Meath Event Guide July 09

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Meath Event Guide July 09


Films, Music, Events, Gigs, Features, Interviews, Exhibitions, Comedy, Theatre.

The MeaTh evenT guide

Dirty Projectors have been on the scene for years, playing in relative obscurity and happily so. But the past year they have been touring and playing sell out shows; the formula for this new found popularity is steadily releasing great albums and this is no exception. In fact, it could be their best yet. Led by the controversial Dave Longstreth, this latest album is remarkably indie

rock and full of enjoyably tuneful tracks, perhaps trying to reach a more mainstream audience. Their customary huge guitar sounds and full band arrangements, not to mention experimental sounds, have earned these Brooklyn natives a huge following and certain success. FD

Placebo have had four studio albums, six EP’s and so many hits, like Nancy Boy and Every You and Every Me, they hold a special place in all our hearts. Unfortunately this latest album fails to deliver, it has no hidden treasures, no international hits. The album is familiar with the nasal vocals of Brian Molko covering themes of hate and rebellion, the tracks

Ashtray Heart and For What It’s Worth are the only tracks that comes close to a classic Placebo.Placebo will always have their legions of fans but Battle for the Sun probably won’t earn them any new recruits. FD

album reviews

Bitte Orca Dirty Projectors

Battle For The Sun Placebo

Fiona Donnellon reviews...

Nell Bryden

Nell Bryden and band put on an amazing show in Boyles Pub, Slane on Thursday 02 July. To read our recent interview with Nell see

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MEath EvEnt guidEThe MeaTh echo. page 16

SuMMEr 2009

Great. Make sure to catch this one in the cinema.

cinema reviews

more reviewsExcellent. Get your ticket, some popcorn and enjoy.

Poor. Catch this one on the small screen, if at all. * IMDB reviews are based

on user ratings. Ratings correct at time of print.

Good. Maybe leave this one until you can rent it.

dvd reviews retro review

Don’t just take our word for it! Here are how this week’s films are scoring elsewhere...

Public Enemies 16, 143mins, ThrillerJohnny Depp, Christian Bale

Set during the Great Depression in America, Depp stars as legendary bank robber John Dillenger, renowned for robbing banks. Despite killing numerous police officers, Dillegner was often thought of as a Robin Hood type figure. As with all his roles, Depp is impecibly immersed in his character and gives a wonderful performance. Directed by Michael Mann (Heat) the film stands out from the Summer blockbuster line up this year. The movie focuses on FBI agent Melvin Purvis, wonderfully played by Christian Bale, as he battles to capture Dillenger and put a halt on the increasing crime sprees of the era, set in the early 1930s.TK

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs G, 94 mins, AnimationRay Romano, John Leguizamo,

After the disappointment of Ice Age: The Meltdown three years ago, I didn’t have high hopes for the third installment. Where did it all go wrong? The first film was one of the biggest animated movies and grossed over $300 million in revenue for Fox. Although they seemed to lose their mojo in the second film, they have picked up the pace again and are back on track with the third installment. Ellie and Manny are having a baby, Sid becomes a parent to some tyrannosaurus babies and Scrat does everything in his wee power to get his hands on the acorn. We’re also introduced to Buck (voiced by Simon Pegg) a one-eyed, cooky weasel. Good family fun! TK

Year One15A, 97 mins, Comedy Michael Cera, Jack Black, Oliver Platt

Not doing too well in the eyes of the critics, Year One is not torturous to watch but it’s mediocre attempt at humour gives no real belly laughs, maybe a few audible sniggers. I like Michael Cera from his time on Arrested Development, his facial expressions alone could keep you amused for hours and Year One is no different for him. They pretty much play on the same joke the whole way through the movie, hunter gatherers played by Cera and Black are banished from their village and must find their way in the stereotyped big bad world. It’s not a bad film, but maybe save your money for something a bit more entertaining and wait until comes out on DVD. TK

