Mehmet Akif Ersoy and Islamism

Post on 20-Feb-2017






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Movements Westernist Islamıst Turkist

Abdullah Cevdet Mehmed Akif Ziya Gökalp

Tevfik Fikret İzmirli İsmail Hakkı Mehmet Emin Yurdakul

Celal Nuri Eşref Edip Yusuf Akçura

Subdivisions Of IslamısmTraditionalist/Anti-modernist



Mustafa Sabri

Mehmed Akif

Şemseddin Günaltay

Zahid el-Kevseri

İzmirli İsmail Hakkı

Hüseyin Atay

İsmail Kara Hayrettin Karaman

Yaşar Nuri Öztürk

1)Mehmed Akif’s Islamism obsiously did take sides with Abduh’s school.

2) Akif’s many translations of Abduh and his egyptian disciple Farid Wadjdi, famous for his encyclopedia and commentary of the Qur’an, show the influence of Abduh’s teachings.

• Eşref Edib bu konuda şöyle der:“Üstadın tercüme ettiği eserler onun  fikrine uygun olmak itibariyle onlara ehemmiyet-i mahsusa vererek tercüme etmiştir. Zaten fikrine uymayan eserleri ne tercüme eder, ne de okurdu. Bu itibarla tercümeleri de onun fikirleri demektir ”

• Ashraf Edip said that:‘’Master had translated works have been translated by giving them importance. Already he neither translate nor read works that dont fit with the his idea. Hence translations are meant his ideas’’

3)The Sırat-ı Mustaqim published many translations of articles by well-knowfrom Abduh, Farid Wajdi…

4)The Sırat-ı Mustaqim and ıts successor Sebilürreshash became the organ of islamic ihya/insha/tejdid movements and pan-islamism in the in Ottoman empire

5) It had a wide circulation among not Ottomans, but also Turkic peoples outside of Ottomans lands, especially in the Russian EmpireSuch as İbrahim Rashid Musa Carullah Bigi

6) An important of part translated work and published journal articles are the main article of the magazine’s Urwetu al –wusqa

• According to Suat Mertoğlu number of Tranlations from Abduh are 40-45  and there are from Farid wadjdi 12 artical in issue women and Azmzâde Refik such as

“Kaza and Kader”

“Fezâil ve Rezâil”

“Emel ve Taleb-i Mecd”

“Hıristiyanlık ve Müslümanlık”

“Vahdet-i İslâmiye”

“Müslümanlıkta Esaslar -Sultân-”

Muslim Women

Thought about Jamalladin Afgani

-Two article in Sırat’ul Mustaqim

- Defening Afghani attacked as a wahhabi

- Slandering as Mülhid

Who was Manastırlı? He was one of the reast ulema of the recent years. As Shaykh Muhammad Abduh of Egytian land, Shaykh Amin of Kurdistan, and Huseyn Jisr of Syria are the wisest snd most famous ‘alims, so was Manastırlı the most perfumed and the wisest ‘alim in the region. (Akif, Ya hasretten ba’de hasretin ale’l-mü’minin, Sebilürreshad,9/225 )

Main Character of Manar School

1) Opposition to imperialism

2)Opposition to inovations/superstition

3) Return to the essence/sadr-ı islam/Salafi

4)Opening door of ijtihad


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