Ministries Booklet - Peace Lutheran Church

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Ministries Booklet - Peace Lutheran Church of Plymouth, Minnesota




There’s a place where you fit-in! (September 2010)

Send me,

Lead me,

Call me,

Fill me,

Choose me,

Use me.

Wherever you want me

Wherever you need me

I will go, I will go.

“I Will Go” Paul Marino of River


Adult Forum and Coffee Fellowship 4

Bible Study and Theology in Depth 4

Faith Circle 4

Hope Circle 5

Year Round Bible Study 5

Youth Studies 5


Adult Bell Choir 6

Celebration Singers 6

Cherub Choir 6

Contemporary Worship Team 6

Hallelujah Chorus 6

Hand Chime Choir 7

Old Time Music Jam Sessions 7

Senior Choir 7

Solos and Ensembles 7


Children/Family Events 8

Sunday School 8

Vacation Bible School (VBS) 8

Middle School Events 8

Confirmation “Head 2 Heart” 9

High School Sunday School 9

High School Wednesday “Oasis” 9

High School Events and “Service Saturdays” 9


Breakfast Gathering 10

Drama Group 10

FLOP’s (Friday Ladies of Peace) 10

Golf Team 10

Knitting Club 11

Lutheran Night at the Twins Game 11

“Meet and Eat” Dinner Groups 10

Men’s Wild Game Feed Dinner 11

OWLS (Older, Wiser, Lutheran Seniors) 11

Peace Motorcycle Club 11

PIT’s (Parents in Transition 11

POLKADOT’S (Parents of Little Kids All Doing Other Things) 12

ROMEO’s (Retired Older Men Eating Out) 12

Thursday Women’s Group 12


African Missions 14

Dominican Republic Missions 14

Latvia Missions 14

Caring By Serving Teams

(Funeral Communication and Care Teams)


College Care Packages 15

Faith Chests 15

Families Moving Forward 15

Highway Clean-up 15

Meals on Wheels 15

Peace at Prayer 16

Peace-Full Nights Dinner Teams 16

Quilters 16

Rummage Sale 16

Tree House Ministry Volunteers 16

World Hunger 16


Altar Guild 18

Congregation Council 18

Endowment 18

Education Committee 18

Evangelism and Outreach Committee 18

Fellowship/Group Ministry Committee 19

Finance Committee 19

Mutual Ministry Committee 19

Natural Church Development 19

Office Volunteers 19

Personnel Committee 20

Property Operations Committee 20

Social Action Committee 20

Stewardship Committee 20

Sunday School Teachers 20

Technology 21

Ushers & Greeters 21

Worship and Music Committee 21

Youth and Family Committee 21



Adult Forum and Coffee Fellowship

Sundays 9:40-10:30 AM September-May Enjoy speakers and lively discussion in the Fellowship Hall. Topics range from the church’s mission to missionary speakers, from presentations by college professors to discussion on the connection of Sunday to Monday. We also have some Sundays where we will discuss the Gospel text in small groups, as well as some Sundays just for coffee fellowship. Watch the monthly newsletter for the month’s schedule.

Bible Study and Theology in Depth

Wednesday 6:30-7:30 PM in Fellowship Hall Discover the power and depth of God’s Word for daily living. Explore what the text meant to the original hearers, and its current meaning for us. Pastor Sedlins leads these six to ten session Bible studies through the year, and usually invites the author of the study to lead the last session. These authors are often professors from Luther Seminary. The fall session begins the Wednesday following Rally Sunday in September. Contact: Pastor Sedlins

Faith Circle

2nd Tuesday of the Month 12:30 PM September-May Faith Circle meets in homes to share a time of conversation around a dessert provided by the hostess and to discuss needs that require attention. The main purpose is to unite in serious but spirited discussion based on the Bible study found in the monthly magazine Lutheran Woman Today. Each month we have an offering which is used for some form of outreach. The circles have decided to combine their offerings this year in order to purchase additional materials for quilting and to pay the scholarship for Neshumata Paulo, a student at the Maasai Girls Lutheran Secondary School in Tanzania. We welcome all women to join us in study and mission. Contact person: Grace Tauring

