Minutes.doc · Web viewtee was scheduled to meet at Jo Carroll Energy on January 7, 2010. The meeting was postponed due

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GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

January 11, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business

Monday, January 11, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner, and Wayne Wienen (a quorum). Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Road Commissioner Jeff Winders. Absent: Trustee Larry Lomax.

Others present: Township citizens Ginger and Mo Bartot, Gary Diedrick, and Nancy Willett.MINUTES

A copy of the December 14, 2009, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Wienen moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Ripley. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

Bills that were received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for their review. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Ripley moved the bills be paid. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reported on the Certificate of Status of Exempt Property. This is a list of Township properties that are exempt from property taxes. Wachter will verify the information and will then file the Certificate with the County Assessor’s office.

Wachter mentioned the Rotary Roundtable scheduled for January 13, 2010. Due to an other commitment he will not be able to attend. Those on the Board who will be attending are Trustees

Dan Ripley and Larry Stoneburner and Township Clerk Claire Bersbach.

Wachter noted that the Notices of Assessments had been published in the paper, tax payers have 30 days to appeal, and asked if anyone had any questions.

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Supervisor Wachter commended Road Commissioner Winders and the Township road crew on the great job they have done this winter keeping the roads plowed and sanded.

Wachter received a copy of sample ballots for the February 2nd Primary Election from the County Clerk. The sample ballots must be posted available for inspection at least ten days prior to the election.

Supervisor Wachter received information from University of Illinois Extension regarding programming for local officials and interested citizens. Their audio-conferencing system allows participation at their Extension offices in Elizabeth. The winter program includes – January 28: Quality of Life: Why is it Important?; February 25: “Green-Collar” Jobs: Workforce Development in the New Economy; March 25: Comprehensive Planning: Looking into the Future; and April 22: Taxes: Finding the Right Balance. Each program runs from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Call (815) 858-2273 for more information.

Road Commissioner Winders noted that in the bills presented there is $11,979 reimbursement for Road and Bridge from Special Bridge for storm drainage damage.

The claim for the generator damage was closed. Deductible was $250. There may be a need for a larger line from the LP tank.

Winders said that each member of the full time road crew had put in 35 to 38 hours of overtime during the Christmas week.

Road Commissioner Winders reported receiving 50 tons of salt on January 8 plus 22 tons received earlier that week. Winders stated the Township must notify the state by March 1 every year of the total amount of salt anticipated to be needed for the following winter and must purchase 80% of that total amount. He was able to cut back on the amount for this year because there had been some left over from last year.

Township Clerk Bersbach reported the press release announcing the Township’s website was published in The Galena Gazette and the press release photo of the Township Board has been loaded to the website.

All approved meeting minutes (May through November, 2009) have been loaded to both the website and the flash drive. Bersbach thanked Township citizen, Gary Diedrick, for helping with learning how to use the flash drive and loading the meeting minutes. The township has had a number of “positive feedback” e-mails and comments regarding the website. Road Commissioner Winders took a picture of our new truck and helped load it to the website on the Highway Department page. Supervisor Wachter provided a picture of the old Townhall that was scanned and loaded to the website. If anyone else has any photos of the old Townhall or other historic pictures, please let us know.

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Regarding Census 2010, an article was published in the January 2010 issue of The Territory Times. Articles have also been published in both The Galena Gazette and in The Flash. Another article is scheduled for publication in the February issue of The Territory Times. A copy of that article, Frequently Asked Questions, was put in this month’s Board packs. The Elizabeth-Hanover Complete Count Commit-tee was scheduled to meet at Jo Carroll Energy on January 7, 2010. The meeting was postponed due to bad weather.

The Township and the Road District Levies were filed at the County Courthouse December 15, 2009. Clerk Bersbach learned that, while the information contained in the Auditor’s Report is much the same as in the Comptroller’s Report, they are, in fact, two different reports. The Comptroller’s Report was obtained from Supervisor Wachter and was filed at the County Courthouse December 16, 2009.

Bersbach e-mailed a Public Notice of the 2010 meeting schedule to The Flash December 24, 2009. It was published in the December 29, 2009, issue.

Bersbach concluded by stating a list of Township officials required to file a Statement of Economic Interest had been faxed to the County Clerk on January 5, 2010. This is an annual

requirement. The requirement for last year was fulfilled by virtue of the SEIs filed with election candidacy paperwork.

Trustee Stoneburner suggested that the Township’s web address be posted on the outside bulletin board.

Trustee Wienen reported a request from Township citizen Madelynn Wilharm to have access to old town record books. Clerk Bersbach advised that Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires public bodies to make public records available for inspection. Public bodies must also keep a record (fill out a form) of any request(s) for information. The actual record(s) belonging to the Township will not be given out but copies will be made. The first 50 copies are provided at no charge to the person making the request, the cost of any copies beyond that is at “actual cost.” Trustee Ripley moved the Clerk make it possible for Ms. Wilharm to have proper access to Township records. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Clerk Bersbach will contact Ms. Wilharm regarding her request.UNFINISHED BUSINESS

Road Commissioner Winders commented that the work done by the Guilford Township Highway Department through the EPA 319 Grant was approved and we should be receiving the monies soon.NEW BUSINESS

Road Commissioner Winders asked the Board to pass Township Weight Limit Road Posting Resolution 2010, Number 001, to be enacted when the Road Com-

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missioner deems it needed. Trustee Ripley moved the resolution be adopted. Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.PUBLIC COMMENTS

Township citizen Ginger Bartot asked about the work that has been done on Cogan Drive. Winders explained that Guilford Township was extending and improving the culvert and drainage areas in that valley. The work was being done as a Joint Bridge project with Jo Daviess County in accordance with Illinois Compiled Statute 605 ILCS 5/5-501.ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Stoneburner moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: Date: February 8, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

February 8, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business

Monday, February 8, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Larry Stoneburner, and Wayne Wienen (a quorum). Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders. Absent: Trustee Dan Ripley.

Others present: Township citizen Gary Diedrick and Galena Territory Association Board President, Bill Kimball.MINUTES

A copy of the January 11, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Wienen moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Stoneburner. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

Bills that were received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for their review. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Wienen moved the bills be paid. Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reported there were 237 ballots cast at Guilford Town Hall in the Primary Election on February 2. Sheriff’s candidate Kevin Turner received a total of 206 votes while Leo Hefel received 54. The total number of ballots cast by Guilford Township citizens was 260 which includes absentee ballots cast at the courthouse.

Wachter mentioned that paychecks would show a slight increase in the “take home” amount due to a reduction in the State rate of what is withheld.

Wachter noted that business mileage reimbursement drops from 55 cents per mile to 50 cents per mile in 2010.

Supervisor Wachter reported on a letter received from TOI (Township Officials of Illinois). Included were four free updated (2009) copies of the Trustees’ Operations Manual. The Trustees Division District Meeting is in Rockford on Friday, July 9, 2010.Guilford Township Board Meeting, February 8, 2010 Page 2 of 5

Another letter from TOI noted the 28th Annual Township Topics Day in Springfield will be held on Tuesday, April 20th. This is an opportunity to discuss matters that concern all townships. Registration is $75 per person and the last day to register is April 13. We will look at this again at the April meeting.

Wachter noted that Township Clerk Bersbach has completed on-line Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act training, testing, and Certification. Initial training and Certification must be completed by June 30, 2010; trainings must be completed annually after that date. Adoption of the proposed Freedom of Information Act Resolution designating the Township Clerk as FOIA Officer and the Township Supervisor as Alternate FOIA Officer is on tonight’s Agenda under New Business.

Supervisor Wachter attended the Elizabeth Ambulance Meeting on February 2. The Annual Financial Report was reviewed, there were updates on the building addition, and incumbent officers were re-elected. The next meeting is April 20.

Wachter reported on contact made with M. Spinello & Son Locksmiths in Rockford regarding the township’s safe. The approximate cost to come out, look at the safe, same day service on-site to include take apart, lubricate, and change the combination if needed is $262 (allow more if additional parts and an extra trip is required). Spinello Locksmiths could also move the safe into the townhall, if desired. We should provide them with the dimensions of the safe so they will bring the correct appliance dolly. The exterior of the safe could be cleaned using a mild solution of Dawn dish detergent. Matthew (at Spinello) commented that really old safes are much more reliable than newer ones because of metal parts instead of plastic.

Trustee Lomax moved the expense be approved to have Spinello repair the safe. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice

vote, approved unanimously. Supervisor Wachter will follow up with Spinello to arrange a mutually convenient date.

Supervisor Wachter commended Highway Commissioner Winders and the township road crew on the great job they have done this winter of continuing to keep the roads plowed and sanded.

Wachter concluded his report with the comment that the Annual Renewal Packets had been received from TOIRMA (Township Officials of Illinois Risk Management Association). Supervisor Wachter and Highway Commissioner Winders have completed the forms and returned them to TOIRMA. We now await notification of the new premium amounts which will be due June 1, 2010.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported that on January 13 he attended the Officers meeting of The Northwest Illinois Highway Commissioners at the Byron Township Building, Byron, Illinois. The date of May 7, 2010, has been selected as the annual Spring Seminar day. The meeting will be held at the Westwood Sports

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Center in Sterling, Illinois. This year’s topics will focus on Township Right-of-Ways, Retro-Reflective Road Signs, as well as changes in J.U.L.I.E. laws.

From January 20 through January 22 we received freezing rain, sleet, and “frizzle.” Fortunately the road temperatures as well as the air temperatures were in the mid-twenties and we were able to melt the ice and keep traffic safe.

As of today, we have purchased about 375 tons of the 600 tons of rock salt bid. We are mandated to purchase 80% of the amount bid or 480 tons. Last year we had around 150 tons of salt stored in the shed through the summer. Our largest winter use of salt was the 2007-2008 year where approximately 700 tons of salt was spread.

On January 26 Winders attended the quarterly meeting of the Jo Daviess County Highway Commissioners Association. Decker Signs sponsored the meeting and retro-reflectivity was the topic of discussion. Jo Carroll Energy was also represented requesting cooperation on the ability to access township roads with an

emergency mobile transformer. This unit would need an over-weight, over-width permit to travel any roadway.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported there was a problem with the hydraulics on the Caterpillar 287B Trac loader. Patten Cat (Rockford) found the problem to be the Hydraulic Engine Control Module. The ECM for the motor was replaced under the extended warranty per the bid specs. In the 18 months since the coverage expired we’ve replaced a hydraulic drive motor, tracks, and now this ECM. Due to the value of this machine, conditions in which it works, this may be something we should trade and keep under warranty. The 2008 International has had to have a turbo charger replaced as well as the emission control coolers. This work was performed under warranty.

Winders stated we received $17,500 for work done on the 319 EPA Grant.

Highway Commissioner Winders noted one more bill for Special Bridge had been included in the bills for the Trustees’ to review and approve for work done on Cogan.

Winders informed the Board we had chip-sealed the shoulders along Eagle Ridge Drive seven years ago and six summers ago micro-sealed the entire roadway incorporating the shoulder surface with the roadway. Winders said he would like to bid resurfacing Eagle Ridge Drive this year, comparing bids for a thin asphalt overlay, a Nova Chip (an asphalt-emulsion combination), and a single coat micro-seal, weigh the cost and effect of each type surface and decide from there.

Trustee Stoneburner moved we declare up to 40% of Eagle Ridge Drive a drainage project and use funds from Special Bridge. Seconded by Trustee Wienen. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

Winders noted that the Grant Application for work on North Ford Road missed the deadline due to the late SUP (Special Use Permit) approval by County for

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Galena Cellars’ expansion plans. Winders has re-done the paperwork and re-filed the Grant Application. He has been advised that our prospects for being awarded grant monies are favorable.

Highway Commissioner Winders concluded by stating he will be attending a meeting with County on Friday to discuss Motor Fuel Tax.

Clerk Bersbach reported she has completed on-line training, testing and certification for both FOIA and OMA (Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act).

In regard to Census 2010, an article was published in the February Territory Times. Another one is scheduled for March as well as on-going articles in The Flash and Galena Gazette.

Census information is posted on the Townhall bulletin board and available in the “Take One” brochure holder.

Bersbach attended the Complete Count Committee meeting on Thursday, January 28. We reviewed the Action Plan, selected “Be Counted” posters to be sent to area businesses and churches. There will be drop off / pick up locations for Census Questionnaires at Jo Carroll Energy (Savannah and Elizabeth), and at the GTA Property Owners’ building in the event anyone misplaces their questionnaire or return envelope. The Galena Library will have a “help center” for anyone who may need assistance completing the questionnaire.

Heidi Weber, Complete Count Committee Chair finally heard from the Census bureau letting her know there would be no money for 2010 Complete Count Committees, we will not be getting any census related promotional items to hand out at the GTA Annual Meeting, nor will we be able to request any specific promotional items. We did, however, receive promotional items we did not request.

The topic of the Rotary Roundtable Bersbach attended in January was “Forecasting Change – Are You Ready?” Eight panelists from a variety of backgrounds discussed such topics as: identify potential changes; help grow existing businesses; collaborate, connect, co-operate; you cannot strengthen your economy just on tourism; planning is key; be involved, figure out a way to contribute; think in terms of regionalism; how can we prepare for changes to preserve, protect, and enhance life in Jo Daviess County.

In regard to the website, the press release announcing the Township’s website was published in the February issue of The Territory Times. It has previously been published in The Galena Gazette.

Required FOIA information will be posted to the Township’s website and on the Township’s bulletin boards after approval of the FOIA Resolution.

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Township citizen Madelynn Wilharm spent about three hours looking through old record books at Bersbach’s home on Thursday, January 28. Bersbach will make herself available to Ms. Wilharm at mutually convenient times as she works through her project, a brief history of Guilford Township.

Bersbach concluded by stating that last month Supervisor Wachter informed us of four no-cost programs being offered by University of Illinois Extension. Bersbach attended the first one “Quality of Life: Why is it important?” on January 28 and plans to attend the other three programs as well.UNFINISHED BUSINESSNone.NEW BUSINESS

Board members were given a copy of the proposed Freedom of Information Act Resolution designating the Township Clerk as the FOIA Officer and the Township Supervisor as the Alternate FOIA Officer in conformity with the provisions of Section 3 of Public Act 96-542. Trustee Lomax moved that the Resolution be approved. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. The Resolution was signed by the Board and the Township Clerk.

Supervisor Wachter reported receiving material from Eagle Ridge Resort regarding their Assessment Complaint. This will be on-going with the Board of Appeals.

Supervisor Wachter also commented that the Agenda for the April Annual Meeting will be set by the Board at the regular March meeting. Any 15 registered voters in the township may request an agenda item for consideration by giving written notice of a specific request to the Township Clerk no later than March 1. Items not on the published agenda may not be considered.PUBLIC COMMENTS

GTA Board President Bill Kimball commended the Township Board saying, “Keep up the good work.” Kimball went on to

compliment Highway Commissioner Winders and the road crew for their hard work.ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Lomax moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: Date: March 8, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

March 8, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business

Monday, March 8, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner, and Wayne Wienen (a quorum). Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.

