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Airman designs poster, inspires Sailors



SHUTTLEtheUSS Enterprise (CVN 65) - Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aviation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Daniel MoalemPhoto Illustration by MC3 Austin Rooney

Happeningsthe Sunday, March 20, 2011Page 2 SHUTTLE

Brazing away



Hull Technician 2nd Class (SW) Donald T. Miller brazes a fitting onto a gravity cooling coil in the pipe shop aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65).

Photo by MCSN Jared M. King

Q: What is the purpose of a thermal imager?

A: Locate downed personnel

ESWS STUDY GUIDEThe Shuttle is published and printed daily underway and weekly in port by the USS Enterprise (CVN 65) Media Department, FPO AE 09543-2810. This newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Please direct all story ideas, questions and comments to MC3 Peter Melkus at

SHUTTLEtheUSS Enterprise (CVN 65)

Public Affairs OfficerLt. Cmdr. Sarah T. Self-Kyler

Command Master ChiefCMDCM (AW/SW) Keith G. Oxley

Executive OfficerCapt. Ryan Scholl

Commanding OfficerCapt. Dee L. Mewbourne

EditorMC3 Peter D. Melkus

3-Day Calendar

Margaret Chase Smith served four terms in the House and in 1948 was elected to the U.S. Senate. In doing so, she became the first woman elected to both houses of Congress. In 1964, she ran for President where she became the first woman to have her name placed in nomination for the Presidency by either of the two major parties.

Big ‘E’ Outlook




CelebrateWomen’sHistory Month!

Navy Tradition of the DayCrow’s Nest:Crows were once carried on board naval vessels as a navigational tool and were kept in a cage with the look-out high-up in the main mast. When searching for a shoreline under poor visibility, a crow would be released and the navigator would plot a course corresponding with the bird’s because it always instinctively flew toward land.

Submit IA 9.0 training certificatesAny user who has not submitted a certificate for Information Assurance Awareness version 9.0 to the IAM Office by Thursday, March 31 will have their accounts locked out until an IA 9.0 certificate is submitted. Please contact CS-2 Division (J-Dial 5776) with any questions regarding this matter.

Open KaraokeAft Mess Decks


1600-1700 EOD/Diver PT LT Dennison

2000-2100 Step Aerobics

ABECS Claxton

Movie NightAft Mess Decks



Chuck Norris Power Hour Ultimate Abs AOC Wong

2000-2100 Spin and Sculpt

(Max 7) IT1 Sherry


BiggEst Loser Team Workout

Fit Boss

1st Meeting of theCreative Writing

Club1st Class Mess

1400-16001430-1530 Advanced Spin/Cycle

(Max 7) ITCS Henderson

1700-1800 Stretch It Out

(Yoga) HM1 Wesley

1800-1845 Get it right, Get it tight

(Abs and Legs) HM1 Wesley

Medical PFA note PARFQ medical examinations will be held in medical Monday, 18 April-Saturday, 23 April from 1400-1600 and 1800-2000. Personnel who answered “YES” to any part of the PARFQ with the exception of tobacco use need to be screened prior to completing their PRT. Please bring a copy of the screening form with you to medical. For any questions or concerns, contact HM1 Mathews or Lt. Bateman at J-7777 or your respective departmental CFL.

Make your voice heard! (It’s required...)It is time to complete the command assessment survey. Information to access the survey will be sent to all-hands via outlook so you can retrieve the password and link by checking your e-mail. Please ensure all personnel have access to a workstation to complete the survey. If you do not have an email account this would be the perfect time to visit ADP to set one up.

CCC noteEnlisted Advancement Phasing Plan & FAQ:

• The Navy will now advance selected Sailors at a rate of three percent per month for the first five months to E-4, E-5 and E-6. The remaining Sailors will be advanced in the sixth month of the advancement cycle.

