Multimedia production

Post on 21-May-2015






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Multimedia Programme Production for Open and Distance Learning


Multimedia Material Production for ODL

Dr Ankuran DuttaProgramme Officer, CEMCA(Formerly Deputy Director, Multimedia at KKHSOU)

Elements of Multimedia Programme Production

for ODLA multimedia programme production consists mainly of the following two major elements :

Basic physical resources or infrastructure : These include equipment, machines, materials, buildings, studios, or a production complex.

People or human resources : This includes trained personnel who are required to manage the process, operate equipment are provide ideas, expertise and services for programme production.

Programme Planning and Research

This is the pre-production stage

Formulate ideas, briefs, synopsis/academic note for programme

Need assessment and Research : examining the needs of viewers, context of viewing-specific research on content and its enrichment

Plan to make it entertaining and attractive with educational content

Message Matrix and Scripting

Think on designing and presentation strategy

Visual possibilities of the medium

Selection of materials

Sequence of the messages to be covered

Programme shape and structure-format and style

Story board and final script

Planning for Production and

Scheduling Planning, budgeting and scheduling of production

Designing the production script

Organizing various production resources/facilities

Casting and Directing

Identifying and casting performers

Performer should be know the target audience and should behave accordingly

Directing artists, rehearsals

Final Production, Editing and Capsuling

Studio/field recording

Try to use more than three cameras in studio recording to take different angles

Should add related videos/ photos to make it more informative

Editing and final mixing- should add animations to make a complex issue easily understandable

capsules designing, previewing and evaluation


Mounting utilization and evaluation studies

Monitoring transmission and obtaining feedback from the field

Feeding research findings back into the system

Programme formats :

Story/straight talk : generally uses one person as a narrator or presenter

Interview : presence of two people – an interviewer and an interviewee for face-to-face dialogue.

Panel discussion : It is a discussion not an interview. A panel consisting of three or more experts discusses a subject matter or more of public interest/ students interest or controversy.

Feature : In this format, a single topic or subject is chosen for presentation of its various aspects and the discussion of facts, opinions, beliefs, arguments, controversies and counter-arguments – all about the same topic.

Magazine: Just like a monthly magazine contains articles on different topics, a radio or television magazine programme can also have different kinds of items, often unrelated to each other.

Drama : Drama is a very interesting and entertaining format and is specially effective when it is intended to appeal to the emotions of the audience. Drama enables us to present and watch people, their behaviour, temperaments and characteristics in realistic or life-like situations.

Documentary : Documentary takes a factual approach to a subject. An issue is treated in depth and all its aspects are factually investigated.

Quiz : Quiz format is highly stimulating and participatory. It is a useful format for presenting educational and current affairs.

Structure of an educational programme

Aim at the target group

Give a good working title

Explain the objectives

Use effective format and style

Discuss the content outline

Any additional information from your SLM

Use pictures, videos and animations related to the topic

Acknowledgement: IGNOU and KKHSOU

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