Modul 3 Ritel Modern

Post on 26-Jan-2016






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Modul 3 Ritel Modern


Keterkaitan Ritel Modern dengan Petani di Indonesia

Modul 3




Untuk membuat kepastian pasokan, Ritel Modern membangun supply chain langsung

dari sentra produksi melalui pemasok khusus, yaitu:

Petani besar/sedang atau Perusahan Agribisnis yang memproduksi sayuran atau buah-buahan melalui kebun sendiri dan menghimpun petani produsen lainnya yang kecil-kecil secara kontrak (contract farming)

Suplayer Khusus ke Supermarket, merupakan perusahaan yang memasok khusus ke supermarket tapi tidak memiliki produksi sendiri, sehingga harus bekerjasama dengan para bandar dan petani/ketua kelompok di sentra produksi


Petani atau Perusahan Agribisnis Pemasok Ritel Modern

• Biasanya merupakan petani memiliki lahan sedang atau besar yang memiliki lahan milik sendiri

• Menguasai teknologi produksi yang baik sehingga mampu menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas

• Untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi, kemudian menjalin koordinasi dan bermitra dengan petani kecil, melalui kontrak formal ataupun in-formal

• Memberikan pembinaan pada petani kecil dalam hal bibit, teknologi, jadwal penanaman, bantuan pembiayaan, dll

• Melakukan sortir , standarisasi produk, dan pengemasan sehingga mampu menghasilkan produk berkualitas tinggi


Suplayer Khusus Berdedikasi Pemasok Ritel Modern

• Perusahaan/pedagang ini tidak memiliki basis produksi sendiri, berperan sebagai “bandar” khusus untuk supermarket/hypermarket

• Secara langsung mencari produk baru ke berbagai sentra produksi untuk meningkatkan jumlah SKU yang dipasok

• Melakukan koordinasi dengan para petani kecil di sentra produksi secara kontrak, baik formal maupun in-formal melalui ketua kelompok, koperasi, atau bandar

• Memberikan bantuan dukungan pada petani, baik berupa bibit, teknologi, kalender tanam, dan juga bentuk bantuan pembiayaan

• Melakukan sortir , standarisasi produk , dan pengemasan sehingga mampu menghasilkan produk berkualitas tinggi 4

Dampak dari Transformasi/Modernisasi Pasar Produk Segar Pertanian yang dihadapi Petani di

Sentra Produksi pada Tahun 2006



Pedagang Pengump


Pasar Induk Regional

atau Nasional

Penjual Ritel untuk Pasar Lokal



Pemasok Khusus Ritel Modern/Expo


Ritel Modern

Pengolahan Skala Rumah Tangga

Pemasok ke Industri

Industri Pengolahan


Hotel and


Pedagang Antar Pulau


46% 40% 2% 1% 1%5%1%1%1%1% 2%

Lebih banyak alternatip saluran

penjualan bagi petani dibandingkan tahun


Ringkasan Saluran Pemasaran Berdasarkan Pasar Tujuan Akhir


Final Market

Percentage Share by Final Market Rata-rata


LembangPangalengan Garut

1 Pasar Ritel Trad. Lokal 0 5 0 2

2 Pasar Induk Tradisional 66 66 73 68

3 Pasar Antar Pulau 10 4 8 7

4 Ritel Modern 14 12 7 11

5 Hotel and Restaurant 1 4 3 3

6 Industri Skala Kecil 1 1 4 2

7 Industri Besar Pengolahan 6 6 5 6

8 Export 2 2 0 1

  Total 100 100 100 100


Terjadinya BOOMING Hortikultura di Jawa Barat

• Ada indikasi kuat telah terjadinya “Booming Tanaman Hortikultur” di Jawa Barat

• Produksi hortikultur berkembang sangat cepat, teknik-teknik pertanian modern terdifusi antar kelas petani dengan cepat, termasuk petani yang masih memasok ke pasar tradisional

• Banyak petani yang beralih dari tanaman pangan ke

– Sayuran bernilai tinggi

– Melakukan investasi pada sistem pengairan

– Penanaman secara multi croping dan rotasi sepanjang tahun

Tingkatan Nilai (Value Ladder) Keuntungan Pengusahaan Tan.

