MVC & Onwards

Post on 22-Jan-2022






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MVC & OnwardsCS 442: Mobile App Development Michael Saelee

Computer ScienceScience

Agenda- Recap: view-controller communication

- Delegation as a general pattern

- “Observer” pattern

- Controller responsibilities & MVC

- Multiple scenes & controllers

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“Simple” view-controller communication:

- target-action (view push)

- designate method as @IBAction

- outlet (controller push/pull)

- designate attribute as @IBOutlet

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For complex views, view defines API for controller to adopt: delegation protocol

- enables view push & pull

- enables/simplifies reuse of complex UI widgets

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- but delegation isn’t just used for view-controller communication

- same mechanism used for relaying app lifecycle notifications to our custom code

- App → UIApplicationDelegate

- Recall high-level app event callbacks

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from Apple’s iOS App Programming Guide

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from Apple’s iOS App Programming Guide

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AppDelegate also receives events that are not handled by views or view controllers

• low-level touch and motion events

• functions as “catch-all” handler

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designated event recipient

iOS responder chain

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- two basic ways for an object to be the designated recipient of an event 1. hit-testing for touches

2. assumes first responder status

- note: designated recipient doesn’t have to be a view (any subclass of UIResponder)


designated event recipient

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Classes in the view system(from “View Controller Programming Guide for iOS”

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sometimes it’s handy to broadcast/receive notifications in non-default ways

• notifications outside our “scope”

• notifications that aren’t sent by default

• app-specific notifications

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Observer Pattern- any object can register to receive

notifications of specific events

- One mechanism: notification centers - Enables action at a distance (not

necessarily a good thing!)

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Delegation embodies the separation of (1) the thing where events happen and (2) the thing that processes events

(1) is the view

(2) is the view controller

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But the list of responsibilities is lopsided.

(1) just has to map inputs to high-level actions; e.g., a touch in a table area to cell selection

(2) has to (a) map an action to a semantic intent, then (b) actually carry out that intent

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(a) is the controller’s job, but

(b) often requires domain-specific knowledge

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to allow for reuse (and modular design) of (b) — would like to extricate this from the controller’s implementation

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objects to receive notifications of state changes. However, there is a theoretical problem with this design.View objects and model objects should be the most reusable objects in an application. View objects representthe "look and feel" of an operating system and the applications that system supports; consistency in appearanceand behavior is essential, and that requires highly reusable objects. Model objects by definition encapsulatethe data associated with a problem domain and perform operations on that data. Design-wise, it's best tokeep model and view objects separate from each other, because that enhances their reusability.

In most Cocoa applications, notifications of state changes in model objects are communicated to view objectsthrough controller objects. Figure 4-6 shows this different configuration, which appears much cleaner despitethe involvement of two more basic design patterns.

Figure 4-6 Cocoa version of MVC as compound design pattern





The controller object in this compound design pattern incorporates the Mediator pattern as well as theStrategy pattern; it mediates the flow of data between model and view objects in both directions. Changesin model state are communicated to view objects through the controller objects of an application. In addition,view objects incorporate the Command pattern through their implementation of the target-action mechanism.

Note: The target-action mechanism, which enables view objects to communicate user input and choices,can be implemented in both coordinating and mediating controller objects. However, the design of themechanism differs in each controller type. For coordinating controllers, you connect the view object to itstarget (the controller object) in Interface Builder and specify an action selector that must conform to a certainsignature. Coordinating controllers, by virtue of being delegates of windows and the global applicationobject, can also be in the responder chain. The bindings mechanism used by mediating controllers alsoconnects view objects to targets and allows action signatures with a variable number of arguments of arbitrarytypes. Mediating controllers, however, aren't in the responder chain.

There are practical reasons as well as theoretical ones for the revised compound design pattern depicted inFigure 4-6, especially when it comes to the Mediator design pattern. Mediating controllers derive fromconcrete subclasses of NSController, and these classes, besides implementing the Mediator pattern, offermany features that applications should take advantage of, such as the management of selections andplaceholder values. And if you opt not to use the bindings technology, your view object could use a mechanismsuch as the Cocoa notification center to receive notifications from a model object. But this would requireyou to create a custom view subclass to add the knowledge of the notifications posted by the model object.

