Mega Music Discovers Issue 1

Post on 03-Mar-2016






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Mega Music Discovers Issue 1


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Page 15 Nikki Shannon

Page 18 Toxic

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Page 6 - Steven Hitchens Interview Page 9 - Steven Hitchens Photo Shoot Page 15 - Nikki Shannon Page 16 - Jay C Interview Page 18 - Toxic Interview Page 20 - Toxic Album Review


Page 4 - The Story So Far Page 22 - Digital Rings Page 23 - Too Tangled Page 24 - The Repercussion

��������� ������� Page 5 - Introduction Page 21 - We Want You Involved

Page 16 Jay C

Page 16 Jay C


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We’ve finally made it which brings me to welcome you to our launch issue of Mega Music Discovers which is a brand new online (PDF) magazine that focuses on promoting a vast range of unsigned musicians on a national UK basis. Mega Music is an brand name that operates under JV Creations which is a company founded by Gary Vine (pictured above) and Trisha Jones during 2008. JV Crea-tions specialises in quite a few niche topics and unsigned music is one of those niches we have decided to get involved in. Admittedly it has been a huge struggle getting this magazine launched and ready for public viewing, especially as it was originally planned to kick off in February and we finally got it launched during April. The reason for the delay was due to other business activities and at the same time we were busy researching unsigned artists and making some very friendly and knowledgeable contacts of whom we have already learned a great deal from. During our research within the past 12 months we have been lucky to have networked with some highly talented people which has allowed us to learn a great deal about the unsigned music industry. We have successfully witnessed the launch of Steven Hitchens debut single “Whoops” back in November 2008 and now he has just launched his second single “Let’s Talk” during February. Trisha also interviewed Rolf Lura, a bass guitarist from Toxic who are a band from Norway that carried out a two week UK tour. Additionally, a couple of my good friends Mark Emery & Jamie Darling from Devon are members of an amazing energy driven Pink Floyd Tribute Band who were gigging locally around the Devon. Just recently they have performed a couple of live shows in Holland and are now embarking on a UK tour with dates confirmed in Devon, Sussex, South Wales & Cornwall. Dates and venues can found on pages 26 & 27. During their tour they will be performing “Interstellar Rockstar” which is a track written by Mark Emery. If you are a Pink Floyd fan then this tribute band is a must see. I hope you enjoy our launch issue of Mega Music Discovers and as your browsing through this magazine we will be preparing the second edition due to be launched on 1st June 2009 which we already have a fantastic line up of unsigned artists we will be profiling and at the same time the story of Mega Music will continue to ....


Copyright © Gary Vine, Patricia Jones, Mega Music and JV Creations, 2009. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this magazine.

Designed By:

Gary Vine

Published by:

JV Creations


Gary Vine Trisha Jones


Steven Hitchens Aaron Attenborough

Jay C Rolf Lura

The New Machine Nikki Shannon

Contact Us:

For future editorial correspondence email



We are not held responsible for any errors contained within

this magazine such as any change of dates in album / single launches or tours &

events. Any such events are subject to change at the

discretion of the artist and their management and other



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Steven Hitchens is a talented young singer songwriter from the UK. Steven has recently released his second single “Lets Talk” just a few months after his debut “Whoops”

Hi Steven! It’s great to have the privilege in interviewing you So how did it all start? How did you get involved in Music? Which artistes inspire you?

I’ve always been into music from a very young age. At the age of six I started dance les-sons and at eleven I was doing drama lessons, but I’ve been singing since as long as I can remember. I wrote my first song when I was ten called ‘Baby Blueday’ and my friend played the guitar. It was awful!

I am loving the music scene at the moment as there are so many fantastic artists out there. Ultimately I would like to have the longevity and massive would tours like Madonna and I am really into urban music at the moment, so I’m really like Ne-Yo and Taio Cruz and think they are both amazing artists.

Of all the bands / artists in your CD / record collection, which ones do you own the most albums by?

I would say Madonna. I’m a bit of a collector when it comes to CD’s. I find an artist I like and buy every single album and some-times singles that they release.

What was the last song you listened to?

Lie to Me by Ne-Yo

What’s In Your Record / CD Player right now?

In my CD player I have a vocal warm CD as I am rehearsing for some gigs I have this weekend but now I have an iPod I mostly listen to that!

What song would you say sums you up? There are so many songs that I identify with. There’s nothing like listening to your favourite song when you are feeling down. I think I’d say ‘I Can Be’ by Taio Cruz as I listen to that all the time. It psyches me up for whenever I have do a gig or something.

