Miss Springborn Team 6. The" Era of Good Feelings” This describes the time period around James Monroe’s presidency. Era of Peace and Pride The country.

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Miss SpringbornTeam 6

The" Era of Good Feelings”This describes the

time period around James Monroe’s presidency.

Era of Peace and Pride

The country was very united around this president and had a common vision of America’s future…

The American SystemHenry Clay’s plan

to use tax/tariff money to build new roads and canals

Roads- Cumberland Road

Canals- Erie Canal

The Industrial RevolutionA period of RAPID

growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and production

Before this time most Americans depended heavily on their farms and the use of simple machines

When did this happen?When did this happen?Begins in the mid to late 1800’s

Why did this happen?Why did this happen?

There is an increase in demand for There is an increase in demand for goods and new inventions that make it goods and new inventions that make it possible to meet those demandspossible to meet those demands

What inventions???Slater’s Mills-

Created by Samuel Slater who brought his ideas with him from Britain.

His mills used water and fast flowing rivers to help power the machines

What inventions???Interchangeable

Parts- created by Eli Whitney.

This meant that

pieces inside of machines were exactly the same, making it easier to replace if it broke.

The Lowell System…Created by Francis

LowellHe hired young,

unmarried women from the local community that would live in boarding houses right near the factories.

These women became known as the “Lowell Girls”

Results of the Industrial Revolution

1. More goods were available for people to buy

2. The economy grows at a very rapid pace attracting many new immigrants

3. People move to large cities because of jobs4. Workers begin to unite in unions to

demand better working conditions5. Workers protest by going on strike (or

refusing to work) until conditions improve6. The Middle Class emerges as a large

social class

The Transportation RevolutionA period of rapid

growth in the speed and convenience of travel

Lead to growth in communication, trade and travel

Two Important Inventions: Steamboat and the Railroad.

The SteamboatInvented by Robert

FultonMade it faster and

cheaper to go upstream in rivers.

Very popular along the Mississippi River.

The Railroad TrainCreated by Peter CooperBecame popular in the 1830’sRailroad fever begins and continues for the

next 60 yearsBy 1860 30,000 miles of track had been


Other Inventions…1. Telegraph- created by

Samuel Morse and allowed you to send messages great distances through wires and using Morse Code. Made communication easier

2. Iron Plows- created by John Deere to help farmers in plowing their fields. This resulted in MORE crops.

More inventions…3. Mechanical Reaper-

created by Cyrus McCormick to help with the farmers harvest. This resulted in MORE crops

4. Sewing Machine- created by Isaac Singer. Decreased time to sew something.

More inventions…5. Cotton Gin- created

by Eli Whitney to help the cotton farmers of the South.

It separated the seeds from the cotton.

This made it faster to process cotton and increased the need for Slaves.

More cotton was produced in the South

Movements of the 1800’sImmigration- large

numbers of immigrants came from Germany and Ireland.

Most were seeking jobs or wanted to escape political or economic problems in their countries.

NativistsPeople called Nativists wanted to limit those

allowed in our country. Were prejudice against the large numbers of

Catholics that were immigrating here. They formed a group called the Know-

Nothing Party who wanted to make immigration difficult.

Other MovementsPrison Reform-

Dorothea Dix pushed to have the mentally ill removed from prisons and put into state hospitals.

Also she pushed to alleviate overcrowding in jails.

Other MovementsTemperance

Movement- this group wanted to prevent alcoholism.

Some wanted to go as far as to suggest banning alcohol completely.

Education….• Horace Mann pushed for the creation of

public schools allowing for more children to attend school and improve teaching conditions.

• For the first time colleges were founded for women to study at the college level.

Education….There was also a

push for the greater education of the poor and former slaves.

Opportunities for women and blacks were mostly found in the North and the Midwest.

Abolitionist Movement:This group

wanted the complete end to slavery and immediate emancipation of all slaves.

Women’s Rights Movement…Women pushed to improve

their lives including working towards voting rights, better education, and more rights in the law for protection.

AT the Seneca Falls Convention women gathered and wrote the Declaration of Sentiments that stated the rights they deserved and were being denied.

Quote by Susan B Anthony “ “ There will never be complete equality until There will never be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers…the fact is, women are in chains, and lawmakers…the fact is, women are in chains, and their servitude (enslavement) is all the more their servitude (enslavement) is all the more despicable because they do not realize it! O to despicable because they do not realize it! O to see and feel and to give them the courage and the see and feel and to give them the courage and the conscience to speak and act for their own conscience to speak and act for their own freedom, though they face scorn and contempt of freedom, though they face scorn and contempt of all the world for doing it! ”all the world for doing it! ”

The Election of 1824John Quincy Adams

Secretary of StateHarvard EducatedRepublicanSon of John Adams –

(second president of the United States)

Andrew JacksonSenator from

TennesseeBorn into a poor

familyLog cabin RepublicanWar Hero

The Election of 1824Jackson won the

popular vote, but did not receive enough electoral votes.

Under the Constitution, the House of Representatives had to choose the winner.

The “Corrupt Bargain”Speaker of the

House, Henry Clay influenced the vote by backing Adams

Jackson’s supporters claimed that Adams had made a “corrupt bargain” with Clay.

A Stolen Presidency Many people believed that Adams stole the

election of 1824These people got together to make sure that

Jackson would become the next President in 1828.They called themselves the Democratic Party.Those who still supported President Adams

starting calling themselves National Republicans.

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