Moon Phases, Eclipses, & Tides Astronomy. Moon Phases, Eclipses, & Tides All of these are caused by the positions of the 1. Moon 2. Earth 3. Sun.

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Moon Phases, Eclipses, & Tides


Moon Phases, Eclipses, & TidesAll of these are caused

by the positions of the1.Moon2.Earth 3.Sun

Moon PhasesWe ALWAYS see the same side of the moon because as it revolves around the Earth it makes one complete rotation. Period of rotation=Period of revolution

Moon PhasesThe phase of the moon you see depends on how much of the sunlit side of the moon faces Earth.Think of the Activity we did with A ball for the moonThe overhead projector light as the sun

Your head as Earth

EclipsesTwo types


Solar Eclipse Occurs when the moon

passes between Earth and the sun, blocking sunlight from reaching Earth.-the moon’s shadow is on Earth.

Occurs only during a new moon.

Total Solar Eclipse The moon completely covers

the sun from reaching a small spot on Earth.(so not many people can see the total solar eclipse)

Light from the sun is completely blocked by the moon in the umbra, the darkest part of the moon’s shadow.

Partial Solar EclipseThe moon partially

covers the sunThis occurs in the

penumbra Part of the sun is still

visible from Earth

Lunar Eclipse Occurs ONLY at full moon

when Earth is directly between the moon and sun.

Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the moon causing the moon to look dark.

EclipsesSolar and Lunar

Eclipses do NOT occur each month because the moon’s orbit is tilted.

High TidesMoon’s gravity is pulling ocean water into a bulge.

TidesThe moon’s gravity is able to create high and low tides because the moon revolves slower than the Earth is rotating.

The relative positions of the Earth, moon and sun (moon phases) cause patterns in spring and neap tides.

Tide CyclesTides rise and fall 2 times each day.

Every location on Earth sweeps through 2 high tides and 2 low tides in a 25 hour cycle.

Water rises for about 6 hours then falls for about 6 hours in a regular cycle.

Spring TidesAT NEW MOON and FULL MOON the sun, Earth and moon are nearly in a line. The gravity of the sun and moon cause Spring Tides twice a month.

This causes the greatest difference in low and high tides called a Spring Tide.

Neap TidesOccur twice every 28 days, during 1st quarter and third quarter moon phase.

The least difference between low and high tide.

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