May 2014 Church Conference Approves Recommendation · May 2014 “Church Conference Approves Recommendation” ... -Pastor Dustin. ... Pastor Brian, Pastor Dustin, Pastor Marybeth,

Post on 25-Apr-2018






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May 2014

“Church Conference Approves Recommendation”

The Church Conference, which met on Sunday, April 13

th, approved

Senior the following recommendation from the Building Study Committee:

Since our office building is out of compliance with the fire code due to having only one exit/entrance, we recommend that we bring our office building up to fire code by adding a new, 2nd entrance and include an elevator, lobby and additional ministry space as needed. We further recommend that the new addition be built in such a way as to accommodate a second phase which would include a new sanctuary at a later date, should our situation warrant a 2nd phase.

There were 84 people in attendance, and the vote was 72 to 1 in favor of the recommendation.

The recommendation was approved as originally written.

The next step is the formation of a Building Committee. If you are interested in being on the

Building Committee, please see me for an application. The Church Council will convene as a

Charge Conference in May in order to receive and approve applications for membership on the

Committee. I hope to convene the first Building Committee meeting in late May or early June.

The Building Committee will employ an architect to design the office complex addition. In

addition, the Building Committee will estimate the cost of the building project. Both the design

and the estimated cost will be presented at another Church Conference for approval. As already

noted, the Church council has set aside $100,000 for the office addition. The only monies that

should be spent at this stage would be for the employment of an architect and possibly the

employment of an engineer to make sure that the building site is viable.

I think that it is fairly reasonable to predict a groundbreaking in the spring of 2015. However,

at least two more Church Conferences will be necessary – the one mentioned above which will

receive design and estimated cost. A second Church Conference will receive from the Building

Committee a detailed price list and the plan for funding the project. Again, there is already

$100,000 in reserve. So, to sum, no major monies will be spent until two more Church

Conferences meet and approve design and cost!

Please lift the Building Committee and the future Church Conferences in prayer so that we will

follow God’s intention for our church.

The journey continues…


"He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to

sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed." -1 Peter 2:24

The Parish Sunrise Service was held at UM Temple on Resurrection-Easter

Sunday. The above image is a picture of what was saw in the sky as people left. Alan

Price had gone outside, came back inside and said, “You have to come outside.”

When I stepped outside there is this image of the cross for the entire world to

see! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Someone later pointed out-it was probably

just a jet that did that-but even so God placed it there! How awesome-how beautiful-

and what a reminder! God is so good!

When I think about the Resurrection one thing comes to mind. Jesus defeated

death and the grave and that gives us assurance of new hope and new beginnings

through Him. The gift of salvation has been given to us if we will only receive it with

open hearts.

The Resurrection shouldn’t just be celebrated once a year-but every day of our

lives! Jesus is alive! There is power in the name and the blood of Jesus. His wounds

have healed us! We don’t have to be afraid of the things that we struggle with-we just

need to put it in Jesus’ hands and let Him conquer it for you! He can and He will!

Who is your hope in today? Jesus is ready to meet you right where you are! Let God give you the peace and the freedom from the chains that are holding you down.

-Pastor Dustin

But God had other plans. One night, Harris gave his life to Christ. “I had a dream, a vision that I was preaching here at Prospect (United Methodist Church, Maxton, N.C.).” After earning a bachelor’s degree at UNC, Harris headed to Duke Divinity School. Struggling academically, he turned everything over to God. “I wasn’t at Duke for myself,” Harris said. “I was there for God.” Along the journey, he said, “I’ve learned a lot about myself — as a student, as a student pastor, as a Christian.” He’s grateful for his home congregation that keeps him in touch with his Lumbee roots. Graduating in May 2013, Harris looks forward to becoming an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church. God “has called me to be a pastor, to lead a flock, to be a servant to the people. I want to love them, to nurture them and to teach them about what God is doing in their lives.” When you give generously on Native American Ministries Sunday, you educate seminarians, plant churches and cultivate outreach. Learn more at!

— edited by Barbara Dunlap-berg, internal content editor, UMCom Native American Ministries Sunday in the United Methodist Church is on May 4 this year. Your gift along with those of other United Methodists can make it possible for Native Americans to have the same opportunities as others who wish to pursue their call to ministry. Your Generous Gifts on Native American Ministries Sunday support:

Native American ministries within the annual conference Scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of

theology approved by the University Senate of The United Methodist Church (administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry)

Strengthen, develop and equip Native American rural and urban congregations, ministries and communities (related to the General Board of Global Ministries).

