
Music Video Conventions

Sinead O'Connor – Nothing compares to you

Low angled long shot, winter dull day represents sadness and coldness. Also supports a narrative.

Long shot, doves that could represent love and peace.

Long shot, narrative setting could be an old church represent sadness and love? Costume, dark clothing represents cold, bereavement as you would wear black to a funeral.

Long shot with her back to us could mean she is walking away from something or someone walking away from her?

Mid-shot, statue, wings could suggest a

angle or represent peace and love

Close up with black back ground, no make up dull boring and stripped back, facial expression could represent sadness which is associated with the colour back, links in with meaningful lyrics

Close up, black back drop. Tears representing emotion and is a traditional representation of women being soft and kind and weak.

Taylor Swift – Love Story

Long shot of building which could suggest apart of the narrative or the scene

Two shot which could indicate some sort of relationship

Medium close up two shot, looking into each others eyes, ‘sexual chemistry’ or a connection between the two.

Long shot indicates a place of importance, a castle suggesting a fairy tale .

Mid shot of a girl in a castle

Two shot shows love and emotion, costumes and scene indicates there a prince and princess represents a love story which highlights the lyrics

Costume is a very traditional representation of women, not much flesh showing, very respectable. And maybe shows wealth indicating the golden colour

Two shot now shows a romantic relationship between them both, being very close which indicates love

Jessie J- Do It like a dude

Close up, rude gesture.

Long shot, provocative clothing. Sex objections set in church.

Inappropriate dancing. Long shot

Mid-shots, showing rebellious characteristic’s and more of a masculine representation, cigar is associated with males.

Close up and the lighting shows the intimate moment which makes you feel slightly awkward

Long shot, lighting dark with sort of like a spot light, masculine clothing wouldn’t associate it with a female. Jessie in girly provocative clothing shows a clear divid

Miley Cyrus- Wrecking Ball

Extreme close up, showing the Tear and emotion representationOf a weak women, as women areSeen to be caring and loving butAlso weak

Close up, shows hammerAssociated with malesAre they are stronger andSeen to have more power

Long shot shows us setting and clothing, very little clothing women seen as sex objects. Hammer could suggest she is strong and has power

Long shot swinging on a wrecking ball, designed to wreck things but she is sat on top of it the narrative telling us she is in control she has the power to wreck things she is not being wrecked anymore she is the one making the decisions

Mid shot showing her nudity, swinging on the wrecking ball. Show us she’s letting go and she’s free now by using her no clothes to be free.

Close up connecting with the audience showing us her facial expression, she’s frustrated pulling her hair out.

Long shot that everything else around her has been wrecked by the ball. The nudity could suggest her being free or that she has nothing left now after being wrecked highlighted by the lyrics

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