Migrating to Ruby 1.9

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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Ruby 1.9Migrating to

Bruce Williams

Bruce WilliamsRubyist since 2001

Open source developer, contributer, technical editor, designerOccasionally blogs at http://codefluency.com

(Full-time since 2005)

Perpetrator of much random Ruby hackery, language tourist


The syntax and language features you know and probably love.

The performance profile you know and might hate a little.

Unstable, transitional.

Many new syntax and language features.

Better performance, especially for computationally intensive operations.

Ruby 1.9Ruby 1.8

1.9 is a hint.

1.9 is a hint.Get ready for 2.0.


Japan Beyond Japan “... on Rails” Expansion

‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08


Ruby’s ReleasesFrom Toybox to Toolshed


Standard Library

+rubygems (+ prelude & ruby --disable-gems), rake, json (pure,

ext), ripper, probeprofiler, securerandom, HMAC digests

- soap, wsdl, base64, some rarely used, old libraries

~ csv replaced by FasterCSV implementation

Parser ChangesFlexibility and Obscurity (for the moment)

{a: "foo"}# => {:a=>"foo"}

{a: "bar", :b => "baz"}# => {:a=>"bar", :b=>"baz"}

Parser ChangesNew Hash Literal

Parser ChangesNew Proc Literal

multiply_by_2 = ->(x) { x * 2 }# => #<Proc:0x3c5a50>

multiply_by_2.(4)# => 8

Parser ChangesSplat more flexibly

names = %w(joe john bill)[*names, 'jack']# => ["joe", "john", "bill", "jack"]

Parser ChangesMethod parameter ordering

def say(language=:english, text) puts Translator[language].translate(text)endsay "hello"# hellosay :spanish, "hello"# hola

Text processing

“Clever” assignment with blocks

Some Hash enumerations

Metaprogramming, code generation

Migration Risk Factors

I was surprised at how much work my 11th hour integration of the FasterCSV code was. It was a pure Ruby library that really didn't do a lot of fancy tricks, but I had to track down about 20 little issues to get it running under Ruby 1.9. Thank goodness it had terrific test coverage to lead me to the problem areas.

- James Edward Gray II

Tests are Good

Follow-up at http://blog.grayproductions.net/articles/getting_code_ready_for_ruby_19

Block Local VariablesArguments are always local

item = 12.upto(4) do |item| p itemend# Outputs:# 2# 3# 4item# => 4

item = 12.upto(4) do |item| p itemend# Outputs:# 2# 3# 4item# => 1

Ruby 1.9Ruby 1.8

Shadowing VariablesYou’ll get a warning

Ruby 1.9Ruby 1.8

i = 1lambda { |i| p i }.call(3)# Outputs# 3i# => 3

i = 1lambda { |i| p i }.call(3)# Outputs# 3i# => 1

-e:2: warning: shadowing outer local variable - i

Shadowing VariablesLocals, but warned

-e:2: warning: shadowing outer local variable - d

d = 2->(;d) { d = 1 }.()d# => 2

d = 2-> { d = 1 }.()d# => 1

(Ruby 1.9)

No local, reassigns Local, shadowed

Hash#select (etc)Changes to yielded arguments

Ruby 1.9Ruby 1.8conferences.select do |data| p dataend# [:euruko, "Prague"]# [:scotland_on_rails, "Edinburgh"]# [:railsconf_europe, "Berlin"]

conferences.select do |data| p dataend# :euruko# :scotland_on_rails# :railsconf_europe

conferences.select do |name, city| p [name, city]end# [:euruko, "Prague"]# [:scotland_on_rails, "Edinburgh"]# [:railsconf_europe, "Berlin"]

warning: multiple values for a block parameter (2 for 1)

Hash#select (etc)Returns a Hash

Ruby 1.9Ruby 1.8conferences.select do |name, _| name == :scotland_on_railsend# => [[:scotland_on_rails, "Edinburgh"]]

conferences.select do |name, _| name == :scotland_on_railsend# => {:scotland_on_rails=>"Edinburgh"}

FeaturesLots of changes,

some big ones


There is one type of string, and the encoding is mutable

Strings are no longer Enumerable (use #each_char, #each_line, etc)

The encoding is ‘lazy’ and can be set by probing with

String#ascii_only? and String#valid_encoding?. 

Various ways to set default encoding (commandline, magic comments)

String#[] now returns a String, not a Fixnum (use ord)

