
Mary Stuart at the age of nine years It is inscribed "Marie royne descosse en leage de neuf ans ed six mois lan 1552. Au mois de juillet" This drawing as a girl forms one of a series of portraits of the French Court which were purchased in Florence by Frederick Howard about 1760 and were kept at Castle Howard until 1889 when the whole series was purchased by the Duc d'Aumale and were moved to Chantilly.


De origine, moribus et rebus gestis Scotorum In the history of Scotland published at Rome in 1578 by John Lesley, Bishop of Ross, under the title "De origine, moribus et rebus gestis Scotorum" an engraved plate which contains medallion portraits of Mary Stuart and also her son James VI at the age of twelve. John Lesley was one of Mary Stuart's most trusted friends and councillors and wrote the Latin history while representing her at the Papal Court in Rome.


Mary Stuart by the artist Nicholas Hilliard (1547-1619) This was painted when Mary Stuart had been a prisoner for ten years. The latin inscription on it reads: MARIA D.G.SCORTAE PUSSIMA REGINA FRANCAE DOTARIA ANNO AETIS REGNIQ 36 ANGLICAE CAPTIVAT 10 S H 1578


Mary Stuart in mourning dress


Mary Stuart from the painting by Daniel Mytens


A portrait of Mary Stuart by an unknown artist. The portrait is often referred to as the Dalmahoy portrait or the Morton portrait as it was acquired from the Earl of Morton whose family had owned it since about 1585


Mary Stuart as Dauphine of France The artist is Francois Clouet (before 1522-1572).This portrait is held in the archive collection of the National Portrait Gallery. This was probably commissioned around the time of Mary's marriage to Francois, Dauphin of France. Mary was married at the age of 15 years and 4 months in Notre Dame at Paris, In this drawing only the head alone is finished - the rest being shown in faint outline.


This engraving seems to have been taken from the memorial portrait Two angels float in the air above Mary Stuart holding crowns of martyrdom over her head and also palm branches to which are attached the escutcheons of France, Scotland, England and Ireland. The four crowns of her sovereignty lie on the scaffold at the Queen's feet



Mary Stuart from the engraving by Thomas De Leu It is probably based upon a drawing by Antoine Caron. De Leu's engraving was the foundation of numerous copies.


Mary Stuart from the engraving by Johann Hogenberg.


Mary Stuart - bust (in 3 positions) From the monument in Westminster Abbey. On August 11th 1613 William Cure received the sum of £85 10s "in full payment of £825 10s for making the tomb of His Majesty's dearest mother".



Supposed portrait of Mary Stuart 2 The picture has however been so much repainted that its original appearance can hardly be detected


Supposed portrait of Mary Stewart 1


Supposed portrait of Mary Stewart This was bought by HRH Prince Albert before 1857 . The portrait is painted in oil on oak panel.


False portrait of Mary Stuart


Mary Stuart by Unknown artist This portrait is interesting as being the earliest authenticated and completed portrait in colours known to exist. It appears to have always been in the Royal Collection as far back as the days of Charles I, Mary Stuart's grandson. This miniature is painted on a flat rich ultramarine blue background and all gold objects are painted with gold.


Francois, Dauphin of France and Mary Stuart This small portrait in miniature is one of the ornamental paintings in the illuminated "Livred' Heures" (Book of Hours) which belonged to Catherine de' Medicis the mother in law of Mary Stuart. It shows Francois, Dauphin of France and Mary Stuart. This is part of a series of portraitts of all the children of Henri II and Catherine de'Medicis and the wives of those who were then married.


Miniature portraits of Mary Stuart and Francois These two miniature portraits of Mary Stuart and Francois , Dauphin of France are part of a series of the family of Henri II and Catherine de'Medicis.

In this miniature she is represented in a rich black dress , slashed with white and wearing a black hat or bonnet- a l'Italienne with diamond ornaments and white feather


An engraving by Tortoel and Perrisson Representing the deathbed of Henry II, a group of his immediate family is seen standing by his bedside. The figure of Mary Stuart can be identified in the group in the background by the bedpost.



MARIA SCOTAE REGINA FRANCOVM REGIS CONICNX ANN 1559 No painted portrait of Mary Stuart is known to exist as actual Queen of France. This engraving however was published at Antwerp by Hieronymous Cock recording the accession. The portrait is encased in an oval frame on which is the inscription MARIA SCOTAE REGINA FRANCOVM REGIS CONICNX ANN 1559


Drawing of Mary Queen of Scots as Queen of France Drawing of Mary Queen of Scots as Queen of France in widows dress by Francois Clouet (before 1522-1572). From this drawing are derived various portraits in oil. In this she is wearing white morning habit. The "deuil blanc" consists of a wired cap fitting tight around the hood, and pressed down on the flat crown of the head so as to leave space above the ears for the hair to show in bunches of curls.


Possible bust of Mary Stuart as Queen of France It may be accepted as an authentic attempt as a likeness of Mary Stuart due to the style adopted by the sculptor Germain Pilon



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