Mass Spectrometry Applications for Comparative Proteomics ...

Post on 26-May-2022






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Mass Spectrometry Applications for Comparative Proteomics and Peptidomic



Robert Stewart Cunningham

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


at the



Date of final oral examination 10412

The dissertation is approved by the following members of the Final Oral Committee

Lingjun Li Professor ChemistryPharmacy

Albee Messing Professor Comparative Biosciences

Lloyd Smith Professor Chemistry

Warren Heideman Professor Pharmacy

Tim Bugni Assistant Professor Pharmacy



I would like to acknowledge the support and guidance from professors colleagues

and friends at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who are indispensable to this thesis

First I would like to express my deep gratitude to my advisor Prof Lingjun Li for

allowing me the freedom to chase scientific endeavors all while offering her constant

guidance assistance and support through my PhD study Her constant energy and

enthusiasm in research have led by example in performing research and inspired me to

make the most of the time given to me Dr Li encouraged me to take on challenging

projects apply for awards travel and present my research to the larger scientific

community None of my work would be achieved without her and I want to thank Dr Li

for her support during these years

I would also like to thank the members of my committee Dr Lingjun Li Dr

Albee Messing Dr Lloyd Smith Dr Warren Heideman and Dr Tim Bugni I truly

appreciate the willingness of these professors to take time out of their busy schedules to

serve as members of my committee

I have benefited greatly from previous members of the Li Lab In particular I

would like to thank Dr James Dowell Dr Xin Wei Dr Robert Sturm and Dr Limei

Hui for their patient and valuable suggestions in my research and also teaching me

valuable experimental skills how to perform general shotgun proteomics and how to use

several instruments Specifically I would like to thank Daniel Wellner who has worked

with me on numerous projects over the past 2 years and has been a constant in my

research life I also want to thank my wonderful current colleagues Jingxin Wang Tyler

ii Greer Chris Lietz Chenxi Jia Dustin Frost Di Ma Hui (Vivian) Ye Nicole Woodards

and Claire Schmerberg for their collaboration in many challenging research projects and

fruitful discussions on various research areas There are too many people to thank each

one individually but every member of the Li lab has in some way contributed to my

learning experience Beyond research work their friendship also made my life here in

Madison much more enjoyable

I would also like to thank our collaborators Dr Albee Messing Dr Warren

Heideman Dr Xin Sun and Dr James Dowell It is my great pleasure to have the

opportunities to work with these amazing people and gain precious experience I have

learned so much from them and their achievements in the field have inspired me to strive

to do the best I could

Furthermore I would like to thank Gary Girdaukas and Dr Cameron Scarlett at

School of Pharmacy for the access of the MALDI-FTMS and Bruker amaZon ion trap


In particular I wish to thank my family my Mom and Step-Dad for raising me

and my Dad for always being there for me They all supported me in my decision to

pursue science and specifically a career in chemistry I would like to thank my Sister

who grew up with me and always led by example in academics Most importantly I

would like to thank my wife Na Liu for her constant support She has inspired and

helped me finish my PhD and always encouraged me to be the best I could be To them

I dedicate this thesis


Table of Contents



Acknowledgements i

Table of Contents iii

Abstract iv

Chapter 1 Introduction brief background and research summary 1

Chapter 2 Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for

biomarker discovery and the current state of the field 15

Chapter 3 Protein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from

transgenic mouse models of Alexander disease detected

using mass spectrometry 73

Chapter 4 Genomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapie 110

Chapter 5 Investigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome

between starved vs glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae 139

Chapter 6 Use of electron transfer dissociation for neuropeptide

sequencing and identification 166

Chapter 7 Investigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss

using molecular weight cut-off fractionation prior to

mass spectrometric analysis 187

Chapter 8 Conclusions and future directions 206

Appendix 1 Protocols for sample preparation for mass spectrometry

based proteomics and peptidomics 217

Appendix 2 Publications and presentations 233



Mass Spectrometry Applications for Comparative Proteomics and

Peptidomic Discovery

Robert Stewart Cunningham

Under the supervision of Professor Lingjun Li

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison


In this thesis multiple biological samples from various diseases models or

treatments are investigated using shotgun proteomics and improved methods are

developed to enable extended characterization and detection of neuropeptides In general

this thesis aims to expand upon the rapidly evolving field of mass spectrometry (MS)-

based proteomics and peptidomics by primarily enhancing small scale sample analysis

A review of the current status and progress in the field of biomarker discovery in

peptidomics and proteomics is presented To this rapidly expanding body of literature

our critical review offers new insights into MS-based biomarker studies investigating

numerous biological samples methods for post-translational modifications quantitative

proteomics and biomarker validation Methods are developed and presented including

immunodepletion for small volume cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples for comparison of

the CSF proteomes between an Alexander disease transgenic mouse model with

overexpression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein and a control animal This thesis also

covers the application of the small scale immunodepletion of CSF for comparative

proteomic analysis of a novel rat adapted scrapie (RAS) model for prion disease and


compares the RAS CSF proteome to control rat CSF using MS Large scale

phosphoproteomics of starved vs glucose fed yeast is presented to better understand the

phosphoproteome changes that occur during glucose feeding Method development for

neuropeptide analysis is expanded upon using electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

fragmentation to successfully sequence for the first time the crustacean hyperglycemic

hormone precursor-related peptide (CPRP) from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus In

addition a method for ETD sequencing of sulfonated neuropeptides using a magnesium

salt adduct in an ion trap mass spectrometer is reported This thesis also reports on a

method for sub-microg peptide isolation when using a molecular weight cut-off filtration

device to improve sample recovery by over 2 orders of magnitude All the protocols used

throughout the work are provided in an easy to use step-by-step format in the Appendix

Collectively this body of work extends the capabilities of mass spectrometry as a

bioanalytical tool for shotgun proteomics and expands upon methods for neuropeptide

discovery and analysis


Chapter 1

Introduction Brief Background and Research Summary



Mass spectrometry based comparative proteomics and improved methods for

neuropeptide discovery have been reported in this thesis A very brief introduction of crustacean

neuropeptidomics is covered in this chapter followed by Chapter 2 which covers in great detail

comparative proteomics using mass spectrometry with an emphasis on biomarker discovery

Chapter 3 reports a novel immunodepletion technique used for comparative proteomics between

glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) overexpressor and control mouse cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Chapter 4 involves rat CSF comparative proteomics between rat adapted scrapie and control

animals Chapter 5 details comparisons of phosphoproteomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

(Bakerrsquos yeast) between starved vs glucose fed conditions Chapter 6 investigates the use of

electron transfer dissociation (ETD) for kDa sized neuropeptides and neuropeptides with tyrosine

sulfonation Chapter 7 presents a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) protocol to allow sub-microg

peptides to be recovered Chapter 8 provides a conclusion to this thesis and outlines future

directions for certain projects



Mass spectrometry (MS) requires gas phase ions for experimental measurement and

intact large nonvolatile biomolecules proved difficult to be analyzed by electron ionization or

chemical ionization until the invention of two soft ionization techniques matrix-assisted laser

desorptionionization (MALDI)1 and electrospray ionization (ESI)

2 ESI and MALDI are the

two most common soft ionization techniques for mass spectrometry Once ionized molecules

such as peptides or proteins can be separated by their mass to charge ratios (mz) using various

mass analyzers manipulating electric andor magnetic fields ESI and MALDI mass

spectrometric techniques have become central analytical methods in biological sciences because

they are suitable for nonvolatile thermally labile analytes in femtomole quantities3 ESI allows

the coupling of high pressure liquid chromatography and the constant flow of solvent is

electrically charged at the outlet to produce a Taylor cone4 During desolvation the Raleigh

limit is reached and a coulombic explosion occurs commonly producing multiply charged ions

A modification of ESI is nanoLC-ESI which operates at nLmin flow rates to analyze low sample

amounts such as proteins or peptides in biological samples5 NanoLC-ESI uses less solvent as

the source because of the reduced flow rate of standard LCMS with an ESI source and nanoLC-

ESI is the predominate inlet for shotgun proteomic ESI MS experiments6 Conversely MALDI

can use sub-microL volume of sample and be co-crystallized with an ultraviolet absorbing organic

matrix that is obliterated using a laser at appropriate wavelength to generate gas phase ions

Alternatively MALDI has the unique capability to work with tissue samples and ionize in the

solid state instead of liquid like ESI


Mass analyzers require an operating pressure between 10-4


Torr to allow proper ion

transfer and separationisolation of the ion based upon its mz Numerous mass analyzers are

currently available and each have their own strengths and weaknesses as shown in Figure 1 The

biomolecules are separated by the mass analyzers and detected without fragmentation which is

termed MS analysis Following MS detection tandem mass spectrometry (MSMS) of the

original precursor ion can be performed to provide additional structural information such as a

ladder sequence of amino acids for peptides Numerous fragmentation techniques are available

for proteomics such as collision induced dissociation (CID) electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

or high energy collision induced dissociation (HCD) Each of these fragmentation techniques

have their own benefits in proteomics experiments and are discussed in depth in Chapter 2 The

background and current status for comparative proteomics with specific emphasis on biomarker

analysis are covered in Chapter 2

Neuropeptidomic Method Development in the Crustacean Model System

Utilizing Mass Spectrometry

Chapter 6 and 7 focus on sample preparation and ETD fragmentation techniques to

characterize neuropeptides in the neuroendocrine organs in the crustacean nervous system

Neuropeptides are short chains of amino acids which are a diverse class of cell-cell signaling

molecules in the nervous system Neuropeptides have been investigated for being involved in

numerous physiological processes such as memory7 learning

8 depression

9 pain

10 reward



sleep-wake cycles13


and feeding15-17

Figure 2 depicts how

neuropeptides are synthesized as pre-prohormones in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and


packaged in the Golgi apparatus After being packaged these pre-prohormones are processed

into bioactive peptides within the vesicle which is occurring during vesicular transport down an

axon and released into the synaptic cleft Secreted neuropeptides stimulate the post synaptic

neurons by interacting with G-protein coupled receptors at the chemical synapse

The crustacean model nervous system is well-defined neural network which has been

used in neurobiology and neuroendocrine (neurosecretory) research and thus lends itself for

studying neuromodulation18-22

Figure 3 shows the locations of several neuroendocrine organs in

the crustacean Callinectes sapidus including the sinus gland (SG) which is studied in Chapter 6

The Lingjun Li lab has focused on neuropeptide discovery and function in crustacean

neuroendocrine organs using mass spectrometry23-25

The work presented in Chapters 6 and 7

expand on sample preparation and analytical tools to further investigate the neuropeptidome

Research Overview

Comparative Proteomics of Biological Samples

Chapter 2 provides a thorough review of comparative proteomics and biomarker analysis

using mass spectrometry The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass

spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics

technologies have evolved to generate large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various

biological and disease progression processes producing testable hypotheses for complex

biological questions This chapter provides an introduction and insight into relevant topics in

proteomics and peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation

separation techniques peptide fragmentation post-translational modifications quantification


bioinformatics and biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and

remaining challenges and emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are discussed

Chapter 3 investigates comparative proteomics between a GFAP overexpressor mouse

model and a control mouses cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) CSF is a low protein content biological

fluid with dynamic range spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in

direct contact with the brain but consist of very abundant proteins similar to serum which require

removal A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment is presented to remove abundant

proteins such as albumin to enhance analysis of the low volumes of CSF that are obtainable

from mice These GFAP overexpressor mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we present the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates are performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in mass

spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation is performed using distributive normalized spectral

abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins with

significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice are identified with validation from

ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD

Chapter 4 explores the CSF proteomics of a novel prion model called rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) A similar IgY immunodepletion technique is presented as in Chapter 3 and is similarly

used to reduce the abundant proteins in CSF CSF from control and RAS (biological N=5

technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase

nanoLC separation In total 512 proteins 167 non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique

peptides are identified with a 1 FDR Comparative analysis was done using dNSAF spectral


counting and 21 proteins were significantly up or down-regulated The proteins are compared to

the 1048 differentially regulated genes and additionally compared to previously published

proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal models Of particular interest is

RAS specific proteins like RNAseT2 which is not up-regulated in mouse prion disease but is

designated as upregulated in both the genomic and proteomics data for RAS

Chapter 5 explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Previous work by the

Heideman lab investigated the transcriptional response to fresh glucose in yeast26

Kinases such

as protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose

response so we described a large scale phosphoproteomic MS based study in this chapter

Yeast cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase

(RP)-RP separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass

spectrometer with neutral loss triggered ETDfragmentation Specifically the CID fragmentation

can cause a neutral loss of 98z from the H3PO4 and can produce an incomplete fragmentation

pattern and lead to ambiguous identification so when the neutral loss is detected ETD MSMS

fragmentation is performed The neutral loss triggered ETD fragmentation is included in this

study to improve phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 phosphopeptides are identified

with 06 FDR and 669 phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Motif analysis of PKA and

phosphosite validation are performed as well


The future of comparative proteomics investigating small sample amounts or PTMs is

promising Further advances in enrichment separations science mass spectrometry

analyzersdetectors and bioinformatics will continue to create more powerful tools that enable

digging deeper in proteomics with both small (mouse CSF) and large (cell extracts) sample


Methods for Neuropeptide Analysis Using ETD fragmentation and Sample


Chapter 6 investigates the utility of ETD fragmentation to sequence endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation in the crustacean Callinectes sapidus The sinus

gland (SG) of the crustacean is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that produces numerous

hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine signaling moleculesmdash

neuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) precursor-

related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) is used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and high charge state In

addition ETD is used to sequence a sulfated peptide cholecystokinin (CCK)-like peptide in the

lobster Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively this chapter presents two

examples of the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or with

labile modifications

Chapter 7 reports a protocol on improving recovery of minute quantities of peptides by

adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off membrane-based

centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities In some biological


fluids such as CSF the endogenous peptide content is very low and using pure water to perform

the MWCO separation produces too much sample loss Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss is reduced over two orders of magnitude with and without undigested

protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein and the

bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and not the

presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-seven

tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while

only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy

presented in Chapter 7 greatly enhances recovery from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide




1 Tanaka K Waki H Ido Y Akita S Yoshida Y Yoshida T Matsuo T Protein and polymer analyses up to mz 100 000 by laser ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1988 2 (8) 151-153

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3 Domon B Aebersold R Mass spectrometry and protein analysis Science 2006 312 (5771) 212-7

4 Whitehouse C M Dreyer R N Yamashita M Fenn J B Electrospray interface for liquid chromatographs and mass spectrometers Anal Chem 1985 57 (3) 675-9

5 Wilm M Mann M Analytical properties of the nanoelectrospray ion source Anal Chem 1996 68 (1) 1-8

6 Karas M Bahr U Dulcks T Nano-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry addressing analytical problems beyond routine Fresenius J Anal Chem 2000 366 (6-7) 669-76

7 Gulpinar M Yegen B The physiology of learning and memory Role of peptides and stress Curr Protein Pept Sci 2004 5 (6) 457-473

8 Ogren S O Kuteeva E Elvander-Tottie E Hokfelt T Neuropeptides in learning and memory processes with focus on galanin In Eur J Pharmacol 2010 Vol 626 pp 9-17

9 Strand F Neuropeptides general characteristics and neuropharmaceutical potential in treating CNS disorders Prog Drug Res 2003 61 1-37

10 Li W Chang M Peng Y-L Gao Y-H Zhang J-N Han R-W Wang R Neuropeptide S produces antinociceptive effects at the supraspinal level in mice Regul Pept 2009 156 (1-3) 90-95

11 Wu C-H Tao P-L Huang E Y-K Distribution of neuropeptide FF (NPFF) receptors in correlation with morphine-induced reward in the rat brain Peptides 2010 31 (7) 1374-1382

12 Tsutsui K Bentley G E Kriegsfeld L J Osugi T Seong J Y Vaudry H Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone and kisspeptin new key neuropeptides controlling reproduction J Neuroendocrinol 2010 22 (7) 716-727

13 Piper D C Upton N Smith M I Hunter A J The novel brain neuropeptide orexin-A modulates the sleep-wake cycle of rats Eur J Neurosci 2000 12 (2) 726-730

14 Tsuneki H Wada T Sasaoka T Role of orexin in the regulation of glucose homeostasis - Tsuneki - 2009 - Acta Physiologica - Wiley Online Library Acta Physiol 2010

15 Kageyama H Takenoya F Shiba K Shioda S Neuronal circuits involving ghrelin in the hypothalamus-mediated regulation of feeding Neuropeptides 2010 44 (2) 133-138

16 Sweedler J V Li L Rubakhin S S Alexeeva V Dembrow N C Dowling O Jing J Weiss K R Vilim F S Identification and characterization of the feeding circuit-activating peptides a novel neuropeptide family of aplysia J Neurosci 2002 22 (17) 7797-7808


17 Jensen J Regulatory peptides and control of food intake in non-mammalian vertebrates Comp Biochem Physiol Part A Mol Integr Physiol 2001 128 (3) 469-477

18 Billimoria C P Li L Marder E Profiling of neuropeptides released at the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer borealis with mass spectrometry J Neurochem 2005 95 (1) 191-199

19 Cape S S Rehm K J Ma M Marder E Li L Mass spectral comparison of the neuropeptide complement of the stomatogastric ganglion and brain in the adult and embryonic lobster Homarus americanus J Neurochem 2008 105 (3) 690-702

20 Cruz Bermuacutedez N D Fu Q Kutz Naber K K Christie A E Li L Marder E Mass

spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of GAHKNYLRFamide a novel FMRFamide‐like peptide from crabs of the genus Cancer J Neurochem 2006 97 (3) 784-799

21 Grashow R Brookings T Marder E Reliable neuromodulation from circuits with variable underlying structure Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009 106 (28) 11742-11746

22 Ma M Szabo T M Jia C Marder E Li L Mass spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of novel crustacean C-type allatostatins Peptides 2009 30 (9) 1660-1668

23 Chen R Hui L Cape S S Wang J Li L Comparative Neuropeptidomic Analysis of Food Intake via a Multi-faceted Mass Spectrometric Approach ACS Chem Neurosci 2010 1 (3) 204-214

24 Li L Sweedler J V Peptides in the brain mass spectrometry-based measurement approaches and challenges Annu Rev Anal Chem 2008 1 451-483

25 Ma M Wang J Chen R Li L Expanding the crustacean neuropeptidome using a multifaceted mass spectrometric approach J Proteome Res 2009 8 (5) 2426-2437

26 Slattery M G Heideman W Coordinated regulation of growth genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Cycle 2007 6 (10) 1210-9


Figure 1 Capabilities and performances of certain mass analyzers Check marks indicate

availability check marks in parentheses indicate optional + ++ and +++ indicate possible or

moderate goodhigh and excellentvery high respectively Adapted with permission from

reference 3


Figure 2 Synthesis processing and release of neuropeptides (a) Cartoon showing two

interacting neurons (b) The synthesis of neuropeptides in the neuronal organelles and their

transport down the axon to the presynaptic terminal is depicted (c) Shows neuropeptide release

and interaction with the dendrite of the post-synaptic cell (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr

Stephanie Cape)


Figure 3 Schematic showing location of the neuronal tissues being analyzed in the MS studies

of neuropeptides in Callinectes sapidus The SGs (sinus glands located in the eyestalks of the

crab) and the POs (pericardial organs located in the chamber surrounding the heart) release

neurohormones into the hemolymph (crab circulatory fluid) The brain is near the STNS

(stomatogastric nervous system neural network that controls the motion of the gut and foregut)

which has direct connections to the STG (stomatogastric ganglion) The STG is located in an

artery so it is continually in contact with hemolymph (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr Robert



Chapter 2

Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics and Peptidomics for Biomarker

Discovery and the Current State of the Field

Adapted from ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and

biomarker discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35



The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass spectrometry-based

proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics technologies have

evolved to produce large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various biological and

disease progression processes producing testable hypothesis for complex biological questions

This review provides an introduction and insight to relevant topics in proteomics and

peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation separation techniques

peptide fragmentation post-translation modifications quantification bioinformatics and

biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and remaining challenges and

emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are presented



The field of proteomics has seen a huge expansion in the last two decades Multiple factors have

contributed to the rapid expansion of this field including the ever evolving mass spectrometry

instrumentation new sample preparation methods genomic sequencing of numerous model

organisms allowing database searching of proteomes improved quantitation capabilities and

availability of bioinformatic tools The ability to investigate the proteomes of numerous

biological samples and the ability to generate future hypothesis driven experiments makes

proteomics and biomarker studies exceedingly popular in biological studies today In addition

the advances in post-translational modification (PTM) analysis and quantification ability further

enhance the utility of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics A subset of proteomics

research is devoted to profiling and quantifying neurologically related proteins and endogenous

peptides which has progressed rapidly in the past decade This review provides a general

overview as outlined in Figure 1 of proteomics technology including methodological and

conceptual improvements with a focus on recent studies and neurological biomarker studies

Biological Material Selection

The choice of biological matrix is an important first step in any proteomics analysis The

ease of sample collection (eg urine plasma or saliva) versus usefulness or localization of

sample (eg specific tissue or proximity fluid) needs to be evaluated early on in a study design

Plasma derived by centrifugation of blood to remove whole cells is a very popular

choice in proteomics due to the high protein content (~65 mg ml1) and the ubiquitous nature of

blood in the body and the ability to obtain large sample amounts or various time points without

the need to sacrifice the animal or to perform invasive techniques Plasma is centrifuged


immediately after sample collection unlike serum where coagulation needs to occur first To

obtain plasma blood is collected in a tube with an anticoagulant added (ETDA heparin or

citrate) and centrifuged but previous reports have shown variable results when heparin has been

used as an anticoagulant2 Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) specifically recommends the

anticoagulants EDTA or citrate to treat plasma3 4

One of the primary concerns with plasma is

degradation of the protein content via endogenous proteases found in the sample5 One way to

address this problem is the use of protease inhibitors In addition freezethaw cycles need to be

minimized to prevent protein degradation and variability6 7

Plasma proteomics has seen

extensive coordinated efforts to start assessing the diagnostic needs using plasma8 HUPO also

has established a public human database for plasma and serum proteomics from 35 collaborating

labratories9 Large dynamic range studies have been performed on plasma with a starting sample

amount of 2625 microl (1575 mg) resulting in 3654 proteins identified with a sub 5 false

discovery rate10

The large dynamic range spanning across eleven orders of magnitude as visualized in

Figure 2 is one of the biggest obstacles in plasma proteomics Figure 2 also shows that as lower

abundance proteins are investigated the origins of those identified proteins are more diverse than

the most abundant proteins Recent mining of the plasma proteome showed an ability to search

for disease biomarker applications across seven orders of magnitude In addition the tissue of

origin for the identified plasma proteins were identified and its origin was more diverse as the

protein concentration decreased11

Plasma has been used as a source for biomarker studies such

as colorectal cancer12 13

cardiovascular disease14

and abdominal aortic aneurysm15


though the blood brain barrier prevents direct blood to brain interaction neurological disorders

such as Alzheimerrsquos disease (AD) have had their proteomes studied using plasma16


An alternative sample derived from blood is serum which is plasma allowed to coagulate

instead of adding anti-coagulates The time for coagulation is usually 30 minutes and during that

time significant and random degradation from endogenous proteases can occur The additional

variability caused from the coagulation process can change the concentration of multiple

potentially valuable biomarkers As biodiversity between samples or organisms is a challenging

endeavor additional sample variability due to serum generation may be undesirable but serum is

still currently being used for biomarker disease studies17

Serum has been used to compare the

proteome differences in neurological diseases such as AD Parkinsonrsquos disease and amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis and a review can be found elsewhere discussing the subject18

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy of brain or spinal cord

in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system and has been used for studies in neurological

disorders due to being a rich source of neuro-related proteins and peptides19

The protein

composition of the most abundant proteins in CSF is well defined and numerous studies exist to

broaden the proteins identified20-22

CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL)

which is ~100 times lower than serum or plasma and over 60 of the total protein content in

CSF consists of a single protein albumin23-25

In addition the variable concentrations of proteins

span up to twelve orders of magnitude further complicating analysis and masking biologically

relevant proteins to any given study26

One of the highest number of identified proteins is from

Schutzer et al with 2630 non-redundant proteins from 14 mL of pooled human CSF This study

involved the removal of highly abundant proteins by performing IgY-14 immunodepletion

followed by two dimensional (2D) liquid chromatography (LC) separation27

Studies have also

been performed to characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in

various diseases in the CSF28 29

One potential pitfall of CSF proteomic analysis is


contamination from blood which can be identified by counting red blood cells present or

examining surrogate markers from blood contamination other than hemoglobin such as

peroxiredoxin catalase and carbonic anhydrase30

A proof of principle CSF peptidomics study

identified numerous endogenous peptides associated with the central nervous system which can

be used as a bank for neurological disorder studies31

Numerous recent reports highlighted the

utility of CSF analysis for biomarker studies in AD32 33


both post-mortem

and ante-mortem35

Cellular lysates offer the distinct advantage to work with a cell line yeast or bacteria

with large amounts of proteins available for analysis36 37

with Saccharomyces cerevisiae being

the most common cell lysate38 39

Other cell lines are also used including HeLa40

and E coli41

The ability to obtain milligrams of proteins easily to scale up experiments without animal

sacrifice offers a clear advantage in biological sample selection Current literature supports

cellular lysate as a valued and sought after source of proteins for large scale proteomics

experiments because of the ability to assess treatments conditions and testable hypotheses42-44

Cellular lysate from rat B104 neuroblastoma cell line was used as an in vitro model for cerebral

ischemia and showed abundance changes in multiple proteins involved in various neurological


Other Sources of Biological Samples


The urine proteome appears to be another attractive reservoir for biomarker discovery

due to the relatively low complexity compared with the plasma proteome and the noninvasive

collection of urine Urine is often considered as an ideal source to identify biomarkers for renal


diseases due to the fact that in healthy adults approximately 70 of the urine proteome originate

from the kidney and the urinary tract 46

thus the use of urine to identify neurological disorders is

neglected However strong evidence have shown that proteins that are associated with

neurodegenerative diseases can be excreted in the urine47-49

indicating the application of urine

proteomics could be a useful approach to the discovery of biomarkers and development of

diagnostic assays for neurodegenerative diseases However the current view of urine proteome

is still limited by factors such as sample preparation techniques and sensitivity of the mass

spectrometers There has been a tremendous drive to increase the coverage of urine proteome

In a recent study Court et al compared and evaluated several different sample preparation

methods with the objective of developing a standardized robust and scalable protocol that could

be used in biomarkers development by shotgun proteomics50

In another study Marimuthu et al

reported the largest catalog of proteins in urine identified in a single study to date The

proteomic analysis of urine samples pooled from healthy individuals was conducted by using

high-resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry A total of 1823 proteins were identified

of which 671 proteins have not been previously reported in urine 51


For diagnosis purposes saliva collection has the advantage of being an easy and non-

invasive technique The recent studies on saliva proteins that are critically involved in AD and

Parkinsonrsquos diseases suggested that saliva could be a potentially important sample source to

identify biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases Bermejo-Pareja et al reported the level of

salivary Aβ42 in patients with mild AD was noticeably increased compared to a group of

controls 52

In another study Devic et al identified two of the most important Parkinsons


disease related proteinsmdash α-synuclein (α-Syn) and DJ-1 in human saliva 53

They observed that

salivary α-Syn levels tended to decrease while DJ-1 levels tended to increase in Parkinsons

disease The published results from this study also suggest that α-Syn might correlate with the

severity of motor symptoms in Parkinsons disease Due in part to recent advancements in MS-

based proteomics has provided promising results in utilizing saliva to explore biomarkers for

both local and systemic diseases 54 55

the further profiling of saliva proteome will provide

valuable biomarker discovery source for neurodegenerative diseases


Compared to body fluids such as plasma serum and urine where the proteomic analysis

is complicated by the wide dynamic range of protein concentration the analysis of tissue

homogenates using the well-established and conventional proteomic analysis techniques has the

advantage of reduced dynamic range However the homogenization and extraction process may

suffer from the caveat that spatial information is lost which would be inadequate for the

detection of biomarkers whose localization and distribution play important roles in disease

development and progression Matrix-assisted laser desorptionionization (MALDI) imaging

mass spectrometry (IMS) is a method that allows the investigation of a wide range of molecules

including proteins peptides lipids drugs and metabolites directly in thin slices of tissue 56-59

Because this technology allows for identification and simultaneous localization of biomolecules

of interests in tissue sections linking the spatial expression of molecules to histopathology

MALDI-IMS has been utilized as a powerful tool for the discovery of new cancer biomarker

candidates as well as other clinical applications60 61

The utilization of MALDI-IMS for human

or animal brain tissue to identify or map the distribution of molecules related to

neurodegenerative diseases were also recently reported62 63



There has been an increasing interest in the study of proteins secreted by various cells

(the secretomes) from tissue-proximal fluids or conditioned media as a potential source of

biomarkers Cell secretomes mainly comprise proteins that are secreted or are shed from the cell

surface and these proteins can play important role in both physiological processes (eg cell

signaling communication and migration) and pathological processes including tumor

angiogenesis differentiation invasion and metastasis In particular the study of cancer cell

secretomes by MS based proteomics has offered new opportunities for cancer biomarker

discovery as tumor proteins may be secreted or shed into the bloodstream and could be used as

noninvasive biomarkers The latest advances and challenges of sample preparation sample

concentration and separation techniques used specifically for secretome analysis and its clinical

applications in the discovery of disease specific biomarkers have been comprehensively

reviewed64 65

Here we only highlight the proteomic profiling of neural cells secretome that has

been applied to neurosciences for a better understanding of the roles secreted proteins play in

response to brain injury and neurological diseases The LC-MS shotgun identification of

proteins released by astrocytes has been recently reported66-68

In these studies the changes

observed in the astrocyte secretomes induced by inflammatory cytokines or cholinergic

stimulation were investigated6667

Alternatively our group performed 2D-LC separation and

included cytoplasmic protein extract from astrocytes as a control to identify cytoplasmic protein

contaminants which are not actively secreted from cells68

Sample Preparation


Proteomic analysis and biomarker discovery research in biological samples such as body

fluids tissues and cells are often hampered by the vast complexity and large dynamic range of

the proteins Because disease identifying biomarkers are more likely to be low-abundance

proteins it is imperative to remove the high-abundance proteins or apply enrichment techniques

to allow detection and better coverage of the low-abundance proteins for MS analysis Several

strategies including depletion and protein equalizer approach have been used during sample

preparation to reduce sample complexity69 70

and the latest advances of these methods have been

reviewed by Selvaraju et al 71

Alternatively the complexity of biological samples can be

reduced by capturing a specific subproteome that may have the biological information of interest

The latter strategy is especially useful in the biomarker discovery where the changes in the

proteome are not solely reflected through the concentration level of specific proteins but also

through changes in the post-translational modifications (PTMs) Here we will mainly discuss

the enrichment of phosphoproteinpeptides glycoproteinpeptides and sample preparation for

peptidomics and membrane proteins


Phosphorylation can act as a molecular switch on a protein by turning it on or off within

the cell It is thought that up to 30 of the proteins can be phosphorylated72

and it plays

significant roles in such biological processes as the cell cycle and signal transduction73

Currently tens of thousands of phosphorylation sites can be proposed using analytical methods

available today74 75

The amino acids that are targeted for phosphorylation studies are serine

threonine and tyrosine with the abundance of detection decreasing typically in that order Other


amino acids have been reported to be phosphorylated but traditional phosphoproteomics

experiments ignore these rare events76

In a typical large-scale phosphoproteomics experiment the sample size is usually in

milligram amounts to account for the low stoichiometry of phosphorylated proteins The large

amount of protein is then digested typically with trypsin but alternatively experiments have

been performed with Lys-C digestion to produce large enzymatic peptides The larger peptides

produced from Lys-C render higher charged peptides during electrospray ionization (ESI) and

allow improved electron-based fragmentation to determine specific sites of phosphorylation77

From the pool of peptides phosphopeptides must be enriched otherwise they will be masked by

the vast number and higher ionization efficiency of non-phosphorylated peptides The two most

common enrichment techniques are immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and

metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC) TiO2 being the most common oxide used for this

purpose A recent study reported that phosphorylation of neuronal intermediate filament proteins

in neurofibrillary tangles are involved in Alzheimerrsquos disease78


Protein glycosylation is one of the most common and complicated forms of PTM Types

of protein glycosylation in eukaryotes are categorized as either N-linked where glycans are

attached to asparagine residues in a consensus sequence N-X-ST (X can be any amino acid

except proline) via an N-acetylglucosamine (N-GlcNAc) residue or the O-glycosylation where

the glycans are attached to serine or threonine Glycosylation plays a fundamental role in

numerous biological processes and aberrant alterations in protein glycosylation are associated

with neurodegenerative disease states such as Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (CJD) and AD79 80


Due to the low abundance of glycosylated forms of proteins compared to non-glycosylated

proteins it is essential to enrich glycoproteins or glycopeptides in complex biological samples

prior to MS analysis Two of the most common enrichment methods used in glycoproteomics are

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) and hydrazide chemistry The detailed methodologies of

LAC hydrazide chemistry and other enrichment methods in glycoproteomics have been

extensively reviewed in the past81 82

In particular LAC is of great interest in studies of

glycosylation alterations as markers of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases due to its recent

applications in brain glycoproteomics83

Our group has utilized multi-lectin affinity

chromatography containing concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to enrich

N-linked glycoproteins in control and prion-infected mouse plasma84

This method enabled us to

identify a low-abundance glycoprotein serum amyloid P-component (SAP) PNGase F digestion

and Western blotting validation confirmed that the glycosylated form of SAP was significantly

elevated in mice with early prion infection and it could be potentially used as a diagnostic

biomarker for prion diseases

Membrane proteins

Membrane proteins play an indispensable role in maintaining cellular integrity of their

structure and perform many important functions including signaling transduction intercellular

communication vesicle trafficking ion transport and protein translocationintegration85

However due to being relatively insoluble in water and low abundance it is challenging to

analyze membrane proteins by traditional MS-based proteomics approaches Numerous efforts

have been made to improve the solubility and enrichment of membrane proteins during sample

preparation Several comprehensive studies recently covered the commonly used technologies in


membrane proteomics and different strategies that circumvent technical issues specific to the

membrane 86-90

Recently Sun et al reported using 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium

tetrafluoroborate (BMIM BF4) an ionic liquid (IL) as a sample preparation buffer for the

analysis of integral membrane proteins (IMPs) by microcolumn reversed phase liquid

chromatography (μRPLC)-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSMS)

The authors compared BMIM BF4 to the other commonly used solvents such as sodium dodecyl

sulfate methanol Rapigest and urea but they found that the number of identified IMPs from rat

brain extracted by ILs was significantly increased The improved identifications could be due to

the fact that BMIM BF4 has higher thermal stability and thus offered higher solubilizing ability

for IMPs which provided better compatibility for tryptic digestion than traditionally used solvent


In addition to characterization of membrane proteome the investigation of PTMs on

membrane proteins is equally important for characterization of disease markers and drug

treatment targets Phosphorylations and glycosylations are the two most important PTMs for

membrane proteins In many membrane protein receptors the cytoplasmic domains can be

phosphorylated reversibly and function as signal transducers whereas the receptor activities of

the extracellular domains are mediated via N-linked glycosylation Wiśniewski et al provides an

informative summary on recent advances in proteomic technology for the identification and

characterization of these modifications91

Our group has pioneered the development of detergent

assisted lectin affinity chromatography (DALAC) for the enrichment of hydrophobic

glycoproteins using mouse brain extract92

We compared the binding efficiency of lectin affinity

chromatography in the presence of four commonly used detergents and determined that under

certain concentrations detergents can minimize the nonspecific bindings and facilitate the

elution of hydrophobic glycoproteins In summary NP-40 was suggested as the most suitable


detergent for DALAC due to the higher membrane protein recovery glycoprotein recovery and

membranous glycoprotein identifications compared to other detergents tested In a different

study on mouse brain membrane proteome Zhang et al reported an optimized protocol using

electrostatic repulsion hydrophilic interaction chromatography (ERLIC) for the simultaneous

enrichment of glyco- and phosphopeptides from mouse brain membrane protein preparation93

Using this protocol they successfully identified 544 unique glycoproteins and 922 glycosylation

sites which were significantly higher than those using the hydrazide chemistry method

Additionally a total of 383 phosphoproteins and 915 phosphorylation sites were identified

suggesting that the ERLIC separation has the potential for simultaneous analysis of both glyco-

and phosphoproteomes


Peptidomics can be loosely defined as the study of the low molecular weight fraction of

proteins encompassing biologically active endogenous peptides protein fragments from

endogenous protein degradation products or other small proteins such as cytokines and signaling

peptides Studies can involve endogenous peptides94

peptidomic profiling33

and de novo

sequencing of peptides95 96

Neuropeptidomics focuses on biologically active short segments of

peptides and have been investigated in numerous species including Rattus97 98

Mus musculus99

100 Bovine taurus

101 Japanese quail diencephalon

102 and invertebrates

103-106 The isolation of

peptides is typically performed through molecular weight cut-offs from either biofluids such as

CSF plasma or tissue extracts If the protein and peptide content is high such as for tissue or cell

lysates protein precipitation can be done via high organic solvents and the resulting supernatant

can be analyzed for extracted peptides where extraction solvent and conditions could have a


significant effect on what endogenous peptides are extracted from tissue107

A comparative

peptidomic study of human cell lines highlights the utility of finding peptide signatures as

potential biomarkers108

A thorough review of endogenous peptides and neuropeptides is beyond

the scope of this review and an excellent review on this topic is available elsewhere109

Fractionation and Separation

The mass spectrometer has a limited duty cycle and data dependent analysis can only

scan a limited number of mz peaks at any given time In addition significant ion suppression

can occur if there is a difference in concentration between co-eluting peptides or if too many

peptides co-elute Therefore one of the biggest challenges in biomarker discovery is the

complexity of the sample and the presence of high-abundance proteins in body fluids such as

CSF serum and plasma In addition to the removal of the most abundant proteins by

immunodepletion the reduction of the complexity of the sample by further fractionation is

indispensable to facilitate the characterization of unidentified biomarkers from the low

abundance proteins Traditionally used techniques for complex protein analysis include gel

based fractionation methods such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE) and its

variation two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) or non-gel based such as

one- or multidimensional liquid chromatography (LC) and microscale separation techniques

such as capillary electrophoresis (CE)

2D-GE MS has been widely used as a powerful tool to separate proteins and identify

differentially expressed proteins ever since 2D gels were coupled to mass spectrometry In 2D-

GE MS thousands of proteins can be separated on a single gel according to pI and molecular

weight Individual protein spots that show differences in abundance between different samples


can then be excised from the gel digested into peptides and analyzed by MALDI MS or by

liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MSMS) for protein identification The

introduction of 2D-DIGE adds a quantitative strategy to gel electrophoresis by enabling multiple

protein extracts to be separated on the same 2D gel thus providing comparative analysis of

proteomes in complex samples In 2D-DIGE protein extracts from two different conditions and

an internal standard can be labeled with fluorescent dyes for example Cy3 Cy5 and Cy2

respectively prior to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis Compared to traditional 2D-GE 2D-

DIGE provides the clear advantage of overcoming the inter-gel variation problem 110


profiling of CSF by 2D-GE and 2D-DIGE has led to the identification of putative biomarkers in

multiple neurological disorders For example Brechlin et al reported an optimized 2-DIGE

protocol profiled CSF from 36 CJD patients The applicability of their approach was proven by

the detection of known CJD biomarkers such as 14-3-3 protein neuron-specific enolase lactate

dehydrogenase and other proteins that are potentially relevant to CJD 111

In another study to

identify novel CSF biomarkers for multiple sclerosis CSF from 112 multiple sclerosis patients

and control individuals were analyzed by 2D-GE MS for comparative proteomics Ten potential

multiple sclerosis biomarkers were selected for validation by immunoassay 112


methodologies sample preparation techniques and applications of 2D-DIGE in

neuroproteomics were reviewed by Diez et al113

Although 2D gel provides excellent resolving

power and capability to visualize abundance changes there are some limitations to the method

For example gel based separation is not suitable for low abundance proteins extremely basic or

acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins114 115

Complementary to gel-based approaches shotgun proteomics coupled to LC have

become increasingly popular in proteomic research because they are reproducible highly


automated and capable of detecting low abundance proteins Furthermore another advantage of

LC-MS shotgun proteomics is the suitability for isotope labeling for protein quantification which

is reviewed in a later section In shotgun proteomics a protein mixture is digested and resulting

peptides are separated by LC prior to tandem MS fragmentation to identify different proteins by

peptide sequencing The most common separation for shotgun proteomics peptidomics or top-

down proteomics experiments use low-pH reversed phase (RP) C18 C8 or C4 columns RPLC

is well established which provides high resolution desalts the sample which can interfere with

ionization and the mobile phase is compatible with ESI Nanoscale C18 columns allow for

separation and introduction of sub microgram samples If larger amounts of sample are

available two dimensional separations are usually preferred to greatly enhance the coverage of

the investigated proteome which will be discussed in depth later It is preferable to have an

orthogonal separation method and since RP separates via hydrophobicity strong cation exchange

(SCX) was the original choice due to its separation by charge MudPIT (multidimensional

protein identification technology) usually refers to the use of SCX as the first phase of separation

and is a well-established platform116

SCX has the advantage over RP separation technologies to

effectively remove interfering detergents from the sample SCX separation is not based solely

off charge and hydrophobicity contributes to elution therefore a small amount of organic

modifier usually 10-15 is added to lessen the hydrophobicity effects117

The addition of

organic modifiers needs to be minimized otherwise binding to the C18 trap cartridge or C18

column will be reduced if performed on-line SCX can be used for PTMs and offers specific

applications for proteomic studies and an excellent current review is offered on this subject


An alternative MudPIT separation scheme employing high pH RPLC as the first

phase of separation and low pH RPLC in the second dimension (RP-RP) has been successfully


applied to the proteomic analysis of complex biological samples119 120

The advantage of using

RP as the first dimension is the higher resolution for separation and better compatibility with

down-stream MS detection by eliminating salt Song et al reported a phosphoproteome analysis

based on this 2D RP-RP coupling scheme121

Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) employs distinct separation modality

where the retention of peptides is increased with increasing polarity122

The loading of sample is

done by high organic and eluted by increasing the percentage of the aqueous phase or polarity of

the mobile phase opposite from RPLC thus establishing orthogonality of the two separation


HILIC has quickly become a very useful method and is actively used for proteomic


for increased sensitivity125




quantification studies128

An alternative and modification to HILIC is ERLIC which adds an

additional mode of separation by electrostatic attraction An earlier study using ERLIC

demonstrated the ability to separate phosphopeptides from non-phosphorylated peptides at


A recent study looking into changes in the phosphoproteome of Marekrsquos Disease

applied ERLIC to chicken embryonic fibroblast lysate identifying only 13 phosphopeptides

out of all the identified peptides Due to the lack of isolation of phosphopeptides from ERLIC

the investigators performed immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) enrichment on

the fractions increasing identification of phosphopeptides over 50 fold130

A comparative study

of ERLIC to HILIC and SCX following TiO2 phospho-enrichment reported that

SCXgtERLICgtHILIC for phosphopeptide identifications126

Recent developments in instrumentation to combine LC with ion mobility spectrometry

(IMS) and MS (LC-IMS-MS) offered more advantages than conventional LC due to the rapid

high-resolution separations of analytes based on their charge mass and shape as reflected by


mobility in a given buffer gas The mobility of an ion in a buffer gas is determined by the ionrsquos

charge and its collision cross-section with the buffer gas The methodologies of IMS separations

and the application of LC-IMS-MS for the proteomics analysis of complex systems including

human plasma have been reviewed by Clemmerrsquos group131-133

They proposed a method that

employs intrinsic amino acid size parameters to obtain ion mobility predictions which can be

used to rank candidate peptide ion assignments and significantly improve peptide identification


Although 2D gel and LC are routinely used as separation techniques in MS-based

proteomics capillary electrophoresis (CE) has received increasing attention as a promising

alternative due to the fast and high-resolution separation it offers CE has a wide variety of

operation modes among which capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and capillary isoelectric

focusing (CIEF) have the greatest potential applications in MS-based proteomics thus will be

highlighted here CZE separates analytes by their charge-to-size ratios in buffers under a high

electrical field and is often used as the final dimension prior to MS analysis while the separation

feature of CIEF is based on isoelectric point and this technique is more suitable to be used as the

first dimension separation Detailed description of different CEndashMS interfaces sample

preconcentration and capillary coating to minimize analyte adsorption could be found in several


CE technique is complementary to conventional LC in that it is suitable for the

analysis of polar and chargeable compounds Dovichirsquos group conducted proteomic analysis of

the secreted protein fraction of Mycobacterium marinum which has intermediate protein


The tryptic digests were either analyzed by UPLC-ESI-MSMS in triplicates or

prefactionated by RPLC followed by CZE-ESI-MSMS It was demonstrated that the two

methods identified similar numbers of peptides and proteins within similar analysis times


However CZE-ESI-MSMS analysis of the prefractionated sample tended to identify more

peptides that are basic and have lower mz values than those identified by UPLC-ESI-MSMS

This analysis also presented the largest number of protein identifications by using CE-MSMS

suggesting the effectiveness of prefractionation of complex samples by LC method prior to CZE-

ESI-MSMS The use of CIEF as the first dimension of separation provides both sample

concentration and excellent resolving power The combination of CIEF and RPLC separation

has been applied to the proteomic analyses where the amount of protein sample is limited and

cannot meet the requirement of minimal load amount for 2D LC-MSMS143 144

So far CE-MS

has been widely applied to the proteomic analysis of various biological samples such as urine145

146 CSF

147 blood

148 frozen tissues

149 and the formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE)

tissue samples150

The recent CEndashMS applications to clinical proteomics have been summarized

in several reviews135 151 152

Protein Quantification

In 2D gel electrophoresis the quantitative analysis of protein mixtures is performed on

the gel by comparing the intensity of the protein stain The development of 2D-DIGE eliminated

the gel-to-gel variation and greatly improved the quantitative capability and reliability of 2D gel


However the accuracy of 2D gel based protein quantification suffers from the

limitations that a seemingly single gel spot often contains multiple proteins and the difficulty of

detecting proteins with extreme molecular weights and pI values as well as highly hydrophobic

proteins such as membrane proteins Therefore non-gel based shotgun proteomics technology is

more suitable for accurate and large-scale protein identification and quantification in complex

samples Briefly the quantification in non-gel based shotgun proteomics can be categorized into


two major approaches stable isotope labeling-based and label-free methods The common

strategies for quantitative proteomic analysis are reviewed and summarized in Table 1

Isotope labeling methods

Because stable isotope-labeled peptides have the same chemical properties as their

unlabeled counterparts the two peptides within a mixture should exhibit identical behaviors in

MS ionization The mass difference introduced by isotope labeling enables the detection of a

pair of two distinct peptide masses by MS within the mixture and allowing for the measurement

of the relative abundance differences between two peptides Depending on how isotopes are

incorporated into the protein or peptide these labeling methods can be divided into two groups

In vitro chemical derivatization techniques which incorporate a label or tag into the peptide or

protein during sample preparation metabolic labeling techniques which introduce the isotope

label directly into the organism via isotope-enriched nutrients from food or media

1 In vitro derivatization techniques

There are multiple methods to introduce heavy isotopes into proteins or peptides in vitro

The commonly used strategies include 18

O 16

O enzymatic labeling Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag

(ICAT) Tandem Mass Tags (TMTs) and Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification

(iTRAQ) The 18

O labeling method enzymatically cleaves the peptide bond with trypsin in the

presence of 18

O-enriched H2O and introduces 4-Da mass shift in the tryptic peptides153


advantages of this method include 18

O-enriched water is extremely stable tryptic peptides will

be labeled with the same mass shift secondary reactions inherent to other chemical labeling can

be avoided Conversely widespread use of 18

O-labeling has been hindered due to the difficulty

of attaining complete 18

O incorporation and the lack of robustness154 155

Currently ICAT


TMTs and iTRAQ methods are extensively used in quantitative proteomics In ICAT cysteine

residues are specifically derivatized with a reagent containing either zero or eight deuterium

atoms as well as a biotin group for affinity purification of cysteine-containing peptides156 157

The advantage of ICAT is that the affinity purification via biotin moiety can facilitate the

detection of low-abundance cysteine-containing peptides In addition the mass difference

introduced by labeling increases mass spectral complexity with quantification from the different

precursor masses done by MS and peptide identification being achieved through tandem MS

(MSMS) This added complexity from different peptide masses was addressed by using isobaric

labeling methods such as TMTs and iTRAQ 158 159

where the same peptides in different samples

are isobaric after tagging and appear as single mz in MS scans thus enhancing the peptide limit

of detection and reducing the MS scan complexity Isobaric labeling reagents are composed of a

primary amine reactive group and an isotopic reporter group linked by an isotopic balancer group

for the normalization of the total mass of the tags The reporter group serves for quantification

purpose since it is cleaved during collision-induced dissociation (CID) to yield a characteristic

isotope-encoded fragment Moreover isobaric labeling methods allow the comparison of

multiple samples within a single experiment Recently a 6-plex version of TMTs was


and iTRAQ enables up to eight samples to be labeled and relatively quantified in a

single experiment161

8-plex iTRAQ reagents have been used for the comparison of complicated

biological samples such as CSF in the studies of neurodegenerative diseases 162

Recently our

group developed a novel N N-dimethyl leucine (DiLeu) 4-plex isobaric tandem mass (MS2)

tagging reagents with high quantitation efficacy DiLeu has the advantage of synthetic simplicity

and greatly reduced synthesis cost compared to TMTs and iTRAQ163

Xiang et al demonstrated

that DiLeu produced comparable iTRAQ ability for protein sequence coverage (~43) and


quantitation accuracy (lt15) for tryptically digested proteins More importantly DiLeu

reagents could promote enhanced fragmentation of labeled peptides thus allowing more

confident peptide and protein identifications

2 In Vivo Metabolic Labeling

Metabolic processes can also be employed for the incorporation of stable-isotope labels

into the proteins or organisms by enriching culture media or food with light or heavy versions of

isotope labels (2H


15N) The advantage of in vivo labeling is that metabolic labeling does

not suffer from incomplete labeling which is an inherent drawback for in vitro derivatization

techniques In addition metabolic labeling occurs from the start of the experiment and proteins

with light or heavy labels are simultaneously extracted thus reducing the error and variability of

quantification introduced during sample preparation The most widely used strategy for

metabolic labeling is known as stable-isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)

which was introduced by Mann and co-workers164 165

In SILAC one cell population is grown

in normal or light media while the other is grown in heavy media enriched with a heavy

isotope-encoded (typically 13

C or 15

N) amino acid such as arginine or leucine Cells from the

two populations are then combined proteins are extracted digested and analyzed by MS The

relative protein expression differences are then determined from the extracted ion

chromatograms from both the light and heavy peptide forms SILAC has been shown to be a

powerful tool for the study of intracellular signal transduction In addition this technique has

recently been applied to the quantitative analysis of phosphotyrosine (pTyr) proteomes to

characterize pTyr-dependent signaling pathways166 167


Labe-free quantification

Although various isotope labeling methods have provided powerful tools for quantitative

proteomics several limitations of these approaches are noted Labeling increases the cost and

complexity of sample preparation introduces potential errors during the labeling reaction It also

requires a higher sample concentration and complicates data processing and interpretation In

addition so far only TMTs and iTRAQ allow the comparison of multiple (up to eight) samples

simultaneously The comparison of more than eight samples in a single experiment cannot be

achieved by isotope labeling In order to address these concerns there has been significant

interest in the development of label-free quantitative approaches Current label-free

quantification methods for MS-based proteomics were developed based on the observation that

the chromatographic peak area of a peptide168 169

or frequency of MSMS spectra170


to the protein or peptide concentration Therefore the two most common label-free

quantification approaches are conducted by comparing (i) area under the curve (AUC) of any

given peptides171 172

or (ii) by frequency measurements of MSMS spectra assigned to a protein

commonly referred to as spectral counting173

Several recent reviews provided detailed and

comprehensive knowledge comparing label-free methods with labeling methods data processing

and commercially available software for label-free quantitative proteomics174-177

Dissociation Techniques

The vast majority of proteomic experiments have proteins or peptides being identified by

two critical pieces of data obtained from the mass spectrometer The first is the precursor ion

identified by its mz which is informative to the mass of the peptide being analyzed The second

is the use of tandem mass spectrometry to fragment or dissociate the precursor ion and record the


generated fragment ion pattern to discern the amino acid sequence The three most popular

dissociation or fragmentation techniques for peptides are CID electron-transfer dissociation

(ETD) and high-energy collision dissociation (HCD) A recent study on the human plasma

proteome demonstrated that combined fragmentation techniques enhance coverage by providing

complementary information for identifications CID enabled the greatest number of protein

identifications while HCD identified an additional 25 proteins and ETD contributed an

additional 13 protein identifications178


Electron capture dissociation (ECD) 179

preceded ETD but ECD was developed for use

in a Penning trap for Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometers

ECD requires the ion of interest to be in contact with near-thermal electrons and for the electron

capture event to occur on the millisecond time scale but the time scale is inadequate for electron

trapping in Paul traps or quadrupoles in the majority of mass spectrometers180

ETD involves a

radical anion like fluoranthene with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation

which results in more uniform cleavage along the peptide backbone The cation accepts an

electron and the newly formed odd-electron protonated peptide undergoes fragmentation by

cleavage of the N-Cα bond which results in fragmentation ions consisting of c- and zbull-type

product ions The uniformed cleavage results in reduced sequence discrimination to labile bonds

such as PTMs and also provides improved sequencing for larger peptides compared to CID181

The realization that larger peptides produced better MSMS quality spectra compared to CID led

to a decision tree analysis strategy where peptide charge states and size determined whether the

precursor peptide would be fragmented with CID or ETD182

One of the main benefits of

ETDECD is the ability to sequence peptides with labile PTMs such as phosphorylation77 183





and histone modifications187

ETD also has the

benefit of providing better sequence information on larger neuropeptides when compared to


However a thorough analysis suggested that CID still yielded more peptideprotein

identifications than ETD in large scale proteoimcs189


High energy collision dissociation (HCD)190

is an emerging fragmentation technique that

offers improved detection of small reporter ions from iTRAQ-based studies191 192

HCD is

performed at a higher energy in a collision cell instead of an ion trap like CID thus HCD does

not suffer from the low-mass cutoff limitation Furthermore HCD offers enhanced

fragmentation efficiency assisting in MSMS spectra interpretation and protein identification193

A major drawback for HCD is that the spectral acquisition times are up to two-fold longer due to

increased ion requirement for Fourier transform detection in the orbitrap194

HCD has been

reported to increase phosphopeptide identifications over CID74

but in a different study CID was

reported to offer more phosphopeptide identifications over HCD194

Work has also been done to

transfer the decision tree analysis for HCD which basically switches CID with HCD claiming

better quality data determined by higher Mascot scores with more peptide identifications195


Data dependent acquisition (DDA) is the most commonly used ion selection process in

mass spectrometers for proteomic experiments An alternative process which does not have ion

selection nor switch between MS and MSMS modes is termed MSE MS

E is a data independent

mode and does not require precursor ions of a significant intensity to be selected for MSMS


A data independent mode decouples the mass spectrometer choosing which

precursor ions to fragment and when the ions are fragmented MSE works by a low or high


energy scan and no ion isolation is occurring The low energy scan is where the precursor ion is

not fragmented and the high energy scan allows fragmentation The resulting mix of precursor

and fragmentation ions is then detected simultaneously197

The data will then need to be

deconvoluted using a proprietary time-aligned algorithm that is discussed elsewhere198


continuous data independent acquisition allows multiple MSMS spectra to be collected during

the natural analyte peak broadening observed in chromatography which provides more data

points for AUC label-free quantification In addition lower abundance peptides can be

sequenced as more MSMS spectra are collected throughout the elution of an LC peak allowing

better signal averaging for smaller analyte peak of interest during coelution and reducing

sampling bias in typical DDA experiments where only more abundant peaks can be selected for


A comparison of spiked internal protein standards into a complex protein digest provided

evidence that MSE was comparable to DDA analysis in LC-MS

199 MS

E has been used for label

free proteomics of immunodepleted serum in large scale proteomics samples200

In addition

MSE was performed for the characterization of human cerebellum and primary visual cortex

proteomes Hundreds of proteins were identified including many previously reported in

neurological disorders201

MSE is quickly becoming a versatile data acquisition method recently

used in such studies as cancer cells202


and pituitary proteome discovery204

The usefulness of MSE as an unbiased data acquisition method is being assimilated into multiple

proteomics studies including studies involving neurological disorders

Data Analysis


One of the major bottlenecks in non-targeted proteomic experiments is how to handle the

enormous amount of data obtained Database searches biostatistical analysis de novo

sequencing PTM validation all have their place and multiple available platforms are available

If the organism being studied has had its genome sequenced databases can be created

with a list of proteins in the FASTA format to be used in database searching There are

numerous database searching algorithms for sequence identification of MSMS data including





and PEAKS209

These searching algorithms are

performed by matching MSMS spectra and precursor mass to sequences found within proteins

How well the actual spectra match the theoretical spectra determines a score which is unique to

the searching algorithm and usually can be extrapolated to the probability of a random hit

Recently a database has been developed for PTM analysis by the use of the program SIMS210

Specifically for phosphopeptides Ascorersquos algorithm scans the MSMS data to determine the

likelihood of correct phosphosite identification from the presence of site identifying product


If the organism that is being analyzed has not had its genome sequenced and no (or very

limited) FASTA database is available a homology search can be performed using SPIDER212

available with PEAKS software Alternatively individual MSMS spectrum can be de novo

sequenced but software is available to perform automated de novo sequencing of numerous

spectra (PEAKS208

DeNovoX and PepSeq)

For large-scale protein identifications the false discovery rate (FDR) must be established

by the searching algorithm and that is accomplished by re-searching the data with a false

database created by reversing or scrambling the amino acid sequence of the original database

used for the protein search Any hits from the false database will contribute to the FDR and this

value can be adjusted usually around 1 An additional layer of confidence in the obtained data


can be achieved in shotgun proteomics experiments by removing all the proteins that are

identified by only one peptide

Once a set of confident proteins or peptides have been generated from database

searching bioinformatic analysis or biostatistical analysis is needed Numerous software

packages are available for different purposes FLEXIQuant is an example for absolute

quantitation of isotopically labeled protein or peptides of interest213

FDR analysis of

phosphopeptides or other specific PTMs can be adjusted with such software as Scaffold

providing data consisting only of a specific modification214

Bioinformatic tools such as

Scaffold or ProteoIQ also include gene ontology (GO) analysis which can classify identified

proteins by three categories cellular component molecular function or biological process

Custom bioinformatics programs can also be developed and are often useful in various proteomic

studies including biomarker discovery in neurological diseases215

More detailed review of

bioinformatics in peptidomics216

and proteomics217

can be found elsewhere

Validation of Biomarkers by Targeted Proteomics

The validation of putative biomarkers identified by MS-based proteomic analysis is often

required to provide orthogonal analysis to rule out a false positive by MS and providing

additional evidence for the biomarker candidate(s) from the study for future potential clinical

assays At present antibody-based assays such as Western blotting ELISA and

immunochemistry are the most widely used methods for biomarker validation Although accurate

and well established these methods rely on protein specific antibodies for the measurement of

the putative biomarker and could be difficult for large-scale validation of all or even a subset of a

long list of putative protein biomarkers typically obtained by MS-based comparative proteomic


analysis Large scale validation is impractical due to the cost for each antibody the labor to

develop a publishable Western blot or ELISA and the antibody availability for certain proteins

As an alternative strategy quantitative assays based on multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) MS

using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer have been employed in biomarker verification

MRM is the most common use of MSMS for absolute quantitation It is a hypothesis

driven experiment where the peptide of interest and its subsequent fragmentation pattern must be

known prior to the quantitative MRM experiments MRM involves selecting a specific mz (first

quadrupole) to be isolated for fragmentation (second quadrupole) followed by one or more of

the most intense fragment ions (third quadrupole) being monitored The ability to quantitate and

thus validate the proteins or peptides as potential biomarkers is achieved by performing MRM on

isotopically labeled reference peptide for targeted peptideprotein of interest The main obstacle

for quantification of peptides is interference and ion suppression effects from co-eluting

substances Since the isotopically labeled and native peptide will co-elute the same interference

and ion suppression will occur for both peptides and thus correcting these interfering effects

Peptides need to be systematically chosen for a highly sensitive and reproducible MRM

experiment to ensure proper validation of putative biomarkers Peptides require certain intrinsic

properties which include an mz within the practical mass detection range for the instrument and

high ionization efficiency If the desired peptide to be quantified is derived from a digestion

then peptides that have detectable incomplete digestion or missed cleavage site can be a major

source of variability Peptides with a methionine and to a lesser extent tryptophan are

traditionally removed from consideration from MRM quantitative experiments due to the

variable nature of the oxidation that can occur In addition if chromatographic separation is

performed the retention behavior of the peptide must be well behaved with little tailing effects


eluting late causing broadening of the peak and even irreversible binding to the column As an

example hydrophilic peptides being eluted off a C18 column may exhibit the previously

described concerns and a different chromatographic separation will need to be explored for

improved limits of detection quantitation and validation To determine consistent peptide

detection or usefulness of certain peptides databases such as Proteomics Database218



have been developed to compile proteomic data repositories from initial

discovery experiments

After the peptide is selected for analysis the proper MRM transitions need to be selected

to optimize the sensitivity and selectivity of the experiment It is common for investigators to

select two or three of the most intense transitions for the proposed experiment It is imperative

that the same instrument is used for the determination of transition ions as different mass

spectrometers may have a bias towards different fragment ions

MRM experiments are still highly popular experiments for hypothesis directed


biomarker analysis222

and validation223

Validation of putative biomarkers is

increasingly becoming a necessary step when performing large scale non-hypothesis driven

proteomics experiments The traditional validation techniques of ELISA Western blotting and

immunohistochemistry are still used but MRM experiments are becoming an attractive

alternative for validation of putative biomarkers due to its enhanced throughput and specificity

Current work is still being performed to both expand the linear dynamic range224



of MRM A recent endeavor to increase the sensitivity for MRM experiments was

accomplished by ldquoPulsed MRMrdquo via the use of an ion funnel trap to enhance confinement and

accumulation of ions The authors claimed an increase by 5-fold for peak amplitude and a 2-3

fold reduction in chemical background225


Remaining Challenges and Emerging Technologies

Large sample numbers for mass spectrometry analysis

Multiple conventional studies in proteomics have been performed on a single or a few

biological samples As bio-variability can be exceedingly high the need for larger sample sizes

is currently being investigated Prentice et al used a starting point of 3200 patient samples

from the Womenrsquos Health Institute (WHI) to probe the plasma proteome using MS for

biomarkers The study did not test the 3200 patient samples by MS because even a simple one

hour one dimensional RP analysis on a mass spectrometer would take months of instrument time

for uninterrupted analysis Instead the authors pooled 100 samples together to bring the total

number of pooled samples to 32 To provide relevant plasma biomarkers the samples were then

subjected to immunodepletion 2-D protein separation (96 fractions total) and then 1-D RPLC of

tryptic peptide separation on-line interface to a mass spectrometer The large sample cohorts

help address bio-variability that can be a concern from small sample size proteomic experiments

and provide ample sample amounts to investigate the low abundance proteins226

Hemoglobin-derived neuropeptides and non-classical neuropeptides

Neuropeptides such as neuropeptide Y and enkephalin are short chains of amino acids

that are secreted from a range of neuronal cells that signal nearby cells In contrast non-classical

neuropeptides are termed as neuropeptides or ldquomicroproteinsrdquo which are derived from

intracellular protein fragments and synthesized from the cytosol227

MS was recently used to

determine that hemopressins which are hemoglobin-derived peptides are upregulated in Cpefatfat

mice brains Gelman et al designed an MS experiment to compare hemoglobin-derived


peptides comparing the brain blood and heart peptidome in mice The authors provided data

that specific hemoglobin peptides were produced in the brain and were not produced in the

blood Certain alpha and beta hemoglobin peptides were also up regulated in the brain for


mice and bind to CB1 cannabinoid receptors228

As discussed earlier in the review

peptidomics and specifically neuropeptidomics are popular fields of study utilizing MS and non-

classical neuropeptides is an exciting emerging area of research that could further expand the

diversity of cell-cell signaling molecules

Ultrasensitive mass spectrometry for single cell analysis

In addition to large scale analysis MS-based proteomics and peptidomics are making

progress into ultrasensitive single cell analysis The most successful MS-based techniques for

single cell analysis was performed with MALDI and studies that have been performed on

relatively large neurons are reviewed elsewhere229

The ultrasensitive MS analysis is currently

directed towards single cell analysis of smaller cells including cancer cells The first challenge

in single cell analysis is the isolation and further sample preparation to yield relevant data

Collection and isolation of a cell type can be accomplished using antibodies for fluorescence

activated cell sorting (FACS) and immune magnetic separation FACS works by flow cytometry

sorting cells by a laser that excites a fluorescent tag that is attached to an antibody Immune

magnetic separation allows separation by antibodies with magnetic properties such as


One exciting study combining FACS and MS termed mass cytometry This

technology works by infusing a droplet into an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer

(ICP-MS) containing a single cell bound to antibodies chelated to transition elements allowing a

quantifying response between single cells231

Clearly the future of single cell analysis for


biomarker analysis and proteomics is encouraging and has the potential to be an emerging field

in MS-based proteomics and peptidomics

Laserspray ionization (LSI)

Laserspray ionization (LSI) is an exciting new method to produce multiply charged mass

spectra from MALDI that is nearly identical to ESI232-234

Recently it has been reported that LSI

can be performed in lieu of matrix to produce a total solvent-free analysis234

The benefits of

being able to generate multiply charged peptides without any solvent may offer advantages

including MS analysis of insoluble membrane proteins or hydrophobic peptides avoidance of

chemical reactions while in solvents a reduction of sample loss due to liquid sample preparation

and ability to avoid diffusion effects from tissue imaging studies234

The multiply charged peptide and protein ions produced by LSI expand the mass range

for tissue imaging analysis More importantly the multiply-charged peptide ions are amenable

for electron-based fragmentation methods such as ETD or ECD which can be employed in

conjunction with tissue imaging experiments to yield in situ sequencing and identification of

peptides of interest235

Paper spray ionization

Paper spray (PS) is an ambient ionization method which was first reported using

chromatography paper allowing detection of metabolites from dried blood spots The original

method used a cut out piece of paper with a voltage clipped on the back while applying 10 microL of


Improvements have been made to this technology to enhance analysis

efficiency with a new solvent 91 dichloromethaneisopropanol (vv) and the use of silica paper


over chromatography paper237

Interesting applications or modifications have been made to PS

including direct analysis of biological tissue238

and leaf spray for direct analysis of plant


but both detect metabolites instead of proteins or peptides Paper spray ionization

was previously shown to enable detection of cytochrome c and bradykinin [2-9] standards in a

proof of principle study240

Clearly the utility of PS analysis in proteomics and peptidomics is

yet to be explored


New fragmentation techniques have been investigated for their utility in proteomics and

peptidomics including a recently reported negative-ion electron capture dissociation (niECD)

Acidic peptides which usually contain PTMs such as phosphorylation or sulfonation are often

difficult to be detected as multiply charged peptides in the positive ion mode As discussed

earlier multiply charged peptides are required for ECDETD fragmentation The fragmentation

of niECD is accomplished by a multiply negatively charged peptide adding an electron The

resulting fragmentation of multiply sulfated and phosphorylated peptide and protein standards

showed no sulfate loss and preserved phosphorylation site The resulting fragmentation pattern

from niECD was also improved in the peptide anions and provides a new strategy for de novo

sequencing with PTM localization241

Conclusions and Perspectives

Proteomics methodologies have produced large datasets of proteins involved in various

biological and disease progression processes Numerous mass spectrometry-based proteomics

and peptidomics tools have been developed and are continuously being improved in both


chromatographic or electrophoretic separation and MS hardware and software However several

important issues that remain to be addressed rely on further technical advances in proteomics

analysis When large proteomes consisting of thousands of proteins are analyzed and quantified

dynamic range is still limited with more abundant proteins being preferentially detected

Development and optimization of chemical tagging reagents that target specific protein classes

maybe necessary to help enrich important signaling proteins and assess cellular and molecular

heterogeneity of the proteome and peptidome Furthermore a significant bottleneck in

usefulness of proteomics research is the ability to validate the results and provide clear

significant biological relevance to the results The idea of P4 medicine242 243

is an attractive

concept where the four Prsquos stand for predictive preventive personalized and participatory

Proteomics is one of the critical ldquoomicsrdquo fields and has led to the development of enabling

innovative strategies to P4 medicine244

A goal of P4 medicine is to assess both early disease

detection and disease progression in a person A simplified example of how proteomics fits into

P4 medicine is that certain brain-specific proteins could be used for diagnosis with

presymptomatic prion disease244

The concept of proteomic experiments providing an individual

biomarker is becoming more obsolete with the revised vision being a biomolecular barcode that

could potentially be ldquoscannedrdquo or be a fingerprint for a specific disease or early onset to that

disease being closer to reality An excellent review on what biomarker analysis can do for true

patients is available245

Proteomics can also generate new hypothesis that can be tested by classical biochemical

approaches If a disease has an unknown pathogenesis proteomics is a good starting point to try

to assemble putative markers that can lead to further hypothesis for evaluation If a particular

protein or PTM is associated with a disease state either qualitatively or quantitatively potential


treatments could target that protein of interest or investigators could monitor that protein or

PTM during potential treatments of the disease Proteomics has expanded greatly over the last

few decades with the goal of providing revealing insights to some of the most complex

biological problems currently facing the scientific community


Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by the University of Wisconsin Graduate

School Wisconsin Alzheimerrsquos Disease Research Center Pilot Grant and a Department of

Defense Pilot Award LL acknowledges an H I Romnes Faculty Fellowship


Figure 1 A summary of general workflows of biomarker discovery pipeline by MS-based

proteomic approaches

Biological sample (CSF blood urine saliva cell

lysate tissue homogenates secreted proteins etc)

Protein extraction Sample pretreatment



Identification of


expressed proteins

Protein identification

Potential biomarkers

Biomarker validation

- Antibody based immunoassays


Quantitative analysis

- Isotope labeling

- Label free

Identification and

localization of

differentially expressed


Intact tissue

Sample preparation Slice frozen tissues

thaw-mounted on plate

Apply Matrix


Figure 2 Tissue expression and dynamic range of the human plasma proteome A pie chart

representing the tissue of origin for the high abundance proteins shows that the majority of

proteins come from the liver (A) Conversely the lower abundance plasma proteins have a much

more diverse tissue of origin (B and C) The large dynamic range of plasma proteins is presented

and the proteins can be grouped into three categories (classical plasma proteins tissue leakage

products interleukinscytokines) (D) Adapted from Zhang et al11

and Schiess et al246





Table 1 A summary of the common strategies applied to MS-based quantitative proteomic


Gel based Stable isotope labeling Label free


2D-DIGE 110

In vitro derivatization




ICAT 156

TMT 159

iTRAQ 158

Formaldehyde 247

ICPL 248

In vivo metabolic labeling





AUC measurement 169 172

Spectral counting 173

AUC Area Under Curve ICAT Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag TMT Tandem Mass Tags iTRAQ Isobaric Tags for

Relative and Absolute Quantification ICPL Isotope Coded Protein Labeling SILAC Stable Isotope Labeling by

Amino Acids in Cell Culture Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification (iTRAQ)



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Chapter 3

Protein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic

mouse models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometry

Adapted from ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse

models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P

Messing A Li L Submitted



Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a low protein content biological fluid with dynamic range

spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in direct contact with the

brain A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment was performed to enhance analysis of the

low volumes of CSF that are obtainable from mice As a model system in which to test this

approach we utilized transgenic mice that over-express the intermediate filament glial fibrillary

acidic protein (GFAP) These mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we report the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates were performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in

mass spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation was performed using distributive normalized

spectral abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins

with significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice has been identified with validation

from ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD



Alexander disease (AxD) is a fatal neurogenetic disorder caused by heterozygous point

mutations in the coding region of GFAP (encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein)1 The hallmark

diagnostic feature of this disease is the accumulation of astrocytic cytoplasmic inclusions known

as Rosenthal fibers containing GFAP Hsp27 αB-crystallin and other components2-5


several potential treatment strategies6-8

are under investigation clinical trial design is hampered

by the absence of a standardized clinical scoring system or means to quantify lesions in MRI

that could serve to monitor severity and progression of disease One solution to this problem

would be the identification of biomarkers in readily sampled body fluids as indirect indicators of


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy site for brain or spinal

cord in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system The protein composition of CSF is

well defined at least for the most abundant species of proteins and numerous studies exist that

characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in various diseases9 10

GFAP itself is present in CSF (albeit at much lower levels than in brain parenchyma) and in one

study of three Alexander disease patients its levels were markedly increased11

Whether an

increase in CSF GFAP will be a consistent finding in Alexander disease or whether other useful

biomarkers for this disease could be identified through an unbiased analysis of the CSF

proteome is not yet known

The rarity of Alexander disease makes analysis of human samples difficult However

mouse models exist that replicate key features of the disease such as formation of Rosenthal

fibers Unfortunately mouse CSF poses particular problems for proteomic studies and there is


an urgent need for technical improvements for dealing with this fluid For instance collection

from an adult mouse typically yields ~10 μL of CSF often with some contamination by blood12

To further complicate analysis CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL) with

over 60 of the total protein content consisting of a single protein albumin13 14

A number of

techniques have been developed to remove albumin from biological samples including Cibacron


IgG immunodepletion16

and IgY immunodepletion17-19

IgY which is avian in origin

offers reduced non-specific binding and increased avidity when compared to IgG antibodies from

rabbits goats and mice20-23

One widely used IgY cocktail is IgY-14 which contains fourteen

specific antibodies specific for albumin IgG transferrin fibrinogen α1-antitrypsin IgA IgM

α2-macroglobulin haptoglobin apolipoproteins A-I A-II and B complement C3 and α1-acid

glycoprotein Since existing protocols for IgY-14 depletion are optimized for use with large

volumes of serum new protocols must be developed to permit its use with the low volumes of a

low protein fluid represented by mouse CSF

Various improvements have also taken place in the field of proteomic analysis that could

facilitate analysis of mouse CSF Data dependent tandem mass spectrometry followed by

quantification of proteins is used in standard shotgun proteomics24-29

Several methods now exist

for introducing quantitation into mass spectrometry including stable isotope labeling30-32

isobaric tandem mass tags33 34

and spectral counting35 36

Spectral counting which is a

frequency measurement that uses MSMS counts of identified peptides as the metric to enable

protein quantitation is attractive because it is label-free and requires no additional sample

preparation Finally recent advances in spectral counting has produced a data refinement

strategy termed normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF)37 38

and further developed into

distributive NSAF (dNSAF) to address issues with peptides shared by multiple proteins39


To identify potential biomarkers in AxD we report a novel scaled-down version of IgY

antibody depletion strategy to reduce the complexity and remove high abundance proteins in

mouse CSF samples The generated spectral counts data were then subjected to dNSAF natural

log data transformation and t-test analysis to determine which proteins differ in abundance when

comparing GFAP transgenics and controls with multiple biological and technical replicates



Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) urea (gt99) sodium chloride (997) and ammonium

bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water

(182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS

grade acetonitrile and water were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-

Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified trypsin were purchased from Promega

(Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from Fluka (Buchs Switzerland)

Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris ge999 ) ammonium formate

(ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-14 antibodies were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich

(Saint Louis MO)


Transgenic mice over-expressing the human GFAP gene (Tg737 line) were maintained

as hemizygotes in the FVBN background and genotyped via PCR on DNA prepared from tail

samples as described previously40

The mice were housed on a 14-10 light-dark cycle with ad

libitum access to food and water All procedures were conducted using protocols approved by

the UW-Madison IACUC


CSF collection

CSF was collected from mice as described previously12

Briefly mice were anesthetized

with avertin (400-600 mgkg ip) A midline sagittal incision was made over the dorsal aspect

of the hindbrain and three muscle layers carefully peeled back to expose the cisterna magna The

membrane covering the cisterna magna was pierced with a 30 gauge needle and CSF was

collected immediately using a flexible plastic pipette Approximately ten microliters of CSF was

collected per animal All samples used for MS analysis showed no visible contamination of


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

A sandwich ELISA was used to quantify GFAP8 Briefly a microtiter plate was coated

with a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies (Covance SMI-26R) Plates were blocked with 5

milk before addition of sample or standards diluted in PBS with Triton-X and BSA A rabbit

polyclonal antibody (DAKO Z334) was used to detect the GFAP followed by a peroxidase

conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (Sigma A6154) secondary antibody The peroxidase activity

was detected with SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (PIERCE) and

quantified with a GloRunner Microplate Luminometer Values below the biological limit of

detection (16ngL) were given the value 16ngL before multiplying by the dilution factor

Immunodepletion of abundant proteins

Currently there are no commercial immunodepletion products available for use with CSF

and to address the low protein content of this fluid (~04 microgmicroL) Therefore 100 microL of

purchased IgY-14 resin was coupled with a Pierce Spin Cup using a paper filter from Thermo

Scientific (Waltham MA) CSF samples from either transgenics or controls were first pooled to

100 microL and then added to 100 microL of 20 mM Tris-HCl 300 mM pH 74 (2x dilution buffer) and


allowed to mix with the custom IgY-14 depletion spin column on an end-over-end rotor for 30

minutes at 4oC The sample was then centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds with an Eppendorf

Centrifuge 5415D (Hamburg Germany) The antibodies were then washed with 50 microL 1x

dilution buffer vortexed for 5 minutes centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds and the flow through

was collected for tryptic digestion The antibodies were then stripped of the bound proteins with

four 025 mL washes of 01 M glycine pH 25 neutralized with two 025 mL washes of 01 M

Tris-HCl pH 80 and washed once with 025mL of 1x dilution buffer The immunodepletion

protocol was repeated for each transgenic or control pooled 100 microL sample (N=3)

Preparation of tryptic digests

The immunodepleted pooled mouse CSF samples (200 microL total volume) were

concentrated to 10 microL using a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA)

To each sample 8 microL of 133 M urea and 1 microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to

incubate at 37oC for one hour After incubation 27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for

carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15 minutes in the dark To

quench the IAA 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react for 10 minutes To

perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg

trypsin which had previously been dissolved in 50 mM acetic acid at a concentration of 05

microgmicroL Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10

formic acid The tryptic peptides were then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Varian

Omix Tip C18 100 microL (Palo Alto CA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic

acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30 microL H2O in 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation


The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto an Agilent

Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5x03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow

rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm

Atlantis dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B

at 250 nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition


range of 300-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot41

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt mus musculus

(house mouse) database (version 575) False positive analyses42

were calculated using an

automatic decoy option of Mascot Results from the Mascot results were reported using

Proteinscape 21 and technical replicates were combined and reported as a protein compilation

using ProteinExtractor (Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed cleavages 2 enzyme

trypsin variable modifications carboxymethylation (C) and oxidation (M) peptide tolerance

plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap

Reported proteins required a minimum of one peptide with a Mascot score ge300 with bold red

characterization Spectral counts were determined from the number of MSMS spectra identified

from accepted proteins A bold red peptide combines a bold peptide which represents the first

query result from a submitted MSMS spectrum with the red peptide which indicates the top

peptide for the identified protein Requiring one bold red peptide assists in removal of

homologous redundant proteins and further improves protein results In addition requiring one


peptide to be identified by a score gt300 removes the ability for proteins to be identified by

multiple low Mascot scoring peptides

Each immunodepleted biological replicate had technical triplicates performed and the

technical triplicates were summed together by ProteinExtractor Peptide spectral counts were

then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis Details for this method can be

found elsewhere37 39

but briefly peptide spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on

unique peptides and a weighted distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins

ProteinScape removed 83 homologous proteins found in the current study to bring the total

number of proteins identified to 266 but some non-unique homologous peptides which are

shared by multiple proteins are still present in the resulting 266 remaining proteins To address

these non-unique homologous peptides distributive spectral counting was performed as

described elsewhere39

The dSpC is divided by the proteinrsquos length (L) and then divided by the

summation of the dSpCL from all proteins in the experiment (N) to produce each proteinrsquos

specific dNSAF value










The resulting data were then transformed by taking the natural log of the dNSAF value The

means for each protein were calculated using the ln(dNSAF) from N=3 biological replicates and

the whole data set was subjected to the Shapiro-Wilk test for normalityGaussian distribution

performed on the software PAST (Version 198 University of Oslo Norway Osla) The

Shapiro-Wilk test was repeated multiple times to determine a non-zero value for zero spectral


counts A non-zero value is required to alleviate the errors of dividing by zero which was

experimentally determined to be 043 The Gaussian data were then subjected to the t-test to

identify statistically significant changes in protein expression


General workflow

Individual CSF samples were manually inspected and samples were only selected that

showed no visual blood contamination Preliminary experiments showed that the maximum

degree of blood contamination estimated from counts of red blood cells in the CSF that was not

visible to the eye was less than 005 by total mass Approximately 10 individual mouse CSF

samples were pooled to achieve the desired 100 μL volume for a single biological replicate The

CSF samples were IgY immunodepleted followed by digestion with trypsin The resulting

digested samples were then de-salted concentrated reconstituted in 30 μL of 01 formic acid

and 5 μL was loaded onto a reversed phase nanoflow HPLC column subjected to a 90 minute

gradient and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer The workflow for

mouse CSF analysis is shown in Figure 1 The remainder of the desalted sample was saved for

technical replicates

Immunodepletion for CSF

Currently there are no immunodepletion techniques specifically designed for CSF

Nonetheless the protein profiles between CSF and serum are similar enough to use currently

available immunodepletion techniques designed for serum as a starting point The smallest

commercially available IgY-14 immunodepletion kit is for 15 μL of serum which is equivalent in

protein content to ~15 mL of CSF Therefore for 100 μL CSF one fifteenth of the total IgY-14


beads would be used for the equivalent immunodepletion which is 66 μL of proprietary bead

slurry The potential for irreversible binding of abundant proteins to their respective IgY

antibody even after an extra stripping wash and low amounts of total beads made using 66 μL

of IgY-14 bead slurry unrealistic In practice almost doubling the amount of IgY-14 beads (100

μL) used was not sufficient and resulted in albumin and transferrin peptides to be observed in

high abundance (data not shown) The most important protein to immunodeplete is albumin and

it has been reported to be a greater percentage of total CSF protein content (~60) than serum

(~49) in humans14

The difference in albumin percentage supports the results that proprietary

blends of immunodepletion beads for high abundance proteins such as albumin cannot be

scaled down on a strict protein scale and further modifications to the serum immunodepletion

protocol need to be made

Since IgY-14 beads were developed for use with serum all of its protocols need to be

taken into account to modify the protocol for CSF Serum samples should be diluted fifty times

before mixing with the IgY-14 beads but CSF protein concentration is at least one hundred times

lower than serum Therefore CSF is below half the recommended diluted protein concentration

for IgY immunodepletion Consequently multiple steps have been devised to address this

limitation First the binding time between the proteins targeted for removal from the CSF and

IgY-14 beads was doubled during the end-over-end rotor depletion step from the recommended

15 minutes to 30 minutes Second to prevent non-specific protein binding to the antibodies the

CSF samples were diluted with an equal amount (100 μL) of 2X dilution buffer The dilution

buffer of NaCl and Tris-HCl was needed to assist in reducing non-specific binding of proteins to

the 14 antibodies and ensuring the sample is held at physiological pH In addition to these

modifications a doubling of the starting IgY-14 bead slurry to 200 μL provided the desired


results Overall this modified protocol results in effective depletion of CSF abundant proteins

using only one-fifth of the antibodies provided by the smallest commercially available platform

Data Analysis

Spectral counting technique for relative quantitation provides numerous benefits for the

study of mouse CSF due to its label-free advantage In contrast isotopic labeling method often

involves additional sample processing that could cause sample loss which is highly undesirable

for low protein content and low volume samples Labeling methods also require a mixing of two

sets of isotopically labeled samples which would effectively increase the sample complexity and

reduce the amount of sample that can be loaded onto the nanoLC column by half In addition

more than two sets of samples can be compared by label-free methods The use of label-free

spectral counting method does not lead to an increase in sample complexity or interference in

quantitation from peptides in the mz window selected for tandem MS Using spectral counting

for relative quantitation however is dependent on reproducible HPLC separation and careful

mass spectrometry operation to minimize technical variability during the study To address

concerns of analytical reliability and run to run deviations base peak chromatograms from two

transgenic IgY-14 immunodepleted biological replicates including two technical replicates of

each were shown to be highly reproducible (Figure 2)

Each biological sample was analyzed in triplicate with the same protocols on the amaZon

ETD with three control and three transgenic samples From the three technical replicates for

each biological replicate the spectral counts of the peptides for the proteins identified were

summed The results from these mouse CSF biological triplicates are shown in Figure 3A for

GFAP overexpressor and Figure 3B for control The summation of spectral counts for each

biological replicate was performed to remove the inherent bias related to data dependent analysis


for protein identification One concern in grouping technical replicates is a potential loss of

information regarding analytical variability Figure 4 provides a graphical representation of

variability of technical replicates illustrating the standard deviation of technical replicates with

error bars Figure 4 shows that a statistically changed protein creatine kinase M (A) and an

unchanged protein kininogen-1 (B) have similar variability within (technical replicates) and

between samples (biological replicates) for each protein In addition Figure 4B illustrates that

even with the variability of kininogen-1 the resulting mean shown by the dashed line of control

and transgenic samples were almost equal whereas Figure 4A shows significantly different

expression level of creatine kinase M Performing replicate analysis of each biological sample

(n=3) helps correct for systematic errors deriving from sample handling and pooling of samples

helps reduce random error during the CSF sample collection process

Protein Identification and Spectral Counting Analysis

The data for dNSAF analysis like any mass spectrometry proteomics experiment

requires multiple layers of verification to ensure reliable data Our initial protein identifications

were subjected to a database search using a decoy database from Mascot which resulted in an

average false positive rate below 1 for all the experimental data collected Representative

MSMS spectra between control and GFAP transgenic samples are illustrated in Figure 5

Overall 266 proteins were identified in a combination of control and transgenic samples

(Supplemental Table 1) A total of 349 proteins were initially identified but 83 proteins were

isoforms of previously identified proteins and automatically excluded by ProteinExtractor The

next level of quality control was to only include ln(dNSAF) values from proteins identified by 2

or more unique peptides having a Mascot score of ge300 and observed in two out of three

biological replicates These selection parameters resulted in 106 proteins remaining after


dNSAF analysis (Supplemental Table 2) The resulting spectral counts were then subjected to

dSpC in order to account and correct for the systematic error of peptides shared by multiple

proteins (Supplemental Table 3)

It is inevitable in large scale and complex proteomics experiments that some proteins will

be seen in some samples and not others In addition when controls were compared to transgenic

samples as shown in Figure 3C 127 proteins were unique to either control or GFAP transgenic

mice and 139 proteins were seen in both samples From dNSAF equation if the spectral count

is zero the numerator is zero and the value will not be normalized between runs In order to

circumvent the zero spectral counts in dNSAF analysis zero spectral counts must be replaced by

an experimentally determined non-zero value determined to be 043 The 043 spectral counts

for zero spectral counts was calculated by serial Shapiro-Wilk tests to determine the lowest value

(043) for zero spectral counts and maintain a Gaussian distribution for all data sets The 043

value for zero spectral counts in the current study was higher than the 016 reported value for

zero spectral counts in the original NSAF spectral counting study37

Our study may have a

higher zero spectral count value than the previous study because the spectral counting data were

an addition of three technical replicates and three times 016 is close to 043 The normalized

Gaussian data were then subjected to t-test analysis and P-values below 005 are considered as

statistically significant and are presented in Table 1 The proteins with significant up or down

regulation from Table 1 can be further evaluated as how close significant proteins were to a p-

value of 005 such as ganglioside GM2 activator serine protease inhibitor A3N and collagen

alpha-2(I) chain having t-test scores of 0045 0047 and 0043 respectively Proteins exhibiting

a P-value close to 005 were more likely to be highly variable proteins or have smaller fold

changes between control and transgenic samples and thus provide less biological relevancy to


future studies The modest change in antithrobin-III which is reduced by 14-fold in transgenic

is included due a low pooled standard deviation in spectral counts

Spectral counting has been analyzed with fold changes derived directly from the average

spectral counts from the technical replicates and then the average of the three biological

replicates We decided to perform additional analysis using fold changes to dig deeper into

proteins that statistically support the null hypothesis from the dNSAF analysis To only pull out

highly confident protein identifications we used the same strict cut-off of two unique peptides

identified per protein as in dNSAF analysis We only accepted proteins with greater than three-

fold change in total spectral counts listed in Table 2 Two proteins contactin-1 (cntn1) and

cathepsin B (CB) illustrate the potential biomarkers missed by dNSAF analysis Cntn1 had zero

spectral count in the transgenic sample and had an average spectral count of 41 in control

samples The lack of any spectral counts in one biological control for cntn1 resulted in a large

standard deviation in the ln(dNSAF) means for the control which resulted in the t-test supporting

the null hypothesis Another example is CB which was detected by numerous spectral counts in

every GFAP transgenic biological replicate with an average spectral count of 97 (Table 2) The

presence of CB in one biological control sample (23 average spectral counts) resulted in a high

standard deviation in the mean of the control samples These examples exhibit a limitation of

dNSAF analysis which could cause a loss of potentially useful information

Previously Identified Proteins with Expression Changes

Previously three proteins have been described as increased in CSF from individual(s)

suffering from AxD In one study a single patientrsquos CSF was found to have elevated levels of

αβ-crystallin and HSP2744

In a second study three patients were reported to have elevated

levels of GFAP with concentrations from 4760 ngL to 30000 ngL (compared to lt175 ngL for



GFAP was detected in our current study however the other two proteins were not

detected One possibility is that αB-crystallin and Hsp-27 levels in mouse CSF are too low for

detection by MS analysis In addition while the transgenic mice display the hallmark

pathological feature of AxD in the form of Rosenthal fibers they do not have any evident

leukodystrophy and thus may not display the full range of changes in CSF as might be found in

human patients

Creatine Kinase M

Creatine kinase M (M-CK) is a 43 kDa protein whose role is to reversibly catalyze

phosphate transfer between ATP and energy storage compounds M-CK has been primarily

found in muscle tissue and for humans creatine kinase M is diagnostically analyzed in the blood

for myocardial infarction (heart attack) In addition M-CK is also found in Purkinje neurons of

the cerebellum45 46

A related protein creatine kinase B (B-CK) also exhibited an apparent 21

fold increase in transgenic CSF over control but this difference was not statistically different

B-CK concentration is known to be elevated in CSF following head trauma47

or cerebral


but decreased in astrocytes in individuals affected by multiple sclerosis49


The data showed multiple cathepsins were up regulated in the CSF of transgenic mice

when compared to control mice The up regulated cathepsins were S L1 and B isoforms which

are all cysteine proteases Cathepsin S (CS) was never observed in control samples but

observed with an average of 73 spectral counts per analysis Cathepsin L1 (CL1) was up

regulated by 94 times in transgenic mice These two cathepsins exhibited significant changes

using dNSAF and t-test statistics as shown in Table 1 and Cathepsin B (CB) showed a 42 fold

increase in transgenic CSF as shown in Table 2


Cathepsins regulate apoptosis in cells50

which is the major mechanism for elimination of

cells deemed by the organism to be dangerous damaged or expendable CL and CB are

redundant in the system as thiol proteases and inhibition of CB by CA-047 causes a diminished

apoptosis response in multiple cell lines51

Intriguingly increased levels of CB or CL are

correlated with poor prognosis for cancer patients and shorter disease-free intervals It is

believed that these proteases degrade the extracellular membrane which allows tumor cells to

invade adjacent tissue and metastasize52

With regards to AxD the up regulation of these

cathepsins may be indicative of the bodyrsquos natural defense and response to Rosenthal fibers

Thus stimulation of these cathepsins may provide a further protective stress response but the

positive correlation between these proteases and cancer highlights the multiple roles of these

proteins in pathological response Alternatively it has been shown that increased CB is involved

with the tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) induced apoptosis cascade53

The activation of the

TNFα could produce oligodendrocyte toxicity54

with the expression of TNFα being elevated in

tissue samples from mouse models and AxD patients55

The potential for a positive or a negative

effect in increasing or decreasing cathepsins warrant future research with cathepsins and AxD


Contactin-1 (Cntn1) is a 133 kDa cell surface protein that is highly glycosylated and

belongs to a family of immunoglobulin domain-containing cell adhesion molecues56

Table 2

shows that Cntn1 is down regulated in transgenic mice since spectral counts were only observed

in control mice Cntn1 is expressed in neurons and oligodendrocytes and higher levels were

observed during brain development57

In addition Cntn1 leads to activation of Notch1 which

mediates differentiation and maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) Although the

mechanism leading to a reduction of Cntn1 in CSF is not known it may reflect a change in


astrocyte interactions with either neurons or oligodendrocytes to alter their expression of this


Validation of putative biomarkers and MS proteomics data using ELISA and RNA

microarray data

To further validate the relative protein expression data obtained via MS-based spectral

counting techniques orthogonal immunological and molecular biological approaches have been

examined As GFAP was shown to be elevated in the CSF of transgenic animals we used a

well-defined GFAP ELISA protocol to test its CSF concentration CSF from 8 week old male

mice was collected from both transgenic and control animals Five samples of transgenic CSF

was prepared by pooling four to eight animals for the GFAP ELISA In the case of controls

each sample represents a single animal GFAP concentrations observed by both the MS and

ELISA showed significant increases of GFAP in the CSF when comparing transgenic to control


Another validation of MS spectral counts is observed in a microarray analysis performed

on transgenic mouse olfactory bulb tissue 55

In this paper nine of the proteins found by MS

showed similar gene expression in the microarray (Table 3) It is not surprising that all the genes

observed in the microarray are not the same as the proteins observed by MS analysis Gene

expression and protein synthesis and expression are not always correlated but the similarities

and overlapping trends observed with these two assays are encouraging As shown in Table 3

gene expression analysis also revealed the up regulation of several cathepsin proteins GFAP

and down regulation of contactin-1 in CSF collected from transgenic mice corroborating the

MS-based proteomics results



In this study we have produced a panel of proteins with significant up or down regulation

in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice This mouse model for AxD was consistent

with the previous studies showing elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified

IgY-14 immunodepletion technique for low amounts of CSF was presented This improved

protocol is useful for future investigations to deal with the unique challenges of mouse CSF

analysis Modified proteomics protocols were employed to profile mouse CSF with biological

and technical triplicates addressing the variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF

spectral counting Validation of the MS-based proteomics data were performed using both

ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide further confidence in the changes in the putative

protein biomarkers This study presents three classes of interesting targets for future study in

AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1



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Table 1 Statistically changed proteins between transgenic and control mouse CSF using

dNSAF analysis

Accession Protein Pa SC

b Fold






KCRM_MOUSE Creatine kinase M-type 0034 425 30 182 541

HEXB_MOUSE Βeta-hexosaminidase subunit β 0012 183 uarr 0 59

CMGA_MOUSE Chromogranin-A 000078 153 darr 44 0

ANT3_MOUSE Antithrombin-III 0017 176 -14 67 47

SAP3_MOUSE Ganglioside GM2 activator 0045 415 darr 28 0

SPA3N_MOUSE Serine protease inhibitor A3N 0047 170 42 10 42

CO1A2_MOUSE Collagen alpha-2(I) chain 0043 56 darr 19 0

BLVRB_MOUSE Flavin reductase 00054 204 uarr 0 12

CATS_MOUSE Cathepsin S 00032 232 uarr 0 73

GFAP_MOUSE Glial fibrillary acidic protein 0021 107 uarr 0 21

RET4_MOUSE Retinol-binding protein 4 0040 189 darr 13 0

CBPE_MOUSE Carboxypeptidase E 0043 139 darr 11 0

CATL1_MOUSE Cathepsin L1 0015 87 94 02 19

The statistics are performed using the t-test from the ln(dNSAF) Gaussian data

a P p-value of the t-test where the null hypothesis states that there was no change in expression between

control and transgenic GFAP overexpressor b SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from

sequenced tryptic peptides c Fold Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF

negative values are fold changes for control CSF (ie down-regulated in transgenic CSF) uarr indicates the protein

was only detected in transgenic CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF d dSpC

distributive spectral counts which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass

spectrometer and corrected using distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 2 Proteins showing greater than three-fold changes with at least two unique

peptides identified for each protein

Accession Protein SC ()a Fold

Change b


dSpC c


dSpC c

MUG1_MOUSE Murinoglobulin-1 precursor 147 42 155 37

CO4B_MOUSE Complement C4-B 113 54 22 118

PRDX6_MOUSE Peroxiredoxin-6 576 46 14 64

CNTN1_MOUSE Contactin-1 65 darr 41 0

CATB_MOUSE Cathepsin B 263 42 23 97

CAH3_MOUSE Carbonic anhydrase 3 396 76 11 84

APOH_MOUSE Beta-2-glycoprotein 1 128 44 44 1

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

PGK1_MOUSE Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 355 36 17 61

NDKB_MOUSE Nucleoside diphosphate kinase B 408 34 13 44


Four and a half LIM domains

protein 1 243 39 13 51


Protein kinase C-binding protein

NELL2 45 -43 13 03


Malate dehydrogenase

mitochondrial 385 41 12 49

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

a SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from sequenced tryptic peptides b Fold

Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF negative values are fold changes for

control CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF c dSpC distributive spectral counts

which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass spectrometer and corrected using

distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 3 Validation of changes in proteins revealed by MS-based spectral counting

consistent with previously published microarray data

Consistent changes in RNA and proteomic data

uarr regulated in transgenic darr regulated in transgenic

Cathepsin S Contactin-1

Cathepsin B Carboxypeptidase E

Cathepsin L1


Complement C4-B

Glial fibrillary acidic protein

Serine protease inhibitor A3N

Note Validation of putative biomarkers from the current proteomics dataset by previously

published RNA microarray data55

Both up and down regulated proteins were consistent with the

RNA microarray data




SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Available upon request)

Table S1 Compilation list of proteins identified from all the control and transgenic biological


Table S2 Distributive spectral counting calculations performed for proteins observed to share

identified peptides

Table S3 Proteins with dNSAF spectral counting performed including t-test analysis for a

comparison between transgenic and control CSF



Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection sample

processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of mouse CSF samples

Figure 2 Assessment of run to run variability of the base peak chromatograms within and

between two biological and technical replicates The peak profile and intensity scale is

consistent between the four chromatograms The four panels show two biological replicates (Tg

4 and Tg5) with two technical replicates for each biological sample

Figure 3 A Venn-diagram of the biological triplicates (1 2 and 3) of transgenic mouse

CSF showing 78 proteins identified in all three experiments B Venn-diagram of the biological

triplicates (1 2 and 3) of control mouse CSF having 61 proteins identified by all three

replicates C The overlap between control and transgenic CSF proteomic analysis showing 139

proteins identified by both groups and 73 and 54 uniquely identified by respective groups

Figure 4 Assessment of technical replicate variability between biological replicates The error

bars in both A and B are the standard deviation derived from the technical triplicates for each

biological replicate Panel A shows creatine kinase M having more or equal variability in the

biological triplicates than each technical triplicate The means of the biological triplicates are

illustrated by the dashed line Panel B represents kininogen-1 which is unchanged between

control (Ctl) and transgenic (Tg) samples The biological variability coupled with the technical

replicates provides a barely noticeable difference in the pooled mean between control and


transgenic spectral counts The difference in means is contrasted with the three fold change

observed from creatine kinase M (A)

Figure 5 MSMS profile of the tryptic peptide LSVEALNSLTGEFK from creatine kinase M

(A) The top MSMS is from a control sample with an elution at 463 minutes (B) The bottom

MSMS is from the GFAP transgenic sample with an elution at 46 minutes These tandem MS

spectra show instrument reliability and consistent fragmentation patterns which are necessary for

spectral counting analysis

Figure 6 Validation of MS spectral counts using a GFAP ELISA GFAP content (ngL)

measured within mouse CSF from both transgenic and control animals The data represents the

average with standard deviation (n=5 each sample represents pooling of 1 to 8 animals) The

statistics are performed using a student t-test plt00001


Figure 1


Figure 2




Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 6

Ctl Tg





Mouse CSF Sample







Table of Contents Summary

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was obtained from transgenic mouse models of Alexander disease as

well as healthy controls We immunodepleted pooled CSF from mice by a modified IgY-14

protocol Shotgun proteomics utilizing trypsin digestion 1-D nanoRP separation CID tandem

mass spectrometry analysis Mascot database searching and relative quantitation via distributive

normalized spectral abundance factor resulted in the identification of 266 proteins and 27

putative biomarkers


Chapter 4

Genomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapie

Adapted from ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A

Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



A novel model of prion disease using rats called Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) was

developed with the genomics from brain and proteomics from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profiled

The CSF proteome from control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were

digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase nanoLC coupled to data-

dependent tandem MS acquisition on an ion trap mass spectrometer In total 512 proteins 167

non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique peptides were identified with a 1 false

discovery rate (FDR) Of the proteins identified 21 were statistically up-regulated (plt005) and

7 statistically down-regulated in the RAS CSF We also identified 1048 genes which were

differentially regulated in rat prion disease and upon mapping these changes to mouse gene

expression however only 22 of these genes were in common with mRNAs responding to

prion infection in mice suggesting that the molecular pathology observed in mice may not be

applicable to other species The proteins are compared to the differentially regulated genes as

well as to previously published proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal




Prion diseases are an unusual class of fatal transmissible neurodegenerative disorders

that affect the mammalian central nervous system They are caused by the accumulation of an

abnormal conformation of the normal host encoded cellular prion protein PrPC This

conformational rearrangement of PrPC is brought about by template directed misfolding wherein

seed molecules of the abnormal isoform PrPScrapie


convert PrPC into new PrP

Sc molecules

Scrapie in sheep and goats is the prototypic prion disease and is so named because clinically

affected animals scrape their wool off on pen and stall walls Laboratory investigation of prion

diseases typically relies upon rodents which can be infected with natural isolates of scrapie1

albeit with some difficulty as ovid scrapie isolates need time to adapt to rodents This adaptation

is characteristic of prion disease interspecies transmissions and properly reflects the molecular

adaptation that must occur to allow interaction between exogenous foreign PrPSc

and host PrPC

molecules selecting for conformers which exhibit template directed misfolding In some cases

no conformational solution is found reflecting a species barrier to disease transmission

In recent years advances in genomics and proteomics technologies have allowed

unprecedented examination of the biomolecules that are altered upon exposure to prion agents

These studies2 3

have relied upon analysis of gene and protein expression changes in response to

prion infection with the aim of trying to identify pathways that might underlie the mechanism of

prion-induced neurotoxicity A second important aim has been to identify signature molecules

that might act as surrogate biomarkers for these diseases as there are significant analytical

challenges associated with sensitively detecting and specifically distinguishing disease-induced

conformational changes (PrPSc

) of the prion protein from normal host conformations (PrPC)


Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics has become a promising tool for biomarker

discovery from biological fluids such as CSF blood and urine4-6

Two-dimensional gel

electrophoresis MS (2D-GE MS) and two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE

MS) are the most widely used methods for proteomic profiling of prion infected CSF so far due

to the advantage of ready separation and quantification of proteins in complex biological samples

Studies using 2D-GE MS or 2D-DIGE MS to profile proteins in CSF have led to the

identifications of currently accepted biomarker for sCJD 14-3-3 protein and other potential

biomarkers for prion diseases7-9

However the application of this method in biomarker

discovery is limited by insufficient sensitivity and potential bias against certain classes of

proteins as gel-based separation does not work well for the low abundance proteins very basic

or acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins 10 11

In contrast to 2D-

GE or 2D-DIGE shotgun proteomics employs enzymatic digestion of the protein samples

followed by chromatographic separation prior to introduction into a mass spectrometer for

tandem MS analyses Shotgun proteomics has become increasingly popular in proteomic

research because these methods are reproducible highly automated and have a greater

likelihood of detecting low abundance proteins12 13

Due to the sample complexity in CSF and

because albumin comprises over half of the protein content in CSF removal of high-abundance

proteins including albumin is necessary to improve proteomic coverage and identify low-

abundance proteins One method is IgY immunodepletion14 15

which is performed prior to LC-

MSMS and uses species specific antibodies from chicken yolk to remove abundant proteins in

biological samples such as CSF In the present work CSF from control and rat adapted scrapie

animal models (biological N=5 technical N=3 replicates) were analyzed by LC-MSMS and we


indentified 512 proteins and 167 non-redundant protein isoforms (referred to as protein groups)

with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (p lt 005) and 7 statistically down-regulated

By and large this work has been performed using laboratory mice for the gene

expression studies and human cerebrospinal fluid for proteomics mice do not provide sufficient

volumes of CSF for proteomic studies Both approaches are exceedingly valuable as the mouse

model allows cross-sectional time course experiments to be performed including the important

pre-clinical phase of disease Critically however the relevance and generalizability of mouse

prion responses to other prion diseases especially human disease is unknown Human proteomic

studies on CSF guarantee relevant protein identifications but are limited to the clinical phase of

the disease when apparent markers may reflect gross neurodegeneration covering up subtle but

more specific responses To address these issues we have adapted mouse RML prions into rats

with the aim of expanding the knowledge of prion disease responses addressing the limitations

of mice and opening up the possibility of preclinical proteomic profiling in a laboratory rodent

In the present work CSF samples from control and rat adapted scrapie were analyzed by system

biology approaches Here we show that Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) is a powerful tool for an -

omics based approach to decipher the molecular impact of prion disease in vivo with

applicability to the molecular mechanisms of disease and biomarker discovery We identified

1048 genes which were differentially regulated in rat prion disease Astonishingly on the whole

mouse orthologs of these genes did not change in mouse adapted scrapie and vice versa

questioning the universality of previous mouse gene expression profiles These RAS gene

expression changes were identified in the CSF proteome where we detected 512 proteins and 167

protein groups with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (plt005) and 7 statistically down-


regulated in the CSF of prion diseased rats Many of the proteins detected have previously been

observed in human CSF from CJD patients

Materials and Methods

Ethics Statement

This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations in the NIH Guide for Care

and Use of Laboratory Animals and the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care The

protocols used were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at the

University of Wisconsin and University of Alberta


Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) and ammonium bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from

Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile and water were purchased

from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris

ge999 ) ammonium formate (ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-7 antibodies were

purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Rat Transmission and Adaptation

Prion agents used were the rocky mountain lab RML strain of mouse adapted scrapie

Stetsonville transmissible mink encephalopathy16

(TME) Hyper (Hy) strain of Hamster TME 17

1st passage Skunk adapted TME prepared as described and C from genetically defined



Brains from animals clinically affected with prion disease were aseptically removed and

prepared as 10 wv homogenates in sterile water 50 microL of 10 brain homogenate was

inoculated into weanling wistar rats intracranially After one year of incubation preclinical rats

from RML infections were euthanized by CO2 inhalation and the brain excised homogenized

and re-inoculated into naive animals Subsequent serial passages were from rats clinically

affected with rat adapted scrapie

Brains from rat passages were aseptically removed and bisected sagittally Brain halves

were reserved for immunohistochemistry (IHC) in formalin or frozen for immunoblotting RNA

isolation or subsequent passage For IHC tissues were first fixed in 10 buffered formalin

followed by antigen retrieval at 121 oC 21 bar in 10mM citrate buffer for 2 min After cooling

to room temperature sections were treated with 88 formic acid for 30 min and 4M guanidine

thiocyanate for 2 h Endogenous peroxidases were inactivated by 003 hydrogen peroxide and

tissue was blocked with 1 normal mouse serum Mouse anti-PrP mAB SAF83 (Cayman

Chemical) was biotinylated and applied at a 1250 dilution in blocking buffer overnight at 4 oC

Washes were performed in 10mM PBS with 005 tween-20 Streptavidin-peroxidase

(Invitrogen) was added for Diaminobenzidine (DAB) color reaction Anti-GFAP

immunohistochemistry was performed as above except that formic acid and guanidine treatment

steps were excluded Mouse anti-GFAP mab G-A-5 (Sigma) was used at a 1400 dilution

Brain samples for immunoblot were treated with or without Proteinase K (Roche) at a

ratio of 35 microg PK 100 ug protein at 50 microg mL for 30 minutes at 37 oC Phosphotungstenic acid

enrichments were performed as described14 19

Bis-Tris SDS-PAGE was performed on 12

polyacrylamide gels (Invitrogen) and transferred to PVDF Immunoblotting was performed using


mABs SAF83 (Cayman Chemical) 6H4 (Prionics) or 3F10 (a kind gift from Yong-Sun Kim) all

at a 120000 dilution

Gene Expression Profiling

RNA was extracted from frozen brain halves from clinically affected and control animals with

the QIAshredder and RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen Valencia CA) in accordance with the

manufacturerrsquos recommendations Due to the relatively large mass of rat brain an initial

homogenization was performed with a needle and syringe in 5mL of buffer RLT before further

diluting an aliquot in accordance with the manufacturers protocol Total RNA was amplified and

labeled in preparation for chemical fragmentation and hybridization with the MessageAmp

Premier RNA amplification and labeling kit (Life Technologies Grand Island NY) Amplified

and labeled cRNAs were hybridized on Affymetrix (Santa Clara CA) rat genome 230 20 high

density oligonucleotide arrays in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations

Differentially Expressed Genes were identified using Arraystar 50 (DNAStar Madison WI)

Robust multi-array normalization using the quantile approach was used to normalize all

microarray data A moderated T-test with a multiple comparison adjustment20

was used to reduce

the false discovery rate yet preserve a meaningful number of genes for pathway analysis

Pathway analysis was performed using the DAVID Bioinformatics database21


analysis of genes induced by prions in mouse22

and rat disease was performed on genes

exhibiting at least a 2-fold change in expression Orthologs of rat and mouse genes were

identified using ENSEMBLE biomart release 6823

CSF Proteomic Profiling


CSF was collected from rats anaesthetized with isoflorane via puncture of the cisterna

magna A volume of 100-200 microL was routinely obtained CSF was touch spun for 30s at 2000xg

on a benchtop nano centrifuge to identify any blood contamination by the presence of a red

pellet CSF with blood contamination was not used for proteomic analysis CSF was prepared

for profiling by first depleting abundant proteins with an antibody based immunopartitioning

column IgY-R7 (Sigma-Aldrich Saint Louis MO) The manufacturers recommendations were

followed with a few deviations 40 microg of protein (~100 microL CSF) was bound to 100 microL of IgY

bead slurry in total volume of 600 microL formulated in 150mM ammonium bicarbonate The flow

through was collected and denatured by the addition of 10 microL of 8 M guanidine thiocyanate and

lyophilized in a speed-vac apparatus The sample was then reconstituted in 10 microL of water and 1

microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 30 minutes After incubation

27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to

incubate in the dark for 15 minutes After that 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to

sit at room temperature for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM

NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg trypsin Digestion was performed overnight at

37oC and quenched by addition of 5 microL of 10 formic acid The tryptic peptides were then

subjected to solid phase extraction using an Agilent OMIX Tip C18 100 microL (Santa Clara CA)

Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30

microL H2O with 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of a nanoAcquity (Milford MA) with a 10 microL injection

loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B consisted of

ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto a Waters 5 microm


Symmetry C18 180 microm x 20 mm trap cartridge (Milford MA) at a flow rate of 75 microLmin for 5

minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 17 microm BEH130 C18 75 microm x

100 mm (Milford MA) with a gradient of 5 to 15 B over 10 minutes followed by 15 to

40 B over 80 minutes at room temperature

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with a Bruker CaptiveSpray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Waters Acquity console software to perform MS acquisitions for all experiments Smart

parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap drive level was set at

100 Optimization of the CaptiveSpray source resulted in dry gas temperature of 160oC dry

gas flow of 30 Lmin capillary voltage of -1325 V end plate offset of -500 V MSMS

fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition

range of 350-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis


MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot24

(Version 24 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against a forward and reversed

concatenated SwissProt Rattus rattus Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed

missed cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13


tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap Data was then transformed into Dat file formats

and transferred to ProteoIQ (NuSep Bogart GA) False positive analyses were calculated using

ProteoIQ and set at 1


Development of Rat Adapted Scrapie

To develop a rat adapted strain of prion disease we introduced 6 different prion agents RML

TME Hy Skunk Adapted TME and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) from wild type 96G and

96S deer16-18

into 6 rats (Fig 1) Of these primary transmissions only RML induced the

accumulation of Proteinase K resistant PrP after one year of incubation as determined by western

blotting on 10 brain homogenates and PrPSc

enriched phoshotungstenic acid precipitated brain

homogenates Second passage of rat adapted RML scrapie resulted in clinically affected rats at

565 days post inoculation Serial passages of TME or CWD agents were not performed Clinical

symptoms consisted of ataxia lethargy wasting kyphosis and myoclonus Prion affected rats


also showed low level porphyrin staining around their head Subsequent serial passage decreased

incubation time to 215 days

Proteinase K resistant prion protein was observed from all clinically affected animals both by

immunoblot (Fig 2) and by immunohistochemistry (Fig 3) Di- and mono-glycosylated bands

were the most abundant isoforms of PrPSc


was extensively deposited in the cerebral cortex

hippocampus thalamus inferior colliculus and granular layer of the cerebellum GFAP

expressing activated astrocytes were found throughout the brain particularly in the white matter

of the hippocampus thalamus and cerebellum Spongiform change was a dominant feature of

clinical rat

Gene expression Profiling

In total 1048 genes were differentially regulated within a 95 confidence interval

(Supplementary Table 1) and 305 genes were differentially expressed by greater than 2-fold (Fig

4) The 1048 genes that were statistically significant were used for pathway analysis using

DAVID Pathway analysis suggested that the gene expression profile was consistent with

immune activation and maturation as well as inflammation (Supplementary Table 2) a likely

interpretation given the observable astrocytosis (Fig 3) and gliosis associated with prion disease

Other pathways highlighted by the analysis included increases in transcription of genes involved

in lysosomes and endosomes

To further probe the gene expression data we compared genes which were differentially

expressed in rat adapted scrapie against their orthologs expression in mouse scrapie and vice

versa (Figs 5 and 6) We did not observe a high degree of correlation between expression fold

changes For example GFAP a gene whose up-regulation in prion disease is well known was


increased 25 fold in rat adapted scrapie but up-regulated 93 fold in mouse scrapie A

qualitative analysis of expression of orthologs in prion disease suggests that many genes

deregulated at least 2-fold in mouse or rat do not have orthologs that are differentially expressed

For example the gene RNAseT2 was up-regulated greater than threefold in rat adapted scrapie

but was not significantly up-regulated in mouse Similarly three genes important in metals

homeostatsis metallothionein 1a and 2a and ceruloplasmin were up-regulated in rat 46 43 and

3 fold respectively but were not differentially expressed in mouse prion disease

CSF Proteomics

Each immunodepleted biological replicate (N=5 for each control and RAS) had technical

triplicates performed The triplicates were summed together using ProteoIQ Peptide spectral

counts were then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis using ProteoIQ

internal algorithms Details for this method can be found elsewhere25 26

but briefly peptide

spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on unique peptides and a weighted

distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins T-tests were used to identify

significant changes in protein expression 1032 unique peptides which identify 512 proteins and

167 protein groups were found Of these 512 proteins 437 were identified in both RAS and

control CSF samples (Fig 7) The complete list of all 512 proteins can be viewed in

Supplemental Table 3 Using the ProteoIQ the most likely isoform was selected such as 14-3-3

protein gamma

From Table 1 we observe five proteins that agree with the genomic data for up

regulations in RAS granulin macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor cathepsin D

complement factor H and ribonuclease T2 In addition serine protease inhibitor A3N was not


detected as up regulated in the RAS genomic data but was found to be up-regulated in previous

genomic profiling of the mouse prion model22

One interesting trend from the data in Table 1 is

that the majority of proteins found to be up-regulated in the RAS model were not detected in the

control samples The absence of the detection of those proteins such as ribonuclease T2 in the

control CSF does not necessarily suggest the absence of the protein nonetheless it is below the

detection limits for this current proteomics protocol and instrumentation


Mice have been the preferred laboratory rodent for prion diseases research because they

can be inexpensively housed and are amenable to transgenesis which allows for short incubation

periods as well as hypothesis testing upon targeted pathways Pursuant to the determination of

the mouse genome and the development of high density transcriptional arrays for measurements

of gene expression profiling mice have been used extensively to examine the molecular

pathology of prion disease probing the impact of disease and animal strain In order to expand

upon this foundation we adapted mouse prions to infect rats We reasoned that by taking a

comparative approach to the molecular pathology of prion disease inferences could be obtained

into the variability of the molecular response to prion diseases and that understanding this

variability might suggest whether human prion disease responses are more or less similar to

mouse responses A second rationale is the desire to identify surrogate markers of prion disease

While this approach has been taken before using gene expression profiling a more direct

approach has been to use proteomic approaches on cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) identifying

proteins that are increase in abundance with disease A rat prion disease is valuable for this

because the rat proteome is established and rats allow for the collection of relatively large

volumes of CSF (~100 microL per animal) which allows for robust analytical separations enhancing


detection of biomarkers Finally rats unlike humans can be used in a time course study of prion

disease This allows for the identification of early transcriptional and proteomic responses to

prion infection responses which are particularly valuable for the identification of surrogate

disease biomarkers

To initiate the development of a rat prion disease we attempted to adapt six different

prion disease agents PrPres

molecules to rat via intracranial inoculation of weanling animals

(Figure 1) Of these six agents only mouse RML prions were able to surmount the species

barrier to prion disease transmission Mouse PrP differs from rat by eight amino acid changes

six in the mature protein and four in the N-terminal octa-peptide repeat region (Supplementary

Fig 1) As rat shares the most prion protein sequence homology with mouse it is perhaps not

surprising that it transmitted whereas the other did not confirming that the primary prion protein

sequence is the most important determinant for interspecies transmission We conclude that there

is a large molecular species barrier preventing conversion of rat PrPc into PrP


The transmission of mouse RML into rats was characterized by a shortening of the

incubation period following each passage This is indicative of agent adaption to the new host

and increases in the titer present in end-stage brain Overall our adaptation of mouse prion

disease into rats resulted in a similar agent to that observed by Kimberlin27

The differences in

incubation period at second passage are largely due to our collecting the animals at 365 days post

inoculation upon first passage whereas Kimberlin and Walker allowed the first passage animals

to reach end-stage clinical rats

Rat adapted scrapie is in many ways similar to other prion diseases The clinical period of

disease is marked by a progressive neurological dysfunction with prominent ataxia kyphosis and


wasting The protease resistant PrP observed is typical as is the widespread deposition of PrPSc


the brain Spongiosis and reactive astrogliosis are as expected of a prion disease

Gene expression profiles from rats clinically affected with prion disease revealed a strong

neuronal inflammation associated with proliferated and activated astrocytes This is perhaps best

observed through the up-regulation of GFAP GFAP positive astrocytes were omnipresent

throughout the brain and GFAP mRNA was up-regulated 25 fold The up-regulation of GFAP is

a hallmark of the molecular response to prion infection and has been routinely observed Our

comparative analysis of gene expression changes in mouse RML versus rat adapted scrapie

suggest substantial differences in gene expression in response to prion disease despite the fact

that the overall response is neuro-inflammatory This suggests that the potential overlap between

mouse expression profiles and a putative human CJD expression profile could be quite different

at the level of individual transcripts that might be expected to be changed

CSF Proteomics

CSF proteomics can be exceedingly challenging due to the small sample available large

dynamic range in proteins and abundant proteins limiting sample loading onto nanoscale

columns Dynamic range reduction in the CSF sample was achieved using a custom amount of

IgY-7 antibodies to abundant proteins such as albumin After immunodepletion the total

protein content was reduced by ~90 limiting the proteomics analysis to one dimensional

separation Label free quantitation spectral counting was performed because it requires less

protein and does not increase sample complexity The proteins identified from the affected and

control N=5 are shown in Supplemental Table 2 Consistent detection of proteins in CSF from

both control and infected rats was observed (Fig 7C) Only two proteins were identified in


controls that were not observed in RAS and only 10 proteins were only observed in RAS Some

of these proteins that were only identified in RAS are significantly changed (Supplemental Table

3) One concern in proteomics data is the variability from run to run and the possibility that

certain proteins are identified from different unique peptides Figure 7A shows that the vast

majority of the unique peptides detected (783) were identified with a 1 FDR in both RAS and

control CSF samples highlighting the analytical reproducibility of our methodology

Proteomic analysis of the infected rat CSF provides a reasonable approach to cross

validate biomarkers detected by gene expression profiling For example RNAseT2 a secreted

ribonuclease was up-regulated 3-fold at the mRNA level and was also enriched in CSF from

infected rats (Table 1) Similarly coordinated increases in detection of colony stimulating factor

1 receptor complement factor H granulin and cathepsin D were also observed Conversely

proteomic analysis of CSF also allows for the observation of post-transcriptional responses to

prion disease that might be absent in gene expression profiling The 14-3-3 proteins and neuron

specific enolase both known markers for CJD are only detected by proteomic analysis Thus

gene expression profiling and proteomic detection serve to increase confidence in the

observation of up-regulation enhancing the likelihood that proteins detected by both

methodologies are specific and perhaps may be more sensitive at earlier time points

Comparison to human CSF prion disease proteome

In our comparative analysis 21 proteins were found to be up-regulated while 7 proteins

down-regulated in prion infected rats Included in the up-regulated proteins were the 14-3-3

proteins epsilon and gamma 14-3-3 zetadelta was also up-regulated but not statistically

significant Enolase 2 or neuron specific enolase (NSE) was also up-regulated in CSF of infected


rats These proteins are all in agreement with results from previous proteomic profiling of human

CSF from patients with CJD8 9

The detection of 14-3-3 protein is included in the diagnostic

criteria approved by World Health Organization for the pre-mortem diagnosis of clinically

suspected cases of sCJD28

although its application in large-scale screening of CJD is still

debated due to high false positive rate where elevated 14-3-3 protein levels were also reported in

other conditions associated with acute neuronal damage29 30

It was suggested that other brain-

derived proteins that are also specific to CJD can be used in conjunction with 14-3-3 protein to

increase diagnosis accuracy and specificity31

NSE is present in high concentration in neurons

and in central and peripheral neuroendocrine cells NSE serves as another valuable biomarker in

diagnosis of CJD as the elevated level of NSE in CSF was found in early and middle stages of

CJD 32

Other proteins detected in CSF included cystatin C and serpina3N although both of

these were not statistically changed These proteins were both previously identified as being

putative biomarkers for CJD33 34

Utility for biomarker discovery with emphasis on onset of biomarker appearance in CSF

The investigation of the protein changes in CSF from RAS compared to control rats

provides a solid foundation when investigating potential biomarkers with prion disease onset

The cross-validation of the genomic and proteomics data further emphasizes the targets for

consideration during disease onset Biomarker discovery provides the potential to determine if

animals such as cows in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are affected instead of

having to be euthanized when BSE is expected In addition CSF collection in mice or hamsters

Prion models is extremely difficult and limited alternatively with the advent of the RAS model

CSF can be collected in sufficient amounts for CSF proteomics CSF collection for mice or

hamsters can be ~10 microL and could be contaminated with blood further complicating proteomic


analysis unlike rats which over 10 times more CSF can be collected per animal35

Due to the

amount of CSF available time course studies analyzing CSF proteomics is possible in RAS due

to animal numbers that are manageable and reasonable The RAS model further allows

investigators to bypass working with highly infections CJD CSF samples to investigate the CSF

proteome changes


In this study we have described the gene and protein expression changes in brain and

spinal fluid from a transmission of mouse prions into rats We find that while the overall gene

expression profile in rats is similar to that in mice the specific genes that make up that profile

are different suggesting that genes that change in response to prion disease in different species

may not be as conserved Analysis of CSF from rat adapted scrapie identified similar protein

changes as known in human CJD The rat will be a useful model to identify surrogate markers

that appear prior to the onset of clinical disease and thus may be of higher specificity and


Supplemental Information Available Upon Request

1 Chandler R L Encephalopathy in mice produced by inoculation with scrapie brain material Lancet 1961 1 (7191) 1378-9 2 Silva C J Onisko B C Dynin I Erickson M L Requena J R Carter J M Utility of Mass Spectrometry in the Diagnosis of Prion Diseases Anal Chem 2011 3 Wei X Herbst A Ma D Aiken J Li L A quantitative proteomic approach to prion disease biomarker research delving into the glycoproteome J Proteome Res 2011 10 (6) 2687-702 4 Zougman A Pilch B Podtelejnikov A Kiehntopf M Schnabel C Kumar C Mann M Integrated analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid peptidome and proteome J Proteome Res 2008 7 (1) 386-99 5 Sjodin M O Bergquist J Wetterhall M Mining ventricular cerebrospinal fluid from patients with traumatic brain injury using hexapeptide ligand libraries to search for trauma biomarkers J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2003 878 (22) 2003-12 6 Cunningham R Ma D Li L Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker discovery Frontiers in Biology 2012 7 (4) 313-335


7 Brechlin P Jahn O Steinacker P Cepek L Kratzin H Lehnert S Jesse S Mollenhauer B Kretzschmar H A Wiltfang J Otto M Cerebrospinal fluid-optimized two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) facilitates the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2008 8 (20) 4357-66 8 Harrington M G Merril C R Asher D M Gajdusek D C Abnormal proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease N Engl J Med 1986 315 (5) 279-83 9 Piubelli C Fiorini M Zanusso G Milli A Fasoli E Monaco S Righetti P G Searching for markers of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in cerebrospinal fluid by two-dimensional mapping Proteomics 2006 6 Suppl 1 S256-61 10 Lilley K S Razzaq A Dupree P Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis recent advances in sample preparation detection and quantitation Curr Opin Chem Biol 2002 6 (1) 46-50 11 Oh-Ishi M Maeda T Separation techniques for high-molecular-mass proteins J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2002 771 (1-2) 49-66 12 Metz T O Qian W J Jacobs J M Gritsenko M A Moore R J Polpitiya A D Monroe M E Camp D G 2nd Mueller P W Smith R D Application of proteomics in the discovery of candidate protein biomarkers in a diabetes autoantibody standardization program sample subset J Proteome Res 2008 7 (2) 698-707 13 Aebersold R Mann M Mass spectrometry-based proteomics Nature 2003 422 (6928) 198-207 14 Huang L Harvie G Feitelson J S Gramatikoff K Herold D A Allen D L Amunngama R Hagler R A Pisano M R Zhang W W Fang X Immunoaffinity separation of plasma proteins by IgY microbeads meeting the needs of proteomic sample preparation and analysis Proteomics 2005 5 (13) 3314-28 15 Rajic A Stehmann C Autelitano D J Vrkic A K Hosking C G Rice G E Ilag L L Protein depletion using IgY from chickens immunised with human protein cocktails Prep Biochem Biotechnol 2009 39 (3) 221-47 16 Marsh R F Bessen R A Lehmann S Hartsough G R Epidemiological and experimental studies on a new incident of transmissible mink encephalopathy J Gen Virol 1991 72 ( Pt 3) 589-94 17 Bessen R A Marsh R F Biochemical and physical properties of the prion protein from two strains of the transmissible mink encephalopathy agent J Virol 1992 66 (4) 2096-101 18 Johnson C J Herbst A Duque-Velasquez C Vanderloo J P Bochsler P Chappell R McKenzie D Prion protein polymorphisms affect chronic wasting disease progression PLoS One 2011 6 (3) e17450 19 Safar J Wille H Itri V Groth D Serban H Torchia M Cohen F E Prusiner S B Eight prion strains have PrP(Sc) molecules with different conformations Nat Med 1998 4 (10) 1157-65 20 Benjamini Y Hochberg Y Controlling the False Discovery Rate A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Methodological) 1995 57 (1) 289-300 21 Huang da W Sherman B T Lempicki R A Systematic and integrative analysis of large gene lists using DAVID bioinformatics resources Nat Protoc 2009 4 (1) 44-57 22 Moody L R Herbst A J Aiken J M Upregulation of interferon-gamma-induced genes during prion infection J Toxicol Environ Health A 2009 74 (2-4) 146-53 23 Flicek P Amode M R Barrell D Beal K Brent S Carvalho-Silva D Clapham P Coates G Fairley S Fitzgerald S Gil L Gordon L Hendrix M Hourlier T Johnson N Kahari A K Keefe D Keenan S Kinsella R Komorowska M Koscielny G Kulesha E Larsson P Longden I McLaren W Muffato M Overduin B Pignatelli M Pritchard B Riat H S Ritchie G R Ruffier M Schuster M Sobral D Tang Y A Taylor K Trevanion S Vandrovcova J White S Wilson M Wilder S P Aken B L Birney E Cunningham F Dunham I Durbin R Fernandez-Suarez X M Harrow J Herrero J


Hubbard T J Parker A Proctor G Spudich G Vogel J Yates A Zadissa A Searle S M Ensembl 2012 Nucleic Acids Res 2012 40 (Database issue) D84-90 24 Perkins D N Pappin D J Creasy D M Cottrell J S Probability-based protein identification by searching sequence databases using mass spectrometry data Electrophoresis 1999 20 (18) 3551-67 25 Zybailov B Mosley A L Sardiu M E Coleman M K Florens L Washburn M P Statistical analysis of membrane proteome expression changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J Proteome Res 2006 5 (9) 2339-47 26 Zhang Y Wen Z Washburn M P Florens L Refinements to label free proteome quantitation how to deal with peptides shared by multiple proteins Anal Chem 2010 82 (6) 2272-81 27 Kimberlin R H Cole S Walker C A Temporary and permanent modifications to a single strain of mouse scrapie on transmission to rats and hamsters J Gen Virol 1987 68 ( Pt 7) 1875-81 28 World Health Organization Global surveillance diagnosis and therapy of human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies report from a WHO consultation 1998 World Health Organization Geneva Switzerland 9-11 February 1998 1-26 29 Bartosik-Psujek H Archelos J J Tau protein and 14-3-3 are elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis and correlate with intrathecal synthesis of IgG J Neurol 2004 251 (4) 414-20 30 Saiz A Graus F Dalmau J Pifarre A Marin C Tolosa E Detection of 14-3-3 brain protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with paraneoplastic neurological disorders Ann Neurol 1999 46 (5) 774-7 31 Sanchez-Juan P Green A Ladogana A Cuadrado-Corrales N Saanchez-Valle R Mitrovaa E Stoeck K Sklaviadis T Kulczycki J Hess K Bodemer M Slivarichova D Saiz A Calero M Ingrosso L Knight R Janssens A C van Duijn C M Zerr I CSF tests in the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Neurology 2006 67 (4) 637-43 32 Zerr I Bodemer M Racker S Grosche S Poser S Kretzschmar H A Weber T Cerebrospinal fluid concentration of neuron-specific enolase in diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Lancet 1995 345 (8965) 1609-10 33 Sanchez J C Guillaume E Lescuyer P Allard L Carrette O Scherl A Burgess J Corthals G L Burkhard P R Hochstrasser D F Cystatin C as a potential cerebrospinal fluid marker for the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2004 4 (8) 2229-33 34 Miele G Seeger H Marino D Eberhard R Heikenwalder M Stoeck K Basagni M Knight R Green A Chianini F Wuthrich R P Hock C Zerr I Aguzzi A Urinary alpha1-antichymotrypsin a biomarker of prion infection PLoS One 2008 3 (12) e3870 35 DeMattos R B Bales K R Parsadanian M ODell M A Foss E M Paul S M Holtzman D M Plaque-associated disruption of CSF and plasma amyloid-beta (Abeta) equilibrium in a mouse model of Alzheimers disease J Neurochem 2002 81 (2) 229-36


Figure 1 Interspecies transmission of prion disease to rats End-stage clinical brain homogenates

were used to passage prion disease After one year of incubation animals were euthanized to

determine the extent of PrPres

accumulation Protease resistance PrP was only observed in those

animals infected with RML scrapie prions This material was serially passaged for two more

incubations before becoming rat-adapted as indicated by the shortening of the incubation period


Table 1 A list of selected proteins and mRNAs up-regulated in RAS CSF and brain tissue If

the protein is detected in the RAS CSF but not the control CSF the CSF expression is reported

with a infin If there is no change or data on certain genes related to an up regulated protein nd is

noted The mouse genomic data presented here was previously published22

Gene Protein Symbol Accession CSF






14-3-3 protein zetadelta Ywhaz NP_037143 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein epsilon Ywhae NP_113791 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein gamma Ywhag NP_062249 infin nd nd

serine protease inhibitor A3N Serpin A3N NP_113719 54 nd 975

enolase 2 (gamma neuronal) Eno2 NP_647541 infin nd nd

granulin GRN NP_058809 62 364 184

macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

Csf1r NP_001025072 infin 293 205

cathepsin D CTSD NP_599161 infin 255 299

complement factor H Cfh NP_569093 376 234 nd

ribonuclease T2 RNAset2 NP_001099680 infin 302 nd


Figure 2 Accumulation of PrPSc

in rat adapted scrapie First second and third passage brain

homogenates were assayed for the presence of protease resistant PrP by immunoblot PrPSc


observed following phosphotungstenic acid enrichment at first passage By clinical disease in 2nd

and 3rd

passage rats PrPSc

had substantially accumulated


Figure 3 Histological appearance of rat adapted scrapie in the hippocampus at clinical disease

Infected animals showed intense immuno-staining for deposits of PrPSc

and GFAP expressing

astrocytes Spongiform change is an abundant feature in rat adapted scrapie


Figure 4 Scatter plot of gene expression profiling of rat adapted scrapie The expression of

individual genes from uninfected and infected animals were plotted to display up and down

regulation The dashed green line is no change Solid green lines are 2-fold changes in gene



Figure 5 Quantitative relationship between orthologous pairs of two-fold up-regulated genes in

mouse and rat scrapie Genes up-regulated more than two fold were mapped to their orthologs

and the fold change was plotted Expression is log2 transformed


Figure 6 Comparison of genes upregulated in rat and mouse prion diseases Genes up-regulated

two fold in rodent scrapie were identified and the expression of their orthologs was determined


Figure 7 Venn diagram comparison of the CSF proteomics data between rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) model and control rats (A) Unique peptides from tryptic peptides produced for the

proteins identified (B) The total proteins identified including all isoforms within the protein

groups (C) The protein groups comparing only the top protein hit of the protein isoforms

showing very consistent protein identifications between RAS and control


Chapter 5

Investigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M

Heideman W Li L In preparation



This work explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Kinases such as protein

kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose response

Thus performing a large scale phosphoproteomic MS study can be highly beneficial to map the

signaling networks and cascades involved in glucose-dependent stimulated yeast growth Yeast

cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal affinity

chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase (RP)-RP

separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass spectrometer with

neutral loss electron-transfer dissociation (ETD)-triggered fragmentation to improve

phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 unique phosphopeptides are identified with 06

false discovery rate (FDR) and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR This

study includes comparative phosphoproteins for one specific motif of PKA xxxKRKRxSxxxx

which is presented and differences between starved vs glucose fed are highlighted Phosphosite

validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to provide more confident and

site-specific characterization of phosphopeptides



Microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) cycle between growth when

nutrients are available and quiescence when nutrients are scarce When glucose is limited yeast

go into growth arrest state but when glucose is added growth quickly resumes Kinases such as

protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin (TOR) regulate growth in response to nutrient

conditions and have been well studied through transcriptional control1-4

Yeast execute large

transcriptome alterations in response to changing environmental growth conditions5 6


regulation by glucose introduction in yeast has been studied including genes used for growth on

alternative carbon sources and activation of genes coding for glucose transport and protein


Response to nutrients for survival is not limited to yeast biology and indeed all

living creatures both prokaryotes and multicellular eukaryotes like mammals require nutrient

responsiveness and coordinating cellular functions to survive

With regulation of certain genes well studied by glucose introduction the mechanism and

global protein modulation caused by glucose introduction remain unknown6 Large-scale

phosphorylation analysis has been previously performed in yeast using mass spectrometry11-14

Mapping the phosphoproteome in yeast transitioning from quiescence to growth conditions to

better understand the roles of phosphorylation in orchestrating growth is needed The

phosphorylation state during growth or starvation could be used to engineer cells to drive ectopic

activity (or inhibition) to promote growth and ethanol production on non-native sugars like


It has been reported that the phosphorylation state can be affected by the introduction of

glucose to carbon-starved yeast15

and phosphorylation plays a significant role in the cell cycle

and signal transduction16

Specifically O-Phosphorylation can function as a molecular switch by


changing the structure of a protein via alteration of the chemical nature of an amino acid for

serine threonine or tyrosine It has been reported that up to 30 of the proteome can undergo


Mass spectrometry has evolved as a powerful tool to accomplish phosphosite

mapping using shotgun proteomics With available technology tens of thousands of

phosphorylation sites can be mapped to amino acids on thousands of proteins using shotgun


Mass spectrometry can offer sensitive automated non-targeted global analysis of

phosphorylation events in proteomic samples but in any large scale phosphoproteomic

investigation enrichment of phosphoproteinspeptides is required First phosphorylation is

usually a sub-stoichiometric process where only a percentage of all protein copies are


