
Media Evaluation GrayWolf Entertainment

By Shyam Lakhani

Evaluation Introduction

Our a-level media coursework aim was to create a media opening scene, that would easily appeal and interest our target audience, which we chose as teenagers.

To construct our opening scene took a long time, however, we have now completed, and believe the opening scene we made, will fulfil its purpose.

Any work GrayWolf Entertainment done, was done as a team, and my group members – Krishan, Jayesh and Mark were very happy with the work completed.

When the opening scene was finally created, my group and I asked some teenagers to view and evaluate the opening scene, from which we could get improvements from.

Media Opening Scene Information

The genre we chose as a group was teen comedy. Prior to this, we had many other choices. For example, instead of teen comedy, my group could was teen horror and teen drama. However, after long discussions, my group and I decided that choosing teen comedy was be the best decision

One reason we did this, was because we are teenagers ourselves. Only we would know what teenagers find funny, and because of this, we would find it easy to make a teenage opening scene.

The main actors in the opening scene would be Mark, Jayesh and myself, with the other group member, Krishan, being the camera man.

GrayWolf Information

o Our word press blog website ->

o Our YouTube channel website ->

o Our Facebook page website ->

o Our preliminary media product (The final grade) ->

o Our final task media product (Educated Sentence) ->

Media Timeline In Detail

oBefore we even started thinking about constructing our media coursework, my group and I sat down and started planning.

oMany different questions were asked during this planning session; What will our genre be? Who will be our target audience? What are we looking to achieve from this media opening scene?

oThis planning session turned out to be very helpful, as because of this, we were able to construct such a good and appealable opening scene.

Planning(Before Production)

This is a screenshot of the storyboard we created while planning for the main task

As you can see, the storyboard is very detailed, complete with camera shots, angles and description

Media Timeline In Detail

o Before creating an opening scene, we needed to research other teenage related movies’ and their opening scenes.

oAs a group, we decided that everyone would research one film each, which would mean all group members would be contributing fairly to the research.

oResearch would turn out to be very important, as using it, we could see how the mis-en-scene, sound, editing and camera helps to create a opening scene for teenagers

Research(Before Production)

oAs we can see from the screenshot, we each chose a film, and then analysed how the mis-en-scene, sound, editing and camera angles helped the film reach its target audience.

o We also as a group constructed additional research other then examine and analyse other teenage film opening scenes.

o Firstly, we examined teenage conventions, to see what we needed to include in our own opening scene to make sure we could actually appeal to the intended target audience.

o We then also created a teenage audience profile, and this way, we easily found out what a normal stereotypically prefers and looks for in a film.

Media Timeline In Detail

Additional Research

(Before Production)

This is the target audience that we created for our group. From it, we are able to see what genres of film a normal stereotypical teenager enjoys, and what are his likes and dislikes.

These are the different types of conventions that we looked and examined in for making a teenage related movie.

o This is the audience feedback we collected for our final media product. The teenagers we asked for our final cut, were experienced media a-level students, meaning they knew they could give important improvements.

o After we constructed our preliminary and final media products, we decided to collect audience feedback.

o This was important as from this we could get improvements to make our final cuts.

o For audience feedback, we collected and asked some teenagers (our target audience) and made them watch the video’s.

o From this, they could tell us what they liked and disliked, and from this, we could improve our media products further.

Media Timeline In Detail

Audience Feedback(After Production)

1) In what ways does our media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


o Before we started to construct our media product, we researched into many different real media products, or products associated with teenagers.

o Using it, we used many similarities in our own media product, however, also kept some differences.

o This ensured that we used the similarities to an advantages, but also made our media product unique, and different, by keeping some differences.


o Most teenage related movies often use voice-overs in the start of the movie – to simply introduce the main characters and the storyline. Some examples could include the American Pie Series, and the popular hit teenage film, Not Another Teenager Movie.

o We also used a voice-over to start off with in our media product, simply because we felt it was a quick and clever idea to catch the audiences’ attention, and keep them hooked on.

o Another similarity we used, that other media films and products have also used, is the use of the main character from the start of the film. We felt this would be important, as this could create a familiarisation with the watching audience, and would mean the main character could create a identity for himself.

OUR MEDIA PRODUCTo However, as a group, we also felt

that it was important that we do not copy all techniques that all the other teenage related films, and other real media products used.

o One reason for this was because we wanted our opening scene to stand out, and not blend in with the other competitors, but have a chance to compete.

o Also, we felt that if we used the same techniques as all the other teenage related comedy movies, the audience would become bored, as they would feel it was something they had already seen.

REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS o One difference we used in our media

product, that was greatly different to any other media product was by introducing many other main characters from the start, and including them in the opening scene.

o We chose to do this, simply to interest the audience of the many different characters, and their unlike and strange personalities, as we felt that this would interest and intrigue the audience, making them feel like our media product is something that they have not experienced before.

o We also chose to have less dialogue in our opening scene, and this would mean the audience would see more of the storyline, rather then hear any actual dialogue.

o Because of the similarities and the differences we have used in our media product, we feel that we have tried to challenge the normality of the forms and conventions of making a teenage comedy movie.

o We felt that this should be important to do, as the audience would want to try something new, rather then watch the same forms and conventions in teenage comedy films again and again.

o However, on the other hand, we also included some similarities from the stereotypical teenage comedy films, simply to be grouped.

o We felt that it should be important and vital that the audience can pick up normal techniques and conventions that they would usually find in a normal teenage movie, and thus, they would recognise easily that we have created a teenage opening scene.

o We also thought the most important factor to keep the same with all the other real media products to do with teenagers is the use of stereotypes, as we felt this was very important within the teenage audience.


Comparisons with real media products

One comparison we have with real media products we have researched is the location choice.

For example, the opening scene of this media product also starts off by showing off the main location, a school. This is the same location as ours.

Also, we also used an establishing shot to start the establishing shot off with, as did they.

The mis-en-scene is also similar; the same clothes and props.

Teenage comedy movies similar to our media product

These are some of the real media products that our similar to the one we created, as we followed some of the same forms, conventions and techniques they did whilst creating there's.


o Here are some conventions that are usually applied by typical teenage media products :

o -A voice over/narrative technique is usually always used to begin the film with.

o The main character is always presented first- meaning the audience can create a relationship with them, and become familiar.

o The language used is mostly informal, and slang is used.

o The mis-en-scene used is again, always related to the teenage target audience, e.g., hoodie’s.

o The soundtracks used in the backgrounds are usually suited to teenagers’ tastes and preferences.

o However, on the other hand, here are some conventions we used in our media product .

o We also used a voice over to begin with. This meant that we were able to introduce the scene and the main character.

o The first character is also presented first.

o The language our characters used throughout the entire media product.

o Our mis-en-scene also includes the typical teenage props, e.g., mobile phones and hoodie’s.

o Our soundtrack used is also in the genre of hip hop and grime, and this is done to appeal to the audience.

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

o Our media product represents many different diverse and big social groups.

o Firstly, we have included both genders, boys and girls in our opening scene, and this indicates to the audience that this media product will be for all genders, and not just either boys and girls.

o We have also included all type of different characters, with all different races, like for example, Asians, to British.

o This would mean that we could easily bring in and talk about the usual stereotypes that the teenage audience will be aware of and about.

o We also used an open age group acting group, meaning the opening scene will appeal to more people.

o There are many positives and negative advantages to using stereotypes in our opening scene.

o Firstly, by using stereotypes, the audience will become aware of the storyline much easier, and thus meaning that they will enjoy our media product even more.

o However, on the other hand, the audience could also take offence at viewing some of the stereotypes we put on offer, and this could mean they have a negative incentive to view the rest of the media product.

o However, as a group, we have tried to break and twist the normality of the stereotypes, and hopefully this would interest and entertain the audience, meaning they would enjoy it more.

Examination of different social groups

o Before we started to create our media product, we examined and studied into different social groups, and also looked at the positives and negatives of including them.

o For example, one media product we carefully looked into, and examined into the social group was the teenage drama film, Adulthood.

o This film consisted of a certain age group, and also had only a specific range of actors with a race.

o This meant that they were able to portray their storyline intended to the teenage target audience more easier then if they had chosen a different path.

o The reason for this was because the film showed a documentary type film of the crime and problems that were going on in the current time period.

o Because of this, using a certain type of age-group, and a certain race of actors worked in benefit for the movie producers, as they were able to reach reality with the audience, and show them what life was really like.

o This was an interesting film we looked upon, as it could have had negative implications too.

Examples of different social groups we examined

One social group we used is a typical group among teenagers today, and this is the ‘wanna-be gangsters’ group. This is teenagers who try to fit into the ‘cool way of life’ by acting hard, and living life by each day, rather then plan ahead.

