Mr. Bennett. Latin America is a region of widely diverse physical features, climates, and cultures. Physical features and climate have influenced.

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Latin America Mr. Bennett

Things to Know and Understand Latin America is a region of widely diverse

physical features, climates, and cultures.

Physical features and climate have influenced the patterns of settlement in the region.

Latin American cultures are a mixture of Native American, African, and European traditions.

Advanced civilizations, including those of the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas emerged in the Americas.


3 major regions

Caribbean- islands in the Caribbean Sea

Central America- From Mexico to Panama

South America- Below Panama

ClimateGeographically diverse cultural

diversityClimate varies: tropical

extreme cold

Major Landforms

Mountains (barriers) La Cordillera Sierra Madre Andes

Lowlands Pampas- grassy plains that stretch

from Argentina into Uruguay.



Mountains and tropical rainforests act as barriers.

These features limited contact among areas and contributed to regionalism- strong local traditions that divide people within a country or region.

Great Rivers

Three major systems provide transportation routes: Amazon Orinoco Rio de la Plata

The Mighty Amazon

Starts in the Andes mountains. 4,000 miles long.

Rich in lumber and minerals. Ships use the river to transport goods.

Varied Climates

Lush, tropical rainforests to frozen wastelands.

¾ of Latin America lies in the tropics.

Temperate climates- Paraguay and Uruguay

Dry climates- Northern Mexico and Argentina

Row 1- What natural resources exist in Latin America and where? (445-446)

Minerals: gold and silver. Chile- copper, Bolivia- tin.

Energy resources: oil, natural gas

Agricultural resources: Bananas, sugar, tobacco, coffee, and rubber, lumber.

Problems of economic dependence: Rely on only one cash crop.

Latin American Natural Resources

Row 2- Peoples of Latin America (p. 446)

Native Americans: Spoke many languages, had diverse cultures.

Europeans and Asians: Spanish and Portuguese mainly.

Africans: 1,500-1,800 slave traders brought millions of Africans

to the Americas. Worked on plantations and mines.

Ethnic and cultural mix: Mix of natives, Europeans, and Africans.

Peoples of Latin America

Row 3- Population Patterns (p. 446-447)

Limited farmland:

Climate and rugged terrain left 6% of land suitable for farming. Forests cleared for farmland but soil not suitable for farming.

Difficult communication Landforms and climates made it hard for

contact between culture.

Row 4- Elevation and Climate (p. 445)

Tierra caliente- Hot land. Closest to sea level. Grow bananas

and sugar cane.

Tierra templada- plateau Andes valley. Above 3,000 feet.

Tierra fria- Cold lands. Above 6,000 feet sea level. Grow

wheat barley, and potatoes.

Latin American Elevation

Row 5- Read El Nino pg. 444

What is el Niño? Current of warm water. Can be a disaster flooding

Why are scientists trying to learn more about it? People can be more prepared for the

hazardous weather.

El Nino

Early Civilizations

Pre-Columbian Civilizations P/S/E

Mayan Aztec Inca

The Great Empires Fall Incas and Aztecs reached

peaks around the year 1500.

Columbus discovered the New World in 1492.

Soon after, conquistadors started following Columbus to the Americas in search of gold. Mankind (30:00, episode 6,


Hernando Cortes in Mexico

Landed on coast of Mexico in 1519.

Set out to conquer Aztec empire.

Within two years, 600 men, 16 horses and 14 cannons were able to defeat the mighty Aztecs.

Did so easily. Why?:

Smallpox wiped out Aztecs

Moctezuma didn’t fight the


Saw Cortes as a god.


Route of Cortes

Pizzaro in Peru By 1535,

Pizzaro controlled the entire empire. He used:▪ Trickery▪ Violence▪ Disease

Destroyed much of the wealth of the Inca Empire.

Europe’s Colonies in the Americas

Spain and Portugal built rich empires in

L.A. based on the labor of Native

Americans and enslaved Africans. A rigid class structure developed in L.A. The Roman Catholic Church dominated

life in L.A. and served as a unifying force. In the 1800s, L.A. countries won

independence but had trouble building

stable governments.

European Imperialism in the Americas.

Columbus discovers New World for Spain.

Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean.

Magellan names the Pacific Ocean.

Spanish Rule in the Americas

By mid-1500’s, Spanish ruled an empire from Mexico to Peru.

Government Ruled by a viceroy- an official who rules

in place of a king. Towns governed by cabildos- councils


Mercantilism- An economic system where a country’s

economic strength depended on increasing its gold supply and by exporting more than it imported.

▪ Colonies existed as a source of raw materials.

▪ Colonies existed as a market to sell finished goods.

▪ Mother country would protect the colony


Effects of Imperialism

Europeans gain gold and silver

Plantation (haciendas) economy develops.

Colonies grow cash crops.

Slave labor Originally used encomienda system.▪ Forced Native American labor in return for land.

Deaths of native populations.

Effects of Imperialism

A slave system To protect natives, began using Africans

instead. Slavery had existed in Europe. African slaves were working in the


Atlantic Slave Trade Euros thought Africans were better


Portuguese in Brazil

Grew sugar Used slaves on their plantations. Grew sugar, cotton and coffee.

Columbian Exchange

Products from the Americas spread throughout the world. Global exchange of people, goods

and ideas.

From Americas ==> Europe Corn, potatoes, squash, chocolate,

peanuts, tomatoes. Unintended Consequence=disease.

Columbian Exchange

Latin America in the World Today

1820s- Spain wants to reclaim its colonies

US institutes Monroe Doctrine to keep European countries out of the Western Hemisphere.

U.S. Intervention in L.A.

Mexican War Mexico gives up almost half its territory

Spanish-American War Cuba becomes independent, U.S. grabs

Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

Panama Canal Roosevelt buys the right to dig.


What are the three regions in Latin America?

Mountains, Jungles, Oceans, Seas…

How do these geographic features affect the development of Latin America?

What is deforestation and what does it do to the land?

What are two ways the Incas adapted to their geography?

What were the significant achievements of the Mayas?

Do barriers like mountains and rainforests make it easier or more difficult to unite people?

How did the Aztecs adapt to their physical geography?

Where were the Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs located?

Who lived in the Caribbean?

Tenochtitlan and Mach Picchu were what?

Who were the conquistadors and what were they after in Latin America?

What were two reasons why the Spanish were able to easily conquer the peoples of the Americas?

What was the purpose of the encomienda system?

What Spanish conquistador was responsible for the fall of the Aztec Empire?

How is the Italian dish, spaghetti, a perfect example of cultural diffusion?

What is the best evidence that Spain was the dominant colonial power in Latin America?

What were two effects of colonialism in Latin America?

Who was at the top of the social class system in colonial Latin America?

What were the demographics of this class?

Jose de San Martin, Simon Bolivar ad Toussaint l’Ouverture wanted what for their respected nations?

What did the Cuban Revolution and Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua seek to do?

Why is communism attractive to people?

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