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African Union Commission

9th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting

25-26 March, 2013 African Union Conference Centre;

Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA




Rhoda Peace Tumusiime (Commissioner Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union

Commission) & Ibrahim Arsane Mayaki (Chief Executive Officer, NEPAD Agency)

We are pleased to welcome all of you to the 9th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development program (CAADP) Partnership Platform (PP) taking place here at the African Union Conference Centre. The 9th CAADP PP is a special one. It is taking place in 2013; a decade after CAADP was endorsed by the Second Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly in July 2003 in Maputo Mozambique. The African Union is further commemorating the 50 years when the organization of Africa Unity was established by African great leaders. Throughout the Continent, there is notable progress enshrined in by CAADP. CAADP has since created space for inclusive participation of all relevant sector players – from within and outside the state and at the grassroots level. CAADP has raised the profile of the agricultural sector in national domestic and international politics, and the attention to agriculture has significantly increased. CAADP is, for example, a model for the rest of the continents as a home grown, country led, and stakeholder inclusive agricultural transformation agenda. CAADP has contributed to more specific, purposeful and incentive-oriented agricultural policies. CAADP has facilitated a noticeable improvement and progress towards donor coordination, harmonization and alignment to country priorities. In a number of countries, additional resources have been allocated to targeted programs that have the highest potential to generate returns to these investments. Regional co-operation has been increased as a result of CAADP engagement. CAADP has also facilitated

the establishment of mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation, peer review, dialogue and accountability. We congratulate the Regional Economic Communities, the governments of African member States, the Non-state actors, civil society, farmers as well as Development Partners; for generating this success. We however, note that this progress is just a means to an end. We have not reached there yet. To us, this is not the time to celebrate the achievements. It is time to build on progress made so far and advance and focus on results and impact. We recently launched and successfully put in place an agenda on “Sustaining the CAADP Momentum” with a focus to deliver results and impact in the next 5 to 10 years. In this agenda, we are working out what constitutes the key drivers of success. We shall be working to strengthen our engagements during such events as a build up to 2014 a year of Agriculture and Food Security as well as when we shall commemorate the 10 years of CAADP. This is why the 9th CAADP PP is politically heavy. In the 2014 July Summit, our focus is to obtain further and refined commitments to CAADP. Thank you for participating in this year’s CAADP PP. We, on behalf of the AUC and NPCA, commit ourselves to serve you for a food secure and poverty free Africa.




Over the last few years, the CAADP country investment plans have become vehicles and tools for attracting public financing to the identified priority areas. There are increasing commitments from both governments and development partners to finance up to 70 percent of public commitments in country investment plans. Thus in many countries, there is need for additional resources of finance to support the full implementation of the country investment plans. A number of alternative sources of financing have not been effectively tapped to leverage the traditional public sector and development financing mechanisms. This theme, will focus on enhancing the existing sources of finance as well as exploring what the alternative sources can catalyze the available options. The focus will be on tapping from the abundant and potential private sector financing as well as existing and new catalytic funds available to finance African agriculture.



Experience in CAADP implementation has demonstrated that stronger political commitment and leadership is essential in fostering commitment, ownership and implementation for results. Where strong political leadership and commitment has been exercised around CAADP implementation, progress has been realized. Sharing experience and learning lessons on how this works will be the centre of focus in sustaining the CAADP Momentum. A combination of a strong leadership from Permanent Secretaries and Ministers responsible for Agriculture with support from Heads of States in utilizing country investment plans as delivery instruments to agricultural will matter in delivery of agricultural services for results and impact. Hence the session will bring together Senior Policy makers including Ministers of Agriculture, Chief Executive Officers of RECs other high-level dignitaries to share their own experiences.



Effective delivery for results and impact beyond leadership and commitment is to put in place instruments for monitoring, evaluation and reporting as strong instruments for strengthening accountability. Delivery for results and impact will require a package of interventions drawn from financing, leadership and commitment as well as effective mechanisms for accountability. Building from the recent progress in monitoring and reporting CAADP implementation through ReSAKSS, and Mutual accountability framework, coupled with the defined actions and targets done under the “Sustaining the CAADP momentum” exercise, and other pieces of work being commissioned, will constitute a new refined CAADP results framework. The detailed results framework will therefore define a future accountability system for CAADP. The role of civil society in CAADP implementation has improved. Under this session, an independent critic of what is perceived as progress from the “bird eyes” view of civil society will set a stage for what CAADP stands for.