The second social group we examined in detail is the group of teenagers who cannot fit into the normal type of teenagers, and because of this, stand out within the school, but for the bad reasons. For example, here we see two teenagers who may look like two typical teenagers, but in fact, find it hard to fit into school.

3) What kind of media institution might distribute our media product and why?

o As a group, we feel that our media product could be distributed by a whole range of media institutions, simply because of the whole range of target audience our media product could interest and relate to. Also, most popular media institutions either have teenage followers, or have products themselves, in which they sell to teenagers, so because of this, we could have the choice very open.

o Also, upon our storyline, we also feel that our media product could be a hit internationally, and not just in the U.K. One reason of this, is because the stereotypes we have linked at the teenagers, could portray and relate to all teenagers around the entire world, meaning they would also enjoy and become interested at our media product.

o Distributing is a very important part of making a media product successful, and because of this, in my opinion, the best way of distributing this media product would be online first, like YouTube for example, and then once we see the feedback and reaction, move the media product on to and across cinema’s and televisions.

o One reason for this is because how socially active teenagers have become these days, and because of this, if our media product is approved by the target audience, word will spread, and our popularity may grow.

Some film institutions we feel may feel confident by distributing our media product

Here are some film production companies we feel that, if chosen, will feel happy and confident by choosing to distribute our media product, and why:

o 1 -

o We feel that this would be a good production company to work with, as the company have, in the past, created films, with the same type of target audience and the same time of genre used. For example, one film they created was anuvahood, a film we

researched about for our main task, and because of this, our film is around the same type of film.

o 2 –

o Universal studios would also be a perfect production company for our media product. One reason for this would be because they have also created similar films and movie products to that of ours. One good example of this is the American Pie series. This is again, another film we researched about before choosing and making our final media product. The conventions used in the American Pie films, are similar to the conventions used in our media product.


o Pathe is another production company we would feel confident by them distributing our media product. One film they have released that is in similar fashion to ours is Adulthood. The soundtrack and mis-en-scene is very similar to those used in our media product, and because of this, we would feel very confident in them distributing our opening scene.

4) Who would be the audience for our media product?

o After long discussions and considerations, we decided that our main target audience would be teenagers, primarily, and then teenage boys secondly.

o One reason for choosing this, is because the creators and producers of this media product, us, are teenagers themselves, and because of this, we are experienced in the teenage field.

o Also, we feel that because of the current social networking techniques available, it will be very easy to relate to and appeal to teenagers.

o The two type of age groups we think we can relate to with our media product :

oOne big factor in deciding this, is the fact that we are teenagers ourselves, meaning that we know we teenagers like and dislike, and what they would prefer in a media product

oAlso, whilst creating our media product, we have tried to make it appeal to an open gender, rather then male and female, and this is simply to appeal to a bigger target audience.

Whilst creating our media product, we created surveys and target audience questionnaires for our target audiences to answer – this would tell us if we were choosing the right target audience, and what their likes and dislikes were, so we could create a better media product.

Secondary Target Audiences

o However, as a group, we also decided to create a secondary target audience, just in case if our first did not prove fruitful.

o For our second target audience we chose boys, as we felt they were much easier to appeal and attract to.

o Another important factor in this decision was also that we ourselves are boys, so it would be easier to cater to their needs and wants.

o However, this would only be our second target audience, and would only come if our first, more general teenage target audience did not come fruitful.

This is our media product poster. As we can see, we have tried to appeal to our first main target audience, teenagers, in many ways. For example, the smart clothing, yet the glasses and earring on the actor show we have tried appealing to a wide target audience. However, by including a

boy on the front poster, rather then a girl, will mean that boys will look to be interested more when looking at the poster, as they will feel it will be something that they will prefer, and will not be boring.

Detailed Analysis of Media Product Poster

Our media production name is clearly labelled above the media product name. This means that the viewers will also become aware of the production name. Our media product

main actor. Notice we have tried to use as many teenage conventions as possible, by including the formal clothes, the earring, the glasses, and the spiky hair. This is the age

moderation rating our group has gone for, simply because it is the general and average age of all teenagers.

Our media product name has been made big and large, so once viewing the poster, the audience can easily catch the name. Also, we also decided to use a graffiti – type font for the title, as this is another convention with teenagers.

This is the approximate release date we have decided to include on the poster. We chose to keep it open, by not including a specific date, as during this time, most teenagers would be on their summer holidays anyways, meaning there is a better chance they might view our product.

