Marzano’s High Yield Instructional Strategies “The most important factor affecting student learning is the teacher.” Robert Marzano Generating and Testing.

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Marzano’s High Yield Instructional Strategies

“The most important factor affecting student learning

is the teacher.” Robert Marzano

Generating and Testing Hypotheses

Learning TargetI can identify those instructional

strategy – generating and testing hypotheses- and recognize that it has a high probability of enhancing student achievement for all students in all subject areas at all grade levels.

I can better understand the 8 Mathematical Practices from the NC Common Core and learn how to implement them into my classroom.

Generating and Testing Hypotheses

Research Theory

4 Planning Questions for Instruction

Enhance students’ understanding of and ability to use knowledge by engaging them in mental processes that involve making and testing hypotheses.

Generalizations from the research on Testing and Generating Hypotheses

1. The generating and testing of hypotheses can be approached in an inductive or deductive manner.

2. Teachers should ask students to clearly explain their hypotheses and their conclusions.

1. Make sure students can explain their hypotheses and conclusions.2. Use a variety of structured tasks to guide students through generating and testing hypotheses.

Recommendation #1

Recommendation #2

Structured Tasks:

Decision Making Problem Solving~ is about choosing

an option around a decision that needs to be made and examining criteria and alternatives related to that decision.

~ is about removing constraints or barriers to find the best solution to an unstructured problem.

Invention Experimental Inquiry

~ involves creating something to fit a need or to improve upon something that already exists in order to make it better.

~ is the process of developing and testing hypotheses of things we observe.

Historical Investigation Systems Analysis

~ is the process of identifying and resolving issues or contradictions from history about which there is confusion

~ is the process of analyzing the parts of systems and the way they work together.

As we look at Generating and Testing Hypotheses, we can integrate the 8 Mathematical Practices to better understand how High Yield Instructional Strategies are used in classrooms THROUGH the CC/ES.

One of the greatest concerns with implementing the Common Core is that we need to transform the math classrooms into a higher-level of thinking, engagement rich classroom.  This is much easier said than done.  We often teach the way we've been taught.  Therefore, transformation is not an easy task.

8 Mathematical PracticesUsing your highlighter, emphasize the verb or

verb phrases on your Bloom’s Verb Matrix for your particular mathematical practice.

Then discuss the level of thinking required. What types of products of activities address this level of thinking?

Questions:What does this look like at your grade level?How might you rewrite it to be kid friendly?How might you share this expectation with your

students?For your particular grade level, write the student

actions, teacher actions, and any questions.SHARE OUT

Common Core Video


Using HYIS in your classroom and how it affects your evaluation as an effective teacher – use your 8 Mathematical Practices and decide which practices are in certain Teaching Standards.

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