Inadequate policy and institutional reforms continue to stand in a way of effective CAADP implementation to achieve results and impacts. This is demonstrated in limited private sector engagement and investment in country investment plans. The session discussion with the private sector can help to illustrate how policy and institutional constraints will have to be addressed. Hence the session will discuss how the private sector sees the emerging policy and institutional reforms with reflection on what has worked and what needs to change in order to trigger additional private sector investment to complement the ongoing efforts such as the Grow Africa and the New Alliance. The session will further be guided to identify policy and intuitional blockages to investments and how these blockages have been turned into policy commitments to facilitate stronger investment in CAADP investment plans. These will be discussed as examples to create an understanding to all countries on how stakeholders can identify policy constraints and turn them into policy commitments and investments for implementation targeting results and impact. There are a number of areas, other than private sector, that continue to face policy and institutional challenges in their implementation. Some of these include; nutrition, land, food safety and others.

AGENDA AT GLANCE DAY 1: Monday 25 March 2013 09:00 - 09:30 SESSION I: OFFICIAL OPENING: Chair: H.E. Rhoda Peace Tumusiime - Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture

Salutations Remarks

09:00- 10:30

Statement by President of Pan African Farmers Organization

CAADP Development Partners Representative - (highest level, possibly, the Ministers) H.E. Dr Ibrahim Arsane Mayaki - Chief Executive Officer NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency

10:30 - 11:00

Keynote: Championing Political Commitment to Agriculture in Africa

H.E. Dr. Thomas Boni Yayi - President of Benin [CONFIRMED]

Official Opening H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn - Prime Minister of Ethiopia and Current Chair, African Union [INVITED]

11:00 - 11:30am Photo Sessions; Refreshment Break and Press Conference

Parallel Sessions THEME 1 THEME 2 THEME 3 THEME 4

11:30 - 13:00

How can CAADP aligned initiatives helped foster private sector financing in support of country plans? Moderator: Michael Sudarkasa, AFIM-UNDP Panellists: SCHOLTES, Philippe (3ADI); Serge M. BOMBO (ECOWAS), Robert Pascal; Chris Isaac (TZ). David Kwao Amoah (Ghana); Daniel Gad (Ethiopia); Ishmael Sunga (SACAU); Prince Johnson (Ghana); Ramanou Kouferidji (NEPAD); Izellele Roux-Owen; Calvin Miller (FAO); Tomas Sales (UNDP-AFIM); Hans Balyamujura (ABSA General Manager AgriBusiness Africa); Nixon Bugo (AGRA Innovative Finance Officer); Issa Bikieng Discussions

Leadership: Ministerial experience Sharing session on: Key Drivers of Success for Agricultural Transformation - CLOSED SESSION (only MINISTERS, CEO's of RECs & HIGH LEVEL DIGNITARIES) Moderator: Thebe Ikalafeng Discussions

How are the recent Trends and Outlook in Agricultural Performance shape the future Options and Priorities? Moderator: Leonard Oruko, IFPRI Presentation 1: Godfrey Bahiigwa; ReSAKSS Presentation 2: Tools and results on

Policy tracking: Jean Balié; MAFAP, FAO


What are the country lessons and experiences in identification and implementation of key Policy & Institutional issues in the country plans? Moderator: Panel Presentation of Country teams: Mozambique; Ghana; Benin; Tanzania; Ethiopia; Burkina Faso; Discussions

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break: Key Note Speech: David Nabarro, Special Representative of the Secretary General on Food Security and Nutrition (Moderator: Thebe Ikalafeng

14:30 - 16:00

Dedicated Session 1: Making Finance Work for Africa - Unlocking the potential of the financial sector to support CAADP Moderator: Boaz Keizire; Presentation: Liberal Seburikoko - Wasafiri Consulting

Dedicated Session 2: Helping countries to unlock the private sector's role in CAADP implementation Moderator: Martin Bwalya: Presentation on Grow Africa; Achievements & Challenges) Martin Bwalya & Arne Cartridge