Various enrichment methods have been used for phosphopeptide enrichment

including metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC)22

such as TiO223

immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC)12 24 25

electrostatic repulsion-hydrophilic interaction

chromatography (ERLIC)26

and immunoaffinity of tyrosine phosphorylation27 28


enrichment MS analyses of phosphorylated peptides are still challenging due to ion suppression

from non-phosphorylated peptides

Even after phosphopeptide enrichment further sample preparation is needed for large

scale proteomic experiments Additional fractionation can increase protein coverage of a

sample by over ten fold such as MudPIT29

(multidimensional protein identification technology)

In online MudPIT a sample is injected onto a strong cation exchange (SCX) column coupled to

a RP column Successive salt bumps followed by low pH gradients provide the separation of

peptides in two dimensions Since the phosphate groups on phosphopeptides have a low pKa

value due to being more acidic then their unmodified counterparts they tend to elute earlier and


disproportionally in ion exchange chromatography like SCX Alternatively reversed-phase

reversed-phase (RP-RP) separation has been proposed as an alternative to MudPIT for offline

two dimensional (2D) separation30

One of the caveats of 2D separation is the potential for

wasted mass spectrometry time from early and late fractions having very few peptides present

all while having too much sample for middle fractions One simple method to reduce these

ldquowasted fractionsrdquo is to combine early or late fractions with the middle fractions to reduce MS

runs with little peptide content to analyze thus shortening the overall analysis time31

In addition the labile phosphorylation group has a large propensity to undergo cleavage

during collision induced dissociation (CID) producing a neutral loss The neutral loss can

produce insufficient backbone fragment ions for MSMS identification32

A solution to neutral

loss fragmentation in phosphopeptides is MS3 using CID to produce improved backbone

fragmentation13 14 33

An alternative fragmentation method to CID for fast sampling ion traps is

electron transfer dissociation (ETD)34-36

ETD produces a more uniform back-bone cleavage

where the cation peptide receives an electron from a low affinity radical anion37

The transferred

electron induces a dissociation at the N-Cα bond to produce c- and zbull-type product ions while

retaining the labile post-translational modifications (PTM) such as phosphorylation bound to the

product ions38

The Bruker amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer has the potential to trigger

ETD fragmentation after a labile PTM produces a neutral loss from CID fragmentation This

method is termed neutral loss-triggered ETD fragmentation and provides a complementary

fragmentation pathway to labile poor fragmenting phosphorylated peptides

In this work we provide a qualitative comparative list of yeast phosphopeptides observed

in glucose fed vs glucose starved conditions





Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) ammonium hydroxide (ACS plus certified) urea (gt99)

sodium chloride (997) ammonium bicarbonate (certified) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile

Optima LCMS grade water and EDTA disodium salt (99) were purchased from Fisher

Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) ammonium formate (ge99995) Trizma

hydrochloride (Tris HCl ge990) Triton X-100 (laboratory grade) and iron (III) chloride

hexahydrate (97) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO) Sodium dodecyl

sulfate (SDS) (998) was purchased from US Biological (Marblehead MA) Nickel

nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) magnetic agarose beads were purchased from Qiagen (Valencia

CA) Autoclaved yeast peptone dextrose (YPD) media was prepared in 1 L of deionized water

using 10 g yeast extract 20 g Peptone from Becton Dickinson and Company (Sparks MD) and

20 g D-(+)-Glucose (ge995) purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Modified Mary Miller Yeast Protein Isolation

The yeast culture was prepared and protein extraction was performed using a modified

Mary Miller protocol39

Briefly yeast strain s288c was inoculated with YPD media and shook

for 72 hours to allow the yeast to be glucose starved After the 72 hours the yeast culture was

partitioned into two flasks To one flask glucose was added at 2 of the final concentration and

allowed to incubate and shake for 10 minutes Then 100 optical density units (ODU) of the yeast


culture were collected from each flask Each yeast sample was spun down in a Beckman-Coulter

J6B centrifuge (Indianapolis IN) at 2500xg for three minutes The media was aspirated and the

tubes were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80oC The yeast pellets were thawed on

ice and resuspended in 1 mL of lysis buffer (50 mM Tris HCl 01 triton x-100 05 SDS

pH=80) and 1X protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail from Thermo Scientific (Rockford

IL) and transferred to an Eppendorf tube To the yeast 200 microL of glass beads were added and

amalgamated for 25 minutes at 4oC The sample was inverted and the Eppendorf tube was

pierced with a hot 23 gauge needle through the bottom and the tube was placed atop a 5 mL

culture tube and centrifuge in the Beckman-Coulter J6B at 2500xg for three minutes at 4oC to

collect the liquid containing the yeast cells while the glass beads remain trapped in the

Eppendorf tubes The protein lysate was then centrifuged at 3000xg for five minutes at 4oC and

the supernatant was collected and stored at -80oC

Preparation of tryptic digests

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein cell extract for fed or starved were analyzed with a

BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Scientific Rockford IL) and 2 mg of protein was added to four

parts -20oC acetone and allowed to precipitate the protein for 1 hour at -20

oC The samples were

then centrifuged at 14000xg for 5 minutes and the supernatant was removed and the protein

pellet was reconstituted in 360 microl of 8 M urea To each sample 20 microL of 050 M DTT was

added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 45 minutes After incubation 54 microL of 055 M IAA

was added for carbamidomethyl of cysteine and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15

minutes in the dark To quench the IAA 20 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react

for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 1400 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added

along with 20 microg trypsin to each sample Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and


quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10 formic acid For each sample the tryptic peptides were

then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Hypersep C18 100 mg solid phase extraction

(SPE) column (Thermo Scientific Bellefonte PA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in

01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 500 microL of 80 ACN and 01 formic acid

Phosphopeptide enrichment using immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC)

One ml of Ni-NTA was washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and then the Ni was

removed with 800 microL of 100 mM EDTA in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate and vortexed for 30

minutes The supernatant was removed and the NTA was washed with 800 microL of H2O three

times followed by addition of 800 microL 10 mM FeCl3 hexahydrate and vortexed for 30 minutes

The Fe-NTA was then washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and once with 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before being combined with the cell extract for phosphopeptide enrichment and

vortexed for 40 minutes The sample was washed three times with 200 microL of 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before elution with two aliquots of 200 microL of 5 ammonium hydroxide in 5050

ACNH2O with 15 minutes of vortexing The enriched phosphopeptides were then dried down

with a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA) and reconstituted in 55 microL

25mM ammonium formate pH=75

First dimension neutral pH separation

Individually 50 microL of each yeast phosphopeptide enriched sample was injected onto a

Phenomenex Gemini-NX 3microm C18 110 Aring 150 x 2 mm column (Torrance CA) The Gemini

column was coupled to a Phenomenex SecurityGuard Gemini C18 2 mm guard cartridge

(Torrance CA) Mobile phase A consisted of 25 mM ammonium formate at pH=75 and mobile

phase B consisted of 25 mM ammonium formateACN with a 19 ratio respectively at pH=75

The column was operated at 50oC at a flow rate of 05 mLmin The flow profile was 2-30 B


over 65 minutes and then 5 min at 100 B A total of 22 fractions were collected every 3

minutes and the fractions were combined as follows 1 with 12 2 with 13 etc to 11 with 22

The combined fractions were dried down and reconstituted in 25 microL of 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL from each fraction onto an Agilent Technologies

Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5

microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm Atlantis

dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250

nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) for MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300


Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions An additional mode of MSMS fragmentation electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) was triggered on the precursor ion when a neutral loss was observed in CID

fragmentation from phosphoric acid H3PO4 (Δmz of 49 and 327 for 2+ and 3+ charge states

respectively) or for metaphosphoric acid (HPO3) (Δmz of 40 and 267 for 2+ and 3+ charge

states respectively) For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms rolling average 2 acquisition range of 300-1500 mz

and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target

was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two spectral averages acquisition

range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required to prevent artificial data

reduction Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot40

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt Saccharomyces

cerevisiae database (version 575) Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed

cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) and phosphorylation (STY) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum

number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance peptide decoy (Mascot) checked plusmn05 Da instrument type


ESI-Trap Results from the Mascot search was exported as DAT files for analysis by Scaffold 3

and Scaffold PTM

Scaffold and Ascore data processing

Scaffold 3 (Proteome Software Portland OR)was used for MSMS proteomics data

comparison and false discovery rate analysis The DAT files were loaded into Scaffold 3 and

the fractions for the two dimensional fractionation were combined The resulting biological

triplicates for starved and glucose fed yeast were filtered with a 1 false discovery rate (FDR)

on the protein level (Supplemental Table 1) Due to the inherent poor fragmentation of

phosphopeptides a lenient FDR level may still yield biologically relevant data and thus a 54

FDR was generated for phosphopeptides (Supplemental Table 2) For a more conservative list of

phosphopeptides with a 06 FDR was generated from Scaffold 3 (Supplemental Table 3) FDR

analysis is sufficient at preventing poor data from being reported but does not prevent false

phosphosite identification in phosphopeptides To provide confidence in site identification

Scaffold PTM was used to perform Ascore41

analysis Ascore uses an algorithm to score the

probability of the phosphosite from a phosphopeptide identified by a database searching

algorithm such as Mascot Ascore can be freely accessed at httpascoremedharvardedu

Cell collection RNA isolation and microarray data analysis

All experiments were performed in biological duplicates Cell samples (10 ODU) were

taken at starved and fed states spun at 5000xg for 2 minutes at 30 oC the supernatant was

removed and the pellets snap frozen using liquid nitrogen RNA was isolated using the Epicentre

MasterPure Yeast Purification Kit (Epicentre Technologies) and quality was checked using gel

electrophoresis cRNA synthesis was carried out using the GeneChipreg Expression 3

Amplification One-Cycle Target Labeling and Control Reagents kit (Affymetrix) All


experiments followed the manufactures instructions cRNA samples were hybridized to

GeneChip Yeast Genome 20 Arrays for 16 hours Arrays were washed stained and scanned

according the manufactures recommendations Affymetrix CEL files were RMA normalized

with R and the Bioconductor Suite Data analysis was performed within TIGR Multiexperiment

Viewer v451 in-house Perl scripting R and Bioconductor


Sample preparation for shotgun proteomics

As discussed in the introduction the purpose of this study is to provide an exploratory list

of qualitative differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed yeast After

yeast cell lysate production a substantial amount of sample preparation is performed to enhance

the depth of the phosphoproteome coverage A workflow of the steps following cell lysis is

outlined in Figure 1A The yeast proteins are isolated via acetone precipitation followed by

digestion with trypsin to produce peptides Phosphopeptides are intermixed with the entire

tryptic peptide sample and therefore Fe-NTA IMAC is used to enrich the phosphopeptides To

improve upon the number of phosphopeptides we then performed two dimensional separation

with high pH RP followed by low pH RP C18 and infused the eluent directly onto an ion trap

mass spectrometer Figure 1B show an improved technique for the first dimension of separation

to combine the early eluting and late eluting fractions from the first phase of separation to reduce

overall MS analysis time The combination of fractions 1 and 12 2 and 13 etc essentially

improves the duty cycle of the mass spectrometer by ensuring sufficient peptide content is

injected onto a low pH nanoLC RP C18 column

ETD-triggered mass spectrometry


In the present study labile phosphorylation can lead to non-informative neutral loss

During MS scanning mode the instrument will choose the 6 most abundant peaks with correct

isotopic distribution and select them for MSMS CID fragmentation During CID fragmentation

it is common for labile PTMs such as phosphorylation to undergo neutral loss and thus limited

informative b and y-type ions are formed Alternatively ETD fragmentation can be used on

specific MSMS scans which produce a neutral loss indicative of phosphorylation (98Daz or

80Daz) The subsequent ETD fragmentation on these putative phosphopeptides will lead to

uniform backbone cleavage resulting in confident identification of phosphopeptides with site-

specific localization during MSMS It is important to note that CID fragmentation still produces

very informative fragmentation for phosphorylation but ETD provides an orthogonal

fragmentation pathway to further increase the phosphoproteome coverage Additionally the

duty cycle for ETD fragmentation is roughly half that of CID therefore about half as many

potential peptides would be fragmented and sequenced if the instrument was using ETD

fragmentation exclusively

Protein Data

Even with phosphopeptide enrichment it is inevitable that non-phosphopeptides will also

be identified All data were searched with Mascot and in total over 1000 proteins were identified

with a 1 FDR rate and are listed in Supplemental Table 1 The proteins listed in Supplemental

Table 1 include both phosphoproteins and non-phosphorylated proteins In addition to the

proteins identified in the fed and starved states the unique peptides and spectral counts are also

listed for reference The phosphopeptides are specifically listed with a 54 FDR rate in

Supplemental Table 2 and comparisons between starved and fed with Ascore analysis are listed

for every phosphopeptide identified A higher confidence of phosphopeptide identification is


sometimes required before investing in time consuming biological experiments so a list of

phosphopeptides identified in starved and fed was taken from a setting directing Scaffold to

produce a 05 FDR which resulted in the generated FDR of 06 FDR and listed in

Supplemental Table 3

A summary of specific phosphorylation sites are listed in Table 1 with a 06 FDR and

Table 2 with a 54 FDR Each table gives totals for unique phosphopeptides identified having

an Ascore localization score ge80 without Ascore and phosphorylation events on each unique

peptides As expected the majority of phosphorylation events (over 50) occurred on serine

whereas fewer phosphorylation events (~10) occurred on tyrosine In addition the vast

majority of phosphorylation events were single phosphorylation (ge65) with very few

identifications having more than two phosphosites per peptide For specific phosphopeptide

identification and subsequent phosphoprotein identification refer to Supplemental Table 2 and 3


Transcriptional response to glucose feeding

Yeast responds to the repletion of glucose after glucose-depletion by broad

transcriptional changes to induce growth Roughly one-third of the yeast genome is altered by at

least two fold when glucose is introduced as shown in Figure 2 Figure 2 is a heat map from a

microarray analysis showing 1601 genes up regulated and 1457 genes down regulated after

addition of glucose compared to the starved state The arbitrary cut-offs for these values were as

follows two fold induction after nutrient repletion and a false discovery rate (q-value) of 001

Red color in the heat map indicates a particular gene is up-regulated in the fed state compared to

the starved state Alternatively genes coded in green are less expressed in the fed state

compared to the starved condition The intensity of the green or red colors is indicative of the


intensity of the fold change in gene expression These large transcriptional changes after glucose

repletion drive and complement the current phosphoproteomic study

PKA motif analysis

One benefit of a large scale phosphoproteomics experiment is to examine the different

phosphopeptides from known motifs for specific kinases PKA and TOR are responsible for the

majority of the transcriptional response and thus PKA is a good target for motif analysis Figure

3 shows the PKA motif sequence xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on

the serine Other than F16P (fructose-16-bisphosphatase) all the proteins listed are unique to the

starved or fed samples A motif sequence will inevitably show up by random chance in any

analysis For this study the control for motif analysis uses the swissprot protein list for the

entire yeast proteome for the background Compared to background this specific PKA kinase

from Figure 3 is up-regulated by 264 fold when compared to the background One interesting

protein emerged from this motif analysis in the fed sample but not the starved sample is

Ssd1which is implicated in the control of the cell cycle in G1 phase42

Ssd1 also is

phosphorylated by Cbk1 and Cbk1 has been proposed to inhibit Ssd143

and provides an

intriguing target for future studies on starved vs glucose fed yeast growth

Localization of the phosphorylation sites

When a phosphopeptide contains any number of serine threonine or tyrosine amino

acids the localization of the phosphosite can sometimes be ambiguous Database searches used

to identify peptides like Mascot do not provide any probability for localization of correct

phosphorylation sites Ascore is an algorithm that uses the same MSMS spectra as Mascot but

instead of comparing theoretical peptide MSMS to experimental spectra Ascore searches for

informative a b or y-type peptide fragments giving evidence for phosphosite The Scaffold


program adds a localization probability to the Ascore values and the values are listed in

Supplemental Table 2 and 3 Figure 4 has a representative Ascore mass spectra assigning the

peaks identified and providing evidence that the phosphorylation site occurs at the threonine

instead of the serine Incorporating Ascore into this study provides a layer of validation for

putative phosphosite identification

Plasma Membrane 2-ATPase

A previous study identified and localized phosphorylation sites on plasma membrane 1-

ATPase after glucose was introduced to starved yeast15

In the current study PMA2 (plasma

membrane ATPase 2) was identified in glucose fed and not starved samples The doubly

threonine phosphorylated peptide identified in fed yeast is PMA2 with amino acid sequence

IKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (583-599) whereas the homologous peptide in PMA1 has the exact

same amino acid sequence except for the first isoleucine substituted for valine

VKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (554-570 not observed in data) PMA2 was observed in the 06

FDR list of phosphopeptides and has an Ascore localization probably of 100 A plant study

showed that PMA2 phosphorylation level was higher in early growth phase than when in

stationary phase44

In addition PMA2 expression in yeast permits the growth of yeast and

threonine phosphorylation has been reported on Thr-95545

The identification of PMA2 in the

fed glucose cell extract provides an interesting target for future study on the molecular

mechanisms involved in regulation growth in starved vs glucose fed yeast


In conclusion this work provides a qualitative comparison in the phosphoproteome

between starved and glucose fed yeast A large scale IMAC enrichment of yeast cell lysate

followed by 2-D separation provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for neutral loss triggered


ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for PKA is highlighted to show the

differences in proteins identified between starved vs fed conditions In total 477 unique

phosphopeptides are identified with 06 FDR and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with

54 FDR Phosphosite validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to

provide further confidence on the site-specific characterization of these phosphopeptides The

proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on

protein phosphorylation involved in glucose response

Supplemental Tables 1 2 and 3 are available upon request


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and orcokinin neuropeptides in the sinus glands of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus using

multiple tandem mass spectrometry techniques J Proteome Res 2011 10 (9) 4219-29

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Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection

sample processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of comparative

phosphoproteomics for starved vs glucose fed yeast (A) The high pH RP separation

procedure for combining fractions to reduce low peptide containing fractions from the

UV-VIS trace is also shown (B)


Figure 2 Heat map for the global transcriptional response to glucose fed vs starved samples

S288C cells starved for glucose until growth was arrested and subsequently glucose was added


Samples for microarray analysis were taken at the starved state and 60 minutes after glucose was

added The heat map shows the fed log2 fold change for each gene relative to the starved state

across the genome performed in biological replicate (A) Black indicates no change in

expression level while red indicates higher expression for the fed relative to the starved state

Green indicates higher expression for the starved state compared to the fed state (Adapted from

Dr Michael Conways Thesis)


Figure 3 The motif for protein kinase A (PKA) that was observed for fed vs starved which is

xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on the serine The motif occurred at a

rate 264 fold higher than the yeast proteome used for background In addition one protein was

observed in both starved and fed with accession identification of F16P (Fructose-16-



06 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Table 1 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 06 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 164 153 317

S 87 (530) 82 (536) 169 (533)

T 60 (366) 55 (359) 115 (363)

Y 17 (104) 16 (105) 33 (104)

Unique no Ascore

STY 242 235 477

S 131 (541) 133 (566) 264 (553)

T 86 (355) 78 (332) 164 (344)

Y 25 (103) 24 (102) 49 (103)

Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide

1 102 113 187

2 36 40 68

3 12 11 22

4 or more 8 3 11


54 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 217 217 434

S 115 (530) 113 (521) 228 (525)

T 78 (359) 78 (359) 156 (359)

Y 24 (111) 26 (120) 50 (115)

Unique no Ascore

STY 337 332 669

S 193 (573) 180 (542) 373 (558)

T 111 (329) 116 (349) 227 (339)


Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide




4 or more

33 (98)





36 (108)





69 (103)





Table 2 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 54 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite


Figure 4 Ascore validation of the phosphopeptide LSLAtKK from the protein SGM1 (slow

growth on galactose and mannose protein 1) with 100 localization probability observed

in only fed but not starved yeast samples Ascorersquos algorithm identifies a b and y-type

ions and looks to identify peaks that provide evidence for a specific phosphorylation site

For this example Ascore assigns this phosphosite to threonine (T5) instead of the serine

(S2) The intense peaks at 4024 mz and 5250 mz are not identified by any a b or y-

type ions From the ladder sequence of the peptide shown numerous ions indicate the

threonine is phosphorylated while the serine is not Among these ions used for

localization are b2 y2 y5+H2O y3 y4 and y5


Chapter 6

Use of electron transfer dissociation for neuropeptide sequencing and


Adapted from ldquoDiscovery and Characterization of the Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone

Precursor Related Peptides (CPRP) and Orcokinin Neuropeptides in the Sinus Glands of the Blue

Crab Callinectes sapidus Using Multiple Tandem Mass Spectrometry Techniquesrdquo Hui L

Cunningham R Zhang Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29



The crustacean Callinectes sapidus sinus gland (SG) is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that

produces numerous hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine

signaling moleculesmdashneuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone

(CHH) precursor-related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron

transfer dissociation (ETD) was used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and

high charge state In addition ETD was used to sequence the sulfated peptide Cholecystokinin

CCK-like Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively these two examples

demonstrated the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or

with labile modifications



Neuropeptides are the largest and most diverse group of endocrine signaling molecules in

the nervous system They are necessary and critical for initiation and regulation of numerous

physiological processes such as feeding reproduction and development1 2

Mass spectrometry

(MS) with unique advantages such as high sensitivity high throughput chemical specificity and

the capability of de novo sequencing with limited genomic information is well suited for the

detection and sequencing of neuropeptides in endocrine glands and simultaneously provides the

potential for information on post-translational modifications such as sulfonation3-6

The sinus glands (SG) are located between the medulla interna and medulla externa of the

eyestalk in Callinectes sapidus It is a well-known neuroendocrine site that synthesizes and

secretes peptide hormones regulating various physiological activities such as molting

hemolymph glucose levels integument color changes eye pigment movements and

hydro-mineral balance7 Our labrsquos previous neuropeptidomic studies of SG in several

crustacean species including Cancer borealis8-11

Carcinus maenas12

and Homarus americanus13

14 used multiple MS strategies combining MALDI-based high resolution accurate mass profiling

biochemical derivatization and nanoscale separation coupled to tandem MS for de novo

sequencing In the current study we explore the neuropeptidome of the SG in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus a vital species of economic importance on the seafood market worldwide In

total 70 neuropeptides are identified including 27 novel neuropeptides and among them the

crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor-related peptides (CPRPs) and orcokinins represent

major neuropeptide families known in the SG

The crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) and its precursor-related peptide (CPRP) are

produced concurrently during the cleavage of CHH from the CHH preprohormone protein15



CPRP peptide is located between the signal peptide and the CHH sequence and is separated from

the CHH by a dibasic cleavage site The functions of CPRPs are currently unknown16


the complete characterization of CPRPs provides a foundation for future experiments elucidating

their functional roles in crustaceans The cDNA of CHH preprohormone in SG of Callinectes

sapidus has been characterized17

but the direct detection of CPRP has not been reported due to

its relatively large size and possible post-translational modifications While small fragments of

CPRPs can be identified using nanoLC-ESI-Q-TOF tandem mass spectrometry the intact

peptide is difficult to detect due to the large molecular weight of CPRPs

Peptidomics traditionally uses collision induced dissociation (CID) for tandem MS

experiments for de novo sequencing Recently an alternative peptide fragmentation method has

been developed using the transfer of an electron termed electron transfer dissociation (ETD)18 19

ETD involves a radical anion with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation which

results in reduced sequence discrimination and thus provides improved sequencing for larger

peptides compared to CID20

Specifically for an ion trap ETD the fluoranthene radical anion is

allowed to react with peptide cations in the three dimensional trap The resulting dissociation

cleaves at the N-Cα bond to produce c and zbull type product ions The peptidome of model

organisms like Callinectes sapidus can be further explored and expanded utilizing ETD as a

complementary fragmentation technique to CID Previous peptidomic analysis has been

completed using ETD as an additional fragmentation method21

It was observed that

enzymatically produced peptides with a higher mz produced improved sequence coverage using

ETD This observation termed decision tree analysis determined that a charge state of ge6 all

peptides endogenous or enzymatic should be fragmented via ETD22

In the present study the

highly charged peptide CPRP with an intact molecular weight of 3837 readily produces plus six


charge states The higher charge state of CPRP is highly amenable to fragmentation by ETD

which produces remarkably improved fragmentation and thus increased sequence coverage when

compared to CID

Sulfonation of tyrosine is a post-translational modification (PTM) that is thought to occur on

trans-membrane spanning and secreted proteins23

Cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8) is a sulfated

peptide which has been linked to satiety24-26

and a CCK-like peptide has been observed in


Sulfonation is an extremely labile modification and is often lost during soft

ionization such as ESI or MALDI but can be avoided by optimizing the ionization process28

One potential strategy to identify sulfopeptides is to scan for a neutral loss of 80 Da after CID

but this method does not allow for identification of site of sulfonation and has the risk to be

mistaken for phosphorylation The sulfonation PTM is a negatively charged modification on

the peptide which allows for negative ion scanning in the mass spectrometer but provides

minimal MSMS sequence coverage during CID due to preferential loss of the sulfate group

Alternatively electron-based dissociation technique enables more rapid radical driven

fragmentation where the cleavage pattern is more uniform along the peptide backbone without

initially cleaving the labile sulfated group thus preserving the site of modification These types

of dissociation techniques only work for multiply-charged ions thus a method to install a

multiply-charged cation on the target peptide is desirable It has been shown that the electron

capture dissociation (ECD) can be used to sequence sulfated peptides when a multi-charged

cation is added to the solution29

We use a similar multi-charge cation solution technique to

sequence a sulfated peptide from Homarus americanus via ETD on an ion trap mass

spectrometer Here we presented the use of the ETD fragmentation technique for the analysis

of large peptides and peptides containing labile post-translational modification


Experimental Section

Chemical and materials

Acetonitrile methanol magnesium chloride (ACS grade) potassium chloride (ACS grade) and

calcium chloride (ACS grade) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh PA) Formic

acid was from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis MO) Human sulfated CCK-8 and CCK-like peptide

(E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRFamide) were purchased from American Peptide (Sunnyvale CA)

Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od was purchased from Polymicro

Technologies (Phoenix AZ) Millipore C18 Ziptip column was used for sample cleaning and all

water used in this study was deionized water (182 MΩcm) prepared from a Milli-Q Millipore

system (Billerica MA) The physiological saline consisted of 440 mM NaCl 11mM KCl 26

mM MgCl2 13 mM CaCl2 11 mM Trizma base and 5 mM maleic acid in pH 745

Animals and dissection

Callinectes sapidus (blue crab) were obtained from commercial food market and maintained

without food in artificial sea water at 10-12 ordmC Animals were cold-anesthetized by packing on

ice for 15-30min before dissection The optic ganglia with the SG attached were dissected in

chilled (~4ordmC) physiological saline and individual SGs were isolated from the optic ganglia by

micro-dissection and immediately placed in acidified methanol (90 methanol 9 glacial acetic

acid and 1 water) and stored at -80ordmC until tissue extraction

Tissue homogenization

Acidified methanol was used during the homogenization of SGs The homogenized SGs were

immediately centrifuged at 16100 g using an Eppendorf 5415D tabletop centrifuge (Eppendorf


AG) The pellet was washed using acidified methanol and combined with the supernatant and

further dried in a Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) The

resulting dried sample was re-suspended with a minimum amount (20 microL) of 01 formic acid

Fractionation of homogenates using reversed phase (RP)-HPLC

The re-suspended extracts were then vortexed and briefly centrifuged The resulting supernatants

were subsequently fractionated via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) HPLC

separations were performed using a Rainin Dynamax HPLC system equipped with a Dynamax

UV-D II absorbance detector (Rainin Instrument Inc Woburn MA) The mobile phases included

Solution A (deionized water containing 01 formic acid) and Solution B (acetonitrile containing

01 formic acid) About 20 μl of extract was injected onto a Macrosphere C18 column (21 mm

id x 250 mm length 5 microm particle size Alltech Assoc Inc Deerfield IL) The separation

consisted of a 120 minute gradient of 5-95 Solution B Fractions were automatically collected

every two minutes using a Rainin Dynamax FC-4 fraction collector (Rainin Instrument Inc

Woburn MA) The fractions were then concentrated using in Savant SC 110 SpeedVac

concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) and re-suspended with minimum amount of 01

formic acid


Nanoscale LC-ESI-Q-TOF MSMS was performed using a Waters nanoAcquity UPLC system

coupled to a Q-TOF Micro mass spectrometer (Waters Corp Milford MA)

Chromatographic separations were performed on a homemade C18 reversed phase capillary

column (75 microm internal diameter x100 mm length 3 microm particle size 100 Aring) The mobile phases


used were 01 formic acid in deionized water (A) 01 formic acid in acetonitrile (B) An

aliquot of 50 microl of a tissue extract or HPLC fraction was injected and loaded onto the trap

column (Zorbax 300SB-C18 Nano trapping column Agilent Technologies Santa Clara CA)

using 95 mobile phase A and 5 mobile phase Bat a flow rate of 10 microlmin for 10 minutes

Following this the stream select module was switched to a position at which the trap column

came in line with the analytical capillary column and a linear gradient of mobile phases A and B

was initiated For neuropeptides the linear gradient was from 5 buffer B to 45 buffer B over

90 min The nanoflow ESI source conditions were set as follows capillary voltage 3200 V

sample cone voltage 35 V extraction cone voltage 1 V source temperature 100ordmC A data

dependent acquisition was employed for the MS survey scan and the selection of three precursor

ions and subsequent MSMS of the selected parent ions The MS scan range was from mz

400-1800 and the MSMS scan was from mz 50-1800

Peptide Prediction De Novo Sequencing and Database Searching

De novo sequencing was performed using a combination of MassLynxTM

41 PepSeq software

(Waters) and manual sequencing Tandem mass spectra acquired from the Q-TOF were first

deconvoluted using MaxEnt 3 software (Waters) to convert multiply charged ions into their

singly charged forms The resulting spectra were pasted into the PepSeq window for sequencing

analysis The candidate sequences generated by the PepSeq software were compared and

evaluated for homology with previous known peptides The online program blastp (National

Center for Biotechnology Information Bethesda MD httpwwwncbinlmnihgovBLAST)

was used to search the existing NCBI crustacean protein database using the candidate peptide

sequences as queries For all searches the blastp database was set to non-redundant protein


sequences (ie nr) and restricted to crustacean sequences (ie taxid 6657) For each of the

proteins putatively identified via blastp the BLAST score and BLAST-generated E-value for

significant alignment are provided in the appropriate subsection of the results Peptides with

partial sequence homology were selected for further examination by comparing theoretical

MSMS fragmentation spectra generated by PepSeq with the raw MSMS spectra If the

fragmentation patterns did not match well manual sequencing was performed

NanoLC Coupled to MSMS by CID and ETD

Setup for RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN (Fisher Scientific Optima LCMS grade Fair Lawn NJ) Injections

consisted of 5 microL of prepared tissue extract onto an Agilent Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5

microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95

A5 B Separation was performed on a Waters HPLC column with 3 microm Atlantis dC18 75 microm

x 150 mm (Milford MA) on a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250 nLmin over 90

minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner diameter 360 microm

outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using a commercial

laser puller model P-2000 (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Collision Induced Dissociation (CID)

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) equipped

with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition Hystar

(Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control Eksigent


nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for all

experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to mz 700 compound stability and trap

drive level were set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature 125oC dry gas 40 Lmin capillary voltage -1300 V end plate offset -500 V

MSMS fragmentation amplitude 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data was generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two spectra and

released after one minute MSMS was obtained via CID fragmentation for the six most

abundant MS peaks with a preference for doubly charged ions and excluded singly charged ions

For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000 maximum

accumulation time 5000 ms four spectral average acquisition range of mz 300-1500 and scan

speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target was set to

200000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms three spectral averages acquisition range of

mz 100-2000 and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz s-1

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD)

The amaZon ETD ion-trap mass spectrometer was operated in electron transfer dissociation for

MSMS fragmentation with the same optimized settings as reported for CID unless otherwise

stated Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 500 mz compound stability and trap drive

level were set at 100 MSMS was obtained via ETD fragmentation for the four most

abundant MS peaks with no preference for specifically charged ions except to exclude singly

charged ions The ETD reagent parameters were set to 400000 target ICC for the fluoranthene

radical anion The fluoranthene radical anion has an mz of 210 and therefore the 210 mz value

was removed from the resulting MSMS spectra and 160 mz was set for the MSMS low mz



Direct Infusion of Sulfated Peptide Standards into the Mass Spectrometer using ETD and

CID Fragmentation

The sulfated peptide standards were infused into the mass spectrometer at a flow rate of 300

nlmin using a fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od coupled to a custom pulled

tip The CCK-8 human peptide (20 microM) was infused in 5050 ACNH2O and detected in

negative ionization mode with an ICC of 70000 and fragmented with CID using the same

settings as the previous CID experiments Alternatively the CCK-like lobster sulfated peptide

(2 microM) was mixed with 30 microM of different salts (MgCl2 KCl or CaCl2) and 01 formic acid in

5050 ACNH2O The plus three charge of the CCK-like lobster peptide was selected for ETD

fragmentation in positive mode with the same setting as the previous ETD experiments The

data were then de novo sequenced for coverage and localization of the sulfation site

Data Analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as follows

intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E7 and retention time window 05

minutes These parameter changes assisted in providing better quality spectra for sequencing

Identification of peptides was performed using Mascot (Version 23 Matrix Science London

UK) Searches were performed against a custom crustacean database none enzyme allow up to

1 missed cleavage amidated C-terminal as variable modifications peptide tolerance mass error

12 Da MSMS mass error tolerance is 06 Da

Results and Discussion


Identification and Characterization of Intact CPRPs Using ETD

Using ESI-Q-TOF 9 truncated CPRPs fragments were sequenced to cover the amino acid


A representative CID MSMS spectrum of ASLKSDTVTPLR is shown in Figure 1 (a) CID

using ESI-Q-TOF mainly produces fragmentation for doubly and triply charge molecules which

is adequate to sequence peptides with relatively small molecular weight (less than 2000 Da)

However CID fragmentation is insufficient to sequence the larger intact CPRP in a complex

sample whose molecular mass is 3837 Da and therefore it is extremely difficult to directly

sequence by traditional CID ESI-Q-TOF ETD is an attractive fragmentation alternative to

sequence the highly charged CPRP peptide In ETD a protonated peptide reacts with an anion

(fluoranthene radical) where the anion transfers an electron to the peptide cation and the resulting

fragmentation occurs along the N-Cα bond by free-radical-driven-cleavage The large size of

CPRP offers multiple basic amino acid sites to sequester charge and reduce the sequence

coverage from collision induced dissociate by preventing random backbone cleavage whereas

ETD does not cleave the weakest bond and provides the alternative fragmentation pathway to

obtain superior sequence coverage to larger peptides As shown in Figure 1 (cd) the

fragmentation of ETD is highly amenable to ETD compared to the CID fragmentation in Figure

1 (b) As evident from comparison ETD offers more extensive fragmentation than CID thus

providing enhanced coverage for large intact peptides such as CPRPs Specifically we observe

125 of the b- and y- cleavages for CID as compared to an average of 535 of c- and zbull-

fragments More than a four-fold increase in fragments using ETD suggests the utility of this

relatively new tandem MS fragmentation method as complementary techniques for de novo

sequencing of large intact endogenous peptides and novel neuropeptide discovery endeavors


Negative Mode Sulfated Peptide Identification

An accepted method for identification and quantification for sulfated peptides is negative


CCK-8 sulfated peptide standards show intense signal in negative ionization mode

without needing to have additives added such as salts Figure 2 shows the CID MSMS

spectrum from the negative ionization and produces an intense b6 ion at 430 mz The transition

from the doubly negatively charged MS ion of 570 mz to the b6 ion provides a selected reaction

monitoring transition for quantification studies but the sequence information is limited and the

presence of the methionine produces variable oxidation In addition Figure 2 shows the

MSMS product ions with the loss of the sulfate group thus making site-specific location of

sulfation more difficult

Investigation of Cation Salt Adducts to Produce Multiply Charged Sulfated Peptides

Sulfated peptides can be isolated in positive scanning mode but usually only in a plus one

state with low signal intensity If ETD is performed on the singly charged peptide cation a

neutral is formed and is lost in the mass spectrometer and thus no sequence information can be

obtained In order to remedy this situation a technique that adding metal salts to peptides to

increase charge state for ECD used in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass

spectrometry (FTICR-MS)29

inspired the investigation of increasing charge state of targeted

peptide via metal salt adduction followed by ETD analysis in a Bruker amaZon ion trap

Various salts were investigated including MgCl2 CaCl2 and KCl each used at a concentration of

30 microM and mixed with a sulfated peptide standard at 2 microM The addition of KCl produced

mostly doubly charged ion of the lobster CCK-like peptide standard K adduct which produced

insufficient sequence information from ETD fragmentation (data not shown) In comparison

the MgCl2 and CaCl2 produced intense triply charged peptide ions but CaCl2 produced lower


signal intensity compared to MgCl2 (data not shown)

Cation Assisted ETD Fragmentation of CCK-like Lobster Sulfated Peptide and Future


The addition of MgCl2 to the lobster CCK-like sulfated peptide is shown in Figure 3

Except for z1 the complete z-series is obtained including the z7 ion with and without the

sulfation PTM The spectrum is complicated by the additional Mg adducts but several peaks

are shown without any Mg adduct such as z2 z3 z4 etc Clearly the method of cation

assisted ETD fragmentation can be useful using ion trap instruments and can properly sequence

sulfated peptides that are prone to neutral loss from the labile PTM One concern about future

direction in sulfopeptide isolation in non-genome sequenced species is isolation of sulfopeptides

Currently antibodies to specific sulfopeptides is the only commonly used enrichment technique

for sulfopeptides Also since metal cations are needed for this method direct infusion into an

ESI mass spectrometer is preferred to prevent running large amounts of adduct forming salts

through the LC system With direct infusion the lack of separation confounds the problem in

sulfopeptide detection because any co-eluting peptides could have ionization efficiency and thus

reduce the signal of the sulfopeptide Once discovered and sequenced a selected reaction

monitoring (SRM) method could be developed using LC retention coupled with negative

ionization mode followed by CID MSMS or possibly MSMSMS to perform quantitative

studies for sulfopeptides


In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of large endogenous

neuropeptides with higher charge and bigger size The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was

identified and characterized with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation


assisted ETD fragmentation was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of

sulfated neuropeptides These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in

future analysis of large neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides



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Figure 1 Comparison of tandem MS spectra of truncated CPRP (ASLKSDTVTPL mz 128766)

by ESI-Q-TOF (a) and intact CPRP (MW 3837) by the amaZon ETD for both CID and ETD

fragmentation (a) MSn of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6 by CID represent

loss of NH3 ordm represent loss of H2O (b) MS+6

of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6

by ETD at z represent z+1 z represent z+2 (c) MS+5

of precursor ion with mz 768 with charge

state +5 by ETD z represent z+1 z represent z+2 For all labels in Figure 1 charge state +1 is

not specified



Figure 2 Negative CID spectrum of CCK-8 peptide standard (20 microM) via direct infusion show

the doubly charged b6 ion provides the most intense MSMS transition


Figure 3 ETD spectrum of E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRF-amide (2 microM) obtained on the

amaZon ETD via direct infusion with 30 microM MgCl2 The sulfated peptide can be identified

with a visible z-series of z2 to z9 and identified sulfate loss


Chapter 7

Investigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysis

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J

Wellner D Li L Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press



This work investigates the introduction of methanol and a salt modifier to molecular

weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide

quantities Using a neuropeptide standard bradykinin sample loss was reduced over two orders

of magnitude with and without undigested protein present Additionally a bovine serum

albumin (BSA) tryptic digestion was investigated Twenty-seven tryptic peptides were identified

from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while only two tryptic peptides were

identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy presented here enhances recovery

from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide samples


Molecular weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filter devices (MWCO) are

commonly used to desalt and concentrate large molecular weight proteins [1] Greeing and

Simpson recently investigated various MWCO membranes for large amounts of starting material

(~6 mg) focusing on optimal conditions for the sub 25 kDa protein fraction [2] The authors

recovered 200 μg to 29 mg of protein from multiple MWCO experiments and demonstrated that

a 1090 acetonitrile (ACN)H2O elution solvent produced optimal results [3] In addition Manza

et al provided an alternative approach to isolate proteins with a 5 kDa MWCO by using

NH4HCO3 and recovering the retained proteins [4] Alternatively the elution from MWCOs can

be collected to recover only low molecular weight peptides Multiple peptidomic studies have

utilized MWCOs for peptide isolation during the first few steps of sample preparation [5 6]

When sample amount is limited or peptide content is below 1 microg sample loss is a significant

concern when using MWCOs to isolate endogenous peptides Optimized protocols have been


investigated using ACN [3 7] salt [4 8] SDS [5] or native sample [6 9 10] but these

experiments primarily focused on large sample amounts rather than sub-microgram peptide


MWCOs separate large molecules from small molecules The small molecule fraction

may be rich with signaling peptides (SP) cytokines and other small molecules involved in cell-

cell signaling Signaling peptides perform various functions in the body including cell growth

cell survival and hormonal signaling between organs [11] Individual SP contribute to different

aspects of behavior such as pain (enkephalins) [12] feeding (neuropeptide Y) [13] and blood

pressure (bradykinin) [14] MWCO separations can be used to enrich biologically important SP

and explore the peptide content from biological fluids with relatively low peptide content like

blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) In a recent investigation the detection of neuropeptides and

standards in crustacean hemolymph was improved when methanol and protease inhibitors were

present before performing MWCO neuropeptide isolation The impact of methanol on MWCO

sample loss was not investigated in the study [15] In another study a large-scale mass

fingerprinting protocol of endogenous peptides from CSF used a combination of salts before

MWCO fractionation but the impact of adding salts was not discussed [16] The most

commonly used brand of MWCO in the publications and in peptidomic studies is Millipore

Therefore Millipore MWCOs (using regenerated cellulose as the membrane) were used in the

present study The purpose of this work is to provide an optimized sample preparation technique

for MWCO filtering to reduce sample loss and allow sub-microg detection of peptides using MALDI

mass spectrometry



Materials and Chemicals

Water acetonitrile methanol (optima LCMS grade) and sodium chloride (995) were

purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) The α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (99)

formic acid (FA) (ge98) and bovine serum albumin (ge96) were purchased from Sigma-

Aldrich (St Louis MO) Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO centrifugal filters and ZipTips

packed with C18 reversed-phase resin were purchased from Millipore (Billerica MA) Trypsin-

digested bovine serum albumin (BSA) was purchased from Waters (Milford MA) Bradykinin

was purchased from American Peptide Company (Sunnyvale CA)

MALDI MS Instrumentation

An AutoFLEX III MALDI TOFTOF mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics Billerica

MA) was operated in positive ion reflectron mode The MALDI MS instrument is equipped with

a proprietary smart beam (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) laser operating at 200 Hz The

instrument was internally calibrated over the mass range of mz 500minus2500 using a standard

peptide mix Two thousand laser shots were collected per sample spot at an accelerating voltage

of 19 kV and a constant laser power using random shot selection The acquired data were

analyzed using FlexAnalysis software (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) Mass spectrometry

data acquisition was obtained by averaging 2000 laser shots

Molecular weight cut off separation procedure

The MWCO separations were performed using Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO

centrifugal filters (Billerica MA) Before MWCO separation three washing steps were

performed to remove contaminants from the filter The three washes were 500 μL of 5050

H2OMeOH 500 μL of H2O and 400 μL of the solution used for MWCO separation For the


100 H2O solution 1 microg of BSA or bradykinin was used for separation All the other MWCO

separation experiments used 500 ng of BSA or 100 ng or less of bradykinin The MWCO filter

was then centrifuged at 14000 rcf for 5 min at room temperature in an Eppendorf 5415 D

microcentrifuge (Brinkmann Instruments Inc Westbury NY) The filtrate was concentrated in a

Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation West Palm Beach FL)

and acidified The resulting sample was desalted according to the manufacturer using C18

ZipTips from Millipore (Billerica MA) by washing the ZipTip with three times 100 ACN

three aqueous washes of 01 FA binding the peptides from the solution and one aqueous wash

of 01 FA Peptides were then eluted from the ZipTips using 15 microL of 50 ACN in 01 FA

Matrix deposition

Equal volumes of 05 μL from the 15 μL sample solution (including standards not subject

to MWCO filtering) and α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (CHCA) matrix solution in 50

ACN50 H2O were mixed using a dried-droplet method and spotted on a MALDI target The

resulting droplets were allowed to air dry prior to mass spectrometry acquisition


Analysis of two orders of magnitude increase for bradykinin standard

Bradykinin was selected to assess the potential peptide loss in the flow-through after

performing MWCO separation As shown in Figure 1 1 microg of bradykinin standard does not

produce a detectable signal by MALDI mass spectrometry analysis after a 10 kDa MWCO

separation in water (performed in triplicate) For comparison 1 ng of bradykinin standard

diluted to 15 microL produced an intense signal on the MALDI mass spectrometer suggesting


significant sample loss occurs when the target analyte is low in quantity (data not shown

performed in triplicate) Figure 1 shows that the addition of a salt in this case NaCl improves

the limits of detection and decreases sample loss when 7030 watermethanol was compared to

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol The reproducible results gave a relative standard deviation

(RSD) of 6 for peak intensity Figure 1 shows that even when starting with 1 μg of bradykinin

too much sample is lost during the MWCO separation in water to detect the remainder

However an intense signal is observed for 10 ng of bradykinin after the MWCO separation when

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol is used as an elution solvent Sample loss from zip-tipping

was estimated in triplicate by calculating the decreases in peak intensity When 10 ng of

bradykinin was used sample loss was ~41 In comparison the calculated yield for 10 ng of

bradykinin after the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol MWCO separation and zip-tip desalting

showed an estimated sample loss of 63 meaning more loss can be attributed to sample clean-

up than MWCO filtration

A series of experiments were performed to determine if 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol is an optimal solution to recover peptides during a MWCO separation (data not

shown) A 5050 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol and a 5050 watermethanol elution were

performed in duplicate but signal intensity of the resulting bradykinin was poor and numerous

polymer peaks were detected in the flow through A lower salt concentration 01 M NaCl was

used but also produced greatly reduced signal when compared to aqueous 1 M NaCl To assess

the optimized methodrsquos compatibility with lower sample amounts the 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol solution was added to 1 ng of bradykinin for MWCO separation but no signal

was obtained (data not shown) Using a neuropeptide standard the addition of methanol and

NaCl salt significantly improved the sample recovery in sub-microg amounts


BSA tryptic peptide mixture analysis

After demonstrating the importance of using an optimized solution for MWCO

separations with an individual peptide the new method was applied to 500 ng of BSA tryptic

digest to investigate its utility with more complex peptide mixtures Table 1 lists the BSA

tryptic peptides identified in the MALDI MS analysis from different solution conditions

processed by MWCO separation As shown in Table 1 a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard in the absence of any MWCO filtration enabled identification of 39 tryptic peptides by

accurate peptide mass measurements Once again when using 100 H2O for MWCO

separations the starting amount was doubled to 1 microg (also done with 500 ng data not shown)

However many tryptic peptides were not detected due to low signal intensities and non-optimal

elution conditions Instead of H2O a 1 M NaCl solution was used for the MWCO elution but

only two tryptic peptides were identified (Table 1) The addition of 30 methanol into the

sample before MWCO filtration produced the first increase in identified BSA tryptic peptides

The remaining data from Table 1 shows improved BSA tryptic peptide identifications as the

sample (elution) conditions were further optimized Figure 2 shows the actual mass spectra

associated with the three most promising elution solutions along with 100 H2O

The BSA tryptic peptide intensities are shown in Figure 2A and the most intense tryptic

peptide YLYEIAR mz 92749 was observed in the four different solutions shown in Figure 2B

but not in the 100 H2O or 100 1 M NaCl solutions (data not shown) In Figure 2A all mass

spectra are normalized to an intensity of 7 x 104 to illustrate two points First the MWCO

filtering step still produced sample loss regardless of the solvent conditions chosen Second

there is a noticeable increase in peptide peak intensity using the optimized solvent 6040


aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol (Figure 2A) Figure 2C displays a zoomed-in view of a BSA

tryptic peptide signal LKECC

DKPLLEK mz 153266 (

carbamidomethyl) observed only in

the optimized solvent The detection of the mz 153266 peptide in Figure 2C highlights the

potential gain in sample and detectable peptides by using an optimized saltMeOH combination

A non-optimized saltMeOH combination will still reduce sample loss but further minimizing

sample loss during sample preparation will always be desirable in any analytical protocol

MWCO composition

The purpose of this application note is to provide evidence of sub-microg sample loss during

MWCO separations of peptide samples and a solution to overcome this limitation The

explanation of why adding MeOH and NaCl to the sample solution provides a significant

reduction in sample loss is beyond the scope of this application note Regardless Supplemental

Table S1 is an expanded version of Table 1 showing the amino acid sequence hydrophobicity

calculated using GRAVY scores and pI of the identified peptides in this study No discernible

trend was obtained from the data The membrane of commonly used MWCO in peptidomics and

for this study is comprised of chemically treated (regenerated) cellulose which is a

polysaccharide containing β (1rarr4) linked D-glucose Glucose has numerous free hydroxyl

groups which could non-specifically adsorb peptides flowing through the MWCO The addition

of MeOH has the most significant effect on signal which could be due to disrupting the

interaction between peptides and hydroxyl groups from glucose NaCl has a less significant

effect on sample recovery compared to MeOH but a detectable reduction in sample loss is noted

This improvement in sample recovery could be analogous to the use of NaCl in


immunodepletion protocols to reduce non-specific binding which is accomplished by adding

150 mM NaCl [17]

Analysis of bradykinin in the presence of undigested BSA

When using MWCO for peptide isolation proteins are typically present in the samples

usually in larger amounts Figure 3 shows the effect that adding BSA protein to a 10 ng

bradykinin solution before MWCO fractionation has on the resulting recovery of bradykinin

Adding 10 μg of BSA to the optimized 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol solution slightly

decreased bradykininrsquos signal with a RSD of 10 More severe signal reduction occurred after

adding 100 microg BSA with a RSD of 2 (N=2) It is not unexpected that more signal reduction

due to sample loss would occur especially in the 100 microg BSA sample because the BSA protein

has a molar ratio of 160 BSA protein molecules to one bradykinin peptide Figure 3 shows the

usefulness of the MWCO method with samples containing large amounts of proteins


The present work provides solutions to reduce sample loss from the use of MWCO for

sub-microg peptide isolation with or without non-digested proteins in the sample Despite its

widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO fractionation step

which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides from limited starting

material This application note aims to reduce sample loss during MWCO separations

specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation If complex samples are processed with MWCO

separation the authors recommend eluting the sample with 6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

solution as a starting point to minimize sample loss This application note provides a viable


alternative for sub-microg peptide MWCO separation circumventing the need to increase the starting

material by minimizing sample loss from using a MWCO membrane-based centrifugal filter



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[2] DW Greening RJ Simpson Low-molecular weight plasma proteome analysis using

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[6] K Antwi G Hostetter MJ Demeure BA Katchman GA Decker Y Ruiz TD Sielaff LJ

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peptide in plasma to overexpression of the parent protein in tumors J Proteome Res 2009 8


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methods for mass spectrometric biomarker discovery J Proteome Res 2007 6 571

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[9] X Yuan DM Desiderio Human cerebrospinal fluid peptidomics J Mass Spectrom 2005 40


[10] X Zheng H Baker WS Hancock Analysis of the low molecular weight serum peptidome

using ultrafiltration and a hybrid ion trap-Fourier transform mass spectrometer J Chromatogr A

2006 1120 173

[11] L Li JV Sweedler Peptides in the brain mass spectrometry-based measurement approaches

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[12] GB Stefano G Fricchione Y Goumon T Esch Pain immunity opiate and opioid

compounds and health Med Sci Monit 2005 11 MS47

[13] J Jensen Regulatory peptides and control of food intake in non-mammalian vertebrates Comp

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[14] A Kuoppala KA Lindstedt J Saarinen PT Kovanen JO Kokkonen Inactivation of

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[15] R Chen M Ma L Hui J Zhang L Li Measurement of neuropeptides in crustacean

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Table 1 Identified BSA tryptic peptides from various MWCO separation conditions

BSA tryptic

peptide (MH+)


H2O 1microg


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl








































Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


Figure 1 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard showing improvement over two orders of magnitude in detection limits Each MWCO

separation was performed at minimum in triplicate with representative spectrum selected for

each with a calculated RSD from the peak heights Three different amounts of bradykinin were

tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss under different MWCO solvent conditions The

top panel shows 1 microg of bradykinin standard after MWCO separation with 100 H2O elution

produced no signal The addition of 40 or 30 MeOH produced very low bradykinin signals

for both 100 ng (RSD of 28) and 10 ng (SNlt3 no RSD calculated) respectively In the

bottom two spectra each showed very large intensity but the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

10 ng bradykinin was processed with a 10kDa MWCO and zip-tipped and was reproducible with


a RSD of 6 The last spectrum was from 10 ng bradykinin (RSD of 3) which was diluted to

an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the MALDI plate


Figure 2 Representative MALDI mass spectra from MWCO separation of a BSA tryptic

peptide standard showing sample loss Stacked mass spectra from mz range 875-2150

normalized to 7 x 104 intensity representing the detection difference from a BSA tryptic peptide

standard from different MWCO separation conditions (A) It should be noted that when the

solvent for MWCO elution was 100 H2O 1 microg of BSA tryptic peptides was processed instead

of 500 ng A zoomed in view of the most abundant BSA tryptic peptide detected YLYEIAR

mz 92749 (B) Various percentages of MeOH produced significant signal but addition of a salt

(1 M NaCl) increases the signal which is closest to a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard A zoomed in view of a representative low intensity BSA tryptic peptide detected


DKPLLEK mz 153266 (C) The optimized solution to be used for MWCO filtration


6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol was the only procedure that enabled the detection of the

tryptic peptide in Figure 2C which was also detected in the directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard All experiments were performed a minimum of two times with nearly identical results

) Carbamidomethyl amino acid modification

ordm) Tryptic peptide identified in three of the spectra in Figure 2A

dagger) Tryptic peptide identified in two of the spectra in Figure 2A

) Tryptic peptide identified in a single spectrum in Figure 2A


Figure 3 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard with a BSA protein present showing optimized solvent conditions minimized samples

losses Each experiment was performed in duplicate Two different amounts of BSA protein

were tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss caused by the presence of a protein The top

panel shows 10 microg of BSA protein and the second panel shows 100 microg of BSA protein added

while only 10 ng of bradykinin was added Detectable sample loss was observed when the BSA

protein was added but panel two shows that the amount of BSA protein was 1 x 104 greater

(equivalent to 160 fold molar excess) than bradykinin The last two spectra were controls using

a MWCO with the optimized solution in panel 3 and panel 4 using 10 ng bradykinin which was

diluted to an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the

MALDI plate


Supplemental Table 1 Expanded Table 1 including grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY)

score theoretical pI and the sequence from the underlying amino acid sequence for the peptides

identified in the BSA digest The GRAVY and pI scores were obtained from ExPASy

Bioinformatics and modifications were not taken into consideration

(httpwebexpasyorgprotparam) Peptide assignments to the recorded peaks were done by









Sequence 100




1 M





1 M



1 M





1 M



5453 0900 972 VASLR

6894 0267 979 AWSVAR

7124 -0950 647 SEIAHR

8985 0529 674 LcVLHEK

9275 -0071 600 YLYEIAR

10345 -0725 674 NEcFLSHK

10725 -0211 538 SHcIAEVEK

11385 0 599 ccTESLVNR

11636 0130 453 LVNELTEFAK

12496 -1250 545 FKDLGEEHFK

12837 0264 675 HPEYAVSVLLR

13057 -0582 532 HLVDEPQNLIK

13997 0567 437 TVMENFVAFVDK

14157 0567 437 TVmENFVAFVDK

14197 0058 530 SLHTLFGDELcK

14398 -0133 875 RHPEYAVSVLLR

14636 -0515 465 TcVADESHAGcEK

14798 0292 600 LGEYGFQNALIVR

15026 -0625 409 EYEATLEEccAK

15118 0207 597 VPQVSTPTLVEVSR

15328 -0617 617 LKEccDKPLLEK

15547 -0823 441 DDPHAcYSTVFDK

15677 -0085 437 DAFLGSFLYEYSR

15768 -0985 456 LKPDPNTLcDEFK

16399 -0067 875 KVPQVSTPTLVEVSR

16678 0064 437 MPCTEDYLSLILNR

16738 -1723 550 QEPERNEcFLSHK

17248 0064 437 MPcTEDYLSLILNR

17408 0064 437 mPcTEDYLSLILNR

17477 -0914 414 YNGVFQEccQAEDK

17497 -0621 410 EccHGDLLEcADDR

18809 -0537 606 RPcFSALTPDETYVPK

18890 -0567 674 HPYFYAPELLYYANK

19019 -1275 466 NEcFLSHKDDSPDLPK

19079 0044 454 LFTFHADIcTLPDTEK

20450 -0812 839 RHPYFYAPELLYYANK

21139 -0682 480 VHKEccHGDLLEcADDR

22479 -0458 423 EccHGDLLEcADDRADLAK

Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


mass matching with no tandem mass spectrometry performed Lower case amino acids indicate

a modification present in the peptide of carbamidomethyl (c) or oxidation (m)


Chapter 8

Conclusions and Future Directions



Comparative shotgun proteomics investigating numerous biological changes in various

species and sample media and peptidomic method development have been reported The

developed comparative shotgun proteomics based on label-free spectral counting with nanoLC

MSMS platform have been employed in mouse CSF rat CSF yeast culture and other biological

specimens Mass spectrometry (MS)-based peptidomic enhancements using ETD and improved

sample preparation methods for molecular weight cut-offs have been reported Together these

studies add to the Li Labs capabilities in comparative shotgun proteomics and expand available

methods for peptidomic research

Immunodepletion of CSF for comparative proteomics

Chapters 3 and 4 used similar methods to generate a list of differentially expressed

proteins providing insight into how Alexander disease (AxD) perturbs the proteome and how the

new prion model rat adapted scrapie (RAS) proteome varies from control rats In the GFAP

overexpressor mouse CSF study in Chapter 3 we have produced a panel of proteins with

significant up or down regulation in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice MS-based

proteomic study of this mouse model for AxD was consistent with the previous studies showing

elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified IgY-14 immunodepletion technique

for low amounts of CSF with recommendations for future antibody depletion techniques to deal

with the unique challenges of mouse CSF was presented Modified proteomics protocols were

employed to profile mouse CSF with biological and technical triplicates addressing the

variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF spectral counting Validation of the data was

performed using both ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide corroboration with the


changes in the putative biomarkers This work presents numerous interesting targets for future

study in AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1

Using the protocol developed in Chapter 3 we performed a similar study in RAS CSF

compared to control rat CSF Two differences in sample preparation for the rat CSF compared

to the mouse CSF are noted (1) rat IgY-7 immunodepletion was performed and (2) each rat

CSF sample was collected from one animal due to sufficient volume instead of pooling from

multiple animals for the mouse CSF sample After immunodepletion the CSF samples from

control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using

one dimensional RP nanoLC separation We were able to identify 167 proteins with redundant

isoforms removed which was derived from total 512 proteins with a 1 FDR from all the CSF

samples Comparative analysis was performed using dNSAF spectral counting and 21 proteins

were significantly changed Our data were consistent with previous prion CSF studies showing

14-3-3 protein increased in CSF of prion infected animals Genomic analysis was also

performed and was used to cross-validate our proteomic data and numerous proteins were found

to be consistent including a novel marker related to prion disease RNAset2 (ribonuclease T2)

In summary this work provides a foundation for investigation of the perturbed proteome of a

new prion model RAS

Yeast Phosphoproteomic Comparison between Starved and Glucose Fed Conditions

This work presented a qualitative comparison of the phosphoproteome between starved

and glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) A large scale IMAC enrichment of

yeast cell lysate followed by 2-D separations provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for CID

MSMS and neutral loss triggered ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for

PKA was highlighted to show the differences in proteins identified between starved and glucose


fed conditions In total 477 unique phosphopeptides were identified with 06 FDR and 669

unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Phosphosite validation was performed using

a localization algorithm Ascore to provide further confidence on the site-specific

characterization of these phosphopeptides Two proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential

intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on protein phosphorylation involved in glucose


Methods for Peptide Sample Preparation and Sequencing

In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation CCK-like neuropeptides found in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was identified and characterized

with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation assisted ETD fragmentation using

MgCl2 was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of sulfated neuropeptides

These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in future analysis of large

neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides

In addition to ETD sequencing I presented a protocol on improving recovery of minute

quantities of peptides by adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off

membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities

Despite its widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO

fractionation step which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides

from limited starting material This work presented a method to reduce sample loss during

MWCO separations specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss was reduced by over two orders of magnitude with and without


undigested protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein

and the bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and

not the presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-

seven tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol

while only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol

Ongoing Projects and Future Directions

CSF Projects

Rat Adapted Scrapie and Time Course Study of Rat CSF

In ongoing experiments from the work described in Chapter 4 related to rat adapted

scrapie (RAS) we are working towards more complete proteome coverage of CSF and a time

course study of RAS After the promising results of the 1-D proteomic comparison between

RAS and control CSF we want to perform IgY immunodepletion on 1 mL of rat CSF followed

by 2-D high pH-low pH RP-RP LC-MSMS IgY immunodepletion is still required and

afterwards approximately 40 microg of low abundance protein would remain Following traditional

urea tryptic digestion (see Appendix 1) and solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up the sample

would be dried down and reconstituted in mobile phase A (25 mM ammonium formate basic

pH) for high pH RP separation Fractions would be dried and subjected to MS analysis similar to

the work described in Chapter 4 The purpose of this work would be to increase the proteome

coverage from a few hundred to a thousand CSF proteins identified A time course study of RAS

is also desirable to gain insight into disease progression Rats at different stages will be

sacrificed and CSF will be collected The goal is to perform isobaric labeling between the time

courses with spectral counting being an alternative for relative protein expression We will use

the targets identified in Chapter 4 to track certain proteins for time course analysis Overall


these future projects will dig deeper into the proteome and how this novel prion model RAS

perturbs the proteins expressed in rats over time

Glycoproteomics and Peptidomic Analysis of CSF Samples from Individuals with

Alzheimerrsquos Disease

Alzheimerrsquos disease is an incurable progressive neurodegenerative disorder which results

in cognitive impairment Our aim is to provide additional biomarkers andor targets for drug

treatment Currently we used 500 microL of human CSF for non-membrane glycoprotein

enrichment (see Appendix 1) followed by 2-D high-pH-low-pH RP-RP amaZon ion trap LC-

MSMS analysis The initial work was a failure due to low amount of signal and significant

sample loss (data not shown) Through a comparison with Dr Xin Weirsquos PhD thesis we

estimated roughly 20 microg of proteins was obtained after glycoprotein enrichment and 1-D analysis

produced over 100 protein identifications (data not shown) but the additional off-line 2-D

separation and sample clean up resulted in low number of protein identifications for each fraction

analyzed by MS (data not shown) We have recently obtained 1 mL of human CSF samples

from healthy controls and individuals suffering from Alzheimerrsquos disease and plan to perform

the same experiments with double the starting amount and reduce the fractions collected from 2-

D separation from 11 to 6 In addition to the glycoproteomics anything not enriched will be

subjected to MWCO separation using the method presented in Chapter 7 The obtained peptide

sample will be subjected to Q-TOF nanoLC MSE data acquisition followed by de novo

sequencing using various programs including PEAKS and Mascot Collectively we feel this

project has great potential to lead to interesting targets and further expand the proteomic

knowledge of Alzheimerrsquos disease

GFAP Knock-in Mouse CSF


In a direct follow-up to Chapter 3 we aim to perform comparative proteomics on control

vs glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) knock-in mouse CSF samples The sample preparation

protocol as presented in Chapter 3 will be used For quantitative proteomics we plan on

performing isobaric labeling followed by performing high energy collision induced dissociation

(HCD) on the Orbitrap Elite The MS acquisition will also perform a top ten scan where the top

ten MS peaks will be selected for tandem MS analysis In addition targeted quantitation of

specific proteins using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) can be performed on potential

biomarkers and identified in this follow-up study and the work presented in Chapter 3 Also any

CSF samples with noticeable blood content cannot be used for the exploratory proteomics

experiments but can potentially be used for the MRM analysis and should be kept for such

experiments in the future

Large Scale Proteomics

Proteomics of Mouse Amniotic Fluid for Lung Maturation

The overall goal of this project is to determine what proteins are present in amniotic fluid

when the embryo is 175 weeks compared to amniotic fluid at 155 weeks The rationale behind

why these two time points matter was investigated through a lung explant culture where amniotic

fluid was added at 155 weeks and 175 weeks Visual maturation of lungs occurred with the

175 week amniotic fluid and lung maturation genes were up regulated in the mRNA in the lung

explant culture when compared to the 155 week amniotic fluid The compound which is

causing the maturation of the lungs is unknown and search for a secreted protein might provide a

clue to this process In order to test this hypothesis we carried out discovery proteomics

experiments The workflow involves tryptic digestion SPE and 1-D low pH nanoLC separation

coupled to an amaZon ETD ion trap for tandem MS analysis The resulting mass spectrometric


acquisition identified less than 100 proteins with a 1 FDR (data not published) To address the

lack of depth in the proteome coverage we purchased an IgY immunodepletion column to

remove the most abundant proteins in amniotic fluid similarly to Chapter 3 and 4 but on a larger

scale One abundant protein alpha-fetoprotein is present in amniotic fluid but absent or present

in very low concentration in CSF serum or plasma Alpha-fetoprotein is similar to albumin and

thus we ran amniotic fluid on an IgY immunodepletion column and observed significant

reduction in alpha-fetoprotein amount (data not published) After immunodepletion 2-D high

pH-low pH RP-RP will be performed followed by nanoLCMSMS on the amaZon ETD ion trap

We will perform mass spectrometry experiments using the 155 week amniotic fluid and 175

week amniotic fluid which have average protein contents ~2 mgmL We anticipate a minimum

of tenfold increase in the proteome coverage of amniotic fluid and provide meaningful

hypothesis driven biological experiments from this work

Phosphoproteomics of JNK Activation

c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is an important cellular mediator of stress activated

signaling Under conditions of oxidative stress JNK is activated resulting in the downstream

phosphorylation of a large number of proteins including c-Jun However the cellular response

to JNK activation is extremely complex and JNK activation can result in extremely different

physiological outcomes For example JNK is at the crossroads of cellular death and survival

and exhibits both pro-death and pro-survival activities These highly disparate outcomes of JNK

activation are highly contextual and depend on the type of stressor and duration of stress In the

brain JNK has been shown to be activated in models of Alzheimerrsquos disease Parkinsonrsquos

disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and stroke It is thought that JNK is activated in these

diseases as a result of oxidative stress and it is unknown whether this activation is pro-survival or


pro-death To elucidate JNK signaling in the brain we chose to analyze primary cortical

astrocytes under conditions of oxidative stress Since hydrogen peroxide is a physiologically

relevant oxidant in the brain and known to activate JNK we chose to use this to treat astrocytes

and then analyze changes to the phosphoproteome by mass spectrometry By doing this we

hope to elucidate important JNK-dependent targets involved in stress signaling in the brain and

that identifying these targets could lead to the identification of novel disease mechanisms and

potentially new therapeutic targets for neurodegeneration Specifically we plan on performing

stable isotope labeling by amino acids (SILAC) of astrocytes for control hydrogen peroxide

treated and hydrogen peroxide treated with JNK inhibitor The SILAC labeled astrocyte cell

lysate will be digested enriched using Fe-NTA IMAC and separated using 2-D high pH-low pH

RP-RP and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap The protocol is similar to the yeast

comparative phosphoproteomics from Chapter 5 After analysis we plan on processing the data

using ProteoIQ to identify phosphoproteins with significant changes

Immunoprecipitation Followed by Mass Spectrometry

Stb3 Mass Spectrometry Analysis

Stb3 (Sin3-binding protein) has previously been shown to change location depending on

the presence or absence of glucose (Heideman Lab Dr Michael Conways Thesis) An

immunoprecipitation of Stb3 was performed in parallel to the work described in Chapter 5 Two

separate experiments were performed one with wild type Stb3 and another tagged with myc for

improved protein immunoprecipitation Myc tagging is a polypeptide tag which can be

recognized by an antibody and provide a better enrichment compared to using a Stb3 antibody

alone The myc tagging was done because of the low abundance of Stb3 and the limited amount

of protein that was pulled down by the antibody for Stb3 Immunopreciptation experiments were


performed for both starved and glucose fed samples All samples were tryptically digested

followed by low pH RP nanoLCMSMS Both CID and ETD were used for fragmentation

analysis of each sample (n=2) The Stb3 wild type had two peptide hits in one MS run which is

not surprising due to low Stb3 antibody affinity In contrast a significant amount of Stb3 was

pulled down from Myc tagged starved and glucose fed samples For the glucose starved

samples 22 unique peptides from Stb3 were identified whereas glucose fed samples yielded 21

unique Stb3 peptides identified (unpublished data) The identified Stb3 in the myc samples

allowed us to investigate what other proteins were pulled down that are not present in the wild

type samples

From previous work by our collaborator Dr Heideman it had been suggested that Stb3

forms a complex with Sin3 and Rpd3 Our proteomic data shows multiple significant peptide

hits for Sin3 and Rpd3 in myc tagged but not in wild type where Stb3 is only observed once

with a low Mascot score When looking at the unique proteins identified in myc tagged glucose

fed sample but not included in the wild type samples the myc fed sample contained eight unique

ribosomal proteins with numerous unique peptides for each The ribosomal proteins identified in

myc fed sample supports the novel hypothesis that in the glucose fed state the complex of Stb3

Rpd3 and Sin3 interact with ribosomal proteins Other proteins unique to myc tagged glucose

starved samples are glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 and transcriptional regulatory

protein UME6 Also three proteins were observed in both myc fed and starved but not in the

wild type samples including transposon Ty1-DR1 Gag-Pol polyprotein(YD11B) SWIRM

domain-containing protein (FUN19) and RNA polymerase II degradation factor 1 (DEF1) Our

proteomics data for the Stb3 immunoprecipitation experiments with starved vs glucose fed


samples provide exciting evidence to support previous observation made by the Heideman group

and highlight the utility of MS-based approach to deciphering protein-protein interactions


The majority of the work described in this dissertation revolves around sample

preparation for proteomics and peptidomics with a focus on generating biologically testable

hypotheses In the area of neuropeptides CPRP was fully sequenced analytical methods were

transformed for use in an ETD ion trap and sub-microg peptides can now be analyzed by mass

spectrometry after MWCO separation In the field of comparative proteomics comparisons

between mouse CSF in GFAP overexpressors and control or rat adapted scrapie model and

control CSF yeast fed vs glucose starved cell extract have all been presented Collectively this

thesis has developed new techniques for neuropeptide sample preparation and presented

numerous comparative proteomic analyses of various biological samples and how the proteomes

are dynamically perturbed by various treatments and disease conditions


Appendix 1

Protocols for sample preparation for mass spectrometry based

proteomics and peptidomics


Small Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 8 μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

10 Acidify with 10μL 10 formic acid

11 Perform solid phase extraction using tips dependent of sample amount

a Sub-5μg amounts ndash Millipore Ziptips

b 5-75μg amounts ndash Bond-Elut tips from Agilent (OMIX tips)

12 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Small Scale ProteaseMAX Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 2 μL of 1 of

ProtesaeMAX (Promega) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Add 1 μL ProteaseMAX and let sit for 3-4 hours

10 Acidify with 2μL 10 formic acid

11 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Large Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (mg of proteins)

1 All solutions are in a 50 mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395 mgmL)

2 Add 20μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 160μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to sample

3 Allow sample to denature 45-60 minutes in a 37degC water bath

4 Add 54μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

5 Quench reaction with 20μL of DTT solution

6 Dilute with 14mL of NH4HCO3 solution

7 Add 100μg of trypsin

8 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

9 Acidify sample with 100μL of 10 formic acid

10 Perform solid phase extraction with Hypersep C18 Cartridges with 100 mg of C18

bead volume (Thermo)

11 Dry down with the Speedvac as needed for experiment


Fe-NTA Preparation from Ni-NTA Beads

1 Centrifuge (5 min at 140 rcf) and use a magnet to keep beads in place as supernatant

is removed

2 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O (using same technique of centrifuging and using

magnet to keep beads in places as supernatant is removed)

3 Add 800μL of 100mM EDTA (372mgmL) in a 50mM NH4HCO3 (395mgmL)

buffered solution (pH around 8) and vortex for 30 minutes to chelate the Ni

centrifuge and remove supernatant

4 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O

5 Add 800μL of 10mM FeCl3 hexahydrate (27mgmL) and vortex for 30 minutes to

bind Fe to beads centrifuge and remove supernatant

6 Wash 3 times with 800μL H2O

7 Resuspend in a storage solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid (1mL total)


Fe-NTA IMAC Phospho-enrichment

1 Use wash solution (80ACN 01Formic Acid) to rinse beads vortex 1 minute

centrifuge and remove supernatant

2 Add sample (around 500μL in 80ACN 01Formic Acid) and vortex 40 minutes to

allow sample to bind dispose of supernatant after centrifuging

3 Wash 3 times with 200μL of wash solution discard supernatant

4 Add 200μL of elution solution (5050 ACN5Ammonium Hydroxide) vortex 15

minutes and save supernatant

5 Add 200μL of elution solution vortex 10 minutes and save supernatant

6 Wash 2 time with wash solution (collect supernatant of first wash)

7 If reusing store in 1mL solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid


High pH Off-line Separation

1) In general a minimum of 20 microg of peptides are needed to gain any benefit

from off-line 2D fractionation It is better to inject 100 microg of peptides on


2) Use a Gemini column or a similar column that can handle pH=10 and for this

protocol a 21 mm x 150 mm column was used

3) Prepare ldquobuffer Ardquo 25 mM NH4 formate pH=10 Also prepare ldquobuffer Brdquo

4) Dry down desired sample and reconstitute in buffer A

5) Inject based off sample loop (current Alliance HPLC has a 50 microL sample


6) Run gradient at bottom of the page collecting fractions every 3 minutes except

for the 1st minute which is the void volume

7) Optional If you want to reduce instrument time you can combine fractions 1

with 12 2 with 13 etc until 11 with 22

Time Mobile phase A Mobile phase B Flow Rate


0 98 2 05 mLmin

65rsquo 70 30 05 mLmin

65rsquo1rdquo 5 95 05 mLmin

70 5 95 05 mLmin


Non Membrane Glycoprotein Enrichment

1 For protocols involving membrane glycoprotein enrichment see Dr Xin Weirsquos


2 Add 75 microL of Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound to agarose beads and 150 microL

of Concanavalin A (ConA) to a Handee spin cup (Thermo) Wash 2 times with

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) binding buffer (015 M NaCl 002 M Tris-

HCl 1 mM CaCl2 pH=74) centrifuging at 400 g for 30 seconds

3 Place stopper on bottom of spin cup and add 200 microg of sample (500 microL for CSF)

Bring up to 300 microL using lectin LAC binding buffer

4 Incubate for 1 hour with continuous mixing at room temperature

5 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds

6 Perform two more 300 microL LAC binding washes followed by centrifugation

7 Add 300 microL LAC eluting buffer (0075 M NaCl 001 M Tris-HCl 02 M alpha-

methyl mannoside 02 M alpha-methyl glucoside and 05 M acetyl-D-

glucosamine) vortex for 10 minutes (have stopper in place while vortexing)

centrifuge and collect

7 Add another 300 microL LAC eluting buffer centrifuge and collect


MWCO separation for Sub-microg peptide concentrations

1 Wash molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) with 5050 waterMeOH centrifuge at

14000 g for 5 minutes for 10 kDa filter (time will vary Millipore Amicon Ultra


2 Wash with 100 water centrifuge at 14000 g for 5 minutes

3 Add methanol to the sample to get the concentration to 30 methanol and add

salt to achieve a roughly 05 M NaCl before adding the sample to the MWCO

4 Centrifuge at 14000 for 10 minutes collect flow through



Modified from Thermo Fisher Scientific Classic IP Kit

1 10 microL Polyclonal antibody added to 1 microg protein standard in a Handee spin cup

(Thermo) diluted with 1x TBS buffer to 400 microL and incubated overnight at on

shakerend-over-end rotator

2 Wash Protein GA beads with 2x 200microL TBS buffer and added to the

antibodysample for 15 hours at 4oC

3 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard flow through

4 Wash 3x with 100microL TBS buffer centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard

flow through

5 Wash with 1x conditioning solution (neutral pH buffer) centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and discard flow through

6 Eluted with elution buffer (2x100microL) centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and

collect flow through


C18 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

1 Determine amount of peptides for SPE ge5 microg use Ziptips from Millipore If

between 5-75 microg use OMIX from Agilent 100 microL version and if ge75 microg use SPE

cartridges such as 100 mg Hypersep from Thermo

2 Ensure no detergents are in the sample and it is acidified

3 The three SPE procedures all use the same sets of solutions only volumes vary

4 3x Wetting solution (100 ACN) for 60 microL OMIX (20 microL ziptip and 15 mL for

100 mg cartridge)

5 3x Wash solution (01 formic acid in 100 H2O) same volumes as 4

6 Draw up the sample about 10 times minimum (generally 30-40 is preferred)

without letting the bead volume dry out

7 1X Wash solution same volumes as 4

8 Back load the eluting solution 01 formic acid in 5050 H2OACN into the

Ziptips (15 microL) or OMIX (50 microL) tips For the SPE cartridge add 700 microL of

eluting solution

9 Dry down and prepare for next step in sample preparation


Laser Puller Programs and Protocols

1) Obtain about two feet of Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od

2) Wash with methanol and then air dry using the bomb

3) Cut into one foot or desired length

4) Use a lighter to burn the middle portion (about an inch in length) of the tubing

5) Remove the ash by rinsing with methanol and rubbing with a Kimwipe

6) Make sure the laser puller has been on for at least 30 minutes before use to allow

for the instrument to warm up

7) Place capillary in instrument with the burnedexposed portion in the center

making sure that the length of the capillary is pulled taut

8) Enter desired program (next page) and press pull


Laser Puller Programs

Program 99 (default lab program)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

250 0 25 150 15

240 0 25 150 15

235 0 25 150 15

245 0 25 150 15

Program 97 (developed for larger inner diameter tips)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

230 - 25 150 -

220 - 25 150 -

215 - 25 150 8


On column Immunodepletion (serum plasma CSF amniotic fluid)

1) Prepare buffer A ldquoDilution Bufferrdquo 10 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 150 mM NaCl

2) Prepare buffer B ldquoStripping Bufferrdquo 01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25

3) Prepare buffer C ldquoNeutralization Bufferrdquo 100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80

4) Determine loading amount (LC1=~1000 ug of serum or plasma less for CSF due

to the increased amount of albumin percentage in CSF)

5) Add Dilution buffer to sample before injection and ensure the sample is proper

pH (~7)

6) Use gradient below

Time A B C Flow Rate


0rsquo 100 0 0 02

4rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 02

5rsquo 100 0 0 05

8rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 05

9rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo1rdquo 0 0 100 05

39rsquo 0 0 100 05

7) Store the column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Small Scale Immunodepletion (100 microL of CSF)

1) Use 75 microg (per 100 microL CSF) of Sigma Seppro IgY-14 or IgY-7 bead slurry

2) Add an equal volume of 2x dilution buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 300 mM

NaCl) to the starting amount of CSF

3) Add to a spin cup with a filter and allow to mix for 30 minutes

4) Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and collect the flow through

5) Add 50 microL of 1x dilution buffer mix for 5 minutes centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and collect the flow through

6) Use 1x stripping washes (01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25) centrifuge as before and

discard Repeat four times

7) Use 1x neutralization buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80) centrifuge as before

and discard Repeat two times

8) Store the beads in the spin column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Alliance Maintenance Protocol

Seal Wash

10 methanol no acetonitrile This wash cleans behind the pump-head seals to

ensure proper lubrication Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime SealWsh gt Start

2 Press Stop after 5 minutes

Prime Injector

10 methanol for maintenance high organic solvent for dirty runs (eg 95

acetonitrile) Done before injecting any real samples to ensure no bubbles are

present in the injector Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime NdlWsh gt Start

2 After completion press Close

Purge Injector

Solvent is dependent on run Run this protocol at beginning of experiments each day

Minimum once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Navigate Direct Function gt 4 Purge Injector gt OK

3 Set Sample loop volumes 60 leave Compression Check unchecked gt OK

Prime Solvent Pumps

Solvent is dependent on run If solvents are changed run this protocol Minimum

once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys choose composition A type 100 Enter x4

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 3 Wet Prime gt OK

4 Set Flow Rate 7000 mLmin Time 100 min gt OK

5 Repeat for all changedactive solvent pumps

Condition Column

Dependent on user Use starting conditions for run

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys type starting solvent compositions for run

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 6 Condition Column gt OK

4 Set Time as desired


Appendix 2

List of Publications and Presentations



ldquoDiscovery and characterization of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor related

peptides (CPRP) and orcokinin neuropeptides in the sinus glands of the blue crab Callinectes

sapidus using multiple tandem mass spectrometry techniquesrdquo Hui L Cunningham R Zhang

Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29

ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular weight cut-off

fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Li L

Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press

ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker

discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35

ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse models of

Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P Messing A Li

L Journal of Proteome Research Submitted

ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M Heideman

W Li L In preparation

ldquoIdentification of astrocytic JNK targets by phosphoproteomics using mass spectrometryrdquo

Cunningham R Dowell J Wang J Wellner D Li L Milhelm M In preparation

ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A Cunningham R Wellner

D Wang J Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



Robert Cunningham Davenne Mayour and Shoshanna Coon ldquoMorphology and Thermal

Stability of Monolayers on Porous Siliconrdquo The 231th

ACS National Meeting 2006 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Xin Wei Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass

Spectrometry-Based Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Peptidome and Proteome for Biomarker

Discovery in Alexander Diseaserdquo The 57th

ASMS Conference 2009 Philadelphia PA

Robert Cunningham ldquoWhat to Expect in a PhD Graduate Schoolrdquo Invited seminar University

of Northern Iowa 2010 Cedar Falls IA

Robert Cunningham Dustin Frost Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoInvestigation of an

Optimized ProteaseMAX Assisted Trypsin Digestion of Human CSF for Pseudo-SRM

Quantification of GFAP and Identification of Biomarkersrdquo The 58th

ASMS Conference 2010

Salt Lake City UT

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo Oral presentation at Pittcon Conference and Expo 2011 2011 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Michael Conway Daniel Wellner Douglas Grunwald Warren

Heideman and Lingjun Li ldquoDevelopment of optimized phosphopeptide enrichment methods for

comparison of starved and glucose fed yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo The 59th


Conference 2011 Denver CO

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo 2011 Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium 2011 Madison WI



I would like to acknowledge the support and guidance from professors colleagues

and friends at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who are indispensable to this thesis

First I would like to express my deep gratitude to my advisor Prof Lingjun Li for

allowing me the freedom to chase scientific endeavors all while offering her constant

guidance assistance and support through my PhD study Her constant energy and

enthusiasm in research have led by example in performing research and inspired me to

make the most of the time given to me Dr Li encouraged me to take on challenging

projects apply for awards travel and present my research to the larger scientific

community None of my work would be achieved without her and I want to thank Dr Li

for her support during these years

I would also like to thank the members of my committee Dr Lingjun Li Dr

Albee Messing Dr Lloyd Smith Dr Warren Heideman and Dr Tim Bugni I truly

appreciate the willingness of these professors to take time out of their busy schedules to

serve as members of my committee

I have benefited greatly from previous members of the Li Lab In particular I

would like to thank Dr James Dowell Dr Xin Wei Dr Robert Sturm and Dr Limei

Hui for their patient and valuable suggestions in my research and also teaching me

valuable experimental skills how to perform general shotgun proteomics and how to use

several instruments Specifically I would like to thank Daniel Wellner who has worked

with me on numerous projects over the past 2 years and has been a constant in my

research life I also want to thank my wonderful current colleagues Jingxin Wang Tyler

ii Greer Chris Lietz Chenxi Jia Dustin Frost Di Ma Hui (Vivian) Ye Nicole Woodards

and Claire Schmerberg for their collaboration in many challenging research projects and

fruitful discussions on various research areas There are too many people to thank each

one individually but every member of the Li lab has in some way contributed to my

learning experience Beyond research work their friendship also made my life here in

Madison much more enjoyable

I would also like to thank our collaborators Dr Albee Messing Dr Warren

Heideman Dr Xin Sun and Dr James Dowell It is my great pleasure to have the

opportunities to work with these amazing people and gain precious experience I have

learned so much from them and their achievements in the field have inspired me to strive

to do the best I could

Furthermore I would like to thank Gary Girdaukas and Dr Cameron Scarlett at

School of Pharmacy for the access of the MALDI-FTMS and Bruker amaZon ion trap


In particular I wish to thank my family my Mom and Step-Dad for raising me

and my Dad for always being there for me They all supported me in my decision to

pursue science and specifically a career in chemistry I would like to thank my Sister

who grew up with me and always led by example in academics Most importantly I

would like to thank my wife Na Liu for her constant support She has inspired and

helped me finish my PhD and always encouraged me to be the best I could be To them

I dedicate this thesis


Table of Contents



Acknowledgements i

Table of Contents iii

Abstract iv

Chapter 1 Introduction brief background and research summary 1

Chapter 2 Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for

biomarker discovery and the current state of the field 15

Chapter 3 Protein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from

transgenic mouse models of Alexander disease detected

using mass spectrometry 73

Chapter 4 Genomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapie 110

Chapter 5 Investigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome

between starved vs glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae 139

Chapter 6 Use of electron transfer dissociation for neuropeptide

sequencing and identification 166

Chapter 7 Investigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss

using molecular weight cut-off fractionation prior to

mass spectrometric analysis 187

Chapter 8 Conclusions and future directions 206

Appendix 1 Protocols for sample preparation for mass spectrometry

based proteomics and peptidomics 217

Appendix 2 Publications and presentations 233



Mass Spectrometry Applications for Comparative Proteomics and

Peptidomic Discovery

Robert Stewart Cunningham

Under the supervision of Professor Lingjun Li

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison


In this thesis multiple biological samples from various diseases models or

treatments are investigated using shotgun proteomics and improved methods are

developed to enable extended characterization and detection of neuropeptides In general

this thesis aims to expand upon the rapidly evolving field of mass spectrometry (MS)-

based proteomics and peptidomics by primarily enhancing small scale sample analysis

A review of the current status and progress in the field of biomarker discovery in

peptidomics and proteomics is presented To this rapidly expanding body of literature

our critical review offers new insights into MS-based biomarker studies investigating

numerous biological samples methods for post-translational modifications quantitative

proteomics and biomarker validation Methods are developed and presented including

immunodepletion for small volume cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples for comparison of

the CSF proteomes between an Alexander disease transgenic mouse model with

overexpression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein and a control animal This thesis also

covers the application of the small scale immunodepletion of CSF for comparative

proteomic analysis of a novel rat adapted scrapie (RAS) model for prion disease and


compares the RAS CSF proteome to control rat CSF using MS Large scale

phosphoproteomics of starved vs glucose fed yeast is presented to better understand the

phosphoproteome changes that occur during glucose feeding Method development for

neuropeptide analysis is expanded upon using electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

fragmentation to successfully sequence for the first time the crustacean hyperglycemic

hormone precursor-related peptide (CPRP) from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus In

addition a method for ETD sequencing of sulfonated neuropeptides using a magnesium

salt adduct in an ion trap mass spectrometer is reported This thesis also reports on a

method for sub-microg peptide isolation when using a molecular weight cut-off filtration

device to improve sample recovery by over 2 orders of magnitude All the protocols used

throughout the work are provided in an easy to use step-by-step format in the Appendix

Collectively this body of work extends the capabilities of mass spectrometry as a

bioanalytical tool for shotgun proteomics and expands upon methods for neuropeptide

discovery and analysis


Chapter 1

Introduction Brief Background and Research Summary



Mass spectrometry based comparative proteomics and improved methods for

neuropeptide discovery have been reported in this thesis A very brief introduction of crustacean

neuropeptidomics is covered in this chapter followed by Chapter 2 which covers in great detail

comparative proteomics using mass spectrometry with an emphasis on biomarker discovery

Chapter 3 reports a novel immunodepletion technique used for comparative proteomics between

glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) overexpressor and control mouse cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Chapter 4 involves rat CSF comparative proteomics between rat adapted scrapie and control

animals Chapter 5 details comparisons of phosphoproteomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

(Bakerrsquos yeast) between starved vs glucose fed conditions Chapter 6 investigates the use of

electron transfer dissociation (ETD) for kDa sized neuropeptides and neuropeptides with tyrosine

sulfonation Chapter 7 presents a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) protocol to allow sub-microg

peptides to be recovered Chapter 8 provides a conclusion to this thesis and outlines future

directions for certain projects



Mass spectrometry (MS) requires gas phase ions for experimental measurement and

intact large nonvolatile biomolecules proved difficult to be analyzed by electron ionization or

chemical ionization until the invention of two soft ionization techniques matrix-assisted laser

desorptionionization (MALDI)1 and electrospray ionization (ESI)

2 ESI and MALDI are the

two most common soft ionization techniques for mass spectrometry Once ionized molecules

such as peptides or proteins can be separated by their mass to charge ratios (mz) using various

mass analyzers manipulating electric andor magnetic fields ESI and MALDI mass

spectrometric techniques have become central analytical methods in biological sciences because

they are suitable for nonvolatile thermally labile analytes in femtomole quantities3 ESI allows

the coupling of high pressure liquid chromatography and the constant flow of solvent is

electrically charged at the outlet to produce a Taylor cone4 During desolvation the Raleigh

limit is reached and a coulombic explosion occurs commonly producing multiply charged ions

A modification of ESI is nanoLC-ESI which operates at nLmin flow rates to analyze low sample

amounts such as proteins or peptides in biological samples5 NanoLC-ESI uses less solvent as

the source because of the reduced flow rate of standard LCMS with an ESI source and nanoLC-

ESI is the predominate inlet for shotgun proteomic ESI MS experiments6 Conversely MALDI

can use sub-microL volume of sample and be co-crystallized with an ultraviolet absorbing organic

matrix that is obliterated using a laser at appropriate wavelength to generate gas phase ions

Alternatively MALDI has the unique capability to work with tissue samples and ionize in the

solid state instead of liquid like ESI


Mass analyzers require an operating pressure between 10-4


Torr to allow proper ion

transfer and separationisolation of the ion based upon its mz Numerous mass analyzers are

currently available and each have their own strengths and weaknesses as shown in Figure 1 The

biomolecules are separated by the mass analyzers and detected without fragmentation which is

termed MS analysis Following MS detection tandem mass spectrometry (MSMS) of the

original precursor ion can be performed to provide additional structural information such as a

ladder sequence of amino acids for peptides Numerous fragmentation techniques are available

for proteomics such as collision induced dissociation (CID) electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

or high energy collision induced dissociation (HCD) Each of these fragmentation techniques

have their own benefits in proteomics experiments and are discussed in depth in Chapter 2 The

background and current status for comparative proteomics with specific emphasis on biomarker

analysis are covered in Chapter 2

Neuropeptidomic Method Development in the Crustacean Model System

Utilizing Mass Spectrometry

Chapter 6 and 7 focus on sample preparation and ETD fragmentation techniques to

characterize neuropeptides in the neuroendocrine organs in the crustacean nervous system

Neuropeptides are short chains of amino acids which are a diverse class of cell-cell signaling

molecules in the nervous system Neuropeptides have been investigated for being involved in

numerous physiological processes such as memory7 learning

8 depression

9 pain

10 reward



sleep-wake cycles13


and feeding15-17

Figure 2 depicts how

neuropeptides are synthesized as pre-prohormones in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and


packaged in the Golgi apparatus After being packaged these pre-prohormones are processed

into bioactive peptides within the vesicle which is occurring during vesicular transport down an

axon and released into the synaptic cleft Secreted neuropeptides stimulate the post synaptic

neurons by interacting with G-protein coupled receptors at the chemical synapse

The crustacean model nervous system is well-defined neural network which has been

used in neurobiology and neuroendocrine (neurosecretory) research and thus lends itself for

studying neuromodulation18-22

Figure 3 shows the locations of several neuroendocrine organs in

the crustacean Callinectes sapidus including the sinus gland (SG) which is studied in Chapter 6

The Lingjun Li lab has focused on neuropeptide discovery and function in crustacean

neuroendocrine organs using mass spectrometry23-25

The work presented in Chapters 6 and 7

expand on sample preparation and analytical tools to further investigate the neuropeptidome

Research Overview

Comparative Proteomics of Biological Samples

Chapter 2 provides a thorough review of comparative proteomics and biomarker analysis

using mass spectrometry The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass

spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics

technologies have evolved to generate large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various

biological and disease progression processes producing testable hypotheses for complex

biological questions This chapter provides an introduction and insight into relevant topics in

proteomics and peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation

separation techniques peptide fragmentation post-translational modifications quantification


bioinformatics and biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and

remaining challenges and emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are discussed

Chapter 3 investigates comparative proteomics between a GFAP overexpressor mouse

model and a control mouses cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) CSF is a low protein content biological

fluid with dynamic range spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in

direct contact with the brain but consist of very abundant proteins similar to serum which require

removal A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment is presented to remove abundant

proteins such as albumin to enhance analysis of the low volumes of CSF that are obtainable

from mice These GFAP overexpressor mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we present the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates are performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in mass

spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation is performed using distributive normalized spectral

abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins with

significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice are identified with validation from

ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD

Chapter 4 explores the CSF proteomics of a novel prion model called rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) A similar IgY immunodepletion technique is presented as in Chapter 3 and is similarly

used to reduce the abundant proteins in CSF CSF from control and RAS (biological N=5

technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase

nanoLC separation In total 512 proteins 167 non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique

peptides are identified with a 1 FDR Comparative analysis was done using dNSAF spectral


counting and 21 proteins were significantly up or down-regulated The proteins are compared to

the 1048 differentially regulated genes and additionally compared to previously published

proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal models Of particular interest is

RAS specific proteins like RNAseT2 which is not up-regulated in mouse prion disease but is

designated as upregulated in both the genomic and proteomics data for RAS

Chapter 5 explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Previous work by the

Heideman lab investigated the transcriptional response to fresh glucose in yeast26

Kinases such

as protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose

response so we described a large scale phosphoproteomic MS based study in this chapter

Yeast cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase

(RP)-RP separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass

spectrometer with neutral loss triggered ETDfragmentation Specifically the CID fragmentation

can cause a neutral loss of 98z from the H3PO4 and can produce an incomplete fragmentation

pattern and lead to ambiguous identification so when the neutral loss is detected ETD MSMS

fragmentation is performed The neutral loss triggered ETD fragmentation is included in this

study to improve phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 phosphopeptides are identified

with 06 FDR and 669 phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Motif analysis of PKA and

phosphosite validation are performed as well


The future of comparative proteomics investigating small sample amounts or PTMs is

promising Further advances in enrichment separations science mass spectrometry

analyzersdetectors and bioinformatics will continue to create more powerful tools that enable

digging deeper in proteomics with both small (mouse CSF) and large (cell extracts) sample


Methods for Neuropeptide Analysis Using ETD fragmentation and Sample


Chapter 6 investigates the utility of ETD fragmentation to sequence endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation in the crustacean Callinectes sapidus The sinus

gland (SG) of the crustacean is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that produces numerous

hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine signaling moleculesmdash

neuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) precursor-

related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) is used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and high charge state In

addition ETD is used to sequence a sulfated peptide cholecystokinin (CCK)-like peptide in the

lobster Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively this chapter presents two

examples of the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or with

labile modifications

Chapter 7 reports a protocol on improving recovery of minute quantities of peptides by

adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off membrane-based

centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities In some biological


fluids such as CSF the endogenous peptide content is very low and using pure water to perform

the MWCO separation produces too much sample loss Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss is reduced over two orders of magnitude with and without undigested

protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein and the

bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and not the

presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-seven

tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while

only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy

presented in Chapter 7 greatly enhances recovery from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide




1 Tanaka K Waki H Ido Y Akita S Yoshida Y Yoshida T Matsuo T Protein and polymer analyses up to mz 100 000 by laser ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1988 2 (8) 151-153

2 Fenn J B Mann M Meng C K Wong S F Whitehouse C M Electrospray ionization for mass spectrometry of large biomolecules Science 1989 246 (4926) 64-71

3 Domon B Aebersold R Mass spectrometry and protein analysis Science 2006 312 (5771) 212-7

4 Whitehouse C M Dreyer R N Yamashita M Fenn J B Electrospray interface for liquid chromatographs and mass spectrometers Anal Chem 1985 57 (3) 675-9

5 Wilm M Mann M Analytical properties of the nanoelectrospray ion source Anal Chem 1996 68 (1) 1-8

6 Karas M Bahr U Dulcks T Nano-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry addressing analytical problems beyond routine Fresenius J Anal Chem 2000 366 (6-7) 669-76

7 Gulpinar M Yegen B The physiology of learning and memory Role of peptides and stress Curr Protein Pept Sci 2004 5 (6) 457-473

8 Ogren S O Kuteeva E Elvander-Tottie E Hokfelt T Neuropeptides in learning and memory processes with focus on galanin In Eur J Pharmacol 2010 Vol 626 pp 9-17

9 Strand F Neuropeptides general characteristics and neuropharmaceutical potential in treating CNS disorders Prog Drug Res 2003 61 1-37

10 Li W Chang M Peng Y-L Gao Y-H Zhang J-N Han R-W Wang R Neuropeptide S produces antinociceptive effects at the supraspinal level in mice Regul Pept 2009 156 (1-3) 90-95

11 Wu C-H Tao P-L Huang E Y-K Distribution of neuropeptide FF (NPFF) receptors in correlation with morphine-induced reward in the rat brain Peptides 2010 31 (7) 1374-1382

12 Tsutsui K Bentley G E Kriegsfeld L J Osugi T Seong J Y Vaudry H Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone and kisspeptin new key neuropeptides controlling reproduction J Neuroendocrinol 2010 22 (7) 716-727

13 Piper D C Upton N Smith M I Hunter A J The novel brain neuropeptide orexin-A modulates the sleep-wake cycle of rats Eur J Neurosci 2000 12 (2) 726-730

14 Tsuneki H Wada T Sasaoka T Role of orexin in the regulation of glucose homeostasis - Tsuneki - 2009 - Acta Physiologica - Wiley Online Library Acta Physiol 2010

15 Kageyama H Takenoya F Shiba K Shioda S Neuronal circuits involving ghrelin in the hypothalamus-mediated regulation of feeding Neuropeptides 2010 44 (2) 133-138

16 Sweedler J V Li L Rubakhin S S Alexeeva V Dembrow N C Dowling O Jing J Weiss K R Vilim F S Identification and characterization of the feeding circuit-activating peptides a novel neuropeptide family of aplysia J Neurosci 2002 22 (17) 7797-7808


17 Jensen J Regulatory peptides and control of food intake in non-mammalian vertebrates Comp Biochem Physiol Part A Mol Integr Physiol 2001 128 (3) 469-477

18 Billimoria C P Li L Marder E Profiling of neuropeptides released at the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer borealis with mass spectrometry J Neurochem 2005 95 (1) 191-199

19 Cape S S Rehm K J Ma M Marder E Li L Mass spectral comparison of the neuropeptide complement of the stomatogastric ganglion and brain in the adult and embryonic lobster Homarus americanus J Neurochem 2008 105 (3) 690-702

20 Cruz Bermuacutedez N D Fu Q Kutz Naber K K Christie A E Li L Marder E Mass

spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of GAHKNYLRFamide a novel FMRFamide‐like peptide from crabs of the genus Cancer J Neurochem 2006 97 (3) 784-799

21 Grashow R Brookings T Marder E Reliable neuromodulation from circuits with variable underlying structure Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009 106 (28) 11742-11746

22 Ma M Szabo T M Jia C Marder E Li L Mass spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of novel crustacean C-type allatostatins Peptides 2009 30 (9) 1660-1668

23 Chen R Hui L Cape S S Wang J Li L Comparative Neuropeptidomic Analysis of Food Intake via a Multi-faceted Mass Spectrometric Approach ACS Chem Neurosci 2010 1 (3) 204-214

24 Li L Sweedler J V Peptides in the brain mass spectrometry-based measurement approaches and challenges Annu Rev Anal Chem 2008 1 451-483

25 Ma M Wang J Chen R Li L Expanding the crustacean neuropeptidome using a multifaceted mass spectrometric approach J Proteome Res 2009 8 (5) 2426-2437

26 Slattery M G Heideman W Coordinated regulation of growth genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Cycle 2007 6 (10) 1210-9


Figure 1 Capabilities and performances of certain mass analyzers Check marks indicate

availability check marks in parentheses indicate optional + ++ and +++ indicate possible or

moderate goodhigh and excellentvery high respectively Adapted with permission from

reference 3


Figure 2 Synthesis processing and release of neuropeptides (a) Cartoon showing two

interacting neurons (b) The synthesis of neuropeptides in the neuronal organelles and their

transport down the axon to the presynaptic terminal is depicted (c) Shows neuropeptide release

and interaction with the dendrite of the post-synaptic cell (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr

Stephanie Cape)


Figure 3 Schematic showing location of the neuronal tissues being analyzed in the MS studies

of neuropeptides in Callinectes sapidus The SGs (sinus glands located in the eyestalks of the

crab) and the POs (pericardial organs located in the chamber surrounding the heart) release

neurohormones into the hemolymph (crab circulatory fluid) The brain is near the STNS

(stomatogastric nervous system neural network that controls the motion of the gut and foregut)

which has direct connections to the STG (stomatogastric ganglion) The STG is located in an

artery so it is continually in contact with hemolymph (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr Robert



Chapter 2

Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics and Peptidomics for Biomarker

Discovery and the Current State of the Field

Adapted from ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and

biomarker discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35



The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass spectrometry-based

proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics technologies have

evolved to produce large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various biological and

disease progression processes producing testable hypothesis for complex biological questions

This review provides an introduction and insight to relevant topics in proteomics and

peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation separation techniques

peptide fragmentation post-translation modifications quantification bioinformatics and

biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and remaining challenges and

emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are presented



The field of proteomics has seen a huge expansion in the last two decades Multiple factors have

contributed to the rapid expansion of this field including the ever evolving mass spectrometry

instrumentation new sample preparation methods genomic sequencing of numerous model

organisms allowing database searching of proteomes improved quantitation capabilities and

availability of bioinformatic tools The ability to investigate the proteomes of numerous

biological samples and the ability to generate future hypothesis driven experiments makes

proteomics and biomarker studies exceedingly popular in biological studies today In addition

the advances in post-translational modification (PTM) analysis and quantification ability further

enhance the utility of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics A subset of proteomics

research is devoted to profiling and quantifying neurologically related proteins and endogenous

peptides which has progressed rapidly in the past decade This review provides a general

overview as outlined in Figure 1 of proteomics technology including methodological and

conceptual improvements with a focus on recent studies and neurological biomarker studies

Biological Material Selection

The choice of biological matrix is an important first step in any proteomics analysis The

ease of sample collection (eg urine plasma or saliva) versus usefulness or localization of

sample (eg specific tissue or proximity fluid) needs to be evaluated early on in a study design

Plasma derived by centrifugation of blood to remove whole cells is a very popular

choice in proteomics due to the high protein content (~65 mg ml1) and the ubiquitous nature of

blood in the body and the ability to obtain large sample amounts or various time points without

the need to sacrifice the animal or to perform invasive techniques Plasma is centrifuged


immediately after sample collection unlike serum where coagulation needs to occur first To

obtain plasma blood is collected in a tube with an anticoagulant added (ETDA heparin or

citrate) and centrifuged but previous reports have shown variable results when heparin has been

used as an anticoagulant2 Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) specifically recommends the

anticoagulants EDTA or citrate to treat plasma3 4

One of the primary concerns with plasma is

degradation of the protein content via endogenous proteases found in the sample5 One way to

address this problem is the use of protease inhibitors In addition freezethaw cycles need to be

minimized to prevent protein degradation and variability6 7

Plasma proteomics has seen

extensive coordinated efforts to start assessing the diagnostic needs using plasma8 HUPO also

has established a public human database for plasma and serum proteomics from 35 collaborating

labratories9 Large dynamic range studies have been performed on plasma with a starting sample

amount of 2625 microl (1575 mg) resulting in 3654 proteins identified with a sub 5 false

discovery rate10

The large dynamic range spanning across eleven orders of magnitude as visualized in

Figure 2 is one of the biggest obstacles in plasma proteomics Figure 2 also shows that as lower

abundance proteins are investigated the origins of those identified proteins are more diverse than

the most abundant proteins Recent mining of the plasma proteome showed an ability to search

for disease biomarker applications across seven orders of magnitude In addition the tissue of

origin for the identified plasma proteins were identified and its origin was more diverse as the

protein concentration decreased11

Plasma has been used as a source for biomarker studies such

as colorectal cancer12 13

cardiovascular disease14

and abdominal aortic aneurysm15


though the blood brain barrier prevents direct blood to brain interaction neurological disorders

such as Alzheimerrsquos disease (AD) have had their proteomes studied using plasma16


An alternative sample derived from blood is serum which is plasma allowed to coagulate

instead of adding anti-coagulates The time for coagulation is usually 30 minutes and during that

time significant and random degradation from endogenous proteases can occur The additional

variability caused from the coagulation process can change the concentration of multiple

potentially valuable biomarkers As biodiversity between samples or organisms is a challenging

endeavor additional sample variability due to serum generation may be undesirable but serum is

still currently being used for biomarker disease studies17

Serum has been used to compare the

proteome differences in neurological diseases such as AD Parkinsonrsquos disease and amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis and a review can be found elsewhere discussing the subject18

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy of brain or spinal cord

in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system and has been used for studies in neurological

disorders due to being a rich source of neuro-related proteins and peptides19

The protein

composition of the most abundant proteins in CSF is well defined and numerous studies exist to

broaden the proteins identified20-22

CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL)

which is ~100 times lower than serum or plasma and over 60 of the total protein content in

CSF consists of a single protein albumin23-25

In addition the variable concentrations of proteins

span up to twelve orders of magnitude further complicating analysis and masking biologically

relevant proteins to any given study26

One of the highest number of identified proteins is from

Schutzer et al with 2630 non-redundant proteins from 14 mL of pooled human CSF This study

involved the removal of highly abundant proteins by performing IgY-14 immunodepletion

followed by two dimensional (2D) liquid chromatography (LC) separation27

Studies have also

been performed to characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in

various diseases in the CSF28 29

One potential pitfall of CSF proteomic analysis is


contamination from blood which can be identified by counting red blood cells present or

examining surrogate markers from blood contamination other than hemoglobin such as

peroxiredoxin catalase and carbonic anhydrase30

A proof of principle CSF peptidomics study

identified numerous endogenous peptides associated with the central nervous system which can

be used as a bank for neurological disorder studies31

Numerous recent reports highlighted the

utility of CSF analysis for biomarker studies in AD32 33


both post-mortem

and ante-mortem35

Cellular lysates offer the distinct advantage to work with a cell line yeast or bacteria

with large amounts of proteins available for analysis36 37

with Saccharomyces cerevisiae being

the most common cell lysate38 39

Other cell lines are also used including HeLa40

and E coli41

The ability to obtain milligrams of proteins easily to scale up experiments without animal

sacrifice offers a clear advantage in biological sample selection Current literature supports

cellular lysate as a valued and sought after source of proteins for large scale proteomics

experiments because of the ability to assess treatments conditions and testable hypotheses42-44

Cellular lysate from rat B104 neuroblastoma cell line was used as an in vitro model for cerebral

ischemia and showed abundance changes in multiple proteins involved in various neurological


Other Sources of Biological Samples


The urine proteome appears to be another attractive reservoir for biomarker discovery

due to the relatively low complexity compared with the plasma proteome and the noninvasive

collection of urine Urine is often considered as an ideal source to identify biomarkers for renal


diseases due to the fact that in healthy adults approximately 70 of the urine proteome originate

from the kidney and the urinary tract 46

thus the use of urine to identify neurological disorders is

neglected However strong evidence have shown that proteins that are associated with

neurodegenerative diseases can be excreted in the urine47-49

indicating the application of urine

proteomics could be a useful approach to the discovery of biomarkers and development of

diagnostic assays for neurodegenerative diseases However the current view of urine proteome

is still limited by factors such as sample preparation techniques and sensitivity of the mass

spectrometers There has been a tremendous drive to increase the coverage of urine proteome

In a recent study Court et al compared and evaluated several different sample preparation

methods with the objective of developing a standardized robust and scalable protocol that could

be used in biomarkers development by shotgun proteomics50

In another study Marimuthu et al

reported the largest catalog of proteins in urine identified in a single study to date The

proteomic analysis of urine samples pooled from healthy individuals was conducted by using

high-resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry A total of 1823 proteins were identified

of which 671 proteins have not been previously reported in urine 51


For diagnosis purposes saliva collection has the advantage of being an easy and non-

invasive technique The recent studies on saliva proteins that are critically involved in AD and

Parkinsonrsquos diseases suggested that saliva could be a potentially important sample source to

identify biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases Bermejo-Pareja et al reported the level of

salivary Aβ42 in patients with mild AD was noticeably increased compared to a group of

controls 52

In another study Devic et al identified two of the most important Parkinsons


disease related proteinsmdash α-synuclein (α-Syn) and DJ-1 in human saliva 53

They observed that

salivary α-Syn levels tended to decrease while DJ-1 levels tended to increase in Parkinsons

disease The published results from this study also suggest that α-Syn might correlate with the

severity of motor symptoms in Parkinsons disease Due in part to recent advancements in MS-

based proteomics has provided promising results in utilizing saliva to explore biomarkers for

both local and systemic diseases 54 55

the further profiling of saliva proteome will provide

valuable biomarker discovery source for neurodegenerative diseases


Compared to body fluids such as plasma serum and urine where the proteomic analysis

is complicated by the wide dynamic range of protein concentration the analysis of tissue

homogenates using the well-established and conventional proteomic analysis techniques has the

advantage of reduced dynamic range However the homogenization and extraction process may

suffer from the caveat that spatial information is lost which would be inadequate for the

detection of biomarkers whose localization and distribution play important roles in disease

development and progression Matrix-assisted laser desorptionionization (MALDI) imaging

mass spectrometry (IMS) is a method that allows the investigation of a wide range of molecules

including proteins peptides lipids drugs and metabolites directly in thin slices of tissue 56-59

Because this technology allows for identification and simultaneous localization of biomolecules

of interests in tissue sections linking the spatial expression of molecules to histopathology

MALDI-IMS has been utilized as a powerful tool for the discovery of new cancer biomarker

candidates as well as other clinical applications60 61

The utilization of MALDI-IMS for human

or animal brain tissue to identify or map the distribution of molecules related to

neurodegenerative diseases were also recently reported62 63



There has been an increasing interest in the study of proteins secreted by various cells

(the secretomes) from tissue-proximal fluids or conditioned media as a potential source of

biomarkers Cell secretomes mainly comprise proteins that are secreted or are shed from the cell

surface and these proteins can play important role in both physiological processes (eg cell

signaling communication and migration) and pathological processes including tumor

angiogenesis differentiation invasion and metastasis In particular the study of cancer cell

secretomes by MS based proteomics has offered new opportunities for cancer biomarker

discovery as tumor proteins may be secreted or shed into the bloodstream and could be used as

noninvasive biomarkers The latest advances and challenges of sample preparation sample

concentration and separation techniques used specifically for secretome analysis and its clinical

applications in the discovery of disease specific biomarkers have been comprehensively

reviewed64 65

Here we only highlight the proteomic profiling of neural cells secretome that has

been applied to neurosciences for a better understanding of the roles secreted proteins play in

response to brain injury and neurological diseases The LC-MS shotgun identification of

proteins released by astrocytes has been recently reported66-68

In these studies the changes

observed in the astrocyte secretomes induced by inflammatory cytokines or cholinergic

stimulation were investigated6667

Alternatively our group performed 2D-LC separation and

included cytoplasmic protein extract from astrocytes as a control to identify cytoplasmic protein

contaminants which are not actively secreted from cells68

Sample Preparation


Proteomic analysis and biomarker discovery research in biological samples such as body

fluids tissues and cells are often hampered by the vast complexity and large dynamic range of

the proteins Because disease identifying biomarkers are more likely to be low-abundance

proteins it is imperative to remove the high-abundance proteins or apply enrichment techniques

to allow detection and better coverage of the low-abundance proteins for MS analysis Several

strategies including depletion and protein equalizer approach have been used during sample

preparation to reduce sample complexity69 70

and the latest advances of these methods have been

reviewed by Selvaraju et al 71

Alternatively the complexity of biological samples can be

reduced by capturing a specific subproteome that may have the biological information of interest

The latter strategy is especially useful in the biomarker discovery where the changes in the

proteome are not solely reflected through the concentration level of specific proteins but also

through changes in the post-translational modifications (PTMs) Here we will mainly discuss

the enrichment of phosphoproteinpeptides glycoproteinpeptides and sample preparation for

peptidomics and membrane proteins


Phosphorylation can act as a molecular switch on a protein by turning it on or off within

the cell It is thought that up to 30 of the proteins can be phosphorylated72

and it plays

significant roles in such biological processes as the cell cycle and signal transduction73

Currently tens of thousands of phosphorylation sites can be proposed using analytical methods

available today74 75

The amino acids that are targeted for phosphorylation studies are serine

threonine and tyrosine with the abundance of detection decreasing typically in that order Other


amino acids have been reported to be phosphorylated but traditional phosphoproteomics

experiments ignore these rare events76

In a typical large-scale phosphoproteomics experiment the sample size is usually in

milligram amounts to account for the low stoichiometry of phosphorylated proteins The large

amount of protein is then digested typically with trypsin but alternatively experiments have

been performed with Lys-C digestion to produce large enzymatic peptides The larger peptides

produced from Lys-C render higher charged peptides during electrospray ionization (ESI) and

allow improved electron-based fragmentation to determine specific sites of phosphorylation77

From the pool of peptides phosphopeptides must be enriched otherwise they will be masked by

the vast number and higher ionization efficiency of non-phosphorylated peptides The two most

common enrichment techniques are immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and

metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC) TiO2 being the most common oxide used for this

purpose A recent study reported that phosphorylation of neuronal intermediate filament proteins

in neurofibrillary tangles are involved in Alzheimerrsquos disease78


Protein glycosylation is one of the most common and complicated forms of PTM Types

of protein glycosylation in eukaryotes are categorized as either N-linked where glycans are

attached to asparagine residues in a consensus sequence N-X-ST (X can be any amino acid

except proline) via an N-acetylglucosamine (N-GlcNAc) residue or the O-glycosylation where

the glycans are attached to serine or threonine Glycosylation plays a fundamental role in

numerous biological processes and aberrant alterations in protein glycosylation are associated

with neurodegenerative disease states such as Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (CJD) and AD79 80


Due to the low abundance of glycosylated forms of proteins compared to non-glycosylated

proteins it is essential to enrich glycoproteins or glycopeptides in complex biological samples

prior to MS analysis Two of the most common enrichment methods used in glycoproteomics are

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) and hydrazide chemistry The detailed methodologies of

LAC hydrazide chemistry and other enrichment methods in glycoproteomics have been

extensively reviewed in the past81 82

In particular LAC is of great interest in studies of

glycosylation alterations as markers of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases due to its recent

applications in brain glycoproteomics83

Our group has utilized multi-lectin affinity

chromatography containing concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to enrich

N-linked glycoproteins in control and prion-infected mouse plasma84

This method enabled us to

identify a low-abundance glycoprotein serum amyloid P-component (SAP) PNGase F digestion

and Western blotting validation confirmed that the glycosylated form of SAP was significantly

elevated in mice with early prion infection and it could be potentially used as a diagnostic

biomarker for prion diseases

Membrane proteins

Membrane proteins play an indispensable role in maintaining cellular integrity of their

structure and perform many important functions including signaling transduction intercellular

communication vesicle trafficking ion transport and protein translocationintegration85

However due to being relatively insoluble in water and low abundance it is challenging to

analyze membrane proteins by traditional MS-based proteomics approaches Numerous efforts

have been made to improve the solubility and enrichment of membrane proteins during sample

preparation Several comprehensive studies recently covered the commonly used technologies in


membrane proteomics and different strategies that circumvent technical issues specific to the

membrane 86-90

Recently Sun et al reported using 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium

tetrafluoroborate (BMIM BF4) an ionic liquid (IL) as a sample preparation buffer for the

analysis of integral membrane proteins (IMPs) by microcolumn reversed phase liquid

chromatography (μRPLC)-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSMS)

The authors compared BMIM BF4 to the other commonly used solvents such as sodium dodecyl

sulfate methanol Rapigest and urea but they found that the number of identified IMPs from rat

brain extracted by ILs was significantly increased The improved identifications could be due to

the fact that BMIM BF4 has higher thermal stability and thus offered higher solubilizing ability

for IMPs which provided better compatibility for tryptic digestion than traditionally used solvent


In addition to characterization of membrane proteome the investigation of PTMs on

membrane proteins is equally important for characterization of disease markers and drug

treatment targets Phosphorylations and glycosylations are the two most important PTMs for

membrane proteins In many membrane protein receptors the cytoplasmic domains can be

phosphorylated reversibly and function as signal transducers whereas the receptor activities of

the extracellular domains are mediated via N-linked glycosylation Wiśniewski et al provides an

informative summary on recent advances in proteomic technology for the identification and

characterization of these modifications91

Our group has pioneered the development of detergent

assisted lectin affinity chromatography (DALAC) for the enrichment of hydrophobic

glycoproteins using mouse brain extract92

We compared the binding efficiency of lectin affinity

chromatography in the presence of four commonly used detergents and determined that under

certain concentrations detergents can minimize the nonspecific bindings and facilitate the

elution of hydrophobic glycoproteins In summary NP-40 was suggested as the most suitable


detergent for DALAC due to the higher membrane protein recovery glycoprotein recovery and

membranous glycoprotein identifications compared to other detergents tested In a different

study on mouse brain membrane proteome Zhang et al reported an optimized protocol using

electrostatic repulsion hydrophilic interaction chromatography (ERLIC) for the simultaneous

enrichment of glyco- and phosphopeptides from mouse brain membrane protein preparation93

Using this protocol they successfully identified 544 unique glycoproteins and 922 glycosylation

sites which were significantly higher than those using the hydrazide chemistry method

Additionally a total of 383 phosphoproteins and 915 phosphorylation sites were identified

suggesting that the ERLIC separation has the potential for simultaneous analysis of both glyco-

and phosphoproteomes


Peptidomics can be loosely defined as the study of the low molecular weight fraction of

proteins encompassing biologically active endogenous peptides protein fragments from

endogenous protein degradation products or other small proteins such as cytokines and signaling

peptides Studies can involve endogenous peptides94

peptidomic profiling33

and de novo

sequencing of peptides95 96

Neuropeptidomics focuses on biologically active short segments of

peptides and have been investigated in numerous species including Rattus97 98

Mus musculus99

100 Bovine taurus

101 Japanese quail diencephalon

102 and invertebrates

103-106 The isolation of

peptides is typically performed through molecular weight cut-offs from either biofluids such as

CSF plasma or tissue extracts If the protein and peptide content is high such as for tissue or cell

lysates protein precipitation can be done via high organic solvents and the resulting supernatant

can be analyzed for extracted peptides where extraction solvent and conditions could have a


significant effect on what endogenous peptides are extracted from tissue107

A comparative

peptidomic study of human cell lines highlights the utility of finding peptide signatures as

potential biomarkers108

A thorough review of endogenous peptides and neuropeptides is beyond

the scope of this review and an excellent review on this topic is available elsewhere109

Fractionation and Separation

The mass spectrometer has a limited duty cycle and data dependent analysis can only

scan a limited number of mz peaks at any given time In addition significant ion suppression

can occur if there is a difference in concentration between co-eluting peptides or if too many

peptides co-elute Therefore one of the biggest challenges in biomarker discovery is the

complexity of the sample and the presence of high-abundance proteins in body fluids such as

CSF serum and plasma In addition to the removal of the most abundant proteins by

immunodepletion the reduction of the complexity of the sample by further fractionation is

indispensable to facilitate the characterization of unidentified biomarkers from the low

abundance proteins Traditionally used techniques for complex protein analysis include gel

based fractionation methods such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE) and its

variation two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) or non-gel based such as

one- or multidimensional liquid chromatography (LC) and microscale separation techniques

such as capillary electrophoresis (CE)

2D-GE MS has been widely used as a powerful tool to separate proteins and identify

differentially expressed proteins ever since 2D gels were coupled to mass spectrometry In 2D-

GE MS thousands of proteins can be separated on a single gel according to pI and molecular

weight Individual protein spots that show differences in abundance between different samples


can then be excised from the gel digested into peptides and analyzed by MALDI MS or by

liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MSMS) for protein identification The

introduction of 2D-DIGE adds a quantitative strategy to gel electrophoresis by enabling multiple

protein extracts to be separated on the same 2D gel thus providing comparative analysis of

proteomes in complex samples In 2D-DIGE protein extracts from two different conditions and

an internal standard can be labeled with fluorescent dyes for example Cy3 Cy5 and Cy2

respectively prior to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis Compared to traditional 2D-GE 2D-

DIGE provides the clear advantage of overcoming the inter-gel variation problem 110


profiling of CSF by 2D-GE and 2D-DIGE has led to the identification of putative biomarkers in

multiple neurological disorders For example Brechlin et al reported an optimized 2-DIGE

protocol profiled CSF from 36 CJD patients The applicability of their approach was proven by

the detection of known CJD biomarkers such as 14-3-3 protein neuron-specific enolase lactate

dehydrogenase and other proteins that are potentially relevant to CJD 111

In another study to

identify novel CSF biomarkers for multiple sclerosis CSF from 112 multiple sclerosis patients

and control individuals were analyzed by 2D-GE MS for comparative proteomics Ten potential

multiple sclerosis biomarkers were selected for validation by immunoassay 112


methodologies sample preparation techniques and applications of 2D-DIGE in

neuroproteomics were reviewed by Diez et al113

Although 2D gel provides excellent resolving

power and capability to visualize abundance changes there are some limitations to the method

For example gel based separation is not suitable for low abundance proteins extremely basic or

acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins114 115

Complementary to gel-based approaches shotgun proteomics coupled to LC have

become increasingly popular in proteomic research because they are reproducible highly


automated and capable of detecting low abundance proteins Furthermore another advantage of

LC-MS shotgun proteomics is the suitability for isotope labeling for protein quantification which

is reviewed in a later section In shotgun proteomics a protein mixture is digested and resulting

peptides are separated by LC prior to tandem MS fragmentation to identify different proteins by

peptide sequencing The most common separation for shotgun proteomics peptidomics or top-

down proteomics experiments use low-pH reversed phase (RP) C18 C8 or C4 columns RPLC

is well established which provides high resolution desalts the sample which can interfere with

ionization and the mobile phase is compatible with ESI Nanoscale C18 columns allow for

separation and introduction of sub microgram samples If larger amounts of sample are

available two dimensional separations are usually preferred to greatly enhance the coverage of

the investigated proteome which will be discussed in depth later It is preferable to have an

orthogonal separation method and since RP separates via hydrophobicity strong cation exchange

(SCX) was the original choice due to its separation by charge MudPIT (multidimensional

protein identification technology) usually refers to the use of SCX as the first phase of separation

and is a well-established platform116

SCX has the advantage over RP separation technologies to

effectively remove interfering detergents from the sample SCX separation is not based solely

off charge and hydrophobicity contributes to elution therefore a small amount of organic

modifier usually 10-15 is added to lessen the hydrophobicity effects117

The addition of

organic modifiers needs to be minimized otherwise binding to the C18 trap cartridge or C18

column will be reduced if performed on-line SCX can be used for PTMs and offers specific

applications for proteomic studies and an excellent current review is offered on this subject


An alternative MudPIT separation scheme employing high pH RPLC as the first

phase of separation and low pH RPLC in the second dimension (RP-RP) has been successfully


applied to the proteomic analysis of complex biological samples119 120

The advantage of using

RP as the first dimension is the higher resolution for separation and better compatibility with

down-stream MS detection by eliminating salt Song et al reported a phosphoproteome analysis

based on this 2D RP-RP coupling scheme121

Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) employs distinct separation modality

where the retention of peptides is increased with increasing polarity122

The loading of sample is

done by high organic and eluted by increasing the percentage of the aqueous phase or polarity of

the mobile phase opposite from RPLC thus establishing orthogonality of the two separation


HILIC has quickly become a very useful method and is actively used for proteomic


for increased sensitivity125




quantification studies128

An alternative and modification to HILIC is ERLIC which adds an

additional mode of separation by electrostatic attraction An earlier study using ERLIC

demonstrated the ability to separate phosphopeptides from non-phosphorylated peptides at


A recent study looking into changes in the phosphoproteome of Marekrsquos Disease

applied ERLIC to chicken embryonic fibroblast lysate identifying only 13 phosphopeptides

out of all the identified peptides Due to the lack of isolation of phosphopeptides from ERLIC

the investigators performed immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) enrichment on

the fractions increasing identification of phosphopeptides over 50 fold130

A comparative study

of ERLIC to HILIC and SCX following TiO2 phospho-enrichment reported that

SCXgtERLICgtHILIC for phosphopeptide identifications126

Recent developments in instrumentation to combine LC with ion mobility spectrometry

(IMS) and MS (LC-IMS-MS) offered more advantages than conventional LC due to the rapid

high-resolution separations of analytes based on their charge mass and shape as reflected by


mobility in a given buffer gas The mobility of an ion in a buffer gas is determined by the ionrsquos

charge and its collision cross-section with the buffer gas The methodologies of IMS separations

and the application of LC-IMS-MS for the proteomics analysis of complex systems including

human plasma have been reviewed by Clemmerrsquos group131-133

They proposed a method that

employs intrinsic amino acid size parameters to obtain ion mobility predictions which can be

used to rank candidate peptide ion assignments and significantly improve peptide identification


Although 2D gel and LC are routinely used as separation techniques in MS-based

proteomics capillary electrophoresis (CE) has received increasing attention as a promising

alternative due to the fast and high-resolution separation it offers CE has a wide variety of

operation modes among which capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and capillary isoelectric

focusing (CIEF) have the greatest potential applications in MS-based proteomics thus will be

highlighted here CZE separates analytes by their charge-to-size ratios in buffers under a high

electrical field and is often used as the final dimension prior to MS analysis while the separation

feature of CIEF is based on isoelectric point and this technique is more suitable to be used as the

first dimension separation Detailed description of different CEndashMS interfaces sample

preconcentration and capillary coating to minimize analyte adsorption could be found in several


CE technique is complementary to conventional LC in that it is suitable for the

analysis of polar and chargeable compounds Dovichirsquos group conducted proteomic analysis of

the secreted protein fraction of Mycobacterium marinum which has intermediate protein


The tryptic digests were either analyzed by UPLC-ESI-MSMS in triplicates or

prefactionated by RPLC followed by CZE-ESI-MSMS It was demonstrated that the two

methods identified similar numbers of peptides and proteins within similar analysis times


However CZE-ESI-MSMS analysis of the prefractionated sample tended to identify more

peptides that are basic and have lower mz values than those identified by UPLC-ESI-MSMS

This analysis also presented the largest number of protein identifications by using CE-MSMS

suggesting the effectiveness of prefractionation of complex samples by LC method prior to CZE-

ESI-MSMS The use of CIEF as the first dimension of separation provides both sample

concentration and excellent resolving power The combination of CIEF and RPLC separation

has been applied to the proteomic analyses where the amount of protein sample is limited and

cannot meet the requirement of minimal load amount for 2D LC-MSMS143 144

So far CE-MS

has been widely applied to the proteomic analysis of various biological samples such as urine145

146 CSF

147 blood

148 frozen tissues

149 and the formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE)

tissue samples150

The recent CEndashMS applications to clinical proteomics have been summarized

in several reviews135 151 152

Protein Quantification

In 2D gel electrophoresis the quantitative analysis of protein mixtures is performed on

the gel by comparing the intensity of the protein stain The development of 2D-DIGE eliminated

the gel-to-gel variation and greatly improved the quantitative capability and reliability of 2D gel


However the accuracy of 2D gel based protein quantification suffers from the

limitations that a seemingly single gel spot often contains multiple proteins and the difficulty of

detecting proteins with extreme molecular weights and pI values as well as highly hydrophobic

proteins such as membrane proteins Therefore non-gel based shotgun proteomics technology is

more suitable for accurate and large-scale protein identification and quantification in complex

samples Briefly the quantification in non-gel based shotgun proteomics can be categorized into


two major approaches stable isotope labeling-based and label-free methods The common

strategies for quantitative proteomic analysis are reviewed and summarized in Table 1

Isotope labeling methods

Because stable isotope-labeled peptides have the same chemical properties as their

unlabeled counterparts the two peptides within a mixture should exhibit identical behaviors in

MS ionization The mass difference introduced by isotope labeling enables the detection of a

pair of two distinct peptide masses by MS within the mixture and allowing for the measurement

of the relative abundance differences between two peptides Depending on how isotopes are

incorporated into the protein or peptide these labeling methods can be divided into two groups

In vitro chemical derivatization techniques which incorporate a label or tag into the peptide or

protein during sample preparation metabolic labeling techniques which introduce the isotope

label directly into the organism via isotope-enriched nutrients from food or media

1 In vitro derivatization techniques

There are multiple methods to introduce heavy isotopes into proteins or peptides in vitro

The commonly used strategies include 18

O 16

O enzymatic labeling Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag

(ICAT) Tandem Mass Tags (TMTs) and Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification

(iTRAQ) The 18

O labeling method enzymatically cleaves the peptide bond with trypsin in the

presence of 18

O-enriched H2O and introduces 4-Da mass shift in the tryptic peptides153


advantages of this method include 18

O-enriched water is extremely stable tryptic peptides will

be labeled with the same mass shift secondary reactions inherent to other chemical labeling can

be avoided Conversely widespread use of 18

O-labeling has been hindered due to the difficulty

of attaining complete 18

O incorporation and the lack of robustness154 155

Currently ICAT


TMTs and iTRAQ methods are extensively used in quantitative proteomics In ICAT cysteine

residues are specifically derivatized with a reagent containing either zero or eight deuterium

atoms as well as a biotin group for affinity purification of cysteine-containing peptides156 157

The advantage of ICAT is that the affinity purification via biotin moiety can facilitate the

detection of low-abundance cysteine-containing peptides In addition the mass difference

introduced by labeling increases mass spectral complexity with quantification from the different

precursor masses done by MS and peptide identification being achieved through tandem MS

(MSMS) This added complexity from different peptide masses was addressed by using isobaric

labeling methods such as TMTs and iTRAQ 158 159

where the same peptides in different samples

are isobaric after tagging and appear as single mz in MS scans thus enhancing the peptide limit

of detection and reducing the MS scan complexity Isobaric labeling reagents are composed of a

primary amine reactive group and an isotopic reporter group linked by an isotopic balancer group

for the normalization of the total mass of the tags The reporter group serves for quantification

purpose since it is cleaved during collision-induced dissociation (CID) to yield a characteristic

isotope-encoded fragment Moreover isobaric labeling methods allow the comparison of

multiple samples within a single experiment Recently a 6-plex version of TMTs was


and iTRAQ enables up to eight samples to be labeled and relatively quantified in a

single experiment161

8-plex iTRAQ reagents have been used for the comparison of complicated

biological samples such as CSF in the studies of neurodegenerative diseases 162

Recently our

group developed a novel N N-dimethyl leucine (DiLeu) 4-plex isobaric tandem mass (MS2)

tagging reagents with high quantitation efficacy DiLeu has the advantage of synthetic simplicity

and greatly reduced synthesis cost compared to TMTs and iTRAQ163

Xiang et al demonstrated

that DiLeu produced comparable iTRAQ ability for protein sequence coverage (~43) and


quantitation accuracy (lt15) for tryptically digested proteins More importantly DiLeu

reagents could promote enhanced fragmentation of labeled peptides thus allowing more

confident peptide and protein identifications

2 In Vivo Metabolic Labeling

Metabolic processes can also be employed for the incorporation of stable-isotope labels

into the proteins or organisms by enriching culture media or food with light or heavy versions of

isotope labels (2H


15N) The advantage of in vivo labeling is that metabolic labeling does

not suffer from incomplete labeling which is an inherent drawback for in vitro derivatization

techniques In addition metabolic labeling occurs from the start of the experiment and proteins

with light or heavy labels are simultaneously extracted thus reducing the error and variability of

quantification introduced during sample preparation The most widely used strategy for

metabolic labeling is known as stable-isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)

which was introduced by Mann and co-workers164 165

In SILAC one cell population is grown

in normal or light media while the other is grown in heavy media enriched with a heavy

isotope-encoded (typically 13

C or 15

N) amino acid such as arginine or leucine Cells from the

two populations are then combined proteins are extracted digested and analyzed by MS The

relative protein expression differences are then determined from the extracted ion

chromatograms from both the light and heavy peptide forms SILAC has been shown to be a

powerful tool for the study of intracellular signal transduction In addition this technique has

recently been applied to the quantitative analysis of phosphotyrosine (pTyr) proteomes to

characterize pTyr-dependent signaling pathways166 167


Labe-free quantification

Although various isotope labeling methods have provided powerful tools for quantitative

proteomics several limitations of these approaches are noted Labeling increases the cost and

complexity of sample preparation introduces potential errors during the labeling reaction It also

requires a higher sample concentration and complicates data processing and interpretation In

addition so far only TMTs and iTRAQ allow the comparison of multiple (up to eight) samples

simultaneously The comparison of more than eight samples in a single experiment cannot be

achieved by isotope labeling In order to address these concerns there has been significant

interest in the development of label-free quantitative approaches Current label-free

quantification methods for MS-based proteomics were developed based on the observation that

the chromatographic peak area of a peptide168 169

or frequency of MSMS spectra170


to the protein or peptide concentration Therefore the two most common label-free

quantification approaches are conducted by comparing (i) area under the curve (AUC) of any

given peptides171 172

or (ii) by frequency measurements of MSMS spectra assigned to a protein

commonly referred to as spectral counting173

Several recent reviews provided detailed and

comprehensive knowledge comparing label-free methods with labeling methods data processing

and commercially available software for label-free quantitative proteomics174-177

Dissociation Techniques

The vast majority of proteomic experiments have proteins or peptides being identified by

two critical pieces of data obtained from the mass spectrometer The first is the precursor ion

identified by its mz which is informative to the mass of the peptide being analyzed The second

is the use of tandem mass spectrometry to fragment or dissociate the precursor ion and record the


generated fragment ion pattern to discern the amino acid sequence The three most popular

dissociation or fragmentation techniques for peptides are CID electron-transfer dissociation

(ETD) and high-energy collision dissociation (HCD) A recent study on the human plasma

proteome demonstrated that combined fragmentation techniques enhance coverage by providing

complementary information for identifications CID enabled the greatest number of protein

identifications while HCD identified an additional 25 proteins and ETD contributed an

additional 13 protein identifications178


Electron capture dissociation (ECD) 179

preceded ETD but ECD was developed for use

in a Penning trap for Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometers

ECD requires the ion of interest to be in contact with near-thermal electrons and for the electron

capture event to occur on the millisecond time scale but the time scale is inadequate for electron

trapping in Paul traps or quadrupoles in the majority of mass spectrometers180

ETD involves a

radical anion like fluoranthene with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation

which results in more uniform cleavage along the peptide backbone The cation accepts an

electron and the newly formed odd-electron protonated peptide undergoes fragmentation by

cleavage of the N-Cα bond which results in fragmentation ions consisting of c- and zbull-type

product ions The uniformed cleavage results in reduced sequence discrimination to labile bonds

such as PTMs and also provides improved sequencing for larger peptides compared to CID181

The realization that larger peptides produced better MSMS quality spectra compared to CID led

to a decision tree analysis strategy where peptide charge states and size determined whether the

precursor peptide would be fragmented with CID or ETD182

One of the main benefits of

ETDECD is the ability to sequence peptides with labile PTMs such as phosphorylation77 183





and histone modifications187

ETD also has the

benefit of providing better sequence information on larger neuropeptides when compared to


However a thorough analysis suggested that CID still yielded more peptideprotein

identifications than ETD in large scale proteoimcs189


High energy collision dissociation (HCD)190

is an emerging fragmentation technique that

offers improved detection of small reporter ions from iTRAQ-based studies191 192

HCD is

performed at a higher energy in a collision cell instead of an ion trap like CID thus HCD does

not suffer from the low-mass cutoff limitation Furthermore HCD offers enhanced

fragmentation efficiency assisting in MSMS spectra interpretation and protein identification193

A major drawback for HCD is that the spectral acquisition times are up to two-fold longer due to

increased ion requirement for Fourier transform detection in the orbitrap194

HCD has been

reported to increase phosphopeptide identifications over CID74

but in a different study CID was

reported to offer more phosphopeptide identifications over HCD194

Work has also been done to

transfer the decision tree analysis for HCD which basically switches CID with HCD claiming

better quality data determined by higher Mascot scores with more peptide identifications195


Data dependent acquisition (DDA) is the most commonly used ion selection process in

mass spectrometers for proteomic experiments An alternative process which does not have ion

selection nor switch between MS and MSMS modes is termed MSE MS

E is a data independent

mode and does not require precursor ions of a significant intensity to be selected for MSMS