Others present: Guest speaker Mark Turczynski, Township citizens Gary Diedrick and Nancy Willett.GUEST SPEAKER

Mark Turczynski, President, Midwest Engineering Consultants, Ltd., Moline, Illinois, spoke to the Board about the construction, installation and operation of the Solar Powershed, the first fully self-contained, homeowner friendly, portable solar photovoltaic system, along with costs and incentives the Township would be eligible for. Mr. Turczynski said the shed is built to withstand 90 mph winds, weighs 3500 pounds total, and costs $27,000. The Powershed does not “store” electrical energy. As a branch of local government, the Township would be eligible for the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation Grant and Federal Renewable Energy Production Incentive.

Questions asked included “Is a permit required?” No, the structure is less than 10x10 feet. “Can the structure be covered by insurance?” Yes, the same as any other structure would be covered. “Is it prone to be struck by lightning?” No more than any other out building. “Is it taxed as other real estate property?” Only at a percentage of its real value.

Mr. Turczynski offered his help to the Board with the grant application process. Supervisor Wachter thanked Mr. Turczynski for his informative presentation.

MINUTESA copy of the February 8, 2010, meeting minutes was provided

to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Stoneburner moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Lomax. By voice vote, approved unanimously.Guilford Township Board Meeting, March 8, 2010 Page 2 of 6

TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLSSupervisor Wachter commented that Township Officials of

Illinois sent notification regarding Trustees’ Annual Dues of $30 for 2010. Trustee Wienen moved the expense be approved. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. A check will be issued and mailed in April.

Supervisor Wachter asked the Board to formally approve two Line Item Transfers of Appropriation in the Town Fund. The first Transfer is $2,500.00 from Line Item Contractual 10-521 Building Maintenance to Line Item 10-580 Miscellaneous Expense. The second Transfer is $4,500.00 from Line Item Personnel 10-507 Retirement to Line Item 10-580 Miscellaneous Expense. Line Item Personnel 10-507 Retirement is being zeroed out and will not be a listed item in the next Budget and Appropriation Ordinance since “retirement” is already covered under IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund). These two transfers will infuse $7,000.00 into 10-580 Miscellaneous Expense to cover the annual contract payment to Galena Ambulance Service which will be a listed Line Item in the next Budget. Trustee Ripley moved to approve the transfer, Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

Wachter noted in the recent issue of Perspective, TOIRMA Executive Director, Rod Beck, stated the TOIRMA Board has once again declared a dividend would be returned to members. The 15 % dividend is based on the membership of the 2004-2005 program year. The dividend check will be mailed to Supervisor Wachter on March 15th.

Highway Commissioner Winders commented that of the 1400+ Townships in Illinois, some 1200 are in this self-insurance group.

Winders said we are completely self-insured and this has resulted in substantial savings to the Township over the years.

Bills that were received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for their review. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Lomax moved the bills be paid. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reminded the Board of the Multi-Township Assessing District (MTAD) meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 11, 7 p.m., at Council Hill. The purpose of the meeting is to set the meeting dates and the tentative budget for the coming year. The meeting is open to the public. The MTAD Budget Hearing will be held in May.

Wachter mentioned that Spinello Locksmiths (Rockford) came out February 11, opened the safe, took it apart, did some cleaning, and, with help from Wachter and Highway Commissioner Winders, moved the safe from the garage into the Town-

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hall. Information inside the safe indicates it was built in 1919. The work was completed at the amount quoted plus a $9.50 fuel surcharge.

Wachter reported the required letter had been sent to the Public Access Counselor (Cara Smith in Springfield) regarding Township Clerk Bersbach having successfully completed FOIA and OMA on-line training. Bersbach is designated as the OMA (Open Meetings Act) representative and FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Officer for Guilford Township. Wachter further commented that he will also be taking the on-line training and certification as alternate FOIA Officer.

Wachter advised the Board of a petition to put the 2010 Illinois Fair Map Amendment on the November ballot to amend the Illinois Constitution to change “the procedure by which the General Assembly redistricts the Legislative and Representative Districts” so that after Census data have been received, redistricting is done in a manner to fairly represent the citizens of Illinois. All members of the Board signed the petition.

Supervisor Wachter reported he had received a request for a CPR training session and one was conducted at the Town Hall on March 1. The training was conducted by Ruth Foley from Scales Mound who was assisted by Bob Todd, Dick Peterson, Les Virtue, and Boni Wittenbrink. Ms. Foley requested the group size be limited to about 15 participants and there were 10 in attendance. If there is an interest in additional training sessions, please contact Supervisor Wachter.

Wachter concluded his report by noting the 2010 Education District Program Schedule had been received. District 8 meets July 9 in Rockford, pre-registration is $40 per person. This year TOI has scheduled Education Programs for all Township officials at one location to encourage car pooling to reduce costs to the Townships. There will be Division Workshops of what is required with individual division and position responsibilities. We will take another look at this as we get closer to the date.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported since our last meeting we had eight occasions to plow snow, as well as “winging” the snow back to allow for better and less harmful melting. These actions are reflected in our diesel fuel bills.

Winders and the road crew attended their annual Mine, Safety and Health Administration eight-hour refresher course. MSHA is a federally subsidized safety program which is mandatory for anyone entering quarry properties during crushing operations. Guilford Township has been a member of this program since 1999.

Winders stated the clutch on the 1996 Ford L8000 was replaced this month.

On February 18 Highway Commissioner Winders attended The Galena Territory Property Owners’ Association Board of Architectural Review Contractors meeting. Among the speakers were Marty Johnson who talked about geo-thermal heating and cooling; Jo-Carroll Energy spoke on cost efficient electricity; Scales Mound Fire Chief Carl Winter spoke about home construction Guilford Township Board Meeting, March 8, 2010 Page 4 of 6

inspections for the fire protection district. Winders spoke about the annual seasonal temporary road postings. Bill Keeffer of County Building and Zoning was also in attendance.

Winders reported he had been in contact with Joe Harris of Road Science LLC and aggregate samples have been supplied to his chemist for a Nova Chip asphalt mix design. Winders has also been working with Civil Constructors on the Eagle Ridge Drive project.

Highway Commissioner Winders concluded by stating this winter’s road side tree trimming and brush removal kicked off the first week of March for the season.

Clerk Bersbach reported that updated Required Freedom of Information Act information was posted on the Township Bulletin Boards and the Township’s website on February 11. FOIA and OMA (Open Meetings Act) Certifications have been posted on the bulletin board.

The Galena Territory Association’s webmaster, Roy Wiemerslage, notified us he had put a live link to Guilford Township’s website on GTA’s website. He also posted the February Territory Times “Press Release” article about Guilford Township launching a website on GTA’s website. That will increase awareness of our website for people who may not yet be aware of it.

Highway Commissioner Winders notified Bersbach the Township’s roads were “posted” effective March 2, 2010. The pertinent information was put on the Highway Department’s page on the Township’s website.

Bersbach put an informational hand-out regarding Census 2010 on some 600 chair seats in the meeting room for The Galena Territory’s Annual meeting February 27. In his address to the members at the meeting, GTA Board President, Bill Kimball, stressed the importance of promptly completing and returning Census questionnaires.

We received an e-mail from Census Partnership Specialist, Jessica J. Mackinson, advising that questionnaires will be received mid-March. If not returned, another will be mailed in mid-April. Non-Response Follow Up operation will continue May through July.

In addition we received an e-mail from U.S. Census Director Robert Groves with a web address where we can check mail participation rate.

In January Supervisor Wachter informed us of four no-cost programs offered by University of Illinois Extension. Bersbach attended the second program, “Green Collar” Jobs – Workforce

Development in the New Economy on February 25. In brief, Green Collar Jobs employ workers in producing or offering products or services that: build clean, renewable energy systems, promote energy efficiency, contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources, prevent pollution, clean up the environment, and promote the reduction of harmful emissions.Guilford Township Board Meeting, March 8, 2010 Page 5 of 6

The next program offered is March 25: Comprehensive Planning: Looking into the Future. Additional information about the program is posted on the outside bulletin board.

Trustee Stoneburner reported he attended a meeting in February at Eagle Ridge Inn sponsored by the Galena Rotary focusing on what are the needs for Jo Daviess County. Stoneburner said 50 years ago no citizen living in Guilford Township could have foreseen the changes which have come to the Township and communities that surround us. (Take Dubuque for example.) Those who will live here in the future will have a life much different than ours today. The primary picture defining Guilford Township is “the family farm and individual homes.” What should tomorrow bring?

A recent off-shoot of the Rotary Roundtable is the challenge for everyone to develop ideas about the future of our community. The following is lifted from the Vision 2020 booklet: What would make Guilford Township an ideal place to live and work? Where is the best place you have ever visited? What did you like about it? Could those things fit here? What is missing here? What would make you stay here? If you could be mayor for a day here - and could do anything - what would it be? Everyone in Guilford is invited to contribute ideas to the discussion. Each can “think” about what Guilford Township means to you. When you are with other citizens, you can express your view. Your opinion is important!

Township citizen Nancy Willett also attended both the Rotary Roundtable and the Vision 2020 session. Willett commented since most Board members work and likely were not able to attend these programs, they (Stoneburner & Willett) were bringing this mini-presentation to the Board at the Township meeting to collect as many suggestions as possible from diverse groups.

Trustee Ripley suggested consideration of a solid waste disposal and recycling center. He has seen these elsewhere and mentioned The Galena Territory’s Mt. Hope collection center. Willett will submit his idea to Vision 2020.UNFINISHED BUSINESSNone.NEW BUSINESS

Supervisor Wachter reported Board members received a copy of the proposed Agenda for the Annual Meeting in their Board packs. Per 60 ILCS 1/30-10, the Annual Meeting Agenda must be set at the March Meeting. Wachter asked the Board if there were any changes or additions. Trustee Stoneburner moved the proposed Annual Meeting Agenda be approved. Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

The approved Annual Meeting Agenda is:1. Call to Order2. Elect a ModeratorGuilford Township Board Meeting, March 8, 2010 Page 6 of 6

3. Review the 2009 Annual Meeting Minutes4. Review the Financial Reports5. Power to Transfer Funds6. Set the time of the 2011 Annual Meeting7. Adjourn

At the 2009 Annual Meeting, the Electors gave the Board the power to transfer funds as needed. Trustee Stoneburner moved to declare “surplus” funds not to exceed $111,500 as shown in the Revised Budget and Appropriation Ordinance adopted August 17, 2009, and that said funds be transferred to the Road Fund. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Ripley went on to comment that the use of the word “surplus” is somewhat misleading as our budgeting process is as tight as we can make it and still cover costs to maintain our roads.PUBLIC COMMENTSNone.ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Lomax moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Wienen seconded. By

voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: April 13, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

April 13, 2010, 6:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business

Tuesday, April 13, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner, and Wayne Wienen (a quorum). Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.

Others present: Township citizens Bill Bersbach, Gary Diedrick, Bob and Frances Rivoire, Dave and Kim Tomasko, Kay Weibel, and Nancy Willett. Also attending was Galena Territory Association Board President Bill Kimball.MINUTES

A copy of the March 8, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Ripley moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Wienen. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

A copy of the tentative 2010-2011 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Township and for the Road District was in each Trustee’s Board Pack for review. Supervisor Wachter advised that the Public Hearing for the Budget and Appropriation Ordinances is scheduled for 7:45 p.m. at the May 10 meeting. Changes to the previous Township budget include listing the contract payment for ambulance service as a separate line item rather than showing it as a miscellaneous expense, removing the “Personnel - Retirement” line item amount (already covered in IMRF - Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund), an appropriated amount for alternate energy, and reducing the amount to be transferred to the Road District.

Highway Commissioner Winders stated that the tentative 2010-2011 Road District Budget and Appropriation Ordinance will be allowing for more diesel fuel use (the new trucks use more fuel, in part because of new environmental emission controls). Diesel fuel costs have varied from $2.35 to $4.35 in the past and are currently at $2.75. Winders has also budgeted for work on Eagle Ridge Drive and possible replacement of the motor grader.

Guilford Township Board Meeting, April 13, 2010 Page 2 of 5

Winders further stated the Road Levy for this year is $471,000 and commented about Tax Revenue based on Assessed Valuation at $200 million which puts the rate at 23 1/2¢ per $100 assessed valuation. The legal maximum for the Road District Levy is approximately 41 1/2¢. Prior to Jo Daviess County implementing tax caps, we were levying at the maximum rate.

The tentative 2010-2011 Township and the Road District Budget and Appropriation Ordinances are available for inspection by making arrangements with the Clerk.

Supervisor Wachter advised that the dividend check of $1,605 from TOIRMA (Township Officials of Illinois Risk Management Association) was received and deposited March 19. All TOIRMA members who joined the program from June 1, 1986, through May 31, 2005, and continue to be current members received a dividend. TOIRMA is a self-funded intergovernmental pool established to provide coverages exclusively for Illinois Townships that are members of Township Officials of Illinois. For more information, go to our website at, Info Center page.

Bills that were received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for their review. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Wienen moved the bills be paid. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reported on the Multi-Township Assessing District (MTAD) meeting held March 11 at Council Hill. The Income Statement showed total income of $12,936.52, operating expenses of $11,967.17, interest income of $7.55, and

other expenses of $561.67 for a total Net Income of $415.23. The budget for 2010-2011 is $12,923. Wachter noted mileage for the MTAD Assessor was reduced from 55¢ per mile to 50¢ per mile as per current IRS allowance.

The MTAD schedule of meetings was also set as follows:05/13/2010 7:00 p.m. Budget Hearing Guilford Town Hall10/14/2010 7:00 p.m. Levy Scales Mound Town Hall11/18/2010 7:00 p.m. If needed, to adopt Levy Scales Mound Town Hall03/10/2011 7:00 p.m. Set Budget and Meeting Dates Council Hill Town Hall

Kay Weibel asked what were some of the MTAD expenses. Wachter stated the chief expenses are salaries, payroll tax expense, and mileage. Other expenses include publishing notices and insurance expense. Wachter further commented it may be necessary to raise the Levy amount this year.

Wachter concluded his report by saying that all public officials are required to disclose economic interests they may have which may relate to their township office. A Statement of Economic Interests must be filed annually with the County Clerk. All Guilford Township officials have completed and returned their forms.Guilford Township Board Meeting, April 13, 2010 Page 3 of 5

Wachter noted that we have asked the County Clerk’s office to mail all the SEIs to the Township Clerk next year (instead of mailing to each individual Township official) to reduce postage expense to the county.Highway Commissioner Winders reported that brush cutting, winter aggregate clean-up, sign maintenance and cold patching were among last month’s priorities.

North Ford Road by the Anderson and Conrad farms had some damage from the thaw. This area was already planned for rehabilitation this summer and bid proposals had been included in our annual Motor Fuel Tax letting prior to the problem becoming exposed.

North Mill Creek Road also had some minor problems due to frost on the eastern portion of the road located within Guilford Township.

We also assisted Elizabeth Township to do some temporary patch work on Longhollow Road. During this bit of rehabilitation, our 1979 770A John Deere motor grader started to spew a grey slime out of the radiator overflow. We currently are having the head worked on and are waiting for a new oil cooler. This similar problem occurred in 2004 and we replaced the head gasket and had the cooler rebuilt.

Winders stated he is still working on costs for Eagle Ridge Drive resurfacing.

Highway Commissioner Winders advised he once again tested and is still certified by the Illinois State Department of Agriculture for Right-of-Way pesticide application.

Winders concluded his report by stating he had taken the on-line training and testing and is now National Incident Management System (NIMS) certified. (The goal of the Highway Commissioner being NIMS certified is for the Township to be able to apply for Flood Mitigation grants. Without the certification, we would not be eligible.)