• In addition, the Navy will also advance selected Sailors at a rate of three percent per month for the first eleven months to E-7, E-8 and E-9. The remaining Sailors will be advanced in the twelfth month of the advancement cycle.

the Page 3Sunday, March 20, 2011

Enterprise NewsSHUTTLE

By MC3 Austin RooneyUSS Enterprise Public Affairs

Airman designs poster, inspires SailorsUSS ENTERPRISE, At Sea – When he was only five years old, a little boy named Daniel Moalem attended his godfather’s Navy reenlistment ceremony in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Standing tall, with the bright sun beaming down on his rows of ribbons and medals, Moalem’s godfather looked like a superhero to the young boy. As a veteran of the attack on Pearl Harbor, stationed on the now-sunken USS Arizona, Moalem’s godfather was always someone he looked up to and wanted to emulate. Years later, Moalem followed in his footsteps and joined the Navy. Today, Aviation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Daniel Moalem serves aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) where he is currently making his third deployment. Moalem said he has always been proud to serve in the military but has noticed that many other service members seem to have forgotten how important their jobs are to their country. In an attempt to help share his pride for service with others, Moalem created a poster that he plans to put on display aboard the ship and possibly someday on bases and ships around the military. “One day I just had this vision. The entire layout of this poster just popped into

my head, and I knew it was a good idea, so I began writing it down,” said Moalem. “A lot of times I keep things to myself, but this was a way for me to express some of that in a unique way.” The poster itself is a simple design: bold lettering on a stark black background with photos of American tragedies that are meant to remind the observer why the country is at war. Moalem said the images all have personal meaning to him, from the photo of the USS Arizona that his godfather once served aboard, to the photos of the World Trade Center, which affected the entire country when it was attacked 9/11. The text of the poster reads, ‘To the men and women of the United Sates Military, never forget the fallen, never forget the sacrifice, and never forget the cost of freedom. Always remember!’ “One of the big themes of the poster is sacrifice,” said Moalem. “We all know something about sacrifice here on Enterprise. We all know how hard it is to leave family behind and embark on a six-month deployment, but that’s the cost of freedom. It’s what we do to protect those we love and miss back home.”Moalem said that he was inspired by his shipmates’ efforts on deployment and wanted to express it in a unique way. “This poster was my outlet,” said Moalem. “I’ve

always told myself that someday I would produce something that would really go over the top and impact a lot of people.” Moalem said that he would like to share the poster with anyone who appreciates it. “A lot of the people I showed it to were captivated and moved – every one of them had that ‘spark’ of appreciation,” said Moalem. “That’s the reaction I was hoping to achieve.” Though Moalem said he

has no professional graphic design training, he said he hopes that by creating something with no outside help and taking it up the chain of command, he will reinforce the message that everyone, no matter what rank or rate, should take pride in their jobs and in their service to their country. “I’ve never done anything like this before,” said Moalem. “I feel like I’m just the little guy trying to make his voice heard.”

Aviation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Daniel Moalem with his poster design.

Photo Illustration by MC3 Austin Rooney

the Sunday, March 20, 2011Page 4 SHUTTLE

the Page 5Sunday, March 20, 2011 SHUTTLE

unnaturally large when they beam through trees, buildings and other foreground objects,” according to NASA. Even though it may look close enough to touch, Saturday’s full moon was still at a healthy distance -- some 211,600 miles (356,577 km) away. Anyone who missed it will have to wait until 2029 to see it again.

the Sunday, March 20, 2011Page 6 SHUTTLE

Jobs & Space

From Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

Sailors offered early out; reserve affiliation

MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- Active duty and Full Time Support (FTS) Sailors who want to pursue Reserve options have a new opportunity to do so with the Early Career Transition Program (ECTP) announced March 17. According to NAVADMIN 088/11, Sailors with at least two, but less than 16 years of service are now eligible to transfer into the Selected Reserves (SELRES) through the new program. “ECTP was created to provide Sailors an early transition opportunity to continue their Naval service and pursue educational or personal goals,” said Senior Chief Personnel Specialist (AW)

Robert Ferrari, SELRES Enlisted Community Management technical advisor. “The program further allows us to match active component (AC) ratings with reserve component (RC) needs.” ECTP-eligible Sailors can transition into the SELRES on a date prior to their End of Active Obligated Service (EAOS) by submitting their requested date three to 15 months in advance. This differs from the Early Transition Program which allows Sailors to request an early separation up to 12 months prior to their scheduled EAOS. If approved, a Sailor’s career counselor should contact the Career Transition Office (CTO) for transition assistance guidance. “The CTO will assist

Sailors throughout the transition process,” said Cmdr. Dan Harris, CTO director, Navy Personnel Command. “We help them select a Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC), educate them on RC programs and benefits, complete any required RC documents and bonus paperwork, and more.” Upon transition, Sailors could be eligible for a host of benefits. “ECTP Sailors will be eligible for all Reserve benefits and enlistment/affiliation bonuses,” said Harris. Benefits of Reserve affiliation can include:

• Mobilization deferment. Sailors who transition immediately into the SELRES qualify for a two-year deferment from

individual mobilization.• Affiliation bonus. Sailors could be eligible for an affiliation bonus, however, they will be required to repay any unearned portion of any current active component bonus or incentive.• Continued exchange and commissary privileges. • GI Bill benefits.

