Media and Production Ministry Update Worship-Based Prayer ...

Post on 02-Feb-2022






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Overflowing with Thankfulness ......................1Who is Investing in You? .................................2Important Questions the Bible Answers #2 ....4With Gratitude ...............................................4Media and Production Ministry Update ..........6Bd. of Administration Meeting Highlights ......7Spotlight on Harold Lehman ..........................9PrimeTimer's Trip ..........................................11

Calendar .......................................................12Just for Kids ..................................................14Fundamentals from Finney ..........................15GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays ...............15Band of Brothers Men's Study ......................16Wednesday Evening Meals ...........................16Thank You Note ............................................16Waiting Well .................................................17

Worship-Based Prayer Service ......................17Operation Christmas Child ............................17PrimeTimer Updates .....................................18Save the Date: Christmas Production ............19Save the Date: Youth's Winter Slam ..............19Child Dedications .........................................20Saturday Sanctuary ......................................20Missions News ..............................................20

NOVEMBER 2014Overflowing with Thankfulnessby Don Baker, Executive Pastor/ Interim Head of Staff

Media and Production Ministry Update P. 6 • Worship-Based Prayer Service P. 17

MESSENGER"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live

in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:6, 7). This is a favorite verse of mine and I’m especially drawn to this image of “overflowing with thankfulness”. What does that look like? How would my speech, actions, and attitudes change if I truly lived in such a way that gratitude overflowed from my life? To me, this is a mark of maturity in the Christian life. I’m reminded of George Herbert’s prayer: Thou hast given so much to me, Give one thing more – a grateful heart; Not thankful when it pleases me, As if thy blessings had spare days; But such a heart, Whose very pulse may be

Thy praise. Following is a list of 10 Bible verses on being thankful. I hope they encourage you as they do

me to live a life that “overflows with thankfulness."


1. Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. —1 Thessalonians 5:18

2. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! —Psalm 107:1

3. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

—Colossians 3:15-174. Do not be anxious about anything,

but in everything by prayer and sup-plication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

—Philippians 4:65. Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon

his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! —Psalm 105:1

6. Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

—Colossians 4:27. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to

you forever! —Psalm 30:128. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and

his courts with praise! Give thanks to him! —Psalm 100:4

9. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.

—1 Chronicles 29:1310. I thank my God always when I

remember you in my prayers. —Philemon 1:4

Who is Investing in You?John ShadlePastor of Middle School Ministries

In my nearly

three decades on this planet, I have learned three important things about myself:

1. I’m tall.2. I love Jesus.3. And surpris-

ingly enough, I don’t know everything.

And the older I get, the more I realize

how little I really know. And because of that, I need people that have gone before me to invest in me. I have been blessed to have several people in my life, whether formally or informally, who have invested or mentored me. Those mentor-ing relationships have helped me become the Christian man that I am today.

When I came back to Chambersburg in 2013, one of the first things I did was seek out a mentor. Here are six characteristics I looked for in a mentor:

1. Is vibrant in his or her walk with Christ.If you want to grow in your walk with Christ

and utilize a mentorship relationship to foster that growth, you will want to pursue a mentor who has an active, growing relationship with Christ. You see your potential mentor as a person who reflects the character of Christ and the priorities Christ holds. Your mentor should be a good model and someone who spurs you to pursue Christ’s character and his priorities through your life. The mentor’s example should demonstrate to you this path and spur in you a desire to pursue it more.


KING STREET CHURCH exists to reach people at their level of spiritual

interest and lead them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

We believe that becoming a fully-devoted follower of Christ involves four core values: CONNECT: Genuinely seek God through worship and prayer. GROW: Intentionally become more like Jesus. SERVE: Generously give ourselves to others in Jesus’ name. SHARE: Compassionately reveal the Good News to our world.


Ministry StaffKen Adams, Business ManagerDon Baker, Executive Pastor/ Interim Head of StaffMitch Benedict, Worship Arts AssociateMatthew Bryant, Coordinator of College-Age Ministries/Associate Minister of Pastoral CareKyle Bushre, Pastor of OutreachDan Chamberlin, Worship Leader (Baker Center)Stephen Flint, Director of Instrumental and Blended WorshipMatt Gish, Pastor of High School MinistriesBecky Hann, Director of Children’s MinistriesNathan Hann, Director of Contemporary and Blended WorshipTyler Roberts, Media and Production CoordinatorJohn Shadle, Pastor of Middle School MinistriesLes Stine, Minister of Pastoral Care

______________________________The Messenger is a monthly publication of King Street United Brethren Church162 East King St., Chambersburg, PA 17201Phone: (717) 264-4651, Fax: (717) 264-9408Internet:

______________________________Deadline for articles is the next to last Wednesday of each month.Don Burkholder, editor

2. Is older and wiser than you are.Age most often comes with wisdom. But

wisdom does not always come with age. In trying to choose your mentor, look around the church and identify those who have walked through more of life then you have and now demonstrate maturity in spirit as a result. You should choose someone seasoned by life’s ups and downs. A good mentor has typically experi-enced some suffering. Suffering builds character and greater dependence on God.

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffer-

ing produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Romans 5:3Suffering has a way of chipping the rough

edges off of people if they allow God to grow them through it, rather than allowing their suffering to destroy them. By virtue of age, we experience more adversity, and more character is developed. A good mentor is going to have some wisdom that is beyond your own. I know I am a better mentor than I was five years ago.