Dedicated Session 3: CAADP, Agriculture Development and Inclusive Growth Moderator: Prof. Mandi Rukuni. PME International 1) Gender and Youth presentation:

Buba Khan (Action Aid) 2) Principles for responsible

agricultural investments (rai); Amb Christina Blank; (CFS)

Dedicated Session 4: Lessons experiences by private sector in Policy Reforms & Commitments for results and impact Moderator: Martin Muchero, SADC Panel Discussion: Kalid Bomba,CEO Ethiopia Transformation Agency; Mr.Geoffrey Kirenga, CEO of SAGCOT Tanzania; Lead Bagre Corridor, Burkina Faso: CEO, Rwanda Development Board; Ishmael Sunga, CEO, SACAU

16:00 - 16:20 Refreshment Break


Moderator: Prof. Mandivamba Rukuni. PME International Plenary Panel: High Level Ministerial Panel on Harnessing Political Leadership for CAADP implementation: Ministers of Agriculture: Canada, UK, France, USA, Ghana; Sierra Leone; Burkina Faso; Togo; Kenya; Senegal; Algeria; South Africa; Malawi; Mozambique; Rwanda and Burundi

18:00-20:00 COCKTAIL & DINNER: Key Note Speaker: Mr. Millison Narh, Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Ghana

Ethiopian Cultural Dance


Tuesday 26 March 2013




Meeting 2. CAADP & Post Harvest Loss


SIDE EVENT 1. Partnership 4 Aflatoxin Control in

Africa (PACA) 2. Joint Sector Reviews

SIDE EVENT 1. Agricultural Statistics & CAADP 2. Land Policy Initiative for Africa


SIDE EVENT 1. Horticulture and Nutrition 2. CYMMT: Wheat for Africa, What


09:30 - 10:00

Moderator: Prof Monty Jones, FARA

Public and Private Financing: How do Lessons and Experiences from the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) shape Future Donor support to CAADP? Dr Ousmane Badiane, IFPRI, Director for Africa Plenary Discussion:

10:00 - 11:15

Moderator: Prof Monty Jones, FARA

Plenary: CAADP's Results, Performance and Impact - Are results being Achieved? A civil society "Bird Eyes View" - “ONE’s 2013 Agriculture Accountability Report: Is Africa Holding Back or Leaping Forward? Presentation 1: The NSA and enhancing accountability in agriculture - Dr Kalilou Sylla, Executive Secretary ROPPA Presentation 2: The ONE’s 2013 Agriculture Accountability Report; Nachilala Nkombo, ONE Presentation 3: Africa’s Agriculture Development Agenda and commitment to fight hunger and eradicate poverty Haile Gebrselassie Plenary Discussion:

11:15 - 11:35 Coffee Break

11:35 - 13:00

Moderator: Thebe Ikalafeng

Plenary: Summary and Synthesis of Emerging Outcomes on Theme 1 (Including Dedicated Sessions 1 & 2): Presentation and plenary discussion

Plenary: Summary and Synthesis of Emerging Outcomes on Theme 2: Presentation and plenary discussion

Plenary: Summary and Synthesis of Emerging Outcomes on Theme 3: Presentation and plenary discussion

Plenary: Summary and Synthesis of Emerging Outcomes on Theme 4 (Including dedicated Sessions 3 & 4): Presentation and plenary discussion

13:05 - 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:30

Sustaining CAADP Momentum: Catalysing Implementation; Delivering Results and Impact

Moderator: Prof. Mandivamba Rukuni. PME International The overarching CAADP Results Framework: Emerging Outcome and Outlook Presentation: The Overall CAADP Results Framework - Martin Bwalya Discussion:

Moderator: Prof. Mandivamba Rukuni. PME International

The CAADP Partnership - What does this mean? - Outcomes of Synthesis Report - AUC-NPCA Presentation: The CAADP Partnership - What does this mean? - Outcomes of Synthesis Report Boaz Keizire Discussion:

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

Closing Statements: Moderator: Estherine Fotabong

16:00 - 17:00

H.E AtoTefera Derbew: Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development ETHIOPIA

