Monday 29 August

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Issue 15 Monday 29 August


The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 20112.

Pres n ViceSophie & Hanwei tell it to us straight

Hey guys So here we are at last. We’ve come full circle, and another P&VP (nay, another SCC!) are about to step into their roles for the next year. It’s been an amaz-ing year, people, and all we can do is say thank you to all of you for being part of our IH lives in 2010/11.

The past week’s been amazingly hectic for some, and relatively quiet for others. On Thursday night, we had Panda Cup futsal, an event largely dominat-ed by players of said game. Surprisingly, favourites Team Avenue did not take the cup, with the winners to be decided in a soon to be held final match. But someone else will be updating you on that ;).

For all involved with Play, it has been a crazily tu-multuous week. Rehearsals have been happening almost daily in the JCR, but the cast will be absent over this coming week. Be sure to see the results of all their work this coming Thursday/Friday/Saturday in what will definitely be four awesome shows.

People often don’t understand what exactly it is that President and Vice-President do. And so, I will brief you on our role, not for us, but so that future holders of the ‘title’ have less explaining to do. As a pair, it is our role to liaise between House and SC. This means weekly meetings with Peter and Jane, and Pres meetings with the Council. This allows us to bring any student concerns to those able to do something about it, whether it be about activities(parties!), assets(party equipment!), or pastoral care(party hangovers!....wait >.>). On the other hand, we’re also ‘in charge’ of avoiding fines levelled Student Club’s way. Thankfully, this is a minor part of the role. By and large, it has been an amazing experience for both of us, and one which

we hope both our successors will find fulfilling.

In our final report, we would like to give a HUGE thanks to everyone in IH. While there are those whom we haven’t always seen eye-to-eye with, you have all been an integral part of our community in one way or another. We won’t say goodbye, because we aren’t leaving or anything (end of the year’s too soon though), but for both of us this job has been a way to give back to an amazing college, which has given us an EPIC three years. And so, thank you International House residents, for co-existing in a diverse multicultural community, and for making our stays here so wonderful and life-changing.

Finally, we say thank you to our committee. GC&AC have been the best crew all year round for run-ning this crazy ship (AHOY!), and we most certainly could not have done it without them. Thank you all, Globe Editor, CO, AO, Secretary, GM for Shop, GM for Food(GMGC), GM A, GM B, ILO, Treasurer,

AT, ICAC Rep, Male Sports Rep, Female Sports Rep, CC, and CIR. Salsa, Jenna, Mel, Johnny, Ken, RJ, Mahadi, Bec, Ben, Chloe, Sanjeet, Adrian, Kristina, Billy, Kylie and Emma, you’ve all been the most insanely helpful people, and we wish you well.

For the last time, signing out,

Soph and Hanweixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The Globe is published weekly by emma Farrant on behalf of the IhSC.

The material here is edited but uncen-sored and therefore the views expressed

here do not reflect those of the editor.

Please share your ideas, your ads and articles.

To submit something to The Globe: IhGlobe@GmaIl.Com

The Globe acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional owners of this

land. We pay our respects to their elders past and present.

© 2011 The Globe.

all rights reserved.

The Globe Team

Editor: Emma FarrantSub-Editors: Matilda Broe, Saadia Rahman

Cover Design/Layout: Daljeet SinghHoroscopes: Matilda Broe, David Sullivan

Games: Nompumelelo MpehleOfficial paper folder: David Sullivan

Columnists: Georgia Martin, Lillian MukisaPhotography Credits: Fiona Robertson,

David Sullivan

Contributors of the Week:

Sophie WadeEmma Farrant

International House Student Club The University of Melbourne

241 Royal Parade, Parkville Victoria 3052, Australia IHSC Communication Officer, Kylie Saw

Office: +61 (0) 3 9347 6655 Facsimile: +61 (0) 3 9349 1761 Email:

IHSC Distillations of the week starting Monday 29th August 2011

Issue Description

AGM Want to be involved in major decisions? Want to have a say? Think about which position would best suit you and off you go to shadow your hero! Or stalk your admirer, your choice.