Hope Circle


Tuesday of the month 12:30 PM Sept - May Hope Circle meets in members’ homes or at the church. Meetings include the Bible study from the magazine Lutheran Woman Today, the sharing of life experiences as they relate to the study, refreshments and much fellowship. All women are invited. Contact person: Bunny Rova

Year Round Bible Study

Various days and times (groups forming for fall and summer) Study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation as you get the overall feel and flow of God’s story through thorough study and reflection in small group settings. Led by members of the congregation, these small groups use the Kerygma Bible Study series to share and explore how God is active in our world today. Previous groups have meet on Tuesday mornings at 6:30 AM, Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM, and Friday mornings at 9:00 AM. More groups are forming each year at various times. Contact person: Education Committee

Youth Studies

See Youth pages


Adult Bell Choir

Peace has been blessed with the gift of a full bell set. This past year we have enjoyed a very talented group of ringers. If you have ever wanted to play in a quality group of bell ringers, now is your chance. Spots are open for ringing. Contact person: June Nerness

Celebration Singers

Bi-monthly Wednesdays 7:00-7:45 PM (September-May) The Celebrations Singers is a small group of singers that lead the New Creation service at the 10:45 worship hour on the 2

nd or 3

rd Sunday of the

month. Practice is usually twice a month. New voices are not only welcome, but needed. Contact person: Ruth Holm

Cherub Choir

Wednesdays 6:30-7:00 PM (September-May) This choir combines unison anthems, rhythm activities and playful songs into a faithful first musical experience. The choir sings monthly and for festival services. For young children from age 4 through Kindergarten. At the beginning of the new year, children who are age 3 or older are invited to join this choir. Contact person: Rudy Raftshol

Contemporary Worship Team <NEW>

Help lead our worship by singing or playing along with our band (electric guitars, bass, and drums). We will hold 2-3 practices. Contact person: Pastor Jeff

Hallelujah Chorus

Wednesdays 6:15-7:00 PM (September-May) Grade school students in 1st-5

th grade develop musical skills during weekly

practices. The chorus sings monthly as well as for festival services and occasional musicals. Contact person: Ruth Holm

Hand Chime Choir

Wednesdays September-May Hand Chime Choir provides youth in our middle school confirmation program the opportunity to share their music in Sunday worship and festival services. No experience? No problem! We’ll teach you how. Join us for this fun and unique experience. Contact person: Nancy Peterson

Old Time Music Jam Sessions

Year-Round - Times to be announced Pull out your guitar, banjo, harmonica, accordion, spoons, kazoo, or whatever you play, and join an impromptu jam session at church as we come together in a relaxed setting singing some cherished old tunes. You don’t read music? Don’t worry…..this is for fun and not for show. The start time is punctual….the ending time is whenever the Spirit decides we are done for the night. Come and join the fun. Contact person: Pastor Jeff

Senior Choir

Wednesdays 7:45-8:45 PM September-May The Senior Choir is the main group of worship leaders in the congregation. It has members of all ages (middle school and high school are invited to participate as well). The Choir sings at either service each week as well as participating in the Christmas Festival, Cantatas, Spring Music Festival, and other special events. Contact person: Ruth Holm

Solos and Ensembles

Singers and instrumentalists are invited to provide music for the worship service at any time, but are especially needed during summer months when choir is on break. Contact person: Ruth Holm



Children/Family Events (Pre-School through 5th Grade)

Those children and parents in our pre-school through 5th grade have

enjoyed times of fellowship together. Join us for events such as Birthday Party For Jesus, Easter Egg Hunt, Board Game Day, Halloween Party, bowling at Medina Lanes, and annual Church picnic at Hamel Park. Join us for fellowship as a family. Contact person: Karen Anderson

