
Markey and Audience research BY RUSHELLE MCKOY

Market Research

This Presentation includes the results from the market research questionnaire. The Purpose of the questionnaire was to see what who are target audience are likely to be and what they except from your final product. This questionnaire was helpful because when we come to making our product we know exactly what to include in order to meet the needs of our target audience.

I gave my questionnaire to 15 people both male and females. This is to make the questionnaire equal with regards to gender and give a reasonable response from both males and females. However 40% of male and 60% of female did the questionnaire. However its not very reliable because its not balance.

The questionnaire showed that 57.14% of the people who filled out our questionnaire where aged between 16-20 years old. This means that I can focus on them as they are the majority. I asked this question because I think it is very important I gage the right kind of audience for my short film. I had also done some internet research where the 16 – 20 group seemed to be the most popular as well. As you can see we asked no children under 12 as to produce a horror film for this age group would be inappropriate.

No one specified that they watch horror films daily or weekly. This could be because people have many commitments which are far more important than these types of films. However 46.67% watch them sometimes, and 20% don’t watch them Not much. This shows that though they are not viewed very often, people do make time for them, this suggest that horror films are still very relevant in modern society and that people do watch them.

40% said they view horror films in cinema every month, which would be quite common as people (of all ages) can go with their friends and family to see films. Mainly teenagers go to watch horror with their friends in cinema. Therefore I am going to include a notice somewhere in my short film that it is available to watch in cinemas from the opening date. 26.67% said they watch horror films in cinema every six months, which would suggest could that they probabaly watch horror film at home on DVD than cinemas to view horror films.

60% of people enjoy watch horror films compare to only 13.33% who don't enjoy watching horror films. This shows that the horror genre is one that is very popular amongst society, as it provides entertainment of a world beyond our imaginations. Also it shows that some of the older people watch horror films and Yes not just the younger generation. Though the majority of people who normally watch horror films are teenagers, it shows that there are no boundaries with regards to age, and that horror is one of which attracts a wider audience, including adults.

The horror genre contains sub-genres which portray a particular type of horror. 60% of the people asked preferred Comedy Horror, with 53.33% preferring Psychological Horror. These two particular sub-genres could have the highest percentage for the reason being that these horror film seems to be quite tense, and provoke fear of the unknown very Psychological horror film effectively. Comedy horror films usually quite slow in pace which provokes a edgy atmosphere, making them popular as it does the job of scaring audience. Similarly, Slasher horror films do the same, as they play on the fear of the unknown, which cannot be explained, therefore frightening the audience due to not knowing what existence is the cause of events happening.

Many different horror films came up, with the main favourite horror films being Saw, Scream, Paranormal activity, Conjuring etc. Saw is mainly a slasher horror film that mainly depicts of a group of teenagers being brought to their deaths, in a very sadistic and torturous way. This however has produced many sequels with an inconsequential outcome, other than teenagers dying. This suggests that the audience enjoy watching people in pain and being killed for the fun of it. If I were to use the slasher genre, then in my short film I could include elements of blood, and the impression of teenagers being killed. Scream and insidious are psychological horror films, especially Scream. A tense atmosphere is built up throughout the whole film, with moments where the characters are being killed. These may have been popular favourites as it keeps the audience on edge for a very long time, which incites horror when it is least suspected. It may be the prolonging of events that provokes the horror, which make them very effective in scaring the viewers.

Most of the participant I asked prefer horror to be more cerebral rather than visceral.

What interest you most about horror film?

I asked all my participants interest them about horror film. However most of my participants like both blood and killer. From this I decided to use both a villain and blood.

What are some of the things you like to see in horror?

Most of the people I askes say they like to see deaths and gore and also blood.

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