Please give generously on Sunday, May 4.


“As an undergrad, I never thought I would be able to attend Duke Divinity because of the finances. But with the Native American Scholarship, that dream came true,” says Prentis Harris III, Lumbee, 2013 graduate of Duke Divinity School. This scholarship was made possible by your gifts on Native American Ministries Sunday. As a boy, Prentis Harris III excelled in baseball, but as he matured, he began focusing on school. “I was trying to get high grades to attend (the University of North Carolina at) Chapel Hill,” he said. “I wanted to be a pharmacist.”

` Mission offering for May supports Heifer Project International Bible Memory Verse for May is Romans 12:18

If possible, to the best of your ability, live at peace with all people.

May 4 – Native American Ministries Sunday

Story -The Wing

May 11 – Mother’s Day

Thank you God, for our moms

May 18 – Heritage Sunday

May 25 – Memorial Day Weekend JAM

God’s Big Back Yard 9:30 – 10:45 AM

(upstairs in the office building) Ages 4-6 and 7-12

Play, Prayer, Mission Offerings, Music

Bible Memory, Bible Story/Discussion

Duff Street United Methodist Church Called Council Meeting - April 9, 2014

Present: Pastor Brian, Pastor Dustin, Pastor Marybeth, Bob Hemingway, Carolyn Green, Tyler

Spear, Bob Fowler, Don Phillips, Jim Eakle, Roberta Kennedy, Ireta Kirby

Pastor Brian opened the meeting with Prayer and thanked everyone for coming.

Pastor Dustin explained a letter we received from the United Methodist Temple inviting us:

1. Both churches attend the Contemporary Service at the Duff Street location as it

presently exists.

2. Both churches attend the Traditional Worship Service to be located at the Temple

location starting at 11:00am.

After discussing the invitation a vote was taken, we decided to attend a roundtable discussion

to discuss this proposal together on Monday, April 28, 2014 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be in

the United Methodist Temple Sanctuary. We will ask more people that attend the Traditional

Service to go to the meeting.

Ireta Kirby,


Duff Street United Methodist Church Conference - April 13, 2014

Pastor Brian opened the meeting with Prayer and read a recommendation from the

Building Study Committee.

The Duff Street UMC Building Study Committee recommends to the Duff Street UMC Church

Conference the following building project: Since our office building is out of compliance

with the fire code due to having only one exit/entrance, we recommend that we bring our

office building up to fire code by adding a new, 2nd entrance and include an elevator, lobby

and additional ministry space as needed. We further recommend that the new addition be

built in such a way to accommodate a second phase which would include a new sanctuary

at a later date, should our situation warrant a 2nd phase.

A discussion was held on the proposal with 81 people in attendance.

Mark Goodwin made the motion to accept the recommendation as is, seconded by Richard

Stalnaker. The vote was done by secret ballot, the results were 72 for and 1 against.

The conference adjourned.

Ireta Kirby,


Minutes Duff Street United Methodist Church Council - April 16, 2014

Present: Pastor Brian, Pastor Dustin, Pastor Marybeth, Bob Hemingway, Bob Fowler, Jim Eakle, Carolyn

Green, Chien, Tyler Spear, Ireta Kirby, Doris McIntyre

Pastor Brian opened the meeting with Prayer. He discussed the Church Conf and the vote, also talked about the

invitation to the meeting on April 28th

at the UM Temple. Jim Eakle will be second in command from Duff

Street. The minutes of the Called Council meeting and the Church Conf. were given to everyone present.

Bob Fowler – Finance secretary distributed the March Cash Journal, all bills and apportionments have been

paid. We are not behind in anything.

Pastor Marybeth reported we did have The Child Protection workshop, Roberta Kennedy did a good job leading

it. We will have the Maundy Thursday service here at Duff Street and the Good Friday evening service at UM

Temple. Easter sunrise service will be at the UM Temple and breakfast and the Cantata at Duff Street.

Traditional service will be at Duff Street. Sunday, April 27th

is Dollar Day for the Celebration of Mission

Event. The Community Meal will be at 5:00pm Sunday, April 27th

followed at 6:00pm by the Cantata repeat

performance “My Redeemer Lives”, we have invited UM Temple and Stealey UM. Pastor Marybeth showed a

picture from Katy Crim of a sign for the Van. Jim Eakle questioned, that the words United Methodist were not

on it, also Clarksburg WV was not. Brian had pictures of different types of steps, to get into the van. Bob

Hemingway will get the steps. We will try to get set up to pick up anyone that needs a ride on Sunday morning.