What was the greatest show you’ve ever been to?

I never manage to see as many show’s as I would want to. But Justin Timberlake’s Future/Sex/Love/ Sounds tour was very good. I don’t think that there’s anything that the man can’t do!

What’s the worst band you’ve ever seen in concert?

I won tickets to Liberty X in concert they weren’t that bad but they were very rude to the fans afterwards and refused to sign any autographs.

What band do you love musically but hate the members of?

I love Amy Winehouse’s music, but her private life being on show all the time takes some of her achievements away. I don’t care what she gets up to behind closed doors!

What musician would you like to hang out for a day?

I wouldn’t mind hanging out with Pink. I think we’d get on great. We both speak our mind and stand up for what we believe in! ��������

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What musician would you like to hang out for a day?

I wouldn’t mind hanging out with Pink. I think we’d get on great. We both speak our mind and stand up for what we believe in! What in your opinion is the greatest decade for music?

90’s definitely! You had wicked Britpop. The great bands, Blur and Oasis, the Spice Girls and it was when Madonna was at her best. Some of the tracks on my album have a slight 90’s feel.

It’s been nearly six months since you released your debut single “Whoops”. We’re you satisfied with it’s launch and did it deliver what you expected?

‘Whoops’ was great. I had an amazing response from people all over the world. I just want everyone all over to hear my music so they can judge for themselves.

Please provide some more information on how you put the single together?

I actually started writing ‘Whoops’ in my Kitchen while doing the washing up! I’ll be in the strangest of places and I’ll have the lyrics and melody forming in my head. Then I use the voice recorder on my phone and forward to my producer who then creates the music for the track based on the styles and brief I give him. I recorded this song late last year in a recording studio in South London. I was thrilled when it was completed. I didn’t expect it to sound so good!

Listening to your tracks available from your myspace at you showcase a wide variety of catchy pop songs, along with powerful ballads such as ‘Passionate’ which is sung as the title explains. Does the song ‘Passionate’ have any personal reflections from your life?

Thank you. I’m not in a relationship at the moment but I do dedicate ‘Passionate’ to my future lover! It’s a pretty romantic song and I guess it can be quite romantic. It was one of the easiest songs to record because it is quite simple and so heartfelt.

Do you prefer singing ballads or pop related songs?

Both are just as good, there’s nothing like pop songs to get a party started and it’s also good to have a slow dance at the end of the set. There’s nothing like helping people get together.

Have you any up and coming gigs coming soon?

I’m currently in talks with a few managers at the moment about all sorts of possibilities, so things are slightly on hold at the moment. However my single ‘Let’s Talk’ is out now and I’m getting a great response to that too!

Do you enjoy the audience atmosphere?

The audience are the best thing about performing live. There is nothing better than recording an album, rehearsing it and then getting to perform it. Doing gigs is also the best way of getting people’s reactions from yours songs.

What’s your favourite type of audience? (i.e. pub, club, mini arena, etc)

I’ve only done intimate gigs so far and I love them because you get to really make a connection with the audience but I would love to do an arena tour with backing dancers and a live band.

Every artist whether signed or unsigned have had unexpected encounters on the stage. Can you recall an unexpected encounter on stage that wasn’t suppose to happen?

I recently did a gig at my sister’s wedding and the wrong backing track came on. I thought I could carry on and sing on backing tracks I haven’t practiced for months or I could stop, get the right CD with the right backing tracks. Luckily the wedding was in a big manor house in the country and we were staying in rooms upstairs, so I legged it up to my room, got the CD and carried on with the show. No one seemed to mind and the set went on without any further hitch!

This year you are due to officially release your debut album. Are you excited about this?

I spent about a year making this album and because I have no financial backing at the moment, it has all come out of my own pocket. So it is very special to me. I always wanted to record an album but it was one of those things I never thought I’d do.

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I know the launch of your new album is “hush hush”, but can you give us a preview in telling us what this album means to you?

This album means everything to me. In some places it is quite autobiographical. There are songs that are about my demons and flaws. But it’s not all about me.

I also like writing songs about other people. There is a song on the album about my best friend from college who had a hard childhood and came out on top and got a great job. I love writing songs about other people and life situations.

What is your favourite song on this new album?

I gotta say ’Whoops’ as it’s my baby but they’re so many other great tunes on there.

What is the launch date of your debut album?

I’m still working on a date at the moment, but you can expect a third single and my album out in May or June. So check my website for updates.