A data independent mode decouples the mass spectrometer choosing which

precursor ions to fragment and when the ions are fragmented MSE works by a low or high


energy scan and no ion isolation is occurring The low energy scan is where the precursor ion is

not fragmented and the high energy scan allows fragmentation The resulting mix of precursor

and fragmentation ions is then detected simultaneously197

The data will then need to be

deconvoluted using a proprietary time-aligned algorithm that is discussed elsewhere198


continuous data independent acquisition allows multiple MSMS spectra to be collected during

the natural analyte peak broadening observed in chromatography which provides more data

points for AUC label-free quantification In addition lower abundance peptides can be

sequenced as more MSMS spectra are collected throughout the elution of an LC peak allowing

better signal averaging for smaller analyte peak of interest during coelution and reducing

sampling bias in typical DDA experiments where only more abundant peaks can be selected for


A comparison of spiked internal protein standards into a complex protein digest provided

evidence that MSE was comparable to DDA analysis in LC-MS

199 MS

E has been used for label

free proteomics of immunodepleted serum in large scale proteomics samples200

In addition

MSE was performed for the characterization of human cerebellum and primary visual cortex

proteomes Hundreds of proteins were identified including many previously reported in

neurological disorders201

MSE is quickly becoming a versatile data acquisition method recently

used in such studies as cancer cells202


and pituitary proteome discovery204

The usefulness of MSE as an unbiased data acquisition method is being assimilated into multiple

proteomics studies including studies involving neurological disorders

Data Analysis


One of the major bottlenecks in non-targeted proteomic experiments is how to handle the

enormous amount of data obtained Database searches biostatistical analysis de novo

sequencing PTM validation all have their place and multiple available platforms are available

If the organism being studied has had its genome sequenced databases can be created

with a list of proteins in the FASTA format to be used in database searching There are

numerous database searching algorithms for sequence identification of MSMS data including





and PEAKS209

These searching algorithms are

performed by matching MSMS spectra and precursor mass to sequences found within proteins

How well the actual spectra match the theoretical spectra determines a score which is unique to

the searching algorithm and usually can be extrapolated to the probability of a random hit

Recently a database has been developed for PTM analysis by the use of the program SIMS210

Specifically for phosphopeptides Ascorersquos algorithm scans the MSMS data to determine the

likelihood of correct phosphosite identification from the presence of site identifying product


If the organism that is being analyzed has not had its genome sequenced and no (or very

limited) FASTA database is available a homology search can be performed using SPIDER212

available with PEAKS software Alternatively individual MSMS spectrum can be de novo

sequenced but software is available to perform automated de novo sequencing of numerous

spectra (PEAKS208

DeNovoX and PepSeq)

For large-scale protein identifications the false discovery rate (FDR) must be established

by the searching algorithm and that is accomplished by re-searching the data with a false

database created by reversing or scrambling the amino acid sequence of the original database

used for the protein search Any hits from the false database will contribute to the FDR and this

value can be adjusted usually around 1 An additional layer of confidence in the obtained data


can be achieved in shotgun proteomics experiments by removing all the proteins that are

identified by only one peptide

Once a set of confident proteins or peptides have been generated from database

searching bioinformatic analysis or biostatistical analysis is needed Numerous software

packages are available for different purposes FLEXIQuant is an example for absolute

quantitation of isotopically labeled protein or peptides of interest213

FDR analysis of

phosphopeptides or other specific PTMs can be adjusted with such software as Scaffold

providing data consisting only of a specific modification214

Bioinformatic tools such as

Scaffold or ProteoIQ also include gene ontology (GO) analysis which can classify identified

proteins by three categories cellular component molecular function or biological process

Custom bioinformatics programs can also be developed and are often useful in various proteomic

studies including biomarker discovery in neurological diseases215

More detailed review of

bioinformatics in peptidomics216

and proteomics217

can be found elsewhere

Validation of Biomarkers by Targeted Proteomics

The validation of putative biomarkers identified by MS-based proteomic analysis is often

required to provide orthogonal analysis to rule out a false positive by MS and providing

additional evidence for the biomarker candidate(s) from the study for future potential clinical

assays At present antibody-based assays such as Western blotting ELISA and

immunochemistry are the most widely used methods for biomarker validation Although accurate

and well established these methods rely on protein specific antibodies for the measurement of

the putative biomarker and could be difficult for large-scale validation of all or even a subset of a

long list of putative protein biomarkers typically obtained by MS-based comparative proteomic


analysis Large scale validation is impractical due to the cost for each antibody the labor to

develop a publishable Western blot or ELISA and the antibody availability for certain proteins

As an alternative strategy quantitative assays based on multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) MS

using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer have been employed in biomarker verification

MRM is the most common use of MSMS for absolute quantitation It is a hypothesis

driven experiment where the peptide of interest and its subsequent fragmentation pattern must be

known prior to the quantitative MRM experiments MRM involves selecting a specific mz (first

quadrupole) to be isolated for fragmentation (second quadrupole) followed by one or more of

the most intense fragment ions (third quadrupole) being monitored The ability to quantitate and

thus validate the proteins or peptides as potential biomarkers is achieved by performing MRM on

isotopically labeled reference peptide for targeted peptideprotein of interest The main obstacle

for quantification of peptides is interference and ion suppression effects from co-eluting

substances Since the isotopically labeled and native peptide will co-elute the same interference

and ion suppression will occur for both peptides and thus correcting these interfering effects

Peptides need to be systematically chosen for a highly sensitive and reproducible MRM

experiment to ensure proper validation of putative biomarkers Peptides require certain intrinsic

properties which include an mz within the practical mass detection range for the instrument and

high ionization efficiency If the desired peptide to be quantified is derived from a digestion

then peptides that have detectable incomplete digestion or missed cleavage site can be a major

source of variability Peptides with a methionine and to a lesser extent tryptophan are

traditionally removed from consideration from MRM quantitative experiments due to the

variable nature of the oxidation that can occur In addition if chromatographic separation is

performed the retention behavior of the peptide must be well behaved with little tailing effects


eluting late causing broadening of the peak and even irreversible binding to the column As an

example hydrophilic peptides being eluted off a C18 column may exhibit the previously

described concerns and a different chromatographic separation will need to be explored for

improved limits of detection quantitation and validation To determine consistent peptide

detection or usefulness of certain peptides databases such as Proteomics Database218



have been developed to compile proteomic data repositories from initial

discovery experiments

After the peptide is selected for analysis the proper MRM transitions need to be selected

to optimize the sensitivity and selectivity of the experiment It is common for investigators to

select two or three of the most intense transitions for the proposed experiment It is imperative

that the same instrument is used for the determination of transition ions as different mass

spectrometers may have a bias towards different fragment ions

MRM experiments are still highly popular experiments for hypothesis directed


biomarker analysis222

and validation223

Validation of putative biomarkers is

increasingly becoming a necessary step when performing large scale non-hypothesis driven

proteomics experiments The traditional validation techniques of ELISA Western blotting and

immunohistochemistry are still used but MRM experiments are becoming an attractive

alternative for validation of putative biomarkers due to its enhanced throughput and specificity

Current work is still being performed to both expand the linear dynamic range224



of MRM A recent endeavor to increase the sensitivity for MRM experiments was

accomplished by ldquoPulsed MRMrdquo via the use of an ion funnel trap to enhance confinement and

accumulation of ions The authors claimed an increase by 5-fold for peak amplitude and a 2-3

fold reduction in chemical background225


Remaining Challenges and Emerging Technologies

Large sample numbers for mass spectrometry analysis

Multiple conventional studies in proteomics have been performed on a single or a few

biological samples As bio-variability can be exceedingly high the need for larger sample sizes

is currently being investigated Prentice et al used a starting point of 3200 patient samples

from the Womenrsquos Health Institute (WHI) to probe the plasma proteome using MS for

biomarkers The study did not test the 3200 patient samples by MS because even a simple one

hour one dimensional RP analysis on a mass spectrometer would take months of instrument time

for uninterrupted analysis Instead the authors pooled 100 samples together to bring the total

number of pooled samples to 32 To provide relevant plasma biomarkers the samples were then

subjected to immunodepletion 2-D protein separation (96 fractions total) and then 1-D RPLC of

tryptic peptide separation on-line interface to a mass spectrometer The large sample cohorts

help address bio-variability that can be a concern from small sample size proteomic experiments

and provide ample sample amounts to investigate the low abundance proteins226

Hemoglobin-derived neuropeptides and non-classical neuropeptides

Neuropeptides such as neuropeptide Y and enkephalin are short chains of amino acids

that are secreted from a range of neuronal cells that signal nearby cells In contrast non-classical

neuropeptides are termed as neuropeptides or ldquomicroproteinsrdquo which are derived from

intracellular protein fragments and synthesized from the cytosol227

MS was recently used to

determine that hemopressins which are hemoglobin-derived peptides are upregulated in Cpefatfat

mice brains Gelman et al designed an MS experiment to compare hemoglobin-derived


peptides comparing the brain blood and heart peptidome in mice The authors provided data

that specific hemoglobin peptides were produced in the brain and were not produced in the

blood Certain alpha and beta hemoglobin peptides were also up regulated in the brain for


mice and bind to CB1 cannabinoid receptors228

As discussed earlier in the review

peptidomics and specifically neuropeptidomics are popular fields of study utilizing MS and non-

classical neuropeptides is an exciting emerging area of research that could further expand the

diversity of cell-cell signaling molecules

Ultrasensitive mass spectrometry for single cell analysis

In addition to large scale analysis MS-based proteomics and peptidomics are making

progress into ultrasensitive single cell analysis The most successful MS-based techniques for

single cell analysis was performed with MALDI and studies that have been performed on

relatively large neurons are reviewed elsewhere229

The ultrasensitive MS analysis is currently

directed towards single cell analysis of smaller cells including cancer cells The first challenge

in single cell analysis is the isolation and further sample preparation to yield relevant data

Collection and isolation of a cell type can be accomplished using antibodies for fluorescence

activated cell sorting (FACS) and immune magnetic separation FACS works by flow cytometry

sorting cells by a laser that excites a fluorescent tag that is attached to an antibody Immune

magnetic separation allows separation by antibodies with magnetic properties such as


One exciting study combining FACS and MS termed mass cytometry This

technology works by infusing a droplet into an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer

(ICP-MS) containing a single cell bound to antibodies chelated to transition elements allowing a

quantifying response between single cells231

Clearly the future of single cell analysis for


biomarker analysis and proteomics is encouraging and has the potential to be an emerging field

in MS-based proteomics and peptidomics

Laserspray ionization (LSI)

Laserspray ionization (LSI) is an exciting new method to produce multiply charged mass

spectra from MALDI that is nearly identical to ESI232-234

Recently it has been reported that LSI

can be performed in lieu of matrix to produce a total solvent-free analysis234

The benefits of

being able to generate multiply charged peptides without any solvent may offer advantages

including MS analysis of insoluble membrane proteins or hydrophobic peptides avoidance of

chemical reactions while in solvents a reduction of sample loss due to liquid sample preparation

and ability to avoid diffusion effects from tissue imaging studies234

The multiply charged peptide and protein ions produced by LSI expand the mass range

for tissue imaging analysis More importantly the multiply-charged peptide ions are amenable

for electron-based fragmentation methods such as ETD or ECD which can be employed in

conjunction with tissue imaging experiments to yield in situ sequencing and identification of

peptides of interest235

Paper spray ionization

Paper spray (PS) is an ambient ionization method which was first reported using

chromatography paper allowing detection of metabolites from dried blood spots The original

method used a cut out piece of paper with a voltage clipped on the back while applying 10 microL of


Improvements have been made to this technology to enhance analysis

efficiency with a new solvent 91 dichloromethaneisopropanol (vv) and the use of silica paper


over chromatography paper237

Interesting applications or modifications have been made to PS

including direct analysis of biological tissue238

and leaf spray for direct analysis of plant


but both detect metabolites instead of proteins or peptides Paper spray ionization

was previously shown to enable detection of cytochrome c and bradykinin [2-9] standards in a

proof of principle study240

Clearly the utility of PS analysis in proteomics and peptidomics is

yet to be explored


New fragmentation techniques have been investigated for their utility in proteomics and

peptidomics including a recently reported negative-ion electron capture dissociation (niECD)

Acidic peptides which usually contain PTMs such as phosphorylation or sulfonation are often

difficult to be detected as multiply charged peptides in the positive ion mode As discussed

earlier multiply charged peptides are required for ECDETD fragmentation The fragmentation

of niECD is accomplished by a multiply negatively charged peptide adding an electron The

resulting fragmentation of multiply sulfated and phosphorylated peptide and protein standards

showed no sulfate loss and preserved phosphorylation site The resulting fragmentation pattern

from niECD was also improved in the peptide anions and provides a new strategy for de novo

sequencing with PTM localization241

Conclusions and Perspectives

Proteomics methodologies have produced large datasets of proteins involved in various

biological and disease progression processes Numerous mass spectrometry-based proteomics

and peptidomics tools have been developed and are continuously being improved in both


chromatographic or electrophoretic separation and MS hardware and software However several

important issues that remain to be addressed rely on further technical advances in proteomics

analysis When large proteomes consisting of thousands of proteins are analyzed and quantified

dynamic range is still limited with more abundant proteins being preferentially detected

Development and optimization of chemical tagging reagents that target specific protein classes

maybe necessary to help enrich important signaling proteins and assess cellular and molecular

heterogeneity of the proteome and peptidome Furthermore a significant bottleneck in

usefulness of proteomics research is the ability to validate the results and provide clear

significant biological relevance to the results The idea of P4 medicine242 243

is an attractive

concept where the four Prsquos stand for predictive preventive personalized and participatory

Proteomics is one of the critical ldquoomicsrdquo fields and has led to the development of enabling

innovative strategies to P4 medicine244

A goal of P4 medicine is to assess both early disease

detection and disease progression in a person A simplified example of how proteomics fits into

P4 medicine is that certain brain-specific proteins could be used for diagnosis with

presymptomatic prion disease244

The concept of proteomic experiments providing an individual

biomarker is becoming more obsolete with the revised vision being a biomolecular barcode that

could potentially be ldquoscannedrdquo or be a fingerprint for a specific disease or early onset to that

disease being closer to reality An excellent review on what biomarker analysis can do for true

patients is available245

Proteomics can also generate new hypothesis that can be tested by classical biochemical

approaches If a disease has an unknown pathogenesis proteomics is a good starting point to try

to assemble putative markers that can lead to further hypothesis for evaluation If a particular

protein or PTM is associated with a disease state either qualitatively or quantitatively potential


treatments could target that protein of interest or investigators could monitor that protein or

PTM during potential treatments of the disease Proteomics has expanded greatly over the last

few decades with the goal of providing revealing insights to some of the most complex

biological problems currently facing the scientific community


Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by the University of Wisconsin Graduate

School Wisconsin Alzheimerrsquos Disease Research Center Pilot Grant and a Department of

Defense Pilot Award LL acknowledges an H I Romnes Faculty Fellowship


Figure 1 A summary of general workflows of biomarker discovery pipeline by MS-based

proteomic approaches

Biological sample (CSF blood urine saliva cell

lysate tissue homogenates secreted proteins etc)

Protein extraction Sample pretreatment



Identification of


expressed proteins

Protein identification

Potential biomarkers

Biomarker validation

- Antibody based immunoassays


Quantitative analysis

- Isotope labeling

- Label free

Identification and

localization of

differentially expressed


Intact tissue

Sample preparation Slice frozen tissues

thaw-mounted on plate

Apply Matrix


Figure 2 Tissue expression and dynamic range of the human plasma proteome A pie chart

representing the tissue of origin for the high abundance proteins shows that the majority of

proteins come from the liver (A) Conversely the lower abundance plasma proteins have a much

more diverse tissue of origin (B and C) The large dynamic range of plasma proteins is presented

and the proteins can be grouped into three categories (classical plasma proteins tissue leakage

products interleukinscytokines) (D) Adapted from Zhang et al11

and Schiess et al246





Table 1 A summary of the common strategies applied to MS-based quantitative proteomic


Gel based Stable isotope labeling Label free


2D-DIGE 110

In vitro derivatization




ICAT 156

TMT 159

iTRAQ 158

Formaldehyde 247

ICPL 248

In vivo metabolic labeling





AUC measurement 169 172

Spectral counting 173

AUC Area Under Curve ICAT Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag TMT Tandem Mass Tags iTRAQ Isobaric Tags for

Relative and Absolute Quantification ICPL Isotope Coded Protein Labeling SILAC Stable Isotope Labeling by

Amino Acids in Cell Culture Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification (iTRAQ)



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Chapter 3

Protein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic

mouse models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometry

Adapted from ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse

models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P

Messing A Li L Submitted



Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a low protein content biological fluid with dynamic range

spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in direct contact with the

brain A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment was performed to enhance analysis of the

low volumes of CSF that are obtainable from mice As a model system in which to test this

approach we utilized transgenic mice that over-express the intermediate filament glial fibrillary

acidic protein (GFAP) These mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we report the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates were performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in

mass spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation was performed using distributive normalized

spectral abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins

with significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice has been identified with validation

from ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD



Alexander disease (AxD) is a fatal neurogenetic disorder caused by heterozygous point

mutations in the coding region of GFAP (encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein)1 The hallmark

diagnostic feature of this disease is the accumulation of astrocytic cytoplasmic inclusions known

as Rosenthal fibers containing GFAP Hsp27 αB-crystallin and other components2-5


several potential treatment strategies6-8

are under investigation clinical trial design is hampered

by the absence of a standardized clinical scoring system or means to quantify lesions in MRI

that could serve to monitor severity and progression of disease One solution to this problem

would be the identification of biomarkers in readily sampled body fluids as indirect indicators of


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy site for brain or spinal

cord in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system The protein composition of CSF is

well defined at least for the most abundant species of proteins and numerous studies exist that

characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in various diseases9 10

GFAP itself is present in CSF (albeit at much lower levels than in brain parenchyma) and in one

study of three Alexander disease patients its levels were markedly increased11

Whether an

increase in CSF GFAP will be a consistent finding in Alexander disease or whether other useful

biomarkers for this disease could be identified through an unbiased analysis of the CSF

proteome is not yet known

The rarity of Alexander disease makes analysis of human samples difficult However

mouse models exist that replicate key features of the disease such as formation of Rosenthal

fibers Unfortunately mouse CSF poses particular problems for proteomic studies and there is


an urgent need for technical improvements for dealing with this fluid For instance collection

from an adult mouse typically yields ~10 μL of CSF often with some contamination by blood12

To further complicate analysis CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL) with

over 60 of the total protein content consisting of a single protein albumin13 14

A number of

techniques have been developed to remove albumin from biological samples including Cibacron


IgG immunodepletion16

and IgY immunodepletion17-19

IgY which is avian in origin

offers reduced non-specific binding and increased avidity when compared to IgG antibodies from

rabbits goats and mice20-23

One widely used IgY cocktail is IgY-14 which contains fourteen

specific antibodies specific for albumin IgG transferrin fibrinogen α1-antitrypsin IgA IgM

α2-macroglobulin haptoglobin apolipoproteins A-I A-II and B complement C3 and α1-acid

glycoprotein Since existing protocols for IgY-14 depletion are optimized for use with large

volumes of serum new protocols must be developed to permit its use with the low volumes of a

low protein fluid represented by mouse CSF

Various improvements have also taken place in the field of proteomic analysis that could

facilitate analysis of mouse CSF Data dependent tandem mass spectrometry followed by

quantification of proteins is used in standard shotgun proteomics24-29

Several methods now exist

for introducing quantitation into mass spectrometry including stable isotope labeling30-32

isobaric tandem mass tags33 34

and spectral counting35 36

Spectral counting which is a

frequency measurement that uses MSMS counts of identified peptides as the metric to enable

protein quantitation is attractive because it is label-free and requires no additional sample

preparation Finally recent advances in spectral counting has produced a data refinement

strategy termed normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF)37 38

and further developed into

distributive NSAF (dNSAF) to address issues with peptides shared by multiple proteins39


To identify potential biomarkers in AxD we report a novel scaled-down version of IgY

antibody depletion strategy to reduce the complexity and remove high abundance proteins in

mouse CSF samples The generated spectral counts data were then subjected to dNSAF natural

log data transformation and t-test analysis to determine which proteins differ in abundance when

comparing GFAP transgenics and controls with multiple biological and technical replicates



Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) urea (gt99) sodium chloride (997) and ammonium

bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water

(182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS

grade acetonitrile and water were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-

Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified trypsin were purchased from Promega

(Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from Fluka (Buchs Switzerland)

Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris ge999 ) ammonium formate

(ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-14 antibodies were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich

(Saint Louis MO)


Transgenic mice over-expressing the human GFAP gene (Tg737 line) were maintained

as hemizygotes in the FVBN background and genotyped via PCR on DNA prepared from tail

samples as described previously40

The mice were housed on a 14-10 light-dark cycle with ad

libitum access to food and water All procedures were conducted using protocols approved by

the UW-Madison IACUC


CSF collection

CSF was collected from mice as described previously12

Briefly mice were anesthetized

with avertin (400-600 mgkg ip) A midline sagittal incision was made over the dorsal aspect

of the hindbrain and three muscle layers carefully peeled back to expose the cisterna magna The

membrane covering the cisterna magna was pierced with a 30 gauge needle and CSF was

collected immediately using a flexible plastic pipette Approximately ten microliters of CSF was

collected per animal All samples used for MS analysis showed no visible contamination of


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

A sandwich ELISA was used to quantify GFAP8 Briefly a microtiter plate was coated

with a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies (Covance SMI-26R) Plates were blocked with 5

milk before addition of sample or standards diluted in PBS with Triton-X and BSA A rabbit

polyclonal antibody (DAKO Z334) was used to detect the GFAP followed by a peroxidase

conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (Sigma A6154) secondary antibody The peroxidase activity

was detected with SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (PIERCE) and

quantified with a GloRunner Microplate Luminometer Values below the biological limit of

detection (16ngL) were given the value 16ngL before multiplying by the dilution factor

Immunodepletion of abundant proteins

Currently there are no commercial immunodepletion products available for use with CSF

and to address the low protein content of this fluid (~04 microgmicroL) Therefore 100 microL of

purchased IgY-14 resin was coupled with a Pierce Spin Cup using a paper filter from Thermo

Scientific (Waltham MA) CSF samples from either transgenics or controls were first pooled to

100 microL and then added to 100 microL of 20 mM Tris-HCl 300 mM pH 74 (2x dilution buffer) and


allowed to mix with the custom IgY-14 depletion spin column on an end-over-end rotor for 30

minutes at 4oC The sample was then centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds with an Eppendorf

Centrifuge 5415D (Hamburg Germany) The antibodies were then washed with 50 microL 1x

dilution buffer vortexed for 5 minutes centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds and the flow through

was collected for tryptic digestion The antibodies were then stripped of the bound proteins with

four 025 mL washes of 01 M glycine pH 25 neutralized with two 025 mL washes of 01 M

Tris-HCl pH 80 and washed once with 025mL of 1x dilution buffer The immunodepletion

protocol was repeated for each transgenic or control pooled 100 microL sample (N=3)

Preparation of tryptic digests

The immunodepleted pooled mouse CSF samples (200 microL total volume) were

concentrated to 10 microL using a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA)

To each sample 8 microL of 133 M urea and 1 microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to

incubate at 37oC for one hour After incubation 27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for

carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15 minutes in the dark To

quench the IAA 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react for 10 minutes To

perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg

trypsin which had previously been dissolved in 50 mM acetic acid at a concentration of 05

microgmicroL Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10

formic acid The tryptic peptides were then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Varian

Omix Tip C18 100 microL (Palo Alto CA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic

acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30 microL H2O in 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation


The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto an Agilent

Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5x03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow

rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm

Atlantis dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B

at 250 nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition


range of 300-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot41

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt mus musculus

(house mouse) database (version 575) False positive analyses42

were calculated using an

automatic decoy option of Mascot Results from the Mascot results were reported using

Proteinscape 21 and technical replicates were combined and reported as a protein compilation

using ProteinExtractor (Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed cleavages 2 enzyme

trypsin variable modifications carboxymethylation (C) and oxidation (M) peptide tolerance

plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap

Reported proteins required a minimum of one peptide with a Mascot score ge300 with bold red

characterization Spectral counts were determined from the number of MSMS spectra identified

from accepted proteins A bold red peptide combines a bold peptide which represents the first

query result from a submitted MSMS spectrum with the red peptide which indicates the top

peptide for the identified protein Requiring one bold red peptide assists in removal of

homologous redundant proteins and further improves protein results In addition requiring one


peptide to be identified by a score gt300 removes the ability for proteins to be identified by

multiple low Mascot scoring peptides

Each immunodepleted biological replicate had technical triplicates performed and the

technical triplicates were summed together by ProteinExtractor Peptide spectral counts were

then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis Details for this method can be

found elsewhere37 39

but briefly peptide spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on

unique peptides and a weighted distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins

ProteinScape removed 83 homologous proteins found in the current study to bring the total

number of proteins identified to 266 but some non-unique homologous peptides which are

shared by multiple proteins are still present in the resulting 266 remaining proteins To address

these non-unique homologous peptides distributive spectral counting was performed as

described elsewhere39

The dSpC is divided by the proteinrsquos length (L) and then divided by the

summation of the dSpCL from all proteins in the experiment (N) to produce each proteinrsquos

specific dNSAF value










The resulting data were then transformed by taking the natural log of the dNSAF value The

means for each protein were calculated using the ln(dNSAF) from N=3 biological replicates and

the whole data set was subjected to the Shapiro-Wilk test for normalityGaussian distribution

performed on the software PAST (Version 198 University of Oslo Norway Osla) The

Shapiro-Wilk test was repeated multiple times to determine a non-zero value for zero spectral


counts A non-zero value is required to alleviate the errors of dividing by zero which was

experimentally determined to be 043 The Gaussian data were then subjected to the t-test to

identify statistically significant changes in protein expression


General workflow

Individual CSF samples were manually inspected and samples were only selected that

showed no visual blood contamination Preliminary experiments showed that the maximum

degree of blood contamination estimated from counts of red blood cells in the CSF that was not

visible to the eye was less than 005 by total mass Approximately 10 individual mouse CSF

samples were pooled to achieve the desired 100 μL volume for a single biological replicate The

CSF samples were IgY immunodepleted followed by digestion with trypsin The resulting

digested samples were then de-salted concentrated reconstituted in 30 μL of 01 formic acid

and 5 μL was loaded onto a reversed phase nanoflow HPLC column subjected to a 90 minute

gradient and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer The workflow for

mouse CSF analysis is shown in Figure 1 The remainder of the desalted sample was saved for

technical replicates

Immunodepletion for CSF

Currently there are no immunodepletion techniques specifically designed for CSF

Nonetheless the protein profiles between CSF and serum are similar enough to use currently

available immunodepletion techniques designed for serum as a starting point The smallest

commercially available IgY-14 immunodepletion kit is for 15 μL of serum which is equivalent in

protein content to ~15 mL of CSF Therefore for 100 μL CSF one fifteenth of the total IgY-14


beads would be used for the equivalent immunodepletion which is 66 μL of proprietary bead

slurry The potential for irreversible binding of abundant proteins to their respective IgY

antibody even after an extra stripping wash and low amounts of total beads made using 66 μL

of IgY-14 bead slurry unrealistic In practice almost doubling the amount of IgY-14 beads (100

μL) used was not sufficient and resulted in albumin and transferrin peptides to be observed in

high abundance (data not shown) The most important protein to immunodeplete is albumin and

it has been reported to be a greater percentage of total CSF protein content (~60) than serum

(~49) in humans14

The difference in albumin percentage supports the results that proprietary

blends of immunodepletion beads for high abundance proteins such as albumin cannot be

scaled down on a strict protein scale and further modifications to the serum immunodepletion

protocol need to be made

Since IgY-14 beads were developed for use with serum all of its protocols need to be

taken into account to modify the protocol for CSF Serum samples should be diluted fifty times

before mixing with the IgY-14 beads but CSF protein concentration is at least one hundred times

lower than serum Therefore CSF is below half the recommended diluted protein concentration

for IgY immunodepletion Consequently multiple steps have been devised to address this

limitation First the binding time between the proteins targeted for removal from the CSF and

IgY-14 beads was doubled during the end-over-end rotor depletion step from the recommended

15 minutes to 30 minutes Second to prevent non-specific protein binding to the antibodies the

CSF samples were diluted with an equal amount (100 μL) of 2X dilution buffer The dilution

buffer of NaCl and Tris-HCl was needed to assist in reducing non-specific binding of proteins to

the 14 antibodies and ensuring the sample is held at physiological pH In addition to these

modifications a doubling of the starting IgY-14 bead slurry to 200 μL provided the desired


results Overall this modified protocol results in effective depletion of CSF abundant proteins

using only one-fifth of the antibodies provided by the smallest commercially available platform

Data Analysis

Spectral counting technique for relative quantitation provides numerous benefits for the

study of mouse CSF due to its label-free advantage In contrast isotopic labeling method often

involves additional sample processing that could cause sample loss which is highly undesirable

for low protein content and low volume samples Labeling methods also require a mixing of two

sets of isotopically labeled samples which would effectively increase the sample complexity and

reduce the amount of sample that can be loaded onto the nanoLC column by half In addition

more than two sets of samples can be compared by label-free methods The use of label-free

spectral counting method does not lead to an increase in sample complexity or interference in

quantitation from peptides in the mz window selected for tandem MS Using spectral counting

for relative quantitation however is dependent on reproducible HPLC separation and careful

mass spectrometry operation to minimize technical variability during the study To address

concerns of analytical reliability and run to run deviations base peak chromatograms from two

transgenic IgY-14 immunodepleted biological replicates including two technical replicates of

each were shown to be highly reproducible (Figure 2)

Each biological sample was analyzed in triplicate with the same protocols on the amaZon

ETD with three control and three transgenic samples From the three technical replicates for

each biological replicate the spectral counts of the peptides for the proteins identified were

summed The results from these mouse CSF biological triplicates are shown in Figure 3A for

GFAP overexpressor and Figure 3B for control The summation of spectral counts for each

biological replicate was performed to remove the inherent bias related to data dependent analysis


for protein identification One concern in grouping technical replicates is a potential loss of

information regarding analytical variability Figure 4 provides a graphical representation of

variability of technical replicates illustrating the standard deviation of technical replicates with

error bars Figure 4 shows that a statistically changed protein creatine kinase M (A) and an

unchanged protein kininogen-1 (B) have similar variability within (technical replicates) and

between samples (biological replicates) for each protein In addition Figure 4B illustrates that

even with the variability of kininogen-1 the resulting mean shown by the dashed line of control

and transgenic samples were almost equal whereas Figure 4A shows significantly different

expression level of creatine kinase M Performing replicate analysis of each biological sample

(n=3) helps correct for systematic errors deriving from sample handling and pooling of samples

helps reduce random error during the CSF sample collection process

Protein Identification and Spectral Counting Analysis

The data for dNSAF analysis like any mass spectrometry proteomics experiment

requires multiple layers of verification to ensure reliable data Our initial protein identifications

were subjected to a database search using a decoy database from Mascot which resulted in an

average false positive rate below 1 for all the experimental data collected Representative

MSMS spectra between control and GFAP transgenic samples are illustrated in Figure 5

Overall 266 proteins were identified in a combination of control and transgenic samples

(Supplemental Table 1) A total of 349 proteins were initially identified but 83 proteins were

isoforms of previously identified proteins and automatically excluded by ProteinExtractor The

next level of quality control was to only include ln(dNSAF) values from proteins identified by 2

or more unique peptides having a Mascot score of ge300 and observed in two out of three

biological replicates These selection parameters resulted in 106 proteins remaining after


dNSAF analysis (Supplemental Table 2) The resulting spectral counts were then subjected to

dSpC in order to account and correct for the systematic error of peptides shared by multiple

proteins (Supplemental Table 3)

It is inevitable in large scale and complex proteomics experiments that some proteins will

be seen in some samples and not others In addition when controls were compared to transgenic

samples as shown in Figure 3C 127 proteins were unique to either control or GFAP transgenic

mice and 139 proteins were seen in both samples From dNSAF equation if the spectral count

is zero the numerator is zero and the value will not be normalized between runs In order to

circumvent the zero spectral counts in dNSAF analysis zero spectral counts must be replaced by

an experimentally determined non-zero value determined to be 043 The 043 spectral counts

for zero spectral counts was calculated by serial Shapiro-Wilk tests to determine the lowest value

(043) for zero spectral counts and maintain a Gaussian distribution for all data sets The 043

value for zero spectral counts in the current study was higher than the 016 reported value for

zero spectral counts in the original NSAF spectral counting study37

Our study may have a

higher zero spectral count value than the previous study because the spectral counting data were

an addition of three technical replicates and three times 016 is close to 043 The normalized

Gaussian data were then subjected to t-test analysis and P-values below 005 are considered as

statistically significant and are presented in Table 1 The proteins with significant up or down

regulation from Table 1 can be further evaluated as how close significant proteins were to a p-

value of 005 such as ganglioside GM2 activator serine protease inhibitor A3N and collagen

alpha-2(I) chain having t-test scores of 0045 0047 and 0043 respectively Proteins exhibiting

a P-value close to 005 were more likely to be highly variable proteins or have smaller fold

changes between control and transgenic samples and thus provide less biological relevancy to


future studies The modest change in antithrobin-III which is reduced by 14-fold in transgenic

is included due a low pooled standard deviation in spectral counts

Spectral counting has been analyzed with fold changes derived directly from the average

spectral counts from the technical replicates and then the average of the three biological

replicates We decided to perform additional analysis using fold changes to dig deeper into

proteins that statistically support the null hypothesis from the dNSAF analysis To only pull out

highly confident protein identifications we used the same strict cut-off of two unique peptides

identified per protein as in dNSAF analysis We only accepted proteins with greater than three-

fold change in total spectral counts listed in Table 2 Two proteins contactin-1 (cntn1) and

cathepsin B (CB) illustrate the potential biomarkers missed by dNSAF analysis Cntn1 had zero

spectral count in the transgenic sample and had an average spectral count of 41 in control

samples The lack of any spectral counts in one biological control for cntn1 resulted in a large

standard deviation in the ln(dNSAF) means for the control which resulted in the t-test supporting

the null hypothesis Another example is CB which was detected by numerous spectral counts in

every GFAP transgenic biological replicate with an average spectral count of 97 (Table 2) The

presence of CB in one biological control sample (23 average spectral counts) resulted in a high

standard deviation in the mean of the control samples These examples exhibit a limitation of

dNSAF analysis which could cause a loss of potentially useful information

Previously Identified Proteins with Expression Changes

Previously three proteins have been described as increased in CSF from individual(s)

suffering from AxD In one study a single patientrsquos CSF was found to have elevated levels of

αβ-crystallin and HSP2744

In a second study three patients were reported to have elevated

levels of GFAP with concentrations from 4760 ngL to 30000 ngL (compared to lt175 ngL for



GFAP was detected in our current study however the other two proteins were not

detected One possibility is that αB-crystallin and Hsp-27 levels in mouse CSF are too low for

detection by MS analysis In addition while the transgenic mice display the hallmark

pathological feature of AxD in the form of Rosenthal fibers they do not have any evident

leukodystrophy and thus may not display the full range of changes in CSF as might be found in

human patients

Creatine Kinase M

Creatine kinase M (M-CK) is a 43 kDa protein whose role is to reversibly catalyze

phosphate transfer between ATP and energy storage compounds M-CK has been primarily

found in muscle tissue and for humans creatine kinase M is diagnostically analyzed in the blood

for myocardial infarction (heart attack) In addition M-CK is also found in Purkinje neurons of

the cerebellum45 46

A related protein creatine kinase B (B-CK) also exhibited an apparent 21

fold increase in transgenic CSF over control but this difference was not statistically different

B-CK concentration is known to be elevated in CSF following head trauma47

or cerebral


but decreased in astrocytes in individuals affected by multiple sclerosis49


The data showed multiple cathepsins were up regulated in the CSF of transgenic mice

when compared to control mice The up regulated cathepsins were S L1 and B isoforms which

are all cysteine proteases Cathepsin S (CS) was never observed in control samples but

observed with an average of 73 spectral counts per analysis Cathepsin L1 (CL1) was up

regulated by 94 times in transgenic mice These two cathepsins exhibited significant changes

using dNSAF and t-test statistics as shown in Table 1 and Cathepsin B (CB) showed a 42 fold

increase in transgenic CSF as shown in Table 2


Cathepsins regulate apoptosis in cells50

which is the major mechanism for elimination of

cells deemed by the organism to be dangerous damaged or expendable CL and CB are

redundant in the system as thiol proteases and inhibition of CB by CA-047 causes a diminished

apoptosis response in multiple cell lines51

Intriguingly increased levels of CB or CL are

correlated with poor prognosis for cancer patients and shorter disease-free intervals It is

believed that these proteases degrade the extracellular membrane which allows tumor cells to

invade adjacent tissue and metastasize52

With regards to AxD the up regulation of these

cathepsins may be indicative of the bodyrsquos natural defense and response to Rosenthal fibers

Thus stimulation of these cathepsins may provide a further protective stress response but the

positive correlation between these proteases and cancer highlights the multiple roles of these

proteins in pathological response Alternatively it has been shown that increased CB is involved

with the tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) induced apoptosis cascade53

The activation of the

TNFα could produce oligodendrocyte toxicity54

with the expression of TNFα being elevated in

tissue samples from mouse models and AxD patients55

The potential for a positive or a negative

effect in increasing or decreasing cathepsins warrant future research with cathepsins and AxD


Contactin-1 (Cntn1) is a 133 kDa cell surface protein that is highly glycosylated and

belongs to a family of immunoglobulin domain-containing cell adhesion molecues56

Table 2

shows that Cntn1 is down regulated in transgenic mice since spectral counts were only observed

in control mice Cntn1 is expressed in neurons and oligodendrocytes and higher levels were

observed during brain development57

In addition Cntn1 leads to activation of Notch1 which

mediates differentiation and maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) Although the

mechanism leading to a reduction of Cntn1 in CSF is not known it may reflect a change in


astrocyte interactions with either neurons or oligodendrocytes to alter their expression of this


Validation of putative biomarkers and MS proteomics data using ELISA and RNA

microarray data

To further validate the relative protein expression data obtained via MS-based spectral

counting techniques orthogonal immunological and molecular biological approaches have been

examined As GFAP was shown to be elevated in the CSF of transgenic animals we used a

well-defined GFAP ELISA protocol to test its CSF concentration CSF from 8 week old male

mice was collected from both transgenic and control animals Five samples of transgenic CSF

was prepared by pooling four to eight animals for the GFAP ELISA In the case of controls

each sample represents a single animal GFAP concentrations observed by both the MS and

ELISA showed significant increases of GFAP in the CSF when comparing transgenic to control


Another validation of MS spectral counts is observed in a microarray analysis performed

on transgenic mouse olfactory bulb tissue 55

In this paper nine of the proteins found by MS

showed similar gene expression in the microarray (Table 3) It is not surprising that all the genes

observed in the microarray are not the same as the proteins observed by MS analysis Gene

expression and protein synthesis and expression are not always correlated but the similarities

and overlapping trends observed with these two assays are encouraging As shown in Table 3

gene expression analysis also revealed the up regulation of several cathepsin proteins GFAP

and down regulation of contactin-1 in CSF collected from transgenic mice corroborating the

MS-based proteomics results



In this study we have produced a panel of proteins with significant up or down regulation

in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice This mouse model for AxD was consistent

with the previous studies showing elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified

IgY-14 immunodepletion technique for low amounts of CSF was presented This improved

protocol is useful for future investigations to deal with the unique challenges of mouse CSF

analysis Modified proteomics protocols were employed to profile mouse CSF with biological

and technical triplicates addressing the variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF

spectral counting Validation of the MS-based proteomics data were performed using both

ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide further confidence in the changes in the putative

protein biomarkers This study presents three classes of interesting targets for future study in

AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1



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Table 1 Statistically changed proteins between transgenic and control mouse CSF using

dNSAF analysis

Accession Protein Pa SC

b Fold






KCRM_MOUSE Creatine kinase M-type 0034 425 30 182 541

HEXB_MOUSE Βeta-hexosaminidase subunit β 0012 183 uarr 0 59

CMGA_MOUSE Chromogranin-A 000078 153 darr 44 0

ANT3_MOUSE Antithrombin-III 0017 176 -14 67 47

SAP3_MOUSE Ganglioside GM2 activator 0045 415 darr 28 0

SPA3N_MOUSE Serine protease inhibitor A3N 0047 170 42 10 42

CO1A2_MOUSE Collagen alpha-2(I) chain 0043 56 darr 19 0

BLVRB_MOUSE Flavin reductase 00054 204 uarr 0 12

CATS_MOUSE Cathepsin S 00032 232 uarr 0 73

GFAP_MOUSE Glial fibrillary acidic protein 0021 107 uarr 0 21

RET4_MOUSE Retinol-binding protein 4 0040 189 darr 13 0

CBPE_MOUSE Carboxypeptidase E 0043 139 darr 11 0

CATL1_MOUSE Cathepsin L1 0015 87 94 02 19

The statistics are performed using the t-test from the ln(dNSAF) Gaussian data

a P p-value of the t-test where the null hypothesis states that there was no change in expression between

control and transgenic GFAP overexpressor b SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from

sequenced tryptic peptides c Fold Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF

negative values are fold changes for control CSF (ie down-regulated in transgenic CSF) uarr indicates the protein

was only detected in transgenic CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF d dSpC

distributive spectral counts which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass

spectrometer and corrected using distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 2 Proteins showing greater than three-fold changes with at least two unique

peptides identified for each protein

Accession Protein SC ()a Fold

Change b


dSpC c


dSpC c

MUG1_MOUSE Murinoglobulin-1 precursor 147 42 155 37

CO4B_MOUSE Complement C4-B 113 54 22 118

PRDX6_MOUSE Peroxiredoxin-6 576 46 14 64

CNTN1_MOUSE Contactin-1 65 darr 41 0

CATB_MOUSE Cathepsin B 263 42 23 97

CAH3_MOUSE Carbonic anhydrase 3 396 76 11 84

APOH_MOUSE Beta-2-glycoprotein 1 128 44 44 1

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

PGK1_MOUSE Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 355 36 17 61

NDKB_MOUSE Nucleoside diphosphate kinase B 408 34 13 44


Four and a half LIM domains

protein 1 243 39 13 51


Protein kinase C-binding protein

NELL2 45 -43 13 03


Malate dehydrogenase

mitochondrial 385 41 12 49

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

a SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from sequenced tryptic peptides b Fold

Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF negative values are fold changes for

control CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF c dSpC distributive spectral counts

which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass spectrometer and corrected using

distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 3 Validation of changes in proteins revealed by MS-based spectral counting

consistent with previously published microarray data

Consistent changes in RNA and proteomic data

uarr regulated in transgenic darr regulated in transgenic

Cathepsin S Contactin-1

Cathepsin B Carboxypeptidase E

Cathepsin L1


Complement C4-B

Glial fibrillary acidic protein

Serine protease inhibitor A3N

Note Validation of putative biomarkers from the current proteomics dataset by previously

published RNA microarray data55

Both up and down regulated proteins were consistent with the

RNA microarray data




SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Available upon request)

Table S1 Compilation list of proteins identified from all the control and transgenic biological


Table S2 Distributive spectral counting calculations performed for proteins observed to share

identified peptides

Table S3 Proteins with dNSAF spectral counting performed including t-test analysis for a

comparison between transgenic and control CSF



Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection sample

processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of mouse CSF samples

Figure 2 Assessment of run to run variability of the base peak chromatograms within and

between two biological and technical replicates The peak profile and intensity scale is

consistent between the four chromatograms The four panels show two biological replicates (Tg

4 and Tg5) with two technical replicates for each biological sample

Figure 3 A Venn-diagram of the biological triplicates (1 2 and 3) of transgenic mouse

CSF showing 78 proteins identified in all three experiments B Venn-diagram of the biological

triplicates (1 2 and 3) of control mouse CSF having 61 proteins identified by all three

replicates C The overlap between control and transgenic CSF proteomic analysis showing 139

proteins identified by both groups and 73 and 54 uniquely identified by respective groups

Figure 4 Assessment of technical replicate variability between biological replicates The error

bars in both A and B are the standard deviation derived from the technical triplicates for each

biological replicate Panel A shows creatine kinase M having more or equal variability in the

biological triplicates than each technical triplicate The means of the biological triplicates are

illustrated by the dashed line Panel B represents kininogen-1 which is unchanged between

control (Ctl) and transgenic (Tg) samples The biological variability coupled with the technical

replicates provides a barely noticeable difference in the pooled mean between control and


transgenic spectral counts The difference in means is contrasted with the three fold change

observed from creatine kinase M (A)

Figure 5 MSMS profile of the tryptic peptide LSVEALNSLTGEFK from creatine kinase M

(A) The top MSMS is from a control sample with an elution at 463 minutes (B) The bottom

MSMS is from the GFAP transgenic sample with an elution at 46 minutes These tandem MS

spectra show instrument reliability and consistent fragmentation patterns which are necessary for

spectral counting analysis

Figure 6 Validation of MS spectral counts using a GFAP ELISA GFAP content (ngL)

measured within mouse CSF from both transgenic and control animals The data represents the

average with standard deviation (n=5 each sample represents pooling of 1 to 8 animals) The

statistics are performed using a student t-test plt00001


Figure 1


Figure 2




Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 6

Ctl Tg





Mouse CSF Sample







Table of Contents Summary

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was obtained from transgenic mouse models of Alexander disease as

well as healthy controls We immunodepleted pooled CSF from mice by a modified IgY-14

protocol Shotgun proteomics utilizing trypsin digestion 1-D nanoRP separation CID tandem

mass spectrometry analysis Mascot database searching and relative quantitation via distributive

normalized spectral abundance factor resulted in the identification of 266 proteins and 27

putative biomarkers


Chapter 4

Genomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapie

Adapted from ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A

Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



A novel model of prion disease using rats called Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) was

developed with the genomics from brain and proteomics from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profiled

The CSF proteome from control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were

digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase nanoLC coupled to data-

dependent tandem MS acquisition on an ion trap mass spectrometer In total 512 proteins 167

non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique peptides were identified with a 1 false

discovery rate (FDR) Of the proteins identified 21 were statistically up-regulated (plt005) and

7 statistically down-regulated in the RAS CSF We also identified 1048 genes which were

differentially regulated in rat prion disease and upon mapping these changes to mouse gene

expression however only 22 of these genes were in common with mRNAs responding to

prion infection in mice suggesting that the molecular pathology observed in mice may not be

applicable to other species The proteins are compared to the differentially regulated genes as

well as to previously published proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal




Prion diseases are an unusual class of fatal transmissible neurodegenerative disorders

that affect the mammalian central nervous system They are caused by the accumulation of an

abnormal conformation of the normal host encoded cellular prion protein PrPC This

conformational rearrangement of PrPC is brought about by template directed misfolding wherein

seed molecules of the abnormal isoform PrPScrapie


convert PrPC into new PrP

Sc molecules

Scrapie in sheep and goats is the prototypic prion disease and is so named because clinically

affected animals scrape their wool off on pen and stall walls Laboratory investigation of prion

diseases typically relies upon rodents which can be infected with natural isolates of scrapie1

albeit with some difficulty as ovid scrapie isolates need time to adapt to rodents This adaptation

is characteristic of prion disease interspecies transmissions and properly reflects the molecular

adaptation that must occur to allow interaction between exogenous foreign PrPSc

and host PrPC

molecules selecting for conformers which exhibit template directed misfolding In some cases

no conformational solution is found reflecting a species barrier to disease transmission

In recent years advances in genomics and proteomics technologies have allowed

unprecedented examination of the biomolecules that are altered upon exposure to prion agents

These studies2 3

have relied upon analysis of gene and protein expression changes in response to

prion infection with the aim of trying to identify pathways that might underlie the mechanism of

prion-induced neurotoxicity A second important aim has been to identify signature molecules

that might act as surrogate biomarkers for these diseases as there are significant analytical

challenges associated with sensitively detecting and specifically distinguishing disease-induced

conformational changes (PrPSc

) of the prion protein from normal host conformations (PrPC)


Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics has become a promising tool for biomarker

discovery from biological fluids such as CSF blood and urine4-6

Two-dimensional gel

electrophoresis MS (2D-GE MS) and two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE

MS) are the most widely used methods for proteomic profiling of prion infected CSF so far due

to the advantage of ready separation and quantification of proteins in complex biological samples

Studies using 2D-GE MS or 2D-DIGE MS to profile proteins in CSF have led to the

identifications of currently accepted biomarker for sCJD 14-3-3 protein and other potential

biomarkers for prion diseases7-9

However the application of this method in biomarker

discovery is limited by insufficient sensitivity and potential bias against certain classes of

proteins as gel-based separation does not work well for the low abundance proteins very basic

or acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins 10 11

In contrast to 2D-

GE or 2D-DIGE shotgun proteomics employs enzymatic digestion of the protein samples

followed by chromatographic separation prior to introduction into a mass spectrometer for

tandem MS analyses Shotgun proteomics has become increasingly popular in proteomic

research because these methods are reproducible highly automated and have a greater

likelihood of detecting low abundance proteins12 13

Due to the sample complexity in CSF and

because albumin comprises over half of the protein content in CSF removal of high-abundance

proteins including albumin is necessary to improve proteomic coverage and identify low-

abundance proteins One method is IgY immunodepletion14 15

which is performed prior to LC-

MSMS and uses species specific antibodies from chicken yolk to remove abundant proteins in

biological samples such as CSF In the present work CSF from control and rat adapted scrapie

animal models (biological N=5 technical N=3 replicates) were analyzed by LC-MSMS and we


indentified 512 proteins and 167 non-redundant protein isoforms (referred to as protein groups)

with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (p lt 005) and 7 statistically down-regulated

By and large this work has been performed using laboratory mice for the gene

expression studies and human cerebrospinal fluid for proteomics mice do not provide sufficient

volumes of CSF for proteomic studies Both approaches are exceedingly valuable as the mouse

model allows cross-sectional time course experiments to be performed including the important

pre-clinical phase of disease Critically however the relevance and generalizability of mouse

prion responses to other prion diseases especially human disease is unknown Human proteomic

studies on CSF guarantee relevant protein identifications but are limited to the clinical phase of

the disease when apparent markers may reflect gross neurodegeneration covering up subtle but

more specific responses To address these issues we have adapted mouse RML prions into rats

with the aim of expanding the knowledge of prion disease responses addressing the limitations

of mice and opening up the possibility of preclinical proteomic profiling in a laboratory rodent

In the present work CSF samples from control and rat adapted scrapie were analyzed by system

biology approaches Here we show that Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) is a powerful tool for an -

omics based approach to decipher the molecular impact of prion disease in vivo with

applicability to the molecular mechanisms of disease and biomarker discovery We identified

1048 genes which were differentially regulated in rat prion disease Astonishingly on the whole

mouse orthologs of these genes did not change in mouse adapted scrapie and vice versa

questioning the universality of previous mouse gene expression profiles These RAS gene

expression changes were identified in the CSF proteome where we detected 512 proteins and 167

protein groups with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (plt005) and 7 statistically down-


regulated in the CSF of prion diseased rats Many of the proteins detected have previously been

observed in human CSF from CJD patients

Materials and Methods

Ethics Statement

This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations in the NIH Guide for Care

and Use of Laboratory Animals and the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care The

protocols used were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at the

University of Wisconsin and University of Alberta


Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) and ammonium bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from

Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile and water were purchased

from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris

ge999 ) ammonium formate (ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-7 antibodies were

purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Rat Transmission and Adaptation

Prion agents used were the rocky mountain lab RML strain of mouse adapted scrapie

Stetsonville transmissible mink encephalopathy16

(TME) Hyper (Hy) strain of Hamster TME 17

1st passage Skunk adapted TME prepared as described and C from genetically defined



Brains from animals clinically affected with prion disease were aseptically removed and

prepared as 10 wv homogenates in sterile water 50 microL of 10 brain homogenate was

inoculated into weanling wistar rats intracranially After one year of incubation preclinical rats

from RML infections were euthanized by CO2 inhalation and the brain excised homogenized

and re-inoculated into naive animals Subsequent serial passages were from rats clinically

affected with rat adapted scrapie

Brains from rat passages were aseptically removed and bisected sagittally Brain halves

were reserved for immunohistochemistry (IHC) in formalin or frozen for immunoblotting RNA

isolation or subsequent passage For IHC tissues were first fixed in 10 buffered formalin

followed by antigen retrieval at 121 oC 21 bar in 10mM citrate buffer for 2 min After cooling

to room temperature sections were treated with 88 formic acid for 30 min and 4M guanidine

thiocyanate for 2 h Endogenous peroxidases were inactivated by 003 hydrogen peroxide and

tissue was blocked with 1 normal mouse serum Mouse anti-PrP mAB SAF83 (Cayman

Chemical) was biotinylated and applied at a 1250 dilution in blocking buffer overnight at 4 oC

Washes were performed in 10mM PBS with 005 tween-20 Streptavidin-peroxidase

(Invitrogen) was added for Diaminobenzidine (DAB) color reaction Anti-GFAP

immunohistochemistry was performed as above except that formic acid and guanidine treatment

steps were excluded Mouse anti-GFAP mab G-A-5 (Sigma) was used at a 1400 dilution

Brain samples for immunoblot were treated with or without Proteinase K (Roche) at a

ratio of 35 microg PK 100 ug protein at 50 microg mL for 30 minutes at 37 oC Phosphotungstenic acid

enrichments were performed as described14 19

Bis-Tris SDS-PAGE was performed on 12

polyacrylamide gels (Invitrogen) and transferred to PVDF Immunoblotting was performed using


mABs SAF83 (Cayman Chemical) 6H4 (Prionics) or 3F10 (a kind gift from Yong-Sun Kim) all

at a 120000 dilution

Gene Expression Profiling

RNA was extracted from frozen brain halves from clinically affected and control animals with

the QIAshredder and RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen Valencia CA) in accordance with the

manufacturerrsquos recommendations Due to the relatively large mass of rat brain an initial

homogenization was performed with a needle and syringe in 5mL of buffer RLT before further

diluting an aliquot in accordance with the manufacturers protocol Total RNA was amplified and

labeled in preparation for chemical fragmentation and hybridization with the MessageAmp

Premier RNA amplification and labeling kit (Life Technologies Grand Island NY) Amplified

and labeled cRNAs were hybridized on Affymetrix (Santa Clara CA) rat genome 230 20 high

density oligonucleotide arrays in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations

Differentially Expressed Genes were identified using Arraystar 50 (DNAStar Madison WI)

Robust multi-array normalization using the quantile approach was used to normalize all

microarray data A moderated T-test with a multiple comparison adjustment20

was used to reduce

the false discovery rate yet preserve a meaningful number of genes for pathway analysis

Pathway analysis was performed using the DAVID Bioinformatics database21


analysis of genes induced by prions in mouse22

and rat disease was performed on genes

exhibiting at least a 2-fold change in expression Orthologs of rat and mouse genes were

identified using ENSEMBLE biomart release 6823

CSF Proteomic Profiling


CSF was collected from rats anaesthetized with isoflorane via puncture of the cisterna

magna A volume of 100-200 microL was routinely obtained CSF was touch spun for 30s at 2000xg

on a benchtop nano centrifuge to identify any blood contamination by the presence of a red

pellet CSF with blood contamination was not used for proteomic analysis CSF was prepared

for profiling by first depleting abundant proteins with an antibody based immunopartitioning

column IgY-R7 (Sigma-Aldrich Saint Louis MO) The manufacturers recommendations were

followed with a few deviations 40 microg of protein (~100 microL CSF) was bound to 100 microL of IgY

bead slurry in total volume of 600 microL formulated in 150mM ammonium bicarbonate The flow

through was collected and denatured by the addition of 10 microL of 8 M guanidine thiocyanate and

lyophilized in a speed-vac apparatus The sample was then reconstituted in 10 microL of water and 1

microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 30 minutes After incubation

27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to

incubate in the dark for 15 minutes After that 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to

sit at room temperature for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM

NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg trypsin Digestion was performed overnight at

37oC and quenched by addition of 5 microL of 10 formic acid The tryptic peptides were then

subjected to solid phase extraction using an Agilent OMIX Tip C18 100 microL (Santa Clara CA)

Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30

microL H2O with 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of a nanoAcquity (Milford MA) with a 10 microL injection

loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B consisted of

ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto a Waters 5 microm


Symmetry C18 180 microm x 20 mm trap cartridge (Milford MA) at a flow rate of 75 microLmin for 5

minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 17 microm BEH130 C18 75 microm x

100 mm (Milford MA) with a gradient of 5 to 15 B over 10 minutes followed by 15 to

40 B over 80 minutes at room temperature

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with a Bruker CaptiveSpray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Waters Acquity console software to perform MS acquisitions for all experiments Smart

parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap drive level was set at

100 Optimization of the CaptiveSpray source resulted in dry gas temperature of 160oC dry

gas flow of 30 Lmin capillary voltage of -1325 V end plate offset of -500 V MSMS

fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition

range of 350-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis


MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot24

(Version 24 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against a forward and reversed

concatenated SwissProt Rattus rattus Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed

missed cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13


tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap Data was then transformed into Dat file formats

and transferred to ProteoIQ (NuSep Bogart GA) False positive analyses were calculated using

ProteoIQ and set at 1


Development of Rat Adapted Scrapie

To develop a rat adapted strain of prion disease we introduced 6 different prion agents RML

TME Hy Skunk Adapted TME and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) from wild type 96G and

96S deer16-18

into 6 rats (Fig 1) Of these primary transmissions only RML induced the

accumulation of Proteinase K resistant PrP after one year of incubation as determined by western

blotting on 10 brain homogenates and PrPSc

enriched phoshotungstenic acid precipitated brain

homogenates Second passage of rat adapted RML scrapie resulted in clinically affected rats at

565 days post inoculation Serial passages of TME or CWD agents were not performed Clinical

symptoms consisted of ataxia lethargy wasting kyphosis and myoclonus Prion affected rats


also showed low level porphyrin staining around their head Subsequent serial passage decreased

incubation time to 215 days

Proteinase K resistant prion protein was observed from all clinically affected animals both by

immunoblot (Fig 2) and by immunohistochemistry (Fig 3) Di- and mono-glycosylated bands

were the most abundant isoforms of PrPSc


was extensively deposited in the cerebral cortex

hippocampus thalamus inferior colliculus and granular layer of the cerebellum GFAP

expressing activated astrocytes were found throughout the brain particularly in the white matter

of the hippocampus thalamus and cerebellum Spongiform change was a dominant feature of

clinical rat

Gene expression Profiling

In total 1048 genes were differentially regulated within a 95 confidence interval

(Supplementary Table 1) and 305 genes were differentially expressed by greater than 2-fold (Fig

4) The 1048 genes that were statistically significant were used for pathway analysis using

DAVID Pathway analysis suggested that the gene expression profile was consistent with

immune activation and maturation as well as inflammation (Supplementary Table 2) a likely

interpretation given the observable astrocytosis (Fig 3) and gliosis associated with prion disease

Other pathways highlighted by the analysis included increases in transcription of genes involved

in lysosomes and endosomes

To further probe the gene expression data we compared genes which were differentially

expressed in rat adapted scrapie against their orthologs expression in mouse scrapie and vice

versa (Figs 5 and 6) We did not observe a high degree of correlation between expression fold

changes For example GFAP a gene whose up-regulation in prion disease is well known was


increased 25 fold in rat adapted scrapie but up-regulated 93 fold in mouse scrapie A

qualitative analysis of expression of orthologs in prion disease suggests that many genes

deregulated at least 2-fold in mouse or rat do not have orthologs that are differentially expressed

For example the gene RNAseT2 was up-regulated greater than threefold in rat adapted scrapie

but was not significantly up-regulated in mouse Similarly three genes important in metals

homeostatsis metallothionein 1a and 2a and ceruloplasmin were up-regulated in rat 46 43 and

3 fold respectively but were not differentially expressed in mouse prion disease

CSF Proteomics

Each immunodepleted biological replicate (N=5 for each control and RAS) had technical

triplicates performed The triplicates were summed together using ProteoIQ Peptide spectral

counts were then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis using ProteoIQ

internal algorithms Details for this method can be found elsewhere25 26

but briefly peptide

spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on unique peptides and a weighted

distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins T-tests were used to identify

significant changes in protein expression 1032 unique peptides which identify 512 proteins and

167 protein groups were found Of these 512 proteins 437 were identified in both RAS and

control CSF samples (Fig 7) The complete list of all 512 proteins can be viewed in

Supplemental Table 3 Using the ProteoIQ the most likely isoform was selected such as 14-3-3

protein gamma

From Table 1 we observe five proteins that agree with the genomic data for up

regulations in RAS granulin macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor cathepsin D

complement factor H and ribonuclease T2 In addition serine protease inhibitor A3N was not


detected as up regulated in the RAS genomic data but was found to be up-regulated in previous

genomic profiling of the mouse prion model22

One interesting trend from the data in Table 1 is

that the majority of proteins found to be up-regulated in the RAS model were not detected in the

control samples The absence of the detection of those proteins such as ribonuclease T2 in the

control CSF does not necessarily suggest the absence of the protein nonetheless it is below the

detection limits for this current proteomics protocol and instrumentation


Mice have been the preferred laboratory rodent for prion diseases research because they

can be inexpensively housed and are amenable to transgenesis which allows for short incubation

periods as well as hypothesis testing upon targeted pathways Pursuant to the determination of

the mouse genome and the development of high density transcriptional arrays for measurements

of gene expression profiling mice have been used extensively to examine the molecular

pathology of prion disease probing the impact of disease and animal strain In order to expand

upon this foundation we adapted mouse prions to infect rats We reasoned that by taking a

comparative approach to the molecular pathology of prion disease inferences could be obtained

into the variability of the molecular response to prion diseases and that understanding this

variability might suggest whether human prion disease responses are more or less similar to

mouse responses A second rationale is the desire to identify surrogate markers of prion disease

While this approach has been taken before using gene expression profiling a more direct

approach has been to use proteomic approaches on cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) identifying

proteins that are increase in abundance with disease A rat prion disease is valuable for this

because the rat proteome is established and rats allow for the collection of relatively large

volumes of CSF (~100 microL per animal) which allows for robust analytical separations enhancing


detection of biomarkers Finally rats unlike humans can be used in a time course study of prion

disease This allows for the identification of early transcriptional and proteomic responses to

prion infection responses which are particularly valuable for the identification of surrogate

disease biomarkers

To initiate the development of a rat prion disease we attempted to adapt six different

prion disease agents PrPres

molecules to rat via intracranial inoculation of weanling animals

(Figure 1) Of these six agents only mouse RML prions were able to surmount the species

barrier to prion disease transmission Mouse PrP differs from rat by eight amino acid changes

six in the mature protein and four in the N-terminal octa-peptide repeat region (Supplementary

Fig 1) As rat shares the most prion protein sequence homology with mouse it is perhaps not

surprising that it transmitted whereas the other did not confirming that the primary prion protein

sequence is the most important determinant for interspecies transmission We conclude that there

is a large molecular species barrier preventing conversion of rat PrPc into PrP


The transmission of mouse RML into rats was characterized by a shortening of the

incubation period following each passage This is indicative of agent adaption to the new host

and increases in the titer present in end-stage brain Overall our adaptation of mouse prion

disease into rats resulted in a similar agent to that observed by Kimberlin27

The differences in

incubation period at second passage are largely due to our collecting the animals at 365 days post

inoculation upon first passage whereas Kimberlin and Walker allowed the first passage animals

to reach end-stage clinical rats

Rat adapted scrapie is in many ways similar to other prion diseases The clinical period of

disease is marked by a progressive neurological dysfunction with prominent ataxia kyphosis and


wasting The protease resistant PrP observed is typical as is the widespread deposition of PrPSc


the brain Spongiosis and reactive astrogliosis are as expected of a prion disease

Gene expression profiles from rats clinically affected with prion disease revealed a strong

neuronal inflammation associated with proliferated and activated astrocytes This is perhaps best

observed through the up-regulation of GFAP GFAP positive astrocytes were omnipresent

throughout the brain and GFAP mRNA was up-regulated 25 fold The up-regulation of GFAP is

a hallmark of the molecular response to prion infection and has been routinely observed Our

comparative analysis of gene expression changes in mouse RML versus rat adapted scrapie

suggest substantial differences in gene expression in response to prion disease despite the fact

that the overall response is neuro-inflammatory This suggests that the potential overlap between

mouse expression profiles and a putative human CJD expression profile could be quite different

at the level of individual transcripts that might be expected to be changed

CSF Proteomics

CSF proteomics can be exceedingly challenging due to the small sample available large

dynamic range in proteins and abundant proteins limiting sample loading onto nanoscale

columns Dynamic range reduction in the CSF sample was achieved using a custom amount of

IgY-7 antibodies to abundant proteins such as albumin After immunodepletion the total

protein content was reduced by ~90 limiting the proteomics analysis to one dimensional

separation Label free quantitation spectral counting was performed because it requires less

protein and does not increase sample complexity The proteins identified from the affected and

control N=5 are shown in Supplemental Table 2 Consistent detection of proteins in CSF from

both control and infected rats was observed (Fig 7C) Only two proteins were identified in


controls that were not observed in RAS and only 10 proteins were only observed in RAS Some

of these proteins that were only identified in RAS are significantly changed (Supplemental Table

3) One concern in proteomics data is the variability from run to run and the possibility that

certain proteins are identified from different unique peptides Figure 7A shows that the vast

majority of the unique peptides detected (783) were identified with a 1 FDR in both RAS and

control CSF samples highlighting the analytical reproducibility of our methodology

Proteomic analysis of the infected rat CSF provides a reasonable approach to cross

validate biomarkers detected by gene expression profiling For example RNAseT2 a secreted

ribonuclease was up-regulated 3-fold at the mRNA level and was also enriched in CSF from

infected rats (Table 1) Similarly coordinated increases in detection of colony stimulating factor

1 receptor complement factor H granulin and cathepsin D were also observed Conversely

proteomic analysis of CSF also allows for the observation of post-transcriptional responses to

prion disease that might be absent in gene expression profiling The 14-3-3 proteins and neuron

specific enolase both known markers for CJD are only detected by proteomic analysis Thus

gene expression profiling and proteomic detection serve to increase confidence in the

observation of up-regulation enhancing the likelihood that proteins detected by both

methodologies are specific and perhaps may be more sensitive at earlier time points

Comparison to human CSF prion disease proteome

In our comparative analysis 21 proteins were found to be up-regulated while 7 proteins

down-regulated in prion infected rats Included in the up-regulated proteins were the 14-3-3

proteins epsilon and gamma 14-3-3 zetadelta was also up-regulated but not statistically

significant Enolase 2 or neuron specific enolase (NSE) was also up-regulated in CSF of infected


rats These proteins are all in agreement with results from previous proteomic profiling of human

CSF from patients with CJD8 9

The detection of 14-3-3 protein is included in the diagnostic

criteria approved by World Health Organization for the pre-mortem diagnosis of clinically

suspected cases of sCJD28

although its application in large-scale screening of CJD is still

debated due to high false positive rate where elevated 14-3-3 protein levels were also reported in

other conditions associated with acute neuronal damage29 30

It was suggested that other brain-

derived proteins that are also specific to CJD can be used in conjunction with 14-3-3 protein to

increase diagnosis accuracy and specificity31

NSE is present in high concentration in neurons

and in central and peripheral neuroendocrine cells NSE serves as another valuable biomarker in

diagnosis of CJD as the elevated level of NSE in CSF was found in early and middle stages of

CJD 32

Other proteins detected in CSF included cystatin C and serpina3N although both of

these were not statistically changed These proteins were both previously identified as being

putative biomarkers for CJD33 34

Utility for biomarker discovery with emphasis on onset of biomarker appearance in CSF

The investigation of the protein changes in CSF from RAS compared to control rats

provides a solid foundation when investigating potential biomarkers with prion disease onset

The cross-validation of the genomic and proteomics data further emphasizes the targets for

consideration during disease onset Biomarker discovery provides the potential to determine if

animals such as cows in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are affected instead of

having to be euthanized when BSE is expected In addition CSF collection in mice or hamsters

Prion models is extremely difficult and limited alternatively with the advent of the RAS model

CSF can be collected in sufficient amounts for CSF proteomics CSF collection for mice or

hamsters can be ~10 microL and could be contaminated with blood further complicating proteomic


analysis unlike rats which over 10 times more CSF can be collected per animal35

Due to the

amount of CSF available time course studies analyzing CSF proteomics is possible in RAS due

to animal numbers that are manageable and reasonable The RAS model further allows

investigators to bypass working with highly infections CJD CSF samples to investigate the CSF

proteome changes


In this study we have described the gene and protein expression changes in brain and

spinal fluid from a transmission of mouse prions into rats We find that while the overall gene

expression profile in rats is similar to that in mice the specific genes that make up that profile

are different suggesting that genes that change in response to prion disease in different species

may not be as conserved Analysis of CSF from rat adapted scrapie identified similar protein

changes as known in human CJD The rat will be a useful model to identify surrogate markers

that appear prior to the onset of clinical disease and thus may be of higher specificity and


Supplemental Information Available Upon Request

1 Chandler R L Encephalopathy in mice produced by inoculation with scrapie brain material Lancet 1961 1 (7191) 1378-9 2 Silva C J Onisko B C Dynin I Erickson M L Requena J R Carter J M Utility of Mass Spectrometry in the Diagnosis of Prion Diseases Anal Chem 2011 3 Wei X Herbst A Ma D Aiken J Li L A quantitative proteomic approach to prion disease biomarker research delving into the glycoproteome J Proteome Res 2011 10 (6) 2687-702 4 Zougman A Pilch B Podtelejnikov A Kiehntopf M Schnabel C Kumar C Mann M Integrated analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid peptidome and proteome J Proteome Res 2008 7 (1) 386-99 5 Sjodin M O Bergquist J Wetterhall M Mining ventricular cerebrospinal fluid from patients with traumatic brain injury using hexapeptide ligand libraries to search for trauma biomarkers J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2003 878 (22) 2003-12 6 Cunningham R Ma D Li L Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker discovery Frontiers in Biology 2012 7 (4) 313-335


7 Brechlin P Jahn O Steinacker P Cepek L Kratzin H Lehnert S Jesse S Mollenhauer B Kretzschmar H A Wiltfang J Otto M Cerebrospinal fluid-optimized two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) facilitates the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2008 8 (20) 4357-66 8 Harrington M G Merril C R Asher D M Gajdusek D C Abnormal proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease N Engl J Med 1986 315 (5) 279-83 9 Piubelli C Fiorini M Zanusso G Milli A Fasoli E Monaco S Righetti P G Searching for markers of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in cerebrospinal fluid by two-dimensional mapping Proteomics 2006 6 Suppl 1 S256-61 10 Lilley K S Razzaq A Dupree P Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis recent advances in sample preparation detection and quantitation Curr Opin Chem Biol 2002 6 (1) 46-50 11 Oh-Ishi M Maeda T Separation techniques for high-molecular-mass proteins J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2002 771 (1-2) 49-66 12 Metz T O Qian W J Jacobs J M Gritsenko M A Moore R J Polpitiya A D Monroe M E Camp D G 2nd Mueller P W Smith R D Application of proteomics in the discovery of candidate protein biomarkers in a diabetes autoantibody standardization program sample subset J Proteome Res 2008 7 (2) 698-707 13 Aebersold R Mann M Mass spectrometry-based proteomics Nature 2003 422 (6928) 198-207 14 Huang L Harvie G Feitelson J S Gramatikoff K Herold D A Allen D L Amunngama R Hagler R A Pisano M R Zhang W W Fang X Immunoaffinity separation of plasma proteins by IgY microbeads meeting the needs of proteomic sample preparation and analysis Proteomics 2005 5 (13) 3314-28 15 Rajic A Stehmann C Autelitano D J Vrkic A K Hosking C G Rice G E Ilag L L Protein depletion using IgY from chickens immunised with human protein cocktails Prep Biochem Biotechnol 2009 39 (3) 221-47 16 Marsh R F Bessen R A Lehmann S Hartsough G R Epidemiological and experimental studies on a new incident of transmissible mink encephalopathy J Gen Virol 1991 72 ( Pt 3) 589-94 17 Bessen R A Marsh R F Biochemical and physical properties of the prion protein from two strains of the transmissible mink encephalopathy agent J Virol 1992 66 (4) 2096-101 18 Johnson C J Herbst A Duque-Velasquez C Vanderloo J P Bochsler P Chappell R McKenzie D Prion protein polymorphisms affect chronic wasting disease progression PLoS One 2011 6 (3) e17450 19 Safar J Wille H Itri V Groth D Serban H Torchia M Cohen F E Prusiner S B Eight prion strains have PrP(Sc) molecules with different conformations Nat Med 1998 4 (10) 1157-65 20 Benjamini Y Hochberg Y Controlling the False Discovery Rate A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Methodological) 1995 57 (1) 289-300 21 Huang da W Sherman B T Lempicki R A Systematic and integrative analysis of large gene lists using DAVID bioinformatics resources Nat Protoc 2009 4 (1) 44-57 22 Moody L R Herbst A J Aiken J M Upregulation of interferon-gamma-induced genes during prion infection J Toxicol Environ Health A 2009 74 (2-4) 146-53 23 Flicek P Amode M R Barrell D Beal K Brent S Carvalho-Silva D Clapham P Coates G Fairley S Fitzgerald S Gil L Gordon L Hendrix M Hourlier T Johnson N Kahari A K Keefe D Keenan S Kinsella R Komorowska M Koscielny G Kulesha E Larsson P Longden I McLaren W Muffato M Overduin B Pignatelli M Pritchard B Riat H S Ritchie G R Ruffier M Schuster M Sobral D Tang Y A Taylor K Trevanion S Vandrovcova J White S Wilson M Wilder S P Aken B L Birney E Cunningham F Dunham I Durbin R Fernandez-Suarez X M Harrow J Herrero J


Hubbard T J Parker A Proctor G Spudich G Vogel J Yates A Zadissa A Searle S M Ensembl 2012 Nucleic Acids Res 2012 40 (Database issue) D84-90 24 Perkins D N Pappin D J Creasy D M Cottrell J S Probability-based protein identification by searching sequence databases using mass spectrometry data Electrophoresis 1999 20 (18) 3551-67 25 Zybailov B Mosley A L Sardiu M E Coleman M K Florens L Washburn M P Statistical analysis of membrane proteome expression changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J Proteome Res 2006 5 (9) 2339-47 26 Zhang Y Wen Z Washburn M P Florens L Refinements to label free proteome quantitation how to deal with peptides shared by multiple proteins Anal Chem 2010 82 (6) 2272-81 27 Kimberlin R H Cole S Walker C A Temporary and permanent modifications to a single strain of mouse scrapie on transmission to rats and hamsters J Gen Virol 1987 68 ( Pt 7) 1875-81 28 World Health Organization Global surveillance diagnosis and therapy of human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies report from a WHO consultation 1998 World Health Organization Geneva Switzerland 9-11 February 1998 1-26 29 Bartosik-Psujek H Archelos J J Tau protein and 14-3-3 are elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis and correlate with intrathecal synthesis of IgG J Neurol 2004 251 (4) 414-20 30 Saiz A Graus F Dalmau J Pifarre A Marin C Tolosa E Detection of 14-3-3 brain protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with paraneoplastic neurological disorders Ann Neurol 1999 46 (5) 774-7 31 Sanchez-Juan P Green A Ladogana A Cuadrado-Corrales N Saanchez-Valle R Mitrovaa E Stoeck K Sklaviadis T Kulczycki J Hess K Bodemer M Slivarichova D Saiz A Calero M Ingrosso L Knight R Janssens A C van Duijn C M Zerr I CSF tests in the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Neurology 2006 67 (4) 637-43 32 Zerr I Bodemer M Racker S Grosche S Poser S Kretzschmar H A Weber T Cerebrospinal fluid concentration of neuron-specific enolase in diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Lancet 1995 345 (8965) 1609-10 33 Sanchez J C Guillaume E Lescuyer P Allard L Carrette O Scherl A Burgess J Corthals G L Burkhard P R Hochstrasser D F Cystatin C as a potential cerebrospinal fluid marker for the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2004 4 (8) 2229-33 34 Miele G Seeger H Marino D Eberhard R Heikenwalder M Stoeck K Basagni M Knight R Green A Chianini F Wuthrich R P Hock C Zerr I Aguzzi A Urinary alpha1-antichymotrypsin a biomarker of prion infection PLoS One 2008 3 (12) e3870 35 DeMattos R B Bales K R Parsadanian M ODell M A Foss E M Paul S M Holtzman D M Plaque-associated disruption of CSF and plasma amyloid-beta (Abeta) equilibrium in a mouse model of Alzheimers disease J Neurochem 2002 81 (2) 229-36


Figure 1 Interspecies transmission of prion disease to rats End-stage clinical brain homogenates

were used to passage prion disease After one year of incubation animals were euthanized to

determine the extent of PrPres

accumulation Protease resistance PrP was only observed in those

animals infected with RML scrapie prions This material was serially passaged for two more

incubations before becoming rat-adapted as indicated by the shortening of the incubation period


Table 1 A list of selected proteins and mRNAs up-regulated in RAS CSF and brain tissue If

the protein is detected in the RAS CSF but not the control CSF the CSF expression is reported

with a infin If there is no change or data on certain genes related to an up regulated protein nd is

noted The mouse genomic data presented here was previously published22

Gene Protein Symbol Accession CSF






14-3-3 protein zetadelta Ywhaz NP_037143 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein epsilon Ywhae NP_113791 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein gamma Ywhag NP_062249 infin nd nd

serine protease inhibitor A3N Serpin A3N NP_113719 54 nd 975

enolase 2 (gamma neuronal) Eno2 NP_647541 infin nd nd

granulin GRN NP_058809 62 364 184

macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

Csf1r NP_001025072 infin 293 205

cathepsin D CTSD NP_599161 infin 255 299

complement factor H Cfh NP_569093 376 234 nd

ribonuclease T2 RNAset2 NP_001099680 infin 302 nd


Figure 2 Accumulation of PrPSc

in rat adapted scrapie First second and third passage brain

homogenates were assayed for the presence of protease resistant PrP by immunoblot PrPSc


observed following phosphotungstenic acid enrichment at first passage By clinical disease in 2nd

and 3rd

passage rats PrPSc

had substantially accumulated


Figure 3 Histological appearance of rat adapted scrapie in the hippocampus at clinical disease

Infected animals showed intense immuno-staining for deposits of PrPSc

and GFAP expressing

astrocytes Spongiform change is an abundant feature in rat adapted scrapie


Figure 4 Scatter plot of gene expression profiling of rat adapted scrapie The expression of

individual genes from uninfected and infected animals were plotted to display up and down

regulation The dashed green line is no change Solid green lines are 2-fold changes in gene



Figure 5 Quantitative relationship between orthologous pairs of two-fold up-regulated genes in

mouse and rat scrapie Genes up-regulated more than two fold were mapped to their orthologs

and the fold change was plotted Expression is log2 transformed


Figure 6 Comparison of genes upregulated in rat and mouse prion diseases Genes up-regulated

two fold in rodent scrapie were identified and the expression of their orthologs was determined


Figure 7 Venn diagram comparison of the CSF proteomics data between rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) model and control rats (A) Unique peptides from tryptic peptides produced for the

proteins identified (B) The total proteins identified including all isoforms within the protein

groups (C) The protein groups comparing only the top protein hit of the protein isoforms

showing very consistent protein identifications between RAS and control


Chapter 5

Investigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M

Heideman W Li L In preparation



This work explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Kinases such as protein

kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose response

Thus performing a large scale phosphoproteomic MS study can be highly beneficial to map the

signaling networks and cascades involved in glucose-dependent stimulated yeast growth Yeast

cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal affinity

chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase (RP)-RP

separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass spectrometer with

neutral loss electron-transfer dissociation (ETD)-triggered fragmentation to improve

phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 unique phosphopeptides are identified with 06

false discovery rate (FDR) and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR This

study includes comparative phosphoproteins for one specific motif of PKA xxxKRKRxSxxxx

which is presented and differences between starved vs glucose fed are highlighted Phosphosite

validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to provide more confident and

site-specific characterization of phosphopeptides



Microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) cycle between growth when

nutrients are available and quiescence when nutrients are scarce When glucose is limited yeast

go into growth arrest state but when glucose is added growth quickly resumes Kinases such as

protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin (TOR) regulate growth in response to nutrient

conditions and have been well studied through transcriptional control1-4

Yeast execute large

transcriptome alterations in response to changing environmental growth conditions5 6


regulation by glucose introduction in yeast has been studied including genes used for growth on

alternative carbon sources and activation of genes coding for glucose transport and protein


Response to nutrients for survival is not limited to yeast biology and indeed all

living creatures both prokaryotes and multicellular eukaryotes like mammals require nutrient

responsiveness and coordinating cellular functions to survive

With regulation of certain genes well studied by glucose introduction the mechanism and

global protein modulation caused by glucose introduction remain unknown6 Large-scale

phosphorylation analysis has been previously performed in yeast using mass spectrometry11-14

Mapping the phosphoproteome in yeast transitioning from quiescence to growth conditions to

better understand the roles of phosphorylation in orchestrating growth is needed The

phosphorylation state during growth or starvation could be used to engineer cells to drive ectopic

activity (or inhibition) to promote growth and ethanol production on non-native sugars like


It has been reported that the phosphorylation state can be affected by the introduction of

glucose to carbon-starved yeast15

and phosphorylation plays a significant role in the cell cycle

and signal transduction16

Specifically O-Phosphorylation can function as a molecular switch by


changing the structure of a protein via alteration of the chemical nature of an amino acid for

serine threonine or tyrosine It has been reported that up to 30 of the proteome can undergo


Mass spectrometry has evolved as a powerful tool to accomplish phosphosite

mapping using shotgun proteomics With available technology tens of thousands of

phosphorylation sites can be mapped to amino acids on thousands of proteins using shotgun


Mass spectrometry can offer sensitive automated non-targeted global analysis of

phosphorylation events in proteomic samples but in any large scale phosphoproteomic

investigation enrichment of phosphoproteinspeptides is required First phosphorylation is

usually a sub-stoichiometric process where only a percentage of all protein copies are


Various enrichment methods have been used for phosphopeptide enrichment

including metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC)22

such as TiO223

immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC)12 24 25

electrostatic repulsion-hydrophilic interaction

chromatography (ERLIC)26

and immunoaffinity of tyrosine phosphorylation27 28


enrichment MS analyses of phosphorylated peptides are still challenging due to ion suppression

from non-phosphorylated peptides

Even after phosphopeptide enrichment further sample preparation is needed for large

scale proteomic experiments Additional fractionation can increase protein coverage of a

sample by over ten fold such as MudPIT29

(multidimensional protein identification technology)

In online MudPIT a sample is injected onto a strong cation exchange (SCX) column coupled to

a RP column Successive salt bumps followed by low pH gradients provide the separation of

peptides in two dimensions Since the phosphate groups on phosphopeptides have a low pKa

value due to being more acidic then their unmodified counterparts they tend to elute earlier and


disproportionally in ion exchange chromatography like SCX Alternatively reversed-phase

reversed-phase (RP-RP) separation has been proposed as an alternative to MudPIT for offline

two dimensional (2D) separation30

One of the caveats of 2D separation is the potential for

wasted mass spectrometry time from early and late fractions having very few peptides present

all while having too much sample for middle fractions One simple method to reduce these

ldquowasted fractionsrdquo is to combine early or late fractions with the middle fractions to reduce MS

runs with little peptide content to analyze thus shortening the overall analysis time31

In addition the labile phosphorylation group has a large propensity to undergo cleavage

during collision induced dissociation (CID) producing a neutral loss The neutral loss can

produce insufficient backbone fragment ions for MSMS identification32

A solution to neutral

loss fragmentation in phosphopeptides is MS3 using CID to produce improved backbone

fragmentation13 14 33

An alternative fragmentation method to CID for fast sampling ion traps is

electron transfer dissociation (ETD)34-36

ETD produces a more uniform back-bone cleavage

where the cation peptide receives an electron from a low affinity radical anion37

The transferred

electron induces a dissociation at the N-Cα bond to produce c- and zbull-type product ions while

retaining the labile post-translational modifications (PTM) such as phosphorylation bound to the

product ions38

The Bruker amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer has the potential to trigger

ETD fragmentation after a labile PTM produces a neutral loss from CID fragmentation This

method is termed neutral loss-triggered ETD fragmentation and provides a complementary

fragmentation pathway to labile poor fragmenting phosphorylated peptides

In this work we provide a qualitative comparative list of yeast phosphopeptides observed

in glucose fed vs glucose starved conditions





Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) ammonium hydroxide (ACS plus certified) urea (gt99)

sodium chloride (997) ammonium bicarbonate (certified) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile

Optima LCMS grade water and EDTA disodium salt (99) were purchased from Fisher

Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) ammonium formate (ge99995) Trizma

hydrochloride (Tris HCl ge990) Triton X-100 (laboratory grade) and iron (III) chloride

hexahydrate (97) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO) Sodium dodecyl

sulfate (SDS) (998) was purchased from US Biological (Marblehead MA) Nickel

nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) magnetic agarose beads were purchased from Qiagen (Valencia

CA) Autoclaved yeast peptone dextrose (YPD) media was prepared in 1 L of deionized water

using 10 g yeast extract 20 g Peptone from Becton Dickinson and Company (Sparks MD) and

20 g D-(+)-Glucose (ge995) purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Modified Mary Miller Yeast Protein Isolation

The yeast culture was prepared and protein extraction was performed using a modified

Mary Miller protocol39

Briefly yeast strain s288c was inoculated with YPD media and shook

for 72 hours to allow the yeast to be glucose starved After the 72 hours the yeast culture was

partitioned into two flasks To one flask glucose was added at 2 of the final concentration and

allowed to incubate and shake for 10 minutes Then 100 optical density units (ODU) of the yeast


culture were collected from each flask Each yeast sample was spun down in a Beckman-Coulter

J6B centrifuge (Indianapolis IN) at 2500xg for three minutes The media was aspirated and the

tubes were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80oC The yeast pellets were thawed on

ice and resuspended in 1 mL of lysis buffer (50 mM Tris HCl 01 triton x-100 05 SDS

pH=80) and 1X protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail from Thermo Scientific (Rockford

IL) and transferred to an Eppendorf tube To the yeast 200 microL of glass beads were added and

amalgamated for 25 minutes at 4oC The sample was inverted and the Eppendorf tube was

pierced with a hot 23 gauge needle through the bottom and the tube was placed atop a 5 mL

culture tube and centrifuge in the Beckman-Coulter J6B at 2500xg for three minutes at 4oC to

collect the liquid containing the yeast cells while the glass beads remain trapped in the

Eppendorf tubes The protein lysate was then centrifuged at 3000xg for five minutes at 4oC and

the supernatant was collected and stored at -80oC

Preparation of tryptic digests

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein cell extract for fed or starved were analyzed with a

BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Scientific Rockford IL) and 2 mg of protein was added to four

parts -20oC acetone and allowed to precipitate the protein for 1 hour at -20

oC The samples were

then centrifuged at 14000xg for 5 minutes and the supernatant was removed and the protein

pellet was reconstituted in 360 microl of 8 M urea To each sample 20 microL of 050 M DTT was

added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 45 minutes After incubation 54 microL of 055 M IAA

was added for carbamidomethyl of cysteine and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15

minutes in the dark To quench the IAA 20 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react

for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 1400 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added

along with 20 microg trypsin to each sample Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and


quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10 formic acid For each sample the tryptic peptides were

then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Hypersep C18 100 mg solid phase extraction

(SPE) column (Thermo Scientific Bellefonte PA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in

01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 500 microL of 80 ACN and 01 formic acid

Phosphopeptide enrichment using immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC)

One ml of Ni-NTA was washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and then the Ni was

removed with 800 microL of 100 mM EDTA in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate and vortexed for 30

minutes The supernatant was removed and the NTA was washed with 800 microL of H2O three

times followed by addition of 800 microL 10 mM FeCl3 hexahydrate and vortexed for 30 minutes

The Fe-NTA was then washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and once with 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before being combined with the cell extract for phosphopeptide enrichment and

vortexed for 40 minutes The sample was washed three times with 200 microL of 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before elution with two aliquots of 200 microL of 5 ammonium hydroxide in 5050

ACNH2O with 15 minutes of vortexing The enriched phosphopeptides were then dried down

with a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA) and reconstituted in 55 microL

25mM ammonium formate pH=75

First dimension neutral pH separation

Individually 50 microL of each yeast phosphopeptide enriched sample was injected onto a

Phenomenex Gemini-NX 3microm C18 110 Aring 150 x 2 mm column (Torrance CA) The Gemini

column was coupled to a Phenomenex SecurityGuard Gemini C18 2 mm guard cartridge

(Torrance CA) Mobile phase A consisted of 25 mM ammonium formate at pH=75 and mobile

phase B consisted of 25 mM ammonium formateACN with a 19 ratio respectively at pH=75

The column was operated at 50oC at a flow rate of 05 mLmin The flow profile was 2-30 B


over 65 minutes and then 5 min at 100 B A total of 22 fractions were collected every 3

minutes and the fractions were combined as follows 1 with 12 2 with 13 etc to 11 with 22

The combined fractions were dried down and reconstituted in 25 microL of 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL from each fraction onto an Agilent Technologies

Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5

microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm Atlantis

dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250

nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) for MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300


Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions An additional mode of MSMS fragmentation electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) was triggered on the precursor ion when a neutral loss was observed in CID

fragmentation from phosphoric acid H3PO4 (Δmz of 49 and 327 for 2+ and 3+ charge states

respectively) or for metaphosphoric acid (HPO3) (Δmz of 40 and 267 for 2+ and 3+ charge

states respectively) For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms rolling average 2 acquisition range of 300-1500 mz

and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target

was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two spectral averages acquisition

range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required to prevent artificial data

reduction Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot40

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt Saccharomyces

cerevisiae database (version 575) Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed

cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) and phosphorylation (STY) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum

number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance peptide decoy (Mascot) checked plusmn05 Da instrument type


ESI-Trap Results from the Mascot search was exported as DAT files for analysis by Scaffold 3

and Scaffold PTM

Scaffold and Ascore data processing

Scaffold 3 (Proteome Software Portland OR)was used for MSMS proteomics data

comparison and false discovery rate analysis The DAT files were loaded into Scaffold 3 and

the fractions for the two dimensional fractionation were combined The resulting biological

triplicates for starved and glucose fed yeast were filtered with a 1 false discovery rate (FDR)

on the protein level (Supplemental Table 1) Due to the inherent poor fragmentation of

phosphopeptides a lenient FDR level may still yield biologically relevant data and thus a 54

FDR was generated for phosphopeptides (Supplemental Table 2) For a more conservative list of

phosphopeptides with a 06 FDR was generated from Scaffold 3 (Supplemental Table 3) FDR

analysis is sufficient at preventing poor data from being reported but does not prevent false

phosphosite identification in phosphopeptides To provide confidence in site identification

Scaffold PTM was used to perform Ascore41

analysis Ascore uses an algorithm to score the

probability of the phosphosite from a phosphopeptide identified by a database searching

algorithm such as Mascot Ascore can be freely accessed at httpascoremedharvardedu

Cell collection RNA isolation and microarray data analysis

All experiments were performed in biological duplicates Cell samples (10 ODU) were

taken at starved and fed states spun at 5000xg for 2 minutes at 30 oC the supernatant was

removed and the pellets snap frozen using liquid nitrogen RNA was isolated using the Epicentre

MasterPure Yeast Purification Kit (Epicentre Technologies) and quality was checked using gel

electrophoresis cRNA synthesis was carried out using the GeneChipreg Expression 3

Amplification One-Cycle Target Labeling and Control Reagents kit (Affymetrix) All


experiments followed the manufactures instructions cRNA samples were hybridized to

GeneChip Yeast Genome 20 Arrays for 16 hours Arrays were washed stained and scanned

according the manufactures recommendations Affymetrix CEL files were RMA normalized

with R and the Bioconductor Suite Data analysis was performed within TIGR Multiexperiment

Viewer v451 in-house Perl scripting R and Bioconductor


Sample preparation for shotgun proteomics

As discussed in the introduction the purpose of this study is to provide an exploratory list

of qualitative differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed yeast After

yeast cell lysate production a substantial amount of sample preparation is performed to enhance

the depth of the phosphoproteome coverage A workflow of the steps following cell lysis is

outlined in Figure 1A The yeast proteins are isolated via acetone precipitation followed by

digestion with trypsin to produce peptides Phosphopeptides are intermixed with the entire

tryptic peptide sample and therefore Fe-NTA IMAC is used to enrich the phosphopeptides To

improve upon the number of phosphopeptides we then performed two dimensional separation

with high pH RP followed by low pH RP C18 and infused the eluent directly onto an ion trap

mass spectrometer Figure 1B show an improved technique for the first dimension of separation

to combine the early eluting and late eluting fractions from the first phase of separation to reduce

overall MS analysis time The combination of fractions 1 and 12 2 and 13 etc essentially

improves the duty cycle of the mass spectrometer by ensuring sufficient peptide content is

injected onto a low pH nanoLC RP C18 column

ETD-triggered mass spectrometry


In the present study labile phosphorylation can lead to non-informative neutral loss

During MS scanning mode the instrument will choose the 6 most abundant peaks with correct

isotopic distribution and select them for MSMS CID fragmentation During CID fragmentation

it is common for labile PTMs such as phosphorylation to undergo neutral loss and thus limited

informative b and y-type ions are formed Alternatively ETD fragmentation can be used on

specific MSMS scans which produce a neutral loss indicative of phosphorylation (98Daz or

80Daz) The subsequent ETD fragmentation on these putative phosphopeptides will lead to

uniform backbone cleavage resulting in confident identification of phosphopeptides with site-

specific localization during MSMS It is important to note that CID fragmentation still produces

very informative fragmentation for phosphorylation but ETD provides an orthogonal

fragmentation pathway to further increase the phosphoproteome coverage Additionally the

duty cycle for ETD fragmentation is roughly half that of CID therefore about half as many

potential peptides would be fragmented and sequenced if the instrument was using ETD

fragmentation exclusively

Protein Data

Even with phosphopeptide enrichment it is inevitable that non-phosphopeptides will also

be identified All data were searched with Mascot and in total over 1000 proteins were identified

with a 1 FDR rate and are listed in Supplemental Table 1 The proteins listed in Supplemental

Table 1 include both phosphoproteins and non-phosphorylated proteins In addition to the

proteins identified in the fed and starved states the unique peptides and spectral counts are also

listed for reference The phosphopeptides are specifically listed with a 54 FDR rate in

Supplemental Table 2 and comparisons between starved and fed with Ascore analysis are listed

for every phosphopeptide identified A higher confidence of phosphopeptide identification is


sometimes required before investing in time consuming biological experiments so a list of

phosphopeptides identified in starved and fed was taken from a setting directing Scaffold to

produce a 05 FDR which resulted in the generated FDR of 06 FDR and listed in

Supplemental Table 3

A summary of specific phosphorylation sites are listed in Table 1 with a 06 FDR and

Table 2 with a 54 FDR Each table gives totals for unique phosphopeptides identified having

an Ascore localization score ge80 without Ascore and phosphorylation events on each unique

peptides As expected the majority of phosphorylation events (over 50) occurred on serine

whereas fewer phosphorylation events (~10) occurred on tyrosine In addition the vast

majority of phosphorylation events were single phosphorylation (ge65) with very few

identifications having more than two phosphosites per peptide For specific phosphopeptide

identification and subsequent phosphoprotein identification refer to Supplemental Table 2 and 3


Transcriptional response to glucose feeding

Yeast responds to the repletion of glucose after glucose-depletion by broad

transcriptional changes to induce growth Roughly one-third of the yeast genome is altered by at

least two fold when glucose is introduced as shown in Figure 2 Figure 2 is a heat map from a

microarray analysis showing 1601 genes up regulated and 1457 genes down regulated after

addition of glucose compared to the starved state The arbitrary cut-offs for these values were as

follows two fold induction after nutrient repletion and a false discovery rate (q-value) of 001

Red color in the heat map indicates a particular gene is up-regulated in the fed state compared to

the starved state Alternatively genes coded in green are less expressed in the fed state

compared to the starved condition The intensity of the green or red colors is indicative of the


intensity of the fold change in gene expression These large transcriptional changes after glucose

repletion drive and complement the current phosphoproteomic study

PKA motif analysis

One benefit of a large scale phosphoproteomics experiment is to examine the different

phosphopeptides from known motifs for specific kinases PKA and TOR are responsible for the

majority of the transcriptional response and thus PKA is a good target for motif analysis Figure

3 shows the PKA motif sequence xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on

the serine Other than F16P (fructose-16-bisphosphatase) all the proteins listed are unique to the

starved or fed samples A motif sequence will inevitably show up by random chance in any

analysis For this study the control for motif analysis uses the swissprot protein list for the

entire yeast proteome for the background Compared to background this specific PKA kinase

from Figure 3 is up-regulated by 264 fold when compared to the background One interesting

protein emerged from this motif analysis in the fed sample but not the starved sample is

Ssd1which is implicated in the control of the cell cycle in G1 phase42

Ssd1 also is

phosphorylated by Cbk1 and Cbk1 has been proposed to inhibit Ssd143

and provides an

intriguing target for future studies on starved vs glucose fed yeast growth

Localization of the phosphorylation sites

When a phosphopeptide contains any number of serine threonine or tyrosine amino

acids the localization of the phosphosite can sometimes be ambiguous Database searches used

to identify peptides like Mascot do not provide any probability for localization of correct

phosphorylation sites Ascore is an algorithm that uses the same MSMS spectra as Mascot but

instead of comparing theoretical peptide MSMS to experimental spectra Ascore searches for

informative a b or y-type peptide fragments giving evidence for phosphosite The Scaffold


program adds a localization probability to the Ascore values and the values are listed in

Supplemental Table 2 and 3 Figure 4 has a representative Ascore mass spectra assigning the

peaks identified and providing evidence that the phosphorylation site occurs at the threonine

instead of the serine Incorporating Ascore into this study provides a layer of validation for

putative phosphosite identification

Plasma Membrane 2-ATPase

A previous study identified and localized phosphorylation sites on plasma membrane 1-

ATPase after glucose was introduced to starved yeast15

In the current study PMA2 (plasma

membrane ATPase 2) was identified in glucose fed and not starved samples The doubly

threonine phosphorylated peptide identified in fed yeast is PMA2 with amino acid sequence

IKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (583-599) whereas the homologous peptide in PMA1 has the exact

same amino acid sequence except for the first isoleucine substituted for valine

VKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (554-570 not observed in data) PMA2 was observed in the 06

FDR list of phosphopeptides and has an Ascore localization probably of 100 A plant study

showed that PMA2 phosphorylation level was higher in early growth phase than when in

stationary phase44

In addition PMA2 expression in yeast permits the growth of yeast and

threonine phosphorylation has been reported on Thr-95545

The identification of PMA2 in the

fed glucose cell extract provides an interesting target for future study on the molecular

mechanisms involved in regulation growth in starved vs glucose fed yeast


In conclusion this work provides a qualitative comparison in the phosphoproteome

between starved and glucose fed yeast A large scale IMAC enrichment of yeast cell lysate

followed by 2-D separation provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for neutral loss triggered


ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for PKA is highlighted to show the

differences in proteins identified between starved vs fed conditions In total 477 unique

phosphopeptides are identified with 06 FDR and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with

54 FDR Phosphosite validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to

provide further confidence on the site-specific characterization of these phosphopeptides The

proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on

protein phosphorylation involved in glucose response

Supplemental Tables 1 2 and 3 are available upon request


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G1 for progression into S phase Mol Cell Biol 1991 11 (4) 2133-48

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44 Kanczewska J Marco S Vandermeeren C Maudoux O Rigaud J L Boutry M

Activation of the plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase by phosphorylation and binding of 14-3-3

proteins converts a dimer into a hexamer Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005 102 (33) 11675-80

45 Maudoux O Batoko H Oecking C Gevaert K Vandekerckhove J Boutry M

Morsomme P A plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase expressed in yeast is activated by

phosphorylation at its penultimate residue and binding of 14-3-3 regulatory proteins in the

absence of fusicoccin J Biol Chem 2000 275 (23) 17762-70


Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection

sample processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of comparative

phosphoproteomics for starved vs glucose fed yeast (A) The high pH RP separation

procedure for combining fractions to reduce low peptide containing fractions from the

UV-VIS trace is also shown (B)


Figure 2 Heat map for the global transcriptional response to glucose fed vs starved samples

S288C cells starved for glucose until growth was arrested and subsequently glucose was added


Samples for microarray analysis were taken at the starved state and 60 minutes after glucose was

added The heat map shows the fed log2 fold change for each gene relative to the starved state

across the genome performed in biological replicate (A) Black indicates no change in

expression level while red indicates higher expression for the fed relative to the starved state

Green indicates higher expression for the starved state compared to the fed state (Adapted from

Dr Michael Conways Thesis)


Figure 3 The motif for protein kinase A (PKA) that was observed for fed vs starved which is

xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on the serine The motif occurred at a

rate 264 fold higher than the yeast proteome used for background In addition one protein was

observed in both starved and fed with accession identification of F16P (Fructose-16-



06 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Table 1 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 06 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 164 153 317

S 87 (530) 82 (536) 169 (533)

T 60 (366) 55 (359) 115 (363)

Y 17 (104) 16 (105) 33 (104)

Unique no Ascore

STY 242 235 477

S 131 (541) 133 (566) 264 (553)

T 86 (355) 78 (332) 164 (344)

Y 25 (103) 24 (102) 49 (103)

Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide

1 102 113 187

2 36 40 68

3 12 11 22

4 or more 8 3 11


54 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 217 217 434

S 115 (530) 113 (521) 228 (525)

T 78 (359) 78 (359) 156 (359)

Y 24 (111) 26 (120) 50 (115)

Unique no Ascore

STY 337 332 669

S 193 (573) 180 (542) 373 (558)

T 111 (329) 116 (349) 227 (339)


Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide




4 or more

33 (98)





36 (108)





69 (103)





Table 2 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 54 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite


Figure 4 Ascore validation of the phosphopeptide LSLAtKK from the protein SGM1 (slow

growth on galactose and mannose protein 1) with 100 localization probability observed

in only fed but not starved yeast samples Ascorersquos algorithm identifies a b and y-type

ions and looks to identify peaks that provide evidence for a specific phosphorylation site

For this example Ascore assigns this phosphosite to threonine (T5) instead of the serine

(S2) The intense peaks at 4024 mz and 5250 mz are not identified by any a b or y-

type ions From the ladder sequence of the peptide shown numerous ions indicate the

threonine is phosphorylated while the serine is not Among these ions used for

localization are b2 y2 y5+H2O y3 y4 and y5


Chapter 6

Use of electron transfer dissociation for neuropeptide sequencing and


Adapted from ldquoDiscovery and Characterization of the Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone

Precursor Related Peptides (CPRP) and Orcokinin Neuropeptides in the Sinus Glands of the Blue

Crab Callinectes sapidus Using Multiple Tandem Mass Spectrometry Techniquesrdquo Hui L

Cunningham R Zhang Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29



The crustacean Callinectes sapidus sinus gland (SG) is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that

produces numerous hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine

signaling moleculesmdashneuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone

(CHH) precursor-related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron

transfer dissociation (ETD) was used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and

high charge state In addition ETD was used to sequence the sulfated peptide Cholecystokinin

CCK-like Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively these two examples

demonstrated the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or

with labile modifications



Neuropeptides are the largest and most diverse group of endocrine signaling molecules in

the nervous system They are necessary and critical for initiation and regulation of numerous

physiological processes such as feeding reproduction and development1 2

Mass spectrometry

(MS) with unique advantages such as high sensitivity high throughput chemical specificity and

the capability of de novo sequencing with limited genomic information is well suited for the

detection and sequencing of neuropeptides in endocrine glands and simultaneously provides the

potential for information on post-translational modifications such as sulfonation3-6

The sinus glands (SG) are located between the medulla interna and medulla externa of the

eyestalk in Callinectes sapidus It is a well-known neuroendocrine site that synthesizes and

secretes peptide hormones regulating various physiological activities such as molting

hemolymph glucose levels integument color changes eye pigment movements and

hydro-mineral balance7 Our labrsquos previous neuropeptidomic studies of SG in several

crustacean species including Cancer borealis8-11

Carcinus maenas12

and Homarus americanus13

14 used multiple MS strategies combining MALDI-based high resolution accurate mass profiling

biochemical derivatization and nanoscale separation coupled to tandem MS for de novo

sequencing In the current study we explore the neuropeptidome of the SG in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus a vital species of economic importance on the seafood market worldwide In

total 70 neuropeptides are identified including 27 novel neuropeptides and among them the

crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor-related peptides (CPRPs) and orcokinins represent

major neuropeptide families known in the SG

The crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) and its precursor-related peptide (CPRP) are

produced concurrently during the cleavage of CHH from the CHH preprohormone protein15



CPRP peptide is located between the signal peptide and the CHH sequence and is separated from

the CHH by a dibasic cleavage site The functions of CPRPs are currently unknown16


the complete characterization of CPRPs provides a foundation for future experiments elucidating

their functional roles in crustaceans The cDNA of CHH preprohormone in SG of Callinectes

sapidus has been characterized17

but the direct detection of CPRP has not been reported due to

its relatively large size and possible post-translational modifications While small fragments of

CPRPs can be identified using nanoLC-ESI-Q-TOF tandem mass spectrometry the intact

peptide is difficult to detect due to the large molecular weight of CPRPs

Peptidomics traditionally uses collision induced dissociation (CID) for tandem MS

experiments for de novo sequencing Recently an alternative peptide fragmentation method has

been developed using the transfer of an electron termed electron transfer dissociation (ETD)18 19

ETD involves a radical anion with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation which

results in reduced sequence discrimination and thus provides improved sequencing for larger

peptides compared to CID20

Specifically for an ion trap ETD the fluoranthene radical anion is

allowed to react with peptide cations in the three dimensional trap The resulting dissociation

cleaves at the N-Cα bond to produce c and zbull type product ions The peptidome of model

organisms like Callinectes sapidus can be further explored and expanded utilizing ETD as a

complementary fragmentation technique to CID Previous peptidomic analysis has been

completed using ETD as an additional fragmentation method21

It was observed that

enzymatically produced peptides with a higher mz produced improved sequence coverage using

ETD This observation termed decision tree analysis determined that a charge state of ge6 all

peptides endogenous or enzymatic should be fragmented via ETD22

In the present study the

highly charged peptide CPRP with an intact molecular weight of 3837 readily produces plus six


charge states The higher charge state of CPRP is highly amenable to fragmentation by ETD

which produces remarkably improved fragmentation and thus increased sequence coverage when

compared to CID

Sulfonation of tyrosine is a post-translational modification (PTM) that is thought to occur on

trans-membrane spanning and secreted proteins23

Cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8) is a sulfated

peptide which has been linked to satiety24-26

and a CCK-like peptide has been observed in


Sulfonation is an extremely labile modification and is often lost during soft

ionization such as ESI or MALDI but can be avoided by optimizing the ionization process28

One potential strategy to identify sulfopeptides is to scan for a neutral loss of 80 Da after CID

but this method does not allow for identification of site of sulfonation and has the risk to be

mistaken for phosphorylation The sulfonation PTM is a negatively charged modification on

the peptide which allows for negative ion scanning in the mass spectrometer but provides

minimal MSMS sequence coverage during CID due to preferential loss of the sulfate group

Alternatively electron-based dissociation technique enables more rapid radical driven

fragmentation where the cleavage pattern is more uniform along the peptide backbone without

initially cleaving the labile sulfated group thus preserving the site of modification These types

of dissociation techniques only work for multiply-charged ions thus a method to install a

multiply-charged cation on the target peptide is desirable It has been shown that the electron

capture dissociation (ECD) can be used to sequence sulfated peptides when a multi-charged

cation is added to the solution29

We use a similar multi-charge cation solution technique to

sequence a sulfated peptide from Homarus americanus via ETD on an ion trap mass

spectrometer Here we presented the use of the ETD fragmentation technique for the analysis

of large peptides and peptides containing labile post-translational modification


Experimental Section

Chemical and materials

Acetonitrile methanol magnesium chloride (ACS grade) potassium chloride (ACS grade) and

calcium chloride (ACS grade) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh PA) Formic

acid was from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis MO) Human sulfated CCK-8 and CCK-like peptide

(E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRFamide) were purchased from American Peptide (Sunnyvale CA)

Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od was purchased from Polymicro

Technologies (Phoenix AZ) Millipore C18 Ziptip column was used for sample cleaning and all

water used in this study was deionized water (182 MΩcm) prepared from a Milli-Q Millipore

system (Billerica MA) The physiological saline consisted of 440 mM NaCl 11mM KCl 26

mM MgCl2 13 mM CaCl2 11 mM Trizma base and 5 mM maleic acid in pH 745

Animals and dissection

Callinectes sapidus (blue crab) were obtained from commercial food market and maintained

without food in artificial sea water at 10-12 ordmC Animals were cold-anesthetized by packing on

ice for 15-30min before dissection The optic ganglia with the SG attached were dissected in

chilled (~4ordmC) physiological saline and individual SGs were isolated from the optic ganglia by

micro-dissection and immediately placed in acidified methanol (90 methanol 9 glacial acetic

acid and 1 water) and stored at -80ordmC until tissue extraction

Tissue homogenization

Acidified methanol was used during the homogenization of SGs The homogenized SGs were

immediately centrifuged at 16100 g using an Eppendorf 5415D tabletop centrifuge (Eppendorf


AG) The pellet was washed using acidified methanol and combined with the supernatant and

further dried in a Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) The

resulting dried sample was re-suspended with a minimum amount (20 microL) of 01 formic acid

Fractionation of homogenates using reversed phase (RP)-HPLC

The re-suspended extracts were then vortexed and briefly centrifuged The resulting supernatants

were subsequently fractionated via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) HPLC

separations were performed using a Rainin Dynamax HPLC system equipped with a Dynamax

UV-D II absorbance detector (Rainin Instrument Inc Woburn MA) The mobile phases included

Solution A (deionized water containing 01 formic acid) and Solution B (acetonitrile containing

01 formic acid) About 20 μl of extract was injected onto a Macrosphere C18 column (21 mm

id x 250 mm length 5 microm particle size Alltech Assoc Inc Deerfield IL) The separation

consisted of a 120 minute gradient of 5-95 Solution B Fractions were automatically collected

every two minutes using a Rainin Dynamax FC-4 fraction collector (Rainin Instrument Inc

Woburn MA) The fractions were then concentrated using in Savant SC 110 SpeedVac

concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) and re-suspended with minimum amount of 01

formic acid


Nanoscale LC-ESI-Q-TOF MSMS was performed using a Waters nanoAcquity UPLC system

coupled to a Q-TOF Micro mass spectrometer (Waters Corp Milford MA)

Chromatographic separations were performed on a homemade C18 reversed phase capillary

column (75 microm internal diameter x100 mm length 3 microm particle size 100 Aring) The mobile phases


used were 01 formic acid in deionized water (A) 01 formic acid in acetonitrile (B) An

aliquot of 50 microl of a tissue extract or HPLC fraction was injected and loaded onto the trap

column (Zorbax 300SB-C18 Nano trapping column Agilent Technologies Santa Clara CA)

using 95 mobile phase A and 5 mobile phase Bat a flow rate of 10 microlmin for 10 minutes

Following this the stream select module was switched to a position at which the trap column

came in line with the analytical capillary column and a linear gradient of mobile phases A and B

was initiated For neuropeptides the linear gradient was from 5 buffer B to 45 buffer B over

90 min The nanoflow ESI source conditions were set as follows capillary voltage 3200 V

sample cone voltage 35 V extraction cone voltage 1 V source temperature 100ordmC A data

dependent acquisition was employed for the MS survey scan and the selection of three precursor

ions and subsequent MSMS of the selected parent ions The MS scan range was from mz

400-1800 and the MSMS scan was from mz 50-1800

Peptide Prediction De Novo Sequencing and Database Searching

De novo sequencing was performed using a combination of MassLynxTM

41 PepSeq software

(Waters) and manual sequencing Tandem mass spectra acquired from the Q-TOF were first

deconvoluted using MaxEnt 3 software (Waters) to convert multiply charged ions into their

singly charged forms The resulting spectra were pasted into the PepSeq window for sequencing

analysis The candidate sequences generated by the PepSeq software were compared and

evaluated for homology with previous known peptides The online program blastp (National

Center for Biotechnology Information Bethesda MD httpwwwncbinlmnihgovBLAST)

was used to search the existing NCBI crustacean protein database using the candidate peptide

sequences as queries For all searches the blastp database was set to non-redundant protein


sequences (ie nr) and restricted to crustacean sequences (ie taxid 6657) For each of the

proteins putatively identified via blastp the BLAST score and BLAST-generated E-value for

significant alignment are provided in the appropriate subsection of the results Peptides with

partial sequence homology were selected for further examination by comparing theoretical

MSMS fragmentation spectra generated by PepSeq with the raw MSMS spectra If the

fragmentation patterns did not match well manual sequencing was performed

NanoLC Coupled to MSMS by CID and ETD

Setup for RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN (Fisher Scientific Optima LCMS grade Fair Lawn NJ) Injections

consisted of 5 microL of prepared tissue extract onto an Agilent Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5

microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95

A5 B Separation was performed on a Waters HPLC column with 3 microm Atlantis dC18 75 microm

x 150 mm (Milford MA) on a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250 nLmin over 90

minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner diameter 360 microm

outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using a commercial

laser puller model P-2000 (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Collision Induced Dissociation (CID)

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) equipped

with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition Hystar

(Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control Eksigent


nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for all

experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to mz 700 compound stability and trap

drive level were set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature 125oC dry gas 40 Lmin capillary voltage -1300 V end plate offset -500 V

MSMS fragmentation amplitude 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data was generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two spectra and

released after one minute MSMS was obtained via CID fragmentation for the six most

abundant MS peaks with a preference for doubly charged ions and excluded singly charged ions

For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000 maximum

accumulation time 5000 ms four spectral average acquisition range of mz 300-1500 and scan

speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target was set to

200000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms three spectral averages acquisition range of

mz 100-2000 and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz s-1

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD)

The amaZon ETD ion-trap mass spectrometer was operated in electron transfer dissociation for

MSMS fragmentation with the same optimized settings as reported for CID unless otherwise

stated Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 500 mz compound stability and trap drive

level were set at 100 MSMS was obtained via ETD fragmentation for the four most

abundant MS peaks with no preference for specifically charged ions except to exclude singly

charged ions The ETD reagent parameters were set to 400000 target ICC for the fluoranthene

radical anion The fluoranthene radical anion has an mz of 210 and therefore the 210 mz value

was removed from the resulting MSMS spectra and 160 mz was set for the MSMS low mz



Direct Infusion of Sulfated Peptide Standards into the Mass Spectrometer using ETD and

CID Fragmentation

The sulfated peptide standards were infused into the mass spectrometer at a flow rate of 300

nlmin using a fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od coupled to a custom pulled

tip The CCK-8 human peptide (20 microM) was infused in 5050 ACNH2O and detected in

negative ionization mode with an ICC of 70000 and fragmented with CID using the same

settings as the previous CID experiments Alternatively the CCK-like lobster sulfated peptide

(2 microM) was mixed with 30 microM of different salts (MgCl2 KCl or CaCl2) and 01 formic acid in

5050 ACNH2O The plus three charge of the CCK-like lobster peptide was selected for ETD

fragmentation in positive mode with the same setting as the previous ETD experiments The

data were then de novo sequenced for coverage and localization of the sulfation site

Data Analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as follows

intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E7 and retention time window 05

minutes These parameter changes assisted in providing better quality spectra for sequencing

Identification of peptides was performed using Mascot (Version 23 Matrix Science London

UK) Searches were performed against a custom crustacean database none enzyme allow up to

1 missed cleavage amidated C-terminal as variable modifications peptide tolerance mass error

12 Da MSMS mass error tolerance is 06 Da

Results and Discussion


Identification and Characterization of Intact CPRPs Using ETD

Using ESI-Q-TOF 9 truncated CPRPs fragments were sequenced to cover the amino acid


A representative CID MSMS spectrum of ASLKSDTVTPLR is shown in Figure 1 (a) CID

using ESI-Q-TOF mainly produces fragmentation for doubly and triply charge molecules which

is adequate to sequence peptides with relatively small molecular weight (less than 2000 Da)

However CID fragmentation is insufficient to sequence the larger intact CPRP in a complex

sample whose molecular mass is 3837 Da and therefore it is extremely difficult to directly

sequence by traditional CID ESI-Q-TOF ETD is an attractive fragmentation alternative to

sequence the highly charged CPRP peptide In ETD a protonated peptide reacts with an anion

(fluoranthene radical) where the anion transfers an electron to the peptide cation and the resulting

fragmentation occurs along the N-Cα bond by free-radical-driven-cleavage The large size of

CPRP offers multiple basic amino acid sites to sequester charge and reduce the sequence

coverage from collision induced dissociate by preventing random backbone cleavage whereas

ETD does not cleave the weakest bond and provides the alternative fragmentation pathway to

obtain superior sequence coverage to larger peptides As shown in Figure 1 (cd) the

fragmentation of ETD is highly amenable to ETD compared to the CID fragmentation in Figure

1 (b) As evident from comparison ETD offers more extensive fragmentation than CID thus

providing enhanced coverage for large intact peptides such as CPRPs Specifically we observe

125 of the b- and y- cleavages for CID as compared to an average of 535 of c- and zbull-

fragments More than a four-fold increase in fragments using ETD suggests the utility of this

relatively new tandem MS fragmentation method as complementary techniques for de novo

sequencing of large intact endogenous peptides and novel neuropeptide discovery endeavors


Negative Mode Sulfated Peptide Identification

An accepted method for identification and quantification for sulfated peptides is negative


CCK-8 sulfated peptide standards show intense signal in negative ionization mode

without needing to have additives added such as salts Figure 2 shows the CID MSMS

spectrum from the negative ionization and produces an intense b6 ion at 430 mz The transition

from the doubly negatively charged MS ion of 570 mz to the b6 ion provides a selected reaction

monitoring transition for quantification studies but the sequence information is limited and the

presence of the methionine produces variable oxidation In addition Figure 2 shows the

MSMS product ions with the loss of the sulfate group thus making site-specific location of

sulfation more difficult

Investigation of Cation Salt Adducts to Produce Multiply Charged Sulfated Peptides

Sulfated peptides can be isolated in positive scanning mode but usually only in a plus one

state with low signal intensity If ETD is performed on the singly charged peptide cation a

neutral is formed and is lost in the mass spectrometer and thus no sequence information can be

obtained In order to remedy this situation a technique that adding metal salts to peptides to

increase charge state for ECD used in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass

spectrometry (FTICR-MS)29

inspired the investigation of increasing charge state of targeted

peptide via metal salt adduction followed by ETD analysis in a Bruker amaZon ion trap

Various salts were investigated including MgCl2 CaCl2 and KCl each used at a concentration of

30 microM and mixed with a sulfated peptide standard at 2 microM The addition of KCl produced

mostly doubly charged ion of the lobster CCK-like peptide standard K adduct which produced

insufficient sequence information from ETD fragmentation (data not shown) In comparison

the MgCl2 and CaCl2 produced intense triply charged peptide ions but CaCl2 produced lower


signal intensity compared to MgCl2 (data not shown)

Cation Assisted ETD Fragmentation of CCK-like Lobster Sulfated Peptide and Future


The addition of MgCl2 to the lobster CCK-like sulfated peptide is shown in Figure 3

Except for z1 the complete z-series is obtained including the z7 ion with and without the

sulfation PTM The spectrum is complicated by the additional Mg adducts but several peaks

are shown without any Mg adduct such as z2 z3 z4 etc Clearly the method of cation

assisted ETD fragmentation can be useful using ion trap instruments and can properly sequence

sulfated peptides that are prone to neutral loss from the labile PTM One concern about future

direction in sulfopeptide isolation in non-genome sequenced species is isolation of sulfopeptides

Currently antibodies to specific sulfopeptides is the only commonly used enrichment technique

for sulfopeptides Also since metal cations are needed for this method direct infusion into an

ESI mass spectrometer is preferred to prevent running large amounts of adduct forming salts

through the LC system With direct infusion the lack of separation confounds the problem in

sulfopeptide detection because any co-eluting peptides could have ionization efficiency and thus

reduce the signal of the sulfopeptide Once discovered and sequenced a selected reaction

monitoring (SRM) method could be developed using LC retention coupled with negative

ionization mode followed by CID MSMS or possibly MSMSMS to perform quantitative

studies for sulfopeptides


In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of large endogenous

neuropeptides with higher charge and bigger size The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was

identified and characterized with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation


assisted ETD fragmentation was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of

sulfated neuropeptides These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in

future analysis of large neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides



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23 Monigatti F Hekking B Steen H Protein sulfation analysis--A primer Biochim Biophys Acta 2006 1764

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25 Little T J Feltrin K L Horowitz M Meyer J H Wishart J Chapman I M Feinle-Bisset C A

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Figure 1 Comparison of tandem MS spectra of truncated CPRP (ASLKSDTVTPL mz 128766)

by ESI-Q-TOF (a) and intact CPRP (MW 3837) by the amaZon ETD for both CID and ETD

fragmentation (a) MSn of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6 by CID represent

loss of NH3 ordm represent loss of H2O (b) MS+6

of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6

by ETD at z represent z+1 z represent z+2 (c) MS+5

of precursor ion with mz 768 with charge

state +5 by ETD z represent z+1 z represent z+2 For all labels in Figure 1 charge state +1 is

not specified



Figure 2 Negative CID spectrum of CCK-8 peptide standard (20 microM) via direct infusion show

the doubly charged b6 ion provides the most intense MSMS transition


Figure 3 ETD spectrum of E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRF-amide (2 microM) obtained on the

amaZon ETD via direct infusion with 30 microM MgCl2 The sulfated peptide can be identified

with a visible z-series of z2 to z9 and identified sulfate loss


Chapter 7

Investigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysis

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J

Wellner D Li L Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press



This work investigates the introduction of methanol and a salt modifier to molecular

weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide

quantities Using a neuropeptide standard bradykinin sample loss was reduced over two orders

of magnitude with and without undigested protein present Additionally a bovine serum

albumin (BSA) tryptic digestion was investigated Twenty-seven tryptic peptides were identified

from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while only two tryptic peptides were

identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy presented here enhances recovery

from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide samples


Molecular weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filter devices (MWCO) are

commonly used to desalt and concentrate large molecular weight proteins [1] Greeing and

Simpson recently investigated various MWCO membranes for large amounts of starting material

(~6 mg) focusing on optimal conditions for the sub 25 kDa protein fraction [2] The authors

recovered 200 μg to 29 mg of protein from multiple MWCO experiments and demonstrated that

a 1090 acetonitrile (ACN)H2O elution solvent produced optimal results [3] In addition Manza

et al provided an alternative approach to isolate proteins with a 5 kDa MWCO by using

NH4HCO3 and recovering the retained proteins [4] Alternatively the elution from MWCOs can

be collected to recover only low molecular weight peptides Multiple peptidomic studies have

utilized MWCOs for peptide isolation during the first few steps of sample preparation [5 6]

When sample amount is limited or peptide content is below 1 microg sample loss is a significant

concern when using MWCOs to isolate endogenous peptides Optimized protocols have been


investigated using ACN [3 7] salt [4 8] SDS [5] or native sample [6 9 10] but these

experiments primarily focused on large sample amounts rather than sub-microgram peptide


MWCOs separate large molecules from small molecules The small molecule fraction

may be rich with signaling peptides (SP) cytokines and other small molecules involved in cell-

cell signaling Signaling peptides perform various functions in the body including cell growth

cell survival and hormonal signaling between organs [11] Individual SP contribute to different

aspects of behavior such as pain (enkephalins) [12] feeding (neuropeptide Y) [13] and blood

pressure (bradykinin) [14] MWCO separations can be used to enrich biologically important SP

and explore the peptide content from biological fluids with relatively low peptide content like

blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) In a recent investigation the detection of neuropeptides and

standards in crustacean hemolymph was improved when methanol and protease inhibitors were

present before performing MWCO neuropeptide isolation The impact of methanol on MWCO

sample loss was not investigated in the study [15] In another study a large-scale mass

fingerprinting protocol of endogenous peptides from CSF used a combination of salts before

MWCO fractionation but the impact of adding salts was not discussed [16] The most

commonly used brand of MWCO in the publications and in peptidomic studies is Millipore

Therefore Millipore MWCOs (using regenerated cellulose as the membrane) were used in the

present study The purpose of this work is to provide an optimized sample preparation technique

for MWCO filtering to reduce sample loss and allow sub-microg detection of peptides using MALDI

mass spectrometry



Materials and Chemicals

Water acetonitrile methanol (optima LCMS grade) and sodium chloride (995) were

purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) The α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (99)

formic acid (FA) (ge98) and bovine serum albumin (ge96) were purchased from Sigma-

Aldrich (St Louis MO) Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO centrifugal filters and ZipTips

packed with C18 reversed-phase resin were purchased from Millipore (Billerica MA) Trypsin-

digested bovine serum albumin (BSA) was purchased from Waters (Milford MA) Bradykinin

was purchased from American Peptide Company (Sunnyvale CA)

MALDI MS Instrumentation

An AutoFLEX III MALDI TOFTOF mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics Billerica

MA) was operated in positive ion reflectron mode The MALDI MS instrument is equipped with

a proprietary smart beam (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) laser operating at 200 Hz The

instrument was internally calibrated over the mass range of mz 500minus2500 using a standard

peptide mix Two thousand laser shots were collected per sample spot at an accelerating voltage

of 19 kV and a constant laser power using random shot selection The acquired data were

analyzed using FlexAnalysis software (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) Mass spectrometry

data acquisition was obtained by averaging 2000 laser shots

Molecular weight cut off separation procedure

The MWCO separations were performed using Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO

centrifugal filters (Billerica MA) Before MWCO separation three washing steps were

performed to remove contaminants from the filter The three washes were 500 μL of 5050

H2OMeOH 500 μL of H2O and 400 μL of the solution used for MWCO separation For the


100 H2O solution 1 microg of BSA or bradykinin was used for separation All the other MWCO

separation experiments used 500 ng of BSA or 100 ng or less of bradykinin The MWCO filter

was then centrifuged at 14000 rcf for 5 min at room temperature in an Eppendorf 5415 D

microcentrifuge (Brinkmann Instruments Inc Westbury NY) The filtrate was concentrated in a

Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation West Palm Beach FL)

and acidified The resulting sample was desalted according to the manufacturer using C18

ZipTips from Millipore (Billerica MA) by washing the ZipTip with three times 100 ACN

three aqueous washes of 01 FA binding the peptides from the solution and one aqueous wash

of 01 FA Peptides were then eluted from the ZipTips using 15 microL of 50 ACN in 01 FA

Matrix deposition

Equal volumes of 05 μL from the 15 μL sample solution (including standards not subject

to MWCO filtering) and α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (CHCA) matrix solution in 50

ACN50 H2O were mixed using a dried-droplet method and spotted on a MALDI target The

resulting droplets were allowed to air dry prior to mass spectrometry acquisition


Analysis of two orders of magnitude increase for bradykinin standard

Bradykinin was selected to assess the potential peptide loss in the flow-through after

performing MWCO separation As shown in Figure 1 1 microg of bradykinin standard does not

produce a detectable signal by MALDI mass spectrometry analysis after a 10 kDa MWCO

separation in water (performed in triplicate) For comparison 1 ng of bradykinin standard

diluted to 15 microL produced an intense signal on the MALDI mass spectrometer suggesting


significant sample loss occurs when the target analyte is low in quantity (data not shown

performed in triplicate) Figure 1 shows that the addition of a salt in this case NaCl improves

the limits of detection and decreases sample loss when 7030 watermethanol was compared to

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol The reproducible results gave a relative standard deviation

(RSD) of 6 for peak intensity Figure 1 shows that even when starting with 1 μg of bradykinin

too much sample is lost during the MWCO separation in water to detect the remainder

However an intense signal is observed for 10 ng of bradykinin after the MWCO separation when

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol is used as an elution solvent Sample loss from zip-tipping

was estimated in triplicate by calculating the decreases in peak intensity When 10 ng of

bradykinin was used sample loss was ~41 In comparison the calculated yield for 10 ng of

bradykinin after the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol MWCO separation and zip-tip desalting

showed an estimated sample loss of 63 meaning more loss can be attributed to sample clean-

up than MWCO filtration

A series of experiments were performed to determine if 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol is an optimal solution to recover peptides during a MWCO separation (data not

shown) A 5050 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol and a 5050 watermethanol elution were

performed in duplicate but signal intensity of the resulting bradykinin was poor and numerous

polymer peaks were detected in the flow through A lower salt concentration 01 M NaCl was

used but also produced greatly reduced signal when compared to aqueous 1 M NaCl To assess

the optimized methodrsquos compatibility with lower sample amounts the 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol solution was added to 1 ng of bradykinin for MWCO separation but no signal

was obtained (data not shown) Using a neuropeptide standard the addition of methanol and

NaCl salt significantly improved the sample recovery in sub-microg amounts


BSA tryptic peptide mixture analysis

After demonstrating the importance of using an optimized solution for MWCO

separations with an individual peptide the new method was applied to 500 ng of BSA tryptic

digest to investigate its utility with more complex peptide mixtures Table 1 lists the BSA

tryptic peptides identified in the MALDI MS analysis from different solution conditions

processed by MWCO separation As shown in Table 1 a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard in the absence of any MWCO filtration enabled identification of 39 tryptic peptides by

accurate peptide mass measurements Once again when using 100 H2O for MWCO

separations the starting amount was doubled to 1 microg (also done with 500 ng data not shown)

However many tryptic peptides were not detected due to low signal intensities and non-optimal

elution conditions Instead of H2O a 1 M NaCl solution was used for the MWCO elution but

only two tryptic peptides were identified (Table 1) The addition of 30 methanol into the

sample before MWCO filtration produced the first increase in identified BSA tryptic peptides

The remaining data from Table 1 shows improved BSA tryptic peptide identifications as the

sample (elution) conditions were further optimized Figure 2 shows the actual mass spectra

associated with the three most promising elution solutions along with 100 H2O

The BSA tryptic peptide intensities are shown in Figure 2A and the most intense tryptic

peptide YLYEIAR mz 92749 was observed in the four different solutions shown in Figure 2B

but not in the 100 H2O or 100 1 M NaCl solutions (data not shown) In Figure 2A all mass

spectra are normalized to an intensity of 7 x 104 to illustrate two points First the MWCO

filtering step still produced sample loss regardless of the solvent conditions chosen Second

there is a noticeable increase in peptide peak intensity using the optimized solvent 6040


aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol (Figure 2A) Figure 2C displays a zoomed-in view of a BSA

tryptic peptide signal LKECC

DKPLLEK mz 153266 (

carbamidomethyl) observed only in

the optimized solvent The detection of the mz 153266 peptide in Figure 2C highlights the

potential gain in sample and detectable peptides by using an optimized saltMeOH combination

A non-optimized saltMeOH combination will still reduce sample loss but further minimizing

sample loss during sample preparation will always be desirable in any analytical protocol

MWCO composition

The purpose of this application note is to provide evidence of sub-microg sample loss during

MWCO separations of peptide samples and a solution to overcome this limitation The

explanation of why adding MeOH and NaCl to the sample solution provides a significant

reduction in sample loss is beyond the scope of this application note Regardless Supplemental

Table S1 is an expanded version of Table 1 showing the amino acid sequence hydrophobicity

calculated using GRAVY scores and pI of the identified peptides in this study No discernible

trend was obtained from the data The membrane of commonly used MWCO in peptidomics and

for this study is comprised of chemically treated (regenerated) cellulose which is a

polysaccharide containing β (1rarr4) linked D-glucose Glucose has numerous free hydroxyl

groups which could non-specifically adsorb peptides flowing through the MWCO The addition

of MeOH has the most significant effect on signal which could be due to disrupting the

interaction between peptides and hydroxyl groups from glucose NaCl has a less significant

effect on sample recovery compared to MeOH but a detectable reduction in sample loss is noted

This improvement in sample recovery could be analogous to the use of NaCl in


immunodepletion protocols to reduce non-specific binding which is accomplished by adding

150 mM NaCl [17]

Analysis of bradykinin in the presence of undigested BSA

When using MWCO for peptide isolation proteins are typically present in the samples

usually in larger amounts Figure 3 shows the effect that adding BSA protein to a 10 ng

bradykinin solution before MWCO fractionation has on the resulting recovery of bradykinin

Adding 10 μg of BSA to the optimized 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol solution slightly

decreased bradykininrsquos signal with a RSD of 10 More severe signal reduction occurred after

adding 100 microg BSA with a RSD of 2 (N=2) It is not unexpected that more signal reduction

due to sample loss would occur especially in the 100 microg BSA sample because the BSA protein

has a molar ratio of 160 BSA protein molecules to one bradykinin peptide Figure 3 shows the

usefulness of the MWCO method with samples containing large amounts of proteins


The present work provides solutions to reduce sample loss from the use of MWCO for

sub-microg peptide isolation with or without non-digested proteins in the sample Despite its

widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO fractionation step

which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides from limited starting

material This application note aims to reduce sample loss during MWCO separations

specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation If complex samples are processed with MWCO

separation the authors recommend eluting the sample with 6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

solution as a starting point to minimize sample loss This application note provides a viable


alternative for sub-microg peptide MWCO separation circumventing the need to increase the starting

material by minimizing sample loss from using a MWCO membrane-based centrifugal filter



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[2] DW Greening RJ Simpson Low-molecular weight plasma proteome analysis using

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[6] K Antwi G Hostetter MJ Demeure BA Katchman GA Decker Y Ruiz TD Sielaff LJ

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methods for mass spectrometric biomarker discovery J Proteome Res 2007 6 571

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[9] X Yuan DM Desiderio Human cerebrospinal fluid peptidomics J Mass Spectrom 2005 40


[10] X Zheng H Baker WS Hancock Analysis of the low molecular weight serum peptidome

using ultrafiltration and a hybrid ion trap-Fourier transform mass spectrometer J Chromatogr A

2006 1120 173

[11] L Li JV Sweedler Peptides in the brain mass spectrometry-based measurement approaches

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[12] GB Stefano G Fricchione Y Goumon T Esch Pain immunity opiate and opioid

compounds and health Med Sci Monit 2005 11 MS47

[13] J Jensen Regulatory peptides and control of food intake in non-mammalian vertebrates Comp

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[14] A Kuoppala KA Lindstedt J Saarinen PT Kovanen JO Kokkonen Inactivation of

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[15] R Chen M Ma L Hui J Zhang L Li Measurement of neuropeptides in crustacean

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Table 1 Identified BSA tryptic peptides from various MWCO separation conditions

BSA tryptic

peptide (MH+)


H2O 1microg


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl








































Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


Figure 1 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard showing improvement over two orders of magnitude in detection limits Each MWCO

separation was performed at minimum in triplicate with representative spectrum selected for

each with a calculated RSD from the peak heights Three different amounts of bradykinin were

tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss under different MWCO solvent conditions The

top panel shows 1 microg of bradykinin standard after MWCO separation with 100 H2O elution

produced no signal The addition of 40 or 30 MeOH produced very low bradykinin signals

for both 100 ng (RSD of 28) and 10 ng (SNlt3 no RSD calculated) respectively In the

bottom two spectra each showed very large intensity but the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

10 ng bradykinin was processed with a 10kDa MWCO and zip-tipped and was reproducible with


a RSD of 6 The last spectrum was from 10 ng bradykinin (RSD of 3) which was diluted to

an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the MALDI plate


Figure 2 Representative MALDI mass spectra from MWCO separation of a BSA tryptic

peptide standard showing sample loss Stacked mass spectra from mz range 875-2150

normalized to 7 x 104 intensity representing the detection difference from a BSA tryptic peptide

standard from different MWCO separation conditions (A) It should be noted that when the

solvent for MWCO elution was 100 H2O 1 microg of BSA tryptic peptides was processed instead

of 500 ng A zoomed in view of the most abundant BSA tryptic peptide detected YLYEIAR

mz 92749 (B) Various percentages of MeOH produced significant signal but addition of a salt

(1 M NaCl) increases the signal which is closest to a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard A zoomed in view of a representative low intensity BSA tryptic peptide detected


DKPLLEK mz 153266 (C) The optimized solution to be used for MWCO filtration


6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol was the only procedure that enabled the detection of the

tryptic peptide in Figure 2C which was also detected in the directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard All experiments were performed a minimum of two times with nearly identical results

) Carbamidomethyl amino acid modification

ordm) Tryptic peptide identified in three of the spectra in Figure 2A

dagger) Tryptic peptide identified in two of the spectra in Figure 2A

) Tryptic peptide identified in a single spectrum in Figure 2A


Figure 3 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard with a BSA protein present showing optimized solvent conditions minimized samples

losses Each experiment was performed in duplicate Two different amounts of BSA protein

were tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss caused by the presence of a protein The top

panel shows 10 microg of BSA protein and the second panel shows 100 microg of BSA protein added

while only 10 ng of bradykinin was added Detectable sample loss was observed when the BSA

protein was added but panel two shows that the amount of BSA protein was 1 x 104 greater