Clerk Bersbach reported the Summary of the Supervisor’s Annual Financial Statement was posted on the Town Hall bulletin board on April 9 as required by Illinois Compiled Statutes 1/70-15.

The press release regarding the Dividend from TOIRMA was posted on the Township’s website.

The Public Notice for the May 10th Budget and Appropriation Ordinances Hearing was published in The Flash April 7th.

As of April 13, 2010, the Census 2010 mail in participation rate for Guilford Township was 71%, State of Illinois 70%, and national participation was 66%. Once non-response follow up procedures have been initiated to account for the many vacation or second homes in the area, we will have a better idea of the participation rate of the non-seasonal residents.

In January Supervisor Wachter informed us of four no-cost programs offered by University of Illinois Extension. I recently attended the third program, “Compre-Guilford Township Board Meeting, April 13, 2010 Page 4 of 5

hensive Planning, Looking into the Future.” In brief: A Comprehensive Plan is a guide, not law; it is not the same as a Zoning or Subdivision Ordinance - the plan comes first, then the Ordinances. A Comprehensive Plan serves as a guide to future

development; growth can be encouraged to take place where necessary services can be reasonably provided; conflicts between users can be minimized; farmland can be preserved; financial and other resources can be more effectively used, and a balance between private property and the common good can be maintained. The last program offered is April 22: Taxes, Finding the Right Balance. Additional information is posted on the outside bulletin board.

Bersbach concluded by saying, “It has been a joy to work with this Township Board. You have a depth of knowledge about our Township that is incredibly beneficial and have made my first year of service as Township Clerk an absolute pleasure. You have all been very kind and helpful to me and I’m looking forward to the next three years of working with you as we serve the citizens of Guilford Township.”UNFINISHED BUSINESS

Supervisor Wachter asked if any Board members had any comments regarding last month’s presentation by Mark Turczynski about the Solar Power Shed. For the benefit of those attending, Wachter summarized the information stating a 30% Federal income tax credit is available and up to 30% State of Illinois Rebate; there are two Solar Power Sheds in the Township; and the unit is portable, so you can take it with you if you move.

Township citizen Kay Weibel said they live in The Territory and do have solar panels on their home’s roof. They cannot store power but do have a special meter and can sell back to the utility. She does not believe there is any property tax liability.

Township citizen Dave Tomasko asked had anyone here compared wind turbine. Highway Commissioner Winders stated that the Township doesn’t have enough land to put a wind turbine the required distance from the buildings.

Supervisor Wachter commented that he has been using his personal cell phone for Township business considerably more than he estimated last year when he took office. He is going back to the plan used by the previous Supervisor and the cost will be split between the Township and the Road District.NEW BUSINESS

Supervisor Wachter reported that Board members received a copy of the proposed contract for Galena Area Emergency Medical Services District. The contract amount of $4,956 is unchanged at $6 per capita based on 826 residents according to the 2000

Census. Trustee Wienen moved the contract be approved. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

Guilford Township Board Meeting, April 13, 2010 Page 5 of 5

PUBLIC COMMENTSTownship citizen Bob Rivoire commented “how appreciative we

are of the road maintenance.” Township citizen Dave Tomasko asked about “frost heave” on Wachter Road, Territory Drive, and the area near the General Store. Highway Commissioner Winders explained that because asphalt material is not flexible, when the ground freezes with an abundance of moisture, it lifts the road surface and cracks the material. As long as the cracking is horizontal and not vertical, generally there is no base failure.ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Stoneburner moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: Date: May 10, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

May 10, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business

Monday, May 10, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner, and Wayne Wienen (a quorum). Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.

Others present: Township citizens Ginger Bartot, Gary Diedrick, and Nancy Segal. Also attending was Galena Territory Association Board President Bill Kimball.MINUTES

A copy of the April 13, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Stoneburner moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Wienen. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

Supervisor Wachter reminded the Board of the July 9 Education District Program in Rockford. Pre-registration is $40/person; on-site registration is $60/person. Wachter, Stoneburner, and Bersbach expressed their intention to attend.

Wachter noted the Catastrophic Medical Insurance premium for the period of 07/01/2010 to 07/01/2011 in the amount of $970 is due. The deductible is $15,000 and coverage is up to one-million dollars. The funds to pay the premium come out of the General Assistance Fund. Trustee Ripley moved the premium payment be approved. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

Wachter advised the Board that the Township Officials of Illinois Risk Management Association (TOIRMA) premium is due June 1,

2010. The amount for Town is $3,947; the amount for Road is $7,016. Total due is $10,963.

Bills that were received after the Board Packs were assembled (including the TOIRMA premium) were given to the Trustees for their review. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Lomax moved the bills be paid. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.Guilford Township Board Meeting, May 10, 2010 Page 2 of 6

PUBLIC HEARINGAt 7:45 p.m. Supervisor Wachter asked for a motion to

temporarily suspend the regular monthly Township Meeting and open the Public Hearing for the Town and Road District Budget and Appropriation Ordinances. Trustee Wienen so moved, Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

Board members had a copy of the Town Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 2010-2011 in their April Board Packs. The Clerk reported there were no requests to review the Ordinance. Supervisor Wachter asked if the Board had any questions about the Town Budget.

Trustee Ripley asked about General Assistance 15-31 Home Relief and Contractual Services. Supervisor Wachter indicated there was a moderate increase in the dollar amount budgeted. Trustee Ripley also asked about the General Town Fund Contractual Services-Utilities. Supervisor Wachter stated the fund was nearly depleted by the end of the year so the amount was increased in anticipation of possible higher costs in the coming year. Wachter further noted a reduction in 511 Maintenance Service-Building from $5,000 to $2,500 and that the total Town Fund went up about $15,000 from the previous year.

Supervisor Wachter asked for a motion to pass the Town Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 2010-2011 in the amount of $299,900. Trustee Ripley so moved, Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By roll call vote, passed unanimously.

Board members had a copy of the Road District Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 2010-2011 in their April Board Packs. The Clerk reported there were no requests to review the Ordinance. Supervisor Wachter asked if the Board had any questions about the Road District Budget. There was a brief

discussion about the amounts allocated to Contractual Services-Eagle Ridge Drive Drainage and Capital Outlay-Shoulders.

Supervisor Wachter asked for a motion to pass the Road District Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 2010-2011 in the amount of $1,011,999. Trustee Stoneburner so moved, Trustee Wienen seconded. By roll call vote, passed unanimously.

Supervisor Wachter then asked for a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing and return to the regular monthly Township Meeting. Trustee Lomax so moved, Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reported that the Multi-Township Assessing District (MTAD) Budget Hearing is 7 p.m., Thursday, May 13, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The MTAD calendar for FY 2010-2011 has been posted on Guilford Township’s website.

Wachter advised that the Township received a Press Release regarding Vision 2020 after Board Packs were assembled. According to the Press Release, more Guilford Township Board Meeting, May 10, 2010 Page 3of 6

than 750 ideas were submitted by the community. The committee reduced that to the Top 100 ideas for the community to vote on to further reduce it to 30 ideas.

In-person voting is May 20 at the Old Market House, the Train Depot, and at Piggly Wiggly from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. On-line voting will be open May 17-20 at the Vision2020 website,

Vision2020 is an open, all-inclusive discussion to develop a variety of ideas for the future of Galena. A copy of the Press Release and Top 100 ideas was given to the Township Board at tonight’s meeting.

Wachter concluded his report with a discussion of meeting compensation. Previous practice has been that, with the exception of the Highway Commissioner, Township Officials were paid extra meeting allowances for the Budget and Appropriation Ordinances Hearings. Comments included: Officials should only be paid for one meeting; compensation is set 180 days prior to the Board taking office and cannot be changed during the Board’s tenure; and, any Board member who feels receiving extra meeting allowances is too much may request to have the issued

check voided and a new check issued for only one meeting allowance ($70). Further research may be necessary.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported we have finished spring clean-up, sweeping and brush cutting. We have started ditch cleaning and drainage improvements.

The John Deere motor grader has been repaired, at least for now, and is back in service.

The cul de sac Crossing Court has been ditched, fabric placed and covered with gravel to repair recurring damage to the driving surface. The gravel surface will be chip sealed during summer seal coating.

The Eagle Ridge Drive asphalt contracts were completed and are available for the May 13, 10 a.m., bid opening.

On the evening of April 27, the Jo Daviess Highway Commissioners’ quarterly meeting was held with Jason Bagely of North American Salt (who again has been awarded our seasonal salt bid) as guest speaker.

On May 7 Winders attended the Northwest Illinois Highway Commissioners’ Spring Seminar. Right-of-Ways, road surveys, road dedications and abandonment, as well as urban annexation of Township roads were the topics of the day.

Clerk Bersbach reported that Supervisor Wachter sent thank you letters to The Galena Territory Association for their assistance with our recent Annual Township Meeting and Bersbach added her thanks (specifically Susan Miller, Sue Young, and Sarah Keleher) as well.

The Census Bureau sent the extra supply of blank questionnaires to Eagle Ridge instead of to The GTA. Bersbach retrieved the blank questionnaires, took them to The GTA office, and sent out an e-mail to Township citizens to let them know Guilford Township Board Meeting, May 10, 2010 Page 4 of 6

where they could obtain a blank questionnaire in the event they did not receive a form at their home address. In the past couple months Bersbach has had many conversations and received numerous phone calls or e-mails regarding the Census.

As of 05-10-2010, Census 2010 mail in participation rate for Guilford Township was 75%, State of Illinois 75%, and national participation was 72%. Door-to-door non-response follow-up procedures have begun. Per e-mail request from Jessica J.

Mackinson, Rockford, Bersbach notified GTA Security and the Sheriff’s Department (T. Winter).

In January Supervisor Wachter informed us of four no-cost programs offered by University of Illinois Extension. The last program offered was to have been April 22: Taxes, Finding the Right Balance. It was cancelled.

Regarding FOIA - Township Records, Bersbach reported that Township citizen Madelynn Wilharm’s review of old Township record books continues. Ms. Wilharm said once she has finished her project, Guilford Township will receive a copy.

Regarding FOIA - Meeting Minutes, Bersbach reported that on April 13, 2010, Township citizen Nancy Segal asked the Clerk certify her copy of the November and December 2009 Township Meeting Minutes.

Bersbach concluded that Highway Commissioner Winders’ two certifications (Pesticide and NIMS 100) were added to the Township’s website on the Highway Department page on April 20, 2010.

Trustee Stoneburner asked how this year’s Census participation compared to the previous Census. Bersbach replied that in 2000, Guilford Township had a 74% non-response rate with participation ultimately being 59% after non-response follow-up.

Trustee Ripley introduced the topic of Solid Waste Disposal and Recycle Center. Ripley stated in July 2009 he visited a county where he used to live and that they have a number of recycle centers. The facility he viewed was enclosed with a chain link fence, had an overhead light, about 10-15 dumpsters, an attendant on duty six hours a day, 4 days a week. The dumpsters provided a place for disposal of plastic, paper, tires, oil, aluminum, etc. The residents were very proud of their facility.

While Ripley has not yet talked with Gordon Montgomery, he asked “what is the most cost effective way to provide solid waste disposal?”

There were numerous questions and comments including: some buildings in Jo Daviess County are heated with used oil; people have to pay a fee to dispose of oil; Guilford Township has been storing drums of oil from changing the oil in the Township’s vehicles; there needs to be a constructive way to dispose of waste; Township citizens who contract with Montgomery for pick up pay $200 per year with pick up every week of “typical household waste” that does not include curb-

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side recycling; Woodbine tried it and it became a junk pile, everything got thrown in; keep someone there and lock it at night; it would be up to the citizens to be conscientious about hazardous waste; individual citizens would have to drive farther to get rid of their garbage; the Township population that does not include The Galena Territory Association would be different as GTA has so many renters.

Supervisor Wachter asked how large was the site Ripley viewed. Ripley thought it was about an acre. GTA Board President Bill Kimball commented that the GTA’s Mt. Hope site was probably less than an acre. Highway Commissioner Winders suggested asking former Township Board Trustee Madelynn Wilharm who wrote the grant for GTA’s Mt. Hope refuse and recycling center.

Trustee Ripley stated “we need someone who is interested to get all the information” and further commented there would have to be a referendum as it would be a tax issue.

Ripley concluded by asking to have the topic put on the July meeting Agenda for further discussion. UNFINISHED BUSINESSNoneNEW BUSINESSNonePUBLIC COMMENTS

Township citizen Ginger Bartot said this year marks the 150th anniversary of the arrival in Galena of U. S. Grant with his wife and children. Next year is the anniversary of the Civil War. There is a politician who has introduced a bill that Grant’s picture on the $50 bill be replaced. Ms. Bartot remarked that Grant’s role in the Civil War and the many related historic sites and tourist attractions in the area are very important to Galena’s economy and asked the Township to consider passing a resolution to send to Congressman Manzullo stating that “we encourage Congress to keep U. S. Grant on the $50 bill.”

The Board is prohibited from acting on anything not on the posted Township meeting Agenda but the request will be put on the June meeting Agenda.

Township citizen Nancy Segal referenced the March meeting minutes and asked for more information about the Solar Power

Shed. Supervisor Wachter explained that Mark Turczynski has a place nearby on Morley Road, the Board visited the site to view the Power Shed, Turczynski gave a presentation to the Board, the unit costs a little less than $30,000, there are private grants available, the unit does not store energy, and there are two Solar Power Shed units in the Township.

Guilford Township Board Meeting, May 10, 2010 Page 6 of 6

ADJOURNMENTThere being no further business to conduct, Trustee

Stoneburner moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: June 14, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

June 14, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business

Monday, June 14, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Dan Ripley, and Wayne Wienen (a quorum). Absent: Trustee Larry Stoneburner. Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.

Others present: Township citizens Ginger Bartot, and Gary Diedrick. Also attending was Galena Territory Association Board President Bill Kimball and Guest Speaker Colin Fulrath of the Jo Daviess County Sheriff’s Department.GUEST SPEAKER

Colin Fulrath addressed the Board regarding the County’s Continuity of Operations Plan. In the event a disaster rendered the Courthouse or the Public Safety Building uninhabitable and/or unsafe, the County would like to use the Guilford Township building as a Command Center. They would only use the main room and the parking lot on the side of the building, would bring in a trailer, satellite phone system, establish a unified command post, and would not interfere with Highway Commissioner Winders’ operations. The County would be liable for any damage(s) and would provide a certificate of insurance.

Because of the height of the tower and the generator, the Guilford Township building would be the ideal spot to set up the communications aspect of the County’s operations. There is already a coax cable running from the Guilford tower into the Township building.

Supervisor Wachter has talked with Township legal advisor Robert Roth. His recommendation was to have one of the County attorneys draft an agreement for his review. It would then be presented to the Township Trustees for approval and the Town Board would authorize the Supervisor to sign.

Jo Daviess County has already entered into similar agreements for the use of Turner Hall (in Galena) and The Galena Territory Association.MINUTES

A copy of the May 10, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Ripley moved the minutes

Guilford Township Board Meeting, June 14, 2010 Page 2 of 8

be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Lomax. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

Presented for approval were the Supervisor’s Annual Dues, Township Supervisors of Illinois at $25 and the Township Officials Annual Dues (a copy was in each Board pack). The total is $436.67 – $319.54 is based on our valuation of $196,602,612; plus $88.56 for population count between 500 and 1,000; plus a 7% NATaT (National Association of Towns and Townships) / education surcharge of $28.57.

