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Editorial: 72-33-44, e-mail: mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising: 0917-7121424, e-mail: mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

VOL. 2, No. 100 Cagayan de Oro City Wedesday September 12, 2012 P10.00




KusinaKusinaOFFERS:Catering services: Birthdays,

Wedding, Seminars, ConferenceFortich St. Brgy. 7, Malaybalay City

Contact #: 813-4004

Emano’s admin caseEmano’s admin casenot a done deal: DILGnot a done deal: DILG




For more details, contact Tel. No.: 309-5276


Lawyer Renee Burdeos, DILG regional director in Northern Mindanao, de-scribed the insinuation as casting doubt on DILG’s integrity.

He said Ranny Spencer Palisco, of the DILG’s inves-tigation division in Manila, would not be around if the case was already a done deal.

In a text message, Bur-deos said Emano is facing charges with dereliction of duty and gross negligence. The case was in connection with Typhoon Sendong that lashed out Cagayan de Oro City late December last year, he added.

According to Burdeos, Palisco came to Cagayan de Oro City to hear personally the case on orders of Presi-dent Aquino.

It would be the first and last hearing of the case here since lawyers of both par-ties agreed to submit their respective memorandum within 30-day on whether the case should be dismissed.

The lack of authorized committee from the DILG to conduct the probe prompted Emano’s lawyers and sup-porters to doubt the possible outcome of the case.

Lawyer Francis Khu, Emano’s lead counsel, said

that a formal investigat-ing committee should have been formed to look into the case rather than acting on a ‘personal order’ from newly installed interior Sec. Mar Roxas.

The case stemmed from a complaint filed by for-mer City Health Officer Dr. Vincent Tero, Pastor Raul Ramon Roa, ex-councilors Celestino Ocio and Teod-ulfo Lao, and former Gusa barangay chairperson Enrico Salcedo.

In their complaint, Ema-no allegedly neglected warn-ings issued by the

By CRIS DIAZ, Associate editor, and RUEL V. PELONE, Editor in chief

THE Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) allayed fears that the administrative case filed against Mayor Vicente Emano of Cagayan de Oro City was a done deal.

FLOATING SPHERE. Ferville Grace D. Tripoli of Dadiangas West Central Elementary School seems to apply magic in the ball event of the gymnastics competition for the Mindanao Milo Little Olympics 2012 held over the weekend in Cagayan de Oro. The General Santos City lass was one of thousands of athletes from several schools who participated in the biggest sports event for students and pupils. The gymnastics event was staged at the Corpus Christi gymnasium. Photo by Gerry L. Gorit

TRAIN ‘EM YOUNG. Pupils attentively listen to veteran broadcast and print journalist Joe del Puerto Fe-licilda as he delivers his lecture on broadcast journalism Tuesday afternoon held at BusinessWeek Mindanao Media Center in Cagayan de Oro City. Photo by Ronald Mastail


MORE than a dozen of pupils from Gusa Elementary School in Barangay Gusa in Cagayan de Oro underwent training on broadcasting Tuesday afternoon.

Emano sus-pects the filing of charges against him is a ploy to undermine his reelection bid in the coming midterm elec-tions.

Training on broadcastingThe training was made possible

through the efforts of Mr. Dante Sudaria, publisher of Business-Week Mindanao, and veteran radio and print journalist Joe del Puerto Felicilda––and the pupils’ advisers Romelrita L. Maghuyop

News In Focus2

Editor: CRIS DIAZ Email: crisguardian@yahoo.comEditorial. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

Read us online exactly as it appears in print : www.mindanaodailybalita.com



ADDRESS: 003 Guijo Street Baloy Cagayan de Oro City

EMAIL ADDRESS:andy_jabao@yahoo.com

MDN: Aug 17, 2012-Feb 17, 2013

Cagayan de Oro City – The De-partment of Public Works and Highways Region 10, Training Section spearheaded a 5-day seminar workshop to twenty nine (29) employees in the District and Regional offices here which started Monday, September 3, 2012. The act ivity has the end

in view of providing the par-ticipants the needed skills in writing grammatically correct sentences in English, capacity to prepare reports and technical papers correctly, and the ability to identify techniques, strate-gies and points to consider in handling question-and-answer sessions, making presentations,

and conducting meetings. This is the second batch of the seminar participated by employ-ees who are directly involved in the preparation of official writ-ten and oral communication in their respective offices. The topics discussed included a refresher on the grammar us-age, sentence construction and

paragraph development, prepa-ration of office communication like memoranda, indorsements, letters, reports writing, and public speaking. Communication experts in the academe were tapped as speakers who intelligently shared their wis-dom to the participants through the lectures and exercises.

DPWH X Conducts Seminar on Effective Oral and Written Communication

by: Sandra V. Flores,DM,Acting PRO

Congressman Rufus B. Rodriguez of the second district of Cagayan de Oro addresses Sendong victims at Sitio Maca-paya in the Amakan Houses on August 27 giving them the assurance that Habitat for Humanity will expedite construc-tion of their 440 permanent houses and also he will be giving livelihood programs like the Bayanihan Transport Group for transportation route of the residents, furniture making and food processing. Cong. Rodriguez also shared food for the one thousand four hundred evacuees and other people in attendance as his way of celebrating fiesta with them.

prices of kerosene by 20 centavos per liter, the re-port said.

At 12:01 a.m. Monday, Petron reduced its pump prices for Blaze 100, XCS, and Xtra by P.60 per liter, P0.25 per liter for Turbo Diesel and Diesel Max.

However, Petron also hiked the price of kerosene by P.20 per liter.

Total Gas also brought down the prices of unleaded and premium gas by 60

Big oil firms slash oil prices, hike kerosenePILIPINAS Shell, Petron Corp. and Total Philippines on Monday joined other oil companies in reducing

prices of their petroleum products.

Breaking several weeks of price hikes that burdened

motorists, Shell rolled back prices of its unleaded and premium gas by 60 centavos per liter and diesel by 25

centavos per liter at 12:01 a.m. Monday.

But just like the minor oil players, Shell hiked the

centavos per liter starting at 6 a.m. Monday. Seaoil and Flying V cut their prices at similar rate last Sunday.

Th e latest oil price ad-justments came after an independent panel claimed there was no irregularity in recent fuel price adjustments.

Militant groups assailed the fi ndings, vowing to con-duct their own probe and a possible transport strike if fuel price hikes continue this month.




Editorial Department: mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising Department: mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.comRead us online exactly as it appears in print : www.mindanaodailybalita.com


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The MINDANAO DAILY NEWS (MDN) newspaper is published daily at Door 2,

Tanleh Building, Abellanosa St., Brgy. Con-solacion, Cagayan de Oro City. It is reg-istered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Region 10 with Certifi fcate No. 01791042, and with Business Permit

No. 02275, TIN No. 209-980-927Tel. Nos: (088) 856-3344, (08822)72-33-44, Cell nos.: 0917-7121424, 0923-432-0687Website: www.mindanaodailybalita.comE-mail: mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com,





















THINK a minute.Winston Churchill was

65 years old when he first became England’s Prime Minister. It was May of 1940 and England’s mili-tary was not well armed or prepared for war.

So when Hitler’s huge, powerful German army was planning to attack the British Isles, most military experts expected Germany to easily defeat England in no time.

But these experts could not imagine that in only 7 months, Winston Churchill would change the history of England and the entire Western World.