(equivalent to 160 fold molar excess) than bradykinin The last two spectra were controls using

a MWCO with the optimized solution in panel 3 and panel 4 using 10 ng bradykinin which was

diluted to an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the

MALDI plate


Supplemental Table 1 Expanded Table 1 including grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY)

score theoretical pI and the sequence from the underlying amino acid sequence for the peptides

identified in the BSA digest The GRAVY and pI scores were obtained from ExPASy

Bioinformatics and modifications were not taken into consideration

(httpwebexpasyorgprotparam) Peptide assignments to the recorded peaks were done by









Sequence 100




1 M





1 M



1 M





1 M



5453 0900 972 VASLR

6894 0267 979 AWSVAR

7124 -0950 647 SEIAHR

8985 0529 674 LcVLHEK

9275 -0071 600 YLYEIAR

10345 -0725 674 NEcFLSHK

10725 -0211 538 SHcIAEVEK

11385 0 599 ccTESLVNR

11636 0130 453 LVNELTEFAK

12496 -1250 545 FKDLGEEHFK

12837 0264 675 HPEYAVSVLLR

13057 -0582 532 HLVDEPQNLIK

13997 0567 437 TVMENFVAFVDK

14157 0567 437 TVmENFVAFVDK

14197 0058 530 SLHTLFGDELcK

14398 -0133 875 RHPEYAVSVLLR

14636 -0515 465 TcVADESHAGcEK

14798 0292 600 LGEYGFQNALIVR

15026 -0625 409 EYEATLEEccAK

15118 0207 597 VPQVSTPTLVEVSR

15328 -0617 617 LKEccDKPLLEK

15547 -0823 441 DDPHAcYSTVFDK

15677 -0085 437 DAFLGSFLYEYSR

15768 -0985 456 LKPDPNTLcDEFK

16399 -0067 875 KVPQVSTPTLVEVSR

16678 0064 437 MPCTEDYLSLILNR

16738 -1723 550 QEPERNEcFLSHK

17248 0064 437 MPcTEDYLSLILNR

17408 0064 437 mPcTEDYLSLILNR

17477 -0914 414 YNGVFQEccQAEDK

17497 -0621 410 EccHGDLLEcADDR

18809 -0537 606 RPcFSALTPDETYVPK

18890 -0567 674 HPYFYAPELLYYANK

19019 -1275 466 NEcFLSHKDDSPDLPK

19079 0044 454 LFTFHADIcTLPDTEK

20450 -0812 839 RHPYFYAPELLYYANK

21139 -0682 480 VHKEccHGDLLEcADDR

22479 -0458 423 EccHGDLLEcADDRADLAK

Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


mass matching with no tandem mass spectrometry performed Lower case amino acids indicate

a modification present in the peptide of carbamidomethyl (c) or oxidation (m)


Chapter 8

Conclusions and Future Directions



Comparative shotgun proteomics investigating numerous biological changes in various

species and sample media and peptidomic method development have been reported The

developed comparative shotgun proteomics based on label-free spectral counting with nanoLC

MSMS platform have been employed in mouse CSF rat CSF yeast culture and other biological

specimens Mass spectrometry (MS)-based peptidomic enhancements using ETD and improved

sample preparation methods for molecular weight cut-offs have been reported Together these

studies add to the Li Labs capabilities in comparative shotgun proteomics and expand available

methods for peptidomic research

Immunodepletion of CSF for comparative proteomics

Chapters 3 and 4 used similar methods to generate a list of differentially expressed

proteins providing insight into how Alexander disease (AxD) perturbs the proteome and how the

new prion model rat adapted scrapie (RAS) proteome varies from control rats In the GFAP

overexpressor mouse CSF study in Chapter 3 we have produced a panel of proteins with

significant up or down regulation in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice MS-based

proteomic study of this mouse model for AxD was consistent with the previous studies showing

elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified IgY-14 immunodepletion technique

for low amounts of CSF with recommendations for future antibody depletion techniques to deal

with the unique challenges of mouse CSF was presented Modified proteomics protocols were

employed to profile mouse CSF with biological and technical triplicates addressing the

variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF spectral counting Validation of the data was

performed using both ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide corroboration with the


changes in the putative biomarkers This work presents numerous interesting targets for future

study in AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1

Using the protocol developed in Chapter 3 we performed a similar study in RAS CSF

compared to control rat CSF Two differences in sample preparation for the rat CSF compared

to the mouse CSF are noted (1) rat IgY-7 immunodepletion was performed and (2) each rat

CSF sample was collected from one animal due to sufficient volume instead of pooling from

multiple animals for the mouse CSF sample After immunodepletion the CSF samples from

control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using

one dimensional RP nanoLC separation We were able to identify 167 proteins with redundant

isoforms removed which was derived from total 512 proteins with a 1 FDR from all the CSF

samples Comparative analysis was performed using dNSAF spectral counting and 21 proteins

were significantly changed Our data were consistent with previous prion CSF studies showing

14-3-3 protein increased in CSF of prion infected animals Genomic analysis was also

performed and was used to cross-validate our proteomic data and numerous proteins were found

to be consistent including a novel marker related to prion disease RNAset2 (ribonuclease T2)

In summary this work provides a foundation for investigation of the perturbed proteome of a

new prion model RAS

Yeast Phosphoproteomic Comparison between Starved and Glucose Fed Conditions

This work presented a qualitative comparison of the phosphoproteome between starved

and glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) A large scale IMAC enrichment of

yeast cell lysate followed by 2-D separations provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for CID

MSMS and neutral loss triggered ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for

PKA was highlighted to show the differences in proteins identified between starved and glucose


fed conditions In total 477 unique phosphopeptides were identified with 06 FDR and 669

unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Phosphosite validation was performed using

a localization algorithm Ascore to provide further confidence on the site-specific

characterization of these phosphopeptides Two proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential

intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on protein phosphorylation involved in glucose


Methods for Peptide Sample Preparation and Sequencing

In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation CCK-like neuropeptides found in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was identified and characterized

with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation assisted ETD fragmentation using

MgCl2 was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of sulfated neuropeptides

These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in future analysis of large

neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides

In addition to ETD sequencing I presented a protocol on improving recovery of minute

quantities of peptides by adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off

membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities

Despite its widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO

fractionation step which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides

from limited starting material This work presented a method to reduce sample loss during

MWCO separations specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss was reduced by over two orders of magnitude with and without


undigested protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein

and the bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and

not the presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-

seven tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol

while only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol

Ongoing Projects and Future Directions

CSF Projects

Rat Adapted Scrapie and Time Course Study of Rat CSF

In ongoing experiments from the work described in Chapter 4 related to rat adapted

scrapie (RAS) we are working towards more complete proteome coverage of CSF and a time

course study of RAS After the promising results of the 1-D proteomic comparison between

RAS and control CSF we want to perform IgY immunodepletion on 1 mL of rat CSF followed

by 2-D high pH-low pH RP-RP LC-MSMS IgY immunodepletion is still required and

afterwards approximately 40 microg of low abundance protein would remain Following traditional

urea tryptic digestion (see Appendix 1) and solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up the sample

would be dried down and reconstituted in mobile phase A (25 mM ammonium formate basic

pH) for high pH RP separation Fractions would be dried and subjected to MS analysis similar to

the work described in Chapter 4 The purpose of this work would be to increase the proteome

coverage from a few hundred to a thousand CSF proteins identified A time course study of RAS

is also desirable to gain insight into disease progression Rats at different stages will be

sacrificed and CSF will be collected The goal is to perform isobaric labeling between the time

courses with spectral counting being an alternative for relative protein expression We will use

the targets identified in Chapter 4 to track certain proteins for time course analysis Overall


these future projects will dig deeper into the proteome and how this novel prion model RAS

perturbs the proteins expressed in rats over time

Glycoproteomics and Peptidomic Analysis of CSF Samples from Individuals with

Alzheimerrsquos Disease

Alzheimerrsquos disease is an incurable progressive neurodegenerative disorder which results

in cognitive impairment Our aim is to provide additional biomarkers andor targets for drug

treatment Currently we used 500 microL of human CSF for non-membrane glycoprotein

enrichment (see Appendix 1) followed by 2-D high-pH-low-pH RP-RP amaZon ion trap LC-

MSMS analysis The initial work was a failure due to low amount of signal and significant

sample loss (data not shown) Through a comparison with Dr Xin Weirsquos PhD thesis we

estimated roughly 20 microg of proteins was obtained after glycoprotein enrichment and 1-D analysis

produced over 100 protein identifications (data not shown) but the additional off-line 2-D

separation and sample clean up resulted in low number of protein identifications for each fraction

analyzed by MS (data not shown) We have recently obtained 1 mL of human CSF samples

from healthy controls and individuals suffering from Alzheimerrsquos disease and plan to perform

the same experiments with double the starting amount and reduce the fractions collected from 2-

D separation from 11 to 6 In addition to the glycoproteomics anything not enriched will be

subjected to MWCO separation using the method presented in Chapter 7 The obtained peptide

sample will be subjected to Q-TOF nanoLC MSE data acquisition followed by de novo

sequencing using various programs including PEAKS and Mascot Collectively we feel this

project has great potential to lead to interesting targets and further expand the proteomic

knowledge of Alzheimerrsquos disease

GFAP Knock-in Mouse CSF


In a direct follow-up to Chapter 3 we aim to perform comparative proteomics on control

vs glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) knock-in mouse CSF samples The sample preparation

protocol as presented in Chapter 3 will be used For quantitative proteomics we plan on

performing isobaric labeling followed by performing high energy collision induced dissociation

(HCD) on the Orbitrap Elite The MS acquisition will also perform a top ten scan where the top

ten MS peaks will be selected for tandem MS analysis In addition targeted quantitation of

specific proteins using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) can be performed on potential

biomarkers and identified in this follow-up study and the work presented in Chapter 3 Also any

CSF samples with noticeable blood content cannot be used for the exploratory proteomics

experiments but can potentially be used for the MRM analysis and should be kept for such

experiments in the future

Large Scale Proteomics

Proteomics of Mouse Amniotic Fluid for Lung Maturation

The overall goal of this project is to determine what proteins are present in amniotic fluid

when the embryo is 175 weeks compared to amniotic fluid at 155 weeks The rationale behind

why these two time points matter was investigated through a lung explant culture where amniotic

fluid was added at 155 weeks and 175 weeks Visual maturation of lungs occurred with the

175 week amniotic fluid and lung maturation genes were up regulated in the mRNA in the lung

explant culture when compared to the 155 week amniotic fluid The compound which is

causing the maturation of the lungs is unknown and search for a secreted protein might provide a

clue to this process In order to test this hypothesis we carried out discovery proteomics

experiments The workflow involves tryptic digestion SPE and 1-D low pH nanoLC separation

coupled to an amaZon ETD ion trap for tandem MS analysis The resulting mass spectrometric


acquisition identified less than 100 proteins with a 1 FDR (data not published) To address the

lack of depth in the proteome coverage we purchased an IgY immunodepletion column to

remove the most abundant proteins in amniotic fluid similarly to Chapter 3 and 4 but on a larger

scale One abundant protein alpha-fetoprotein is present in amniotic fluid but absent or present

in very low concentration in CSF serum or plasma Alpha-fetoprotein is similar to albumin and

thus we ran amniotic fluid on an IgY immunodepletion column and observed significant

reduction in alpha-fetoprotein amount (data not published) After immunodepletion 2-D high

pH-low pH RP-RP will be performed followed by nanoLCMSMS on the amaZon ETD ion trap

We will perform mass spectrometry experiments using the 155 week amniotic fluid and 175

week amniotic fluid which have average protein contents ~2 mgmL We anticipate a minimum

of tenfold increase in the proteome coverage of amniotic fluid and provide meaningful

hypothesis driven biological experiments from this work

Phosphoproteomics of JNK Activation

c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is an important cellular mediator of stress activated

signaling Under conditions of oxidative stress JNK is activated resulting in the downstream

phosphorylation of a large number of proteins including c-Jun However the cellular response

to JNK activation is extremely complex and JNK activation can result in extremely different

physiological outcomes For example JNK is at the crossroads of cellular death and survival

and exhibits both pro-death and pro-survival activities These highly disparate outcomes of JNK

activation are highly contextual and depend on the type of stressor and duration of stress In the

brain JNK has been shown to be activated in models of Alzheimerrsquos disease Parkinsonrsquos

disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and stroke It is thought that JNK is activated in these

diseases as a result of oxidative stress and it is unknown whether this activation is pro-survival or


pro-death To elucidate JNK signaling in the brain we chose to analyze primary cortical

astrocytes under conditions of oxidative stress Since hydrogen peroxide is a physiologically

relevant oxidant in the brain and known to activate JNK we chose to use this to treat astrocytes

and then analyze changes to the phosphoproteome by mass spectrometry By doing this we

hope to elucidate important JNK-dependent targets involved in stress signaling in the brain and

that identifying these targets could lead to the identification of novel disease mechanisms and

potentially new therapeutic targets for neurodegeneration Specifically we plan on performing

stable isotope labeling by amino acids (SILAC) of astrocytes for control hydrogen peroxide

treated and hydrogen peroxide treated with JNK inhibitor The SILAC labeled astrocyte cell

lysate will be digested enriched using Fe-NTA IMAC and separated using 2-D high pH-low pH

RP-RP and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap The protocol is similar to the yeast

comparative phosphoproteomics from Chapter 5 After analysis we plan on processing the data

using ProteoIQ to identify phosphoproteins with significant changes

Immunoprecipitation Followed by Mass Spectrometry

Stb3 Mass Spectrometry Analysis

Stb3 (Sin3-binding protein) has previously been shown to change location depending on

the presence or absence of glucose (Heideman Lab Dr Michael Conways Thesis) An

immunoprecipitation of Stb3 was performed in parallel to the work described in Chapter 5 Two

separate experiments were performed one with wild type Stb3 and another tagged with myc for

improved protein immunoprecipitation Myc tagging is a polypeptide tag which can be

recognized by an antibody and provide a better enrichment compared to using a Stb3 antibody

alone The myc tagging was done because of the low abundance of Stb3 and the limited amount

of protein that was pulled down by the antibody for Stb3 Immunopreciptation experiments were


performed for both starved and glucose fed samples All samples were tryptically digested

followed by low pH RP nanoLCMSMS Both CID and ETD were used for fragmentation

analysis of each sample (n=2) The Stb3 wild type had two peptide hits in one MS run which is

not surprising due to low Stb3 antibody affinity In contrast a significant amount of Stb3 was

pulled down from Myc tagged starved and glucose fed samples For the glucose starved

samples 22 unique peptides from Stb3 were identified whereas glucose fed samples yielded 21

unique Stb3 peptides identified (unpublished data) The identified Stb3 in the myc samples

allowed us to investigate what other proteins were pulled down that are not present in the wild

type samples

From previous work by our collaborator Dr Heideman it had been suggested that Stb3

forms a complex with Sin3 and Rpd3 Our proteomic data shows multiple significant peptide

hits for Sin3 and Rpd3 in myc tagged but not in wild type where Stb3 is only observed once

with a low Mascot score When looking at the unique proteins identified in myc tagged glucose

fed sample but not included in the wild type samples the myc fed sample contained eight unique

ribosomal proteins with numerous unique peptides for each The ribosomal proteins identified in

myc fed sample supports the novel hypothesis that in the glucose fed state the complex of Stb3

Rpd3 and Sin3 interact with ribosomal proteins Other proteins unique to myc tagged glucose

starved samples are glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 and transcriptional regulatory

protein UME6 Also three proteins were observed in both myc fed and starved but not in the

wild type samples including transposon Ty1-DR1 Gag-Pol polyprotein(YD11B) SWIRM

domain-containing protein (FUN19) and RNA polymerase II degradation factor 1 (DEF1) Our

proteomics data for the Stb3 immunoprecipitation experiments with starved vs glucose fed


samples provide exciting evidence to support previous observation made by the Heideman group

and highlight the utility of MS-based approach to deciphering protein-protein interactions


The majority of the work described in this dissertation revolves around sample

preparation for proteomics and peptidomics with a focus on generating biologically testable

hypotheses In the area of neuropeptides CPRP was fully sequenced analytical methods were

transformed for use in an ETD ion trap and sub-microg peptides can now be analyzed by mass

spectrometry after MWCO separation In the field of comparative proteomics comparisons

between mouse CSF in GFAP overexpressors and control or rat adapted scrapie model and

control CSF yeast fed vs glucose starved cell extract have all been presented Collectively this

thesis has developed new techniques for neuropeptide sample preparation and presented

numerous comparative proteomic analyses of various biological samples and how the proteomes

are dynamically perturbed by various treatments and disease conditions


Appendix 1

Protocols for sample preparation for mass spectrometry based

proteomics and peptidomics


Small Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 8 μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

10 Acidify with 10μL 10 formic acid

11 Perform solid phase extraction using tips dependent of sample amount

a Sub-5μg amounts ndash Millipore Ziptips

b 5-75μg amounts ndash Bond-Elut tips from Agilent (OMIX tips)

12 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Small Scale ProteaseMAX Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 2 μL of 1 of

ProtesaeMAX (Promega) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Add 1 μL ProteaseMAX and let sit for 3-4 hours

10 Acidify with 2μL 10 formic acid

11 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Large Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (mg of proteins)

1 All solutions are in a 50 mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395 mgmL)

2 Add 20μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 160μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to sample

3 Allow sample to denature 45-60 minutes in a 37degC water bath

4 Add 54μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

5 Quench reaction with 20μL of DTT solution

6 Dilute with 14mL of NH4HCO3 solution

7 Add 100μg of trypsin

8 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

9 Acidify sample with 100μL of 10 formic acid

10 Perform solid phase extraction with Hypersep C18 Cartridges with 100 mg of C18

bead volume (Thermo)

11 Dry down with the Speedvac as needed for experiment


Fe-NTA Preparation from Ni-NTA Beads

1 Centrifuge (5 min at 140 rcf) and use a magnet to keep beads in place as supernatant

is removed

2 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O (using same technique of centrifuging and using

magnet to keep beads in places as supernatant is removed)

3 Add 800μL of 100mM EDTA (372mgmL) in a 50mM NH4HCO3 (395mgmL)

buffered solution (pH around 8) and vortex for 30 minutes to chelate the Ni

centrifuge and remove supernatant

4 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O

5 Add 800μL of 10mM FeCl3 hexahydrate (27mgmL) and vortex for 30 minutes to

bind Fe to beads centrifuge and remove supernatant

6 Wash 3 times with 800μL H2O

7 Resuspend in a storage solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid (1mL total)


Fe-NTA IMAC Phospho-enrichment

1 Use wash solution (80ACN 01Formic Acid) to rinse beads vortex 1 minute

centrifuge and remove supernatant

2 Add sample (around 500μL in 80ACN 01Formic Acid) and vortex 40 minutes to

allow sample to bind dispose of supernatant after centrifuging

3 Wash 3 times with 200μL of wash solution discard supernatant

4 Add 200μL of elution solution (5050 ACN5Ammonium Hydroxide) vortex 15

minutes and save supernatant

5 Add 200μL of elution solution vortex 10 minutes and save supernatant

6 Wash 2 time with wash solution (collect supernatant of first wash)

7 If reusing store in 1mL solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid


High pH Off-line Separation

1) In general a minimum of 20 microg of peptides are needed to gain any benefit

from off-line 2D fractionation It is better to inject 100 microg of peptides on


2) Use a Gemini column or a similar column that can handle pH=10 and for this

protocol a 21 mm x 150 mm column was used

3) Prepare ldquobuffer Ardquo 25 mM NH4 formate pH=10 Also prepare ldquobuffer Brdquo

4) Dry down desired sample and reconstitute in buffer A

5) Inject based off sample loop (current Alliance HPLC has a 50 microL sample


6) Run gradient at bottom of the page collecting fractions every 3 minutes except

for the 1st minute which is the void volume

7) Optional If you want to reduce instrument time you can combine fractions 1

with 12 2 with 13 etc until 11 with 22

Time Mobile phase A Mobile phase B Flow Rate


0 98 2 05 mLmin

65rsquo 70 30 05 mLmin

65rsquo1rdquo 5 95 05 mLmin

70 5 95 05 mLmin


Non Membrane Glycoprotein Enrichment

1 For protocols involving membrane glycoprotein enrichment see Dr Xin Weirsquos


2 Add 75 microL of Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound to agarose beads and 150 microL

of Concanavalin A (ConA) to a Handee spin cup (Thermo) Wash 2 times with

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) binding buffer (015 M NaCl 002 M Tris-

HCl 1 mM CaCl2 pH=74) centrifuging at 400 g for 30 seconds

3 Place stopper on bottom of spin cup and add 200 microg of sample (500 microL for CSF)

Bring up to 300 microL using lectin LAC binding buffer

4 Incubate for 1 hour with continuous mixing at room temperature

5 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds

6 Perform two more 300 microL LAC binding washes followed by centrifugation

7 Add 300 microL LAC eluting buffer (0075 M NaCl 001 M Tris-HCl 02 M alpha-

methyl mannoside 02 M alpha-methyl glucoside and 05 M acetyl-D-

glucosamine) vortex for 10 minutes (have stopper in place while vortexing)

centrifuge and collect

7 Add another 300 microL LAC eluting buffer centrifuge and collect


MWCO separation for Sub-microg peptide concentrations

1 Wash molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) with 5050 waterMeOH centrifuge at

14000 g for 5 minutes for 10 kDa filter (time will vary Millipore Amicon Ultra


2 Wash with 100 water centrifuge at 14000 g for 5 minutes

3 Add methanol to the sample to get the concentration to 30 methanol and add

salt to achieve a roughly 05 M NaCl before adding the sample to the MWCO

4 Centrifuge at 14000 for 10 minutes collect flow through



Modified from Thermo Fisher Scientific Classic IP Kit

1 10 microL Polyclonal antibody added to 1 microg protein standard in a Handee spin cup

(Thermo) diluted with 1x TBS buffer to 400 microL and incubated overnight at on

shakerend-over-end rotator

2 Wash Protein GA beads with 2x 200microL TBS buffer and added to the

antibodysample for 15 hours at 4oC

3 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard flow through

4 Wash 3x with 100microL TBS buffer centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard

flow through

5 Wash with 1x conditioning solution (neutral pH buffer) centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and discard flow through

6 Eluted with elution buffer (2x100microL) centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and

collect flow through


C18 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

1 Determine amount of peptides for SPE ge5 microg use Ziptips from Millipore If

between 5-75 microg use OMIX from Agilent 100 microL version and if ge75 microg use SPE

cartridges such as 100 mg Hypersep from Thermo

2 Ensure no detergents are in the sample and it is acidified

3 The three SPE procedures all use the same sets of solutions only volumes vary

4 3x Wetting solution (100 ACN) for 60 microL OMIX (20 microL ziptip and 15 mL for

100 mg cartridge)

5 3x Wash solution (01 formic acid in 100 H2O) same volumes as 4

6 Draw up the sample about 10 times minimum (generally 30-40 is preferred)

without letting the bead volume dry out

7 1X Wash solution same volumes as 4

8 Back load the eluting solution 01 formic acid in 5050 H2OACN into the

Ziptips (15 microL) or OMIX (50 microL) tips For the SPE cartridge add 700 microL of

eluting solution

9 Dry down and prepare for next step in sample preparation


Laser Puller Programs and Protocols

1) Obtain about two feet of Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od

2) Wash with methanol and then air dry using the bomb

3) Cut into one foot or desired length

4) Use a lighter to burn the middle portion (about an inch in length) of the tubing

5) Remove the ash by rinsing with methanol and rubbing with a Kimwipe

6) Make sure the laser puller has been on for at least 30 minutes before use to allow

for the instrument to warm up

7) Place capillary in instrument with the burnedexposed portion in the center

making sure that the length of the capillary is pulled taut

8) Enter desired program (next page) and press pull


Laser Puller Programs

Program 99 (default lab program)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

250 0 25 150 15

240 0 25 150 15

235 0 25 150 15

245 0 25 150 15

Program 97 (developed for larger inner diameter tips)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

230 - 25 150 -

220 - 25 150 -

215 - 25 150 8


On column Immunodepletion (serum plasma CSF amniotic fluid)

1) Prepare buffer A ldquoDilution Bufferrdquo 10 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 150 mM NaCl

2) Prepare buffer B ldquoStripping Bufferrdquo 01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25

3) Prepare buffer C ldquoNeutralization Bufferrdquo 100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80

4) Determine loading amount (LC1=~1000 ug of serum or plasma less for CSF due

to the increased amount of albumin percentage in CSF)

5) Add Dilution buffer to sample before injection and ensure the sample is proper

pH (~7)

6) Use gradient below

Time A B C Flow Rate


0rsquo 100 0 0 02

4rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 02

5rsquo 100 0 0 05

8rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 05

9rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo1rdquo 0 0 100 05

39rsquo 0 0 100 05

7) Store the column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Small Scale Immunodepletion (100 microL of CSF)

1) Use 75 microg (per 100 microL CSF) of Sigma Seppro IgY-14 or IgY-7 bead slurry

2) Add an equal volume of 2x dilution buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 300 mM

NaCl) to the starting amount of CSF

3) Add to a spin cup with a filter and allow to mix for 30 minutes

4) Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and collect the flow through

5) Add 50 microL of 1x dilution buffer mix for 5 minutes centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and collect the flow through

6) Use 1x stripping washes (01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25) centrifuge as before and

discard Repeat four times

7) Use 1x neutralization buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80) centrifuge as before

and discard Repeat two times

8) Store the beads in the spin column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Alliance Maintenance Protocol

Seal Wash

10 methanol no acetonitrile This wash cleans behind the pump-head seals to

ensure proper lubrication Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime SealWsh gt Start

2 Press Stop after 5 minutes

Prime Injector

10 methanol for maintenance high organic solvent for dirty runs (eg 95

acetonitrile) Done before injecting any real samples to ensure no bubbles are

present in the injector Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime NdlWsh gt Start

2 After completion press Close

Purge Injector

Solvent is dependent on run Run this protocol at beginning of experiments each day

Minimum once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Navigate Direct Function gt 4 Purge Injector gt OK

3 Set Sample loop volumes 60 leave Compression Check unchecked gt OK

Prime Solvent Pumps

Solvent is dependent on run If solvents are changed run this protocol Minimum

once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys choose composition A type 100 Enter x4

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 3 Wet Prime gt OK

4 Set Flow Rate 7000 mLmin Time 100 min gt OK

5 Repeat for all changedactive solvent pumps

Condition Column

Dependent on user Use starting conditions for run

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys type starting solvent compositions for run

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 6 Condition Column gt OK

4 Set Time as desired


Appendix 2

List of Publications and Presentations



ldquoDiscovery and characterization of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor related

peptides (CPRP) and orcokinin neuropeptides in the sinus glands of the blue crab Callinectes

sapidus using multiple tandem mass spectrometry techniquesrdquo Hui L Cunningham R Zhang

Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29

ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular weight cut-off

fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Li L

Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press

ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker

discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35

ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse models of

Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P Messing A Li

L Journal of Proteome Research Submitted

ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M Heideman

W Li L In preparation

ldquoIdentification of astrocytic JNK targets by phosphoproteomics using mass spectrometryrdquo

Cunningham R Dowell J Wang J Wellner D Li L Milhelm M In preparation

ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A Cunningham R Wellner

D Wang J Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



Robert Cunningham Davenne Mayour and Shoshanna Coon ldquoMorphology and Thermal

Stability of Monolayers on Porous Siliconrdquo The 231th

ACS National Meeting 2006 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Xin Wei Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass

Spectrometry-Based Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Peptidome and Proteome for Biomarker

Discovery in Alexander Diseaserdquo The 57th

ASMS Conference 2009 Philadelphia PA

Robert Cunningham ldquoWhat to Expect in a PhD Graduate Schoolrdquo Invited seminar University

of Northern Iowa 2010 Cedar Falls IA

Robert Cunningham Dustin Frost Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoInvestigation of an

Optimized ProteaseMAX Assisted Trypsin Digestion of Human CSF for Pseudo-SRM

Quantification of GFAP and Identification of Biomarkersrdquo The 58th

ASMS Conference 2010

Salt Lake City UT

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo Oral presentation at Pittcon Conference and Expo 2011 2011 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Michael Conway Daniel Wellner Douglas Grunwald Warren

Heideman and Lingjun Li ldquoDevelopment of optimized phosphopeptide enrichment methods for

comparison of starved and glucose fed yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo The 59th


Conference 2011 Denver CO

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo 2011 Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium 2011 Madison WI

ii Greer Chris Lietz Chenxi Jia Dustin Frost Di Ma Hui (Vivian) Ye Nicole Woodards

and Claire Schmerberg for their collaboration in many challenging research projects and

fruitful discussions on various research areas There are too many people to thank each

one individually but every member of the Li lab has in some way contributed to my

learning experience Beyond research work their friendship also made my life here in

Madison much more enjoyable

I would also like to thank our collaborators Dr Albee Messing Dr Warren

Heideman Dr Xin Sun and Dr James Dowell It is my great pleasure to have the

opportunities to work with these amazing people and gain precious experience I have

learned so much from them and their achievements in the field have inspired me to strive

to do the best I could

Furthermore I would like to thank Gary Girdaukas and Dr Cameron Scarlett at

School of Pharmacy for the access of the MALDI-FTMS and Bruker amaZon ion trap


In particular I wish to thank my family my Mom and Step-Dad for raising me

and my Dad for always being there for me They all supported me in my decision to

pursue science and specifically a career in chemistry I would like to thank my Sister

who grew up with me and always led by example in academics Most importantly I

would like to thank my wife Na Liu for her constant support She has inspired and

helped me finish my PhD and always encouraged me to be the best I could be To them

I dedicate this thesis


Table of Contents



Acknowledgements i

Table of Contents iii

Abstract iv

Chapter 1 Introduction brief background and research summary 1

Chapter 2 Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for

biomarker discovery and the current state of the field 15

Chapter 3 Protein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from

transgenic mouse models of Alexander disease detected

using mass spectrometry 73

Chapter 4 Genomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapie 110

Chapter 5 Investigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome

between starved vs glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae 139

Chapter 6 Use of electron transfer dissociation for neuropeptide

sequencing and identification 166

Chapter 7 Investigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss

using molecular weight cut-off fractionation prior to

mass spectrometric analysis 187

Chapter 8 Conclusions and future directions 206

Appendix 1 Protocols for sample preparation for mass spectrometry

based proteomics and peptidomics 217

Appendix 2 Publications and presentations 233



Mass Spectrometry Applications for Comparative Proteomics and

Peptidomic Discovery

Robert Stewart Cunningham

Under the supervision of Professor Lingjun Li

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison


In this thesis multiple biological samples from various diseases models or

treatments are investigated using shotgun proteomics and improved methods are

developed to enable extended characterization and detection of neuropeptides In general

this thesis aims to expand upon the rapidly evolving field of mass spectrometry (MS)-

based proteomics and peptidomics by primarily enhancing small scale sample analysis

A review of the current status and progress in the field of biomarker discovery in

peptidomics and proteomics is presented To this rapidly expanding body of literature

our critical review offers new insights into MS-based biomarker studies investigating

numerous biological samples methods for post-translational modifications quantitative

proteomics and biomarker validation Methods are developed and presented including

immunodepletion for small volume cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples for comparison of

the CSF proteomes between an Alexander disease transgenic mouse model with

overexpression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein and a control animal This thesis also

covers the application of the small scale immunodepletion of CSF for comparative

proteomic analysis of a novel rat adapted scrapie (RAS) model for prion disease and


compares the RAS CSF proteome to control rat CSF using MS Large scale

phosphoproteomics of starved vs glucose fed yeast is presented to better understand the

phosphoproteome changes that occur during glucose feeding Method development for

neuropeptide analysis is expanded upon using electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

fragmentation to successfully sequence for the first time the crustacean hyperglycemic

hormone precursor-related peptide (CPRP) from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus In

addition a method for ETD sequencing of sulfonated neuropeptides using a magnesium

salt adduct in an ion trap mass spectrometer is reported This thesis also reports on a

method for sub-microg peptide isolation when using a molecular weight cut-off filtration

device to improve sample recovery by over 2 orders of magnitude All the protocols used

throughout the work are provided in an easy to use step-by-step format in the Appendix

Collectively this body of work extends the capabilities of mass spectrometry as a

bioanalytical tool for shotgun proteomics and expands upon methods for neuropeptide

discovery and analysis


Chapter 1

Introduction Brief Background and Research Summary



Mass spectrometry based comparative proteomics and improved methods for

neuropeptide discovery have been reported in this thesis A very brief introduction of crustacean

neuropeptidomics is covered in this chapter followed by Chapter 2 which covers in great detail

comparative proteomics using mass spectrometry with an emphasis on biomarker discovery

Chapter 3 reports a novel immunodepletion technique used for comparative proteomics between

glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) overexpressor and control mouse cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Chapter 4 involves rat CSF comparative proteomics between rat adapted scrapie and control

animals Chapter 5 details comparisons of phosphoproteomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

(Bakerrsquos yeast) between starved vs glucose fed conditions Chapter 6 investigates the use of

electron transfer dissociation (ETD) for kDa sized neuropeptides and neuropeptides with tyrosine

sulfonation Chapter 7 presents a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) protocol to allow sub-microg

peptides to be recovered Chapter 8 provides a conclusion to this thesis and outlines future

directions for certain projects



Mass spectrometry (MS) requires gas phase ions for experimental measurement and

intact large nonvolatile biomolecules proved difficult to be analyzed by electron ionization or

chemical ionization until the invention of two soft ionization techniques matrix-assisted laser

desorptionionization (MALDI)1 and electrospray ionization (ESI)

2 ESI and MALDI are the

two most common soft ionization techniques for mass spectrometry Once ionized molecules

such as peptides or proteins can be separated by their mass to charge ratios (mz) using various

mass analyzers manipulating electric andor magnetic fields ESI and MALDI mass

spectrometric techniques have become central analytical methods in biological sciences because

they are suitable for nonvolatile thermally labile analytes in femtomole quantities3 ESI allows

the coupling of high pressure liquid chromatography and the constant flow of solvent is

electrically charged at the outlet to produce a Taylor cone4 During desolvation the Raleigh

limit is reached and a coulombic explosion occurs commonly producing multiply charged ions

A modification of ESI is nanoLC-ESI which operates at nLmin flow rates to analyze low sample

amounts such as proteins or peptides in biological samples5 NanoLC-ESI uses less solvent as

the source because of the reduced flow rate of standard LCMS with an ESI source and nanoLC-

ESI is the predominate inlet for shotgun proteomic ESI MS experiments6 Conversely MALDI

can use sub-microL volume of sample and be co-crystallized with an ultraviolet absorbing organic

matrix that is obliterated using a laser at appropriate wavelength to generate gas phase ions

Alternatively MALDI has the unique capability to work with tissue samples and ionize in the

solid state instead of liquid like ESI


Mass analyzers require an operating pressure between 10-4


Torr to allow proper ion

transfer and separationisolation of the ion based upon its mz Numerous mass analyzers are

currently available and each have their own strengths and weaknesses as shown in Figure 1 The

biomolecules are separated by the mass analyzers and detected without fragmentation which is

termed MS analysis Following MS detection tandem mass spectrometry (MSMS) of the

original precursor ion can be performed to provide additional structural information such as a

ladder sequence of amino acids for peptides Numerous fragmentation techniques are available

for proteomics such as collision induced dissociation (CID) electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

or high energy collision induced dissociation (HCD) Each of these fragmentation techniques

have their own benefits in proteomics experiments and are discussed in depth in Chapter 2 The

background and current status for comparative proteomics with specific emphasis on biomarker

analysis are covered in Chapter 2

Neuropeptidomic Method Development in the Crustacean Model System

Utilizing Mass Spectrometry

Chapter 6 and 7 focus on sample preparation and ETD fragmentation techniques to

characterize neuropeptides in the neuroendocrine organs in the crustacean nervous system

Neuropeptides are short chains of amino acids which are a diverse class of cell-cell signaling

molecules in the nervous system Neuropeptides have been investigated for being involved in

numerous physiological processes such as memory7 learning

8 depression

9 pain

10 reward



sleep-wake cycles13


and feeding15-17

Figure 2 depicts how

neuropeptides are synthesized as pre-prohormones in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and


packaged in the Golgi apparatus After being packaged these pre-prohormones are processed

into bioactive peptides within the vesicle which is occurring during vesicular transport down an

axon and released into the synaptic cleft Secreted neuropeptides stimulate the post synaptic

neurons by interacting with G-protein coupled receptors at the chemical synapse

The crustacean model nervous system is well-defined neural network which has been

used in neurobiology and neuroendocrine (neurosecretory) research and thus lends itself for

studying neuromodulation18-22

Figure 3 shows the locations of several neuroendocrine organs in

the crustacean Callinectes sapidus including the sinus gland (SG) which is studied in Chapter 6

The Lingjun Li lab has focused on neuropeptide discovery and function in crustacean

neuroendocrine organs using mass spectrometry23-25

The work presented in Chapters 6 and 7

expand on sample preparation and analytical tools to further investigate the neuropeptidome

Research Overview

Comparative Proteomics of Biological Samples

Chapter 2 provides a thorough review of comparative proteomics and biomarker analysis

using mass spectrometry The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass

spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics

technologies have evolved to generate large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various

biological and disease progression processes producing testable hypotheses for complex

biological questions This chapter provides an introduction and insight into relevant topics in

proteomics and peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation

separation techniques peptide fragmentation post-translational modifications quantification


bioinformatics and biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and

remaining challenges and emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are discussed

Chapter 3 investigates comparative proteomics between a GFAP overexpressor mouse

model and a control mouses cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) CSF is a low protein content biological

fluid with dynamic range spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in

direct contact with the brain but consist of very abundant proteins similar to serum which require

removal A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment is presented to remove abundant

proteins such as albumin to enhance analysis of the low volumes of CSF that are obtainable

from mice These GFAP overexpressor mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we present the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates are performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in mass

spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation is performed using distributive normalized spectral

abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins with

significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice are identified with validation from

ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD

Chapter 4 explores the CSF proteomics of a novel prion model called rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) A similar IgY immunodepletion technique is presented as in Chapter 3 and is similarly

used to reduce the abundant proteins in CSF CSF from control and RAS (biological N=5

technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase

nanoLC separation In total 512 proteins 167 non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique

peptides are identified with a 1 FDR Comparative analysis was done using dNSAF spectral


counting and 21 proteins were significantly up or down-regulated The proteins are compared to

the 1048 differentially regulated genes and additionally compared to previously published

proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal models Of particular interest is

RAS specific proteins like RNAseT2 which is not up-regulated in mouse prion disease but is

designated as upregulated in both the genomic and proteomics data for RAS

Chapter 5 explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Previous work by the

Heideman lab investigated the transcriptional response to fresh glucose in yeast26

Kinases such

as protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose

response so we described a large scale phosphoproteomic MS based study in this chapter

Yeast cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase

(RP)-RP separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass

spectrometer with neutral loss triggered ETDfragmentation Specifically the CID fragmentation

can cause a neutral loss of 98z from the H3PO4 and can produce an incomplete fragmentation

pattern and lead to ambiguous identification so when the neutral loss is detected ETD MSMS

fragmentation is performed The neutral loss triggered ETD fragmentation is included in this

study to improve phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 phosphopeptides are identified

with 06 FDR and 669 phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Motif analysis of PKA and

phosphosite validation are performed as well


The future of comparative proteomics investigating small sample amounts or PTMs is

promising Further advances in enrichment separations science mass spectrometry

analyzersdetectors and bioinformatics will continue to create more powerful tools that enable

digging deeper in proteomics with both small (mouse CSF) and large (cell extracts) sample


Methods for Neuropeptide Analysis Using ETD fragmentation and Sample


Chapter 6 investigates the utility of ETD fragmentation to sequence endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation in the crustacean Callinectes sapidus The sinus

gland (SG) of the crustacean is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that produces numerous

hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine signaling moleculesmdash

neuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) precursor-

related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) is used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and high charge state In

addition ETD is used to sequence a sulfated peptide cholecystokinin (CCK)-like peptide in the

lobster Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively this chapter presents two

examples of the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or with

labile modifications

Chapter 7 reports a protocol on improving recovery of minute quantities of peptides by

adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off membrane-based

centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities In some biological


fluids such as CSF the endogenous peptide content is very low and using pure water to perform

the MWCO separation produces too much sample loss Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss is reduced over two orders of magnitude with and without undigested

protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein and the

bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and not the

presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-seven

tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while

only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy

presented in Chapter 7 greatly enhances recovery from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide




1 Tanaka K Waki H Ido Y Akita S Yoshida Y Yoshida T Matsuo T Protein and polymer analyses up to mz 100 000 by laser ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1988 2 (8) 151-153

2 Fenn J B Mann M Meng C K Wong S F Whitehouse C M Electrospray ionization for mass spectrometry of large biomolecules Science 1989 246 (4926) 64-71

3 Domon B Aebersold R Mass spectrometry and protein analysis Science 2006 312 (5771) 212-7

4 Whitehouse C M Dreyer R N Yamashita M Fenn J B Electrospray interface for liquid chromatographs and mass spectrometers Anal Chem 1985 57 (3) 675-9

5 Wilm M Mann M Analytical properties of the nanoelectrospray ion source Anal Chem 1996 68 (1) 1-8

6 Karas M Bahr U Dulcks T Nano-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry addressing analytical problems beyond routine Fresenius J Anal Chem 2000 366 (6-7) 669-76

7 Gulpinar M Yegen B The physiology of learning and memory Role of peptides and stress Curr Protein Pept Sci 2004 5 (6) 457-473

8 Ogren S O Kuteeva E Elvander-Tottie E Hokfelt T Neuropeptides in learning and memory processes with focus on galanin In Eur J Pharmacol 2010 Vol 626 pp 9-17

9 Strand F Neuropeptides general characteristics and neuropharmaceutical potential in treating CNS disorders Prog Drug Res 2003 61 1-37

10 Li W Chang M Peng Y-L Gao Y-H Zhang J-N Han R-W Wang R Neuropeptide S produces antinociceptive effects at the supraspinal level in mice Regul Pept 2009 156 (1-3) 90-95

11 Wu C-H Tao P-L Huang E Y-K Distribution of neuropeptide FF (NPFF) receptors in correlation with morphine-induced reward in the rat brain Peptides 2010 31 (7) 1374-1382

12 Tsutsui K Bentley G E Kriegsfeld L J Osugi T Seong J Y Vaudry H Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone and kisspeptin new key neuropeptides controlling reproduction J Neuroendocrinol 2010 22 (7) 716-727

13 Piper D C Upton N Smith M I Hunter A J The novel brain neuropeptide orexin-A modulates the sleep-wake cycle of rats Eur J Neurosci 2000 12 (2) 726-730

14 Tsuneki H Wada T Sasaoka T Role of orexin in the regulation of glucose homeostasis - Tsuneki - 2009 - Acta Physiologica - Wiley Online Library Acta Physiol 2010

15 Kageyama H Takenoya F Shiba K Shioda S Neuronal circuits involving ghrelin in the hypothalamus-mediated regulation of feeding Neuropeptides 2010 44 (2) 133-138

16 Sweedler J V Li L Rubakhin S S Alexeeva V Dembrow N C Dowling O Jing J Weiss K R Vilim F S Identification and characterization of the feeding circuit-activating peptides a novel neuropeptide family of aplysia J Neurosci 2002 22 (17) 7797-7808


17 Jensen J Regulatory peptides and control of food intake in non-mammalian vertebrates Comp Biochem Physiol Part A Mol Integr Physiol 2001 128 (3) 469-477

18 Billimoria C P Li L Marder E Profiling of neuropeptides released at the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer borealis with mass spectrometry J Neurochem 2005 95 (1) 191-199

19 Cape S S Rehm K J Ma M Marder E Li L Mass spectral comparison of the neuropeptide complement of the stomatogastric ganglion and brain in the adult and embryonic lobster Homarus americanus J Neurochem 2008 105 (3) 690-702

20 Cruz Bermuacutedez N D Fu Q Kutz Naber K K Christie A E Li L Marder E Mass

spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of GAHKNYLRFamide a novel FMRFamide‐like peptide from crabs of the genus Cancer J Neurochem 2006 97 (3) 784-799

21 Grashow R Brookings T Marder E Reliable neuromodulation from circuits with variable underlying structure Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009 106 (28) 11742-11746

22 Ma M Szabo T M Jia C Marder E Li L Mass spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of novel crustacean C-type allatostatins Peptides 2009 30 (9) 1660-1668

23 Chen R Hui L Cape S S Wang J Li L Comparative Neuropeptidomic Analysis of Food Intake via a Multi-faceted Mass Spectrometric Approach ACS Chem Neurosci 2010 1 (3) 204-214

24 Li L Sweedler J V Peptides in the brain mass spectrometry-based measurement approaches and challenges Annu Rev Anal Chem 2008 1 451-483

25 Ma M Wang J Chen R Li L Expanding the crustacean neuropeptidome using a multifaceted mass spectrometric approach J Proteome Res 2009 8 (5) 2426-2437

26 Slattery M G Heideman W Coordinated regulation of growth genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Cycle 2007 6 (10) 1210-9


Figure 1 Capabilities and performances of certain mass analyzers Check marks indicate

availability check marks in parentheses indicate optional + ++ and +++ indicate possible or

moderate goodhigh and excellentvery high respectively Adapted with permission from

reference 3


Figure 2 Synthesis processing and release of neuropeptides (a) Cartoon showing two

interacting neurons (b) The synthesis of neuropeptides in the neuronal organelles and their

transport down the axon to the presynaptic terminal is depicted (c) Shows neuropeptide release

and interaction with the dendrite of the post-synaptic cell (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr

Stephanie Cape)


Figure 3 Schematic showing location of the neuronal tissues being analyzed in the MS studies

of neuropeptides in Callinectes sapidus The SGs (sinus glands located in the eyestalks of the

crab) and the POs (pericardial organs located in the chamber surrounding the heart) release

neurohormones into the hemolymph (crab circulatory fluid) The brain is near the STNS

(stomatogastric nervous system neural network that controls the motion of the gut and foregut)

which has direct connections to the STG (stomatogastric ganglion) The STG is located in an

artery so it is continually in contact with hemolymph (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr Robert



Chapter 2

Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics and Peptidomics for Biomarker

Discovery and the Current State of the Field

Adapted from ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and

biomarker discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35



The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass spectrometry-based

proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics technologies have

evolved to produce large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various biological and

disease progression processes producing testable hypothesis for complex biological questions

This review provides an introduction and insight to relevant topics in proteomics and

peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation separation techniques

peptide fragmentation post-translation modifications quantification bioinformatics and

biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and remaining challenges and

emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are presented



The field of proteomics has seen a huge expansion in the last two decades Multiple factors have

contributed to the rapid expansion of this field including the ever evolving mass spectrometry

instrumentation new sample preparation methods genomic sequencing of numerous model

organisms allowing database searching of proteomes improved quantitation capabilities and

availability of bioinformatic tools The ability to investigate the proteomes of numerous

biological samples and the ability to generate future hypothesis driven experiments makes

proteomics and biomarker studies exceedingly popular in biological studies today In addition

the advances in post-translational modification (PTM) analysis and quantification ability further

enhance the utility of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics A subset of proteomics

research is devoted to profiling and quantifying neurologically related proteins and endogenous

peptides which has progressed rapidly in the past decade This review provides a general

overview as outlined in Figure 1 of proteomics technology including methodological and

conceptual improvements with a focus on recent studies and neurological biomarker studies

Biological Material Selection

The choice of biological matrix is an important first step in any proteomics analysis The

ease of sample collection (eg urine plasma or saliva) versus usefulness or localization of

sample (eg specific tissue or proximity fluid) needs to be evaluated early on in a study design

Plasma derived by centrifugation of blood to remove whole cells is a very popular

choice in proteomics due to the high protein content (~65 mg ml1) and the ubiquitous nature of

blood in the body and the ability to obtain large sample amounts or various time points without

the need to sacrifice the animal or to perform invasive techniques Plasma is centrifuged


immediately after sample collection unlike serum where coagulation needs to occur first To

obtain plasma blood is collected in a tube with an anticoagulant added (ETDA heparin or

citrate) and centrifuged but previous reports have shown variable results when heparin has been

used as an anticoagulant2 Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) specifically recommends the

anticoagulants EDTA or citrate to treat plasma3 4

One of the primary concerns with plasma is

degradation of the protein content via endogenous proteases found in the sample5 One way to

address this problem is the use of protease inhibitors In addition freezethaw cycles need to be

minimized to prevent protein degradation and variability6 7

Plasma proteomics has seen

extensive coordinated efforts to start assessing the diagnostic needs using plasma8 HUPO also

has established a public human database for plasma and serum proteomics from 35 collaborating

labratories9 Large dynamic range studies have been performed on plasma with a starting sample

amount of 2625 microl (1575 mg) resulting in 3654 proteins identified with a sub 5 false

discovery rate10

The large dynamic range spanning across eleven orders of magnitude as visualized in

Figure 2 is one of the biggest obstacles in plasma proteomics Figure 2 also shows that as lower

abundance proteins are investigated the origins of those identified proteins are more diverse than

the most abundant proteins Recent mining of the plasma proteome showed an ability to search

for disease biomarker applications across seven orders of magnitude In addition the tissue of

origin for the identified plasma proteins were identified and its origin was more diverse as the

protein concentration decreased11

Plasma has been used as a source for biomarker studies such

as colorectal cancer12 13

cardiovascular disease14

and abdominal aortic aneurysm15


though the blood brain barrier prevents direct blood to brain interaction neurological disorders

such as Alzheimerrsquos disease (AD) have had their proteomes studied using plasma16


An alternative sample derived from blood is serum which is plasma allowed to coagulate

instead of adding anti-coagulates The time for coagulation is usually 30 minutes and during that

time significant and random degradation from endogenous proteases can occur The additional

variability caused from the coagulation process can change the concentration of multiple

potentially valuable biomarkers As biodiversity between samples or organisms is a challenging

endeavor additional sample variability due to serum generation may be undesirable but serum is

still currently being used for biomarker disease studies17

Serum has been used to compare the

proteome differences in neurological diseases such as AD Parkinsonrsquos disease and amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis and a review can be found elsewhere discussing the subject18

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy of brain or spinal cord

in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system and has been used for studies in neurological

disorders due to being a rich source of neuro-related proteins and peptides19

The protein

composition of the most abundant proteins in CSF is well defined and numerous studies exist to

broaden the proteins identified20-22

CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL)

which is ~100 times lower than serum or plasma and over 60 of the total protein content in

CSF consists of a single protein albumin23-25

In addition the variable concentrations of proteins

span up to twelve orders of magnitude further complicating analysis and masking biologically

relevant proteins to any given study26

One of the highest number of identified proteins is from

Schutzer et al with 2630 non-redundant proteins from 14 mL of pooled human CSF This study

involved the removal of highly abundant proteins by performing IgY-14 immunodepletion

followed by two dimensional (2D) liquid chromatography (LC) separation27

Studies have also

been performed to characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in

various diseases in the CSF28 29

One potential pitfall of CSF proteomic analysis is


contamination from blood which can be identified by counting red blood cells present or

examining surrogate markers from blood contamination other than hemoglobin such as

peroxiredoxin catalase and carbonic anhydrase30

A proof of principle CSF peptidomics study

identified numerous endogenous peptides associated with the central nervous system which can

be used as a bank for neurological disorder studies31

Numerous recent reports highlighted the

utility of CSF analysis for biomarker studies in AD32 33


both post-mortem

and ante-mortem35

Cellular lysates offer the distinct advantage to work with a cell line yeast or bacteria

with large amounts of proteins available for analysis36 37

with Saccharomyces cerevisiae being

the most common cell lysate38 39

Other cell lines are also used including HeLa40

and E coli41

The ability to obtain milligrams of proteins easily to scale up experiments without animal

sacrifice offers a clear advantage in biological sample selection Current literature supports

cellular lysate as a valued and sought after source of proteins for large scale proteomics

experiments because of the ability to assess treatments conditions and testable hypotheses42-44

Cellular lysate from rat B104 neuroblastoma cell line was used as an in vitro model for cerebral

ischemia and showed abundance changes in multiple proteins involved in various neurological


Other Sources of Biological Samples


The urine proteome appears to be another attractive reservoir for biomarker discovery

due to the relatively low complexity compared with the plasma proteome and the noninvasive

collection of urine Urine is often considered as an ideal source to identify biomarkers for renal


diseases due to the fact that in healthy adults approximately 70 of the urine proteome originate

from the kidney and the urinary tract 46

thus the use of urine to identify neurological disorders is

neglected However strong evidence have shown that proteins that are associated with

neurodegenerative diseases can be excreted in the urine47-49

indicating the application of urine

proteomics could be a useful approach to the discovery of biomarkers and development of

diagnostic assays for neurodegenerative diseases However the current view of urine proteome

is still limited by factors such as sample preparation techniques and sensitivity of the mass

spectrometers There has been a tremendous drive to increase the coverage of urine proteome

In a recent study Court et al compared and evaluated several different sample preparation

methods with the objective of developing a standardized robust and scalable protocol that could

be used in biomarkers development by shotgun proteomics50

In another study Marimuthu et al

reported the largest catalog of proteins in urine identified in a single study to date The

proteomic analysis of urine samples pooled from healthy individuals was conducted by using

high-resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry A total of 1823 proteins were identified

of which 671 proteins have not been previously reported in urine 51


For diagnosis purposes saliva collection has the advantage of being an easy and non-

invasive technique The recent studies on saliva proteins that are critically involved in AD and

Parkinsonrsquos diseases suggested that saliva could be a potentially important sample source to

identify biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases Bermejo-Pareja et al reported the level of

salivary Aβ42 in patients with mild AD was noticeably increased compared to a group of

controls 52

In another study Devic et al identified two of the most important Parkinsons


disease related proteinsmdash α-synuclein (α-Syn) and DJ-1 in human saliva 53

They observed that

salivary α-Syn levels tended to decrease while DJ-1 levels tended to increase in Parkinsons

disease The published results from this study also suggest that α-Syn might correlate with the

severity of motor symptoms in Parkinsons disease Due in part to recent advancements in MS-

based proteomics has provided promising results in utilizing saliva to explore biomarkers for

both local and systemic diseases 54 55

the further profiling of saliva proteome will provide

valuable biomarker discovery source for neurodegenerative diseases


Compared to body fluids such as plasma serum and urine where the proteomic analysis

is complicated by the wide dynamic range of protein concentration the analysis of tissue

homogenates using the well-established and conventional proteomic analysis techniques has the

advantage of reduced dynamic range However the homogenization and extraction process may

suffer from the caveat that spatial information is lost which would be inadequate for the

detection of biomarkers whose localization and distribution play important roles in disease

development and progression Matrix-assisted laser desorptionionization (MALDI) imaging

mass spectrometry (IMS) is a method that allows the investigation of a wide range of molecules

including proteins peptides lipids drugs and metabolites directly in thin slices of tissue 56-59

Because this technology allows for identification and simultaneous localization of biomolecules

of interests in tissue sections linking the spatial expression of molecules to histopathology

MALDI-IMS has been utilized as a powerful tool for the discovery of new cancer biomarker

candidates as well as other clinical applications60 61

The utilization of MALDI-IMS for human

or animal brain tissue to identify or map the distribution of molecules related to

neurodegenerative diseases were also recently reported62 63



There has been an increasing interest in the study of proteins secreted by various cells

(the secretomes) from tissue-proximal fluids or conditioned media as a potential source of

biomarkers Cell secretomes mainly comprise proteins that are secreted or are shed from the cell

surface and these proteins can play important role in both physiological processes (eg cell

signaling communication and migration) and pathological processes including tumor

angiogenesis differentiation invasion and metastasis In particular the study of cancer cell

secretomes by MS based proteomics has offered new opportunities for cancer biomarker

discovery as tumor proteins may be secreted or shed into the bloodstream and could be used as

noninvasive biomarkers The latest advances and challenges of sample preparation sample

concentration and separation techniques used specifically for secretome analysis and its clinical

applications in the discovery of disease specific biomarkers have been comprehensively

reviewed64 65

Here we only highlight the proteomic profiling of neural cells secretome that has

been applied to neurosciences for a better understanding of the roles secreted proteins play in

response to brain injury and neurological diseases The LC-MS shotgun identification of

proteins released by astrocytes has been recently reported66-68

In these studies the changes

observed in the astrocyte secretomes induced by inflammatory cytokines or cholinergic

stimulation were investigated6667

Alternatively our group performed 2D-LC separation and

included cytoplasmic protein extract from astrocytes as a control to identify cytoplasmic protein

contaminants which are not actively secreted from cells68

Sample Preparation


Proteomic analysis and biomarker discovery research in biological samples such as body

fluids tissues and cells are often hampered by the vast complexity and large dynamic range of

the proteins Because disease identifying biomarkers are more likely to be low-abundance

proteins it is imperative to remove the high-abundance proteins or apply enrichment techniques

to allow detection and better coverage of the low-abundance proteins for MS analysis Several

strategies including depletion and protein equalizer approach have been used during sample

preparation to reduce sample complexity69 70

and the latest advances of these methods have been

reviewed by Selvaraju et al 71

Alternatively the complexity of biological samples can be

reduced by capturing a specific subproteome that may have the biological information of interest

The latter strategy is especially useful in the biomarker discovery where the changes in the

proteome are not solely reflected through the concentration level of specific proteins but also

through changes in the post-translational modifications (PTMs) Here we will mainly discuss

the enrichment of phosphoproteinpeptides glycoproteinpeptides and sample preparation for

peptidomics and membrane proteins


Phosphorylation can act as a molecular switch on a protein by turning it on or off within

the cell It is thought that up to 30 of the proteins can be phosphorylated72

and it plays

significant roles in such biological processes as the cell cycle and signal transduction73

Currently tens of thousands of phosphorylation sites can be proposed using analytical methods

available today74 75

The amino acids that are targeted for phosphorylation studies are serine

threonine and tyrosine with the abundance of detection decreasing typically in that order Other


amino acids have been reported to be phosphorylated but traditional phosphoproteomics

experiments ignore these rare events76

In a typical large-scale phosphoproteomics experiment the sample size is usually in

milligram amounts to account for the low stoichiometry of phosphorylated proteins The large

amount of protein is then digested typically with trypsin but alternatively experiments have

been performed with Lys-C digestion to produce large enzymatic peptides The larger peptides

produced from Lys-C render higher charged peptides during electrospray ionization (ESI) and

allow improved electron-based fragmentation to determine specific sites of phosphorylation77

From the pool of peptides phosphopeptides must be enriched otherwise they will be masked by

the vast number and higher ionization efficiency of non-phosphorylated peptides The two most

common enrichment techniques are immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and

metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC) TiO2 being the most common oxide used for this

purpose A recent study reported that phosphorylation of neuronal intermediate filament proteins

in neurofibrillary tangles are involved in Alzheimerrsquos disease78


Protein glycosylation is one of the most common and complicated forms of PTM Types

of protein glycosylation in eukaryotes are categorized as either N-linked where glycans are

attached to asparagine residues in a consensus sequence N-X-ST (X can be any amino acid

except proline) via an N-acetylglucosamine (N-GlcNAc) residue or the O-glycosylation where

the glycans are attached to serine or threonine Glycosylation plays a fundamental role in

numerous biological processes and aberrant alterations in protein glycosylation are associated

with neurodegenerative disease states such as Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (CJD) and AD79 80


Due to the low abundance of glycosylated forms of proteins compared to non-glycosylated

proteins it is essential to enrich glycoproteins or glycopeptides in complex biological samples

prior to MS analysis Two of the most common enrichment methods used in glycoproteomics are

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) and hydrazide chemistry The detailed methodologies of

LAC hydrazide chemistry and other enrichment methods in glycoproteomics have been

extensively reviewed in the past81 82

In particular LAC is of great interest in studies of

glycosylation alterations as markers of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases due to its recent

applications in brain glycoproteomics83

Our group has utilized multi-lectin affinity

chromatography containing concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to enrich

N-linked glycoproteins in control and prion-infected mouse plasma84

This method enabled us to

identify a low-abundance glycoprotein serum amyloid P-component (SAP) PNGase F digestion

and Western blotting validation confirmed that the glycosylated form of SAP was significantly

elevated in mice with early prion infection and it could be potentially used as a diagnostic

biomarker for prion diseases

Membrane proteins

Membrane proteins play an indispensable role in maintaining cellular integrity of their

structure and perform many important functions including signaling transduction intercellular

communication vesicle trafficking ion transport and protein translocationintegration85

However due to being relatively insoluble in water and low abundance it is challenging to

analyze membrane proteins by traditional MS-based proteomics approaches Numerous efforts

have been made to improve the solubility and enrichment of membrane proteins during sample

preparation Several comprehensive studies recently covered the commonly used technologies in


membrane proteomics and different strategies that circumvent technical issues specific to the

membrane 86-90

Recently Sun et al reported using 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium

tetrafluoroborate (BMIM BF4) an ionic liquid (IL) as a sample preparation buffer for the

analysis of integral membrane proteins (IMPs) by microcolumn reversed phase liquid

chromatography (μRPLC)-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSMS)

The authors compared BMIM BF4 to the other commonly used solvents such as sodium dodecyl

sulfate methanol Rapigest and urea but they found that the number of identified IMPs from rat

brain extracted by ILs was significantly increased The improved identifications could be due to

the fact that BMIM BF4 has higher thermal stability and thus offered higher solubilizing ability

for IMPs which provided better compatibility for tryptic digestion than traditionally used solvent


In addition to characterization of membrane proteome the investigation of PTMs on

membrane proteins is equally important for characterization of disease markers and drug

treatment targets Phosphorylations and glycosylations are the two most important PTMs for

membrane proteins In many membrane protein receptors the cytoplasmic domains can be

phosphorylated reversibly and function as signal transducers whereas the receptor activities of

the extracellular domains are mediated via N-linked glycosylation Wiśniewski et al provides an

informative summary on recent advances in proteomic technology for the identification and

characterization of these modifications91

Our group has pioneered the development of detergent

assisted lectin affinity chromatography (DALAC) for the enrichment of hydrophobic

glycoproteins using mouse brain extract92

We compared the binding efficiency of lectin affinity

chromatography in the presence of four commonly used detergents and determined that under

certain concentrations detergents can minimize the nonspecific bindings and facilitate the

elution of hydrophobic glycoproteins In summary NP-40 was suggested as the most suitable


detergent for DALAC due to the higher membrane protein recovery glycoprotein recovery and

membranous glycoprotein identifications compared to other detergents tested In a different

study on mouse brain membrane proteome Zhang et al reported an optimized protocol using

electrostatic repulsion hydrophilic interaction chromatography (ERLIC) for the simultaneous

enrichment of glyco- and phosphopeptides from mouse brain membrane protein preparation93

Using this protocol they successfully identified 544 unique glycoproteins and 922 glycosylation

sites which were significantly higher than those using the hydrazide chemistry method

Additionally a total of 383 phosphoproteins and 915 phosphorylation sites were identified

suggesting that the ERLIC separation has the potential for simultaneous analysis of both glyco-

and phosphoproteomes


Peptidomics can be loosely defined as the study of the low molecular weight fraction of

proteins encompassing biologically active endogenous peptides protein fragments from

endogenous protein degradation products or other small proteins such as cytokines and signaling

peptides Studies can involve endogenous peptides94

peptidomic profiling33

and de novo

sequencing of peptides95 96

Neuropeptidomics focuses on biologically active short segments of

peptides and have been investigated in numerous species including Rattus97 98

Mus musculus99

100 Bovine taurus

101 Japanese quail diencephalon

102 and invertebrates

103-106 The isolation of

peptides is typically performed through molecular weight cut-offs from either biofluids such as

CSF plasma or tissue extracts If the protein and peptide content is high such as for tissue or cell

lysates protein precipitation can be done via high organic solvents and the resulting supernatant

can be analyzed for extracted peptides where extraction solvent and conditions could have a


significant effect on what endogenous peptides are extracted from tissue107

A comparative

peptidomic study of human cell lines highlights the utility of finding peptide signatures as

potential biomarkers108

A thorough review of endogenous peptides and neuropeptides is beyond

the scope of this review and an excellent review on this topic is available elsewhere109

Fractionation and Separation

The mass spectrometer has a limited duty cycle and data dependent analysis can only

scan a limited number of mz peaks at any given time In addition significant ion suppression

can occur if there is a difference in concentration between co-eluting peptides or if too many

peptides co-elute Therefore one of the biggest challenges in biomarker discovery is the

complexity of the sample and the presence of high-abundance proteins in body fluids such as

CSF serum and plasma In addition to the removal of the most abundant proteins by

immunodepletion the reduction of the complexity of the sample by further fractionation is

indispensable to facilitate the characterization of unidentified biomarkers from the low

abundance proteins Traditionally used techniques for complex protein analysis include gel

based fractionation methods such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE) and its

variation two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) or non-gel based such as

one- or multidimensional liquid chromatography (LC) and microscale separation techniques

such as capillary electrophoresis (CE)

2D-GE MS has been widely used as a powerful tool to separate proteins and identify

differentially expressed proteins ever since 2D gels were coupled to mass spectrometry In 2D-

GE MS thousands of proteins can be separated on a single gel according to pI and molecular

weight Individual protein spots that show differences in abundance between different samples


can then be excised from the gel digested into peptides and analyzed by MALDI MS or by

liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MSMS) for protein identification The

introduction of 2D-DIGE adds a quantitative strategy to gel electrophoresis by enabling multiple

protein extracts to be separated on the same 2D gel thus providing comparative analysis of

proteomes in complex samples In 2D-DIGE protein extracts from two different conditions and

an internal standard can be labeled with fluorescent dyes for example Cy3 Cy5 and Cy2

respectively prior to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis Compared to traditional 2D-GE 2D-

DIGE provides the clear advantage of overcoming the inter-gel variation problem 110


profiling of CSF by 2D-GE and 2D-DIGE has led to the identification of putative biomarkers in

multiple neurological disorders For example Brechlin et al reported an optimized 2-DIGE

protocol profiled CSF from 36 CJD patients The applicability of their approach was proven by

the detection of known CJD biomarkers such as 14-3-3 protein neuron-specific enolase lactate

dehydrogenase and other proteins that are potentially relevant to CJD 111

In another study to

identify novel CSF biomarkers for multiple sclerosis CSF from 112 multiple sclerosis patients

and control individuals were analyzed by 2D-GE MS for comparative proteomics Ten potential

multiple sclerosis biomarkers were selected for validation by immunoassay 112


methodologies sample preparation techniques and applications of 2D-DIGE in

neuroproteomics were reviewed by Diez et al113

Although 2D gel provides excellent resolving

power and capability to visualize abundance changes there are some limitations to the method

For example gel based separation is not suitable for low abundance proteins extremely basic or

acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins114 115

Complementary to gel-based approaches shotgun proteomics coupled to LC have

become increasingly popular in proteomic research because they are reproducible highly


automated and capable of detecting low abundance proteins Furthermore another advantage of

LC-MS shotgun proteomics is the suitability for isotope labeling for protein quantification which

is reviewed in a later section In shotgun proteomics a protein mixture is digested and resulting

peptides are separated by LC prior to tandem MS fragmentation to identify different proteins by

peptide sequencing The most common separation for shotgun proteomics peptidomics or top-

down proteomics experiments use low-pH reversed phase (RP) C18 C8 or C4 columns RPLC

is well established which provides high resolution desalts the sample which can interfere with

ionization and the mobile phase is compatible with ESI Nanoscale C18 columns allow for

separation and introduction of sub microgram samples If larger amounts of sample are

available two dimensional separations are usually preferred to greatly enhance the coverage of

the investigated proteome which will be discussed in depth later It is preferable to have an

orthogonal separation method and since RP separates via hydrophobicity strong cation exchange

(SCX) was the original choice due to its separation by charge MudPIT (multidimensional

protein identification technology) usually refers to the use of SCX as the first phase of separation

and is a well-established platform116

SCX has the advantage over RP separation technologies to

effectively remove interfering detergents from the sample SCX separation is not based solely

off charge and hydrophobicity contributes to elution therefore a small amount of organic

modifier usually 10-15 is added to lessen the hydrophobicity effects117

The addition of

organic modifiers needs to be minimized otherwise binding to the C18 trap cartridge or C18

column will be reduced if performed on-line SCX can be used for PTMs and offers specific

applications for proteomic studies and an excellent current review is offered on this subject


An alternative MudPIT separation scheme employing high pH RPLC as the first

phase of separation and low pH RPLC in the second dimension (RP-RP) has been successfully


applied to the proteomic analysis of complex biological samples119 120

The advantage of using

RP as the first dimension is the higher resolution for separation and better compatibility with

down-stream MS detection by eliminating salt Song et al reported a phosphoproteome analysis

based on this 2D RP-RP coupling scheme121

Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) employs distinct separation modality

where the retention of peptides is increased with increasing polarity122

The loading of sample is

done by high organic and eluted by increasing the percentage of the aqueous phase or polarity of

the mobile phase opposite from RPLC thus establishing orthogonality of the two separation


HILIC has quickly become a very useful method and is actively used for proteomic


for increased sensitivity125




quantification studies128

An alternative and modification to HILIC is ERLIC which adds an

additional mode of separation by electrostatic attraction An earlier study using ERLIC

demonstrated the ability to separate phosphopeptides from non-phosphorylated peptides at


A recent study looking into changes in the phosphoproteome of Marekrsquos Disease

applied ERLIC to chicken embryonic fibroblast lysate identifying only 13 phosphopeptides

out of all the identified peptides Due to the lack of isolation of phosphopeptides from ERLIC

the investigators performed immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) enrichment on

the fractions increasing identification of phosphopeptides over 50 fold130

A comparative study

of ERLIC to HILIC and SCX following TiO2 phospho-enrichment reported that

SCXgtERLICgtHILIC for phosphopeptide identifications126

Recent developments in instrumentation to combine LC with ion mobility spectrometry

(IMS) and MS (LC-IMS-MS) offered more advantages than conventional LC due to the rapid

high-resolution separations of analytes based on their charge mass and shape as reflected by


mobility in a given buffer gas The mobility of an ion in a buffer gas is determined by the ionrsquos

charge and its collision cross-section with the buffer gas The methodologies of IMS separations

and the application of LC-IMS-MS for the proteomics analysis of complex systems including

human plasma have been reviewed by Clemmerrsquos group131-133

They proposed a method that

employs intrinsic amino acid size parameters to obtain ion mobility predictions which can be

used to rank candidate peptide ion assignments and significantly improve peptide identification


Although 2D gel and LC are routinely used as separation techniques in MS-based

proteomics capillary electrophoresis (CE) has received increasing attention as a promising

alternative due to the fast and high-resolution separation it offers CE has a wide variety of

operation modes among which capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and capillary isoelectric

focusing (CIEF) have the greatest potential applications in MS-based proteomics thus will be

highlighted here CZE separates analytes by their charge-to-size ratios in buffers under a high

electrical field and is often used as the final dimension prior to MS analysis while the separation

feature of CIEF is based on isoelectric point and this technique is more suitable to be used as the

first dimension separation Detailed description of different CEndashMS interfaces sample

preconcentration and capillary coating to minimize analyte adsorption could be found in several


CE technique is complementary to conventional LC in that it is suitable for the

analysis of polar and chargeable compounds Dovichirsquos group conducted proteomic analysis of

the secreted protein fraction of Mycobacterium marinum which has intermediate protein


The tryptic digests were either analyzed by UPLC-ESI-MSMS in triplicates or

prefactionated by RPLC followed by CZE-ESI-MSMS It was demonstrated that the two

methods identified similar numbers of peptides and proteins within similar analysis times


However CZE-ESI-MSMS analysis of the prefractionated sample tended to identify more

peptides that are basic and have lower mz values than those identified by UPLC-ESI-MSMS

This analysis also presented the largest number of protein identifications by using CE-MSMS

suggesting the effectiveness of prefractionation of complex samples by LC method prior to CZE-

ESI-MSMS The use of CIEF as the first dimension of separation provides both sample

concentration and excellent resolving power The combination of CIEF and RPLC separation

has been applied to the proteomic analyses where the amount of protein sample is limited and

cannot meet the requirement of minimal load amount for 2D LC-MSMS143 144

So far CE-MS

has been widely applied to the proteomic analysis of various biological samples such as urine145

146 CSF

147 blood

148 frozen tissues

149 and the formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE)

tissue samples150

The recent CEndashMS applications to clinical proteomics have been summarized

in several reviews135 151 152

Protein Quantification

In 2D gel electrophoresis the quantitative analysis of protein mixtures is performed on

the gel by comparing the intensity of the protein stain The development of 2D-DIGE eliminated

the gel-to-gel variation and greatly improved the quantitative capability and reliability of 2D gel


However the accuracy of 2D gel based protein quantification suffers from the

limitations that a seemingly single gel spot often contains multiple proteins and the difficulty of

detecting proteins with extreme molecular weights and pI values as well as highly hydrophobic

proteins such as membrane proteins Therefore non-gel based shotgun proteomics technology is

more suitable for accurate and large-scale protein identification and quantification in complex

samples Briefly the quantification in non-gel based shotgun proteomics can be categorized into


two major approaches stable isotope labeling-based and label-free methods The common

strategies for quantitative proteomic analysis are reviewed and summarized in Table 1

Isotope labeling methods

Because stable isotope-labeled peptides have the same chemical properties as their

unlabeled counterparts the two peptides within a mixture should exhibit identical behaviors in

MS ionization The mass difference introduced by isotope labeling enables the detection of a

pair of two distinct peptide masses by MS within the mixture and allowing for the measurement

of the relative abundance differences between two peptides Depending on how isotopes are

incorporated into the protein or peptide these labeling methods can be divided into two groups

In vitro chemical derivatization techniques which incorporate a label or tag into the peptide or

protein during sample preparation metabolic labeling techniques which introduce the isotope

label directly into the organism via isotope-enriched nutrients from food or media

1 In vitro derivatization techniques

There are multiple methods to introduce heavy isotopes into proteins or peptides in vitro

The commonly used strategies include 18

O 16

O enzymatic labeling Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag

(ICAT) Tandem Mass Tags (TMTs) and Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification

(iTRAQ) The 18

O labeling method enzymatically cleaves the peptide bond with trypsin in the

presence of 18

O-enriched H2O and introduces 4-Da mass shift in the tryptic peptides153


advantages of this method include 18

O-enriched water is extremely stable tryptic peptides will

be labeled with the same mass shift secondary reactions inherent to other chemical labeling can

be avoided Conversely widespread use of 18

O-labeling has been hindered due to the difficulty

of attaining complete 18

O incorporation and the lack of robustness154 155

Currently ICAT


TMTs and iTRAQ methods are extensively used in quantitative proteomics In ICAT cysteine

residues are specifically derivatized with a reagent containing either zero or eight deuterium

atoms as well as a biotin group for affinity purification of cysteine-containing peptides156 157

The advantage of ICAT is that the affinity purification via biotin moiety can facilitate the

detection of low-abundance cysteine-containing peptides In addition the mass difference

introduced by labeling increases mass spectral complexity with quantification from the different

precursor masses done by MS and peptide identification being achieved through tandem MS

(MSMS) This added complexity from different peptide masses was addressed by using isobaric

labeling methods such as TMTs and iTRAQ 158 159

where the same peptides in different samples

are isobaric after tagging and appear as single mz in MS scans thus enhancing the peptide limit

of detection and reducing the MS scan complexity Isobaric labeling reagents are composed of a

primary amine reactive group and an isotopic reporter group linked by an isotopic balancer group

for the normalization of the total mass of the tags The reporter group serves for quantification

purpose since it is cleaved during collision-induced dissociation (CID) to yield a characteristic

isotope-encoded fragment Moreover isobaric labeling methods allow the comparison of

multiple samples within a single experiment Recently a 6-plex version of TMTs was


and iTRAQ enables up to eight samples to be labeled and relatively quantified in a

single experiment161

8-plex iTRAQ reagents have been used for the comparison of complicated

biological samples such as CSF in the studies of neurodegenerative diseases 162

Recently our

group developed a novel N N-dimethyl leucine (DiLeu) 4-plex isobaric tandem mass (MS2)

tagging reagents with high quantitation efficacy DiLeu has the advantage of synthetic simplicity

and greatly reduced synthesis cost compared to TMTs and iTRAQ163

Xiang et al demonstrated

that DiLeu produced comparable iTRAQ ability for protein sequence coverage (~43) and


quantitation accuracy (lt15) for tryptically digested proteins More importantly DiLeu

reagents could promote enhanced fragmentation of labeled peptides thus allowing more

confident peptide and protein identifications

2 In Vivo Metabolic Labeling

Metabolic processes can also be employed for the incorporation of stable-isotope labels

into the proteins or organisms by enriching culture media or food with light or heavy versions of

isotope labels (2H


15N) The advantage of in vivo labeling is that metabolic labeling does

not suffer from incomplete labeling which is an inherent drawback for in vitro derivatization

techniques In addition metabolic labeling occurs from the start of the experiment and proteins

with light or heavy labels are simultaneously extracted thus reducing the error and variability of

quantification introduced during sample preparation The most widely used strategy for

metabolic labeling is known as stable-isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)

which was introduced by Mann and co-workers164 165

In SILAC one cell population is grown

in normal or light media while the other is grown in heavy media enriched with a heavy

isotope-encoded (typically 13

C or 15

N) amino acid such as arginine or leucine Cells from the

two populations are then combined proteins are extracted digested and analyzed by MS The

relative protein expression differences are then determined from the extracted ion

chromatograms from both the light and heavy peptide forms SILAC has been shown to be a

powerful tool for the study of intracellular signal transduction In addition this technique has

recently been applied to the quantitative analysis of phosphotyrosine (pTyr) proteomes to

characterize pTyr-dependent signaling pathways166 167


Labe-free quantification

Although various isotope labeling methods have provided powerful tools for quantitative

proteomics several limitations of these approaches are noted Labeling increases the cost and

complexity of sample preparation introduces potential errors during the labeling reaction It also

requires a higher sample concentration and complicates data processing and interpretation In

addition so far only TMTs and iTRAQ allow the comparison of multiple (up to eight) samples

simultaneously The comparison of more than eight samples in a single experiment cannot be

achieved by isotope labeling In order to address these concerns there has been significant

interest in the development of label-free quantitative approaches Current label-free

quantification methods for MS-based proteomics were developed based on the observation that

the chromatographic peak area of a peptide168 169

or frequency of MSMS spectra170


to the protein or peptide concentration Therefore the two most common label-free

quantification approaches are conducted by comparing (i) area under the curve (AUC) of any

given peptides171 172

or (ii) by frequency measurements of MSMS spectra assigned to a protein

commonly referred to as spectral counting173

Several recent reviews provided detailed and

comprehensive knowledge comparing label-free methods with labeling methods data processing

and commercially available software for label-free quantitative proteomics174-177

Dissociation Techniques

The vast majority of proteomic experiments have proteins or peptides being identified by

two critical pieces of data obtained from the mass spectrometer The first is the precursor ion

identified by its mz which is informative to the mass of the peptide being analyzed The second

is the use of tandem mass spectrometry to fragment or dissociate the precursor ion and record the


generated fragment ion pattern to discern the amino acid sequence The three most popular

dissociation or fragmentation techniques for peptides are CID electron-transfer dissociation

(ETD) and high-energy collision dissociation (HCD) A recent study on the human plasma

proteome demonstrated that combined fragmentation techniques enhance coverage by providing

complementary information for identifications CID enabled the greatest number of protein

identifications while HCD identified an additional 25 proteins and ETD contributed an

additional 13 protein identifications178


Electron capture dissociation (ECD) 179

preceded ETD but ECD was developed for use

in a Penning trap for Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometers

ECD requires the ion of interest to be in contact with near-thermal electrons and for the electron

capture event to occur on the millisecond time scale but the time scale is inadequate for electron

trapping in Paul traps or quadrupoles in the majority of mass spectrometers180

ETD involves a

radical anion like fluoranthene with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation

which results in more uniform cleavage along the peptide backbone The cation accepts an

electron and the newly formed odd-electron protonated peptide undergoes fragmentation by

cleavage of the N-Cα bond which results in fragmentation ions consisting of c- and zbull-type

product ions The uniformed cleavage results in reduced sequence discrimination to labile bonds

such as PTMs and also provides improved sequencing for larger peptides compared to CID181

The realization that larger peptides produced better MSMS quality spectra compared to CID led

to a decision tree analysis strategy where peptide charge states and size determined whether the

precursor peptide would be fragmented with CID or ETD182

One of the main benefits of

ETDECD is the ability to sequence peptides with labile PTMs such as phosphorylation77 183





and histone modifications187

ETD also has the

benefit of providing better sequence information on larger neuropeptides when compared to


However a thorough analysis suggested that CID still yielded more peptideprotein

identifications than ETD in large scale proteoimcs189


High energy collision dissociation (HCD)190

is an emerging fragmentation technique that

offers improved detection of small reporter ions from iTRAQ-based studies191 192

HCD is

performed at a higher energy in a collision cell instead of an ion trap like CID thus HCD does

not suffer from the low-mass cutoff limitation Furthermore HCD offers enhanced

fragmentation efficiency assisting in MSMS spectra interpretation and protein identification193

A major drawback for HCD is that the spectral acquisition times are up to two-fold longer due to

increased ion requirement for Fourier transform detection in the orbitrap194

HCD has been

reported to increase phosphopeptide identifications over CID74

but in a different study CID was

reported to offer more phosphopeptide identifications over HCD194

Work has also been done to

transfer the decision tree analysis for HCD which basically switches CID with HCD claiming

better quality data determined by higher Mascot scores with more peptide identifications195


Data dependent acquisition (DDA) is the most commonly used ion selection process in

mass spectrometers for proteomic experiments An alternative process which does not have ion

selection nor switch between MS and MSMS modes is termed MSE MS

E is a data independent

mode and does not require precursor ions of a significant intensity to be selected for MSMS


A data independent mode decouples the mass spectrometer choosing which

precursor ions to fragment and when the ions are fragmented MSE works by a low or high


energy scan and no ion isolation is occurring The low energy scan is where the precursor ion is

not fragmented and the high energy scan allows fragmentation The resulting mix of precursor

and fragmentation ions is then detected simultaneously197

The data will then need to be

deconvoluted using a proprietary time-aligned algorithm that is discussed elsewhere198


continuous data independent acquisition allows multiple MSMS spectra to be collected during

the natural analyte peak broadening observed in chromatography which provides more data

points for AUC label-free quantification In addition lower abundance peptides can be

sequenced as more MSMS spectra are collected throughout the elution of an LC peak allowing

better signal averaging for smaller analyte peak of interest during coelution and reducing

sampling bias in typical DDA experiments where only more abundant peaks can be selected for


A comparison of spiked internal protein standards into a complex protein digest provided

evidence that MSE was comparable to DDA analysis in LC-MS

199 MS

E has been used for label

free proteomics of immunodepleted serum in large scale proteomics samples200

In addition

MSE was performed for the characterization of human cerebellum and primary visual cortex

proteomes Hundreds of proteins were identified including many previously reported in

neurological disorders201

MSE is quickly becoming a versatile data acquisition method recently

used in such studies as cancer cells202


and pituitary proteome discovery204

The usefulness of MSE as an unbiased data acquisition method is being assimilated into multiple

proteomics studies including studies involving neurological disorders

Data Analysis


One of the major bottlenecks in non-targeted proteomic experiments is how to handle the

enormous amount of data obtained Database searches biostatistical analysis de novo

sequencing PTM validation all have their place and multiple available platforms are available

If the organism being studied has had its genome sequenced databases can be created

with a list of proteins in the FASTA format to be used in database searching There are

numerous database searching algorithms for sequence identification of MSMS data including





and PEAKS209

These searching algorithms are

performed by matching MSMS spectra and precursor mass to sequences found within proteins

How well the actual spectra match the theoretical spectra determines a score which is unique to

the searching algorithm and usually can be extrapolated to the probability of a random hit

Recently a database has been developed for PTM analysis by the use of the program SIMS210

Specifically for phosphopeptides Ascorersquos algorithm scans the MSMS data to determine the

likelihood of correct phosphosite identification from the presence of site identifying product


If the organism that is being analyzed has not had its genome sequenced and no (or very

limited) FASTA database is available a homology search can be performed using SPIDER212

available with PEAKS software Alternatively individual MSMS spectrum can be de novo

sequenced but software is available to perform automated de novo sequencing of numerous

spectra (PEAKS208

DeNovoX and PepSeq)

For large-scale protein identifications the false discovery rate (FDR) must be established

by the searching algorithm and that is accomplished by re-searching the data with a false

database created by reversing or scrambling the amino acid sequence of the original database

used for the protein search Any hits from the false database will contribute to the FDR and this

value can be adjusted usually around 1 An additional layer of confidence in the obtained data


can be achieved in shotgun proteomics experiments by removing all the proteins that are

identified by only one peptide

Once a set of confident proteins or peptides have been generated from database

searching bioinformatic analysis or biostatistical analysis is needed Numerous software

packages are available for different purposes FLEXIQuant is an example for absolute

quantitation of isotopically labeled protein or peptides of interest213

FDR analysis of

phosphopeptides or other specific PTMs can be adjusted with such software as Scaffold

providing data consisting only of a specific modification214

Bioinformatic tools such as

Scaffold or ProteoIQ also include gene ontology (GO) analysis which can classify identified

proteins by three categories cellular component molecular function or biological process

Custom bioinformatics programs can also be developed and are often useful in various proteomic

studies including biomarker discovery in neurological diseases215

More detailed review of

bioinformatics in peptidomics216

and proteomics217

can be found elsewhere

Validation of Biomarkers by Targeted Proteomics

The validation of putative biomarkers identified by MS-based proteomic analysis is often

required to provide orthogonal analysis to rule out a false positive by MS and providing

additional evidence for the biomarker candidate(s) from the study for future potential clinical

assays At present antibody-based assays such as Western blotting ELISA and

immunochemistry are the most widely used methods for biomarker validation Although accurate

and well established these methods rely on protein specific antibodies for the measurement of

the putative biomarker and could be difficult for large-scale validation of all or even a subset of a

long list of putative protein biomarkers typically obtained by MS-based comparative proteomic


analysis Large scale validation is impractical due to the cost for each antibody the labor to

develop a publishable Western blot or ELISA and the antibody availability for certain proteins

As an alternative strategy quantitative assays based on multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) MS

using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer have been employed in biomarker verification

MRM is the most common use of MSMS for absolute quantitation It is a hypothesis

driven experiment where the peptide of interest and its subsequent fragmentation pattern must be

known prior to the quantitative MRM experiments MRM involves selecting a specific mz (first

quadrupole) to be isolated for fragmentation (second quadrupole) followed by one or more of

the most intense fragment ions (third quadrupole) being monitored The ability to quantitate and

thus validate the proteins or peptides as potential biomarkers is achieved by performing MRM on

isotopically labeled reference peptide for targeted peptideprotein of interest The main obstacle

for quantification of peptides is interference and ion suppression effects from co-eluting

substances Since the isotopically labeled and native peptide will co-elute the same interference

and ion suppression will occur for both peptides and thus correcting these interfering effects

Peptides need to be systematically chosen for a highly sensitive and reproducible MRM

experiment to ensure proper validation of putative biomarkers Peptides require certain intrinsic

properties which include an mz within the practical mass detection range for the instrument and

high ionization efficiency If the desired peptide to be quantified is derived from a digestion

then peptides that have detectable incomplete digestion or missed cleavage site can be a major

source of variability Peptides with a methionine and to a lesser extent tryptophan are

traditionally removed from consideration from MRM quantitative experiments due to the

variable nature of the oxidation that can occur In addition if chromatographic separation is

performed the retention behavior of the peptide must be well behaved with little tailing effects


eluting late causing broadening of the peak and even irreversible binding to the column As an

example hydrophilic peptides being eluted off a C18 column may exhibit the previously

described concerns and a different chromatographic separation will need to be explored for

improved limits of detection quantitation and validation To determine consistent peptide

detection or usefulness of certain peptides databases such as Proteomics Database218



have been developed to compile proteomic data repositories from initial

discovery experiments

After the peptide is selected for analysis the proper MRM transitions need to be selected

to optimize the sensitivity and selectivity of the experiment It is common for investigators to

select two or three of the most intense transitions for the proposed experiment It is imperative

that the same instrument is used for the determination of transition ions as different mass

spectrometers may have a bias towards different fragment ions

MRM experiments are still highly popular experiments for hypothesis directed


biomarker analysis222

and validation223

Validation of putative biomarkers is

increasingly becoming a necessary step when performing large scale non-hypothesis driven

proteomics experiments The traditional validation techniques of ELISA Western blotting and

immunohistochemistry are still used but MRM experiments are becoming an attractive

alternative for validation of putative biomarkers due to its enhanced throughput and specificity

Current work is still being performed to both expand the linear dynamic range224



of MRM A recent endeavor to increase the sensitivity for MRM experiments was

accomplished by ldquoPulsed MRMrdquo via the use of an ion funnel trap to enhance confinement and

accumulation of ions The authors claimed an increase by 5-fold for peak amplitude and a 2-3

fold reduction in chemical background225


Remaining Challenges and Emerging Technologies

Large sample numbers for mass spectrometry analysis

Multiple conventional studies in proteomics have been performed on a single or a few

biological samples As bio-variability can be exceedingly high the need for larger sample sizes

is currently being investigated Prentice et al used a starting point of 3200 patient samples

from the Womenrsquos Health Institute (WHI) to probe the plasma proteome using MS for

biomarkers The study did not test the 3200 patient samples by MS because even a simple one

hour one dimensional RP analysis on a mass spectrometer would take months of instrument time

for uninterrupted analysis Instead the authors pooled 100 samples together to bring the total

number of pooled samples to 32 To provide relevant plasma biomarkers the samples were then

subjected to immunodepletion 2-D protein separation (96 fractions total) and then 1-D RPLC of

tryptic peptide separation on-line interface to a mass spectrometer The large sample cohorts

help address bio-variability that can be a concern from small sample size proteomic experiments

and provide ample sample amounts to investigate the low abundance proteins226

Hemoglobin-derived neuropeptides and non-classical neuropeptides

Neuropeptides such as neuropeptide Y and enkephalin are short chains of amino acids

that are secreted from a range of neuronal cells that signal nearby cells In contrast non-classical

neuropeptides are termed as neuropeptides or ldquomicroproteinsrdquo which are derived from

intracellular protein fragments and synthesized from the cytosol227

MS was recently used to

determine that hemopressins which are hemoglobin-derived peptides are upregulated in Cpefatfat

mice brains Gelman et al designed an MS experiment to compare hemoglobin-derived


peptides comparing the brain blood and heart peptidome in mice The authors provided data

that specific hemoglobin peptides were produced in the brain and were not produced in the

blood Certain alpha and beta hemoglobin peptides were also up regulated in the brain for


mice and bind to CB1 cannabinoid receptors228

As discussed earlier in the review

peptidomics and specifically neuropeptidomics are popular fields of study utilizing MS and non-

classical neuropeptides is an exciting emerging area of research that could further expand the

diversity of cell-cell signaling molecules

Ultrasensitive mass spectrometry for single cell analysis

In addition to large scale analysis MS-based proteomics and peptidomics are making

progress into ultrasensitive single cell analysis The most successful MS-based techniques for

single cell analysis was performed with MALDI and studies that have been performed on

relatively large neurons are reviewed elsewhere229

The ultrasensitive MS analysis is currently

directed towards single cell analysis of smaller cells including cancer cells The first challenge

in single cell analysis is the isolation and further sample preparation to yield relevant data

Collection and isolation of a cell type can be accomplished using antibodies for fluorescence

activated cell sorting (FACS) and immune magnetic separation FACS works by flow cytometry

sorting cells by a laser that excites a fluorescent tag that is attached to an antibody Immune

magnetic separation allows separation by antibodies with magnetic properties such as


One exciting study combining FACS and MS termed mass cytometry This

technology works by infusing a droplet into an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer

(ICP-MS) containing a single cell bound to antibodies chelated to transition elements allowing a

quantifying response between single cells231

Clearly the future of single cell analysis for


biomarker analysis and proteomics is encouraging and has the potential to be an emerging field

in MS-based proteomics and peptidomics

Laserspray ionization (LSI)

Laserspray ionization (LSI) is an exciting new method to produce multiply charged mass

spectra from MALDI that is nearly identical to ESI232-234

Recently it has been reported that LSI

can be performed in lieu of matrix to produce a total solvent-free analysis234

The benefits of

being able to generate multiply charged peptides without any solvent may offer advantages

including MS analysis of insoluble membrane proteins or hydrophobic peptides avoidance of

chemical reactions while in solvents a reduction of sample loss due to liquid sample preparation

and ability to avoid diffusion effects from tissue imaging studies234

The multiply charged peptide and protein ions produced by LSI expand the mass range

for tissue imaging analysis More importantly the multiply-charged peptide ions are amenable

for electron-based fragmentation methods such as ETD or ECD which can be employed in

conjunction with tissue imaging experiments to yield in situ sequencing and identification of

peptides of interest235

Paper spray ionization

Paper spray (PS) is an ambient ionization method which was first reported using

chromatography paper allowing detection of metabolites from dried blood spots The original

method used a cut out piece of paper with a voltage clipped on the back while applying 10 microL of


Improvements have been made to this technology to enhance analysis

efficiency with a new solvent 91 dichloromethaneisopropanol (vv) and the use of silica paper


over chromatography paper237

Interesting applications or modifications have been made to PS

including direct analysis of biological tissue238

and leaf spray for direct analysis of plant


but both detect metabolites instead of proteins or peptides Paper spray ionization

was previously shown to enable detection of cytochrome c and bradykinin [2-9] standards in a

proof of principle study240

Clearly the utility of PS analysis in proteomics and peptidomics is

yet to be explored


New fragmentation techniques have been investigated for their utility in proteomics and

peptidomics including a recently reported negative-ion electron capture dissociation (niECD)

Acidic peptides which usually contain PTMs such as phosphorylation or sulfonation are often

difficult to be detected as multiply charged peptides in the positive ion mode As discussed

earlier multiply charged peptides are required for ECDETD fragmentation The fragmentation

of niECD is accomplished by a multiply negatively charged peptide adding an electron The

resulting fragmentation of multiply sulfated and phosphorylated peptide and protein standards

showed no sulfate loss and preserved phosphorylation site The resulting fragmentation pattern

from niECD was also improved in the peptide anions and provides a new strategy for de novo

sequencing with PTM localization241

Conclusions and Perspectives

Proteomics methodologies have produced large datasets of proteins involved in various

biological and disease progression processes Numerous mass spectrometry-based proteomics

and peptidomics tools have been developed and are continuously being improved in both


chromatographic or electrophoretic separation and MS hardware and software However several

important issues that remain to be addressed rely on further technical advances in proteomics

analysis When large proteomes consisting of thousands of proteins are analyzed and quantified

dynamic range is still limited with more abundant proteins being preferentially detected

Development and optimization of chemical tagging reagents that target specific protein classes

maybe necessary to help enrich important signaling proteins and assess cellular and molecular

heterogeneity of the proteome and peptidome Furthermore a significant bottleneck in

usefulness of proteomics research is the ability to validate the results and provide clear

significant biological relevance to the results The idea of P4 medicine242 243

is an attractive

concept where the four Prsquos stand for predictive preventive personalized and participatory

Proteomics is one of the critical ldquoomicsrdquo fields and has led to the development of enabling

innovative strategies to P4 medicine244

A goal of P4 medicine is to assess both early disease

detection and disease progression in a person A simplified example of how proteomics fits into

P4 medicine is that certain brain-specific proteins could be used for diagnosis with

presymptomatic prion disease244

The concept of proteomic experiments providing an individual

biomarker is becoming more obsolete with the revised vision being a biomolecular barcode that

could potentially be ldquoscannedrdquo or be a fingerprint for a specific disease or early onset to that

disease being closer to reality An excellent review on what biomarker analysis can do for true

patients is available245

Proteomics can also generate new hypothesis that can be tested by classical biochemical

approaches If a disease has an unknown pathogenesis proteomics is a good starting point to try

to assemble putative markers that can lead to further hypothesis for evaluation If a particular

protein or PTM is associated with a disease state either qualitatively or quantitatively potential


treatments could target that protein of interest or investigators could monitor that protein or

PTM during potential treatments of the disease Proteomics has expanded greatly over the last

few decades with the goal of providing revealing insights to some of the most complex

biological problems currently facing the scientific community


Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by the University of Wisconsin Graduate

School Wisconsin Alzheimerrsquos Disease Research Center Pilot Grant and a Department of

Defense Pilot Award LL acknowledges an H I Romnes Faculty Fellowship


Figure 1 A summary of general workflows of biomarker discovery pipeline by MS-based

proteomic approaches

Biological sample (CSF blood urine saliva cell

lysate tissue homogenates secreted proteins etc)

Protein extraction Sample pretreatment



Identification of


expressed proteins

Protein identification

Potential biomarkers

Biomarker validation

- Antibody based immunoassays


Quantitative analysis

- Isotope labeling

- Label free

Identification and

localization of

differentially expressed


Intact tissue

Sample preparation Slice frozen tissues

thaw-mounted on plate

Apply Matrix


Figure 2 Tissue expression and dynamic range of the human plasma proteome A pie chart

representing the tissue of origin for the high abundance proteins shows that the majority of

proteins come from the liver (A) Conversely the lower abundance plasma proteins have a much

more diverse tissue of origin (B and C) The large dynamic range of plasma proteins is presented

and the proteins can be grouped into three categories (classical plasma proteins tissue leakage

products interleukinscytokines) (D) Adapted from Zhang et al11

and Schiess et al246





Table 1 A summary of the common strategies applied to MS-based quantitative proteomic


Gel based Stable isotope labeling Label free


2D-DIGE 110

In vitro derivatization




ICAT 156

TMT 159

iTRAQ 158

Formaldehyde 247

ICPL 248

In vivo metabolic labeling





AUC measurement 169 172

Spectral counting 173

AUC Area Under Curve ICAT Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag TMT Tandem Mass Tags iTRAQ Isobaric Tags for

Relative and Absolute Quantification ICPL Isotope Coded Protein Labeling SILAC Stable Isotope Labeling by

Amino Acids in Cell Culture Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification (iTRAQ)



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248 Schmidt A Kellermann J Lottspeich F A novel strategy for quantitative proteomics

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249 Wang Y K Ma Z Quinn D F Fu E W Inverse 15

N-metabolic labelingmass

spectrometry for comparative proteomics and rapid identification of protein markerstargets

Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 2002 16 (14) 1389-97


Chapter 3

Protein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic

mouse models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometry

Adapted from ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse

models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P

Messing A Li L Submitted



Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a low protein content biological fluid with dynamic range

spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in direct contact with the

brain A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment was performed to enhance analysis of the

low volumes of CSF that are obtainable from mice As a model system in which to test this

approach we utilized transgenic mice that over-express the intermediate filament glial fibrillary

acidic protein (GFAP) These mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we report the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates were performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in

mass spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation was performed using distributive normalized

spectral abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins

with significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice has been identified with validation

from ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD



Alexander disease (AxD) is a fatal neurogenetic disorder caused by heterozygous point

mutations in the coding region of GFAP (encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein)1 The hallmark

diagnostic feature of this disease is the accumulation of astrocytic cytoplasmic inclusions known

as Rosenthal fibers containing GFAP Hsp27 αB-crystallin and other components2-5


several potential treatment strategies6-8

are under investigation clinical trial design is hampered

by the absence of a standardized clinical scoring system or means to quantify lesions in MRI

that could serve to monitor severity and progression of disease One solution to this problem

would be the identification of biomarkers in readily sampled body fluids as indirect indicators of


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy site for brain or spinal

cord in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system The protein composition of CSF is

well defined at least for the most abundant species of proteins and numerous studies exist that

characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in various diseases9 10

GFAP itself is present in CSF (albeit at much lower levels than in brain parenchyma) and in one

study of three Alexander disease patients its levels were markedly increased11

Whether an

increase in CSF GFAP will be a consistent finding in Alexander disease or whether other useful

biomarkers for this disease could be identified through an unbiased analysis of the CSF

proteome is not yet known

The rarity of Alexander disease makes analysis of human samples difficult However

mouse models exist that replicate key features of the disease such as formation of Rosenthal

fibers Unfortunately mouse CSF poses particular problems for proteomic studies and there is


an urgent need for technical improvements for dealing with this fluid For instance collection

from an adult mouse typically yields ~10 μL of CSF often with some contamination by blood12

To further complicate analysis CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL) with

over 60 of the total protein content consisting of a single protein albumin13 14

A number of

techniques have been developed to remove albumin from biological samples including Cibacron


IgG immunodepletion16

and IgY immunodepletion17-19

IgY which is avian in origin

offers reduced non-specific binding and increased avidity when compared to IgG antibodies from

rabbits goats and mice20-23

One widely used IgY cocktail is IgY-14 which contains fourteen

specific antibodies specific for albumin IgG transferrin fibrinogen α1-antitrypsin IgA IgM

α2-macroglobulin haptoglobin apolipoproteins A-I A-II and B complement C3 and α1-acid

glycoprotein Since existing protocols for IgY-14 depletion are optimized for use with large

volumes of serum new protocols must be developed to permit its use with the low volumes of a

low protein fluid represented by mouse CSF

Various improvements have also taken place in the field of proteomic analysis that could

facilitate analysis of mouse CSF Data dependent tandem mass spectrometry followed by

quantification of proteins is used in standard shotgun proteomics24-29

Several methods now exist

for introducing quantitation into mass spectrometry including stable isotope labeling30-32

isobaric tandem mass tags33 34

and spectral counting35 36

Spectral counting which is a

frequency measurement that uses MSMS counts of identified peptides as the metric to enable

protein quantitation is attractive because it is label-free and requires no additional sample

preparation Finally recent advances in spectral counting has produced a data refinement

strategy termed normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF)37 38

and further developed into

distributive NSAF (dNSAF) to address issues with peptides shared by multiple proteins39


To identify potential biomarkers in AxD we report a novel scaled-down version of IgY

antibody depletion strategy to reduce the complexity and remove high abundance proteins in

mouse CSF samples The generated spectral counts data were then subjected to dNSAF natural

log data transformation and t-test analysis to determine which proteins differ in abundance when

comparing GFAP transgenics and controls with multiple biological and technical replicates



Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) urea (gt99) sodium chloride (997) and ammonium

bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water

(182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS

grade acetonitrile and water were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-

Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified trypsin were purchased from Promega

(Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from Fluka (Buchs Switzerland)

Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris ge999 ) ammonium formate

(ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-14 antibodies were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich

(Saint Louis MO)


Transgenic mice over-expressing the human GFAP gene (Tg737 line) were maintained

as hemizygotes in the FVBN background and genotyped via PCR on DNA prepared from tail

samples as described previously40

The mice were housed on a 14-10 light-dark cycle with ad

libitum access to food and water All procedures were conducted using protocols approved by

the UW-Madison IACUC


CSF collection

CSF was collected from mice as described previously12

Briefly mice were anesthetized

with avertin (400-600 mgkg ip) A midline sagittal incision was made over the dorsal aspect

of the hindbrain and three muscle layers carefully peeled back to expose the cisterna magna The

membrane covering the cisterna magna was pierced with a 30 gauge needle and CSF was

collected immediately using a flexible plastic pipette Approximately ten microliters of CSF was

collected per animal All samples used for MS analysis showed no visible contamination of


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

A sandwich ELISA was used to quantify GFAP8 Briefly a microtiter plate was coated

with a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies (Covance SMI-26R) Plates were blocked with 5

milk before addition of sample or standards diluted in PBS with Triton-X and BSA A rabbit

polyclonal antibody (DAKO Z334) was used to detect the GFAP followed by a peroxidase

conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (Sigma A6154) secondary antibody The peroxidase activity

was detected with SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (PIERCE) and

quantified with a GloRunner Microplate Luminometer Values below the biological limit of

detection (16ngL) were given the value 16ngL before multiplying by the dilution factor

Immunodepletion of abundant proteins

Currently there are no commercial immunodepletion products available for use with CSF

and to address the low protein content of this fluid (~04 microgmicroL) Therefore 100 microL of

purchased IgY-14 resin was coupled with a Pierce Spin Cup using a paper filter from Thermo

Scientific (Waltham MA) CSF samples from either transgenics or controls were first pooled to

100 microL and then added to 100 microL of 20 mM Tris-HCl 300 mM pH 74 (2x dilution buffer) and


allowed to mix with the custom IgY-14 depletion spin column on an end-over-end rotor for 30

minutes at 4oC The sample was then centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds with an Eppendorf

Centrifuge 5415D (Hamburg Germany) The antibodies were then washed with 50 microL 1x

dilution buffer vortexed for 5 minutes centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds and the flow through

was collected for tryptic digestion The antibodies were then stripped of the bound proteins with

four 025 mL washes of 01 M glycine pH 25 neutralized with two 025 mL washes of 01 M

Tris-HCl pH 80 and washed once with 025mL of 1x dilution buffer The immunodepletion

protocol was repeated for each transgenic or control pooled 100 microL sample (N=3)

Preparation of tryptic digests

The immunodepleted pooled mouse CSF samples (200 microL total volume) were

concentrated to 10 microL using a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA)

To each sample 8 microL of 133 M urea and 1 microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to

incubate at 37oC for one hour After incubation 27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for

carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15 minutes in the dark To

quench the IAA 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react for 10 minutes To

perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg

trypsin which had previously been dissolved in 50 mM acetic acid at a concentration of 05

microgmicroL Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10

formic acid The tryptic peptides were then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Varian

Omix Tip C18 100 microL (Palo Alto CA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic

acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30 microL H2O in 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation


The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto an Agilent

Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5x03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow

rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm

Atlantis dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B

at 250 nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition


range of 300-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot41

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt mus musculus

(house mouse) database (version 575) False positive analyses42

were calculated using an

automatic decoy option of Mascot Results from the Mascot results were reported using

Proteinscape 21 and technical replicates were combined and reported as a protein compilation

using ProteinExtractor (Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed cleavages 2 enzyme

trypsin variable modifications carboxymethylation (C) and oxidation (M) peptide tolerance

plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap

Reported proteins required a minimum of one peptide with a Mascot score ge300 with bold red

characterization Spectral counts were determined from the number of MSMS spectra identified

from accepted proteins A bold red peptide combines a bold peptide which represents the first

query result from a submitted MSMS spectrum with the red peptide which indicates the top

peptide for the identified protein Requiring one bold red peptide assists in removal of

homologous redundant proteins and further improves protein results In addition requiring one


peptide to be identified by a score gt300 removes the ability for proteins to be identified by

multiple low Mascot scoring peptides

Each immunodepleted biological replicate had technical triplicates performed and the

technical triplicates were summed together by ProteinExtractor Peptide spectral counts were

then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis Details for this method can be

found elsewhere37 39

but briefly peptide spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on

unique peptides and a weighted distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins

ProteinScape removed 83 homologous proteins found in the current study to bring the total

number of proteins identified to 266 but some non-unique homologous peptides which are

shared by multiple proteins are still present in the resulting 266 remaining proteins To address

these non-unique homologous peptides distributive spectral counting was performed as

described elsewhere39

The dSpC is divided by the proteinrsquos length (L) and then divided by the

summation of the dSpCL from all proteins in the experiment (N) to produce each proteinrsquos

specific dNSAF value










The resulting data were then transformed by taking the natural log of the dNSAF value The

means for each protein were calculated using the ln(dNSAF) from N=3 biological replicates and

the whole data set was subjected to the Shapiro-Wilk test for normalityGaussian distribution

performed on the software PAST (Version 198 University of Oslo Norway Osla) The

Shapiro-Wilk test was repeated multiple times to determine a non-zero value for zero spectral


counts A non-zero value is required to alleviate the errors of dividing by zero which was

experimentally determined to be 043 The Gaussian data were then subjected to the t-test to

identify statistically significant changes in protein expression


General workflow

Individual CSF samples were manually inspected and samples were only selected that

showed no visual blood contamination Preliminary experiments showed that the maximum

degree of blood contamination estimated from counts of red blood cells in the CSF that was not

visible to the eye was less than 005 by total mass Approximately 10 individual mouse CSF

samples were pooled to achieve the desired 100 μL volume for a single biological replicate The

CSF samples were IgY immunodepleted followed by digestion with trypsin The resulting

digested samples were then de-salted concentrated reconstituted in 30 μL of 01 formic acid

and 5 μL was loaded onto a reversed phase nanoflow HPLC column subjected to a 90 minute

gradient and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer The workflow for

mouse CSF analysis is shown in Figure 1 The remainder of the desalted sample was saved for

technical replicates

Immunodepletion for CSF

Currently there are no immunodepletion techniques specifically designed for CSF

Nonetheless the protein profiles between CSF and serum are similar enough to use currently

available immunodepletion techniques designed for serum as a starting point The smallest

commercially available IgY-14 immunodepletion kit is for 15 μL of serum which is equivalent in

protein content to ~15 mL of CSF Therefore for 100 μL CSF one fifteenth of the total IgY-14


beads would be used for the equivalent immunodepletion which is 66 μL of proprietary bead

slurry The potential for irreversible binding of abundant proteins to their respective IgY

antibody even after an extra stripping wash and low amounts of total beads made using 66 μL

of IgY-14 bead slurry unrealistic In practice almost doubling the amount of IgY-14 beads (100

μL) used was not sufficient and resulted in albumin and transferrin peptides to be observed in

high abundance (data not shown) The most important protein to immunodeplete is albumin and

it has been reported to be a greater percentage of total CSF protein content (~60) than serum

(~49) in humans14

The difference in albumin percentage supports the results that proprietary

blends of immunodepletion beads for high abundance proteins such as albumin cannot be

scaled down on a strict protein scale and further modifications to the serum immunodepletion

protocol need to be made

Since IgY-14 beads were developed for use with serum all of its protocols need to be

taken into account to modify the protocol for CSF Serum samples should be diluted fifty times

before mixing with the IgY-14 beads but CSF protein concentration is at least one hundred times

lower than serum Therefore CSF is below half the recommended diluted protein concentration

for IgY immunodepletion Consequently multiple steps have been devised to address this

limitation First the binding time between the proteins targeted for removal from the CSF and

IgY-14 beads was doubled during the end-over-end rotor depletion step from the recommended

15 minutes to 30 minutes Second to prevent non-specific protein binding to the antibodies the

CSF samples were diluted with an equal amount (100 μL) of 2X dilution buffer The dilution

buffer of NaCl and Tris-HCl was needed to assist in reducing non-specific binding of proteins to

the 14 antibodies and ensuring the sample is held at physiological pH In addition to these

modifications a doubling of the starting IgY-14 bead slurry to 200 μL provided the desired


results Overall this modified protocol results in effective depletion of CSF abundant proteins

using only one-fifth of the antibodies provided by the smallest commercially available platform

Data Analysis

Spectral counting technique for relative quantitation provides numerous benefits for the

study of mouse CSF due to its label-free advantage In contrast isotopic labeling method often

involves additional sample processing that could cause sample loss which is highly undesirable

for low protein content and low volume samples Labeling methods also require a mixing of two

sets of isotopically labeled samples which would effectively increase the sample complexity and

reduce the amount of sample that can be loaded onto the nanoLC column by half In addition

more than two sets of samples can be compared by label-free methods The use of label-free

spectral counting method does not lead to an increase in sample complexity or interference in

quantitation from peptides in the mz window selected for tandem MS Using spectral counting

for relative quantitation however is dependent on reproducible HPLC separation and careful

mass spectrometry operation to minimize technical variability during the study To address

concerns of analytical reliability and run to run deviations base peak chromatograms from two

transgenic IgY-14 immunodepleted biological replicates including two technical replicates of

each were shown to be highly reproducible (Figure 2)

Each biological sample was analyzed in triplicate with the same protocols on the amaZon

ETD with three control and three transgenic samples From the three technical replicates for

each biological replicate the spectral counts of the peptides for the proteins identified were

summed The results from these mouse CSF biological triplicates are shown in Figure 3A for

GFAP overexpressor and Figure 3B for control The summation of spectral counts for each

biological replicate was performed to remove the inherent bias related to data dependent analysis


for protein identification One concern in grouping technical replicates is a potential loss of

information regarding analytical variability Figure 4 provides a graphical representation of

variability of technical replicates illustrating the standard deviation of technical replicates with

error bars Figure 4 shows that a statistically changed protein creatine kinase M (A) and an

unchanged protein kininogen-1 (B) have similar variability within (technical replicates) and

between samples (biological replicates) for each protein In addition Figure 4B illustrates that

even with the variability of kininogen-1 the resulting mean shown by the dashed line of control

and transgenic samples were almost equal whereas Figure 4A shows significantly different

expression level of creatine kinase M Performing replicate analysis of each biological sample

(n=3) helps correct for systematic errors deriving from sample handling and pooling of samples

helps reduce random error during the CSF sample collection process

Protein Identification and Spectral Counting Analysis

The data for dNSAF analysis like any mass spectrometry proteomics experiment

requires multiple layers of verification to ensure reliable data Our initial protein identifications

were subjected to a database search using a decoy database from Mascot which resulted in an

average false positive rate below 1 for all the experimental data collected Representative

MSMS spectra between control and GFAP transgenic samples are illustrated in Figure 5

Overall 266 proteins were identified in a combination of control and transgenic samples

(Supplemental Table 1) A total of 349 proteins were initially identified but 83 proteins were

isoforms of previously identified proteins and automatically excluded by ProteinExtractor The

next level of quality control was to only include ln(dNSAF) values from proteins identified by 2

or more unique peptides having a Mascot score of ge300 and observed in two out of three

biological replicates These selection parameters resulted in 106 proteins remaining after


dNSAF analysis (Supplemental Table 2) The resulting spectral counts were then subjected to

dSpC in order to account and correct for the systematic error of peptides shared by multiple

proteins (Supplemental Table 3)

It is inevitable in large scale and complex proteomics experiments that some proteins will

be seen in some samples and not others In addition when controls were compared to transgenic

samples as shown in Figure 3C 127 proteins were unique to either control or GFAP transgenic

mice and 139 proteins were seen in both samples From dNSAF equation if the spectral count

is zero the numerator is zero and the value will not be normalized between runs In order to

circumvent the zero spectral counts in dNSAF analysis zero spectral counts must be replaced by

an experimentally determined non-zero value determined to be 043 The 043 spectral counts

for zero spectral counts was calculated by serial Shapiro-Wilk tests to determine the lowest value

(043) for zero spectral counts and maintain a Gaussian distribution for all data sets The 043

value for zero spectral counts in the current study was higher than the 016 reported value for

zero spectral counts in the original NSAF spectral counting study37

Our study may have a

higher zero spectral count value than the previous study because the spectral counting data were

an addition of three technical replicates and three times 016 is close to 043 The normalized

Gaussian data were then subjected to t-test analysis and P-values below 005 are considered as

statistically significant and are presented in Table 1 The proteins with significant up or down

regulation from Table 1 can be further evaluated as how close significant proteins were to a p-

value of 005 such as ganglioside GM2 activator serine protease inhibitor A3N and collagen

alpha-2(I) chain having t-test scores of 0045 0047 and 0043 respectively Proteins exhibiting

a P-value close to 005 were more likely to be highly variable proteins or have smaller fold

changes between control and transgenic samples and thus provide less biological relevancy to


future studies The modest change in antithrobin-III which is reduced by 14-fold in transgenic

is included due a low pooled standard deviation in spectral counts

Spectral counting has been analyzed with fold changes derived directly from the average

spectral counts from the technical replicates and then the average of the three biological

replicates We decided to perform additional analysis using fold changes to dig deeper into

proteins that statistically support the null hypothesis from the dNSAF analysis To only pull out

highly confident protein identifications we used the same strict cut-off of two unique peptides

identified per protein as in dNSAF analysis We only accepted proteins with greater than three-

fold change in total spectral counts listed in Table 2 Two proteins contactin-1 (cntn1) and

cathepsin B (CB) illustrate the potential biomarkers missed by dNSAF analysis Cntn1 had zero

spectral count in the transgenic sample and had an average spectral count of 41 in control

samples The lack of any spectral counts in one biological control for cntn1 resulted in a large

standard deviation in the ln(dNSAF) means for the control which resulted in the t-test supporting

the null hypothesis Another example is CB which was detected by numerous spectral counts in

every GFAP transgenic biological replicate with an average spectral count of 97 (Table 2) The

presence of CB in one biological control sample (23 average spectral counts) resulted in a high

standard deviation in the mean of the control samples These examples exhibit a limitation of

dNSAF analysis which could cause a loss of potentially useful information

Previously Identified Proteins with Expression Changes

Previously three proteins have been described as increased in CSF from individual(s)

suffering from AxD In one study a single patientrsquos CSF was found to have elevated levels of

αβ-crystallin and HSP2744

In a second study three patients were reported to have elevated

levels of GFAP with concentrations from 4760 ngL to 30000 ngL (compared to lt175 ngL for



GFAP was detected in our current study however the other two proteins were not

detected One possibility is that αB-crystallin and Hsp-27 levels in mouse CSF are too low for

detection by MS analysis In addition while the transgenic mice display the hallmark

pathological feature of AxD in the form of Rosenthal fibers they do not have any evident

leukodystrophy and thus may not display the full range of changes in CSF as might be found in

human patients

Creatine Kinase M

Creatine kinase M (M-CK) is a 43 kDa protein whose role is to reversibly catalyze

phosphate transfer between ATP and energy storage compounds M-CK has been primarily

found in muscle tissue and for humans creatine kinase M is diagnostically analyzed in the blood

for myocardial infarction (heart attack) In addition M-CK is also found in Purkinje neurons of

the cerebellum45 46

A related protein creatine kinase B (B-CK) also exhibited an apparent 21

fold increase in transgenic CSF over control but this difference was not statistically different

B-CK concentration is known to be elevated in CSF following head trauma47

or cerebral


but decreased in astrocytes in individuals affected by multiple sclerosis49


The data showed multiple cathepsins were up regulated in the CSF of transgenic mice

when compared to control mice The up regulated cathepsins were S L1 and B isoforms which

are all cysteine proteases Cathepsin S (CS) was never observed in control samples but

observed with an average of 73 spectral counts per analysis Cathepsin L1 (CL1) was up

regulated by 94 times in transgenic mice These two cathepsins exhibited significant changes

using dNSAF and t-test statistics as shown in Table 1 and Cathepsin B (CB) showed a 42 fold

increase in transgenic CSF as shown in Table 2


Cathepsins regulate apoptosis in cells50

which is the major mechanism for elimination of

cells deemed by the organism to be dangerous damaged or expendable CL and CB are

redundant in the system as thiol proteases and inhibition of CB by CA-047 causes a diminished

apoptosis response in multiple cell lines51

Intriguingly increased levels of CB or CL are

correlated with poor prognosis for cancer patients and shorter disease-free intervals It is

believed that these proteases degrade the extracellular membrane which allows tumor cells to

invade adjacent tissue and metastasize52

With regards to AxD the up regulation of these

cathepsins may be indicative of the bodyrsquos natural defense and response to Rosenthal fibers

Thus stimulation of these cathepsins may provide a further protective stress response but the

positive correlation between these proteases and cancer highlights the multiple roles of these

proteins in pathological response Alternatively it has been shown that increased CB is involved

with the tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) induced apoptosis cascade53

The activation of the

TNFα could produce oligodendrocyte toxicity54

with the expression of TNFα being elevated in

tissue samples from mouse models and AxD patients55

The potential for a positive or a negative

effect in increasing or decreasing cathepsins warrant future research with cathepsins and AxD


Contactin-1 (Cntn1) is a 133 kDa cell surface protein that is highly glycosylated and

belongs to a family of immunoglobulin domain-containing cell adhesion molecues56

Table 2

shows that Cntn1 is down regulated in transgenic mice since spectral counts were only observed

in control mice Cntn1 is expressed in neurons and oligodendrocytes and higher levels were

observed during brain development57

In addition Cntn1 leads to activation of Notch1 which

mediates differentiation and maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) Although the

mechanism leading to a reduction of Cntn1 in CSF is not known it may reflect a change in


astrocyte interactions with either neurons or oligodendrocytes to alter their expression of this


Validation of putative biomarkers and MS proteomics data using ELISA and RNA

microarray data

To further validate the relative protein expression data obtained via MS-based spectral

counting techniques orthogonal immunological and molecular biological approaches have been

examined As GFAP was shown to be elevated in the CSF of transgenic animals we used a

well-defined GFAP ELISA protocol to test its CSF concentration CSF from 8 week old male

mice was collected from both transgenic and control animals Five samples of transgenic CSF

was prepared by pooling four to eight animals for the GFAP ELISA In the case of controls

each sample represents a single animal GFAP concentrations observed by both the MS and

ELISA showed significant increases of GFAP in the CSF when comparing transgenic to control


Another validation of MS spectral counts is observed in a microarray analysis performed

on transgenic mouse olfactory bulb tissue 55

In this paper nine of the proteins found by MS

showed similar gene expression in the microarray (Table 3) It is not surprising that all the genes

observed in the microarray are not the same as the proteins observed by MS analysis Gene

expression and protein synthesis and expression are not always correlated but the similarities

and overlapping trends observed with these two assays are encouraging As shown in Table 3

gene expression analysis also revealed the up regulation of several cathepsin proteins GFAP

and down regulation of contactin-1 in CSF collected from transgenic mice corroborating the

MS-based proteomics results



In this study we have produced a panel of proteins with significant up or down regulation

in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice This mouse model for AxD was consistent

with the previous studies showing elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified

IgY-14 immunodepletion technique for low amounts of CSF was presented This improved

protocol is useful for future investigations to deal with the unique challenges of mouse CSF

analysis Modified proteomics protocols were employed to profile mouse CSF with biological

and technical triplicates addressing the variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF

spectral counting Validation of the MS-based proteomics data were performed using both

ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide further confidence in the changes in the putative

protein biomarkers This study presents three classes of interesting targets for future study in

AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1



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5 Head M W Goldman J E Small heat shock proteins the cytoskeleton and inclusion

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6 Messing A Daniels C M Hagemann T L Strategies for treatment in alexander

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7 Tang G Yue Z Talloczy Z Hagemann T Cho W Messing A Sulzer D L

Goldman J E Autophagy induced by Alexander disease-mutant GFAP accumulation is

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Table 1 Statistically changed proteins between transgenic and control mouse CSF using

dNSAF analysis

Accession Protein Pa SC

b Fold






KCRM_MOUSE Creatine kinase M-type 0034 425 30 182 541

HEXB_MOUSE Βeta-hexosaminidase subunit β 0012 183 uarr 0 59

CMGA_MOUSE Chromogranin-A 000078 153 darr 44 0

ANT3_MOUSE Antithrombin-III 0017 176 -14 67 47

SAP3_MOUSE Ganglioside GM2 activator 0045 415 darr 28 0

SPA3N_MOUSE Serine protease inhibitor A3N 0047 170 42 10 42

CO1A2_MOUSE Collagen alpha-2(I) chain 0043 56 darr 19 0

BLVRB_MOUSE Flavin reductase 00054 204 uarr 0 12

CATS_MOUSE Cathepsin S 00032 232 uarr 0 73

GFAP_MOUSE Glial fibrillary acidic protein 0021 107 uarr 0 21

RET4_MOUSE Retinol-binding protein 4 0040 189 darr 13 0

CBPE_MOUSE Carboxypeptidase E 0043 139 darr 11 0

CATL1_MOUSE Cathepsin L1 0015 87 94 02 19

The statistics are performed using the t-test from the ln(dNSAF) Gaussian data

a P p-value of the t-test where the null hypothesis states that there was no change in expression between

control and transgenic GFAP overexpressor b SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from

sequenced tryptic peptides c Fold Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF

negative values are fold changes for control CSF (ie down-regulated in transgenic CSF) uarr indicates the protein

was only detected in transgenic CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF d dSpC

distributive spectral counts which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass

spectrometer and corrected using distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 2 Proteins showing greater than three-fold changes with at least two unique

peptides identified for each protein

Accession Protein SC ()a Fold

Change b


dSpC c


dSpC c

MUG1_MOUSE Murinoglobulin-1 precursor 147 42 155 37

CO4B_MOUSE Complement C4-B 113 54 22 118

PRDX6_MOUSE Peroxiredoxin-6 576 46 14 64

CNTN1_MOUSE Contactin-1 65 darr 41 0

CATB_MOUSE Cathepsin B 263 42 23 97

CAH3_MOUSE Carbonic anhydrase 3 396 76 11 84

APOH_MOUSE Beta-2-glycoprotein 1 128 44 44 1

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

PGK1_MOUSE Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 355 36 17 61

NDKB_MOUSE Nucleoside diphosphate kinase B 408 34 13 44


Four and a half LIM domains

protein 1 243 39 13 51


Protein kinase C-binding protein

NELL2 45 -43 13 03


Malate dehydrogenase

mitochondrial 385 41 12 49

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

a SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from sequenced tryptic peptides b Fold

Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF negative values are fold changes for

control CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF c dSpC distributive spectral counts

which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass spectrometer and corrected using

distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 3 Validation of changes in proteins revealed by MS-based spectral counting

consistent with previously published microarray data

Consistent changes in RNA and proteomic data

uarr regulated in transgenic darr regulated in transgenic

Cathepsin S Contactin-1

Cathepsin B Carboxypeptidase E

Cathepsin L1


Complement C4-B

Glial fibrillary acidic protein

Serine protease inhibitor A3N

Note Validation of putative biomarkers from the current proteomics dataset by previously

published RNA microarray data55

Both up and down regulated proteins were consistent with the

RNA microarray data




SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Available upon request)

Table S1 Compilation list of proteins identified from all the control and transgenic biological


Table S2 Distributive spectral counting calculations performed for proteins observed to share

identified peptides

Table S3 Proteins with dNSAF spectral counting performed including t-test analysis for a

comparison between transgenic and control CSF



Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection sample

processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of mouse CSF samples

Figure 2 Assessment of run to run variability of the base peak chromatograms within and

between two biological and technical replicates The peak profile and intensity scale is

consistent between the four chromatograms The four panels show two biological replicates (Tg

4 and Tg5) with two technical replicates for each biological sample

Figure 3 A Venn-diagram of the biological triplicates (1 2 and 3) of transgenic mouse

CSF showing 78 proteins identified in all three experiments B Venn-diagram of the biological

triplicates (1 2 and 3) of control mouse CSF having 61 proteins identified by all three

replicates C The overlap between control and transgenic CSF proteomic analysis showing 139

proteins identified by both groups and 73 and 54 uniquely identified by respective groups

Figure 4 Assessment of technical replicate variability between biological replicates The error

bars in both A and B are the standard deviation derived from the technical triplicates for each

biological replicate Panel A shows creatine kinase M having more or equal variability in the

biological triplicates than each technical triplicate The means of the biological triplicates are

illustrated by the dashed line Panel B represents kininogen-1 which is unchanged between

control (Ctl) and transgenic (Tg) samples The biological variability coupled with the technical

replicates provides a barely noticeable difference in the pooled mean between control and


transgenic spectral counts The difference in means is contrasted with the three fold change

observed from creatine kinase M (A)

Figure 5 MSMS profile of the tryptic peptide LSVEALNSLTGEFK from creatine kinase M

(A) The top MSMS is from a control sample with an elution at 463 minutes (B) The bottom

MSMS is from the GFAP transgenic sample with an elution at 46 minutes These tandem MS

spectra show instrument reliability and consistent fragmentation patterns which are necessary for

spectral counting analysis

Figure 6 Validation of MS spectral counts using a GFAP ELISA GFAP content (ngL)

measured within mouse CSF from both transgenic and control animals The data represents the

average with standard deviation (n=5 each sample represents pooling of 1 to 8 animals) The

statistics are performed using a student t-test plt00001


Figure 1


Figure 2




Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 6

Ctl Tg





Mouse CSF Sample







Table of Contents Summary

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was obtained from transgenic mouse models of Alexander disease as

well as healthy controls We immunodepleted pooled CSF from mice by a modified IgY-14

protocol Shotgun proteomics utilizing trypsin digestion 1-D nanoRP separation CID tandem

mass spectrometry analysis Mascot database searching and relative quantitation via distributive

normalized spectral abundance factor resulted in the identification of 266 proteins and 27

putative biomarkers


Chapter 4

Genomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapie

Adapted from ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A

Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



A novel model of prion disease using rats called Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) was

developed with the genomics from brain and proteomics from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profiled

The CSF proteome from control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were

digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase nanoLC coupled to data-

dependent tandem MS acquisition on an ion trap mass spectrometer In total 512 proteins 167

non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique peptides were identified with a 1 false

discovery rate (FDR) Of the proteins identified 21 were statistically up-regulated (plt005) and

7 statistically down-regulated in the RAS CSF We also identified 1048 genes which were

differentially regulated in rat prion disease and upon mapping these changes to mouse gene

expression however only 22 of these genes were in common with mRNAs responding to

prion infection in mice suggesting that the molecular pathology observed in mice may not be

applicable to other species The proteins are compared to the differentially regulated genes as

well as to previously published proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal




Prion diseases are an unusual class of fatal transmissible neurodegenerative disorders

that affect the mammalian central nervous system They are caused by the accumulation of an

abnormal conformation of the normal host encoded cellular prion protein PrPC This

conformational rearrangement of PrPC is brought about by template directed misfolding wherein

seed molecules of the abnormal isoform PrPScrapie


convert PrPC into new PrP

Sc molecules

Scrapie in sheep and goats is the prototypic prion disease and is so named because clinically

affected animals scrape their wool off on pen and stall walls Laboratory investigation of prion

diseases typically relies upon rodents which can be infected with natural isolates of scrapie1

albeit with some difficulty as ovid scrapie isolates need time to adapt to rodents This adaptation

is characteristic of prion disease interspecies transmissions and properly reflects the molecular

adaptation that must occur to allow interaction between exogenous foreign PrPSc

and host PrPC

molecules selecting for conformers which exhibit template directed misfolding In some cases

no conformational solution is found reflecting a species barrier to disease transmission

In recent years advances in genomics and proteomics technologies have allowed

unprecedented examination of the biomolecules that are altered upon exposure to prion agents

These studies2 3

have relied upon analysis of gene and protein expression changes in response to

prion infection with the aim of trying to identify pathways that might underlie the mechanism of

prion-induced neurotoxicity A second important aim has been to identify signature molecules

that might act as surrogate biomarkers for these diseases as there are significant analytical

challenges associated with sensitively detecting and specifically distinguishing disease-induced

conformational changes (PrPSc

) of the prion protein from normal host conformations (PrPC)


Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics has become a promising tool for biomarker

discovery from biological fluids such as CSF blood and urine4-6

Two-dimensional gel

electrophoresis MS (2D-GE MS) and two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE

MS) are the most widely used methods for proteomic profiling of prion infected CSF so far due

to the advantage of ready separation and quantification of proteins in complex biological samples

Studies using 2D-GE MS or 2D-DIGE MS to profile proteins in CSF have led to the

identifications of currently accepted biomarker for sCJD 14-3-3 protein and other potential

biomarkers for prion diseases7-9

However the application of this method in biomarker

discovery is limited by insufficient sensitivity and potential bias against certain classes of

proteins as gel-based separation does not work well for the low abundance proteins very basic

or acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins 10 11

In contrast to 2D-

GE or 2D-DIGE shotgun proteomics employs enzymatic digestion of the protein samples

followed by chromatographic separation prior to introduction into a mass spectrometer for

tandem MS analyses Shotgun proteomics has become increasingly popular in proteomic

research because these methods are reproducible highly automated and have a greater

likelihood of detecting low abundance proteins12 13

Due to the sample complexity in CSF and

because albumin comprises over half of the protein content in CSF removal of high-abundance

proteins including albumin is necessary to improve proteomic coverage and identify low-

abundance proteins One method is IgY immunodepletion14 15

which is performed prior to LC-

MSMS and uses species specific antibodies from chicken yolk to remove abundant proteins in

biological samples such as CSF In the present work CSF from control and rat adapted scrapie

animal models (biological N=5 technical N=3 replicates) were analyzed by LC-MSMS and we


indentified 512 proteins and 167 non-redundant protein isoforms (referred to as protein groups)

with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (p lt 005) and 7 statistically down-regulated

By and large this work has been performed using laboratory mice for the gene

expression studies and human cerebrospinal fluid for proteomics mice do not provide sufficient

volumes of CSF for proteomic studies Both approaches are exceedingly valuable as the mouse

model allows cross-sectional time course experiments to be performed including the important

pre-clinical phase of disease Critically however the relevance and generalizability of mouse

prion responses to other prion diseases especially human disease is unknown Human proteomic

studies on CSF guarantee relevant protein identifications but are limited to the clinical phase of

the disease when apparent markers may reflect gross neurodegeneration covering up subtle but

more specific responses To address these issues we have adapted mouse RML prions into rats

with the aim of expanding the knowledge of prion disease responses addressing the limitations

of mice and opening up the possibility of preclinical proteomic profiling in a laboratory rodent

In the present work CSF samples from control and rat adapted scrapie were analyzed by system

biology approaches Here we show that Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) is a powerful tool for an -

omics based approach to decipher the molecular impact of prion disease in vivo with

applicability to the molecular mechanisms of disease and biomarker discovery We identified

1048 genes which were differentially regulated in rat prion disease Astonishingly on the whole

mouse orthologs of these genes did not change in mouse adapted scrapie and vice versa

questioning the universality of previous mouse gene expression profiles These RAS gene

expression changes were identified in the CSF proteome where we detected 512 proteins and 167

protein groups with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (plt005) and 7 statistically down-


regulated in the CSF of prion diseased rats Many of the proteins detected have previously been

observed in human CSF from CJD patients

Materials and Methods

Ethics Statement

This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations in the NIH Guide for Care

and Use of Laboratory Animals and the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care The

protocols used were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at the

University of Wisconsin and University of Alberta


Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) and ammonium bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from

Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile and water were purchased

from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris

ge999 ) ammonium formate (ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-7 antibodies were

purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Rat Transmission and Adaptation

Prion agents used were the rocky mountain lab RML strain of mouse adapted scrapie

Stetsonville transmissible mink encephalopathy16

(TME) Hyper (Hy) strain of Hamster TME 17

1st passage Skunk adapted TME prepared as described and C from genetically defined



Brains from animals clinically affected with prion disease were aseptically removed and

prepared as 10 wv homogenates in sterile water 50 microL of 10 brain homogenate was

inoculated into weanling wistar rats intracranially After one year of incubation preclinical rats

from RML infections were euthanized by CO2 inhalation and the brain excised homogenized

and re-inoculated into naive animals Subsequent serial passages were from rats clinically

affected with rat adapted scrapie

Brains from rat passages were aseptically removed and bisected sagittally Brain halves

were reserved for immunohistochemistry (IHC) in formalin or frozen for immunoblotting RNA

isolation or subsequent passage For IHC tissues were first fixed in 10 buffered formalin

followed by antigen retrieval at 121 oC 21 bar in 10mM citrate buffer for 2 min After cooling

to room temperature sections were treated with 88 formic acid for 30 min and 4M guanidine

thiocyanate for 2 h Endogenous peroxidases were inactivated by 003 hydrogen peroxide and

tissue was blocked with 1 normal mouse serum Mouse anti-PrP mAB SAF83 (Cayman

Chemical) was biotinylated and applied at a 1250 dilution in blocking buffer overnight at 4 oC

Washes were performed in 10mM PBS with 005 tween-20 Streptavidin-peroxidase

(Invitrogen) was added for Diaminobenzidine (DAB) color reaction Anti-GFAP

immunohistochemistry was performed as above except that formic acid and guanidine treatment

steps were excluded Mouse anti-GFAP mab G-A-5 (Sigma) was used at a 1400 dilution

Brain samples for immunoblot were treated with or without Proteinase K (Roche) at a

ratio of 35 microg PK 100 ug protein at 50 microg mL for 30 minutes at 37 oC Phosphotungstenic acid

enrichments were performed as described14 19

Bis-Tris SDS-PAGE was performed on 12

polyacrylamide gels (Invitrogen) and transferred to PVDF Immunoblotting was performed using


mABs SAF83 (Cayman Chemical) 6H4 (Prionics) or 3F10 (a kind gift from Yong-Sun Kim) all

at a 120000 dilution

Gene Expression Profiling

RNA was extracted from frozen brain halves from clinically affected and control animals with

the QIAshredder and RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen Valencia CA) in accordance with the

manufacturerrsquos recommendations Due to the relatively large mass of rat brain an initial

homogenization was performed with a needle and syringe in 5mL of buffer RLT before further

diluting an aliquot in accordance with the manufacturers protocol Total RNA was amplified and

labeled in preparation for chemical fragmentation and hybridization with the MessageAmp

Premier RNA amplification and labeling kit (Life Technologies Grand Island NY) Amplified

and labeled cRNAs were hybridized on Affymetrix (Santa Clara CA) rat genome 230 20 high

density oligonucleotide arrays in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations

Differentially Expressed Genes were identified using Arraystar 50 (DNAStar Madison WI)

Robust multi-array normalization using the quantile approach was used to normalize all

microarray data A moderated T-test with a multiple comparison adjustment20

was used to reduce

the false discovery rate yet preserve a meaningful number of genes for pathway analysis