Carolyn – Food Pantry is doing good and they made 10 food baskets for Easter for 10 families that Connecting

Link gave them the names. They also made 400 bags for backpacks (100 a week), 14 home-schoolers and 10

parents came and helped. Jim Eakle, said “All Harrison County Lions Clubs want to start helping with the

backpack program”.

Doris McIntyre – United Methodist Women will start selling tickets to the Mother’s Day Banquet next week.

The Banquet will be at 6:00pm on May 9, you may have your choice of baked steak or turkey. We have been

collecting baby items for the Celebration of Mission Event, Debby Wagner will donate our basket for the

auction at C.O.M.E. on May 3.

Pastor Dustin – UM Temple has started having food for the neighborhood kids on Friday evenings, they will

have it every Friday. Temple had a Easter party-l Temple kid came and 18 from the community. They are

going to have a program, “The Dangers of the Internet” on April 27 at 2:00pm. Their Youth Group is really

concerned about drugs.

Jim Eakle expressed concern about so few people coming to meetings.

Gayle Leasure will head-up a Community Garden here at Duff Street, backed by E.S.P. and The Daniel Plan


The Church Council will ask the Trustees to have a clean-up day

Next Council meeting will be May 12, 2014 at 7:00pm.

Ireta Kirby, Secretary

Harrison County Homeschoolers R.O.C.K. (Rely On Our Creator and King)

They brought food and they worked to help other children who may not have enough to eat on weekends. It was awesome to have the help of the homeschoolers on Thursday, April 9th to put together the bags of food for the backpack program. Fourteen children from preschool to 6th grade with 10 parents worked together to place the food in each bag. They completed 400 bags of food. The group meets regularly for enrichment activities and do field trips and service projects together. We were blessed to have their help and hope they will come back again. These homeschoolers ROCK!

Annual Postal Carriers Food Drive

Saturday, May 10th

Duff Street Food Pantry – Open Each Tuesday 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

“Stamp Out Hunger!” Annual Postal Carriers Food Drive is Saturday, May 10th. Need volunteers to help carry the food into the pantry, sort and stock the shelves around 4:30 or 5:00 p.m. Call Carolyn Green at (304) 622-2965 if you can help.!

Food Pantry can use Personal Care & Cleaning Supplies: Shampoo, Toothpaste, Bath Soap, Dish Soap, All-Purpose Cleaner Next Backpack Assembly is Thursday, May 8th at 10:00 a.m.

Fourth Annual GCCP Chili Cook-Off Held Duff Street United Methodist Church hosted the Fourth Annual Parish Chili Cook-Off on March 30th, 2014. Eight churches in the Greater Clarksburg Cooperative Parish participated in the event. Pictured are Josh Holden -- Hammond UMC (Third Place), Katy Crim – Duff St. UMC (Second Place) and Rev. Nancy Cale (First Place) – Vincent Memorial UMC. Other competitors were John Chipps – Stealey UMC, Sue Burns – Quiet Dell UMC, Elizabeth Morgan – North

View UMC, Debi Matz – Stonewall Charge and Rev. Saundra Boley – Liberty UMC. $508.00 was collected in support of the Celebration of Mission Event. Wesleyan District C.O.M.E. will be held at Quiet Dell UMC in on Saturday, May 3rd 2014. The mission projects supported by the Event will be Community Development Outreach Ministry in Charleston, The Greater Clarksburg Cooperative Parish, and Tyrand Cooperative Ministries in Mill Creek.


THIRD ANNUAL 5- K Run/Walk for

Open Heart Ministries

WHEN: May 10, 2014

WHERE: Downtown Clarksburg

ENRTY FEE: $20.00

START UP TIME: 8:30 am; registration 7:30 am

Two divisions – male and female; all ages

Many thanks to the Stealey United Methodist Church for their sponsorship for this

event. All proceeds from the 5-K will go to assist Open Heart Ministries- an

ecumenical cooperative outreach ministry in Harrison County. Brochures with

registration are available in the lobby of Multi-Ministries Building.


Friday, May 9th

at 6:00 p.m.