Bills received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for review. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Wienen moved the bills be paid. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.REPORTS

MTAD Meeting: Supervisor Wachter reported the MTAD Board had its Budget Hearing and Review at the May 13 meeting at Guilford Town Hall. The total appropriation equals $15,423 with an ending balance of zero. We had $1,224 on hand and will need two to three thousand dollars to get through the first couple weeks of August. Apple River Bank will give us a small loan to cover expenses until property tax money is received.

Tax bills have gone out. We will set the Levy at the next MTAD meeting on October 14, 7:00 p.m., at Scales Mound Town Hall.

Tax Computation Reports: Wachter advised that the Tax Computation Reports were received from the County Clerk on May 28. Total EAV was $207,484,717 for the tax year 2009 compared to EAV of $196,602,612 for the previous tax year, 2008.

We levied $239,400 for Town. The Total Extension was $231,552.94 or $7,847.06 less. For the Road District we levied $471,389. The Total Extension was $455,802.43 or $15,586.57 less. The combined amounts are $23,433.63 less than what we levied.

Supervisor Wachter and Highway Commissioner Winders met with Jean Dimke at the Courthouse June 3rd and Angie assisted in adjusting the numbers. Adjustments to Town were: Corporate essentially unchanged at $217,900.45; IMRF had a slight reduction from $8,000 to $7,759.93; Audit was to be left the same; Liability Insurance dropped from $6,000 to $3,419.42; and General Assistance was reduced from $6,000 to $1,000.00.

Adjustments to Road District were: IMRF Road from $16,804 to $16,246.05; Road and Bridge essentially unchanged at $380,008.26; Bridge from $68,267 to $57,428.12; Road & Bridge Liability from $6,317 to $2,120.

Guilford Township Board Meeting, June 14, 2010 Page 3 of 8

This is the first time the Total Extension has been less than what the Township levied. We were told it was tied into the very low Consumer Price Index which was 1% instead of 3%. While every parcel in Guilford Township was re-assessed due to the quadrennial assessment, new growth in the Township was only 1% and we can only capture new growth. We will receive 2% of the 5% for which we levied. We would have to have a referendum in order to bring our rates back to the legal maximums, which rates were in effect prior to the implementation of tax caps. The reports were signed and filed with the County Clerk on June 3, 2010.

Supervisor Wachter received a phone call from a Township resident who was upset about an increase in property tax. The resident had protested her assessment on her vacant GTA lot and was told the Township Assessor was responsible for the increase in the assessment. Wachter advised the caller that assessors do not determine the value or the amount of tax on properties. Assessors record information about the property such as lot size, square footage of the dwelling, how many bedrooms and bathrooms, etc. That information is then processed at the County

Assessor’s office and computed to determine the taxes due on that property.

National Association of Towns and Townships: The National Association of Towns and Townships will hold America’s Town Meeting September 15 - 17 in Washington DC. This is a once-a-year opportunity to advance small community interests with Members of Congress and the Administration. Early registration for members is $239. Wachter has additional information if anyone is interested in attending.

Supervisor’s Cell Phone Service: Wachter commented that he has added his cell phone to Highway Commissioner Winders’ existing plan (as had been the case with the previous Supervisor) and will stay with US Cellular.

U.S. Census Bureau - Township Maps: The U.S. Census Bureau sent another pack of 17 sheets of large Township boundary maps to be reviewed. Supervisor Wachter met with Highway Commissioner Winders. Some of the Township boundaries appear to be in error compared to the previous set of marked maps the Township returned to the Census Bureau. Corrections will be made and the maps will be returned to the Census Bureau.

Vision2020: Supervisor Wachter concluded his report with information about Vision2020. The five final ideas will be announced June 21 at Turner Hall and will also be posted at along with all of the ideas, timeline, and complete information about the entire Vision2020 process.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported the spring to summer road construction season is well underway. Normal maintenance such as mowing has had second go round, and is growing well into another chance.Guilford Township Board Meeting, June 14, 2010 Page 4 of 8

In May we applied crack fill to Eagle Ridge Drive as well as Blackhawk Trace. A plastic culvert liner was inserted through a bottomless culvert crossing Territory Drive by the entrance to The Galena Territory property owners’ complex. By lining this culvert, we avoided having to dig through and ruining the base as well as the asphalt surface on Territory Drive.

Eagle Ridge Drive: The first week of June an asphalt overlay was applied to Eagle Ridge Drive. This should serve as smooth

wear surface for many years to come. Yellow center line striping has been applied and white shoulder striping is ready to lay as soon as the weather will cooperate. Striping on main roads lasts about one year.

The latest in road building material impacts has become latex marking paint. Dow Chemical has ceased making a necessary ingredient, putting a squeeze on the manufacturers of the paint. Our yearly paint shipment has been delayed, but is bound through a state bid to be delivered at the bid prices in a timely manner.

The township also received the following communication from the United States Department of Agriculture: “Jeff, Rural Business Enterprise Grant allocations were not as much as expected and the Guilford Township application could not be invited for funding in this fiscal year. The application will be held pending the availability of funds next year. I will be available after July 4 if you have any questions. Duane Smith, Area Specialist, USDA Rural Development.”

This grant refers to the one Highway Commissioner Winders applied for to be used on Ford Road. The permit applied for by Galena Cellars was not issued until after the deadline date for the grant.

Winders talked about proposed work for Ford Road, stating, if we are able to secure the grant next spring, he hopes to level the intersection. He has talked with Dave Wenzel and has full cooperation for any work needed to be done on his side, asphalt from intersection and past the Winery. Winders would like to fix all the driveway entrances and approaches within the project boundaries. Twenty rolls of fabric, at 360 feet per roll, were laid double wide today on the northernmost portion of North Ford Road within the Township.

Trustee Ripley asked about the bid opening for the Eagle Ridge Drive project. Winders advised that only one bid had been received and that was from Civil Constructors, Inc. of Illinois. Asphalt for the project was $72 a ton, almost tripled since 1991. Nearly all construction materials have tripled in cost since the end of the twentieth century and now.

Guilford Township road crew did the paint striping. The paint striper equipment worked just fine. Winders bought 110 gallons of yellow paint for the center line striping. We have bid through Illinois Central Management Services from Ennis Paint in Texas at

a bid price of $10 to $11 per gallon. The paint has been ordered but is on back order due to ingredient shortages.Guilford Township Board Meeting, June 14, 2010 Page 5 of 8

Winders stated it would likely take a Referendum to get the tax rates up where they were. We can hold for a while but may have some problems down the road. There is a two-foot (diameter) culvert on Eagle Ridge Drive which will be repaired soon. All the culverts were done on Cogan last year through a Joint Bridge Project with Jo Daviess County. If the tax rates were up, we could start asphalting all the cul de sacs. The initial cost would be high but it would save money in the long run.

When asked about the motor grader and if there were any plans for replacing it, Winders said it is fixed and operating for now. He has $110,000 in the budget for Capital Outlay-Equipment. Winders would like to get a new broom at about $5,000 to $6,000 and possibly a trailer for hauling the skid steer. Could buy a used trailer in good condition for about $1,650.

Americans with Disabilities Act: Clerk Bersbach reported there was an article on pages 35 & 36 in the May 2010 publication Perspective (received on the day of our May meeting) about the Americans with Disabilities Act which discusses “new” duties for Townships regarding giving notice to the public about the ADA’s requirements. A sample notice created by the Department of Justice and one modified for use by Townships with fewer than 50 employees was included. Bersbach has typed the notice for posting on our Township’s website and bulletin board and included a copy in each Board Pack for the Board’s review.

In addition to publishing or mailing the notice to township residents every two years, other methods of distribution include: post a copy at the town hall and at the Highway Department building, distribute a copy occasionally at trustee meetings, or include a copy with job applications or with General Assistance applications, or post a copy on the township’s website.

On tonight’s Agenda under New Business the Trustees will “Determine the most effective means to provide notice to the public about the public’s rights and the Township’s responsibilities under the ADA.”

Bid Opening for the Eagle Ridge Drive Project: Bersbach met with Highway Commissioner Winders on May 13, 2010, witnessed and recorded the Bid Opening for the Eagle Ridge Drive project. Civil Constructors’ bid was $253,747.82 for the project. In early June Bersbach overheard comments indicating some people thought either the County or East Galena Township was responsible for the resurfacing. Bersbach announced at GTA Ladies’ Coffee, “To those of you who use Eagle Ridge Drive, Guilford Township says, ‘You’re welcome. Guilford Township paid for and handled that project.’” That was followed by a big round of applause. A number of ladies commented, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Budget and Appropriation Ordinances: The Budget and Appropriation Ordinances and the Supervisor’s Certified Estimate of Revenue by Source for the Township and Road District were filed at the County Courthouse May 11, 2010.

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FOIA: Township citizen Madelynn Wilharm has been in touch regarding her project of reviewing Township records.

Website: Bersbach has added Highway Commissioner Winders’ 2010 Highway Department Report to the Township’s website on the Information Center page.

Township Flag: Bersbach concluded by telling the Board of an e-mail received from a resident of Asheville, North Carolina, asking whether Guilford Township had an official (or unofficial) flag. If so, he would appreciate having either a digital copy, a photo, or any additional information. Bersbach advised to the best of her knowledge Guilford Township did not have a flag but would talk with other Township officials. (No members of the Board knew of any Township flag.)

Solid Waste Disposal and Recycle Center: Trustee Ripley talked about the Solid Waste Disposal and Recycle Center. He is still searching for additional infor-mation and has talked with Gordon Montgomery who would come to the July meeting. Ripley posed the question, “Are people of Guilford Township interested? What’s the feeling of the group?” Wachter commented “they (Montgomery) would be the experts.” Ripley said it (recycling) has had quite an impact on The Territory.

It’s a benefit to the people in The Galena Territory and perhaps could be of benefit to the people of Guilford.

Additional questions and comments: Montgomery does have a recycle place in Elizabeth, you pay by the pound. Do we have to staff it? What about people just leaving materials outside the center after hours with no way of knowing whether it is hazardous waste. Would we have to pay a truck driver the prevailing wage to haul refuse and recyclable materials to the Quad Cities? Would people pay to use it? Perhaps look into a multi-township center, not just Guilford. Motor oil from lawn mowers and changing the oil in your vehicles could be collected – a number of buildings use oil for heating. Highway Commissioner Winders suggested inviting County Board Chairperson Marvin Schultz. Wachter said he would make the contact. Ripley said we need to publicize this topic, make phone calls in the Township, see if people are interested. Trustee Wienen said we’d need a couple acres of land. Trustee Ripley speculated there may be grant money available, but it’s too early in the process to look at that. The Board would have to decide if we’re going to pursue the idea.

Trustee Ripley asked the Clerk to put this on the July meeting Agenda and, prior to the meeting, to mail a set of photos he took of a recycling center to Gordon Montgomery.UNFINISHED BUSINESSNoneNEW BUSINESS

Prevailing Wage Ordinance: Attorney Roth prepared the “Annual Ordinance of Guilford Township, Jo Daviess County, Illinois, Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate Guilford Township Board Meeting, June 14, 2010 Page 7 of 8

of Wages for Laborers, Workmen and Mechanics Employed on Public Works of Said Township” for signature and publication of the Public Notice.

There were several questions about the Prevailing Wage Ordinance. If it is a State law, why do Townships have to “adopt” it every year? Townships are burdened with legal expenses and publication expenses. Examples of wages are: Highway Carpenter $31.43 per hour; wages for Truck Drivers range from $22.78 to $30.08 per hour; Highway Operating Engineers wages are $39 to $42 per hour. Owner/owner operators do not have to pay themselves the “prevailing” wage. On any jobs for which we

contract, those contractors and their sub-contractors must be provided with (and pay) the Prevailing Wage rates, must keep records that they observe the Prevailing Wage rates, and those records must be available to be audited.

Highway Commissioner Winders commented that some contractors from out of state will not come into Illinois due to Illinois being a “closed” state and having to follow the standards of the Prevailing Wage Act.

Following the discussion, Supervisor Wachter asked for a motion to adopt the Prevailing Wage Ordinance for Guilford Township Road District. Trustee Wienen so moved and Trustee Ripley seconded. Roll call vote: Wachter, aye; Lomax, nay; Ripley, aye; Wienen, aye. Stoneburner, absent. The Ordinance was adopted.

Supervisor Wachter then asked for a motion to adopt the Prevailing Wage Ordinance for Guilford Township. Trustee Ripley so moved and Trustee Wienen seconded. Roll call vote: Wachter, aye; Lomax, nay; Ripley, aye; Wienen, aye. Stoneburner, absent. The Ordinance was adopted.

Americans with Disabilities Act: Supervisor Wachter stated that a copy of the Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act was in the Board Packs. In addition to publishing or mailing the Notice to Township residents every two years, other methods of distributing the information include posting a copy on the Township’s bulletin board and on the Township’s website. Wachter talked with Township legal advisor, Robert Roth, about doing a joint publication of the Notice with other Townships to keep the publishing costs affordable. Mr. Roth does receive the publication Perspective, will review the information and give an opinion in that regard.

Trustee Lomax moved the ADA Notice be posted on the Township bulletin boards and on the Township’s website. Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

Resolution to Keep U.S. Grant on the $50 Bill: Supervisor Wachter stated at last month’s meeting the Township was asked to send a resolution to Congressman Manzullo expressing opposition to any legislation which would change the face of the $50 Federal Reserve note. HB 4705 proposes to remove U.S. Grant from the $50 bill. A copy of the Resolution was in the Board Packs. Trustee Ripley moved

Guilford Township Board Meeting, June 14, 2010 Page 8 of 8

the Township adopt the resolution; Trustee Lomax seconded. By roll call vote, approved unanimously.

Township Audit Committee: Wachter advised that we need to get three proficient people and set up an audit of the Township’s records, ideally sometime between June and July. This also includes the GASB34 report. (Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 34, “Basic Financial Statements - and Management’s Discussion and Analysis - for State and Local Governments” known as GASB34.)

Highway Commissioner Winders stated that Mr. Purdy has done the audits and the GASB34 report in the past. For the GASB34 report, Winders provides information regarding any new equipment expenses or new drainage structures, 2008 Cording Road Culvert Project, for example.

Wachter listed information that needs to be made available to the Audit Committee: a copy of the previous year’s audit, Supervisor’s Annual Financial Statement, Treasurer’s Report, Bank Statements and Checking Account for the previous year, and the monthly meeting minutes.

Supervisor Wachter noted the committee may not contain any member of the Township board, nor a relative of a Township Trustee, that compensation is limited to $50 per person per day and asked for suggestions of Township citizens who would be good candidates to serve on the Audit Committee. The following names were suggested: Jim Dvorak (CPA), Bob Upton, Marie Wright, and Trish Cox.PUBLIC COMMENTS

Those attending commended Highway Commissioner Winders and the road crew on the excellent job done on resurfacing Eagle Ridge Drive.ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Wienen moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: Date: July 12, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

July 12, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business

Monday, July 12, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner and Wayne Wienen. Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.

