
Shemimon. Yousef

Important point

All the points discussed in this session will only be effective, if you believe in it.

We can achieve innumerous success in life, only if we believe in achieving it.

Kindly believe in your mind power. Any doubts in mind should be cleared.

Pls don’t have confused mind its very dangerous.

What is a Mind?

Mind is The intellectual or rational faculty in human; the understanding; the intellect; the power that conceives, judges, or reasons; also, the entire spiritual nature; the soul; -- often in distinction from the body.

In simple term "By the mind of human we understand that in him which thinks, remembers, reasons, wills."

Or "What we mean by mind is simply that which perceives, thinks, feels, wills, and desires."

Why Mind Empowering session?

We have just seen what a mind does for us. In a simple way, it does everything, from birth till death.

We are made up of same energy, of which this universe is made up of, and that energy is controlled by our mind.

If we can control our mind, then we can achieve what we want.

How does Brain work?

We all know that the human brain controls all the organs in our body to perform millions of activities everyday.

But do you know in more specific detail

how your brain functions?

Do you know that you can increase your brainpower by simply following some simple daily brain exercises?

The Science of Human Brain

Experiments of brain research conducted by research institutions have found that,

the human brain operates on a small amount of electrical energy.

This electric current vibrates at different speeds. Like the way your heart beats, your brain vibrates at a certain number of times every second.

The level of your brain’s activity, as determined by your brain's rhythm or vibration frequency, can have significant impact on the quality of your life.

If you can slow down your brain waves, you can control your mind to perform at the same level as the high achievers.

Understanding The Brain Frequency

The normal human brain can vibrate at four different frequencies:

Beta Alpha Theta Delta

Beta state is the normal conscious state of mind when we are awake. This is the state where people conduct more than 90 percent of their daily activities.

Alpha state is a frequency lower than Beta, where a person is somewhere between being awake and asleep.

Theta, the speed of the brain's vibration is even lower than Alpha, when the mind is associated with deep, comfortable sleep.

Delta, a person is at a deep sleep or completely unconscious.

Understanding The Brain Frequency

When a person becomes stressed, fearful, angry, nervous, or feels any stirring emotion, the brain’s vibration frequency increases.

The more stressed we become, the more rapidly our brain waves vibrate. All negative thoughts, as well as anger, fear, and compulsive cravings, tend to be fast.

On the other hand, slower brain waves are associated with people who are calm, confident, and at ease. Positive thoughts like love, patience, and understanding, are slow.

Understanding The Brain Frequency

What Is The Benefits of Slowing Down Our Minds?

When the human brain is regularly tuned to a slower frequency such as the Alpha state, it can produce profound impact on all aspects of our well-being -from mental, physical to emotional. Science has proved that slowing down our minds can bring upon the following benefits:

We can control our mind to focus completely in the present.

We can remain calm even while under pressure. We can accelerate our learning. When we perform affirmations and creative visualization,

it is more effective at the Alpha level of mind. We can go into the state of deep relaxation, which is

important to our health and emotional wellbeing. It is conducive to creative thinking, intuition, and problem


Importance of Alpha State

The knowledge of how our human brain works opens up the ways on how we can increase our brainpower.

The key is to deliberately and consciously, through daily brain exercise, brings your brain into the Alpha state.

Like a magnet that gets stronger the more you charge it with electricity, you can live a more successful life if you can tune your mind to the Alpha state more regularly and skillfully.

How can we stay in Alpha state?

With some brain exercises and the right environment, it is not difficult to consciously slow down our mind to enter into Alpha state of mind.

The Alpha is the state at which we can connect to our subconscious mind and unleash the maximum potential of our mind.

The high achievers are the minority group of people who are able to stay awake at the Alpha level and perform their thinking at this deeper level of mind.

A Big Doubt???

There might be a Big ? In your mind. How can we achieve this? If this question is raised, that

means you have took 1st step towards success.