During those 7 months, when the families of Great Britain gathered in their living rooms to listen to their leader over the ra-dio, their feelings of fear and hopelessness were

Think A Minute

Jhan Tiafau HurstJhan Tiafau Hurst

Bring out the best

soon replaced by great confidence, hope, and victory. Why? Churchill knew just how to get the English people to believe in themselves—in their own cause and abilities. And defeating Germany’s powerful army became England’s finest hour!

It’s been said: “Peo-ple who feel good about themselves do their best.” Whether it’s at work on the job, at home with their mate and children, or with friends.

So if you want people to change, you’ve got to help them believe in themselves so they will want to change and do their best. But when we criticize and shame our children, our wife or husband, or people we work with, we only hurt them and tear down their self-confidence.

So why should we ex-pect them to do better when we’ve made them believe they can’t!

We all do our best when we feel good about our-

selves. That’s why a suc-cessful businessman says: “Instead of catching people doing something wrong to criticize and punish them, try to catch people doing something right and praise them for it. Then they will want to keep doing that right thing and always do their best.”

This is why Jesus Christ commands us to love oth-ers as yourself.

Make others feel good about themselves the way you want to feel good about yourself.

So won’t you ask Jesus to forgive you for your past and for treating others wrongly? Then ask Him to start changing your heart, so you can not only become your best, but you will also bring out the best in others.

Just Think a Minute.

Emano faces graft raps anew



OpinionOpinionEditor: RUEL VILLANUEVA PELONE • Email: ruel_pelone2002@yahoo.com

Editorial : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.comRead us online exactly as it appears in print : www.mindanaodailybalita.com

CAGAYAN DE ORO MAIN BRANCHP & J Lim Bldg., Tiano Brothers – Kalambagohan Sts.,

Tel. # (08822) 727-829 * Telefax # (088) 856-1947CORRALES BRANCH Corrales Ave., Cagayan de Oro City

DIVISORIA BRANCH A y. Erasmo B. Damasing Bldg., #61 Don A. Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City Tel. # (088) 857-3631

LAPASAN BRANCH Lapasan Hi-way, Cagayan de Oro City

A CERTAIN Jacky Ching of Wishing Star filed a case against City Mayor Vicente Emano at Ombudsman Manila with violation of graft and corrupt practice law and for grave abuse of authority. The case was filed Monday morning with the anti-graft court in Manila.

Manila-based colleagues relayed the information Sunday evening. The complainant would then hold a luncheon press conference after the filing of the case Monday noon. Considering how the event was organized, it appeared that the complainant has close connections with media practitioners in Manila. After all, Jacky Ching is residing in Manila.

I could have written the story for Monday’s edition but the paper was already in bed at that time. Anyway, the case stemmed when the city government rescinded the lease contract made by and between Jacky Ching in Carmen market. The Wishing Star owned by Jacky Ching leased the entire second f loor of Carmen market.

My friend was asking if I am familiar with the case. I told him that what I have heard was that the city rescinded the contract with Jacky Ching for violation of some of its provisions. For instance, Jacky Ching made it appear that he was renting the entire second f loor of the public mar-ket. It turned out that another tenant was operating and renting the second f loor and that the tenant was paying rent to Jacky Ching at an exorbitant price.

Another instance was for Jacky Ching’s Wishing Star to desist from selling products like meat and vegetables in competition with products sold by market vendors at the ground f loor. However, it turned out that Jacky Ching’s tenant was selling products that violated the contract. Market vendors complained of the violation that prompted the city government to investigate and review the contract made with Jacky Ching.

It was during the review that the city government’s legal department discovered the violations. The city then charged Jacky Ching with breach of contract and subse-quently terminated the contract. Afterwards, a top official from the province called up Jacky Ching who reportedly asked details of the transaction. The provincial official then urged Jacky Ching to file a case against Emano. Could anybody tell us who this provincial official is? Huhum-mmm… Like an old song. What does one expect when election season comes? React: crisguardian@yahoo.com

Cris DiazCris Diaz

Kakampi mo ang batas

Atty. Batas MauricioAtty. Batas Mauricio


LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you…” (Isaiah 46:4, the Holy Bible).


BREDO CONDO RAID: In reaction to our column on Interior and Local Govern-ment Undersecretary Rico Puno, one reader of ours, who calls me by the name I have been called when I was a young boy from Ramos, Tarlac, “Butch”, sent to me the following “clarifications” on some issues surrounding Puno. Let’s read on:

“Butch, my two cents, if you please. I have been watching the news and hear-ing accounts from the radio about Puno. For one, the news accounts are slanted in such a way that doubt is cast upon the integrity of Puno. We have been in this business for so long that we can at least suspect that a

Puno’s side on issues hounding him

magic wand is beating the tune and cadence of these media attacks against Puno.

“For example, the news was headlined that Puno attempted to break into the condo of Secretary Jesse Robredo. But listening to the accounts of the police inspector and the other wit-nesses, it was apparent that Puno was acting on orders from Malacañang, and he did not force himself into the condo.


PUNO MEANT TO OUST HIM: “A proper verbal re-quest was made by the police inspector and when it was denied, they just left. The

same thing happened when Puno came into the offices of Robredo for purposes of securing the files.

“He was with Justice Secretary Leila de Lima and the police narrated that they sealed all the files and cabinets and a crew was even recording the procedure in a video camera. Why wasn’t De Lima under suspicion also if she were with Puno? Would she be acting under the orders of Puno? That would be ridiculous, isn’t it?

So, what gives?“I see this as an orches-

trated media attack upon Puno. Somebody must want to remove him so badly? Why? Could it be that there

are sources of invisible in-come which could be tapped by whomsoever is appointed to Puno’s position? The only thing lacking is an organized media defense of Puno. Why he hasn’t taken that I am surprised.


ITY IN PNP BIDDING: “On the rifle issue, this is what I know from the industry people. The real score on the rifle bid: It was bidded twice and twice there was a failure. Only one company was the contender, nobody had a chance to join. Obvi-ously walang kalaban, kaya failure.

“Second, sa kakuriputan ng mga Israeli, for proof of capability nagbigay lamang performance bond. Eh ano daw yun, premium lang ang babayaran mo samantalang in all the bids, all the rest gave a check for a cash bond, cash check for P25 million and a certificate of deposit for P500 million from

By ALLAN M. MEDIANTEExecutive editor

IF the electorates of the First District of Cagayan de Oro are asked now on who would be the likely winner in their district in next year’s elections, they would eas-ily say Candy Darimbang. Why? It is because the lady still has a very potent politi-cal machinery despite her running as Independent in the 2010 polls. In the history of CDO politics, no independent candidate

The likely winners in next year’s polls?

has ever come-up close to Candy’s feat in terms of votes garnered, and a strong political machinery estab-lished that still functions up to the present.

And if the strongest political party in Cagayan de Oro dislodges Benjo Benaldo for his “waning popularity,” no other choice would be best but Candy?

Let’s examine the facts. Basing on the results of

the May 2010 elections, the vote-rich barangays of Cluster A ( Bulua, Kauswa-gan, Bonbon and Bayabas) gave independent Candy Darimbang the second high-est number of votes (8,078) as against Lakas Kampi Rainer Uy’s 7,812. PMP-Padayon Pilipino’s votes for Benaldo (10, 286) was only 2,000 votes away from Candy’s. (Cluster A has the second highest number of registered voters in the First District - 39,027.