3. Is experienced and gifted in the areas you want to give special attention to.

Knowing the areas you want your mentor to help you in will influence the type of person you choose as a mentor. You do not want a mentor who is in the middle of experiencing the same struggles you have. Nor do you want one who does not possess gifts where you want to grow. Pick someone you think can help you grow in the areas you desire.

4. Believes in you and your potential.Your choice in a mentor should be someone

who believes in you and sees your potential and who can help you move toward your goals.

5. Can speak the truth to you in love. You need a mentor who is not afraid to

hurt your feelings by speaking the truth in love. You need someone who cares more about


your relationship with God than about your comfort. Good mentors will help you mature by pointing out places you can grow and improve. They will be able to give you clear directions that help you take steps toward improvement. If they have not done a better job of mastering the areas where you want help, then they will not help you grow. Mentors cannot take you somewhere they have not already gone.

6. Is available to make the investment you need.

Make sure the person you want as a mentor is available. Can you align your schedules so you have good times to meet together? Deter-mine what you think you need in a mentoring relationship in terms of time and schedule and be prepared to communicate that when you get together.

I am not sure where I would be today if God had not given me my mentors. Having mentors who make life-on-life investment in you will challenge you, grow you and ground you. It will give you strength and encourage-ment when hard times come your way, and a sounding board and prayer partner when you need advice.

Important Questions the Bible Answers #2: Who should I marry?by Matthew Bryant, Coordinator of College-Age Ministries/Associate Minister of Pastoral Care

Okay, so the Bible won't answer this question—but don't worr y—it answers an even more important question.

In an attempt to undermine the sufficiency of the Scriptures, many people will utilize

the complaint that the Bible does not tell me:• Who should I marry?• What job should I get?• Where should I serve in the community?• What church should I worship with?And they are right. The Bible does not

Thank you King Street Church for your hospitality expressed in words of kindness, encouragement, home baked meals and various gifts of welcome as we begin min-istry at King Street. The Flints are excited and grateful to God for our new church home. We appreciate your continued

prayers as we transition to Chambersburg and settle into the community.Stephen, Susanna, Amanda, Stuart, Makenna


answer those question—it answers better questions like:

• The kind of person you should marry.• What makes a good employee.• How you should serve your community.• The makeup of a healthy church.Perhaps all of these questions will be

addressed in the future, but let's isolate the topic of marriage for this article. The Bible may not tell you as a man to marry lady X, but it will tell you exactly what you should be looking for in a future wife. (The same could be said for women praying for a husband.)

The error we often make is treating the Bible like a magic 8-ball. Let me give you a scenario I've seen played out before:

A single guy comes across a single lady in his Sunday school class or small group that he likes, but he's not sure if he should ask her on a date. He wants, like any good Christian man, to find out if it's God's will. He prays and says God, "If you want me to be with lady X, please just show me in your Word." He thumbs through his Bible, fully believing God will show him exactly the right verse if it's truly God's will that they be together. The Bible falls open to Proverbs 5:5. He reads: "Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave." It's clear to him that this girl is obviously not who God has planned for him!

Now this story is meant to be a bit comical and it's an exaggeration (somewhat) of how people misuse the Bible. The Bible does not work like Tarot Cards! In context this verse is warning all men to guard against the lure of sexual immorality— in particular adultery.

Could this verse be useful in advising a young man looking for a wife? Of course! Who should you not marry? Very plainly—an adulterous woman.

The Bible is full of guidance for men and women looking for a spouse. Philippians 2:1-5 gives us some practical things to consider:

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus."

In this passage, three biblical characteristics of God's children rise to the surface: unity, humility and service. So in looking and praying for a future spouse, have your eyes fixed on these things:

• UNITY. Look for someone united with Christ! If they are in Christ, then you will see fruits of the Spirit confirming their union with Christ. If you are united with Christ and your spouse is not then you will never share the same mind as expressed in verses 2 and 5. That mind is "yours in Christ Jesus."

• HUMILITY. This was a defining charac-teristic of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This should be a defining attribute that you desire in a future spouse. Marriage is a daily practice of counting the other person as verse three expresses: "count others more significant than yourself."

• SERVICE. Jesus identified himself through-out scripture as a servant. Servants do not "look out for their own interests, but also the interests of others" (verse 4).

I hope this is helpful and debunks some concerns about the Bible not being able to answer big questions for you like who should you marry? It does address these questions— perhaps not in a way that you and I would always like, but Scripture is sufficient and far more superior than Men's Health or Cosmopolitan in the area of sound relationship advice.


Media and Production Ministry Updateby Tyler RobertsMedia and Production Coordinator

It is an exciting time in the media and production min-istry at King Street Church. Currently we have one service that depends on a video feed for the sermon. In addition, we average over 100 people who watch online each week.

Recently, a couple began attending church after watching online for over a month. Each month nearly 600 people watch some portion of a podcast or archive media and over 100 people completely finish an online message. It is amazing to see what God has done through our basic video system and willing volunteers.

The most exciting part is what is to come. The Board of Administration has approved a video upgrade that will take place Oct. 20–Nov. 2, with Nov. 2 being the first Sunday that we are live. The new system will be entirely HD and integrated building wide. This means that we will be able to route HD video to and from the Baker Center, Sanctuary, Student ministry Center and Children’s Ministry Center.

