like this it would make him seem like a

genuine good man who will not cheat. The reason I say this because in

the music video his girlfriend does not believe he will cheat on her so

the outfit links to this theme.

Also many young boys wear

chino’s now a days which could

be a good look for my artist

because he will help portray the

meaning I am trying to get across

about cheating that anyone can

cheat and it doesn’t just mean

boys who wear tracksuits are


Example to support my idea. This boy is from one direction and his image is a young boy who is very caring this helps support my point of view.

The next outfit I have chosen for my artist is baggy combat jeans with a puffy

jacket this is to emphasis that he is still young and this kind of look comes across as

the boy does not respect girls which links to my song about the artist being a


The baggy jeans connote that the artist could be a “street boy” which

can mean that he has no respect for girls and only cares about

fighting. If I was to make my artist wear type of jeans like these ones

could lead to stereotyping of young boys who wear baggy clothes

who are cheaters.

Wearing puffy jackets especially black

puffy jackets has a typical connotation

that the boy wearing it has low respect for

girl and links to the storyline of my music

video about the boy cheating.

This image of these boys support my idea an connotation they are both wearing dark colours with puffy jackets. These two men are from ‘tom boy’ which is base on boys killing each other.

The third outfit I have chosen consists of two popular fashion items which are snapbacks and vans, this whole

look creates a ‘sweet boy’ look which is what most girls like which links to the artist being able to get lots of girls in the music video and being able to cheat.. The look helps create my storyline because it wouldn’t make sense if the boy(artist) was to wear horrible clothes an get a lot of girls to cheat with. Therefore this outfit helps

it seem more real about the boy cheating on his ‘main girl’ with many other girls.

This image is the boy duo new boys they wear a similar outfit to the outfit I suggested and it is shown through their style that a

lot of girls fancy them.

I have chosen this as my forth outfit mainly being because this outfit is a simple outfit which could connote that the artist is a ordinary man an this

could help me when at the beginning of the music video when the couple are arguing and because they are wearing simple clothes the viewer will just think it an ordinary argument until they watch the rest of the video and understand the storyline.

This men's cardigan I have chosen is a simple grey cardigan which many young boys have this could connote that the boy is just like any other boy

which helps with creating that simple relationship.

This black and gold addidas tracksuit is something you would

see ‘rappers/gangsters’ wearing it is very street like which can connote by wearing something like this the artist is a bit rude perhaps or a bit careless of others which can link to my theme of

the artist cheating on his girlfriend.

This image shows the artist big deal

wearing a similar tracksuit to the one I have used as my idea and it is clear that the first thing someone would think is this male is rude.

This outfit could connote that the artist is quiet wealthy because those trainers are

very expensive and by wearing a blazer makes the artist seem a bit more respectful. The reason I have chosen this as another costume idea because of

the artist dressed nice and came across wealthy would make more sense why he can he more girls after him.

This image shows that the boy band wear the sort of

costume I have explained and have many girl after them.

This outfit consists of shorts and a hoody which connotes by wearing something like

this could mean that the artist plays basketball or likes sports, this may help when filming my music video if choosing this outfit that the reason if

cheats is because if thinks because he plays sport it is okay(stereo typical).

The next outfit is a simple outfit which is baggy jeans with a baseball jacket this could connote that the artist is an average boy, so you wouldn’t

get any thoughts from him.

In this picture shows Kayne West who

is a famous rapper wearing a baseball jacket and it makes him look ordinary.

The last two ideas are based on jeans and grey, I have chosen these particular colours because they are very simple and this look for my artist could help emphasis that he his an ordinary boy and the overall situation happening in the video can happen to anyone.

Grey jeans, white and grey top

with a blue hat.

Grey and white jumper with jeans.

All of the logo’s are simple so they can all be used of albums, singles, fragrances ect. All of the samples have different reasons why I made

them the way they are. The first one which is brown with some kind of flower, I designed it like this so the front and abstract samples go together making it seem elegant. The second one I designed almost as if it was a brand, I wanted it to be memorable so I put a shape over the ‘A’ so the public could remember his name. The third one was made purely to show of that Amarachi is young and that type of front

will attract more younger people rather than adults. The fourth one done was all inspiration from Rihanna’s rated R logo and the A with his name in small repeated could connote that the artist is very different and creative of terms from the logo. The last idea was to just show clearly the artists name with a star behind each letter which could connote that the artist is a star and will go on to produce good music.

Types Of Typography Designing Here are some of my samples of typography that I will use as my artist logo. All of the different samples stick to the same kind of colour scheme, I have kept all the colours neutral, so it can almost make the artist Amarachi come across as important and good because the front look all posh in a way. I also

made the typography simple so that they will be easy to put on singles and albums for example JLS & Rihanna have that same logo printed on all their albums and Singles. All of the logo’s show clearly what the artists name is which is important.

As you can see JLS have a specific logo which gets printed onto all their albums and Singles, this helps them become

more known rather that there logo changing every time

they have a single.

Another who has the same logo accruing is Rihanna she use to have her name in a rather fancy way which portrayed her as a sweet girl now she's changed her logo to an R which almost makes her seem dangerous which links to her being a ‘Bad Girl’

Props I will be using a basketball as my prop to help set a scene of the artist playing basketball and one of the girls he cheats with playing with him.

Costume I will make the two girls a specific costumes to connote

there characters, one girl will have a specific sporty look and the other girl will have a sexy look.

Locations My locations would possibly me in my bedroom with would be the girlfriends bedroom, I will also have it in the park which can connote the storyline is an everyday occurrence and I will hopefully have it in a restaurant

which is where you would see the boy meet up with different girls.

Lighting I will use different lighting there will

be elements of dark when it gets intense when the couple are arguing, I will use dark lighting to also show the emotions of how the girl feels. I will also have lots of bright lighting when they are in

the park to show happiness.

I have gone for the more neutral colours for my artists identity because I want him to be taken

seriously and I want him to come across presentable which will not happen with bright colours. The colours I have chosen like the beige and browny colours make the artist seem rich which

could evoke to him being an important artist.

If my artist was to wear colour

shirts like these displayed left

he would not get taken

seriously because of the bright

colours. Whereas if he wore

shirts like the ones to the right

he would get taken more

seriously and would come

across more serious.

When I listen to the song lots of little images come to my mind I think the main thing I

think is that there is a happy relationship there which the boy likes however by saying his her main girl seems like his cheating on her and breaks her heart. I also get evoke imagery that she is lonely because he says how he likes the way she

smiles as if she don’t smile anymore which could lea to the lies and hopeless love.

The Player/Main Man: The Artist Amarachi. I have chosen the artist to be the player because he knows the lyrics already which will make it easier for when filming

The girlfriend: India I chose India because she is young and close

friend of mine which will make it easier to contact her for filming.

Female(Girl he cheats with): Nicole I have chosen her because she is not shy of the

camera and has experience and also she is a dancer which I would like to include in the video.

Female(girl he cheats with: Rhianne I have chosen has as another girl because she is very sporty like the artist which could be the link they have.

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