Sponsored by the Duff Street UM Women

Dinner will be catered and is for everyone to honor their mother. You may

not be a mother, but everyone has had one. Everyone is Welcome!

Purchase Tickets after Worship Service

or Call Church Office 304-624-7951

Reservation is required.

Baked Steak or Turkey

Adult $10.

Children age 10 and under $5.



Max & Jim


Mickey McGowan 1 David & Carol Kirby 5

Liz Collett 3 Jimmy & Heather Kirby 7

Riley Sell 3 Chuck & Ann Marsh 12

Jackson Nardella 4 Charles & Betty Pratt 13

Angie Childers 5 Brian & Kari Smith 14

Bill Lance 5 James & Elaine Huey 15

Robbie Hood 6 Gabe & Tenley Miller 15

Ashley George 8 Scott & Alison Sommerville 16

Jeff Hood, Sr. 8 Brady & Maggie Lowther 20

Joshua Jabbour 8 David & Terri Waxman 20

Brian Smith 8 George & Crystal McIntyre 21

Jonah Jabbour 9 Steven & Pat Williams 25

Daniel Minnix 9 Ron & Lois Gilmore 26

Danielle Sprouse 9 Robert & Jessica Cook 29

Amy Keese 10 Larry & Carol Norris 29

Rhonda Riley 10 Charles & Pearl Arnett 30 Grant Dean 11


Nancy Harvey 11

Susie Lance 11 Our Relay for Life Team is busy getting ready

Brandon Lopez 11 for the annual walk which will be held at

Zachary Kreuscher 12 Bridgeport High School on June 6. It is a night

Karen McCoy Deitz 12 of celebration for area Relay for Life Teams and

Steve Sedlock 13 the money that has been raised during the year.

Scott Anderson 15 We hope that many of you will be able to come

Madelynn Eakle 15 out and help us celebrate. You can stay all night

Steve Howard 15 or only for a little while. We would love to see

Jay Waxman 15 you there.

Jim Payne 16

Elizabeth Miller 17 Many thanks for your support for our candle

Phillip Green II 21 and our sub sale. Also we appreciate all the eggs

Luke Harding 21 that were returned with money in them. If any-

Janette Murphy 21 one has an egg left or a water bottle with change

Sarah Sterrett 21 in it, please bring it to one of us. In May we will

Linda Barnes 22 sponsor a bake sale on Election Day, so when

Amanda Hilton 22 you come to vote, pick up some goodies as well.

Margaret Rogers 22 Also some of our kids will be canvassing the

David Kennedy 23 neighborhood collecting for Relay for Life.

Tony Correro 24

Megan Dean 24 We have enlisted the help of UM Temple

Martha Hammitt 24 and hope to get some members from their

Susan Jenkins 24 congregation soon. The good people there have

Brad Johnson 24 been very supportive to our efforts. We would

Carson Webster 24 like to see all of the Methodist churches send

Kim Spear 25 team members to us and support our cause. This

Mollie Stonebreaker 25 will take some time to accomplish. Please

Matthew Dean 26 continue praying for our team and especially

Hunter Kirby 26 those who are dealing with cancer.

Greg Rebrook 26

Susan Seders 27

Pat Williams 27 WE FIGHT FOR LIFE! David Holt 28

Dustin McCune 29

BY OUR PRAYERS QV Baker, Joan Benedum, Alice Bodenheimer, Pat

Bower, Larry Collins, Ron Colston, Terry Cox,

Angie Davis, Don Davis, Harold Davis, Jack Glover,

Betty Goodwin, Martha Hammitt, Jeff Hood Sr.,

Robbie Hood, Susan Jenkins, Keith Mason, Peggy

Morris, Linda Murphy, Mike Nardella, Daniel

Phares, Tom Plemons, Conner Reed, Barry

Robinson, Jill Rokisky, Randy Scott, Jim Slider,

Ashlyn Smith, Barbara Swiger, David Webster

SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN Tec. Sgt. James Queen; Jeremy Glass; Lt. Ryan

Light; Sgt. Nathan Moccia, (deployed to Cuba May

1st for 1 year); Sgt. 1

st Class Bryanna Moccia (Nate’s

wife); Sgt. “JR” Hinkle; Matt Hoalcroft; Amanda

Landers; (Jared Hammitt, now working as a Air

Traffic Controller in Afghanistan)

Our prayers of sympathy and concern to the

Family and Friends of Mrs. Dot Grove. Mrs.