We can achieve if we are able to know different levels of mind & their working & importance.

Levels of Mind

There are two distinct aspects of the mind:

The conscious mind, The subconscious mind, both of which control various

functions of our physical and spiritual being.

The power of Mind

Professor William James, the world famous Harvard psychologist, estimated that

the average man uses not more than 10 percent of his mental power.

Despite the unlimited power within a man’s brain, he uses only a small portion of the wealth that he has in his possession.

The power to be, have and accomplish whatever you want is all within you.

It is residing there within you since the day you are born, awaiting your discovery and utilization.

Psychologists and metaphysicians all over the world are agreed on this fact – that the mind is all that matter!

You can be sick or healthy, poor or rich, miserable or successful, whatever you choose to be. It is what your mind focuses on that determines the outcome.

The power of Mind

The conscious mind

Our mind performs the tasks of receiving and screening information through the five senses, interpreting the information, and sending them to the subconscious mind for further processing.

It is the first channel of "data processing" centre in the human mind.

Despite the amount of information it process everyday, it is in fact the smallest part of the human mind, accounting for about 10% of the mind’s capacity.

The remaining 90 percent of mental activities take place in the subconscious mind.

If a person makes use of only his conscious mind, he is only utilizing up to 10 percent of his mind's true capability.

It is like driving a sport car on a low gear. Everyone has a mind as powerful as a Ferrari sport car.

However, if it is made to run on a low gear, how can it ever win the race and achieve success in life?

The conscious mind

The winners who achieve great success in life are those who have come to know that they actually have a power Ferrari within them.

And have learned the right techniques to drive and maneuver the Ferrari through the course of their life.

With full mastery over the power of the Ferrari, they win the race with joy, grace and excitement.

The conscious mind

You can now see that the conscious mind is indeed the commanding general that does 10% of the work,

while the subconscious mind is the mighty army that fights 90% of the war.

Despite the fact that it is only responsible for 10% of the outcome, it plays an important role of giving commands to the subconscious mind on what battles to fight.

Now, you may be keen to find out more about the other part of your mind - The Subconscious Mind which accounts for the remaining 90% of our mind power.

The conscious mind

The subconscious mind is a distinct entity. It occupies the whole human body, it has absolute control over all the functions, conditions, and sensations of the body.

And more, it can see without the use of physical eyes. It perceives by intuition. It has the power to communicate with others without the aid of ordinary physical means.

It can read the thoughts of others. It receives intelligence and transmits it to people at a distance. Distance offers no resistance successful missions of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind

How Powerful Is Your Subconscious Mind?

A brief points about power of Mighty Subconscious mind.

It can communicate with other minds without the ordinary physical means.

It gets glimpse of things that ordinary sight does not behold.

It makes God’s presence an actual, realizable fact, and keeps the personality in peace and quietness.

It warns of approaching danger. It carries out all the best things which are given to

it, providing the conscious mind does not intercept and change the course of its manifestation.

It keeps the body in health and helps it in healing, if it is at all encouraged.

The subconscious mind does not decide and command. It merely carries out orders passed to it from the conscious mind. Its nature is to do what it is told, or what really is your heart’s desire.

From the day of our birth, our subconscious mind has been performing miracles on a daily basis to build up our body, and heal every illness.

It does all these in a matter of minutes! It has practically unlimited power, not just in growing your body, but also in acquiring all the good things in your life.

We have very much taken all these for granted that we no longer appreciate the miraculous work performed by our body.

We have forgotten that each and every one of us is bestowed with such amazing power that is residing in our mind.

The Subconscious Mind is Powerful Yet Obedient

How Do Most People Use Their Mind?

This may sound ironical, but the fact is, People in this modern day are so caught

up in the rut of daily grind, bombarded with avalanche of information during most of the waking hours, often ending a typical day going home with loads of stress in the body and mind.

Such fast pace, mad rush, achievement-oriented lifestyle has robbed most people of their precious ability to remain "conscious".