Total Film Rotten Tomates* Year One ★★ 18% 5.2/10 ★★

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs ★★★ 46% 7.8/10 ★★★

Public Enemies ★★★★ 67% 9.1/10 ★★★★

Marley and Me ★★★ 61% 7.1/10 ★★★

Revolution Road ★★★ 69% 7.7/10 ★★★

Marley and MePG, 111 mins, Romantic / ComedyJennifer Anniston, Owen Wilson

John and Jennifer Grogan (Wilson and Anniston) are a young journalists living a beautiful life together in Florida. In the hope of keeping Jennifer’s thoughts away from her biological clock, John decides to get a puppy. Enter Marley, an adorable yet incredibly time consuming labrador pup. Stereotypical annoying dog turns into owners best friend type film... And so we watch Marley grow up with John and Jennifer from a disobedient puppy, to a disobedient yet extremely lovable dog. You’d have to be made of stone not to want to pick up the nearest puppy and hug the life out of it afterwards. From the makers of The Devil wears Prada, it’s a happy, fun film proving that a dog is man’s best friend. TK

Revolutionary Road16, 119 mins, Drama / RomanceLeonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet

Based in the 1950s on the novel by Richard Yates, Jack (DiCaprio) and April (Winslet) move to suburbia onto Revolutionary Road with ideas of having the perfect life and living the American Dream. They soon begin to get bored with their perfect life, and realise they don’t belong in this “cookie-cutter” white-picket-fence world. April decides they should move to Paris and with the decision comes the return of passion to their relationship. All seems well at the prospect of a new beginning, until Jack get a promotion at work and gets sucked into the rat race. Both Winslet and DiCaprio are an amazing on-screen couple, who are just as convincing when arguing as they are when they’re in love. An interesting side to the American Dream. TK

Withnail and I15, 107 mins, Comedy Richard E. Grant, Paul McGann, Richard Griffiths

London 1969 - two ‘resting’ (unemployed and unemployable) actors, Withnail and Marwood, fed up with damp, cold, piles of washing-up, mad drug dealers and psychotic Irishmen, decide to leave their squalid Camden flat for an idyllic holiday in the countryside, courtesy of Withnail’s uncle Monty’s country cottage. Richard E. Grant as you’ve never seen him - demanding ‘The finest wines known to humanity, a pair of pints and downing lighterfluid’ somehow this angry, depressing, grey film is brilliant! TK

Music: MEG talks about how to survive your average summer festival

Chances are you are going to one of the dozens of Festivals on this Summer. And chances are you will be too focused on securing your personal beer supply to remember the other stuff. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

Firstly, before you even leave the house go through this checklist and make sure you’ve packed everything on it.

Checklist:1. Ticket: You’d be surprised.2. Tent: Try to pitch at the

top of a hill to avoid getting flooded. Remember to tag your tent with a flag. You’d be surprised how different the campsite will look when you get back that night.

3. Loo roll: More valuable

than gold.4. Baby wipes5. Wellies: Accept it.6. Condom(s!): For so many

reasons.7. Inhalers, contact lens stuff,

tampons, sun screen8. Hangover medicine9. Torch10. Plastic bags – great for

keeping you dry, putting wet clothes in, sitting on, keeping dry clothes from getting wet and if it’s big enough it can even keep you from getting wet. Ah, the plastic bag.

11. Cash – have you ever queued for 3 hours for a banklink? It’s not fun. At all.

12. Food – granola bars, breakfast bars, simple things that will keep you going before you spend a tener on a buffalo burger.

13. Dry clothes for the drive home: You’ll appreciate it more than you know.

14. Fold-up chair: Preferably one with a cup holder, treat it like a throne.

15. Gazebo: if there’s a group of you it’s great to sit under if it’s raining.

16. Beer: Festivals won’t allow glass, so don’t bring any it’ll just be taken off you. Most festivals have restrictions on the amount of beer per person, look into it before you go.