[:ASCII_8BIT, :Big5, :BIG5, :CP949, :EUC_JP, :EUC_KR, :EUC_TW, :GB18030, :GBK, :ISO_8859_1, :ISO_8859_2, :ISO_8859_3, :ISO_8859_4, :ISO_8859_5, :ISO_8859_6, :ISO_8859_7, :ISO_8859_8, :ISO_8859_9, :ISO_8859_10, :ISO_8859_11, :ISO_8859_13, :ISO_8859_14, :ISO_8859_15, :ISO_8859_16, :KOI8_R, :KOI8_U, :Shift_JIS, :SHIFT_JIS, :US_ASCII, :UTF_8, :UTF_16BE, :UTF_16LE, :UTF_32BE, :UTF_32LE, :Windows_1251, :WINDOWS_1251, :BINARY, :IBM437, :CP437, :IBM737, :CP737, :IBM775, :CP775, :CP850, :IBM850, :IBM852, :CP852, :IBM855, :CP855, :IBM857, :CP857, :IBM860, :CP860, :IBM861, :CP861, :IBM862, :CP862, :IBM863, :CP863, :IBM864, :CP864, :IBM865, :CP865, :IBM866, :CP866, :IBM869, :CP869, :Windows_1258, :WINDOWS_1258, :CP1258, :GB1988, :MacCentEuro, :MACCENTEURO, :MacCroatian, :MACCROATIAN, :MacCyrillic, :MACCYRILLIC, :MacGreek, :MACGREEK, :MacIceland, :MACICELAND, :MacRoman, :MACROMAN, :MacRomania, :MACROMANIA, :MacThai, :MACTHAI, :MacTurkish, :MACTURKISH, :MacUkraine, :MACUKRAINE, :CP950, :EucJP, :EUCJP, :EucJP_ms, :EUCJP_MS, :EUC_JP_MS, :CP51932, :EucKR, :EUCKR, :EucTW, :EUCTW, :EUC_CN, :EucCN, :EUCCN, :GB12345, :CP936, :ISO_2022_JP, :ISO2022_JP, :ISO_2022_JP_2, :ISO2022_JP2, :ISO8859_1, :Windows_1252, :WINDOWS_1252, :CP1252, :ISO8859_2, :Windows_1250, :WINDOWS_1250, :CP1250, :ISO8859_3, :ISO8859_4, :ISO8859_5, :ISO8859_6, :Windows_1256, :WINDOWS_1256, :CP1256, :ISO8859_7, :Windows_1253, :WINDOWS_1253, :CP1253, :ISO8859_8, :Windows_1255, :WINDOWS_1255, :CP1255, :ISO8859_9, :Windows_1254, :WINDOWS_1254, :CP1254, :ISO8859_10, :ISO8859_11, :TIS_620, :Windows_874, :WINDOWS_874, :CP874, :ISO8859_13, :Windows_1257, :WINDOWS_1257, :CP1257, :ISO8859_14, :ISO8859_15, :ISO8859_16, :CP878, :SJIS, :Windows_31J, :WINDOWS_31J, :CP932, :CsWindows31J, :CSWINDOWS31J, :MacJapanese, :MACJAPANESE, :MacJapan, :MACJAPAN, :ASCII, :ANSI_X3_4_1968, :UTF_7, :CP65000, :CP65001, :UCS_2BE, :UCS_4BE, :UCS_4LE, :CP1251]

MultilingualizationRead a file with File.read

File.read("input.txt").encoding# => #<Encoding:UTF-8>

File.read("input.txt", encoding: 'ascii-8bit').encoding# => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>

MultilingualizationRead a file with File.open

result = File.open("input.txt", "r:euc-jp") do |f| f.readendresult.encoding# => #<Encoding:EUC-JP>result.valid_encoding?# => true

Regular ExpressionsIntegrated “oniguruma” engine

Same basic API

Much better performance

Support for encodings

Extended Syntax

Look-ahead (?=), (?!), look-behind (?<), (?<!)

Named groups (?<>), backreferences, etc

Regular ExpressionsNamed Groups

"His name is Joe".match(/name is (?<name>\S+)/)[:name]# => "Joe"

EnumerableEnumerator built-in, returned from Enumerable methods (and those in Array, Dir, Hash, IO, Range, String or Struct that serve the same purposes). Added Enumerator#with_index

%w(Joe John Jack).map.with_index do |name, offset| "#{name} is #{offset + 1}"end# => ["Joe is #1", "John is #2", "Jack is #3"]

Map with index

Enumerablereduce (inject)

[1,2,3,4].reduce(:+)# => 10



New Enumerable methods take, group_by, drop, min_by, max_by, count, and others.

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]array.take(3)# => [1, 2, 3]array# => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]array.drop(3)# => [4, 5]array# => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


Hash ChangesInsertion order preserved

conferences = { euruko: 'Prague', scotland_on_rails: 'Edinburgh'}conferences[:railsconf_europe] = 'Berlin'conferences.each do |name, city| p "#{name} is in #{city}"end# "euruko is in Prague"# "scotland_on_rails is in Edinburgh"# "railsconf_europe is in Berlin"conferences.delete(:scotland_on_rails)conferences[:scotland_on_rails] = 'Edinburgh'conferences.each do |name, city| p "#{name} is in #{city}"end# "euruko is in Prague"# "railsconf_europe is in Berlin"# "scotland_on_rails is in Edinburgh"

thing = Thing.new.tap do |thing| thing.something = 1 thing.something_else = 2end

ObjectAdded tap

Lambda ChangesObfuscation, ahoy!

New literal syntax more flexible

Not possible in { | | ... } style literals

m = ->(x, &b) { b.(x * 2) if b }m.(3) do |result| puts resultend# Output# 6

->(a, b=2) { a * b }.(3)# => 6

Passing blocks Default arguments

Symbol ChangesLess sibling rivalry

Indexing into Comparing with a String

Added to_proc

Added =~, [] like String (to_s less needed), sortable

Object#methods, etc now return an array of symbols

:foo[1]# => "o"

:this === "this"# => true

Similar to Python’s generators

Owe method naming lineage to Lua

Out of scope of the talk, but very cool

For some examples, see:

http://pragdave.blogs.pragprog.com/pragdave/2007/12/pipelines-using.html (and follow-up)

http://www.davidflanagan.com/blog/2007_08.html (older)

Revactor project (Actors in 1.9 using Fibers + Threads)

InfoQ, others...


This was really just an introduction.

Bruce Williams bruce@codefluency.com twitter: wbruce

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