PeterPan and Wendy Play

Here ye, here ye, best be getting your tickets! Endless rehearsels, painful timings, very impressive marketing. We need to see this.

For a more detailed report of the IHSC matters, please read the GC or AC minutes. GC and AC minutes can be found on Nexus.

3.The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 2011

EDITORIALWell guys, it has been one hell of a journey.

I’m not talking about a this current oh-so-convenient bus trip that has allowed me to get multitudes of work done (I can see a plan for SWOTVAC study evolving here…) but rather the epicness of this term as editor that has taught me so much.

This year, my team and I have all worked into the wee hours of the morning to give you guys a Globe that was exciting to read, different to look at and colourful in its contents.

I hope that for the most part the Globe has at least given you all some giggles during you lec-tures, something to gossip about over lunch, or some stimulating brain waves that have helped you complete that assignment you were meant to do last week.

During my term as Globe editor, I have learnt multitudes, and I want to thank all of you guys for making the Globe such an exciting thing to work on. One of my goals as editor was to cre-ate a Globe that was worthy of reading, and I’d like to think that for the most part my team and I certainly achieved that.

To those people who, week after week, sent in their various bits and pieces, I sincerely thank you to the ends of the earth. I know how an-noying it has been for all of you to have to put up with my endless phone calls, messages and constant nagging.

To everyone else who has complimented or criticised our work, I want to thank you guys for giving me incentive to continue publishing every week, new ideas for Globe’s improvement, and for helping me see what I was doing wrong.

There is no better way to end my term as editor than with an issue that features two epic events and six epic people who are involved in that.

One group is comprised of those talented basketball stars who started training last year. We all have the chance to witness the results of their endless hard work and dedication next week when the college basketball tournament kicks off. I don’t care who you are or what time they play, YOU SHOULD ALL BE THERE.

The other group belongs to the cast of Peter Pan and Wendy, you know that play that half the college is involved in and that’s ON THIS WEEKEND! If you haven’t already, you should hurry up and GET TICKETS!

Also check out Lillian’s pieceon working as a doctor in Uganda. Iit’s pretty epic and she has amazing stories to tell. If that doesn’t float your boat then Gossip Goat should. The goat can be quite vicious when she wants to be and my God, this week she is!

Finally, before I go, I want to take the chance to thank all of my team who selflessly helped me pull the Globe together week after week. You kept me sane, stopped me from killing people, printers and computers, and made our editing sessions way more fun than editing sessions should ever be.

I’m extremely grateful for all of your help and hard work. ILY all! (This is probably the biggest display of PDA I will ever take part in so apolo-gies all who just had to put up with that :p)

Well, I’m taking up precious Globe space and the bus has almost pulled into Southern Cross Station, so adios and cheers everyone for and awesome year. I’ll be back next year, LOL JOKES, I wouldn’t do that to you all!

The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 20114.

Ask theDoctor

Lillian Mukisa talks about her experiences as a community medical professionalDoing community work in the rural parts of any country is quite challenging, yet often involves the most life changing experiences in the lives of medical practitioners.

In Uganda, like any developing country, the rural districts are wide spread and de-spite the fact that there are health centers in these communities, they are usually poorly equipped, not accessible to the local communities or not popular to the people meant to use them.

In these communities, the main issues that are faced are related to infectious diseases like malaria, respiratory tract infections, immunisable diseases, diarrhoeal diseases, tuberculosis and HIV and AIDS.

It is even more challenging to imagine that these diseases are preventable and that the communities simply need to know how to prevent and quickly treat them.

The knowledge of this, and the desire to contribute to the better health of these communities so as to improve people’s lives, thus inspired me to take on a career in com-munity medicine.