Scientist has found that the average human thinks approximately 60,000 thoughts per day.

However, it is also found that most people are only aware of less than 5 percent of their thoughts.

Is this any surprise? It only confirmed the fact that most people are not conscious of their consciousness.

The majority of these thoughts are just mindless, which are being absorbed at a subconscious level.

When we are worry about financial matters, our conscious mind is continually focusing on the lack of money, our emotion resonates to the thought and sends the powerful message (both the thought and emotion) to the subconscious mind, which in turn receives the message and perceives it as a reality. All this can happen without our conscious awareness of its occurrence.

How Do Most People Use Their Mind?

How Can We Best Manage Our Mind?

It's important to remember that the subconscious mind has no capacity to discern if something is true or false, real or unreal, and good or bad. By nature, it only stores and acts upon the information given to it by the conscious mind.

It is hence entirely possible that we can subconsciously act against our heart’s desire by producing all the unwanted outcomes, if our conscious mind gives it the direction.

The problem is: Most people are not consciously managing their thoughts, or not even aware of the thoughts that run through their mind. As a result, many outcomes in life are undesirable. Yet, people did not notice that they have unwittingly produced these outcomes by their own conscious mind.

To make things worse, our mind is constantly subject to negative influences everyday.

Most of the activities we perform on a daily basis, even unconsciously, have a dramatic effect on what is being stored at the subconscious level.

Reading the daily news of crimes and violence, watching TV programs that create anxiety, worry, fear and horror, as well as interacting with negative people around us, etc,

all these play a major role in "allowing" negative emotions to become a daily experience in our life.

How Can We Best Manage Our Mind?

The subconscious mind, being indiscriminate, is at work all the time absorbing these emotions and perceives them as reality.

If you are aware of these negative thoughts and influences that are affecting the outcomes in your life, you will want to start taking actions to change them.

Nourish your mind with beautiful, positive and wholesome programs and thoughts! Your life will become the way your mind always think about!

Your life will become the way your mind always think about!

How Can We Best Manage Our Mind?

Knowing Subconscious mind

Our subconscious mind is the channel that connects us with our Truth, or our Source, which holds the unlimited power to access to all the abundance in our life.

The salient points that you can act on The great business of life is your Thought – your Mind is

the only creator. If you can Control What You Think, you can control

what you Create in your life. Manage your conscious mind to produce only focused,

specific, intentional and exact thoughts, so as to Direct your subconscious mind to create the exact outcomes that you want for your life!

Make it a priority in your personal development agenda to Master Mind Control techniques. This is probably the most important life skill you can ever learn, because it holds the ultimate mind power secrets to achieving success, health, wealth and happiness in your life.

Learning Mind Control Technique’s

Before learning this technique’s, it is very important to believe, what you do. Without belief, nothing is possible.

The two key mind power techniques are

Affirmations. Creative Visualization.


Affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself while in a meditative or alpha level of mind. Affirmations are always done in the present tense, as if the action has already taken place.

For eg. "everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better."

When done at the alpha level, affirmations tend to be immeasurably more powerful than when done at the beta, or waking state. Why?

The reason being that when you reach the alpha level of mind, your subconscious is brought to a conscious level—this means it is much easier for you to convey commands directly to your subconscious.


Before you start creating your affirmation, note these important rules:

2. Affirmations must be in the present tense.

3. You must believe that the goal is within your reach.

4. Affirmations must always be done as a positive statement.

Affirmations must be in the present tense

Your subconscious mind does not think in terms of past, present or future.

If you say, I want to be an excellent golfer then your subconscious understands this as a statement of wanting.

What you then get is the wanting or desire to be an excellent golfer but not the actual ability itself.

What you should say is "I am an excellent golfer". Your subconscious understands this as a statement of your present reality.

It therefore works to make this reality true. Remember, the key is to replace I want with I am

Believe that the goal is within your reach

If you repeat an affirmation, but at the same time you’re secretly thinking you cannot accomplish it, you hijack the process.

