MongoDB Hadoop Integration

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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MongoDB and Hadoop usually are seen as separate worlds. In this presentation we will show how to use them combined and to use MongoDB as a filesystem for Hadoop.


MongoDB – Hadoop Integration

Senior Solutions Architect, MongoDB Inc.

Massimo Brignoli


We will Cover…

• A quick briefing on what MongoDB and Hadoop are

• The Mongo-Hadoop connector:– What it is– How it works– A tour of what it can do

MongoDB and Hadoop Overview


• document-oriented database with dynamic schema


• document-oriented database with dynamic schema

• stores data in JSON-like documents: { _id : “mike”, age : 21, location : {

state : ”NY”, zip : ”11222” },favorite_colors : [“red”, “green”] }


• Scales horizontally


• Scales horizontally

• With sharding to handle lots of data and load


• Scales horizontally

• With sharding to handle lots of data and load


• Scales horizontally

• With sharding to handle lots of data and load


• Java-based framework for Map/Reduce

• Excels at batch processing on large data sets by taking advantage of parallelism

Mongo-Hadoop Connector - Why

• Lots of people using Hadoop and Mongo separately, but need integration

• Need to process data across multiple sources

• Custom code or slow and hacky import/export scripts often used to get data in+out

• Scalability and flexibility with changes in

• Scalability and flexibility with changes in Hadoop or MongoDB configurations

ResultsInput data HadoopCluster

-or- -or-


Mongo-Hadoop Connector

• Turn MongoDB into a Hadoop-enabled filesystem: use as the input or output for Hadoop

• New Feature: As of v1.1, also works with MongoDB backup files (.bson)

Benefits and Features

• Takes advantage of full multi-core parallelism to process data in Mongo

• Full integration with Hadoop and JVM ecosystems

• Can be used with Amazon Elastic MapReduce

• Can read and write backup files from local filesystem, HDFS, or S3

Benefits and Features

• Vanilla Java MapReduce

• or if you don’t want to use Java, support for Hadoop Streaming.

• write MapReduce code in

Benefits and Features

• Support for Pig– high-level scripting language for data analysis

and building map/reduce workflows

• Support for Hive– SQL-like language for ad-hoc queries + analysis

of data sets on Hadoop-compatible file systems

How It Works

• Adapter examines the MongoDB input collection and calculates a set of splits from the data

• Each split gets assigned to a node in Hadoop cluster

• In parallel, Hadoop nodes pull data for splits from MongoDB (or BSON) and process them locally

• Hadoop merges results and streams output back to MongoDB or BSON

Tour of Mongo-Hadoop, by Example

Tour of Mongo-Hadoop, by Example

• Using Java MapReduce with Mongo-Hadoop

• Using Hadoop Streaming

• Pig and Hive with Mongo-Hadoop

• Elastic MapReduce + BSON


"_id" : ObjectId("4f2ad4c4d1e2d3f15a000000"),

"body" : "Here is our forecast\n\n ",

"filename" : "1.",

"headers" : {

"From" : "",

"Subject" : "Forecast Info",

"X-bcc" : "",

"To" : "",

"X-Origin" : "Allen-P",

"X-From" : "Phillip K Allen",

"Date" : "Mon, 14 May 2001 16:39:00 -0700 (PDT)",

"X-To" : "Tim Belden ",

"Message-ID" : "<18782981.1075855378110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>",

"Content-Type" : "text/plain; charset=us-ascii",

"Mime-Version" : "1.0"



Input Data: Enron e-mail corpus (501k records, 1.75Gb)


"_id" : ObjectId("4f2ad4c4d1e2d3f15a000000"),

"body" : "Here is our forecast\n\n ",

"filename" : "1.",

"headers" : {

"From" : "",

"Subject" : "Forecast Info",

"X-bcc" : "",

"To" : "",

"X-Origin" : "Allen-P",

"X-From" : "Phillip K Allen",

"Date" : "Mon, 14 May 2001 16:39:00 -0700 (PDT)",

"X-To" : "Tim Belden ",

"Message-ID" : "<18782981.1075855378110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>",

"Content-Type" : "text/plain; charset=us-ascii",

"Mime-Version" : "1.0"



Input Data: Enron e-mail corpus (501k records, 1.75Gb)