H.E. Dr Ibrahim Asarne Mayaki - Chief Executive Officer NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency

H.E. Rhoda Peace Tumusiime - Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture

H.E. Erastus Mwencha - Deputy Chairperson - African Union Commission

19:30 - 20:45 COCKTAIL: HOSTED BY THE AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION AND THE NEPAD AGENCY (also Launch of the Joint 2013 NEPAD Agency-AUC-Non-State Actors Communication and Advocacy Plan)



Saturday 23rd March 2013

Meeting Participants Room Contact persons

09:00-17:00 Pre-CAADP PP AUC-NPCA-RECs, ReSAKSS, Country Focal Persons & Farmer Organizations

Small Conference Hall 1 Martin Bwalya & Boaz Keizire

Sunday 24th March 2013

Meeting Participants Room Contact persons 09:00-12:00 AUC-NPCA-RECs - Team Building Session AUC, NPCA & RECs Small Conference Hall 1 Unami Mpofu

12:30-14:00 Launch of CAADP Journalist network All Delegates Invited Small Conference Hall 2 Mwanja, Carol And Abiola


Investment Facilitation Platform - UNDP-NEPAD (end with a Cocktail)

Country CAADP Focal Point Persons and AUC, NPCA, RECs

Small Conference Hall 1 Tomas Michael Sudarkasa & Martin Bwalya

Africa Forum Planning Meeting AUC, NEPAD, GIZ & Regional Farmer Organization

Caucus Room 17 Unami Mpofu

17:30-19:00 De-briefing Moderators-Facilitators, Presenters and Panelists Meeting

All PP Moderators-Facilitators, Presenters and Panelist

Caucus Room 18 Martin Bwalya; Boaz Keizire; Unami Mpofu & Ian Randall

09:00-17:00 CAADP Development Partners Task Team Meeting

CAADP DP TT members Caucus Room 20 Karen Tibbo

MAIN CAADP PP Meeting = 25

th and 26

th March 2013

Monday 25th March 2013

Meeting Participants Room Contact persons

07:30-09:00 Participants Registration All participants Lofty Area in main AUC

Conference Building Tendai Tofa & Milha Desta

09:00-11:30 Official Opening Plenary Open Session Medium Conference Hall Session leaders

11:00-11:30 Press Conference Press Small Conference Hall 4 Session leaders


THEME 1 SESSION Financing Attendance By Choice Small Conference Hall 1 Session leaders

THEME 2 SESSION Country Leadership Ministerial Session is by Invitation Small Conference Hall 2 Session Leaders

THEME 3 SESSION Accountability Attendance By Choice Small Conference Hall 3 Session Leaders

THEME 4 SESSION: Policy and Institutions Attendance By Choice Small Conference Hall 4 Session Leaders

13:00-14:30 Lunch Break: Key Note Speech: David Nabarro, Special Representative of the UN SG on Food Security and Nutrition

All Delegates Multi-Purpose Hall

14:30-14:00 Dedicated Session 1: Making Finance Work for Africa - Unlocking the potential of the financial sector to support CAADP

Attendance By Choice Small Conference Hall 1 Session Leaders

Dedicated Session 2: Helping countries to unlock the private sector's role in CAADP implementation

Attendance By Choice Small Conference Hall 2 Session Leaders

Dedicated Session 3: CAADP Agriculture Development & Inclusive Growth

Attendance By Choice Small Conference Hall 3 Session Leaders

Dedicated Session 4: Country Drivers of Success in CAADP: Lessons experiences by private sector in Policy Reforms & Commitments for results and impact

Attendance By Choice Small Conference Hall 4 Session Leaders

16:20-17:30 High Level Ministerial Panel All Delegates Medium Conference Session Leaders

18:00-20:00 COCKTAIL & DINNER: Key Note Speaker: Mr. Millison Narh, Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Ghana

All delegates Multi-Purpose Hall Session Leaders

Tuesday 26th March 2013

Meeting Participants Room Contact persons


Side Event 1: Post-Harvest Loss Reduction Interested Delegates Small Conference Hall 2 Janet Edeme & Komla Bissi

