Modeling 101: headshots and bodyshots

Post on 22-Dec-2014



Art & Photos



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Headshots and Bodyshots

Modeling 101:

A tutorial by natrules12

Hello! Many of you probably know how to take headshots and

bodyshots, but for those who do not, this tutorial will teach you the

proper way to do so. These two photos can really make an

impression at the beginning of a competition, so it is important to

do them correctly.

Oh! And guess what font I’m using?SimSun… Heheh :D

Graphic SettingsCertain graphic settings should be turned up as high as possible in order to make your image clear. If high settings slow your game down, just use them for taking screenshots. Good quality really makes a difference in photos. Also, set the screen size to one of the larger settings- this also helps the image quality.

Walls and FloorsNext, make a small room (This is 4X4).

Cover the inside walls with the flat wall and the floors with the simple flooring (under rugs).

Go into Create-A-Style, and select the plain white under Misc.Drag the brightness bar all the way up, and set it as the walls and floors color.

*Afterwards, make sure you put a roof on!

Invisible lights!

Open the cheat window by pressingCtrl+Shift+C

Type intestingcheatsenabled trueand hit enter.

Then type buydebugand hit enter.

Enter buy mode, then click ‘Sort By Function.’

Click the ? that appears on the top, and then ‘Misc. Objects’

Go through the items until you see the invisible Ceiling Area Lights. I use the 2X2. Place 4 of these so that they cover the ceiling.

Continue going through the items until you find the Wall Area Lights.

Using the 2X2, place a bunch of them in different angles facing one of the walls. You will put your model in the center of all of them!

Setting up your SimOpen the cheat window again and typemoveobjects on

In buy mode, use the hand tool to pick up your sim and place him/her in the center of the wall lights

*Holding Alt allows you to move them anywhere on the grid.

To get rid of the plumbob and thought bubble, typehideheadlineeffects onin the cheat window.

Cameraman ModeWhen you are ready to take your picture, press Tab- This opens cameraman mode. Cameraman mode is vital for taking pictures because it allows you to manipulate the camera more freely.

Z=zoom in X=zoom out

Shift+A=rotate left Shift+D =rotate right

Q=move camera down E=move camera up

Without Cameraman:

With Cameraman:

BodyshotsFor standing bodyshots, try rotating the screen using the cameraman controls. By taking your picture sideways, you’re zooming in more on your sim, which helps with quality. You can then rotate the screenshot when you’re done.

What to look for in headshots and bodyshots

•WHOLE head and WHOLE body are shown- don’t cut anything off!

•Try to make eye contact with the camera for the headshots!

•Your sim is bright enough, thanks to the invisible lights

•Background is perfectly white; no wall or flooring is visible

• Thank you for reading! I really hope this helps!

• Also, thank you to my lovely model Mandy for helping us out with this tutorial ;)

• If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them as best as I can!


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