When you first start practicing this you should start with small believable goals. As you achieve these goals your confidence in yourself and in the power affirmations grows. This allows you to tackle greater and greater issues.

The best way to implant an affirmation is to release your mind from all desire and intention.

Affirmations must always be done as a positive statement

If you’re trying to drop weight don’t say, “I am not overweight”. Instead say, “I am slim and healthy”.

When you see a phrase such as “I am no longer ill”, the dominant image in your mind is that of illness. When you turn that around to a phrase such as “I am healthy and well”, the dominant image in your mind is then one of health and wellness.

Always turn the affirmation into a positive statement.

Positive affirmations are extremely useful in causing fundamental change, not only in behavior and beliefs, but also in the external conditions of life.

When a suggestion is correctly injected into the subconscious mind, the effect is nothing short of miraculous. It does not show itself overnight, however, but is gradual and cumulative.

Creative Visualization

While affirmations are good, there is a far more powerful that using simple affirmations - the technique of creative visualization.

This involves visualizing the end result of your goal or desire while you are in the alpha level of mind.

The concept of creative visualization has been known for ages. It gained renewed popularity in the 1970s when Shakti Gawain wrote a best-selling book about it.

Just like affirmations your visualization should be done in the “present tense”.

Lets say you’re looking to own a brand new car. You want to visualize yourself in the car and feel the moment as if it is happening this instant and not at some time in the future.

Close your eyes and visualize your ambition being fulfilled.

When you perform creative visualization you will project images in your subconscious mind.

If you are looking to improve your sports skills, visualize yourself playing the game perfectly. See yourself making perfect moves, shooting every basket, making the perfect swing. Feel the joy you feel when you play the game well.

If you are looking to shed some pounds, see yourself healthy and fit. Feel the joy of having a beautiful body. See people complimenting you.

If you’re in sales, you can see yourself making the perfect pitches. See your monthly commission statements showing ever-increasing figures.

Creative Visualization

Enhancing Your Creative Visualization

Tips to Increase the Impact of Creative Visualization.

Make the image as realistic as possible

Feel emotions associated with the image

Bring in your other senses

How You Can Practice ?

You can combine your affirmations with your creative visualization to create a more powerful effect. As you’re imagining your goal, simply repeat your affirmation mentally, as many times as you feel necessary.

Do not be discouraged if you do not get immediate results. We are all at different levels of spiritual development and some of us have years of negative programming and negative belief systems to overcome.

But overcome them you shall. Creative visualization can be such a powerful process when done at the Alpha level that just five minutes a day of practice can undo years of negative programming.

When you get your first success your belief system gets strengthened and this will allow you to manifest your next goal a little quicker.

Masters who practice regularly find that they do not even have to go to a meditative level of mind and spend time repeatedly visualizing their goals. A mere conscious thought of their desire can set the gears in motion and create coincidences to direct them towards their goal.

Control life by Controlling thoughts

You know a fact, that at a time, we can either think positive or negative.

So it depends upon us, what we want to think.

Positive thoughts will result in positive outcome & Negative thoughts will result in negative outcome.

Controlling our thoughts is the first step for success.

Use positive words while self talking. Always have positive image about

yourself. Search deeper into yourself to find

your greatest abilities. Feed good & positive thoughts in your

subconscious mind. Always believe in your power to

perform, in the power of your mind.

Control life by Controlling thoughts

This will definitely improve your professional life, which is very important in our life.

A small calculation of life, Out of 24hrs a day, how many hours you

spend for professional life & how many hours for personal life?

And now imagine, if our professional life is successful, what will be effect in our personal life.

Control life by Controlling thoughts


Dear all, We all born here to stay happy, and it

all depends on the way we think & the way we live it.

You are your Friend & you are your Enemy, choice is upon you.

Hope this is just a beginning of knowing your hidden power & you all will believe in your power to be successful.

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