Others present: Township citizens Nancy Segal and Madelynn Wilharm. Also attending was Galena Territory Association Board President Bill Kimball and Invited Guest Gordon Montgomery.GUEST SPEAKER

Supervisor Wachter thanked Gordon Montgomery for coming to the Township meeting. Mr. Montgomery indicated he would be happy to answer any questions the Board had regarding waste handling and recycling. Trustee Ripley stated that recycling is available to residents of The Galena Territory but not throughout the Township. He questioned if it could be something the Township could have, would it be cost effective for Mr. Montgomery to have a center versus door-to-door pickup, he would like to have Mr. Montgomery’s input or comments.

Montgomery stated the Township would have a big initial expense for land, dumpsters, fencing, equipment, etc. Where would it be located? Bill Kimball asked how would people pay for it. Ripley said there would have to be a referendum. Montgomery said if the Township wanted to set up something, he would be willing to work with us and further stated they take recyclables for free.

Trustee Wienen wondered how many would use it. At this time, Township residents can take their household garbage to the end of the driveway for pickup. There are not many homes / people in

the Township outside of The Galena Territory. Wienen speculated there may be a hard time making it work.

Montgomery referred to the Transfer Station established in 1996 on Highway 20 outside of Elizabeth. There is no charge for recycling. There are maybe a hundred or so people who don’t use pick up service. Trustee Stoneburner asked if the Transfer Station takes used motor oil or other hazardous materials.

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Montgomery stated the Transfer Station is not licensed to handle hazardous materials.

Madelynn Wilharm said The Territory has Household Hazardous Waste collection once or twice a year. Supervisor Wachter asked what was included. Wilharm responded that paint, oil, tires, pesticides, and herbicides are among items collected. Household Hazardous Waste collection, part of The Territory’s Vulture Day, is scheduled for October 16 this year at The Galena Territory Marina and it is open to anyone in the county. Wilharm also referenced the Jo Daviess-Carroll Joint Action Solid Waste Agency in Savanna (contact Maggie Friedenbach) and further commented that Greenfair e-waste pick up will be at the Elizabeth Community Center (near Highland Community College West) the last week in September or early October for computer equipment, etc. Information is published in the Galena Gazette, The Flash, and The Village Voice, as well as The Territory Times.

Trustee Ripley mentioned the Goodwill center in Dubuque will also take computer equipment and asked if the Clerk would add that information to the Township’s website, along with contact information for the Goodwill Center in Freeport.

Wilharm commented regarding disposal of medicines, stating if you are the name on the label, you can dispose of it. There needs to be a pharmacist involved in proper disposal of medicines. Ripley asked if people using the Household Hazardous Waste collection paid for it. Wilharm stated The Territory pays $2,500 to $3,000 for the service that takes the hazardous waste. The cost fluctuates based on what was collected.

Trustee Ripley suggested putting information about the Transfer Station on the Township’s website. Wilharm

recommended the Township consider an education campaign since Montgomery already has a Transfer Station.

Ripley asked are we adequately covered throughout the County, are we on our own for waste disposal? Montgomery said the EPA is doing some clean up, illegal dumps are being cleaned up but the EPA doesn’t have enough people.

Ripley asked “What about Scales Mound?” Montgomery stated they have door-to-door pickup for garbage and recycling, as does Galena, Hanover, Apple River – it is paid by the cities. Apple Canyon Lake has a center with a compactor and recycling similar to what The Territory has. There is an attendant on duty a couple hours in the morning and again in the afternoon. It is closed at night.

Supervisor Wachter asked about the cost of a compactor. Wilharm said the grant application was done in the fall of 2003 and GTA built the Mt. Hope Refuse Center in 2004. She thought the cost at that time was about $30,000 without the roll off and they (compactors) do take some maintenance. An open top dumpster was about $4,000, the compactor requires 3-phase electric supply to operate. Wilharm said there was a grant that paid 50% of the infrastructure (water, electric,Guilford Township Board Meeting, July 12, 2010 Page 3 of 8

etc.) and 80% for equipment. The recycling grant is offered through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. The grant application would be due in November but no guidelines have been issued yet, indicating there will not be any grant money in this budget cycle.

Trustee Ripley asked what part of Territory assessment goes to trash disposal. Kimball said the budgeted amount is about $60,000 per year.

Montgomery stated he charges $16.50 per month for garbage pick up “at the door,” no recycling pick up in the County. It is about 10 miles from Guilford Townhall to the Transfer Station. The refuse is then hauled to Upper Rock Island Land Fill.

Ripley asked when Galena had a landfill. Montgomery said it was in 1992. Ripley then asked Montgomery if there was any money in recyclables. Montgomery said it goes up and down, it’s okay right now but it fluctuates. When the subject of heating buildings with used motor oil came up, Highway Commissioner

Winders commented most no longer do that. They (oil burning furnaces) are high maintenance items and waste oil quality can be contaminated by such things as anti-freeze.

Wilharm mentioned there is also the issue of obtaining permits for Waste & Recycling Centers.

Clerk Bersbach asked Mr. Montgomery to send the Township information about the Transfer Station and, with the Board’s approval, it will be posted on the Township’s website.

Supervisor Wachter thanked Mr. Montgomery and Ms. Wilharm for attending the meeting and sharing their knowledge on the subject.MINUTES

A copy of the June 14, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Wienen moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Ripley. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

Supervisor Wachter reported the first of five tax payments have been received totaling $130,630. The Township received a total of $44,006.24 as follows: Corporate $41,412.38; I.M.R.F. $1,474.78; Audit $279.97; Liability Insurance $649.84; and General Assistance $189.27. The Road District received a total of $86,623.76 as follows: I.M.R.F. $3,087.60; Road and Bridge $72,219.62; Bridge $10,914.34; and Road and Bridge Liability Insurance $402.20.

Included in the Board packs was a copy of the June 23 letter from Township Attorney Robert Roth regarding joint publication of the Notice Under The Ameri-

Guilford Township Board Meeting, July 12, 2010 Page 4 of 8

cans With Disabilities Act. The $74 includes Mr. Roth’s fee and the publication costs.

Bills received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for review. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Lomax moved the bills be paid. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. The

total amount listed on the Board Audit Report for approval was $334,123.37.REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reported the Final Tax Extension had been received from the County. Total Extension for Township is $231,548.80 or $4.14 less than the previously reduced amount. Total Extension for Road District is $455,800.34 or $2.09 less than the previously reduced amount.

Members of the Audit Committee were Jim Dvorak, Bob Upton, and Wende Corbett. The Committee met for three hours Thursday evening and again for two hours Friday, July 8 and July 9. Their report stated:

“We conducted certain tests of the financial records of Guilford Township for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010. Our tests discovered one account coding error. This error did not cause a material misstatement of the Township’s Funds Received, Funds Disbursed or Fund Balance for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010.

We recommend the Township consider implementing the following procedures to strengthen the financial control environment.

Bank reconciliations are prepared by the bookkeeper. They should be reviewed and approved on a timely basis.

Copies of the Board approved disbursements should be retained in the Township office.

In March 2010, a transfer of $111,500 was made from the Town Fund to the General Road Fund. The approval of monetary transfers should be included in the monthly Board minutes.

Consideration should be given to include the total amount of Board approved disbursements in the monthly Board minutes.

Consideration should be given to establishing personnel records for every employee. These records should be kept in the Township office.”Clerk Bersbach reviewed the March 2010 meeting minutes.

Under New Business, the Board did, in fact, approve the transfer of $111,500 from Town Fund to General Road Fund. See Page 4 of the minutes on Page 109 of the Record Book.

With that noted, Trustee Stoneburner moved to accept the findings of the Records Review (Audit) Committee. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

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(Note: Copies of Board approved disbursements are on file at the Supervisor’s and Clerk’s offices. The Clerk will list the total amount of Board approved disbursements in the monthly meeting minutes. The employee records the auditors wanted can be generated by the computer and can be included with next year’s audit.)

Guilford Township thanks the Committee for their service to the Township.

Supervisor Wachter reported that the Final Five ideas for Vision2020 were announced June 21 at Turner Hall. They are:

1. Best in Tri-States Education System2. Community Economic Development3. Cultural Arts and Recreation Center4. Galena History Museum5. Galena River Area DevelopmentWachter had a letter of reassurance sent to all those in the

IMRF pension plan. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund was founded in 1941, is well funded ($23 billion) and there is no need to withdraw funds to put them in a 401(k) plan.

Supervisor Wachter concluded by reporting that TOI (Township Officials of Illinois) had sent a letter thanking the Township for paying the annual dues. Also included were a Member In Good Standing Certificate, member cards for each Township Official, and vehicle decals.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported the white shoulder stripes were applied to Eagle Ridge Drive and the remaining asphalt mat road surfaces were crack filled. The shoulders along North Morley and West Wachter Roads have been chip sealed. A first seal was applied to the rebuilt 3/4 mile of the northmost stretch of North Ford Road within Guilford Township boundaries. The rest of this last month has been filled with mowing, patching, and fallen tree removal.

We received the bill for re-surfacing Eagle Ridge Drive. Winders said we will pay Civil 75% of the $266,731.66 billed, the balance to be paid if some surface issues are corrected.

Winders stated the day after our June monthly meeting the John Deere salesman from Martin Equipment in Dubuque approached us with a 2004 John Deere 672CH-Series II motor grader. This machine was a municipal trade in from Missouri, with a one year factory motor and drive train warranty remaining. The Road District agreed to purchase the motor grader and it has been delivered.

Winders asked a couple of banks to quote the Township on a short-term loan. First Community Bank’s quote stated: Based on your tax-exempt status, we would be able to offer you a fixed interest rate of 3% for your $100,000 loan request with a maturity of 3/15/2011.

Guilford Township Board Meeting, July 12, 2010 Page 6 of 8

U.S. Bank offered the following financing proposal, terms and requirements:

$100,000 for 1 year at 2.2% with principal and interest due at

maturity. Prepayment is allowable. The debt must be considered General Obligation

debt. A letter from your board reflecting your request to

borrow fundsand a copy of your board minutes authorizing you

to do so. An “Attorney’s Opinion” reflecting you are Bank

Qualified TaxExempt with regards to interest rates, at your

expense. No bank fees. The loan will be unsecured. This financing proposal is subject to loan approval.

GuilfordTownship financial statements will be required for


The above rate is good through August 6, 2010 at which time the

above proposal would need to be re-priced.The motor grader has brand new tires, a wing and we’ll use the

RV plow on it. The Township received $10,000 trade-in for the old motor grader.

After brief discussion and based on the quotes from the two banks, Trustee Lomax moved the Township borrow the funds from U.S. Bank. Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

Clerk Bersbach reported The Notice Under The Americans With Disabilities Act was posted on the Townhall bulletin boards and on the Township’s website. Bersbach requested The Flash give a cost to publish as a Public Notice. Their quote was $99. As Supervisor Wachter reported, Township Attorney Robert Roth will have the notice published jointly with other townships for $74 which includes document preparation fee and publication costs.

FOIA Request: Bersbach received an e-mail from Township citizen, Russ Pagen, requesting a copy of an Invoice from Hahn Quarry Products and a copy of an Invoice from Louie’s Aggregate Company. Highway Commissioner Winders provided the copies. Bersbach completed FOIA paperwork documenting the request and gave Mr. Pagen a copy of that as well as the copies he requested in his e-mail. Copies of all documents were given to Supervisor Wachter. Highway Commissioner Winders also received copies.

Bersbach attended the July 9 Education District Program in Rockford and found it to be very informative and beneficial. One-hundred ninety eight (198) Township officials registered. Keynote speaker Bill Morris discussed “Township Government - The Link Between Voters and Democracy.” He repeatedly emphasized it is important to “Tell people what you do, why you do it, how you do it, and what goes on. If no one knows what you’re doing, you (Township government) will disappear.” Times are changing. Talk with other Townships, find out what they are doing.Guilford Township Board Meeting, July 12, 2010 Page 7 of 8

The FOIA Session covered basics plus new changes. Townships must have at least one FOIA officer and two Open Meetings Act officers and they must complete the on-line training.

The definition of “public records” now includes “electronic communications.” It is unclear whether this definition extends to e-mails from a personal or private account. Township Boards should establish a policy as to how long e-mails must remain on the computer prior to being deleted and what may be deleted.

Intentional willful failure to comply within the deadline on a FOIA request can result in a fine of $1500 to $2500. The clock starts from the day after the FOIA request is received. Any document within the custody or control of the Township comes under FOIA. You must make records available for inspection but you do not have to do the research for the requester.

Any Township Committee is subject to the same FOIA and OMA provisions.

Townships are required to have a Public Comments provision on their Agendas and are required to establish rules regarding Public Comments. For example, comments are limited to three to five minutes to avoid having a constituent talk foran hour about a pet project or pet peeve. If more time is needed, the person should ask the Supervisor to list the topic as an Agenda item for a future meeting.

A new requirement effective June 1, 2010, is the Identity Protection Act. There will be training for Township officials who have access to Social Security Numbers in the course of transacting Township business. Townships must establish a policy at a regular Board meeting, there must be training for the person who has access to Social Security Numbers, and the Township must give a statement regarding the Board’s policy to anyone from whom we request SSN information.

Alternate Revenue Streams for Townships dealt with “thinking outside the box for township revenue: Finding revenue beyond real estate taxes in township government.” Think in terms of “We want to expand services but we don’t want the taxpayers to pay for it.” Numerous revenue examples were given. Among them: allow cell towers on Township property. Towers can go for $17,000 to $20,000 per year. Use an attorney who knows how to write the contract, be mindful the assessor taxes only the footprint, have an exit clause. Rent the Town Hall for meetings

and events. Establish a fenced two-acre dog park and charge a per year user fee, members police themselves. Rent out a fenced space for boat and camper storage. Be sure to check with TOIRMA.

Advertising is not evil. Create Public Relations advertising fliers. Allow advertising on the Township’s website. Have a policy for receiving memorials, donations, endowments, foundations, etc.

Overheard at lunch, lease - don’t buy computers and copiers. There is a steady predictable expense, the leasing company handles repairs, when the technology isGuilford Township Board Meeting, July 12, 2010 Page 8 of 8

outdated, you lease something more up to date and don’t have to worry about safely disposing of old equipment.

The Board was given a copy of the above report as there were several requirements that the Board will need to address at a future meeting. Bersbach has sent an e-mail to TOI asking if there is any “boilerplate” language available.

Bersbach copied the Board on an e-mail sent to Bryan Smith TOI on June 28 in anticipation of the possibility that a committee might be formed to do further research on a Waste Disposal and Recycle Center. A committee (of any kind) must follow the same “meeting” criteria as that which applies to the regular Township Board with regard to publishing the meeting schedule (dates and times). All committee meetings must be open to the public and have an agenda. The agenda must be posted at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at the location of the meeting as well as at the principal Township office. Minutes must be taken and must be made available within seven (7) days after approval. If the committee is comprised of five (5) voting members, a quorum is three voting members. Two voting members may have a discussion without violating the Open Meetings Act requirements. See Pages 81-105 of the Laws and Duties Handbook for more details.

Bersbach advised if this Township Clerk is required to type and post a committee’s meeting schedule, prepare committee meeting agendas, attend committee meetings, take the minutes, type and distribute those minutes, this Township Clerk will expect to be paid meeting allowance for those committee meetings.Trustees - There were no reports from the Trustees.