"_id" : ObjectId("4f2ad4c4d1e2d3f15a000000"),

"body" : "Here is our forecast\n\n ",

"filename" : "1.",

"headers" : {

"From" : "",

"Subject" : "Forecast Info",

"X-bcc" : "",

"To" : "",

"X-Origin" : "Allen-P",

"X-From" : "Phillip K Allen",

"Date" : "Mon, 14 May 2001 16:39:00 -0700 (PDT)",

"X-To" : "Tim Belden ",

"Message-ID" : "<18782981.1075855378110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>",

"Content-Type" : "text/plain; charset=us-ascii",

"Mime-Version" : "1.0"



Input Data: Enron e-mail corpus (501k records, 1.75Gb)



The Problem

Let’s use Hadoop to build a graph of (senders → recipients) and the count of messages exchanged between each pair

The Output Required


bob 48 charlie


{"_id": {"t":"", "f":""}, "count" : 14}{"_id": {"t":"", "f":""}, "count" : 9}{"_id": {"t":"", "f":""}, "count" : 99}{"_id": {"t":"", "f":""}, "count" : 48}{"_id": {"t":"", "f":""}, "count" : 20}

Example 1 - Java MapReduce

Map Phase

Map phase - each input doc gets passed through a Mapper function


public void map(NullWritable key, BSONObject val, final Context context){

BSONObject headers = (BSONObject)val.get("headers");

if(headers.containsKey("From") && headers.containsKey("To")){

String from = (String)headers.get("From");

String to = (String)headers.get("To");

String[] recips = to.split(",");

for(int i=0;i<recips.length;i++){

String recip = recips[i].trim();

context.write(new MailPair(from, recip), new IntWritable(1)); }



Reduce Phase

Map phase - each input doc gets passed through a Mapper function


public void map(NullWritable key, BSONObject val, final Context context){

BSONObject headers = (BSONObject)val.get("headers");

if(headers.containsKey("From") && headers.containsKey("To")){

String from = (String)headers.get("From");

String to = (String)headers.get("To");

String[] recips = to.split(",");

for(int i=0;i<recips.length;i++){

String recip = recips[i].trim();

context.write(new MailPair(from, recip), new IntWritable(1)); }



mongoDB document passed into Hadoop MapReduce

Reduce Phase

Reduce phase - outputs of Map are grouped together by key and passed to Reducer

public void reduce( final MailPair pKey,

final Iterable<IntWritable> pValues,

final Context pContext ){

int sum = 0;

for ( final IntWritable value : pValues ){ sum += value.get();}

BSONObject outDoc = new BasicDBObjectBuilder().start()

.add( "f" , pKey.from)

.add( "t" , )


BSONWritable pkeyOut = new BSONWritable(outDoc);

pContext.write( pkeyOut, new IntWritable(sum) );


Reduce Phase

Reduce phase - outputs of Map are grouped together by key and passed to Reducer

public void reduce( final MailPair pKey,

final Iterable<IntWritable> pValues,

final Context pContext ){

int sum = 0;

for ( final IntWritable value : pValues ){ sum += value.get();}

BSONObject outDoc = new BasicDBObjectBuilder().start()

.add( "f" , pKey.from)

.add( "t" , )


BSONWritable pkeyOut = new BSONWritable(outDoc);

pContext.write( pkeyOut, new IntWritable(sum) );


the {to, from} key

Reduce Phase

Reduce phase - outputs of Map are grouped together by key and passed to Reducer

public void reduce( final MailPair pKey,

final Iterable<IntWritable> pValues,

final Context pContext ){

int sum = 0;

for ( final IntWritable value : pValues ){ sum += value.get();}

BSONObject outDoc = new BasicDBObjectBuilder().start()

.add( "f" , pKey.from)

.add( "t" , )


BSONWritable pkeyOut = new BSONWritable(outDoc);

pContext.write( pkeyOut, new IntWritable(sum) );


list of all the values collected under the key

the {to, from} key

Reduce Phase

Reduce phase - outputs of Map are grouped together by key and passed to Reducer

public void reduce( final MailPair pKey,

final Iterable<IntWritable> pValues,

final Context pContext ){

int sum = 0;

for ( final IntWritable value : pValues ){ sum += value.get();}

BSONObject outDoc = new BasicDBObjectBuilder().start()

.add( "f" , pKey.from)

.add( "t" , )


BSONWritable pkeyOut = new BSONWritable(outDoc);

pContext.write( pkeyOut, new IntWritable(sum) );


output written back to MongoDB

list of all the values collected under the key

the {to, from} key

Read from MongoDB



Read from BSON


mapred.input.dir= file:///tmp/messages.bson



Write Output to MongoDB



Write Output to BSON


mapred.output.dir= file:///tmp/results.bson



Write Output to BSON

mongos> db.streaming.output.find({"_id.t": /^kenneth.lay/})