Here are a few highlights:Main Control Room – The bell loft has been

repurposed into a master control room. The renovation has already begun. A wall has been built, power and HVAC has been added and painting and finishing are being completed. The room will have a main Ross video switcher, control for robotic cameras, a media (ProPre-senter) operator, a producer/video director,

and a video editing station. The main video router and other hardware will also be housed in this room.

New Cameras – The cameras will be upgraded to HD quality which will provide a clearer picture with better quality.

Baker Center – The Baker Center will have a smaller video switcher that will be connected to the main control room. This will allow both 9:45 services to be switched independently for live streaming and service archiving.

Other changes:• The front projectors are going to be

replaced in the sanctuary (primary video venue) with wide screen (16:9) and projec-tors that are brighter.

• The lighting is going to be upgraded with standard software in both the Baker Center and sanctuary.

• The media presentation has moved to ProPresenter platform which will give more options for media projection and displaying lyrics/ media (lower thirds of lyrics to live stream, etc.).

• Media archiving—Both the sanctuary and Baker Center have devices to better capture the media and multi-tracks of the services.

• Upgrades to the digital signage in the church.

• New workstation for video editing, allow-ing for video editing during services.

• New HD DVR system.• New live streaming hardware. With the growing video capabilities the

production ministry will need additional vol-unteers in all the services. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Tyler Roberts, Media and Production Coordinator at


Board of Administration Meeting Highlights

The Board of Administration met on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 in Room M115. Steve Shadle, chairman, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Chuck Schussler opened the meeting with devotions and prayer. Following are highlights from this meeting:

Pastor's Report:Don Baker reported that 18 people par-

ticipated in the September partnership classes. Don stated that there are nine children being dedicated on Sunday, October 12, and that the Kids Choir will also perform with 50 children taking part. Don expressed his thankfulness for volunteers stepping up in needed areas, including 31 volunteers in the After School Program. Don updated the board on the upcoming preaching schedule, and said that the staff continues to work hard.

Old Business: Senior Pastor Search Team – Steve Shadle

provided a summary of all that the Search Team has done up to this point. Following a lengthy time of discussion, on behalf of the PRC, Eric Oyer brought forth a motion to approve a can-didate as the next Senior Pastor of KSC. The vote did not receive the required number of affirmative votes to move forward with offering this position to the candidate. The motion did not pass. After the candidate has been noti-fied, Steve Shadle will contact Vanderbloemen Search Group to restart the search process

Elder's Report:Rich Tardosky stated that the elders con-

tinue discussion on their shepherding program and have put the final process in place for how elders will contact current partners who are not connected to other areas of ministry. Rich

shared that three men are participating in the Sunday evening elder preparation class which runs through November.

Commission Reports: • Adult Ministries – Andrea Adams updated

the board on the Beth Moore simulcast, held on Saturday, September 13 with 170 women attending from 30 different churches and two first time decisions for Christ. Andrea shared that the Men’s Ministry is planning a paintball event in the future, and will be including an invitation to the senior boys to join. Men’s Ministries are also planning to attend a Wildfire Weekend men’s retreat in Lynchburg, Virginia next year. Andrea stated that a total of 34 people attended the I Still Do simulcast event held on Saturday, October 4. Andrea reported that the special needs awareness video has been completed and will be shown in either late October or early November.

• Children and Youth – Sue Washabaugh shared a report from Becky Hann stating that a new two-year-old class and a three-year-old class were able to be opened due to new volunteers.

• Finance – Ken Adams reported that the com-mission is scheduled to meet on October 27. During this meeting they will review the com-mission budget requests for 2015. Ken stated that members of the commission will meet with Merrill Lynch on October 14 to review current investments.

Ken presented the September Financial Summary to the board members. Ken noted that September giving was over the budgeted amount, with expenses, as a whole, being under the budgeted amount. Year to date expenses, as a whole, were under the budgeted amount. Ken noted that $804 has been received in Bequests and Estates since the beginning of the month, which will be transferred 100% to the Property Acquisition Fund.


• Local Outreach – Dave Miller stated that commission members met with Brian Story, Executive Director of Franklin County Habitat for Humanity and discussed possible ways for KSC to further partner with them.

• Missions – Brian Mace stated that the com-mission met with Rodney Mose, leader of the Haiti Barnabas Team and discussed the current child sponsorship initiative. They are hoping to meet or exceed the goal of 50 sponsorships by October 19. The commission also spent time discussing the Thailand Barnabas Team, as well as having an upcoming interest meeting for building the Turkey Barnabas Team.

• Pastoral Care – Jackie reported that Grief Share is going well with up to 22 people involved. Jackie shared that shut-in visits con-tinue, with at least one volunteer visit and one visit from Pastor Les each month. Hospital visits also continue.

• Personnel Relations – Eric Oyer stated that the commission spent time discussing the Senior Pastor candidate and their recom-mendation to the board at their last meeting. Eric shared that the commission has revised its Mission Statement and will present it to the board for approval at the November meeting.

Eric shared a revised job description for the position of Communications Assistant. After reviewing the additional responsibilities, the Compensation Committee has recommended an adjustment to the current pay range. On behalf of the PRC, Eric Oyer presented a motion to approve the revised job description for this position and approve a new hourly pay range. The motion was approved. Based on a rec-ommendation by PRC, Eric also presented a motion to approve appreciation for Kyle Bushre for his additional efforts and increased preach-ing responsibilities during this time of transi-tion. The motion was approved.

