Multmedia presentation goodnight

Post on 06-May-2015






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  • 1.MOOCs in the High School Classroom How They Work to Connect Learners

2. What is a MOOC? MASSIVE Uses the Internet to connect with others on a global scale OPEN No charge for students ONLINE Learning together in digital modes COURSE A MOOC Covers a single topic 3. Why use MOOCs? Networked learning offers opportunities to share ideas, exchange knowledge, and work in collaborative teams Learning takes place through interaction, questioning, searching for information, and discussing what has been discovered Collaborative work prepares students for real-world employment Diverse learners bring fresh experiences from their varied backgrounds Rhizomatic learning: just as rhizomes in plant roots propagate new plants, networked learning creates new nodes of information and higher levels of interaction among participants (Cormier, 2012) Requires independent learning and encourages students to become responsible for their own knowledge. 4. MOOC Types: cMOOC & xMOOC 5. The brief history of MOOCs 2004: George Siemens & Stephen Downes develop theory of Connectivism, the thesis that knowledge is distributed across a network of connections, and therefore that learning consists of the ability to construct and traverse those networks (Downes, 2012, p.9). 2008: First MOOC presented at University of Manitoba with ~ 2200 learners 2010: Dave Cormier videos about MOOCs added to YouTube (Cormier, 2010) 2011: MOOC for college prep skills helps freshmen prepare for college requirements (Cormier, 2011) 2012: Harvards first MOOC has 370,000 registered students (Pappano, 2012) 2012: Coursera launches from Stanford; offers first xMOOCs (Chen, 2012) New York Times calls 2012 The Year of the MOOC Pappano, 2012) 2013: cMOOCs and xMOOCs too numerous to count accurately 6. MOOC Development Timeline 2004: Connectivism [Knowledge stage of innovation] 2008: First MOOC [Decision stage of innovation] 2010: Dave Cormier videos [Persuasion stage] 2011: MOOC for college prep skills [Implementation stage] 2012: Harvard, Coursera, Year of the MOOC [Confirmation stage] 7. MOOC Adoption S-Curve Represents growth in MOOCs from 1 in 2008 to over 3000 in 2013, including xMOOCs 2013: Over 3,000 MOOCs 8. Downes MOOC Model Four essential elements for a successful MOOC: Autonomy: students decide how much to participate Diversity: students come from all backgrounds, different countries, different experiences Openness: MOOCs should be free or of such low cost that nearly anyone can participate Interactivity: Chats, social networking, video meetings, collaboration 9. MOOCs and Pedagogy This graphic represents the correlation between online learning tools used in MOOCs and Blooms Taxonomy (Morrison, 2012). 10. Pros and Cons of MOOCS Advantages Free unless college credit is offered Learning is informal and at students own pace Computer and internet access are only resources needed Students can share work, critique others and receive feedback Great instructors without high tuition of host school Disadvantages xMOOCs involve costs, sometimes significant Limited real-world engagement (face time) Technical difficulties Academic dishonesty possible Students must learn to be responsible for their own learning 11. Research on MOOCs A comprehensive study of literature on MOOC research reveals that while studies are increasing in number, solid research has not been widely published (Liyanagunawardena, Adams, and Williams, 2013). 12. How MOOCs would work in our high school classrooms Participants from two or three high school groups throughout the U.S. and Canada Students working collaboratively both in classroom and online Students will be guided and receive coaching if needed to become technologically capable. High school credits will be earned. 13. Cost of Using MOOCs Content and learning opportunities available on Internet without cost Schools existing Course Management System (CMS) can be adapted to MOOC process needs Existing computer lab can be used for students working on MOOC modules Part-time IT specialist may be needed to troubleshoot network issues or workstation malfunctions Goodnight High School has sufficient resources to offer MOOCs for class content free or at very low cost 14. Administrators as Change Agents 1. Principal & vice principal present MOOC model to classroom teachers a. Demonstrate ways to use MOOCs as part of instructional activities b. Create cohort with teachers who embrace MOOC ideals 2. Establish teacher learning group to develop content 3. Discuss problems of MOOC model with teachers who have concerns about MOOC success 4. Encourage early adopters to discuss pros of MOOCs with doubters a. Laggards likely to be older teachers and those unfamiliar with social networking, use of internet for research. 15. Administrators as Change Agents (continued) 5. Administrators will work with the original cohort to put MOOC modules into existing course content a. Teachers suggest topics that they believe will translate well into a MOOC activity b. Administrators will ensure that classrooms are equipped with appropriate technology resources (workstations, dedicated network drive, software as required) 6. At mid-year, a second in-service will review MOOC successes and challenges a. Ask enthusiastic early adopters to present their experiences to the faculty b. Encourage MOOC adoption by more reluctant faculty members 7. By end of first year, allow teachers to incorporate MOOC modules into classes as part of normal lesson planning process 16. Why Goodnight High Should Adopt MOOCs Innovative learning method already in use by Harvard, Stanford, and other university high schools and high- performing school districts (Locke, 2013) Prepares students for real-world experiences using technology and networking Expands course content Encourages learning through exploration and collaboration Opens the worlds knowledge resources to GHS students 17. QUESTIONS? ? ? ? ? ? ?? 18. References Chen, C. (2012, April 18). Coursera launches humanities courses. The Stanford Daily. Retrieved from launches-humanities-courses/ Cormier, D. (Director). (2010). What is a MOOC? [Video] [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from Cormier, D. (2011, November). Rhizomatic learning - Why we teach? Retrieved from Dave's educational blog: Downes, S. (2012). Connectivism and connective knowledge: Essays on meaning and learning networks. Moncton, NB: National Research Council Canada. Downes, S. (2013, March 18). Evaluating a MOOC. Retrieved from Half an Hour: Downes, S. (n.d.). The MOOC Guide . Retrieved from The MOOC Guide [Wiki]: Educause. (2011, November). 7 Things you should know about MOOCs. Retrieved from Educause: 19. References Hilliger, L. (2013, June 27). #Teachtheweb: So you want to run a cMOOC. Retrieved from Zythepsary: you-want-to-run-a-cmooc/ Liyanagunawardena, T., Adams, A., & Williams, S. (2013, July). MOOCs: A systematic study of the published literature 2008-2012. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 14(3). Retrieved from Morrison, D. (2013, June 10). Need-to-know: edX reveals surprising results from MOOC study & new online model "Skillfeed". Retrieved from Online Learning Insights: Pappano, L. (2012, November 2). The year of the MOOC. Retrieved from New York Times education life: courses-are-multiplying-at-a-rapid-pace.html?pagewanted=1 Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing Knowledge. Creative Commons License: Lulu.

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