{ "_id" : { "t" :, "f" : "" }, "count" : 1 }

{ "_id" : { "t" :, "f" : "" }, "count" : 1 }

{ "_id" : { "t" :, "f" : "" }, "count" : 2 }

{ "_id" : { "t" :, "f" : "" }, "count" : 2 }

{ "_id" : { "t" :, "f" : "" }, "count" : 4 }

{ "_id" : { "t" :, "f" : "" }, "count" : 1 }

{ "_id" : { "t" :, "f" : "" }, "count" : 1 }


has more

Example 2 - Hadoop Streaming

Example 2 - Hadoop Streaming

• Let’s do the same Enron Map/Reduce job with Python instead of Java

$ pip install pymongo_hadoop

Example 2 - Hadoop Streaming

• Hadoop passes data to an external process via STDOUT/STDIN

hadoop (JVM)

STDINPython / Ruby / JS


def mapper(documents):STDOUT...

map(k, v)

map(k, v)

from pymongo_hadoop import BSONMapper

def mapper(documents):


for doc in documents:


from_field = doc['headers']['From']

to_field = doc['headers']['To']

recips = [x.strip() for x in to_field.split(',')]

for r in recips:

yield {'_id': {'f':from_field, 't':r}, 'count': 1}


print >> sys.stderr, "Done Mapping."

Mapper in Python

from pymongo_hadoop import BSONReducer

def reducer(key, values):

print >> sys.stderr, "Processing from/to %s" % str(key)

_count = 0

for v in values:

_count += v['count']

return {'_id': key, 'count': _count}


Reducer in Python

Example 3 - Mongo-Hadoop with Pig and Hive

Mongo-Hadoop and Pig

• Let’s do the same thing yet again, but this time using Pig

• Pig is a powerful language that can generate sophisticated map/reduce workflows from simple scripts

• Can perform JOIN, GROUP, and execute user-defined functions (UDFs)

Loading/Writing Data

Pig directives for loading data: BSONLoader and MongoLoader

data = LOAD 'mongodb://localhost:27017/db.collection’ using


Writing data out BSONStorage and MongoInsertStorage

STORE records INTO 'file:///output.bson’ using


Datatype Conversion

• Pig has its own special datatypes:– Bags– Maps– Tuples

• Mongo-Hadoop Connector intelligently converts between Pig datatypes and MongoDB datatypes

raw = LOAD 'hdfs:///messages.bson’ using com.mongodb.hadoop.pig.BSONLoader('','headers:[]') ;

send_recip = FOREACH raw GENERATE $0#'From' as from, $0#'To' as to;

send_recip_filtered = FILTER send_recip BY to IS NOT NULL;

send_recip_split = FOREACH send_recip_filtered GENERATE from as from, TRIM(FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(to))) as to;

send_recip_grouped = GROUP send_recip_split BY (from, to);

send_recip_counted = FOREACH send_recip_grouped GENERATE group, COUNT($1) as count;

STORE send_recip_counted INTO 'file:///enron_results.bson’ using com.mongodb.hadoop.pig.BSONStorage;

Code in Pig

Mongo-Hadoop and Hive

Similar idea to Pig - process your data without needing to write Map/Reduce code from scratch

...but with SQL as the language of choice


{ "_id": 1, "name": "Tom", "age": 28 }

{ "_id": 2, "name": "Alice", "age": 18 }

{ "_id": 3, "name": "Bob", "age": 29 }

{ "_id": 101, "name": "Scott", "age": 10 }

{ "_id": 104, "name": "Jesse", "age": 52 }

{ "_id": 110, "name": "Mike", "age": 32 }

Sample Data: db.users

CREATE TABLE mongo_users (id int, name string, age int)

STORED BY "com.mongodb.hadoop.hive.MongoStorageHandler"

WITH SERDEPROPERTIES( "mongo.columns.mapping" = "_id,name,age" ) TBLPROPERTIES ( "mongo.uri" = "mongodb://localhost:27017/test.users");

Declare Collection in Hive

SELECT name,age FROM mongo_users WHERE id > 100 ;

SELECT * FROM mongo_users GROUP BY age WHERE id > 100 ;

SELECT * FROM mongo_users T1

JOIN user_emails T2


Run SQL on it

DROP TABLE old_users;

INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE old_users SELECT id,name,age FROM mongo_users WHERE age > 100 ;

Write The Results…

Example 4: Amazon MapReduce

Example 4

• Usage with Amazon Elastic MapReduce

• Run mongo-hadoop jobs without needing to set up or manage your own Hadoop cluster.