Sunday School

Sundays 9:35-10:35 AM September-May Children grow in faith by studying God’s Word, learning Bible verses and how to be a follower of Jesus. Great teachers, a memorable curriculum, and unique crafts help make Peace’s Sunday School a formative, creative and caring place to grow in faith. Contact person: Carol Forsberg Pastor Jeff

Vacation Bible School (VBS) (re-Kdg through 5th Grade)

(Monday-Thursday) 3rd

week of July A one-week summer camp program that gets top marks by kids and parents alike for fun, faith-building and friendship, as well as for songs, crafts and Luther Bible Camp counselors. Camp is open to Kindergarten through 5

th grade students. Middle school, high school and

college students serve as assistants. This is an all day event. Contact person: Pastor Jeff


Middle School Events (6th - 8th Grades)

Youth in the 6th-8

th grade and their families will meet for social and service

activities throughout the year. Past activities have included bowling, Feed My Starving Children, Frisbee golf, putt-putt golf, and ski outing, and hosting the annual Halloween Party for children. Contact person: Pastor Jeff Heiderscheit

Confirmation “Head 2 Heart” (6th – 8th Grade)

Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 PM A three-year Confirmation program is offered for 6


th graders. Our goal:

To connect the head to the heart! Completion of the program leads to the Rite of Confirmation. Pastor Heiderscheit presents the Bible and Catechism teachings each week, followed by small group time with adult mentors to find support and apply the study to their lives. Each year, activities are planned for social and service. Plan to participate and get to know your classmates! Activities are listed in the confirmation booklet handed out at fall kick-off. Contact: Pastor Jeff Heiderscheit


High School Sunday School

Sundays 9:30-10:30 AM September-May We meet in the youth room and spend an hour in the lesson for the day. Led by Keith Jacobson, topics will be current and thought provoking. Bring your Bibles, you will be using them. Contact person: Keith Jacobson

High School Wednesday “Oasis”

Wednesday September-May 6:00-6:30 Hang-out fellowship time 6:30-7:30 Oasis Join us in the youth room for a mid-week soul refreshment. We will tackle tough issues, watch a video, have moving music-led worship, and participate in group mixers and games. It’s fun, it’s laid-back. Bring a friend! Contact person: Pastor Jeff Heiderscheit

High School Events and “Service Saturdays”

Watch monthly Newsletter for Times and Dates Each month we will do something as a group. We may be spending the night in a lock-in, or ringing the bell at the Salvation Army Kettle, or hanging out bowling a couple games at Medina Lanes. We also are sponsoring church-wide “Service Saturday” opportunities for all ages to come together in serving the needs of others. Fun comes in many different ways.


Breakfast Gathering


Wednesday of the Month 8:00 AM All – Year Meet together with this cross-generational group of women at Panera Bread in Plymouth. The topics of conversation are as varied as the women in this fellowship group. Nothing to join, no dues to pay. Simply come and join us. We will save a place for you. Contact person: Diane Johnson

“Meet and Eat” Dinner Groups

2x a year or Quarterly (Meet 1x then mix it up for the next dinner) Dinner Groups are an informal means of getting better acquainted with one another. The group gathers at the home of a host for an evening of food, fellowship and fun. This is a great way to get acquainted with fellow family members of Peace. Contact person: Jean Sorenson

Drama Group

Do you like to act? Do people consider you a real “character”? Well, this group is for you. Through out the year, this group will explore skits and dramas that can be presented in worship. This is also a group that will explore local theater outings when a show of interest is available. No acting skill necessary, just a desire to learn. Hope Murray is a gifted actress and teacher, and will help to bring out the best in you. Contact person: Hope Murray


(Friday Ladies of Peace) 2

nd Friday Evening of the Month

All year Food, fun and fellowship is the theme for this group! Women meet to share a meal, attend an event, or simply enjoy good conversation. Come away with renewed energy and perspectives for families, jobs and church. Contact person: Janna McFarlane