UNFINISHED BUSINESSSolid Waste Disposal and Recycle Center

In addition to the information contained in the early part of the meeting, Trustee Ripley suggested the Township post information on the website regarding Goodwill Industries in Dubuque and Freeport as a site for disposing of computers, monitors, etc. Clerk Bersbach will obtain contact information and get it posted.NEW BUSINESSNone.PUBLIC COMMENTSNone.ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Ripley moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: Date: August 9, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

August 9, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business

Monday, August 9, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner and Wayne Wienen. Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.

Others present: Township citizens Gary Diedrick and Nancy Segal.MINUTES

A copy of the July 12, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Lomax moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Ripley. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

Supervisor Wachter reported the second distribution of Tax Payments totaling $123,757.27 has been received and was deposited July 29, 2010. The Township received a total of $41,691.14 as follows: Corporate $39,233.74; I.M.R.F. $1,397.19; Audit $265.24; Liability Insurance $615.65; and General Assistance $179.32.

The Road District received a total of $82,066.13 as follows: I.M.R.F. $2,925.16; Road and Bridge $68,419.84; Bridge $10,340.09; and Road and Bridge Liability Insurance $381.04.

The Township received approval July 27, 2010, on our loan from U.S. Bank in the amount of $100,001 to cover the purchase of the used motor grader and the check was deposited to the Township’s account on July 29, 2010. By making the loan

amount one extra dollar, the Township may pay ahead with no penalty.

The Annual Treasurer’s Report was sent to The Flash for publication and was published August 4, 2010.

Bills received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for review. Trustee Lomax asked about the paint cost. Highway Commissioner

Guilford Township Board Meeting, August 9, 2010 Page 2 of 6

Winders stated it takes 15 gallons of paint per mile per stripe. If we pay someone else to do the paint striping, the cost is about $1,500 per mile for four stripes (one on each shoulder and two center stripes). We save about $1,000 per mile by doing the paint striping ourselves. Winders said most yellow stripe paint lasts one to two years, the white (shoulder) stripes can last up to four years. Salt, sand, and scraping (plowing) are the major wear factors. Winders said the cost for paint next year will likely triple.

The total amount listed on the Board Audit Report for approval was $51,374.38. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Ripley moved the bills be paid. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter commended Highway Commissioner Winders and the Township Road Crew for the outstanding job they did in getting our roads back to being safe to drive. The state of Illinois has declared Jo Daviess County a disaster area and will be seeking FEMA dollars to help the county with the clean up.Wachter reported the Census Maps were marked and returned right after the last Township meeting.

Wachter mentioned correspondence from Congressman Manzullo regarding Federal Grant and Contract Fairs related to improving environmental quality, including water delivery and disposal. The events are scheduled for August 9 at McHenry College in Crystal Lake and August 10 in Rockford.

Congressman Manzullo also sent a letter regarding U.S. Grant and the $50 bill. He respectfully opposes the bill, cited numerous positive contributions Grant made to the nation, and stated he seriously doubted the bill would see any legislative action during this session of Congress.

The State Representative was here July 22 to review old MTAD records (Multi-Township Assessing District) and again July 27 to review some Township / MTAD records. He will then provide a list of records that have approval to be disposed of. While State may authorize disposal of old records, the Township is not required to dispose of any records. As “keeper of the Township’s records,” Clerk Bersbach asked to look at any records prior to disposal.

Supervisor Wachter reported on the July 20 Quarterly Elizabeth Ambulance Meeting. The budget was approved, the new addition on the building is proceeding very well with anticipated completion in one to two months. They are talking about raising fees, looking for new volunteer EMTs.

Trustee Ripley asked if any were paid positions. Trustee Wienen said there is one full-time paramedic, co-ordinator Don Schleicher who is paid $41,770. EMTs, first responders, and drivers get call compensation. Trustee Stoneburner stated he receives $7 per call out.Guilford Township Board Meeting, August 9, 2010 Page 3 of 6

Trustee Ripley asked what was the budget amount. Supervisor Wachter advised the budget for 2011 is $187,656. The fund balance (asset value) at the end of July was $567,683 and includes building value, equipment, etc.

Wachter said that on July 15 about 80 people attended the Vision2020 meeting and divided up fairly evenly among the five idea groups, e-mail and phone number information was collected and the first committee meetings were scheduled. Anyone is welcome to join one of the committees. The Galena Gazette has an article on their website www.galenagazette.c om with a list of contact people for each committee.

Supervisor Wachter concluded by saying he has a quote of $1,300 from Jim Purdy to prepare the Comptroller’s Report and the GASB34 Report. The Comptroller’s Report essentially takes numbers out of the Annual Treasurer’s Report and was a report Wachter had prepared during his previous terms as Township Supervisor. The GASB34 Report is somewhat more complicated. Wachter will talk with other accounting professionals to see if the reports can be compiled at a lower cost.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported the day after our July monthly Township meeting work progressed normally with a

day of seal coating. The rest of the week included patching, mowing, cleaning new seals. The following week also started out as a usual summer work week with seal coating, mowing, guard rail trimming, and equipment maintenance and repair.

Friday morning, July 23 at 2:30 a.m. the Jo Daviess County Sheriff’s Department called to report there was water across West Guilford Road. The Township’s east end of Mill Creek Road was also found to be under water, as well as the approaches to a large culvert structure on Grube Road. By Friday afternoon, most of the damage had been repaired.

On Saturday morning, July 24, a call at 12:30 a.m. from Jo Daviess County reported Brodrecht Road was under water. West Guilford Road was again under water, this time in two different areas. Territory Drive, North and West Rawlins Roads had portions of roadway covered by water. Mill Creek Road had water over two bridges as did the bridge on West Menzemer Road. Grube Road culvert was again washed and the intersection of Menzemer and Stadel Roads. The bridge over Snipe Hollow Creek on West Morley was blocked with a tree on top of the structure. Eagle Ridge Drive had to be closed when a 6' x 8' culvert became clogged and a portion of the metal culvert was pushed through the discharge ends’ cement wing wall and half the roadway collapsed. Numerous other areas on these and other roads received damage and Jo Daviess County was declared a Disaster Area under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.

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The Township building’s electrical transformer was hit by lightning on Friday night and the generator used to provide backup electricity for the building was also found to be unresponsive.

Winders has filed a claim with TOIRMA (Township Officials of Illinois Risk Management Association) for repairs to the generator and has talked with Biechler Electric about putting some kind of resistors on the generator. The closest Kohler dealer is out of Bettendorf. Winders will call Biechler to get a price on electric controls for the generator.

Winders stated the whole crew came in on Saturday to help with emergency repairs. Eagle Ridge Drive was closed Saturday, temporary repairs were made and the road was re-opened Wednesday. He said in 2002 something similar happened when a culvert on Shenandoah Drive got jam packed with trees that pushed the culvert seams apart. Winders hopes to find out from FEMA if we’re a disaster area. Winders has (as always) kept detailed records.

Springs have popped up in places where we’ve never had them before. Winders sent an estimate to the Jo Daviess County Highway Department of $285,000 in damages in Guilford Township.

Guilford Road has been under water four times in the last calendar year. All three box culverts between Clark Lane and the old shop are half filled with rock. The road crew had previously cleaned out all the culverts.

Highway Commissioner Winders concluded by saying this is the worst we have ever seen. County Highway Department estimates $5 million in damages in Jo Daviess County, which includes the Georgetown Bridge.

Clerk Bersbach reported The Notice Under The Americans With Disabilities Act was published in The Galena Gazette on July 21, 2010, as a joint publication with other Townships.

A copy of the Audit Committee’s Report was filed at the Jo Daviess County Courthouse on July 13, 2010.

FOIA Request - on going: Township Citizen Madelynn Wilharm spent a little over three hours at the Clerk’s home August 3rd reviewing Township records and will return August 10 to continue.

GTA Civic Affairs Committee member, Jim Mantey, has been researching information on safe disposal of medicines – prescription, over-the-counter, and supplements – so that these chemicals do not get into ground water supplies. He has also been compiling information on “large item” recycling (ex: furniture, etc.) Once he has finished his research, it can be reviewed by the Township Board for approval to post on the Township’s website and bulletin boards.

Township attorney Robert Roth sent the Illinois Secretary of State the Prevailing Wage Act Ordinance for Guilford Township and for Guilford Town-

Guilford Township Board Meeting, August 9, 2010 Page 5 of 6

ship Road District as passed by Guilford Township Board of Trustees on June 14, 2010. A copy of both letters was sent to the Township Clerk.

Bersbach reported that Fran Peterson, Chair of GTA’s Civic Affairs Committee, asked members of that committee to consider joining one of the Vision2020 groups. Bersbach will work with the Galena History Museum committee.

Bersbach concluded by stating a two-page document regarding Waste Disposal and Recycling Information has been compiled. Since it includes “commercial” enterprises, Bersbach asks that the Board review and approve the information before it is posted on the Township’s website and bulletin boards.

In regard to the on-going FOIA request, Trustee Ripley asked what was Ms. Wilharm working on. Bersbach stated FOIA officers are not allowed to ask why or for what purpose records are being requested.Trustees - There were no reports from the Trustees.UNFINISHED BUSINESSNone.NEW BUSINESS

A proposed policy regarding Public Comments was in the Trustees’ Board Packs for their review. Trustee Wienen commented in the past the Township has not needed a policy governing Public Comments. Bersbach said the lawyer conducting the FOIA session at the July 9 Education District said this is a policy all Townships “must” have. There was no other discussion. Trustee Lomax moved to approve the policy. Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

The Trustees’ Board Packs contained information regarding Waste Disposal and Recycling Information that could be posted to the Township’s website and bulletin boards. Since it includes “commercial” businesses, the Clerk has asked the Board to review and approve it for posting. Trustee Wienen moved to approve posting the information. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.PUBLIC COMMENTS

Highway Commissioner Winders was asked how the current storm-related damage compared to the flood of 1993. Winders

said the roads are better now. We did get “mitigation” paid to improve the roads. DNR monies improved different areas with rip rap. Winders said the Tuesday after the storm (July 27) was the regularly scheduled Quarterly Road Commissioners Meeting at the GTA Pavilion. Seventeen of the twenty-three Jo Daviess County Highway Commissioners attended. Steve Keefer, Jo Daviess County, was there as was Dane Jackman who is on the County Board and is also the Highway Commissioner for Menominee Township.

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Township Highway Commissioners learned the inspection fee of $50 per bridge is being raised to $150 per bridge. Bridge inspections are required every two years. Guilford Township has seven structures categorized as bridges.ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Stoneburner moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: Date:September 13, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

September 13, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business Monday,

September 13, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner and Wayne Wienen. Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.

Others present: Township citizen Gary Diedrick. MINUTES

A copy of the August 9, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Ripley moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Wienen. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

Supervisor Wachter reported the third distribution of Property Tax Installments was received in August. The combined total for Township and Road District was $121,286.60 The Township received $40,858.53 and the Road District received $80,428.07. The grand total received to date for the Township is $126,555.91. Grand total received to date for the Road District is $249,117.96. This is the third of five installments.

TOIRMA’s insurance underwriter sent the Township a check for $1,691.20 for repairs to the generator that was hit by lightning during the July storm. The amount claimed was $1,941.20 less our $250 deductible.

The Annual Dinner-Meeting of the Jo Daviess County Township Officials will be October 27 at D’s Place. The cost per person is $15 with registrations due by October 15.

Annual Jo Daviess County Township Dues of $25 was included with the month’s bills to be approved.

Bills received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for review. The total amount listed on the Board Audit Report for approval was

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$59,371.18. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Wienen moved the bills be paid. Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reported the Comptroller’s Report is progressing and he is working on getting the GASB34 done.

A copy of the 2010/2011 Legislative Survey was in the Trustees’ Board Packs. This is an opportunity for direct input into the legislative process.

Wachter advised that the MTAD Meeting will be 7 p.m., Thursday, October 14, at Scales Mound Town Hall to discuss/approve the Levy for the coming year.

After reviewing the requirements regarding Public Notice of the Township’s meeting schedule (5 ILCS 120/2.02), we learned the Public Notice is not required to be published in the newspaper. Posting the schedule of meetings at the meeting location meets the requirement. This will save the Township about $90 a year.

FEMA - Private grants and loans have been issued. No notice yet on grants or loans for the Township. Small businesses and not-for-profits can qualify for low interest loans. FEMA information has been posted on the Township’s website.

The Township received the 2010-2011 Tele-Institute schedule from the University of Illinois Extension’s Local Government & Information Network. The programs will be held at either the Elizabeth or Mt. Carroll Extension office. Eight programs are offered from 3 to 5 p.m. on Thursdays as follows:

1. 09-30-10 Legislative Update 2010 - State and Federal2. 10-21-10 Regionalism: An Approach to Economic Development3. 12-02-10 Orientation for Newly Elected (County) Officials - Part I4. 12-16-10 Orientation for Newly Elected (County) Officials - Part II5. 01-20-11 Census Data6. 02-17-11 Numbers: Do Your Youth Count?7. 03-17-11 The CountDown on Families Begins8. 04-21-11 Count on Your Elder CommunityClerk Bersbach will post detailed information on the Township bulletin board.Supervisor Wachter concluded by reporting that the Township has entered into

an Agreement with Amerigas Propane Company out of Cuba City to purchase 1500 gallons of propane at a fixed pay-as-we-go price of $1.399 for the period August 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011. Wachter called other suppliers for pricing. Ferrellgas quoted $1.54. The Agreement with Amerigas represents a savings of over $200 to the Township.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported August work was filled with repairs to the Township resulting from the late July flooding. Channel repairs to Menzemer Road, West Morley Road, North Rawlins and the “Distler” bridge on

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Mill Creek have been done, leaving Cogan Lane, Guilford Road, Cording Road, and two more bridges on Mill Creek to be gone under. Damages to Mill Creek roadsurfaces have been repaired as well as a box culvert. Repairs were made to the North Beach metal culvert on West Guilford Road and one on Grube Road.

Pond Court damages have been repaired, as well as surface repairs on Territory Drive, North Rawlins, and West Menzemer.

New damage in Eagle Ridge 3 area (the cul-de-sacs off Cogan Drive) has been discovered due to driveway runoff undermining the seal-coated surface.

Normal mowing maintenance has been continuing and yellow pavement striping completed.

On August 17th, Highway Commissioner Winders met with FEMA and IEMA (Illinois Emergency Management Agency) assessors in the office at the Jo Daviess County Highway Department building now located in Hanover. The Illinois Counties declared a disaster for the private and commercial sectors have yet to be declared by the President as a disaster for public works.

Winders contacted Chris Isbell, Stephenson County Engineer, and fully expects we will be declared a public disaster area. The Governor did not make the declaration immediately, three more counties were included.

The meeting with FEMA and IEMA assessors involved a review of the Township’s assessment of damages. They started by whittling down the estimated cost of between $110,000 and $130,000 for work on Eagle Ridge Drive. Trustee Wienen asked about funds from County. Winders said he will write a prayer to the County. With a favorable response, we could get 50/50 joint with County, and County would be the lead agent on the project.

We can get a pre-cast concrete culvert for about $54,000, it would take about 7 to 10 days to install. A pour-in-place culvert would cost about $100,000 and would take 30 days to complete. Eagle Ridge Drive would be closed to through traffic with a detour routed onto Blackhawk Trace. The contractor would be responsible for signage.

