

Bible Classes 9:30 AMWorship 10:30 AM

5:30 PMWednesday Bible Classes 7:00 PM

Bibles and copies of sermons are available

Please silence your cell phones

Matthew 11

John the Baptist’s Question & Jesus’ reply

The reproach of the unrepentant

The comfort that will fall on the followers of God


Bible Classes 9:30 AMWorship 10:30 AM

5:30 PMWednesday Bible Classes 7:00 PM

Bibles and copies of sermons are available

Please silence your cell phones

Ephesians 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns

and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord

Hymns Invitation

Red Songbook - - - - - -

Supplemental - - - - - -

The Bible Says…..

The Bible66 books by 40+ authors over 1500 years

Scripture (“Writings”): the OLD and NEW Covenants

1 Timothy 5:18 For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain," and, "The laborer is worthy of his wages."

How Can We Be Sure?We can know there IS a God – by the creation

We can assume the Creator desires us to know Him

The great debate – what did the Creator say?

Why The Bible Is UniqueThe Bible is unique because of five supernatural claims:Its method of being understoodIts ability to be understoodIts totality of valueIts accuracyIts survivability

Claim #1 – God Himself Spoke It2 Timothy 3:16-17Verbal Inspiration – each word is precisely from God

Proverbs 30:5Plenary Inspiration – all of the words are from God

John 13:20Dynamic Inspiration – God moved the writers

II Peter 1:21

Claim #2 – Manner of InterpretationII Peter 1:20-21Not a matter of private interpretationIndicative that this is a legal system

Claim #3 – It Covers All ThingsII Timothy 3:16-17“complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work”

Therefore we are not to:Think beyond what is written – I Corinthians 4:6Add to or take from – Revelation 22:18-19

Claim #4 – You Can Understand ItEphesians 3:3-5It may require diligence

II Timothy 2:15It may not be easy to understand

II Peter 3:16

Claim #5 – It Cannot Be DestroyedI Peter 1:23-25It is supernaturally protectedThis can be seen in comparison

Claim #5 – It Cannot Be DestroyedI Peter 1:23-25It is supernaturally protectedMany have tried to destroy it:

Romans (98-305AD)Catholics (1543)

Comparison of Similar Ancient Texts

"The Gallic Wars" by Julius Caesar : 10 copies, 1000 years afterward"History" by Pliny the Younger: 7 copies, 750 years afterwards"History" by Thucydides: 8 copies, 1300 afterwards"History“ by Herodotus: : 8 copies, 1300 afterwards"Illiad“ by Homer (2nd behind bible) 643 copies, 500 years

The New Testament : 24,000+ early records, 25 years after the fact

Claim #5 – It Cannot Be DestroyedI Peter 1:23-25It is supernaturally protectedThis can be seen in comparisonsMany have tried to destroy it:

Romans (98-305AD)Catholics (1543)

ConclusionsWe ought to have confidence in the Bible

If God lacks the power to reveal His mind to us:

What hope is there that He can remove our sins?

What hope is there that He can raise us from the dead?

Acts 15:11 "But we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they also are."

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