Golf Team

Wednesday Tee Times between 5:00-6:00 PM Peace Lutheran is one of the ten West Metro churches that make up the West Suburban Church Golf League. The league, which is played on the front nine at Hollydale, consists of match play with handicaps. Contact person: Muril Pederson

Knitting Club

4th Tuesday of Month – 10:00 am in the Narthex

September-May This informal gathering is intended for needle workers of all skill levels, and we invite those who crochet or embroider, etc. to join us. We’re not a class but if you want to learn, we can help. Besides our personal projects we also create mittens, caps & scarves for the annual mitten tree. Join us in the comfy chairs in the Narthex for a morning of sharing and encouragement. Contact persons: Bunny Rova Jan Mostrom

Men’s Wild Game Feed Dinner

This group of men and their sons get together once a year to share their bounty of hunted game. You might eat elk, moose, turtle, rattlesnake, walleye, trout, etc. Don’t worry, it all tastes great! There are fun “sportsman” style games and conversation. Don’t miss the fun. It is hosted at various homes each time. Watch for more details. Contact person: Don Peterson


(Older, Wiser, Lutheran Seniors) Once a Month from September-June One of our most active groups is the members who are aged 60 years or better. We gather for social trips and service activities. Let us know if you would like to be on the mailing list. Contact person: Don Peterson

Peace Motorcycle Club

Group rides organized throughout the summer and fall months Open to all riders who have an enthusiasm for life on 2 wheels. Watch for more information in the monthly newsletter.


(Parents in Transition) A Group for Empty Nesters Kids moving out? Parenting only by request? Doing what you want to do? Then this group is for you! PITs has lots of fun, good fellowship and no curfews. This group is for parents of children 19 years of age and older. Contact person: Cathy Noren


(Parents of Little Kids All Doing Other Things) A Group for Parents of Elementary age and younger This is a chance to get-together as parents of little ones. Some events are adults only, some are kids too. Come out for fun and sharing. Contact person: Sarah Kerbeshian


(Retired Older Men Eating Out) 1

st Monday of the Month 8:00 AM

This group of men meets at Perkins Restaurant at I-494 and Highway 55 to “shoot the breeze” and “solve the world’s problems”. Contact person: Luther Forde

Thursday Women’s Group

Meets Thursdays (call for dates) 7:00-9:00 PM 1x each month October - May This group of women meet for fun, fellowship and service. Our primary service project is tying the senior quilts that are part of the Peace Milestones Ministry. Contact Person: Karen Hackbart

“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven” Matthew 5:15



African Missions

Peace has a long history of being involved in various ministries in Tanzania, Africa. These have included helping to build and operate the MaaSae Girls’ Lutheran Secondary School through the Minneapolis-based Operation Bootstrap organization, providing many scholarships for the students, supporting the construction of a primary school in Engaruka, Tanzania, and supporting a women’s weaving program called the Widow’s Might. Members of Peace still support these missions through their letters, prayers and gifts. If you would like to know more about these ministries or provide a donation call Contact Grace Tauring .

Dominican Republic Missions

For the past five years Peace has helped in the building of a school and clinic in a poor section of Santa Domingo. You are invited to accompany our members to the Dominican Republic to help with construction or contribute needful items for them to take along for the children there. Contact Midge Shaw for more information.

Latvia Missions

Peace has found various ways to support the Latvian Lutheran Church which emerged after the fall of Communism in that land. Sunday Schools have been helped, scholarships have been given, a chaplaincy program has been established, and chaplains have been trained and certified to serve in hospitals. If you would like to learn more about these ministries or give a gift,

Contact Pastor Sedlins .