Pathway analysis was performed using the DAVID Bioinformatics database21


analysis of genes induced by prions in mouse22

and rat disease was performed on genes

exhibiting at least a 2-fold change in expression Orthologs of rat and mouse genes were

identified using ENSEMBLE biomart release 6823

CSF Proteomic Profiling


CSF was collected from rats anaesthetized with isoflorane via puncture of the cisterna

magna A volume of 100-200 microL was routinely obtained CSF was touch spun for 30s at 2000xg

on a benchtop nano centrifuge to identify any blood contamination by the presence of a red

pellet CSF with blood contamination was not used for proteomic analysis CSF was prepared

for profiling by first depleting abundant proteins with an antibody based immunopartitioning

column IgY-R7 (Sigma-Aldrich Saint Louis MO) The manufacturers recommendations were

followed with a few deviations 40 microg of protein (~100 microL CSF) was bound to 100 microL of IgY

bead slurry in total volume of 600 microL formulated in 150mM ammonium bicarbonate The flow

through was collected and denatured by the addition of 10 microL of 8 M guanidine thiocyanate and

lyophilized in a speed-vac apparatus The sample was then reconstituted in 10 microL of water and 1

microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 30 minutes After incubation

27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to

incubate in the dark for 15 minutes After that 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to

sit at room temperature for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM

NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg trypsin Digestion was performed overnight at

37oC and quenched by addition of 5 microL of 10 formic acid The tryptic peptides were then

subjected to solid phase extraction using an Agilent OMIX Tip C18 100 microL (Santa Clara CA)

Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30

microL H2O with 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of a nanoAcquity (Milford MA) with a 10 microL injection

loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B consisted of

ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto a Waters 5 microm


Symmetry C18 180 microm x 20 mm trap cartridge (Milford MA) at a flow rate of 75 microLmin for 5

minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 17 microm BEH130 C18 75 microm x

100 mm (Milford MA) with a gradient of 5 to 15 B over 10 minutes followed by 15 to

40 B over 80 minutes at room temperature

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with a Bruker CaptiveSpray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Waters Acquity console software to perform MS acquisitions for all experiments Smart

parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap drive level was set at

100 Optimization of the CaptiveSpray source resulted in dry gas temperature of 160oC dry

gas flow of 30 Lmin capillary voltage of -1325 V end plate offset of -500 V MSMS

fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition

range of 350-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis


MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot24

(Version 24 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against a forward and reversed

concatenated SwissProt Rattus rattus Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed

missed cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13


tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap Data was then transformed into Dat file formats

and transferred to ProteoIQ (NuSep Bogart GA) False positive analyses were calculated using

ProteoIQ and set at 1


Development of Rat Adapted Scrapie

To develop a rat adapted strain of prion disease we introduced 6 different prion agents RML

TME Hy Skunk Adapted TME and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) from wild type 96G and

96S deer16-18

into 6 rats (Fig 1) Of these primary transmissions only RML induced the

accumulation of Proteinase K resistant PrP after one year of incubation as determined by western

blotting on 10 brain homogenates and PrPSc

enriched phoshotungstenic acid precipitated brain

homogenates Second passage of rat adapted RML scrapie resulted in clinically affected rats at

565 days post inoculation Serial passages of TME or CWD agents were not performed Clinical

symptoms consisted of ataxia lethargy wasting kyphosis and myoclonus Prion affected rats


also showed low level porphyrin staining around their head Subsequent serial passage decreased

incubation time to 215 days

Proteinase K resistant prion protein was observed from all clinically affected animals both by

immunoblot (Fig 2) and by immunohistochemistry (Fig 3) Di- and mono-glycosylated bands

were the most abundant isoforms of PrPSc


was extensively deposited in the cerebral cortex

hippocampus thalamus inferior colliculus and granular layer of the cerebellum GFAP

expressing activated astrocytes were found throughout the brain particularly in the white matter

of the hippocampus thalamus and cerebellum Spongiform change was a dominant feature of

clinical rat

Gene expression Profiling

In total 1048 genes were differentially regulated within a 95 confidence interval

(Supplementary Table 1) and 305 genes were differentially expressed by greater than 2-fold (Fig

4) The 1048 genes that were statistically significant were used for pathway analysis using

DAVID Pathway analysis suggested that the gene expression profile was consistent with

immune activation and maturation as well as inflammation (Supplementary Table 2) a likely

interpretation given the observable astrocytosis (Fig 3) and gliosis associated with prion disease

Other pathways highlighted by the analysis included increases in transcription of genes involved

in lysosomes and endosomes

To further probe the gene expression data we compared genes which were differentially

expressed in rat adapted scrapie against their orthologs expression in mouse scrapie and vice

versa (Figs 5 and 6) We did not observe a high degree of correlation between expression fold

changes For example GFAP a gene whose up-regulation in prion disease is well known was


increased 25 fold in rat adapted scrapie but up-regulated 93 fold in mouse scrapie A

qualitative analysis of expression of orthologs in prion disease suggests that many genes

deregulated at least 2-fold in mouse or rat do not have orthologs that are differentially expressed

For example the gene RNAseT2 was up-regulated greater than threefold in rat adapted scrapie

but was not significantly up-regulated in mouse Similarly three genes important in metals

homeostatsis metallothionein 1a and 2a and ceruloplasmin were up-regulated in rat 46 43 and

3 fold respectively but were not differentially expressed in mouse prion disease

CSF Proteomics

Each immunodepleted biological replicate (N=5 for each control and RAS) had technical

triplicates performed The triplicates were summed together using ProteoIQ Peptide spectral

counts were then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis using ProteoIQ

internal algorithms Details for this method can be found elsewhere25 26

but briefly peptide

spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on unique peptides and a weighted

distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins T-tests were used to identify

significant changes in protein expression 1032 unique peptides which identify 512 proteins and

167 protein groups were found Of these 512 proteins 437 were identified in both RAS and

control CSF samples (Fig 7) The complete list of all 512 proteins can be viewed in

Supplemental Table 3 Using the ProteoIQ the most likely isoform was selected such as 14-3-3

protein gamma

From Table 1 we observe five proteins that agree with the genomic data for up

regulations in RAS granulin macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor cathepsin D

complement factor H and ribonuclease T2 In addition serine protease inhibitor A3N was not


detected as up regulated in the RAS genomic data but was found to be up-regulated in previous

genomic profiling of the mouse prion model22

One interesting trend from the data in Table 1 is

that the majority of proteins found to be up-regulated in the RAS model were not detected in the

control samples The absence of the detection of those proteins such as ribonuclease T2 in the

control CSF does not necessarily suggest the absence of the protein nonetheless it is below the

detection limits for this current proteomics protocol and instrumentation


Mice have been the preferred laboratory rodent for prion diseases research because they

can be inexpensively housed and are amenable to transgenesis which allows for short incubation

periods as well as hypothesis testing upon targeted pathways Pursuant to the determination of

the mouse genome and the development of high density transcriptional arrays for measurements

of gene expression profiling mice have been used extensively to examine the molecular

pathology of prion disease probing the impact of disease and animal strain In order to expand

upon this foundation we adapted mouse prions to infect rats We reasoned that by taking a

comparative approach to the molecular pathology of prion disease inferences could be obtained

into the variability of the molecular response to prion diseases and that understanding this

variability might suggest whether human prion disease responses are more or less similar to

mouse responses A second rationale is the desire to identify surrogate markers of prion disease

While this approach has been taken before using gene expression profiling a more direct

approach has been to use proteomic approaches on cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) identifying

proteins that are increase in abundance with disease A rat prion disease is valuable for this

because the rat proteome is established and rats allow for the collection of relatively large

volumes of CSF (~100 microL per animal) which allows for robust analytical separations enhancing


detection of biomarkers Finally rats unlike humans can be used in a time course study of prion

disease This allows for the identification of early transcriptional and proteomic responses to

prion infection responses which are particularly valuable for the identification of surrogate

disease biomarkers

To initiate the development of a rat prion disease we attempted to adapt six different

prion disease agents PrPres

molecules to rat via intracranial inoculation of weanling animals

(Figure 1) Of these six agents only mouse RML prions were able to surmount the species

barrier to prion disease transmission Mouse PrP differs from rat by eight amino acid changes

six in the mature protein and four in the N-terminal octa-peptide repeat region (Supplementary

Fig 1) As rat shares the most prion protein sequence homology with mouse it is perhaps not

surprising that it transmitted whereas the other did not confirming that the primary prion protein

sequence is the most important determinant for interspecies transmission We conclude that there

is a large molecular species barrier preventing conversion of rat PrPc into PrP


The transmission of mouse RML into rats was characterized by a shortening of the

incubation period following each passage This is indicative of agent adaption to the new host

and increases in the titer present in end-stage brain Overall our adaptation of mouse prion

disease into rats resulted in a similar agent to that observed by Kimberlin27

The differences in

incubation period at second passage are largely due to our collecting the animals at 365 days post

inoculation upon first passage whereas Kimberlin and Walker allowed the first passage animals

to reach end-stage clinical rats

Rat adapted scrapie is in many ways similar to other prion diseases The clinical period of

disease is marked by a progressive neurological dysfunction with prominent ataxia kyphosis and


wasting The protease resistant PrP observed is typical as is the widespread deposition of PrPSc


the brain Spongiosis and reactive astrogliosis are as expected of a prion disease

Gene expression profiles from rats clinically affected with prion disease revealed a strong

neuronal inflammation associated with proliferated and activated astrocytes This is perhaps best

observed through the up-regulation of GFAP GFAP positive astrocytes were omnipresent

throughout the brain and GFAP mRNA was up-regulated 25 fold The up-regulation of GFAP is

a hallmark of the molecular response to prion infection and has been routinely observed Our

comparative analysis of gene expression changes in mouse RML versus rat adapted scrapie

suggest substantial differences in gene expression in response to prion disease despite the fact

that the overall response is neuro-inflammatory This suggests that the potential overlap between

mouse expression profiles and a putative human CJD expression profile could be quite different

at the level of individual transcripts that might be expected to be changed

CSF Proteomics

CSF proteomics can be exceedingly challenging due to the small sample available large

dynamic range in proteins and abundant proteins limiting sample loading onto nanoscale

columns Dynamic range reduction in the CSF sample was achieved using a custom amount of

IgY-7 antibodies to abundant proteins such as albumin After immunodepletion the total

protein content was reduced by ~90 limiting the proteomics analysis to one dimensional

separation Label free quantitation spectral counting was performed because it requires less

protein and does not increase sample complexity The proteins identified from the affected and

control N=5 are shown in Supplemental Table 2 Consistent detection of proteins in CSF from

both control and infected rats was observed (Fig 7C) Only two proteins were identified in


controls that were not observed in RAS and only 10 proteins were only observed in RAS Some

of these proteins that were only identified in RAS are significantly changed (Supplemental Table

3) One concern in proteomics data is the variability from run to run and the possibility that

certain proteins are identified from different unique peptides Figure 7A shows that the vast

majority of the unique peptides detected (783) were identified with a 1 FDR in both RAS and

control CSF samples highlighting the analytical reproducibility of our methodology

Proteomic analysis of the infected rat CSF provides a reasonable approach to cross

validate biomarkers detected by gene expression profiling For example RNAseT2 a secreted

ribonuclease was up-regulated 3-fold at the mRNA level and was also enriched in CSF from

infected rats (Table 1) Similarly coordinated increases in detection of colony stimulating factor

1 receptor complement factor H granulin and cathepsin D were also observed Conversely

proteomic analysis of CSF also allows for the observation of post-transcriptional responses to

prion disease that might be absent in gene expression profiling The 14-3-3 proteins and neuron

specific enolase both known markers for CJD are only detected by proteomic analysis Thus

gene expression profiling and proteomic detection serve to increase confidence in the

observation of up-regulation enhancing the likelihood that proteins detected by both

methodologies are specific and perhaps may be more sensitive at earlier time points

Comparison to human CSF prion disease proteome

In our comparative analysis 21 proteins were found to be up-regulated while 7 proteins

down-regulated in prion infected rats Included in the up-regulated proteins were the 14-3-3

proteins epsilon and gamma 14-3-3 zetadelta was also up-regulated but not statistically

significant Enolase 2 or neuron specific enolase (NSE) was also up-regulated in CSF of infected


rats These proteins are all in agreement with results from previous proteomic profiling of human

CSF from patients with CJD8 9

The detection of 14-3-3 protein is included in the diagnostic

criteria approved by World Health Organization for the pre-mortem diagnosis of clinically

suspected cases of sCJD28

although its application in large-scale screening of CJD is still

debated due to high false positive rate where elevated 14-3-3 protein levels were also reported in

other conditions associated with acute neuronal damage29 30

It was suggested that other brain-

derived proteins that are also specific to CJD can be used in conjunction with 14-3-3 protein to

increase diagnosis accuracy and specificity31

NSE is present in high concentration in neurons

and in central and peripheral neuroendocrine cells NSE serves as another valuable biomarker in

diagnosis of CJD as the elevated level of NSE in CSF was found in early and middle stages of

CJD 32

Other proteins detected in CSF included cystatin C and serpina3N although both of

these were not statistically changed These proteins were both previously identified as being

putative biomarkers for CJD33 34

Utility for biomarker discovery with emphasis on onset of biomarker appearance in CSF

The investigation of the protein changes in CSF from RAS compared to control rats

provides a solid foundation when investigating potential biomarkers with prion disease onset

The cross-validation of the genomic and proteomics data further emphasizes the targets for

consideration during disease onset Biomarker discovery provides the potential to determine if

animals such as cows in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are affected instead of

having to be euthanized when BSE is expected In addition CSF collection in mice or hamsters

Prion models is extremely difficult and limited alternatively with the advent of the RAS model

CSF can be collected in sufficient amounts for CSF proteomics CSF collection for mice or

hamsters can be ~10 microL and could be contaminated with blood further complicating proteomic


analysis unlike rats which over 10 times more CSF can be collected per animal35

Due to the

amount of CSF available time course studies analyzing CSF proteomics is possible in RAS due

to animal numbers that are manageable and reasonable The RAS model further allows

investigators to bypass working with highly infections CJD CSF samples to investigate the CSF

proteome changes


In this study we have described the gene and protein expression changes in brain and

spinal fluid from a transmission of mouse prions into rats We find that while the overall gene

expression profile in rats is similar to that in mice the specific genes that make up that profile

are different suggesting that genes that change in response to prion disease in different species

may not be as conserved Analysis of CSF from rat adapted scrapie identified similar protein

changes as known in human CJD The rat will be a useful model to identify surrogate markers

that appear prior to the onset of clinical disease and thus may be of higher specificity and


Supplemental Information Available Upon Request

1 Chandler R L Encephalopathy in mice produced by inoculation with scrapie brain material Lancet 1961 1 (7191) 1378-9 2 Silva C J Onisko B C Dynin I Erickson M L Requena J R Carter J M Utility of Mass Spectrometry in the Diagnosis of Prion Diseases Anal Chem 2011 3 Wei X Herbst A Ma D Aiken J Li L A quantitative proteomic approach to prion disease biomarker research delving into the glycoproteome J Proteome Res 2011 10 (6) 2687-702 4 Zougman A Pilch B Podtelejnikov A Kiehntopf M Schnabel C Kumar C Mann M Integrated analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid peptidome and proteome J Proteome Res 2008 7 (1) 386-99 5 Sjodin M O Bergquist J Wetterhall M Mining ventricular cerebrospinal fluid from patients with traumatic brain injury using hexapeptide ligand libraries to search for trauma biomarkers J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2003 878 (22) 2003-12 6 Cunningham R Ma D Li L Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker discovery Frontiers in Biology 2012 7 (4) 313-335


7 Brechlin P Jahn O Steinacker P Cepek L Kratzin H Lehnert S Jesse S Mollenhauer B Kretzschmar H A Wiltfang J Otto M Cerebrospinal fluid-optimized two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) facilitates the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2008 8 (20) 4357-66 8 Harrington M G Merril C R Asher D M Gajdusek D C Abnormal proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease N Engl J Med 1986 315 (5) 279-83 9 Piubelli C Fiorini M Zanusso G Milli A Fasoli E Monaco S Righetti P G Searching for markers of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in cerebrospinal fluid by two-dimensional mapping Proteomics 2006 6 Suppl 1 S256-61 10 Lilley K S Razzaq A Dupree P Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis recent advances in sample preparation detection and quantitation Curr Opin Chem Biol 2002 6 (1) 46-50 11 Oh-Ishi M Maeda T Separation techniques for high-molecular-mass proteins J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2002 771 (1-2) 49-66 12 Metz T O Qian W J Jacobs J M Gritsenko M A Moore R J Polpitiya A D Monroe M E Camp D G 2nd Mueller P W Smith R D Application of proteomics in the discovery of candidate protein biomarkers in a diabetes autoantibody standardization program sample subset J Proteome Res 2008 7 (2) 698-707 13 Aebersold R Mann M Mass spectrometry-based proteomics Nature 2003 422 (6928) 198-207 14 Huang L Harvie G Feitelson J S Gramatikoff K Herold D A Allen D L Amunngama R Hagler R A Pisano M R Zhang W W Fang X Immunoaffinity separation of plasma proteins by IgY microbeads meeting the needs of proteomic sample preparation and analysis Proteomics 2005 5 (13) 3314-28 15 Rajic A Stehmann C Autelitano D J Vrkic A K Hosking C G Rice G E Ilag L L Protein depletion using IgY from chickens immunised with human protein cocktails Prep Biochem Biotechnol 2009 39 (3) 221-47 16 Marsh R F Bessen R A Lehmann S Hartsough G R Epidemiological and experimental studies on a new incident of transmissible mink encephalopathy J Gen Virol 1991 72 ( Pt 3) 589-94 17 Bessen R A Marsh R F Biochemical and physical properties of the prion protein from two strains of the transmissible mink encephalopathy agent J Virol 1992 66 (4) 2096-101 18 Johnson C J Herbst A Duque-Velasquez C Vanderloo J P Bochsler P Chappell R McKenzie D Prion protein polymorphisms affect chronic wasting disease progression PLoS One 2011 6 (3) e17450 19 Safar J Wille H Itri V Groth D Serban H Torchia M Cohen F E Prusiner S B Eight prion strains have PrP(Sc) molecules with different conformations Nat Med 1998 4 (10) 1157-65 20 Benjamini Y Hochberg Y Controlling the False Discovery Rate A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Methodological) 1995 57 (1) 289-300 21 Huang da W Sherman B T Lempicki R A Systematic and integrative analysis of large gene lists using DAVID bioinformatics resources Nat Protoc 2009 4 (1) 44-57 22 Moody L R Herbst A J Aiken J M Upregulation of interferon-gamma-induced genes during prion infection J Toxicol Environ Health A 2009 74 (2-4) 146-53 23 Flicek P Amode M R Barrell D Beal K Brent S Carvalho-Silva D Clapham P Coates G Fairley S Fitzgerald S Gil L Gordon L Hendrix M Hourlier T Johnson N Kahari A K Keefe D Keenan S Kinsella R Komorowska M Koscielny G Kulesha E Larsson P Longden I McLaren W Muffato M Overduin B Pignatelli M Pritchard B Riat H S Ritchie G R Ruffier M Schuster M Sobral D Tang Y A Taylor K Trevanion S Vandrovcova J White S Wilson M Wilder S P Aken B L Birney E Cunningham F Dunham I Durbin R Fernandez-Suarez X M Harrow J Herrero J


Hubbard T J Parker A Proctor G Spudich G Vogel J Yates A Zadissa A Searle S M Ensembl 2012 Nucleic Acids Res 2012 40 (Database issue) D84-90 24 Perkins D N Pappin D J Creasy D M Cottrell J S Probability-based protein identification by searching sequence databases using mass spectrometry data Electrophoresis 1999 20 (18) 3551-67 25 Zybailov B Mosley A L Sardiu M E Coleman M K Florens L Washburn M P Statistical analysis of membrane proteome expression changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J Proteome Res 2006 5 (9) 2339-47 26 Zhang Y Wen Z Washburn M P Florens L Refinements to label free proteome quantitation how to deal with peptides shared by multiple proteins Anal Chem 2010 82 (6) 2272-81 27 Kimberlin R H Cole S Walker C A Temporary and permanent modifications to a single strain of mouse scrapie on transmission to rats and hamsters J Gen Virol 1987 68 ( Pt 7) 1875-81 28 World Health Organization Global surveillance diagnosis and therapy of human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies report from a WHO consultation 1998 World Health Organization Geneva Switzerland 9-11 February 1998 1-26 29 Bartosik-Psujek H Archelos J J Tau protein and 14-3-3 are elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis and correlate with intrathecal synthesis of IgG J Neurol 2004 251 (4) 414-20 30 Saiz A Graus F Dalmau J Pifarre A Marin C Tolosa E Detection of 14-3-3 brain protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with paraneoplastic neurological disorders Ann Neurol 1999 46 (5) 774-7 31 Sanchez-Juan P Green A Ladogana A Cuadrado-Corrales N Saanchez-Valle R Mitrovaa E Stoeck K Sklaviadis T Kulczycki J Hess K Bodemer M Slivarichova D Saiz A Calero M Ingrosso L Knight R Janssens A C van Duijn C M Zerr I CSF tests in the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Neurology 2006 67 (4) 637-43 32 Zerr I Bodemer M Racker S Grosche S Poser S Kretzschmar H A Weber T Cerebrospinal fluid concentration of neuron-specific enolase in diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Lancet 1995 345 (8965) 1609-10 33 Sanchez J C Guillaume E Lescuyer P Allard L Carrette O Scherl A Burgess J Corthals G L Burkhard P R Hochstrasser D F Cystatin C as a potential cerebrospinal fluid marker for the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2004 4 (8) 2229-33 34 Miele G Seeger H Marino D Eberhard R Heikenwalder M Stoeck K Basagni M Knight R Green A Chianini F Wuthrich R P Hock C Zerr I Aguzzi A Urinary alpha1-antichymotrypsin a biomarker of prion infection PLoS One 2008 3 (12) e3870 35 DeMattos R B Bales K R Parsadanian M ODell M A Foss E M Paul S M Holtzman D M Plaque-associated disruption of CSF and plasma amyloid-beta (Abeta) equilibrium in a mouse model of Alzheimers disease J Neurochem 2002 81 (2) 229-36


Figure 1 Interspecies transmission of prion disease to rats End-stage clinical brain homogenates

were used to passage prion disease After one year of incubation animals were euthanized to

determine the extent of PrPres

accumulation Protease resistance PrP was only observed in those

animals infected with RML scrapie prions This material was serially passaged for two more

incubations before becoming rat-adapted as indicated by the shortening of the incubation period


Table 1 A list of selected proteins and mRNAs up-regulated in RAS CSF and brain tissue If

the protein is detected in the RAS CSF but not the control CSF the CSF expression is reported

with a infin If there is no change or data on certain genes related to an up regulated protein nd is

noted The mouse genomic data presented here was previously published22

Gene Protein Symbol Accession CSF






14-3-3 protein zetadelta Ywhaz NP_037143 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein epsilon Ywhae NP_113791 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein gamma Ywhag NP_062249 infin nd nd

serine protease inhibitor A3N Serpin A3N NP_113719 54 nd 975

enolase 2 (gamma neuronal) Eno2 NP_647541 infin nd nd

granulin GRN NP_058809 62 364 184

macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

Csf1r NP_001025072 infin 293 205

cathepsin D CTSD NP_599161 infin 255 299

complement factor H Cfh NP_569093 376 234 nd

ribonuclease T2 RNAset2 NP_001099680 infin 302 nd


Figure 2 Accumulation of PrPSc

in rat adapted scrapie First second and third passage brain

homogenates were assayed for the presence of protease resistant PrP by immunoblot PrPSc


observed following phosphotungstenic acid enrichment at first passage By clinical disease in 2nd

and 3rd

passage rats PrPSc

had substantially accumulated


Figure 3 Histological appearance of rat adapted scrapie in the hippocampus at clinical disease

Infected animals showed intense immuno-staining for deposits of PrPSc

and GFAP expressing

astrocytes Spongiform change is an abundant feature in rat adapted scrapie


Figure 4 Scatter plot of gene expression profiling of rat adapted scrapie The expression of

individual genes from uninfected and infected animals were plotted to display up and down

regulation The dashed green line is no change Solid green lines are 2-fold changes in gene



Figure 5 Quantitative relationship between orthologous pairs of two-fold up-regulated genes in

mouse and rat scrapie Genes up-regulated more than two fold were mapped to their orthologs

and the fold change was plotted Expression is log2 transformed


Figure 6 Comparison of genes upregulated in rat and mouse prion diseases Genes up-regulated

two fold in rodent scrapie were identified and the expression of their orthologs was determined


Figure 7 Venn diagram comparison of the CSF proteomics data between rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) model and control rats (A) Unique peptides from tryptic peptides produced for the

proteins identified (B) The total proteins identified including all isoforms within the protein

groups (C) The protein groups comparing only the top protein hit of the protein isoforms

showing very consistent protein identifications between RAS and control


Chapter 5

Investigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M

Heideman W Li L In preparation



This work explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Kinases such as protein

kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose response

Thus performing a large scale phosphoproteomic MS study can be highly beneficial to map the

signaling networks and cascades involved in glucose-dependent stimulated yeast growth Yeast

cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal affinity

chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase (RP)-RP

separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass spectrometer with

neutral loss electron-transfer dissociation (ETD)-triggered fragmentation to improve

phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 unique phosphopeptides are identified with 06

false discovery rate (FDR) and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR This

study includes comparative phosphoproteins for one specific motif of PKA xxxKRKRxSxxxx

which is presented and differences between starved vs glucose fed are highlighted Phosphosite

validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to provide more confident and

site-specific characterization of phosphopeptides



Microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) cycle between growth when

nutrients are available and quiescence when nutrients are scarce When glucose is limited yeast

go into growth arrest state but when glucose is added growth quickly resumes Kinases such as

protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin (TOR) regulate growth in response to nutrient

conditions and have been well studied through transcriptional control1-4

Yeast execute large

transcriptome alterations in response to changing environmental growth conditions5 6


regulation by glucose introduction in yeast has been studied including genes used for growth on

alternative carbon sources and activation of genes coding for glucose transport and protein


Response to nutrients for survival is not limited to yeast biology and indeed all

living creatures both prokaryotes and multicellular eukaryotes like mammals require nutrient

responsiveness and coordinating cellular functions to survive

With regulation of certain genes well studied by glucose introduction the mechanism and

global protein modulation caused by glucose introduction remain unknown6 Large-scale

phosphorylation analysis has been previously performed in yeast using mass spectrometry11-14

Mapping the phosphoproteome in yeast transitioning from quiescence to growth conditions to

better understand the roles of phosphorylation in orchestrating growth is needed The

phosphorylation state during growth or starvation could be used to engineer cells to drive ectopic

activity (or inhibition) to promote growth and ethanol production on non-native sugars like


It has been reported that the phosphorylation state can be affected by the introduction of

glucose to carbon-starved yeast15

and phosphorylation plays a significant role in the cell cycle

and signal transduction16

Specifically O-Phosphorylation can function as a molecular switch by


changing the structure of a protein via alteration of the chemical nature of an amino acid for

serine threonine or tyrosine It has been reported that up to 30 of the proteome can undergo


Mass spectrometry has evolved as a powerful tool to accomplish phosphosite

mapping using shotgun proteomics With available technology tens of thousands of

phosphorylation sites can be mapped to amino acids on thousands of proteins using shotgun


Mass spectrometry can offer sensitive automated non-targeted global analysis of

phosphorylation events in proteomic samples but in any large scale phosphoproteomic

investigation enrichment of phosphoproteinspeptides is required First phosphorylation is

usually a sub-stoichiometric process where only a percentage of all protein copies are


Various enrichment methods have been used for phosphopeptide enrichment

including metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC)22

such as TiO223

immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC)12 24 25

electrostatic repulsion-hydrophilic interaction

chromatography (ERLIC)26

and immunoaffinity of tyrosine phosphorylation27 28


enrichment MS analyses of phosphorylated peptides are still challenging due to ion suppression

from non-phosphorylated peptides

Even after phosphopeptide enrichment further sample preparation is needed for large

scale proteomic experiments Additional fractionation can increase protein coverage of a

sample by over ten fold such as MudPIT29

(multidimensional protein identification technology)

In online MudPIT a sample is injected onto a strong cation exchange (SCX) column coupled to

a RP column Successive salt bumps followed by low pH gradients provide the separation of

peptides in two dimensions Since the phosphate groups on phosphopeptides have a low pKa

value due to being more acidic then their unmodified counterparts they tend to elute earlier and


disproportionally in ion exchange chromatography like SCX Alternatively reversed-phase

reversed-phase (RP-RP) separation has been proposed as an alternative to MudPIT for offline

two dimensional (2D) separation30

One of the caveats of 2D separation is the potential for

wasted mass spectrometry time from early and late fractions having very few peptides present

all while having too much sample for middle fractions One simple method to reduce these

ldquowasted fractionsrdquo is to combine early or late fractions with the middle fractions to reduce MS

runs with little peptide content to analyze thus shortening the overall analysis time31

In addition the labile phosphorylation group has a large propensity to undergo cleavage

during collision induced dissociation (CID) producing a neutral loss The neutral loss can

produce insufficient backbone fragment ions for MSMS identification32

A solution to neutral

loss fragmentation in phosphopeptides is MS3 using CID to produce improved backbone

fragmentation13 14 33

An alternative fragmentation method to CID for fast sampling ion traps is

electron transfer dissociation (ETD)34-36

ETD produces a more uniform back-bone cleavage

where the cation peptide receives an electron from a low affinity radical anion37

The transferred

electron induces a dissociation at the N-Cα bond to produce c- and zbull-type product ions while

retaining the labile post-translational modifications (PTM) such as phosphorylation bound to the

product ions38

The Bruker amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer has the potential to trigger

ETD fragmentation after a labile PTM produces a neutral loss from CID fragmentation This

method is termed neutral loss-triggered ETD fragmentation and provides a complementary

fragmentation pathway to labile poor fragmenting phosphorylated peptides

In this work we provide a qualitative comparative list of yeast phosphopeptides observed

in glucose fed vs glucose starved conditions





Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) ammonium hydroxide (ACS plus certified) urea (gt99)

sodium chloride (997) ammonium bicarbonate (certified) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile

Optima LCMS grade water and EDTA disodium salt (99) were purchased from Fisher

Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) ammonium formate (ge99995) Trizma

hydrochloride (Tris HCl ge990) Triton X-100 (laboratory grade) and iron (III) chloride

hexahydrate (97) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO) Sodium dodecyl

sulfate (SDS) (998) was purchased from US Biological (Marblehead MA) Nickel

nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) magnetic agarose beads were purchased from Qiagen (Valencia

CA) Autoclaved yeast peptone dextrose (YPD) media was prepared in 1 L of deionized water

using 10 g yeast extract 20 g Peptone from Becton Dickinson and Company (Sparks MD) and

20 g D-(+)-Glucose (ge995) purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Modified Mary Miller Yeast Protein Isolation

The yeast culture was prepared and protein extraction was performed using a modified

Mary Miller protocol39

Briefly yeast strain s288c was inoculated with YPD media and shook

for 72 hours to allow the yeast to be glucose starved After the 72 hours the yeast culture was

partitioned into two flasks To one flask glucose was added at 2 of the final concentration and

allowed to incubate and shake for 10 minutes Then 100 optical density units (ODU) of the yeast


culture were collected from each flask Each yeast sample was spun down in a Beckman-Coulter

J6B centrifuge (Indianapolis IN) at 2500xg for three minutes The media was aspirated and the

tubes were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80oC The yeast pellets were thawed on

ice and resuspended in 1 mL of lysis buffer (50 mM Tris HCl 01 triton x-100 05 SDS

pH=80) and 1X protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail from Thermo Scientific (Rockford

IL) and transferred to an Eppendorf tube To the yeast 200 microL of glass beads were added and

amalgamated for 25 minutes at 4oC The sample was inverted and the Eppendorf tube was

pierced with a hot 23 gauge needle through the bottom and the tube was placed atop a 5 mL

culture tube and centrifuge in the Beckman-Coulter J6B at 2500xg for three minutes at 4oC to

collect the liquid containing the yeast cells while the glass beads remain trapped in the

Eppendorf tubes The protein lysate was then centrifuged at 3000xg for five minutes at 4oC and

the supernatant was collected and stored at -80oC

Preparation of tryptic digests

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein cell extract for fed or starved were analyzed with a

BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Scientific Rockford IL) and 2 mg of protein was added to four

parts -20oC acetone and allowed to precipitate the protein for 1 hour at -20

oC The samples were

then centrifuged at 14000xg for 5 minutes and the supernatant was removed and the protein

pellet was reconstituted in 360 microl of 8 M urea To each sample 20 microL of 050 M DTT was

added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 45 minutes After incubation 54 microL of 055 M IAA

was added for carbamidomethyl of cysteine and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15

minutes in the dark To quench the IAA 20 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react

for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 1400 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added

along with 20 microg trypsin to each sample Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and


quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10 formic acid For each sample the tryptic peptides were

then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Hypersep C18 100 mg solid phase extraction

(SPE) column (Thermo Scientific Bellefonte PA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in

01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 500 microL of 80 ACN and 01 formic acid

Phosphopeptide enrichment using immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC)

One ml of Ni-NTA was washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and then the Ni was

removed with 800 microL of 100 mM EDTA in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate and vortexed for 30

minutes The supernatant was removed and the NTA was washed with 800 microL of H2O three

times followed by addition of 800 microL 10 mM FeCl3 hexahydrate and vortexed for 30 minutes

The Fe-NTA was then washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and once with 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before being combined with the cell extract for phosphopeptide enrichment and

vortexed for 40 minutes The sample was washed three times with 200 microL of 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before elution with two aliquots of 200 microL of 5 ammonium hydroxide in 5050

ACNH2O with 15 minutes of vortexing The enriched phosphopeptides were then dried down

with a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA) and reconstituted in 55 microL

25mM ammonium formate pH=75

First dimension neutral pH separation

Individually 50 microL of each yeast phosphopeptide enriched sample was injected onto a

Phenomenex Gemini-NX 3microm C18 110 Aring 150 x 2 mm column (Torrance CA) The Gemini

column was coupled to a Phenomenex SecurityGuard Gemini C18 2 mm guard cartridge

(Torrance CA) Mobile phase A consisted of 25 mM ammonium formate at pH=75 and mobile

phase B consisted of 25 mM ammonium formateACN with a 19 ratio respectively at pH=75

The column was operated at 50oC at a flow rate of 05 mLmin The flow profile was 2-30 B


over 65 minutes and then 5 min at 100 B A total of 22 fractions were collected every 3

minutes and the fractions were combined as follows 1 with 12 2 with 13 etc to 11 with 22

The combined fractions were dried down and reconstituted in 25 microL of 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL from each fraction onto an Agilent Technologies

Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5

microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm Atlantis

dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250

nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) for MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300


Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions An additional mode of MSMS fragmentation electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) was triggered on the precursor ion when a neutral loss was observed in CID

fragmentation from phosphoric acid H3PO4 (Δmz of 49 and 327 for 2+ and 3+ charge states

respectively) or for metaphosphoric acid (HPO3) (Δmz of 40 and 267 for 2+ and 3+ charge

states respectively) For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms rolling average 2 acquisition range of 300-1500 mz

and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target

was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two spectral averages acquisition

range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required to prevent artificial data

reduction Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot40

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt Saccharomyces

cerevisiae database (version 575) Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed

cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) and phosphorylation (STY) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum

number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance peptide decoy (Mascot) checked plusmn05 Da instrument type


ESI-Trap Results from the Mascot search was exported as DAT files for analysis by Scaffold 3

and Scaffold PTM

Scaffold and Ascore data processing

Scaffold 3 (Proteome Software Portland OR)was used for MSMS proteomics data

comparison and false discovery rate analysis The DAT files were loaded into Scaffold 3 and

the fractions for the two dimensional fractionation were combined The resulting biological

triplicates for starved and glucose fed yeast were filtered with a 1 false discovery rate (FDR)

on the protein level (Supplemental Table 1) Due to the inherent poor fragmentation of

phosphopeptides a lenient FDR level may still yield biologically relevant data and thus a 54

FDR was generated for phosphopeptides (Supplemental Table 2) For a more conservative list of

phosphopeptides with a 06 FDR was generated from Scaffold 3 (Supplemental Table 3) FDR

analysis is sufficient at preventing poor data from being reported but does not prevent false

phosphosite identification in phosphopeptides To provide confidence in site identification

Scaffold PTM was used to perform Ascore41

analysis Ascore uses an algorithm to score the

probability of the phosphosite from a phosphopeptide identified by a database searching

algorithm such as Mascot Ascore can be freely accessed at httpascoremedharvardedu

Cell collection RNA isolation and microarray data analysis

All experiments were performed in biological duplicates Cell samples (10 ODU) were

taken at starved and fed states spun at 5000xg for 2 minutes at 30 oC the supernatant was

removed and the pellets snap frozen using liquid nitrogen RNA was isolated using the Epicentre

MasterPure Yeast Purification Kit (Epicentre Technologies) and quality was checked using gel

electrophoresis cRNA synthesis was carried out using the GeneChipreg Expression 3

Amplification One-Cycle Target Labeling and Control Reagents kit (Affymetrix) All


experiments followed the manufactures instructions cRNA samples were hybridized to

GeneChip Yeast Genome 20 Arrays for 16 hours Arrays were washed stained and scanned

according the manufactures recommendations Affymetrix CEL files were RMA normalized

with R and the Bioconductor Suite Data analysis was performed within TIGR Multiexperiment

Viewer v451 in-house Perl scripting R and Bioconductor


Sample preparation for shotgun proteomics

As discussed in the introduction the purpose of this study is to provide an exploratory list

of qualitative differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed yeast After

yeast cell lysate production a substantial amount of sample preparation is performed to enhance

the depth of the phosphoproteome coverage A workflow of the steps following cell lysis is

outlined in Figure 1A The yeast proteins are isolated via acetone precipitation followed by

digestion with trypsin to produce peptides Phosphopeptides are intermixed with the entire

tryptic peptide sample and therefore Fe-NTA IMAC is used to enrich the phosphopeptides To

improve upon the number of phosphopeptides we then performed two dimensional separation

with high pH RP followed by low pH RP C18 and infused the eluent directly onto an ion trap

mass spectrometer Figure 1B show an improved technique for the first dimension of separation

to combine the early eluting and late eluting fractions from the first phase of separation to reduce

overall MS analysis time The combination of fractions 1 and 12 2 and 13 etc essentially

improves the duty cycle of the mass spectrometer by ensuring sufficient peptide content is

injected onto a low pH nanoLC RP C18 column

ETD-triggered mass spectrometry


In the present study labile phosphorylation can lead to non-informative neutral loss

During MS scanning mode the instrument will choose the 6 most abundant peaks with correct

isotopic distribution and select them for MSMS CID fragmentation During CID fragmentation

it is common for labile PTMs such as phosphorylation to undergo neutral loss and thus limited

informative b and y-type ions are formed Alternatively ETD fragmentation can be used on

specific MSMS scans which produce a neutral loss indicative of phosphorylation (98Daz or

80Daz) The subsequent ETD fragmentation on these putative phosphopeptides will lead to

uniform backbone cleavage resulting in confident identification of phosphopeptides with site-

specific localization during MSMS It is important to note that CID fragmentation still produces

very informative fragmentation for phosphorylation but ETD provides an orthogonal

fragmentation pathway to further increase the phosphoproteome coverage Additionally the

duty cycle for ETD fragmentation is roughly half that of CID therefore about half as many

potential peptides would be fragmented and sequenced if the instrument was using ETD

fragmentation exclusively

Protein Data

Even with phosphopeptide enrichment it is inevitable that non-phosphopeptides will also

be identified All data were searched with Mascot and in total over 1000 proteins were identified

with a 1 FDR rate and are listed in Supplemental Table 1 The proteins listed in Supplemental

Table 1 include both phosphoproteins and non-phosphorylated proteins In addition to the

proteins identified in the fed and starved states the unique peptides and spectral counts are also

listed for reference The phosphopeptides are specifically listed with a 54 FDR rate in

Supplemental Table 2 and comparisons between starved and fed with Ascore analysis are listed

for every phosphopeptide identified A higher confidence of phosphopeptide identification is


sometimes required before investing in time consuming biological experiments so a list of

phosphopeptides identified in starved and fed was taken from a setting directing Scaffold to

produce a 05 FDR which resulted in the generated FDR of 06 FDR and listed in

Supplemental Table 3

A summary of specific phosphorylation sites are listed in Table 1 with a 06 FDR and

Table 2 with a 54 FDR Each table gives totals for unique phosphopeptides identified having

an Ascore localization score ge80 without Ascore and phosphorylation events on each unique

peptides As expected the majority of phosphorylation events (over 50) occurred on serine

whereas fewer phosphorylation events (~10) occurred on tyrosine In addition the vast

majority of phosphorylation events were single phosphorylation (ge65) with very few

identifications having more than two phosphosites per peptide For specific phosphopeptide

identification and subsequent phosphoprotein identification refer to Supplemental Table 2 and 3


Transcriptional response to glucose feeding

Yeast responds to the repletion of glucose after glucose-depletion by broad

transcriptional changes to induce growth Roughly one-third of the yeast genome is altered by at

least two fold when glucose is introduced as shown in Figure 2 Figure 2 is a heat map from a

microarray analysis showing 1601 genes up regulated and 1457 genes down regulated after

addition of glucose compared to the starved state The arbitrary cut-offs for these values were as

follows two fold induction after nutrient repletion and a false discovery rate (q-value) of 001

Red color in the heat map indicates a particular gene is up-regulated in the fed state compared to

the starved state Alternatively genes coded in green are less expressed in the fed state

compared to the starved condition The intensity of the green or red colors is indicative of the


intensity of the fold change in gene expression These large transcriptional changes after glucose

repletion drive and complement the current phosphoproteomic study

PKA motif analysis

One benefit of a large scale phosphoproteomics experiment is to examine the different

phosphopeptides from known motifs for specific kinases PKA and TOR are responsible for the

majority of the transcriptional response and thus PKA is a good target for motif analysis Figure

3 shows the PKA motif sequence xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on

the serine Other than F16P (fructose-16-bisphosphatase) all the proteins listed are unique to the

starved or fed samples A motif sequence will inevitably show up by random chance in any

analysis For this study the control for motif analysis uses the swissprot protein list for the

entire yeast proteome for the background Compared to background this specific PKA kinase

from Figure 3 is up-regulated by 264 fold when compared to the background One interesting

protein emerged from this motif analysis in the fed sample but not the starved sample is

Ssd1which is implicated in the control of the cell cycle in G1 phase42

Ssd1 also is

phosphorylated by Cbk1 and Cbk1 has been proposed to inhibit Ssd143

and provides an

intriguing target for future studies on starved vs glucose fed yeast growth

Localization of the phosphorylation sites

When a phosphopeptide contains any number of serine threonine or tyrosine amino

acids the localization of the phosphosite can sometimes be ambiguous Database searches used

to identify peptides like Mascot do not provide any probability for localization of correct

phosphorylation sites Ascore is an algorithm that uses the same MSMS spectra as Mascot but

instead of comparing theoretical peptide MSMS to experimental spectra Ascore searches for

informative a b or y-type peptide fragments giving evidence for phosphosite The Scaffold


program adds a localization probability to the Ascore values and the values are listed in

Supplemental Table 2 and 3 Figure 4 has a representative Ascore mass spectra assigning the

peaks identified and providing evidence that the phosphorylation site occurs at the threonine

instead of the serine Incorporating Ascore into this study provides a layer of validation for

putative phosphosite identification

Plasma Membrane 2-ATPase

A previous study identified and localized phosphorylation sites on plasma membrane 1-

ATPase after glucose was introduced to starved yeast15

In the current study PMA2 (plasma

membrane ATPase 2) was identified in glucose fed and not starved samples The doubly

threonine phosphorylated peptide identified in fed yeast is PMA2 with amino acid sequence

IKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (583-599) whereas the homologous peptide in PMA1 has the exact

same amino acid sequence except for the first isoleucine substituted for valine

VKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (554-570 not observed in data) PMA2 was observed in the 06

FDR list of phosphopeptides and has an Ascore localization probably of 100 A plant study

showed that PMA2 phosphorylation level was higher in early growth phase than when in

stationary phase44

In addition PMA2 expression in yeast permits the growth of yeast and

threonine phosphorylation has been reported on Thr-95545

The identification of PMA2 in the

fed glucose cell extract provides an interesting target for future study on the molecular

mechanisms involved in regulation growth in starved vs glucose fed yeast


In conclusion this work provides a qualitative comparison in the phosphoproteome

between starved and glucose fed yeast A large scale IMAC enrichment of yeast cell lysate

followed by 2-D separation provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for neutral loss triggered


ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for PKA is highlighted to show the

differences in proteins identified between starved vs fed conditions In total 477 unique

phosphopeptides are identified with 06 FDR and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with

54 FDR Phosphosite validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to

provide further confidence on the site-specific characterization of these phosphopeptides The

proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on

protein phosphorylation involved in glucose response

Supplemental Tables 1 2 and 3 are available upon request


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Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection

sample processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of comparative

phosphoproteomics for starved vs glucose fed yeast (A) The high pH RP separation

procedure for combining fractions to reduce low peptide containing fractions from the

UV-VIS trace is also shown (B)


Figure 2 Heat map for the global transcriptional response to glucose fed vs starved samples

S288C cells starved for glucose until growth was arrested and subsequently glucose was added


Samples for microarray analysis were taken at the starved state and 60 minutes after glucose was

added The heat map shows the fed log2 fold change for each gene relative to the starved state

across the genome performed in biological replicate (A) Black indicates no change in

expression level while red indicates higher expression for the fed relative to the starved state

Green indicates higher expression for the starved state compared to the fed state (Adapted from

Dr Michael Conways Thesis)


Figure 3 The motif for protein kinase A (PKA) that was observed for fed vs starved which is

xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on the serine The motif occurred at a

rate 264 fold higher than the yeast proteome used for background In addition one protein was

observed in both starved and fed with accession identification of F16P (Fructose-16-



06 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Table 1 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 06 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 164 153 317

S 87 (530) 82 (536) 169 (533)

T 60 (366) 55 (359) 115 (363)

Y 17 (104) 16 (105) 33 (104)

Unique no Ascore

STY 242 235 477

S 131 (541) 133 (566) 264 (553)

T 86 (355) 78 (332) 164 (344)

Y 25 (103) 24 (102) 49 (103)

Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide

1 102 113 187

2 36 40 68

3 12 11 22

4 or more 8 3 11


54 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 217 217 434

S 115 (530) 113 (521) 228 (525)

T 78 (359) 78 (359) 156 (359)

Y 24 (111) 26 (120) 50 (115)

Unique no Ascore

STY 337 332 669

S 193 (573) 180 (542) 373 (558)

T 111 (329) 116 (349) 227 (339)


Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide




4 or more

33 (98)





36 (108)





69 (103)





Table 2 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 54 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite


Figure 4 Ascore validation of the phosphopeptide LSLAtKK from the protein SGM1 (slow

growth on galactose and mannose protein 1) with 100 localization probability observed

in only fed but not starved yeast samples Ascorersquos algorithm identifies a b and y-type

ions and looks to identify peaks that provide evidence for a specific phosphorylation site

For this example Ascore assigns this phosphosite to threonine (T5) instead of the serine

(S2) The intense peaks at 4024 mz and 5250 mz are not identified by any a b or y-

type ions From the ladder sequence of the peptide shown numerous ions indicate the

threonine is phosphorylated while the serine is not Among these ions used for

localization are b2 y2 y5+H2O y3 y4 and y5


Chapter 6

Use of electron transfer dissociation for neuropeptide sequencing and


Adapted from ldquoDiscovery and Characterization of the Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone

Precursor Related Peptides (CPRP) and Orcokinin Neuropeptides in the Sinus Glands of the Blue

Crab Callinectes sapidus Using Multiple Tandem Mass Spectrometry Techniquesrdquo Hui L

Cunningham R Zhang Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29



The crustacean Callinectes sapidus sinus gland (SG) is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that

produces numerous hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine

signaling moleculesmdashneuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone

(CHH) precursor-related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron

transfer dissociation (ETD) was used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and

high charge state In addition ETD was used to sequence the sulfated peptide Cholecystokinin

CCK-like Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively these two examples

demonstrated the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or

with labile modifications



Neuropeptides are the largest and most diverse group of endocrine signaling molecules in

the nervous system They are necessary and critical for initiation and regulation of numerous

physiological processes such as feeding reproduction and development1 2

Mass spectrometry

(MS) with unique advantages such as high sensitivity high throughput chemical specificity and

the capability of de novo sequencing with limited genomic information is well suited for the

detection and sequencing of neuropeptides in endocrine glands and simultaneously provides the

potential for information on post-translational modifications such as sulfonation3-6

The sinus glands (SG) are located between the medulla interna and medulla externa of the

eyestalk in Callinectes sapidus It is a well-known neuroendocrine site that synthesizes and

secretes peptide hormones regulating various physiological activities such as molting

hemolymph glucose levels integument color changes eye pigment movements and

hydro-mineral balance7 Our labrsquos previous neuropeptidomic studies of SG in several

crustacean species including Cancer borealis8-11

Carcinus maenas12

and Homarus americanus13

14 used multiple MS strategies combining MALDI-based high resolution accurate mass profiling

biochemical derivatization and nanoscale separation coupled to tandem MS for de novo

sequencing In the current study we explore the neuropeptidome of the SG in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus a vital species of economic importance on the seafood market worldwide In

total 70 neuropeptides are identified including 27 novel neuropeptides and among them the

crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor-related peptides (CPRPs) and orcokinins represent

major neuropeptide families known in the SG

The crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) and its precursor-related peptide (CPRP) are

produced concurrently during the cleavage of CHH from the CHH preprohormone protein15



CPRP peptide is located between the signal peptide and the CHH sequence and is separated from

the CHH by a dibasic cleavage site The functions of CPRPs are currently unknown16


the complete characterization of CPRPs provides a foundation for future experiments elucidating

their functional roles in crustaceans The cDNA of CHH preprohormone in SG of Callinectes

sapidus has been characterized17

but the direct detection of CPRP has not been reported due to

its relatively large size and possible post-translational modifications While small fragments of

CPRPs can be identified using nanoLC-ESI-Q-TOF tandem mass spectrometry the intact

peptide is difficult to detect due to the large molecular weight of CPRPs

Peptidomics traditionally uses collision induced dissociation (CID) for tandem MS

experiments for de novo sequencing Recently an alternative peptide fragmentation method has

been developed using the transfer of an electron termed electron transfer dissociation (ETD)18 19

ETD involves a radical anion with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation which

results in reduced sequence discrimination and thus provides improved sequencing for larger

peptides compared to CID20

Specifically for an ion trap ETD the fluoranthene radical anion is

allowed to react with peptide cations in the three dimensional trap The resulting dissociation

cleaves at the N-Cα bond to produce c and zbull type product ions The peptidome of model

organisms like Callinectes sapidus can be further explored and expanded utilizing ETD as a

complementary fragmentation technique to CID Previous peptidomic analysis has been

completed using ETD as an additional fragmentation method21

It was observed that

enzymatically produced peptides with a higher mz produced improved sequence coverage using

ETD This observation termed decision tree analysis determined that a charge state of ge6 all

peptides endogenous or enzymatic should be fragmented via ETD22

In the present study the

highly charged peptide CPRP with an intact molecular weight of 3837 readily produces plus six


charge states The higher charge state of CPRP is highly amenable to fragmentation by ETD

which produces remarkably improved fragmentation and thus increased sequence coverage when

compared to CID

Sulfonation of tyrosine is a post-translational modification (PTM) that is thought to occur on

trans-membrane spanning and secreted proteins23

Cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8) is a sulfated

peptide which has been linked to satiety24-26

and a CCK-like peptide has been observed in


Sulfonation is an extremely labile modification and is often lost during soft

ionization such as ESI or MALDI but can be avoided by optimizing the ionization process28

One potential strategy to identify sulfopeptides is to scan for a neutral loss of 80 Da after CID

but this method does not allow for identification of site of sulfonation and has the risk to be

mistaken for phosphorylation The sulfonation PTM is a negatively charged modification on

the peptide which allows for negative ion scanning in the mass spectrometer but provides

minimal MSMS sequence coverage during CID due to preferential loss of the sulfate group

Alternatively electron-based dissociation technique enables more rapid radical driven

fragmentation where the cleavage pattern is more uniform along the peptide backbone without

initially cleaving the labile sulfated group thus preserving the site of modification These types

of dissociation techniques only work for multiply-charged ions thus a method to install a

multiply-charged cation on the target peptide is desirable It has been shown that the electron

capture dissociation (ECD) can be used to sequence sulfated peptides when a multi-charged

cation is added to the solution29

We use a similar multi-charge cation solution technique to

sequence a sulfated peptide from Homarus americanus via ETD on an ion trap mass

spectrometer Here we presented the use of the ETD fragmentation technique for the analysis

of large peptides and peptides containing labile post-translational modification


Experimental Section

Chemical and materials

Acetonitrile methanol magnesium chloride (ACS grade) potassium chloride (ACS grade) and

calcium chloride (ACS grade) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh PA) Formic

acid was from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis MO) Human sulfated CCK-8 and CCK-like peptide

(E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRFamide) were purchased from American Peptide (Sunnyvale CA)

Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od was purchased from Polymicro

Technologies (Phoenix AZ) Millipore C18 Ziptip column was used for sample cleaning and all

water used in this study was deionized water (182 MΩcm) prepared from a Milli-Q Millipore

system (Billerica MA) The physiological saline consisted of 440 mM NaCl 11mM KCl 26

mM MgCl2 13 mM CaCl2 11 mM Trizma base and 5 mM maleic acid in pH 745

Animals and dissection

Callinectes sapidus (blue crab) were obtained from commercial food market and maintained

without food in artificial sea water at 10-12 ordmC Animals were cold-anesthetized by packing on

ice for 15-30min before dissection The optic ganglia with the SG attached were dissected in

chilled (~4ordmC) physiological saline and individual SGs were isolated from the optic ganglia by

micro-dissection and immediately placed in acidified methanol (90 methanol 9 glacial acetic

acid and 1 water) and stored at -80ordmC until tissue extraction

Tissue homogenization

Acidified methanol was used during the homogenization of SGs The homogenized SGs were

immediately centrifuged at 16100 g using an Eppendorf 5415D tabletop centrifuge (Eppendorf


AG) The pellet was washed using acidified methanol and combined with the supernatant and

further dried in a Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) The

resulting dried sample was re-suspended with a minimum amount (20 microL) of 01 formic acid

Fractionation of homogenates using reversed phase (RP)-HPLC

The re-suspended extracts were then vortexed and briefly centrifuged The resulting supernatants

were subsequently fractionated via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) HPLC

separations were performed using a Rainin Dynamax HPLC system equipped with a Dynamax

UV-D II absorbance detector (Rainin Instrument Inc Woburn MA) The mobile phases included

Solution A (deionized water containing 01 formic acid) and Solution B (acetonitrile containing

01 formic acid) About 20 μl of extract was injected onto a Macrosphere C18 column (21 mm

id x 250 mm length 5 microm particle size Alltech Assoc Inc Deerfield IL) The separation

consisted of a 120 minute gradient of 5-95 Solution B Fractions were automatically collected

every two minutes using a Rainin Dynamax FC-4 fraction collector (Rainin Instrument Inc

Woburn MA) The fractions were then concentrated using in Savant SC 110 SpeedVac

concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) and re-suspended with minimum amount of 01

formic acid


Nanoscale LC-ESI-Q-TOF MSMS was performed using a Waters nanoAcquity UPLC system

coupled to a Q-TOF Micro mass spectrometer (Waters Corp Milford MA)

Chromatographic separations were performed on a homemade C18 reversed phase capillary

column (75 microm internal diameter x100 mm length 3 microm particle size 100 Aring) The mobile phases


used were 01 formic acid in deionized water (A) 01 formic acid in acetonitrile (B) An

aliquot of 50 microl of a tissue extract or HPLC fraction was injected and loaded onto the trap

column (Zorbax 300SB-C18 Nano trapping column Agilent Technologies Santa Clara CA)

using 95 mobile phase A and 5 mobile phase Bat a flow rate of 10 microlmin for 10 minutes

Following this the stream select module was switched to a position at which the trap column

came in line with the analytical capillary column and a linear gradient of mobile phases A and B

was initiated For neuropeptides the linear gradient was from 5 buffer B to 45 buffer B over

90 min The nanoflow ESI source conditions were set as follows capillary voltage 3200 V

sample cone voltage 35 V extraction cone voltage 1 V source temperature 100ordmC A data

dependent acquisition was employed for the MS survey scan and the selection of three precursor

ions and subsequent MSMS of the selected parent ions The MS scan range was from mz

400-1800 and the MSMS scan was from mz 50-1800

Peptide Prediction De Novo Sequencing and Database Searching

De novo sequencing was performed using a combination of MassLynxTM

41 PepSeq software

(Waters) and manual sequencing Tandem mass spectra acquired from the Q-TOF were first

deconvoluted using MaxEnt 3 software (Waters) to convert multiply charged ions into their

singly charged forms The resulting spectra were pasted into the PepSeq window for sequencing

analysis The candidate sequences generated by the PepSeq software were compared and

evaluated for homology with previous known peptides The online program blastp (National

Center for Biotechnology Information Bethesda MD httpwwwncbinlmnihgovBLAST)

was used to search the existing NCBI crustacean protein database using the candidate peptide

sequences as queries For all searches the blastp database was set to non-redundant protein


sequences (ie nr) and restricted to crustacean sequences (ie taxid 6657) For each of the

proteins putatively identified via blastp the BLAST score and BLAST-generated E-value for

significant alignment are provided in the appropriate subsection of the results Peptides with

partial sequence homology were selected for further examination by comparing theoretical

MSMS fragmentation spectra generated by PepSeq with the raw MSMS spectra If the

fragmentation patterns did not match well manual sequencing was performed

NanoLC Coupled to MSMS by CID and ETD

Setup for RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN (Fisher Scientific Optima LCMS grade Fair Lawn NJ) Injections

consisted of 5 microL of prepared tissue extract onto an Agilent Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5

microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95

A5 B Separation was performed on a Waters HPLC column with 3 microm Atlantis dC18 75 microm

x 150 mm (Milford MA) on a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250 nLmin over 90

minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner diameter 360 microm

outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using a commercial

laser puller model P-2000 (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Collision Induced Dissociation (CID)

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) equipped

with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition Hystar

(Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control Eksigent


nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for all

experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to mz 700 compound stability and trap

drive level were set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature 125oC dry gas 40 Lmin capillary voltage -1300 V end plate offset -500 V

MSMS fragmentation amplitude 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data was generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two spectra and

released after one minute MSMS was obtained via CID fragmentation for the six most

abundant MS peaks with a preference for doubly charged ions and excluded singly charged ions

For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000 maximum

accumulation time 5000 ms four spectral average acquisition range of mz 300-1500 and scan

speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target was set to

200000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms three spectral averages acquisition range of

mz 100-2000 and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz s-1

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD)

The amaZon ETD ion-trap mass spectrometer was operated in electron transfer dissociation for

MSMS fragmentation with the same optimized settings as reported for CID unless otherwise

stated Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 500 mz compound stability and trap drive

level were set at 100 MSMS was obtained via ETD fragmentation for the four most

abundant MS peaks with no preference for specifically charged ions except to exclude singly

charged ions The ETD reagent parameters were set to 400000 target ICC for the fluoranthene

radical anion The fluoranthene radical anion has an mz of 210 and therefore the 210 mz value

was removed from the resulting MSMS spectra and 160 mz was set for the MSMS low mz



Direct Infusion of Sulfated Peptide Standards into the Mass Spectrometer using ETD and

CID Fragmentation

The sulfated peptide standards were infused into the mass spectrometer at a flow rate of 300

nlmin using a fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od coupled to a custom pulled

tip The CCK-8 human peptide (20 microM) was infused in 5050 ACNH2O and detected in

negative ionization mode with an ICC of 70000 and fragmented with CID using the same

settings as the previous CID experiments Alternatively the CCK-like lobster sulfated peptide

(2 microM) was mixed with 30 microM of different salts (MgCl2 KCl or CaCl2) and 01 formic acid in

5050 ACNH2O The plus three charge of the CCK-like lobster peptide was selected for ETD

fragmentation in positive mode with the same setting as the previous ETD experiments The

data were then de novo sequenced for coverage and localization of the sulfation site

Data Analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as follows

intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E7 and retention time window 05

minutes These parameter changes assisted in providing better quality spectra for sequencing

Identification of peptides was performed using Mascot (Version 23 Matrix Science London

UK) Searches were performed against a custom crustacean database none enzyme allow up to

1 missed cleavage amidated C-terminal as variable modifications peptide tolerance mass error

12 Da MSMS mass error tolerance is 06 Da

Results and Discussion


Identification and Characterization of Intact CPRPs Using ETD

Using ESI-Q-TOF 9 truncated CPRPs fragments were sequenced to cover the amino acid


A representative CID MSMS spectrum of ASLKSDTVTPLR is shown in Figure 1 (a) CID

using ESI-Q-TOF mainly produces fragmentation for doubly and triply charge molecules which

is adequate to sequence peptides with relatively small molecular weight (less than 2000 Da)

However CID fragmentation is insufficient to sequence the larger intact CPRP in a complex

sample whose molecular mass is 3837 Da and therefore it is extremely difficult to directly

sequence by traditional CID ESI-Q-TOF ETD is an attractive fragmentation alternative to

sequence the highly charged CPRP peptide In ETD a protonated peptide reacts with an anion

(fluoranthene radical) where the anion transfers an electron to the peptide cation and the resulting

fragmentation occurs along the N-Cα bond by free-radical-driven-cleavage The large size of

CPRP offers multiple basic amino acid sites to sequester charge and reduce the sequence

coverage from collision induced dissociate by preventing random backbone cleavage whereas

ETD does not cleave the weakest bond and provides the alternative fragmentation pathway to

obtain superior sequence coverage to larger peptides As shown in Figure 1 (cd) the

fragmentation of ETD is highly amenable to ETD compared to the CID fragmentation in Figure

1 (b) As evident from comparison ETD offers more extensive fragmentation than CID thus

providing enhanced coverage for large intact peptides such as CPRPs Specifically we observe

125 of the b- and y- cleavages for CID as compared to an average of 535 of c- and zbull-

fragments More than a four-fold increase in fragments using ETD suggests the utility of this

relatively new tandem MS fragmentation method as complementary techniques for de novo

sequencing of large intact endogenous peptides and novel neuropeptide discovery endeavors


Negative Mode Sulfated Peptide Identification

An accepted method for identification and quantification for sulfated peptides is negative


CCK-8 sulfated peptide standards show intense signal in negative ionization mode

without needing to have additives added such as salts Figure 2 shows the CID MSMS

spectrum from the negative ionization and produces an intense b6 ion at 430 mz The transition

from the doubly negatively charged MS ion of 570 mz to the b6 ion provides a selected reaction

monitoring transition for quantification studies but the sequence information is limited and the

presence of the methionine produces variable oxidation In addition Figure 2 shows the

MSMS product ions with the loss of the sulfate group thus making site-specific location of

sulfation more difficult

Investigation of Cation Salt Adducts to Produce Multiply Charged Sulfated Peptides

Sulfated peptides can be isolated in positive scanning mode but usually only in a plus one

state with low signal intensity If ETD is performed on the singly charged peptide cation a

neutral is formed and is lost in the mass spectrometer and thus no sequence information can be

obtained In order to remedy this situation a technique that adding metal salts to peptides to

increase charge state for ECD used in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass

spectrometry (FTICR-MS)29

inspired the investigation of increasing charge state of targeted

peptide via metal salt adduction followed by ETD analysis in a Bruker amaZon ion trap

Various salts were investigated including MgCl2 CaCl2 and KCl each used at a concentration of

30 microM and mixed with a sulfated peptide standard at 2 microM The addition of KCl produced

mostly doubly charged ion of the lobster CCK-like peptide standard K adduct which produced

insufficient sequence information from ETD fragmentation (data not shown) In comparison

the MgCl2 and CaCl2 produced intense triply charged peptide ions but CaCl2 produced lower


signal intensity compared to MgCl2 (data not shown)

Cation Assisted ETD Fragmentation of CCK-like Lobster Sulfated Peptide and Future


The addition of MgCl2 to the lobster CCK-like sulfated peptide is shown in Figure 3

Except for z1 the complete z-series is obtained including the z7 ion with and without the

sulfation PTM The spectrum is complicated by the additional Mg adducts but several peaks

are shown without any Mg adduct such as z2 z3 z4 etc Clearly the method of cation

assisted ETD fragmentation can be useful using ion trap instruments and can properly sequence

sulfated peptides that are prone to neutral loss from the labile PTM One concern about future

direction in sulfopeptide isolation in non-genome sequenced species is isolation of sulfopeptides

Currently antibodies to specific sulfopeptides is the only commonly used enrichment technique

for sulfopeptides Also since metal cations are needed for this method direct infusion into an

ESI mass spectrometer is preferred to prevent running large amounts of adduct forming salts

through the LC system With direct infusion the lack of separation confounds the problem in

sulfopeptide detection because any co-eluting peptides could have ionization efficiency and thus

reduce the signal of the sulfopeptide Once discovered and sequenced a selected reaction

monitoring (SRM) method could be developed using LC retention coupled with negative

ionization mode followed by CID MSMS or possibly MSMSMS to perform quantitative

studies for sulfopeptides


In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of large endogenous

neuropeptides with higher charge and bigger size The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was

identified and characterized with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation


assisted ETD fragmentation was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of

sulfated neuropeptides These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in

future analysis of large neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides



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3 Baggerman G Cerstiaens A De Loof A Schoofs L Peptidomics of the larval Drosophila melanogaster

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Figure 1 Comparison of tandem MS spectra of truncated CPRP (ASLKSDTVTPL mz 128766)

by ESI-Q-TOF (a) and intact CPRP (MW 3837) by the amaZon ETD for both CID and ETD

fragmentation (a) MSn of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6 by CID represent

loss of NH3 ordm represent loss of H2O (b) MS+6

of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6

by ETD at z represent z+1 z represent z+2 (c) MS+5

of precursor ion with mz 768 with charge

state +5 by ETD z represent z+1 z represent z+2 For all labels in Figure 1 charge state +1 is

not specified



Figure 2 Negative CID spectrum of CCK-8 peptide standard (20 microM) via direct infusion show

the doubly charged b6 ion provides the most intense MSMS transition


Figure 3 ETD spectrum of E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRF-amide (2 microM) obtained on the

amaZon ETD via direct infusion with 30 microM MgCl2 The sulfated peptide can be identified

with a visible z-series of z2 to z9 and identified sulfate loss


Chapter 7

Investigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysis

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J

Wellner D Li L Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press



This work investigates the introduction of methanol and a salt modifier to molecular

weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide

quantities Using a neuropeptide standard bradykinin sample loss was reduced over two orders

of magnitude with and without undigested protein present Additionally a bovine serum

albumin (BSA) tryptic digestion was investigated Twenty-seven tryptic peptides were identified

from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while only two tryptic peptides were

identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy presented here enhances recovery

from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide samples


Molecular weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filter devices (MWCO) are

commonly used to desalt and concentrate large molecular weight proteins [1] Greeing and

Simpson recently investigated various MWCO membranes for large amounts of starting material

(~6 mg) focusing on optimal conditions for the sub 25 kDa protein fraction [2] The authors

recovered 200 μg to 29 mg of protein from multiple MWCO experiments and demonstrated that

a 1090 acetonitrile (ACN)H2O elution solvent produced optimal results [3] In addition Manza

et al provided an alternative approach to isolate proteins with a 5 kDa MWCO by using

NH4HCO3 and recovering the retained proteins [4] Alternatively the elution from MWCOs can

be collected to recover only low molecular weight peptides Multiple peptidomic studies have

utilized MWCOs for peptide isolation during the first few steps of sample preparation [5 6]

When sample amount is limited or peptide content is below 1 microg sample loss is a significant

concern when using MWCOs to isolate endogenous peptides Optimized protocols have been


investigated using ACN [3 7] salt [4 8] SDS [5] or native sample [6 9 10] but these

experiments primarily focused on large sample amounts rather than sub-microgram peptide


MWCOs separate large molecules from small molecules The small molecule fraction

may be rich with signaling peptides (SP) cytokines and other small molecules involved in cell-

cell signaling Signaling peptides perform various functions in the body including cell growth

cell survival and hormonal signaling between organs [11] Individual SP contribute to different

aspects of behavior such as pain (enkephalins) [12] feeding (neuropeptide Y) [13] and blood

pressure (bradykinin) [14] MWCO separations can be used to enrich biologically important SP

and explore the peptide content from biological fluids with relatively low peptide content like

blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) In a recent investigation the detection of neuropeptides and

standards in crustacean hemolymph was improved when methanol and protease inhibitors were

present before performing MWCO neuropeptide isolation The impact of methanol on MWCO

sample loss was not investigated in the study [15] In another study a large-scale mass

fingerprinting protocol of endogenous peptides from CSF used a combination of salts before

MWCO fractionation but the impact of adding salts was not discussed [16] The most

commonly used brand of MWCO in the publications and in peptidomic studies is Millipore

Therefore Millipore MWCOs (using regenerated cellulose as the membrane) were used in the

present study The purpose of this work is to provide an optimized sample preparation technique

for MWCO filtering to reduce sample loss and allow sub-microg detection of peptides using MALDI

mass spectrometry



Materials and Chemicals

Water acetonitrile methanol (optima LCMS grade) and sodium chloride (995) were

purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) The α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (99)

formic acid (FA) (ge98) and bovine serum albumin (ge96) were purchased from Sigma-

Aldrich (St Louis MO) Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO centrifugal filters and ZipTips

packed with C18 reversed-phase resin were purchased from Millipore (Billerica MA) Trypsin-

digested bovine serum albumin (BSA) was purchased from Waters (Milford MA) Bradykinin

was purchased from American Peptide Company (Sunnyvale CA)

MALDI MS Instrumentation

An AutoFLEX III MALDI TOFTOF mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics Billerica

MA) was operated in positive ion reflectron mode The MALDI MS instrument is equipped with

a proprietary smart beam (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) laser operating at 200 Hz The

instrument was internally calibrated over the mass range of mz 500minus2500 using a standard

peptide mix Two thousand laser shots were collected per sample spot at an accelerating voltage

of 19 kV and a constant laser power using random shot selection The acquired data were

analyzed using FlexAnalysis software (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) Mass spectrometry

data acquisition was obtained by averaging 2000 laser shots

Molecular weight cut off separation procedure

The MWCO separations were performed using Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO

centrifugal filters (Billerica MA) Before MWCO separation three washing steps were

performed to remove contaminants from the filter The three washes were 500 μL of 5050

H2OMeOH 500 μL of H2O and 400 μL of the solution used for MWCO separation For the


100 H2O solution 1 microg of BSA or bradykinin was used for separation All the other MWCO

separation experiments used 500 ng of BSA or 100 ng or less of bradykinin The MWCO filter

was then centrifuged at 14000 rcf for 5 min at room temperature in an Eppendorf 5415 D

microcentrifuge (Brinkmann Instruments Inc Westbury NY) The filtrate was concentrated in a

Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation West Palm Beach FL)

and acidified The resulting sample was desalted according to the manufacturer using C18

ZipTips from Millipore (Billerica MA) by washing the ZipTip with three times 100 ACN

three aqueous washes of 01 FA binding the peptides from the solution and one aqueous wash

of 01 FA Peptides were then eluted from the ZipTips using 15 microL of 50 ACN in 01 FA

Matrix deposition

Equal volumes of 05 μL from the 15 μL sample solution (including standards not subject

to MWCO filtering) and α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (CHCA) matrix solution in 50

ACN50 H2O were mixed using a dried-droplet method and spotted on a MALDI target The

resulting droplets were allowed to air dry prior to mass spectrometry acquisition


Analysis of two orders of magnitude increase for bradykinin standard

Bradykinin was selected to assess the potential peptide loss in the flow-through after

performing MWCO separation As shown in Figure 1 1 microg of bradykinin standard does not

produce a detectable signal by MALDI mass spectrometry analysis after a 10 kDa MWCO

separation in water (performed in triplicate) For comparison 1 ng of bradykinin standard

diluted to 15 microL produced an intense signal on the MALDI mass spectrometer suggesting


significant sample loss occurs when the target analyte is low in quantity (data not shown

performed in triplicate) Figure 1 shows that the addition of a salt in this case NaCl improves

the limits of detection and decreases sample loss when 7030 watermethanol was compared to

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol The reproducible results gave a relative standard deviation

(RSD) of 6 for peak intensity Figure 1 shows that even when starting with 1 μg of bradykinin

too much sample is lost during the MWCO separation in water to detect the remainder

However an intense signal is observed for 10 ng of bradykinin after the MWCO separation when

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol is used as an elution solvent Sample loss from zip-tipping

was estimated in triplicate by calculating the decreases in peak intensity When 10 ng of

bradykinin was used sample loss was ~41 In comparison the calculated yield for 10 ng of

bradykinin after the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol MWCO separation and zip-tip desalting

showed an estimated sample loss of 63 meaning more loss can be attributed to sample clean-

up than MWCO filtration

A series of experiments were performed to determine if 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol is an optimal solution to recover peptides during a MWCO separation (data not

shown) A 5050 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol and a 5050 watermethanol elution were

performed in duplicate but signal intensity of the resulting bradykinin was poor and numerous

polymer peaks were detected in the flow through A lower salt concentration 01 M NaCl was

used but also produced greatly reduced signal when compared to aqueous 1 M NaCl To assess

the optimized methodrsquos compatibility with lower sample amounts the 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol solution was added to 1 ng of bradykinin for MWCO separation but no signal

was obtained (data not shown) Using a neuropeptide standard the addition of methanol and

NaCl salt significantly improved the sample recovery in sub-microg amounts


BSA tryptic peptide mixture analysis

After demonstrating the importance of using an optimized solution for MWCO

separations with an individual peptide the new method was applied to 500 ng of BSA tryptic

digest to investigate its utility with more complex peptide mixtures Table 1 lists the BSA

tryptic peptides identified in the MALDI MS analysis from different solution conditions

processed by MWCO separation As shown in Table 1 a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard in the absence of any MWCO filtration enabled identification of 39 tryptic peptides by

accurate peptide mass measurements Once again when using 100 H2O for MWCO

separations the starting amount was doubled to 1 microg (also done with 500 ng data not shown)

However many tryptic peptides were not detected due to low signal intensities and non-optimal

elution conditions Instead of H2O a 1 M NaCl solution was used for the MWCO elution but

only two tryptic peptides were identified (Table 1) The addition of 30 methanol into the

sample before MWCO filtration produced the first increase in identified BSA tryptic peptides

The remaining data from Table 1 shows improved BSA tryptic peptide identifications as the

sample (elution) conditions were further optimized Figure 2 shows the actual mass spectra

associated with the three most promising elution solutions along with 100 H2O

The BSA tryptic peptide intensities are shown in Figure 2A and the most intense tryptic

peptide YLYEIAR mz 92749 was observed in the four different solutions shown in Figure 2B

but not in the 100 H2O or 100 1 M NaCl solutions (data not shown) In Figure 2A all mass

spectra are normalized to an intensity of 7 x 104 to illustrate two points First the MWCO

filtering step still produced sample loss regardless of the solvent conditions chosen Second

there is a noticeable increase in peptide peak intensity using the optimized solvent 6040


aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol (Figure 2A) Figure 2C displays a zoomed-in view of a BSA

tryptic peptide signal LKECC

DKPLLEK mz 153266 (

carbamidomethyl) observed only in

the optimized solvent The detection of the mz 153266 peptide in Figure 2C highlights the

potential gain in sample and detectable peptides by using an optimized saltMeOH combination

A non-optimized saltMeOH combination will still reduce sample loss but further minimizing

sample loss during sample preparation will always be desirable in any analytical protocol

MWCO composition

The purpose of this application note is to provide evidence of sub-microg sample loss during

MWCO separations of peptide samples and a solution to overcome this limitation The

explanation of why adding MeOH and NaCl to the sample solution provides a significant

reduction in sample loss is beyond the scope of this application note Regardless Supplemental

Table S1 is an expanded version of Table 1 showing the amino acid sequence hydrophobicity

calculated using GRAVY scores and pI of the identified peptides in this study No discernible

trend was obtained from the data The membrane of commonly used MWCO in peptidomics and

for this study is comprised of chemically treated (regenerated) cellulose which is a

polysaccharide containing β (1rarr4) linked D-glucose Glucose has numerous free hydroxyl

groups which could non-specifically adsorb peptides flowing through the MWCO The addition

of MeOH has the most significant effect on signal which could be due to disrupting the

interaction between peptides and hydroxyl groups from glucose NaCl has a less significant

effect on sample recovery compared to MeOH but a detectable reduction in sample loss is noted

This improvement in sample recovery could be analogous to the use of NaCl in


immunodepletion protocols to reduce non-specific binding which is accomplished by adding

150 mM NaCl [17]

Analysis of bradykinin in the presence of undigested BSA

When using MWCO for peptide isolation proteins are typically present in the samples

usually in larger amounts Figure 3 shows the effect that adding BSA protein to a 10 ng

bradykinin solution before MWCO fractionation has on the resulting recovery of bradykinin

Adding 10 μg of BSA to the optimized 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol solution slightly

decreased bradykininrsquos signal with a RSD of 10 More severe signal reduction occurred after

adding 100 microg BSA with a RSD of 2 (N=2) It is not unexpected that more signal reduction

due to sample loss would occur especially in the 100 microg BSA sample because the BSA protein

has a molar ratio of 160 BSA protein molecules to one bradykinin peptide Figure 3 shows the

usefulness of the MWCO method with samples containing large amounts of proteins


The present work provides solutions to reduce sample loss from the use of MWCO for

sub-microg peptide isolation with or without non-digested proteins in the sample Despite its

widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO fractionation step

which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides from limited starting

material This application note aims to reduce sample loss during MWCO separations

specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation If complex samples are processed with MWCO

separation the authors recommend eluting the sample with 6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

solution as a starting point to minimize sample loss This application note provides a viable


alternative for sub-microg peptide MWCO separation circumventing the need to increase the starting

material by minimizing sample loss from using a MWCO membrane-based centrifugal filter



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Table 1 Identified BSA tryptic peptides from various MWCO separation conditions

BSA tryptic

peptide (MH+)


H2O 1microg


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl








































Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


Figure 1 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard showing improvement over two orders of magnitude in detection limits Each MWCO

separation was performed at minimum in triplicate with representative spectrum selected for

each with a calculated RSD from the peak heights Three different amounts of bradykinin were

tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss under different MWCO solvent conditions The

top panel shows 1 microg of bradykinin standard after MWCO separation with 100 H2O elution

produced no signal The addition of 40 or 30 MeOH produced very low bradykinin signals

for both 100 ng (RSD of 28) and 10 ng (SNlt3 no RSD calculated) respectively In the

bottom two spectra each showed very large intensity but the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

10 ng bradykinin was processed with a 10kDa MWCO and zip-tipped and was reproducible with


a RSD of 6 The last spectrum was from 10 ng bradykinin (RSD of 3) which was diluted to

an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the MALDI plate


Figure 2 Representative MALDI mass spectra from MWCO separation of a BSA tryptic

peptide standard showing sample loss Stacked mass spectra from mz range 875-2150

normalized to 7 x 104 intensity representing the detection difference from a BSA tryptic peptide

standard from different MWCO separation conditions (A) It should be noted that when the

solvent for MWCO elution was 100 H2O 1 microg of BSA tryptic peptides was processed instead

of 500 ng A zoomed in view of the most abundant BSA tryptic peptide detected YLYEIAR

mz 92749 (B) Various percentages of MeOH produced significant signal but addition of a salt

(1 M NaCl) increases the signal which is closest to a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard A zoomed in view of a representative low intensity BSA tryptic peptide detected


DKPLLEK mz 153266 (C) The optimized solution to be used for MWCO filtration


6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol was the only procedure that enabled the detection of the

tryptic peptide in Figure 2C which was also detected in the directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard All experiments were performed a minimum of two times with nearly identical results

) Carbamidomethyl amino acid modification

ordm) Tryptic peptide identified in three of the spectra in Figure 2A

dagger) Tryptic peptide identified in two of the spectra in Figure 2A

) Tryptic peptide identified in a single spectrum in Figure 2A


Figure 3 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard with a BSA protein present showing optimized solvent conditions minimized samples

losses Each experiment was performed in duplicate Two different amounts of BSA protein

were tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss caused by the presence of a protein The top

panel shows 10 microg of BSA protein and the second panel shows 100 microg of BSA protein added

while only 10 ng of bradykinin was added Detectable sample loss was observed when the BSA

protein was added but panel two shows that the amount of BSA protein was 1 x 104 greater

(equivalent to 160 fold molar excess) than bradykinin The last two spectra were controls using

a MWCO with the optimized solution in panel 3 and panel 4 using 10 ng bradykinin which was

diluted to an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the

MALDI plate


Supplemental Table 1 Expanded Table 1 including grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY)

score theoretical pI and the sequence from the underlying amino acid sequence for the peptides

identified in the BSA digest The GRAVY and pI scores were obtained from ExPASy

Bioinformatics and modifications were not taken into consideration

(httpwebexpasyorgprotparam) Peptide assignments to the recorded peaks were done by









Sequence 100




1 M





1 M



1 M





1 M



5453 0900 972 VASLR

6894 0267 979 AWSVAR

7124 -0950 647 SEIAHR

8985 0529 674 LcVLHEK

9275 -0071 600 YLYEIAR

10345 -0725 674 NEcFLSHK

10725 -0211 538 SHcIAEVEK

11385 0 599 ccTESLVNR

11636 0130 453 LVNELTEFAK

12496 -1250 545 FKDLGEEHFK

12837 0264 675 HPEYAVSVLLR

13057 -0582 532 HLVDEPQNLIK

13997 0567 437 TVMENFVAFVDK

14157 0567 437 TVmENFVAFVDK

14197 0058 530 SLHTLFGDELcK

14398 -0133 875 RHPEYAVSVLLR

14636 -0515 465 TcVADESHAGcEK

14798 0292 600 LGEYGFQNALIVR

15026 -0625 409 EYEATLEEccAK

15118 0207 597 VPQVSTPTLVEVSR

15328 -0617 617 LKEccDKPLLEK

15547 -0823 441 DDPHAcYSTVFDK

15677 -0085 437 DAFLGSFLYEYSR

15768 -0985 456 LKPDPNTLcDEFK

16399 -0067 875 KVPQVSTPTLVEVSR

16678 0064 437 MPCTEDYLSLILNR

16738 -1723 550 QEPERNEcFLSHK

17248 0064 437 MPcTEDYLSLILNR

17408 0064 437 mPcTEDYLSLILNR

17477 -0914 414 YNGVFQEccQAEDK

17497 -0621 410 EccHGDLLEcADDR

18809 -0537 606 RPcFSALTPDETYVPK

18890 -0567 674 HPYFYAPELLYYANK

19019 -1275 466 NEcFLSHKDDSPDLPK

19079 0044 454 LFTFHADIcTLPDTEK

20450 -0812 839 RHPYFYAPELLYYANK

21139 -0682 480 VHKEccHGDLLEcADDR

22479 -0458 423 EccHGDLLEcADDRADLAK

Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


mass matching with no tandem mass spectrometry performed Lower case amino acids indicate

a modification present in the peptide of carbamidomethyl (c) or oxidation (m)


Chapter 8

Conclusions and Future Directions



Comparative shotgun proteomics investigating numerous biological changes in various

species and sample media and peptidomic method development have been reported The

developed comparative shotgun proteomics based on label-free spectral counting with nanoLC

MSMS platform have been employed in mouse CSF rat CSF yeast culture and other biological

specimens Mass spectrometry (MS)-based peptidomic enhancements using ETD and improved

sample preparation methods for molecular weight cut-offs have been reported Together these

studies add to the Li Labs capabilities in comparative shotgun proteomics and expand available

methods for peptidomic research

Immunodepletion of CSF for comparative proteomics

Chapters 3 and 4 used similar methods to generate a list of differentially expressed

proteins providing insight into how Alexander disease (AxD) perturbs the proteome and how the

new prion model rat adapted scrapie (RAS) proteome varies from control rats In the GFAP

overexpressor mouse CSF study in Chapter 3 we have produced a panel of proteins with

significant up or down regulation in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice MS-based

proteomic study of this mouse model for AxD was consistent with the previous studies showing

elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified IgY-14 immunodepletion technique

for low amounts of CSF with recommendations for future antibody depletion techniques to deal

with the unique challenges of mouse CSF was presented Modified proteomics protocols were

employed to profile mouse CSF with biological and technical triplicates addressing the

variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF spectral counting Validation of the data was

performed using both ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide corroboration with the


changes in the putative biomarkers This work presents numerous interesting targets for future

study in AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1

Using the protocol developed in Chapter 3 we performed a similar study in RAS CSF

compared to control rat CSF Two differences in sample preparation for the rat CSF compared

to the mouse CSF are noted (1) rat IgY-7 immunodepletion was performed and (2) each rat

CSF sample was collected from one animal due to sufficient volume instead of pooling from

multiple animals for the mouse CSF sample After immunodepletion the CSF samples from

control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using

one dimensional RP nanoLC separation We were able to identify 167 proteins with redundant

isoforms removed which was derived from total 512 proteins with a 1 FDR from all the CSF

samples Comparative analysis was performed using dNSAF spectral counting and 21 proteins

were significantly changed Our data were consistent with previous prion CSF studies showing

14-3-3 protein increased in CSF of prion infected animals Genomic analysis was also

performed and was used to cross-validate our proteomic data and numerous proteins were found

to be consistent including a novel marker related to prion disease RNAset2 (ribonuclease T2)

In summary this work provides a foundation for investigation of the perturbed proteome of a

new prion model RAS

Yeast Phosphoproteomic Comparison between Starved and Glucose Fed Conditions

This work presented a qualitative comparison of the phosphoproteome between starved

and glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) A large scale IMAC enrichment of

yeast cell lysate followed by 2-D separations provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for CID

MSMS and neutral loss triggered ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for

PKA was highlighted to show the differences in proteins identified between starved and glucose


fed conditions In total 477 unique phosphopeptides were identified with 06 FDR and 669

unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Phosphosite validation was performed using

a localization algorithm Ascore to provide further confidence on the site-specific

characterization of these phosphopeptides Two proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential

intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on protein phosphorylation involved in glucose


Methods for Peptide Sample Preparation and Sequencing

In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation CCK-like neuropeptides found in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was identified and characterized

with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation assisted ETD fragmentation using

MgCl2 was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of sulfated neuropeptides

These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in future analysis of large

neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides

In addition to ETD sequencing I presented a protocol on improving recovery of minute

quantities of peptides by adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off

membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities

Despite its widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO

fractionation step which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides

from limited starting material This work presented a method to reduce sample loss during

MWCO separations specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss was reduced by over two orders of magnitude with and without


undigested protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein

and the bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and

not the presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-

seven tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol

while only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol

Ongoing Projects and Future Directions

CSF Projects

Rat Adapted Scrapie and Time Course Study of Rat CSF

In ongoing experiments from the work described in Chapter 4 related to rat adapted

scrapie (RAS) we are working towards more complete proteome coverage of CSF and a time

course study of RAS After the promising results of the 1-D proteomic comparison between

RAS and control CSF we want to perform IgY immunodepletion on 1 mL of rat CSF followed

by 2-D high pH-low pH RP-RP LC-MSMS IgY immunodepletion is still required and

afterwards approximately 40 microg of low abundance protein would remain Following traditional

urea tryptic digestion (see Appendix 1) and solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up the sample

would be dried down and reconstituted in mobile phase A (25 mM ammonium formate basic

pH) for high pH RP separation Fractions would be dried and subjected to MS analysis similar to

the work described in Chapter 4 The purpose of this work would be to increase the proteome

coverage from a few hundred to a thousand CSF proteins identified A time course study of RAS

is also desirable to gain insight into disease progression Rats at different stages will be

sacrificed and CSF will be collected The goal is to perform isobaric labeling between the time

courses with spectral counting being an alternative for relative protein expression We will use

the targets identified in Chapter 4 to track certain proteins for time course analysis Overall


these future projects will dig deeper into the proteome and how this novel prion model RAS

perturbs the proteins expressed in rats over time

Glycoproteomics and Peptidomic Analysis of CSF Samples from Individuals with

Alzheimerrsquos Disease

Alzheimerrsquos disease is an incurable progressive neurodegenerative disorder which results

in cognitive impairment Our aim is to provide additional biomarkers andor targets for drug

treatment Currently we used 500 microL of human CSF for non-membrane glycoprotein

enrichment (see Appendix 1) followed by 2-D high-pH-low-pH RP-RP amaZon ion trap LC-

MSMS analysis The initial work was a failure due to low amount of signal and significant

sample loss (data not shown) Through a comparison with Dr Xin Weirsquos PhD thesis we

estimated roughly 20 microg of proteins was obtained after glycoprotein enrichment and 1-D analysis

produced over 100 protein identifications (data not shown) but the additional off-line 2-D

separation and sample clean up resulted in low number of protein identifications for each fraction

analyzed by MS (data not shown) We have recently obtained 1 mL of human CSF samples

from healthy controls and individuals suffering from Alzheimerrsquos disease and plan to perform

the same experiments with double the starting amount and reduce the fractions collected from 2-

D separation from 11 to 6 In addition to the glycoproteomics anything not enriched will be

subjected to MWCO separation using the method presented in Chapter 7 The obtained peptide

sample will be subjected to Q-TOF nanoLC MSE data acquisition followed by de novo

sequencing using various programs including PEAKS and Mascot Collectively we feel this

project has great potential to lead to interesting targets and further expand the proteomic

knowledge of Alzheimerrsquos disease

GFAP Knock-in Mouse CSF


In a direct follow-up to Chapter 3 we aim to perform comparative proteomics on control

vs glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) knock-in mouse CSF samples The sample preparation

protocol as presented in Chapter 3 will be used For quantitative proteomics we plan on

performing isobaric labeling followed by performing high energy collision induced dissociation

(HCD) on the Orbitrap Elite The MS acquisition will also perform a top ten scan where the top

ten MS peaks will be selected for tandem MS analysis In addition targeted quantitation of

specific proteins using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) can be performed on potential

biomarkers and identified in this follow-up study and the work presented in Chapter 3 Also any

CSF samples with noticeable blood content cannot be used for the exploratory proteomics

experiments but can potentially be used for the MRM analysis and should be kept for such

experiments in the future

Large Scale Proteomics

Proteomics of Mouse Amniotic Fluid for Lung Maturation

The overall goal of this project is to determine what proteins are present in amniotic fluid

when the embryo is 175 weeks compared to amniotic fluid at 155 weeks The rationale behind

why these two time points matter was investigated through a lung explant culture where amniotic

fluid was added at 155 weeks and 175 weeks Visual maturation of lungs occurred with the

175 week amniotic fluid and lung maturation genes were up regulated in the mRNA in the lung

explant culture when compared to the 155 week amniotic fluid The compound which is

causing the maturation of the lungs is unknown and search for a secreted protein might provide a

clue to this process In order to test this hypothesis we carried out discovery proteomics

experiments The workflow involves tryptic digestion SPE and 1-D low pH nanoLC separation

coupled to an amaZon ETD ion trap for tandem MS analysis The resulting mass spectrometric


acquisition identified less than 100 proteins with a 1 FDR (data not published) To address the

lack of depth in the proteome coverage we purchased an IgY immunodepletion column to

remove the most abundant proteins in amniotic fluid similarly to Chapter 3 and 4 but on a larger

scale One abundant protein alpha-fetoprotein is present in amniotic fluid but absent or present

in very low concentration in CSF serum or plasma Alpha-fetoprotein is similar to albumin and

thus we ran amniotic fluid on an IgY immunodepletion column and observed significant

reduction in alpha-fetoprotein amount (data not published) After immunodepletion 2-D high

pH-low pH RP-RP will be performed followed by nanoLCMSMS on the amaZon ETD ion trap

We will perform mass spectrometry experiments using the 155 week amniotic fluid and 175

week amniotic fluid which have average protein contents ~2 mgmL We anticipate a minimum

of tenfold increase in the proteome coverage of amniotic fluid and provide meaningful

hypothesis driven biological experiments from this work

Phosphoproteomics of JNK Activation

c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is an important cellular mediator of stress activated

signaling Under conditions of oxidative stress JNK is activated resulting in the downstream

phosphorylation of a large number of proteins including c-Jun However the cellular response

to JNK activation is extremely complex and JNK activation can result in extremely different

physiological outcomes For example JNK is at the crossroads of cellular death and survival

and exhibits both pro-death and pro-survival activities These highly disparate outcomes of JNK

activation are highly contextual and depend on the type of stressor and duration of stress In the

brain JNK has been shown to be activated in models of Alzheimerrsquos disease Parkinsonrsquos

disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and stroke It is thought that JNK is activated in these

diseases as a result of oxidative stress and it is unknown whether this activation is pro-survival or


pro-death To elucidate JNK signaling in the brain we chose to analyze primary cortical

astrocytes under conditions of oxidative stress Since hydrogen peroxide is a physiologically

relevant oxidant in the brain and known to activate JNK we chose to use this to treat astrocytes

and then analyze changes to the phosphoproteome by mass spectrometry By doing this we

hope to elucidate important JNK-dependent targets involved in stress signaling in the brain and

that identifying these targets could lead to the identification of novel disease mechanisms and

potentially new therapeutic targets for neurodegeneration Specifically we plan on performing

stable isotope labeling by amino acids (SILAC) of astrocytes for control hydrogen peroxide

treated and hydrogen peroxide treated with JNK inhibitor The SILAC labeled astrocyte cell

lysate will be digested enriched using Fe-NTA IMAC and separated using 2-D high pH-low pH

RP-RP and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap The protocol is similar to the yeast

comparative phosphoproteomics from Chapter 5 After analysis we plan on processing the data

using ProteoIQ to identify phosphoproteins with significant changes

Immunoprecipitation Followed by Mass Spectrometry

Stb3 Mass Spectrometry Analysis

Stb3 (Sin3-binding protein) has previously been shown to change location depending on

the presence or absence of glucose (Heideman Lab Dr Michael Conways Thesis) An

immunoprecipitation of Stb3 was performed in parallel to the work described in Chapter 5 Two

separate experiments were performed one with wild type Stb3 and another tagged with myc for

improved protein immunoprecipitation Myc tagging is a polypeptide tag which can be

recognized by an antibody and provide a better enrichment compared to using a Stb3 antibody

alone The myc tagging was done because of the low abundance of Stb3 and the limited amount

of protein that was pulled down by the antibody for Stb3 Immunopreciptation experiments were


performed for both starved and glucose fed samples All samples were tryptically digested

followed by low pH RP nanoLCMSMS Both CID and ETD were used for fragmentation

analysis of each sample (n=2) The Stb3 wild type had two peptide hits in one MS run which is

not surprising due to low Stb3 antibody affinity In contrast a significant amount of Stb3 was

pulled down from Myc tagged starved and glucose fed samples For the glucose starved

samples 22 unique peptides from Stb3 were identified whereas glucose fed samples yielded 21

unique Stb3 peptides identified (unpublished data) The identified Stb3 in the myc samples

allowed us to investigate what other proteins were pulled down that are not present in the wild

type samples

From previous work by our collaborator Dr Heideman it had been suggested that Stb3

forms a complex with Sin3 and Rpd3 Our proteomic data shows multiple significant peptide

hits for Sin3 and Rpd3 in myc tagged but not in wild type where Stb3 is only observed once

with a low Mascot score When looking at the unique proteins identified in myc tagged glucose

fed sample but not included in the wild type samples the myc fed sample contained eight unique

ribosomal proteins with numerous unique peptides for each The ribosomal proteins identified in

myc fed sample supports the novel hypothesis that in the glucose fed state the complex of Stb3

Rpd3 and Sin3 interact with ribosomal proteins Other proteins unique to myc tagged glucose

starved samples are glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 and transcriptional regulatory

protein UME6 Also three proteins were observed in both myc fed and starved but not in the

wild type samples including transposon Ty1-DR1 Gag-Pol polyprotein(YD11B) SWIRM

domain-containing protein (FUN19) and RNA polymerase II degradation factor 1 (DEF1) Our

proteomics data for the Stb3 immunoprecipitation experiments with starved vs glucose fed


samples provide exciting evidence to support previous observation made by the Heideman group

and highlight the utility of MS-based approach to deciphering protein-protein interactions


The majority of the work described in this dissertation revolves around sample

preparation for proteomics and peptidomics with a focus on generating biologically testable

hypotheses In the area of neuropeptides CPRP was fully sequenced analytical methods were

transformed for use in an ETD ion trap and sub-microg peptides can now be analyzed by mass

spectrometry after MWCO separation In the field of comparative proteomics comparisons

between mouse CSF in GFAP overexpressors and control or rat adapted scrapie model and

control CSF yeast fed vs glucose starved cell extract have all been presented Collectively this

thesis has developed new techniques for neuropeptide sample preparation and presented

numerous comparative proteomic analyses of various biological samples and how the proteomes

are dynamically perturbed by various treatments and disease conditions


Appendix 1

Protocols for sample preparation for mass spectrometry based

proteomics and peptidomics


Small Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 8 μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

10 Acidify with 10μL 10 formic acid

11 Perform solid phase extraction using tips dependent of sample amount

a Sub-5μg amounts ndash Millipore Ziptips

b 5-75μg amounts ndash Bond-Elut tips from Agilent (OMIX tips)

12 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Small Scale ProteaseMAX Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 2 μL of 1 of

ProtesaeMAX (Promega) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Add 1 μL ProteaseMAX and let sit for 3-4 hours

10 Acidify with 2μL 10 formic acid

11 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Large Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (mg of proteins)

1 All solutions are in a 50 mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395 mgmL)

2 Add 20μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 160μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to sample

3 Allow sample to denature 45-60 minutes in a 37degC water bath

4 Add 54μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

5 Quench reaction with 20μL of DTT solution

6 Dilute with 14mL of NH4HCO3 solution

7 Add 100μg of trypsin

8 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

9 Acidify sample with 100μL of 10 formic acid

10 Perform solid phase extraction with Hypersep C18 Cartridges with 100 mg of C18

bead volume (Thermo)

11 Dry down with the Speedvac as needed for experiment


Fe-NTA Preparation from Ni-NTA Beads

1 Centrifuge (5 min at 140 rcf) and use a magnet to keep beads in place as supernatant

is removed

2 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O (using same technique of centrifuging and using

magnet to keep beads in places as supernatant is removed)

3 Add 800μL of 100mM EDTA (372mgmL) in a 50mM NH4HCO3 (395mgmL)

buffered solution (pH around 8) and vortex for 30 minutes to chelate the Ni

centrifuge and remove supernatant

4 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O

5 Add 800μL of 10mM FeCl3 hexahydrate (27mgmL) and vortex for 30 minutes to

bind Fe to beads centrifuge and remove supernatant

6 Wash 3 times with 800μL H2O

7 Resuspend in a storage solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid (1mL total)


Fe-NTA IMAC Phospho-enrichment

1 Use wash solution (80ACN 01Formic Acid) to rinse beads vortex 1 minute

centrifuge and remove supernatant

2 Add sample (around 500μL in 80ACN 01Formic Acid) and vortex 40 minutes to

allow sample to bind dispose of supernatant after centrifuging

3 Wash 3 times with 200μL of wash solution discard supernatant

4 Add 200μL of elution solution (5050 ACN5Ammonium Hydroxide) vortex 15

minutes and save supernatant

5 Add 200μL of elution solution vortex 10 minutes and save supernatant

6 Wash 2 time with wash solution (collect supernatant of first wash)

7 If reusing store in 1mL solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid


High pH Off-line Separation

1) In general a minimum of 20 microg of peptides are needed to gain any benefit

from off-line 2D fractionation It is better to inject 100 microg of peptides on


2) Use a Gemini column or a similar column that can handle pH=10 and for this

protocol a 21 mm x 150 mm column was used

3) Prepare ldquobuffer Ardquo 25 mM NH4 formate pH=10 Also prepare ldquobuffer Brdquo

4) Dry down desired sample and reconstitute in buffer A

5) Inject based off sample loop (current Alliance HPLC has a 50 microL sample


6) Run gradient at bottom of the page collecting fractions every 3 minutes except

for the 1st minute which is the void volume

7) Optional If you want to reduce instrument time you can combine fractions 1

with 12 2 with 13 etc until 11 with 22

Time Mobile phase A Mobile phase B Flow Rate


0 98 2 05 mLmin

65rsquo 70 30 05 mLmin

65rsquo1rdquo 5 95 05 mLmin

70 5 95 05 mLmin


Non Membrane Glycoprotein Enrichment

1 For protocols involving membrane glycoprotein enrichment see Dr Xin Weirsquos


2 Add 75 microL of Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound to agarose beads and 150 microL

of Concanavalin A (ConA) to a Handee spin cup (Thermo) Wash 2 times with

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) binding buffer (015 M NaCl 002 M Tris-

HCl 1 mM CaCl2 pH=74) centrifuging at 400 g for 30 seconds

3 Place stopper on bottom of spin cup and add 200 microg of sample (500 microL for CSF)

Bring up to 300 microL using lectin LAC binding buffer

4 Incubate for 1 hour with continuous mixing at room temperature

5 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds

6 Perform two more 300 microL LAC binding washes followed by centrifugation

7 Add 300 microL LAC eluting buffer (0075 M NaCl 001 M Tris-HCl 02 M alpha-

methyl mannoside 02 M alpha-methyl glucoside and 05 M acetyl-D-

glucosamine) vortex for 10 minutes (have stopper in place while vortexing)

centrifuge and collect

7 Add another 300 microL LAC eluting buffer centrifuge and collect


MWCO separation for Sub-microg peptide concentrations

1 Wash molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) with 5050 waterMeOH centrifuge at

14000 g for 5 minutes for 10 kDa filter (time will vary Millipore Amicon Ultra


2 Wash with 100 water centrifuge at 14000 g for 5 minutes

3 Add methanol to the sample to get the concentration to 30 methanol and add

salt to achieve a roughly 05 M NaCl before adding the sample to the MWCO

4 Centrifuge at 14000 for 10 minutes collect flow through



Modified from Thermo Fisher Scientific Classic IP Kit

1 10 microL Polyclonal antibody added to 1 microg protein standard in a Handee spin cup

(Thermo) diluted with 1x TBS buffer to 400 microL and incubated overnight at on

shakerend-over-end rotator

2 Wash Protein GA beads with 2x 200microL TBS buffer and added to the

antibodysample for 15 hours at 4oC

3 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard flow through

4 Wash 3x with 100microL TBS buffer centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard

flow through

5 Wash with 1x conditioning solution (neutral pH buffer) centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and discard flow through

6 Eluted with elution buffer (2x100microL) centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and

collect flow through


C18 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

1 Determine amount of peptides for SPE ge5 microg use Ziptips from Millipore If

between 5-75 microg use OMIX from Agilent 100 microL version and if ge75 microg use SPE

cartridges such as 100 mg Hypersep from Thermo

2 Ensure no detergents are in the sample and it is acidified

3 The three SPE procedures all use the same sets of solutions only volumes vary

4 3x Wetting solution (100 ACN) for 60 microL OMIX (20 microL ziptip and 15 mL for

100 mg cartridge)

5 3x Wash solution (01 formic acid in 100 H2O) same volumes as 4

6 Draw up the sample about 10 times minimum (generally 30-40 is preferred)

without letting the bead volume dry out

7 1X Wash solution same volumes as 4

8 Back load the eluting solution 01 formic acid in 5050 H2OACN into the

Ziptips (15 microL) or OMIX (50 microL) tips For the SPE cartridge add 700 microL of

eluting solution

9 Dry down and prepare for next step in sample preparation


Laser Puller Programs and Protocols

1) Obtain about two feet of Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od

2) Wash with methanol and then air dry using the bomb

3) Cut into one foot or desired length

4) Use a lighter to burn the middle portion (about an inch in length) of the tubing

5) Remove the ash by rinsing with methanol and rubbing with a Kimwipe

6) Make sure the laser puller has been on for at least 30 minutes before use to allow

for the instrument to warm up

7) Place capillary in instrument with the burnedexposed portion in the center

making sure that the length of the capillary is pulled taut

8) Enter desired program (next page) and press pull


Laser Puller Programs

Program 99 (default lab program)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

250 0 25 150 15

240 0 25 150 15

235 0 25 150 15

245 0 25 150 15

Program 97 (developed for larger inner diameter tips)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

230 - 25 150 -

220 - 25 150 -

215 - 25 150 8


On column Immunodepletion (serum plasma CSF amniotic fluid)

1) Prepare buffer A ldquoDilution Bufferrdquo 10 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 150 mM NaCl

2) Prepare buffer B ldquoStripping Bufferrdquo 01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25

3) Prepare buffer C ldquoNeutralization Bufferrdquo 100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80

4) Determine loading amount (LC1=~1000 ug of serum or plasma less for CSF due

to the increased amount of albumin percentage in CSF)

5) Add Dilution buffer to sample before injection and ensure the sample is proper

pH (~7)

6) Use gradient below

Time A B C Flow Rate


0rsquo 100 0 0 02

4rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 02

5rsquo 100 0 0 05

8rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 05

9rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo1rdquo 0 0 100 05

39rsquo 0 0 100 05

7) Store the column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Small Scale Immunodepletion (100 microL of CSF)

1) Use 75 microg (per 100 microL CSF) of Sigma Seppro IgY-14 or IgY-7 bead slurry

2) Add an equal volume of 2x dilution buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 300 mM

NaCl) to the starting amount of CSF

3) Add to a spin cup with a filter and allow to mix for 30 minutes

4) Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and collect the flow through

5) Add 50 microL of 1x dilution buffer mix for 5 minutes centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and collect the flow through

6) Use 1x stripping washes (01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25) centrifuge as before and

discard Repeat four times

7) Use 1x neutralization buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80) centrifuge as before

and discard Repeat two times

8) Store the beads in the spin column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Alliance Maintenance Protocol

Seal Wash

10 methanol no acetonitrile This wash cleans behind the pump-head seals to

ensure proper lubrication Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime SealWsh gt Start

2 Press Stop after 5 minutes

Prime Injector

10 methanol for maintenance high organic solvent for dirty runs (eg 95

acetonitrile) Done before injecting any real samples to ensure no bubbles are

present in the injector Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime NdlWsh gt Start

2 After completion press Close

Purge Injector

Solvent is dependent on run Run this protocol at beginning of experiments each day

Minimum once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Navigate Direct Function gt 4 Purge Injector gt OK

3 Set Sample loop volumes 60 leave Compression Check unchecked gt OK

Prime Solvent Pumps

Solvent is dependent on run If solvents are changed run this protocol Minimum

once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys choose composition A type 100 Enter x4

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 3 Wet Prime gt OK

4 Set Flow Rate 7000 mLmin Time 100 min gt OK

5 Repeat for all changedactive solvent pumps

Condition Column

Dependent on user Use starting conditions for run

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys type starting solvent compositions for run

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 6 Condition Column gt OK

4 Set Time as desired


Appendix 2

List of Publications and Presentations



ldquoDiscovery and characterization of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor related

peptides (CPRP) and orcokinin neuropeptides in the sinus glands of the blue crab Callinectes

sapidus using multiple tandem mass spectrometry techniquesrdquo Hui L Cunningham R Zhang

Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29

ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular weight cut-off

fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Li L

Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press

ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker

discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35

ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse models of

Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P Messing A Li

L Journal of Proteome Research Submitted

ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M Heideman

W Li L In preparation

ldquoIdentification of astrocytic JNK targets by phosphoproteomics using mass spectrometryrdquo

Cunningham R Dowell J Wang J Wellner D Li L Milhelm M In preparation

ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A Cunningham R Wellner

D Wang J Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



Robert Cunningham Davenne Mayour and Shoshanna Coon ldquoMorphology and Thermal

Stability of Monolayers on Porous Siliconrdquo The 231th

ACS National Meeting 2006 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Xin Wei Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass

Spectrometry-Based Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Peptidome and Proteome for Biomarker

Discovery in Alexander Diseaserdquo The 57th

ASMS Conference 2009 Philadelphia PA

Robert Cunningham ldquoWhat to Expect in a PhD Graduate Schoolrdquo Invited seminar University

of Northern Iowa 2010 Cedar Falls IA

Robert Cunningham Dustin Frost Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoInvestigation of an

Optimized ProteaseMAX Assisted Trypsin Digestion of Human CSF for Pseudo-SRM

Quantification of GFAP and Identification of Biomarkersrdquo The 58th

ASMS Conference 2010

Salt Lake City UT

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo Oral presentation at Pittcon Conference and Expo 2011 2011 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Michael Conway Daniel Wellner Douglas Grunwald Warren

Heideman and Lingjun Li ldquoDevelopment of optimized phosphopeptide enrichment methods for

comparison of starved and glucose fed yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo The 59th


Conference 2011 Denver CO

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo 2011 Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium 2011 Madison WI


Table of Contents



Acknowledgements i

Table of Contents iii

Abstract iv

Chapter 1 Introduction brief background and research summary 1

Chapter 2 Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for

biomarker discovery and the current state of the field 15

Chapter 3 Protein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from

transgenic mouse models of Alexander disease detected

using mass spectrometry 73

Chapter 4 Genomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapie 110

Chapter 5 Investigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome

between starved vs glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae 139

Chapter 6 Use of electron transfer dissociation for neuropeptide

sequencing and identification 166

Chapter 7 Investigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss

using molecular weight cut-off fractionation prior to

mass spectrometric analysis 187

Chapter 8 Conclusions and future directions 206

Appendix 1 Protocols for sample preparation for mass spectrometry

based proteomics and peptidomics 217

Appendix 2 Publications and presentations 233



Mass Spectrometry Applications for Comparative Proteomics and

Peptidomic Discovery

Robert Stewart Cunningham

Under the supervision of Professor Lingjun Li

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison


In this thesis multiple biological samples from various diseases models or

treatments are investigated using shotgun proteomics and improved methods are

developed to enable extended characterization and detection of neuropeptides In general

this thesis aims to expand upon the rapidly evolving field of mass spectrometry (MS)-

based proteomics and peptidomics by primarily enhancing small scale sample analysis

A review of the current status and progress in the field of biomarker discovery in

peptidomics and proteomics is presented To this rapidly expanding body of literature

our critical review offers new insights into MS-based biomarker studies investigating

numerous biological samples methods for post-translational modifications quantitative

proteomics and biomarker validation Methods are developed and presented including

immunodepletion for small volume cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples for comparison of

the CSF proteomes between an Alexander disease transgenic mouse model with

overexpression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein and a control animal This thesis also

covers the application of the small scale immunodepletion of CSF for comparative

proteomic analysis of a novel rat adapted scrapie (RAS) model for prion disease and


compares the RAS CSF proteome to control rat CSF using MS Large scale

phosphoproteomics of starved vs glucose fed yeast is presented to better understand the

phosphoproteome changes that occur during glucose feeding Method development for

neuropeptide analysis is expanded upon using electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

fragmentation to successfully sequence for the first time the crustacean hyperglycemic

hormone precursor-related peptide (CPRP) from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus In

addition a method for ETD sequencing of sulfonated neuropeptides using a magnesium

salt adduct in an ion trap mass spectrometer is reported This thesis also reports on a

method for sub-microg peptide isolation when using a molecular weight cut-off filtration

device to improve sample recovery by over 2 orders of magnitude All the protocols used

throughout the work are provided in an easy to use step-by-step format in the Appendix

Collectively this body of work extends the capabilities of mass spectrometry as a

bioanalytical tool for shotgun proteomics and expands upon methods for neuropeptide

discovery and analysis


Chapter 1

Introduction Brief Background and Research Summary



Mass spectrometry based comparative proteomics and improved methods for

neuropeptide discovery have been reported in this thesis A very brief introduction of crustacean

neuropeptidomics is covered in this chapter followed by Chapter 2 which covers in great detail

comparative proteomics using mass spectrometry with an emphasis on biomarker discovery

Chapter 3 reports a novel immunodepletion technique used for comparative proteomics between

glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) overexpressor and control mouse cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Chapter 4 involves rat CSF comparative proteomics between rat adapted scrapie and control

animals Chapter 5 details comparisons of phosphoproteomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

(Bakerrsquos yeast) between starved vs glucose fed conditions Chapter 6 investigates the use of

electron transfer dissociation (ETD) for kDa sized neuropeptides and neuropeptides with tyrosine

sulfonation Chapter 7 presents a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) protocol to allow sub-microg

peptides to be recovered Chapter 8 provides a conclusion to this thesis and outlines future

directions for certain projects



Mass spectrometry (MS) requires gas phase ions for experimental measurement and

intact large nonvolatile biomolecules proved difficult to be analyzed by electron ionization or

chemical ionization until the invention of two soft ionization techniques matrix-assisted laser

desorptionionization (MALDI)1 and electrospray ionization (ESI)

2 ESI and MALDI are the

two most common soft ionization techniques for mass spectrometry Once ionized molecules

such as peptides or proteins can be separated by their mass to charge ratios (mz) using various

mass analyzers manipulating electric andor magnetic fields ESI and MALDI mass

spectrometric techniques have become central analytical methods in biological sciences because

they are suitable for nonvolatile thermally labile analytes in femtomole quantities3 ESI allows

the coupling of high pressure liquid chromatography and the constant flow of solvent is

electrically charged at the outlet to produce a Taylor cone4 During desolvation the Raleigh

limit is reached and a coulombic explosion occurs commonly producing multiply charged ions

A modification of ESI is nanoLC-ESI which operates at nLmin flow rates to analyze low sample

amounts such as proteins or peptides in biological samples5 NanoLC-ESI uses less solvent as

the source because of the reduced flow rate of standard LCMS with an ESI source and nanoLC-

ESI is the predominate inlet for shotgun proteomic ESI MS experiments6 Conversely MALDI

can use sub-microL volume of sample and be co-crystallized with an ultraviolet absorbing organic

matrix that is obliterated using a laser at appropriate wavelength to generate gas phase ions

Alternatively MALDI has the unique capability to work with tissue samples and ionize in the

solid state instead of liquid like ESI


Mass analyzers require an operating pressure between 10-4


Torr to allow proper ion

transfer and separationisolation of the ion based upon its mz Numerous mass analyzers are

currently available and each have their own strengths and weaknesses as shown in Figure 1 The

biomolecules are separated by the mass analyzers and detected without fragmentation which is

termed MS analysis Following MS detection tandem mass spectrometry (MSMS) of the

original precursor ion can be performed to provide additional structural information such as a

ladder sequence of amino acids for peptides Numerous fragmentation techniques are available

for proteomics such as collision induced dissociation (CID) electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

or high energy collision induced dissociation (HCD) Each of these fragmentation techniques

have their own benefits in proteomics experiments and are discussed in depth in Chapter 2 The

background and current status for comparative proteomics with specific emphasis on biomarker

analysis are covered in Chapter 2

Neuropeptidomic Method Development in the Crustacean Model System

Utilizing Mass Spectrometry

Chapter 6 and 7 focus on sample preparation and ETD fragmentation techniques to

characterize neuropeptides in the neuroendocrine organs in the crustacean nervous system

Neuropeptides are short chains of amino acids which are a diverse class of cell-cell signaling

molecules in the nervous system Neuropeptides have been investigated for being involved in

numerous physiological processes such as memory7 learning

8 depression

9 pain

10 reward



sleep-wake cycles13


and feeding15-17

Figure 2 depicts how

neuropeptides are synthesized as pre-prohormones in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and


packaged in the Golgi apparatus After being packaged these pre-prohormones are processed

into bioactive peptides within the vesicle which is occurring during vesicular transport down an

axon and released into the synaptic cleft Secreted neuropeptides stimulate the post synaptic

neurons by interacting with G-protein coupled receptors at the chemical synapse

The crustacean model nervous system is well-defined neural network which has been

used in neurobiology and neuroendocrine (neurosecretory) research and thus lends itself for

studying neuromodulation18-22

Figure 3 shows the locations of several neuroendocrine organs in

the crustacean Callinectes sapidus including the sinus gland (SG) which is studied in Chapter 6

The Lingjun Li lab has focused on neuropeptide discovery and function in crustacean

neuroendocrine organs using mass spectrometry23-25

The work presented in Chapters 6 and 7

expand on sample preparation and analytical tools to further investigate the neuropeptidome

Research Overview

Comparative Proteomics of Biological Samples

Chapter 2 provides a thorough review of comparative proteomics and biomarker analysis

using mass spectrometry The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass

spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics

technologies have evolved to generate large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various

biological and disease progression processes producing testable hypotheses for complex

biological questions This chapter provides an introduction and insight into relevant topics in

proteomics and peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation

separation techniques peptide fragmentation post-translational modifications quantification


bioinformatics and biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and

remaining challenges and emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are discussed

Chapter 3 investigates comparative proteomics between a GFAP overexpressor mouse

model and a control mouses cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) CSF is a low protein content biological

fluid with dynamic range spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in

direct contact with the brain but consist of very abundant proteins similar to serum which require

removal A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment is presented to remove abundant

proteins such as albumin to enhance analysis of the low volumes of CSF that are obtainable

from mice These GFAP overexpressor mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we present the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates are performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in mass

spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation is performed using distributive normalized spectral

abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins with

significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice are identified with validation from

ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD

Chapter 4 explores the CSF proteomics of a novel prion model called rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) A similar IgY immunodepletion technique is presented as in Chapter 3 and is similarly

used to reduce the abundant proteins in CSF CSF from control and RAS (biological N=5

technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase

nanoLC separation In total 512 proteins 167 non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique

peptides are identified with a 1 FDR Comparative analysis was done using dNSAF spectral


counting and 21 proteins were significantly up or down-regulated The proteins are compared to

the 1048 differentially regulated genes and additionally compared to previously published

proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal models Of particular interest is

RAS specific proteins like RNAseT2 which is not up-regulated in mouse prion disease but is

designated as upregulated in both the genomic and proteomics data for RAS

Chapter 5 explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Previous work by the

Heideman lab investigated the transcriptional response to fresh glucose in yeast26

Kinases such

as protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose

response so we described a large scale phosphoproteomic MS based study in this chapter

Yeast cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase

(RP)-RP separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass

spectrometer with neutral loss triggered ETDfragmentation Specifically the CID fragmentation

can cause a neutral loss of 98z from the H3PO4 and can produce an incomplete fragmentation

pattern and lead to ambiguous identification so when the neutral loss is detected ETD MSMS

fragmentation is performed The neutral loss triggered ETD fragmentation is included in this

study to improve phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 phosphopeptides are identified

with 06 FDR and 669 phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Motif analysis of PKA and

phosphosite validation are performed as well


The future of comparative proteomics investigating small sample amounts or PTMs is

promising Further advances in enrichment separations science mass spectrometry

analyzersdetectors and bioinformatics will continue to create more powerful tools that enable

digging deeper in proteomics with both small (mouse CSF) and large (cell extracts) sample


Methods for Neuropeptide Analysis Using ETD fragmentation and Sample


Chapter 6 investigates the utility of ETD fragmentation to sequence endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation in the crustacean Callinectes sapidus The sinus

gland (SG) of the crustacean is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that produces numerous

hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine signaling moleculesmdash

neuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) precursor-

related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) is used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and high charge state In

addition ETD is used to sequence a sulfated peptide cholecystokinin (CCK)-like peptide in the

lobster Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively this chapter presents two

examples of the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or with

labile modifications

Chapter 7 reports a protocol on improving recovery of minute quantities of peptides by

adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off membrane-based

centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities In some biological


fluids such as CSF the endogenous peptide content is very low and using pure water to perform

the MWCO separation produces too much sample loss Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss is reduced over two orders of magnitude with and without undigested

protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein and the

bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and not the

presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-seven

tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while

only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy

presented in Chapter 7 greatly enhances recovery from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide




1 Tanaka K Waki H Ido Y Akita S Yoshida Y Yoshida T Matsuo T Protein and polymer analyses up to mz 100 000 by laser ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1988 2 (8) 151-153

2 Fenn J B Mann M Meng C K Wong S F Whitehouse C M Electrospray ionization for mass spectrometry of large biomolecules Science 1989 246 (4926) 64-71

3 Domon B Aebersold R Mass spectrometry and protein analysis Science 2006 312 (5771) 212-7

4 Whitehouse C M Dreyer R N Yamashita M Fenn J B Electrospray interface for liquid chromatographs and mass spectrometers Anal Chem 1985 57 (3) 675-9

5 Wilm M Mann M Analytical properties of the nanoelectrospray ion source Anal Chem 1996 68 (1) 1-8

6 Karas M Bahr U Dulcks T Nano-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry addressing analytical problems beyond routine Fresenius J Anal Chem 2000 366 (6-7) 669-76

7 Gulpinar M Yegen B The physiology of learning and memory Role of peptides and stress Curr Protein Pept Sci 2004 5 (6) 457-473

8 Ogren S O Kuteeva E Elvander-Tottie E Hokfelt T Neuropeptides in learning and memory processes with focus on galanin In Eur J Pharmacol 2010 Vol 626 pp 9-17

9 Strand F Neuropeptides general characteristics and neuropharmaceutical potential in treating CNS disorders Prog Drug Res 2003 61 1-37

10 Li W Chang M Peng Y-L Gao Y-H Zhang J-N Han R-W Wang R Neuropeptide S produces antinociceptive effects at the supraspinal level in mice Regul Pept 2009 156 (1-3) 90-95

11 Wu C-H Tao P-L Huang E Y-K Distribution of neuropeptide FF (NPFF) receptors in correlation with morphine-induced reward in the rat brain Peptides 2010 31 (7) 1374-1382

12 Tsutsui K Bentley G E Kriegsfeld L J Osugi T Seong J Y Vaudry H Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone and kisspeptin new key neuropeptides controlling reproduction J Neuroendocrinol 2010 22 (7) 716-727

13 Piper D C Upton N Smith M I Hunter A J The novel brain neuropeptide orexin-A modulates the sleep-wake cycle of rats Eur J Neurosci 2000 12 (2) 726-730

14 Tsuneki H Wada T Sasaoka T Role of orexin in the regulation of glucose homeostasis - Tsuneki - 2009 - Acta Physiologica - Wiley Online Library Acta Physiol 2010

15 Kageyama H Takenoya F Shiba K Shioda S Neuronal circuits involving ghrelin in the hypothalamus-mediated regulation of feeding Neuropeptides 2010 44 (2) 133-138

16 Sweedler J V Li L Rubakhin S S Alexeeva V Dembrow N C Dowling O Jing J Weiss K R Vilim F S Identification and characterization of the feeding circuit-activating peptides a novel neuropeptide family of aplysia J Neurosci 2002 22 (17) 7797-7808


17 Jensen J Regulatory peptides and control of food intake in non-mammalian vertebrates Comp Biochem Physiol Part A Mol Integr Physiol 2001 128 (3) 469-477

18 Billimoria C P Li L Marder E Profiling of neuropeptides released at the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer borealis with mass spectrometry J Neurochem 2005 95 (1) 191-199

19 Cape S S Rehm K J Ma M Marder E Li L Mass spectral comparison of the neuropeptide complement of the stomatogastric ganglion and brain in the adult and embryonic lobster Homarus americanus J Neurochem 2008 105 (3) 690-702

20 Cruz Bermuacutedez N D Fu Q Kutz Naber K K Christie A E Li L Marder E Mass

spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of GAHKNYLRFamide a novel FMRFamide‐like peptide from crabs of the genus Cancer J Neurochem 2006 97 (3) 784-799

21 Grashow R Brookings T Marder E Reliable neuromodulation from circuits with variable underlying structure Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009 106 (28) 11742-11746

22 Ma M Szabo T M Jia C Marder E Li L Mass spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of novel crustacean C-type allatostatins Peptides 2009 30 (9) 1660-1668

23 Chen R Hui L Cape S S Wang J Li L Comparative Neuropeptidomic Analysis of Food Intake via a Multi-faceted Mass Spectrometric Approach ACS Chem Neurosci 2010 1 (3) 204-214

24 Li L Sweedler J V Peptides in the brain mass spectrometry-based measurement approaches and challenges Annu Rev Anal Chem 2008 1 451-483

25 Ma M Wang J Chen R Li L Expanding the crustacean neuropeptidome using a multifaceted mass spectrometric approach J Proteome Res 2009 8 (5) 2426-2437

26 Slattery M G Heideman W Coordinated regulation of growth genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Cycle 2007 6 (10) 1210-9


Figure 1 Capabilities and performances of certain mass analyzers Check marks indicate

availability check marks in parentheses indicate optional + ++ and +++ indicate possible or

moderate goodhigh and excellentvery high respectively Adapted with permission from

reference 3


Figure 2 Synthesis processing and release of neuropeptides (a) Cartoon showing two

interacting neurons (b) The synthesis of neuropeptides in the neuronal organelles and their

transport down the axon to the presynaptic terminal is depicted (c) Shows neuropeptide release

and interaction with the dendrite of the post-synaptic cell (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr

Stephanie Cape)


Figure 3 Schematic showing location of the neuronal tissues being analyzed in the MS studies

of neuropeptides in Callinectes sapidus The SGs (sinus glands located in the eyestalks of the

crab) and the POs (pericardial organs located in the chamber surrounding the heart) release

neurohormones into the hemolymph (crab circulatory fluid) The brain is near the STNS

(stomatogastric nervous system neural network that controls the motion of the gut and foregut)

which has direct connections to the STG (stomatogastric ganglion) The STG is located in an

artery so it is continually in contact with hemolymph (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr Robert



Chapter 2

Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics and Peptidomics for Biomarker

Discovery and the Current State of the Field

Adapted from ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and

biomarker discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35



The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass spectrometry-based

proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics technologies have

evolved to produce large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various biological and

disease progression processes producing testable hypothesis for complex biological questions

This review provides an introduction and insight to relevant topics in proteomics and

peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation separation techniques

peptide fragmentation post-translation modifications quantification bioinformatics and

biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and remaining challenges and

emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are presented



The field of proteomics has seen a huge expansion in the last two decades Multiple factors have

contributed to the rapid expansion of this field including the ever evolving mass spectrometry

instrumentation new sample preparation methods genomic sequencing of numerous model

organisms allowing database searching of proteomes improved quantitation capabilities and

availability of bioinformatic tools The ability to investigate the proteomes of numerous

biological samples and the ability to generate future hypothesis driven experiments makes

proteomics and biomarker studies exceedingly popular in biological studies today In addition

the advances in post-translational modification (PTM) analysis and quantification ability further

enhance the utility of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics A subset of proteomics

research is devoted to profiling and quantifying neurologically related proteins and endogenous

peptides which has progressed rapidly in the past decade This review provides a general

overview as outlined in Figure 1 of proteomics technology including methodological and

conceptual improvements with a focus on recent studies and neurological biomarker studies

Biological Material Selection

The choice of biological matrix is an important first step in any proteomics analysis The

ease of sample collection (eg urine plasma or saliva) versus usefulness or localization of

sample (eg specific tissue or proximity fluid) needs to be evaluated early on in a study design

Plasma derived by centrifugation of blood to remove whole cells is a very popular

choice in proteomics due to the high protein content (~65 mg ml1) and the ubiquitous nature of

blood in the body and the ability to obtain large sample amounts or various time points without

the need to sacrifice the animal or to perform invasive techniques Plasma is centrifuged


immediately after sample collection unlike serum where coagulation needs to occur first To

obtain plasma blood is collected in a tube with an anticoagulant added (ETDA heparin or

citrate) and centrifuged but previous reports have shown variable results when heparin has been

used as an anticoagulant2 Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) specifically recommends the

anticoagulants EDTA or citrate to treat plasma3 4

One of the primary concerns with plasma is

degradation of the protein content via endogenous proteases found in the sample5 One way to

address this problem is the use of protease inhibitors In addition freezethaw cycles need to be

minimized to prevent protein degradation and variability6 7

Plasma proteomics has seen

extensive coordinated efforts to start assessing the diagnostic needs using plasma8 HUPO also

has established a public human database for plasma and serum proteomics from 35 collaborating

labratories9 Large dynamic range studies have been performed on plasma with a starting sample

amount of 2625 microl (1575 mg) resulting in 3654 proteins identified with a sub 5 false

discovery rate10

The large dynamic range spanning across eleven orders of magnitude as visualized in

Figure 2 is one of the biggest obstacles in plasma proteomics Figure 2 also shows that as lower

abundance proteins are investigated the origins of those identified proteins are more diverse than

the most abundant proteins Recent mining of the plasma proteome showed an ability to search

for disease biomarker applications across seven orders of magnitude In addition the tissue of

origin for the identified plasma proteins were identified and its origin was more diverse as the

protein concentration decreased11

Plasma has been used as a source for biomarker studies such

as colorectal cancer12 13

cardiovascular disease14

and abdominal aortic aneurysm15


though the blood brain barrier prevents direct blood to brain interaction neurological disorders

such as Alzheimerrsquos disease (AD) have had their proteomes studied using plasma16


An alternative sample derived from blood is serum which is plasma allowed to coagulate

instead of adding anti-coagulates The time for coagulation is usually 30 minutes and during that

time significant and random degradation from endogenous proteases can occur The additional

variability caused from the coagulation process can change the concentration of multiple

potentially valuable biomarkers As biodiversity between samples or organisms is a challenging

endeavor additional sample variability due to serum generation may be undesirable but serum is

still currently being used for biomarker disease studies17

Serum has been used to compare the

proteome differences in neurological diseases such as AD Parkinsonrsquos disease and amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis and a review can be found elsewhere discussing the subject18

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy of brain or spinal cord

in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system and has been used for studies in neurological

disorders due to being a rich source of neuro-related proteins and peptides19

The protein

composition of the most abundant proteins in CSF is well defined and numerous studies exist to

broaden the proteins identified20-22

CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL)

which is ~100 times lower than serum or plasma and over 60 of the total protein content in

CSF consists of a single protein albumin23-25

In addition the variable concentrations of proteins

span up to twelve orders of magnitude further complicating analysis and masking biologically

relevant proteins to any given study26

One of the highest number of identified proteins is from

Schutzer et al with 2630 non-redundant proteins from 14 mL of pooled human CSF This study

involved the removal of highly abundant proteins by performing IgY-14 immunodepletion

followed by two dimensional (2D) liquid chromatography (LC) separation27

Studies have also

been performed to characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in

various diseases in the CSF28 29

One potential pitfall of CSF proteomic analysis is


contamination from blood which can be identified by counting red blood cells present or

examining surrogate markers from blood contamination other than hemoglobin such as

peroxiredoxin catalase and carbonic anhydrase30

A proof of principle CSF peptidomics study

identified numerous endogenous peptides associated with the central nervous system which can

be used as a bank for neurological disorder studies31

Numerous recent reports highlighted the

utility of CSF analysis for biomarker studies in AD32 33


both post-mortem

and ante-mortem35

Cellular lysates offer the distinct advantage to work with a cell line yeast or bacteria

with large amounts of proteins available for analysis36 37

with Saccharomyces cerevisiae being

the most common cell lysate38 39

Other cell lines are also used including HeLa40

and E coli41

The ability to obtain milligrams of proteins easily to scale up experiments without animal

sacrifice offers a clear advantage in biological sample selection Current literature supports

cellular lysate as a valued and sought after source of proteins for large scale proteomics

experiments because of the ability to assess treatments conditions and testable hypotheses42-44

Cellular lysate from rat B104 neuroblastoma cell line was used as an in vitro model for cerebral

ischemia and showed abundance changes in multiple proteins involved in various neurological


Other Sources of Biological Samples


The urine proteome appears to be another attractive reservoir for biomarker discovery

due to the relatively low complexity compared with the plasma proteome and the noninvasive

collection of urine Urine is often considered as an ideal source to identify biomarkers for renal


diseases due to the fact that in healthy adults approximately 70 of the urine proteome originate

from the kidney and the urinary tract 46

thus the use of urine to identify neurological disorders is

neglected However strong evidence have shown that proteins that are associated with

neurodegenerative diseases can be excreted in the urine47-49

indicating the application of urine

proteomics could be a useful approach to the discovery of biomarkers and development of

diagnostic assays for neurodegenerative diseases However the current view of urine proteome

is still limited by factors such as sample preparation techniques and sensitivity of the mass

spectrometers There has been a tremendous drive to increase the coverage of urine proteome

In a recent study Court et al compared and evaluated several different sample preparation

methods with the objective of developing a standardized robust and scalable protocol that could

be used in biomarkers development by shotgun proteomics50

In another study Marimuthu et al

reported the largest catalog of proteins in urine identified in a single study to date The

proteomic analysis of urine samples pooled from healthy individuals was conducted by using

high-resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry A total of 1823 proteins were identified

of which 671 proteins have not been previously reported in urine 51


For diagnosis purposes saliva collection has the advantage of being an easy and non-

invasive technique The recent studies on saliva proteins that are critically involved in AD and

Parkinsonrsquos diseases suggested that saliva could be a potentially important sample source to

identify biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases Bermejo-Pareja et al reported the level of

salivary Aβ42 in patients with mild AD was noticeably increased compared to a group of

controls 52

In another study Devic et al identified two of the most important Parkinsons


disease related proteinsmdash α-synuclein (α-Syn) and DJ-1 in human saliva 53

They observed that

salivary α-Syn levels tended to decrease while DJ-1 levels tended to increase in Parkinsons

disease The published results from this study also suggest that α-Syn might correlate with the

severity of motor symptoms in Parkinsons disease Due in part to recent advancements in MS-

based proteomics has provided promising results in utilizing saliva to explore biomarkers for

both local and systemic diseases 54 55

the further profiling of saliva proteome will provide

valuable biomarker discovery source for neurodegenerative diseases


Compared to body fluids such as plasma serum and urine where the proteomic analysis

is complicated by the wide dynamic range of protein concentration the analysis of tissue

homogenates using the well-established and conventional proteomic analysis techniques has the

advantage of reduced dynamic range However the homogenization and extraction process may

suffer from the caveat that spatial information is lost which would be inadequate for the

detection of biomarkers whose localization and distribution play important roles in disease

development and progression Matrix-assisted laser desorptionionization (MALDI) imaging

mass spectrometry (IMS) is a method that allows the investigation of a wide range of molecules

including proteins peptides lipids drugs and metabolites directly in thin slices of tissue 56-59

Because this technology allows for identification and simultaneous localization of biomolecules

of interests in tissue sections linking the spatial expression of molecules to histopathology

MALDI-IMS has been utilized as a powerful tool for the discovery of new cancer biomarker

candidates as well as other clinical applications60 61

The utilization of MALDI-IMS for human

or animal brain tissue to identify or map the distribution of molecules related to

neurodegenerative diseases were also recently reported62 63



There has been an increasing interest in the study of proteins secreted by various cells

(the secretomes) from tissue-proximal fluids or conditioned media as a potential source of

biomarkers Cell secretomes mainly comprise proteins that are secreted or are shed from the cell

surface and these proteins can play important role in both physiological processes (eg cell

signaling communication and migration) and pathological processes including tumor

angiogenesis differentiation invasion and metastasis In particular the study of cancer cell

secretomes by MS based proteomics has offered new opportunities for cancer biomarker

discovery as tumor proteins may be secreted or shed into the bloodstream and could be used as

noninvasive biomarkers The latest advances and challenges of sample preparation sample

concentration and separation techniques used specifically for secretome analysis and its clinical

applications in the discovery of disease specific biomarkers have been comprehensively

reviewed64 65

Here we only highlight the proteomic profiling of neural cells secretome that has

been applied to neurosciences for a better understanding of the roles secreted proteins play in

response to brain injury and neurological diseases The LC-MS shotgun identification of

proteins released by astrocytes has been recently reported66-68

In these studies the changes

observed in the astrocyte secretomes induced by inflammatory cytokines or cholinergic

stimulation were investigated6667

Alternatively our group performed 2D-LC separation and

included cytoplasmic protein extract from astrocytes as a control to identify cytoplasmic protein

contaminants which are not actively secreted from cells68

Sample Preparation


Proteomic analysis and biomarker discovery research in biological samples such as body

fluids tissues and cells are often hampered by the vast complexity and large dynamic range of

the proteins Because disease identifying biomarkers are more likely to be low-abundance

proteins it is imperative to remove the high-abundance proteins or apply enrichment techniques

to allow detection and better coverage of the low-abundance proteins for MS analysis Several

strategies including depletion and protein equalizer approach have been used during sample

preparation to reduce sample complexity69 70

and the latest advances of these methods have been

reviewed by Selvaraju et al 71

Alternatively the complexity of biological samples can be

reduced by capturing a specific subproteome that may have the biological information of interest

The latter strategy is especially useful in the biomarker discovery where the changes in the

proteome are not solely reflected through the concentration level of specific proteins but also

through changes in the post-translational modifications (PTMs) Here we will mainly discuss

the enrichment of phosphoproteinpeptides glycoproteinpeptides and sample preparation for

peptidomics and membrane proteins


Phosphorylation can act as a molecular switch on a protein by turning it on or off within

the cell It is thought that up to 30 of the proteins can be phosphorylated72

and it plays

significant roles in such biological processes as the cell cycle and signal transduction73

Currently tens of thousands of phosphorylation sites can be proposed using analytical methods

available today74 75

The amino acids that are targeted for phosphorylation studies are serine

threonine and tyrosine with the abundance of detection decreasing typically in that order Other


amino acids have been reported to be phosphorylated but traditional phosphoproteomics

experiments ignore these rare events76

In a typical large-scale phosphoproteomics experiment the sample size is usually in

milligram amounts to account for the low stoichiometry of phosphorylated proteins The large

amount of protein is then digested typically with trypsin but alternatively experiments have

been performed with Lys-C digestion to produce large enzymatic peptides The larger peptides

produced from Lys-C render higher charged peptides during electrospray ionization (ESI) and

allow improved electron-based fragmentation to determine specific sites of phosphorylation77