In a well-designed Cocoa MVC application, coordinating controller objects often "own" mediating controllers,which are archived in nib files. Figure 4-7 shows the relation of the two types of controller objects.

The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern 1632009-10-19 | © 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Cocoa Design Patterns

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MVC is central to the architecture of virtually all native iOS apps, and is found at all levels of the development stack

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Turns out the one-controller-per-scene tale is not really accurate …

• often need a controller to manage transitions between separate, per-screen controllers

• overarching “container” controllers

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Built-in controllers for this!

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View controller classes in UIKit(from “View Controller Programming Guide for iOS”

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Navigation container controller(from “View Controller Programming Guide for iOS”

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Tab bar container controller(from “View Controller Programming Guide for iOS”

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Good news: intended for use without subclassing • typically drop into Storyboard &

customize in code if necessary

• segues are used as to connect controllers — e.g., to pass data

• (true even without container controllers)

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A segue tracks:

1. Source controller

2. Destination controller

3. Segue “name” (unique in storyboard)

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When a segue is triggered:

- the destination controller is created

- prepareForSegue is called in source

- an [animated] transition from source to destination controller takes place

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Segues seem magical, but really just add another layer of abstraction on top of what we already have

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Controller transition without segue:

1. Event (e.g., button tap) triggers action

2. Action method creates dest controller

3. [Pass data to dest in action method]

4. Use presentViewController to activate dest controller

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Controller transition with segue:

1. Event triggers creation of segue object

2. Segue populates its src/dest controllers

3. prepareForSegue called in src controller

4. [Pass data to dest in prepareForSegue]

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Controller transition with segue:

5. Segue object’s perform is invoked

6. [perform method animates transition]

7. perform calls presentViewController to complete transition

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If we use built-in segues, most of this is automatic (i.e., invisible)

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Can do away (sometimes) with cumbersome & wordy delegate mechanism

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When a segue is triggered:

- the destination controller is created

- prepareForSegue is called in source

- good place to send data to destination

(slight problem)

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(sometimes we want to return to an existing controller/scene)

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“Unwind” segues let us return to an unwind action in a previous controller

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Conveniently, segue stores and retains source controller — can retrieve data in destination before source goes away

/* Sample unwind segue action */ - (IBAction)unwindSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue { ViewController *srcController = segue.sourceViewController;

/* retrieve data from srcController */

/* note: manually dismissing srcController isn’t done here! */ }

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§Container controllers

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so far, we can create a modal VC relationship

… but that’s not always enough to build/describe a complex app

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other typical VC relationships:

- hierarchical / drill-down

- sibling / parallel

— “navigation”— “tabbed”

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in both cases, there is some overarching context for the related VCs

navigation bar

tab bar

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UINavigationController & UITabBarController = container view controllers

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container view controllers track and manage transitions between other view controllers

- implement custom transitions

- simplify controller management & communication

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e.g., UINavigationController

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views managed by different VCs on screen simultaneously (previously a no-no)

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NavController manages a stack of related view controllers

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NavController also exposes an API for managing the navigation & tool bars

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UINavigationControllerCreating  Navigation  Controllers  

–  initWithRootViewController:  Accessing  Items  on  the  Navigation  Stack  

   topViewController    property      visibleViewController    property      viewControllers    property  –  setViewControllers:animated:  

Pushing  and  Popping  Stack  Items  –  pushViewController:animated:  –  popViewControllerAnimated:  –  popToRootViewControllerAnimated:  –  popToViewController:animated:

UIViewController  Getting  the  Navigation  controller  

   navigationController    property  Configuring  a  Navigation  Interface  

   navigationItem    property      hidesBottomBarWhenPushed    property  –  setToolbarItems:animated      toolbarItems    property

UINavigationItem  Getting  and  Setting  Properties  

   title    property      backBarButtonItem    property      hidesBackButton    property  

Customizing  Views      leftBarButtonItem    property      rightBarButtonItem    property

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