Millenial Movement

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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We are part of a unique generation that knows life with and without technology. We started to see this as an advantage, but also recognized our generations' flaws with technology use. We need to stress the importance of understanding we can't use old advertising techniques of pushing messages to people just because the technology is available. Our generation needs to know it's our duty to change the future of advertising, and we can do it by becoming good marketers that provide meaningful, authentic content. We need to start questioning and thinking critically about the way things are -- just because it's always been that way doesn't mean it's right.


The Future of Digital:A Call to Actionfor Millennials

by Keith Becker

Kelsey Wilkins

design credit: Twist Image

The state of digital branding is in trouble.

The web was invented for people but it’s evolved into a place filled with clutter.

We can’t let advertising run it into the ground.

Before digital, marketers pushed messages toward mass audiences with complete control.

The internet now offers the possibility for two-way communication,

but most companies still use itssocial capabilities in the wrong way.

Digital marketers push messages through a “social” medium by hiding behind the veil of interactivity.

Brands can’t think because they put it out there, people will do it.

The web is a people-powered platform. We have to keep it that way.

We can’t use the new medium

with the old philosophy.

The web should be a democracy of ideas.

As millennials, it’s partially our fault because we don’t question the way things are.

but we’re the ones who need to save it.


It’s no secret that we grew up with technology.It’s second nature to our generation.

But it’s not the only thing we know.

What distinguishes us from other generations is our knowledge of life with and without the internet.

We are the cross section of analog and digital.

Digital needs to be a combination of traditional strategies and genuine two-way communication.

What we need is a new hybrid way of doing things.

This is wherewe come in.

You can’t be 100% digital but technology isn’t slowing down.

The internet is where innovation happens.

We need to keep traditional ideologies,but look at the internet as an

opportunity to expand on those ideas.

Millennials are the missing link between traditional advertising, human interaction, and digital innovation.

It’s crucial that we understand this concept, and take responsibility. It’s our duty.

Can brands be people?No, they can’t.

But what’s the next best thing?People within those brands authentically engaging

with the brand’s customers.

Human connection is the most important thing...Sometimes it just happens to be on a computer.

Now is our time, millennials.

Follow the #Millennials movement@Kelsey_Wilkins@UOsportsdude

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