The ‘Practical‘ ChecklistRight, let’s get to the practicality. How does Kate Moss always look good at festivals? Because she’s Kate Moss. As for the rest of us here’s a few tips on pret a porter festival style:

1. Long woolly socks – and lots of them, they’re great with wellies.

2. Tights of any color – for under your socks, they give that extra warmth and bargain style.

3. Rain poncho – I’m sorry to say it, but they’re totally necessary. So buy a one before you go, it’ll save you queuing for hours to buy one that doesn’t actually work.

4. Hat – sunstroke does happen, even in Ireland. Be it cowboy (as long as it’s not pink or cow skin), straw, beach, baseball, farmer, any style you like, except those Irish ones with the fake hair, nobody will like you.

5. Face-paint – any excuse!

Summer Festival Survival Guide

MEath EvEnt guidEThe MeaTh echo. page 17SuMMEr 2009

director lead singer Michael speaks with about being dumped by their record label, broken hearts and bouncing back.

You made an impact on the Irish scene with your song Reconnect, I have heard people describe the lyrics as quite dark. What do you make of that?I guess so, I guess it’s pretty much an approach that we take. Especially the second album it’s a lot darker. Songs are mostly about, you know, problems and relationships not working out and stuff like that. I guess it’s a slightly more interesting approach to things, rather than songs about how nice love is and things like that. So I would definitely agrees with that.

Are they from a broken heart?!(Laughing awkwardly) Yeah I suppose so yeah.

You were dropped by your record label after your first album had gone platinum in Ireland. How did you feel about that?It’s a funny one, the album was

never released in the UK and we ended up with a little bit of time after the release of it where we were trying to get it released in the UK, but the label weren’t that interested. I guess they kind of thought the success in Ireland would translate over, but that’s not really the way it works. So we were stuck for along time not being able to do much outside of Ireland. So that’s what we’re looking forward to this time, spending a bit of time in Europe. We’ve got world wide distribution of this album so we have a little bit more freedom to travel around a bit more as well as still playing gigs here. We love it here, but it is small and it’s hard to make a living here.

What about the States, have you any plans to try it over there?Actually North America is the only place we don’t have distribution. Maybe if we get a song on Greys Anatomy (laughs).

So how are the fans reacting to your new album?It’s been good. [At gigs] We’ve been doing probably mostly new songs. People who have

the album and people who don’t, it’s been great. People coming up after gigs and asking what song was that. The last song on the album is about 8 minutes long. It’s got a piano sound and it builds up to a big repetitive crescendo. People like it a lot.

You must have a different vibe about this album. You didn’t have the comfort of a record label backing you up, it’s all you.It’s kind of been a while since we’ve been playing gigs, so we’ve been raring to go and get these songs on the road, so we’re loving it at the moment.

Do you feel like it’s a bit of a “I-told-you-so” to Atlantic Records?(Laughs) I wouldn’t say that. I think the whole, sort of playing field is changing for a lot of bands and a lot of record labels. They’re not really making the money they used to. It makes it hard for independent bands like ourselves. You never really know what percentage of your music is being downloaded. Live music is what is reverts

back to and that’s the way it’s going.

Do you think there might be a new record deal on the horizon or are you going to stick with yourselves for the moment?We’ll stick with ourselves for the moment. The album is released on our own record label and then distributed by a company called eighty eight global, who have contacts all over Europe and the UK. So we’re going to take it territory by territory.

And what’s the feeback been like? Have you played many gigs on mainland Europe? No not really, we were booked into a festival in Germany, but the whole thing was cancelled due to lack of funding. Our single is coming out in the UK in September. Moment to Moment is out now in Ireland and then Play Pretend comes out in Ireland and the UK come September.

Can you explain the background to Play Pretend?A lot of the songs are kind of dark and bleak. Sort of romance and relationships, it’s sort of

you’re interested in somebody and they don’t necessarily feel the same way or take it as seriously as you do, you know, and I guess the way you’re kind of pushed and pulled in a situation like that.

