Miley cyrus FULL

Post on 08-May-2015



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PCUL 2F00 Miley Cyrus presentation M6.2


  • 1.Background Miley Cyrus was Born on Novemeber 23rd 1992 in Franklin Tennessee with the Birth name of Destiny Hope. Her childhood nickname was Smiley since she was always smiling, then later shortened it to Miley. She is the daughter of Country Music superstar Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish Cyrus and has 5 brothers and sisters (3 half siblings, 2 biological siblings) In 2003, Miley decided it was time to follow in her dads footsteps when it came to acting and landed her first role on her dads show Doc By 2004 she then landed the lead role in Disneys TV show called Hannah Montana, where it was this very role that lead Miley to becoming a pop senstation around the world.

2. Background Within just 6 short years, millions of dollars generated from merchandise and 3 albums, a spin off movie of the show, and sold out tours, Miley then decided that it was time to hang up the Hannah Montana wig and peruse her own music and acting career. In 2010 she starred in the romance movie The Last Song and it was then where the transitioning actress was moving into more mature settings and not just in film but in music as well That same year her third album Cant be Tamed released, showing Mileys provocative side and it did not sit well with many as people still thought of her as sweet innocent Hannah Montana. 3. Here and now By 2013 Miley Cyrus released her fourth album named Bangerz where she not only shocked the world with her ability to change up the music industry but also changed her entire image and how she was perceived within the public eye. 4. The Movement 5. Internet Presence Mileys presence is very loud and out there, she wants everyone to know who she is and what she is about. As well as stand out from everyone else! She uses many different social media outlets to portray both her personal and career life. 6. The Social Networks that she is actively apart of are; 7. Online Community With having is engages fans to purchase merchandise, keep updated on lastest news as well as buy tickets for her upcoming tour There are also countless number of fan pages within social media (eg. Twitter, Tumblr) all centered around Miley that are run by her many fans, gravitating towards the pop sensation 8. Find your Audience Miley ultimately wants to be unique with the music that she gives to people and I believe that stepping out of the box and the norm is a way for people to follow and be who they want to be With her crazy performances that some may think are questionable, its what sets her apart, and her fans are really just people who like to be whatever they want to be, wear whatever they want to wear, and not caring what others think. 9. Content that Matters With being on many different social media sites, Miley shares many different aspects of her life, such as pictures with fans, her family and what is currently going on on her tour. Ultimately, she really just wants her fans to know what she is constantly up to so they are always up to date 10. Engaging with Fans The one thing Miley Cyrus strives for is her constant engagement with her fans and always giving 110% to them. When her new ablum was about to release, Miley would always be on twitter giving out hints to different songs and artist that would be appreaing on it if we the fans would start getting them trending with hash tags. Also, she replys to a lot of fans as well on social media sites, and making their day. 11. Just being Miley Miley is able to enage with both online and pysical spaces be being exactly who she is both in person and on her social media sites. Saying crazy outorgaous things as well as posting odd pictures is really how she acts in person too because thats her and she isnt trying to change for anyone 12. Continue the social push Constantly getting fans engaged with not only just what she is talking about online, but doing award shows that are outrageous, interviews and photo shoots that may not seem quite appropriate, but its her way of getting her music out there and to get people to clue into her. 13. Posting Having twitter especially has helped her reach success with her new album and keeping everyone up to date and on our toes with whats going to happen when she reveals more about it is something that is so crazy. Contantly engaging with fans is something Miley will always do. 14. Why I Chose Miley Cyrus i love her music and believe that even though she is a little loud and out there that she really is just being herself and doesnt care what others think about her.

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