For more information, read the naval message at the NPC website Eligible Reserve bonus ratings are listed in NAVADMIN 294/10.

From CNN

Super “perigee moon” assists with night opsIf the moon looks a little bit bigger and brighter this weekend, there’s a reason for that. It is. Saturday’s full moon was a super “perigee moon” -- the biggest in almost 20 years. This celestial event is far rarer than the famed blue moon, which happens once about every two-and-a-half years. “The last full moon so big and close to Earth occurred in March

of 1993,” said Geoff Chester with the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington. “I’d say it’s worth a look.” Full moons look different because of the elliptical shape of the moon’s orbit. When it’s at perigee, the moon is about 31,000 miles (50,000 km) closer to Earth than when it’s at the farthest point of its orbit, also known as apogee. “Nearby perigee moons

are about 14% bigger and 30% brighter than lesser moons that occur on the apogee side of the moon’s orbit,” the NASA website says. This full moon will rise in the east at sunset and should look especially big at that time because of what’s known as the “moon illusion.” “For reasons not fully understood by astronomers or psychologists, low-hanging moons look

the Page 7Sunday, March 20, 2011 SHUTTLE


By Luke

Day at ‘The Dance’: Big blocks, CAA power

The things we learned on the second day of the “second” round of the NCAA tournament: 1. This tournament has been as much about clutch blocks as it has clutch shots. Kenneth Faried clinched Morehead State’s stunner of Louisville on Thursday with a ballsy block of a Mike Marra three-point attempt at the buzzer, and on Friday, Mr. Game-Saving Block himself, Derrick Williams, helped No. 5 Arizona thwart No. 12 Memphis’ upset bid by swatting Wesley Witherspoon’s point-blank put-back with 0.4 seconds left. Wildcats coach Sean Miller employed the foul-up-three strategy (more on this later) once his team had a 77-74 lead, and after making the first free throw, the Tigers’ Joe Jackson intentionally missed the second, then tipped the offensive rebound into Witherspoon’s hands. Controversy erupted over the no-call on Williams’ block by infamous official Jim Burr, who was involved in the walk-off debacle at the Big East tournament last week, but Burr made the right decision. There was only a slight amount of body contact on the play, and it was a clean swat. Oh, and refs? The nation’s best shot-swatters are on to your whistle-swallowing ways in endgame situations.

When asked about their defensive decisions, one day apart, Faried and Williams offered identical rationales: Faried: “I said, they’re not gonna call this foul, because it’s the last shot. I’ve learned over the years that they don’t call that foul.” Williams: “Late in the game most refs don’t call that. That’s why I went up so hard to try to block it and save the game.” 2. For once, a George Mason tournament victory didn’t register as an upset. The CAA’s Patriots pulled off a killer comeback against Villanova, going on a 13-3 run to close the game. But whereas the wins in their magical 2006 run were as a No. 11 seed over Nos. 6, 3, 7 and 1 in succession, this year’s came as a No. 8 over a 9. Not that it lacked entertainment value: Luke Hancock’s dagger three and Mike Morrison’s game-ending breakaway jam, narrated by Gus Johnson’s

gold-standard screamery, were the shot(s) and call of the day, respectively. Hancock’s postgame honesty was also refreshing; rather than insist he had full confidence in his decision to launch the step-back trey that would put Mason up 59-57 with 21 seconds left, he said he “was kind of hoping and praying” that the shot would go in. The Patriots may not be done making noise in this tournament, either. Their fan base has taken to wearing shirts that say, “We ARE this year’s George Mason” — a play on the annual search for the next Final Four Cinderella. But what if the Patriots are actually “This year’s Northern Iowa” instead, in that they’re on the verge of knocking off the pre-tourney favorite, Ohio State, in the second round, just like the Panthers did to Kansas in 2010? Efficiency-wise, Mason is the strongest team (ranked