Eric discussed the current Children's Min-istry Intern position which was scheduled to

end at the end of October. Eric stated that a request was made by Becky Hann to extend this position through the end of 2014. A motion on this request was approved.

Eric distributed the current Pay Policy for church employees including a revision to the compensation method portion. Eric's motion to approve the Pay Policy with changes to compensation for those whose compensation is below the midpoint of their salary ranges was approved.

• Property – Alex Rohrbaugh reported that reflective tape is needed on the choir loft stairs, and will be installed in the future. Alex shared that Church Interiors will be returning to fix minor issues that need touched up in the sanc-tuary. Alex stated that two minor issues have been found during the paving project in the parking areas on the Second Street properties, but are being addressed.

Alex stated that the rear garage at 48 N. Second Street has some deteriorating windows that the staff will be replacing, as well as the need to replace the roof of the garage in the future. Alex stated that the commission dis-cussed replaceing the air conditioning system for the sanctuary and that it will be necessary for a mechanical engineer to design a new system. Ken Adams shared that a structural engineer will be necessary as well. A motion to approve the hiring of a structural engineer through the HVAC contractor passed.

Alex reported that the commission has addressed the need for carpeting to be com-pleted in the video booth and stairs leading to it, in anticipation of the video installation. Alex brought forth a motion on behalf of the Property Commission to recommend selecting Sam's Flooring to install carpet in the video booth and stairs leading to it. The motion was approved. Ken Adams stated that paving of the parking area at the current office will be completed by Fayetteville Contractors the end of October.


• Worship Arts – Chuck Schussler reported that the upcoming video installation project is on schedule. Chuck noted that a change order was approved by the Worship Arts Commission for an additional purchase, recommended by Morris Sound and Lighting, which will be an additional $1000. Chuck shared that tech train-ing is scheduled to be held at KSC on November 22, which will be available for persons outside of KSC tech teams as well as KSC volunteers. Chuck advised that the Christmas program, scheduled for December 7 at 4:30 and 7:00, is currently being planned. Chuck reported that there is a need for new in-ear monitors for members of worship teams. A motion to approve the purchase of two custom in-ear monitors and four universal in-ear monitors was approved.

Administrative Report:Ken Adams brought forth a request on behalf

of Stephen Flint to approve a portion of his salary to be designated as Housing Allowance through the end of 2014. A motion to accept this request was approved. Ken presented the current Financial Resolution document, showing who is authorized by KSC to sign legal documents. Due to an estate that KSC has been named as an heir, this document must be no more than 60 days old. A motion to approve the current document was approved. Ken discussed the current radio broadcast contract with the board. A decision was made to continue the broadcast as it currently is.

Ken noted that the stones currently in front of the KSC Community Center parking lot will be moved to the rear of the property and will be replaced with mulch. Ken reviewed the members needed in each commission, begin-ning in 2015. Ballot boxes will be available for two to three weeks for nominations. Ken shared a recent request regarding recognition for an estate donation. A motion to affirm that there will be no special recognitions for donations

was approved. (These highlights are taken from minutes

recorded by Dixie D. Cantrell, Recording Secre-tary for the Board of Administration. Board of Administration meetings are open to members of King Street Church. Unabridged copies of the minutes from the October meeting will be available at the church office after they are approved at the next meeting.)

Spotlight on Harold Lehman by Dave StockslagerPRC Member

“It’s good to be in Sunday school” is a favor-ite saying of Harold Lehman. He must truly believe and live this, as he has taught Sunday school here at King Street for 64 years. Just recently retiring from teaching, the Burton Men’s Sunday School Class presented Harold with a plaque honoring him for his service and “outstanding dedication to God and his church." “What a treasure” was another phrase used to characterize Harold and his loyalty.

Born on October 17, 1925, Harold just recently celebrated 89 years of age. In his youth he worked on his father’s Scotland Road farm that has been in the family since 1853. Later, Harold took over the farm. During this time the rural mail carrier that delivered to his home asked Harold if he would be interested in becoming his assistant carrier to fill in when he was off. Advised by his father to pursue this opportunity, he became a rural mail carrier on a part time basis. This eventually led into full time employment at the Postal Service. He worked as a rural carrier for 34 years, retiring in 1988. While interviewing Harold for this article, he pointed to his feet, ankles, knees, hips and back, stating, “They are all the original ones, proof that hard work never hurt anyone.”

Harold married Janet Love in 1950 and have been together for 64 years. They had three sons,


one of whom still lives next to Harold and Janet on the original family farm.

Harold started attending King Street in 1941, when he was 16. He had helped out in various Sunday school classes the next few years, but never taught. Around the time he was 20 years old, Lawrence Rife asked him to teach Sunday school that following Sunday. Harold accepted and stated, "In those days you didn’t say no to the church leaders.” Towards the end of that week, Harold began to panic as he didn’t know what he was to do or what to teach. He

decided to go see Dr. Meadows and just explain to him that he couldn’t do it, that he didn’t know how. Dr. Meadows proceeded to open a desk drawer and pulled out a quarterly, handed it to Harold and said, "Here, now get to work." He continued to teach in the Rife Sunday School

Class for approximately 20 years. Harold was later approached by then Police Chief Byers Schlichter to be put on the ballot to teach the Burton Men’s Sunday School Class. He was suc-cessful in the election. This was his first official elected teaching position. Chief Schlichter then presented him to the class as their new teacher, and said to him, “Brother Lehman, now it’s your turn." This was the first he remembers ever being referred to as “Brother.” Harold taught there until his recent retirement.