Side Event 2: MFW4A & AFRACA Partners Meeting

By Invitation Caucus Room 17 Kamewe Hugues

Side Event 3: Land Policy Initiative for Africa and CAADP

Interested Delegates Small Conference Hall 4 Joan Kagwanja & Janet Edeme

Side Event 4: Partnership For Aflatoxin Control

Interested Delegates Caucus Room 22 Winta Setanyahu & Wezu Chunga

Side Event 5: Agricultural Statistics & CAADP

Interested Delegates Caucus Room 20 Dossina Yeo & Maurice Lorka

Side Event 6: Ensuring Nutrition Security & Horticulture

Interested Delegates Small Conference Hall 3 Josephine Kiamba & Laila Lokosang

Side Event 7: CYMMT Wheat for Africa: What Now?

Interested Delegates Caucus Room 19 Victor Kommerell & Komla Bissi

Side Event 8: Joint Sector Reviews Interested Delegates Small Conference Hall 1

09:30-15:30 PLNERAY Session & Presentations Open to all Delegates Medium Conference Hall Session Leaders

15:30-17:30 CLOSSING Session Open to all Delegates Medium Conference Hall Session Leaders

19:30-20:45 Cocktail and Launch of Non-state Actors Advocacy Plan

All Delegates Invited Multi-Purpose Hall Session Leaders

27th march 2013

Meeting Participants Room Contact persons 9:00 – 17:00 CAADP PP Business Meeting By Invitation Only Small Conference Hall 4 Martin Bwalya & Boaz Keizire


Rural Women Farmer Assembly Open to all Delegates Small Conference Hall 3

Buba Khan (Action Aid) & Mwanja Ng’anjo

Special Country CAADP Focal Point Meeting

All Country CAADP Focal point persons; Govt Representatives & RECs

Small Conference Hall 2 Unami Mpofu




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Emerging private sector initiativesto enhance & catalyse CAADP's private sector financing (Grow Africa, MFW4A, 3ADI, Africa Inclusive Markets etc) VENUE: Small Conference Room 1: The formulation of CADP-based agriculture and food security investment plans has been a strong instrument in rallying public sector financing. Limited attention and focus was given to alternative and catalytic financing models for the country investment plans. Further, limited attention was given issues and challenges to access to agricultural finance by medium to small holder farmers as well as agribusiness dealers and other in the value chain. This moderated session will be dedicated to listening and discussing the emerging financing models to finance CAADP investment plans. Some of these models include; UNDP’s Africa Facility for Inclusive Markets; AUC-NPCA-WEF the Grow Africa initiative; the Africa Agricultural Fund; the African Agribusiness and Agro-Industries Development Initiative (3ADI) ; Agvance Africa –an Agribusiness-focused Fund of Funds, seeking to catalyse private sector investment in to African agriculture; Making Finance Work For Africa 9MFW4A); Agricultural Fast Track Facility - A project preparation facility to help countries advance investment‐ready agricultural infrastructure projects and PPPs by defraying front‐end project development costs that commercial developers are unwilling to shoulder.This is to be housed at AfDB, with funding from G8;NEPAD Business Foundation; Pan African Agribusiness and Agro Industry Consortium (PanAAC) & others Harnessing private sector financing to generate effective agricultural investment Hosted by CAADP Joint Action Group for Private Sector Intiatives Moderator: TBD PART 1: Country successes and needs A: Panel Discussion - Successes (30 min) How can CAADP aligned initiatives helped foster private sector financing in support of country plans? - Value chain work e.g. 3ADI example - Public-Private-People Partnerships e.g. Grow Africa example - SAGCOT Centre CEO on SAGCOT? - Smallholder financing: GIZ Uganda Rep with

Ministerial Sharing Event on: Key Drivers of Success for Agricultural Transformation - CLOSED SESSION to MINISTERS, CEO's of RECs & HIGH LEVEL DIGNITARIES VENUE: Small Conference Room 2 Ministers of Agriculture, Permanent Secretaries, and CEOs of RECs will discuss in details the needed mechanisms for strengthening coordination in country and at regional levels. Leaders will discuss and share experiences and lessons on what constitutes success in own countries. Leaders will further discuss what drives success and how does success look like. Specific questions will be posed on what is needed combination of factors that can fast track CAADP implementation for results. Moderator: (to be identified)