This is more fulfilling than spending long days on my feet in the national hospitals, seeing more and more people wheeled into the poorly equipped emergency rooms, only to have sad endings as a result of “prevent-able diseases”.

So, a day in the community for a medical professional involves training other com-munity staff in primary health care in the

community health centers and training the community volunteers in doing the less spe-cialised work as well. These people can then educate the local people about health promotion, disease prevention, hygiene and water sanitation. It also involves addressing issues of maternal and child health as well as immunisation.

Doing this community work is equally chal-lenging, but needless to say, very fulfilling. The number of people out-matches that of the medical professionals, but the more we train the local community volunteers in of-fering medical care, the more even this ratio will become.

Talking to people in their local languages, sharing with them knowledge when they are too sick to even offer a smile, and then see-ing the positive results in their communities, make the long, hot, rainy days spent out in the field well worth it.

Empowering these rural communities to be involved in their own health motivates them to further build their own communities, em-bracing the fact that health is vital for them if they are to have a fruitful future, take care of their children and improve their standards of living.

In the long run, this builds the nation, espe-cially developing nations, and to the medical professionals, is soul-satisfying to see such positive long-term outcomes.

Community Medicine

5.The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 2011

“S’up” -Guess who


NUMBER CRUNCH10,000 trucks on the road tonight....count them if you dare!

264the number of people in the IHers of 2011 facebook group.

40 days until Vietnamese National Night . 18 days until UniMelb’s mid-semester brealk

15 our final Globe issue

9 the number of hours of sleep of an average IHer-per week

6 days until AGM

3 days until the IH play (and after-party)! .

0 issues of the Globe left to make for this Globe team

The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 20116.

Peter pan & WENDYPlay updates from Georgia Martin

Peter Pan has consumed entirely the lives of a cast of 40, an orchestra of 20 and a cre-ative team of 25. No longer can someone say ‘I’m glad’ without amending this state-ment to ‘I am just glad’.

No longer can we listen to ‘Sweet Disposi-tion’ without pretending to fly. No longer can we line up without someone yelling ‘one line!’ No longer can anyone look at Vince without giggling at the sight of his ridicu-lous beard.

No longer do Tinkerbell’s rollerblades work and, well, no longer is rollerblading really an actual sport. No longer does anybody sell replacement rollerblade wheels - hence how I found myself out searching for ‘Blade School St. Kilda,’ which actually turned out to be just some creepy dude’s house.

Yes, Play certainly has taken over our lives. It’s been a full on, stressful, amazing, sometimes tense, but usually hilarious few months. There’s literally been blood, sweat and tears put into this production, and it’s going to be epic, like none other before.

I would personally like to thank our won-derful cast and crew for being so patient, talented, and generally awesome. And to everyone else, you’re stupid if you miss out on this show.

So go to for ticket de-tails, or you can buy them after dinner this week in the dining hall - they’re just $15 for students or $10 for union members.

And now, because I’m severely sleep de-prived/lacking in time, here are a few out-of-context quotes from rehearsals that you might enjoy:

‘Thank god the beast swallowed that cock’ -Sophie Wade‘Slap me again’ -Ian Potgeiter‘Which cheek d’you want me to sit on?’ -Mi-chael Buik‘I need a Wendy’ – Richard Toh‘I’m wearing dead people’s clothes’ – Matil-da Broe‘The sun had gone, the protagonist had not moved yet’ – Jess OBC‘Aldi, put your leg around me’ – Billy O’Connor‘I don’t really have any pants’ – Vince O’Kane‘Why is Ben so dirty?’ – Tash Lau‘And Peng could not describe the happy scene’ – Bec Dutton‘I can’t use all four limbs at once’ – Dani Shaw‘Do not dress me in colors or I will always cry’ – Jenna imitating Kate Garrett (not in rehearsals but still funny)

7.The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 2011

Thursday 1st 7.30pmFriday 2nd 7.30pm

Saturday 3rd 1pm & 6pm

Adult $20Conc $15

Union Member $10Child $10

The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 20118.