Caring By Serving Teams

(Funeral Communication and Care Teams)

From time to time special needs arise when people in crisis are in need of meals, or a funeral is in need of a special dinner. These teams come together to provide ministry through food. If you would like to be added to a team, please contact one of the leaders. Contact people: Carol Forsberg

College Care Packages

Wednesday Evenings 7 times a year Parents, grandparents, or aunts and uncles meet briefly to pool together miscellaneous small items and/or snacks to assemble into care packages to send to their college-aged young people. What a great way to let our single young adults know that they are remembered while away from home. Contact person: Becky Gabbert

Faith Chests

Every child that is baptized in our congregation receives a beautiful, handcrafted chest made by Bob Tauring on behalf of our congregation. If you would like to contribute to Bob’s efforts and supplies, give him a call. Contact person: Bob Tauring

Families Moving Forward

One Week Quarterly This is one of the most powerful ministries that we do at Peace. Four times a year we open our doors to homeless families in need. For 7 days and nights, families call Peace home. The needs are great. We need dinner cooks, hosts, set-up and take-down, and overnight hosts. It is not hard, and the reward is great. You owe it to yourself to volunteer. Contact person: Tim and Pam Hughes and Dave and Jean Swanson

Highway Clean-up

It’s just what it says….help by picking up trash along our adopted section of highway 55. We clean the road twice a year. Contact person: Social Action Committee

Meals on Wheels

6-8 Times per Year - The Wayzata/Plymouth Meals on Wheels program is an outreach ministry where volunteers from several area churches deliver prepared hot meals to the elderly, sick, or recovering homebound people in our local community. The meals are picked up at 10:15 a.m. at the Carlson World Headquarters at 701 Carlson Parkway and delivered Monday-Friday year round. Delivery takes 45-75 minutes. Contact person: Social Action Committee

Peace at Prayer

Sign up to be on our on-line prayer chain as we lift people and events in prayer. For more information, see the link on our website

Peace-Full Nights Dinner Teams

This is always a need as we put on delicious meals each Wednesday evening during the school year. If we have full teams you only need to serve every 6 weeks. Please consider this important need. Contact person: Pam Jette


This group of sewers and tyers has made more than 1000 quilts to date (just shy of 100 this past year!). They meet twice a month at church and spend their time sewing assembling much needed quilts for the Marie Sandvick Center. No sewing skills needed….if you can tie a knot, you can help. Contact person: Marian Olson

Rummage Sale

This annual event has helped the community needs with more than $80,000 raised! It is a large undertaking and involves many volunteers giving hundreds of hours. You are needed to lend a hand. This event is fun, a little wacky, and absolutely fulfilling to see the outpouring of money for the community. Contact person: Pam Jette

Tree House Ministry Volunteers <NEW!>

Currently we have Tree House ministries meeting in our building on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Tree House is a youth group for troubled and at-risk teens in our community. If you would like to be a volunteer in this important ministry, Contact person: Tom Richards (612) `

World Hunger

Find out more about the issues of world hunger. Events revolve around setting up food collection, worship temple talks, and even attending Feed My Starving Children in Brooklyn Park Contact person: Rudy Raftshol

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28



Altar Guild <NEEDED>

This committee currently does not exist, but needs to. This group will be responsible for the care and beautifying of the altar, as well as the care and maintenance of the communion supplies. This group hangs the banners as well. If you have a passion for keeping God’s chancel clean and tidy, let us know. This group is needed! Contact person: Pastor Andy

Congregation Council

The Council consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members-at-Large. The Council is responsible for the business affairs of the congregation, coordination of committees, and overseeing the paid staff of the church. The members of Council are elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting each year in January. Nominations are sought beginning in November, and those interested in serving on Council are encouraged to contact the current President: Linda Deal 763-478-8076 or Pastor Sedlins.