How are the recent Trends and Outlook in Agricultural Performance shape the future Options and Priorities?: VENUE: Small Conference Room 3. Annually, ReSAKSS produces an Annual and Trends Outlook Report. This is the report on implementation of CAADP focusing on key and agreed CAADP targets and associated indicators. The report will be presented as an accountability report on progress that is being made in CAADP implementation. Further, progress has been made in some countries in putting in place accountability instruments and tools. These include: Public Expenditure Reviews; Joint Sector Reviews; Country SAKSS Nodes etc. participants in this session will be presented with this progress and a synthesis of lessons and outcomes to scale up in other countries will be presented in Plenary Session Speaker(s): ReSAKSS Moderator: (to be identified)

Lessons experiences in Policy Reforms & Commitments for results and impact(Examples of Private Sector Engagement in CAADP) VENUE: Small Conference Room 4

Policy and institutional reforms continue to stand in a way of effective CAADP implementation. Some countries who have advanced in CAADP and now under Grow Africa and G8’s New Alliance are have started identifying policy challenges and associated commitments. Moreover, a number of questions continue to arise on the level of involvement by African private sector in developing these policy commitments. These will be discussed as examples to create an understanding to all countries on how private sector can be involved and strengthened in setting such policy commitments for government. This session will be joined by Africa private Sector Actors and some Farmers organizations. Key Discussion Questions 1. Is the process of generating policy challenges

include African private Sector?

2. What mechanisms exist to strengthen African private Sector engagement or involvement in in partnering with international private sector companies?

3. How can these examples be used to other non-private sector issues and challenges

SPEAKERS/ PANELISTS Serge M. BOMBO,ECOWAS-TEN; Robert Pascal Agri Business Tz; Chris Isaac AgDevCo Mozambique. David KwaoAmoah Ghana Federation of Agricultural Producers; Daniel Gad Omega Farms Ethiopia; Ishmael Sunga. CEO -SACAU: RamanouKouferidji Chairman NEPAD Business-Benin. Moderator: (to be identified)

13:00-14:00: Lunch Break: Key Note Speech: David Nabarro, Special Representative of the Secretary General on Food Security and Nutrition



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Access to Agricultural Finance Alignment to CAADP - Session Lead: VENUE: Small Conference Room ??? With increased investments by private sector in African agriculture, one of the key areas where there has been limited attention is on how to mobilize, organize and respond to issues related to access to Ag finance by the Medium and smallholder farmers; agribusiness dealers and agro-processors. Moreover, the progress that has been made on this front has not been mainstreamed into CAADP. An exercise was done on how to integrate access to agricultural finance to CAADP. This session will be dedicated to discussing the issues related to access to agricultural finance in Africa. It will update the participants on progress to-date as well as the outcomes of the alignment to CAADP exercise. SPEAKERS Liberal Seburikoko- Wasafiri Consulting Moderator: to be identified.

Country lead Session on Key Drivers of Success in CAADP implementation: Lessons, Experiences and Key Takeaways: VENUE: Small Conference Room?? This session will be dedicated for Country CAADP team participants to discuss, lean from lessons and share experiences on real and practical examples of issues and constrains to advancing CAADP implementation. Key Questions 1. 2.

Key Country Leads: Ethiopia, Burkina Faso Senegal, Ghana, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Cameroon, DR Congo, Cameroon, Egypt, Senegal, Sierra Leone Moderator: (to be identified)

CAADP Results and Targets that need to shape the next decade of Agricultural Transformation:

Lead Facilitator Prof. Mandivamba Rukuni. PME International

Lessons experiences in Policy Reforms & Commitments for results and impact(Examples of Private Sector Engagement in CAADP)