Grove died on April 18, 2014 she was a former

member of Duff Street United Methodist Church

All Duff Street Women Invited for coffee and cookies

Come and see what United

Methodist Women do!

When: Sunday, May 18th

` Time: 10:00 a.m.

Where: Tables in back of

` Worship Area


Worship Sunday Worship

8:45 School 11:00

March 30 85 39 77

April 6 90 30 79

April 13 104 31 91

April 20 200 29 102

YOUR GIFTS April 20, 2014 YTD

Weekly (needed) $6,658.58 $ 106,537.28

Weekly Offering 3,604.21 83,030.98

Other Revenue 213.00 5,701.45

Total Revenue $3,817.21 $88,732.43

(Deficit) $(2,841.37) $ (17,804.85)

Annual Goal for 2014: $346,246.33

2013 Financial statements are ready. If yours is

not in the box at the back of church, please call

Bob Fowler at 304 622-0605.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Wayne Moore – 304-623-3155 If you or a loved

one are hospitalized, please call the Church Office

304 - 624-7951


Martha Hammitt - 304 - 622-3542

COMMUNION SERVERS - Peggy Morris May 8:45 – Lisa and Dustin Stanley

Kathy Holmes

11:00 – Jim and Donna Eakle


8:45am Bob Fowler, Asst. Sherry Smith

11:00am Liz Carder, Virginia Rohrbough

Asst. Bill Ash


8:45am - Arlene Iaquinta

May - Becky and Elizabeth Mearns

11:00am - Virginia Rohrbough

May - Sandra and David Harding

Fulfilling Our Commitment To Christ


First Sunday

of the Month

10:00 Blood Pressure


2:00pm Serve at the


Every Sunday 8:00am Breakfast

8:45am Contemporary

10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional

2:00 Basketball

6:00 Sunday Eve.Service

6:00 Youth

Every Sunday

9:30am God’s Big

Back Yard

Ages 4-12

1 Noon-Eat, Study,


7:30pm Boy Scouts

National Day of



Noon AA Meeting

Women of Faith


10:00 – 1:00pm

Celebration of

Mission Event

Quiet Dell UMC



Native American

Ministries Sunday


5:00pm TOPS

6:00pm Trustees

7:00pm Staff-Parish

6 9:30am Food Pantry

5:30pm Pray 4 Stealey

7 7:00am Prayer


6:00pm Chancel



10:00am Backpack


Noon-Eat, Study,


7:30pm Boy Scouts


Noon AA Meeting

6:00pm Mother’s

Day Banquet


11 Mother’s Day

12 5:00pm TOPS

New Date & Time


Church Council

13 Primary Election

Precinct 33 & 34

9:30am Food Pantry

1:30pm Alpha Christa



5:30pm Pray 4 Stealey

14 7:00am

Prayer Breakfast

6:00pm Chancel

6:00pm VIP Choir

7:00pm Friends of

God Circle at

Paige Moccia’s

15 Noon-Eat, Study,


7:30pm Boy Scouts


Noon AA Meeting

17 RCB Graduation



10:00am UMWCoffee

Honor High School


5:00pm Community


19 5:00pm TOPS

20 9:30am Food Pantry

5:30pm Pray 4 Stealey

21 7:00am

Prayer Breakfast

6:00pm Chancel


6:00pm VIP Choir

22 Noon-Eat, Study,


7:30pm Boy Scouts

23 Noon AA Meeting



26 Memorial Day

Church Office Closed

27 9:30am Food Pantry

5:30pm Pray 4 Stealey

28 7:00am

Prayer Breakfast

6:00pm Chancel


6:00pm VIP Choir

29 Noon-Eat, Study,


7:30pm Scouts


Noon AA Meeting


Duff Street Church * Corner of Baker and Stealey Aves. * Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-624-7951

Duff Street Church Staff: Pastor………………..……..……..……….……Rev. Brian Seders – (

Associate Pastor…………….……………….Marybeth Chien – ( Contemporary Worship Leader……….Dustin McCune – ( Church Secretary.………………..………….Ireta Kirby – (

Music Director………….……….……………Susan Seders – ( Custodians………………………………………Danny Marshall, Vicci Correro Nursery Supervisor…………………………Tara Elder Nursery Assistant………………………….. Janette Murphy Duff Street United Methodist Church 400 Duff Avenue Clarksburg WV 26301-3502

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