Module 1: A Brief Introduction. Hi, welcome and congratulations! My name is Bryan. You made an incredibly wise decision by investing in this Online Training.

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Module 1:A Brief Introduction

Hi, welcome and congratulations! My name is Bryan. You made an incredibly wise decision by investing in this Online

Training Course.

You’re about to embark on an incredibly profitable journey — one where you’ll learn how to quickly set yourself apart from the masses and take a huge leap forward into a brighter financial future.

What you’re now reading is nothing less than my own personal blueprint for real estate investing success.

Admittedly, I am standing on the shoulders of giants who came before me in the flipping real estate arena — men

and women who laid the very bedrock of time-tested, proven principles for making

fast cash with “wholesale” real estate.

But make no mistake. Within these Modules you’re about to discover how I’ve taken these principles and uniquely amplified

them with my own immensely successful real estate “finding and flipping” strategies.

This is because I bring something to the table that few others do. I’ll share more on that in a second, but know that it’s a secret weapon of mine that

continually fills my pipeline with leads and lines my pockets with cash.

So welcome! It’s an privilege to share my professional successes with you, and it is my sincere hope that what you’re about to learn in these video Modules will not only be put into action (that part is up to you of course) but also that it will be of the same immense benefit to your life as it has been to mine.

“Finding” and “wholesaling” houses hit my radar, and very suddenly my eyes were

opened to a model for real estate investing that completely broke the mold

— at least for me.

Now I was discovering that it doesn’t really take a high risk of money or time to make

good money in real estate — not in wholesaling at least.

Now we’ve all heard, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”. And I’ll

admit I was fairly skeptical at first, thinking…

“How on earth could someone make that much money from real estate

investing, without the need for cash or credit, and without spending a

ton of time every day?”

But I’ve always been an action taker. So despite my skepticism I jumped in and

gave it a shot, and almost immediately I was kicking myself

for not having discovered wholesaling and earning “finder’s fees” sooner!

This may seem hard to fathom, but I was able to accomplish more (and make more)

in my first year earning real estate finder’s fees than most do in a decade’s

worth of trial and error.

And no, it’s not because I’m so special or particularly brilliant.

It’s because I started with some time-tested, proven foundational real estate investing

principals — methods, tools and tactics that have been working for many other

successful investors.

Then I amplified them with key elements from my own expertise in the world of direct marketing. And the next thing I knew I was

enjoying the fruits of a full-blown “real estate cash machine”.

Within these Modules is the same “Money Machine” that I use to earn BIG “finder’s fees” - of $5,000.00… $10,000.00 and sometimes even much more! - for each deal, and all with basically a part-time effort.

Usually, I can consistently get all the deals I want… and more than I can handle.

And the best part is you can duplicate what I’ve done yourself. Starting today — right now.

All you have to do is take action and follow the step-by-step blueprint — which happens to be inside the Modules on this Membersite… that you are now a member


It doesn’t matter if you know a lot or a little or even nothing at all about real

estate at this point, you can still follow our lead and enjoy earning big finder’s fees

from real estate.

I’m not trying to be boastful. I really just want to paint a picture here from the start of what’s possible for you, and shatter any misconceptions you may have holding you back about having it all “figured out” before you can really make

good money in this business.

So here’s my promise to you…

…it can be done. I’m living proof that you can create a thriving, profitable

wholesale real estate business without a mattress full of cash or a head full of

advanced learning…

…and the content within these modules can show you the way. This Real Estate Finding & Wholesaling System runs circles around even most experienced investors… and only because it

combines time-tested, proven quick cash flipping principles with the marketing tools and systems that consistently get me deals, then sells those deals for me. These systems are reliable and


…Just follow the steps.

This is not “pie-in-the-sky” stuff. Here’s a quick real life example of how I earned $15,600 from just ONE deal in less than

30 days…

One week, I fired off my “secret weapon”: a simple postcard mailing to a list of 1,000 absentee owners — that is, people

who own houses but do not live in them.

That mailing of 1,000 postcards generated dozens of phone calls from motivated


I actually ended up doing business with a couple of the sellers from this mailing. One of the houses from this mailing had an “After-Repaired Value” of $148,000.

I was able to get this house under contract for only $79,400 without any money or credit, and at NO risk to me.

I got the seller to agree to an “assignable contract” — also known as an assignment

contract. (This basically allows the buyer to turn over his/her rights under the contract

to a third party.

In other words, an assignment contract means that you are not personally obligated to buy the property. You can sell -

and assign - your rights to someone else.)

This house needed approximately $10,000 in repairs. No problem! I never touched it!

I was able to quickly and easily flip (wholesale) this house to someone on my Investor-Buyers list who rehabs houses. My Investor-Buyer paid $95,000 CASH for the contract, and we closed the deal 9 days later.

Can you see where this is going? I got the property under contract for $79,400 (without any money) then quickly

flipped it (the contract) for $95,000.

So the bottom line is, I found an easy deal that I quickly flipped (via assignment) for a tidy $15,600 profit to me! So…

is your mouth watering yet?

You’re about to learn how to become a highly sought after, highly paid “Real Estate Finder & Wholesaler”.

You’ll see step-by-step how you can make a fortune with “real estate finder’s fees”, earning anywhere from $5,000 to

$15,000 - or more - per deal.

You’ll learn insider secrets to a real estate finder’s fee business that only a few have been privy to before now. And you’ll see

not only how I do it, but how you can duplicate it yourself…

•Without “buying” or “selling” anything

•Without using any of your money

•From home, in your spare time

•From anywhere you happen to be in the country (or the world for that matter)

As I said already, I’ve been involved in a lot of different types of real estate deals

and been successful in most of them.

But none… none (and I think no other business) can match the income-producing power and simplicity of the real estate “deal finder business” that you’ll find within these

online training videos.

And if you can follow the simple blueprint laid out here in these videos, you

absolutely CAN earn these big finder’s fees.

You’ll get paid on deals you find… without investing any money… without using

credit… without risk… and without all that much effort.

So… are you ready to become a highly paid Real Estate Finder & Wholesaler?

Please move on to Module 2… and let’s get started!

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