Although you are not world class recognised. Myself and I’m sure all your fans would agree that your music is world class, especially the profes-sionalism of the songs showcased on myspace and I’m sure your future album. Would you like to be recognised as a world class performer and artist?

That would be great! I love touching people with my songs as they come from my heart. I’m not really materialistic or bothered by fame or celebrity, but

honestly… who would say no?! If I can inspire others with my music and I am successful in what I do then that is all that matters.

Have you ever considered auditioning for reality programs for shows like X Factor?

You can see some great artists from shows like the X Factor, but then there are also the 5 minute wonders too. I’d rather do some gigs and put my album out there and see what happens.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

As long as I am happy and successful I don’t really mind. It would be great to do a world tour with the album, so I’ll see how things go.

Do you have any future plans once you have launched your debut album?

I am going to be promoting my album all year and hopefully I’ll be doing more gigs as well and I’m am returning back into the studio at the end of the month to start on my second album but I’m really going to take my time with this one. I’m working with new producers so maybe you’ll be hearing a different sound from me in a year or so.

Thank you Steven, it has been a pleasure talking to you and I wish you all the success with the launch of your de-but single and shall look forward equally to hearing the completed version of your album. “Steven Hitchens is a aspiring and dedicated unsigned musician who invests his own money and a lot of time in delivering exceptional results, along with the self promotion of all his work. If a unsigned artist wants to a example of what hard work is like when establishing yourself as a Musician then Steven Hitchens is that example” Gary Vine

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Nikki Shannon is more than just a pretty face. In fact, she has the complete package - stunning voice, well-seasoned pianist, incredible songwriting and an electrifying personality that captures you instantly and leaves an indelible mark on your soul. Nikki also has a chilled vibe that flows right into her music and her performances which she executes as easily as enjoying a glass of fine wine. But things were not always so easy for Nikki. It all started on Thanksgiving Eve when just 4 years old. Nikki’s mum went to buy a horse, but instead came back with a piano." Growing up in Kingston, New York, Nikki would watch her two older sisters play the piano and begged her mother for piano lessons. Even at a young age, she spent hours incessantly at the keyboard. In her teen years, she was constantly performing and song writing. At first, singing in lounges, then writing/performing wedding songs for couples and eventually writing songs for her debut album "Too Few". Even with all this early success and incessant drive, Nikki couldn't escape the financial challenges of being a New York City artist and eventually became homeless. She would sleep in the backseat of cabs, on friends couches and even in the basements of piano bars where she performed. But the music always kept her going, and Nikki never let any set backs cloud her visions of success. Nikki's striking style, exceptional talent and her "bring it" attitude definitely sets her apart from other artists. Her songs reflect her to a tee - they are raw, real, and relatable. From moments of self-empowerment ("She is Me" and "Inner Circle"), self-realization ("Drink"), self-doubt ("Under Her Breathe"), and even making light of a woman's monthly visitor ("Chocolate and Wine"). Suffocate", Nikki's favourite track, displays the sexy grittiness of her voice and showcases her classical piano training. Nikki's songs have recently been featured in an episode of "Six Degrees" on ABC, as well been on XM Satellite radio and the NYC classic rock station Q104.3 ("Out of the Box" hosted by Jonathan Clarke.) Nikki Shannon's debut album "Too Few" (released June 2008) is an eclectic mixture of sounds bursting with infectious melodies incorporating several genres of music yet sounding like nothing you have heard before. Check out her debut album "Too Few" now! The album is available on itunes, Rhapsody, Napster, E-Music, and Amazon.