Two years ago in the lead up to the AGM, the Student Club President of the time wrote an article in Globe urging students to think carefully before they voted.

It was quite a simple message, and while I’d like to think my young, naïve fresher-self would have done so anyway, I think it need-ed to be said.

The Student Club Committee for the coming year may not be about to rule the world, run multi-million dollar events, or invent space cars (though, that would be cool…), but they will make a big impact on the lives of IH residents.

Events are organised, things you want are bought, and wider House issues are at-tended to through their efforts. To get these things done, hard-working, caring, friendly and capable leaders are needed.

The message of this article is quite simple - think before you vote. While you might LOVE Billy’s haircut, don’t vote for him if you think awkward, dedicated Fred might be a better Cultural Coordinator.

If Kylie Saw makes a stellar nomination speech, but you know for a fact Bobby-Joe would make a better shop rep – vote for Bobby!

You guys are smart enough to figure this all out for yourself, I just hope you’ll put in a little extra effort to have a think both before and during AGM about who’s running for what (their individual bios will be put up the back of the Dining Hall by the end of the week) and whether they’d be good.

What do you know of their previous work around IH? What are their motivations? And do you think they’ll get the job done?

Honestly, I’m pretty psyched about AGM. Probably because I’m super cool. From what I’ve heard we have a bunch of phenomenal candidates running, and are pretty set to have another awesome year of IH love and excitement.

So get thinking, IH…and nominating… and voting!

Xx Soph

Think Before You VoteSuggestions from our lovely President, Sophie Wade

Haiku To EmmaEditorial

Emma the supreme goddessLove for her always

From the Globe Team

9.The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 2011

Lining up for the girl’s team are the one and only Raveenas. Yep, I said Raveenas. These se-riously sly ladies duck, weave and spin their opponents into confusion like acme characters on speed. Actually, they are a lot like that cool animal thingy in Over the Hedge that eats the entire jar of coffee, when the whole movie goes slow motion. They are that good.

Adding to this team of star-studded struckness (not exactly sure myself what I am trying to say here :o) is the not-so-late but very great J M-G. If you were lucky enough to witness this beast dominate the netball court, wait until you see her play a game she’s known how to play for a lot more than the three months she’s played netball for.

A team more epic than the Loony Toons basketball team is the boys’ basketball team. These strapping young lads have literally been training for at least a year and a half. The likes of the giant Tony Kao, the nimble Hamish Bartlett, the ever-present Daniel Park, hard-hitting Clarence Wong, Caleb ‘the awkward’ Higgs, the manly Yong Yi-Heng and their coach, the one and only Randeep Singh. Deep has got these boys chomping at the bit and rearing to go, so watch them.

In case you have not understood the gist of this article, basketball is on next week. Go watch our awesome-as-all-hell players and cheer them on.

Sportcontinued from back page


Bouncing to Brilliance

The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 201110.


Panda Says:










Nine Letter Word

AnswersTrivia: 1. 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan 2. In the sun 3. 1/100th of a sec-ond 4. Armadillos 5. David ProwseCatchphrase: FireflyNine letter word: CockamamySudoku:

Procrastination StationTrivia:

1. 1. What are the only two Disney feature cartoons where both parents are present and don’t die at some point in the movie?

2. 2. Where is 99% of the Solar System’s mass?

3. 3. How long is a “jiffy”?

4. 4. What is the only animal besides humans that can get leprosy?

5. 5. Who was in the Darth Vader Suit in Star Wars?



