
Mass tourism – good or bad?

By the end of the lesson you will have evaluated the good and bad points to mass tourism to

destinations in the world.

When…? Where…?



What does...

• Mass tourism mean?

Copy out the following definitions.

Mass tourism refers to a large number of

visitors, often on package holidays with accommodation and travel included.

Ecotourism involved protecting the environment and the way of life of local people.

Watch the following video clip.

In your books put two columns,

one for the positive effects of tourism, and one for the negative effects of tourism.

• Can you think of an example of a mass tourism based holiday?

• Have any of you been on a mass tourism holidays?

Explain how this picture sums up mass tourism.

Watch the next video clip, of Benidorm. Look how the coastal resort has changed since the 1950s due to the impact of tourism.

Benidorm is at the Development and Consolidation stage of the Butler model

Card sort

Get your brains alive again – a bit of fun!

Right, you will see either a country name, Or A capital city.

If a country name comes up, you need to Name the capital.

If you see a capital city, you need to name The country.





South Korea








Lesson 10:What is ecotourism?

By the end of the lesson you will know what is meant by the term ecotourism.

So ecotourism...

Is ecotourism, or any tourism, sustainable?

Watch the next video clip that questions whether tourism in general

can be considered sustainable.

How did mass tourism begin?

It is believed it started in the 1960s in the ‘Costas’ of Spain, Benidorm for example.

The growth of mass tourism led to places along the Mediterranean having huge renovations. Where vine-yards and fishing harbours once where, were replaced with a concrete jungle of high-rise flats,

apartments, roads, hotels, airports and enlarged harbours for yachts.

An example of the high-rise concrete jungle in Costa Blanca,


Why do you think these sort of buildings are chosen when places are in the planning stage of development?

Issues of such developments.

With such developments ‘popping up’ all over the Mediterranean resorts, numerous Economic losses can be seen, along with the gains that are made.

Who or what do you think would suffer an economic loss of such developments in the resorts?

Economic losses.

• The local people suffer the most, and often the older people in the community. The elderly are less able to cope with the changes. They loose social ties and cultural traditions become lost.

How gains more from tourism?

• Who do you think benefits more from tourism? An LEDC or an MEDC?

It is believed that MEDCs make more money. Why? Imagine we were to book a holiday

in Goa, India. When we book a holiday we use UK based travel agents, and then our flights are UK or European based, and the hotels we stay in would either be American or European based. Where does the poor country benefit?

Environmental gains – when are they made?

We have looked at the environmental losses, economic gains and the economic losses.

When do you think a place is most likely to see some environmental gains?

Simple...after the damage has been done is When there will be environmental gains. Why?

Activity 3 – 15 minutes.

• Look at the handout you have been given.

• Complete the activity on the worksheet.

Kenya – mini case study.How has Kenya used

tourism?Turn to page 243 in the textbook.

Read through all the Kenya tourism Information and then answer the three questions in the Activities box.

This is a case study, so it is crucial you Complete all information correctly.

Final video, sums up some of the work we

have covered so far on the tourism topic.

Look at the video, and with each of the questions write down in your book whether the answer to the question is true or false.

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