From the pool of peptides phosphopeptides must be enriched otherwise they will be masked by

the vast number and higher ionization efficiency of non-phosphorylated peptides The two most

common enrichment techniques are immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and

metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC) TiO2 being the most common oxide used for this

purpose A recent study reported that phosphorylation of neuronal intermediate filament proteins

in neurofibrillary tangles are involved in Alzheimerrsquos disease78


Protein glycosylation is one of the most common and complicated forms of PTM Types

of protein glycosylation in eukaryotes are categorized as either N-linked where glycans are

attached to asparagine residues in a consensus sequence N-X-ST (X can be any amino acid

except proline) via an N-acetylglucosamine (N-GlcNAc) residue or the O-glycosylation where

the glycans are attached to serine or threonine Glycosylation plays a fundamental role in

numerous biological processes and aberrant alterations in protein glycosylation are associated

with neurodegenerative disease states such as Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (CJD) and AD79 80


Due to the low abundance of glycosylated forms of proteins compared to non-glycosylated

proteins it is essential to enrich glycoproteins or glycopeptides in complex biological samples

prior to MS analysis Two of the most common enrichment methods used in glycoproteomics are

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) and hydrazide chemistry The detailed methodologies of

LAC hydrazide chemistry and other enrichment methods in glycoproteomics have been

extensively reviewed in the past81 82

In particular LAC is of great interest in studies of

glycosylation alterations as markers of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases due to its recent

applications in brain glycoproteomics83

Our group has utilized multi-lectin affinity

chromatography containing concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to enrich

N-linked glycoproteins in control and prion-infected mouse plasma84

This method enabled us to

identify a low-abundance glycoprotein serum amyloid P-component (SAP) PNGase F digestion

and Western blotting validation confirmed that the glycosylated form of SAP was significantly

elevated in mice with early prion infection and it could be potentially used as a diagnostic

biomarker for prion diseases

Membrane proteins

Membrane proteins play an indispensable role in maintaining cellular integrity of their

structure and perform many important functions including signaling transduction intercellular

communication vesicle trafficking ion transport and protein translocationintegration85

However due to being relatively insoluble in water and low abundance it is challenging to

analyze membrane proteins by traditional MS-based proteomics approaches Numerous efforts

have been made to improve the solubility and enrichment of membrane proteins during sample

preparation Several comprehensive studies recently covered the commonly used technologies in


membrane proteomics and different strategies that circumvent technical issues specific to the

membrane 86-90

Recently Sun et al reported using 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium

tetrafluoroborate (BMIM BF4) an ionic liquid (IL) as a sample preparation buffer for the

analysis of integral membrane proteins (IMPs) by microcolumn reversed phase liquid

chromatography (μRPLC)-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSMS)

The authors compared BMIM BF4 to the other commonly used solvents such as sodium dodecyl

sulfate methanol Rapigest and urea but they found that the number of identified IMPs from rat

brain extracted by ILs was significantly increased The improved identifications could be due to

the fact that BMIM BF4 has higher thermal stability and thus offered higher solubilizing ability

for IMPs which provided better compatibility for tryptic digestion than traditionally used solvent


In addition to characterization of membrane proteome the investigation of PTMs on

membrane proteins is equally important for characterization of disease markers and drug

treatment targets Phosphorylations and glycosylations are the two most important PTMs for

membrane proteins In many membrane protein receptors the cytoplasmic domains can be

phosphorylated reversibly and function as signal transducers whereas the receptor activities of

the extracellular domains are mediated via N-linked glycosylation Wiśniewski et al provides an

informative summary on recent advances in proteomic technology for the identification and

characterization of these modifications91

Our group has pioneered the development of detergent

assisted lectin affinity chromatography (DALAC) for the enrichment of hydrophobic

glycoproteins using mouse brain extract92

We compared the binding efficiency of lectin affinity

chromatography in the presence of four commonly used detergents and determined that under

certain concentrations detergents can minimize the nonspecific bindings and facilitate the

elution of hydrophobic glycoproteins In summary NP-40 was suggested as the most suitable


detergent for DALAC due to the higher membrane protein recovery glycoprotein recovery and

membranous glycoprotein identifications compared to other detergents tested In a different

study on mouse brain membrane proteome Zhang et al reported an optimized protocol using

electrostatic repulsion hydrophilic interaction chromatography (ERLIC) for the simultaneous

enrichment of glyco- and phosphopeptides from mouse brain membrane protein preparation93

Using this protocol they successfully identified 544 unique glycoproteins and 922 glycosylation

sites which were significantly higher than those using the hydrazide chemistry method

Additionally a total of 383 phosphoproteins and 915 phosphorylation sites were identified

suggesting that the ERLIC separation has the potential for simultaneous analysis of both glyco-

and phosphoproteomes


Peptidomics can be loosely defined as the study of the low molecular weight fraction of

proteins encompassing biologically active endogenous peptides protein fragments from

endogenous protein degradation products or other small proteins such as cytokines and signaling

peptides Studies can involve endogenous peptides94

peptidomic profiling33

and de novo

sequencing of peptides95 96

Neuropeptidomics focuses on biologically active short segments of

peptides and have been investigated in numerous species including Rattus97 98

Mus musculus99

100 Bovine taurus

101 Japanese quail diencephalon

102 and invertebrates

103-106 The isolation of

peptides is typically performed through molecular weight cut-offs from either biofluids such as

CSF plasma or tissue extracts If the protein and peptide content is high such as for tissue or cell

lysates protein precipitation can be done via high organic solvents and the resulting supernatant

can be analyzed for extracted peptides where extraction solvent and conditions could have a


significant effect on what endogenous peptides are extracted from tissue107

A comparative

peptidomic study of human cell lines highlights the utility of finding peptide signatures as

potential biomarkers108

A thorough review of endogenous peptides and neuropeptides is beyond

the scope of this review and an excellent review on this topic is available elsewhere109

Fractionation and Separation

The mass spectrometer has a limited duty cycle and data dependent analysis can only

scan a limited number of mz peaks at any given time In addition significant ion suppression

can occur if there is a difference in concentration between co-eluting peptides or if too many

peptides co-elute Therefore one of the biggest challenges in biomarker discovery is the

complexity of the sample and the presence of high-abundance proteins in body fluids such as

CSF serum and plasma In addition to the removal of the most abundant proteins by

immunodepletion the reduction of the complexity of the sample by further fractionation is

indispensable to facilitate the characterization of unidentified biomarkers from the low

abundance proteins Traditionally used techniques for complex protein analysis include gel

based fractionation methods such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE) and its

variation two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) or non-gel based such as

one- or multidimensional liquid chromatography (LC) and microscale separation techniques

such as capillary electrophoresis (CE)

2D-GE MS has been widely used as a powerful tool to separate proteins and identify

differentially expressed proteins ever since 2D gels were coupled to mass spectrometry In 2D-

GE MS thousands of proteins can be separated on a single gel according to pI and molecular

weight Individual protein spots that show differences in abundance between different samples


can then be excised from the gel digested into peptides and analyzed by MALDI MS or by

liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MSMS) for protein identification The

introduction of 2D-DIGE adds a quantitative strategy to gel electrophoresis by enabling multiple

protein extracts to be separated on the same 2D gel thus providing comparative analysis of

proteomes in complex samples In 2D-DIGE protein extracts from two different conditions and

an internal standard can be labeled with fluorescent dyes for example Cy3 Cy5 and Cy2

respectively prior to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis Compared to traditional 2D-GE 2D-

DIGE provides the clear advantage of overcoming the inter-gel variation problem 110


profiling of CSF by 2D-GE and 2D-DIGE has led to the identification of putative biomarkers in

multiple neurological disorders For example Brechlin et al reported an optimized 2-DIGE

protocol profiled CSF from 36 CJD patients The applicability of their approach was proven by

the detection of known CJD biomarkers such as 14-3-3 protein neuron-specific enolase lactate

dehydrogenase and other proteins that are potentially relevant to CJD 111

In another study to

identify novel CSF biomarkers for multiple sclerosis CSF from 112 multiple sclerosis patients

and control individuals were analyzed by 2D-GE MS for comparative proteomics Ten potential

multiple sclerosis biomarkers were selected for validation by immunoassay 112


methodologies sample preparation techniques and applications of 2D-DIGE in

neuroproteomics were reviewed by Diez et al113

Although 2D gel provides excellent resolving

power and capability to visualize abundance changes there are some limitations to the method

For example gel based separation is not suitable for low abundance proteins extremely basic or

acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins114 115

Complementary to gel-based approaches shotgun proteomics coupled to LC have

become increasingly popular in proteomic research because they are reproducible highly


automated and capable of detecting low abundance proteins Furthermore another advantage of

LC-MS shotgun proteomics is the suitability for isotope labeling for protein quantification which

is reviewed in a later section In shotgun proteomics a protein mixture is digested and resulting

peptides are separated by LC prior to tandem MS fragmentation to identify different proteins by

peptide sequencing The most common separation for shotgun proteomics peptidomics or top-

down proteomics experiments use low-pH reversed phase (RP) C18 C8 or C4 columns RPLC

is well established which provides high resolution desalts the sample which can interfere with

ionization and the mobile phase is compatible with ESI Nanoscale C18 columns allow for

separation and introduction of sub microgram samples If larger amounts of sample are

available two dimensional separations are usually preferred to greatly enhance the coverage of

the investigated proteome which will be discussed in depth later It is preferable to have an

orthogonal separation method and since RP separates via hydrophobicity strong cation exchange

(SCX) was the original choice due to its separation by charge MudPIT (multidimensional

protein identification technology) usually refers to the use of SCX as the first phase of separation

and is a well-established platform116

SCX has the advantage over RP separation technologies to

effectively remove interfering detergents from the sample SCX separation is not based solely

off charge and hydrophobicity contributes to elution therefore a small amount of organic

modifier usually 10-15 is added to lessen the hydrophobicity effects117

The addition of

organic modifiers needs to be minimized otherwise binding to the C18 trap cartridge or C18

column will be reduced if performed on-line SCX can be used for PTMs and offers specific

applications for proteomic studies and an excellent current review is offered on this subject


An alternative MudPIT separation scheme employing high pH RPLC as the first

phase of separation and low pH RPLC in the second dimension (RP-RP) has been successfully


applied to the proteomic analysis of complex biological samples119 120

The advantage of using

RP as the first dimension is the higher resolution for separation and better compatibility with

down-stream MS detection by eliminating salt Song et al reported a phosphoproteome analysis

based on this 2D RP-RP coupling scheme121

Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) employs distinct separation modality

where the retention of peptides is increased with increasing polarity122

The loading of sample is

done by high organic and eluted by increasing the percentage of the aqueous phase or polarity of

the mobile phase opposite from RPLC thus establishing orthogonality of the two separation


HILIC has quickly become a very useful method and is actively used for proteomic


for increased sensitivity125




quantification studies128

An alternative and modification to HILIC is ERLIC which adds an

additional mode of separation by electrostatic attraction An earlier study using ERLIC

demonstrated the ability to separate phosphopeptides from non-phosphorylated peptides at


A recent study looking into changes in the phosphoproteome of Marekrsquos Disease

applied ERLIC to chicken embryonic fibroblast lysate identifying only 13 phosphopeptides

out of all the identified peptides Due to the lack of isolation of phosphopeptides from ERLIC

the investigators performed immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) enrichment on

the fractions increasing identification of phosphopeptides over 50 fold130

A comparative study

of ERLIC to HILIC and SCX following TiO2 phospho-enrichment reported that

SCXgtERLICgtHILIC for phosphopeptide identifications126

Recent developments in instrumentation to combine LC with ion mobility spectrometry

(IMS) and MS (LC-IMS-MS) offered more advantages than conventional LC due to the rapid

high-resolution separations of analytes based on their charge mass and shape as reflected by


mobility in a given buffer gas The mobility of an ion in a buffer gas is determined by the ionrsquos

charge and its collision cross-section with the buffer gas The methodologies of IMS separations

and the application of LC-IMS-MS for the proteomics analysis of complex systems including

human plasma have been reviewed by Clemmerrsquos group131-133

They proposed a method that

employs intrinsic amino acid size parameters to obtain ion mobility predictions which can be

used to rank candidate peptide ion assignments and significantly improve peptide identification


Although 2D gel and LC are routinely used as separation techniques in MS-based

proteomics capillary electrophoresis (CE) has received increasing attention as a promising

alternative due to the fast and high-resolution separation it offers CE has a wide variety of

operation modes among which capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and capillary isoelectric

focusing (CIEF) have the greatest potential applications in MS-based proteomics thus will be

highlighted here CZE separates analytes by their charge-to-size ratios in buffers under a high

electrical field and is often used as the final dimension prior to MS analysis while the separation

feature of CIEF is based on isoelectric point and this technique is more suitable to be used as the

first dimension separation Detailed description of different CEndashMS interfaces sample

preconcentration and capillary coating to minimize analyte adsorption could be found in several


CE technique is complementary to conventional LC in that it is suitable for the

analysis of polar and chargeable compounds Dovichirsquos group conducted proteomic analysis of

the secreted protein fraction of Mycobacterium marinum which has intermediate protein


The tryptic digests were either analyzed by UPLC-ESI-MSMS in triplicates or

prefactionated by RPLC followed by CZE-ESI-MSMS It was demonstrated that the two

methods identified similar numbers of peptides and proteins within similar analysis times


However CZE-ESI-MSMS analysis of the prefractionated sample tended to identify more

peptides that are basic and have lower mz values than those identified by UPLC-ESI-MSMS

This analysis also presented the largest number of protein identifications by using CE-MSMS

suggesting the effectiveness of prefractionation of complex samples by LC method prior to CZE-

ESI-MSMS The use of CIEF as the first dimension of separation provides both sample

concentration and excellent resolving power The combination of CIEF and RPLC separation

has been applied to the proteomic analyses where the amount of protein sample is limited and

cannot meet the requirement of minimal load amount for 2D LC-MSMS143 144

So far CE-MS

has been widely applied to the proteomic analysis of various biological samples such as urine145

146 CSF

147 blood

148 frozen tissues

149 and the formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE)

tissue samples150

The recent CEndashMS applications to clinical proteomics have been summarized

in several reviews135 151 152

Protein Quantification

In 2D gel electrophoresis the quantitative analysis of protein mixtures is performed on

the gel by comparing the intensity of the protein stain The development of 2D-DIGE eliminated

the gel-to-gel variation and greatly improved the quantitative capability and reliability of 2D gel


However the accuracy of 2D gel based protein quantification suffers from the

limitations that a seemingly single gel spot often contains multiple proteins and the difficulty of

detecting proteins with extreme molecular weights and pI values as well as highly hydrophobic

proteins such as membrane proteins Therefore non-gel based shotgun proteomics technology is

more suitable for accurate and large-scale protein identification and quantification in complex

samples Briefly the quantification in non-gel based shotgun proteomics can be categorized into


two major approaches stable isotope labeling-based and label-free methods The common

strategies for quantitative proteomic analysis are reviewed and summarized in Table 1

Isotope labeling methods

Because stable isotope-labeled peptides have the same chemical properties as their

unlabeled counterparts the two peptides within a mixture should exhibit identical behaviors in

MS ionization The mass difference introduced by isotope labeling enables the detection of a

pair of two distinct peptide masses by MS within the mixture and allowing for the measurement

of the relative abundance differences between two peptides Depending on how isotopes are

incorporated into the protein or peptide these labeling methods can be divided into two groups

In vitro chemical derivatization techniques which incorporate a label or tag into the peptide or

protein during sample preparation metabolic labeling techniques which introduce the isotope

label directly into the organism via isotope-enriched nutrients from food or media

1 In vitro derivatization techniques

There are multiple methods to introduce heavy isotopes into proteins or peptides in vitro

The commonly used strategies include 18

O 16

O enzymatic labeling Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag

(ICAT) Tandem Mass Tags (TMTs) and Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification

(iTRAQ) The 18

O labeling method enzymatically cleaves the peptide bond with trypsin in the

presence of 18

O-enriched H2O and introduces 4-Da mass shift in the tryptic peptides153


advantages of this method include 18

O-enriched water is extremely stable tryptic peptides will

be labeled with the same mass shift secondary reactions inherent to other chemical labeling can

be avoided Conversely widespread use of 18

O-labeling has been hindered due to the difficulty

of attaining complete 18

O incorporation and the lack of robustness154 155

Currently ICAT


TMTs and iTRAQ methods are extensively used in quantitative proteomics In ICAT cysteine

residues are specifically derivatized with a reagent containing either zero or eight deuterium

atoms as well as a biotin group for affinity purification of cysteine-containing peptides156 157

The advantage of ICAT is that the affinity purification via biotin moiety can facilitate the

detection of low-abundance cysteine-containing peptides In addition the mass difference

introduced by labeling increases mass spectral complexity with quantification from the different

precursor masses done by MS and peptide identification being achieved through tandem MS

(MSMS) This added complexity from different peptide masses was addressed by using isobaric

labeling methods such as TMTs and iTRAQ 158 159

where the same peptides in different samples

are isobaric after tagging and appear as single mz in MS scans thus enhancing the peptide limit

of detection and reducing the MS scan complexity Isobaric labeling reagents are composed of a

primary amine reactive group and an isotopic reporter group linked by an isotopic balancer group

for the normalization of the total mass of the tags The reporter group serves for quantification

purpose since it is cleaved during collision-induced dissociation (CID) to yield a characteristic

isotope-encoded fragment Moreover isobaric labeling methods allow the comparison of

multiple samples within a single experiment Recently a 6-plex version of TMTs was


and iTRAQ enables up to eight samples to be labeled and relatively quantified in a

single experiment161

8-plex iTRAQ reagents have been used for the comparison of complicated

biological samples such as CSF in the studies of neurodegenerative diseases 162

Recently our

group developed a novel N N-dimethyl leucine (DiLeu) 4-plex isobaric tandem mass (MS2)

tagging reagents with high quantitation efficacy DiLeu has the advantage of synthetic simplicity

and greatly reduced synthesis cost compared to TMTs and iTRAQ163

Xiang et al demonstrated

that DiLeu produced comparable iTRAQ ability for protein sequence coverage (~43) and


quantitation accuracy (lt15) for tryptically digested proteins More importantly DiLeu

reagents could promote enhanced fragmentation of labeled peptides thus allowing more

confident peptide and protein identifications

2 In Vivo Metabolic Labeling

Metabolic processes can also be employed for the incorporation of stable-isotope labels

into the proteins or organisms by enriching culture media or food with light or heavy versions of

isotope labels (2H


15N) The advantage of in vivo labeling is that metabolic labeling does

not suffer from incomplete labeling which is an inherent drawback for in vitro derivatization

techniques In addition metabolic labeling occurs from the start of the experiment and proteins

with light or heavy labels are simultaneously extracted thus reducing the error and variability of

quantification introduced during sample preparation The most widely used strategy for

metabolic labeling is known as stable-isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)

which was introduced by Mann and co-workers164 165

In SILAC one cell population is grown

in normal or light media while the other is grown in heavy media enriched with a heavy

isotope-encoded (typically 13

C or 15

N) amino acid such as arginine or leucine Cells from the

two populations are then combined proteins are extracted digested and analyzed by MS The

relative protein expression differences are then determined from the extracted ion

chromatograms from both the light and heavy peptide forms SILAC has been shown to be a

powerful tool for the study of intracellular signal transduction In addition this technique has

recently been applied to the quantitative analysis of phosphotyrosine (pTyr) proteomes to

characterize pTyr-dependent signaling pathways166 167


Labe-free quantification

Although various isotope labeling methods have provided powerful tools for quantitative

proteomics several limitations of these approaches are noted Labeling increases the cost and

complexity of sample preparation introduces potential errors during the labeling reaction It also

requires a higher sample concentration and complicates data processing and interpretation In

addition so far only TMTs and iTRAQ allow the comparison of multiple (up to eight) samples

simultaneously The comparison of more than eight samples in a single experiment cannot be

achieved by isotope labeling In order to address these concerns there has been significant

interest in the development of label-free quantitative approaches Current label-free

quantification methods for MS-based proteomics were developed based on the observation that

the chromatographic peak area of a peptide168 169

or frequency of MSMS spectra170


to the protein or peptide concentration Therefore the two most common label-free

quantification approaches are conducted by comparing (i) area under the curve (AUC) of any

given peptides171 172

or (ii) by frequency measurements of MSMS spectra assigned to a protein

commonly referred to as spectral counting173

Several recent reviews provided detailed and

comprehensive knowledge comparing label-free methods with labeling methods data processing

and commercially available software for label-free quantitative proteomics174-177

Dissociation Techniques

The vast majority of proteomic experiments have proteins or peptides being identified by

two critical pieces of data obtained from the mass spectrometer The first is the precursor ion

identified by its mz which is informative to the mass of the peptide being analyzed The second

is the use of tandem mass spectrometry to fragment or dissociate the precursor ion and record the


generated fragment ion pattern to discern the amino acid sequence The three most popular

dissociation or fragmentation techniques for peptides are CID electron-transfer dissociation

(ETD) and high-energy collision dissociation (HCD) A recent study on the human plasma

proteome demonstrated that combined fragmentation techniques enhance coverage by providing

complementary information for identifications CID enabled the greatest number of protein

identifications while HCD identified an additional 25 proteins and ETD contributed an

additional 13 protein identifications178


Electron capture dissociation (ECD) 179

preceded ETD but ECD was developed for use

in a Penning trap for Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometers

ECD requires the ion of interest to be in contact with near-thermal electrons and for the electron

capture event to occur on the millisecond time scale but the time scale is inadequate for electron

trapping in Paul traps or quadrupoles in the majority of mass spectrometers180

ETD involves a

radical anion like fluoranthene with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation

which results in more uniform cleavage along the peptide backbone The cation accepts an

electron and the newly formed odd-electron protonated peptide undergoes fragmentation by

cleavage of the N-Cα bond which results in fragmentation ions consisting of c- and zbull-type

product ions The uniformed cleavage results in reduced sequence discrimination to labile bonds

such as PTMs and also provides improved sequencing for larger peptides compared to CID181

The realization that larger peptides produced better MSMS quality spectra compared to CID led

to a decision tree analysis strategy where peptide charge states and size determined whether the

precursor peptide would be fragmented with CID or ETD182

One of the main benefits of

ETDECD is the ability to sequence peptides with labile PTMs such as phosphorylation77 183





and histone modifications187

ETD also has the

benefit of providing better sequence information on larger neuropeptides when compared to


However a thorough analysis suggested that CID still yielded more peptideprotein

identifications than ETD in large scale proteoimcs189


High energy collision dissociation (HCD)190

is an emerging fragmentation technique that

offers improved detection of small reporter ions from iTRAQ-based studies191 192

HCD is

performed at a higher energy in a collision cell instead of an ion trap like CID thus HCD does

not suffer from the low-mass cutoff limitation Furthermore HCD offers enhanced

fragmentation efficiency assisting in MSMS spectra interpretation and protein identification193

A major drawback for HCD is that the spectral acquisition times are up to two-fold longer due to

increased ion requirement for Fourier transform detection in the orbitrap194

HCD has been

reported to increase phosphopeptide identifications over CID74

but in a different study CID was

reported to offer more phosphopeptide identifications over HCD194

Work has also been done to

transfer the decision tree analysis for HCD which basically switches CID with HCD claiming

better quality data determined by higher Mascot scores with more peptide identifications195


Data dependent acquisition (DDA) is the most commonly used ion selection process in

mass spectrometers for proteomic experiments An alternative process which does not have ion

selection nor switch between MS and MSMS modes is termed MSE MS

E is a data independent

mode and does not require precursor ions of a significant intensity to be selected for MSMS


A data independent mode decouples the mass spectrometer choosing which

precursor ions to fragment and when the ions are fragmented MSE works by a low or high


energy scan and no ion isolation is occurring The low energy scan is where the precursor ion is

not fragmented and the high energy scan allows fragmentation The resulting mix of precursor

and fragmentation ions is then detected simultaneously197

The data will then need to be

deconvoluted using a proprietary time-aligned algorithm that is discussed elsewhere198


continuous data independent acquisition allows multiple MSMS spectra to be collected during

the natural analyte peak broadening observed in chromatography which provides more data

points for AUC label-free quantification In addition lower abundance peptides can be

sequenced as more MSMS spectra are collected throughout the elution of an LC peak allowing

better signal averaging for smaller analyte peak of interest during coelution and reducing

sampling bias in typical DDA experiments where only more abundant peaks can be selected for


A comparison of spiked internal protein standards into a complex protein digest provided

evidence that MSE was comparable to DDA analysis in LC-MS

199 MS

E has been used for label

free proteomics of immunodepleted serum in large scale proteomics samples200

In addition

MSE was performed for the characterization of human cerebellum and primary visual cortex

proteomes Hundreds of proteins were identified including many previously reported in

neurological disorders201

MSE is quickly becoming a versatile data acquisition method recently

used in such studies as cancer cells202


and pituitary proteome discovery204

The usefulness of MSE as an unbiased data acquisition method is being assimilated into multiple

proteomics studies including studies involving neurological disorders

Data Analysis


One of the major bottlenecks in non-targeted proteomic experiments is how to handle the

enormous amount of data obtained Database searches biostatistical analysis de novo

sequencing PTM validation all have their place and multiple available platforms are available

If the organism being studied has had its genome sequenced databases can be created

with a list of proteins in the FASTA format to be used in database searching There are

numerous database searching algorithms for sequence identification of MSMS data including





and PEAKS209

These searching algorithms are

performed by matching MSMS spectra and precursor mass to sequences found within proteins

How well the actual spectra match the theoretical spectra determines a score which is unique to

the searching algorithm and usually can be extrapolated to the probability of a random hit

Recently a database has been developed for PTM analysis by the use of the program SIMS210

Specifically for phosphopeptides Ascorersquos algorithm scans the MSMS data to determine the

likelihood of correct phosphosite identification from the presence of site identifying product


If the organism that is being analyzed has not had its genome sequenced and no (or very

limited) FASTA database is available a homology search can be performed using SPIDER212

available with PEAKS software Alternatively individual MSMS spectrum can be de novo

sequenced but software is available to perform automated de novo sequencing of numerous

spectra (PEAKS208

DeNovoX and PepSeq)

For large-scale protein identifications the false discovery rate (FDR) must be established

by the searching algorithm and that is accomplished by re-searching the data with a false

database created by reversing or scrambling the amino acid sequence of the original database

used for the protein search Any hits from the false database will contribute to the FDR and this

value can be adjusted usually around 1 An additional layer of confidence in the obtained data


can be achieved in shotgun proteomics experiments by removing all the proteins that are

identified by only one peptide

Once a set of confident proteins or peptides have been generated from database

searching bioinformatic analysis or biostatistical analysis is needed Numerous software

packages are available for different purposes FLEXIQuant is an example for absolute

quantitation of isotopically labeled protein or peptides of interest213

FDR analysis of

phosphopeptides or other specific PTMs can be adjusted with such software as Scaffold

providing data consisting only of a specific modification214

Bioinformatic tools such as

Scaffold or ProteoIQ also include gene ontology (GO) analysis which can classify identified

proteins by three categories cellular component molecular function or biological process

Custom bioinformatics programs can also be developed and are often useful in various proteomic

studies including biomarker discovery in neurological diseases215

More detailed review of

bioinformatics in peptidomics216

and proteomics217

can be found elsewhere

Validation of Biomarkers by Targeted Proteomics

The validation of putative biomarkers identified by MS-based proteomic analysis is often

required to provide orthogonal analysis to rule out a false positive by MS and providing

additional evidence for the biomarker candidate(s) from the study for future potential clinical

assays At present antibody-based assays such as Western blotting ELISA and

immunochemistry are the most widely used methods for biomarker validation Although accurate

and well established these methods rely on protein specific antibodies for the measurement of

the putative biomarker and could be difficult for large-scale validation of all or even a subset of a

long list of putative protein biomarkers typically obtained by MS-based comparative proteomic


analysis Large scale validation is impractical due to the cost for each antibody the labor to

develop a publishable Western blot or ELISA and the antibody availability for certain proteins

As an alternative strategy quantitative assays based on multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) MS

using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer have been employed in biomarker verification

MRM is the most common use of MSMS for absolute quantitation It is a hypothesis

driven experiment where the peptide of interest and its subsequent fragmentation pattern must be

known prior to the quantitative MRM experiments MRM involves selecting a specific mz (first

quadrupole) to be isolated for fragmentation (second quadrupole) followed by one or more of

the most intense fragment ions (third quadrupole) being monitored The ability to quantitate and

thus validate the proteins or peptides as potential biomarkers is achieved by performing MRM on

isotopically labeled reference peptide for targeted peptideprotein of interest The main obstacle

for quantification of peptides is interference and ion suppression effects from co-eluting

substances Since the isotopically labeled and native peptide will co-elute the same interference

and ion suppression will occur for both peptides and thus correcting these interfering effects

Peptides need to be systematically chosen for a highly sensitive and reproducible MRM

experiment to ensure proper validation of putative biomarkers Peptides require certain intrinsic

properties which include an mz within the practical mass detection range for the instrument and

high ionization efficiency If the desired peptide to be quantified is derived from a digestion

then peptides that have detectable incomplete digestion or missed cleavage site can be a major

source of variability Peptides with a methionine and to a lesser extent tryptophan are

traditionally removed from consideration from MRM quantitative experiments due to the

variable nature of the oxidation that can occur In addition if chromatographic separation is

performed the retention behavior of the peptide must be well behaved with little tailing effects


eluting late causing broadening of the peak and even irreversible binding to the column As an

example hydrophilic peptides being eluted off a C18 column may exhibit the previously

described concerns and a different chromatographic separation will need to be explored for

improved limits of detection quantitation and validation To determine consistent peptide

detection or usefulness of certain peptides databases such as Proteomics Database218



have been developed to compile proteomic data repositories from initial

discovery experiments

After the peptide is selected for analysis the proper MRM transitions need to be selected

to optimize the sensitivity and selectivity of the experiment It is common for investigators to

select two or three of the most intense transitions for the proposed experiment It is imperative

that the same instrument is used for the determination of transition ions as different mass

spectrometers may have a bias towards different fragment ions

MRM experiments are still highly popular experiments for hypothesis directed


biomarker analysis222

and validation223

Validation of putative biomarkers is

increasingly becoming a necessary step when performing large scale non-hypothesis driven

proteomics experiments The traditional validation techniques of ELISA Western blotting and

immunohistochemistry are still used but MRM experiments are becoming an attractive

alternative for validation of putative biomarkers due to its enhanced throughput and specificity

Current work is still being performed to both expand the linear dynamic range224



of MRM A recent endeavor to increase the sensitivity for MRM experiments was

accomplished by ldquoPulsed MRMrdquo via the use of an ion funnel trap to enhance confinement and

accumulation of ions The authors claimed an increase by 5-fold for peak amplitude and a 2-3

fold reduction in chemical background225


Remaining Challenges and Emerging Technologies

Large sample numbers for mass spectrometry analysis

Multiple conventional studies in proteomics have been performed on a single or a few

biological samples As bio-variability can be exceedingly high the need for larger sample sizes

is currently being investigated Prentice et al used a starting point of 3200 patient samples

from the Womenrsquos Health Institute (WHI) to probe the plasma proteome using MS for

biomarkers The study did not test the 3200 patient samples by MS because even a simple one

hour one dimensional RP analysis on a mass spectrometer would take months of instrument time

for uninterrupted analysis Instead the authors pooled 100 samples together to bring the total

number of pooled samples to 32 To provide relevant plasma biomarkers the samples were then

subjected to immunodepletion 2-D protein separation (96 fractions total) and then 1-D RPLC of

tryptic peptide separation on-line interface to a mass spectrometer The large sample cohorts

help address bio-variability that can be a concern from small sample size proteomic experiments

and provide ample sample amounts to investigate the low abundance proteins226

Hemoglobin-derived neuropeptides and non-classical neuropeptides

Neuropeptides such as neuropeptide Y and enkephalin are short chains of amino acids

that are secreted from a range of neuronal cells that signal nearby cells In contrast non-classical

neuropeptides are termed as neuropeptides or ldquomicroproteinsrdquo which are derived from

intracellular protein fragments and synthesized from the cytosol227

MS was recently used to

determine that hemopressins which are hemoglobin-derived peptides are upregulated in Cpefatfat

mice brains Gelman et al designed an MS experiment to compare hemoglobin-derived


peptides comparing the brain blood and heart peptidome in mice The authors provided data

that specific hemoglobin peptides were produced in the brain and were not produced in the

blood Certain alpha and beta hemoglobin peptides were also up regulated in the brain for


mice and bind to CB1 cannabinoid receptors228

As discussed earlier in the review

peptidomics and specifically neuropeptidomics are popular fields of study utilizing MS and non-

classical neuropeptides is an exciting emerging area of research that could further expand the

diversity of cell-cell signaling molecules

Ultrasensitive mass spectrometry for single cell analysis

In addition to large scale analysis MS-based proteomics and peptidomics are making

progress into ultrasensitive single cell analysis The most successful MS-based techniques for

single cell analysis was performed with MALDI and studies that have been performed on

relatively large neurons are reviewed elsewhere229

The ultrasensitive MS analysis is currently

directed towards single cell analysis of smaller cells including cancer cells The first challenge

in single cell analysis is the isolation and further sample preparation to yield relevant data

Collection and isolation of a cell type can be accomplished using antibodies for fluorescence

activated cell sorting (FACS) and immune magnetic separation FACS works by flow cytometry

sorting cells by a laser that excites a fluorescent tag that is attached to an antibody Immune

magnetic separation allows separation by antibodies with magnetic properties such as


One exciting study combining FACS and MS termed mass cytometry This

technology works by infusing a droplet into an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer

(ICP-MS) containing a single cell bound to antibodies chelated to transition elements allowing a

quantifying response between single cells231

Clearly the future of single cell analysis for


biomarker analysis and proteomics is encouraging and has the potential to be an emerging field

in MS-based proteomics and peptidomics

Laserspray ionization (LSI)

Laserspray ionization (LSI) is an exciting new method to produce multiply charged mass

spectra from MALDI that is nearly identical to ESI232-234

Recently it has been reported that LSI

can be performed in lieu of matrix to produce a total solvent-free analysis234

The benefits of

being able to generate multiply charged peptides without any solvent may offer advantages

including MS analysis of insoluble membrane proteins or hydrophobic peptides avoidance of

chemical reactions while in solvents a reduction of sample loss due to liquid sample preparation

and ability to avoid diffusion effects from tissue imaging studies234

The multiply charged peptide and protein ions produced by LSI expand the mass range

for tissue imaging analysis More importantly the multiply-charged peptide ions are amenable

for electron-based fragmentation methods such as ETD or ECD which can be employed in

conjunction with tissue imaging experiments to yield in situ sequencing and identification of

peptides of interest235

Paper spray ionization

Paper spray (PS) is an ambient ionization method which was first reported using

chromatography paper allowing detection of metabolites from dried blood spots The original

method used a cut out piece of paper with a voltage clipped on the back while applying 10 microL of


Improvements have been made to this technology to enhance analysis

efficiency with a new solvent 91 dichloromethaneisopropanol (vv) and the use of silica paper


over chromatography paper237

Interesting applications or modifications have been made to PS

including direct analysis of biological tissue238

and leaf spray for direct analysis of plant


but both detect metabolites instead of proteins or peptides Paper spray ionization

was previously shown to enable detection of cytochrome c and bradykinin [2-9] standards in a

proof of principle study240

Clearly the utility of PS analysis in proteomics and peptidomics is

yet to be explored


New fragmentation techniques have been investigated for their utility in proteomics and

peptidomics including a recently reported negative-ion electron capture dissociation (niECD)

Acidic peptides which usually contain PTMs such as phosphorylation or sulfonation are often

difficult to be detected as multiply charged peptides in the positive ion mode As discussed

earlier multiply charged peptides are required for ECDETD fragmentation The fragmentation

of niECD is accomplished by a multiply negatively charged peptide adding an electron The

resulting fragmentation of multiply sulfated and phosphorylated peptide and protein standards

showed no sulfate loss and preserved phosphorylation site The resulting fragmentation pattern

from niECD was also improved in the peptide anions and provides a new strategy for de novo

sequencing with PTM localization241

Conclusions and Perspectives

Proteomics methodologies have produced large datasets of proteins involved in various

biological and disease progression processes Numerous mass spectrometry-based proteomics

and peptidomics tools have been developed and are continuously being improved in both


chromatographic or electrophoretic separation and MS hardware and software However several

important issues that remain to be addressed rely on further technical advances in proteomics

analysis When large proteomes consisting of thousands of proteins are analyzed and quantified

dynamic range is still limited with more abundant proteins being preferentially detected

Development and optimization of chemical tagging reagents that target specific protein classes

maybe necessary to help enrich important signaling proteins and assess cellular and molecular

heterogeneity of the proteome and peptidome Furthermore a significant bottleneck in

usefulness of proteomics research is the ability to validate the results and provide clear

significant biological relevance to the results The idea of P4 medicine242 243

is an attractive

concept where the four Prsquos stand for predictive preventive personalized and participatory

Proteomics is one of the critical ldquoomicsrdquo fields and has led to the development of enabling

innovative strategies to P4 medicine244

A goal of P4 medicine is to assess both early disease

detection and disease progression in a person A simplified example of how proteomics fits into

P4 medicine is that certain brain-specific proteins could be used for diagnosis with

presymptomatic prion disease244

The concept of proteomic experiments providing an individual

biomarker is becoming more obsolete with the revised vision being a biomolecular barcode that

could potentially be ldquoscannedrdquo or be a fingerprint for a specific disease or early onset to that

disease being closer to reality An excellent review on what biomarker analysis can do for true

patients is available245

Proteomics can also generate new hypothesis that can be tested by classical biochemical

approaches If a disease has an unknown pathogenesis proteomics is a good starting point to try

to assemble putative markers that can lead to further hypothesis for evaluation If a particular

protein or PTM is associated with a disease state either qualitatively or quantitatively potential


treatments could target that protein of interest or investigators could monitor that protein or

PTM during potential treatments of the disease Proteomics has expanded greatly over the last

few decades with the goal of providing revealing insights to some of the most complex

biological problems currently facing the scientific community


Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by the University of Wisconsin Graduate

School Wisconsin Alzheimerrsquos Disease Research Center Pilot Grant and a Department of

Defense Pilot Award LL acknowledges an H I Romnes Faculty Fellowship


Figure 1 A summary of general workflows of biomarker discovery pipeline by MS-based

proteomic approaches

Biological sample (CSF blood urine saliva cell

lysate tissue homogenates secreted proteins etc)

Protein extraction Sample pretreatment



Identification of


expressed proteins

Protein identification

Potential biomarkers

Biomarker validation

- Antibody based immunoassays


Quantitative analysis

- Isotope labeling

- Label free

Identification and

localization of

differentially expressed


Intact tissue

Sample preparation Slice frozen tissues

thaw-mounted on plate

Apply Matrix


Figure 2 Tissue expression and dynamic range of the human plasma proteome A pie chart

representing the tissue of origin for the high abundance proteins shows that the majority of

proteins come from the liver (A) Conversely the lower abundance plasma proteins have a much

more diverse tissue of origin (B and C) The large dynamic range of plasma proteins is presented

and the proteins can be grouped into three categories (classical plasma proteins tissue leakage

products interleukinscytokines) (D) Adapted from Zhang et al11

and Schiess et al246





Table 1 A summary of the common strategies applied to MS-based quantitative proteomic


Gel based Stable isotope labeling Label free


2D-DIGE 110

In vitro derivatization




ICAT 156

TMT 159

iTRAQ 158

Formaldehyde 247

ICPL 248

In vivo metabolic labeling





AUC measurement 169 172

Spectral counting 173

AUC Area Under Curve ICAT Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag TMT Tandem Mass Tags iTRAQ Isobaric Tags for

Relative and Absolute Quantification ICPL Isotope Coded Protein Labeling SILAC Stable Isotope Labeling by

Amino Acids in Cell Culture Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification (iTRAQ)



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Chapter 3

Protein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic

mouse models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometry

Adapted from ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse

models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P

Messing A Li L Submitted



Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a low protein content biological fluid with dynamic range

spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in direct contact with the

brain A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment was performed to enhance analysis of the

low volumes of CSF that are obtainable from mice As a model system in which to test this

approach we utilized transgenic mice that over-express the intermediate filament glial fibrillary

acidic protein (GFAP) These mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we report the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates were performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in

mass spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation was performed using distributive normalized

spectral abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins

with significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice has been identified with validation

from ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD



Alexander disease (AxD) is a fatal neurogenetic disorder caused by heterozygous point

mutations in the coding region of GFAP (encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein)1 The hallmark

diagnostic feature of this disease is the accumulation of astrocytic cytoplasmic inclusions known

as Rosenthal fibers containing GFAP Hsp27 αB-crystallin and other components2-5


several potential treatment strategies6-8

are under investigation clinical trial design is hampered

by the absence of a standardized clinical scoring system or means to quantify lesions in MRI

that could serve to monitor severity and progression of disease One solution to this problem

would be the identification of biomarkers in readily sampled body fluids as indirect indicators of


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy site for brain or spinal

cord in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system The protein composition of CSF is

well defined at least for the most abundant species of proteins and numerous studies exist that

characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in various diseases9 10

GFAP itself is present in CSF (albeit at much lower levels than in brain parenchyma) and in one

study of three Alexander disease patients its levels were markedly increased11

Whether an

increase in CSF GFAP will be a consistent finding in Alexander disease or whether other useful

biomarkers for this disease could be identified through an unbiased analysis of the CSF

proteome is not yet known

The rarity of Alexander disease makes analysis of human samples difficult However

mouse models exist that replicate key features of the disease such as formation of Rosenthal

fibers Unfortunately mouse CSF poses particular problems for proteomic studies and there is


an urgent need for technical improvements for dealing with this fluid For instance collection

from an adult mouse typically yields ~10 μL of CSF often with some contamination by blood12

To further complicate analysis CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL) with

over 60 of the total protein content consisting of a single protein albumin13 14

A number of

techniques have been developed to remove albumin from biological samples including Cibacron


IgG immunodepletion16

and IgY immunodepletion17-19

IgY which is avian in origin

offers reduced non-specific binding and increased avidity when compared to IgG antibodies from

rabbits goats and mice20-23

One widely used IgY cocktail is IgY-14 which contains fourteen

specific antibodies specific for albumin IgG transferrin fibrinogen α1-antitrypsin IgA IgM

α2-macroglobulin haptoglobin apolipoproteins A-I A-II and B complement C3 and α1-acid

glycoprotein Since existing protocols for IgY-14 depletion are optimized for use with large

volumes of serum new protocols must be developed to permit its use with the low volumes of a

low protein fluid represented by mouse CSF

Various improvements have also taken place in the field of proteomic analysis that could

facilitate analysis of mouse CSF Data dependent tandem mass spectrometry followed by

quantification of proteins is used in standard shotgun proteomics24-29

Several methods now exist

for introducing quantitation into mass spectrometry including stable isotope labeling30-32

isobaric tandem mass tags33 34

and spectral counting35 36

Spectral counting which is a

frequency measurement that uses MSMS counts of identified peptides as the metric to enable

protein quantitation is attractive because it is label-free and requires no additional sample

preparation Finally recent advances in spectral counting has produced a data refinement

strategy termed normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF)37 38

and further developed into

distributive NSAF (dNSAF) to address issues with peptides shared by multiple proteins39


To identify potential biomarkers in AxD we report a novel scaled-down version of IgY

antibody depletion strategy to reduce the complexity and remove high abundance proteins in

mouse CSF samples The generated spectral counts data were then subjected to dNSAF natural

log data transformation and t-test analysis to determine which proteins differ in abundance when

comparing GFAP transgenics and controls with multiple biological and technical replicates



Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) urea (gt99) sodium chloride (997) and ammonium

bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water

(182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS

grade acetonitrile and water were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-

Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified trypsin were purchased from Promega

(Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from Fluka (Buchs Switzerland)

Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris ge999 ) ammonium formate

(ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-14 antibodies were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich

(Saint Louis MO)


Transgenic mice over-expressing the human GFAP gene (Tg737 line) were maintained

as hemizygotes in the FVBN background and genotyped via PCR on DNA prepared from tail

samples as described previously40

The mice were housed on a 14-10 light-dark cycle with ad

libitum access to food and water All procedures were conducted using protocols approved by

the UW-Madison IACUC


CSF collection

CSF was collected from mice as described previously12

Briefly mice were anesthetized

with avertin (400-600 mgkg ip) A midline sagittal incision was made over the dorsal aspect

of the hindbrain and three muscle layers carefully peeled back to expose the cisterna magna The

membrane covering the cisterna magna was pierced with a 30 gauge needle and CSF was

collected immediately using a flexible plastic pipette Approximately ten microliters of CSF was

collected per animal All samples used for MS analysis showed no visible contamination of


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

A sandwich ELISA was used to quantify GFAP8 Briefly a microtiter plate was coated

with a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies (Covance SMI-26R) Plates were blocked with 5

milk before addition of sample or standards diluted in PBS with Triton-X and BSA A rabbit

polyclonal antibody (DAKO Z334) was used to detect the GFAP followed by a peroxidase

conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (Sigma A6154) secondary antibody The peroxidase activity

was detected with SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (PIERCE) and

quantified with a GloRunner Microplate Luminometer Values below the biological limit of

detection (16ngL) were given the value 16ngL before multiplying by the dilution factor

Immunodepletion of abundant proteins

Currently there are no commercial immunodepletion products available for use with CSF

and to address the low protein content of this fluid (~04 microgmicroL) Therefore 100 microL of

purchased IgY-14 resin was coupled with a Pierce Spin Cup using a paper filter from Thermo

Scientific (Waltham MA) CSF samples from either transgenics or controls were first pooled to

100 microL and then added to 100 microL of 20 mM Tris-HCl 300 mM pH 74 (2x dilution buffer) and


allowed to mix with the custom IgY-14 depletion spin column on an end-over-end rotor for 30

minutes at 4oC The sample was then centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds with an Eppendorf

Centrifuge 5415D (Hamburg Germany) The antibodies were then washed with 50 microL 1x

dilution buffer vortexed for 5 minutes centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds and the flow through

was collected for tryptic digestion The antibodies were then stripped of the bound proteins with

four 025 mL washes of 01 M glycine pH 25 neutralized with two 025 mL washes of 01 M

Tris-HCl pH 80 and washed once with 025mL of 1x dilution buffer The immunodepletion

protocol was repeated for each transgenic or control pooled 100 microL sample (N=3)

Preparation of tryptic digests

The immunodepleted pooled mouse CSF samples (200 microL total volume) were

concentrated to 10 microL using a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA)

To each sample 8 microL of 133 M urea and 1 microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to

incubate at 37oC for one hour After incubation 27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for

carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15 minutes in the dark To

quench the IAA 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react for 10 minutes To

perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg

trypsin which had previously been dissolved in 50 mM acetic acid at a concentration of 05

microgmicroL Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10

formic acid The tryptic peptides were then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Varian

Omix Tip C18 100 microL (Palo Alto CA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic

acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30 microL H2O in 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation


The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto an Agilent

Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5x03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow

rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm

Atlantis dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B

at 250 nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition


range of 300-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot41

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt mus musculus

(house mouse) database (version 575) False positive analyses42

were calculated using an

automatic decoy option of Mascot Results from the Mascot results were reported using

Proteinscape 21 and technical replicates were combined and reported as a protein compilation

using ProteinExtractor (Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed cleavages 2 enzyme

trypsin variable modifications carboxymethylation (C) and oxidation (M) peptide tolerance

plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap

Reported proteins required a minimum of one peptide with a Mascot score ge300 with bold red

characterization Spectral counts were determined from the number of MSMS spectra identified

from accepted proteins A bold red peptide combines a bold peptide which represents the first

query result from a submitted MSMS spectrum with the red peptide which indicates the top

peptide for the identified protein Requiring one bold red peptide assists in removal of

homologous redundant proteins and further improves protein results In addition requiring one


peptide to be identified by a score gt300 removes the ability for proteins to be identified by

multiple low Mascot scoring peptides

Each immunodepleted biological replicate had technical triplicates performed and the

technical triplicates were summed together by ProteinExtractor Peptide spectral counts were

then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis Details for this method can be

found elsewhere37 39

but briefly peptide spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on

unique peptides and a weighted distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins

ProteinScape removed 83 homologous proteins found in the current study to bring the total

number of proteins identified to 266 but some non-unique homologous peptides which are

shared by multiple proteins are still present in the resulting 266 remaining proteins To address

these non-unique homologous peptides distributive spectral counting was performed as

described elsewhere39

The dSpC is divided by the proteinrsquos length (L) and then divided by the

summation of the dSpCL from all proteins in the experiment (N) to produce each proteinrsquos

specific dNSAF value










The resulting data were then transformed by taking the natural log of the dNSAF value The

means for each protein were calculated using the ln(dNSAF) from N=3 biological replicates and

the whole data set was subjected to the Shapiro-Wilk test for normalityGaussian distribution

performed on the software PAST (Version 198 University of Oslo Norway Osla) The

Shapiro-Wilk test was repeated multiple times to determine a non-zero value for zero spectral


counts A non-zero value is required to alleviate the errors of dividing by zero which was

experimentally determined to be 043 The Gaussian data were then subjected to the t-test to

identify statistically significant changes in protein expression


General workflow

Individual CSF samples were manually inspected and samples were only selected that

showed no visual blood contamination Preliminary experiments showed that the maximum

degree of blood contamination estimated from counts of red blood cells in the CSF that was not

visible to the eye was less than 005 by total mass Approximately 10 individual mouse CSF

samples were pooled to achieve the desired 100 μL volume for a single biological replicate The

CSF samples were IgY immunodepleted followed by digestion with trypsin The resulting

digested samples were then de-salted concentrated reconstituted in 30 μL of 01 formic acid

and 5 μL was loaded onto a reversed phase nanoflow HPLC column subjected to a 90 minute

gradient and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer The workflow for

mouse CSF analysis is shown in Figure 1 The remainder of the desalted sample was saved for

technical replicates

Immunodepletion for CSF

Currently there are no immunodepletion techniques specifically designed for CSF

Nonetheless the protein profiles between CSF and serum are similar enough to use currently

available immunodepletion techniques designed for serum as a starting point The smallest

commercially available IgY-14 immunodepletion kit is for 15 μL of serum which is equivalent in

protein content to ~15 mL of CSF Therefore for 100 μL CSF one fifteenth of the total IgY-14


beads would be used for the equivalent immunodepletion which is 66 μL of proprietary bead

slurry The potential for irreversible binding of abundant proteins to their respective IgY

antibody even after an extra stripping wash and low amounts of total beads made using 66 μL

of IgY-14 bead slurry unrealistic In practice almost doubling the amount of IgY-14 beads (100

μL) used was not sufficient and resulted in albumin and transferrin peptides to be observed in

high abundance (data not shown) The most important protein to immunodeplete is albumin and

it has been reported to be a greater percentage of total CSF protein content (~60) than serum

(~49) in humans14

The difference in albumin percentage supports the results that proprietary

blends of immunodepletion beads for high abundance proteins such as albumin cannot be

scaled down on a strict protein scale and further modifications to the serum immunodepletion

protocol need to be made

Since IgY-14 beads were developed for use with serum all of its protocols need to be

taken into account to modify the protocol for CSF Serum samples should be diluted fifty times

before mixing with the IgY-14 beads but CSF protein concentration is at least one hundred times

lower than serum Therefore CSF is below half the recommended diluted protein concentration

for IgY immunodepletion Consequently multiple steps have been devised to address this

limitation First the binding time between the proteins targeted for removal from the CSF and

IgY-14 beads was doubled during the end-over-end rotor depletion step from the recommended

15 minutes to 30 minutes Second to prevent non-specific protein binding to the antibodies the

CSF samples were diluted with an equal amount (100 μL) of 2X dilution buffer The dilution

buffer of NaCl and Tris-HCl was needed to assist in reducing non-specific binding of proteins to

the 14 antibodies and ensuring the sample is held at physiological pH In addition to these

modifications a doubling of the starting IgY-14 bead slurry to 200 μL provided the desired


results Overall this modified protocol results in effective depletion of CSF abundant proteins

using only one-fifth of the antibodies provided by the smallest commercially available platform

Data Analysis

Spectral counting technique for relative quantitation provides numerous benefits for the

study of mouse CSF due to its label-free advantage In contrast isotopic labeling method often

involves additional sample processing that could cause sample loss which is highly undesirable

for low protein content and low volume samples Labeling methods also require a mixing of two

sets of isotopically labeled samples which would effectively increase the sample complexity and

reduce the amount of sample that can be loaded onto the nanoLC column by half In addition

more than two sets of samples can be compared by label-free methods The use of label-free

spectral counting method does not lead to an increase in sample complexity or interference in

quantitation from peptides in the mz window selected for tandem MS Using spectral counting

for relative quantitation however is dependent on reproducible HPLC separation and careful

mass spectrometry operation to minimize technical variability during the study To address

concerns of analytical reliability and run to run deviations base peak chromatograms from two

transgenic IgY-14 immunodepleted biological replicates including two technical replicates of

each were shown to be highly reproducible (Figure 2)

Each biological sample was analyzed in triplicate with the same protocols on the amaZon

ETD with three control and three transgenic samples From the three technical replicates for

each biological replicate the spectral counts of the peptides for the proteins identified were

summed The results from these mouse CSF biological triplicates are shown in Figure 3A for

GFAP overexpressor and Figure 3B for control The summation of spectral counts for each

biological replicate was performed to remove the inherent bias related to data dependent analysis


for protein identification One concern in grouping technical replicates is a potential loss of

information regarding analytical variability Figure 4 provides a graphical representation of

variability of technical replicates illustrating the standard deviation of technical replicates with

error bars Figure 4 shows that a statistically changed protein creatine kinase M (A) and an

unchanged protein kininogen-1 (B) have similar variability within (technical replicates) and

between samples (biological replicates) for each protein In addition Figure 4B illustrates that

even with the variability of kininogen-1 the resulting mean shown by the dashed line of control

and transgenic samples were almost equal whereas Figure 4A shows significantly different

expression level of creatine kinase M Performing replicate analysis of each biological sample

(n=3) helps correct for systematic errors deriving from sample handling and pooling of samples

helps reduce random error during the CSF sample collection process

Protein Identification and Spectral Counting Analysis

The data for dNSAF analysis like any mass spectrometry proteomics experiment

requires multiple layers of verification to ensure reliable data Our initial protein identifications

were subjected to a database search using a decoy database from Mascot which resulted in an

average false positive rate below 1 for all the experimental data collected Representative

MSMS spectra between control and GFAP transgenic samples are illustrated in Figure 5

Overall 266 proteins were identified in a combination of control and transgenic samples

(Supplemental Table 1) A total of 349 proteins were initially identified but 83 proteins were

isoforms of previously identified proteins and automatically excluded by ProteinExtractor The

next level of quality control was to only include ln(dNSAF) values from proteins identified by 2

or more unique peptides having a Mascot score of ge300 and observed in two out of three

biological replicates These selection parameters resulted in 106 proteins remaining after


dNSAF analysis (Supplemental Table 2) The resulting spectral counts were then subjected to

dSpC in order to account and correct for the systematic error of peptides shared by multiple

proteins (Supplemental Table 3)

It is inevitable in large scale and complex proteomics experiments that some proteins will

be seen in some samples and not others In addition when controls were compared to transgenic

samples as shown in Figure 3C 127 proteins were unique to either control or GFAP transgenic

mice and 139 proteins were seen in both samples From dNSAF equation if the spectral count

is zero the numerator is zero and the value will not be normalized between runs In order to

circumvent the zero spectral counts in dNSAF analysis zero spectral counts must be replaced by

an experimentally determined non-zero value determined to be 043 The 043 spectral counts

for zero spectral counts was calculated by serial Shapiro-Wilk tests to determine the lowest value

(043) for zero spectral counts and maintain a Gaussian distribution for all data sets The 043

value for zero spectral counts in the current study was higher than the 016 reported value for

zero spectral counts in the original NSAF spectral counting study37

Our study may have a

higher zero spectral count value than the previous study because the spectral counting data were

an addition of three technical replicates and three times 016 is close to 043 The normalized

Gaussian data were then subjected to t-test analysis and P-values below 005 are considered as

statistically significant and are presented in Table 1 The proteins with significant up or down

regulation from Table 1 can be further evaluated as how close significant proteins were to a p-

value of 005 such as ganglioside GM2 activator serine protease inhibitor A3N and collagen

alpha-2(I) chain having t-test scores of 0045 0047 and 0043 respectively Proteins exhibiting

a P-value close to 005 were more likely to be highly variable proteins or have smaller fold

changes between control and transgenic samples and thus provide less biological relevancy to


future studies The modest change in antithrobin-III which is reduced by 14-fold in transgenic

is included due a low pooled standard deviation in spectral counts

Spectral counting has been analyzed with fold changes derived directly from the average

spectral counts from the technical replicates and then the average of the three biological

replicates We decided to perform additional analysis using fold changes to dig deeper into

proteins that statistically support the null hypothesis from the dNSAF analysis To only pull out

highly confident protein identifications we used the same strict cut-off of two unique peptides

identified per protein as in dNSAF analysis We only accepted proteins with greater than three-

fold change in total spectral counts listed in Table 2 Two proteins contactin-1 (cntn1) and

cathepsin B (CB) illustrate the potential biomarkers missed by dNSAF analysis Cntn1 had zero

spectral count in the transgenic sample and had an average spectral count of 41 in control

samples The lack of any spectral counts in one biological control for cntn1 resulted in a large

standard deviation in the ln(dNSAF) means for the control which resulted in the t-test supporting

the null hypothesis Another example is CB which was detected by numerous spectral counts in

every GFAP transgenic biological replicate with an average spectral count of 97 (Table 2) The

presence of CB in one biological control sample (23 average spectral counts) resulted in a high

standard deviation in the mean of the control samples These examples exhibit a limitation of

dNSAF analysis which could cause a loss of potentially useful information

Previously Identified Proteins with Expression Changes

Previously three proteins have been described as increased in CSF from individual(s)

suffering from AxD In one study a single patientrsquos CSF was found to have elevated levels of

αβ-crystallin and HSP2744

In a second study three patients were reported to have elevated

levels of GFAP with concentrations from 4760 ngL to 30000 ngL (compared to lt175 ngL for



GFAP was detected in our current study however the other two proteins were not

detected One possibility is that αB-crystallin and Hsp-27 levels in mouse CSF are too low for

detection by MS analysis In addition while the transgenic mice display the hallmark

pathological feature of AxD in the form of Rosenthal fibers they do not have any evident

leukodystrophy and thus may not display the full range of changes in CSF as might be found in

human patients

Creatine Kinase M

Creatine kinase M (M-CK) is a 43 kDa protein whose role is to reversibly catalyze

phosphate transfer between ATP and energy storage compounds M-CK has been primarily

found in muscle tissue and for humans creatine kinase M is diagnostically analyzed in the blood

for myocardial infarction (heart attack) In addition M-CK is also found in Purkinje neurons of

the cerebellum45 46

A related protein creatine kinase B (B-CK) also exhibited an apparent 21

fold increase in transgenic CSF over control but this difference was not statistically different

B-CK concentration is known to be elevated in CSF following head trauma47

or cerebral


but decreased in astrocytes in individuals affected by multiple sclerosis49


The data showed multiple cathepsins were up regulated in the CSF of transgenic mice

when compared to control mice The up regulated cathepsins were S L1 and B isoforms which

are all cysteine proteases Cathepsin S (CS) was never observed in control samples but

observed with an average of 73 spectral counts per analysis Cathepsin L1 (CL1) was up

regulated by 94 times in transgenic mice These two cathepsins exhibited significant changes

using dNSAF and t-test statistics as shown in Table 1 and Cathepsin B (CB) showed a 42 fold

increase in transgenic CSF as shown in Table 2


Cathepsins regulate apoptosis in cells50

which is the major mechanism for elimination of

cells deemed by the organism to be dangerous damaged or expendable CL and CB are

redundant in the system as thiol proteases and inhibition of CB by CA-047 causes a diminished

apoptosis response in multiple cell lines51

Intriguingly increased levels of CB or CL are

correlated with poor prognosis for cancer patients and shorter disease-free intervals It is

believed that these proteases degrade the extracellular membrane which allows tumor cells to

invade adjacent tissue and metastasize52

With regards to AxD the up regulation of these

cathepsins may be indicative of the bodyrsquos natural defense and response to Rosenthal fibers

Thus stimulation of these cathepsins may provide a further protective stress response but the

positive correlation between these proteases and cancer highlights the multiple roles of these

proteins in pathological response Alternatively it has been shown that increased CB is involved

with the tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) induced apoptosis cascade53

The activation of the

TNFα could produce oligodendrocyte toxicity54

with the expression of TNFα being elevated in

tissue samples from mouse models and AxD patients55

The potential for a positive or a negative

effect in increasing or decreasing cathepsins warrant future research with cathepsins and AxD


Contactin-1 (Cntn1) is a 133 kDa cell surface protein that is highly glycosylated and

belongs to a family of immunoglobulin domain-containing cell adhesion molecues56

Table 2

shows that Cntn1 is down regulated in transgenic mice since spectral counts were only observed

in control mice Cntn1 is expressed in neurons and oligodendrocytes and higher levels were

observed during brain development57

In addition Cntn1 leads to activation of Notch1 which

mediates differentiation and maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) Although the

mechanism leading to a reduction of Cntn1 in CSF is not known it may reflect a change in


astrocyte interactions with either neurons or oligodendrocytes to alter their expression of this


Validation of putative biomarkers and MS proteomics data using ELISA and RNA

microarray data

To further validate the relative protein expression data obtained via MS-based spectral

counting techniques orthogonal immunological and molecular biological approaches have been

examined As GFAP was shown to be elevated in the CSF of transgenic animals we used a

well-defined GFAP ELISA protocol to test its CSF concentration CSF from 8 week old male

mice was collected from both transgenic and control animals Five samples of transgenic CSF

was prepared by pooling four to eight animals for the GFAP ELISA In the case of controls

each sample represents a single animal GFAP concentrations observed by both the MS and

ELISA showed significant increases of GFAP in the CSF when comparing transgenic to control


Another validation of MS spectral counts is observed in a microarray analysis performed

on transgenic mouse olfactory bulb tissue 55

In this paper nine of the proteins found by MS

showed similar gene expression in the microarray (Table 3) It is not surprising that all the genes

observed in the microarray are not the same as the proteins observed by MS analysis Gene

expression and protein synthesis and expression are not always correlated but the similarities

and overlapping trends observed with these two assays are encouraging As shown in Table 3

gene expression analysis also revealed the up regulation of several cathepsin proteins GFAP

and down regulation of contactin-1 in CSF collected from transgenic mice corroborating the

MS-based proteomics results



In this study we have produced a panel of proteins with significant up or down regulation

in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice This mouse model for AxD was consistent

with the previous studies showing elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified

IgY-14 immunodepletion technique for low amounts of CSF was presented This improved

protocol is useful for future investigations to deal with the unique challenges of mouse CSF

analysis Modified proteomics protocols were employed to profile mouse CSF with biological

and technical triplicates addressing the variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF

spectral counting Validation of the MS-based proteomics data were performed using both

ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide further confidence in the changes in the putative

protein biomarkers This study presents three classes of interesting targets for future study in

AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1



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2006 53 (1) 1-12


Table 1 Statistically changed proteins between transgenic and control mouse CSF using

dNSAF analysis

Accession Protein Pa SC

b Fold






KCRM_MOUSE Creatine kinase M-type 0034 425 30 182 541

HEXB_MOUSE Βeta-hexosaminidase subunit β 0012 183 uarr 0 59

CMGA_MOUSE Chromogranin-A 000078 153 darr 44 0

ANT3_MOUSE Antithrombin-III 0017 176 -14 67 47

SAP3_MOUSE Ganglioside GM2 activator 0045 415 darr 28 0

SPA3N_MOUSE Serine protease inhibitor A3N 0047 170 42 10 42

CO1A2_MOUSE Collagen alpha-2(I) chain 0043 56 darr 19 0

BLVRB_MOUSE Flavin reductase 00054 204 uarr 0 12

CATS_MOUSE Cathepsin S 00032 232 uarr 0 73

GFAP_MOUSE Glial fibrillary acidic protein 0021 107 uarr 0 21

RET4_MOUSE Retinol-binding protein 4 0040 189 darr 13 0

CBPE_MOUSE Carboxypeptidase E 0043 139 darr 11 0

CATL1_MOUSE Cathepsin L1 0015 87 94 02 19

The statistics are performed using the t-test from the ln(dNSAF) Gaussian data

a P p-value of the t-test where the null hypothesis states that there was no change in expression between

control and transgenic GFAP overexpressor b SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from

sequenced tryptic peptides c Fold Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF

negative values are fold changes for control CSF (ie down-regulated in transgenic CSF) uarr indicates the protein

was only detected in transgenic CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF d dSpC

distributive spectral counts which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass

spectrometer and corrected using distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 2 Proteins showing greater than three-fold changes with at least two unique

peptides identified for each protein

Accession Protein SC ()a Fold

Change b


dSpC c


dSpC c

MUG1_MOUSE Murinoglobulin-1 precursor 147 42 155 37

CO4B_MOUSE Complement C4-B 113 54 22 118

PRDX6_MOUSE Peroxiredoxin-6 576 46 14 64

CNTN1_MOUSE Contactin-1 65 darr 41 0

CATB_MOUSE Cathepsin B 263 42 23 97

CAH3_MOUSE Carbonic anhydrase 3 396 76 11 84

APOH_MOUSE Beta-2-glycoprotein 1 128 44 44 1

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

PGK1_MOUSE Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 355 36 17 61

NDKB_MOUSE Nucleoside diphosphate kinase B 408 34 13 44


Four and a half LIM domains

protein 1 243 39 13 51


Protein kinase C-binding protein

NELL2 45 -43 13 03


Malate dehydrogenase

mitochondrial 385 41 12 49

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

a SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from sequenced tryptic peptides b Fold

Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF negative values are fold changes for

control CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF c dSpC distributive spectral counts

which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass spectrometer and corrected using

distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 3 Validation of changes in proteins revealed by MS-based spectral counting

consistent with previously published microarray data

Consistent changes in RNA and proteomic data

uarr regulated in transgenic darr regulated in transgenic

Cathepsin S Contactin-1

Cathepsin B Carboxypeptidase E

Cathepsin L1


Complement C4-B

Glial fibrillary acidic protein

Serine protease inhibitor A3N

Note Validation of putative biomarkers from the current proteomics dataset by previously

published RNA microarray data55

Both up and down regulated proteins were consistent with the

RNA microarray data




SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Available upon request)

Table S1 Compilation list of proteins identified from all the control and transgenic biological


Table S2 Distributive spectral counting calculations performed for proteins observed to share

identified peptides

Table S3 Proteins with dNSAF spectral counting performed including t-test analysis for a

comparison between transgenic and control CSF



Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection sample

processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of mouse CSF samples

Figure 2 Assessment of run to run variability of the base peak chromatograms within and

between two biological and technical replicates The peak profile and intensity scale is

consistent between the four chromatograms The four panels show two biological replicates (Tg

4 and Tg5) with two technical replicates for each biological sample

Figure 3 A Venn-diagram of the biological triplicates (1 2 and 3) of transgenic mouse

CSF showing 78 proteins identified in all three experiments B Venn-diagram of the biological

triplicates (1 2 and 3) of control mouse CSF having 61 proteins identified by all three

replicates C The overlap between control and transgenic CSF proteomic analysis showing 139

proteins identified by both groups and 73 and 54 uniquely identified by respective groups

Figure 4 Assessment of technical replicate variability between biological replicates The error

bars in both A and B are the standard deviation derived from the technical triplicates for each

biological replicate Panel A shows creatine kinase M having more or equal variability in the

biological triplicates than each technical triplicate The means of the biological triplicates are

illustrated by the dashed line Panel B represents kininogen-1 which is unchanged between

control (Ctl) and transgenic (Tg) samples The biological variability coupled with the technical

replicates provides a barely noticeable difference in the pooled mean between control and


transgenic spectral counts The difference in means is contrasted with the three fold change

observed from creatine kinase M (A)

Figure 5 MSMS profile of the tryptic peptide LSVEALNSLTGEFK from creatine kinase M

(A) The top MSMS is from a control sample with an elution at 463 minutes (B) The bottom

MSMS is from the GFAP transgenic sample with an elution at 46 minutes These tandem MS

spectra show instrument reliability and consistent fragmentation patterns which are necessary for

spectral counting analysis

Figure 6 Validation of MS spectral counts using a GFAP ELISA GFAP content (ngL)

measured within mouse CSF from both transgenic and control animals The data represents the

average with standard deviation (n=5 each sample represents pooling of 1 to 8 animals) The

statistics are performed using a student t-test plt00001


Figure 1


Figure 2




Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 6

Ctl Tg





Mouse CSF Sample







Table of Contents Summary

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was obtained from transgenic mouse models of Alexander disease as

well as healthy controls We immunodepleted pooled CSF from mice by a modified IgY-14

protocol Shotgun proteomics utilizing trypsin digestion 1-D nanoRP separation CID tandem

mass spectrometry analysis Mascot database searching and relative quantitation via distributive

normalized spectral abundance factor resulted in the identification of 266 proteins and 27

putative biomarkers


Chapter 4

Genomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapie

Adapted from ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A

Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



A novel model of prion disease using rats called Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) was

developed with the genomics from brain and proteomics from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profiled

The CSF proteome from control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were

digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase nanoLC coupled to data-

dependent tandem MS acquisition on an ion trap mass spectrometer In total 512 proteins 167

non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique peptides were identified with a 1 false

discovery rate (FDR) Of the proteins identified 21 were statistically up-regulated (plt005) and

7 statistically down-regulated in the RAS CSF We also identified 1048 genes which were

differentially regulated in rat prion disease and upon mapping these changes to mouse gene

expression however only 22 of these genes were in common with mRNAs responding to

prion infection in mice suggesting that the molecular pathology observed in mice may not be

applicable to other species The proteins are compared to the differentially regulated genes as

well as to previously published proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal




Prion diseases are an unusual class of fatal transmissible neurodegenerative disorders

that affect the mammalian central nervous system They are caused by the accumulation of an

abnormal conformation of the normal host encoded cellular prion protein PrPC This

conformational rearrangement of PrPC is brought about by template directed misfolding wherein

seed molecules of the abnormal isoform PrPScrapie


convert PrPC into new PrP

Sc molecules

Scrapie in sheep and goats is the prototypic prion disease and is so named because clinically

affected animals scrape their wool off on pen and stall walls Laboratory investigation of prion

diseases typically relies upon rodents which can be infected with natural isolates of scrapie1

albeit with some difficulty as ovid scrapie isolates need time to adapt to rodents This adaptation

is characteristic of prion disease interspecies transmissions and properly reflects the molecular

adaptation that must occur to allow interaction between exogenous foreign PrPSc

and host PrPC

molecules selecting for conformers which exhibit template directed misfolding In some cases

no conformational solution is found reflecting a species barrier to disease transmission

In recent years advances in genomics and proteomics technologies have allowed

unprecedented examination of the biomolecules that are altered upon exposure to prion agents

These studies2 3

have relied upon analysis of gene and protein expression changes in response to

prion infection with the aim of trying to identify pathways that might underlie the mechanism of

prion-induced neurotoxicity A second important aim has been to identify signature molecules

that might act as surrogate biomarkers for these diseases as there are significant analytical

challenges associated with sensitively detecting and specifically distinguishing disease-induced

conformational changes (PrPSc

) of the prion protein from normal host conformations (PrPC)


Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics has become a promising tool for biomarker

discovery from biological fluids such as CSF blood and urine4-6

Two-dimensional gel

electrophoresis MS (2D-GE MS) and two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE

MS) are the most widely used methods for proteomic profiling of prion infected CSF so far due

to the advantage of ready separation and quantification of proteins in complex biological samples

Studies using 2D-GE MS or 2D-DIGE MS to profile proteins in CSF have led to the

identifications of currently accepted biomarker for sCJD 14-3-3 protein and other potential

biomarkers for prion diseases7-9

However the application of this method in biomarker

discovery is limited by insufficient sensitivity and potential bias against certain classes of

proteins as gel-based separation does not work well for the low abundance proteins very basic

or acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins 10 11

In contrast to 2D-

GE or 2D-DIGE shotgun proteomics employs enzymatic digestion of the protein samples

followed by chromatographic separation prior to introduction into a mass spectrometer for

tandem MS analyses Shotgun proteomics has become increasingly popular in proteomic

research because these methods are reproducible highly automated and have a greater

likelihood of detecting low abundance proteins12 13

Due to the sample complexity in CSF and

because albumin comprises over half of the protein content in CSF removal of high-abundance

proteins including albumin is necessary to improve proteomic coverage and identify low-

abundance proteins One method is IgY immunodepletion14 15

which is performed prior to LC-

MSMS and uses species specific antibodies from chicken yolk to remove abundant proteins in

biological samples such as CSF In the present work CSF from control and rat adapted scrapie

animal models (biological N=5 technical N=3 replicates) were analyzed by LC-MSMS and we


indentified 512 proteins and 167 non-redundant protein isoforms (referred to as protein groups)

with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (p lt 005) and 7 statistically down-regulated

By and large this work has been performed using laboratory mice for the gene

expression studies and human cerebrospinal fluid for proteomics mice do not provide sufficient

volumes of CSF for proteomic studies Both approaches are exceedingly valuable as the mouse

model allows cross-sectional time course experiments to be performed including the important

pre-clinical phase of disease Critically however the relevance and generalizability of mouse

prion responses to other prion diseases especially human disease is unknown Human proteomic

studies on CSF guarantee relevant protein identifications but are limited to the clinical phase of

the disease when apparent markers may reflect gross neurodegeneration covering up subtle but

more specific responses To address these issues we have adapted mouse RML prions into rats

with the aim of expanding the knowledge of prion disease responses addressing the limitations

of mice and opening up the possibility of preclinical proteomic profiling in a laboratory rodent

In the present work CSF samples from control and rat adapted scrapie were analyzed by system

biology approaches Here we show that Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) is a powerful tool for an -

omics based approach to decipher the molecular impact of prion disease in vivo with

applicability to the molecular mechanisms of disease and biomarker discovery We identified

1048 genes which were differentially regulated in rat prion disease Astonishingly on the whole

mouse orthologs of these genes did not change in mouse adapted scrapie and vice versa

questioning the universality of previous mouse gene expression profiles These RAS gene

expression changes were identified in the CSF proteome where we detected 512 proteins and 167

protein groups with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (plt005) and 7 statistically down-


regulated in the CSF of prion diseased rats Many of the proteins detected have previously been

observed in human CSF from CJD patients

Materials and Methods

Ethics Statement

This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations in the NIH Guide for Care

and Use of Laboratory Animals and the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care The

protocols used were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at the

University of Wisconsin and University of Alberta


Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) and ammonium bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from

Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile and water were purchased

from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris

ge999 ) ammonium formate (ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-7 antibodies were

purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Rat Transmission and Adaptation

Prion agents used were the rocky mountain lab RML strain of mouse adapted scrapie

Stetsonville transmissible mink encephalopathy16

(TME) Hyper (Hy) strain of Hamster TME 17

1st passage Skunk adapted TME prepared as described and C from genetically defined



Brains from animals clinically affected with prion disease were aseptically removed and

prepared as 10 wv homogenates in sterile water 50 microL of 10 brain homogenate was

inoculated into weanling wistar rats intracranially After one year of incubation preclinical rats

from RML infections were euthanized by CO2 inhalation and the brain excised homogenized

and re-inoculated into naive animals Subsequent serial passages were from rats clinically

affected with rat adapted scrapie

Brains from rat passages were aseptically removed and bisected sagittally Brain halves

were reserved for immunohistochemistry (IHC) in formalin or frozen for immunoblotting RNA

isolation or subsequent passage For IHC tissues were first fixed in 10 buffered formalin

followed by antigen retrieval at 121 oC 21 bar in 10mM citrate buffer for 2 min After cooling

to room temperature sections were treated with 88 formic acid for 30 min and 4M guanidine

thiocyanate for 2 h Endogenous peroxidases were inactivated by 003 hydrogen peroxide and

tissue was blocked with 1 normal mouse serum Mouse anti-PrP mAB SAF83 (Cayman

Chemical) was biotinylated and applied at a 1250 dilution in blocking buffer overnight at 4 oC

Washes were performed in 10mM PBS with 005 tween-20 Streptavidin-peroxidase

(Invitrogen) was added for Diaminobenzidine (DAB) color reaction Anti-GFAP

immunohistochemistry was performed as above except that formic acid and guanidine treatment

steps were excluded Mouse anti-GFAP mab G-A-5 (Sigma) was used at a 1400 dilution

Brain samples for immunoblot were treated with or without Proteinase K (Roche) at a

ratio of 35 microg PK 100 ug protein at 50 microg mL for 30 minutes at 37 oC Phosphotungstenic acid

enrichments were performed as described14 19

Bis-Tris SDS-PAGE was performed on 12

polyacrylamide gels (Invitrogen) and transferred to PVDF Immunoblotting was performed using


mABs SAF83 (Cayman Chemical) 6H4 (Prionics) or 3F10 (a kind gift from Yong-Sun Kim) all

at a 120000 dilution

Gene Expression Profiling

RNA was extracted from frozen brain halves from clinically affected and control animals with

the QIAshredder and RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen Valencia CA) in accordance with the

manufacturerrsquos recommendations Due to the relatively large mass of rat brain an initial

homogenization was performed with a needle and syringe in 5mL of buffer RLT before further

diluting an aliquot in accordance with the manufacturers protocol Total RNA was amplified and

labeled in preparation for chemical fragmentation and hybridization with the MessageAmp

Premier RNA amplification and labeling kit (Life Technologies Grand Island NY) Amplified

and labeled cRNAs were hybridized on Affymetrix (Santa Clara CA) rat genome 230 20 high

density oligonucleotide arrays in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations

Differentially Expressed Genes were identified using Arraystar 50 (DNAStar Madison WI)

Robust multi-array normalization using the quantile approach was used to normalize all

microarray data A moderated T-test with a multiple comparison adjustment20

was used to reduce

the false discovery rate yet preserve a meaningful number of genes for pathway analysis

Pathway analysis was performed using the DAVID Bioinformatics database21


analysis of genes induced by prions in mouse22

and rat disease was performed on genes

exhibiting at least a 2-fold change in expression Orthologs of rat and mouse genes were

identified using ENSEMBLE biomart release 6823

CSF Proteomic Profiling


CSF was collected from rats anaesthetized with isoflorane via puncture of the cisterna

magna A volume of 100-200 microL was routinely obtained CSF was touch spun for 30s at 2000xg

on a benchtop nano centrifuge to identify any blood contamination by the presence of a red

pellet CSF with blood contamination was not used for proteomic analysis CSF was prepared

for profiling by first depleting abundant proteins with an antibody based immunopartitioning

column IgY-R7 (Sigma-Aldrich Saint Louis MO) The manufacturers recommendations were

followed with a few deviations 40 microg of protein (~100 microL CSF) was bound to 100 microL of IgY

bead slurry in total volume of 600 microL formulated in 150mM ammonium bicarbonate The flow

through was collected and denatured by the addition of 10 microL of 8 M guanidine thiocyanate and

lyophilized in a speed-vac apparatus The sample was then reconstituted in 10 microL of water and 1

microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 30 minutes After incubation

27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to

incubate in the dark for 15 minutes After that 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to

sit at room temperature for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM

NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg trypsin Digestion was performed overnight at

37oC and quenched by addition of 5 microL of 10 formic acid The tryptic peptides were then

subjected to solid phase extraction using an Agilent OMIX Tip C18 100 microL (Santa Clara CA)

Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30

microL H2O with 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of a nanoAcquity (Milford MA) with a 10 microL injection

loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B consisted of

ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto a Waters 5 microm


Symmetry C18 180 microm x 20 mm trap cartridge (Milford MA) at a flow rate of 75 microLmin for 5

minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 17 microm BEH130 C18 75 microm x

100 mm (Milford MA) with a gradient of 5 to 15 B over 10 minutes followed by 15 to

40 B over 80 minutes at room temperature

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with a Bruker CaptiveSpray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Waters Acquity console software to perform MS acquisitions for all experiments Smart

parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap drive level was set at

100 Optimization of the CaptiveSpray source resulted in dry gas temperature of 160oC dry

gas flow of 30 Lmin capillary voltage of -1325 V end plate offset of -500 V MSMS

fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition

range of 350-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis


MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot24

(Version 24 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against a forward and reversed

concatenated SwissProt Rattus rattus Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed

missed cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13


tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap Data was then transformed into Dat file formats

and transferred to ProteoIQ (NuSep Bogart GA) False positive analyses were calculated using

ProteoIQ and set at 1


Development of Rat Adapted Scrapie

To develop a rat adapted strain of prion disease we introduced 6 different prion agents RML

TME Hy Skunk Adapted TME and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) from wild type 96G and

96S deer16-18

into 6 rats (Fig 1) Of these primary transmissions only RML induced the

accumulation of Proteinase K resistant PrP after one year of incubation as determined by western

blotting on 10 brain homogenates and PrPSc

enriched phoshotungstenic acid precipitated brain

homogenates Second passage of rat adapted RML scrapie resulted in clinically affected rats at

565 days post inoculation Serial passages of TME or CWD agents were not performed Clinical

symptoms consisted of ataxia lethargy wasting kyphosis and myoclonus Prion affected rats


also showed low level porphyrin staining around their head Subsequent serial passage decreased

incubation time to 215 days

Proteinase K resistant prion protein was observed from all clinically affected animals both by

immunoblot (Fig 2) and by immunohistochemistry (Fig 3) Di- and mono-glycosylated bands

were the most abundant isoforms of PrPSc


was extensively deposited in the cerebral cortex

hippocampus thalamus inferior colliculus and granular layer of the cerebellum GFAP

expressing activated astrocytes were found throughout the brain particularly in the white matter

of the hippocampus thalamus and cerebellum Spongiform change was a dominant feature of

clinical rat

Gene expression Profiling

In total 1048 genes were differentially regulated within a 95 confidence interval

(Supplementary Table 1) and 305 genes were differentially expressed by greater than 2-fold (Fig

4) The 1048 genes that were statistically significant were used for pathway analysis using

DAVID Pathway analysis suggested that the gene expression profile was consistent with

immune activation and maturation as well as inflammation (Supplementary Table 2) a likely

interpretation given the observable astrocytosis (Fig 3) and gliosis associated with prion disease

Other pathways highlighted by the analysis included increases in transcription of genes involved

in lysosomes and endosomes

To further probe the gene expression data we compared genes which were differentially

expressed in rat adapted scrapie against their orthologs expression in mouse scrapie and vice

versa (Figs 5 and 6) We did not observe a high degree of correlation between expression fold

changes For example GFAP a gene whose up-regulation in prion disease is well known was


increased 25 fold in rat adapted scrapie but up-regulated 93 fold in mouse scrapie A

qualitative analysis of expression of orthologs in prion disease suggests that many genes

deregulated at least 2-fold in mouse or rat do not have orthologs that are differentially expressed

For example the gene RNAseT2 was up-regulated greater than threefold in rat adapted scrapie

but was not significantly up-regulated in mouse Similarly three genes important in metals

homeostatsis metallothionein 1a and 2a and ceruloplasmin were up-regulated in rat 46 43 and

3 fold respectively but were not differentially expressed in mouse prion disease

CSF Proteomics

Each immunodepleted biological replicate (N=5 for each control and RAS) had technical

triplicates performed The triplicates were summed together using ProteoIQ Peptide spectral

counts were then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis using ProteoIQ

internal algorithms Details for this method can be found elsewhere25 26

but briefly peptide

spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on unique peptides and a weighted

distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins T-tests were used to identify

significant changes in protein expression 1032 unique peptides which identify 512 proteins and

167 protein groups were found Of these 512 proteins 437 were identified in both RAS and

control CSF samples (Fig 7) The complete list of all 512 proteins can be viewed in

Supplemental Table 3 Using the ProteoIQ the most likely isoform was selected such as 14-3-3

protein gamma

From Table 1 we observe five proteins that agree with the genomic data for up

regulations in RAS granulin macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor cathepsin D

complement factor H and ribonuclease T2 In addition serine protease inhibitor A3N was not


detected as up regulated in the RAS genomic data but was found to be up-regulated in previous

genomic profiling of the mouse prion model22

One interesting trend from the data in Table 1 is

that the majority of proteins found to be up-regulated in the RAS model were not detected in the

control samples The absence of the detection of those proteins such as ribonuclease T2 in the

control CSF does not necessarily suggest the absence of the protein nonetheless it is below the

detection limits for this current proteomics protocol and instrumentation


Mice have been the preferred laboratory rodent for prion diseases research because they

can be inexpensively housed and are amenable to transgenesis which allows for short incubation

periods as well as hypothesis testing upon targeted pathways Pursuant to the determination of

the mouse genome and the development of high density transcriptional arrays for measurements

of gene expression profiling mice have been used extensively to examine the molecular

pathology of prion disease probing the impact of disease and animal strain In order to expand

upon this foundation we adapted mouse prions to infect rats We reasoned that by taking a

comparative approach to the molecular pathology of prion disease inferences could be obtained

into the variability of the molecular response to prion diseases and that understanding this

variability might suggest whether human prion disease responses are more or less similar to

mouse responses A second rationale is the desire to identify surrogate markers of prion disease

While this approach has been taken before using gene expression profiling a more direct

approach has been to use proteomic approaches on cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) identifying

proteins that are increase in abundance with disease A rat prion disease is valuable for this

because the rat proteome is established and rats allow for the collection of relatively large

volumes of CSF (~100 microL per animal) which allows for robust analytical separations enhancing


detection of biomarkers Finally rats unlike humans can be used in a time course study of prion

disease This allows for the identification of early transcriptional and proteomic responses to

prion infection responses which are particularly valuable for the identification of surrogate

disease biomarkers

To initiate the development of a rat prion disease we attempted to adapt six different

prion disease agents PrPres

molecules to rat via intracranial inoculation of weanling animals

(Figure 1) Of these six agents only mouse RML prions were able to surmount the species

barrier to prion disease transmission Mouse PrP differs from rat by eight amino acid changes

six in the mature protein and four in the N-terminal octa-peptide repeat region (Supplementary

Fig 1) As rat shares the most prion protein sequence homology with mouse it is perhaps not

surprising that it transmitted whereas the other did not confirming that the primary prion protein

sequence is the most important determinant for interspecies transmission We conclude that there

is a large molecular species barrier preventing conversion of rat PrPc into PrP


The transmission of mouse RML into rats was characterized by a shortening of the

incubation period following each passage This is indicative of agent adaption to the new host

and increases in the titer present in end-stage brain Overall our adaptation of mouse prion

disease into rats resulted in a similar agent to that observed by Kimberlin27

The differences in

incubation period at second passage are largely due to our collecting the animals at 365 days post

inoculation upon first passage whereas Kimberlin and Walker allowed the first passage animals

to reach end-stage clinical rats

Rat adapted scrapie is in many ways similar to other prion diseases The clinical period of

disease is marked by a progressive neurological dysfunction with prominent ataxia kyphosis and


wasting The protease resistant PrP observed is typical as is the widespread deposition of PrPSc


the brain Spongiosis and reactive astrogliosis are as expected of a prion disease

Gene expression profiles from rats clinically affected with prion disease revealed a strong

neuronal inflammation associated with proliferated and activated astrocytes This is perhaps best

observed through the up-regulation of GFAP GFAP positive astrocytes were omnipresent

throughout the brain and GFAP mRNA was up-regulated 25 fold The up-regulation of GFAP is

a hallmark of the molecular response to prion infection and has been routinely observed Our

comparative analysis of gene expression changes in mouse RML versus rat adapted scrapie

suggest substantial differences in gene expression in response to prion disease despite the fact

that the overall response is neuro-inflammatory This suggests that the potential overlap between

mouse expression profiles and a putative human CJD expression profile could be quite different

at the level of individual transcripts that might be expected to be changed

CSF Proteomics

CSF proteomics can be exceedingly challenging due to the small sample available large

dynamic range in proteins and abundant proteins limiting sample loading onto nanoscale

columns Dynamic range reduction in the CSF sample was achieved using a custom amount of

IgY-7 antibodies to abundant proteins such as albumin After immunodepletion the total

protein content was reduced by ~90 limiting the proteomics analysis to one dimensional

separation Label free quantitation spectral counting was performed because it requires less

protein and does not increase sample complexity The proteins identified from the affected and

control N=5 are shown in Supplemental Table 2 Consistent detection of proteins in CSF from

both control and infected rats was observed (Fig 7C) Only two proteins were identified in


controls that were not observed in RAS and only 10 proteins were only observed in RAS Some

of these proteins that were only identified in RAS are significantly changed (Supplemental Table

3) One concern in proteomics data is the variability from run to run and the possibility that

certain proteins are identified from different unique peptides Figure 7A shows that the vast

majority of the unique peptides detected (783) were identified with a 1 FDR in both RAS and

control CSF samples highlighting the analytical reproducibility of our methodology

Proteomic analysis of the infected rat CSF provides a reasonable approach to cross

validate biomarkers detected by gene expression profiling For example RNAseT2 a secreted

ribonuclease was up-regulated 3-fold at the mRNA level and was also enriched in CSF from

infected rats (Table 1) Similarly coordinated increases in detection of colony stimulating factor

1 receptor complement factor H granulin and cathepsin D were also observed Conversely

proteomic analysis of CSF also allows for the observation of post-transcriptional responses to

prion disease that might be absent in gene expression profiling The 14-3-3 proteins and neuron

specific enolase both known markers for CJD are only detected by proteomic analysis Thus

gene expression profiling and proteomic detection serve to increase confidence in the

observation of up-regulation enhancing the likelihood that proteins detected by both

methodologies are specific and perhaps may be more sensitive at earlier time points

Comparison to human CSF prion disease proteome

In our comparative analysis 21 proteins were found to be up-regulated while 7 proteins

down-regulated in prion infected rats Included in the up-regulated proteins were the 14-3-3

proteins epsilon and gamma 14-3-3 zetadelta was also up-regulated but not statistically

significant Enolase 2 or neuron specific enolase (NSE) was also up-regulated in CSF of infected


rats These proteins are all in agreement with results from previous proteomic profiling of human

CSF from patients with CJD8 9

The detection of 14-3-3 protein is included in the diagnostic

criteria approved by World Health Organization for the pre-mortem diagnosis of clinically

suspected cases of sCJD28

although its application in large-scale screening of CJD is still

debated due to high false positive rate where elevated 14-3-3 protein levels were also reported in

other conditions associated with acute neuronal damage29 30

It was suggested that other brain-

derived proteins that are also specific to CJD can be used in conjunction with 14-3-3 protein to

increase diagnosis accuracy and specificity31

NSE is present in high concentration in neurons

and in central and peripheral neuroendocrine cells NSE serves as another valuable biomarker in

diagnosis of CJD as the elevated level of NSE in CSF was found in early and middle stages of

CJD 32

Other proteins detected in CSF included cystatin C and serpina3N although both of

these were not statistically changed These proteins were both previously identified as being

putative biomarkers for CJD33 34

Utility for biomarker discovery with emphasis on onset of biomarker appearance in CSF

The investigation of the protein changes in CSF from RAS compared to control rats

provides a solid foundation when investigating potential biomarkers with prion disease onset

The cross-validation of the genomic and proteomics data further emphasizes the targets for

consideration during disease onset Biomarker discovery provides the potential to determine if

animals such as cows in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are affected instead of

having to be euthanized when BSE is expected In addition CSF collection in mice or hamsters

Prion models is extremely difficult and limited alternatively with the advent of the RAS model

CSF can be collected in sufficient amounts for CSF proteomics CSF collection for mice or

hamsters can be ~10 microL and could be contaminated with blood further complicating proteomic


analysis unlike rats which over 10 times more CSF can be collected per animal35

Due to the

amount of CSF available time course studies analyzing CSF proteomics is possible in RAS due

to animal numbers that are manageable and reasonable The RAS model further allows

investigators to bypass working with highly infections CJD CSF samples to investigate the CSF

proteome changes


In this study we have described the gene and protein expression changes in brain and

spinal fluid from a transmission of mouse prions into rats We find that while the overall gene

expression profile in rats is similar to that in mice the specific genes that make up that profile

are different suggesting that genes that change in response to prion disease in different species

may not be as conserved Analysis of CSF from rat adapted scrapie identified similar protein

changes as known in human CJD The rat will be a useful model to identify surrogate markers

that appear prior to the onset of clinical disease and thus may be of higher specificity and


Supplemental Information Available Upon Request

1 Chandler R L Encephalopathy in mice produced by inoculation with scrapie brain material Lancet 1961 1 (7191) 1378-9 2 Silva C J Onisko B C Dynin I Erickson M L Requena J R Carter J M Utility of Mass Spectrometry in the Diagnosis of Prion Diseases Anal Chem 2011 3 Wei X Herbst A Ma D Aiken J Li L A quantitative proteomic approach to prion disease biomarker research delving into the glycoproteome J Proteome Res 2011 10 (6) 2687-702 4 Zougman A Pilch B Podtelejnikov A Kiehntopf M Schnabel C Kumar C Mann M Integrated analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid peptidome and proteome J Proteome Res 2008 7 (1) 386-99 5 Sjodin M O Bergquist J Wetterhall M Mining ventricular cerebrospinal fluid from patients with traumatic brain injury using hexapeptide ligand libraries to search for trauma biomarkers J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2003 878 (22) 2003-12 6 Cunningham R Ma D Li L Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker discovery Frontiers in Biology 2012 7 (4) 313-335


7 Brechlin P Jahn O Steinacker P Cepek L Kratzin H Lehnert S Jesse S Mollenhauer B Kretzschmar H A Wiltfang J Otto M Cerebrospinal fluid-optimized two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) facilitates the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2008 8 (20) 4357-66 8 Harrington M G Merril C R Asher D M Gajdusek D C Abnormal proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease N Engl J Med 1986 315 (5) 279-83 9 Piubelli C Fiorini M Zanusso G Milli A Fasoli E Monaco S Righetti P G Searching for markers of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in cerebrospinal fluid by two-dimensional mapping Proteomics 2006 6 Suppl 1 S256-61 10 Lilley K S Razzaq A Dupree P Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis recent advances in sample preparation detection and quantitation Curr Opin Chem Biol 2002 6 (1) 46-50 11 Oh-Ishi M Maeda T Separation techniques for high-molecular-mass proteins J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2002 771 (1-2) 49-66 12 Metz T O Qian W J Jacobs J M Gritsenko M A Moore R J Polpitiya A D Monroe M E Camp D G 2nd Mueller P W Smith R D Application of proteomics in the discovery of candidate protein biomarkers in a diabetes autoantibody standardization program sample subset J Proteome Res 2008 7 (2) 698-707 13 Aebersold R Mann M Mass spectrometry-based proteomics Nature 2003 422 (6928) 198-207 14 Huang L Harvie G Feitelson J S Gramatikoff K Herold D A Allen D L Amunngama R Hagler R A Pisano M R Zhang W W Fang X Immunoaffinity separation of plasma proteins by IgY microbeads meeting the needs of proteomic sample preparation and analysis Proteomics 2005 5 (13) 3314-28 15 Rajic A Stehmann C Autelitano D J Vrkic A K Hosking C G Rice G E Ilag L L Protein depletion using IgY from chickens immunised with human protein cocktails Prep Biochem Biotechnol 2009 39 (3) 221-47 16 Marsh R F Bessen R A Lehmann S Hartsough G R Epidemiological and experimental studies on a new incident of transmissible mink encephalopathy J Gen Virol 1991 72 ( Pt 3) 589-94 17 Bessen R A Marsh R F Biochemical and physical properties of the prion protein from two strains of the transmissible mink encephalopathy agent J Virol 1992 66 (4) 2096-101 18 Johnson C J Herbst A Duque-Velasquez C Vanderloo J P Bochsler P Chappell R McKenzie D Prion protein polymorphisms affect chronic wasting disease progression PLoS One 2011 6 (3) e17450 19 Safar J Wille H Itri V Groth D Serban H Torchia M Cohen F E Prusiner S B Eight prion strains have PrP(Sc) molecules with different conformations Nat Med 1998 4 (10) 1157-65 20 Benjamini Y Hochberg Y Controlling the False Discovery Rate A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Methodological) 1995 57 (1) 289-300 21 Huang da W Sherman B T Lempicki R A Systematic and integrative analysis of large gene lists using DAVID bioinformatics resources Nat Protoc 2009 4 (1) 44-57 22 Moody L R Herbst A J Aiken J M Upregulation of interferon-gamma-induced genes during prion infection J Toxicol Environ Health A 2009 74 (2-4) 146-53 23 Flicek P Amode M R Barrell D Beal K Brent S Carvalho-Silva D Clapham P Coates G Fairley S Fitzgerald S Gil L Gordon L Hendrix M Hourlier T Johnson N Kahari A K Keefe D Keenan S Kinsella R Komorowska M Koscielny G Kulesha E Larsson P Longden I McLaren W Muffato M Overduin B Pignatelli M Pritchard B Riat H S Ritchie G R Ruffier M Schuster M Sobral D Tang Y A Taylor K Trevanion S Vandrovcova J White S Wilson M Wilder S P Aken B L Birney E Cunningham F Dunham I Durbin R Fernandez-Suarez X M Harrow J Herrero J


Hubbard T J Parker A Proctor G Spudich G Vogel J Yates A Zadissa A Searle S M Ensembl 2012 Nucleic Acids Res 2012 40 (Database issue) D84-90 24 Perkins D N Pappin D J Creasy D M Cottrell J S Probability-based protein identification by searching sequence databases using mass spectrometry data Electrophoresis 1999 20 (18) 3551-67 25 Zybailov B Mosley A L Sardiu M E Coleman M K Florens L Washburn M P Statistical analysis of membrane proteome expression changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J Proteome Res 2006 5 (9) 2339-47 26 Zhang Y Wen Z Washburn M P Florens L Refinements to label free proteome quantitation how to deal with peptides shared by multiple proteins Anal Chem 2010 82 (6) 2272-81 27 Kimberlin R H Cole S Walker C A Temporary and permanent modifications to a single strain of mouse scrapie on transmission to rats and hamsters J Gen Virol 1987 68 ( Pt 7) 1875-81 28 World Health Organization Global surveillance diagnosis and therapy of human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies report from a WHO consultation 1998 World Health Organization Geneva Switzerland 9-11 February 1998 1-26 29 Bartosik-Psujek H Archelos J J Tau protein and 14-3-3 are elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis and correlate with intrathecal synthesis of IgG J Neurol 2004 251 (4) 414-20 30 Saiz A Graus F Dalmau J Pifarre A Marin C Tolosa E Detection of 14-3-3 brain protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with paraneoplastic neurological disorders Ann Neurol 1999 46 (5) 774-7 31 Sanchez-Juan P Green A Ladogana A Cuadrado-Corrales N Saanchez-Valle R Mitrovaa E Stoeck K Sklaviadis T Kulczycki J Hess K Bodemer M Slivarichova D Saiz A Calero M Ingrosso L Knight R Janssens A C van Duijn C M Zerr I CSF tests in the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Neurology 2006 67 (4) 637-43 32 Zerr I Bodemer M Racker S Grosche S Poser S Kretzschmar H A Weber T Cerebrospinal fluid concentration of neuron-specific enolase in diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Lancet 1995 345 (8965) 1609-10 33 Sanchez J C Guillaume E Lescuyer P Allard L Carrette O Scherl A Burgess J Corthals G L Burkhard P R Hochstrasser D F Cystatin C as a potential cerebrospinal fluid marker for the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2004 4 (8) 2229-33 34 Miele G Seeger H Marino D Eberhard R Heikenwalder M Stoeck K Basagni M Knight R Green A Chianini F Wuthrich R P Hock C Zerr I Aguzzi A Urinary alpha1-antichymotrypsin a biomarker of prion infection PLoS One 2008 3 (12) e3870 35 DeMattos R B Bales K R Parsadanian M ODell M A Foss E M Paul S M Holtzman D M Plaque-associated disruption of CSF and plasma amyloid-beta (Abeta) equilibrium in a mouse model of Alzheimers disease J Neurochem 2002 81 (2) 229-36


Figure 1 Interspecies transmission of prion disease to rats End-stage clinical brain homogenates

were used to passage prion disease After one year of incubation animals were euthanized to

determine the extent of PrPres

accumulation Protease resistance PrP was only observed in those

animals infected with RML scrapie prions This material was serially passaged for two more

incubations before becoming rat-adapted as indicated by the shortening of the incubation period


Table 1 A list of selected proteins and mRNAs up-regulated in RAS CSF and brain tissue If

the protein is detected in the RAS CSF but not the control CSF the CSF expression is reported

with a infin If there is no change or data on certain genes related to an up regulated protein nd is

noted The mouse genomic data presented here was previously published22

Gene Protein Symbol Accession CSF






14-3-3 protein zetadelta Ywhaz NP_037143 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein epsilon Ywhae NP_113791 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein gamma Ywhag NP_062249 infin nd nd

serine protease inhibitor A3N Serpin A3N NP_113719 54 nd 975

enolase 2 (gamma neuronal) Eno2 NP_647541 infin nd nd

granulin GRN NP_058809 62 364 184

macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

Csf1r NP_001025072 infin 293 205

cathepsin D CTSD NP_599161 infin 255 299

complement factor H Cfh NP_569093 376 234 nd

ribonuclease T2 RNAset2 NP_001099680 infin 302 nd


Figure 2 Accumulation of PrPSc

in rat adapted scrapie First second and third passage brain

homogenates were assayed for the presence of protease resistant PrP by immunoblot PrPSc


observed following phosphotungstenic acid enrichment at first passage By clinical disease in 2nd

and 3rd

passage rats PrPSc

had substantially accumulated


Figure 3 Histological appearance of rat adapted scrapie in the hippocampus at clinical disease

Infected animals showed intense immuno-staining for deposits of PrPSc

and GFAP expressing

astrocytes Spongiform change is an abundant feature in rat adapted scrapie


Figure 4 Scatter plot of gene expression profiling of rat adapted scrapie The expression of

individual genes from uninfected and infected animals were plotted to display up and down

regulation The dashed green line is no change Solid green lines are 2-fold changes in gene



Figure 5 Quantitative relationship between orthologous pairs of two-fold up-regulated genes in

mouse and rat scrapie Genes up-regulated more than two fold were mapped to their orthologs

and the fold change was plotted Expression is log2 transformed


Figure 6 Comparison of genes upregulated in rat and mouse prion diseases Genes up-regulated

two fold in rodent scrapie were identified and the expression of their orthologs was determined


Figure 7 Venn diagram comparison of the CSF proteomics data between rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) model and control rats (A) Unique peptides from tryptic peptides produced for the

proteins identified (B) The total proteins identified including all isoforms within the protein

groups (C) The protein groups comparing only the top protein hit of the protein isoforms

showing very consistent protein identifications between RAS and control


Chapter 5

Investigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M

Heideman W Li L In preparation



This work explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Kinases such as protein

kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose response

Thus performing a large scale phosphoproteomic MS study can be highly beneficial to map the

signaling networks and cascades involved in glucose-dependent stimulated yeast growth Yeast

cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal affinity

chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase (RP)-RP

separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass spectrometer with

neutral loss electron-transfer dissociation (ETD)-triggered fragmentation to improve

phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 unique phosphopeptides are identified with 06

false discovery rate (FDR) and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR This

study includes comparative phosphoproteins for one specific motif of PKA xxxKRKRxSxxxx

which is presented and differences between starved vs glucose fed are highlighted Phosphosite

validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to provide more confident and

site-specific characterization of phosphopeptides



Microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) cycle between growth when

nutrients are available and quiescence when nutrients are scarce When glucose is limited yeast

go into growth arrest state but when glucose is added growth quickly resumes Kinases such as

protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin (TOR) regulate growth in response to nutrient

conditions and have been well studied through transcriptional control1-4

Yeast execute large

transcriptome alterations in response to changing environmental growth conditions5 6


regulation by glucose introduction in yeast has been studied including genes used for growth on

alternative carbon sources and activation of genes coding for glucose transport and protein


Response to nutrients for survival is not limited to yeast biology and indeed all

living creatures both prokaryotes and multicellular eukaryotes like mammals require nutrient

responsiveness and coordinating cellular functions to survive

With regulation of certain genes well studied by glucose introduction the mechanism and

global protein modulation caused by glucose introduction remain unknown6 Large-scale

phosphorylation analysis has been previously performed in yeast using mass spectrometry11-14

Mapping the phosphoproteome in yeast transitioning from quiescence to growth conditions to

better understand the roles of phosphorylation in orchestrating growth is needed The

phosphorylation state during growth or starvation could be used to engineer cells to drive ectopic

activity (or inhibition) to promote growth and ethanol production on non-native sugars like


It has been reported that the phosphorylation state can be affected by the introduction of

glucose to carbon-starved yeast15

and phosphorylation plays a significant role in the cell cycle

and signal transduction16

Specifically O-Phosphorylation can function as a molecular switch by


changing the structure of a protein via alteration of the chemical nature of an amino acid for

serine threonine or tyrosine It has been reported that up to 30 of the proteome can undergo


Mass spectrometry has evolved as a powerful tool to accomplish phosphosite

mapping using shotgun proteomics With available technology tens of thousands of

phosphorylation sites can be mapped to amino acids on thousands of proteins using shotgun


Mass spectrometry can offer sensitive automated non-targeted global analysis of

phosphorylation events in proteomic samples but in any large scale phosphoproteomic

investigation enrichment of phosphoproteinspeptides is required First phosphorylation is

usually a sub-stoichiometric process where only a percentage of all protein copies are


Various enrichment methods have been used for phosphopeptide enrichment

including metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC)22

such as TiO223

immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC)12 24 25

electrostatic repulsion-hydrophilic interaction

chromatography (ERLIC)26

and immunoaffinity of tyrosine phosphorylation27 28


enrichment MS analyses of phosphorylated peptides are still challenging due to ion suppression

from non-phosphorylated peptides

Even after phosphopeptide enrichment further sample preparation is needed for large

scale proteomic experiments Additional fractionation can increase protein coverage of a

sample by over ten fold such as MudPIT29

(multidimensional protein identification technology)

In online MudPIT a sample is injected onto a strong cation exchange (SCX) column coupled to

a RP column Successive salt bumps followed by low pH gradients provide the separation of

peptides in two dimensions Since the phosphate groups on phosphopeptides have a low pKa

value due to being more acidic then their unmodified counterparts they tend to elute earlier and


disproportionally in ion exchange chromatography like SCX Alternatively reversed-phase

reversed-phase (RP-RP) separation has been proposed as an alternative to MudPIT for offline

two dimensional (2D) separation30

One of the caveats of 2D separation is the potential for

wasted mass spectrometry time from early and late fractions having very few peptides present

all while having too much sample for middle fractions One simple method to reduce these

ldquowasted fractionsrdquo is to combine early or late fractions with the middle fractions to reduce MS

runs with little peptide content to analyze thus shortening the overall analysis time31

In addition the labile phosphorylation group has a large propensity to undergo cleavage

during collision induced dissociation (CID) producing a neutral loss The neutral loss can

produce insufficient backbone fragment ions for MSMS identification32

A solution to neutral

loss fragmentation in phosphopeptides is MS3 using CID to produce improved backbone

fragmentation13 14 33

An alternative fragmentation method to CID for fast sampling ion traps is

electron transfer dissociation (ETD)34-36

ETD produces a more uniform back-bone cleavage

where the cation peptide receives an electron from a low affinity radical anion37

The transferred

electron induces a dissociation at the N-Cα bond to produce c- and zbull-type product ions while

retaining the labile post-translational modifications (PTM) such as phosphorylation bound to the

product ions38

The Bruker amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer has the potential to trigger

ETD fragmentation after a labile PTM produces a neutral loss from CID fragmentation This

method is termed neutral loss-triggered ETD fragmentation and provides a complementary

fragmentation pathway to labile poor fragmenting phosphorylated peptides

In this work we provide a qualitative comparative list of yeast phosphopeptides observed

in glucose fed vs glucose starved conditions





Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) ammonium hydroxide (ACS plus certified) urea (gt99)

sodium chloride (997) ammonium bicarbonate (certified) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile

Optima LCMS grade water and EDTA disodium salt (99) were purchased from Fisher

Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) ammonium formate (ge99995) Trizma

hydrochloride (Tris HCl ge990) Triton X-100 (laboratory grade) and iron (III) chloride

hexahydrate (97) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO) Sodium dodecyl

sulfate (SDS) (998) was purchased from US Biological (Marblehead MA) Nickel

nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) magnetic agarose beads were purchased from Qiagen (Valencia

CA) Autoclaved yeast peptone dextrose (YPD) media was prepared in 1 L of deionized water

using 10 g yeast extract 20 g Peptone from Becton Dickinson and Company (Sparks MD) and

20 g D-(+)-Glucose (ge995) purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Modified Mary Miller Yeast Protein Isolation

The yeast culture was prepared and protein extraction was performed using a modified

Mary Miller protocol39

Briefly yeast strain s288c was inoculated with YPD media and shook

for 72 hours to allow the yeast to be glucose starved After the 72 hours the yeast culture was

partitioned into two flasks To one flask glucose was added at 2 of the final concentration and

allowed to incubate and shake for 10 minutes Then 100 optical density units (ODU) of the yeast


culture were collected from each flask Each yeast sample was spun down in a Beckman-Coulter

J6B centrifuge (Indianapolis IN) at 2500xg for three minutes The media was aspirated and the

tubes were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80oC The yeast pellets were thawed on

ice and resuspended in 1 mL of lysis buffer (50 mM Tris HCl 01 triton x-100 05 SDS

pH=80) and 1X protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail from Thermo Scientific (Rockford

IL) and transferred to an Eppendorf tube To the yeast 200 microL of glass beads were added and

amalgamated for 25 minutes at 4oC The sample was inverted and the Eppendorf tube was

pierced with a hot 23 gauge needle through the bottom and the tube was placed atop a 5 mL

culture tube and centrifuge in the Beckman-Coulter J6B at 2500xg for three minutes at 4oC to

collect the liquid containing the yeast cells while the glass beads remain trapped in the

Eppendorf tubes The protein lysate was then centrifuged at 3000xg for five minutes at 4oC and

the supernatant was collected and stored at -80oC

Preparation of tryptic digests

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein cell extract for fed or starved were analyzed with a

BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Scientific Rockford IL) and 2 mg of protein was added to four

parts -20oC acetone and allowed to precipitate the protein for 1 hour at -20

oC The samples were

then centrifuged at 14000xg for 5 minutes and the supernatant was removed and the protein

pellet was reconstituted in 360 microl of 8 M urea To each sample 20 microL of 050 M DTT was

added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 45 minutes After incubation 54 microL of 055 M IAA

was added for carbamidomethyl of cysteine and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15

minutes in the dark To quench the IAA 20 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react

for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 1400 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added

along with 20 microg trypsin to each sample Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and


quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10 formic acid For each sample the tryptic peptides were

then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Hypersep C18 100 mg solid phase extraction

(SPE) column (Thermo Scientific Bellefonte PA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in

01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 500 microL of 80 ACN and 01 formic acid

Phosphopeptide enrichment using immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC)

One ml of Ni-NTA was washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and then the Ni was

removed with 800 microL of 100 mM EDTA in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate and vortexed for 30

minutes The supernatant was removed and the NTA was washed with 800 microL of H2O three

times followed by addition of 800 microL 10 mM FeCl3 hexahydrate and vortexed for 30 minutes

The Fe-NTA was then washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and once with 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before being combined with the cell extract for phosphopeptide enrichment and

vortexed for 40 minutes The sample was washed three times with 200 microL of 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before elution with two aliquots of 200 microL of 5 ammonium hydroxide in 5050

ACNH2O with 15 minutes of vortexing The enriched phosphopeptides were then dried down

with a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA) and reconstituted in 55 microL

25mM ammonium formate pH=75

First dimension neutral pH separation

Individually 50 microL of each yeast phosphopeptide enriched sample was injected onto a

Phenomenex Gemini-NX 3microm C18 110 Aring 150 x 2 mm column (Torrance CA) The Gemini

column was coupled to a Phenomenex SecurityGuard Gemini C18 2 mm guard cartridge

(Torrance CA) Mobile phase A consisted of 25 mM ammonium formate at pH=75 and mobile

phase B consisted of 25 mM ammonium formateACN with a 19 ratio respectively at pH=75

The column was operated at 50oC at a flow rate of 05 mLmin The flow profile was 2-30 B


over 65 minutes and then 5 min at 100 B A total of 22 fractions were collected every 3

minutes and the fractions were combined as follows 1 with 12 2 with 13 etc to 11 with 22

The combined fractions were dried down and reconstituted in 25 microL of 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL from each fraction onto an Agilent Technologies

Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5

microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm Atlantis

dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250

nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) for MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300


Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions An additional mode of MSMS fragmentation electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) was triggered on the precursor ion when a neutral loss was observed in CID

fragmentation from phosphoric acid H3PO4 (Δmz of 49 and 327 for 2+ and 3+ charge states

respectively) or for metaphosphoric acid (HPO3) (Δmz of 40 and 267 for 2+ and 3+ charge

states respectively) For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms rolling average 2 acquisition range of 300-1500 mz

and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target

was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two spectral averages acquisition

range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required to prevent artificial data

reduction Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot40

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt Saccharomyces

cerevisiae database (version 575) Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed

cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) and phosphorylation (STY) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum

number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance peptide decoy (Mascot) checked plusmn05 Da instrument type


ESI-Trap Results from the Mascot search was exported as DAT files for analysis by Scaffold 3

and Scaffold PTM

Scaffold and Ascore data processing

Scaffold 3 (Proteome Software Portland OR)was used for MSMS proteomics data

comparison and false discovery rate analysis The DAT files were loaded into Scaffold 3 and

the fractions for the two dimensional fractionation were combined The resulting biological

triplicates for starved and glucose fed yeast were filtered with a 1 false discovery rate (FDR)

on the protein level (Supplemental Table 1) Due to the inherent poor fragmentation of

phosphopeptides a lenient FDR level may still yield biologically relevant data and thus a 54

FDR was generated for phosphopeptides (Supplemental Table 2) For a more conservative list of

phosphopeptides with a 06 FDR was generated from Scaffold 3 (Supplemental Table 3) FDR

analysis is sufficient at preventing poor data from being reported but does not prevent false

phosphosite identification in phosphopeptides To provide confidence in site identification

Scaffold PTM was used to perform Ascore41

analysis Ascore uses an algorithm to score the

probability of the phosphosite from a phosphopeptide identified by a database searching

algorithm such as Mascot Ascore can be freely accessed at httpascoremedharvardedu

Cell collection RNA isolation and microarray data analysis

All experiments were performed in biological duplicates Cell samples (10 ODU) were

taken at starved and fed states spun at 5000xg for 2 minutes at 30 oC the supernatant was

removed and the pellets snap frozen using liquid nitrogen RNA was isolated using the Epicentre

MasterPure Yeast Purification Kit (Epicentre Technologies) and quality was checked using gel

electrophoresis cRNA synthesis was carried out using the GeneChipreg Expression 3

Amplification One-Cycle Target Labeling and Control Reagents kit (Affymetrix) All


experiments followed the manufactures instructions cRNA samples were hybridized to

GeneChip Yeast Genome 20 Arrays for 16 hours Arrays were washed stained and scanned

according the manufactures recommendations Affymetrix CEL files were RMA normalized

with R and the Bioconductor Suite Data analysis was performed within TIGR Multiexperiment

Viewer v451 in-house Perl scripting R and Bioconductor


Sample preparation for shotgun proteomics

As discussed in the introduction the purpose of this study is to provide an exploratory list

of qualitative differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed yeast After

yeast cell lysate production a substantial amount of sample preparation is performed to enhance

the depth of the phosphoproteome coverage A workflow of the steps following cell lysis is

outlined in Figure 1A The yeast proteins are isolated via acetone precipitation followed by

digestion with trypsin to produce peptides Phosphopeptides are intermixed with the entire

tryptic peptide sample and therefore Fe-NTA IMAC is used to enrich the phosphopeptides To

improve upon the number of phosphopeptides we then performed two dimensional separation

with high pH RP followed by low pH RP C18 and infused the eluent directly onto an ion trap

mass spectrometer Figure 1B show an improved technique for the first dimension of separation

to combine the early eluting and late eluting fractions from the first phase of separation to reduce

overall MS analysis time The combination of fractions 1 and 12 2 and 13 etc essentially

improves the duty cycle of the mass spectrometer by ensuring sufficient peptide content is

injected onto a low pH nanoLC RP C18 column

ETD-triggered mass spectrometry


In the present study labile phosphorylation can lead to non-informative neutral loss

During MS scanning mode the instrument will choose the 6 most abundant peaks with correct

isotopic distribution and select them for MSMS CID fragmentation During CID fragmentation

it is common for labile PTMs such as phosphorylation to undergo neutral loss and thus limited

informative b and y-type ions are formed Alternatively ETD fragmentation can be used on

specific MSMS scans which produce a neutral loss indicative of phosphorylation (98Daz or

80Daz) The subsequent ETD fragmentation on these putative phosphopeptides will lead to

uniform backbone cleavage resulting in confident identification of phosphopeptides with site-

specific localization during MSMS It is important to note that CID fragmentation still produces

very informative fragmentation for phosphorylation but ETD provides an orthogonal

fragmentation pathway to further increase the phosphoproteome coverage Additionally the

duty cycle for ETD fragmentation is roughly half that of CID therefore about half as many

potential peptides would be fragmented and sequenced if the instrument was using ETD

fragmentation exclusively

Protein Data

Even with phosphopeptide enrichment it is inevitable that non-phosphopeptides will also

be identified All data were searched with Mascot and in total over 1000 proteins were identified

with a 1 FDR rate and are listed in Supplemental Table 1 The proteins listed in Supplemental

Table 1 include both phosphoproteins and non-phosphorylated proteins In addition to the

proteins identified in the fed and starved states the unique peptides and spectral counts are also

listed for reference The phosphopeptides are specifically listed with a 54 FDR rate in

Supplemental Table 2 and comparisons between starved and fed with Ascore analysis are listed

for every phosphopeptide identified A higher confidence of phosphopeptide identification is


sometimes required before investing in time consuming biological experiments so a list of

phosphopeptides identified in starved and fed was taken from a setting directing Scaffold to

produce a 05 FDR which resulted in the generated FDR of 06 FDR and listed in

Supplemental Table 3

A summary of specific phosphorylation sites are listed in Table 1 with a 06 FDR and

Table 2 with a 54 FDR Each table gives totals for unique phosphopeptides identified having

an Ascore localization score ge80 without Ascore and phosphorylation events on each unique

peptides As expected the majority of phosphorylation events (over 50) occurred on serine

whereas fewer phosphorylation events (~10) occurred on tyrosine In addition the vast

majority of phosphorylation events were single phosphorylation (ge65) with very few

identifications having more than two phosphosites per peptide For specific phosphopeptide

identification and subsequent phosphoprotein identification refer to Supplemental Table 2 and 3


Transcriptional response to glucose feeding

Yeast responds to the repletion of glucose after glucose-depletion by broad

transcriptional changes to induce growth Roughly one-third of the yeast genome is altered by at

least two fold when glucose is introduced as shown in Figure 2 Figure 2 is a heat map from a

microarray analysis showing 1601 genes up regulated and 1457 genes down regulated after

addition of glucose compared to the starved state The arbitrary cut-offs for these values were as

follows two fold induction after nutrient repletion and a false discovery rate (q-value) of 001

Red color in the heat map indicates a particular gene is up-regulated in the fed state compared to

the starved state Alternatively genes coded in green are less expressed in the fed state

compared to the starved condition The intensity of the green or red colors is indicative of the


intensity of the fold change in gene expression These large transcriptional changes after glucose

repletion drive and complement the current phosphoproteomic study

PKA motif analysis

One benefit of a large scale phosphoproteomics experiment is to examine the different

phosphopeptides from known motifs for specific kinases PKA and TOR are responsible for the

majority of the transcriptional response and thus PKA is a good target for motif analysis Figure

3 shows the PKA motif sequence xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on

the serine Other than F16P (fructose-16-bisphosphatase) all the proteins listed are unique to the

starved or fed samples A motif sequence will inevitably show up by random chance in any

analysis For this study the control for motif analysis uses the swissprot protein list for the

entire yeast proteome for the background Compared to background this specific PKA kinase

from Figure 3 is up-regulated by 264 fold when compared to the background One interesting

protein emerged from this motif analysis in the fed sample but not the starved sample is

Ssd1which is implicated in the control of the cell cycle in G1 phase42

Ssd1 also is

phosphorylated by Cbk1 and Cbk1 has been proposed to inhibit Ssd143

and provides an

intriguing target for future studies on starved vs glucose fed yeast growth

Localization of the phosphorylation sites

When a phosphopeptide contains any number of serine threonine or tyrosine amino

acids the localization of the phosphosite can sometimes be ambiguous Database searches used

to identify peptides like Mascot do not provide any probability for localization of correct

phosphorylation sites Ascore is an algorithm that uses the same MSMS spectra as Mascot but

instead of comparing theoretical peptide MSMS to experimental spectra Ascore searches for

informative a b or y-type peptide fragments giving evidence for phosphosite The Scaffold


program adds a localization probability to the Ascore values and the values are listed in

Supplemental Table 2 and 3 Figure 4 has a representative Ascore mass spectra assigning the

peaks identified and providing evidence that the phosphorylation site occurs at the threonine

instead of the serine Incorporating Ascore into this study provides a layer of validation for

putative phosphosite identification

Plasma Membrane 2-ATPase

A previous study identified and localized phosphorylation sites on plasma membrane 1-

ATPase after glucose was introduced to starved yeast15

In the current study PMA2 (plasma

membrane ATPase 2) was identified in glucose fed and not starved samples The doubly

threonine phosphorylated peptide identified in fed yeast is PMA2 with amino acid sequence

IKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (583-599) whereas the homologous peptide in PMA1 has the exact

same amino acid sequence except for the first isoleucine substituted for valine

VKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (554-570 not observed in data) PMA2 was observed in the 06

FDR list of phosphopeptides and has an Ascore localization probably of 100 A plant study

showed that PMA2 phosphorylation level was higher in early growth phase than when in

stationary phase44

In addition PMA2 expression in yeast permits the growth of yeast and

threonine phosphorylation has been reported on Thr-95545

The identification of PMA2 in the

fed glucose cell extract provides an interesting target for future study on the molecular

mechanisms involved in regulation growth in starved vs glucose fed yeast


In conclusion this work provides a qualitative comparison in the phosphoproteome

between starved and glucose fed yeast A large scale IMAC enrichment of yeast cell lysate

followed by 2-D separation provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for neutral loss triggered


ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for PKA is highlighted to show the

differences in proteins identified between starved vs fed conditions In total 477 unique

phosphopeptides are identified with 06 FDR and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with

54 FDR Phosphosite validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to

provide further confidence on the site-specific characterization of these phosphopeptides The

proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on

protein phosphorylation involved in glucose response

Supplemental Tables 1 2 and 3 are available upon request


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Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection

sample processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of comparative

phosphoproteomics for starved vs glucose fed yeast (A) The high pH RP separation

procedure for combining fractions to reduce low peptide containing fractions from the

UV-VIS trace is also shown (B)


Figure 2 Heat map for the global transcriptional response to glucose fed vs starved samples

S288C cells starved for glucose until growth was arrested and subsequently glucose was added


Samples for microarray analysis were taken at the starved state and 60 minutes after glucose was

added The heat map shows the fed log2 fold change for each gene relative to the starved state

across the genome performed in biological replicate (A) Black indicates no change in

expression level while red indicates higher expression for the fed relative to the starved state

Green indicates higher expression for the starved state compared to the fed state (Adapted from

Dr Michael Conways Thesis)


Figure 3 The motif for protein kinase A (PKA) that was observed for fed vs starved which is

xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on the serine The motif occurred at a

rate 264 fold higher than the yeast proteome used for background In addition one protein was

observed in both starved and fed with accession identification of F16P (Fructose-16-



06 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Table 1 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 06 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 164 153 317

S 87 (530) 82 (536) 169 (533)

T 60 (366) 55 (359) 115 (363)

Y 17 (104) 16 (105) 33 (104)

Unique no Ascore

STY 242 235 477

S 131 (541) 133 (566) 264 (553)

T 86 (355) 78 (332) 164 (344)

Y 25 (103) 24 (102) 49 (103)

Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide

1 102 113 187

2 36 40 68

3 12 11 22

4 or more 8 3 11


54 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 217 217 434

S 115 (530) 113 (521) 228 (525)

T 78 (359) 78 (359) 156 (359)

Y 24 (111) 26 (120) 50 (115)

Unique no Ascore

STY 337 332 669

S 193 (573) 180 (542) 373 (558)

T 111 (329) 116 (349) 227 (339)


Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide




4 or more

33 (98)





36 (108)





69 (103)





Table 2 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 54 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite


Figure 4 Ascore validation of the phosphopeptide LSLAtKK from the protein SGM1 (slow

growth on galactose and mannose protein 1) with 100 localization probability observed

in only fed but not starved yeast samples Ascorersquos algorithm identifies a b and y-type

ions and looks to identify peaks that provide evidence for a specific phosphorylation site

For this example Ascore assigns this phosphosite to threonine (T5) instead of the serine

(S2) The intense peaks at 4024 mz and 5250 mz are not identified by any a b or y-

type ions From the ladder sequence of the peptide shown numerous ions indicate the

threonine is phosphorylated while the serine is not Among these ions used for

localization are b2 y2 y5+H2O y3 y4 and y5


Chapter 6

Use of electron transfer dissociation for neuropeptide sequencing and


Adapted from ldquoDiscovery and Characterization of the Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone

Precursor Related Peptides (CPRP) and Orcokinin Neuropeptides in the Sinus Glands of the Blue

Crab Callinectes sapidus Using Multiple Tandem Mass Spectrometry Techniquesrdquo Hui L

Cunningham R Zhang Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29



The crustacean Callinectes sapidus sinus gland (SG) is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that

produces numerous hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine

signaling moleculesmdashneuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone

(CHH) precursor-related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron

transfer dissociation (ETD) was used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and

high charge state In addition ETD was used to sequence the sulfated peptide Cholecystokinin

CCK-like Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively these two examples

demonstrated the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or

with labile modifications



Neuropeptides are the largest and most diverse group of endocrine signaling molecules in

the nervous system They are necessary and critical for initiation and regulation of numerous

physiological processes such as feeding reproduction and development1 2

Mass spectrometry

(MS) with unique advantages such as high sensitivity high throughput chemical specificity and

the capability of de novo sequencing with limited genomic information is well suited for the

detection and sequencing of neuropeptides in endocrine glands and simultaneously provides the

potential for information on post-translational modifications such as sulfonation3-6

The sinus glands (SG) are located between the medulla interna and medulla externa of the

eyestalk in Callinectes sapidus It is a well-known neuroendocrine site that synthesizes and

secretes peptide hormones regulating various physiological activities such as molting

hemolymph glucose levels integument color changes eye pigment movements and

hydro-mineral balance7 Our labrsquos previous neuropeptidomic studies of SG in several

crustacean species including Cancer borealis8-11

Carcinus maenas12

and Homarus americanus13

14 used multiple MS strategies combining MALDI-based high resolution accurate mass profiling

biochemical derivatization and nanoscale separation coupled to tandem MS for de novo

sequencing In the current study we explore the neuropeptidome of the SG in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus a vital species of economic importance on the seafood market worldwide In

total 70 neuropeptides are identified including 27 novel neuropeptides and among them the

crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor-related peptides (CPRPs) and orcokinins represent

major neuropeptide families known in the SG

The crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) and its precursor-related peptide (CPRP) are

produced concurrently during the cleavage of CHH from the CHH preprohormone protein15



CPRP peptide is located between the signal peptide and the CHH sequence and is separated from

the CHH by a dibasic cleavage site The functions of CPRPs are currently unknown16


the complete characterization of CPRPs provides a foundation for future experiments elucidating

their functional roles in crustaceans The cDNA of CHH preprohormone in SG of Callinectes

sapidus has been characterized17

but the direct detection of CPRP has not been reported due to

its relatively large size and possible post-translational modifications While small fragments of

CPRPs can be identified using nanoLC-ESI-Q-TOF tandem mass spectrometry the intact

peptide is difficult to detect due to the large molecular weight of CPRPs

Peptidomics traditionally uses collision induced dissociation (CID) for tandem MS

experiments for de novo sequencing Recently an alternative peptide fragmentation method has

been developed using the transfer of an electron termed electron transfer dissociation (ETD)18 19

ETD involves a radical anion with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation which

results in reduced sequence discrimination and thus provides improved sequencing for larger

peptides compared to CID20

Specifically for an ion trap ETD the fluoranthene radical anion is

allowed to react with peptide cations in the three dimensional trap The resulting dissociation

cleaves at the N-Cα bond to produce c and zbull type product ions The peptidome of model

organisms like Callinectes sapidus can be further explored and expanded utilizing ETD as a

complementary fragmentation technique to CID Previous peptidomic analysis has been

completed using ETD as an additional fragmentation method21

It was observed that

enzymatically produced peptides with a higher mz produced improved sequence coverage using

ETD This observation termed decision tree analysis determined that a charge state of ge6 all

peptides endogenous or enzymatic should be fragmented via ETD22

In the present study the

highly charged peptide CPRP with an intact molecular weight of 3837 readily produces plus six


charge states The higher charge state of CPRP is highly amenable to fragmentation by ETD

which produces remarkably improved fragmentation and thus increased sequence coverage when

compared to CID

Sulfonation of tyrosine is a post-translational modification (PTM) that is thought to occur on

trans-membrane spanning and secreted proteins23

Cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8) is a sulfated

peptide which has been linked to satiety24-26

and a CCK-like peptide has been observed in


Sulfonation is an extremely labile modification and is often lost during soft

ionization such as ESI or MALDI but can be avoided by optimizing the ionization process28

One potential strategy to identify sulfopeptides is to scan for a neutral loss of 80 Da after CID

but this method does not allow for identification of site of sulfonation and has the risk to be

mistaken for phosphorylation The sulfonation PTM is a negatively charged modification on

the peptide which allows for negative ion scanning in the mass spectrometer but provides

minimal MSMS sequence coverage during CID due to preferential loss of the sulfate group

Alternatively electron-based dissociation technique enables more rapid radical driven

fragmentation where the cleavage pattern is more uniform along the peptide backbone without

initially cleaving the labile sulfated group thus preserving the site of modification These types

of dissociation techniques only work for multiply-charged ions thus a method to install a

multiply-charged cation on the target peptide is desirable It has been shown that the electron

capture dissociation (ECD) can be used to sequence sulfated peptides when a multi-charged

cation is added to the solution29

We use a similar multi-charge cation solution technique to

sequence a sulfated peptide from Homarus americanus via ETD on an ion trap mass

spectrometer Here we presented the use of the ETD fragmentation technique for the analysis

of large peptides and peptides containing labile post-translational modification


Experimental Section

Chemical and materials

Acetonitrile methanol magnesium chloride (ACS grade) potassium chloride (ACS grade) and

calcium chloride (ACS grade) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh PA) Formic

acid was from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis MO) Human sulfated CCK-8 and CCK-like peptide

(E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRFamide) were purchased from American Peptide (Sunnyvale CA)

Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od was purchased from Polymicro

Technologies (Phoenix AZ) Millipore C18 Ziptip column was used for sample cleaning and all

water used in this study was deionized water (182 MΩcm) prepared from a Milli-Q Millipore

system (Billerica MA) The physiological saline consisted of 440 mM NaCl 11mM KCl 26

mM MgCl2 13 mM CaCl2 11 mM Trizma base and 5 mM maleic acid in pH 745

Animals and dissection

Callinectes sapidus (blue crab) were obtained from commercial food market and maintained

without food in artificial sea water at 10-12 ordmC Animals were cold-anesthetized by packing on

ice for 15-30min before dissection The optic ganglia with the SG attached were dissected in

chilled (~4ordmC) physiological saline and individual SGs were isolated from the optic ganglia by

micro-dissection and immediately placed in acidified methanol (90 methanol 9 glacial acetic

acid and 1 water) and stored at -80ordmC until tissue extraction

Tissue homogenization

Acidified methanol was used during the homogenization of SGs The homogenized SGs were

immediately centrifuged at 16100 g using an Eppendorf 5415D tabletop centrifuge (Eppendorf


AG) The pellet was washed using acidified methanol and combined with the supernatant and

further dried in a Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) The

resulting dried sample was re-suspended with a minimum amount (20 microL) of 01 formic acid

Fractionation of homogenates using reversed phase (RP)-HPLC

The re-suspended extracts were then vortexed and briefly centrifuged The resulting supernatants

were subsequently fractionated via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) HPLC

separations were performed using a Rainin Dynamax HPLC system equipped with a Dynamax

UV-D II absorbance detector (Rainin Instrument Inc Woburn MA) The mobile phases included

Solution A (deionized water containing 01 formic acid) and Solution B (acetonitrile containing

01 formic acid) About 20 μl of extract was injected onto a Macrosphere C18 column (21 mm

id x 250 mm length 5 microm particle size Alltech Assoc Inc Deerfield IL) The separation

consisted of a 120 minute gradient of 5-95 Solution B Fractions were automatically collected

every two minutes using a Rainin Dynamax FC-4 fraction collector (Rainin Instrument Inc

Woburn MA) The fractions were then concentrated using in Savant SC 110 SpeedVac

concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) and re-suspended with minimum amount of 01

formic acid


Nanoscale LC-ESI-Q-TOF MSMS was performed using a Waters nanoAcquity UPLC system

coupled to a Q-TOF Micro mass spectrometer (Waters Corp Milford MA)

Chromatographic separations were performed on a homemade C18 reversed phase capillary

column (75 microm internal diameter x100 mm length 3 microm particle size 100 Aring) The mobile phases


used were 01 formic acid in deionized water (A) 01 formic acid in acetonitrile (B) An

aliquot of 50 microl of a tissue extract or HPLC fraction was injected and loaded onto the trap

column (Zorbax 300SB-C18 Nano trapping column Agilent Technologies Santa Clara CA)

using 95 mobile phase A and 5 mobile phase Bat a flow rate of 10 microlmin for 10 minutes

Following this the stream select module was switched to a position at which the trap column

came in line with the analytical capillary column and a linear gradient of mobile phases A and B

was initiated For neuropeptides the linear gradient was from 5 buffer B to 45 buffer B over

90 min The nanoflow ESI source conditions were set as follows capillary voltage 3200 V

sample cone voltage 35 V extraction cone voltage 1 V source temperature 100ordmC A data

dependent acquisition was employed for the MS survey scan and the selection of three precursor

ions and subsequent MSMS of the selected parent ions The MS scan range was from mz

400-1800 and the MSMS scan was from mz 50-1800

Peptide Prediction De Novo Sequencing and Database Searching

De novo sequencing was performed using a combination of MassLynxTM

41 PepSeq software

(Waters) and manual sequencing Tandem mass spectra acquired from the Q-TOF were first

deconvoluted using MaxEnt 3 software (Waters) to convert multiply charged ions into their

singly charged forms The resulting spectra were pasted into the PepSeq window for sequencing

analysis The candidate sequences generated by the PepSeq software were compared and

evaluated for homology with previous known peptides The online program blastp (National

Center for Biotechnology Information Bethesda MD httpwwwncbinlmnihgovBLAST)

was used to search the existing NCBI crustacean protein database using the candidate peptide

sequences as queries For all searches the blastp database was set to non-redundant protein


sequences (ie nr) and restricted to crustacean sequences (ie taxid 6657) For each of the

proteins putatively identified via blastp the BLAST score and BLAST-generated E-value for

significant alignment are provided in the appropriate subsection of the results Peptides with

partial sequence homology were selected for further examination by comparing theoretical

MSMS fragmentation spectra generated by PepSeq with the raw MSMS spectra If the

fragmentation patterns did not match well manual sequencing was performed

NanoLC Coupled to MSMS by CID and ETD

Setup for RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN (Fisher Scientific Optima LCMS grade Fair Lawn NJ) Injections

consisted of 5 microL of prepared tissue extract onto an Agilent Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5

microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95

A5 B Separation was performed on a Waters HPLC column with 3 microm Atlantis dC18 75 microm

x 150 mm (Milford MA) on a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250 nLmin over 90

minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner diameter 360 microm

outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using a commercial

laser puller model P-2000 (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Collision Induced Dissociation (CID)

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) equipped

with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition Hystar

(Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control Eksigent


nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for all

experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to mz 700 compound stability and trap

drive level were set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature 125oC dry gas 40 Lmin capillary voltage -1300 V end plate offset -500 V

MSMS fragmentation amplitude 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data was generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two spectra and

released after one minute MSMS was obtained via CID fragmentation for the six most

abundant MS peaks with a preference for doubly charged ions and excluded singly charged ions

For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000 maximum

accumulation time 5000 ms four spectral average acquisition range of mz 300-1500 and scan

speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target was set to

200000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms three spectral averages acquisition range of

mz 100-2000 and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz s-1

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD)

The amaZon ETD ion-trap mass spectrometer was operated in electron transfer dissociation for