Pangan dan Hortikultura










- 30,00 60,00 90,00 120,00 150,00

Revenue (Juta Rupiah)


st (






Cabe merah



Bw merah

Bw daun



Padi saw ahUbi kayu

Ubi jalar

Sedap malam



Kc Panjang

BuncisMaw ar

JagungKc tanahKc hijau

Padi gogoKedelai


Value Ladder Effect dari Transformasi Pasar Modern

Puncak (tadinya tan. komoditas, sekr. niche)

Lembang (sekr mix komoditas & niche)

Garut (komoditas)

Pangalengan (komoditas)

Sumatera (tanaman pangan)


Value Ladder Effect dari Perubahan Struktural Pada Pasar Pangan dan Hortikultura

•Meningkat tangga nilai (value ladder), beralih dari

Komoditas bernilai rendah (seperti: ubi jalar, buncis)

Produk bernilai menengah (seperti: tomat and bawang daun, dll)

Produk bernilai tinggi (brocoli, paprika, sayuran Jepang, dll)

• Beberapa pelaku yang besar malah sudah mulai memperluas/mengalihkan usaha penanaman ke daerah yang memiliki biaya oportunitas lahan dan tenaga kerja yang lebih rendah.

Ukuran Sample Petani dan Distribusinya

Kabupaten Kecamatan

Sample Size

Non-Supermarket channel Farmer

Supermarket channel Farmer

Bandung Pangalengan 39 41

Ciwidey 44 50

Pasirjambu 38 19

Lembang 29 40

Sub-total 150 150

Garut Cikajang 45 22

Cigedug 35 41

Pasirwangi 24 35

Cisurupan 46 52

Sub-total 150 150

Total 300 30011

Anasisa Value Chain Tomat ke Jakarta


Petani Suplyer Khusus ke Ritel Modern

Ritel Modern

Petani Suplyer Khusus ke Ritel Modern

Ritel ModernKelompok Tani

Petani Pasar Induk Tradisional Pasar Ritel Tradisional


Petani Suplyer Khusus ke Ritel Modern

Ritel ModernBandar

Petani Pasar Induk Tradisional

Pasar ritel Tradisional

BandarPengumpul Lokal

Analisa Detil Value Chain per Saluran



Value Added

Farmer Specialized Super





Cost 36-48-%




1. Procurements Cost 15-21% 2. Handling Cost 11-28% 3. Storage Cost 0% 4. Transport Cost 21-22% 5. Rebate and Fee 34-47%

Value Added: Rp 3.7 – 3.8 million per ton

Value Added

Farmer Specialized Super



Farmer Group

Cost 24% 25% 24% 26%

1. Procurement Cost 0% 2. Handling Cost 51% 3. Storage Cost 0% 4. Transport Cost 23% 5. Rebate and Fee 25%

28% 39% 33%

Value Added: Rp 3.6 million per ton


Analisa Detil Value Chain per Saluran…..




Value Added

Farmer Traditional Wholesale Market

Traditional Retail Market

Traditional Wholesaler

Cost 35-46%

16-18% 20-27%






1. Procurement Cost 60-72% 2. Storage Cost 7-16% 3. Loading-Unloading Cost 12-33%

Value Added: Rp 1.6-1.8 million per ton

Farmer Specialized Super Wholesaler


Traditional Wholesaler

22-27% Cost

Value Added

7-8% 44-48% 21-23%

4-9% 21-22% 35-37% 35-37%

1. Procurement Cost 22% 2. Handling Cost 34% 3. Storage Cost 0% 4. Transport Cost 14% 5. Rebate and Fee 30%

Value Added: Rp 3.3-3.4 million per ton

Farmer Traditional Wholesale Market

Traditional Retail Market

Traditional Wholesaler

Local Collector


Added 6-18% 13-22% 12-14% 14-18%

35-44% Cost 5-6% 25-27% 12%



1. Procurement Cost 58-69% 2. Storage Cost 8-13% 3. Loading-Unloading Cost 23-29%

Value Added: Rp 1.8-1.9 million per ton


Analisa Ekonometrik

•Model Pemilihan Saluran


•Fungsi Produksi dan Analisa

Alokatif Efisiensi

•Fungsi Permintaan Faktor

Input 15

Hasil Estimasi Pemilihan Saluran Pemasaran

 VariableSupermarket Producers Modern Wholesalers

Coef. (SE) Coef. (SE)