����������������7��"�� �������7��"�� �������7��"�� �������7��"�� ������� ���� Jay C is a Torquay based rapper and freestyler who has just launched his debut album produced by Relegate Records. Jay had a few minutes to spare out of his hectic and non stop schedule to answer a few questions by Gary Vine which provides a great insight into his aspirations into being a successful and well noticed rapper. You’ve been rapping since 15 years old? How did if all start? I started off just freestyling with a friend shortly after moving back to Ipswich from Devon. I had wrote the odd set of lyrics here and there but i didn't take it too serious. I went to a house party with my brother where he introduced me to a rapper/producer called Mr Woods who was part of a group called Battle Scars, after about a month I got the opportunity to feature on a few of their tracks and the experience made me start to take witting lyrics a lot more seriously. What made you decide “Rap” was your type of music? I went through stages of liking different types of music more than others particularly Indie and Rap. When I was 14 I started taking guitar lessons for about a year but I struggled to get into it. To this day I still listen to some Indie music but as I grew older I started to listen to more and more rap, hip hop and R’n’B. So I started to write the odd lyric here and there and the more I started to write it soon became clear that writing lyrics and rap music was the thing I wanted to do. What’s it like working with Relegate Records? Demanding (laughing out loud) , but I believe in the work we are trying to achieve. You no the old saying “the more you put in the more you get out” and the progression the label has made within the past year is evident where ever we go in the bay. Your debut album “Letting Them Know” was release on 24th November 2008. Have you achieved your goals through the launch of your debut album? My expectations weren't too high as it's my first album and the current state of the economy is making it harder for Independent record labels to push their projects forward but I believe that no matter how well you do, you can always do better by pushing yourself that extra mile. We still have plans in action to promote the album but as you may know no one makes it big from their first ever album. Please provide some more information on how you put the album together? We weren't 100% aware at the time we were making an album it just kind of fell together after about 8/9 months of solid recording. After Relegate Records became official we realised that we had to start making some money so we picked the best 10 tracks we had done and went from their. What is your favourite song on this album? Mummy's boy by far! I got a few other's I really like but Mummy's boy is the realist track I've done. Does any of your music have any reflection on your life? Apart from Mummy's boy and playa 4 life (Jay laughs out loud!) no not really, but this is something I have been working on in new material some of which will be released quite soon, so keep an eye on for the new singles.

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Have you any gigs coming up soon? Yeah, I have a gig coming up at liquid bar in Paignton on 30th April. I had a gig there in November last year and the night was such a success that the Manager asked the label if I could come back again. I've also got a few more gig's coming up soon but they are yet to be confirmed, I'll keep everyone informed through the website so keep an eye out. Do you enjoy the audience atmosphere? Of course, what true artiste doesn't like the buzz of a crowd watching you on stage, I'm still growing as an artist so it's a nice feeling when I see the crowd respond to one of my tunes. What’s your favourite type of audience? (i.e. pub, club, mini arena, etc) I'll get back to you on that one when I've performed in a mini arena (Jay laughs).... so I'd have to say in a club. I do like the atmosphere club crowds bring to the gig but playing in a mini arena is on a different level, I'd love to have the opportunity but we'll have to see what the future holds. Every artist whether signed or unsigned have had unexpected encounters on the stage. Can you recall an unexpected encounter on stage that wasn’t suppose to happen? Yeah, their was a incident at a festival I was performing at last year, where as we were in the middle of the chorus on our main track the needle on the turntable skipped ahead a little and confused the crowd and myself but luckily it didn't skip to far so I was able to salvage the performance, Touch wood their will be no more in the near future. Have you got any future album or single releases coming soon? Like I said earlier I have a few singles coming out in the next month or so and there’s plan's to bring out another CD around April/May time. I wont be looking to release another album for about a year or so but there will be plenty of fresh new material to look forward to. Would you like to be profiled as a world class musician? Who wouldn't? If I was considered a worldclass musician I'd be grateful that my talent has been recognised to that extent and that my voice has been heard all around the world. Have you ever considered auditioning for reality programs for shows like X Factor? I can appreciate the talent of some of the contestants, some of them have amazing voices and without shows like X factor they might never have been heard and given the to shine. But until Simon Cowell comes up with a rap factor I don't think you'll be seeing Jay C on an episode of X factor any time soon. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now? I would like to have made considerable amount of progress with my music and hopefully have a good reputation throughout the UK as an established artist. I would like to have performed at some big festivals like Glastonbury, maybe to have collaborated with a big artist or producer and have a single in the charts. And ideally not living with my mum and step dad...... The debut album from Jay C is available to download from Relegate Records at The album titled “Letting Them Know” which is a landmark in Jay C's rap career and is the cornerstone of the DSW (dirty southwest) movement which is taking the southwest by storm. ���

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���������7� �����������7� �����������7� �����������7� ������ The Norwegian heavy rock band Toxic recently toured the UK to promote their new album Fear. I was very pleased when bassist Rolf Lura agreed to be interviewed and following you will find the outcome: Trish: I always wanted to play an instrument well but after a screechingly dismal attempt at violin lessons and not much more success with a piano I decided that it was best to leave music making to others like yourself whom I feel quite envious of – just how many instruments do you play and which is your favourite? Rolf: My main instrument is the bass, that’s what I play live with my band, Toxic. On our new album “Fear”, I’ve also played some double-bass, cello and organ in the studio. I like all the instruments that I play very much. If I have to pick a favourite, it has to be the bass. Trish: Which was the first instrument that you ever played and how old were you? Rolf: I started to play the Tuba in my local school band at the age of 9. Trish: Why did you choose the tuba? Rolf: In fact it wasn’t I that choose the Tuba. It was my music teacher. I was the tallest and strongest boy in my class, so there-fore he advised me to play the heavy Tuba. Trish: Very democratic of him! Is there any instrument that you can’t play that you would like to learn? Rolf: The Church organ it’s a majestic and powerful instrument, I would love to learn to play it. Trish: Yes you are right there; perhaps I will invite you over to learn in the church at the bottom of my street! Now for some-thing different. The very first single that I ever bought was See Emily Play by Pink Floyd and I still think that track is amazing. Which was the first single that you ever bought and what do you think of it now? Rolf: It was “I was made for loving you” by Kiss. Now I wonder “Where the hell was my brain at the age of 12?” Trish: I think that I see what you mean after watching the video on YouTube, those outfits and the white face paint eeeewh. Do you have a record in your collection that the rest of the band would tease you about? Rolf: Maybe “Gothic Impressions” by a Swede called Par Lind. It’s an organ-based album that I adore, but the rest of the Toxic lads probably think that I’m insane in my brain because I love that album. Trish: Maybe they have secret likes too! Which band or artist do you currently listen to the most? Rolf: I never stick with just one artist for a long period; I try to vary a lot, so that I don’t get tired of a good artist. The bands that I listen to for the moment is: System of a Down, Opeth, Queen, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallica ++++ Trish: If you had just one wish and could perform with any band or artist - alive or dead; who would that be and why? Rolf: Queen w/Mr. Mercury or Judas Priest. Trish: Ah!! I wrote on my blog last week that if I could go back in time the band that I would most like to see perform live would

be Queen with Freddie Mercury – you have good taste.

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Whenever I return home from holiday it’s a real let down having to return to work and reality. Toxic have just completed a 2 week tour of the UK, how does it feel to be back to reality? Rolf: To be honest. This return to work and reality was the hardest ever in my life. We had two fantastic weeks and were longing to go back to England on the air trip back home. Trish: I hope that you will be coming back soon, is there another tour planned? Rolf: Our manager is in touch with several UK festivals, so we’re awaiting the results of his work. So the plan is to base our next UK tour around a festival next Summer, early Autumn. Trish: That’s great, something to look forward to through the dreary winter months. This is your second tour of the UK, how did it compare to the first? Rolf: This tour was definitely the best. Everything was well planned and prepared by our English manager, Mark. We felt so much welcome everywhere. You Englishmen are such a great people. Trish: Er don’t forget English women! What was the highlight of the tour for you and was there any low? Rolf: The highlights:- Our first night in England was fantastic. We spent it at Josi’s radio studio. She works for ”Hard Rock Radio Live” We did a live radio show. Her comment after the radio session was. “You’re the craziest Vikings I’ve ever met, and this has been my funniest/best radio show ever”. Our last gig at “The Purple Turtle” in Camden/London was the best one. We had an amazing audience and a fantastic sound engineer. The “Downside”:- We played a gig in South London, upstairs in a pub in a crummy area. There was just a few people attending the show. Trish: Darn it I missed the radio show it sounds great. Do you have lots of groupies flocking around you or aren’t we allowed to discuss that? Rolf: There is only one thing to say about that. You didn’t turn up at any of our shows lol Trish: You sweet talker! We have a saying in the UK – ‘do not judge a book by it’s cover’, but people do judge others by ap-pearances. For instance some people see a biker and they fear them – OMG a hells angel type of reaction - when really most bikers are decent folks who love riding bikes. In the Chronos video the bikers are the good guys, was that intended as a statement or just a different twist to make the video more interesting? Rolf: Chronos is the God of time. Our intention with the video was to make people wake up and see that things aren’t always what they look like. We try to put things upside down. Like you said. A biker can be good man, and a vicar can be a cruel one. We also turned Elvis into a Messiah. But, I have to admit that we like to be a bit provocative! Trish: Provocative I like and I agree with what you are saying. I’ve been listening to your album Fear and appreciate the con-trasts. Image means a lot for a band and the perceived image is not what I believe to be the true Toxic who from my limited contact are much nicer guys than the image dictates. Trish: I’d like to thank you Rolf for your cooperation with this interview, you have given me some great answers. Hopefully we will see you in the UK again soon. Rolf: I would like to thank you also for your questions. They were very good. Most interviewers ask the same questions over and over again, yours were something different. It was a pleasure to answer you back. If you feel that my English sucks, feel free to adjust it. Trish: I always like to be different. Your English is excellent, much better than my Norwegian, which is limited to Tusen takk (thank you very much) ������������

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����The whispering clamour surrounded me and as it grew in intensity my fear of what was to come grew stronger. Suddenly the chanting started, the dread inside me rose as the chants grew louder and my anticipation greater. Each drum beat took me closer to the edge… a scream …then Preludium. Fun over! As I looked at the hellish images on the Toxic album Fear just before I inserted the disc into my CD player I wondered if I had something to be afraid of. A whimsical thought I know but those thoughts continued as I looked at the play list: 01) Preludium 02) Lucifer 03) Fear 04) Live On 05) I am the Fire 06) Panic 07) Tinnitus 08) Feed me Bitch 09) Freedom 10) Truth 11) Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained 12) Greed 13) Every Beating is a Lie 14) Fear None Those titles are not exactly pussy footing around, but my fears continued in a good way as I listened to Preludium. It began with the type of sound effects that are used to create fear and anticipation in horror films and then chanting as if a black magic ceremony was going on. My imagination was working overtime by the time the band kicked in with powerful vocals and backing. I’m told that Preludium was recorded in a large cathedral type of room and that it sounded wicked – I can imagine that! The other tracks that stood out for me were: Feed me Bitch – despite the title I loved this track. ‘You’ve got to be poor to feed the rich’ that’s true. A contrast of sounds with an edge that made me feel the music almost as much as Preludium. I am the Fire reminded me a bit of Black Sabbath. A full on rock track that got me jumping. To get the full effect I wished that I were listening at a concert and not in my sitting room, but second best was still good. Every Beating is a Lie tells you to stand up for your rights and not to let them hold you down. I absolutely agree with that. Musically I enjoyed listening to this stirring track and as with all over the other tracks Toxic are getting a good message across. Fear None is a good finale to the album, strong instrumentals but it does get a bit screechy in places. Not enough to scare my cat who seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was. Seriously, I like the vocals, the instrumentals and the mad contrasts and was disappointed when the track faded out to nothing and half expected them to come back and shock me. After listening to the 14 tracks several times I can reveal that there was nothing to be afraid of from Fear. I enjoyed listening and can recommend the album to anybody who likes heavy rock. It’s crazy in places, a creative album of unexpected events that left me wanting more. My favourite track has to be Preludium because it was so atmospheric and captured my imagination. Well done Toxic it

Tracks from “Fear” By Toxic can be previewed by checking out their myspace page at To purchase this album check out their myspace or visit their web site

at for more information.


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We have learned to appreciate that music is a rewarding and demanding business to be involved in and at the same time we have also realised the amount of hard work a artist or behind the scenes person puts in to actually drive a project to completion and ready for launch. It is exactly the same when producing a regular magazine as without the artists, press &

management companies supporting & guiding us we would not be able to compile such a ongoing publication. In order to keep this magazine going and fresh with content we need your help and guidance to point us in the right direction so we are giving you fresh information as we launch each edition of Mega Music Discovers. Here are some ideas how you can help & support the magazine: As a Musician you can let us know your news so we can pass onto our readers. This can involve new videos. singles, albums, events, photo shoots, etc. A Reader also has an important part to play by passing us your comments, recommending artists to us and even writing letters that we can publish in future editions of Mega Music Discovers. Readers and Musicians can also circulate the magazine amongst your friends and contacts. If you have received this magazine from a friend and wish to receive future editions then pop along to our myspace page at and add yourself as a friend and details of the magazine will be mentioned on our myspace page with details of how to download the magazine. We will soon have a mailing list set up which you can join and then you’ll be guaranteed to receive it once published. To join our mailing list visit where you can provide your name and email address. Gary Vine and Trisha Jones have committed themselves to working extremely hard in the promotion of unsigned artists and we have plenty of ideas we will be rolling out during 2009. Mega Music Discovers is just one of our developing ideas that aims to be published every two months with the next edition planned for 1st June 2009. To get in touch with us simply send a email to Gary at with anything relevant you consider would be great to feature in future editions of Mega Music Discovers and we shall look forward to hearing from you..

������������������������������������and ������ ��������� ��������� ��������� ������� Founders of Mega Music & JV Creations

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