You have some footage up on your website from recording down in Leitrim, so what are your jam sessions like? Is there one person who always comes up with the lyrics or how does it go?Well generally I’ll write the song and we’ll spend an awful long time, you know, after the song is written, just sort of fine tuning it. It took a long time with this album, probably about 2 years, which is maybe too long. But we pay a lot of attention to detail, try not to let anything slip by. We’re certainly not ones for wigging out or jamming, you know we don’t really like a messy sound. A lot of it is very minimal, very to the point.

The album is currently available to download. Check out their website for more information.

We pay a lot of attention to detail, try not to let anything slip by. We’re certainly not ones for wigging out or jamming, you know we don’t really like a messy sound.


MEath EvEnt guidEThe MeaTh echo. page 18

SuMMEr 2009


Eamon McCann

Dunboyne Castle, DunboyneFriday 10 July, €15 Country dance night with Eamon McCann.

Brendan Shine

Dunboyne Castle, DunboyneFriday 17 July, €15Country dance night with Brendan Shine.

Red Hot Chili Pepper Tribute

The Headfort ArmsFriday 17 JulyAll proceeds going to Down Syndrome Ireland

Luka Bloom

Boyles Pub, SlaneThursday 23 July, €20Live at Boyles with Luka Bloom.

Robert Mizzell

Dunboyne Castle, DunboyneFriday 24 July, €15Country dance night with Robert Mizzell .

Edel Prince & Lackluster

Boyles Pub, SlaneSaturday 25 July, FreeLive at Boyles with Edel Prince & Lackluster.

The Infidels

Boyles Pub, SlaneThursday 23 July FreeLive at Boyles with The Infidels.

Lucky Dip Music & Arts

Creans Pub, OldcastleThursday 30 July, €5Kicking off the Le Cheile festival this year with music and arts in Creans.

Huey & The Hobgoblins

Boyles Pub, SlaneThursday 30 July, FreeLive at Boyles with Huey & The Hobgoblins.

Sean Loughry

Dunboyne Castle, DunboyneFriday 31 July, €15

Country dance night with Sean Loughry.


Creans Pub, OldcastleFriday 31 July, €25Mundy plays the Le Cheile festival with support from New York songstress Nell Bryden.


Creans Pub, OldcastleFriday 31 July, €17Delorentos play the Le Cheile festival with support from Adeibsi Shank and Sanzkrit.

Lisa Hannigan

Caffrey’s, OldcastleFriday, 31 July €20 Lisa Hannigan plays the Le Cheile festival with support from Fiona Melady.

Declan O’Rourke

Caffrey’s, OldcastleSaturday, 01 August €20 Declan O’Rourke plays the Le Cheile festival with support from Ari Hest.

Fight Like Apes

Creans Pub, OldcastleSunday, 2 August €17 Fight Like Apes play the Le Cheile festival with support from Ever27 and The Distractors.

The Barley Shakes

Creans Pub, OldcaslteSunday, 2 August €10The Barley Shakes play the Le Cheile festival with support from Noise Control, Heritage Centre, 6ft Small and Ruairi Cooga

Little Palace

Caffrey’s, OldcaslteSunday, 02 August €15 Little Palace play the Le Cheile festival with support from Joy Booth and Ray Heffernan.

Natty Wailer

Boyles Pub, SlaneMonday, 03 August, €6Live at Boyles with reggae legand Natty Wailer.


Jason Byrne

Oldcastle House Hotel, Oldcastle Friday, 31 July €18Jason Byrne plays the Le Cheile festival.


Farmers’ Market

Sonairte Ecology Centre, Sunday 12 & 26 July The next farmers’ market also has painting classes for children. The classes will be held at 11.30am. and 2.30pm.

Navan Town Market

Navan, Co. MeathFriday 10 & 17 July A full range of stalls selling an assortment of items, including fruit, vegetables, cakes, clothes, books, garden ornaments, jewellery, nic-nacs and more.

