My ABC Book Of U.S History.!

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My ABC Book Of U.S History.!. Brooklyn Arnold Social Studies 8-6 th May 12,2011. A. Abolitionist – a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.!. Annex – to add a territory to ones own territory.!. Alien – an immigrant living in a country in which he or she is not a citizen.!. B. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


My ABC Book Of U.S History.!

Brooklyn ArnoldSocial Studies 8-6th

May 12,2011

Abolitionist – a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.!

Alien – an immigrant living in a country in

which he or she is not a citizen.!

Annex – to add a territory to ones own



Boycott – to refuse to buy items from a particular country.!

Burgesses – elected Representatives to an


Bounty – money given as a reward such as to

encourage enlistment in the army.!


Cabinet – a group of advisers to the president.!

Canal – an artificial waterway.!

Cash Crop – farm crop raised to be sold for



Dictator – a leader who rules with total authority , often in a cruel or brutal manner.!

Diversity – variety or difference.!

Degree – an order or decision given by one in



Electoral College – a special group of voters selected by their states voters to vote for the President and the vice President.!

Emancipate – to free from slavery.!

Export – to sell goods abroad.!


Federalists – supporters of the Constitution.!

Freedman – person freed from slavery.!

Federalism – the sharing power between federal and state government.!


Guerilla Warfare – a hit-and –run technique used in fighting a war.!

Global Warming – the increase in average

world temperatures.!

Guerilla Tactics – referring to surprise

attacks or raids rather than organized warfare.!


Human Rights – rights regarded as belonging to all people , such as freedom from unlawful imprisonment torture and execution.!

Holocaust – name given to the mass slaughter of Jews and other groups

by the Nazis during World War 2.!

Horizontal Integration – the combining of

competing firms into one corporation.!


Import – to buy goods from foreign markets.!

Industrial Revolution – the change from an

agrarian society to one based on industry which began in Great Britain

and spread to the United States around 1800.!

Impressment – forcing people into service , as

in the navy.!


Judicial Branch – the branch of government , including the federal court system , that interprets nations laws.!

Judicial Review – the right of the Supreme

Court to determine if a law violates the Constitution.!

Joint Occupation – the possession and settling

of an area shaded by two or more countries.!


Kansas – Nebraska Act – bleeding Kansas.!

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions – claimed

that the Alien and sedition acts could not

be put into action because they violated

the Constitution.!

Knox, Henry – secretary of war.!


Legislative Branch – the branch of government that makes the nations laws.!

Loyalists – American colonists who remained

loyal to Britain and opposed the war for


Literacy – the ability to read and write.!


Manifest Destiny – the idea popular in the United States during the 1800s that country must expand its boundaries to the Pacific.!

Mercantilism –the theory that a states or nations power depended on its


Militia – a group of civilians trained to fight

in emergencies.!


Nationalism – loyalty to a nation and promotion of its interests above all others.!

Neutral Rights –the right to sail the seas and not

take sides in a war.!

Nullify – to cancel or make ineffective.


Offensive – position of attacking or the attack itself.!

Ordinance - a law or regulation.!

Overseen – person who supervises a large

operation or its workers.!


Prejudice – an unfair opinion not based on facts.!

Patriots – American colonists who were

determined to fight the British until American

independence was won.!

Petition – a formal request!


Quakers – believed tat every individual had an inner sign that could guide them to salvation.!

Quebec – city in Canada.!

Quadruple Alliance – made up of France.!


Ratify – to give official approval.!

Royal Colony – colony run by a governor and a council appointed by the

king or queen.!

Relocate – to force a person or group of

people to move.!


Secede – leave or withdraw.!

Slave Code – laws passes in the Southern states that controlled

and restricted enslaved people.!

Sectionalism – loyalty to a region.!


Tariff – a tax on imports and exports.!

Triangular Trade Route – a route that exchanged

goods between the West Indies , the American

colonists and West Africa.!

Tribute – money paid for protection.!


Underground Railroad – a system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the South to freedom in the North.!

Utopia – community based on a vision of a perfect society sought

by reformers.!

Unalienable Right – a right that cannot be



Veto – to reject a bill.!

Vaquero – Hispanic ranch hand.!

Vigilantes – people who take the law into their

own lands.!


War Hawks – Republicans during Madison’s presidency who pressed for war with Britain.!

Washington , George – first president and was

the leader of the Continental Army.!

War of 1812 – war fought between the U.S and



XYZ Affair – the 3 French agents.!

Yankee – Union soldier.!

Yellow Journalism – type of sensational, biased ,

and often false reporting.!

Yorktown , Virginia.!


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