Producer's education (years) 0.152 0.122 0.024 0.063

Producer's age (years) 0.021 0.028 0.006 0.015

Family size -0.197 0.203 -0.035 0.116

Lagged land (farm size) -1.895 0.794 ** -0.048 0.135

Correction for Bandung lagged land 2.112 1.025 ** -0.665 0.452

Distance to paved highway (kms) 0.104 0.175 -0.210 0.354

Producer's experience (years) -0.046 0.062 -0.070 0.024 **

Lagged packing houses in the area (units) -0.121 0.025 ** 0.008 0.003 **

Dummy for commercialization level of zone 4.069 0.954 ** 1.007 0.331 **

Lagged association level (Associated =1 Not Asoc =0) -0.945 0.816 0.029 0.337

Lagged irrigation share (% of farm size under irrigation) 2.514 1.159 ** 0.166 0.620

Number of Observations 596

Wald Chi(32) 858.96

Pseudo R2 0.748


Note that this is a multinomial logit and the base is the traditional channel farmers, so these are deviations from that base. Notes: ** = significant at 5%; *= significant at 10%.

Faktor Penentu Pemilihan Saluran Pemasaran

• Farm size (lagged) has a positive effect on supermarket channel participation in Bandung, where land is scarce, but a negative effect in Garut. – Bandung, near the city, the more capitalized and larger farmers

tend to make frequent shipments to specialized wholesalers and profit from the nearby commercial opportunities.

– Garut is a more hinterland area with larger land sizes; larger farmers tend to sell large volumes to inter-island traders who come to that area for large volumes, a smaller and more specialized channel, to smaller farmers, who nevertheless are in the upper stratum of capitalization.

• Number of packing houses (lagged, in kecamatan) have a positive effect on participation in the modern wholesaler channel but a negative effect on supermarket-channel participation, as farmers have an alternative.

• Being in a high-commercialization zone favors participation in both modern channels.

• Irrigation share (lagged) has an important positive effect on participation in the supermarket channel. Such consistency of production is an important attribute that dedicated wholesalers look for in farmers. 17

Hasil Estimasi Fungsi Produksi


Supermarket channel  

Modern Wholesalechannel  

Traditional channel  

Coef. (SE) Coef. (SE) Coef. (SE)

Tomato Area (Ha) 0.798 0.683 0.860 0.186 ** 0.975 0.088 **

Seed 0.207 0.680 0.120 0.189 0.034 0.091

Pesticides 0.002 0.007 0.007 0.002 0.021 0.030

Fertilizers 0.007 0.096 0.019 0.042 ** 0.109 0.036 **

Labor 0.267 0.120 ** 0.161 0.062 ** 0.282 0.035 **

Dummy for dry season (dry =1, other =0) 0.150 0.034 ** 0.143 0.015 ** 0.176 0.020 **

Dummy for Bandung -0.024 0.074 -0.075 0.055 -0.075 0.018 **

Irrigation share -0.052 0.091 -0.034 0.035 0.032 0.024

Mills 1 0.005 0.006 0.001 0.001 -0.001 0.001

Mills 2 0.000 0.004 0.004 0.009 -0.003 0.003

Constant 5.729 3.117 7.472 0.806 4.082 0.828

Number of Observations 84 179 327

R-squared 0.985 0.983 0.98

Prob > F 0 0 0


Notes: ** = significant at 5%; *= significant at 10%; base category is traditional wholesaler

Marginal Value Products dibandingkan dengan harga faktor input: Allocative Efficiency


channelModern Wholesale

ChannelTraditional Wholesale


  MVP   Factor Cost MVP   Factor Cost MVP   Factor Cost

Area 36.4M > 2.2M 41M > 2.2M

Fertilizer 48 < 1,000 219 < 1,000

Labor 476 < 1,000 226 < 1,000 326 < 1,000


Fungsi Produksi dan Analisa Alokatif Efisiensi

• The MVP of farmland is well above the rental factor cost for both the modern wholesale channel farmers and the traditional channel farmers indicates a severe land constraint.

• The MVP of labor is also well below the factor price for all channels, but as the cost results suggest, the overuse of labor (from an allocative efficiency viewpoint) is most severe among traditional farmers.

• The results for fertilizer are also similar to the other studies cited, showing an overuse of fertilizer in an allocative efficiency sense.


Fungsi Permintaan Faktor Input• Labor demand of farmers in the supermarket channel is more

responsive to factor input prices than farmers in the other market channels, apparently indicating the supermarket-channel farmers’ greater commercial orientation. For the latter group, the positive signs on the prices of fertilizer and pesticides indicate they are substitutes with labor

• Demand for pesticide responds (tautologically) positively to its own price. For supermarket-channel farmers, it is a substitute for fertilizer, but a complement for the other two groups. The output price and dry season effects are negative, as there are fewer insects at that time.