MSMS fragmentation with the same optimized settings as reported for CID unless otherwise

stated Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 500 mz compound stability and trap drive

level were set at 100 MSMS was obtained via ETD fragmentation for the four most

abundant MS peaks with no preference for specifically charged ions except to exclude singly

charged ions The ETD reagent parameters were set to 400000 target ICC for the fluoranthene

radical anion The fluoranthene radical anion has an mz of 210 and therefore the 210 mz value

was removed from the resulting MSMS spectra and 160 mz was set for the MSMS low mz



Direct Infusion of Sulfated Peptide Standards into the Mass Spectrometer using ETD and

CID Fragmentation

The sulfated peptide standards were infused into the mass spectrometer at a flow rate of 300

nlmin using a fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od coupled to a custom pulled

tip The CCK-8 human peptide (20 microM) was infused in 5050 ACNH2O and detected in

negative ionization mode with an ICC of 70000 and fragmented with CID using the same

settings as the previous CID experiments Alternatively the CCK-like lobster sulfated peptide

(2 microM) was mixed with 30 microM of different salts (MgCl2 KCl or CaCl2) and 01 formic acid in

5050 ACNH2O The plus three charge of the CCK-like lobster peptide was selected for ETD

fragmentation in positive mode with the same setting as the previous ETD experiments The

data were then de novo sequenced for coverage and localization of the sulfation site

Data Analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as follows

intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E7 and retention time window 05

minutes These parameter changes assisted in providing better quality spectra for sequencing

Identification of peptides was performed using Mascot (Version 23 Matrix Science London

UK) Searches were performed against a custom crustacean database none enzyme allow up to

1 missed cleavage amidated C-terminal as variable modifications peptide tolerance mass error

12 Da MSMS mass error tolerance is 06 Da

Results and Discussion


Identification and Characterization of Intact CPRPs Using ETD

Using ESI-Q-TOF 9 truncated CPRPs fragments were sequenced to cover the amino acid


A representative CID MSMS spectrum of ASLKSDTVTPLR is shown in Figure 1 (a) CID

using ESI-Q-TOF mainly produces fragmentation for doubly and triply charge molecules which

is adequate to sequence peptides with relatively small molecular weight (less than 2000 Da)

However CID fragmentation is insufficient to sequence the larger intact CPRP in a complex

sample whose molecular mass is 3837 Da and therefore it is extremely difficult to directly

sequence by traditional CID ESI-Q-TOF ETD is an attractive fragmentation alternative to

sequence the highly charged CPRP peptide In ETD a protonated peptide reacts with an anion

(fluoranthene radical) where the anion transfers an electron to the peptide cation and the resulting

fragmentation occurs along the N-Cα bond by free-radical-driven-cleavage The large size of

CPRP offers multiple basic amino acid sites to sequester charge and reduce the sequence

coverage from collision induced dissociate by preventing random backbone cleavage whereas

ETD does not cleave the weakest bond and provides the alternative fragmentation pathway to

obtain superior sequence coverage to larger peptides As shown in Figure 1 (cd) the

fragmentation of ETD is highly amenable to ETD compared to the CID fragmentation in Figure

1 (b) As evident from comparison ETD offers more extensive fragmentation than CID thus

providing enhanced coverage for large intact peptides such as CPRPs Specifically we observe

125 of the b- and y- cleavages for CID as compared to an average of 535 of c- and zbull-

fragments More than a four-fold increase in fragments using ETD suggests the utility of this

relatively new tandem MS fragmentation method as complementary techniques for de novo

sequencing of large intact endogenous peptides and novel neuropeptide discovery endeavors


Negative Mode Sulfated Peptide Identification

An accepted method for identification and quantification for sulfated peptides is negative


CCK-8 sulfated peptide standards show intense signal in negative ionization mode

without needing to have additives added such as salts Figure 2 shows the CID MSMS

spectrum from the negative ionization and produces an intense b6 ion at 430 mz The transition

from the doubly negatively charged MS ion of 570 mz to the b6 ion provides a selected reaction

monitoring transition for quantification studies but the sequence information is limited and the

presence of the methionine produces variable oxidation In addition Figure 2 shows the

MSMS product ions with the loss of the sulfate group thus making site-specific location of

sulfation more difficult

Investigation of Cation Salt Adducts to Produce Multiply Charged Sulfated Peptides

Sulfated peptides can be isolated in positive scanning mode but usually only in a plus one

state with low signal intensity If ETD is performed on the singly charged peptide cation a

neutral is formed and is lost in the mass spectrometer and thus no sequence information can be

obtained In order to remedy this situation a technique that adding metal salts to peptides to

increase charge state for ECD used in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass

spectrometry (FTICR-MS)29

inspired the investigation of increasing charge state of targeted

peptide via metal salt adduction followed by ETD analysis in a Bruker amaZon ion trap

Various salts were investigated including MgCl2 CaCl2 and KCl each used at a concentration of

30 microM and mixed with a sulfated peptide standard at 2 microM The addition of KCl produced

mostly doubly charged ion of the lobster CCK-like peptide standard K adduct which produced

insufficient sequence information from ETD fragmentation (data not shown) In comparison

the MgCl2 and CaCl2 produced intense triply charged peptide ions but CaCl2 produced lower


signal intensity compared to MgCl2 (data not shown)

Cation Assisted ETD Fragmentation of CCK-like Lobster Sulfated Peptide and Future


The addition of MgCl2 to the lobster CCK-like sulfated peptide is shown in Figure 3

Except for z1 the complete z-series is obtained including the z7 ion with and without the

sulfation PTM The spectrum is complicated by the additional Mg adducts but several peaks

are shown without any Mg adduct such as z2 z3 z4 etc Clearly the method of cation

assisted ETD fragmentation can be useful using ion trap instruments and can properly sequence

sulfated peptides that are prone to neutral loss from the labile PTM One concern about future

direction in sulfopeptide isolation in non-genome sequenced species is isolation of sulfopeptides

Currently antibodies to specific sulfopeptides is the only commonly used enrichment technique

for sulfopeptides Also since metal cations are needed for this method direct infusion into an

ESI mass spectrometer is preferred to prevent running large amounts of adduct forming salts

through the LC system With direct infusion the lack of separation confounds the problem in

sulfopeptide detection because any co-eluting peptides could have ionization efficiency and thus

reduce the signal of the sulfopeptide Once discovered and sequenced a selected reaction

monitoring (SRM) method could be developed using LC retention coupled with negative

ionization mode followed by CID MSMS or possibly MSMSMS to perform quantitative

studies for sulfopeptides


In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of large endogenous

neuropeptides with higher charge and bigger size The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was

identified and characterized with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation


assisted ETD fragmentation was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of

sulfated neuropeptides These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in

future analysis of large neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides



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3 Baggerman G Cerstiaens A De Loof A Schoofs L Peptidomics of the larval Drosophila melanogaster

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Figure 1 Comparison of tandem MS spectra of truncated CPRP (ASLKSDTVTPL mz 128766)

by ESI-Q-TOF (a) and intact CPRP (MW 3837) by the amaZon ETD for both CID and ETD

fragmentation (a) MSn of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6 by CID represent

loss of NH3 ordm represent loss of H2O (b) MS+6

of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6

by ETD at z represent z+1 z represent z+2 (c) MS+5

of precursor ion with mz 768 with charge

state +5 by ETD z represent z+1 z represent z+2 For all labels in Figure 1 charge state +1 is

not specified



Figure 2 Negative CID spectrum of CCK-8 peptide standard (20 microM) via direct infusion show

the doubly charged b6 ion provides the most intense MSMS transition


Figure 3 ETD spectrum of E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRF-amide (2 microM) obtained on the

amaZon ETD via direct infusion with 30 microM MgCl2 The sulfated peptide can be identified

with a visible z-series of z2 to z9 and identified sulfate loss


Chapter 7

Investigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysis

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J

Wellner D Li L Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press



This work investigates the introduction of methanol and a salt modifier to molecular

weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide

quantities Using a neuropeptide standard bradykinin sample loss was reduced over two orders

of magnitude with and without undigested protein present Additionally a bovine serum

albumin (BSA) tryptic digestion was investigated Twenty-seven tryptic peptides were identified

from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while only two tryptic peptides were

identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy presented here enhances recovery

from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide samples


Molecular weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filter devices (MWCO) are

commonly used to desalt and concentrate large molecular weight proteins [1] Greeing and

Simpson recently investigated various MWCO membranes for large amounts of starting material

(~6 mg) focusing on optimal conditions for the sub 25 kDa protein fraction [2] The authors

recovered 200 μg to 29 mg of protein from multiple MWCO experiments and demonstrated that

a 1090 acetonitrile (ACN)H2O elution solvent produced optimal results [3] In addition Manza

et al provided an alternative approach to isolate proteins with a 5 kDa MWCO by using

NH4HCO3 and recovering the retained proteins [4] Alternatively the elution from MWCOs can

be collected to recover only low molecular weight peptides Multiple peptidomic studies have

utilized MWCOs for peptide isolation during the first few steps of sample preparation [5 6]

When sample amount is limited or peptide content is below 1 microg sample loss is a significant

concern when using MWCOs to isolate endogenous peptides Optimized protocols have been


investigated using ACN [3 7] salt [4 8] SDS [5] or native sample [6 9 10] but these

experiments primarily focused on large sample amounts rather than sub-microgram peptide


MWCOs separate large molecules from small molecules The small molecule fraction

may be rich with signaling peptides (SP) cytokines and other small molecules involved in cell-

cell signaling Signaling peptides perform various functions in the body including cell growth

cell survival and hormonal signaling between organs [11] Individual SP contribute to different

aspects of behavior such as pain (enkephalins) [12] feeding (neuropeptide Y) [13] and blood

pressure (bradykinin) [14] MWCO separations can be used to enrich biologically important SP

and explore the peptide content from biological fluids with relatively low peptide content like

blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) In a recent investigation the detection of neuropeptides and

standards in crustacean hemolymph was improved when methanol and protease inhibitors were

present before performing MWCO neuropeptide isolation The impact of methanol on MWCO

sample loss was not investigated in the study [15] In another study a large-scale mass

fingerprinting protocol of endogenous peptides from CSF used a combination of salts before

MWCO fractionation but the impact of adding salts was not discussed [16] The most

commonly used brand of MWCO in the publications and in peptidomic studies is Millipore

Therefore Millipore MWCOs (using regenerated cellulose as the membrane) were used in the

present study The purpose of this work is to provide an optimized sample preparation technique

for MWCO filtering to reduce sample loss and allow sub-microg detection of peptides using MALDI

mass spectrometry



Materials and Chemicals

Water acetonitrile methanol (optima LCMS grade) and sodium chloride (995) were

purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) The α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (99)

formic acid (FA) (ge98) and bovine serum albumin (ge96) were purchased from Sigma-

Aldrich (St Louis MO) Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO centrifugal filters and ZipTips

packed with C18 reversed-phase resin were purchased from Millipore (Billerica MA) Trypsin-

digested bovine serum albumin (BSA) was purchased from Waters (Milford MA) Bradykinin

was purchased from American Peptide Company (Sunnyvale CA)

MALDI MS Instrumentation

An AutoFLEX III MALDI TOFTOF mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics Billerica

MA) was operated in positive ion reflectron mode The MALDI MS instrument is equipped with

a proprietary smart beam (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) laser operating at 200 Hz The

instrument was internally calibrated over the mass range of mz 500minus2500 using a standard

peptide mix Two thousand laser shots were collected per sample spot at an accelerating voltage

of 19 kV and a constant laser power using random shot selection The acquired data were

analyzed using FlexAnalysis software (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) Mass spectrometry

data acquisition was obtained by averaging 2000 laser shots

Molecular weight cut off separation procedure

The MWCO separations were performed using Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO

centrifugal filters (Billerica MA) Before MWCO separation three washing steps were

performed to remove contaminants from the filter The three washes were 500 μL of 5050

H2OMeOH 500 μL of H2O and 400 μL of the solution used for MWCO separation For the


100 H2O solution 1 microg of BSA or bradykinin was used for separation All the other MWCO

separation experiments used 500 ng of BSA or 100 ng or less of bradykinin The MWCO filter

was then centrifuged at 14000 rcf for 5 min at room temperature in an Eppendorf 5415 D

microcentrifuge (Brinkmann Instruments Inc Westbury NY) The filtrate was concentrated in a

Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation West Palm Beach FL)

and acidified The resulting sample was desalted according to the manufacturer using C18

ZipTips from Millipore (Billerica MA) by washing the ZipTip with three times 100 ACN

three aqueous washes of 01 FA binding the peptides from the solution and one aqueous wash

of 01 FA Peptides were then eluted from the ZipTips using 15 microL of 50 ACN in 01 FA

Matrix deposition

Equal volumes of 05 μL from the 15 μL sample solution (including standards not subject

to MWCO filtering) and α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (CHCA) matrix solution in 50

ACN50 H2O were mixed using a dried-droplet method and spotted on a MALDI target The

resulting droplets were allowed to air dry prior to mass spectrometry acquisition


Analysis of two orders of magnitude increase for bradykinin standard

Bradykinin was selected to assess the potential peptide loss in the flow-through after

performing MWCO separation As shown in Figure 1 1 microg of bradykinin standard does not

produce a detectable signal by MALDI mass spectrometry analysis after a 10 kDa MWCO

separation in water (performed in triplicate) For comparison 1 ng of bradykinin standard

diluted to 15 microL produced an intense signal on the MALDI mass spectrometer suggesting


significant sample loss occurs when the target analyte is low in quantity (data not shown

performed in triplicate) Figure 1 shows that the addition of a salt in this case NaCl improves

the limits of detection and decreases sample loss when 7030 watermethanol was compared to

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol The reproducible results gave a relative standard deviation

(RSD) of 6 for peak intensity Figure 1 shows that even when starting with 1 μg of bradykinin

too much sample is lost during the MWCO separation in water to detect the remainder

However an intense signal is observed for 10 ng of bradykinin after the MWCO separation when

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol is used as an elution solvent Sample loss from zip-tipping

was estimated in triplicate by calculating the decreases in peak intensity When 10 ng of

bradykinin was used sample loss was ~41 In comparison the calculated yield for 10 ng of

bradykinin after the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol MWCO separation and zip-tip desalting

showed an estimated sample loss of 63 meaning more loss can be attributed to sample clean-

up than MWCO filtration

A series of experiments were performed to determine if 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol is an optimal solution to recover peptides during a MWCO separation (data not

shown) A 5050 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol and a 5050 watermethanol elution were

performed in duplicate but signal intensity of the resulting bradykinin was poor and numerous

polymer peaks were detected in the flow through A lower salt concentration 01 M NaCl was

used but also produced greatly reduced signal when compared to aqueous 1 M NaCl To assess

the optimized methodrsquos compatibility with lower sample amounts the 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol solution was added to 1 ng of bradykinin for MWCO separation but no signal

was obtained (data not shown) Using a neuropeptide standard the addition of methanol and

NaCl salt significantly improved the sample recovery in sub-microg amounts


BSA tryptic peptide mixture analysis

After demonstrating the importance of using an optimized solution for MWCO

separations with an individual peptide the new method was applied to 500 ng of BSA tryptic

digest to investigate its utility with more complex peptide mixtures Table 1 lists the BSA

tryptic peptides identified in the MALDI MS analysis from different solution conditions

processed by MWCO separation As shown in Table 1 a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard in the absence of any MWCO filtration enabled identification of 39 tryptic peptides by

accurate peptide mass measurements Once again when using 100 H2O for MWCO

separations the starting amount was doubled to 1 microg (also done with 500 ng data not shown)

However many tryptic peptides were not detected due to low signal intensities and non-optimal

elution conditions Instead of H2O a 1 M NaCl solution was used for the MWCO elution but

only two tryptic peptides were identified (Table 1) The addition of 30 methanol into the

sample before MWCO filtration produced the first increase in identified BSA tryptic peptides

The remaining data from Table 1 shows improved BSA tryptic peptide identifications as the

sample (elution) conditions were further optimized Figure 2 shows the actual mass spectra

associated with the three most promising elution solutions along with 100 H2O

The BSA tryptic peptide intensities are shown in Figure 2A and the most intense tryptic

peptide YLYEIAR mz 92749 was observed in the four different solutions shown in Figure 2B

but not in the 100 H2O or 100 1 M NaCl solutions (data not shown) In Figure 2A all mass

spectra are normalized to an intensity of 7 x 104 to illustrate two points First the MWCO

filtering step still produced sample loss regardless of the solvent conditions chosen Second

there is a noticeable increase in peptide peak intensity using the optimized solvent 6040


aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol (Figure 2A) Figure 2C displays a zoomed-in view of a BSA

tryptic peptide signal LKECC

DKPLLEK mz 153266 (

carbamidomethyl) observed only in

the optimized solvent The detection of the mz 153266 peptide in Figure 2C highlights the

potential gain in sample and detectable peptides by using an optimized saltMeOH combination

A non-optimized saltMeOH combination will still reduce sample loss but further minimizing

sample loss during sample preparation will always be desirable in any analytical protocol

MWCO composition

The purpose of this application note is to provide evidence of sub-microg sample loss during

MWCO separations of peptide samples and a solution to overcome this limitation The

explanation of why adding MeOH and NaCl to the sample solution provides a significant

reduction in sample loss is beyond the scope of this application note Regardless Supplemental

Table S1 is an expanded version of Table 1 showing the amino acid sequence hydrophobicity

calculated using GRAVY scores and pI of the identified peptides in this study No discernible

trend was obtained from the data The membrane of commonly used MWCO in peptidomics and

for this study is comprised of chemically treated (regenerated) cellulose which is a

polysaccharide containing β (1rarr4) linked D-glucose Glucose has numerous free hydroxyl

groups which could non-specifically adsorb peptides flowing through the MWCO The addition

of MeOH has the most significant effect on signal which could be due to disrupting the

interaction between peptides and hydroxyl groups from glucose NaCl has a less significant

effect on sample recovery compared to MeOH but a detectable reduction in sample loss is noted

This improvement in sample recovery could be analogous to the use of NaCl in


immunodepletion protocols to reduce non-specific binding which is accomplished by adding

150 mM NaCl [17]

Analysis of bradykinin in the presence of undigested BSA

When using MWCO for peptide isolation proteins are typically present in the samples

usually in larger amounts Figure 3 shows the effect that adding BSA protein to a 10 ng

bradykinin solution before MWCO fractionation has on the resulting recovery of bradykinin

Adding 10 μg of BSA to the optimized 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol solution slightly

decreased bradykininrsquos signal with a RSD of 10 More severe signal reduction occurred after

adding 100 microg BSA with a RSD of 2 (N=2) It is not unexpected that more signal reduction

due to sample loss would occur especially in the 100 microg BSA sample because the BSA protein

has a molar ratio of 160 BSA protein molecules to one bradykinin peptide Figure 3 shows the

usefulness of the MWCO method with samples containing large amounts of proteins


The present work provides solutions to reduce sample loss from the use of MWCO for

sub-microg peptide isolation with or without non-digested proteins in the sample Despite its

widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO fractionation step

which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides from limited starting

material This application note aims to reduce sample loss during MWCO separations

specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation If complex samples are processed with MWCO

separation the authors recommend eluting the sample with 6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

solution as a starting point to minimize sample loss This application note provides a viable


alternative for sub-microg peptide MWCO separation circumventing the need to increase the starting

material by minimizing sample loss from using a MWCO membrane-based centrifugal filter



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Table 1 Identified BSA tryptic peptides from various MWCO separation conditions

BSA tryptic

peptide (MH+)


H2O 1microg


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl








































Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


Figure 1 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard showing improvement over two orders of magnitude in detection limits Each MWCO

separation was performed at minimum in triplicate with representative spectrum selected for

each with a calculated RSD from the peak heights Three different amounts of bradykinin were

tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss under different MWCO solvent conditions The

top panel shows 1 microg of bradykinin standard after MWCO separation with 100 H2O elution

produced no signal The addition of 40 or 30 MeOH produced very low bradykinin signals

for both 100 ng (RSD of 28) and 10 ng (SNlt3 no RSD calculated) respectively In the

bottom two spectra each showed very large intensity but the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

10 ng bradykinin was processed with a 10kDa MWCO and zip-tipped and was reproducible with


a RSD of 6 The last spectrum was from 10 ng bradykinin (RSD of 3) which was diluted to

an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the MALDI plate


Figure 2 Representative MALDI mass spectra from MWCO separation of a BSA tryptic

peptide standard showing sample loss Stacked mass spectra from mz range 875-2150

normalized to 7 x 104 intensity representing the detection difference from a BSA tryptic peptide

standard from different MWCO separation conditions (A) It should be noted that when the

solvent for MWCO elution was 100 H2O 1 microg of BSA tryptic peptides was processed instead

of 500 ng A zoomed in view of the most abundant BSA tryptic peptide detected YLYEIAR

mz 92749 (B) Various percentages of MeOH produced significant signal but addition of a salt

(1 M NaCl) increases the signal which is closest to a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard A zoomed in view of a representative low intensity BSA tryptic peptide detected


DKPLLEK mz 153266 (C) The optimized solution to be used for MWCO filtration


6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol was the only procedure that enabled the detection of the

tryptic peptide in Figure 2C which was also detected in the directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard All experiments were performed a minimum of two times with nearly identical results

) Carbamidomethyl amino acid modification

ordm) Tryptic peptide identified in three of the spectra in Figure 2A

dagger) Tryptic peptide identified in two of the spectra in Figure 2A

) Tryptic peptide identified in a single spectrum in Figure 2A


Figure 3 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard with a BSA protein present showing optimized solvent conditions minimized samples

losses Each experiment was performed in duplicate Two different amounts of BSA protein

were tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss caused by the presence of a protein The top

panel shows 10 microg of BSA protein and the second panel shows 100 microg of BSA protein added

while only 10 ng of bradykinin was added Detectable sample loss was observed when the BSA

protein was added but panel two shows that the amount of BSA protein was 1 x 104 greater

(equivalent to 160 fold molar excess) than bradykinin The last two spectra were controls using

a MWCO with the optimized solution in panel 3 and panel 4 using 10 ng bradykinin which was

diluted to an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the

MALDI plate


Supplemental Table 1 Expanded Table 1 including grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY)

score theoretical pI and the sequence from the underlying amino acid sequence for the peptides

identified in the BSA digest The GRAVY and pI scores were obtained from ExPASy

Bioinformatics and modifications were not taken into consideration

(httpwebexpasyorgprotparam) Peptide assignments to the recorded peaks were done by









Sequence 100




1 M





1 M



1 M





1 M



5453 0900 972 VASLR

6894 0267 979 AWSVAR

7124 -0950 647 SEIAHR

8985 0529 674 LcVLHEK

9275 -0071 600 YLYEIAR

10345 -0725 674 NEcFLSHK

10725 -0211 538 SHcIAEVEK

11385 0 599 ccTESLVNR

11636 0130 453 LVNELTEFAK

12496 -1250 545 FKDLGEEHFK

12837 0264 675 HPEYAVSVLLR

13057 -0582 532 HLVDEPQNLIK

13997 0567 437 TVMENFVAFVDK

14157 0567 437 TVmENFVAFVDK

14197 0058 530 SLHTLFGDELcK

14398 -0133 875 RHPEYAVSVLLR

14636 -0515 465 TcVADESHAGcEK

14798 0292 600 LGEYGFQNALIVR

15026 -0625 409 EYEATLEEccAK

15118 0207 597 VPQVSTPTLVEVSR

15328 -0617 617 LKEccDKPLLEK

15547 -0823 441 DDPHAcYSTVFDK

15677 -0085 437 DAFLGSFLYEYSR

15768 -0985 456 LKPDPNTLcDEFK

16399 -0067 875 KVPQVSTPTLVEVSR

16678 0064 437 MPCTEDYLSLILNR

16738 -1723 550 QEPERNEcFLSHK

17248 0064 437 MPcTEDYLSLILNR

17408 0064 437 mPcTEDYLSLILNR

17477 -0914 414 YNGVFQEccQAEDK

17497 -0621 410 EccHGDLLEcADDR

18809 -0537 606 RPcFSALTPDETYVPK

18890 -0567 674 HPYFYAPELLYYANK

19019 -1275 466 NEcFLSHKDDSPDLPK

19079 0044 454 LFTFHADIcTLPDTEK

20450 -0812 839 RHPYFYAPELLYYANK

21139 -0682 480 VHKEccHGDLLEcADDR

22479 -0458 423 EccHGDLLEcADDRADLAK

Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


mass matching with no tandem mass spectrometry performed Lower case amino acids indicate

a modification present in the peptide of carbamidomethyl (c) or oxidation (m)


Chapter 8

Conclusions and Future Directions



Comparative shotgun proteomics investigating numerous biological changes in various

species and sample media and peptidomic method development have been reported The

developed comparative shotgun proteomics based on label-free spectral counting with nanoLC

MSMS platform have been employed in mouse CSF rat CSF yeast culture and other biological

specimens Mass spectrometry (MS)-based peptidomic enhancements using ETD and improved

sample preparation methods for molecular weight cut-offs have been reported Together these

studies add to the Li Labs capabilities in comparative shotgun proteomics and expand available

methods for peptidomic research

Immunodepletion of CSF for comparative proteomics

Chapters 3 and 4 used similar methods to generate a list of differentially expressed

proteins providing insight into how Alexander disease (AxD) perturbs the proteome and how the

new prion model rat adapted scrapie (RAS) proteome varies from control rats In the GFAP

overexpressor mouse CSF study in Chapter 3 we have produced a panel of proteins with

significant up or down regulation in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice MS-based

proteomic study of this mouse model for AxD was consistent with the previous studies showing

elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified IgY-14 immunodepletion technique

for low amounts of CSF with recommendations for future antibody depletion techniques to deal

with the unique challenges of mouse CSF was presented Modified proteomics protocols were

employed to profile mouse CSF with biological and technical triplicates addressing the

variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF spectral counting Validation of the data was

performed using both ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide corroboration with the


changes in the putative biomarkers This work presents numerous interesting targets for future

study in AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1

Using the protocol developed in Chapter 3 we performed a similar study in RAS CSF

compared to control rat CSF Two differences in sample preparation for the rat CSF compared

to the mouse CSF are noted (1) rat IgY-7 immunodepletion was performed and (2) each rat

CSF sample was collected from one animal due to sufficient volume instead of pooling from

multiple animals for the mouse CSF sample After immunodepletion the CSF samples from

control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using

one dimensional RP nanoLC separation We were able to identify 167 proteins with redundant

isoforms removed which was derived from total 512 proteins with a 1 FDR from all the CSF

samples Comparative analysis was performed using dNSAF spectral counting and 21 proteins

were significantly changed Our data were consistent with previous prion CSF studies showing

14-3-3 protein increased in CSF of prion infected animals Genomic analysis was also

performed and was used to cross-validate our proteomic data and numerous proteins were found

to be consistent including a novel marker related to prion disease RNAset2 (ribonuclease T2)

In summary this work provides a foundation for investigation of the perturbed proteome of a

new prion model RAS

Yeast Phosphoproteomic Comparison between Starved and Glucose Fed Conditions

This work presented a qualitative comparison of the phosphoproteome between starved

and glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) A large scale IMAC enrichment of

yeast cell lysate followed by 2-D separations provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for CID

MSMS and neutral loss triggered ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for

PKA was highlighted to show the differences in proteins identified between starved and glucose


fed conditions In total 477 unique phosphopeptides were identified with 06 FDR and 669

unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Phosphosite validation was performed using

a localization algorithm Ascore to provide further confidence on the site-specific

characterization of these phosphopeptides Two proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential

intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on protein phosphorylation involved in glucose


Methods for Peptide Sample Preparation and Sequencing

In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation CCK-like neuropeptides found in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was identified and characterized

with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation assisted ETD fragmentation using

MgCl2 was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of sulfated neuropeptides

These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in future analysis of large

neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides

In addition to ETD sequencing I presented a protocol on improving recovery of minute

quantities of peptides by adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off

membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities

Despite its widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO

fractionation step which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides

from limited starting material This work presented a method to reduce sample loss during

MWCO separations specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss was reduced by over two orders of magnitude with and without


undigested protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein

and the bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and

not the presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-

seven tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol

while only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol

Ongoing Projects and Future Directions

CSF Projects

Rat Adapted Scrapie and Time Course Study of Rat CSF

In ongoing experiments from the work described in Chapter 4 related to rat adapted

scrapie (RAS) we are working towards more complete proteome coverage of CSF and a time

course study of RAS After the promising results of the 1-D proteomic comparison between

RAS and control CSF we want to perform IgY immunodepletion on 1 mL of rat CSF followed

by 2-D high pH-low pH RP-RP LC-MSMS IgY immunodepletion is still required and

afterwards approximately 40 microg of low abundance protein would remain Following traditional

urea tryptic digestion (see Appendix 1) and solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up the sample

would be dried down and reconstituted in mobile phase A (25 mM ammonium formate basic

pH) for high pH RP separation Fractions would be dried and subjected to MS analysis similar to

the work described in Chapter 4 The purpose of this work would be to increase the proteome

coverage from a few hundred to a thousand CSF proteins identified A time course study of RAS

is also desirable to gain insight into disease progression Rats at different stages will be

sacrificed and CSF will be collected The goal is to perform isobaric labeling between the time

courses with spectral counting being an alternative for relative protein expression We will use

the targets identified in Chapter 4 to track certain proteins for time course analysis Overall


these future projects will dig deeper into the proteome and how this novel prion model RAS

perturbs the proteins expressed in rats over time

Glycoproteomics and Peptidomic Analysis of CSF Samples from Individuals with

Alzheimerrsquos Disease

Alzheimerrsquos disease is an incurable progressive neurodegenerative disorder which results

in cognitive impairment Our aim is to provide additional biomarkers andor targets for drug

treatment Currently we used 500 microL of human CSF for non-membrane glycoprotein

enrichment (see Appendix 1) followed by 2-D high-pH-low-pH RP-RP amaZon ion trap LC-

MSMS analysis The initial work was a failure due to low amount of signal and significant

sample loss (data not shown) Through a comparison with Dr Xin Weirsquos PhD thesis we

estimated roughly 20 microg of proteins was obtained after glycoprotein enrichment and 1-D analysis

produced over 100 protein identifications (data not shown) but the additional off-line 2-D

separation and sample clean up resulted in low number of protein identifications for each fraction

analyzed by MS (data not shown) We have recently obtained 1 mL of human CSF samples

from healthy controls and individuals suffering from Alzheimerrsquos disease and plan to perform

the same experiments with double the starting amount and reduce the fractions collected from 2-

D separation from 11 to 6 In addition to the glycoproteomics anything not enriched will be

subjected to MWCO separation using the method presented in Chapter 7 The obtained peptide

sample will be subjected to Q-TOF nanoLC MSE data acquisition followed by de novo

sequencing using various programs including PEAKS and Mascot Collectively we feel this

project has great potential to lead to interesting targets and further expand the proteomic

knowledge of Alzheimerrsquos disease

GFAP Knock-in Mouse CSF


In a direct follow-up to Chapter 3 we aim to perform comparative proteomics on control

vs glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) knock-in mouse CSF samples The sample preparation

protocol as presented in Chapter 3 will be used For quantitative proteomics we plan on

performing isobaric labeling followed by performing high energy collision induced dissociation

(HCD) on the Orbitrap Elite The MS acquisition will also perform a top ten scan where the top

ten MS peaks will be selected for tandem MS analysis In addition targeted quantitation of

specific proteins using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) can be performed on potential

biomarkers and identified in this follow-up study and the work presented in Chapter 3 Also any

CSF samples with noticeable blood content cannot be used for the exploratory proteomics

experiments but can potentially be used for the MRM analysis and should be kept for such

experiments in the future

Large Scale Proteomics

Proteomics of Mouse Amniotic Fluid for Lung Maturation

The overall goal of this project is to determine what proteins are present in amniotic fluid

when the embryo is 175 weeks compared to amniotic fluid at 155 weeks The rationale behind

why these two time points matter was investigated through a lung explant culture where amniotic

fluid was added at 155 weeks and 175 weeks Visual maturation of lungs occurred with the

175 week amniotic fluid and lung maturation genes were up regulated in the mRNA in the lung

explant culture when compared to the 155 week amniotic fluid The compound which is

causing the maturation of the lungs is unknown and search for a secreted protein might provide a

clue to this process In order to test this hypothesis we carried out discovery proteomics

experiments The workflow involves tryptic digestion SPE and 1-D low pH nanoLC separation

coupled to an amaZon ETD ion trap for tandem MS analysis The resulting mass spectrometric


acquisition identified less than 100 proteins with a 1 FDR (data not published) To address the

lack of depth in the proteome coverage we purchased an IgY immunodepletion column to

remove the most abundant proteins in amniotic fluid similarly to Chapter 3 and 4 but on a larger

scale One abundant protein alpha-fetoprotein is present in amniotic fluid but absent or present

in very low concentration in CSF serum or plasma Alpha-fetoprotein is similar to albumin and

thus we ran amniotic fluid on an IgY immunodepletion column and observed significant

reduction in alpha-fetoprotein amount (data not published) After immunodepletion 2-D high

pH-low pH RP-RP will be performed followed by nanoLCMSMS on the amaZon ETD ion trap

We will perform mass spectrometry experiments using the 155 week amniotic fluid and 175

week amniotic fluid which have average protein contents ~2 mgmL We anticipate a minimum

of tenfold increase in the proteome coverage of amniotic fluid and provide meaningful

hypothesis driven biological experiments from this work

Phosphoproteomics of JNK Activation

c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is an important cellular mediator of stress activated

signaling Under conditions of oxidative stress JNK is activated resulting in the downstream

phosphorylation of a large number of proteins including c-Jun However the cellular response

to JNK activation is extremely complex and JNK activation can result in extremely different

physiological outcomes For example JNK is at the crossroads of cellular death and survival

and exhibits both pro-death and pro-survival activities These highly disparate outcomes of JNK

activation are highly contextual and depend on the type of stressor and duration of stress In the

brain JNK has been shown to be activated in models of Alzheimerrsquos disease Parkinsonrsquos

disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and stroke It is thought that JNK is activated in these

diseases as a result of oxidative stress and it is unknown whether this activation is pro-survival or


pro-death To elucidate JNK signaling in the brain we chose to analyze primary cortical

astrocytes under conditions of oxidative stress Since hydrogen peroxide is a physiologically

relevant oxidant in the brain and known to activate JNK we chose to use this to treat astrocytes

and then analyze changes to the phosphoproteome by mass spectrometry By doing this we

hope to elucidate important JNK-dependent targets involved in stress signaling in the brain and

that identifying these targets could lead to the identification of novel disease mechanisms and

potentially new therapeutic targets for neurodegeneration Specifically we plan on performing

stable isotope labeling by amino acids (SILAC) of astrocytes for control hydrogen peroxide

treated and hydrogen peroxide treated with JNK inhibitor The SILAC labeled astrocyte cell

lysate will be digested enriched using Fe-NTA IMAC and separated using 2-D high pH-low pH

RP-RP and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap The protocol is similar to the yeast

comparative phosphoproteomics from Chapter 5 After analysis we plan on processing the data

using ProteoIQ to identify phosphoproteins with significant changes

Immunoprecipitation Followed by Mass Spectrometry

Stb3 Mass Spectrometry Analysis

Stb3 (Sin3-binding protein) has previously been shown to change location depending on

the presence or absence of glucose (Heideman Lab Dr Michael Conways Thesis) An

immunoprecipitation of Stb3 was performed in parallel to the work described in Chapter 5 Two

separate experiments were performed one with wild type Stb3 and another tagged with myc for

improved protein immunoprecipitation Myc tagging is a polypeptide tag which can be

recognized by an antibody and provide a better enrichment compared to using a Stb3 antibody

alone The myc tagging was done because of the low abundance of Stb3 and the limited amount

of protein that was pulled down by the antibody for Stb3 Immunopreciptation experiments were


performed for both starved and glucose fed samples All samples were tryptically digested

followed by low pH RP nanoLCMSMS Both CID and ETD were used for fragmentation

analysis of each sample (n=2) The Stb3 wild type had two peptide hits in one MS run which is

not surprising due to low Stb3 antibody affinity In contrast a significant amount of Stb3 was

pulled down from Myc tagged starved and glucose fed samples For the glucose starved

samples 22 unique peptides from Stb3 were identified whereas glucose fed samples yielded 21

unique Stb3 peptides identified (unpublished data) The identified Stb3 in the myc samples

allowed us to investigate what other proteins were pulled down that are not present in the wild

type samples

From previous work by our collaborator Dr Heideman it had been suggested that Stb3

forms a complex with Sin3 and Rpd3 Our proteomic data shows multiple significant peptide

hits for Sin3 and Rpd3 in myc tagged but not in wild type where Stb3 is only observed once

with a low Mascot score When looking at the unique proteins identified in myc tagged glucose

fed sample but not included in the wild type samples the myc fed sample contained eight unique

ribosomal proteins with numerous unique peptides for each The ribosomal proteins identified in

myc fed sample supports the novel hypothesis that in the glucose fed state the complex of Stb3

Rpd3 and Sin3 interact with ribosomal proteins Other proteins unique to myc tagged glucose

starved samples are glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 and transcriptional regulatory

protein UME6 Also three proteins were observed in both myc fed and starved but not in the

wild type samples including transposon Ty1-DR1 Gag-Pol polyprotein(YD11B) SWIRM

domain-containing protein (FUN19) and RNA polymerase II degradation factor 1 (DEF1) Our

proteomics data for the Stb3 immunoprecipitation experiments with starved vs glucose fed


samples provide exciting evidence to support previous observation made by the Heideman group

and highlight the utility of MS-based approach to deciphering protein-protein interactions


The majority of the work described in this dissertation revolves around sample

preparation for proteomics and peptidomics with a focus on generating biologically testable

hypotheses In the area of neuropeptides CPRP was fully sequenced analytical methods were

transformed for use in an ETD ion trap and sub-microg peptides can now be analyzed by mass

spectrometry after MWCO separation In the field of comparative proteomics comparisons

between mouse CSF in GFAP overexpressors and control or rat adapted scrapie model and

control CSF yeast fed vs glucose starved cell extract have all been presented Collectively this

thesis has developed new techniques for neuropeptide sample preparation and presented

numerous comparative proteomic analyses of various biological samples and how the proteomes

are dynamically perturbed by various treatments and disease conditions


Appendix 1

Protocols for sample preparation for mass spectrometry based

proteomics and peptidomics


Small Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 8 μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

10 Acidify with 10μL 10 formic acid

11 Perform solid phase extraction using tips dependent of sample amount

a Sub-5μg amounts ndash Millipore Ziptips

b 5-75μg amounts ndash Bond-Elut tips from Agilent (OMIX tips)

12 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Small Scale ProteaseMAX Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 2 μL of 1 of

ProtesaeMAX (Promega) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Add 1 μL ProteaseMAX and let sit for 3-4 hours

10 Acidify with 2μL 10 formic acid

11 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Large Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (mg of proteins)

1 All solutions are in a 50 mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395 mgmL)

2 Add 20μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 160μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to sample

3 Allow sample to denature 45-60 minutes in a 37degC water bath

4 Add 54μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

5 Quench reaction with 20μL of DTT solution

6 Dilute with 14mL of NH4HCO3 solution

7 Add 100μg of trypsin

8 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

9 Acidify sample with 100μL of 10 formic acid

10 Perform solid phase extraction with Hypersep C18 Cartridges with 100 mg of C18

bead volume (Thermo)

11 Dry down with the Speedvac as needed for experiment


Fe-NTA Preparation from Ni-NTA Beads

1 Centrifuge (5 min at 140 rcf) and use a magnet to keep beads in place as supernatant

is removed

2 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O (using same technique of centrifuging and using

magnet to keep beads in places as supernatant is removed)

3 Add 800μL of 100mM EDTA (372mgmL) in a 50mM NH4HCO3 (395mgmL)

buffered solution (pH around 8) and vortex for 30 minutes to chelate the Ni

centrifuge and remove supernatant

4 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O

5 Add 800μL of 10mM FeCl3 hexahydrate (27mgmL) and vortex for 30 minutes to

bind Fe to beads centrifuge and remove supernatant

6 Wash 3 times with 800μL H2O

7 Resuspend in a storage solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid (1mL total)


Fe-NTA IMAC Phospho-enrichment

1 Use wash solution (80ACN 01Formic Acid) to rinse beads vortex 1 minute

centrifuge and remove supernatant

2 Add sample (around 500μL in 80ACN 01Formic Acid) and vortex 40 minutes to

allow sample to bind dispose of supernatant after centrifuging

3 Wash 3 times with 200μL of wash solution discard supernatant

4 Add 200μL of elution solution (5050 ACN5Ammonium Hydroxide) vortex 15

minutes and save supernatant

5 Add 200μL of elution solution vortex 10 minutes and save supernatant

6 Wash 2 time with wash solution (collect supernatant of first wash)

7 If reusing store in 1mL solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid


High pH Off-line Separation

1) In general a minimum of 20 microg of peptides are needed to gain any benefit

from off-line 2D fractionation It is better to inject 100 microg of peptides on


2) Use a Gemini column or a similar column that can handle pH=10 and for this

protocol a 21 mm x 150 mm column was used

3) Prepare ldquobuffer Ardquo 25 mM NH4 formate pH=10 Also prepare ldquobuffer Brdquo

4) Dry down desired sample and reconstitute in buffer A

5) Inject based off sample loop (current Alliance HPLC has a 50 microL sample


6) Run gradient at bottom of the page collecting fractions every 3 minutes except

for the 1st minute which is the void volume

7) Optional If you want to reduce instrument time you can combine fractions 1

with 12 2 with 13 etc until 11 with 22

Time Mobile phase A Mobile phase B Flow Rate


0 98 2 05 mLmin

65rsquo 70 30 05 mLmin

65rsquo1rdquo 5 95 05 mLmin

70 5 95 05 mLmin


Non Membrane Glycoprotein Enrichment

1 For protocols involving membrane glycoprotein enrichment see Dr Xin Weirsquos


2 Add 75 microL of Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound to agarose beads and 150 microL

of Concanavalin A (ConA) to a Handee spin cup (Thermo) Wash 2 times with

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) binding buffer (015 M NaCl 002 M Tris-

HCl 1 mM CaCl2 pH=74) centrifuging at 400 g for 30 seconds

3 Place stopper on bottom of spin cup and add 200 microg of sample (500 microL for CSF)

Bring up to 300 microL using lectin LAC binding buffer

4 Incubate for 1 hour with continuous mixing at room temperature

5 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds

6 Perform two more 300 microL LAC binding washes followed by centrifugation

7 Add 300 microL LAC eluting buffer (0075 M NaCl 001 M Tris-HCl 02 M alpha-

methyl mannoside 02 M alpha-methyl glucoside and 05 M acetyl-D-

glucosamine) vortex for 10 minutes (have stopper in place while vortexing)

centrifuge and collect

7 Add another 300 microL LAC eluting buffer centrifuge and collect


MWCO separation for Sub-microg peptide concentrations

1 Wash molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) with 5050 waterMeOH centrifuge at

14000 g for 5 minutes for 10 kDa filter (time will vary Millipore Amicon Ultra


2 Wash with 100 water centrifuge at 14000 g for 5 minutes

3 Add methanol to the sample to get the concentration to 30 methanol and add

salt to achieve a roughly 05 M NaCl before adding the sample to the MWCO

4 Centrifuge at 14000 for 10 minutes collect flow through



Modified from Thermo Fisher Scientific Classic IP Kit

1 10 microL Polyclonal antibody added to 1 microg protein standard in a Handee spin cup

(Thermo) diluted with 1x TBS buffer to 400 microL and incubated overnight at on

shakerend-over-end rotator

2 Wash Protein GA beads with 2x 200microL TBS buffer and added to the

antibodysample for 15 hours at 4oC

3 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard flow through

4 Wash 3x with 100microL TBS buffer centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard

flow through

5 Wash with 1x conditioning solution (neutral pH buffer) centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and discard flow through

6 Eluted with elution buffer (2x100microL) centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and

collect flow through


C18 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

1 Determine amount of peptides for SPE ge5 microg use Ziptips from Millipore If

between 5-75 microg use OMIX from Agilent 100 microL version and if ge75 microg use SPE

cartridges such as 100 mg Hypersep from Thermo

2 Ensure no detergents are in the sample and it is acidified

3 The three SPE procedures all use the same sets of solutions only volumes vary

4 3x Wetting solution (100 ACN) for 60 microL OMIX (20 microL ziptip and 15 mL for

100 mg cartridge)

5 3x Wash solution (01 formic acid in 100 H2O) same volumes as 4

6 Draw up the sample about 10 times minimum (generally 30-40 is preferred)

without letting the bead volume dry out

7 1X Wash solution same volumes as 4

8 Back load the eluting solution 01 formic acid in 5050 H2OACN into the

Ziptips (15 microL) or OMIX (50 microL) tips For the SPE cartridge add 700 microL of

eluting solution

9 Dry down and prepare for next step in sample preparation


Laser Puller Programs and Protocols

1) Obtain about two feet of Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od

2) Wash with methanol and then air dry using the bomb

3) Cut into one foot or desired length

4) Use a lighter to burn the middle portion (about an inch in length) of the tubing

5) Remove the ash by rinsing with methanol and rubbing with a Kimwipe

6) Make sure the laser puller has been on for at least 30 minutes before use to allow

for the instrument to warm up

7) Place capillary in instrument with the burnedexposed portion in the center

making sure that the length of the capillary is pulled taut

8) Enter desired program (next page) and press pull


Laser Puller Programs

Program 99 (default lab program)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

250 0 25 150 15

240 0 25 150 15

235 0 25 150 15

245 0 25 150 15

Program 97 (developed for larger inner diameter tips)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

230 - 25 150 -

220 - 25 150 -

215 - 25 150 8


On column Immunodepletion (serum plasma CSF amniotic fluid)

1) Prepare buffer A ldquoDilution Bufferrdquo 10 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 150 mM NaCl

2) Prepare buffer B ldquoStripping Bufferrdquo 01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25

3) Prepare buffer C ldquoNeutralization Bufferrdquo 100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80

4) Determine loading amount (LC1=~1000 ug of serum or plasma less for CSF due

to the increased amount of albumin percentage in CSF)

5) Add Dilution buffer to sample before injection and ensure the sample is proper

pH (~7)

6) Use gradient below

Time A B C Flow Rate


0rsquo 100 0 0 02

4rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 02

5rsquo 100 0 0 05

8rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 05

9rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo1rdquo 0 0 100 05

39rsquo 0 0 100 05

7) Store the column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Small Scale Immunodepletion (100 microL of CSF)

1) Use 75 microg (per 100 microL CSF) of Sigma Seppro IgY-14 or IgY-7 bead slurry

2) Add an equal volume of 2x dilution buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 300 mM

NaCl) to the starting amount of CSF

3) Add to a spin cup with a filter and allow to mix for 30 minutes

4) Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and collect the flow through

5) Add 50 microL of 1x dilution buffer mix for 5 minutes centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and collect the flow through

6) Use 1x stripping washes (01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25) centrifuge as before and

discard Repeat four times

7) Use 1x neutralization buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80) centrifuge as before

and discard Repeat two times

8) Store the beads in the spin column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Alliance Maintenance Protocol

Seal Wash

10 methanol no acetonitrile This wash cleans behind the pump-head seals to

ensure proper lubrication Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime SealWsh gt Start

2 Press Stop after 5 minutes

Prime Injector

10 methanol for maintenance high organic solvent for dirty runs (eg 95

acetonitrile) Done before injecting any real samples to ensure no bubbles are

present in the injector Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime NdlWsh gt Start

2 After completion press Close

Purge Injector

Solvent is dependent on run Run this protocol at beginning of experiments each day

Minimum once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Navigate Direct Function gt 4 Purge Injector gt OK

3 Set Sample loop volumes 60 leave Compression Check unchecked gt OK

Prime Solvent Pumps

Solvent is dependent on run If solvents are changed run this protocol Minimum

once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys choose composition A type 100 Enter x4

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 3 Wet Prime gt OK

4 Set Flow Rate 7000 mLmin Time 100 min gt OK

5 Repeat for all changedactive solvent pumps

Condition Column

Dependent on user Use starting conditions for run

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys type starting solvent compositions for run

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 6 Condition Column gt OK

4 Set Time as desired


Appendix 2

List of Publications and Presentations



ldquoDiscovery and characterization of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor related

peptides (CPRP) and orcokinin neuropeptides in the sinus glands of the blue crab Callinectes

sapidus using multiple tandem mass spectrometry techniquesrdquo Hui L Cunningham R Zhang

Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29

ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular weight cut-off

fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Li L

Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press

ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker

discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35

ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse models of

Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P Messing A Li

L Journal of Proteome Research Submitted

ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M Heideman

W Li L In preparation

ldquoIdentification of astrocytic JNK targets by phosphoproteomics using mass spectrometryrdquo

Cunningham R Dowell J Wang J Wellner D Li L Milhelm M In preparation

ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A Cunningham R Wellner

D Wang J Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



Robert Cunningham Davenne Mayour and Shoshanna Coon ldquoMorphology and Thermal

Stability of Monolayers on Porous Siliconrdquo The 231th

ACS National Meeting 2006 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Xin Wei Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass

Spectrometry-Based Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Peptidome and Proteome for Biomarker

Discovery in Alexander Diseaserdquo The 57th

ASMS Conference 2009 Philadelphia PA

Robert Cunningham ldquoWhat to Expect in a PhD Graduate Schoolrdquo Invited seminar University

of Northern Iowa 2010 Cedar Falls IA

Robert Cunningham Dustin Frost Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoInvestigation of an

Optimized ProteaseMAX Assisted Trypsin Digestion of Human CSF for Pseudo-SRM

Quantification of GFAP and Identification of Biomarkersrdquo The 58th

ASMS Conference 2010

Salt Lake City UT

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo Oral presentation at Pittcon Conference and Expo 2011 2011 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Michael Conway Daniel Wellner Douglas Grunwald Warren

Heideman and Lingjun Li ldquoDevelopment of optimized phosphopeptide enrichment methods for

comparison of starved and glucose fed yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo The 59th


Conference 2011 Denver CO

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo 2011 Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium 2011 Madison WI


Mass Spectrometry Applications for Comparative Proteomics and

Peptidomic Discovery

Robert Stewart Cunningham

Under the supervision of Professor Lingjun Li

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison


In this thesis multiple biological samples from various diseases models or

treatments are investigated using shotgun proteomics and improved methods are

developed to enable extended characterization and detection of neuropeptides In general

this thesis aims to expand upon the rapidly evolving field of mass spectrometry (MS)-

based proteomics and peptidomics by primarily enhancing small scale sample analysis

A review of the current status and progress in the field of biomarker discovery in

peptidomics and proteomics is presented To this rapidly expanding body of literature

our critical review offers new insights into MS-based biomarker studies investigating

numerous biological samples methods for post-translational modifications quantitative

proteomics and biomarker validation Methods are developed and presented including

immunodepletion for small volume cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples for comparison of

the CSF proteomes between an Alexander disease transgenic mouse model with

overexpression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein and a control animal This thesis also

covers the application of the small scale immunodepletion of CSF for comparative

proteomic analysis of a novel rat adapted scrapie (RAS) model for prion disease and


compares the RAS CSF proteome to control rat CSF using MS Large scale

phosphoproteomics of starved vs glucose fed yeast is presented to better understand the

phosphoproteome changes that occur during glucose feeding Method development for

neuropeptide analysis is expanded upon using electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

fragmentation to successfully sequence for the first time the crustacean hyperglycemic

hormone precursor-related peptide (CPRP) from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus In

addition a method for ETD sequencing of sulfonated neuropeptides using a magnesium

salt adduct in an ion trap mass spectrometer is reported This thesis also reports on a

method for sub-microg peptide isolation when using a molecular weight cut-off filtration

device to improve sample recovery by over 2 orders of magnitude All the protocols used

throughout the work are provided in an easy to use step-by-step format in the Appendix

Collectively this body of work extends the capabilities of mass spectrometry as a

bioanalytical tool for shotgun proteomics and expands upon methods for neuropeptide

discovery and analysis


Chapter 1

Introduction Brief Background and Research Summary



Mass spectrometry based comparative proteomics and improved methods for

neuropeptide discovery have been reported in this thesis A very brief introduction of crustacean

neuropeptidomics is covered in this chapter followed by Chapter 2 which covers in great detail

comparative proteomics using mass spectrometry with an emphasis on biomarker discovery

Chapter 3 reports a novel immunodepletion technique used for comparative proteomics between

glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) overexpressor and control mouse cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Chapter 4 involves rat CSF comparative proteomics between rat adapted scrapie and control

animals Chapter 5 details comparisons of phosphoproteomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

(Bakerrsquos yeast) between starved vs glucose fed conditions Chapter 6 investigates the use of

electron transfer dissociation (ETD) for kDa sized neuropeptides and neuropeptides with tyrosine

sulfonation Chapter 7 presents a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) protocol to allow sub-microg

peptides to be recovered Chapter 8 provides a conclusion to this thesis and outlines future

directions for certain projects



Mass spectrometry (MS) requires gas phase ions for experimental measurement and

intact large nonvolatile biomolecules proved difficult to be analyzed by electron ionization or

chemical ionization until the invention of two soft ionization techniques matrix-assisted laser

desorptionionization (MALDI)1 and electrospray ionization (ESI)

2 ESI and MALDI are the

two most common soft ionization techniques for mass spectrometry Once ionized molecules

such as peptides or proteins can be separated by their mass to charge ratios (mz) using various

mass analyzers manipulating electric andor magnetic fields ESI and MALDI mass

spectrometric techniques have become central analytical methods in biological sciences because

they are suitable for nonvolatile thermally labile analytes in femtomole quantities3 ESI allows

the coupling of high pressure liquid chromatography and the constant flow of solvent is

electrically charged at the outlet to produce a Taylor cone4 During desolvation the Raleigh

limit is reached and a coulombic explosion occurs commonly producing multiply charged ions

A modification of ESI is nanoLC-ESI which operates at nLmin flow rates to analyze low sample

amounts such as proteins or peptides in biological samples5 NanoLC-ESI uses less solvent as

the source because of the reduced flow rate of standard LCMS with an ESI source and nanoLC-

ESI is the predominate inlet for shotgun proteomic ESI MS experiments6 Conversely MALDI

can use sub-microL volume of sample and be co-crystallized with an ultraviolet absorbing organic

matrix that is obliterated using a laser at appropriate wavelength to generate gas phase ions

Alternatively MALDI has the unique capability to work with tissue samples and ionize in the

solid state instead of liquid like ESI


Mass analyzers require an operating pressure between 10-4


Torr to allow proper ion

transfer and separationisolation of the ion based upon its mz Numerous mass analyzers are

currently available and each have their own strengths and weaknesses as shown in Figure 1 The

biomolecules are separated by the mass analyzers and detected without fragmentation which is

termed MS analysis Following MS detection tandem mass spectrometry (MSMS) of the

original precursor ion can be performed to provide additional structural information such as a

ladder sequence of amino acids for peptides Numerous fragmentation techniques are available

for proteomics such as collision induced dissociation (CID) electron transfer dissociation (ETD)

or high energy collision induced dissociation (HCD) Each of these fragmentation techniques

have their own benefits in proteomics experiments and are discussed in depth in Chapter 2 The

background and current status for comparative proteomics with specific emphasis on biomarker

analysis are covered in Chapter 2

Neuropeptidomic Method Development in the Crustacean Model System

Utilizing Mass Spectrometry

Chapter 6 and 7 focus on sample preparation and ETD fragmentation techniques to

characterize neuropeptides in the neuroendocrine organs in the crustacean nervous system

Neuropeptides are short chains of amino acids which are a diverse class of cell-cell signaling

molecules in the nervous system Neuropeptides have been investigated for being involved in

numerous physiological processes such as memory7 learning

8 depression

9 pain

10 reward



sleep-wake cycles13


and feeding15-17

Figure 2 depicts how

neuropeptides are synthesized as pre-prohormones in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and


packaged in the Golgi apparatus After being packaged these pre-prohormones are processed

into bioactive peptides within the vesicle which is occurring during vesicular transport down an

axon and released into the synaptic cleft Secreted neuropeptides stimulate the post synaptic

neurons by interacting with G-protein coupled receptors at the chemical synapse

The crustacean model nervous system is well-defined neural network which has been

used in neurobiology and neuroendocrine (neurosecretory) research and thus lends itself for

studying neuromodulation18-22

Figure 3 shows the locations of several neuroendocrine organs in

the crustacean Callinectes sapidus including the sinus gland (SG) which is studied in Chapter 6

The Lingjun Li lab has focused on neuropeptide discovery and function in crustacean

neuroendocrine organs using mass spectrometry23-25

The work presented in Chapters 6 and 7

expand on sample preparation and analytical tools to further investigate the neuropeptidome

Research Overview

Comparative Proteomics of Biological Samples

Chapter 2 provides a thorough review of comparative proteomics and biomarker analysis

using mass spectrometry The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass

spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics

technologies have evolved to generate large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various

biological and disease progression processes producing testable hypotheses for complex

biological questions This chapter provides an introduction and insight into relevant topics in

proteomics and peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation

separation techniques peptide fragmentation post-translational modifications quantification


bioinformatics and biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and

remaining challenges and emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are discussed

Chapter 3 investigates comparative proteomics between a GFAP overexpressor mouse

model and a control mouses cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) CSF is a low protein content biological

fluid with dynamic range spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in

direct contact with the brain but consist of very abundant proteins similar to serum which require

removal A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment is presented to remove abundant

proteins such as albumin to enhance analysis of the low volumes of CSF that are obtainable

from mice These GFAP overexpressor mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we present the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates are performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in mass

spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation is performed using distributive normalized spectral

abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins with

significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice are identified with validation from

ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD

Chapter 4 explores the CSF proteomics of a novel prion model called rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) A similar IgY immunodepletion technique is presented as in Chapter 3 and is similarly

used to reduce the abundant proteins in CSF CSF from control and RAS (biological N=5

technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase

nanoLC separation In total 512 proteins 167 non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique

peptides are identified with a 1 FDR Comparative analysis was done using dNSAF spectral


counting and 21 proteins were significantly up or down-regulated The proteins are compared to

the 1048 differentially regulated genes and additionally compared to previously published

proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal models Of particular interest is

RAS specific proteins like RNAseT2 which is not up-regulated in mouse prion disease but is

designated as upregulated in both the genomic and proteomics data for RAS

Chapter 5 explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Previous work by the

Heideman lab investigated the transcriptional response to fresh glucose in yeast26

Kinases such

as protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose

response so we described a large scale phosphoproteomic MS based study in this chapter

Yeast cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase

(RP)-RP separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass

spectrometer with neutral loss triggered ETDfragmentation Specifically the CID fragmentation

can cause a neutral loss of 98z from the H3PO4 and can produce an incomplete fragmentation

pattern and lead to ambiguous identification so when the neutral loss is detected ETD MSMS

fragmentation is performed The neutral loss triggered ETD fragmentation is included in this

study to improve phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 phosphopeptides are identified

with 06 FDR and 669 phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Motif analysis of PKA and

phosphosite validation are performed as well


The future of comparative proteomics investigating small sample amounts or PTMs is

promising Further advances in enrichment separations science mass spectrometry

analyzersdetectors and bioinformatics will continue to create more powerful tools that enable

digging deeper in proteomics with both small (mouse CSF) and large (cell extracts) sample


Methods for Neuropeptide Analysis Using ETD fragmentation and Sample


Chapter 6 investigates the utility of ETD fragmentation to sequence endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation in the crustacean Callinectes sapidus The sinus

gland (SG) of the crustacean is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that produces numerous

hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine signaling moleculesmdash

neuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) precursor-

related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) is used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and high charge state In

addition ETD is used to sequence a sulfated peptide cholecystokinin (CCK)-like peptide in the

lobster Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively this chapter presents two

examples of the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or with

labile modifications

Chapter 7 reports a protocol on improving recovery of minute quantities of peptides by

adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off membrane-based

centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities In some biological


fluids such as CSF the endogenous peptide content is very low and using pure water to perform

the MWCO separation produces too much sample loss Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss is reduced over two orders of magnitude with and without undigested

protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein and the

bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and not the

presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-seven

tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while

only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy

presented in Chapter 7 greatly enhances recovery from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide




1 Tanaka K Waki H Ido Y Akita S Yoshida Y Yoshida T Matsuo T Protein and polymer analyses up to mz 100 000 by laser ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1988 2 (8) 151-153

2 Fenn J B Mann M Meng C K Wong S F Whitehouse C M Electrospray ionization for mass spectrometry of large biomolecules Science 1989 246 (4926) 64-71

3 Domon B Aebersold R Mass spectrometry and protein analysis Science 2006 312 (5771) 212-7

4 Whitehouse C M Dreyer R N Yamashita M Fenn J B Electrospray interface for liquid chromatographs and mass spectrometers Anal Chem 1985 57 (3) 675-9

5 Wilm M Mann M Analytical properties of the nanoelectrospray ion source Anal Chem 1996 68 (1) 1-8

6 Karas M Bahr U Dulcks T Nano-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry addressing analytical problems beyond routine Fresenius J Anal Chem 2000 366 (6-7) 669-76

7 Gulpinar M Yegen B The physiology of learning and memory Role of peptides and stress Curr Protein Pept Sci 2004 5 (6) 457-473

8 Ogren S O Kuteeva E Elvander-Tottie E Hokfelt T Neuropeptides in learning and memory processes with focus on galanin In Eur J Pharmacol 2010 Vol 626 pp 9-17

9 Strand F Neuropeptides general characteristics and neuropharmaceutical potential in treating CNS disorders Prog Drug Res 2003 61 1-37

10 Li W Chang M Peng Y-L Gao Y-H Zhang J-N Han R-W Wang R Neuropeptide S produces antinociceptive effects at the supraspinal level in mice Regul Pept 2009 156 (1-3) 90-95

11 Wu C-H Tao P-L Huang E Y-K Distribution of neuropeptide FF (NPFF) receptors in correlation with morphine-induced reward in the rat brain Peptides 2010 31 (7) 1374-1382

12 Tsutsui K Bentley G E Kriegsfeld L J Osugi T Seong J Y Vaudry H Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone and kisspeptin new key neuropeptides controlling reproduction J Neuroendocrinol 2010 22 (7) 716-727

13 Piper D C Upton N Smith M I Hunter A J The novel brain neuropeptide orexin-A modulates the sleep-wake cycle of rats Eur J Neurosci 2000 12 (2) 726-730

14 Tsuneki H Wada T Sasaoka T Role of orexin in the regulation of glucose homeostasis - Tsuneki - 2009 - Acta Physiologica - Wiley Online Library Acta Physiol 2010

15 Kageyama H Takenoya F Shiba K Shioda S Neuronal circuits involving ghrelin in the hypothalamus-mediated regulation of feeding Neuropeptides 2010 44 (2) 133-138

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22 Ma M Szabo T M Jia C Marder E Li L Mass spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of novel crustacean C-type allatostatins Peptides 2009 30 (9) 1660-1668

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Figure 1 Capabilities and performances of certain mass analyzers Check marks indicate

availability check marks in parentheses indicate optional + ++ and +++ indicate possible or

moderate goodhigh and excellentvery high respectively Adapted with permission from

reference 3


Figure 2 Synthesis processing and release of neuropeptides (a) Cartoon showing two

interacting neurons (b) The synthesis of neuropeptides in the neuronal organelles and their

transport down the axon to the presynaptic terminal is depicted (c) Shows neuropeptide release

and interaction with the dendrite of the post-synaptic cell (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr

Stephanie Cape)


Figure 3 Schematic showing location of the neuronal tissues being analyzed in the MS studies

of neuropeptides in Callinectes sapidus The SGs (sinus glands located in the eyestalks of the

crab) and the POs (pericardial organs located in the chamber surrounding the heart) release

neurohormones into the hemolymph (crab circulatory fluid) The brain is near the STNS

(stomatogastric nervous system neural network that controls the motion of the gut and foregut)

which has direct connections to the STG (stomatogastric ganglion) The STG is located in an

artery so it is continually in contact with hemolymph (Adapted from PhD thesis by Dr Robert



Chapter 2

Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics and Peptidomics for Biomarker

Discovery and the Current State of the Field

Adapted from ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and

biomarker discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35



The scientific community has shown great interest in the field of mass spectrometry-based

proteomics and peptidomics for its applications in biology Proteomics technologies have

evolved to produce large datasets of proteins or peptides involved in various biological and

disease progression processes producing testable hypothesis for complex biological questions

This review provides an introduction and insight to relevant topics in proteomics and

peptidomics including biological material selection sample preparation separation techniques

peptide fragmentation post-translation modifications quantification bioinformatics and

biomarker discovery and validation In addition current literature and remaining challenges and

emerging technologies for proteomics and peptidomics are presented



The field of proteomics has seen a huge expansion in the last two decades Multiple factors have

contributed to the rapid expansion of this field including the ever evolving mass spectrometry

instrumentation new sample preparation methods genomic sequencing of numerous model

organisms allowing database searching of proteomes improved quantitation capabilities and

availability of bioinformatic tools The ability to investigate the proteomes of numerous

biological samples and the ability to generate future hypothesis driven experiments makes

proteomics and biomarker studies exceedingly popular in biological studies today In addition

the advances in post-translational modification (PTM) analysis and quantification ability further

enhance the utility of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics A subset of proteomics

research is devoted to profiling and quantifying neurologically related proteins and endogenous

peptides which has progressed rapidly in the past decade This review provides a general

overview as outlined in Figure 1 of proteomics technology including methodological and

conceptual improvements with a focus on recent studies and neurological biomarker studies

Biological Material Selection

The choice of biological matrix is an important first step in any proteomics analysis The

ease of sample collection (eg urine plasma or saliva) versus usefulness or localization of

sample (eg specific tissue or proximity fluid) needs to be evaluated early on in a study design

Plasma derived by centrifugation of blood to remove whole cells is a very popular

choice in proteomics due to the high protein content (~65 mg ml1) and the ubiquitous nature of

blood in the body and the ability to obtain large sample amounts or various time points without

the need to sacrifice the animal or to perform invasive techniques Plasma is centrifuged


immediately after sample collection unlike serum where coagulation needs to occur first To

obtain plasma blood is collected in a tube with an anticoagulant added (ETDA heparin or

citrate) and centrifuged but previous reports have shown variable results when heparin has been

used as an anticoagulant2 Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) specifically recommends the

anticoagulants EDTA or citrate to treat plasma3 4

One of the primary concerns with plasma is

degradation of the protein content via endogenous proteases found in the sample5 One way to

address this problem is the use of protease inhibitors In addition freezethaw cycles need to be

minimized to prevent protein degradation and variability6 7

Plasma proteomics has seen

extensive coordinated efforts to start assessing the diagnostic needs using plasma8 HUPO also

has established a public human database for plasma and serum proteomics from 35 collaborating

labratories9 Large dynamic range studies have been performed on plasma with a starting sample

amount of 2625 microl (1575 mg) resulting in 3654 proteins identified with a sub 5 false

discovery rate10

The large dynamic range spanning across eleven orders of magnitude as visualized in

Figure 2 is one of the biggest obstacles in plasma proteomics Figure 2 also shows that as lower

abundance proteins are investigated the origins of those identified proteins are more diverse than

the most abundant proteins Recent mining of the plasma proteome showed an ability to search

for disease biomarker applications across seven orders of magnitude In addition the tissue of

origin for the identified plasma proteins were identified and its origin was more diverse as the

protein concentration decreased11

Plasma has been used as a source for biomarker studies such

as colorectal cancer12 13

cardiovascular disease14

and abdominal aortic aneurysm15


though the blood brain barrier prevents direct blood to brain interaction neurological disorders

such as Alzheimerrsquos disease (AD) have had their proteomes studied using plasma16


An alternative sample derived from blood is serum which is plasma allowed to coagulate

instead of adding anti-coagulates The time for coagulation is usually 30 minutes and during that

time significant and random degradation from endogenous proteases can occur The additional

variability caused from the coagulation process can change the concentration of multiple

potentially valuable biomarkers As biodiversity between samples or organisms is a challenging

endeavor additional sample variability due to serum generation may be undesirable but serum is

still currently being used for biomarker disease studies17

Serum has been used to compare the

proteome differences in neurological diseases such as AD Parkinsonrsquos disease and amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis and a review can be found elsewhere discussing the subject18

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy of brain or spinal cord

in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system and has been used for studies in neurological

disorders due to being a rich source of neuro-related proteins and peptides19

The protein

composition of the most abundant proteins in CSF is well defined and numerous studies exist to

broaden the proteins identified20-22

CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL)

which is ~100 times lower than serum or plasma and over 60 of the total protein content in

CSF consists of a single protein albumin23-25

In addition the variable concentrations of proteins

span up to twelve orders of magnitude further complicating analysis and masking biologically

relevant proteins to any given study26

One of the highest number of identified proteins is from

Schutzer et al with 2630 non-redundant proteins from 14 mL of pooled human CSF This study

involved the removal of highly abundant proteins by performing IgY-14 immunodepletion

followed by two dimensional (2D) liquid chromatography (LC) separation27

Studies have also

been performed to characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in

various diseases in the CSF28 29

One potential pitfall of CSF proteomic analysis is


contamination from blood which can be identified by counting red blood cells present or

examining surrogate markers from blood contamination other than hemoglobin such as

peroxiredoxin catalase and carbonic anhydrase30

A proof of principle CSF peptidomics study

identified numerous endogenous peptides associated with the central nervous system which can

be used as a bank for neurological disorder studies31

Numerous recent reports highlighted the

utility of CSF analysis for biomarker studies in AD32 33


both post-mortem

and ante-mortem35

Cellular lysates offer the distinct advantage to work with a cell line yeast or bacteria

with large amounts of proteins available for analysis36 37

with Saccharomyces cerevisiae being

the most common cell lysate38 39

Other cell lines are also used including HeLa40

and E coli41

The ability to obtain milligrams of proteins easily to scale up experiments without animal

sacrifice offers a clear advantage in biological sample selection Current literature supports

cellular lysate as a valued and sought after source of proteins for large scale proteomics

experiments because of the ability to assess treatments conditions and testable hypotheses42-44

Cellular lysate from rat B104 neuroblastoma cell line was used as an in vitro model for cerebral

ischemia and showed abundance changes in multiple proteins involved in various neurological


Other Sources of Biological Samples


The urine proteome appears to be another attractive reservoir for biomarker discovery

due to the relatively low complexity compared with the plasma proteome and the noninvasive

collection of urine Urine is often considered as an ideal source to identify biomarkers for renal


diseases due to the fact that in healthy adults approximately 70 of the urine proteome originate

from the kidney and the urinary tract 46

thus the use of urine to identify neurological disorders is

neglected However strong evidence have shown that proteins that are associated with

neurodegenerative diseases can be excreted in the urine47-49

indicating the application of urine

proteomics could be a useful approach to the discovery of biomarkers and development of

diagnostic assays for neurodegenerative diseases However the current view of urine proteome

is still limited by factors such as sample preparation techniques and sensitivity of the mass

spectrometers There has been a tremendous drive to increase the coverage of urine proteome

In a recent study Court et al compared and evaluated several different sample preparation

methods with the objective of developing a standardized robust and scalable protocol that could

be used in biomarkers development by shotgun proteomics50

In another study Marimuthu et al

reported the largest catalog of proteins in urine identified in a single study to date The

proteomic analysis of urine samples pooled from healthy individuals was conducted by using

high-resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry A total of 1823 proteins were identified

of which 671 proteins have not been previously reported in urine 51


For diagnosis purposes saliva collection has the advantage of being an easy and non-

invasive technique The recent studies on saliva proteins that are critically involved in AD and

Parkinsonrsquos diseases suggested that saliva could be a potentially important sample source to

identify biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases Bermejo-Pareja et al reported the level of

salivary Aβ42 in patients with mild AD was noticeably increased compared to a group of

controls 52

In another study Devic et al identified two of the most important Parkinsons


disease related proteinsmdash α-synuclein (α-Syn) and DJ-1 in human saliva 53

They observed that

salivary α-Syn levels tended to decrease while DJ-1 levels tended to increase in Parkinsons

disease The published results from this study also suggest that α-Syn might correlate with the

severity of motor symptoms in Parkinsons disease Due in part to recent advancements in MS-

based proteomics has provided promising results in utilizing saliva to explore biomarkers for

both local and systemic diseases 54 55

the further profiling of saliva proteome will provide

valuable biomarker discovery source for neurodegenerative diseases


Compared to body fluids such as plasma serum and urine where the proteomic analysis

is complicated by the wide dynamic range of protein concentration the analysis of tissue

homogenates using the well-established and conventional proteomic analysis techniques has the

advantage of reduced dynamic range However the homogenization and extraction process may

suffer from the caveat that spatial information is lost which would be inadequate for the

detection of biomarkers whose localization and distribution play important roles in disease

development and progression Matrix-assisted laser desorptionionization (MALDI) imaging

mass spectrometry (IMS) is a method that allows the investigation of a wide range of molecules

including proteins peptides lipids drugs and metabolites directly in thin slices of tissue 56-59

Because this technology allows for identification and simultaneous localization of biomolecules

of interests in tissue sections linking the spatial expression of molecules to histopathology

MALDI-IMS has been utilized as a powerful tool for the discovery of new cancer biomarker

candidates as well as other clinical applications60 61

The utilization of MALDI-IMS for human

or animal brain tissue to identify or map the distribution of molecules related to

neurodegenerative diseases were also recently reported62 63



There has been an increasing interest in the study of proteins secreted by various cells

(the secretomes) from tissue-proximal fluids or conditioned media as a potential source of

biomarkers Cell secretomes mainly comprise proteins that are secreted or are shed from the cell

surface and these proteins can play important role in both physiological processes (eg cell

signaling communication and migration) and pathological processes including tumor

angiogenesis differentiation invasion and metastasis In particular the study of cancer cell

secretomes by MS based proteomics has offered new opportunities for cancer biomarker

discovery as tumor proteins may be secreted or shed into the bloodstream and could be used as

noninvasive biomarkers The latest advances and challenges of sample preparation sample

concentration and separation techniques used specifically for secretome analysis and its clinical

applications in the discovery of disease specific biomarkers have been comprehensively

reviewed64 65

Here we only highlight the proteomic profiling of neural cells secretome that has

been applied to neurosciences for a better understanding of the roles secreted proteins play in

response to brain injury and neurological diseases The LC-MS shotgun identification of

proteins released by astrocytes has been recently reported66-68

In these studies the changes

observed in the astrocyte secretomes induced by inflammatory cytokines or cholinergic

stimulation were investigated6667

Alternatively our group performed 2D-LC separation and

included cytoplasmic protein extract from astrocytes as a control to identify cytoplasmic protein

contaminants which are not actively secreted from cells68

Sample Preparation


Proteomic analysis and biomarker discovery research in biological samples such as body

fluids tissues and cells are often hampered by the vast complexity and large dynamic range of

the proteins Because disease identifying biomarkers are more likely to be low-abundance

proteins it is imperative to remove the high-abundance proteins or apply enrichment techniques

to allow detection and better coverage of the low-abundance proteins for MS analysis Several

strategies including depletion and protein equalizer approach have been used during sample

preparation to reduce sample complexity69 70

and the latest advances of these methods have been

reviewed by Selvaraju et al 71

Alternatively the complexity of biological samples can be

reduced by capturing a specific subproteome that may have the biological information of interest

The latter strategy is especially useful in the biomarker discovery where the changes in the

proteome are not solely reflected through the concentration level of specific proteins but also

through changes in the post-translational modifications (PTMs) Here we will mainly discuss

the enrichment of phosphoproteinpeptides glycoproteinpeptides and sample preparation for

peptidomics and membrane proteins


Phosphorylation can act as a molecular switch on a protein by turning it on or off within

the cell It is thought that up to 30 of the proteins can be phosphorylated72

and it plays

significant roles in such biological processes as the cell cycle and signal transduction73

Currently tens of thousands of phosphorylation sites can be proposed using analytical methods

available today74 75

The amino acids that are targeted for phosphorylation studies are serine

threonine and tyrosine with the abundance of detection decreasing typically in that order Other


amino acids have been reported to be phosphorylated but traditional phosphoproteomics

experiments ignore these rare events76

In a typical large-scale phosphoproteomics experiment the sample size is usually in

milligram amounts to account for the low stoichiometry of phosphorylated proteins The large

amount of protein is then digested typically with trypsin but alternatively experiments have

been performed with Lys-C digestion to produce large enzymatic peptides The larger peptides

produced from Lys-C render higher charged peptides during electrospray ionization (ESI) and

allow improved electron-based fragmentation to determine specific sites of phosphorylation77

From the pool of peptides phosphopeptides must be enriched otherwise they will be masked by

the vast number and higher ionization efficiency of non-phosphorylated peptides The two most

common enrichment techniques are immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and

metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC) TiO2 being the most common oxide used for this

purpose A recent study reported that phosphorylation of neuronal intermediate filament proteins

in neurofibrillary tangles are involved in Alzheimerrsquos disease78


Protein glycosylation is one of the most common and complicated forms of PTM Types

of protein glycosylation in eukaryotes are categorized as either N-linked where glycans are

attached to asparagine residues in a consensus sequence N-X-ST (X can be any amino acid

except proline) via an N-acetylglucosamine (N-GlcNAc) residue or the O-glycosylation where

the glycans are attached to serine or threonine Glycosylation plays a fundamental role in

numerous biological processes and aberrant alterations in protein glycosylation are associated

with neurodegenerative disease states such as Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (CJD) and AD79 80


Due to the low abundance of glycosylated forms of proteins compared to non-glycosylated

proteins it is essential to enrich glycoproteins or glycopeptides in complex biological samples

prior to MS analysis Two of the most common enrichment methods used in glycoproteomics are

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) and hydrazide chemistry The detailed methodologies of

LAC hydrazide chemistry and other enrichment methods in glycoproteomics have been

extensively reviewed in the past81 82

In particular LAC is of great interest in studies of

glycosylation alterations as markers of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases due to its recent

applications in brain glycoproteomics83

Our group has utilized multi-lectin affinity

chromatography containing concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to enrich

N-linked glycoproteins in control and prion-infected mouse plasma84

This method enabled us to

identify a low-abundance glycoprotein serum amyloid P-component (SAP) PNGase F digestion

and Western blotting validation confirmed that the glycosylated form of SAP was significantly

elevated in mice with early prion infection and it could be potentially used as a diagnostic

biomarker for prion diseases

Membrane proteins

Membrane proteins play an indispensable role in maintaining cellular integrity of their

structure and perform many important functions including signaling transduction intercellular

communication vesicle trafficking ion transport and protein translocationintegration85

However due to being relatively insoluble in water and low abundance it is challenging to

analyze membrane proteins by traditional MS-based proteomics approaches Numerous efforts

have been made to improve the solubility and enrichment of membrane proteins during sample

preparation Several comprehensive studies recently covered the commonly used technologies in


membrane proteomics and different strategies that circumvent technical issues specific to the

membrane 86-90

Recently Sun et al reported using 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium

tetrafluoroborate (BMIM BF4) an ionic liquid (IL) as a sample preparation buffer for the

analysis of integral membrane proteins (IMPs) by microcolumn reversed phase liquid

chromatography (μRPLC)-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSMS)

The authors compared BMIM BF4 to the other commonly used solvents such as sodium dodecyl

sulfate methanol Rapigest and urea but they found that the number of identified IMPs from rat

brain extracted by ILs was significantly increased The improved identifications could be due to

the fact that BMIM BF4 has higher thermal stability and thus offered higher solubilizing ability

for IMPs which provided better compatibility for tryptic digestion than traditionally used solvent


In addition to characterization of membrane proteome the investigation of PTMs on

membrane proteins is equally important for characterization of disease markers and drug

treatment targets Phosphorylations and glycosylations are the two most important PTMs for

membrane proteins In many membrane protein receptors the cytoplasmic domains can be

phosphorylated reversibly and function as signal transducers whereas the receptor activities of

the extracellular domains are mediated via N-linked glycosylation Wiśniewski et al provides an

informative summary on recent advances in proteomic technology for the identification and

characterization of these modifications91

Our group has pioneered the development of detergent

assisted lectin affinity chromatography (DALAC) for the enrichment of hydrophobic

glycoproteins using mouse brain extract92

We compared the binding efficiency of lectin affinity

chromatography in the presence of four commonly used detergents and determined that under

certain concentrations detergents can minimize the nonspecific bindings and facilitate the

elution of hydrophobic glycoproteins In summary NP-40 was suggested as the most suitable


detergent for DALAC due to the higher membrane protein recovery glycoprotein recovery and

membranous glycoprotein identifications compared to other detergents tested In a different

study on mouse brain membrane proteome Zhang et al reported an optimized protocol using

electrostatic repulsion hydrophilic interaction chromatography (ERLIC) for the simultaneous

enrichment of glyco- and phosphopeptides from mouse brain membrane protein preparation93

Using this protocol they successfully identified 544 unique glycoproteins and 922 glycosylation

sites which were significantly higher than those using the hydrazide chemistry method

Additionally a total of 383 phosphoproteins and 915 phosphorylation sites were identified

suggesting that the ERLIC separation has the potential for simultaneous analysis of both glyco-

and phosphoproteomes


Peptidomics can be loosely defined as the study of the low molecular weight fraction of

proteins encompassing biologically active endogenous peptides protein fragments from

endogenous protein degradation products or other small proteins such as cytokines and signaling

peptides Studies can involve endogenous peptides94

peptidomic profiling33

and de novo

sequencing of peptides95 96

Neuropeptidomics focuses on biologically active short segments of

peptides and have been investigated in numerous species including Rattus97 98

Mus musculus99

100 Bovine taurus

101 Japanese quail diencephalon

102 and invertebrates

103-106 The isolation of

peptides is typically performed through molecular weight cut-offs from either biofluids such as

CSF plasma or tissue extracts If the protein and peptide content is high such as for tissue or cell

lysates protein precipitation can be done via high organic solvents and the resulting supernatant

can be analyzed for extracted peptides where extraction solvent and conditions could have a


significant effect on what endogenous peptides are extracted from tissue107

A comparative

peptidomic study of human cell lines highlights the utility of finding peptide signatures as

potential biomarkers108

A thorough review of endogenous peptides and neuropeptides is beyond

the scope of this review and an excellent review on this topic is available elsewhere109

Fractionation and Separation

The mass spectrometer has a limited duty cycle and data dependent analysis can only

scan a limited number of mz peaks at any given time In addition significant ion suppression

can occur if there is a difference in concentration between co-eluting peptides or if too many

peptides co-elute Therefore one of the biggest challenges in biomarker discovery is the

complexity of the sample and the presence of high-abundance proteins in body fluids such as

CSF serum and plasma In addition to the removal of the most abundant proteins by

immunodepletion the reduction of the complexity of the sample by further fractionation is

indispensable to facilitate the characterization of unidentified biomarkers from the low

abundance proteins Traditionally used techniques for complex protein analysis include gel

based fractionation methods such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE) and its

variation two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) or non-gel based such as

one- or multidimensional liquid chromatography (LC) and microscale separation techniques

such as capillary electrophoresis (CE)

2D-GE MS has been widely used as a powerful tool to separate proteins and identify

differentially expressed proteins ever since 2D gels were coupled to mass spectrometry In 2D-

GE MS thousands of proteins can be separated on a single gel according to pI and molecular

weight Individual protein spots that show differences in abundance between different samples


can then be excised from the gel digested into peptides and analyzed by MALDI MS or by

liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MSMS) for protein identification The

introduction of 2D-DIGE adds a quantitative strategy to gel electrophoresis by enabling multiple

protein extracts to be separated on the same 2D gel thus providing comparative analysis of

proteomes in complex samples In 2D-DIGE protein extracts from two different conditions and

an internal standard can be labeled with fluorescent dyes for example Cy3 Cy5 and Cy2

respectively prior to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis Compared to traditional 2D-GE 2D-

DIGE provides the clear advantage of overcoming the inter-gel variation problem 110


profiling of CSF by 2D-GE and 2D-DIGE has led to the identification of putative biomarkers in

multiple neurological disorders For example Brechlin et al reported an optimized 2-DIGE

protocol profiled CSF from 36 CJD patients The applicability of their approach was proven by

the detection of known CJD biomarkers such as 14-3-3 protein neuron-specific enolase lactate

dehydrogenase and other proteins that are potentially relevant to CJD 111

In another study to

identify novel CSF biomarkers for multiple sclerosis CSF from 112 multiple sclerosis patients

and control individuals were analyzed by 2D-GE MS for comparative proteomics Ten potential

multiple sclerosis biomarkers were selected for validation by immunoassay 112


methodologies sample preparation techniques and applications of 2D-DIGE in

neuroproteomics were reviewed by Diez et al113

Although 2D gel provides excellent resolving

power and capability to visualize abundance changes there are some limitations to the method

For example gel based separation is not suitable for low abundance proteins extremely basic or

acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins114 115

Complementary to gel-based approaches shotgun proteomics coupled to LC have

become increasingly popular in proteomic research because they are reproducible highly


automated and capable of detecting low abundance proteins Furthermore another advantage of

LC-MS shotgun proteomics is the suitability for isotope labeling for protein quantification which

is reviewed in a later section In shotgun proteomics a protein mixture is digested and resulting

peptides are separated by LC prior to tandem MS fragmentation to identify different proteins by

peptide sequencing The most common separation for shotgun proteomics peptidomics or top-

down proteomics experiments use low-pH reversed phase (RP) C18 C8 or C4 columns RPLC

is well established which provides high resolution desalts the sample which can interfere with

ionization and the mobile phase is compatible with ESI Nanoscale C18 columns allow for

separation and introduction of sub microgram samples If larger amounts of sample are

available two dimensional separations are usually preferred to greatly enhance the coverage of

the investigated proteome which will be discussed in depth later It is preferable to have an

orthogonal separation method and since RP separates via hydrophobicity strong cation exchange

(SCX) was the original choice due to its separation by charge MudPIT (multidimensional

protein identification technology) usually refers to the use of SCX as the first phase of separation

and is a well-established platform116

SCX has the advantage over RP separation technologies to

effectively remove interfering detergents from the sample SCX separation is not based solely

off charge and hydrophobicity contributes to elution therefore a small amount of organic

modifier usually 10-15 is added to lessen the hydrophobicity effects117

The addition of

organic modifiers needs to be minimized otherwise binding to the C18 trap cartridge or C18

column will be reduced if performed on-line SCX can be used for PTMs and offers specific

applications for proteomic studies and an excellent current review is offered on this subject


An alternative MudPIT separation scheme employing high pH RPLC as the first

phase of separation and low pH RPLC in the second dimension (RP-RP) has been successfully


applied to the proteomic analysis of complex biological samples119 120

The advantage of using

RP as the first dimension is the higher resolution for separation and better compatibility with

down-stream MS detection by eliminating salt Song et al reported a phosphoproteome analysis

based on this 2D RP-RP coupling scheme121

Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) employs distinct separation modality

where the retention of peptides is increased with increasing polarity122

The loading of sample is

done by high organic and eluted by increasing the percentage of the aqueous phase or polarity of

the mobile phase opposite from RPLC thus establishing orthogonality of the two separation


HILIC has quickly become a very useful method and is actively used for proteomic


for increased sensitivity125




quantification studies128

An alternative and modification to HILIC is ERLIC which adds an

additional mode of separation by electrostatic attraction An earlier study using ERLIC

demonstrated the ability to separate phosphopeptides from non-phosphorylated peptides at


A recent study looking into changes in the phosphoproteome of Marekrsquos Disease

applied ERLIC to chicken embryonic fibroblast lysate identifying only 13 phosphopeptides

out of all the identified peptides Due to the lack of isolation of phosphopeptides from ERLIC

the investigators performed immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) enrichment on

the fractions increasing identification of phosphopeptides over 50 fold130

A comparative study

of ERLIC to HILIC and SCX following TiO2 phospho-enrichment reported that

SCXgtERLICgtHILIC for phosphopeptide identifications126

Recent developments in instrumentation to combine LC with ion mobility spectrometry

(IMS) and MS (LC-IMS-MS) offered more advantages than conventional LC due to the rapid

high-resolution separations of analytes based on their charge mass and shape as reflected by


mobility in a given buffer gas The mobility of an ion in a buffer gas is determined by the ionrsquos

charge and its collision cross-section with the buffer gas The methodologies of IMS separations

and the application of LC-IMS-MS for the proteomics analysis of complex systems including

human plasma have been reviewed by Clemmerrsquos group131-133

They proposed a method that

employs intrinsic amino acid size parameters to obtain ion mobility predictions which can be

used to rank candidate peptide ion assignments and significantly improve peptide identification


Although 2D gel and LC are routinely used as separation techniques in MS-based

proteomics capillary electrophoresis (CE) has received increasing attention as a promising

alternative due to the fast and high-resolution separation it offers CE has a wide variety of

operation modes among which capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and capillary isoelectric

focusing (CIEF) have the greatest potential applications in MS-based proteomics thus will be

highlighted here CZE separates analytes by their charge-to-size ratios in buffers under a high

electrical field and is often used as the final dimension prior to MS analysis while the separation

feature of CIEF is based on isoelectric point and this technique is more suitable to be used as the

first dimension separation Detailed description of different CEndashMS interfaces sample

preconcentration and capillary coating to minimize analyte adsorption could be found in several


CE technique is complementary to conventional LC in that it is suitable for the

analysis of polar and chargeable compounds Dovichirsquos group conducted proteomic analysis of

the secreted protein fraction of Mycobacterium marinum which has intermediate protein


The tryptic digests were either analyzed by UPLC-ESI-MSMS in triplicates or

prefactionated by RPLC followed by CZE-ESI-MSMS It was demonstrated that the two

methods identified similar numbers of peptides and proteins within similar analysis times


However CZE-ESI-MSMS analysis of the prefractionated sample tended to identify more

peptides that are basic and have lower mz values than those identified by UPLC-ESI-MSMS

This analysis also presented the largest number of protein identifications by using CE-MSMS

suggesting the effectiveness of prefractionation of complex samples by LC method prior to CZE-

ESI-MSMS The use of CIEF as the first dimension of separation provides both sample

concentration and excellent resolving power The combination of CIEF and RPLC separation

has been applied to the proteomic analyses where the amount of protein sample is limited and

cannot meet the requirement of minimal load amount for 2D LC-MSMS143 144

So far CE-MS

has been widely applied to the proteomic analysis of various biological samples such as urine145

146 CSF

147 blood

148 frozen tissues

149 and the formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE)

tissue samples150

The recent CEndashMS applications to clinical proteomics have been summarized

in several reviews135 151 152

Protein Quantification

In 2D gel electrophoresis the quantitative analysis of protein mixtures is performed on

the gel by comparing the intensity of the protein stain The development of 2D-DIGE eliminated

the gel-to-gel variation and greatly improved the quantitative capability and reliability of 2D gel


However the accuracy of 2D gel based protein quantification suffers from the

limitations that a seemingly single gel spot often contains multiple proteins and the difficulty of

detecting proteins with extreme molecular weights and pI values as well as highly hydrophobic

proteins such as membrane proteins Therefore non-gel based shotgun proteomics technology is

more suitable for accurate and large-scale protein identification and quantification in complex

samples Briefly the quantification in non-gel based shotgun proteomics can be categorized into


two major approaches stable isotope labeling-based and label-free methods The common

strategies for quantitative proteomic analysis are reviewed and summarized in Table 1

Isotope labeling methods

Because stable isotope-labeled peptides have the same chemical properties as their

unlabeled counterparts the two peptides within a mixture should exhibit identical behaviors in

MS ionization The mass difference introduced by isotope labeling enables the detection of a

pair of two distinct peptide masses by MS within the mixture and allowing for the measurement

of the relative abundance differences between two peptides Depending on how isotopes are

incorporated into the protein or peptide these labeling methods can be divided into two groups

In vitro chemical derivatization techniques which incorporate a label or tag into the peptide or

protein during sample preparation metabolic labeling techniques which introduce the isotope

label directly into the organism via isotope-enriched nutrients from food or media

1 In vitro derivatization techniques

There are multiple methods to introduce heavy isotopes into proteins or peptides in vitro

The commonly used strategies include 18

O 16

O enzymatic labeling Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag

(ICAT) Tandem Mass Tags (TMTs) and Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification

(iTRAQ) The 18

O labeling method enzymatically cleaves the peptide bond with trypsin in the

presence of 18

O-enriched H2O and introduces 4-Da mass shift in the tryptic peptides153


advantages of this method include 18

O-enriched water is extremely stable tryptic peptides will

be labeled with the same mass shift secondary reactions inherent to other chemical labeling can

be avoided Conversely widespread use of 18

O-labeling has been hindered due to the difficulty

of attaining complete 18

O incorporation and the lack of robustness154 155

Currently ICAT


TMTs and iTRAQ methods are extensively used in quantitative proteomics In ICAT cysteine

residues are specifically derivatized with a reagent containing either zero or eight deuterium

atoms as well as a biotin group for affinity purification of cysteine-containing peptides156 157

The advantage of ICAT is that the affinity purification via biotin moiety can facilitate the

detection of low-abundance cysteine-containing peptides In addition the mass difference

introduced by labeling increases mass spectral complexity with quantification from the different

precursor masses done by MS and peptide identification being achieved through tandem MS

(MSMS) This added complexity from different peptide masses was addressed by using isobaric

labeling methods such as TMTs and iTRAQ 158 159

where the same peptides in different samples

are isobaric after tagging and appear as single mz in MS scans thus enhancing the peptide limit

of detection and reducing the MS scan complexity Isobaric labeling reagents are composed of a

primary amine reactive group and an isotopic reporter group linked by an isotopic balancer group

for the normalization of the total mass of the tags The reporter group serves for quantification

purpose since it is cleaved during collision-induced dissociation (CID) to yield a characteristic

isotope-encoded fragment Moreover isobaric labeling methods allow the comparison of

multiple samples within a single experiment Recently a 6-plex version of TMTs was


and iTRAQ enables up to eight samples to be labeled and relatively quantified in a

single experiment161

8-plex iTRAQ reagents have been used for the comparison of complicated

biological samples such as CSF in the studies of neurodegenerative diseases 162

Recently our

group developed a novel N N-dimethyl leucine (DiLeu) 4-plex isobaric tandem mass (MS2)

tagging reagents with high quantitation efficacy DiLeu has the advantage of synthetic simplicity

and greatly reduced synthesis cost compared to TMTs and iTRAQ163

Xiang et al demonstrated

that DiLeu produced comparable iTRAQ ability for protein sequence coverage (~43) and


quantitation accuracy (lt15) for tryptically digested proteins More importantly DiLeu

reagents could promote enhanced fragmentation of labeled peptides thus allowing more

confident peptide and protein identifications

2 In Vivo Metabolic Labeling

Metabolic processes can also be employed for the incorporation of stable-isotope labels

into the proteins or organisms by enriching culture media or food with light or heavy versions of

isotope labels (2H


15N) The advantage of in vivo labeling is that metabolic labeling does

not suffer from incomplete labeling which is an inherent drawback for in vitro derivatization

techniques In addition metabolic labeling occurs from the start of the experiment and proteins

with light or heavy labels are simultaneously extracted thus reducing the error and variability of

quantification introduced during sample preparation The most widely used strategy for

metabolic labeling is known as stable-isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)

which was introduced by Mann and co-workers164 165

In SILAC one cell population is grown

in normal or light media while the other is grown in heavy media enriched with a heavy

isotope-encoded (typically 13

C or 15

N) amino acid such as arginine or leucine Cells from the

two populations are then combined proteins are extracted digested and analyzed by MS The

relative protein expression differences are then determined from the extracted ion

chromatograms from both the light and heavy peptide forms SILAC has been shown to be a

powerful tool for the study of intracellular signal transduction In addition this technique has

recently been applied to the quantitative analysis of phosphotyrosine (pTyr) proteomes to

characterize pTyr-dependent signaling pathways166 167


Labe-free quantification

Although various isotope labeling methods have provided powerful tools for quantitative

proteomics several limitations of these approaches are noted Labeling increases the cost and

complexity of sample preparation introduces potential errors during the labeling reaction It also

requires a higher sample concentration and complicates data processing and interpretation In

addition so far only TMTs and iTRAQ allow the comparison of multiple (up to eight) samples

simultaneously The comparison of more than eight samples in a single experiment cannot be

achieved by isotope labeling In order to address these concerns there has been significant

interest in the development of label-free quantitative approaches Current label-free

quantification methods for MS-based proteomics were developed based on the observation that

the chromatographic peak area of a peptide168 169

or frequency of MSMS spectra170


to the protein or peptide concentration Therefore the two most common label-free

quantification approaches are conducted by comparing (i) area under the curve (AUC) of any

given peptides171 172

or (ii) by frequency measurements of MSMS spectra assigned to a protein

commonly referred to as spectral counting173

Several recent reviews provided detailed and

comprehensive knowledge comparing label-free methods with labeling methods data processing

and commercially available software for label-free quantitative proteomics174-177

Dissociation Techniques

The vast majority of proteomic experiments have proteins or peptides being identified by

two critical pieces of data obtained from the mass spectrometer The first is the precursor ion

identified by its mz which is informative to the mass of the peptide being analyzed The second

is the use of tandem mass spectrometry to fragment or dissociate the precursor ion and record the


generated fragment ion pattern to discern the amino acid sequence The three most popular

dissociation or fragmentation techniques for peptides are CID electron-transfer dissociation

(ETD) and high-energy collision dissociation (HCD) A recent study on the human plasma

proteome demonstrated that combined fragmentation techniques enhance coverage by providing

complementary information for identifications CID enabled the greatest number of protein

identifications while HCD identified an additional 25 proteins and ETD contributed an

additional 13 protein identifications178


Electron capture dissociation (ECD) 179

preceded ETD but ECD was developed for use

in a Penning trap for Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometers

ECD requires the ion of interest to be in contact with near-thermal electrons and for the electron

capture event to occur on the millisecond time scale but the time scale is inadequate for electron

trapping in Paul traps or quadrupoles in the majority of mass spectrometers180

ETD involves a

radical anion like fluoranthene with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation

which results in more uniform cleavage along the peptide backbone The cation accepts an

electron and the newly formed odd-electron protonated peptide undergoes fragmentation by

cleavage of the N-Cα bond which results in fragmentation ions consisting of c- and zbull-type

product ions The uniformed cleavage results in reduced sequence discrimination to labile bonds

such as PTMs and also provides improved sequencing for larger peptides compared to CID181

The realization that larger peptides produced better MSMS quality spectra compared to CID led

to a decision tree analysis strategy where peptide charge states and size determined whether the

precursor peptide would be fragmented with CID or ETD182

One of the main benefits of

ETDECD is the ability to sequence peptides with labile PTMs such as phosphorylation77 183





and histone modifications187

ETD also has the

benefit of providing better sequence information on larger neuropeptides when compared to


However a thorough analysis suggested that CID still yielded more peptideprotein

identifications than ETD in large scale proteoimcs189


High energy collision dissociation (HCD)190

is an emerging fragmentation technique that

offers improved detection of small reporter ions from iTRAQ-based studies191 192

HCD is

performed at a higher energy in a collision cell instead of an ion trap like CID thus HCD does

not suffer from the low-mass cutoff limitation Furthermore HCD offers enhanced

fragmentation efficiency assisting in MSMS spectra interpretation and protein identification193

A major drawback for HCD is that the spectral acquisition times are up to two-fold longer due to

increased ion requirement for Fourier transform detection in the orbitrap194

HCD has been

reported to increase phosphopeptide identifications over CID74

but in a different study CID was

reported to offer more phosphopeptide identifications over HCD194

Work has also been done to

transfer the decision tree analysis for HCD which basically switches CID with HCD claiming

better quality data determined by higher Mascot scores with more peptide identifications195


Data dependent acquisition (DDA) is the most commonly used ion selection process in

mass spectrometers for proteomic experiments An alternative process which does not have ion

selection nor switch between MS and MSMS modes is termed MSE MS

E is a data independent

mode and does not require precursor ions of a significant intensity to be selected for MSMS


A data independent mode decouples the mass spectrometer choosing which

precursor ions to fragment and when the ions are fragmented MSE works by a low or high


energy scan and no ion isolation is occurring The low energy scan is where the precursor ion is

not fragmented and the high energy scan allows fragmentation The resulting mix of precursor

and fragmentation ions is then detected simultaneously197

The data will then need to be

deconvoluted using a proprietary time-aligned algorithm that is discussed elsewhere198


continuous data independent acquisition allows multiple MSMS spectra to be collected during

the natural analyte peak broadening observed in chromatography which provides more data

points for AUC label-free quantification In addition lower abundance peptides can be

sequenced as more MSMS spectra are collected throughout the elution of an LC peak allowing

better signal averaging for smaller analyte peak of interest during coelution and reducing

sampling bias in typical DDA experiments where only more abundant peaks can be selected for


A comparison of spiked internal protein standards into a complex protein digest provided

evidence that MSE was comparable to DDA analysis in LC-MS

199 MS

E has been used for label

free proteomics of immunodepleted serum in large scale proteomics samples200

In addition

MSE was performed for the characterization of human cerebellum and primary visual cortex

proteomes Hundreds of proteins were identified including many previously reported in

neurological disorders201

MSE is quickly becoming a versatile data acquisition method recently

used in such studies as cancer cells202


and pituitary proteome discovery204

The usefulness of MSE as an unbiased data acquisition method is being assimilated into multiple

proteomics studies including studies involving neurological disorders

Data Analysis


One of the major bottlenecks in non-targeted proteomic experiments is how to handle the

enormous amount of data obtained Database searches biostatistical analysis de novo

sequencing PTM validation all have their place and multiple available platforms are available

If the organism being studied has had its genome sequenced databases can be created

with a list of proteins in the FASTA format to be used in database searching There are

numerous database searching algorithms for sequence identification of MSMS data including





and PEAKS209

These searching algorithms are

performed by matching MSMS spectra and precursor mass to sequences found within proteins

How well the actual spectra match the theoretical spectra determines a score which is unique to

the searching algorithm and usually can be extrapolated to the probability of a random hit

Recently a database has been developed for PTM analysis by the use of the program SIMS210

Specifically for phosphopeptides Ascorersquos algorithm scans the MSMS data to determine the

likelihood of correct phosphosite identification from the presence of site identifying product


If the organism that is being analyzed has not had its genome sequenced and no (or very

limited) FASTA database is available a homology search can be performed using SPIDER212

available with PEAKS software Alternatively individual MSMS spectrum can be de novo

sequenced but software is available to perform automated de novo sequencing of numerous

spectra (PEAKS208

DeNovoX and PepSeq)

For large-scale protein identifications the false discovery rate (FDR) must be established

by the searching algorithm and that is accomplished by re-searching the data with a false

database created by reversing or scrambling the amino acid sequence of the original database

used for the protein search Any hits from the false database will contribute to the FDR and this

value can be adjusted usually around 1 An additional layer of confidence in the obtained data


can be achieved in shotgun proteomics experiments by removing all the proteins that are

identified by only one peptide

Once a set of confident proteins or peptides have been generated from database

searching bioinformatic analysis or biostatistical analysis is needed Numerous software

packages are available for different purposes FLEXIQuant is an example for absolute

quantitation of isotopically labeled protein or peptides of interest213

FDR analysis of

phosphopeptides or other specific PTMs can be adjusted with such software as Scaffold

providing data consisting only of a specific modification214

Bioinformatic tools such as

Scaffold or ProteoIQ also include gene ontology (GO) analysis which can classify identified

proteins by three categories cellular component molecular function or biological process

Custom bioinformatics programs can also be developed and are often useful in various proteomic

studies including biomarker discovery in neurological diseases215

More detailed review of

bioinformatics in peptidomics216

and proteomics217

can be found elsewhere

Validation of Biomarkers by Targeted Proteomics

The validation of putative biomarkers identified by MS-based proteomic analysis is often

required to provide orthogonal analysis to rule out a false positive by MS and providing

additional evidence for the biomarker candidate(s) from the study for future potential clinical

assays At present antibody-based assays such as Western blotting ELISA and

immunochemistry are the most widely used methods for biomarker validation Although accurate

and well established these methods rely on protein specific antibodies for the measurement of

the putative biomarker and could be difficult for large-scale validation of all or even a subset of a

long list of putative protein biomarkers typically obtained by MS-based comparative proteomic


analysis Large scale validation is impractical due to the cost for each antibody the labor to

develop a publishable Western blot or ELISA and the antibody availability for certain proteins

As an alternative strategy quantitative assays based on multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) MS

using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer have been employed in biomarker verification

MRM is the most common use of MSMS for absolute quantitation It is a hypothesis

driven experiment where the peptide of interest and its subsequent fragmentation pattern must be

known prior to the quantitative MRM experiments MRM involves selecting a specific mz (first

quadrupole) to be isolated for fragmentation (second quadrupole) followed by one or more of

the most intense fragment ions (third quadrupole) being monitored The ability to quantitate and

thus validate the proteins or peptides as potential biomarkers is achieved by performing MRM on

isotopically labeled reference peptide for targeted peptideprotein of interest The main obstacle

for quantification of peptides is interference and ion suppression effects from co-eluting

substances Since the isotopically labeled and native peptide will co-elute the same interference

and ion suppression will occur for both peptides and thus correcting these interfering effects

Peptides need to be systematically chosen for a highly sensitive and reproducible MRM

experiment to ensure proper validation of putative biomarkers Peptides require certain intrinsic

properties which include an mz within the practical mass detection range for the instrument and

high ionization efficiency If the desired peptide to be quantified is derived from a digestion

then peptides that have detectable incomplete digestion or missed cleavage site can be a major

source of variability Peptides with a methionine and to a lesser extent tryptophan are

traditionally removed from consideration from MRM quantitative experiments due to the

variable nature of the oxidation that can occur In addition if chromatographic separation is

performed the retention behavior of the peptide must be well behaved with little tailing effects


eluting late causing broadening of the peak and even irreversible binding to the column As an

example hydrophilic peptides being eluted off a C18 column may exhibit the previously

described concerns and a different chromatographic separation will need to be explored for

improved limits of detection quantitation and validation To determine consistent peptide

detection or usefulness of certain peptides databases such as Proteomics Database218



have been developed to compile proteomic data repositories from initial

discovery experiments

After the peptide is selected for analysis the proper MRM transitions need to be selected

to optimize the sensitivity and selectivity of the experiment It is common for investigators to

select two or three of the most intense transitions for the proposed experiment It is imperative

that the same instrument is used for the determination of transition ions as different mass

spectrometers may have a bias towards different fragment ions

MRM experiments are still highly popular experiments for hypothesis directed


biomarker analysis222

and validation223

Validation of putative biomarkers is

increasingly becoming a necessary step when performing large scale non-hypothesis driven

proteomics experiments The traditional validation techniques of ELISA Western blotting and

immunohistochemistry are still used but MRM experiments are becoming an attractive

alternative for validation of putative biomarkers due to its enhanced throughput and specificity

Current work is still being performed to both expand the linear dynamic range224



of MRM A recent endeavor to increase the sensitivity for MRM experiments was

accomplished by ldquoPulsed MRMrdquo via the use of an ion funnel trap to enhance confinement and

accumulation of ions The authors claimed an increase by 5-fold for peak amplitude and a 2-3

fold reduction in chemical background225


Remaining Challenges and Emerging Technologies

Large sample numbers for mass spectrometry analysis

Multiple conventional studies in proteomics have been performed on a single or a few

biological samples As bio-variability can be exceedingly high the need for larger sample sizes

is currently being investigated Prentice et al used a starting point of 3200 patient samples

from the Womenrsquos Health Institute (WHI) to probe the plasma proteome using MS for

biomarkers The study did not test the 3200 patient samples by MS because even a simple one

hour one dimensional RP analysis on a mass spectrometer would take months of instrument time

for uninterrupted analysis Instead the authors pooled 100 samples together to bring the total

number of pooled samples to 32 To provide relevant plasma biomarkers the samples were then

subjected to immunodepletion 2-D protein separation (96 fractions total) and then 1-D RPLC of

tryptic peptide separation on-line interface to a mass spectrometer The large sample cohorts

help address bio-variability that can be a concern from small sample size proteomic experiments

and provide ample sample amounts to investigate the low abundance proteins226

Hemoglobin-derived neuropeptides and non-classical neuropeptides

Neuropeptides such as neuropeptide Y and enkephalin are short chains of amino acids

that are secreted from a range of neuronal cells that signal nearby cells In contrast non-classical

neuropeptides are termed as neuropeptides or ldquomicroproteinsrdquo which are derived from

intracellular protein fragments and synthesized from the cytosol227

MS was recently used to

determine that hemopressins which are hemoglobin-derived peptides are upregulated in Cpefatfat

mice brains Gelman et al designed an MS experiment to compare hemoglobin-derived


peptides comparing the brain blood and heart peptidome in mice The authors provided data

that specific hemoglobin peptides were produced in the brain and were not produced in the

blood Certain alpha and beta hemoglobin peptides were also up regulated in the brain for


mice and bind to CB1 cannabinoid receptors228

As discussed earlier in the review

peptidomics and specifically neuropeptidomics are popular fields of study utilizing MS and non-

classical neuropeptides is an exciting emerging area of research that could further expand the

diversity of cell-cell signaling molecules

Ultrasensitive mass spectrometry for single cell analysis

In addition to large scale analysis MS-based proteomics and peptidomics are making

progress into ultrasensitive single cell analysis The most successful MS-based techniques for

single cell analysis was performed with MALDI and studies that have been performed on

relatively large neurons are reviewed elsewhere229

The ultrasensitive MS analysis is currently

directed towards single cell analysis of smaller cells including cancer cells The first challenge

in single cell analysis is the isolation and further sample preparation to yield relevant data

Collection and isolation of a cell type can be accomplished using antibodies for fluorescence

activated cell sorting (FACS) and immune magnetic separation FACS works by flow cytometry

sorting cells by a laser that excites a fluorescent tag that is attached to an antibody Immune

magnetic separation allows separation by antibodies with magnetic properties such as


One exciting study combining FACS and MS termed mass cytometry This

technology works by infusing a droplet into an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer

(ICP-MS) containing a single cell bound to antibodies chelated to transition elements allowing a

quantifying response between single cells231

Clearly the future of single cell analysis for


biomarker analysis and proteomics is encouraging and has the potential to be an emerging field

in MS-based proteomics and peptidomics

Laserspray ionization (LSI)

Laserspray ionization (LSI) is an exciting new method to produce multiply charged mass

spectra from MALDI that is nearly identical to ESI232-234

Recently it has been reported that LSI

can be performed in lieu of matrix to produce a total solvent-free analysis234

The benefits of

being able to generate multiply charged peptides without any solvent may offer advantages

including MS analysis of insoluble membrane proteins or hydrophobic peptides avoidance of

chemical reactions while in solvents a reduction of sample loss due to liquid sample preparation

and ability to avoid diffusion effects from tissue imaging studies234

The multiply charged peptide and protein ions produced by LSI expand the mass range

for tissue imaging analysis More importantly the multiply-charged peptide ions are amenable

for electron-based fragmentation methods such as ETD or ECD which can be employed in

conjunction with tissue imaging experiments to yield in situ sequencing and identification of

peptides of interest235

Paper spray ionization

Paper spray (PS) is an ambient ionization method which was first reported using

chromatography paper allowing detection of metabolites from dried blood spots The original

method used a cut out piece of paper with a voltage clipped on the back while applying 10 microL of


Improvements have been made to this technology to enhance analysis

efficiency with a new solvent 91 dichloromethaneisopropanol (vv) and the use of silica paper


over chromatography paper237

Interesting applications or modifications have been made to PS

including direct analysis of biological tissue238

and leaf spray for direct analysis of plant


but both detect metabolites instead of proteins or peptides Paper spray ionization

was previously shown to enable detection of cytochrome c and bradykinin [2-9] standards in a

proof of principle study240

Clearly the utility of PS analysis in proteomics and peptidomics is

yet to be explored


New fragmentation techniques have been investigated for their utility in proteomics and

peptidomics including a recently reported negative-ion electron capture dissociation (niECD)

Acidic peptides which usually contain PTMs such as phosphorylation or sulfonation are often

difficult to be detected as multiply charged peptides in the positive ion mode As discussed

earlier multiply charged peptides are required for ECDETD fragmentation The fragmentation

of niECD is accomplished by a multiply negatively charged peptide adding an electron The

resulting fragmentation of multiply sulfated and phosphorylated peptide and protein standards

showed no sulfate loss and preserved phosphorylation site The resulting fragmentation pattern

from niECD was also improved in the peptide anions and provides a new strategy for de novo

sequencing with PTM localization241

Conclusions and Perspectives

Proteomics methodologies have produced large datasets of proteins involved in various

biological and disease progression processes Numerous mass spectrometry-based proteomics

and peptidomics tools have been developed and are continuously being improved in both


chromatographic or electrophoretic separation and MS hardware and software However several

important issues that remain to be addressed rely on further technical advances in proteomics

analysis When large proteomes consisting of thousands of proteins are analyzed and quantified

dynamic range is still limited with more abundant proteins being preferentially detected

Development and optimization of chemical tagging reagents that target specific protein classes

maybe necessary to help enrich important signaling proteins and assess cellular and molecular

heterogeneity of the proteome and peptidome Furthermore a significant bottleneck in

usefulness of proteomics research is the ability to validate the results and provide clear

significant biological relevance to the results The idea of P4 medicine242 243

is an attractive

concept where the four Prsquos stand for predictive preventive personalized and participatory

Proteomics is one of the critical ldquoomicsrdquo fields and has led to the development of enabling

innovative strategies to P4 medicine244

A goal of P4 medicine is to assess both early disease

detection and disease progression in a person A simplified example of how proteomics fits into

P4 medicine is that certain brain-specific proteins could be used for diagnosis with

presymptomatic prion disease244

The concept of proteomic experiments providing an individual

biomarker is becoming more obsolete with the revised vision being a biomolecular barcode that

could potentially be ldquoscannedrdquo or be a fingerprint for a specific disease or early onset to that

disease being closer to reality An excellent review on what biomarker analysis can do for true

patients is available245

Proteomics can also generate new hypothesis that can be tested by classical biochemical

approaches If a disease has an unknown pathogenesis proteomics is a good starting point to try

to assemble putative markers that can lead to further hypothesis for evaluation If a particular

protein or PTM is associated with a disease state either qualitatively or quantitatively potential


treatments could target that protein of interest or investigators could monitor that protein or

PTM during potential treatments of the disease Proteomics has expanded greatly over the last

few decades with the goal of providing revealing insights to some of the most complex

biological problems currently facing the scientific community


Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by the University of Wisconsin Graduate

School Wisconsin Alzheimerrsquos Disease Research Center Pilot Grant and a Department of

Defense Pilot Award LL acknowledges an H I Romnes Faculty Fellowship


Figure 1 A summary of general workflows of biomarker discovery pipeline by MS-based

proteomic approaches

Biological sample (CSF blood urine saliva cell

lysate tissue homogenates secreted proteins etc)

Protein extraction Sample pretreatment



Identification of


expressed proteins

Protein identification

Potential biomarkers

Biomarker validation

- Antibody based immunoassays


Quantitative analysis

- Isotope labeling

- Label free

Identification and

localization of

differentially expressed


Intact tissue

Sample preparation Slice frozen tissues

thaw-mounted on plate

Apply Matrix


Figure 2 Tissue expression and dynamic range of the human plasma proteome A pie chart

representing the tissue of origin for the high abundance proteins shows that the majority of

proteins come from the liver (A) Conversely the lower abundance plasma proteins have a much

more diverse tissue of origin (B and C) The large dynamic range of plasma proteins is presented

and the proteins can be grouped into three categories (classical plasma proteins tissue leakage

products interleukinscytokines) (D) Adapted from Zhang et al11

and Schiess et al246





Table 1 A summary of the common strategies applied to MS-based quantitative proteomic


Gel based Stable isotope labeling Label free


2D-DIGE 110

In vitro derivatization




ICAT 156

TMT 159

iTRAQ 158

Formaldehyde 247

ICPL 248

In vivo metabolic labeling





AUC measurement 169 172

Spectral counting 173

AUC Area Under Curve ICAT Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag TMT Tandem Mass Tags iTRAQ Isobaric Tags for

Relative and Absolute Quantification ICPL Isotope Coded Protein Labeling SILAC Stable Isotope Labeling by

Amino Acids in Cell Culture Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification (iTRAQ)



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Chapter 3

Protein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic

mouse models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometry

Adapted from ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse

models of Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P

Messing A Li L Submitted



Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a low protein content biological fluid with dynamic range

spanning at least nine orders of magnitude in protein content and is in direct contact with the

brain A modified IgY-14 immunodepletion treatment was performed to enhance analysis of the

low volumes of CSF that are obtainable from mice As a model system in which to test this

approach we utilized transgenic mice that over-express the intermediate filament glial fibrillary

acidic protein (GFAP) These mice are models for Alexander disease (AxD) a severe

leukodystrophy in humans From the CSF of control and transgenic mice we report the

identification of 266 proteins with relative quantification of 106 proteins Biological and

technical triplicates were performed to address animal variability as well as reproducibility in

mass spectrometric analysis Relative quantitation was performed using distributive normalized

spectral abundance factor (dNSAF) spectral counting analysis A panel of biomarker proteins

with significant changes in the CSF of GFAP transgenic mice has been identified with validation

from ELISA and microarray data demonstrating the utility of our methodology and providing

interesting targets for future investigations on the molecular and pathological aspects of AxD



Alexander disease (AxD) is a fatal neurogenetic disorder caused by heterozygous point

mutations in the coding region of GFAP (encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein)1 The hallmark

diagnostic feature of this disease is the accumulation of astrocytic cytoplasmic inclusions known

as Rosenthal fibers containing GFAP Hsp27 αB-crystallin and other components2-5


several potential treatment strategies6-8

are under investigation clinical trial design is hampered

by the absence of a standardized clinical scoring system or means to quantify lesions in MRI

that could serve to monitor severity and progression of disease One solution to this problem

would be the identification of biomarkers in readily sampled body fluids as indirect indicators of


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has a long history as a surrogate biopsy site for brain or spinal

cord in evaluating diseases of the central nervous system The protein composition of CSF is

well defined at least for the most abundant species of proteins and numerous studies exist that

characterize individual biomarkers or complex patterns of biomarkers in various diseases9 10

GFAP itself is present in CSF (albeit at much lower levels than in brain parenchyma) and in one

study of three Alexander disease patients its levels were markedly increased11

Whether an

increase in CSF GFAP will be a consistent finding in Alexander disease or whether other useful

biomarkers for this disease could be identified through an unbiased analysis of the CSF

proteome is not yet known

The rarity of Alexander disease makes analysis of human samples difficult However

mouse models exist that replicate key features of the disease such as formation of Rosenthal

fibers Unfortunately mouse CSF poses particular problems for proteomic studies and there is


an urgent need for technical improvements for dealing with this fluid For instance collection

from an adult mouse typically yields ~10 μL of CSF often with some contamination by blood12

To further complicate analysis CSF has an exceedingly low protein content (~04 μgμL) with

over 60 of the total protein content consisting of a single protein albumin13 14

A number of

techniques have been developed to remove albumin from biological samples including Cibacron


IgG immunodepletion16

and IgY immunodepletion17-19

IgY which is avian in origin

offers reduced non-specific binding and increased avidity when compared to IgG antibodies from

rabbits goats and mice20-23

One widely used IgY cocktail is IgY-14 which contains fourteen

specific antibodies specific for albumin IgG transferrin fibrinogen α1-antitrypsin IgA IgM

α2-macroglobulin haptoglobin apolipoproteins A-I A-II and B complement C3 and α1-acid

glycoprotein Since existing protocols for IgY-14 depletion are optimized for use with large

volumes of serum new protocols must be developed to permit its use with the low volumes of a

low protein fluid represented by mouse CSF

Various improvements have also taken place in the field of proteomic analysis that could

facilitate analysis of mouse CSF Data dependent tandem mass spectrometry followed by

quantification of proteins is used in standard shotgun proteomics24-29

Several methods now exist

for introducing quantitation into mass spectrometry including stable isotope labeling30-32

isobaric tandem mass tags33 34

and spectral counting35 36

Spectral counting which is a

frequency measurement that uses MSMS counts of identified peptides as the metric to enable

protein quantitation is attractive because it is label-free and requires no additional sample

preparation Finally recent advances in spectral counting has produced a data refinement

strategy termed normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF)37 38

and further developed into

distributive NSAF (dNSAF) to address issues with peptides shared by multiple proteins39


To identify potential biomarkers in AxD we report a novel scaled-down version of IgY

antibody depletion strategy to reduce the complexity and remove high abundance proteins in

mouse CSF samples The generated spectral counts data were then subjected to dNSAF natural

log data transformation and t-test analysis to determine which proteins differ in abundance when

comparing GFAP transgenics and controls with multiple biological and technical replicates



Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) urea (gt99) sodium chloride (997) and ammonium

bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water

(182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS

grade acetonitrile and water were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-

Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified trypsin were purchased from Promega

(Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from Fluka (Buchs Switzerland)

Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris ge999 ) ammonium formate

(ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-14 antibodies were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich

(Saint Louis MO)


Transgenic mice over-expressing the human GFAP gene (Tg737 line) were maintained

as hemizygotes in the FVBN background and genotyped via PCR on DNA prepared from tail

samples as described previously40

The mice were housed on a 14-10 light-dark cycle with ad

libitum access to food and water All procedures were conducted using protocols approved by

the UW-Madison IACUC


CSF collection

CSF was collected from mice as described previously12

Briefly mice were anesthetized

with avertin (400-600 mgkg ip) A midline sagittal incision was made over the dorsal aspect

of the hindbrain and three muscle layers carefully peeled back to expose the cisterna magna The

membrane covering the cisterna magna was pierced with a 30 gauge needle and CSF was

collected immediately using a flexible plastic pipette Approximately ten microliters of CSF was

collected per animal All samples used for MS analysis showed no visible contamination of


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

A sandwich ELISA was used to quantify GFAP8 Briefly a microtiter plate was coated

with a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies (Covance SMI-26R) Plates were blocked with 5

milk before addition of sample or standards diluted in PBS with Triton-X and BSA A rabbit

polyclonal antibody (DAKO Z334) was used to detect the GFAP followed by a peroxidase

conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (Sigma A6154) secondary antibody The peroxidase activity

was detected with SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (PIERCE) and

quantified with a GloRunner Microplate Luminometer Values below the biological limit of

detection (16ngL) were given the value 16ngL before multiplying by the dilution factor

Immunodepletion of abundant proteins

Currently there are no commercial immunodepletion products available for use with CSF

and to address the low protein content of this fluid (~04 microgmicroL) Therefore 100 microL of

purchased IgY-14 resin was coupled with a Pierce Spin Cup using a paper filter from Thermo

Scientific (Waltham MA) CSF samples from either transgenics or controls were first pooled to

100 microL and then added to 100 microL of 20 mM Tris-HCl 300 mM pH 74 (2x dilution buffer) and


allowed to mix with the custom IgY-14 depletion spin column on an end-over-end rotor for 30

minutes at 4oC The sample was then centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds with an Eppendorf

Centrifuge 5415D (Hamburg Germany) The antibodies were then washed with 50 microL 1x

dilution buffer vortexed for 5 minutes centrifuged at 04 rcf for 45 seconds and the flow through

was collected for tryptic digestion The antibodies were then stripped of the bound proteins with

four 025 mL washes of 01 M glycine pH 25 neutralized with two 025 mL washes of 01 M

Tris-HCl pH 80 and washed once with 025mL of 1x dilution buffer The immunodepletion

protocol was repeated for each transgenic or control pooled 100 microL sample (N=3)

Preparation of tryptic digests

The immunodepleted pooled mouse CSF samples (200 microL total volume) were

concentrated to 10 microL using a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA)

To each sample 8 microL of 133 M urea and 1 microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to

incubate at 37oC for one hour After incubation 27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for

carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15 minutes in the dark To

quench the IAA 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react for 10 minutes To

perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg

trypsin which had previously been dissolved in 50 mM acetic acid at a concentration of 05

microgmicroL Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10

formic acid The tryptic peptides were then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Varian

Omix Tip C18 100 microL (Palo Alto CA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic

acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30 microL H2O in 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation


The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto an Agilent

Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5x03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow

rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm

Atlantis dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B

at 250 nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition


range of 300-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot41

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt mus musculus

(house mouse) database (version 575) False positive analyses42

were calculated using an

automatic decoy option of Mascot Results from the Mascot results were reported using

Proteinscape 21 and technical replicates were combined and reported as a protein compilation

using ProteinExtractor (Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed cleavages 2 enzyme

trypsin variable modifications carboxymethylation (C) and oxidation (M) peptide tolerance

plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap

Reported proteins required a minimum of one peptide with a Mascot score ge300 with bold red

characterization Spectral counts were determined from the number of MSMS spectra identified

from accepted proteins A bold red peptide combines a bold peptide which represents the first

query result from a submitted MSMS spectrum with the red peptide which indicates the top

peptide for the identified protein Requiring one bold red peptide assists in removal of

homologous redundant proteins and further improves protein results In addition requiring one


peptide to be identified by a score gt300 removes the ability for proteins to be identified by

multiple low Mascot scoring peptides

Each immunodepleted biological replicate had technical triplicates performed and the

technical triplicates were summed together by ProteinExtractor Peptide spectral counts were

then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis Details for this method can be

found elsewhere37 39

but briefly peptide spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on

unique peptides and a weighted distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins

ProteinScape removed 83 homologous proteins found in the current study to bring the total

number of proteins identified to 266 but some non-unique homologous peptides which are

shared by multiple proteins are still present in the resulting 266 remaining proteins To address

these non-unique homologous peptides distributive spectral counting was performed as

described elsewhere39

The dSpC is divided by the proteinrsquos length (L) and then divided by the

summation of the dSpCL from all proteins in the experiment (N) to produce each proteinrsquos

specific dNSAF value










The resulting data were then transformed by taking the natural log of the dNSAF value The

means for each protein were calculated using the ln(dNSAF) from N=3 biological replicates and

the whole data set was subjected to the Shapiro-Wilk test for normalityGaussian distribution

performed on the software PAST (Version 198 University of Oslo Norway Osla) The

Shapiro-Wilk test was repeated multiple times to determine a non-zero value for zero spectral


counts A non-zero value is required to alleviate the errors of dividing by zero which was

experimentally determined to be 043 The Gaussian data were then subjected to the t-test to

identify statistically significant changes in protein expression


General workflow

Individual CSF samples were manually inspected and samples were only selected that

showed no visual blood contamination Preliminary experiments showed that the maximum

degree of blood contamination estimated from counts of red blood cells in the CSF that was not

visible to the eye was less than 005 by total mass Approximately 10 individual mouse CSF

samples were pooled to achieve the desired 100 μL volume for a single biological replicate The

CSF samples were IgY immunodepleted followed by digestion with trypsin The resulting

digested samples were then de-salted concentrated reconstituted in 30 μL of 01 formic acid

and 5 μL was loaded onto a reversed phase nanoflow HPLC column subjected to a 90 minute

gradient and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer The workflow for

mouse CSF analysis is shown in Figure 1 The remainder of the desalted sample was saved for

technical replicates

Immunodepletion for CSF

Currently there are no immunodepletion techniques specifically designed for CSF

Nonetheless the protein profiles between CSF and serum are similar enough to use currently

available immunodepletion techniques designed for serum as a starting point The smallest

commercially available IgY-14 immunodepletion kit is for 15 μL of serum which is equivalent in

protein content to ~15 mL of CSF Therefore for 100 μL CSF one fifteenth of the total IgY-14


beads would be used for the equivalent immunodepletion which is 66 μL of proprietary bead

slurry The potential for irreversible binding of abundant proteins to their respective IgY

antibody even after an extra stripping wash and low amounts of total beads made using 66 μL

of IgY-14 bead slurry unrealistic In practice almost doubling the amount of IgY-14 beads (100

μL) used was not sufficient and resulted in albumin and transferrin peptides to be observed in

high abundance (data not shown) The most important protein to immunodeplete is albumin and

it has been reported to be a greater percentage of total CSF protein content (~60) than serum

(~49) in humans14

The difference in albumin percentage supports the results that proprietary

blends of immunodepletion beads for high abundance proteins such as albumin cannot be

scaled down on a strict protein scale and further modifications to the serum immunodepletion

protocol need to be made

Since IgY-14 beads were developed for use with serum all of its protocols need to be

taken into account to modify the protocol for CSF Serum samples should be diluted fifty times

before mixing with the IgY-14 beads but CSF protein concentration is at least one hundred times

lower than serum Therefore CSF is below half the recommended diluted protein concentration

for IgY immunodepletion Consequently multiple steps have been devised to address this

limitation First the binding time between the proteins targeted for removal from the CSF and

IgY-14 beads was doubled during the end-over-end rotor depletion step from the recommended

15 minutes to 30 minutes Second to prevent non-specific protein binding to the antibodies the

CSF samples were diluted with an equal amount (100 μL) of 2X dilution buffer The dilution

buffer of NaCl and Tris-HCl was needed to assist in reducing non-specific binding of proteins to

the 14 antibodies and ensuring the sample is held at physiological pH In addition to these

modifications a doubling of the starting IgY-14 bead slurry to 200 μL provided the desired


results Overall this modified protocol results in effective depletion of CSF abundant proteins

using only one-fifth of the antibodies provided by the smallest commercially available platform

Data Analysis

Spectral counting technique for relative quantitation provides numerous benefits for the

study of mouse CSF due to its label-free advantage In contrast isotopic labeling method often

involves additional sample processing that could cause sample loss which is highly undesirable

for low protein content and low volume samples Labeling methods also require a mixing of two

sets of isotopically labeled samples which would effectively increase the sample complexity and

reduce the amount of sample that can be loaded onto the nanoLC column by half In addition

more than two sets of samples can be compared by label-free methods The use of label-free

spectral counting method does not lead to an increase in sample complexity or interference in

quantitation from peptides in the mz window selected for tandem MS Using spectral counting

for relative quantitation however is dependent on reproducible HPLC separation and careful

mass spectrometry operation to minimize technical variability during the study To address

concerns of analytical reliability and run to run deviations base peak chromatograms from two

transgenic IgY-14 immunodepleted biological replicates including two technical replicates of

each were shown to be highly reproducible (Figure 2)

Each biological sample was analyzed in triplicate with the same protocols on the amaZon

ETD with three control and three transgenic samples From the three technical replicates for

each biological replicate the spectral counts of the peptides for the proteins identified were

summed The results from these mouse CSF biological triplicates are shown in Figure 3A for

GFAP overexpressor and Figure 3B for control The summation of spectral counts for each

biological replicate was performed to remove the inherent bias related to data dependent analysis


for protein identification One concern in grouping technical replicates is a potential loss of

information regarding analytical variability Figure 4 provides a graphical representation of

variability of technical replicates illustrating the standard deviation of technical replicates with

error bars Figure 4 shows that a statistically changed protein creatine kinase M (A) and an

unchanged protein kininogen-1 (B) have similar variability within (technical replicates) and

between samples (biological replicates) for each protein In addition Figure 4B illustrates that

even with the variability of kininogen-1 the resulting mean shown by the dashed line of control

and transgenic samples were almost equal whereas Figure 4A shows significantly different

expression level of creatine kinase M Performing replicate analysis of each biological sample

(n=3) helps correct for systematic errors deriving from sample handling and pooling of samples

helps reduce random error during the CSF sample collection process

Protein Identification and Spectral Counting Analysis

The data for dNSAF analysis like any mass spectrometry proteomics experiment

requires multiple layers of verification to ensure reliable data Our initial protein identifications

were subjected to a database search using a decoy database from Mascot which resulted in an

average false positive rate below 1 for all the experimental data collected Representative

MSMS spectra between control and GFAP transgenic samples are illustrated in Figure 5

Overall 266 proteins were identified in a combination of control and transgenic samples

(Supplemental Table 1) A total of 349 proteins were initially identified but 83 proteins were

isoforms of previously identified proteins and automatically excluded by ProteinExtractor The

next level of quality control was to only include ln(dNSAF) values from proteins identified by 2

or more unique peptides having a Mascot score of ge300 and observed in two out of three

biological replicates These selection parameters resulted in 106 proteins remaining after


dNSAF analysis (Supplemental Table 2) The resulting spectral counts were then subjected to

dSpC in order to account and correct for the systematic error of peptides shared by multiple

proteins (Supplemental Table 3)

It is inevitable in large scale and complex proteomics experiments that some proteins will

be seen in some samples and not others In addition when controls were compared to transgenic

samples as shown in Figure 3C 127 proteins were unique to either control or GFAP transgenic

mice and 139 proteins were seen in both samples From dNSAF equation if the spectral count

is zero the numerator is zero and the value will not be normalized between runs In order to

circumvent the zero spectral counts in dNSAF analysis zero spectral counts must be replaced by

an experimentally determined non-zero value determined to be 043 The 043 spectral counts

for zero spectral counts was calculated by serial Shapiro-Wilk tests to determine the lowest value

(043) for zero spectral counts and maintain a Gaussian distribution for all data sets The 043

value for zero spectral counts in the current study was higher than the 016 reported value for

zero spectral counts in the original NSAF spectral counting study37

Our study may have a

higher zero spectral count value than the previous study because the spectral counting data were

an addition of three technical replicates and three times 016 is close to 043 The normalized

Gaussian data were then subjected to t-test analysis and P-values below 005 are considered as

statistically significant and are presented in Table 1 The proteins with significant up or down

regulation from Table 1 can be further evaluated as how close significant proteins were to a p-

value of 005 such as ganglioside GM2 activator serine protease inhibitor A3N and collagen

alpha-2(I) chain having t-test scores of 0045 0047 and 0043 respectively Proteins exhibiting

a P-value close to 005 were more likely to be highly variable proteins or have smaller fold

changes between control and transgenic samples and thus provide less biological relevancy to


future studies The modest change in antithrobin-III which is reduced by 14-fold in transgenic

is included due a low pooled standard deviation in spectral counts

Spectral counting has been analyzed with fold changes derived directly from the average

spectral counts from the technical replicates and then the average of the three biological

replicates We decided to perform additional analysis using fold changes to dig deeper into

proteins that statistically support the null hypothesis from the dNSAF analysis To only pull out

highly confident protein identifications we used the same strict cut-off of two unique peptides

identified per protein as in dNSAF analysis We only accepted proteins with greater than three-

fold change in total spectral counts listed in Table 2 Two proteins contactin-1 (cntn1) and

cathepsin B (CB) illustrate the potential biomarkers missed by dNSAF analysis Cntn1 had zero

spectral count in the transgenic sample and had an average spectral count of 41 in control

samples The lack of any spectral counts in one biological control for cntn1 resulted in a large

standard deviation in the ln(dNSAF) means for the control which resulted in the t-test supporting

the null hypothesis Another example is CB which was detected by numerous spectral counts in

every GFAP transgenic biological replicate with an average spectral count of 97 (Table 2) The

presence of CB in one biological control sample (23 average spectral counts) resulted in a high

standard deviation in the mean of the control samples These examples exhibit a limitation of

dNSAF analysis which could cause a loss of potentially useful information

Previously Identified Proteins with Expression Changes

Previously three proteins have been described as increased in CSF from individual(s)

suffering from AxD In one study a single patientrsquos CSF was found to have elevated levels of

αβ-crystallin and HSP2744

In a second study three patients were reported to have elevated

levels of GFAP with concentrations from 4760 ngL to 30000 ngL (compared to lt175 ngL for



GFAP was detected in our current study however the other two proteins were not

detected One possibility is that αB-crystallin and Hsp-27 levels in mouse CSF are too low for

detection by MS analysis In addition while the transgenic mice display the hallmark

pathological feature of AxD in the form of Rosenthal fibers they do not have any evident

leukodystrophy and thus may not display the full range of changes in CSF as might be found in

human patients

Creatine Kinase M

Creatine kinase M (M-CK) is a 43 kDa protein whose role is to reversibly catalyze

phosphate transfer between ATP and energy storage compounds M-CK has been primarily

found in muscle tissue and for humans creatine kinase M is diagnostically analyzed in the blood

for myocardial infarction (heart attack) In addition M-CK is also found in Purkinje neurons of

the cerebellum45 46

A related protein creatine kinase B (B-CK) also exhibited an apparent 21

fold increase in transgenic CSF over control but this difference was not statistically different

B-CK concentration is known to be elevated in CSF following head trauma47

or cerebral


but decreased in astrocytes in individuals affected by multiple sclerosis49


The data showed multiple cathepsins were up regulated in the CSF of transgenic mice

when compared to control mice The up regulated cathepsins were S L1 and B isoforms which

are all cysteine proteases Cathepsin S (CS) was never observed in control samples but

observed with an average of 73 spectral counts per analysis Cathepsin L1 (CL1) was up

regulated by 94 times in transgenic mice These two cathepsins exhibited significant changes

using dNSAF and t-test statistics as shown in Table 1 and Cathepsin B (CB) showed a 42 fold

increase in transgenic CSF as shown in Table 2


Cathepsins regulate apoptosis in cells50

which is the major mechanism for elimination of

cells deemed by the organism to be dangerous damaged or expendable CL and CB are

redundant in the system as thiol proteases and inhibition of CB by CA-047 causes a diminished

apoptosis response in multiple cell lines51

Intriguingly increased levels of CB or CL are

correlated with poor prognosis for cancer patients and shorter disease-free intervals It is

believed that these proteases degrade the extracellular membrane which allows tumor cells to

invade adjacent tissue and metastasize52

With regards to AxD the up regulation of these

cathepsins may be indicative of the bodyrsquos natural defense and response to Rosenthal fibers

Thus stimulation of these cathepsins may provide a further protective stress response but the

positive correlation between these proteases and cancer highlights the multiple roles of these

proteins in pathological response Alternatively it has been shown that increased CB is involved

with the tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) induced apoptosis cascade53