Kells Farmers’ Market

Kells, Co. MeathSaturday 11 & 18 July Farmers’ market in Kells. Open from 10am until 2pm every Saturday in the grounds of FBD


Oldcastle Country Market

Oldcastle, Co. MeathFriday 10 & 17 July Country market in Oldcastle


High School Musical Summer Camp

Solstice Arts Centre, NavanMonday 13 – 17 July, €130Fancy yourself to be the next Troy or Gabriella? This high-energy summer camp based on High School Musical is packed with all your favourite songs, drama and dance routines from the show.

Adult Beginners Digital Photography Workshop

Trim, Co. MeathSaturday 04 & 11 July, €90 Perfect your photography skills with artist and photographer Tim Durham. During these workshops you will learn how to use your camera, learn about ‘seeing’ and visual design.

Crafty Organic Kids Summer Camp / Arts & Cookery

Sonairte Ecology Centre 07 July – 14 August, €15Classes held daily from 2.30 – 5.00pm. Arts and Crafts with Anna Fleau (8-10 yrs). Kids Cookery with Declan McIntosh (11-14 yrs)

Boyne Brothers Golf Championship

Knightbrook Hotel Golf ResortFriday 10 – 11 JulyThis unique event pits 50 teams of three brothers against each other.

Script Writing Workshop

Solstice Arts Centre, NavanSaturday 18 – 19 July, €60 Presented by Tall Tales Theatre Co. and Meath Arts Office this two-day workshop will be directed by scriptwriter and actor, Mark O’Halloran whose credits include ‘Adam and Paul’ and ‘Garage’.

Living History Displays

Battle of the Boyne Site, Oldbridge, 12, 19, 26 July Black powder musket firing and cavalry displays.

Kells to Kells Ride Out

From Kells, Co. Antrim to Kells Co. Meath. Saturday 18 July Leaving Kells Co. Antrim at 2 pm for a one way 115 mile ride out to Kells Co. Meath. Donation of min £5 per bike in aid of raising funds for the provinces first Helicopter Doctor Air Ambulance collected at the start and at Sprucefield.

Organic Gardening in Schools

Sonairte Ecology Centre, Laytown. Saturday 18 July, €75 Aimed at teachers and parents who want to set up organic gardens in schools. The course combines practical activities and theory with lots of ideas about how to work with children and teenagers in an outdoor environment. Price includes lunch.

Adelaide International Kells Road Races 2009

Kells Co. MeathSaturday 18 July Kells town hosts a series of motorbike racing events.


Pop Art Exhibition

The Art & Print Gallery, SlaneSaturday 20 June - 27 JulyLocal Meath artist Mark Baker will be exhibiting his work alongside Siobhan Doyle and rock and roll legend Ronnie Wood.

Exhibition of Children’s Books

Bru na Boinne Visitor Centre, Donore, Thursday 25 June - 10 JulyAndrew Whitson, award winning Illustrator of Children’s books based on Irish Mythology exhibits the Illustrations from two recent books.

Maria Brady - Textiles

Edmund Rice Centre, KellsThursday 02 - 05 JulyAn exhibition of textiles by Maria Brady.

At the Edges of the Day

Solstice Arts Centre, NavanTuesday 14 – 31 JulyThis exhibition explores the people, places, economy and culture of Sister Cities (Twinning) Cary, North Carolina and County Meath, as seen through the eyes of four photographers.


Ladies Night

The Music Factory, AshbourneFriday 10 & 17 July Ladies night at Music Factory, Ashbourne with Guest DJ Ray Shah every Friday.

DJ Paul Carass

Taboo Nightclub, NavanFriday 10 & 17 July. Resident DJ Paul Carass plays Taboo.

Lazy Sundays

The Music Factory, AshbourneFriday 10 & 17 Jul Free bbq and live music in the Living Room. The Music Factory Ashbourne is now open every Sunday.

10 July 2009 BrunoFired Up13 July 2009 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [pictured] )17 July 2009 AdventurelandMoonWide Open Spaces31 July 2009 Land of the LostG-ForceThe Taking Of Pelham 1 2 3Coco Before Chanel

Cinema release calender

listings / for up-to-date listings or to add your own event check out

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