• Fertilizer use is measured in cash expenditure. The main results of interest here are the strong complementarity of fertilizer use and irrigation, and the negative effect of transaction costs (proxied by distance to the road) on fertilizer use.


Petani yang saat ini terkait dengan Saluran ke Ritel Modern (dari 600 sample)

• Pada kondisi saat ini, hanya 15% (dari sample) yang terkait dengan supply chain ke pasar ritel modern (langsung dan tidak langsung)

• Petani yang berpartisipasi pada supply chain tersebut adalah:

–Petani kecil tapi bagian upper stratum dalam hal kepemilikan lahan, modal, tangki irigasi air, dan tingkat pendidikan

–Biaya usahatani mereka lebih kecil (lebih efisien) dari petani lainnya

–Tingkat keuntungan mereka 10-30% lebih tinggi dari petani lainnya (karena harga yang lebih baik)

Kesimpulan Lainnya• Quality differentiation (and the concomitant investments) is

not yet systematically rewarded by merchants to farmers in the zone. Mirroring the less developed market areas of other countries, farmers still sell ungraded produce to wholesalers.

• Tomato farmers get nearly all their technical assistance from input distributors, and nearly all their credit from those same actors plus wholesalers. Government and NGO financial services and extension services play a miniscule role in the tomato boom in West Java.

• Land-rental markets are extremely active among tomato farmers in the area. Despite that, there is evidence from the allocative efficiency estimates that there are land constraints and overuse of labor and fertilizer, with the allocative inefficiency least among supermarket producers


Implikasi Kebijakan• Agricultural support services: direct support through investments

in public goods and services notably research and extension services. Revamping the quality of the extension services so that it is better prepared and more relevant to the needs of the market is paramount.

• Rural producers organization: development of farmer groups, grower associations, and new-generation cooperatives appear to be strongly needed.

• Rural Infrastructure: good quality telecommunications and a paved-road network are essential, as otherwise local farmers will struggle to compete with imports. This is especially an issue as horticulture crops in Indonesia are often produced in remote, highaltitude areas where these infrastructure facilities are often deficient.

• Access to financial services: since the payment of supermarkets is generally delayed for up to 40 days, suppliers, farmer and wholesaler face a problem of having temporary illiquid assets. The government can facilitate agreements with the modern retail association and the banking system so that they provide a guarantee for the amount of sales the supermarket owes, so that small/medium farmers or even wholesaler can get access to commercial bank loans. There are some private banks expressing an interest in this kind of agreement.

• Market intelligence: providing market intelligence to the supply chain actors and facilitating business linkages among farmers, wholesalers and supermarkets through business meetings, exhibitions, and business visit programs is a key role for the public sector.

• Public product standards: The standards also need to be better socialized and adopted along the supply chain. The study indicates there has been an effort to perform grading and handling in the production zone but the market price differentiation is insufficient.

• Land rental markets: public land registration needs to be widely socialized and farmers encouraged to register their land. Land titles will give full right to the landowner and facilitate land rental market with necessary legal support. 24

Diperlukan Kebijakan yang Mendukung Terjadinya Transformasi Pertanian

• Kebijakan pertanian pada masa Revolusi Hijau adalah supply driven, ditentukan oleh pemerintah, mulai dari tujuannya (untuk mencapai swasembada pangan), sampai pilihan teknologi, pengadaan kebutuhan inputnya sampai dengan harganya juga semua ditentukan oleh pemerintah.

• Perkembangan pesat permintaan hortikultur tidak dibuat atau ditentukan oleh pemerintah. Boom hortikultur ini adalah phenomena demand driven.

• Peranan pemerintah adalah memberikan dukungan (support) dan fasilitasi kepada para pelaku, khususnya pertani, agar mampu merespon dengan baik permintaan pasar

Diperlukan Kebijakan yang Mendukung Terjadinya Transformasi Pertanian

• Diperlukan sebuah forum komunikasi antara petani, suplyer supermarket, vendor industri makanan, dan lembaga penelitian agar para pelaku bisa dengan cepat merespon perubahan permintaan pasar.

• Petani harus ditumbuhkan kesadarannya untuk berusaha secara berkelompok, bukan diwajibkan berkelompok untuk menerima bantuan.

• Departemen Perdagangan, dan dinas-dinas perdagangan propinsi maupun kabupaten bagian perdagangan dalam negeri harus mampu membangun infrastruktur perdagangan sistem pasar tradisional, yang terdiri dari pasar induk dan pasar ritel tradisional.

Terima Kasih


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