In Cluster B (Carmen

and Balulang), which is Uy’s bailiwick, Candy garnered 8,293 votes with Uy topping at only 11,127 votes, and Benaldo/Padayon Pilipino getting only 9,380 votes or some 1,100 difference to Candy’s total votes. (Cluster B has the highest registered voting population at 43.560).

Cluster D (composed of barangaysLumbia Dansoi-hon, Tignapoloan, Bayanga, Tagpangi, Mambuaya Paga-lungan, Taglimao, Tump-agon, Besigan, Tuburan

TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT: Ms. Candy Darimbang




CommunityCommunityEditor: JOE DEL PUERTO FELICILDA• Email: jdelpf@yahoo.com

Editorial Department. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising Department : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.comRead us online exactly as it appears in print : www.mindanaodailybalita.com





Republic of the PhilippinesProvince of Bukidnon


Office of the Sangguniang Panlungsod


PRESENT: Hon. City Vice Mayor Victor P. Aldeguer, Presiding Officer Hon. City Councilor Jay Warren R. Pabillaran Hon. City Councilor Lorenzo L. Dinlayan, Jr. Hon. City Councilor Melchor P. Maramara Hon. City Councilor Fernando O. Melendez Hon. City Councilor George D. Damasco, Sr. Hon. City Councilor Mya Analene D. Rosos-Tenorio Hon. City Councilor Tita Perla E. Rubio Hon. City Councilor Anthony Canuto G. Barroso Hon. City Councilor Jose Medardo M. Estaniel Hon. City Councilor Mishel Caren S. Castilla Hon. City Councilor Benjamin S. Omao, Sr. ABSENT : Hon. City Councilor Roland F. Deticio (Official Business) Hon. City Councilor Bob T. Casanova (Official Business) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ORDINANCE NO. 750Series of 2012

Sponsored by: Hon. Mya Analene D. Rosos-Tenorio


Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Malaybalay, in session assembled, that:


SECTION 1. The Philippines is committed to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals No. 1 on reducing hunger and poverty with a measure on reducing child mortality by two thirds by 2015.

SECTION 2. The World Health Organization’s experts have identified breastfeeding as the most cost-effective measure to prevent infant and young child deaths.

SECTION 3. The Department of Health’s National Policy on Infant and Young Child feeding and the Nutritional Guideline of the Philippines (NGP) recommended the following:

a. Breastfeeding initiated within one (1) hour after birth;b. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six (6) months of life;c. Continue breastfeeding up to two (2) years and beyond with the introduction of safe, affordable

and appropriate complementary food.

SECTION 4. Republic Act No. 10028, an Act expanding the promotion of breastfeeding, amending Republic Act No. 7600, otherwise known as “An Act providing incentives to all government and private health institutions with rooming-in and breastfeeding practices and for other purposes; thus, otherwise known as the Expanded Promotion of Breastfeeding Act of 2009, requires all private and public institutions, medical and non-medical, to set up lactation facilities in the workplace with appropriate lactation program to allow employees to express their milk that would ensure optimum health and proper nutrition of their infants.

SECTION 5. Memorandum Circular No. 2011-54 from the Department of Interior and Local Government emphasizes the implementation and monitoring of the National Policy on Breastfeeding and setting-up of workplace lactation program.

SECTION 6. Breastfeeding is a gender-related concern and should be incorporated in the GAD Plan of all government and private agencies and offices.


SECTION 7. Scope. This Ordinance shall apply to all government offices and private establishments and institutions operating within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Malaybalay.

SECTION 8. Facility. It shall be the duty of the employer to provide a breastfeeding room in their office/establishment to allow mothers to either breastfeed their babies whom they bring to work or express their breast milk for giving to infant upon reaching their home. And to allow mothers/customers who visit an office or establishment to breastfeed their babies with the use of the said facility.

SECTION 9. Minimum Requirement. The breastfeeding room shall be private and comfortable to ensure that the health and safety of mothers and their babies are observed. Appropriate breast milk storage, handwashing facility, table and comfortable chairs shall be provided by the employer.

The minimum requirement provided on the setting up of a “Mother-Baby Friendly Workplace” shall be observed. Proper use and maintenance of the facility shall also be observed at all times. The use of the breastfeeding facility shall be free of charge.


SECTION 10. Compliance with this ordinance shall be a requirement for the granting and/or renewal of business licenses and permits. For this purpose, the office of the City Treasurer shall deny new and/or renewal applications for business licenses and permits without the following: a. Certification by the Malaybalay City Health Office on the compliance with this ordinance.

SECTION 11. The City Health Office is hereby authorized to conduct regular visitation and inspection of the breast-feeding room to ensure faithful compliance of this ordinance.


SECTION 12. Penalties. Any person, natural or judicial, found guilty of violating any of the provisions hereof shall be imposed a fine of One thousand (P1,000.00) Pesos for the First Offense, Three Thousand (P3,000.00) Pesos for the Second Offense and Five Thousand (P5,000.00) Pesos for the Third Offense.

SECTION 13. Separability Clause. Should any provision hereof be declared unconstitutional or ultra vires, the others not so declared shall remain in full force an effect.

SECTION 14. Repealing Clause. All other provisions of existing ordinances, resolutions and executive issuances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.

SECTION 15. Effectivity. This ordinance shall take effect fifteen days after the same has been published in a news-paper of general circulation in Malaybalay City.

ENACTED. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance is true.

(Sgd.) SEMPORIANA A. PAREDES Sangguniang Panlungsod Secretary APPROVED, JULY 17, 2012:

(Sgd.) VICTOR P. ALDEGUER City Vice Mayor Presiding Officer


(Sgd.) IGNACIO W. ZUBIRI City MayorMDN: Sept 5, 12 & 19, 2012


MAMBAJAO, Camiguin -- Local farmers here continue to choose lanzones from among other fruit varieties, Camiguin Provincial Agriculture Office (PAO) statistics show.

Sixty-two percent of their total sale in assorted fruit trees seedling come solely from lanzones, posting a total sale of P6,490 for July (latest data avail-able), each seedling costing about P5.

To date, a total of 990 hectares of land in the province are now planted with lanzones trees, posting an ad-ditional of 59 hectares covered as of July this year.

In terms of area, banana still posts wider coverage in the province with more than 1000 hectares, while mango posted some 300 hectares.

Th e PAO report also said that 990 hectares covered by lanzones trees, only 382 hectares, as of press time, were found fruit bearing.

A number of demo farms are also currently under the watch of PAO to improve their local variety of lanzones, known to be sweetest in the country.

Meanwhile, the province let up its guard on monitoring other lanzones plant varieties entering theprovince, as it may pose danger by bringing in new kind of pests to the island. (PIA 10/asf )

Camiguin posts high distribution rate

of lanzones seedings


ZAMBOANGA City -- An-chored on the theme “Fiesta Hermosa 2012... Mas Alegre na Zamboanga (It’s more fun in Zamboanga),” the city gears up for the feast day of Nuestra Señora de La Virgen del Pilar, the grandest event in Zambo-anga this October.

Mayor Celso Lobregat convened concerned parties to finalize the events for the celebration, October 1 to 12, the fiesta day, which is declared a holiday.

City Information Officer Sheila Covarrubias said that the mayor has called on residents to pray and honor the La Virgen del Pilar, the real meaning of the event.

