Media Project Short Film Presentation

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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MEDIA PROJECTShort Chase Scene

Shaun Liddle

Plot The initial idea for the short chase film was for

someone to know something that they shouldn’t.

The male actor in the film tries to threaten the girl with a text, however she doesn’t take it seriously until she is actually chased.

Eventually it leads to a chase scene where the female actor is caught by the male actor.

Filming Process Limited areas for filming resulted in our group filming

around the school. However this was not a problem as the initial plot was for

the actors to be in school at the time of the chase scene.

Where we filmed: Shared learning English Block Yard

We decided to film in these places to make it look as if the chase was action packed, rather than just filming in one area.

Shot Types

We started off with a text clip to give the audience a view of the storyline.

• The next clip shows the camera pan as the actress walks into the shot. This clip establishes who are the main characters in the short film.

Shot Types Close up of the

mobile phone showing that the male actor is getting phone calls off the victim.

• Another text clip showing what the short film will conclude in.

Shot Types Close up of the threat,

which projects the whole storyline.

• Medium shot of girl receiving the text, but not taking the text seriously.

Shot Types As the short film

continues it shows the female actor running up the stairs, because she's getting chased.

• As it continues with the camera in the same position, we then see the male actor chasing the female actor in a long shot.

Shot Types

The next long shot shows the girl consciously looking behind her, giving the vital impression she is being followed.

• Eventually the short film concludes in the girl getting caught by the boy in a medium long shot.


Firstly we decided to put the short film in black and white to add effect.

The edits used are mostly of black fades, however during the stair scene a crossfade is used to show how close the boy is to catching the girl.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

We came up with a storyline fairly quickly.

We knew the right places to film and how to plan it out when filming.

We kept within the time limit given which was under 1 minute.

We also managed to film and edit the film in the time we were given to do so.


Editing. We found this part quite difficult however as we started to progress in the task it got easier.

Camera angles and movements – some of the shots were quite weak, however this gives us time to improve on our actual project.

What we learned… Throughout the filming of the short film scene we

learned how to use the moving image cameras, which will help us for our moving image coursework piece.

As we have never used these cameras before it was quite a difficult task at first, however as time progressed they got easier to use.

We also learned how to use different camera angles and movements to create tension.

Other things we learned was how to edit the videos on iMovie, this resulted in adding certain effects such as black and white and black fades to replace the cuts.

Advanced Production In order to be successful in advanced production we

need to plan and research in full detail referring to our target audience, actors and digital technology.

We also need to use edits, camera angles and movements appropriately paying close attention to mise-en-scene.

We must produce print work being aware of conventions of layout and page design and using our photography skills appropriately using effects to highlight mise-en-scene.

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