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Humans Should Not Eat Meat

Body not designed for consumption

Detrimental impacts on environment

Sources PETA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Dr. El of Celestial Healing Harriet Hall, MD of Science-Based

Medicine The Nursing School Catalog TCNJ vegetarian

Body Not Designed for Meat Consumption Closer to herbivores than carnivores

Rear flat molars for grinding

Salivary glands releasing pre-digestive enzymes

El, Dr. Akilah. “How Humans Are Not Physically Created To Eat Meat.” Celestial Healing. 2010.1 Nov.2010 <>.

Consumption hazardous to health Red meat: cancer & heart disease

5 oz meat/day increase risk by 30%

Hall, Harriet MD. “Red Meat: Is It Hazardous to Health?” Science-Based Medicine. May 2010. 1 Nov 2010

Reducing Meat Intake Improves Health Meat reduction poses no nutritional threats

No more than 15% of calories as protein

Saturated fats

Hewitt, Emily. Campus Awareness of Animal Rights. Nov. 2009

Disease Prevention

Eliminate cholesterol

Western diet associated with breast cancer

Decreased mortality rates of men & women “57 Health Benefits of Going Vegan.” The Nursing School Catalog. 2007. Nov. 2010 <>.

Hall, Harriet MD. “Red Meat: Is It Hazardous to Health?” Science-Based Medicine. May 2010. 1 Nov 2010

Benefits of Protein Substitutions Physical advantages

Nuts: vitamins Beans: fiber Tofu: low in fat & carbohydrates No dairy & red meat: no body odor “57 Health Benefits of Going Vegan.” The Nursing School Catalog. 2007. Nov. 2010 <>.

Intake reduction of disease, hormones & chemicals

E. Coli & Salmonella

Injected hormones

Antibiotics “57 Health Benefits of Going Vegan.” The Nursing School Catalog. 2007. Nov. 2010 <http://>.

Q. Do you feel feel differently nourishing your body with non-meat products as compared to when you did consume them?

A. “No I don't. If

anything I feel like I have more energy. I feel healthier.”

-Britta Nippert

Q. Do you believe meat production is detrimental to the environment?

A. “In the case of factory farming, absolutely. It is disgusting in every aspect. The fossil fuels used to sustain the factories and the large amount of waste produced by the animals is not healthy for the environment.”

-Britta Nippert

Meat Production Harms Our Environment Water for animals & contaminated by animals

Animal excrement polluting air

Clearing of forests

PETA. “Meat and the Environment.” PETA: Issues. 2 Nov. 2010 <>.

Vegan/Vegetarian Diet Improves Environment

American diet vegan diet more effective than standard car hybrid

Skipping 1 chicken meal/week = ½ million cars off roads

PETA. “Vegetarian 101.” PETA: Living.2 Nov. 2010 < vegetarian-101.aspx>.

Various Advantages of an Improved Environment

Reduction of asthma with cleaner air Animal grain could feed 3.5 billion

people annuallyU.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Clear Skies in New Jersey.” Clear Skies. 2003. 2

Nov.2010 <, C. “How Many People Can Be Fed With the Cereals Allocated to Animal Feed?” The

Environmental Food Crisis. Feb. 2009. 1 Nov. 2010 <>.

Stop the Damaging Effects of Meat Strive towards a vegetarian diet

Avoids side effects of meat production

Shift in diet worth the numerous advantages

What YOU Can Do to Help

Eat just 1 vegetarian meal a day

Healthy body “tastes” better than any hamburger or chicken patty

Pledge to be a veg!

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