Activities being lined-up include the Regatta, a

Zambo City gears up for Fiesta Hermosa 2012

sail boat race at the R.T. Lim Boulevard; Mascota competition, a contest of beautiful Zamboangueño-made gowns; agri-trade fair, an exhibit of agricultural products at the Plaza Persh-ing; dance sport competi-tion; Pesca Kita, a fishing competition at the Paseo del Mar; Wow sardinas, a sardine-eating spectacle

at the R.T. Lim Boulevard; float parade and a street dance competition.

“The festival shall also be packed with sports ac-tivities, such as golf, table tennis, dart, basketball and others as well as art exhibits and beauty pageants for both adults and children,” Miss Covarrubias added. (JPA/PIA 9-ZBST/asf )

ILIGAN City – Th e free medical and dental mission of the city vice mayor’s offi ce is continuing and has, so far, conducted 68 of such activities, this year.

Th is, in collaboration with the Iligan Dental Association, Philippine Red Cross and MSU-College of Medicine, among

others.Th e said offi ce has also conducted free

livelihood trainings on Spanish sardines production, spicy ‘dilis’ making, siomai making, fabric conditioner making, powder detergent soap making and dish washing liquid soap making, among others.

Free health services continue


Editor: SHAUN ALEJANDRAE UY Email: shaun_alejandrae_uy@yahoo.comEditorial Department. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising Department : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

Read us online exactly as it appears in print : www.mindanaodailybalita.com




By RUTCHIE C. AGUHOB OROQUIETA City, Misamis Occidental––The Regional Development Council of Region 10 (RDC-X) has endorsed the project “En-abling the Cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan to Cope with Climate Change,” for possible funding under the United Nation Development Program (UNDP).

Also called “Project Cli-mate Twin Phoenix,” the project was conceptualized in the aftermath of the huge devastation brought about by Tropical Storm Send-ong which hit Region 10, particularly the cities of Cagayan de Oro (CDO) and Iligan on December 16-17, 2011.

The project aims to as-sess the disaster vulnerabili-ties of the two cities and the municipalities surrounding the Cagayan de Oro and Mandulog River basins in the region, Engr. Leon M. Dacanay, Jr., Regional Director of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), and Chaiperson of the Regional Land Use Committee of region 10 (RLUC-X).

He said the project, spe-cifically seeks to assess the geological, meteorological, and meteorologically- in-duced hazards due to climate

RDC-10 endorses ‘Project Climate Twin Phoenix’change, the results of which will provide the basis for priority mitigation actions like community-based/man-aged early warning systems and integrated contingency planning and mobilization.

Meanwhile, Dacanay said the project will support the development of climate resilient livelihoods and risk sharing/transfer models, as well as organize knowledge on climate/disaster risk management for vulnerable communities.

Recognizing the impor-tance of the project as it focuses in rehabilitating the negative impacts of TS Sendong, particularly to the cities of CDO and Iligan, and the municipali-ties around CDO River and Mandulog River Basins, RLUC-X passed resolution No. 1, series of 2012.

The said resolution is entitled “Endorsing the Project ‘Enabling the Cit-ies of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan to Cope with Climate Change’ or ‘Project Climate Twin Phoenix,’ to Appropri-ate Funding Institution.”

The RLUC-X, therefore sought the confirmation of RDC-X support and subse-quent endorsement of said project to ensure its effective and efficient implementa-tion, Dacanay added. (RCA/PIA10-Misamis Occidental)


SURIGAO del Sur - The Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC), chaired by Gov. Johnny Pimentel, is investigating the burning of several bridge construction equipment in San Miguel town, September 4.

For this purpose, a fact-finding committee has been created, composed of the Department of the Interior and Local Government, the Philippine National Police, the Philippine Army, the Department of Public Works and the Philippine Information Agency.

It can be recalled that in the night of Sept 4, this year, 100 fully-armed men in camouflage military uniform, torched a crane, a welding machine, a power generator, a concrete vibrator; a back hoe; a pay loader; a boom truck; two dump trucks and a chainsaw.

Police investigators placed the damage cost to some P20 million. Said equipment belonged to the Concepcion Basic Builders Inc (CBBI), repairing the only bridge linking the interior town of San Miguel to the rest of Caraga Region.

Initial investigation revealed that in February this year, unidentified individuals demanded a 3-percent share of the total project cost, but CBBI ignored it.

The company did not report the extortion attempt to the police. (NGBT/PIA Surigao del Sur/asf)

SuriSur PPOC to probe burning of P20m equipment

BONBON’S NIPA-CLAD BEAUTYA young beauty clad in nipa leaves which abound in Barangay Bonbon shows off her smile as her ride passes by during Bonbon’s Tambanipa Festival Float Parade Competition, September 9, 2012. This is the 2nd float parade competition in Bon-bon, the first one having been initiated last year by Bonbon’s incumbent Punong Barangay Allan P. Mabalacad. CIOPHOTO






SUDOKUHow to play the game?Fill in completely every rows, columns and diagonals of each puzzle without repitition of the same digit.


ACROSS 1. Get smaller 5. Duplicates 11. Angry 13. Respect 14. Canine 15. Climbing plant 17. _Dorado 18. Printing measure 19. Spice 20. Movie medium 21. Home 23. Reject 25. Exercise 26. Karate grade 27. Orient 29. Advances 31. Insect egg 32. Whet 33. What? 35. Iridium’s symbol

36. Primitive plant 37. Hat 38. Grade 40. Bring to mind 42. Reworked 43. Female sheep

DOWN 1. Broad 2. Smell 3. Henpeck 4. cetera 6. Alley 7. Poem 8. Negative 9. Build 10. Rare 12. Escape 16. Frost 19. Greatest 20. Sell 22. Break

23. Weather_ 24. Of old age 26. Compact 28. Freshened 29. _Angeles 30. Tremble 32. Puncture 34. Orangutans 36. Congregated 37. Bull’s partner 39. 6 in Roman 41. Odin’s raven


Editor: ALLAN MEDIANTE Email: amediante@yahoo.comEditorial: mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

Read us online exactly as it appears in print: www.mindanaodailybalita.com


J.R. BORJA ST., CDO (J.R. BORJA ST., CDO (Corner Daumar infront BF Cogon)Corner Daumar infront BF Cogon)PABAYO ST., DV SORIA, CDO (In bet. Educ. supply & R.A. Uy)PABAYO ST., DV SORIA, CDO (In bet. Educ. supply & R.A. Uy)

GAISANO CITY (GAISANO CITY (Ground Floor)Ground Floor)

Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Caraga Administrative Region

Division of Agusan del Sur



The Department of Education (DepED) – Agusan del Sur Division intends to apply the sum of TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTEEN PESOS ONLY (Php 2,350,315.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the goods described below, to wit:






AUTHORED BY: Efren S. Basilla Jr. and Enrico C. Domingo

300.00 856,800.00


AUTHORED BY: Efren S. Basilla Jr. and Bonifacio V. Reyes Jr.

296.00 765,160.00


AUTHORED BY: Efren S. Basilla Jr. and Jerry S. Bareng

295.00 728,355.00

GRAND TOTAL 2,350,315.00

The Department of Education (DepED) – Agusan del Sur Division now invites bids for the above-mentioned goods. Bids received that exceed the total ABC shall be rejected at bid opening. Bidding shall be by package. Interested bidder/s may bid for in 1 package stated above but not in one item only. Late bid shall be rejected. Evaluation and award shall be made on a per package basis.

Prospective bidders must have completed a similar contract within the last ten (10) years from date of submission and receipt of bids with an amount of at least 50% of the ABC to be bid.

Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens / sole proprietorships, organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to citizens or organizations of a country the laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to Filipino citizens, pursuant to RA 5183 and subject to Commonwealth Act 138.

Open competitive bidding will be conducted using the non-discretionary pass/fail criterion, evaluation

and post-qualification procedures specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. 9184. Information is also available at www.philgeps.net .

Activity Date and Time Venue

Issuance of Bidding Documents September 12-Oct. 12, 2012/10:00 AM ADMIN Office

Pre-Bid Conference October 1, 2012 at 10:00AM ADMIN Office

Submission and Opening of Bids (Including Eligibility Check) October 12, 2012 at 10:00AM ADMIN Office

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address indicated

herein and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of Php10,000.00 upon completion of filing of Letter of Intent using DepED Standard Form not later than September 17, 2012 at 5:00 PM.

The Department of Education (DepED) – Agusan del Sur Division reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to annul the bidding process, or declare failure of bidding at any time prior to contract award without thereby incurring any liability to the affected parties.


MDN: Sept 12, 2012

By AJ Coral

PAGADIAN CITY – Thou-sands of concerned parents of students who are at presently studying at the Mindanao State University in the Zamboanga Sibugay town of Buug appealed to the Board of Regents to re-tain its incumbent Chancellor Dr Taha Sarip. Faculty members and ad-ministrative employees and other constituents led by the President of Parent Teachers Community Assembly, includ-ing civic organizations and some political leaders also appealed for Sarip’s retention, saying, his excellent leader-ship and programs for the MSU-Buug will benefit the students and the university as a whole. PTCA President lawyer Ferdinand Pablo emphasized their full support for the re-tention of Sarip because of his excellent performance as a Chancellor and his academic program that promotes qual-ity education among students and faculty members. He said the performance of MSU-Buug graduates in various licensure examina-tions and other awards have given the university a new burnished image. Notably, with the per-sistence and backing of its constituents, in a short time - 3 years after his assumption - Sarip have revitalized by the modification of the MSU-Buug structure, which assigned the supervision of the unit to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and brought closer the programs of the university in line with its mandate to the people of Zamboanga Peninsula, a re-gion in Mindanao inhabited by the indigenous, Subanons,

Visayan settlers and other Bangsamoro tribes. Sarip also initiated the establishment of the Institute of Peace and Development to help and support the peace talks between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The institution has the manpower resources to help the government on the peace process though dialogues, conferences, seminars and workshop to give updated information to the progress of the negotiations. In one occasion, MSU Sys-tem President Dr. Macapado Muslim in his speech cited the efforts of Sarip who worked hard to make MSU-Buug as one of the model institutions in Mindanao on peace and development program. As determined leader supported by the employees, parents, and local government officials and community lead-ers in Zamboanga Peninsula, Pablo said it is a fact that the institute have been moving forward, guided by the aspi-rations of everybody to have an educational institutions of higher learning that would address the problem to ensure quality education through academic excellence enhanc-ing peace and development in the region. When Sarip was appointed as Director of MSU-Buug on August 3, 2006, it served as a great challenge in his career considering that the institu-tion during that time was stagnant and for a long time had lingered on becoming an autonomous campus to keep the ember of public burn-ing, but the performance of the institution through his perseverance slowly moved on and has became what it is

now. But despite physical and financial difficulties, MSU-Buug remains true to its vi-sion of becoming a remark-able medium for sustainable growth and development. And this can be realized through effective transfer of knowl-edge and technology through academic excellence and good governance and through the leadership and competence of Sarip, the groups said. They said good gover-nance is possible through the availability of infrastructure, improved fiscal management and well-guided administra-tion of the campus. Sarip also has developed a scheme called “2017 Initiative,” where specific plans and programs are laid down to solve various problems and further forge ties and work closely with local, national and international agencies for scholarships, projects, books donations, facilities and equipment and other beneficial programs for the campus. Sarip’s major concern is to provide the educational needs of the people in the area, especially the less privilege so that they will become assets to nation-building instead of be-ing stagnant and impediments to the process of development, Pablo said. Sarip, a known peace ad-vocate in Lanao del Sur prov-ince, is a prominent Muslim leader who has been largely praised for his hard work and commitment to providing excellent education in one of the country’s top schools. He finished his Master in Peace and Development at Xavier University in Cagayan de Oro City. He served in vari-ous positions and functions from being an executive di-rector to associate professor in Peace Education Studies and Islamic Studies at the MSU main campus in Marawi City. (Mindanao Examiner. Al Maradz Madalem)

Groups appeal for retention of MSU-Buug Chancellor

Acknowledging that the organic agriculture sector in the Philippines is still in its infancy stage, DA-10 through AMAD, headed by OIC Chief Honey Gladys S. Valledor (right), conducted a Consumers’ Awareness Seminar to increase the farm advocates’ knowledge on Organic Agriculture that will contribute to better farm incomes and sustainable livelihood, improved health, environmental protection, disaster risk reduction and resilience to climate change and social justice.

CAGAYAN de Oro City – Farm advocates from the public and private sector alike convened in a recent Consumers’ Awareness Semi-nar on Organic Agriculture, recently spearheaded by the Department of Agriculture - Regional Field Office 10 (DA-10) through the Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD), this city. Republic Act No. 10068 or the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010, principally au-thored by current Agriculture Secretary Proceso J. Alcala, mandates the Department of Agriculture to spear-head industry stakeholders to intensify the develop-ment of organic agriculture in the Philippines towards a competitive and sustainable organic industry. Recognizing that the or-ganic agriculture sector is still in its formative stage, the assembly tackled on the updates of RA 10068 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; Organic Reg-istration; Organic Vegetable Production and Home Gar-dening; and Health and Well-ness. Much focus, however, was given on Organic Product Certification. Reynaldo Gil G. Lomarda, president/Organic Inspector of Green Minds, Inc. bared

that focus varying from its supply, prices, choices and safety back in the 1930s to the 1990s, he added, that the latter’s preference have settled on food guarantee at the turn of the millennium up until the present. To satisfy such disparity, he explained the significance of undergoing a certifica-tion. According to him, it is a written assurance that a product, process or service is compliant with standards. In the case of organic products, he added it is the primary acknowledgment that such products have been produced in adherence to applicable organic production stan-dards, thereby fulfilling the consumers’ needs of today. As Green Minds, Inc. is a member of the Organ-ic Certification Center of the Philippines, one of the only two organic certifiers throughout the country, Mr. Lomarda clarified that their organization in itself cannot certify, but instead they can help farmers easen the process in complying the demands set by a certifying body. With the certification at hand, he enlightened that labels and certification marks (for third party certification) would allow an easy recog-nition of organic products,

Organic Certification on agri-products pushed

whereby they don’t only as-sure high quality, but they can also command a better price in the market. In terms of fees, Lomarda disclosed that organic certi-fication which covers farm-processing-trading will have a validity period of one (1) year, wherein its minimum cost would fall within the range from P 27,000 – 32,000. Breakdown of the ex-penses are as follows: P 2,000 – application fee, P 5,000 per day (may differ) – inspection fee, and P 20,000 (for indi-vidual farms) and P 25,000 (for group) – certification

fee. Incentive Subsidy for Organic Advocates As there are no certifying bodies in the government, DA deemed to encourage more farmers/producers/processors to comply with the standards for organic agriculture through the grant-ing of subsidies for organic certification as contained in RA 10068. In which, subsidy shall be granted only to or-ganic farm producers whose products are intended for the local market. For export market, subsidy shall be given only to micro, small and me-

dium enterprises, indigenous people and agrarian reform beneficiaries. If and when, the grant will be awarded to an ap-plicant, the subsidy’s scope of incentive shall include the shouldering of application and processing fees, travel-ling expenses and per diems of inspectors and laboratory costs. DA’s granting of subsidy may be availed of for three (3) times, subject to annual renewal of application. Inter-ested parties should submit a letter of intent (specifying the preferred certifying body),

farm/establishment/organi-zation profile, computation of the total certification fees, copy of contract with the certifying body and a copy of the pre-assessment report.