Supervisor Wachter asked about the government coming through with funding. Winders said we could get 80/20 for the road crew wages, the Highway Commissioner would only be reimbursed for paperwork, and there would be an hourly rate paid on every piece of equipment used. An outside contractor would have to pay the prevailing wage. Winders commented in the mid-’80s the County and Townships tried to set up a the Prevailing Wage Scale that matched the local wages. This wage scale was denied by unions.

Winders would prefer mitigation 80/20 rather than writing a grant application. Everything we spent on the flood repair was a drainage project and came out of Special Bridge funds.

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Trustee Ripley asked about the “standard width” of yellow road striping. Winders stated our Township uses a water-based paint and applies a 4" stripe. The regulation is a 4 to 6 inch stripe.

Trustee Stoneburner asked what part of the budget did storm repair costs come out of. Winders said there was some overtime cost and the rest came out of Special Bridge.

Two seal coat patches were placed over springs that popped up due to the heavy rains. A lot of the improvements we made last year held up.

Clerk Bersbach reported the on-going FOIA Request continues with Township Citizen Madelynn Wilharm reviewing Township records. Ms. Wilharm met at the Clerk’s home for two hours August 19th, three hours September 2nd, and has scheduled an appointment for September 16.

Bersbach stated the Prevailing Rate of Wages Notice was published in the Galena Gazette on August 18th as a joint publication with Council Hill Township, East Galena Township, Rice Township, Scales Mound Township, Stockton Township, Thompson Township, Vinegar Hill Township, Woodbine Township, and the Village of Menominee.

In regard to Vision2020 - the Galena History Society Museum Committee, Bersbach said four sub-committees have been formed: (1) Conceptual Design and Staffing Requirements, (2) Capital for Museum and Long-Term Operational Funding, (3) New and Enhanced Exhibits, and (4) Partnerships and Affiliations. Each has had their initial meeting and is working on identifying specific areas on which to focus their efforts.

After the other Vision2020 Committees have had some time to establish their goals and objectives, the Museum committee will look at ways to collaborate with them where efforts overlap or have an impact.

Other Galena Vision2020 Committees are: Education, Economic Development, Cultural Arts and Recreation, and River Area Development.

Bersbach concluded by advising the Public Comments Policy was posted to the Township’s website on August 10, Waste and Recycle information was posted August 25, and FEMA Assistance information was posted August 25.

Trustees Report - There were no reports but Trustee Ripley did ask what were our plans regarding paying the loan we took to purchase the motor grader. Highway Commissioner Winders stated there is money in the budget. We plan to pay half in December then pay the other half in 2011 when our finances permit. UNFINISHED BUSINESS



Guilford Township Board Meeting, September 13, 2010 Page 5 of 5

PUBLIC COMMENTSTownship citizen Gary Diedrick told the Township Board he had been following

up on the Honor Flights out of Dubuque. These are private flights that take World War II veterans to Washington D.C. While in D.C., the WWII vets will visit the recently completed WWII War Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Viet Nam War Memorial, and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. Time and weather permitting, the vets may make additional stops along the Washington Mall.

The first flight was this past May. Highway Commissioner Winders commented that his father was on that flight. Diedrick stated the next flight is scheduled for October 19. Each flight costs about $80,000. Diedrick plans to look into methods of requesting contributions to help offset the cost of the flight. Diedrick may be contacted for a pledge card or visit for more information.ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Stoneburner moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: Date: October 11, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

October 11, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business

Monday, October 11, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner and Wayne Wienen. Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.

Others present: Township citizen Gary Diedrick.MINUTES

A copy of the September 13, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Stoneburner moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Ripley. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

Supervisor Wachter reported the fourth distribution of Property Tax Installments was received in September. The combined total for Township and Road District was $148,406.90. Township received $49,993.39; the Road District received $98,413.51. The grand total received to date for the Township is $176,549.30. Grand total received to date for the Road District is $347,531.47. This is the fourth of five installments.

We received the financial report from TOIRMA showing Total Assets for 2010 at $71,332,879, an increase of approximately 11 million dollars from the $60,309,862 reported in 2009. The Chairman of TOIRMA said the Board of Trustees again declared a dividend to those members who have been in the program for five consecutive years. It is the 19th consecutive year that a dividend was declared even with the difficult claims, the rising costs and

the investment fluctuation. While dividends are not guaranteed, they do remain an important goal.

The Treasurer’s Report and the Annual Financial Report (which includes the GASB34) for Fiscal Year 2010 have been completed, filed at the County Courthouse and e-filed with the State Comptroller’s office. In the past the Town-

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ship has paid $1300 to have the yearly audit, AFR and GASB34 reports completed. This year we had a committee of qualified Township citizens perform the annual audit at a cost of $300. We also updated the list of Township equipment on the depreciation schedule. It is updated every year as we buy, sell, or trade-in equipment.

The Annual Dinner-Meeting of the Jo Daviess County Township Officials is $15 per person. We will have seven attending for a total of $105 plus $25 annual dues.

Bills received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for review. The total amount listed on the Board Audit Report for approval was $30,221.89. After all bills presented for payment were reviewed, Trustee Lomax moved the bills be paid. Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reminded the Board the Annual Township Dinner-Meeting is Wednesday, October 27. Guest speaker is Bryan Smith from TOI. Social hour is at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. This year the Dinner-Meeting will be held at D’s Place, 14877 US 20 W., East Dubuque, Illinois.

The MTAD meeting to set the levy is Thursday, 7 p.m., October 14, at Scales Mound Town Hall. We may have to discuss our options concerning our fund balance.

Wachter has received sample ballots for the coming election on November 2nd. Voters may also vote earlier by absentee ballot. Information about absentee voting is available on the Township’s website (at

The Township received a letter from The Workshop requesting funding to help underwrite the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities. We learned last year that Townships may “grant only those monies that are NOT derived from a Township levy (tax money). ... and that this process is done by resolution adopted by two-thirds of electors attending the Annual Town Meeting.” (Reference: pages 59 and 60, Laws and Duties Handbook.)

The Township received the annual survey from TOIRMA asking members to evaluate the program based on our

requirements, experience of having to report a claim and the claim handling process, and make suggestions for changes or improvements to the program. Wachter completed and returned the survey, comment-ing we have had no problems with the claim handling, response has been great and they are doing a great job.

Supervisor Wachter concluded his report saying he had talked with Nancy Schamper of the Galena Area Emergency Medical Services District. She said their audit was not yet completed. She will address our Board at the November

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Township meeting. The Service wants to go as a taxing district rather than per capita as it is now. This would save the Township approximately $5,000 per year but would have an impact on property taxes. The current contract is good to April 30, 2011. No referendum was required when this was done in Elizabeth some years ago.

Highway Commissioner Winders said that thanks to an extended length of warm and dry weather we have been able to work at repairing the waterways so heavily damaged by the spring through mid-summer rains.

On October 5th, Winders met with the FEMA field agents for a kick-off meeting. For the most part, the economic schedules and forms were discussed. Steve Keeffer, the Jo Daviess County Engineer, also attended the meeting held at the Guilford Town Hall. The Township did qualify and initial paperwork has been filled out. Winders is happy with FEMA’s assistance, commenting the Township will get re-imbursed 75%. Each bridge will be an individual project, roads will be lumped together. Winders has the figures for the man-hours and machines but not the materials. We went ahead and made repairs while waiting for paperwork to be processed.

Winders stated last week he received some correspondence from Duane Smith of the United States Department of Agriculture concerning our Rural Development Grant and some ways to modify it in order to heighten the chances for having it awarded to us.

Within the last month road maintenance projects such as white stripes, mowing, and hot mix patching were accomplished.

For Territory Drive and the cement wing walls, Winders said we will fill in with loads of rock. Eagle Ridge Drive has been looked at. Ideally, it will be worked on next April when the roads will be posted anyway.

Clerk Bersbach reported that Guilford Township received a plaque from the Census Bureau recognizing our efforts with the 2010 Complete Count Committee. Guilford Township’s participation rate was 75%, a significant improvement.

The on-going FOIA Request continues with Township Citizen Madelynn Wilharm reviewing Township records. Ms. Wilharm met

at the Clerk’s home for two hours September 16th and two hours September 23.

The University of Illinois Extension Program: Legislative Update featured five speakers. Matt Davidson advised Moody’s Credit Rating recently downgraded Illinois, now ranking it worst in the nation citing “unwillingness” to balance the budget and funding pension plans. Davidson also stated to expect more of a push regarding Prevailing Wage issues.

Michael Wallace said cities have been busy putting recovery dollars to work, the national economy is better and more people are going to work but local governments are impacted by the lag time regarding collecting property taxes.

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Much of the information has already been presented in the Perspective. Some issues I did not see in Perspective included:* An expansion of the Prevailing Wage Act (HB 6112) was set back due in large part to Township opposition.* SB 3592 has been sent to the Governor. It requires IDOT to perform a survey of Township Road Districts, including taxes levied, mileage, costs, etc.* SB 2804 amends Illinois Vehicle Code effective 7-2-2010. For purposes of establishing maximum speed limits, a residence district shall be at least a quarter of a mile long, residences or residences and buildings in use for businesses spaced no more than 500 apart (instead of 300 feet).* SB 3334 Property Tax Code allows assessors to use foreclosures and homes sold through short sales when determining the value of a home. This helps homeowners but hurts local governments. Allowing “distressed” properties into the formula will likely drive assessments down.* SB 1946 modifies benefits for most Illinois public pension systems.

The Galena History Museum Vision2020 Steering Committee met October 1. There was discussion about various sites that may be beneficial for the Museum to consider for expansion purposes. Efforts will be focused on the former “Sullivan” building on Green Street. It has parking, is on one floor with minimal ADA considerations, located near Main Street, and has adequate space for displays, retail and ticket sales.

FEMA and IEMA information was posted to the Township’s website September 24. Information about registering to vote and absentee voting was posted to the Township’s website 9-28.

Per Jerry Crabtree at TOI, our Township’s website received 4,528 hits from October 1, 2009 to October 1, 2010. However, our website was not up and running until toward the end of November so the numbers are actually for 10 months. Main Page had 1,383 hits; Information Page (Minutes, Agendas, Notices, etc.) had 549; the “Custom” Page is used to list information about our Township Officials and had 504 hits; the Highway Commission’s Page had 394 hits; Calendar had 377; and Special Services had 376 hits.Trustees Report

Trustee Ripley asked Highway Commissioner Winders if he felt the IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund) for our employees was at risk. Winders said IMRF is structured so that the government cannot get to it. Over a ten-year period there was a 1% raise to make up for when the market was not performing well.

Employees who work more than 1600 hours per year are eligible. Elected officials (the Highway Commissioner, for example) may elect not to participate but once you’re in, you have to stay in. We do not pay on part-time employees.

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Highway Commissioner Winders commented the Motor Fuel Tax 17% increase was a one-time, during this fiscal year, flat input of 17% of the annual MFT payout. For Guilford Township Road District, this amounts to right around $18,000. Everything we use it (MFT) for has to be through the County Motor Fuel Tax letting. We pay County 4% engineering for every dollar that comes in to that fund. PUBLIC COMMENTS

Township citizen Gary Diedrick commented that Galena Territory’s Vulture Day / Household Hazardous Waste is at the Marina October 16, from 9 to noon and is open to all residents of Jo Daviess County. This year used motor oil will be collected. Detailed information is available on the Township’s website

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Stoneburner moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees Date: November 8, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

November 8, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business Monday, November

8, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner and Wayne Wienen. Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders. Absent: Trustees Larry Lomax.

Others present: Township citizens Ginger Bartot, Mo Bartot, Gary Diedrick, and Nancy Schamper.GUEST SPEAKER

Nancy Schamper from Galena Area Emergency Medical Services Board of Directors stated the financial report is done and she will get a copy to Supervisor Wachter.

Ms. Schamper advised the Ambulance Board is considering changing to a taxing district rather than the $6 “per capita” currently paid by the Township out of our General Funds account. Our current Township rate is .1160 cents or about 2%. Elizabeth is paying about 10 cents per hundred.

The projected assessment would be five cents per hundred – pretty close to what they are getting now. If they become a taxing district, they (Jack Zane) would have to present this to the County Board to ask for tax money. This change would save Guilford Township nearly $5,000 per year. A $400,000 home would see about a $20 increase in property tax.

Trustee Wienen asked if a Referendum was required. Schamper stated “no,” the County Board would make the decision.

Ms. Schamper stated the Ambulance Service has been operating on Census 2000 numbers – people who reported they live here. The proposed change would be more fair to all property owners as rental property owners would also be helping to pay for the ambulance services.

If the Ambulance Service should ever need more money to pay for paramedics, the current “per capita” method does not provide sufficient funds. It’s getting harder to provide adequate coverage with only volunteer EMTs. If the Ambulance Service was totally staffed with paid employees, there would have to be a big increase.

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Ms. Schamper asked the Board how they wanted her to vote on this issue. Trustee Stoneburner stated it is in our best interests to support the Ambulance District and moved to direct our representative (Ms. Schamper) to vote in favor of the proposed taxing district plans. Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

The Ambulance Board will meet again then present the proposal to the County Board. At this time, it’s likely a year or so away.

Supervisor Wachter thanked Ms. Schamper for her service to Guilford Township and for presenting the information to the Board.MINUTES

A copy of the October 11, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Ripley moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Wienen. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

County Treasurer, Carol Soat, has asked Township officials to consider Direct Deposit of Tax Payments to the Township’s bank account. Following brief discussion, the Board indicated it was in favor. Supervisor Wachter will call the Treasurer’s office.

Bills received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for review. The total amount listed on the Board Audit Report for approval was $113,233.69 which included the final payment of $61,682.91 to Civil Constructors for Eagle Ridge Drive. After all bills presented were reviewed, Trustee Ripley moved the bills be approved for payment. Trustee Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously.REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reported on the Annual Jo Daviess County Township Officials Dinner-Meeting held October 27. About 100 people attended representing various Townships. Guest speaker was Bryan Smith from TOI who talked about benefits of TOI membership, legislation TOI has supported and legislation it opposes, different forms on their website that can be downloaded free of charge, and education programs offered.

Officers were elected for a two-year term. President Janice Toay (Supervisor from Rush), Treasurer Jeff Winders (Highway Commissioner from Guilford), Sec-retary Theresa Cole (MTAD Assessor from Vinegar Hill), Clerk Ann Heller (Clerk from Vinegar Hill), Trustee Kitty Rhodes (Trustee from Thompson), and Trustee Janet Bussan (Trustee from East Galena).

The Multi-Township Assessing District Board met October 14. On-hand balance was $5,243.82 with one more property tax payment coming in November. Guilford Township Board Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 3 of 5

The Levy last year was $13,500. We received $13,152. The Levy adopted for 2010-2011 was $13,810, a 5% increase on the $13,152 extended.

Theresa Cole, MTAD Assessor, attended the meeting and commented that the new requirement is 60 hours of education — 30 hours before election then 30 more in the next three years.

Steve Stadel, MTAD Treasurer, mentioned there may be redistricting in 2013. We’re not sure how or if that will affect us.

The next MTAD meeting will be Thursday, 7 p.m., March 10, 2011, at Council Hill Town Hall to set the Budget and Meeting Calendar.

