
In – Travel Infotainment & Media Solutions In – Travel Infotainment & Media Solutions

An Introduction

What we do

How it works

Mobie Device is installed at the back of co-driver’s seat of a Cab. The device is a 3G Enabled, Android based Tablet

Users can listen to music, watch movies, get updates on news, play games & more

Private & Confidential16/04/2012

What's in it for passengers

What's in it for Marketers

Advertising & Marketing Opportunities….samplers…

Interactive Banner Advertisements

Take your friends wherever. Make video


Screensaver ads

Micro-site/ Brand App

Integration with Place Locator

Nearest Outlet

Mobile Integration for SMS based activities life gifting, interactive contests etc

Activity Integration with Mobility

Bracket Branding

Fleet Branding & Sampling- Cabs

Fleet branding & Sampling: Buses

Standard Ad Options Ad Innovations Advanced Integrations

Banner Ads –(545 x 416 px) and (225 x 416

px)20 second Impressions

Interactive Banners Road-block Campaigns

Video Ads – 30 seconds Impressions

Page Captures Brand Apps

Feature Sponsorships Expandable Banners Adver Games

Surveys & Questionnaires Pre-roll Video Ads Feedback Integrations

Category Specific Video Ads Location Specific Ads

Screen savers M-commerce Integration

Private & Confidential16/04/2012

Features Mobie TVHoardings &

PrintDigital OOH

ScreensOnline & Mobile



Highly Targeted

Consumer Interest

Accurate Analytics

Multiple Ad Formats

Innovation Avenues High Medium Medium Low High Low

Interaction with Consumer

On the Move

Emotional Purchases

Pricing Low High High Medium Low Medium

ROI High Medium Medium Low High Low

Private & Confidential16/04/2012

Marketing Mix @ Mobie

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Our Services

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