Other resource persons during the event include Ms. Honey Gladys S. Valledor, OIC Chief AMAD; Ms. Remina B. Occeña, Regional Organic Agriculture Focal Person and Chief of the Regional Soils and Testing Laboratory (RSTL); Ms. Hyacinth F. Fuentes, Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards Focal Per-son, AMAD; and Mr. Bethoven B. Delos Reyes, Agriculturist, RSTL. (Joanne L. Olson, DA-10)

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Read us online exactly as it appears in print : www.mindanaodailybalita.com


Kimberlite Pawnshop will be having an AUCTION SALE on all items that expired on July 2012

AUCTION DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 2012Estrada Bldg., Fortich-Don Carlos Sts.,

Malaybalay City, Bukidnon


J.R. BORJA ST., CDO (J.R. BORJA ST., CDO (Corner Daumar infront BF Cogon)Corner Daumar infront BF Cogon)PABAYO ST., DV SORIA, CDO (In bet. Educ. supply & R.A. Uy)PABAYO ST., DV SORIA, CDO (In bet. Educ. supply & R.A. Uy)

GAISANO CITY (GAISANO CITY (Ground Floor)Ground Floor)

CAGAYAN DE ORO MAIN BRANCHP & J Lim Bldg., Tiano Brothers – Kalambagohan Sts.,

Tel. # (08822) 727-829 * Telefax # (088) 856-1947CAMIGUIN BRANCH B. Aranas St., Poblacion, Mambajao,

Camiguin Tel. # (088) 387-0491CORRALES BRANCH Corrales Ave., Cagayan de Oro City

DIVISORIA BRANCH A y. Erasmo B. Damasing Bldg., #61 Don A. Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City Tel. # (088) 857-3631

LAPASAN BRANCH Lapasan Hi-way, Cagayan de Oro CityTel. # (088) 231-6739a


for RENT


ADDRESS: 003 Guijo Street Baloy Cagayan de Oro City

EMAIL ADDRESS:andy_jabao@yahoo.com

MDN: Aug 17, 2012-Feb 17, 2013

R.A. 9048 Form No. 10.1 (LCRO)Republic of the Philippines

Province of Misamis OrientalMunicipality of Manticao


NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. No. 9048 a notice is hereby served to the public that LILIA BONGCAWEL SABERON (complete name of the petitioner) has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from TEODORA (first name to be changed) to LILIA (new first name to be adopted) in the birth certificate of LILIA BONGCAWEL SABERON (complete name of document owner) who was born on 17 JULY 1955 (complete date of birth) at LUGAIT, Manticao, Misamis Oriental (place of birth) and whose parents are RAYMONDO BONGCAWEL (name of father) and JUANITA UGMAD (name of mother). Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written op-position with this Office not later than 03 SEPTEMBER 2012.

(Sgd.) DOROTHEO O. LACBAIN, JR. Municipal Civil RegistrarMDN: Sept 5 & 12, 2012

NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the estate of MIGUEL E. RESUS, who died intestate at Butuan City on February 4, 2008, consist-ing of: 1) A parcel of land (Lot 3277-A-9-6, of the subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-220561, being a portion of Lot 3277-A-9, (LRC) Psd-113410 LRC Record No. N-27240) situated in the Barrio of Bading, City of Butuan, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-17693 and Tax Declaration No. 08-05-0008-00019 issued by the Register of Deeds and City Assessor’s Office of Butuan City, containing an area of 300 square meters; 2) A parcel of land (Lot No. 3277-A-9-H, of the subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-220561being a portion of Lot _ A-9, (LRC) Psd-113410 LRC Record No. N-27240), situated in the Barrio of Bading, City of Butuan, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-17694 and Tax Declaration No. 08-05-0008-00014, containing an area of 283 square meters; 3) A parcel of land (Lot No. 3277-A-9-1, of the subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-220561, being a portion of Lot 3277-A-9, (LRC) Psd-113410 LRC Record No. N-27240), situ-ated in the Barrio of Bading, City of Butuan, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-17695 and Tax Declaration No. 08-05-0008-00015, containing an area of 284 square meters; and 4) A parcel of land (Lot 3277-A-9-J, of the subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-220561, being a portion of Lot 3277-A-9, (LRC) Psd-113410 LRC Record No. N-27240), situ-ated in the Barrio of Bading, City of Butuan, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-17696 and Tax Declaration No. 08-05-0008-00017, containing an area of 300 square meters, is the subject of a DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF THE DECEASED MIGUEL E. RESUS WITH WAIVER OF RIGHTS made and entered into by and among deceased Miguel E. Resus, surviving spouse and children, namely, Bernardita R. Resus, Bernadette R. Resus, Michael Jake Resus, Midette R. Resus, and Maricris R. Resus, per Doc. No. 818; Page No. 028; Book No.XXVIII; Series of 2012 of the Notarial Registry of Atty. Jose S. Orduña, Notary Public.

MDN: Sept 5, 12 & 19, 2012

By BEN D. ARCHE DAVAO City––A code of practice (COP) that would regulate the Pummelo (Pom-elo) industry in Region XI is now being draft ed by the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) for the Davao Pomelo Industry Council (DPIC).

Th e code will standardize the practice employed in the processing and packaging to ensure the quality of the product.

Marie Lou Gabiana, IP Field Operations Unit spe-cialist said the code will serve as the guidelines for all the activities of the pummelo growers in region.

Gabiana added the COP will be completed early month and to be reviewed by the pummelo growers on Sept. 14.

“Th e growers will provide inputs in the processing that would be incorporated to the COP,” Gabina said.

On Oct. 1, she said, rep-resentatives from BPI-11 and stakeholders will convene for the presentation of the code.

At least three pummelo or pomelo producers in the region like the Nenita Pe-trade, Vic Farm and Davao Golden Pomelo have applied for GI quality seal to make their products distinct from the products coming from other places.

Th ese big three growers have initiated the formation of the Davao Pomelo Indus-try Council in Region 11.

Gabina said the GI qual-

Guidelines for Pomelo industry in Davao Region drafted

ity seal will be an additional mark, which signifi es pre-mium quality aside from

the fi rm’s stamp that would identify the origin of the product.