• First, make a “bootstrap” script that fetches dependencies (mongo-hadoop jar and java drivers)#!/bin/sh

wget -P /home/hadoop/lib

wget -P /home/hadoop/lib


Put the bootstrap script, and all your code, into an S3 bucket where Amazon can see it.

s3cp ./ s3://$S3_BUCKET/

s3mod s3://$S3_BUCKET/ public-read

s3cp $HERE/../enron/target/enron-example.jar s3://$S3_BUCKET/enron-example.jar

s3mod s3://$S3_BUCKET/enron-example.jar public-read

Launch the Job!

• ...then launch the job from the command line, pointing to your S3 locations

$ elastic-mapreduce --create --jobflow ENRON000--instance-type m1.xlarge--num-instances 5--bootstrap-action s3://$S3_BUCKET/ s3://$S3_BUCKET/enron_logs--jar s3://$S3_BUCKET/enron-example.jar--arg –D --arg mongo.job.input.format=com.mongodb.hadoop.BSONFileInputFormat--arg -D --arg mapred.input.dir=s3n://mongo-test-data/messages.bson--arg -D --arg mapred.output.dir=s3n://$S3_BUCKET/BSON_OUT--arg -D --arg mongo.job.output.format=com.mongodb.hadoop.BSONFileOutputFormat# (any additional parameters here)

So why Amazon?

• Easy to kick off a Hadoop job, without needing to manage a Hadoop cluster

• Turn up the “num-instances” to make jobs complete faster

• Logs get captured into S3 files

• (Pig, Hive, and streaming work on EMR, too!)

Example 5: MongoUpdateWritable

Example 5: New Feature

• In previous examples, we wrote job output data by inserting into a new collection

• ... but we can also modify an existing output collection

• Works by applying mongoDB update modifiers: $push, $pull, $addToSet, $inc, $set, etc.

• Can be used to do incremental Map/Reduce or “join” two collections

Sample of Data

Let’s say we have two collections.

{"_id": ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d0ed"), "name": "730LsRkX","type": "pressure","owner": "steve”}{"_id": ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d678"), "sensor_id": ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d4a1"),"value": 3328.5895416489802,"timestamp”: ISODate("2013-05-18T13:11:38.709-0400"), "loc": [-175.13,51.658]}


log events

Sample of Data

For each owner, we want to calculate how many events were recorded for each type of sensor that logged it.

Bob’s sensors for temperature have stored 1300 readings

Bob’s sensors for pressure have stored 400 readings

Alice’s sensors for humidity have stored 600 readings

Alice’s sensors for temperature have stored 700 readings


Stage 1 - Map/Reduce on sensors collection

Sensors(MongoDB Collection)

Log events(MongoDB Collection)


for each sensor, emit:

{key: owner+type, value:


group data from map() under each

key, output:

{key: owner+type, val: [ list

of _ids] }

Results(MongoDB Collection)

Stage 1 - Results

After stage one, the output docs look like:

{ "_id": "alice pressure", "sensors": [ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d475"), ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d16d"), ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d2bf"), … ] }

Stage 1 - Results

After stage one, the output docs look like:

{ "_id": "alice pressure", "sensors": [ ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d475"),



the sensor’s owner and type

list of ID’s of sensors with this owner and type

Now we just need to count the total # of log events recorded for any sensors that appear in the list for each owner/type group.

Stage 2 - Map/Reduce on events collection

Sensors(MongoDB Collection)

Log events(MongoDB Collection)


for each sensor, emit:{key: sensor_id, value: 1}

group data from map() under each key for each value in that key:

update({sensors: key}, {$inc : {logs_count:1}})

Results(MongoDB Collection)

update() existing records in mongoDB

context.write(null, new MongoUpdateWritable( query, //which documents to modify update, //how to modify ($inc) true, //upsert false) ); // multi

Stage 2 - Results

Result after stage 2

{"_id": "1UoTcvnCTz temp", "sensors": [ ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d475"), ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d16d"), ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d2bf"), ...],"logs_count": 1050616 }

now populated with correct count



• Mongo-Hadoop - use Hadoop to do massive computations on big data sets stored in Mongo/BSON

• MongoDB becomes a Hadoop-enabled filesystem

• Tools and APIs make it easier: Streaming, Pig, Hive, EMR, etc.

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