Wachter commented the County Board’s Legislative Committee published an article in The Galena Gazette and in The Territory Times regarding the Prevailing Wage Act. At their October 19 meeting, there was discussion about asking County taxing bodies for their support and to provide a letter to the Committee.

The Township prepared a letter stating “the Guilford Township Board of Trustees unanimously supports the Jo Daviess County Board in its efforts to effect changes to the existing Prevailing Wage Act.” Highway Commissioner Winders commented over the years we bought a lot of our own equipment so we (the Township) could do the work ourselves and not have to pay prevailing wages to an outside contractor. Trust Wienen moved to approve sending the letter. Seconded by Trustee Ripley. By voice vote, approved unanimously.

Supervisor Wachter advised there were 535 ballots cast at Guilford Town Hall for the November 2nd election. The total number of ballots cast by registered voters in Guilford Township was 723 which includes absentee and ballots cast at the Courthouse. This represents about 71% of the 1,016 registered voters in Guilford Township.

Supervisor Wachter concluded his report stating the FY2009 Fiscal Responsibility Report Card was received in October from the State Comptroller’s office and will be available for public viewing on the State’s website in January 2011.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported we were again blessed with great fall weather throughout the last month.

We did some dirt work in Guilford proper doing shoulder and ditch projects which we have long wanted to do. Selected drifting areas had snow fence installed. During some cool, wet windy days the shop was busy starting to prepare the equipment for winter and installing snow plow equipment.

On October 21, Winders attended an organizational meeting of the Northwest Illinois Highway Commissioners’ Association in Byron, Illinois. The meeting was

to discuss the NWIHCA Annual Spring Seminar. This coming spring’s central topic will revolve around Township lobbying and ability to enforce weight limits. Every Township road is an 80,000 pound road.

Guilford Township Board Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 4 of 5

After leaving the meeting, Winders came back by way of Dixon where he purchased a used reversible snow plow from Bonnell Equipment to be installed on the front of the John Deere 672CH Series II motor grader.

The evening of October 26 was reserved for the Jo Daviess County Highway Commissioners Association’s quarterly meeting where Illinois Motor Fuel Tax additions, pavement rejuvenation methods, and Jo Daviess FEMA work, agents and approaches were discussed.

Guilford’s work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency continues and applications for reimbursement on a couple of the projects have been signed and sent. Winders has done a lot of paperwork.

Winders has met with FEMA agents once or twice a week with another meeting scheduled for November 9. There were a total of 37 GPS sites for FEMA to look at. The process is that first we must provide an estimate to State of all the disaster problems, then meet with FEMA agents, then meet again. If some of the projects are categorized as “debris removal,” they don’t have to pay.

The road crew has fixed driveway approaches, applying gravel and cold patch. Eagle Ridge Drive is still to be engineered. This would be a joint-with-County project.

Winders also made some modifications that will improve the possibility of our being awarded a grant from the Department of Agriculture and resubmitted the application.

Highway Commissioner Winders concluded his report by stating he had turned in a bill to the County for Motor Fuel Tax to help pay for equipment.

Clerk Bersbach reported the on-going FOIA Request continues with Township Citizen Madelynn Wilharm reviewing Township records. Ms. Wilharm met at the Clerk’s home for two hours October 28th and two hours November 4th.

The University Of Illinois Extension Program was on “Regionalism: An Approach to Economic Development.” Speakers discussed New Tools for Assessing Regional Economic Competitiveness. Some of the points covered were: economic development activity does not follow political boundaries; labor markets reach beyond city limits and county lines; major infrastructure investments (roads, bridges, highways, etc.) tend to connect to a greater marketplace giving access in and out of your community; joining groups together results in a higher efficiency of limited resources; find a common purpose/goal/benefit for working together as a region; know your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Websites of interest are: and

Voting information and two outdated FEMA postings were removed from the website. The Township received information that Goodwill in Dubuque will accept computer equipment in any condition and make sure it is recycled through a certi-

Guilford Township Board Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 5 of 5

fied environmentally responsible processor. That has been added to Waste and Recycle information on the Township’s website.

Bersbach concluded by stating the Museum’s Vision2020 New and Enhanced Exhibits Committee is working with Bradley University (Indiana) on technological enhancements to current exhibits.


The proposed 2010-2011 Levy for the Township is $243,124. This represents slightly less than a 5% increase on the $231,548.80 extended to the Township. The proposed 2010-2011 Levy for the Road District is $478,586. This represents slightly less than a 5% increase on the $455,800.34 extended to the Road District. The Township and Road District Levies are ready to be adopted at the December 13 meeting.

The Clerk has been using her own copier since taking office. The machine is about 20 years old and it is no longer cost effective to continue making repairs. The Trustees reviewed a summary of information regarding costs to buy or lease a copier. All models listed have the ability to scan documents to the computer – possible cost savings if the Township goes to “paperless” Board Packs in the future.

Following discussion of various options and costs, Trustee Stoneburner moved the Township buy the Sharp Model MX-M200D copier. Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Supervisor Wachter will add the machine to the list of equipment covered by TOIRMA.

The Township received a ballot for the 2010 IMRF Executive Trustee Election. A copy of the “resolution to cast a ballot” was in the Board Packs. Trustee Stoneburner moved to adopt the resolution. Trustee Ripley seconded. By voice vote, adopted unanimously.PUBLIC COMMENTS - None.ADJOURNMENT

There being no further business to conduct, Trustee Ripley moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: Date: December 13, 2010

GUILFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGGuilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

December 13, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

CALL TO ORDERThe Guilford Township Board of Trustees met for business Monday, December

13, 2010, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.ROLL CALL

Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter, Trustees Larry Lomax, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner and Wayne Wienen. Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.

Others present: Township citizen Gary Diedrick.MINUTES

A copy of the November 8, 2010, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Ripley moved the minutes be approved as presented. Seconded by Trustee Wienen. By voice vote, approved unanimously.TOWNSHIP AND ROAD DISTRICT LEVIES

The proposed 2010-2011 Levy for the Township is $243,124. This represents slightly less than a 5% increase on the $231,548.80 extended to the Township.

The proposed 2010-2011 Levy for the Road District is $478,586. This represents slightly less than a 5% increase on the $455,800.34 extended to the Road District.

Following a brief discussion, Trustee Wienen moved to accept the Levies as presented; seconded by Trustee Stoneburner. Unanimously approved by a roll call vote.TREASURER’S REPORT AND APPROVAL OF BILLS

Supervisor Wachter reported the Township and Road District received the Final Tax Distribution in November. The Township’s payment dated November 8 was $54,881.50; the payment dated November 16 was for the interest amount of $99.04. The Township received a grand total of $231,529.84 in property tax distributions for the tax year 2009.

The Road District’s Distribution payment dated November 8 was $108,035.81; the payment dated November 16 was for the interest amount of $194.96. The Road District received a grand total of $455,762.24 in property tax distributions for the tax year 2009.

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Supervisor Wachter commented we are only four months into the 12-month loan taken to purchase the motor grader and the interest rate is very low (2.2%). While we have the option to pre-pay, rather than risk putting the Township in a tight-cash position, we will hold off on making payments until after we start receiving FEMA re-imbursement funds expected next spring.

Bills received after the Board Packs were assembled were given to the Trustees for review. The total amount listed on the Board Audit Report for approval was $46,883.66. After all bills presented were reviewed, Trustee Ripley moved the bills be approved for payment. Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. REPORTS

Supervisor Wachter reported Chief County Assessment Officer, Donna Berlage, met with Township Supervisors and Assessors on December 1 to discuss assessment procedures, manufactured homes, and redistricting – a proposed change from 11 to 5 Assessment Districts. Something similar came up ten years ago but no changes were made. According to Property Tax Code, redistricting must be proposed every ten years. Fewer Districts would be a savings to county by shifting some work to the Township Assessors who would plug the numbers into the computer and “value” the property (in addition to what they currently do). The required number of hours of training for Assessors has doubled. The Assessor’s Workbooks were handed out on December 1 and are to be returned to the CCAO by April 15.

The Timeline for Township Assessment Redistricting is:Before August 1, 2012: CCAO shall prepare maps and distribute a copy to the

County Board, Township Supervisors, Boards of Trustees, Township Assessors and the Department of Revenue.

Between August 1, 2012 and September 15, 2012: The Township Board of Trustees shall meet and determine if suggested assessment districts are acceptable. If not acceptable, the Township must determine an alternative Multi-Township Assessment District.

Before September 15, 2012: The respective Board of Township Trustees shall notify the CCAO and the Department of Revenue whether they have accepted the suggested Multi-Township Assessment District or whether they have adopted an alternative district.

Before October 1, 2012: The CCAO shall determine whether any suggested or alternative assessment district meets the conditions of the Property Tax Code. In any dispute between 2 or more Townships as to inclusion or exclusion, the County Board shall hold a public hearing in the County Seat and make a final determination as to the composition of the district.

Guilford Township Board Meeting, December 13, 2010 Page 3 of 6

Qualifications from Statute: A Multi-Township Assessment District shall contain at least 2 townships and 1,000 or more inhabitants, shall contain no less than the total area of any township, shall be contiguous to at least one other township in the multi-township assessment district.

April 9, 2013: Election of Township Assessor. January 1, 2014: Township Assessor sworn into office.

Due to our high EAV (equalized assessed valuation) Guilford Township pays the majority of the MTAD Assessor’s salary and expenses. The Census numbers must be reported to the President by the end of this year. States, counties, and townships will likely get their Census numbers early next year. Among our options are to join with Thompson Township, oppose the proposal, or make our own proposal. We do not need to take any action at this time.

Wachter received the Galena Area Emergency Medical Services District Statement of Financial Position Report (as of April 30, 2010) showing $757,912 total liabilities and net assets, down $69,786 from the $827,698 the previous year. Supervisor Wachter concluded by commenting on the recent passing of Rudy Pascoe of Elizabeth, Illinois. Rudy was a 29 year volunteer member of the Elizabeth Ambulance Service, active in many other community organizations, and a genuinely nice guy. Wachter sent a memorial card to the family on behalf of Guilford Township.

Highway Commissioner Winders stated since the November 8th meeting the Road District finished preparing for winter season work – putting up snow fence, picking up beet juice and mixing materials to spread on roadways during winter.

On November 19th Winders and Steve Keeffer, Jo Daviess County Engineer, met with Duane Smith, Area Specialist with the United States Department of Agriculture, for discussion on the North Ford Road grant application. Duane has indicated that our chances will increase dramatically if we apply at a 50/50 cost ratio. We also received other documents to be reviewed by our attorney.

Winders met with Bob Roth, Township attorney, on November 24th concerning our USDA Rural Development grant application. He also requested aid from Township Clerk, Claire Bersbach, for some information involving documentation on North Ford Road. Winders stated Claire was efficient and thorough in providing the needed information.

Work has started on repairing Territory Drive by The Galena Territory Marina. This work is the final project to be started with Township forces on the July flood repairs. Work most likely will not be able to be completed until spring now that winter has set in.

We have also started winter off, or rather, are finishing fall with a couple of rugged weekends of snow, ice, and wind. This has hit the snow-fighting materials

Guilford Township Board Meeting, December 13, 2010 Page 4 of 6

hard. Winders commented he had seven crew men (regular crew plus part-time employees) plowing and applying sand mix the weekend of December 11 th. Every road in the Township had sand mix applied using between 200 to 250 tons of material – approximately $6000 worth.

Winders has signed off on 12 applications concerning all but one of the 37 +/- work sites the Township proposed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The remaining project is the Territory and Marina culvert structure which is in the works. The first two of the applications have been approved and returned. These first two were signed on November 2nd and the 6th. These two – one for the Eagle Ridge Drive temporary repair and the woody debris removal – totaled $14,253.78 of which we should receive 75% or $10,690.

Clerk Bersbach reported the on-going FOIA Request continues with Township Citizen Madelynn Wilharm reviewing Township records. Ms. Wilharm met at the Clerk’s home office for two hours November 11 th, two hours December 2nd, two hours December 9th, and is scheduled for December 16th, weather permitting.

The new copier was installed on November 16th. Bersbach thanked the Board and stated “it is already helping to make my job easier.”

Bersbach spent 25 hours the week of November 22nd searching through seven (7) Township record books for references to North Ford Road for Highway Commissioner Winders’ Grant Application from the Dept. of Agriculture. The new copier came in quite handy for copying pages from the oversize Record Books as well as making copies of the ledger size pages of the copy of the 1893 Plat maps of Guilford Township loaned by Township citizen, Madelynn Wilharm.

Bersbach prepared a three-page memorandum to Highway Commissioner Winders summarizing the results of the research and provided highlighted copies of the referenced pages from the Township’s Record Books. A copy of the memo, along with highlighted copies of the referenced pages from the Township’s Record Books, was also provided to accompany the Grant Application. Bersbach delivered the completed paperwork to Winders on Tuesday, November 30, commenting that in total, she spent about 30 hours on this project. A complete set of the research was given to Township Supervisor Wachter. Each Township Board member was given a copy of the 1893 plat maps in their Board Packs.

Bersbach acknowledged Township citizen, Madelynn Wilharm, and The Galena Territory Association’s Architectural Review Office – Dave Oldenburg and Julie Jobgen – and thanked them for providing maps of the Township that helped facilitate her research.

Guilford Township Board Meeting, December 13, 2010 Page 5 of 6

The Galena History Museum Vision2020 Steering Committee met December 9th. There was discussion about the theme, increasing membership and visitors, steps to take prior to a campaign to raise capital, and communicating with other Vision2020 committees.

Bersbach updated the Township’s website, removing outdated FEMA and Disaster Recovery Center information, and adding a brief paragraph under the photo of the Township Board identifying each member.

Bersbach concluded by stating a new Record Book has been ordered from Byers Printing.

Asked how many miles of North Ford Road, north of Stagecoach Trail, are owned by Guilford Township, Winders replied 1.7 miles.

Trustees Report – None.UNFINISHED BUSINESS

Supervisor Wachter talked with Township Attorney, Robert Roth, regarding compensation for meeting attendance, specifically three paid meeting allowances for one night’s work when the Township and the Road District Budget and Appropriation Ordinances are adopted – as had been the practice of the previous administration.

When the regular monthly meeting is suspended and the Public Hearings for the Township and for the Road District Budget and Appropriation Ordinances are conducted (essentially two “meetings” within the regular monthly meeting), technically speaking, that could be construed to be three meetings. Other Townships observe that practice as did Guilford Township’s previous Board. Six Township Board members are currently paid an allowance of $72.10 per meeting attended. By state statute, the Highway Commissioner is not paid a monthly meeting allowance.

While compensation must be approved 180 days prior to officials taking office, Roth advised if we wished to approve one paid meeting allowance per meeting day, we may do that. Trustee Lomax moved we adopt that policy; Trustee Wienen seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Supervisor Wachter will advise the Township’s bookkeeper of this change. Any future change to this must be made in writing in the Township’s Records and in writing to the Township’s bookkeeper. With the annual Cost of Living Allowance increase of 3%, this change in policy will save the Township $891.12 in 2011 and $917.88 in 2012.NEW BUSINESS – None.PUBLIC COMMENTS

Township citizen, Gary Diedrick, commented the Jo Daviess County website has been updated and looks great.

Guilford Township Board Meeting, December 13, 2010 Page 6 of 6

ADJOURNMENTThere being no further business to conduct, Trustee Stoneburner moved to

adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: January 10, 2011

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