Pryce Plaza HotelCarmen Hill, CDO,

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Hotel Koresco Pueblo de Oro Golf Course,CDO

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Mallberry SuitesLimketkai Drive ,CDO,

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The Marigold HotelVelez cor. Luna Sts, CDO

Tel Nos. 856-4320, 856-2050, 726937E-mail: info@marigoldhotel.net

Marco Resort HotelCugman, CDO

Tel. No. 732182 / 855-220

De Luxe HotelCapt. V. Roa St. CDO,

Tel. No. 726527 /857-2144

Maxandrea HotelJ.R. Borja St. CDO,

Tel. No. 729943/ 857-2244 / 857-4154

Country Village HotelCarmen, Cag. de Oro

Tel. No. 71-22-03, 71-22-01, 7122-05

Southwinds HotelCapt. V. Roa Sts.CDO,

Tel. No. 727623 / 724803 / 856-2036

Apple Tree Resort and Hotel

Taboc, Opol, Misamis Oriental,Tel. Nos. 754525/ 754263/ 3091986,

Fax No. (8822) 754497

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Malasag Eco TourismVillagesCugman, CDO

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• Main Branch - located at N. Capistrano cor. Cruz Taal Sts., Brgy• Carmen Branch - at Ipil St., Carmen (infront of Carmen Public Market) • Cogon Branch I - at Osmeña - J.R., Borja Sts., Brgy. 38, Cogon Area• Cogon Branch II - at J R. Boria cor. S. Daumar St., (mfront of Natl. Bookstore) • Limketkai Branch - at Gr ound Level, Service Arcade infront of parking area A Limketkai Center, Limketkai Mall Will hold a Public Auction on all Past Due loans, unrenewed and unre-deemed pawn items, which expired last March 01, 2012 to May 31, 2012. The said Public Auction will be on September 15, 2012 from 9:00 in the morning to 12:00 o’clock noon at each above-mentioned place of business.



Ang mga sangang prendahanan sa FELY’S JEWELRY & PAWNSHOP Cagayan de Oro nga ang:

• Main Branch - anaa nahimutang sa dalan N. Capistrano/Cruz Taal• Carmen Branch - sa dalan Ipil, atbang sa merkado sa Carmen• Cogon Branch I - sa mga dalan Osmeña- J.R. Borja sa Cogon• Cogon Branch II - anaa sa mga dalan J.R. Borja ug S. Daumar sa Cogon• Limketkai Branch - sa gawas sa Limketkai Mall atbang sa Parking Area A sa Limketkai Center Magpahigayon ug Subasta satanang wala mabag-o o walamalukat nga mga prenda nga milapas na sa gitakdang pan ail on gikan sa Marso 01.2012 hangtod sa Mayo 31, 2012. Ang maong Subastaipahigayon karong September 15, 2012 samay alas 9:00 ang takna sa buntag hangtud sa 12:00 ang takna sa udto. Kini ipahigayon dicfto sa ilang tagsa-tagsa ka dap it nga nahisgutan sa unang bahin ning maong pahibalo.

TAGDUMALAMDN: Sept 12, 2012



Editorial Department. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.comAdvertising Department : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

Read us online exactly as it appears in print : www.mindanaodailybalita.com




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Patients...from page 10

five Panasonic washing machines, three water dis-pensers, two Toshiba LCD Television 24”, one .5-hp Koppel airconditioner, one 7-cu. ft. Panasonic refrigera-tor and one LG 32” LCD TV.

Ferrazzini said the tour-nament is a much awaited event in Davao City as golf-ers are treated with food and

Deal...from page 1

Training...from page 1

Department of Envi-ronment and Natural Re-sources (DENR). Emano also failed to adopt measures that would have minimized effects of Typhoon Sendong that struck Cagayan de Oro City late December last year.

Emano’s apparent negli-gence allegedly resulted to deaths and destruction of properties, the complaint said.

On one hand, Emano suspects that the charges filed against him are a ploy to undermine his reelection bid in the forthcoming 2013 midterm elections.

In a statement, the mayor said: “BISAG wala ako’y mga sala o’ kasaypanan nga nabuhat, niining pa-glutos kanako, bisan unsa nga matang sa depensa nga akong paga-buhaton, dili lamang ang pag-suspenso ang tuyo niini kanako.”

He added: “Hinumdu-man nga sa tibuok nasud, ako lamang ang gilakag karon. Desperado og ka-balaka (panic) ang ilang gipatuman niining ilang gibuhat karon.”

“Ako nagato-o nga pinaluyohan sa DILG, ang tinu-od nga tumong mao nga makapakita nga sad-an, ma-konbikto ug mapunggan (ma-disqualify) pagdagan pagka-Mayor ug mao kana ang hinungdan sa mga kaso nga gipasaka batok kanako,” Emano lamented.

and Maria Elena G. Pa-dilla.

Likewise, the training was conducted in prepara-tion for the forthcoming annual school campus press conference.

The pupils learned the fundamentals of broadcast-ing with focus on news scriptwriting which Mr. Felicilda discussed during the September 11 training.

Aside from becoming an excellent venue for school campus journalism, the BWM Media Center can also be a good venue for press conference, product launching, training, meet-ing, among others.

For more details call: Mr. Dante Sudaria at telephone number (088) 856-3344, (08822) 72-33-44 or mobile number 0917-712-1424, or e-mail at businessweekmin-danao@yahoo.com

Puno...from page 4

their banks. Paperwork and documents bagsak na ang company and some other bidders (nagtipid kasi sa abogado kaya poor documentation).

“In all truth, Puno put back sanity to the bidding process in the PNP. It was rigorous that only the best need apply. First is the pric-ing, then the capability, tapos hinuhulog pa galing 4th floor water test at iba pa yun 20k rounds test-ing ang pinaka-madugo and then the last one you have to sign a contract to maintain the firearms and supply warranty of parts at all times for 5 years yata…”

-ooo-REACTIONS? Please call

me at 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193 or 0922 833 43 96. Email: batasmauricio@yahoo.com.

Polls...from page 4

and Pigsaan) saw Candy Darimbang, won with 4,396 votes over Uy’s 3,853.

In Cluster C (Iponan, Baikingon, San Simon, Pa-tag, Canitoan, Pagatpat) Darimbang’s showing was manificent ( trailing Pa-dayon Pilipino bet with only a little over a thousand

vote difference from the two parties.

An independent candi-date couldn’t be considered strong if he or she loses in several barangays against bets of reigning politi-cal parties. But on Candy Darimbang’s case, consider this: she had 10 barangays in her favor as against Be-naldo’s 14 (a difference of 3 barangays only) and 11 barangays as against Uy’s 13, or a difference of only 2 barangays.

Think of the huge chanc-es that any of the major political parties could have if Candy Darimbang’s po-litical machinery is added to its own. The Padayon Pilipino and Darimbang tandem would become a very powerful political force to reckon with.

Now if any Political Party gets Candy as its official bet for Congress, the chances of victory could be very overwhelming. Think of Candy’s huge machinery still in place, complement-ing the strong organizations of either Emano’s Padayon Pilipino or Moreno’s LP. Getting Candy as official candidate would be most beneficial to either of the two.

On the issue of “waning popularity,” the OPPOSI-TION said that Rep. Jose Benjamin Benaldo of the city’s 1st District has disap-pointed his constituents and his own party-mates because of his lavish lifestyle which is an “immoral” display of indifference to the pov-erty of the people around him. City Councilor Edgar Cabanlas opined that “Benaldo has lost ground support, and is out control as far as his political career is concerned.” He added that Benaldo’s spendings and display of wealth were insulting.

Political pundits see Candy Darimbang as a likely successor of Bena-ldo as the representative of the 1st District, if given the chance by big political parties.

A likely winner is a can-didate who knows how to connect to the people. Its not money or fame but how he or she projects himself or herself to the people.