VENUE: Small Conference Room 2 Until recently, the issue of how policy challenges can be a bottleneck to CAADP implementation has not been widely appreciated. The examples under the grow Africa and G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition attempted to shade more light on what constitute policy challenges in facilitating private sector investments in agriculture. This session will use these private sector policy challenges, commitments and actions expounded through Grow Africa and the New Alliance to rollout and to unpack policy issues in the implementation of country CAADP investment plans. This session will use examples of how countries under Grow Africa and New Alliance have identified policy and intuitional blockages to investments and how these blockages have been turned into policy commitments to facilitate stronger investment in CAADP investment plans. These will be discussed as examples to create an understanding to all countries on how stakeholders can identify policy constraints and turn them into policy commitments and investments for implementation targeting results and impact. Panel Discussion: 1. KalidBomba CEO Ethiopia Transformation Agency, 2. Mr. Geoffrey Kirenga CEO of SAGCOT Tanzania 3. Lead BagreCorrodor, Burkina Faso: 4. CEO, Rwanda Development Board



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Advancing Grow Africa to respond to Country Requests and Demands Session Lead: NPCA: Grow Africa implementation has created expectations within the Grow African Countries as well as in other Member States. Key questions 1. What are specific actions being done to

place actual investments in countries – what is there to show that grow Africa is adding value?

2. What is the roadmap to support participating countries and a criterion to engage new additional countries?

3. SPEAKERS: Boaz B Keizire (AUC)/ Arne Cartridge (WEF)/ Martin Bwalya (NPCA) Moderator: Ian Randal

Refreshment Break Plenary Panel: High Level Ministerial Panel on Harnessing Political Leadership for CAADP implementation: Ministers of Agriculture: Canada, UK, France, USA, Ghana; Sierra Leone; Burkina Faso; Togo; Kenya; Senegal; Algeria; South Africa; Malawi; Mozambique; Rwanda and Burundi

COCKTAIL: Key Note Presenter (Topic to be identified)

Ethiopian Cultural Dance

Tuesday 26 March 2013





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Public and Private Financing: How do Lessons and Experiences from the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) shape Future Donor support to CAADP?

At the initiation of the G8 and G20, the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) was established as a multilateral mechanism to address food security in low-income countries. Although GAFSP presents itself as a catalyst and trigger for countries to hasten CAADP related reforms in anticipation of these resources, many countries have not been able to access and utilize GAFSP resources. Moreover, in a number of countries where GAFSP has been received, numerous challenges continue to characterize the access and utilization of these resources to support the intended objectives. GAFSP illustrated a case that, financial resources are a critical instrument to foster other reforms in public and private sector initiatives. The 9th CAADP PP participants will be provided with an opportunity to understand and deliberate on the mechanisms and issues for access and utilization of GAFSP as an input to the public and private1sector financing of country investment plans. This session will also be used as a reporting platform to CAADP stakeholders on the available and emerging opportunities for public and private sector financing. SPEAKER: Dr Ousmane Badiane (Director for Africa - IFPRI Washington DC):

Plenary: CAADP's Results, Performance and Impact - Are results being Achieved? A civil society "Bird Eyes View" - An Accountability Report by ONE Campaign

Over the last years of CAADP, several CAADP stakeholders have been provided progress on performance of key CAADP targets and commitments as detailed in the CAADP M&E Framework. The 9

th CAADP PP stakeholders will be provided with an opportunity of an independent assessment of CAADP performance targeting key

indicators. The ONE Campaign will be presenting a final 2013 agriculture accountability report that will set the stage for this important year by holding both donors and African governments accountable to their agriculture commitments. The report will also present a measure of 22 African countries’ ownership over their own agriculture development including the commitment to spend 10% of national budgets on agriculture and reach agricultural growth targets of 6% per year, as well as looking at key measures of inclusiveness and transparency, since these feed into citizen ownership of government plans SPEAKER:

Coffee Break

Plenary: Summary and Synthesis of Emerging Outcomes on Theme 1

Plenary: Summary and Synthesis of Emerging Outcomes on Theme 2

Plenary: Summary and Synthesis of Emerging Outcomes on Theme 3

Plenary: Summary and Synthesis of Emerging Outcomes on Theme 4

Lunch Break

Plenary: Overarching CAADP Results Framework: Emerging Outcome and Outlook [Prof. Mandivamba Rukuni. PME International

Plenary: The CAADP Partnership - What does this mean? - Outcomes of Synthesis Report - AUC-NPCA

1 The opportunities and approaches for countries to access resources under the Private Sector Window of GAFSP will be explored.

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