He also shared that on one Rally Day during his tenure, three Sunday school classes were combined and he was asked to teach them as a group. This being the largest class he had ever taught, he was understandably nervous. Just as he was ready to begin, Dr. Meadows came in and joined the class. Harold noted that this didn’t help his anxiousness at all, but he proceeded and got through it just fine. After the class Dr. Meadows approached him and said, “Harold, I could make you a preacher!”

Harold shared that he loves studying and teaching from the Old Testament and talking about salvation and what it means. Being a teacher kept him disciplined in reading and studying the Word throughout his life. He especially loves reading Psalms. He stated that verses in Psalms can, “hit you like a hammer and help when you need reassurance.”

Psalms 91:14-16: Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.

These promises the Lord has provided Harold, and what a blessing and honor to have him serving both God and the church here at King Street. The lives he has touched through his many years of dedicated teaching is such a gift to all of us. Harold is truly a treasure!

Harold Lehman holding the plaque presented to him by the Burton Men's Class


PrimeTimer’s TripHudson Valley and West Point

October 12–15, 2015Mark your calendar now and plan on joining the PrimeTimers on a fantastic trip to the

Hudson River Valley, October 12 through October 15, 2015. This is your chance to see the West Point Academy including their beautiful chapel. You will also be visiting Hyde Park,

FDR’s home and museum, as well as Val-Kill, Eleanor Roosevelt’s home. Also included is a visit to the Purple Heart Hall of Honor, which commemorates the extraordi-nary sacrifices of America’s servicemen

and women who were killed or wounded in combat. You will witness the beauty of the area on a

river boat cruise on the Pride of the Hudson. You will also be able to see the beauty of the river and valley on the Walkway over the Hudson, a pedestrian bridge over the river. (Hopefully, the peak fall foliage will add to the beauty.) In addition, you will have dinner and entertainment at the Mesier Homestead.

The cost of the trip is $715 double; $686 triple. This includes all of the above, three dinners, two lunches, breakfast each morning, a step on guide, hotel, Bollman bus trans-portation, tax and gratuities.

Sign up and Payment• Sign up and final payment due date is August 1, 2015.• A $50 deposit is due with sign up.• A payment schedule is available and optional—you may devise your own

payment schedule.• Call Ruth Zelonis 267-1123 to sign up.• Call Jerry Aikman 267-2116 for more information. A trip flier is also


Hudson River Valley

West Point Academy Chapel

Hyde Park



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DECEMBER 2014 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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8:15, 9:45, Worship Services and Intercessor Meetingsand 11 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School11 a.m. Preschool and Kids Worship Adult and Youth Sunday School

8:15, 9:45, Worship Services and Intercessor Meetingsand 11 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School11 a.m. Preschool and Kids Worship Adult and Youth Sunday School

8:15, 9:45, Worship Services and Intercessor Meetingsand 11 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Blood Pressure Check, Parish Nurse's Room (M117)9:45 a.m. Sunday School11 a.m. Preschool and Kids Worship, Adult and Youth Sunday School2:00 p.m. GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays, Fellowship Room

8:15, 9:45, Worship Services and Intercessor Meetingsand 11 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School11 a.m. Preschool and Kids Worship Adult and Youth Sunday School

8:15, 9:45, Worship Services and Intercessor Meetingsand 11 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School11 a.m. Preschool and Kids Worship Adult and Youth Sunday School

6:00 p.m. Worship-Based Prayer Service

Daylight-Saving Time ends


Deadline for Operation Christmas Child Boxes

First Sunday of Advent

Veterans Day


5 6 7 8

12 13 14 15

19 20 21 22

26 27 28 29

5:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Meal7:00 p.m. Children's Program Youth Street Meetings Adult Elective Classes

5:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Meal7:00 p.m. Children's Program Youth Street Meetings Adult Elective Classes

5:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Meal7:00 p.m. Children's Program Youth Street Meetings Adult Elective Classes

9:30 a.m. Saturday Sanctuary M121

7:00 p.m. First session of the Dream: Have You Caught God's Vision Men's Study, Room M29





Fundamentals from Finneyby Nancy FritzPrayer Ministry

Charles Finney lived from 1792 to 1875. God used Finney as a dynamic revivalist who brought the gospel to the Northeastern United States and saw thousands come to Jesus. He was also a lawyer, so his messages were filled with logic and great powers of persuasion.

In a quote from Finney’s Memoirs he made a statement to someone who offered to pray for him:

“I suppose I need your prayers, for I know I’m a sinner. But I don’t see it will do me any good for YOU to pray for me, for you continu-ally ask but don’t receive.”

Later he said: “On further reading my Bible, I learned the reason their prayers weren’t answered—they didn’t comply with the revealed conditions upon which God had promised to answer! I could never have been converted if I hadn’t found the solution to this question, “Why is it that so much that is called PRAYER is not answered?”

It is documented that Finney wrote more than 20 lengthy essays on Intercessory Prayer. Here are his nine basic fundamentals. (I under-stand he expounded on each one to great length!)

