

Here are the models that I considered for the front cover of my magazine…

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3Model 4

Model 5

Model 1

This model doesn’t have the skin tone which I have in mind for my magazine front cover and the hair colour may give connotations of a more pop (girly) artist rather than an R&B artist. This model has braces which may give a perception that she is young which isn’t what I am aiming for as my artist is to have had a child which will be discussed in the double page spread.

Model 2

This model has an ideal hair colour for what I am the look that I have in mind; however, she looks young and I need to make sure that my front cover artist looks old enough to be able to have had a child. However, her hair length is good for us to be open minded on what style the model will have on the day.

Model 3

This model has dark features which is the look that I aiming for but doesn’t have the correct skin tone which is what I am aiming for. This model has a tall height which isn’t what I am looking for because I want my artist to look like an artist, not like they are modelling the clothes that I put them in. My inspiration is Beyoncé and she has a shorter and curvier build.

Model 4

This model has the skin tone which I am looking for (similar to Beyoncé's) and I like the colour of her hair because there are two colours in it which gives the audience a sense of rebellion which could link to the genre of R&B. This model had big eyes which would stand out well on the front cover of my magazine and catch the audience’s attention.

Model 5

This model doesn’t have the hair colour or skin tone which I am looking for in the model that I use; however, her hair colour could stand out on the magazine because it isn’t a dull colour and is quite vibrant. She looks very young which unfortunately isn’t what I am looking for as I need a model who looks like they have had a child.

I chose…

Model 4

This model has the skin tone which I am looking for and I like how she has two colours in her hair. I feel like she could potentially look like a R&B artist when I take pictures of her the most out of all the models and I like how her eyes are big which could catch the audience’s attention on the front of the magazine.

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