Education Committee

This committee has the responsibility of making sure all matters pertaining to education and Bible study at Peace Lutheran are properly covered and functioning. People are needed to assist this committee with ideas, expertise, and support for our numerous teachers and mentors as well as some family/children milestone events. Contact person: Carol Forsberg


This committee has the responsibility of being aware of all funds endowed to Peace, make sure they are invested properly, and to keep the congregation aware of where it stands. Contact person: Eric Madson

Evangelism and Outreach Committee

This committee is responsible for helping the congregation be better evangelists. They are also in charge of advertising and outreach to the community through flyers and mailings. Contact person: Acting Chair, Judy Lubben

Fellowship/Group Ministry Committee

This committee helps to plan and shape the various fellowship gatherings of our community. People are needed to assist with ideas, volunteer calling, and assisting with some events. Contact person: Donna Hagberg

Finance Committee

This committee’s purpose is to be aware of the income and expense on a regular basis. It guides the treasurer if a need arises to take care of a situation outside of the normal flow of money. This committee is also responsible for preparing the annual budget and having the books audited on an annual basis. Contact person: Don Davidson

Mutual Ministry Committee

This committee is designed to develop open communication, attitudes, and concerns within the congregation and the staff, serves as the pastors’ sounding board in time of personal or professional stress, and plan educational venues that support the mission of the congregation and the ministry of the staff. Contact person: Murrae Freng Betty Pederson Jean Swanson

Natural Church Development

This committee’s purpose is to seek ways to increase vigor and growth in our congregation using the principles created by the Natural Church Development Institute, an organization dedicated to the understanding of what common characteristics are present and active in growing Christian churches. By encouraging and coordinating the many parts of the body of our church to strengthen these key characteristics, we hope to grow in vitality and in numbers to enhance the work of our congregation. Contact person: Steve Wold

Office Volunteers

Help is always welcome in managing the workload in the office. Collating reports, directories and booklets are periodically done as a group project, while printing and assembling the bulletin and other copying tasks are done on a more regular basis. There is even a possibility of having help for a few hours daily as we have someone answer the phone and greet people over lunch hour. This area also covers the sorting and assembling of the monthly newsletter. Contact person: Anita Anderson

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee is directly connected to the paid staff as they provide yearly reviews, look at compensation and pay, and also deal with any issues that may arise with the staff.

Property & Operations Committee

This committee works to coordinate the maintenance and upkeep of the building and grounds of the church. If you have a special gift with your hands, or like to tinker, this group is for you. (Also see Technology Group). Contact person: Deb Meyers

Social Action Committee

The Social Action Committee keeps abreast of the needs in our community and around the world. They are involved in activities and support organizations that feed the hungry, house the homeless, provide clothing and blankets to those in need, and educational opportunities to those in developing countries. Contact person: Deb Weir

Stewardship Committee

This committee looks at the various ways in which people can share their time, talent, and treasures for God’s work. Yes, much of what is done in this area revolves around the annual stewardship drive in the fall, but stewardship is much, much more than money. Come find out more. Contact person: Jeannice Reding

Sunday School Teachers

Our goal is to teach children and teens about Jesus as we live out His love in their presence. Adults work in teams to accommodate busy schedules. Come on board to impact a young life. Contact person: Carol Forsberg

Technology (sub-committee of Property Committee)

The team recommends, supports and promotes the use of technology in the administration, ministry and outreach of Peace. This includes hardware and software configurations, Internet access, e-mail and the Peace web page. This team actually works under the property committee, but has a very specific task to our tech needs. Contact person: Scott Rusten

Ushers & Greeters

These two areas are very important to our congregation as they are often the doorway to our congregation and the first impression that visitors will get of our community. If you have the gift of hospitality and are quick with a smile, these groups are for you. Contact person: Steve Johnson

Worship and Music Committee

This committee is responsible for ensuring things are in order for the proper functioning of the Sunday worship. This includes arranging acolytes, scripture readers, communion assistants, altar guild, music, and other related matters. Contact person: Bob Samuelson

Youth and Family Committee

This committee is responsible for planning and implementing the youth and family events. Events range from service, missions, fellowship, and Bible study. Contact person: Karen Anderson

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

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