1. Believe in the Power of Prayer – Matthew 7:7,8; Matthew 19:26;

I John 5:14, 152. Hold out for answers – Mark 11:243. Ask specifically – Matthew 7:11; John 16: 23, 244. Partner with Jesus – Matthew 6:9-15 5. Expect an answer – Mark 11:24; Hebrews 10:19-236. Ask that God’s will be done – Matthew

6:10; James 4:15; I John 5:147. Be cautious of personal motives – James 4:3

8. Deal with hindering sin – Psalm 66:18; Isaiah 59:1,2; I John 1:9

9. Continue to pray – WITH THANKS-GIVING! – I Thessalonians 5:17;

Philippians 4:6,7

A Special One-Day GriefShare Seminar Sunday, November 16

2- 4 p.m., Fellowship RoomThe weeks from Thanksgiving through

New Year's Day can be an especially difficult time for those grieving the death of a loved one. GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays can help bring comfort and encouragement by providing practical information and tools to help navigate this challenging time. Discover ways that you can not only survive, but also find strength and hope in the holiday season.

"Surviving the Holidays" is a video-based seminar that will be held on Sunday Nov. 16 from 2- 4 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Participants will receive a booklet that includes practical sug-gestions for reducing stress during the holidays, as well as daily readings that offer hope and encouragement.

Please call the church office at 264-4651 to register, or for more information. Registration is helpful, but not required.


Band of Brothers Men’s Study

Wednesdays, 7–8:30 p.m. Beginning November 5, 2014

Room M29

Dream: Have You Caught God’s Vision?

Authors: Bill Farrell and Kenny Luck

Lead By Lowell Martin, Mike White and Fred Ailes

Every little boy has a dream of one day doing something great. You did too…a long time ago. But the distrac-tions and disappointments of this world seem to have stolen the dream. That dream is still with you!

This compelling eight session study by Kenny Luck is a daring challenge to stand up and experience the powerful, personal vision of God for your life. Dream is the third in a bold new series of resources for men like you who are ready to go to the next level in their faith—eager to make God’s vision a reality.

Thank you so much for expressions of sympathy following our mother's death. Your thoughtful words, cards, emails of condolences and especially your prayers helped to get us through this difficult time.

Don and Mary Burkholder Rodney and Janet Heberlig

November 5Soup and Salad Bar

Bread Sticks • Fruit • DessertV V V

November 12Breaded Chicken TendersSeasoned Potato Wedges

Corn • Rolls • Fruit • DessertV V V

November 19Traditional Thanksgiving Feast

(Extra volunteers for this meal will be greatly appreciated, regardless of prior kitchen experience. If you can help,

please contact Tiffanie Eby:


Worship-Based Prayer Serviceby Matthew Bryant

What's a worship-based prayer service? I'm glad you asked. It's a time where we gather as a church to worship God through prayer. We use the Lord's Prayer as a model for the meeting.

1. We start by giving God what he deserves. That is our praise and thanksgiving (Hallowed be thy name).

2. We then ask God to change our hearts before we ask Him to change any of our circum-stances (Your kingdom come, your will be done).

3. Now that we've given God what he deserves and realigned our hearts to his kingdom purpose in our life, we can move to asking God to meet our needs (Forgive us our debts,…daily bread).

4. Finally we close the prayer meeting knowing that we need supernatural help and protection (Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil).

Come join us on Sunday, November 16 at 6 p.m. as we worship God through prayer. Pastor Daniel Henderson once told me, "The most enduring motive for prayer is that God is worthy to be sought." So true! He is worthy. More importantly, Jesus tells us in his Word that, "My house will be called a house of prayer." Let's grow together in this transformational spiritual discipline that Jesus himself practiced throughout his earthly ministry.

Want more information? Call me at the church office (264-4651) or email me at

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILDOnce again we have the opportunity to give children around the world small gifts packed into a shoebox. Get your wrapped box in the lobby. For information on how to pack a box and gift suggestions, go to: Return the filled boxes by Sunday, Nov. 16.

Waiting WellJim RobertsDisability Ministry

Waiting is a fine spiritual skill that very few of us master. We know we are impatient, so we pray for patience and remind God to do it now. We just are not very good at it. If you don’t think you have a problem consider this: You are in line to check out and you are next. The cashier picks up the phone and announces, “We have a price check on aisle three." What thoughts go through your mind? Yeah, me too.

I am not particularly good at waiting and God knows it. So, He allows me to learn from my friends with special needs, my friends in wheelchairs who wait for someone to move them from place to place. They wait for someone to feed them, bathe them and turn them at night so they don’t get bed sores. Their every day is filled with waiting. They do this without grumbling or complaining.

I, on the other hand, am placed in God’s waiting room and I immediately start to grumble, “Why me?” and nudge God to get with the program. But God knows the value of waiting and the lessons learned while we are waiting. Waiting is His invitation to us to enjoy His presence and lean on His resources and get to know Him.

Spending time with my friends with dis-abilities has helped me with this lesson. God sends them to be my teacher and I am so glad He does. They can be your teacher as well. Sign up to help with the disability ministry and we will find a teacher for you.


Call Ruth Zelonis, 267-1123, to sign up for the events. Call Jerry Aikman, 267-2116, for more information.