The activation of the

TNFα could produce oligodendrocyte toxicity54

with the expression of TNFα being elevated in

tissue samples from mouse models and AxD patients55

The potential for a positive or a negative

effect in increasing or decreasing cathepsins warrant future research with cathepsins and AxD


Contactin-1 (Cntn1) is a 133 kDa cell surface protein that is highly glycosylated and

belongs to a family of immunoglobulin domain-containing cell adhesion molecues56

Table 2

shows that Cntn1 is down regulated in transgenic mice since spectral counts were only observed

in control mice Cntn1 is expressed in neurons and oligodendrocytes and higher levels were

observed during brain development57

In addition Cntn1 leads to activation of Notch1 which

mediates differentiation and maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) Although the

mechanism leading to a reduction of Cntn1 in CSF is not known it may reflect a change in


astrocyte interactions with either neurons or oligodendrocytes to alter their expression of this


Validation of putative biomarkers and MS proteomics data using ELISA and RNA

microarray data

To further validate the relative protein expression data obtained via MS-based spectral

counting techniques orthogonal immunological and molecular biological approaches have been

examined As GFAP was shown to be elevated in the CSF of transgenic animals we used a

well-defined GFAP ELISA protocol to test its CSF concentration CSF from 8 week old male

mice was collected from both transgenic and control animals Five samples of transgenic CSF

was prepared by pooling four to eight animals for the GFAP ELISA In the case of controls

each sample represents a single animal GFAP concentrations observed by both the MS and

ELISA showed significant increases of GFAP in the CSF when comparing transgenic to control


Another validation of MS spectral counts is observed in a microarray analysis performed

on transgenic mouse olfactory bulb tissue 55

In this paper nine of the proteins found by MS

showed similar gene expression in the microarray (Table 3) It is not surprising that all the genes

observed in the microarray are not the same as the proteins observed by MS analysis Gene

expression and protein synthesis and expression are not always correlated but the similarities

and overlapping trends observed with these two assays are encouraging As shown in Table 3

gene expression analysis also revealed the up regulation of several cathepsin proteins GFAP

and down regulation of contactin-1 in CSF collected from transgenic mice corroborating the

MS-based proteomics results



In this study we have produced a panel of proteins with significant up or down regulation

in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice This mouse model for AxD was consistent

with the previous studies showing elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified

IgY-14 immunodepletion technique for low amounts of CSF was presented This improved

protocol is useful for future investigations to deal with the unique challenges of mouse CSF

analysis Modified proteomics protocols were employed to profile mouse CSF with biological

and technical triplicates addressing the variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF

spectral counting Validation of the MS-based proteomics data were performed using both

ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide further confidence in the changes in the putative

protein biomarkers This study presents three classes of interesting targets for future study in

AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1



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Table 1 Statistically changed proteins between transgenic and control mouse CSF using

dNSAF analysis

Accession Protein Pa SC

b Fold






KCRM_MOUSE Creatine kinase M-type 0034 425 30 182 541

HEXB_MOUSE Βeta-hexosaminidase subunit β 0012 183 uarr 0 59

CMGA_MOUSE Chromogranin-A 000078 153 darr 44 0

ANT3_MOUSE Antithrombin-III 0017 176 -14 67 47

SAP3_MOUSE Ganglioside GM2 activator 0045 415 darr 28 0

SPA3N_MOUSE Serine protease inhibitor A3N 0047 170 42 10 42

CO1A2_MOUSE Collagen alpha-2(I) chain 0043 56 darr 19 0

BLVRB_MOUSE Flavin reductase 00054 204 uarr 0 12

CATS_MOUSE Cathepsin S 00032 232 uarr 0 73

GFAP_MOUSE Glial fibrillary acidic protein 0021 107 uarr 0 21

RET4_MOUSE Retinol-binding protein 4 0040 189 darr 13 0

CBPE_MOUSE Carboxypeptidase E 0043 139 darr 11 0

CATL1_MOUSE Cathepsin L1 0015 87 94 02 19

The statistics are performed using the t-test from the ln(dNSAF) Gaussian data

a P p-value of the t-test where the null hypothesis states that there was no change in expression between

control and transgenic GFAP overexpressor b SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from

sequenced tryptic peptides c Fold Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF

negative values are fold changes for control CSF (ie down-regulated in transgenic CSF) uarr indicates the protein

was only detected in transgenic CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF d dSpC

distributive spectral counts which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass

spectrometer and corrected using distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 2 Proteins showing greater than three-fold changes with at least two unique

peptides identified for each protein

Accession Protein SC ()a Fold

Change b


dSpC c


dSpC c

MUG1_MOUSE Murinoglobulin-1 precursor 147 42 155 37

CO4B_MOUSE Complement C4-B 113 54 22 118

PRDX6_MOUSE Peroxiredoxin-6 576 46 14 64

CNTN1_MOUSE Contactin-1 65 darr 41 0

CATB_MOUSE Cathepsin B 263 42 23 97

CAH3_MOUSE Carbonic anhydrase 3 396 76 11 84

APOH_MOUSE Beta-2-glycoprotein 1 128 44 44 1

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

PGK1_MOUSE Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 355 36 17 61

NDKB_MOUSE Nucleoside diphosphate kinase B 408 34 13 44


Four and a half LIM domains

protein 1 243 39 13 51


Protein kinase C-binding protein

NELL2 45 -43 13 03


Malate dehydrogenase

mitochondrial 385 41 12 49

CSF1R_MOUSE Macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

80 44 14 62

a SC percentage of sequence coverage of the listed protein from sequenced tryptic peptides b Fold

Change positive values are indicative of a fold change for transgenic CSF negative values are fold changes for

control CSF and darr indicates the protein was only detected in control CSF c dSpC distributive spectral counts

which represent the average spectral counts observed per run analysis on the mass spectrometer and corrected using

distributive analysis for peptides shared by more than one protein


Table 3 Validation of changes in proteins revealed by MS-based spectral counting

consistent with previously published microarray data

Consistent changes in RNA and proteomic data

uarr regulated in transgenic darr regulated in transgenic

Cathepsin S Contactin-1

Cathepsin B Carboxypeptidase E

Cathepsin L1


Complement C4-B

Glial fibrillary acidic protein

Serine protease inhibitor A3N

Note Validation of putative biomarkers from the current proteomics dataset by previously

published RNA microarray data55

Both up and down regulated proteins were consistent with the

RNA microarray data




SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Available upon request)

Table S1 Compilation list of proteins identified from all the control and transgenic biological


Table S2 Distributive spectral counting calculations performed for proteins observed to share

identified peptides

Table S3 Proteins with dNSAF spectral counting performed including t-test analysis for a

comparison between transgenic and control CSF



Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection sample

processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of mouse CSF samples

Figure 2 Assessment of run to run variability of the base peak chromatograms within and

between two biological and technical replicates The peak profile and intensity scale is

consistent between the four chromatograms The four panels show two biological replicates (Tg

4 and Tg5) with two technical replicates for each biological sample

Figure 3 A Venn-diagram of the biological triplicates (1 2 and 3) of transgenic mouse

CSF showing 78 proteins identified in all three experiments B Venn-diagram of the biological

triplicates (1 2 and 3) of control mouse CSF having 61 proteins identified by all three

replicates C The overlap between control and transgenic CSF proteomic analysis showing 139

proteins identified by both groups and 73 and 54 uniquely identified by respective groups

Figure 4 Assessment of technical replicate variability between biological replicates The error

bars in both A and B are the standard deviation derived from the technical triplicates for each

biological replicate Panel A shows creatine kinase M having more or equal variability in the

biological triplicates than each technical triplicate The means of the biological triplicates are

illustrated by the dashed line Panel B represents kininogen-1 which is unchanged between

control (Ctl) and transgenic (Tg) samples The biological variability coupled with the technical

replicates provides a barely noticeable difference in the pooled mean between control and


transgenic spectral counts The difference in means is contrasted with the three fold change

observed from creatine kinase M (A)

Figure 5 MSMS profile of the tryptic peptide LSVEALNSLTGEFK from creatine kinase M

(A) The top MSMS is from a control sample with an elution at 463 minutes (B) The bottom

MSMS is from the GFAP transgenic sample with an elution at 46 minutes These tandem MS

spectra show instrument reliability and consistent fragmentation patterns which are necessary for

spectral counting analysis

Figure 6 Validation of MS spectral counts using a GFAP ELISA GFAP content (ngL)

measured within mouse CSF from both transgenic and control animals The data represents the

average with standard deviation (n=5 each sample represents pooling of 1 to 8 animals) The

statistics are performed using a student t-test plt00001


Figure 1


Figure 2




Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 6

Ctl Tg





Mouse CSF Sample







Table of Contents Summary

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was obtained from transgenic mouse models of Alexander disease as

well as healthy controls We immunodepleted pooled CSF from mice by a modified IgY-14

protocol Shotgun proteomics utilizing trypsin digestion 1-D nanoRP separation CID tandem

mass spectrometry analysis Mascot database searching and relative quantitation via distributive

normalized spectral abundance factor resulted in the identification of 266 proteins and 27

putative biomarkers


Chapter 4

Genomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapie

Adapted from ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A

Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



A novel model of prion disease using rats called Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) was

developed with the genomics from brain and proteomics from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profiled

The CSF proteome from control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were

digested and separated using one dimensional reversed-phase nanoLC coupled to data-

dependent tandem MS acquisition on an ion trap mass spectrometer In total 512 proteins 167

non-redundant protein groups and 1032 unique peptides were identified with a 1 false

discovery rate (FDR) Of the proteins identified 21 were statistically up-regulated (plt005) and

7 statistically down-regulated in the RAS CSF We also identified 1048 genes which were

differentially regulated in rat prion disease and upon mapping these changes to mouse gene

expression however only 22 of these genes were in common with mRNAs responding to

prion infection in mice suggesting that the molecular pathology observed in mice may not be

applicable to other species The proteins are compared to the differentially regulated genes as

well as to previously published proteins showing changes consistent with other prion animal




Prion diseases are an unusual class of fatal transmissible neurodegenerative disorders

that affect the mammalian central nervous system They are caused by the accumulation of an

abnormal conformation of the normal host encoded cellular prion protein PrPC This

conformational rearrangement of PrPC is brought about by template directed misfolding wherein

seed molecules of the abnormal isoform PrPScrapie


convert PrPC into new PrP

Sc molecules

Scrapie in sheep and goats is the prototypic prion disease and is so named because clinically

affected animals scrape their wool off on pen and stall walls Laboratory investigation of prion

diseases typically relies upon rodents which can be infected with natural isolates of scrapie1

albeit with some difficulty as ovid scrapie isolates need time to adapt to rodents This adaptation

is characteristic of prion disease interspecies transmissions and properly reflects the molecular

adaptation that must occur to allow interaction between exogenous foreign PrPSc

and host PrPC

molecules selecting for conformers which exhibit template directed misfolding In some cases

no conformational solution is found reflecting a species barrier to disease transmission

In recent years advances in genomics and proteomics technologies have allowed

unprecedented examination of the biomolecules that are altered upon exposure to prion agents

These studies2 3

have relied upon analysis of gene and protein expression changes in response to

prion infection with the aim of trying to identify pathways that might underlie the mechanism of

prion-induced neurotoxicity A second important aim has been to identify signature molecules

that might act as surrogate biomarkers for these diseases as there are significant analytical

challenges associated with sensitively detecting and specifically distinguishing disease-induced

conformational changes (PrPSc

) of the prion protein from normal host conformations (PrPC)


Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics has become a promising tool for biomarker

discovery from biological fluids such as CSF blood and urine4-6

Two-dimensional gel

electrophoresis MS (2D-GE MS) and two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE

MS) are the most widely used methods for proteomic profiling of prion infected CSF so far due

to the advantage of ready separation and quantification of proteins in complex biological samples

Studies using 2D-GE MS or 2D-DIGE MS to profile proteins in CSF have led to the

identifications of currently accepted biomarker for sCJD 14-3-3 protein and other potential

biomarkers for prion diseases7-9

However the application of this method in biomarker

discovery is limited by insufficient sensitivity and potential bias against certain classes of

proteins as gel-based separation does not work well for the low abundance proteins very basic

or acidic proteins very small or large proteins and hydrophobic proteins 10 11

In contrast to 2D-

GE or 2D-DIGE shotgun proteomics employs enzymatic digestion of the protein samples

followed by chromatographic separation prior to introduction into a mass spectrometer for

tandem MS analyses Shotgun proteomics has become increasingly popular in proteomic

research because these methods are reproducible highly automated and have a greater

likelihood of detecting low abundance proteins12 13

Due to the sample complexity in CSF and

because albumin comprises over half of the protein content in CSF removal of high-abundance

proteins including albumin is necessary to improve proteomic coverage and identify low-

abundance proteins One method is IgY immunodepletion14 15

which is performed prior to LC-

MSMS and uses species specific antibodies from chicken yolk to remove abundant proteins in

biological samples such as CSF In the present work CSF from control and rat adapted scrapie

animal models (biological N=5 technical N=3 replicates) were analyzed by LC-MSMS and we


indentified 512 proteins and 167 non-redundant protein isoforms (referred to as protein groups)

with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (p lt 005) and 7 statistically down-regulated

By and large this work has been performed using laboratory mice for the gene

expression studies and human cerebrospinal fluid for proteomics mice do not provide sufficient

volumes of CSF for proteomic studies Both approaches are exceedingly valuable as the mouse

model allows cross-sectional time course experiments to be performed including the important

pre-clinical phase of disease Critically however the relevance and generalizability of mouse

prion responses to other prion diseases especially human disease is unknown Human proteomic

studies on CSF guarantee relevant protein identifications but are limited to the clinical phase of

the disease when apparent markers may reflect gross neurodegeneration covering up subtle but

more specific responses To address these issues we have adapted mouse RML prions into rats

with the aim of expanding the knowledge of prion disease responses addressing the limitations

of mice and opening up the possibility of preclinical proteomic profiling in a laboratory rodent

In the present work CSF samples from control and rat adapted scrapie were analyzed by system

biology approaches Here we show that Rat Adapted Scrapie (RAS) is a powerful tool for an -

omics based approach to decipher the molecular impact of prion disease in vivo with

applicability to the molecular mechanisms of disease and biomarker discovery We identified

1048 genes which were differentially regulated in rat prion disease Astonishingly on the whole

mouse orthologs of these genes did not change in mouse adapted scrapie and vice versa

questioning the universality of previous mouse gene expression profiles These RAS gene

expression changes were identified in the CSF proteome where we detected 512 proteins and 167

protein groups with 21 proteins being statistically up-regulated (plt005) and 7 statistically down-


regulated in the CSF of prion diseased rats Many of the proteins detected have previously been

observed in human CSF from CJD patients

Materials and Methods

Ethics Statement

This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations in the NIH Guide for Care

and Use of Laboratory Animals and the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care The

protocols used were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at the

University of Wisconsin and University of Alberta


Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) and ammonium bicarbonate (certified) were purchased from

Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile and water were purchased

from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris

ge999 ) ammonium formate (ge99995) glycine (ge985) and IgY-7 antibodies were

purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Rat Transmission and Adaptation

Prion agents used were the rocky mountain lab RML strain of mouse adapted scrapie

Stetsonville transmissible mink encephalopathy16

(TME) Hyper (Hy) strain of Hamster TME 17

1st passage Skunk adapted TME prepared as described and C from genetically defined



Brains from animals clinically affected with prion disease were aseptically removed and

prepared as 10 wv homogenates in sterile water 50 microL of 10 brain homogenate was

inoculated into weanling wistar rats intracranially After one year of incubation preclinical rats

from RML infections were euthanized by CO2 inhalation and the brain excised homogenized

and re-inoculated into naive animals Subsequent serial passages were from rats clinically

affected with rat adapted scrapie

Brains from rat passages were aseptically removed and bisected sagittally Brain halves

were reserved for immunohistochemistry (IHC) in formalin or frozen for immunoblotting RNA

isolation or subsequent passage For IHC tissues were first fixed in 10 buffered formalin

followed by antigen retrieval at 121 oC 21 bar in 10mM citrate buffer for 2 min After cooling

to room temperature sections were treated with 88 formic acid for 30 min and 4M guanidine

thiocyanate for 2 h Endogenous peroxidases were inactivated by 003 hydrogen peroxide and

tissue was blocked with 1 normal mouse serum Mouse anti-PrP mAB SAF83 (Cayman

Chemical) was biotinylated and applied at a 1250 dilution in blocking buffer overnight at 4 oC

Washes were performed in 10mM PBS with 005 tween-20 Streptavidin-peroxidase

(Invitrogen) was added for Diaminobenzidine (DAB) color reaction Anti-GFAP

immunohistochemistry was performed as above except that formic acid and guanidine treatment

steps were excluded Mouse anti-GFAP mab G-A-5 (Sigma) was used at a 1400 dilution

Brain samples for immunoblot were treated with or without Proteinase K (Roche) at a

ratio of 35 microg PK 100 ug protein at 50 microg mL for 30 minutes at 37 oC Phosphotungstenic acid

enrichments were performed as described14 19

Bis-Tris SDS-PAGE was performed on 12

polyacrylamide gels (Invitrogen) and transferred to PVDF Immunoblotting was performed using


mABs SAF83 (Cayman Chemical) 6H4 (Prionics) or 3F10 (a kind gift from Yong-Sun Kim) all

at a 120000 dilution

Gene Expression Profiling

RNA was extracted from frozen brain halves from clinically affected and control animals with

the QIAshredder and RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen Valencia CA) in accordance with the

manufacturerrsquos recommendations Due to the relatively large mass of rat brain an initial

homogenization was performed with a needle and syringe in 5mL of buffer RLT before further

diluting an aliquot in accordance with the manufacturers protocol Total RNA was amplified and

labeled in preparation for chemical fragmentation and hybridization with the MessageAmp

Premier RNA amplification and labeling kit (Life Technologies Grand Island NY) Amplified

and labeled cRNAs were hybridized on Affymetrix (Santa Clara CA) rat genome 230 20 high

density oligonucleotide arrays in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations

Differentially Expressed Genes were identified using Arraystar 50 (DNAStar Madison WI)

Robust multi-array normalization using the quantile approach was used to normalize all

microarray data A moderated T-test with a multiple comparison adjustment20

was used to reduce

the false discovery rate yet preserve a meaningful number of genes for pathway analysis

Pathway analysis was performed using the DAVID Bioinformatics database21


analysis of genes induced by prions in mouse22

and rat disease was performed on genes

exhibiting at least a 2-fold change in expression Orthologs of rat and mouse genes were

identified using ENSEMBLE biomart release 6823

CSF Proteomic Profiling


CSF was collected from rats anaesthetized with isoflorane via puncture of the cisterna

magna A volume of 100-200 microL was routinely obtained CSF was touch spun for 30s at 2000xg

on a benchtop nano centrifuge to identify any blood contamination by the presence of a red

pellet CSF with blood contamination was not used for proteomic analysis CSF was prepared

for profiling by first depleting abundant proteins with an antibody based immunopartitioning

column IgY-R7 (Sigma-Aldrich Saint Louis MO) The manufacturers recommendations were

followed with a few deviations 40 microg of protein (~100 microL CSF) was bound to 100 microL of IgY

bead slurry in total volume of 600 microL formulated in 150mM ammonium bicarbonate The flow

through was collected and denatured by the addition of 10 microL of 8 M guanidine thiocyanate and

lyophilized in a speed-vac apparatus The sample was then reconstituted in 10 microL of water and 1

microL of 050 M DTT were added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 30 minutes After incubation

27 microL of 055 M IAA was added for carboxymethylation and the sample was allowed to

incubate in the dark for 15 minutes After that 1 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to

sit at room temperature for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 70 microL of 50 mM

NH4HCO3 was then added along with 025 microg trypsin Digestion was performed overnight at

37oC and quenched by addition of 5 microL of 10 formic acid The tryptic peptides were then

subjected to solid phase extraction using an Agilent OMIX Tip C18 100 microL (Santa Clara CA)

Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in 01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 30

microL H2O with 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of a nanoAcquity (Milford MA) with a 10 microL injection

loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B consisted of

ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL of prepared CSF tryptic peptides onto a Waters 5 microm


Symmetry C18 180 microm x 20 mm trap cartridge (Milford MA) at a flow rate of 75 microLmin for 5

minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 17 microm BEH130 C18 75 microm x

100 mm (Milford MA) with a gradient of 5 to 15 B over 10 minutes followed by 15 to

40 B over 80 minutes at room temperature

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with a Bruker CaptiveSpray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Waters Acquity console software to perform MS acquisitions for all experiments Smart

parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap drive level was set at

100 Optimization of the CaptiveSpray source resulted in dry gas temperature of 160oC dry

gas flow of 30 Lmin capillary voltage of -1325 V end plate offset of -500 V MSMS

fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms one spectral average rolling average 2 acquisition

range of 350-1500 mz and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1


generation the ICC target was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two

spectral averages acquisition range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis


MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required for spectral counting to prevent

loss of spectra Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot24

(Version 24 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against a forward and reversed

concatenated SwissProt Rattus rattus Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed

missed cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum number of 13


tolerance plusmn05 Da instrument type ESI-Trap Data was then transformed into Dat file formats

and transferred to ProteoIQ (NuSep Bogart GA) False positive analyses were calculated using

ProteoIQ and set at 1


Development of Rat Adapted Scrapie

To develop a rat adapted strain of prion disease we introduced 6 different prion agents RML

TME Hy Skunk Adapted TME and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) from wild type 96G and

96S deer16-18

into 6 rats (Fig 1) Of these primary transmissions only RML induced the

accumulation of Proteinase K resistant PrP after one year of incubation as determined by western

blotting on 10 brain homogenates and PrPSc

enriched phoshotungstenic acid precipitated brain

homogenates Second passage of rat adapted RML scrapie resulted in clinically affected rats at

565 days post inoculation Serial passages of TME or CWD agents were not performed Clinical

symptoms consisted of ataxia lethargy wasting kyphosis and myoclonus Prion affected rats


also showed low level porphyrin staining around their head Subsequent serial passage decreased

incubation time to 215 days

Proteinase K resistant prion protein was observed from all clinically affected animals both by

immunoblot (Fig 2) and by immunohistochemistry (Fig 3) Di- and mono-glycosylated bands

were the most abundant isoforms of PrPSc


was extensively deposited in the cerebral cortex

hippocampus thalamus inferior colliculus and granular layer of the cerebellum GFAP

expressing activated astrocytes were found throughout the brain particularly in the white matter

of the hippocampus thalamus and cerebellum Spongiform change was a dominant feature of

clinical rat

Gene expression Profiling

In total 1048 genes were differentially regulated within a 95 confidence interval

(Supplementary Table 1) and 305 genes were differentially expressed by greater than 2-fold (Fig

4) The 1048 genes that were statistically significant were used for pathway analysis using

DAVID Pathway analysis suggested that the gene expression profile was consistent with

immune activation and maturation as well as inflammation (Supplementary Table 2) a likely

interpretation given the observable astrocytosis (Fig 3) and gliosis associated with prion disease

Other pathways highlighted by the analysis included increases in transcription of genes involved

in lysosomes and endosomes

To further probe the gene expression data we compared genes which were differentially

expressed in rat adapted scrapie against their orthologs expression in mouse scrapie and vice

versa (Figs 5 and 6) We did not observe a high degree of correlation between expression fold

changes For example GFAP a gene whose up-regulation in prion disease is well known was


increased 25 fold in rat adapted scrapie but up-regulated 93 fold in mouse scrapie A

qualitative analysis of expression of orthologs in prion disease suggests that many genes

deregulated at least 2-fold in mouse or rat do not have orthologs that are differentially expressed

For example the gene RNAseT2 was up-regulated greater than threefold in rat adapted scrapie

but was not significantly up-regulated in mouse Similarly three genes important in metals

homeostatsis metallothionein 1a and 2a and ceruloplasmin were up-regulated in rat 46 43 and

3 fold respectively but were not differentially expressed in mouse prion disease

CSF Proteomics

Each immunodepleted biological replicate (N=5 for each control and RAS) had technical

triplicates performed The triplicates were summed together using ProteoIQ Peptide spectral

counts were then summed for each protein and subjected to dNSAF analysis using ProteoIQ

internal algorithms Details for this method can be found elsewhere25 26

but briefly peptide

spectral counts are summed per protein (SpC) based on unique peptides and a weighted

distribution of any shared peptides with homologous proteins T-tests were used to identify

significant changes in protein expression 1032 unique peptides which identify 512 proteins and

167 protein groups were found Of these 512 proteins 437 were identified in both RAS and

control CSF samples (Fig 7) The complete list of all 512 proteins can be viewed in

Supplemental Table 3 Using the ProteoIQ the most likely isoform was selected such as 14-3-3

protein gamma

From Table 1 we observe five proteins that agree with the genomic data for up

regulations in RAS granulin macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor cathepsin D

complement factor H and ribonuclease T2 In addition serine protease inhibitor A3N was not


detected as up regulated in the RAS genomic data but was found to be up-regulated in previous

genomic profiling of the mouse prion model22

One interesting trend from the data in Table 1 is

that the majority of proteins found to be up-regulated in the RAS model were not detected in the

control samples The absence of the detection of those proteins such as ribonuclease T2 in the

control CSF does not necessarily suggest the absence of the protein nonetheless it is below the

detection limits for this current proteomics protocol and instrumentation


Mice have been the preferred laboratory rodent for prion diseases research because they

can be inexpensively housed and are amenable to transgenesis which allows for short incubation

periods as well as hypothesis testing upon targeted pathways Pursuant to the determination of

the mouse genome and the development of high density transcriptional arrays for measurements

of gene expression profiling mice have been used extensively to examine the molecular

pathology of prion disease probing the impact of disease and animal strain In order to expand

upon this foundation we adapted mouse prions to infect rats We reasoned that by taking a

comparative approach to the molecular pathology of prion disease inferences could be obtained

into the variability of the molecular response to prion diseases and that understanding this

variability might suggest whether human prion disease responses are more or less similar to

mouse responses A second rationale is the desire to identify surrogate markers of prion disease

While this approach has been taken before using gene expression profiling a more direct

approach has been to use proteomic approaches on cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) identifying

proteins that are increase in abundance with disease A rat prion disease is valuable for this

because the rat proteome is established and rats allow for the collection of relatively large

volumes of CSF (~100 microL per animal) which allows for robust analytical separations enhancing


detection of biomarkers Finally rats unlike humans can be used in a time course study of prion

disease This allows for the identification of early transcriptional and proteomic responses to

prion infection responses which are particularly valuable for the identification of surrogate

disease biomarkers

To initiate the development of a rat prion disease we attempted to adapt six different

prion disease agents PrPres

molecules to rat via intracranial inoculation of weanling animals

(Figure 1) Of these six agents only mouse RML prions were able to surmount the species

barrier to prion disease transmission Mouse PrP differs from rat by eight amino acid changes

six in the mature protein and four in the N-terminal octa-peptide repeat region (Supplementary

Fig 1) As rat shares the most prion protein sequence homology with mouse it is perhaps not

surprising that it transmitted whereas the other did not confirming that the primary prion protein

sequence is the most important determinant for interspecies transmission We conclude that there

is a large molecular species barrier preventing conversion of rat PrPc into PrP


The transmission of mouse RML into rats was characterized by a shortening of the

incubation period following each passage This is indicative of agent adaption to the new host

and increases in the titer present in end-stage brain Overall our adaptation of mouse prion

disease into rats resulted in a similar agent to that observed by Kimberlin27

The differences in

incubation period at second passage are largely due to our collecting the animals at 365 days post

inoculation upon first passage whereas Kimberlin and Walker allowed the first passage animals

to reach end-stage clinical rats

Rat adapted scrapie is in many ways similar to other prion diseases The clinical period of

disease is marked by a progressive neurological dysfunction with prominent ataxia kyphosis and


wasting The protease resistant PrP observed is typical as is the widespread deposition of PrPSc


the brain Spongiosis and reactive astrogliosis are as expected of a prion disease

Gene expression profiles from rats clinically affected with prion disease revealed a strong

neuronal inflammation associated with proliferated and activated astrocytes This is perhaps best

observed through the up-regulation of GFAP GFAP positive astrocytes were omnipresent

throughout the brain and GFAP mRNA was up-regulated 25 fold The up-regulation of GFAP is

a hallmark of the molecular response to prion infection and has been routinely observed Our

comparative analysis of gene expression changes in mouse RML versus rat adapted scrapie

suggest substantial differences in gene expression in response to prion disease despite the fact

that the overall response is neuro-inflammatory This suggests that the potential overlap between

mouse expression profiles and a putative human CJD expression profile could be quite different

at the level of individual transcripts that might be expected to be changed

CSF Proteomics

CSF proteomics can be exceedingly challenging due to the small sample available large

dynamic range in proteins and abundant proteins limiting sample loading onto nanoscale

columns Dynamic range reduction in the CSF sample was achieved using a custom amount of

IgY-7 antibodies to abundant proteins such as albumin After immunodepletion the total

protein content was reduced by ~90 limiting the proteomics analysis to one dimensional

separation Label free quantitation spectral counting was performed because it requires less

protein and does not increase sample complexity The proteins identified from the affected and

control N=5 are shown in Supplemental Table 2 Consistent detection of proteins in CSF from

both control and infected rats was observed (Fig 7C) Only two proteins were identified in


controls that were not observed in RAS and only 10 proteins were only observed in RAS Some

of these proteins that were only identified in RAS are significantly changed (Supplemental Table

3) One concern in proteomics data is the variability from run to run and the possibility that

certain proteins are identified from different unique peptides Figure 7A shows that the vast

majority of the unique peptides detected (783) were identified with a 1 FDR in both RAS and

control CSF samples highlighting the analytical reproducibility of our methodology

Proteomic analysis of the infected rat CSF provides a reasonable approach to cross

validate biomarkers detected by gene expression profiling For example RNAseT2 a secreted

ribonuclease was up-regulated 3-fold at the mRNA level and was also enriched in CSF from

infected rats (Table 1) Similarly coordinated increases in detection of colony stimulating factor

1 receptor complement factor H granulin and cathepsin D were also observed Conversely

proteomic analysis of CSF also allows for the observation of post-transcriptional responses to

prion disease that might be absent in gene expression profiling The 14-3-3 proteins and neuron

specific enolase both known markers for CJD are only detected by proteomic analysis Thus

gene expression profiling and proteomic detection serve to increase confidence in the

observation of up-regulation enhancing the likelihood that proteins detected by both

methodologies are specific and perhaps may be more sensitive at earlier time points

Comparison to human CSF prion disease proteome

In our comparative analysis 21 proteins were found to be up-regulated while 7 proteins

down-regulated in prion infected rats Included in the up-regulated proteins were the 14-3-3

proteins epsilon and gamma 14-3-3 zetadelta was also up-regulated but not statistically

significant Enolase 2 or neuron specific enolase (NSE) was also up-regulated in CSF of infected


rats These proteins are all in agreement with results from previous proteomic profiling of human

CSF from patients with CJD8 9

The detection of 14-3-3 protein is included in the diagnostic

criteria approved by World Health Organization for the pre-mortem diagnosis of clinically

suspected cases of sCJD28

although its application in large-scale screening of CJD is still

debated due to high false positive rate where elevated 14-3-3 protein levels were also reported in

other conditions associated with acute neuronal damage29 30

It was suggested that other brain-

derived proteins that are also specific to CJD can be used in conjunction with 14-3-3 protein to

increase diagnosis accuracy and specificity31

NSE is present in high concentration in neurons

and in central and peripheral neuroendocrine cells NSE serves as another valuable biomarker in

diagnosis of CJD as the elevated level of NSE in CSF was found in early and middle stages of

CJD 32

Other proteins detected in CSF included cystatin C and serpina3N although both of

these were not statistically changed These proteins were both previously identified as being

putative biomarkers for CJD33 34

Utility for biomarker discovery with emphasis on onset of biomarker appearance in CSF

The investigation of the protein changes in CSF from RAS compared to control rats

provides a solid foundation when investigating potential biomarkers with prion disease onset

The cross-validation of the genomic and proteomics data further emphasizes the targets for

consideration during disease onset Biomarker discovery provides the potential to determine if

animals such as cows in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are affected instead of

having to be euthanized when BSE is expected In addition CSF collection in mice or hamsters

Prion models is extremely difficult and limited alternatively with the advent of the RAS model

CSF can be collected in sufficient amounts for CSF proteomics CSF collection for mice or

hamsters can be ~10 microL and could be contaminated with blood further complicating proteomic


analysis unlike rats which over 10 times more CSF can be collected per animal35

Due to the

amount of CSF available time course studies analyzing CSF proteomics is possible in RAS due

to animal numbers that are manageable and reasonable The RAS model further allows

investigators to bypass working with highly infections CJD CSF samples to investigate the CSF

proteome changes


In this study we have described the gene and protein expression changes in brain and

spinal fluid from a transmission of mouse prions into rats We find that while the overall gene

expression profile in rats is similar to that in mice the specific genes that make up that profile

are different suggesting that genes that change in response to prion disease in different species

may not be as conserved Analysis of CSF from rat adapted scrapie identified similar protein

changes as known in human CJD The rat will be a useful model to identify surrogate markers

that appear prior to the onset of clinical disease and thus may be of higher specificity and


Supplemental Information Available Upon Request

1 Chandler R L Encephalopathy in mice produced by inoculation with scrapie brain material Lancet 1961 1 (7191) 1378-9 2 Silva C J Onisko B C Dynin I Erickson M L Requena J R Carter J M Utility of Mass Spectrometry in the Diagnosis of Prion Diseases Anal Chem 2011 3 Wei X Herbst A Ma D Aiken J Li L A quantitative proteomic approach to prion disease biomarker research delving into the glycoproteome J Proteome Res 2011 10 (6) 2687-702 4 Zougman A Pilch B Podtelejnikov A Kiehntopf M Schnabel C Kumar C Mann M Integrated analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid peptidome and proteome J Proteome Res 2008 7 (1) 386-99 5 Sjodin M O Bergquist J Wetterhall M Mining ventricular cerebrospinal fluid from patients with traumatic brain injury using hexapeptide ligand libraries to search for trauma biomarkers J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2003 878 (22) 2003-12 6 Cunningham R Ma D Li L Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker discovery Frontiers in Biology 2012 7 (4) 313-335


7 Brechlin P Jahn O Steinacker P Cepek L Kratzin H Lehnert S Jesse S Mollenhauer B Kretzschmar H A Wiltfang J Otto M Cerebrospinal fluid-optimized two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) facilitates the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2008 8 (20) 4357-66 8 Harrington M G Merril C R Asher D M Gajdusek D C Abnormal proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease N Engl J Med 1986 315 (5) 279-83 9 Piubelli C Fiorini M Zanusso G Milli A Fasoli E Monaco S Righetti P G Searching for markers of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in cerebrospinal fluid by two-dimensional mapping Proteomics 2006 6 Suppl 1 S256-61 10 Lilley K S Razzaq A Dupree P Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis recent advances in sample preparation detection and quantitation Curr Opin Chem Biol 2002 6 (1) 46-50 11 Oh-Ishi M Maeda T Separation techniques for high-molecular-mass proteins J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2002 771 (1-2) 49-66 12 Metz T O Qian W J Jacobs J M Gritsenko M A Moore R J Polpitiya A D Monroe M E Camp D G 2nd Mueller P W Smith R D Application of proteomics in the discovery of candidate protein biomarkers in a diabetes autoantibody standardization program sample subset J Proteome Res 2008 7 (2) 698-707 13 Aebersold R Mann M Mass spectrometry-based proteomics Nature 2003 422 (6928) 198-207 14 Huang L Harvie G Feitelson J S Gramatikoff K Herold D A Allen D L Amunngama R Hagler R A Pisano M R Zhang W W Fang X Immunoaffinity separation of plasma proteins by IgY microbeads meeting the needs of proteomic sample preparation and analysis Proteomics 2005 5 (13) 3314-28 15 Rajic A Stehmann C Autelitano D J Vrkic A K Hosking C G Rice G E Ilag L L Protein depletion using IgY from chickens immunised with human protein cocktails Prep Biochem Biotechnol 2009 39 (3) 221-47 16 Marsh R F Bessen R A Lehmann S Hartsough G R Epidemiological and experimental studies on a new incident of transmissible mink encephalopathy J Gen Virol 1991 72 ( Pt 3) 589-94 17 Bessen R A Marsh R F Biochemical and physical properties of the prion protein from two strains of the transmissible mink encephalopathy agent J Virol 1992 66 (4) 2096-101 18 Johnson C J Herbst A Duque-Velasquez C Vanderloo J P Bochsler P Chappell R McKenzie D Prion protein polymorphisms affect chronic wasting disease progression PLoS One 2011 6 (3) e17450 19 Safar J Wille H Itri V Groth D Serban H Torchia M Cohen F E Prusiner S B Eight prion strains have PrP(Sc) molecules with different conformations Nat Med 1998 4 (10) 1157-65 20 Benjamini Y Hochberg Y Controlling the False Discovery Rate A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Methodological) 1995 57 (1) 289-300 21 Huang da W Sherman B T Lempicki R A Systematic and integrative analysis of large gene lists using DAVID bioinformatics resources Nat Protoc 2009 4 (1) 44-57 22 Moody L R Herbst A J Aiken J M Upregulation of interferon-gamma-induced genes during prion infection J Toxicol Environ Health A 2009 74 (2-4) 146-53 23 Flicek P Amode M R Barrell D Beal K Brent S Carvalho-Silva D Clapham P Coates G Fairley S Fitzgerald S Gil L Gordon L Hendrix M Hourlier T Johnson N Kahari A K Keefe D Keenan S Kinsella R Komorowska M Koscielny G Kulesha E Larsson P Longden I McLaren W Muffato M Overduin B Pignatelli M Pritchard B Riat H S Ritchie G R Ruffier M Schuster M Sobral D Tang Y A Taylor K Trevanion S Vandrovcova J White S Wilson M Wilder S P Aken B L Birney E Cunningham F Dunham I Durbin R Fernandez-Suarez X M Harrow J Herrero J


Hubbard T J Parker A Proctor G Spudich G Vogel J Yates A Zadissa A Searle S M Ensembl 2012 Nucleic Acids Res 2012 40 (Database issue) D84-90 24 Perkins D N Pappin D J Creasy D M Cottrell J S Probability-based protein identification by searching sequence databases using mass spectrometry data Electrophoresis 1999 20 (18) 3551-67 25 Zybailov B Mosley A L Sardiu M E Coleman M K Florens L Washburn M P Statistical analysis of membrane proteome expression changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J Proteome Res 2006 5 (9) 2339-47 26 Zhang Y Wen Z Washburn M P Florens L Refinements to label free proteome quantitation how to deal with peptides shared by multiple proteins Anal Chem 2010 82 (6) 2272-81 27 Kimberlin R H Cole S Walker C A Temporary and permanent modifications to a single strain of mouse scrapie on transmission to rats and hamsters J Gen Virol 1987 68 ( Pt 7) 1875-81 28 World Health Organization Global surveillance diagnosis and therapy of human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies report from a WHO consultation 1998 World Health Organization Geneva Switzerland 9-11 February 1998 1-26 29 Bartosik-Psujek H Archelos J J Tau protein and 14-3-3 are elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis and correlate with intrathecal synthesis of IgG J Neurol 2004 251 (4) 414-20 30 Saiz A Graus F Dalmau J Pifarre A Marin C Tolosa E Detection of 14-3-3 brain protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with paraneoplastic neurological disorders Ann Neurol 1999 46 (5) 774-7 31 Sanchez-Juan P Green A Ladogana A Cuadrado-Corrales N Saanchez-Valle R Mitrovaa E Stoeck K Sklaviadis T Kulczycki J Hess K Bodemer M Slivarichova D Saiz A Calero M Ingrosso L Knight R Janssens A C van Duijn C M Zerr I CSF tests in the differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Neurology 2006 67 (4) 637-43 32 Zerr I Bodemer M Racker S Grosche S Poser S Kretzschmar H A Weber T Cerebrospinal fluid concentration of neuron-specific enolase in diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Lancet 1995 345 (8965) 1609-10 33 Sanchez J C Guillaume E Lescuyer P Allard L Carrette O Scherl A Burgess J Corthals G L Burkhard P R Hochstrasser D F Cystatin C as a potential cerebrospinal fluid marker for the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Proteomics 2004 4 (8) 2229-33 34 Miele G Seeger H Marino D Eberhard R Heikenwalder M Stoeck K Basagni M Knight R Green A Chianini F Wuthrich R P Hock C Zerr I Aguzzi A Urinary alpha1-antichymotrypsin a biomarker of prion infection PLoS One 2008 3 (12) e3870 35 DeMattos R B Bales K R Parsadanian M ODell M A Foss E M Paul S M Holtzman D M Plaque-associated disruption of CSF and plasma amyloid-beta (Abeta) equilibrium in a mouse model of Alzheimers disease J Neurochem 2002 81 (2) 229-36


Figure 1 Interspecies transmission of prion disease to rats End-stage clinical brain homogenates

were used to passage prion disease After one year of incubation animals were euthanized to

determine the extent of PrPres

accumulation Protease resistance PrP was only observed in those

animals infected with RML scrapie prions This material was serially passaged for two more

incubations before becoming rat-adapted as indicated by the shortening of the incubation period


Table 1 A list of selected proteins and mRNAs up-regulated in RAS CSF and brain tissue If

the protein is detected in the RAS CSF but not the control CSF the CSF expression is reported

with a infin If there is no change or data on certain genes related to an up regulated protein nd is

noted The mouse genomic data presented here was previously published22

Gene Protein Symbol Accession CSF






14-3-3 protein zetadelta Ywhaz NP_037143 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein epsilon Ywhae NP_113791 infin nd nd

14-3-3 protein gamma Ywhag NP_062249 infin nd nd

serine protease inhibitor A3N Serpin A3N NP_113719 54 nd 975

enolase 2 (gamma neuronal) Eno2 NP_647541 infin nd nd

granulin GRN NP_058809 62 364 184

macrophage colony-stimulating

factor 1 receptor

Csf1r NP_001025072 infin 293 205

cathepsin D CTSD NP_599161 infin 255 299

complement factor H Cfh NP_569093 376 234 nd

ribonuclease T2 RNAset2 NP_001099680 infin 302 nd


Figure 2 Accumulation of PrPSc

in rat adapted scrapie First second and third passage brain

homogenates were assayed for the presence of protease resistant PrP by immunoblot PrPSc


observed following phosphotungstenic acid enrichment at first passage By clinical disease in 2nd

and 3rd

passage rats PrPSc

had substantially accumulated


Figure 3 Histological appearance of rat adapted scrapie in the hippocampus at clinical disease

Infected animals showed intense immuno-staining for deposits of PrPSc

and GFAP expressing

astrocytes Spongiform change is an abundant feature in rat adapted scrapie


Figure 4 Scatter plot of gene expression profiling of rat adapted scrapie The expression of

individual genes from uninfected and infected animals were plotted to display up and down

regulation The dashed green line is no change Solid green lines are 2-fold changes in gene



Figure 5 Quantitative relationship between orthologous pairs of two-fold up-regulated genes in

mouse and rat scrapie Genes up-regulated more than two fold were mapped to their orthologs

and the fold change was plotted Expression is log2 transformed


Figure 6 Comparison of genes upregulated in rat and mouse prion diseases Genes up-regulated

two fold in rodent scrapie were identified and the expression of their orthologs was determined


Figure 7 Venn diagram comparison of the CSF proteomics data between rat adapted scrapie

(RAS) model and control rats (A) Unique peptides from tryptic peptides produced for the

proteins identified (B) The total proteins identified including all isoforms within the protein

groups (C) The protein groups comparing only the top protein hit of the protein isoforms

showing very consistent protein identifications between RAS and control


Chapter 5

Investigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs

glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M

Heideman W Li L In preparation



This work explores comparative proteomics between starved and glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) Yeast depends on nutrients such as glucose to

survive and need to cycle between states of growth and quiescence Kinases such as protein

kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin kinase (TOR) are involved in the glucose response

Thus performing a large scale phosphoproteomic MS study can be highly beneficial to map the

signaling networks and cascades involved in glucose-dependent stimulated yeast growth Yeast

cell extract was digested and phosphopeptides were enriched by immobilized metal affinity

chromatography (IMAC) followed by two dimensional high pH-low pH reversed phase (RP)-RP

separation The low pH separation was infused directly into an ion trap mass spectrometer with

neutral loss electron-transfer dissociation (ETD)-triggered fragmentation to improve

phosphopeptide identifications In total 477 unique phosphopeptides are identified with 06

false discovery rate (FDR) and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR This

study includes comparative phosphoproteins for one specific motif of PKA xxxKRKRxSxxxx

which is presented and differences between starved vs glucose fed are highlighted Phosphosite

validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to provide more confident and

site-specific characterization of phosphopeptides



Microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) cycle between growth when

nutrients are available and quiescence when nutrients are scarce When glucose is limited yeast

go into growth arrest state but when glucose is added growth quickly resumes Kinases such as

protein kinase A (PKA) and target of rapamycin (TOR) regulate growth in response to nutrient

conditions and have been well studied through transcriptional control1-4

Yeast execute large

transcriptome alterations in response to changing environmental growth conditions5 6


regulation by glucose introduction in yeast has been studied including genes used for growth on

alternative carbon sources and activation of genes coding for glucose transport and protein


Response to nutrients for survival is not limited to yeast biology and indeed all

living creatures both prokaryotes and multicellular eukaryotes like mammals require nutrient

responsiveness and coordinating cellular functions to survive

With regulation of certain genes well studied by glucose introduction the mechanism and

global protein modulation caused by glucose introduction remain unknown6 Large-scale

phosphorylation analysis has been previously performed in yeast using mass spectrometry11-14

Mapping the phosphoproteome in yeast transitioning from quiescence to growth conditions to

better understand the roles of phosphorylation in orchestrating growth is needed The

phosphorylation state during growth or starvation could be used to engineer cells to drive ectopic

activity (or inhibition) to promote growth and ethanol production on non-native sugars like


It has been reported that the phosphorylation state can be affected by the introduction of

glucose to carbon-starved yeast15

and phosphorylation plays a significant role in the cell cycle

and signal transduction16

Specifically O-Phosphorylation can function as a molecular switch by


changing the structure of a protein via alteration of the chemical nature of an amino acid for

serine threonine or tyrosine It has been reported that up to 30 of the proteome can undergo


Mass spectrometry has evolved as a powerful tool to accomplish phosphosite

mapping using shotgun proteomics With available technology tens of thousands of

phosphorylation sites can be mapped to amino acids on thousands of proteins using shotgun


Mass spectrometry can offer sensitive automated non-targeted global analysis of

phosphorylation events in proteomic samples but in any large scale phosphoproteomic

investigation enrichment of phosphoproteinspeptides is required First phosphorylation is

usually a sub-stoichiometric process where only a percentage of all protein copies are


Various enrichment methods have been used for phosphopeptide enrichment

including metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC)22

such as TiO223

immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC)12 24 25

electrostatic repulsion-hydrophilic interaction

chromatography (ERLIC)26

and immunoaffinity of tyrosine phosphorylation27 28


enrichment MS analyses of phosphorylated peptides are still challenging due to ion suppression

from non-phosphorylated peptides

Even after phosphopeptide enrichment further sample preparation is needed for large

scale proteomic experiments Additional fractionation can increase protein coverage of a

sample by over ten fold such as MudPIT29

(multidimensional protein identification technology)

In online MudPIT a sample is injected onto a strong cation exchange (SCX) column coupled to

a RP column Successive salt bumps followed by low pH gradients provide the separation of

peptides in two dimensions Since the phosphate groups on phosphopeptides have a low pKa

value due to being more acidic then their unmodified counterparts they tend to elute earlier and


disproportionally in ion exchange chromatography like SCX Alternatively reversed-phase

reversed-phase (RP-RP) separation has been proposed as an alternative to MudPIT for offline

two dimensional (2D) separation30

One of the caveats of 2D separation is the potential for

wasted mass spectrometry time from early and late fractions having very few peptides present

all while having too much sample for middle fractions One simple method to reduce these

ldquowasted fractionsrdquo is to combine early or late fractions with the middle fractions to reduce MS

runs with little peptide content to analyze thus shortening the overall analysis time31

In addition the labile phosphorylation group has a large propensity to undergo cleavage

during collision induced dissociation (CID) producing a neutral loss The neutral loss can

produce insufficient backbone fragment ions for MSMS identification32

A solution to neutral

loss fragmentation in phosphopeptides is MS3 using CID to produce improved backbone

fragmentation13 14 33

An alternative fragmentation method to CID for fast sampling ion traps is

electron transfer dissociation (ETD)34-36

ETD produces a more uniform back-bone cleavage

where the cation peptide receives an electron from a low affinity radical anion37

The transferred

electron induces a dissociation at the N-Cα bond to produce c- and zbull-type product ions while

retaining the labile post-translational modifications (PTM) such as phosphorylation bound to the

product ions38

The Bruker amaZon ETD ion trap mass spectrometer has the potential to trigger

ETD fragmentation after a labile PTM produces a neutral loss from CID fragmentation This

method is termed neutral loss-triggered ETD fragmentation and provides a complementary

fragmentation pathway to labile poor fragmenting phosphorylated peptides

In this work we provide a qualitative comparative list of yeast phosphopeptides observed

in glucose fed vs glucose starved conditions





Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) ammonium hydroxide (ACS plus certified) urea (gt99)

sodium chloride (997) ammonium bicarbonate (certified) Optima LCMS grade acetonitrile

Optima LCMS grade water and EDTA disodium salt (99) were purchased from Fisher

Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) Deionized water (182 MΩcm) was prepared with a Milli-Q

Millipore system (Billerica MA) DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) and sequencing grade modified

trypsin were purchased from Promega (Madison WI) Formic acid (ge98) was obtained from

Fluka (Buchs Switzerland) Iodoacetamide (IAA) ammonium formate (ge99995) Trizma

hydrochloride (Tris HCl ge990) Triton X-100 (laboratory grade) and iron (III) chloride

hexahydrate (97) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO) Sodium dodecyl

sulfate (SDS) (998) was purchased from US Biological (Marblehead MA) Nickel

nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) magnetic agarose beads were purchased from Qiagen (Valencia

CA) Autoclaved yeast peptone dextrose (YPD) media was prepared in 1 L of deionized water

using 10 g yeast extract 20 g Peptone from Becton Dickinson and Company (Sparks MD) and

20 g D-(+)-Glucose (ge995) purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Saint Louis MO)

Modified Mary Miller Yeast Protein Isolation

The yeast culture was prepared and protein extraction was performed using a modified

Mary Miller protocol39

Briefly yeast strain s288c was inoculated with YPD media and shook

for 72 hours to allow the yeast to be glucose starved After the 72 hours the yeast culture was

partitioned into two flasks To one flask glucose was added at 2 of the final concentration and

allowed to incubate and shake for 10 minutes Then 100 optical density units (ODU) of the yeast


culture were collected from each flask Each yeast sample was spun down in a Beckman-Coulter

J6B centrifuge (Indianapolis IN) at 2500xg for three minutes The media was aspirated and the

tubes were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80oC The yeast pellets were thawed on

ice and resuspended in 1 mL of lysis buffer (50 mM Tris HCl 01 triton x-100 05 SDS

pH=80) and 1X protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail from Thermo Scientific (Rockford

IL) and transferred to an Eppendorf tube To the yeast 200 microL of glass beads were added and

amalgamated for 25 minutes at 4oC The sample was inverted and the Eppendorf tube was

pierced with a hot 23 gauge needle through the bottom and the tube was placed atop a 5 mL

culture tube and centrifuge in the Beckman-Coulter J6B at 2500xg for three minutes at 4oC to

collect the liquid containing the yeast cells while the glass beads remain trapped in the

Eppendorf tubes The protein lysate was then centrifuged at 3000xg for five minutes at 4oC and

the supernatant was collected and stored at -80oC

Preparation of tryptic digests

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein cell extract for fed or starved were analyzed with a

BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Scientific Rockford IL) and 2 mg of protein was added to four

parts -20oC acetone and allowed to precipitate the protein for 1 hour at -20

oC The samples were

then centrifuged at 14000xg for 5 minutes and the supernatant was removed and the protein

pellet was reconstituted in 360 microl of 8 M urea To each sample 20 microL of 050 M DTT was

added and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 45 minutes After incubation 54 microL of 055 M IAA

was added for carbamidomethyl of cysteine and the sample was allowed to incubate for 15

minutes in the dark To quench the IAA 20 microL of 050 M DTT was added and allowed to react

for 10 minutes To perform trypsin digestion 1400 microL of 50 mM NH4HCO3 was then added

along with 20 microg trypsin to each sample Digestion was performed overnight at 37oC and


quenched by addition of 25 microL of 10 formic acid For each sample the tryptic peptides were

then subjected to solid phase extraction using a Hypersep C18 100 mg solid phase extraction

(SPE) column (Thermo Scientific Bellefonte PA) Peptides were eluted with 50 ACN in

01 formic acid concentrated and reconstituted in 500 microL of 80 ACN and 01 formic acid

Phosphopeptide enrichment using immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC)

One ml of Ni-NTA was washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and then the Ni was

removed with 800 microL of 100 mM EDTA in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate and vortexed for 30

minutes The supernatant was removed and the NTA was washed with 800 microL of H2O three

times followed by addition of 800 microL 10 mM FeCl3 hexahydrate and vortexed for 30 minutes

The Fe-NTA was then washed three times with 800 microL of H2O and once with 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before being combined with the cell extract for phosphopeptide enrichment and

vortexed for 40 minutes The sample was washed three times with 200 microL of 80 ACN in 01

formic acid before elution with two aliquots of 200 microL of 5 ammonium hydroxide in 5050

ACNH2O with 15 minutes of vortexing The enriched phosphopeptides were then dried down

with a Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac (SVC100 Waltham MA) and reconstituted in 55 microL

25mM ammonium formate pH=75

First dimension neutral pH separation

Individually 50 microL of each yeast phosphopeptide enriched sample was injected onto a

Phenomenex Gemini-NX 3microm C18 110 Aring 150 x 2 mm column (Torrance CA) The Gemini

column was coupled to a Phenomenex SecurityGuard Gemini C18 2 mm guard cartridge

(Torrance CA) Mobile phase A consisted of 25 mM ammonium formate at pH=75 and mobile

phase B consisted of 25 mM ammonium formateACN with a 19 ratio respectively at pH=75

The column was operated at 50oC at a flow rate of 05 mLmin The flow profile was 2-30 B


over 65 minutes and then 5 min at 100 B A total of 22 fractions were collected every 3

minutes and the fractions were combined as follows 1 with 12 2 with 13 etc to 11 with 22

The combined fractions were dried down and reconstituted in 25 microL of 01 formic acid

RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN Injections consisted of 5 microL from each fraction onto an Agilent Technologies

Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5 microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5

microLmin for 5 minutes at 95 A 5 B Separation was performed on a Waters 3 microm Atlantis

dC18 75 microm x 150 mm (Milford MA) using a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250

nLmin over 90 minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner

diameter 360 microm outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using

an in-house model P-2000 laser puller (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass spectrometry data acquisitions

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

equipped with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition

Hystar (Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control

Eksigent nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) for MS acquisition for

all experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 700 mz compound stability and trap

drive level was set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature of 125oC dry gas flow of 40 Lmin capillary voltage of -1300 V end plate offset of

-500 V MSMS fragmentation amplitude of 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300


Data were generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two

spectra and released after one minute MSMS spectra were obtained via collision induced

dissociation (CID) fragmentation for the six most abundant MS ions with a preference for doubly

charged ions An additional mode of MSMS fragmentation electron transfer dissociation

(ETD) was triggered on the precursor ion when a neutral loss was observed in CID

fragmentation from phosphoric acid H3PO4 (Δmz of 49 and 327 for 2+ and 3+ charge states

respectively) or for metaphosphoric acid (HPO3) (Δmz of 40 and 267 for 2+ and 3+ charge

states respectively) For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000

maximum accumulation time 5000 ms rolling average 2 acquisition range of 300-1500 mz

and scan speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target

was set to 300000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms two spectral averages acquisition

range of 100-2000 mz and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz

Data analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen

Germany) Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as

follows intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E9 and retention time

window 0001 minutes These parameter changes were required to prevent artificial data

reduction Identification of peptides were performed using Mascot40

(Version 23 Matrix

Science London UK) Database searching was performed against SwissProt Saccharomyces

cerevisiae database (version 575) Mascot search parameters were as follows Allowed missed

cleavages 2 enzyme trypsin fixed modification carboxymethylation (C) variable

modifications oxidation (M) and phosphorylation (STY) peptide tolerance plusmn12 Da maximum

number of 13

C 1 MSMS tolerance peptide decoy (Mascot) checked plusmn05 Da instrument type


ESI-Trap Results from the Mascot search was exported as DAT files for analysis by Scaffold 3

and Scaffold PTM

Scaffold and Ascore data processing

Scaffold 3 (Proteome Software Portland OR)was used for MSMS proteomics data

comparison and false discovery rate analysis The DAT files were loaded into Scaffold 3 and

the fractions for the two dimensional fractionation were combined The resulting biological

triplicates for starved and glucose fed yeast were filtered with a 1 false discovery rate (FDR)

on the protein level (Supplemental Table 1) Due to the inherent poor fragmentation of

phosphopeptides a lenient FDR level may still yield biologically relevant data and thus a 54

FDR was generated for phosphopeptides (Supplemental Table 2) For a more conservative list of

phosphopeptides with a 06 FDR was generated from Scaffold 3 (Supplemental Table 3) FDR

analysis is sufficient at preventing poor data from being reported but does not prevent false

phosphosite identification in phosphopeptides To provide confidence in site identification

Scaffold PTM was used to perform Ascore41

analysis Ascore uses an algorithm to score the

probability of the phosphosite from a phosphopeptide identified by a database searching

algorithm such as Mascot Ascore can be freely accessed at httpascoremedharvardedu

Cell collection RNA isolation and microarray data analysis

All experiments were performed in biological duplicates Cell samples (10 ODU) were

taken at starved and fed states spun at 5000xg for 2 minutes at 30 oC the supernatant was

removed and the pellets snap frozen using liquid nitrogen RNA was isolated using the Epicentre

MasterPure Yeast Purification Kit (Epicentre Technologies) and quality was checked using gel

electrophoresis cRNA synthesis was carried out using the GeneChipreg Expression 3

Amplification One-Cycle Target Labeling and Control Reagents kit (Affymetrix) All


experiments followed the manufactures instructions cRNA samples were hybridized to

GeneChip Yeast Genome 20 Arrays for 16 hours Arrays were washed stained and scanned

according the manufactures recommendations Affymetrix CEL files were RMA normalized

with R and the Bioconductor Suite Data analysis was performed within TIGR Multiexperiment

Viewer v451 in-house Perl scripting R and Bioconductor


Sample preparation for shotgun proteomics

As discussed in the introduction the purpose of this study is to provide an exploratory list

of qualitative differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed yeast After

yeast cell lysate production a substantial amount of sample preparation is performed to enhance

the depth of the phosphoproteome coverage A workflow of the steps following cell lysis is

outlined in Figure 1A The yeast proteins are isolated via acetone precipitation followed by

digestion with trypsin to produce peptides Phosphopeptides are intermixed with the entire

tryptic peptide sample and therefore Fe-NTA IMAC is used to enrich the phosphopeptides To

improve upon the number of phosphopeptides we then performed two dimensional separation

with high pH RP followed by low pH RP C18 and infused the eluent directly onto an ion trap

mass spectrometer Figure 1B show an improved technique for the first dimension of separation

to combine the early eluting and late eluting fractions from the first phase of separation to reduce

overall MS analysis time The combination of fractions 1 and 12 2 and 13 etc essentially

improves the duty cycle of the mass spectrometer by ensuring sufficient peptide content is

injected onto a low pH nanoLC RP C18 column

ETD-triggered mass spectrometry


In the present study labile phosphorylation can lead to non-informative neutral loss

During MS scanning mode the instrument will choose the 6 most abundant peaks with correct

isotopic distribution and select them for MSMS CID fragmentation During CID fragmentation

it is common for labile PTMs such as phosphorylation to undergo neutral loss and thus limited

informative b and y-type ions are formed Alternatively ETD fragmentation can be used on

specific MSMS scans which produce a neutral loss indicative of phosphorylation (98Daz or

80Daz) The subsequent ETD fragmentation on these putative phosphopeptides will lead to

uniform backbone cleavage resulting in confident identification of phosphopeptides with site-

specific localization during MSMS It is important to note that CID fragmentation still produces

very informative fragmentation for phosphorylation but ETD provides an orthogonal

fragmentation pathway to further increase the phosphoproteome coverage Additionally the

duty cycle for ETD fragmentation is roughly half that of CID therefore about half as many

potential peptides would be fragmented and sequenced if the instrument was using ETD

fragmentation exclusively

Protein Data

Even with phosphopeptide enrichment it is inevitable that non-phosphopeptides will also

be identified All data were searched with Mascot and in total over 1000 proteins were identified

with a 1 FDR rate and are listed in Supplemental Table 1 The proteins listed in Supplemental

Table 1 include both phosphoproteins and non-phosphorylated proteins In addition to the

proteins identified in the fed and starved states the unique peptides and spectral counts are also

listed for reference The phosphopeptides are specifically listed with a 54 FDR rate in

Supplemental Table 2 and comparisons between starved and fed with Ascore analysis are listed

for every phosphopeptide identified A higher confidence of phosphopeptide identification is


sometimes required before investing in time consuming biological experiments so a list of

phosphopeptides identified in starved and fed was taken from a setting directing Scaffold to

produce a 05 FDR which resulted in the generated FDR of 06 FDR and listed in

Supplemental Table 3

A summary of specific phosphorylation sites are listed in Table 1 with a 06 FDR and

Table 2 with a 54 FDR Each table gives totals for unique phosphopeptides identified having

an Ascore localization score ge80 without Ascore and phosphorylation events on each unique

peptides As expected the majority of phosphorylation events (over 50) occurred on serine

whereas fewer phosphorylation events (~10) occurred on tyrosine In addition the vast

majority of phosphorylation events were single phosphorylation (ge65) with very few

identifications having more than two phosphosites per peptide For specific phosphopeptide

identification and subsequent phosphoprotein identification refer to Supplemental Table 2 and 3


Transcriptional response to glucose feeding

Yeast responds to the repletion of glucose after glucose-depletion by broad

transcriptional changes to induce growth Roughly one-third of the yeast genome is altered by at

least two fold when glucose is introduced as shown in Figure 2 Figure 2 is a heat map from a

microarray analysis showing 1601 genes up regulated and 1457 genes down regulated after

addition of glucose compared to the starved state The arbitrary cut-offs for these values were as

follows two fold induction after nutrient repletion and a false discovery rate (q-value) of 001

Red color in the heat map indicates a particular gene is up-regulated in the fed state compared to

the starved state Alternatively genes coded in green are less expressed in the fed state

compared to the starved condition The intensity of the green or red colors is indicative of the


intensity of the fold change in gene expression These large transcriptional changes after glucose

repletion drive and complement the current phosphoproteomic study

PKA motif analysis

One benefit of a large scale phosphoproteomics experiment is to examine the different

phosphopeptides from known motifs for specific kinases PKA and TOR are responsible for the

majority of the transcriptional response and thus PKA is a good target for motif analysis Figure

3 shows the PKA motif sequence xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on

the serine Other than F16P (fructose-16-bisphosphatase) all the proteins listed are unique to the

starved or fed samples A motif sequence will inevitably show up by random chance in any

analysis For this study the control for motif analysis uses the swissprot protein list for the

entire yeast proteome for the background Compared to background this specific PKA kinase

from Figure 3 is up-regulated by 264 fold when compared to the background One interesting

protein emerged from this motif analysis in the fed sample but not the starved sample is

Ssd1which is implicated in the control of the cell cycle in G1 phase42

Ssd1 also is

phosphorylated by Cbk1 and Cbk1 has been proposed to inhibit Ssd143

and provides an

intriguing target for future studies on starved vs glucose fed yeast growth

Localization of the phosphorylation sites

When a phosphopeptide contains any number of serine threonine or tyrosine amino

acids the localization of the phosphosite can sometimes be ambiguous Database searches used

to identify peptides like Mascot do not provide any probability for localization of correct

phosphorylation sites Ascore is an algorithm that uses the same MSMS spectra as Mascot but

instead of comparing theoretical peptide MSMS to experimental spectra Ascore searches for

informative a b or y-type peptide fragments giving evidence for phosphosite The Scaffold


program adds a localization probability to the Ascore values and the values are listed in

Supplemental Table 2 and 3 Figure 4 has a representative Ascore mass spectra assigning the

peaks identified and providing evidence that the phosphorylation site occurs at the threonine

instead of the serine Incorporating Ascore into this study provides a layer of validation for

putative phosphosite identification

Plasma Membrane 2-ATPase

A previous study identified and localized phosphorylation sites on plasma membrane 1-

ATPase after glucose was introduced to starved yeast15

In the current study PMA2 (plasma

membrane ATPase 2) was identified in glucose fed and not starved samples The doubly

threonine phosphorylated peptide identified in fed yeast is PMA2 with amino acid sequence

IKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (583-599) whereas the homologous peptide in PMA1 has the exact

same amino acid sequence except for the first isoleucine substituted for valine

VKMLTGDAVGIAKETCR (554-570 not observed in data) PMA2 was observed in the 06

FDR list of phosphopeptides and has an Ascore localization probably of 100 A plant study

showed that PMA2 phosphorylation level was higher in early growth phase than when in

stationary phase44

In addition PMA2 expression in yeast permits the growth of yeast and

threonine phosphorylation has been reported on Thr-95545

The identification of PMA2 in the

fed glucose cell extract provides an interesting target for future study on the molecular

mechanisms involved in regulation growth in starved vs glucose fed yeast


In conclusion this work provides a qualitative comparison in the phosphoproteome

between starved and glucose fed yeast A large scale IMAC enrichment of yeast cell lysate

followed by 2-D separation provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for neutral loss triggered


ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for PKA is highlighted to show the

differences in proteins identified between starved vs fed conditions In total 477 unique

phosphopeptides are identified with 06 FDR and 669 unique phosphopeptides identified with

54 FDR Phosphosite validation is performed using a localization algorithm Ascore to

provide further confidence on the site-specific characterization of these phosphopeptides The

proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on

protein phosphorylation involved in glucose response

Supplemental Tables 1 2 and 3 are available upon request


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Figure 1 The general workflow indicating the major steps involved in sample collection

sample processing mass spectrometric data acquisition and analysis of comparative

phosphoproteomics for starved vs glucose fed yeast (A) The high pH RP separation

procedure for combining fractions to reduce low peptide containing fractions from the

UV-VIS trace is also shown (B)


Figure 2 Heat map for the global transcriptional response to glucose fed vs starved samples

S288C cells starved for glucose until growth was arrested and subsequently glucose was added


Samples for microarray analysis were taken at the starved state and 60 minutes after glucose was

added The heat map shows the fed log2 fold change for each gene relative to the starved state

across the genome performed in biological replicate (A) Black indicates no change in

expression level while red indicates higher expression for the fed relative to the starved state

Green indicates higher expression for the starved state compared to the fed state (Adapted from

Dr Michael Conways Thesis)


Figure 3 The motif for protein kinase A (PKA) that was observed for fed vs starved which is

xxxRKRKxSxxxxxx with the phosphorylation occurring on the serine The motif occurred at a

rate 264 fold higher than the yeast proteome used for background In addition one protein was

observed in both starved and fed with accession identification of F16P (Fructose-16-



06 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Table 1 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 06 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 164 153 317

S 87 (530) 82 (536) 169 (533)

T 60 (366) 55 (359) 115 (363)

Y 17 (104) 16 (105) 33 (104)

Unique no Ascore

STY 242 235 477

S 131 (541) 133 (566) 264 (553)

T 86 (355) 78 (332) 164 (344)

Y 25 (103) 24 (102) 49 (103)

Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide

1 102 113 187

2 36 40 68

3 12 11 22

4 or more 8 3 11


54 FDR phosphopeptide analysis

Starved Fed All

Ascore ge80 score


STY 217 217 434

S 115 (530) 113 (521) 228 (525)

T 78 (359) 78 (359) 156 (359)

Y 24 (111) 26 (120) 50 (115)

Unique no Ascore

STY 337 332 669

S 193 (573) 180 (542) 373 (558)

T 111 (329) 116 (349) 227 (339)


Phosphorylation events

on each unique peptide




4 or more

33 (98)





36 (108)





69 (103)





Table 2 The number of phosphopeptides identified with a 54 FDR rate for starved and

glucose fed yeast Only unique phosphopeptides are included in the numbers listed Ascore

localization probability ge80 and no Ascore value which totals all phosphopeptides regardless

of Ascore value even if the Ascore localization value was 0 are shown for starved or fed

samples The number of phosphorylation events on each unique peptide is also included The

vast majority of the phosphopeptides identified have a single phosphosite


Figure 4 Ascore validation of the phosphopeptide LSLAtKK from the protein SGM1 (slow

growth on galactose and mannose protein 1) with 100 localization probability observed

in only fed but not starved yeast samples Ascorersquos algorithm identifies a b and y-type

ions and looks to identify peaks that provide evidence for a specific phosphorylation site

For this example Ascore assigns this phosphosite to threonine (T5) instead of the serine

(S2) The intense peaks at 4024 mz and 5250 mz are not identified by any a b or y-

type ions From the ladder sequence of the peptide shown numerous ions indicate the

threonine is phosphorylated while the serine is not Among these ions used for

localization are b2 y2 y5+H2O y3 y4 and y5


Chapter 6

Use of electron transfer dissociation for neuropeptide sequencing and


Adapted from ldquoDiscovery and Characterization of the Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone

Precursor Related Peptides (CPRP) and Orcokinin Neuropeptides in the Sinus Glands of the Blue

Crab Callinectes sapidus Using Multiple Tandem Mass Spectrometry Techniquesrdquo Hui L

Cunningham R Zhang Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29



The crustacean Callinectes sapidus sinus gland (SG) is a well-defined neuroendocrine site that

produces numerous hemolymph-borne agents including the most complex class of endocrine

signaling moleculesmdashneuropeptides One such peptide is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone

(CHH) precursor-related peptide (CPRPs) which was not previously sequenced Electron

transfer dissociation (ETD) was used for sequencing of intact CPRPs due to their large size and

high charge state In addition ETD was used to sequence the sulfated peptide Cholecystokinin

CCK-like Homarus americanus using a salt adduct Collectively these two examples

demonstrated the utility of ETD in sequencing neuropeptides with large molecular weight or

with labile modifications



Neuropeptides are the largest and most diverse group of endocrine signaling molecules in

the nervous system They are necessary and critical for initiation and regulation of numerous

physiological processes such as feeding reproduction and development1 2

Mass spectrometry

(MS) with unique advantages such as high sensitivity high throughput chemical specificity and

the capability of de novo sequencing with limited genomic information is well suited for the

detection and sequencing of neuropeptides in endocrine glands and simultaneously provides the

potential for information on post-translational modifications such as sulfonation3-6

The sinus glands (SG) are located between the medulla interna and medulla externa of the

eyestalk in Callinectes sapidus It is a well-known neuroendocrine site that synthesizes and

secretes peptide hormones regulating various physiological activities such as molting

hemolymph glucose levels integument color changes eye pigment movements and

hydro-mineral balance7 Our labrsquos previous neuropeptidomic studies of SG in several

crustacean species including Cancer borealis8-11

Carcinus maenas12

and Homarus americanus13

14 used multiple MS strategies combining MALDI-based high resolution accurate mass profiling

biochemical derivatization and nanoscale separation coupled to tandem MS for de novo

sequencing In the current study we explore the neuropeptidome of the SG in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus a vital species of economic importance on the seafood market worldwide In

total 70 neuropeptides are identified including 27 novel neuropeptides and among them the

crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor-related peptides (CPRPs) and orcokinins represent

major neuropeptide families known in the SG

The crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) and its precursor-related peptide (CPRP) are

produced concurrently during the cleavage of CHH from the CHH preprohormone protein15



CPRP peptide is located between the signal peptide and the CHH sequence and is separated from

the CHH by a dibasic cleavage site The functions of CPRPs are currently unknown16


the complete characterization of CPRPs provides a foundation for future experiments elucidating

their functional roles in crustaceans The cDNA of CHH preprohormone in SG of Callinectes

sapidus has been characterized17

but the direct detection of CPRP has not been reported due to

its relatively large size and possible post-translational modifications While small fragments of

CPRPs can be identified using nanoLC-ESI-Q-TOF tandem mass spectrometry the intact

peptide is difficult to detect due to the large molecular weight of CPRPs

Peptidomics traditionally uses collision induced dissociation (CID) for tandem MS

experiments for de novo sequencing Recently an alternative peptide fragmentation method has

been developed using the transfer of an electron termed electron transfer dissociation (ETD)18 19

ETD involves a radical anion with low electron affinity to be transferred to peptide cation which

results in reduced sequence discrimination and thus provides improved sequencing for larger

peptides compared to CID20

Specifically for an ion trap ETD the fluoranthene radical anion is

allowed to react with peptide cations in the three dimensional trap The resulting dissociation

cleaves at the N-Cα bond to produce c and zbull type product ions The peptidome of model

organisms like Callinectes sapidus can be further explored and expanded utilizing ETD as a

complementary fragmentation technique to CID Previous peptidomic analysis has been

completed using ETD as an additional fragmentation method21

It was observed that

enzymatically produced peptides with a higher mz produced improved sequence coverage using

ETD This observation termed decision tree analysis determined that a charge state of ge6 all

peptides endogenous or enzymatic should be fragmented via ETD22

In the present study the

highly charged peptide CPRP with an intact molecular weight of 3837 readily produces plus six


charge states The higher charge state of CPRP is highly amenable to fragmentation by ETD

which produces remarkably improved fragmentation and thus increased sequence coverage when

compared to CID

Sulfonation of tyrosine is a post-translational modification (PTM) that is thought to occur on

trans-membrane spanning and secreted proteins23

Cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8) is a sulfated

peptide which has been linked to satiety24-26

and a CCK-like peptide has been observed in


Sulfonation is an extremely labile modification and is often lost during soft

ionization such as ESI or MALDI but can be avoided by optimizing the ionization process28

One potential strategy to identify sulfopeptides is to scan for a neutral loss of 80 Da after CID

but this method does not allow for identification of site of sulfonation and has the risk to be

mistaken for phosphorylation The sulfonation PTM is a negatively charged modification on

the peptide which allows for negative ion scanning in the mass spectrometer but provides

minimal MSMS sequence coverage during CID due to preferential loss of the sulfate group

Alternatively electron-based dissociation technique enables more rapid radical driven

fragmentation where the cleavage pattern is more uniform along the peptide backbone without

initially cleaving the labile sulfated group thus preserving the site of modification These types

of dissociation techniques only work for multiply-charged ions thus a method to install a

multiply-charged cation on the target peptide is desirable It has been shown that the electron

capture dissociation (ECD) can be used to sequence sulfated peptides when a multi-charged

cation is added to the solution29

We use a similar multi-charge cation solution technique to

sequence a sulfated peptide from Homarus americanus via ETD on an ion trap mass

spectrometer Here we presented the use of the ETD fragmentation technique for the analysis

of large peptides and peptides containing labile post-translational modification


Experimental Section

Chemical and materials

Acetonitrile methanol magnesium chloride (ACS grade) potassium chloride (ACS grade) and

calcium chloride (ACS grade) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh PA) Formic

acid was from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis MO) Human sulfated CCK-8 and CCK-like peptide

(E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRFamide) were purchased from American Peptide (Sunnyvale CA)

Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od was purchased from Polymicro

Technologies (Phoenix AZ) Millipore C18 Ziptip column was used for sample cleaning and all

water used in this study was deionized water (182 MΩcm) prepared from a Milli-Q Millipore

system (Billerica MA) The physiological saline consisted of 440 mM NaCl 11mM KCl 26

mM MgCl2 13 mM CaCl2 11 mM Trizma base and 5 mM maleic acid in pH 745

Animals and dissection

Callinectes sapidus (blue crab) were obtained from commercial food market and maintained

without food in artificial sea water at 10-12 ordmC Animals were cold-anesthetized by packing on

ice for 15-30min before dissection The optic ganglia with the SG attached were dissected in

chilled (~4ordmC) physiological saline and individual SGs were isolated from the optic ganglia by

micro-dissection and immediately placed in acidified methanol (90 methanol 9 glacial acetic

acid and 1 water) and stored at -80ordmC until tissue extraction

Tissue homogenization

Acidified methanol was used during the homogenization of SGs The homogenized SGs were

immediately centrifuged at 16100 g using an Eppendorf 5415D tabletop centrifuge (Eppendorf


AG) The pellet was washed using acidified methanol and combined with the supernatant and

further dried in a Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) The

resulting dried sample was re-suspended with a minimum amount (20 microL) of 01 formic acid

Fractionation of homogenates using reversed phase (RP)-HPLC

The re-suspended extracts were then vortexed and briefly centrifuged The resulting supernatants

were subsequently fractionated via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) HPLC

separations were performed using a Rainin Dynamax HPLC system equipped with a Dynamax

UV-D II absorbance detector (Rainin Instrument Inc Woburn MA) The mobile phases included

Solution A (deionized water containing 01 formic acid) and Solution B (acetonitrile containing

01 formic acid) About 20 μl of extract was injected onto a Macrosphere C18 column (21 mm

id x 250 mm length 5 microm particle size Alltech Assoc Inc Deerfield IL) The separation

consisted of a 120 minute gradient of 5-95 Solution B Fractions were automatically collected

every two minutes using a Rainin Dynamax FC-4 fraction collector (Rainin Instrument Inc

Woburn MA) The fractions were then concentrated using in Savant SC 110 SpeedVac

concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation) and re-suspended with minimum amount of 01

formic acid


Nanoscale LC-ESI-Q-TOF MSMS was performed using a Waters nanoAcquity UPLC system

coupled to a Q-TOF Micro mass spectrometer (Waters Corp Milford MA)

Chromatographic separations were performed on a homemade C18 reversed phase capillary

column (75 microm internal diameter x100 mm length 3 microm particle size 100 Aring) The mobile phases


used were 01 formic acid in deionized water (A) 01 formic acid in acetonitrile (B) An

aliquot of 50 microl of a tissue extract or HPLC fraction was injected and loaded onto the trap

column (Zorbax 300SB-C18 Nano trapping column Agilent Technologies Santa Clara CA)

using 95 mobile phase A and 5 mobile phase Bat a flow rate of 10 microlmin for 10 minutes

Following this the stream select module was switched to a position at which the trap column

came in line with the analytical capillary column and a linear gradient of mobile phases A and B

was initiated For neuropeptides the linear gradient was from 5 buffer B to 45 buffer B over

90 min The nanoflow ESI source conditions were set as follows capillary voltage 3200 V

sample cone voltage 35 V extraction cone voltage 1 V source temperature 100ordmC A data

dependent acquisition was employed for the MS survey scan and the selection of three precursor

ions and subsequent MSMS of the selected parent ions The MS scan range was from mz

400-1800 and the MSMS scan was from mz 50-1800

Peptide Prediction De Novo Sequencing and Database Searching

De novo sequencing was performed using a combination of MassLynxTM

41 PepSeq software

(Waters) and manual sequencing Tandem mass spectra acquired from the Q-TOF were first

deconvoluted using MaxEnt 3 software (Waters) to convert multiply charged ions into their

singly charged forms The resulting spectra were pasted into the PepSeq window for sequencing

analysis The candidate sequences generated by the PepSeq software were compared and

evaluated for homology with previous known peptides The online program blastp (National

Center for Biotechnology Information Bethesda MD httpwwwncbinlmnihgovBLAST)

was used to search the existing NCBI crustacean protein database using the candidate peptide

sequences as queries For all searches the blastp database was set to non-redundant protein


sequences (ie nr) and restricted to crustacean sequences (ie taxid 6657) For each of the

proteins putatively identified via blastp the BLAST score and BLAST-generated E-value for

significant alignment are provided in the appropriate subsection of the results Peptides with

partial sequence homology were selected for further examination by comparing theoretical

MSMS fragmentation spectra generated by PepSeq with the raw MSMS spectra If the

fragmentation patterns did not match well manual sequencing was performed

NanoLC Coupled to MSMS by CID and ETD

Setup for RP nanoLC separation

The setup for nanoLC consisted of an Eksigent nanoLC Ultra (Dublin CA) with a 10 microL

injection loop Mobile phase A consisted of H2O in 01 formic acid and mobile phase B

consisted of ACN (Fisher Scientific Optima LCMS grade Fair Lawn NJ) Injections

consisted of 5 microL of prepared tissue extract onto an Agilent Technologies Zorbax 300 SB-C18 5

microm 5 x 03 mm trap cartridge (Santa Clara CA) at a flow rate of 5 microLmin for 5 minutes at 95

A5 B Separation was performed on a Waters HPLC column with 3 microm Atlantis dC18 75 microm

x 150 mm (Milford MA) on a gradient from 5 to 45 mobile phase B at 250 nLmin over 90

minutes at room temperature Emitter tips were pulled from 75 microm inner diameter 360 microm

outer diameter capillary tubing (Polymicro Technologies Phoenix AZ) using a commercial

laser puller model P-2000 (Sutter Instrument Co Novato CA)

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Collision Induced Dissociation (CID)

An ion-trap mass spectrometer (amaZon ETD Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) equipped

with an on-line nanospray source was used for mass spectrometry data acquisition Hystar

(Version 32 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany) was used to couple and control Eksigent


nanoLC software (Dublin CA Version 30 Beta Build 080715) to MS acquisition for all

experiments Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to mz 700 compound stability and trap

drive level were set at 100 Optimization of the nanospray source resulted in dry gas

temperature 125oC dry gas 40 Lmin capillary voltage -1300 V end plate offset -500 V

MSMS fragmentation amplitude 10V and SmartFragmentation set at 30-300

Data was generated in data dependent mode with strict active exclusion set after two spectra and

released after one minute MSMS was obtained via CID fragmentation for the six most

abundant MS peaks with a preference for doubly charged ions and excluded singly charged ions

For MS generation the ion charge control (ICC) target was set to 200000 maximum

accumulation time 5000 ms four spectral average acquisition range of mz 300-1500 and scan

speed (enhanced resolution) of 8100 mz s-1

For MSMS generation the ICC target was set to

200000 maximum accumulation time 5000 ms three spectral averages acquisition range of

mz 100-2000 and scan speed (Ultrascan) of 32000 mz s-1

Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisitions for Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD)

The amaZon ETD ion-trap mass spectrometer was operated in electron transfer dissociation for

MSMS fragmentation with the same optimized settings as reported for CID unless otherwise

stated Smart parameter setting (SPS) was set to 500 mz compound stability and trap drive

level were set at 100 MSMS was obtained via ETD fragmentation for the four most

abundant MS peaks with no preference for specifically charged ions except to exclude singly

charged ions The ETD reagent parameters were set to 400000 target ICC for the fluoranthene

radical anion The fluoranthene radical anion has an mz of 210 and therefore the 210 mz value

was removed from the resulting MSMS spectra and 160 mz was set for the MSMS low mz



Direct Infusion of Sulfated Peptide Standards into the Mass Spectrometer using ETD and

CID Fragmentation

The sulfated peptide standards were infused into the mass spectrometer at a flow rate of 300

nlmin using a fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od coupled to a custom pulled

tip The CCK-8 human peptide (20 microM) was infused in 5050 ACNH2O and detected in

negative ionization mode with an ICC of 70000 and fragmented with CID using the same

settings as the previous CID experiments Alternatively the CCK-like lobster sulfated peptide

(2 microM) was mixed with 30 microM of different salts (MgCl2 KCl or CaCl2) and 01 formic acid in

5050 ACNH2O The plus three charge of the CCK-like lobster peptide was selected for ETD

fragmentation in positive mode with the same setting as the previous ETD experiments The

data were then de novo sequenced for coverage and localization of the sulfation site

Data Analysis

MS data were processed with DataAnalysis (Version 40 Bruker Daltonics Bremen Germany)

Deviations in parameters from the default Protein Analysis in DataAnalysis were as follows

intensity threshold 1000 maximum number of compounds 1E7 and retention time window 05

minutes These parameter changes assisted in providing better quality spectra for sequencing

Identification of peptides was performed using Mascot (Version 23 Matrix Science London

UK) Searches were performed against a custom crustacean database none enzyme allow up to

1 missed cleavage amidated C-terminal as variable modifications peptide tolerance mass error

12 Da MSMS mass error tolerance is 06 Da

Results and Discussion


Identification and Characterization of Intact CPRPs Using ETD

Using ESI-Q-TOF 9 truncated CPRPs fragments were sequenced to cover the amino acid


A representative CID MSMS spectrum of ASLKSDTVTPLR is shown in Figure 1 (a) CID

using ESI-Q-TOF mainly produces fragmentation for doubly and triply charge molecules which

is adequate to sequence peptides with relatively small molecular weight (less than 2000 Da)

However CID fragmentation is insufficient to sequence the larger intact CPRP in a complex

sample whose molecular mass is 3837 Da and therefore it is extremely difficult to directly

sequence by traditional CID ESI-Q-TOF ETD is an attractive fragmentation alternative to

sequence the highly charged CPRP peptide In ETD a protonated peptide reacts with an anion

(fluoranthene radical) where the anion transfers an electron to the peptide cation and the resulting

fragmentation occurs along the N-Cα bond by free-radical-driven-cleavage The large size of

CPRP offers multiple basic amino acid sites to sequester charge and reduce the sequence

coverage from collision induced dissociate by preventing random backbone cleavage whereas

ETD does not cleave the weakest bond and provides the alternative fragmentation pathway to

obtain superior sequence coverage to larger peptides As shown in Figure 1 (cd) the

fragmentation of ETD is highly amenable to ETD compared to the CID fragmentation in Figure

1 (b) As evident from comparison ETD offers more extensive fragmentation than CID thus

providing enhanced coverage for large intact peptides such as CPRPs Specifically we observe

125 of the b- and y- cleavages for CID as compared to an average of 535 of c- and zbull-

fragments More than a four-fold increase in fragments using ETD suggests the utility of this

relatively new tandem MS fragmentation method as complementary techniques for de novo

sequencing of large intact endogenous peptides and novel neuropeptide discovery endeavors


Negative Mode Sulfated Peptide Identification

An accepted method for identification and quantification for sulfated peptides is negative


CCK-8 sulfated peptide standards show intense signal in negative ionization mode

without needing to have additives added such as salts Figure 2 shows the CID MSMS

spectrum from the negative ionization and produces an intense b6 ion at 430 mz The transition

from the doubly negatively charged MS ion of 570 mz to the b6 ion provides a selected reaction

monitoring transition for quantification studies but the sequence information is limited and the

presence of the methionine produces variable oxidation In addition Figure 2 shows the

MSMS product ions with the loss of the sulfate group thus making site-specific location of

sulfation more difficult

Investigation of Cation Salt Adducts to Produce Multiply Charged Sulfated Peptides

Sulfated peptides can be isolated in positive scanning mode but usually only in a plus one

state with low signal intensity If ETD is performed on the singly charged peptide cation a

neutral is formed and is lost in the mass spectrometer and thus no sequence information can be

obtained In order to remedy this situation a technique that adding metal salts to peptides to

increase charge state for ECD used in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass

spectrometry (FTICR-MS)29

inspired the investigation of increasing charge state of targeted

peptide via metal salt adduction followed by ETD analysis in a Bruker amaZon ion trap

Various salts were investigated including MgCl2 CaCl2 and KCl each used at a concentration of

30 microM and mixed with a sulfated peptide standard at 2 microM The addition of KCl produced

mostly doubly charged ion of the lobster CCK-like peptide standard K adduct which produced

insufficient sequence information from ETD fragmentation (data not shown) In comparison

the MgCl2 and CaCl2 produced intense triply charged peptide ions but CaCl2 produced lower


signal intensity compared to MgCl2 (data not shown)

Cation Assisted ETD Fragmentation of CCK-like Lobster Sulfated Peptide and Future


The addition of MgCl2 to the lobster CCK-like sulfated peptide is shown in Figure 3

Except for z1 the complete z-series is obtained including the z7 ion with and without the

sulfation PTM The spectrum is complicated by the additional Mg adducts but several peaks

are shown without any Mg adduct such as z2 z3 z4 etc Clearly the method of cation

assisted ETD fragmentation can be useful using ion trap instruments and can properly sequence

sulfated peptides that are prone to neutral loss from the labile PTM One concern about future

direction in sulfopeptide isolation in non-genome sequenced species is isolation of sulfopeptides

Currently antibodies to specific sulfopeptides is the only commonly used enrichment technique

for sulfopeptides Also since metal cations are needed for this method direct infusion into an

ESI mass spectrometer is preferred to prevent running large amounts of adduct forming salts

through the LC system With direct infusion the lack of separation confounds the problem in

sulfopeptide detection because any co-eluting peptides could have ionization efficiency and thus

reduce the signal of the sulfopeptide Once discovered and sequenced a selected reaction

monitoring (SRM) method could be developed using LC retention coupled with negative

ionization mode followed by CID MSMS or possibly MSMSMS to perform quantitative

studies for sulfopeptides


In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of large endogenous

neuropeptides with higher charge and bigger size The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was

identified and characterized with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation


assisted ETD fragmentation was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of

sulfated neuropeptides These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in

future analysis of large neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides



1 Schwartz M W Woods S C Porte D Jr Seeley R J Baskin D G Central nervous system control of

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3 Baggerman G Cerstiaens A De Loof A Schoofs L Peptidomics of the larval Drosophila melanogaster

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15 Ollivaux C Gallois D Amiche M Boscameric M Soyez D Molecular and cellular specificity of

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Figure 1 Comparison of tandem MS spectra of truncated CPRP (ASLKSDTVTPL mz 128766)

by ESI-Q-TOF (a) and intact CPRP (MW 3837) by the amaZon ETD for both CID and ETD

fragmentation (a) MSn of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6 by CID represent

loss of NH3 ordm represent loss of H2O (b) MS+6

of precursor ion with mz 640 with charge state +6

by ETD at z represent z+1 z represent z+2 (c) MS+5

of precursor ion with mz 768 with charge

state +5 by ETD z represent z+1 z represent z+2 For all labels in Figure 1 charge state +1 is

not specified



Figure 2 Negative CID spectrum of CCK-8 peptide standard (20 microM) via direct infusion show

the doubly charged b6 ion provides the most intense MSMS transition


Figure 3 ETD spectrum of E(pyro)FDEY(Sulfo)GHMRF-amide (2 microM) obtained on the

amaZon ETD via direct infusion with 30 microM MgCl2 The sulfated peptide can be identified

with a visible z-series of z2 to z9 and identified sulfate loss


Chapter 7

Investigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysis

Adapted from ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular

weight cut-off fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J

Wellner D Li L Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press



This work investigates the introduction of methanol and a salt modifier to molecular

weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide

quantities Using a neuropeptide standard bradykinin sample loss was reduced over two orders

of magnitude with and without undigested protein present Additionally a bovine serum

albumin (BSA) tryptic digestion was investigated Twenty-seven tryptic peptides were identified

from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol while only two tryptic peptides were

identified after the standard MWCO protocol The strategy presented here enhances recovery

from MWCO separation for sub-microg peptide samples


Molecular weight cut-off membrane-based centrifugal filter devices (MWCO) are

commonly used to desalt and concentrate large molecular weight proteins [1] Greeing and

Simpson recently investigated various MWCO membranes for large amounts of starting material

(~6 mg) focusing on optimal conditions for the sub 25 kDa protein fraction [2] The authors

recovered 200 μg to 29 mg of protein from multiple MWCO experiments and demonstrated that

a 1090 acetonitrile (ACN)H2O elution solvent produced optimal results [3] In addition Manza

et al provided an alternative approach to isolate proteins with a 5 kDa MWCO by using

NH4HCO3 and recovering the retained proteins [4] Alternatively the elution from MWCOs can

be collected to recover only low molecular weight peptides Multiple peptidomic studies have

utilized MWCOs for peptide isolation during the first few steps of sample preparation [5 6]

When sample amount is limited or peptide content is below 1 microg sample loss is a significant

concern when using MWCOs to isolate endogenous peptides Optimized protocols have been


investigated using ACN [3 7] salt [4 8] SDS [5] or native sample [6 9 10] but these

experiments primarily focused on large sample amounts rather than sub-microgram peptide


MWCOs separate large molecules from small molecules The small molecule fraction

may be rich with signaling peptides (SP) cytokines and other small molecules involved in cell-

cell signaling Signaling peptides perform various functions in the body including cell growth

cell survival and hormonal signaling between organs [11] Individual SP contribute to different

aspects of behavior such as pain (enkephalins) [12] feeding (neuropeptide Y) [13] and blood

pressure (bradykinin) [14] MWCO separations can be used to enrich biologically important SP

and explore the peptide content from biological fluids with relatively low peptide content like

blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) In a recent investigation the detection of neuropeptides and

standards in crustacean hemolymph was improved when methanol and protease inhibitors were

present before performing MWCO neuropeptide isolation The impact of methanol on MWCO

sample loss was not investigated in the study [15] In another study a large-scale mass

fingerprinting protocol of endogenous peptides from CSF used a combination of salts before

MWCO fractionation but the impact of adding salts was not discussed [16] The most

commonly used brand of MWCO in the publications and in peptidomic studies is Millipore

Therefore Millipore MWCOs (using regenerated cellulose as the membrane) were used in the

present study The purpose of this work is to provide an optimized sample preparation technique

for MWCO filtering to reduce sample loss and allow sub-microg detection of peptides using MALDI

mass spectrometry



Materials and Chemicals

Water acetonitrile methanol (optima LCMS grade) and sodium chloride (995) were

purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn NJ) The α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (99)

formic acid (FA) (ge98) and bovine serum albumin (ge96) were purchased from Sigma-

Aldrich (St Louis MO) Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO centrifugal filters and ZipTips

packed with C18 reversed-phase resin were purchased from Millipore (Billerica MA) Trypsin-

digested bovine serum albumin (BSA) was purchased from Waters (Milford MA) Bradykinin

was purchased from American Peptide Company (Sunnyvale CA)

MALDI MS Instrumentation

An AutoFLEX III MALDI TOFTOF mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics Billerica

MA) was operated in positive ion reflectron mode The MALDI MS instrument is equipped with

a proprietary smart beam (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) laser operating at 200 Hz The

instrument was internally calibrated over the mass range of mz 500minus2500 using a standard

peptide mix Two thousand laser shots were collected per sample spot at an accelerating voltage

of 19 kV and a constant laser power using random shot selection The acquired data were

analyzed using FlexAnalysis software (Bruker Daltonics Billerica MA) Mass spectrometry

data acquisition was obtained by averaging 2000 laser shots

Molecular weight cut off separation procedure

The MWCO separations were performed using Amicon Ultra 05 mL 10000 MWCO

centrifugal filters (Billerica MA) Before MWCO separation three washing steps were

performed to remove contaminants from the filter The three washes were 500 μL of 5050

H2OMeOH 500 μL of H2O and 400 μL of the solution used for MWCO separation For the


100 H2O solution 1 microg of BSA or bradykinin was used for separation All the other MWCO

separation experiments used 500 ng of BSA or 100 ng or less of bradykinin The MWCO filter

was then centrifuged at 14000 rcf for 5 min at room temperature in an Eppendorf 5415 D

microcentrifuge (Brinkmann Instruments Inc Westbury NY) The filtrate was concentrated in a

Savant SC 110 SpeedVac concentrator (Thermo Electron Corporation West Palm Beach FL)

and acidified The resulting sample was desalted according to the manufacturer using C18

ZipTips from Millipore (Billerica MA) by washing the ZipTip with three times 100 ACN

three aqueous washes of 01 FA binding the peptides from the solution and one aqueous wash

of 01 FA Peptides were then eluted from the ZipTips using 15 microL of 50 ACN in 01 FA

Matrix deposition

Equal volumes of 05 μL from the 15 μL sample solution (including standards not subject

to MWCO filtering) and α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid (CHCA) matrix solution in 50

ACN50 H2O were mixed using a dried-droplet method and spotted on a MALDI target The

resulting droplets were allowed to air dry prior to mass spectrometry acquisition


Analysis of two orders of magnitude increase for bradykinin standard

Bradykinin was selected to assess the potential peptide loss in the flow-through after

performing MWCO separation As shown in Figure 1 1 microg of bradykinin standard does not

produce a detectable signal by MALDI mass spectrometry analysis after a 10 kDa MWCO

separation in water (performed in triplicate) For comparison 1 ng of bradykinin standard

diluted to 15 microL produced an intense signal on the MALDI mass spectrometer suggesting


significant sample loss occurs when the target analyte is low in quantity (data not shown

performed in triplicate) Figure 1 shows that the addition of a salt in this case NaCl improves

the limits of detection and decreases sample loss when 7030 watermethanol was compared to

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol The reproducible results gave a relative standard deviation

(RSD) of 6 for peak intensity Figure 1 shows that even when starting with 1 μg of bradykinin

too much sample is lost during the MWCO separation in water to detect the remainder

However an intense signal is observed for 10 ng of bradykinin after the MWCO separation when

7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol is used as an elution solvent Sample loss from zip-tipping

was estimated in triplicate by calculating the decreases in peak intensity When 10 ng of

bradykinin was used sample loss was ~41 In comparison the calculated yield for 10 ng of

bradykinin after the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol MWCO separation and zip-tip desalting

showed an estimated sample loss of 63 meaning more loss can be attributed to sample clean-

up than MWCO filtration

A series of experiments were performed to determine if 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol is an optimal solution to recover peptides during a MWCO separation (data not

shown) A 5050 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol and a 5050 watermethanol elution were

performed in duplicate but signal intensity of the resulting bradykinin was poor and numerous

polymer peaks were detected in the flow through A lower salt concentration 01 M NaCl was

used but also produced greatly reduced signal when compared to aqueous 1 M NaCl To assess

the optimized methodrsquos compatibility with lower sample amounts the 7030 aqueous 1 M

NaClmethanol solution was added to 1 ng of bradykinin for MWCO separation but no signal

was obtained (data not shown) Using a neuropeptide standard the addition of methanol and

NaCl salt significantly improved the sample recovery in sub-microg amounts


BSA tryptic peptide mixture analysis

After demonstrating the importance of using an optimized solution for MWCO

separations with an individual peptide the new method was applied to 500 ng of BSA tryptic

digest to investigate its utility with more complex peptide mixtures Table 1 lists the BSA

tryptic peptides identified in the MALDI MS analysis from different solution conditions

processed by MWCO separation As shown in Table 1 a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard in the absence of any MWCO filtration enabled identification of 39 tryptic peptides by

accurate peptide mass measurements Once again when using 100 H2O for MWCO

separations the starting amount was doubled to 1 microg (also done with 500 ng data not shown)

However many tryptic peptides were not detected due to low signal intensities and non-optimal

elution conditions Instead of H2O a 1 M NaCl solution was used for the MWCO elution but

only two tryptic peptides were identified (Table 1) The addition of 30 methanol into the

sample before MWCO filtration produced the first increase in identified BSA tryptic peptides

The remaining data from Table 1 shows improved BSA tryptic peptide identifications as the

sample (elution) conditions were further optimized Figure 2 shows the actual mass spectra

associated with the three most promising elution solutions along with 100 H2O

The BSA tryptic peptide intensities are shown in Figure 2A and the most intense tryptic

peptide YLYEIAR mz 92749 was observed in the four different solutions shown in Figure 2B

but not in the 100 H2O or 100 1 M NaCl solutions (data not shown) In Figure 2A all mass

spectra are normalized to an intensity of 7 x 104 to illustrate two points First the MWCO

filtering step still produced sample loss regardless of the solvent conditions chosen Second

there is a noticeable increase in peptide peak intensity using the optimized solvent 6040


aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol (Figure 2A) Figure 2C displays a zoomed-in view of a BSA

tryptic peptide signal LKECC

DKPLLEK mz 153266 (

carbamidomethyl) observed only in

the optimized solvent The detection of the mz 153266 peptide in Figure 2C highlights the

potential gain in sample and detectable peptides by using an optimized saltMeOH combination

A non-optimized saltMeOH combination will still reduce sample loss but further minimizing

sample loss during sample preparation will always be desirable in any analytical protocol

MWCO composition

The purpose of this application note is to provide evidence of sub-microg sample loss during

MWCO separations of peptide samples and a solution to overcome this limitation The

explanation of why adding MeOH and NaCl to the sample solution provides a significant

reduction in sample loss is beyond the scope of this application note Regardless Supplemental

Table S1 is an expanded version of Table 1 showing the amino acid sequence hydrophobicity

calculated using GRAVY scores and pI of the identified peptides in this study No discernible

trend was obtained from the data The membrane of commonly used MWCO in peptidomics and

for this study is comprised of chemically treated (regenerated) cellulose which is a

polysaccharide containing β (1rarr4) linked D-glucose Glucose has numerous free hydroxyl

groups which could non-specifically adsorb peptides flowing through the MWCO The addition

of MeOH has the most significant effect on signal which could be due to disrupting the

interaction between peptides and hydroxyl groups from glucose NaCl has a less significant

effect on sample recovery compared to MeOH but a detectable reduction in sample loss is noted

This improvement in sample recovery could be analogous to the use of NaCl in


immunodepletion protocols to reduce non-specific binding which is accomplished by adding

150 mM NaCl [17]

Analysis of bradykinin in the presence of undigested BSA

When using MWCO for peptide isolation proteins are typically present in the samples

usually in larger amounts Figure 3 shows the effect that adding BSA protein to a 10 ng

bradykinin solution before MWCO fractionation has on the resulting recovery of bradykinin

Adding 10 μg of BSA to the optimized 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol solution slightly

decreased bradykininrsquos signal with a RSD of 10 More severe signal reduction occurred after

adding 100 microg BSA with a RSD of 2 (N=2) It is not unexpected that more signal reduction

due to sample loss would occur especially in the 100 microg BSA sample because the BSA protein

has a molar ratio of 160 BSA protein molecules to one bradykinin peptide Figure 3 shows the

usefulness of the MWCO method with samples containing large amounts of proteins


The present work provides solutions to reduce sample loss from the use of MWCO for

sub-microg peptide isolation with or without non-digested proteins in the sample Despite its

widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO fractionation step

which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides from limited starting

material This application note aims to reduce sample loss during MWCO separations

specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation If complex samples are processed with MWCO

separation the authors recommend eluting the sample with 6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

solution as a starting point to minimize sample loss This application note provides a viable


alternative for sub-microg peptide MWCO separation circumventing the need to increase the starting

material by minimizing sample loss from using a MWCO membrane-based centrifugal filter



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Table 1 Identified BSA tryptic peptides from various MWCO separation conditions

BSA tryptic

peptide (MH+)


H2O 1microg


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl


1 M NaCl




1 M NaCl








































Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


Figure 1 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard showing improvement over two orders of magnitude in detection limits Each MWCO

separation was performed at minimum in triplicate with representative spectrum selected for

each with a calculated RSD from the peak heights Three different amounts of bradykinin were

tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss under different MWCO solvent conditions The

top panel shows 1 microg of bradykinin standard after MWCO separation with 100 H2O elution

produced no signal The addition of 40 or 30 MeOH produced very low bradykinin signals

for both 100 ng (RSD of 28) and 10 ng (SNlt3 no RSD calculated) respectively In the

bottom two spectra each showed very large intensity but the 7030 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol

10 ng bradykinin was processed with a 10kDa MWCO and zip-tipped and was reproducible with


a RSD of 6 The last spectrum was from 10 ng bradykinin (RSD of 3) which was diluted to

an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the MALDI plate


Figure 2 Representative MALDI mass spectra from MWCO separation of a BSA tryptic

peptide standard showing sample loss Stacked mass spectra from mz range 875-2150

normalized to 7 x 104 intensity representing the detection difference from a BSA tryptic peptide

standard from different MWCO separation conditions (A) It should be noted that when the

solvent for MWCO elution was 100 H2O 1 microg of BSA tryptic peptides was processed instead

of 500 ng A zoomed in view of the most abundant BSA tryptic peptide detected YLYEIAR

mz 92749 (B) Various percentages of MeOH produced significant signal but addition of a salt

(1 M NaCl) increases the signal which is closest to a directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard A zoomed in view of a representative low intensity BSA tryptic peptide detected


DKPLLEK mz 153266 (C) The optimized solution to be used for MWCO filtration


6040 aqueous 1 M NaClmethanol was the only procedure that enabled the detection of the

tryptic peptide in Figure 2C which was also detected in the directly spotted BSA tryptic peptide

standard All experiments were performed a minimum of two times with nearly identical results

) Carbamidomethyl amino acid modification

ordm) Tryptic peptide identified in three of the spectra in Figure 2A

dagger) Tryptic peptide identified in two of the spectra in Figure 2A

) Tryptic peptide identified in a single spectrum in Figure 2A


Figure 3 Representative MALDI mass spectra after MWCO separation of a bradykinin

standard with a BSA protein present showing optimized solvent conditions minimized samples

losses Each experiment was performed in duplicate Two different amounts of BSA protein

were tested to assess the magnitude of sample loss caused by the presence of a protein The top

panel shows 10 microg of BSA protein and the second panel shows 100 microg of BSA protein added

while only 10 ng of bradykinin was added Detectable sample loss was observed when the BSA

protein was added but panel two shows that the amount of BSA protein was 1 x 104 greater

(equivalent to 160 fold molar excess) than bradykinin The last two spectra were controls using

a MWCO with the optimized solution in panel 3 and panel 4 using 10 ng bradykinin which was

diluted to an equivalent volume as all the other experiments and directly spotted onto the

MALDI plate


Supplemental Table 1 Expanded Table 1 including grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY)

score theoretical pI and the sequence from the underlying amino acid sequence for the peptides

identified in the BSA digest The GRAVY and pI scores were obtained from ExPASy

Bioinformatics and modifications were not taken into consideration

(httpwebexpasyorgprotparam) Peptide assignments to the recorded peaks were done by









Sequence 100




1 M





1 M



1 M





1 M



5453 0900 972 VASLR

6894 0267 979 AWSVAR

7124 -0950 647 SEIAHR

8985 0529 674 LcVLHEK

9275 -0071 600 YLYEIAR

10345 -0725 674 NEcFLSHK

10725 -0211 538 SHcIAEVEK

11385 0 599 ccTESLVNR

11636 0130 453 LVNELTEFAK

12496 -1250 545 FKDLGEEHFK

12837 0264 675 HPEYAVSVLLR

13057 -0582 532 HLVDEPQNLIK

13997 0567 437 TVMENFVAFVDK

14157 0567 437 TVmENFVAFVDK

14197 0058 530 SLHTLFGDELcK

14398 -0133 875 RHPEYAVSVLLR

14636 -0515 465 TcVADESHAGcEK

14798 0292 600 LGEYGFQNALIVR

15026 -0625 409 EYEATLEEccAK

15118 0207 597 VPQVSTPTLVEVSR

15328 -0617 617 LKEccDKPLLEK

15547 -0823 441 DDPHAcYSTVFDK

15677 -0085 437 DAFLGSFLYEYSR

15768 -0985 456 LKPDPNTLcDEFK

16399 -0067 875 KVPQVSTPTLVEVSR

16678 0064 437 MPCTEDYLSLILNR

16738 -1723 550 QEPERNEcFLSHK

17248 0064 437 MPcTEDYLSLILNR

17408 0064 437 mPcTEDYLSLILNR

17477 -0914 414 YNGVFQEccQAEDK

17497 -0621 410 EccHGDLLEcADDR

18809 -0537 606 RPcFSALTPDETYVPK

18890 -0567 674 HPYFYAPELLYYANK

19019 -1275 466 NEcFLSHKDDSPDLPK

19079 0044 454 LFTFHADIcTLPDTEK

20450 -0812 839 RHPYFYAPELLYYANK

21139 -0682 480 VHKEccHGDLLEcADDR

22479 -0458 423 EccHGDLLEcADDRADLAK

Total 39 2 2 6 8 15 15 27


mass matching with no tandem mass spectrometry performed Lower case amino acids indicate

a modification present in the peptide of carbamidomethyl (c) or oxidation (m)


Chapter 8

Conclusions and Future Directions



Comparative shotgun proteomics investigating numerous biological changes in various

species and sample media and peptidomic method development have been reported The

developed comparative shotgun proteomics based on label-free spectral counting with nanoLC

MSMS platform have been employed in mouse CSF rat CSF yeast culture and other biological

specimens Mass spectrometry (MS)-based peptidomic enhancements using ETD and improved

sample preparation methods for molecular weight cut-offs have been reported Together these

studies add to the Li Labs capabilities in comparative shotgun proteomics and expand available

methods for peptidomic research

Immunodepletion of CSF for comparative proteomics

Chapters 3 and 4 used similar methods to generate a list of differentially expressed

proteins providing insight into how Alexander disease (AxD) perturbs the proteome and how the

new prion model rat adapted scrapie (RAS) proteome varies from control rats In the GFAP

overexpressor mouse CSF study in Chapter 3 we have produced a panel of proteins with

significant up or down regulation in the CSF of transgenic GFAP overexpressor mice MS-based

proteomic study of this mouse model for AxD was consistent with the previous studies showing

elevation of GFAP in CSF The development of a modified IgY-14 immunodepletion technique

for low amounts of CSF with recommendations for future antibody depletion techniques to deal

with the unique challenges of mouse CSF was presented Modified proteomics protocols were

employed to profile mouse CSF with biological and technical triplicates addressing the

variability and providing quantitation with dNSAF spectral counting Validation of the data was

performed using both ELISA and RNA microarray data to provide corroboration with the


changes in the putative biomarkers This work presents numerous interesting targets for future

study in AxD including CK-MCK-B cathepsin S L1 and B isoforms and contactin-1

Using the protocol developed in Chapter 3 we performed a similar study in RAS CSF

compared to control rat CSF Two differences in sample preparation for the rat CSF compared

to the mouse CSF are noted (1) rat IgY-7 immunodepletion was performed and (2) each rat

CSF sample was collected from one animal due to sufficient volume instead of pooling from

multiple animals for the mouse CSF sample After immunodepletion the CSF samples from

control and RAS (biological N=5 technical replicates N=3) were digested and separated using

one dimensional RP nanoLC separation We were able to identify 167 proteins with redundant

isoforms removed which was derived from total 512 proteins with a 1 FDR from all the CSF

samples Comparative analysis was performed using dNSAF spectral counting and 21 proteins

were significantly changed Our data were consistent with previous prion CSF studies showing

14-3-3 protein increased in CSF of prion infected animals Genomic analysis was also

performed and was used to cross-validate our proteomic data and numerous proteins were found

to be consistent including a novel marker related to prion disease RNAset2 (ribonuclease T2)

In summary this work provides a foundation for investigation of the perturbed proteome of a

new prion model RAS

Yeast Phosphoproteomic Comparison between Starved and Glucose Fed Conditions

This work presented a qualitative comparison of the phosphoproteome between starved

and glucose fed Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) A large scale IMAC enrichment of

yeast cell lysate followed by 2-D separations provided a rich source of phosphopeptides for CID

MSMS and neutral loss triggered ETD analysis using mass spectrometry A specific motif for

PKA was highlighted to show the differences in proteins identified between starved and glucose


fed conditions In total 477 unique phosphopeptides were identified with 06 FDR and 669

unique phosphopeptides identified with 54 FDR Phosphosite validation was performed using

a localization algorithm Ascore to provide further confidence on the site-specific

characterization of these phosphopeptides Two proteins Ssd1 and PMA2 emerged as potential

intriguing targets for more in-depth studies on protein phosphorylation involved in glucose


Methods for Peptide Sample Preparation and Sequencing

In this study ETD was performed to improve the sequence coverage of endogenous large

neuropeptides and labile tyrosine sulfation CCK-like neuropeptides found in the blue crab

Callinectes sapidus The intact CPRP from Callinectes sapidus was identified and characterized

with 68 sequence coverage by MS for the first time Cation assisted ETD fragmentation using

MgCl2 was also shown to be a powerful tool in de novo sequencing of sulfated neuropeptides

These endeavors into using ETD for certain neuropeptides will assist in future analysis of large

neuropeptides and PTM containing neuropeptides

In addition to ETD sequencing I presented a protocol on improving recovery of minute

quantities of peptides by adding methanol and a salt modifier (NaCl) to molecular weight cut-off

membrane-based centrifugal filters (MWCO) to enrich sub-microgram peptide quantities

Despite its widespread utility significant sample loss often occurs during the MWCO

fractionation step which is particularly problematic when analyzing low-abundance peptides

from limited starting material This work presented a method to reduce sample loss during

MWCO separations specifically for sub-microg peptide isolation Using a neuropeptide standard

bradykinin sample loss was reduced by over two orders of magnitude with and without


undigested protein present The presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) undigested protein

and the bradykinin standard lends evidence that sample loss occurs because of the MWCO and

not the presence of the protein Additionally a BSA tryptic digestion is presented where twenty-

seven tryptic peptides are identified from MALDI mass spectra after enriching with methanol

while only two tryptic peptides are identified after the standard MWCO protocol

Ongoing Projects and Future Directions

CSF Projects

Rat Adapted Scrapie and Time Course Study of Rat CSF

In ongoing experiments from the work described in Chapter 4 related to rat adapted

scrapie (RAS) we are working towards more complete proteome coverage of CSF and a time

course study of RAS After the promising results of the 1-D proteomic comparison between

RAS and control CSF we want to perform IgY immunodepletion on 1 mL of rat CSF followed

by 2-D high pH-low pH RP-RP LC-MSMS IgY immunodepletion is still required and

afterwards approximately 40 microg of low abundance protein would remain Following traditional

urea tryptic digestion (see Appendix 1) and solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up the sample

would be dried down and reconstituted in mobile phase A (25 mM ammonium formate basic

pH) for high pH RP separation Fractions would be dried and subjected to MS analysis similar to

the work described in Chapter 4 The purpose of this work would be to increase the proteome

coverage from a few hundred to a thousand CSF proteins identified A time course study of RAS

is also desirable to gain insight into disease progression Rats at different stages will be

sacrificed and CSF will be collected The goal is to perform isobaric labeling between the time

courses with spectral counting being an alternative for relative protein expression We will use

the targets identified in Chapter 4 to track certain proteins for time course analysis Overall


these future projects will dig deeper into the proteome and how this novel prion model RAS

perturbs the proteins expressed in rats over time

Glycoproteomics and Peptidomic Analysis of CSF Samples from Individuals with

Alzheimerrsquos Disease

Alzheimerrsquos disease is an incurable progressive neurodegenerative disorder which results

in cognitive impairment Our aim is to provide additional biomarkers andor targets for drug

treatment Currently we used 500 microL of human CSF for non-membrane glycoprotein

enrichment (see Appendix 1) followed by 2-D high-pH-low-pH RP-RP amaZon ion trap LC-

MSMS analysis The initial work was a failure due to low amount of signal and significant

sample loss (data not shown) Through a comparison with Dr Xin Weirsquos PhD thesis we

estimated roughly 20 microg of proteins was obtained after glycoprotein enrichment and 1-D analysis

produced over 100 protein identifications (data not shown) but the additional off-line 2-D

separation and sample clean up resulted in low number of protein identifications for each fraction

analyzed by MS (data not shown) We have recently obtained 1 mL of human CSF samples

from healthy controls and individuals suffering from Alzheimerrsquos disease and plan to perform

the same experiments with double the starting amount and reduce the fractions collected from 2-

D separation from 11 to 6 In addition to the glycoproteomics anything not enriched will be

subjected to MWCO separation using the method presented in Chapter 7 The obtained peptide

sample will be subjected to Q-TOF nanoLC MSE data acquisition followed by de novo

sequencing using various programs including PEAKS and Mascot Collectively we feel this

project has great potential to lead to interesting targets and further expand the proteomic

knowledge of Alzheimerrsquos disease

GFAP Knock-in Mouse CSF


In a direct follow-up to Chapter 3 we aim to perform comparative proteomics on control

vs glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) knock-in mouse CSF samples The sample preparation

protocol as presented in Chapter 3 will be used For quantitative proteomics we plan on

performing isobaric labeling followed by performing high energy collision induced dissociation

(HCD) on the Orbitrap Elite The MS acquisition will also perform a top ten scan where the top

ten MS peaks will be selected for tandem MS analysis In addition targeted quantitation of

specific proteins using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) can be performed on potential

biomarkers and identified in this follow-up study and the work presented in Chapter 3 Also any

CSF samples with noticeable blood content cannot be used for the exploratory proteomics

experiments but can potentially be used for the MRM analysis and should be kept for such

experiments in the future

Large Scale Proteomics

Proteomics of Mouse Amniotic Fluid for Lung Maturation

The overall goal of this project is to determine what proteins are present in amniotic fluid

when the embryo is 175 weeks compared to amniotic fluid at 155 weeks The rationale behind

why these two time points matter was investigated through a lung explant culture where amniotic

fluid was added at 155 weeks and 175 weeks Visual maturation of lungs occurred with the

175 week amniotic fluid and lung maturation genes were up regulated in the mRNA in the lung

explant culture when compared to the 155 week amniotic fluid The compound which is

causing the maturation of the lungs is unknown and search for a secreted protein might provide a

clue to this process In order to test this hypothesis we carried out discovery proteomics

experiments The workflow involves tryptic digestion SPE and 1-D low pH nanoLC separation

coupled to an amaZon ETD ion trap for tandem MS analysis The resulting mass spectrometric


acquisition identified less than 100 proteins with a 1 FDR (data not published) To address the

lack of depth in the proteome coverage we purchased an IgY immunodepletion column to

remove the most abundant proteins in amniotic fluid similarly to Chapter 3 and 4 but on a larger

scale One abundant protein alpha-fetoprotein is present in amniotic fluid but absent or present

in very low concentration in CSF serum or plasma Alpha-fetoprotein is similar to albumin and

thus we ran amniotic fluid on an IgY immunodepletion column and observed significant

reduction in alpha-fetoprotein amount (data not published) After immunodepletion 2-D high

pH-low pH RP-RP will be performed followed by nanoLCMSMS on the amaZon ETD ion trap

We will perform mass spectrometry experiments using the 155 week amniotic fluid and 175

week amniotic fluid which have average protein contents ~2 mgmL We anticipate a minimum

of tenfold increase in the proteome coverage of amniotic fluid and provide meaningful

hypothesis driven biological experiments from this work

Phosphoproteomics of JNK Activation

c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is an important cellular mediator of stress activated

signaling Under conditions of oxidative stress JNK is activated resulting in the downstream

phosphorylation of a large number of proteins including c-Jun However the cellular response

to JNK activation is extremely complex and JNK activation can result in extremely different

physiological outcomes For example JNK is at the crossroads of cellular death and survival

and exhibits both pro-death and pro-survival activities These highly disparate outcomes of JNK

activation are highly contextual and depend on the type of stressor and duration of stress In the

brain JNK has been shown to be activated in models of Alzheimerrsquos disease Parkinsonrsquos

disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and stroke It is thought that JNK is activated in these

diseases as a result of oxidative stress and it is unknown whether this activation is pro-survival or


pro-death To elucidate JNK signaling in the brain we chose to analyze primary cortical

astrocytes under conditions of oxidative stress Since hydrogen peroxide is a physiologically

relevant oxidant in the brain and known to activate JNK we chose to use this to treat astrocytes

and then analyze changes to the phosphoproteome by mass spectrometry By doing this we

hope to elucidate important JNK-dependent targets involved in stress signaling in the brain and

that identifying these targets could lead to the identification of novel disease mechanisms and

potentially new therapeutic targets for neurodegeneration Specifically we plan on performing

stable isotope labeling by amino acids (SILAC) of astrocytes for control hydrogen peroxide

treated and hydrogen peroxide treated with JNK inhibitor The SILAC labeled astrocyte cell

lysate will be digested enriched using Fe-NTA IMAC and separated using 2-D high pH-low pH

RP-RP and infused into the amaZon ETD ion trap The protocol is similar to the yeast

comparative phosphoproteomics from Chapter 5 After analysis we plan on processing the data

using ProteoIQ to identify phosphoproteins with significant changes

Immunoprecipitation Followed by Mass Spectrometry

Stb3 Mass Spectrometry Analysis

Stb3 (Sin3-binding protein) has previously been shown to change location depending on

the presence or absence of glucose (Heideman Lab Dr Michael Conways Thesis) An

immunoprecipitation of Stb3 was performed in parallel to the work described in Chapter 5 Two

separate experiments were performed one with wild type Stb3 and another tagged with myc for

improved protein immunoprecipitation Myc tagging is a polypeptide tag which can be

recognized by an antibody and provide a better enrichment compared to using a Stb3 antibody

alone The myc tagging was done because of the low abundance of Stb3 and the limited amount

of protein that was pulled down by the antibody for Stb3 Immunopreciptation experiments were


performed for both starved and glucose fed samples All samples were tryptically digested

followed by low pH RP nanoLCMSMS Both CID and ETD were used for fragmentation

analysis of each sample (n=2) The Stb3 wild type had two peptide hits in one MS run which is

not surprising due to low Stb3 antibody affinity In contrast a significant amount of Stb3 was

pulled down from Myc tagged starved and glucose fed samples For the glucose starved

samples 22 unique peptides from Stb3 were identified whereas glucose fed samples yielded 21

unique Stb3 peptides identified (unpublished data) The identified Stb3 in the myc samples

allowed us to investigate what other proteins were pulled down that are not present in the wild

type samples

From previous work by our collaborator Dr Heideman it had been suggested that Stb3

forms a complex with Sin3 and Rpd3 Our proteomic data shows multiple significant peptide

hits for Sin3 and Rpd3 in myc tagged but not in wild type where Stb3 is only observed once

with a low Mascot score When looking at the unique proteins identified in myc tagged glucose

fed sample but not included in the wild type samples the myc fed sample contained eight unique

ribosomal proteins with numerous unique peptides for each The ribosomal proteins identified in

myc fed sample supports the novel hypothesis that in the glucose fed state the complex of Stb3

Rpd3 and Sin3 interact with ribosomal proteins Other proteins unique to myc tagged glucose

starved samples are glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 and transcriptional regulatory

protein UME6 Also three proteins were observed in both myc fed and starved but not in the

wild type samples including transposon Ty1-DR1 Gag-Pol polyprotein(YD11B) SWIRM

domain-containing protein (FUN19) and RNA polymerase II degradation factor 1 (DEF1) Our

proteomics data for the Stb3 immunoprecipitation experiments with starved vs glucose fed


samples provide exciting evidence to support previous observation made by the Heideman group

and highlight the utility of MS-based approach to deciphering protein-protein interactions


The majority of the work described in this dissertation revolves around sample

preparation for proteomics and peptidomics with a focus on generating biologically testable

hypotheses In the area of neuropeptides CPRP was fully sequenced analytical methods were

transformed for use in an ETD ion trap and sub-microg peptides can now be analyzed by mass

spectrometry after MWCO separation In the field of comparative proteomics comparisons

between mouse CSF in GFAP overexpressors and control or rat adapted scrapie model and

control CSF yeast fed vs glucose starved cell extract have all been presented Collectively this

thesis has developed new techniques for neuropeptide sample preparation and presented

numerous comparative proteomic analyses of various biological samples and how the proteomes

are dynamically perturbed by various treatments and disease conditions


Appendix 1

Protocols for sample preparation for mass spectrometry based

proteomics and peptidomics


Small Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 8 μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

10 Acidify with 10μL 10 formic acid

11 Perform solid phase extraction using tips dependent of sample amount

a Sub-5μg amounts ndash Millipore Ziptips

b 5-75μg amounts ndash Bond-Elut tips from Agilent (OMIX tips)

12 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Small Scale ProteaseMAX Tryptic Digestion (below 20 microg)

1 Concentratedilute sample to 10 μL starting volume

2 All solutions are in a 50mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395mgmL)

3 Add 1 μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 2 μL of 1 of

ProtesaeMAX (Promega) to the sample

4 Place sample in 37degC water bath for 45 minutes

5 Add 27μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

6 Quench reaction with 1μL of DTT solution and let sit for 10 minutes

7 Dilute with 70μL of NH4HCO3 solution

8 Use 1μL of trypsin (05μgμL)

9 Add 1 μL ProteaseMAX and let sit for 3-4 hours

10 Acidify with 2μL 10 formic acid

11 Dry down in Speedvac as needed for experiment


Large Scale Urea Tryptic Digestion (mg of proteins)

1 All solutions are in a 50 mM NH4HCO3 buffer (395 mgmL)

2 Add 20μL of 05M Dithiothreitol (DTT) (77mg100μL) and 160μL of urea solution

(400mg05mL) to sample

3 Allow sample to denature 45-60 minutes in a 37degC water bath

4 Add 54μL of Iodoacetamide (IAA) (10mg100μL) and allow to react (in the dark) for

15 minutes

5 Quench reaction with 20μL of DTT solution

6 Dilute with 14mL of NH4HCO3 solution

7 Add 100μg of trypsin

8 Allow to digest overnight in 37degC water bath

9 Acidify sample with 100μL of 10 formic acid

10 Perform solid phase extraction with Hypersep C18 Cartridges with 100 mg of C18

bead volume (Thermo)

11 Dry down with the Speedvac as needed for experiment


Fe-NTA Preparation from Ni-NTA Beads

1 Centrifuge (5 min at 140 rcf) and use a magnet to keep beads in place as supernatant

is removed

2 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O (using same technique of centrifuging and using

magnet to keep beads in places as supernatant is removed)

3 Add 800μL of 100mM EDTA (372mgmL) in a 50mM NH4HCO3 (395mgmL)

buffered solution (pH around 8) and vortex for 30 minutes to chelate the Ni

centrifuge and remove supernatant

4 Wash 3 times with 800μL of H2O

5 Add 800μL of 10mM FeCl3 hexahydrate (27mgmL) and vortex for 30 minutes to

bind Fe to beads centrifuge and remove supernatant

6 Wash 3 times with 800μL H2O

7 Resuspend in a storage solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid (1mL total)


Fe-NTA IMAC Phospho-enrichment

1 Use wash solution (80ACN 01Formic Acid) to rinse beads vortex 1 minute

centrifuge and remove supernatant

2 Add sample (around 500μL in 80ACN 01Formic Acid) and vortex 40 minutes to

allow sample to bind dispose of supernatant after centrifuging

3 Wash 3 times with 200μL of wash solution discard supernatant

4 Add 200μL of elution solution (5050 ACN5Ammonium Hydroxide) vortex 15

minutes and save supernatant

5 Add 200μL of elution solution vortex 10 minutes and save supernatant

6 Wash 2 time with wash solution (collect supernatant of first wash)

7 If reusing store in 1mL solution of 111 ACNMeOH001 Acetic Acid


High pH Off-line Separation

1) In general a minimum of 20 microg of peptides are needed to gain any benefit

from off-line 2D fractionation It is better to inject 100 microg of peptides on


2) Use a Gemini column or a similar column that can handle pH=10 and for this

protocol a 21 mm x 150 mm column was used

3) Prepare ldquobuffer Ardquo 25 mM NH4 formate pH=10 Also prepare ldquobuffer Brdquo

4) Dry down desired sample and reconstitute in buffer A

5) Inject based off sample loop (current Alliance HPLC has a 50 microL sample


6) Run gradient at bottom of the page collecting fractions every 3 minutes except

for the 1st minute which is the void volume

7) Optional If you want to reduce instrument time you can combine fractions 1

with 12 2 with 13 etc until 11 with 22

Time Mobile phase A Mobile phase B Flow Rate


0 98 2 05 mLmin

65rsquo 70 30 05 mLmin

65rsquo1rdquo 5 95 05 mLmin

70 5 95 05 mLmin


Non Membrane Glycoprotein Enrichment

1 For protocols involving membrane glycoprotein enrichment see Dr Xin Weirsquos


2 Add 75 microL of Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound to agarose beads and 150 microL

of Concanavalin A (ConA) to a Handee spin cup (Thermo) Wash 2 times with

lectin affinity chromatography (LAC) binding buffer (015 M NaCl 002 M Tris-

HCl 1 mM CaCl2 pH=74) centrifuging at 400 g for 30 seconds

3 Place stopper on bottom of spin cup and add 200 microg of sample (500 microL for CSF)

Bring up to 300 microL using lectin LAC binding buffer

4 Incubate for 1 hour with continuous mixing at room temperature

5 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds

6 Perform two more 300 microL LAC binding washes followed by centrifugation

7 Add 300 microL LAC eluting buffer (0075 M NaCl 001 M Tris-HCl 02 M alpha-

methyl mannoside 02 M alpha-methyl glucoside and 05 M acetyl-D-

glucosamine) vortex for 10 minutes (have stopper in place while vortexing)

centrifuge and collect

7 Add another 300 microL LAC eluting buffer centrifuge and collect


MWCO separation for Sub-microg peptide concentrations

1 Wash molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) with 5050 waterMeOH centrifuge at

14000 g for 5 minutes for 10 kDa filter (time will vary Millipore Amicon Ultra


2 Wash with 100 water centrifuge at 14000 g for 5 minutes

3 Add methanol to the sample to get the concentration to 30 methanol and add

salt to achieve a roughly 05 M NaCl before adding the sample to the MWCO

4 Centrifuge at 14000 for 10 minutes collect flow through



Modified from Thermo Fisher Scientific Classic IP Kit

1 10 microL Polyclonal antibody added to 1 microg protein standard in a Handee spin cup

(Thermo) diluted with 1x TBS buffer to 400 microL and incubated overnight at on

shakerend-over-end rotator

2 Wash Protein GA beads with 2x 200microL TBS buffer and added to the

antibodysample for 15 hours at 4oC

3 Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard flow through

4 Wash 3x with 100microL TBS buffer centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and discard

flow through

5 Wash with 1x conditioning solution (neutral pH buffer) centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and discard flow through

6 Eluted with elution buffer (2x100microL) centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and

collect flow through


C18 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

1 Determine amount of peptides for SPE ge5 microg use Ziptips from Millipore If

between 5-75 microg use OMIX from Agilent 100 microL version and if ge75 microg use SPE

cartridges such as 100 mg Hypersep from Thermo

2 Ensure no detergents are in the sample and it is acidified

3 The three SPE procedures all use the same sets of solutions only volumes vary

4 3x Wetting solution (100 ACN) for 60 microL OMIX (20 microL ziptip and 15 mL for

100 mg cartridge)

5 3x Wash solution (01 formic acid in 100 H2O) same volumes as 4

6 Draw up the sample about 10 times minimum (generally 30-40 is preferred)

without letting the bead volume dry out

7 1X Wash solution same volumes as 4

8 Back load the eluting solution 01 formic acid in 5050 H2OACN into the

Ziptips (15 microL) or OMIX (50 microL) tips For the SPE cartridge add 700 microL of

eluting solution

9 Dry down and prepare for next step in sample preparation


Laser Puller Programs and Protocols

1) Obtain about two feet of Fused-silica capillary with 75 μm id and 360 μm od

2) Wash with methanol and then air dry using the bomb

3) Cut into one foot or desired length

4) Use a lighter to burn the middle portion (about an inch in length) of the tubing

5) Remove the ash by rinsing with methanol and rubbing with a Kimwipe

6) Make sure the laser puller has been on for at least 30 minutes before use to allow

for the instrument to warm up

7) Place capillary in instrument with the burnedexposed portion in the center

making sure that the length of the capillary is pulled taut

8) Enter desired program (next page) and press pull


Laser Puller Programs

Program 99 (default lab program)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

250 0 25 150 15

240 0 25 150 15

235 0 25 150 15

245 0 25 150 15

Program 97 (developed for larger inner diameter tips)

Heat Filament Velocity Delay Pull

230 - 25 150 -

220 - 25 150 -

215 - 25 150 8


On column Immunodepletion (serum plasma CSF amniotic fluid)

1) Prepare buffer A ldquoDilution Bufferrdquo 10 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 150 mM NaCl

2) Prepare buffer B ldquoStripping Bufferrdquo 01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25

3) Prepare buffer C ldquoNeutralization Bufferrdquo 100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80

4) Determine loading amount (LC1=~1000 ug of serum or plasma less for CSF due

to the increased amount of albumin percentage in CSF)

5) Add Dilution buffer to sample before injection and ensure the sample is proper

pH (~7)

6) Use gradient below

Time A B C Flow Rate


0rsquo 100 0 0 02

4rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 02

5rsquo 100 0 0 05

8rsquo59rdquo 100 0 0 05

9rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo 0 100 0 05

22rsquo1rdquo 0 0 100 05

39rsquo 0 0 100 05

7) Store the column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Small Scale Immunodepletion (100 microL of CSF)

1) Use 75 microg (per 100 microL CSF) of Sigma Seppro IgY-14 or IgY-7 bead slurry

2) Add an equal volume of 2x dilution buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH=74 300 mM

NaCl) to the starting amount of CSF

3) Add to a spin cup with a filter and allow to mix for 30 minutes

4) Centrifuge at 400 g for 30 seconds and collect the flow through

5) Add 50 microL of 1x dilution buffer mix for 5 minutes centrifuge at 400 g for 30

seconds and collect the flow through

6) Use 1x stripping washes (01 M Glycine-HCl pH=25) centrifuge as before and

discard Repeat four times

7) Use 1x neutralization buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl pH=80) centrifuge as before

and discard Repeat two times

8) Store the beads in the spin column in 1x dilution buffer until next use


Alliance Maintenance Protocol

Seal Wash

10 methanol no acetonitrile This wash cleans behind the pump-head seals to

ensure proper lubrication Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime SealWsh gt Start

2 Press Stop after 5 minutes

Prime Injector

10 methanol for maintenance high organic solvent for dirty runs (eg 95

acetonitrile) Done before injecting any real samples to ensure no bubbles are

present in the injector Minimum once per week

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Diag gt Prime NdlWsh gt Start

2 After completion press Close

Purge Injector

Solvent is dependent on run Run this protocol at beginning of experiments each day

Minimum once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Navigate Direct Function gt 4 Purge Injector gt OK

3 Set Sample loop volumes 60 leave Compression Check unchecked gt OK

Prime Solvent Pumps

Solvent is dependent on run If solvents are changed run this protocol Minimum

once per week for maintenance

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys choose composition A type 100 Enter x4

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 3 Wet Prime gt OK

4 Set Flow Rate 7000 mLmin Time 100 min gt OK

5 Repeat for all changedactive solvent pumps

Condition Column

Dependent on user Use starting conditions for run

1 On instrument interface navigate MenuStatus gt Status screen

2 Using arrow keys type starting solvent compositions for run

3 Navigate Direct Function gt 6 Condition Column gt OK

4 Set Time as desired


Appendix 2

List of Publications and Presentations



ldquoDiscovery and characterization of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor related

peptides (CPRP) and orcokinin neuropeptides in the sinus glands of the blue crab Callinectes

sapidus using multiple tandem mass spectrometry techniquesrdquo Hui L Cunningham R Zhang

Z Cao W Jia C Li L J Proteome Res 2011 10(9) 4219-29

ldquoInvestigation and reduction of sub-microgram peptide loss using molecular weight cut-off

fractionation prior to mass spectrometric analysisrdquo Cunningham R Wang J Wellner D Li L

Journal of Mass Spectrometry In Press

ldquoMass spectrometry-based proteomics and peptidomics for systems biology and biomarker

discoveryrdquo Cunningham R Ma D Li L Frontiers in Biology 2012 7(4) 313-35

ldquoProtein changes in immunodepleted cerebrospinal fluid from transgenic mouse models of

Alexander disease detected using mass spectrometryrdquo Cunningham R Jany P Messing A Li

L Journal of Proteome Research Submitted

ldquoInvestigation of the differences in the phosphoproteome between starved vs glucose fed

Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo Cunningham R Grunwald D Wellner D Conway M Heideman

W Li L In preparation

ldquoIdentification of astrocytic JNK targets by phosphoproteomics using mass spectrometryrdquo

Cunningham R Dowell J Wang J Wellner D Li L Milhelm M In preparation

ldquoGenomic and proteomic profiling of rat adapted scrapierdquo Herbst A Cunningham R Wellner

D Wang J Ma D Li L Aiken J In preparation



Robert Cunningham Davenne Mayour and Shoshanna Coon ldquoMorphology and Thermal

Stability of Monolayers on Porous Siliconrdquo The 231th

ACS National Meeting 2006 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Xin Wei Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass

Spectrometry-Based Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Peptidome and Proteome for Biomarker

Discovery in Alexander Diseaserdquo The 57th

ASMS Conference 2009 Philadelphia PA

Robert Cunningham ldquoWhat to Expect in a PhD Graduate Schoolrdquo Invited seminar University

of Northern Iowa 2010 Cedar Falls IA

Robert Cunningham Dustin Frost Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoInvestigation of an

Optimized ProteaseMAX Assisted Trypsin Digestion of Human CSF for Pseudo-SRM

Quantification of GFAP and Identification of Biomarkersrdquo The 58th

ASMS Conference 2010

Salt Lake City UT

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo Oral presentation at Pittcon Conference and Expo 2011 2011 Atlanta


Robert Cunningham Michael Conway Daniel Wellner Douglas Grunwald Warren

Heideman and Lingjun Li ldquoDevelopment of optimized phosphopeptide enrichment methods for

comparison of starved and glucose fed yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaerdquo The 59th


Conference 2011 Denver CO

Robert Cunningham Paige Jany Albee Messing and Lingjun Li ldquoMass Spectrometry-Based

Analysis of GFAP Overexpressor Micersquos Cerebrospinal Fluid for Protein Biomarker Discovery

in Alexander Diseaserdquo 2011 Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium 2011 Madison WI

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