


Can you count these things?

flower sand



sugar grape

Do they make sensible plurals?

flowers Sands




Do they make sensible plurals?

flowers SandsX


Waters X

SugarsX grapes

If you can count it, use ‘many ’

• She has got • too many flowers


• I ate so many grapes that I felt sick

With plural nous, use ‘many’

• How many boats can you see?

Questions:HOW MANY + plural ?’

• We don't need much sand

If you can’t count it, use ‘much’

With singular nouns use ‘much’

There is too much water on

the floor! Clean it up!

• How much money have you got?

Questions:HOW MUCH + singular?’

Much or many?

•For plurals, use many•For non-countable singular nouns, use much

A lot of

•For plurals • I eat a lot of apples •For non-countable singular nouns,

• I drink a lot of milk

How _________ orange juice do you want?

How _________ orange juice do you want?


How _________ biscuits did you eat?

How _________ biscuits did you eat?


There were too _____ people in the queue, so I didn’t wait.

There were too _____ people in the queue, so I didn’t wait.


He put so _____ salt in the soup that it tasted horrible.

He put so _____ salt in the soup that it tasted horrible.


The teacher gave us too _____ homework.much

The teacher gave us too _____ homework.

I saw _____ toucans in the tree.

I saw _____ toucans in the tree.


He is carrying _________ OF books

How much…..................?

How much is …..?

How much are …?

• We use Few Countable (plural) is used names ‘less’ means. A negative meaning.

• We use A Few Countable (plural) is used names ‘less’ but ‘enough’ means. A positive meaning.

Now try these1. How _____ sugar do you want in your tea?

2. How _____ apples are there?

3. Why are there so _____ policemen here?

4. How _____ chicken do you want?

5. You are making too _____ noise!

6. How _____ chickens did you buy?

7. He has told me that so _____ times!

8. I have too _____ work to do.

I saw few camels in the zoo.

There is an important difference between a few and few. Few without a is used to mean we don't have enough of something

There are a few men at the bus-stop.

I have few books in my bedroom.

•There were …...... girls at the party.

•The dog has …..... bones.

•It rains …....... here in winter.

•There is …..... jam in the bowl.

•There were a few girls at the party.

•The dog has a few bones.

•It rains a little here in winter.

•There is a little jam in the bowl.

• There is .....

I drink ...................

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