NovemberHappy Thanksgiving!

u u u

DecemberChristmas Lights at Oglebay Park, Wheeling, WV • Wednesday,Dec.3–Thursday,Dec.4 • Bollman bus trip • DepartKSCCat7:00a.m.

u u u

ChristmasLuncheon • Wednesday,December17 • Noon • BakerCenter • Cost:$15 • CateredbyKathy'sDeli •Entertainment:CASHSChoristers • SignupandpaymentdueNovember17

OurBigTripHudsonValleyandWestPoint Includes: • AguidedtourofWestPointAcademy • VisitFDR'shomeandmuseum • VisitVal-Kill,EleanorRoosevelt'shome • DinnerandentertainmentattheMesier Homestead

• VisitthePurpleHeartHallofHonor • RiverboatcruiseonthePrideOverthe Hudson

•"WalkovertheHudson" • Includesalloftheabove,threedinners,two lunches,breakfasteachmorning,astepon guide,hotel,Bollmantransportation,taxand gratuities

• Cost:$715double,$686triple. • $50depositwithsignup • Signupandpaymentdue:August1,2015 • Paymentscheduleisoptional




November 19:30 a.m. • M121

DVD Theme: Yesfeaturing Patsy Clairmont

Child DedicationsThe following children were dedicated during services on October 12, 2014:

8:15 ServiceBenito Jesus Zacarias Garcia, son of Zacarias

Garcia and Cheronda Williams9:45 Baker Center Service

Hudson Lewis Book, son of Derek and Rosanna Book

Brady James Moran, son of Tyler and Tera Moran

9:45 Sanctuary ServiceLondon Arlene Adamson, daughter of Dan

and Heather AdamsonMercy Talitha Bryant, daughter of Matthew

and Lindsay BryantGrace Elizabeth Myers, daughter of Jeffrey

and Stacy MyersRylie Renee Rotz, daughter of Neil and Ginger

Rotz11:00 Service

Jackson Reese Brandt, son of Adam and Stephanie Brandt

Hannah Grace Lehman, daughter of Justin and Kristen Lehman

Excerpts from Pierces' E-Postal(Bernie and Sherry serve in France with Christar)

Thanks for your prayers!Sometimes it is hard to write from the heart

and be balanced between being positive and being honest. This is at least the fourth re-write. If you have spent time with us, you should know that we are real here goes:

We were grateful to return to France after 10 weeks, 17 bed changes and 5500 miles or so in the graciously loaned van. We did not get to see everybody we hoped to, but we enjoyed seeing many and had encouraging meetings with partnering churches. Our flights were not easy and brought out our sinfulness more, but we safely got back, as did all our luggage.

Upon returning, after we woke up, we were faced by a handful of annoyances that took time and energy: a moldy bedroom closet, putting us on the sofa and taking 1 1/2 weeks to totally fix and clear fumes; a van that needed repairs, taking a week to be fixed and only some being covered by our warranty; and a tax bill that is wrong and huge and has to be fixed; the washing machine leaking everywhere and had to be taken apart twice before the problem was finally found; two children that were way off schedule and one getting molars. (Does it sound like the script for a sitcom yet?)

However, YES, we see the positives! It was only the closet and contents that were affected



by mold. The van only took a week and part of the bill was covered. There is some hope that the tax bill can be resolved, and we will still be able to eat during the three months that the payments are so huge (God takes care of His children). We are grateful to have two miracles who need to have life and our sleep getting back to normal, and grateful that now Timothy only has two more molars coming in.

Annoyances are a part of life. None of the above situations equal suffering. Inconve-niences and opportunities to trust God, yes, but we are not suffering. Our hearts ache watching glimpses of international news. Please pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are truly suffering for their faith!

However, we are tired. Added to the above annoyances and just trying to get back into the busy swing of things and our normal respon-sibilities here, we have had some very difficult days as parents. Just know that we would covet your prayers. Other troubling situations back home with our families, that cause our hearts to be heavy, give us yet more opportunities to trust Christ. Thanks for praying.

Answers to your prayers:1. The troubled teen many of you prayed for

last year is doing MUCH better! PTL!2. Our Scout group is joining with another

church that doesn't have a Scout group. God sent us help via a chef that is very experienced and actually in the administration of EEF (trans-lated Evangelical Scouts of France). We will also be starting a Louveteax group (Cub Scouts).Please pray! Sherry will be directing and feels very ill-prepared and would covet your prayers. Our first club will be October 11.

3. Already we are getting to help our friends through felt needs, from moving couches to hospital visits. Pray that He would use us!

4. Bernie has gotten to witness to our neigh-bor upstairs. Pray that she would continue to be open! Pray that our blinded friends would see the Truth!

• Thanks for praying, too, for our support situation for Christar. We will be in the nega-tive soon.

• Thanks for praying that we'll be able to keep up with all our responsibilities!

• Thanks for praying for our children's spiri-tual protection in a hostile, sinful world. Please continue that prayer.

Christ IS worth it all,and He IS good, all the time!

Prayer Requests and Photo from the Kisamores(Travis and Bekii serve in Quemchi, Chiloe Island, Chile with Eastern Mennonite Missions)

Here are some prayer requests 1. Obviously the continued adjustment to


2. Our relationship with our landlord, Carlos, is in a very strange and not good spot. Long story short, I asked for wood from him four months ago and he still hasn't delivered the wood. I asked him about it last week and he asked if I knew the meaning of the word patience. After that conversation I was left feeling pretty angry. Later that week I went and apologized, and he brought up the patience piece once again (I still have no wood). He has taken to avoiding us. He won't say hello when

The Kisamore Family


he sees us outside and he doesn't greet the kids.It's all very strange and difficult. I (Travis) am not sure what to do. We're going to need more wood, either from him or someone else. If I buy it from someone else, that's probably going to destroy the relationship. We don't know what to do. Pray for a change of his heart.

