Muzee si colectii din Romania - si colectii din Romania... · lrina Oberldnder-Tirnoveanu, Aurelia Dutu (editori) Muzee si colectii din Romania t, Museums and Collections

Post on 08-Sep-2019






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lrina Oberldnder-Tirnoveanu, Aurelia Dutu(editori)

Muzee si colectii din Romaniat,

Museums and Collections in Romania

clMeC - lnstitutul de Memorie Culturali2009


BIERTAN ...................51



BREBU .......................75



MANGALIA.... ...,'.'.'.,.'.',..',',,'.,246







ADAMCLISIMuzeul Arheologic Adamclisi - ADAMCLISI [Adamclisi ArchaeologicalMuseumlSubordonare: Muzeul de lstorie Na{ionala si ArheologieAdresa: 907010, ADAMCLISI, com. ADAMCLISI, jud. Constanla

Tel: 0241 161 4.562: 0241 161 4.563

Program:8:00 - 20:00 (vara); 9:00 - 17:00 (iarna)

Complexul muzeal Tropaeum Traiani este format din treiobiective: Monumentul triumfal Tropaeum Traiani (care a fostcercetat de Grigore Tocilescu, 0. Benford gi G. Niemann, inanii 1882 - 1895), cetatea omonimd (care dateaza din sec. llp. Ch.) gi muzeul. Conceputd ca un lapidarium, clddireamoderni a muzeului (inaugurata in 1977), cuprinde 9inumeroase vestigii arheologice descoperite in cetate gi

imprejurimi. Pe o parte a muzeului sunt expuse metopele,friza inferioard gi cea superioard, pilaEtrii, crenelurile gi

blocurile de parapet ale atticului festonat. ln cenhul silii esteexpusd statuia colosald a trofeului, inscriplia gi friza cu arme.Celelalte exponate sunt constituite de colecliile ceramice(vase apartinAnd culturii Hamangia, ceramicd geticd, amforegrecegti, romane gi bizantine), opaile, unelte, podoabe,

fragmente de apeducte, sculpturd, documente epigrafice.

The Tropaeum Traiani museum complex is made up of three units: the triumphant monument ofTropaeum Trajani (studied by Grigore Tocilescu, O. Benford and G. Niemann between 1882 and 1895),

the homonymous settlement (dating from the 2nd century AD) and the site museum. Designed like a

lapidarium, the modern museum buildlng (inaugurated in 1977) comprises numerous archaeologicalvestiges discovered on the premises. Along one side of the museum are on display the metopes, thelower and upper friezes, he pillars, battlements and parapet blocks of the festooned attic style. ln thehall cenhe there is the huge statue of the trophy, the inscription and weapon frieze. The other exhibitsinclude the ceramics collections (Hamangia culture pottery, Gaetic ceramics, Greek, Roman and

Byzantine amphorae), lamps, tools, ornaments, aqueducts, sculpture, epigraphic documents.


ADJUDMuzeulOrdgenesc - ADJUD [Town Museum]Subordonare : Muzeul Vrancei

Adresa: Str. 1 Mai, 625100, ADJUD, jud. Vrancea

Program:9:00 - 17:00

lstorie locali; gtiinlele naturii: flord 9i

faund de la confluenla Trotugului cu

Siretul, istoria Adjudului din preistorie -

urme materiale din epoca neoliticd, din

epoca bronzului gi geto-dacicd - gi p6nd

in zilele noashe; participarea locuiiorilor

sdi gi din imprejurimi la toate

evenimentele majore ale istoriei:

Rdzboiul de lndependenli, Primul

Rizboi Mondial.

The local history; flora and fauna from

the surroundings of Adjud, the history of

Adjud from prehistory - material traces

from the Neolithic, Bronze and Geto-Dacian Ages to the present.

World War l.

History: the War of Independence,

ADJUDENIMuzeul etnografic - ADJUDENI [Ethnographic Museum]Adresa:617466, ADJUDENI, com. ADJUDENI, jud. Neam!


Muzeul este addpostit in gcoala din Adjudeni, coleclia etnografici fiind formatd din peste 250 de

exponate: piese de port popular, obiecte ceramice 9i de uz gospoddresc, lesituri'

The museum is opened in the former school building of Adjudeni. The collection is made up of 250

exhibits: folk costumes, pottery, textiles, and houseware,


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