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

o In our media product, using mis-en-scene was the technique we used in order to try and appeal and attract to our target audience – teenagers.

o We knew this was an important technique, as the target audience would know that this would be a film for them, if they could find similarities from it and relate it to themselves in their own lives.

o Another technique we used to attract our audience was the sound. Our sound used was of the genre of hip-hop. This means that when the audience first hear this, they will suddenly become interested and excited to find our more.

This is one example of how we used mis-en-scene to try and attract/address our audience. Firstly, he is using a very popular mobile phone, and also is playing a game on it.

Teenagers (our target audience) can relate clearly to this. The actor is this scene is also wearing an odd coloured t-shirt – a fashion dress code which is also followed by our target audience.

How we attracted our target audience

Here are some more examples how we used mis-en-scene, and other techniques in our media product to attract our target audience :

This is the starting of our media product. Here, we have used the editing to try and attract our target audience. The smoke is used to try and excite the viewers, and the fact that it is slowly flying them will try to keep them watching on.

This is one of the scenes. The location we have used is a classroom, and we told our actors to look bored and tired. Our teenagers will relate this, as they will also be at school in the current time period, and also there views on school will be same as ours.

This is another scene from our media product, and this is one of the characters. Using the mis-en-scene, the character is wearing a bright red hoodie, large DJ headphones, and is wearing trainers. Our teenage audience will seriously be able to relate to this, and because of this will be attracted.

How audience feedback helped us attract our target audience

We also used our audience feedback to help us attract our target audience. Firstly, after making our rough cut, we asked some typical teenagers, to give us their views. This meant that we could improve our media product much more for the final cut. Also, as the people we asked were teenagers themselves, this also meant that they would know what they wanted, meaning we could construct a better media product.

We also conducted and constructed a survey, and using this, we found out from teenagers themselves what was good and bad about our rough cut. Using this, we could make significant improvements for the final cut, meaning we would easily attract more teenagers for our target audience.

6) What have we learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

o For our preliminary and main final tasks, my group and I used and learnt about many different types of technologies. Here are some of them, and how we used them.

o Mac – We used this type of technology very much to make and construct our media product. Firstly, we used it to update our group blog on word press with new content for our media product. We also used it for our planning and research sections of our media product.

o One example of this is making the storyboard on the Mac, and we also reviewed many different other teenage related open sequences for the research part of it. Because of this, the Mac was a very important technology while constructing our opening scene. However, the most important use for the Mac was the software I movie on it, as we used this to edit our media product, and without it, we doubt the product could have been very successful as it is currently. As time went on, our skills on the Mac and I movie developed and improved gradually, with the editing on the preliminary task and the final task being evidence.

o Camera – For the two tasks, we also used a Panasonic HD camcorder to record the footage. As time went on, our filming skills and camera angles usage improved significantly, with again the filming on the preliminary task and the final task being evidence.

Further Improvements

o However, despite our vast improvements in using the technologies we used, we still felt that we could have improved to a higher extent. Firstly, our work in front of the camera could have gotten better, which would have meant better acting for the media products. However, despite this, my group and I are still content and satisfied with the acting work done in both media products.

o Also, we only had around 3-4 months to use the Mac, and understand and learn how to use I Movie properly. This meant our editing work, and our actual usage on the Mac was still raw, and meant if we had more time, we could have learn much new skills, and received more experience.

o Finally, our media product could have been much more better if out quality of our technology would have increased. One example of this could be the use of a much more technical camera to record the footage, which would consequently mean the quality of our media products, would have been much more clearer.

7) Looking back at our preliminary task, what do we feel we have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

o Since making our preliminary media product, we felt, as a group, we have progressed well since making our final product.

o Firstly, our overall planning was much more organised and through then our last construction of our media product.

o For example, we booked and set our locations much more earlier then our filming date, then we did for our earlier task.

o This meant we were much more organised and had less issues on our mind when the filming dates came closer.

o Also, we created our scripts and storyboards to a much earlier date then last time, and this again, meant we were much more committed and organised.

o Another way we have progressed since constructing our preliminary media product is by the quality of our filming, and the techniques we used. For example, our camera work and the actual work in front of the camera were much more accurate and better.

o Our editing skills also increased to a much better level. Since editing our preliminary task product, our main editor, Krishan Patel had better experience in editing, and thus our editing for the final media product was to a better quality level. We also used a tripod more for the final task then for the first task. This was also an explanation for the better quality

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