11.The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 2011

HoroscopesAries Mar 21 - Apr 19Time to start shearing off that extra layer of wool, Aries, because spring is right around the corner. Why don’t you knit yourself a nice pair of booties out of the back hair you grew over winter, put them on, and strut your stuff down Royal

Parade. You know you want to.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21This week Jupiter is being influ-enced by Uranus to give you the power to see into the future, so I guess you don’t have to worry about studying for that mid-sem, unless future you didn’t study ei-ther in which case, get on it.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22Leo, the great Lions and’ve all really been a bit disap-pointing lately. When was the last time you took down a gazelle, ripped apart a polar bear, or even just had a nice juicy steak? So look up from your salad, go chase

down one of those awful Greycourt possums, and chuck it on the BBQ. Why not invite your friends and make it a pride event?

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20Taurus, you horny bull, my fore-cast sees Libra babies raining down upon you. Your only hope is to use every kind of protection available to you, which you can’t because you’re probably Catholic. My ad-vice, convert to Scientology.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22This week, you will almost definite-ly be savagely attacked by a large mouth bass. If it tries to take your virginity, play a flute and it will fall asleep. Just make sure you don’t play anything by Justin Bieber. The large mouth bass will still fall

asleep, but Fluffy the three-headed dog will get his rape on.

Gemini May 21 - Jun - 20This Friday you will definitely die unless you do this one important thing. That thing is....oh, look! A shiny coin!

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19I have intervened with the gods on your behalf this week, Capri-corn, to bring you good fortune for the rest of August. This is due to your star sign sharing the same name as my favourite brand of liquorice bullets. Never

forget Capricorn that it’s who you know, not what you know.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22Librans, as we all know, are the gods’ annual gift to the human species. Every September/Octo-ber, the gods rain beautiful Libra babies down upon the Earth. With that wondrous time nearly upon us, Libra, you should be making

sure that you are not one of the bearers of these children. Play’s only four days away and we can’t afford to have a pregnant lady crowning on stage.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18Once upon a time there was a lovely little Aquarius who decided to read their horoscope in the Globe. Good for you, because you went to the effort of reading your week will be full of butterflies and rainbows and general happiness.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21This week, a scorpion will sting you and you will catch Play fever! You will feel compelled to buy tickets to Play. Go! Do it! Now!

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22Cowboys are in this week, so feed your racehorse a sugar cube, brush its teeth, tie a ribbon in its mane, and ride it on down to the cinema to see Cowboys and Aliens. Seri-ously, have you ever heard of a more promising film?

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20Bla bla bla. Write your own horo-scope this week, Pisces. Do you think this is fun for me?! Well do you?! Your star sign is a fish, and fish are weird and gross. I’ll let you decide what’s going on for you this week, I need to finish editing

the Globe.

From a direct line with your mystic guide who spends her months consulting charts and studying the alignment of the planets

The Globe Issue 15, 29 August 201112.


There is something awesome bubbling to the surface. Well, actually, it’s already on the surface, and that surface just happens to be the IH basketball court. And really, it’s not bub-bling, it’s more like bouncing. Pardon my seriously dodgy analogies and incorrect usage of puns, I didn’t decide against a creative writing major over just nothing.

Right now, as you read this article, think to this time next week, in the VERY late hours of a uni student’s night (when the rest of the Melbourne are on their way to school and work), and imagine yourself sitting on the sidelines of the Melbourne Uni basketball court watch-ing our IH brethren fly about in the blue and yellow. Because that’s where you should be.

As a resident of IH for the past two years, almost everyday I have witnessed those dedicat-ed gentlemen and gentleladies practising layouts, jump shots, and everything basketbally. I’ve nearly dropped dead from exhaustion just watching these athletic women and men practice and practice and practice and practice.

If the fact that these people have literally sweat and bled tears of basketball for the past year and a half and are so primed and ready to dominate then these very cool cats should.

Bouncing to BrillianceEmma tells you why you should be going to watch basketball next week

We’re leaving the Globe...

- Emma’s committing suicide- Dave’s giving her a helping hand.- DJ refuses to leave.- Mati & Saadia can barely contain their glee.

Who’s landing next?

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