Benaldo’s claim that his

list of projects and finan-cial capability would make him win a reelection in 2013 could backfire. He becomes one of those “mon-eyed politicians” who feel they are above the people. Extravagant leaders are anathema to poor and lowly voters. (allan m. mediante/amediante@yahoo.com)

drink extravaganza right on the fairways. This event is presented by Merco and Selecta and co-presented by Ralph’s Wines & Spirits and Golf FX. Premium sponsors are Emcor Inc., C.M. & Sons Food Products, Inc., L.V. Ledesma Construction, Coca-cola Bottlers Phils., Inc. and CIMEM.

The major sponsors are Davao Light and Power Co., Unifruitti Growers Services Inc., ArkiSource Trading, Citi Hardware, L.A. Arizola Construction, One Pharma Inc., Cortess Printing, Tran-scycle, Emceli Property Holding, Swiss Deli, UMBN, Nanany Bebeng Restaurant, Enterprises Bank, Felcris Supermarket, Cong. Anton Lagdameo, Lou’s Cafe, LCG Mktg., Phils., Stronghold Insurance, Golf Masters, Future Option (Magnolia), Ferna Corp. and Tagum Agriculture Development Company (TADECO).

Shotgun tees Off on Sept. 15, Saturday, 9 a.m. and on Sept. 16, Sunday, 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Each team shall pay an entry fee of P 5,000 or P 2,500 per player.

Registration is going on at the Rancho Palos Verdes Golf & Country Club, Apo Golf & Country Club, Davao City Golf Club and MERCO at J.P. Laurel and Cabaguio Avenue.

Participants are entitled to giveaways, a polo shirt and an umbrella, to be claimed at MERCO, J.P. Cabaguio Avenue (look for Ms. Maricel). Deadline of registration and payment is on September 12. Reg-istrants will be served on a First-Come, First-Served basis and no reservations.

For more information, please call Ms. Maricel at 221-7313/0920-963-3228, he said. pna

Exposed...from page 2

told the media after the budget hearing.

In an effort to trace the people behind the irregular-ity, Hataman has asked the Senate blue ribbon commit-tee, headed by Mindanao Senator Teofisto Guingona III, and Drilon’s finance committee to investigate the missing P1.6 billion in GSIS, PhilHealth and Pagibig premiums.

”Upon the suggestion of Gov. Hataman, the blue rib-bon committee and finance committee will conduct an investigation on where funds went because right thou-sands of teachers could not avail of the benefits in the GSIS because the premiums were collected per record but there is no record of remittances,” Drilon said.

House...from page 2

GENERAL Santos City––An estimated P7.14 mil-lion worth of properties were devastated due to the flashfloods that ravaged two villages of Malungon town in Sarangani over the weekend.

Capt. William Rodriguez, information officer of the Army’s 1002nd Infantry Brigade, said Monday a total of 66 houses in Barangays Malandag and Datal Tampal were destroyed while 74 others sustained partial damages after rushing floodwaters from the critical Tinagakan-Buayan River swept the area late Saturday afternoon.

The flashfloods, which affected five riverside communities in the two villages, came after several hours of heavy rains that caused the Tinagakan-Buayan River to overflow.

Citing a report from the Malungon Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (MDRRMC), Rodriguez said some 432 families or 1,546 individu-als were directly affected by the floods.

But he said only 26 families, whose houses were washed away during the floods, have remained at the Malandag gymnasium evacuation center.

Rodriguez said the MDRRMC, which is being assisted by their unit, is still assessing the dam-ages wrought by the floods to “(agricultural) crops, vehicles and public infrastructure.”

Malungon Mayor Reynaldo Constantino reiter-ated that there was no casualty during calamity and lauded the prompt assistance given by govern-ment and non-government agencies to the affected residents.

Pido said police investi-gation showed that one of the grenades landed near the mayor’s house while the two others fell near the house of Nor Kalon, the house helper.

According to Pido, the family believed that the strafing and grenade attack was politically motivated.

It was the second time, since last year, that mayor Ampatuan’s house was sub-jected to harassment. The mayor was among those charged in the brutal Magu-indanao “chainsaw massa-cre” where scores were killed including 30 journalists. -0-

Sarangani provinceflashfloods destroys

P7 million properties

ZAMBOANGA City––May-or Celso Lobregat will lead city officials and residents of this southern port city in welcoming the officers and members of the Phil-ippine Councilors League (PCL) who will converge here for their three-day annual conference starting Wednesday.

Over a thousand del-egates coming from all over the country are expected to attend the 3rd Quarterly National Executive Officers and National Board Meeting as well as the Continuing Local Legislative Education Program (CLLEP) of the PCL, one of the big events that Zamboanga City looks forward to host this year. A report from the Philippine News Agency

Zambo mayor to welcome

councilors’ delegates

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BALL FISHING. A volleyball player of the San Isidro Academy (Ozamiz City) saves a round for his team in their encounter against Gusa of Cagayan de Oro in the Milo Little Olympics 2012 held Sep. 7-9 at the Pelaez Sports Center. The Ozamiz spikers won the game in the biggest interschool sports event in Mindanao. Photo by Gerry L. Gorit

DAVAO City––Top players from this city will showcase their wares in the second Davao Football Associ-ation-Philippine Sports Commission Premiere League that will kick off on September 23 at the Tionko grounds here.

DFA president Edward “Chaya” Lam said seven teams were invited to see action in the 11 A-side tournament that will show-case the best players in the men’s division.

“It will be a double round robin format with the top team to be declared as the champion,” said Lam,

Football players to meet in Davaowho recently held an or-ganizational meeting with the representatives of the different teams.

Defending champion Hooligans led by Kling Lademora will be chal-lenged by Medvil Kilusang Magkaibigan Multi Purpose Cooperative (KMMPC), Blue Knights, Ebocci Foot-ball Club, Philippine Na-tional Police (PNP) and Columbia FC.

Medvil is coached by Ramon Carreon while KMMPC is owned by Engr. Henry Sabate. The Blue Knights of Ateneo de Davao University will be mentored

by former national player Melchor Anzures while Columbia FC is coached by former national coach Albert Ryan “Abing” Lim. Ebocci is led by playing team owner Reggie Ozims of Nigeria.

The final meeting, sub-mission of line-ups and draw of lots will be on Sept. 20 at the DFA Tionko clubhouse. Trophies will be awarded to the top three teams and to the Most Valu-able Player.

“Only players age 14 years old and above can join in the Premiere League,” Lam said. pna

DAVAO City––The two-day 10th Anselmo M. Ferrazzini Memorial Golf tournament that will benefit thousands of disadvantaged patients will be held on September 15 and 16 at the Apo Golf and Country Club here.

Tournament organiz-er Anton Ferrazzini said proceeds of the tourna-ment will help thousands of poor, disabled patients, burn victims, those suffering

2-day golf tilt to benefit disadvantaged patients

from eye defects, congenital anomalies and other dis-eases through the Maharlika Charity Foundation.

He said big prizes await winners like the four brand new Yamaha Vega motor-cycles, two Tour Edge golf sets and one Panasonic 32 LCD TV, which are up for grabs as hole-in-one prizes to be raffled off in case nobody wins.

“Yes, in case nobody

wins, we will raffle them also during the awarding and bar chow at the clubhouse on Sept. 16,” he said.

The other raffle items are five turbo broilers, five microwave ovens, five KDK stand fans, three Electro-lux vacuum cleaners, five Samsung DVD players, two Phillips vacuum cleaners, five Samsung cellphones, four Extreme Magic Sing,


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