Media`s effects on young people minds

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Media`s effects on young people minds. Lääne-Viru College Estonia. Mobility team members. Students Madli Kõiv My name is Madli Kõiv and I am from Tartu, South-Estonia. I am studying commercial economics in Lääne-Viru College and this is my last year there. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Media`s effects on young people minds

Lääne-Viru College


Mobility team members

Students Madli Kõiv My name is Madli Kõiv and I am from

Tartu, South-Estonia. I am studying commercial economics in Lääne-Viru College and this is my last year there.

My hobbies are singing, dancing and cycling. One of my main goals would be starting my own business. I am the president of students union at Lääne-Viru College and it is quite big challenge to me. It definitely gives lot of knowledges and skills for accomplish my main dream.

Mobility team members Madis Loik My name is Madis Loik and im from

Viljandimaa. It is in the South-Estonia. I am studying management of business information systems. At the moment im studying at second course.

My hobbies are fishing, photography, electronics, programming and gaming.

Mobility team members Janete Trestip My name is Janete Trestip and I am from

Harjumaa, Kose. Harjumaa is in the North-Estonia. I am studying in the Lääne-Viru College and I am studying bussiness administration. Now, this is my second course in Mõdriku.

My hobbies are atlethics, running, yoga, swimming and playing a violin. I am also member of the students union. At the moment I do not have future plans, but I am sure that they will come but first thing know would be graduate the school.

Mobility team members

Teacher Sirje Jakobson I am an English teacher. I teach

professional English to all the specialities in our college and help colleagues with all kinds of translations.

Facts about Lääne-Viru College It was established on the basis of Lääne-

Virumaa Higher Vocational School on September 3, 2007.

We have the following applied higher educational curricula: Business Administration, Accountancy, Social work, Commercial Economics, Administrative Assistant, Business Information Systems Management.

Facts about Lääne-Viru College The college is situated in a manor dating

back to the year 1780 in Mõdriku. Our mission is to provide students with

opportunities for acquisition of knowledge and practical skills required for life and work, in order to enhance their competitiveness and to support the regional economy through applied research and developmental projects.  

Pictures about Lääne-Viru College

Facts about Estonia By geographic location we belong to the

Baltic region. By language we belong to Scandinavia. By allies we belong to Europe. By the prevailing religion we belong to

Germany. By climate we belong to the North.

Location of Estonia

Facts about Estonia Estonia is an e-country – most people use

e-banking, pay parking with a mobile phone and pay taxes, or even vote, online.

Facts about Estonia (country profile)

The Republic of Estonia is situated in Northern Europe along the Baltic Sea.

Estonian borders: Russia in the east Latvia in the south Finland in the north, across the Gulf of

Finland and Sweden is the western neighbour across the Baltic Sea.

Facts about Estonia (capital of Estonia) Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, lies on the

coast of the Baltic Sea.

Facts about Estonia The highest point, Suur Munamägi, is only

318m (1,043 feet) above sea level.

Facts about Estonia The largest islands are Saaremaa and


Facts about Estonia (people) The total population of Estonia is around

1.3 million people. Estonian ethnicity 69%. Russian 26%. Ukrainian 2%. Belarusians, Finns each make up 1% of the


Facts about Estonia (manners) Estonians on the whole are quiet and

reserved. They tend to speak softly and do not like to draw attention to themselves.

Estonians are not emotive speakers. Estonians mean what they say and do what

they say they will do. They expect foreign businesspeople to keep their word.

Facts about Estonia (religion) Overall, most

Estonians are not religious.

Estonians are predominantly Lutherans, but religion does not have any considerable impact on daily life.

Facts about Estonia (government structure) The Parliament is

Estonia’s highest legislative authority and it is vested with the right to adopt laws.

The Estonian parliament has 101 members.

The President of Estonia is Toomas Hendrik Ilves

The President of Estonia is Toomas Hendrik Ilves

Opinions, comments, interviews, discussions For example, when a famous athlete

advertises some food, it raises trust towards the product. Actually advertising agencies know this and use it strongly.

One of the respondents stated: "James Bond drove the Aston Martin, and therefore half of the men in the world want themselves Aston Martin. Product placement affects everyone."

Opinions, comments, interviews, discussions Young people think media has more

negative than positive effects. Respondents believe that Facebook,

Twitter and Instagram inhibit communication skills of young people.

Teens use their cell phones to text (an average of 60 times a day, according to the Pew study), check Facebook, play games and listen to music.

Opinions, comments, interviews, discussions They are no longer able to communicate

face-to-face so well, and the young people’s literary language has become increasingly sloppier because of using too much slang, searching the Internet and watching television.

Games also rob a lot of time and important things are left in the background.


Thank you for listening!

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