3. We ask for grace as we hear all sorts of Chilean parenting advice. The difference between Chilean parenting and USA parent-ing is VERY DIFFERENT. We need grace and patience with our friends and neighbors.

4. We're also starting to experience some closed doors. The community center where we'd been meeting last year and was occupied since our time back was finally opened up. (A construction company had been storing their materials while building additions to the homes). We asked if we could use it and were told, "No." Nobody was allowed to use it until the president said it was alright. She told us October, maybe. We know that people have been using it in August. We're not sure what to make of this or what to do with it either.

Excerpts from the Reecks' Report(Roger and Marilyn are based in Honduras with Wycliffe Bible Translators)

Isn’t it exciting that the Lord has permitted all of us to be part of a team and together we make His Word heard? God has permitted us to be involved (in varying manners) in bringing His Word to people groups who need to hear His Word, meditate on it, treasure it and permit it to change their lives.

Roger Update-- The bone fusion operation Roger underwent in February was successful and he is walking on that foot. But the pain caused by nerve damage has continued and has been quite intense. So far the meds prescribed

by the surgeon here and the doctor at the pain clinic have not lessened the pain. Last week Roger saw Dr. Owen, the orthopedic surgeon who travels to Honduras every six months and x-rays indicate that the tibia bone and the talus bone in the ankle are touching and arthritis has set in, which together lead to part of the pain. The doctor injected steroids into that area but it will be a few weeks before he feels the full effect. Please pray that this be a solution to bring about a reduced amount of pain. If this is the case, then he could be reinjected every few months.

Venezuela trip. We were excited to be in Venezuela again and spend time with the teams that we work with. Over the last few months we have continued checking their stories remotely. It was fulfilling and exciting to see them bring the work on their story sets to completion and record the stories. These can now be distributed to their people and used in many different venues such as fellowship groups, radio, etc.

In October Roger travels to Brazil. Please pray for his trip and his time there. He will be working with a group of translators that speak Yaminahua. The Yaminahua Indians live in the most remote part of the Amazon where Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil meet. The translation is especially difficult because some of the men speak Portuguese and some speak Spanish. Last time Roger was with the team (in Bolivia), they spent hours and hours on this phrase from the story of the Prodigal Son: “I am not worthy to be called your son.”

It is exciting to work with a people group that doesn’t have even one book of the Bible in their language yet. Please pray that God will help us to make good progress during the two week's time. Another goal during this time is to train Victor, a Venezuelan Curripaco Indian who will meet Roger there, to begin translation into his native language.


News from the Gerlachs(Bryan and Emily serve in Thailand with UB Global Ministries)

Finding HomeHow do you define home? With a transient

lifestyle, such as ours, home can be quite dif-ficult to define. Is home where you live? Is it being with the people you love? Is it a feeling of belonging or acceptance? Our new saying is, "home is where the Father has you."

It's been a journey learning to be content where we are, and after one full year in Thailand, it's finally beginning to feel a bit more like home.

Finding Home with our Thai FamilyWe had the awesome opportunity to take

a short trip to Isaan (ee-saan) with our Thai church family to serve the community there alongside our Thai brothers and sisters. Isaan is the northeastern "bump" of Thailand which is considered the most "unreached" area of the country. We were invited to go along to a village that has no church, but does have a handful of believers. We were told that these believers are hungry for teaching, like "sheep without a shepherd."

Together, with 11 other church members, we loaded up supplies, food and gifts for the community in Isaan. We drove three cars for 10 hours one way to be in the village for two days. Our goals were to bless and encourage the believers, reach out to the non-believers in the village by providing a worship service and children's lessons and just spend time in the community. Bryan helped with worship music and Emily taught the children (with the help of a Thai friend).

This trip was eye opening in several ways for us. It was both exciting and sobering for us to realize that many of the children and their parents were hearing the Good News for the very first time. When asked what a picture of the cross was, children responded, "the letter

T" or "the sign for a hospital." And just like that, a new burden was placed on our hearts as we realized first hand that so many of them have simply never heard.

While in Isaan, we stayed in the homes of our church family's relatives. We were beyond blessed by the hospitality and welcome we received and, although the trip was a huge stretch for us in many ways, we were so grate-ful to be included! Our Thai family has been immensely instrumental in helping us feel at home here.

Finding Home with "the least of these"We have continued our part-time work

with the HUG Project and the relationships that have been built are incredible. We thank God everyday for his blessing in our language learning and the opportunities we have to work with these youth. It's been such a privilege to see several of them begin to open their hearts to us and to Jesus.

Our involvement is mostly with assisting the kids in receiving their informal education certificates by teaching extra-curricular classes to both boys and girls at the Big Brother Edu-cation Center and volunteering with the girls at Compass 31 (a live-in ministry for teenage moms). We also love just hanging out with kids, loving on them, doing cell groups, playing soccer, having movie nights or going for walks with them. Our home is also being used once a week for a life-skills class for the girls.

Because most of our students have lived through traumatic experiences such as home-lessness, exploitation, trafficking, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse and illness, we have learned so much about Jesus' heart for the "least of these" that he speaks of in Matthew 25:40: "And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’"

Missions news submitted by Sharon Smith



United Brethren in Christ

162 East King StreetCham

bersburg, PA 17201

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