Moving your intranet project forward - Workshop IntraTeam Event Copenhagen 2015

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Moving your intranet project forward

IntraTeam Event Copenhagen, February 24th 2015

And who are you?

What’s your name? What’s your job? What do you want to learn?

What are we going to do?

1. How to move your intranet project forward?

2. Setting up your project organization

3. Strategy & concept development

4. Common pitfalls

5. Wrap-up and takeaway


How to move your project forward?

Intranet projects are extremely complex




GovernAdopt &

Entopic intranet roadmap

partner selection

strategy conceptinteraction


visual design

functional design

content design

cms selection

front end development

cms implementation

content production

content publication



project management maintenance

communication, adoption and change

To scrum or not to scrum

Con’s 1. Intranet development is organizational change 2. Not every organization is fit for scrum 3. Strategy and concept are not Sprints, are they? 4. Choose technology too soon? 5. Where does content fit in?

Pro’s 1. Agile methodology 2. Standard for software development 3. Get results quickly, improve continuously

Getting the basics right

1. Employee involvement (broad participation) A social intranet requires a social project approach

2. User-centered approach (don’t start with technology) IT isn’t going to use the intranet, the employee is, plus it should support business goals

3. Integral approach (user, content, design, tech) Don’t forget content! (Creation, Search and Navigation)

4. Stakeholder management (talk about what’s happening) An intranet projects has implications for the whole organization

5. Executive sponsorship That’s where the money comes from and it drives adoption

Any other insights?


Setting up the intranet project organization

First assignment

How would you go about setting up the project organization?

Sit together in groups of 3-4 people Start by answering the question for your own organization (5 min.) Discuss the results in your small group and give each other feedback (10 min.) Discuss results together (15 min.)

Some questions to get you going: Which departments are key? Who is in the lead?

What about budget and sponsorship?

Which skills are needed in the project?

How will employees be involved?


Do you always need IT or Comms? Or HR?

Does senior management really have to be on board?

Request for budget at once or in small pieces?


Strategy & concept development

Intranet strategy

What are the objectives in this phase?

Second assignment

How would you go about planning the strategy phase? Sit together in groups of 3-4 people Start by answering the question for your own organization (5 min.) Discuss the results in your small group and give each other feedback (10 min.) Discuss results together (15 min.)

How will you go about… research?


presenting the results?



What is the context of the intranet?

What are the employee needs?

What are the organizational needs?


What is the context of the intranet?

What are the employee needs?

What are the organizational needs?

What is our vision, goal and strategy?

Which content and tasks are important?

How will this be visualized?


What is the context of the intranet?

What are the employee needs?

What are the organizational needs?

What is our vision, goal and strategy?

Which content and tasks are important?

How will this be visualized?




Define roadmap

Project approach

How to translate strategy to design?

Steps in the concept phase

High level information architecture

Top tasks

For example:

1. Find people

2. Restaurant menu

3. KPI scoreboard

4. Reserve meeting rooms

5. Declarations

Design principles

For example:

There is no content without a person attached to it

Information is either correct and up-to-date OR it is not on the intranet

Content is tailored to one’s needs: personalized and in context

Social is in the DNA of the intranet

Search and navigation are clear and simple

Prototype high level

Prototype in detail

Visual concept

Visual concept

Visual concept

Visual concept

Elements of a concept

High level information architecture

Top tasks

Design principles


Visual concept


Common pitfalls

Third assignment

Take 5 minutes to write down pitfalls for intranet projects

Most common pitfalls

1. Technology first

2. Goal/strategy defined in isolation

3. No business focus (how does the intranet help product/services development, sales, etc.?)

4. Mono-disciplinary approach

5. No support from (senior) management

6. Too much at once

7. Project doesn’t show results quickly

8. Wrong choice of platform

9. No budget for development phase and continuous improvement

10. Focus on strategy and design, content is forgotten

11. Focus on project only, not on ‘go live’ phase

12. Governance is forgotten

13. Adoption is forgotten (if needed)


Wrap-up & takeaway

Key points to make your intranet succeed

1. A shared goal and strategy

2. Integral approach (content, design, technology, organization)

3. Choose a platform after concepting/designing

4. It’s about design, technology, content and the user

5. Changing how an organization works during the project: it is about

people, not IT

6. Always use real content

7. More interactive intranets require more interactive project approaches


Entopic intranet roadmap


selectionstrategy concept

interaction design

visual design

functional design

content design


project management maintenance

communication, adoption and change

front end development

cms implementation

content production

content publication


cms selection

Tak Thank @driessen @joepvanloon

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