Derrick Williams’ last-second block helped Arizona escape against Memphis.Photo by Greg Nelson/SI

No. 27 on a No. 1 seed has to face this weekend, and it has a reasonable amount of momentum, having won 17 of its past 18 games. 3. You know who really might be This Year’s George Mason? VCU. Like the Patriots in ’06, this year’s Rams were one of the final at-large teams allowed into the dance, as a No. 11 seed — and the selection committee faced harsh criticism from the punditry for choosing the CAA school ahead of Colorado or Virginia Tech. All Jamie Skeen & Co. did was go out and throttle USC in the “First Four” on Wednesday in Dayton, then travel to Chicago and put a 74-56 beating on sixth-seeded Georgetown on Friday.

Round 3 Match-upsEast Region

1 Ohio St. vs. 8 George Mason5 West Virginia vs. 4 Kentucky11 Marquette vs. 3 Syracuse

7 Washington vs. 2 North Carolina

West Region1 Duke vs. 8 Michigan5 Arizona vs. 4 Texas

6 Cincinnati vs. 3 Connecticut7 Temple vs. 2 San Diego St.

Southwest Region1 Kansas vs. 9 Illinois

12 Richmond vs. 13 Morehead St.11 VCU vs. 3 Purdue

10 Florida St. vs. 2 Notre Dame

Southeast Region1 Pittsburgh vs. 8 Butler

5 Kansas St. vs. 4 Wisconsin11 Gonzaga vs. 3 BYU7 UCLA vs. 2 Florida

the Sunday, March 20, 2011Page 8 SHUTTLE

FUN ZONE!Down1 Shuttle scheduler2 Theatrical lament3 Snaps4 Narrow bands5 Boundary6 Keats composition7 “___ Misbehavin’”8 Stevie Wonder’s record label9 A singing Jackson10 Too11 Community spirit12 Close15 Holmes’ foe18 Memo directive22 Uncanny24 Dutch cheese26 “Buona ___” (Italian greeting)27 Sightseeing trip28 Betrothal30 De Valera of Ireland32 Its capital is Gaborone34 Fundamentals35 Combustion byproduct37 Officially accepted works38 Hankering41 Substance used to clarify liquor43 Inhumanity45 Lay to rest46 Dodge City marshal47 Vagabond49 Part of an act50 Extinct bird51 TV award53 Immaculate54 Give off55 Highway rig58 Beaver barrier

Across1 Siestas5 Good farm soil9 Air13 Came down14 Non-literal expression16 Advance amount17 Pony Express terminus19 Mirthful sound

20 Home of St Francis21 Bullfighter23 Head25 Handles26 Rather inclined29 Ancient Roman coins31 Ages and ages32 Bleat

33 Rodeo equipment36 Floor covering37 Go back and forth39 Nigerian native40 Former Palestinian leader42 Jazzman Kid43 Designer Chanel44 Medicinal root

46 Celebrated Surrealist47 Fame48 Son of Isaac50 Tower above52 Thin pancakes56 Bakery fixture57 Pseudonym59 Mao’s successor

Photos by MCSN Jesse L. Gonzalez

Sailors of the DayBoatswain’s Mate SeamanJorge A. Ceja - Hood River, Oregon

BMSN Ceja, assigned to Deck department’s 1st division, joined the Navy two years ago to travel the world and serve his country. To Ceja, the most rewarding aspect of his job is feeling “the satisfaction of a job well done.” Ceja aspires to one day raise a family of his own, serve 20 years in the military and then retire. During his free time, Ceja enjoys working out to stay in shape.

PSSN Stephenson, assigned to the “Screwtops” of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 123, joined the Navy four-and-a-half years ago for “something to do after high school and to find a home that’s right for me.” To Stephenson, the most rewarding aspect of her job is being able to support her shipmates with any administrative tasks they have or problems they may need corrected. After her naval career, Stephenson plans on heading home to support her family full-time while working in the customer service field. Stephenson enjoys video games, writing, drawing and playing paintball.

Personnel Specialist Seaman Paula Stephenson - Deltona, Florida

60 Jordan’s capital61 Barbershop request62 Food morsels63 “Stand ___”64 Himilayan humanoid

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